
Catalunya Ràdio

Parem l'antena


Parem l'antena

Catalunya Ràdio. Catalunya Àudio. Som podcast.

Catalonia Radio. Catalonia Audio. We are podcast.

La vida d'un festival és una vida que transcorre també entre quatre parets segons com t'ho mires.

The life of a festival is a life that unfolds also within four walls depending on how you look at it.

Jo, per exemple, vaig viure una història d'amor apassionant amb un director de cinema d'americà

I, for example, lived an exhilarating love story with an American film director.

que vaig conèixer entrevistant-lo i tractant-lo en un festival

that I met by interviewing him and interacting with him at a festival

i que vam seguir junts i vam acabar fent viatges junts

and that we continued together and ended up traveling together

i mantenint una comunicació, encara que sigui a través de terceres persones,

and maintaining communication, even if it is through third parties,

que va marcar la meva vida.

that marked my life.

Però el que més m'atrapa a mi del fet del festival de música

But what captivates me the most about the music festival is

és com a la vegada estàs compartint allò amb tantíssima gent,

it's like you're sharing it with so many people at the same time,

fins i tot amb el grup d'amics amb qui vas,

even with the group of friends you go with,

i com a la vegada estàs molt sol.

and at the same time you are very lonely.

De fet, el conjunt de festivals,

In fact, the set of festivals,

a l'estat espanyol mou més gent que la lliga de futbol professional.

In the Spanish state, it moves more people than the professional football league.

Quan a tu et diuen ets l'escollit, què penses en aquell moment?

When they tell you that you are the chosen one, what do you think at that moment?

Hòstia, en aquell moment penso, mare de Déu Senyor, quina gran oportunitat,

Holy shit, at that moment I think, oh my God, what a great opportunity,

òbviament, anar a Eurovisió perquè és un aparador enorme,

obviously, going to Eurovision because it is a huge showcase,

però alhora, quina feinada.

but at the same time, what a lot of work.

Perquè, a més a més, anar a Eurovisió després d'haver sortit d'Operació Triomfó

Because, moreover, going to Eurovision after having come out of Operació Triomfó.

significava estar sis mesos més sense treure música.

it meant being six more months without releasing music.

Saps? Sis mesos del voluntariat més gran que he fet a la meva vida, crec.

You know? Six months of the greatest volunteering I've done in my life, I think.

O sigui, vamos, ni amb la creu roja t'estàs tants mesos allà donant-ho tot.

I mean, come on, not even with the Red Cross do you stay there for so many months giving it your all.

Però bé, bé, la veritat és que és una experiència xulíssima,

But well, well, the truth is that it's a really cool experience,

aprens moltíssim i ja et dic, la promo que et fan és increïble.

You learn a lot and I tell you, the promotion they give you is incredible.

Suposo que el festival de final de curs també el veieu com una celebració, no?, d'alguna manera.

I suppose you see the end-of-year festival as a celebration too, right?, in a way.

Crec que és un moment en què tota la comunitat educativa,

I believe it is a moment when the entire educational community,

ja no distingim ni famílies, ni alumnes, ni profes,

we can no longer distinguish between families, students, or teachers,

perquè arribem allí i tothom ens saludem, sopem junts,

because we arrive there and everyone greets us, we have dinner together,

aquí al pati, i a partir d'aquí comença el festival.

here in the courtyard, and from here the festival begins.

I tot corre cap amunt, cap avall, nens amb una samarreta,

And everything runs up, down, kids with a t-shirt,

el backstage també, no?,

The backstage too, right?

al museu, i després queda un festival molt maco.

at the museum, and then there is a very nice festival.

Parem l'antena. Festival de final de curs.

Let's stop the antenna. End-of-term festival.

Jo sóc el Miquel Núñez Pozo,

I am Miquel Núñez Pozo,

també conegut a les xarxes per Miqui Núñez,

also known on social media as Miqui Núñez,

perquè és com vaig escollir dir-me,

because it's how I chose to call myself,

i això, jo sóc el Miqui Núñez.

And this, I am Miqui Núñez.

Molt bé. És l'últim podcast de la temporada,

Very well. It is the last podcast of the season,

i m'agradaria fer com un festival.

I would like to have a festival.

Festival de... Endavant.

Festival of... Go ahead.


Go ahead.

Festival de final de curs.

End-of-term festival.

Comencem pel primer gros gros, que és el Festival d'Eurovisió.

Let's start with the big one, which is the Eurovision Festival.

O sigui, no sé quanta gent escoltarà aquest podcast,

So, I don't know how many people will listen to this podcast,

però tu estàs acostumat, hi ha unes audiències,

but you are used to it, there are some hearings,

de quanta gent va mirar el Festival d'Eurovisió, n'ets conscient?

Are you aware of how many people watched the Eurovision Festival?

Crec que 200 milions.

I think 200 million.

És el segon esdeveniment televisiu més vist de l'any.

It is the second most-watched television event of the year.

Primer a Super Bowl i després a Eurovisió.

First to the Super Bowl and then to Eurovision.

Com surts a l'escenari?

How do you come out on stage?

Home, jo sempre ho dic, vam estar durant 7 mesos assajant la cançó 70 vegades al dia,

Man, I always say, we practiced the song for 7 months, 70 times a day.

una cosa així, i només per 3 minuts.

something like that, and only for 3 minutes.

Hi ha moltíssima preparació abans, hi ha moltíssim assaig,

There is a lot of preparation beforehand, there is a lot of rehearsal,

hi ha buscant la perfecció, quina càmera has de mirar, tot, absolutament tot,

there is searching for perfection, which camera do you have to look at, everything, absolutely everything,

per només 3 minuts, o sigui, que és heavy.

for only 3 minutes, I mean, that's heavy.

O sigui, l'hòstia mental és molt gran, sí, sí.

So, the mental shock is really big, yes, yes.

Mentalment, com et prepares tu per dir, ara surto aquí amb aquesta pressió,

Mentally, how do you prepare yourself to say, now I come out here with this pressure,

només tinc 3 minuts, és a dir, que no podré repetir, no podré...

I only have 3 minutes, that is to say, I won't be able to repeat, I won't be able to...

Doncs mira, tenint una bona família, uns bons col·legues que et recolzin,

Well, you see, having a good family, good friends to support you,

un equipazo darrere enorme i un bon psicòleg, sens dubte,

a great team behind and a good psychologist, undoubtedly,

perquè si no, és que... però és molt xulo també, eh?

because if not, it's that... but it's really cool too, right?

O sigui, jo crec que treballar sota pressió a mi m'ajuda.

So, I believe that working under pressure helps me.

M'ajuda a preparar-me millor i a ser més demandant a mi mateix.

It helps me to prepare better and to be more demanding of myself.

Crec que el resultat va ser...

I think the result was...

22. 22 de 26.

22. 22 of 26.

Creus que es valora realment aquí la música, qui ho fa millor,

Do you think music is really valued here, who does it better?

o intervenen moltes coses? Com quedes tu després de la teva posició?

Or do many things intervene? How do you feel afterwards in your position?

Jo vaig quedar molt content, perquè realment tot el que vam assajar

I was very happy because really everything we rehearsed

i tot l'esforç que vam posar es va veure reflectit.

And all the effort we put in was reflected.

El que sí que sé és que entren molts factors.

What I do know is that many factors come into play.

Entren factors geopolítics, entren factors de posada en escena

There are geopolitical factors, there are staging factors.

que a tu no tens res a veure, producció de càmeres,

that you have nothing to do with, camera production,

entren moltes coses, la promo que hagis fet abans per altres països...

Many things come into play, the promotion you may have done before for other countries...

Però tot el que estava a les nostres mans crec que ho vam fer.

But everything that was in our hands, I believe we did.

Ho vam fer bé. Està malament que ho digui jo,

We did it well. It's wrong for me to say it.

però jo estic molt orgullós de l'actuació que vaig fer. Estic molt content.

But I am very proud of the performance I gave. I am very happy.

Àlex Gorina, quin és el festival de la teva vida?

Àlex Gorina, what is the festival of your life?

El festival de la meva vida és el que em faig jo a casa

The festival of my life is the one I throw at home.

quan em munto programacions de pel·lícules amb una intenció determinada,

when I assemble movie programming with a specific intention,

una darrere de l'altra, allò que diuen una marató.

one after the other, what they call a marathon.

Però si parlem de festivals, el festival de la meva vida és Sitges,

But if we talk about festivals, the festival of my life is Sitges.

evidentment, perquè hi vaig estar molts anys.

obviously, because I spent many years there.

Vaig començar com a crític i vaig acabar dirigint-lo durant cinc anys.

I started as a critic and ended up directing it for five years.

I la vivència...

And the experience...

La vivència del que ha representat el festival m'ha acompanyat sempre

The experience of what the festival has represented has always accompanied me.

i m'acompanyarà sempre, tot i que no és el festival ideal,

it will always accompany me, even though it is not the ideal festival,

perquè per mi el festival ideal és Sant Sebastià,

because for me the ideal festival is Sant Sebastià,

per una sèrie de circumstàncies que combinen el tipus de selecció de cinema que fan,

due to a series of circumstances that combine the type of film selection they make,

el lloc on vius, que és meravellós, i que tot és humà,

the place where you live, which is wonderful, and where everything is human,

que té una proximitat humana, perquè Canes és el superfestival

that has a human proximity, because Cannes is the super festival

i, evidentment, l'aprofites molt bé, però és un lloc absolutament insuportable.

And, obviously, you make the most of it, but it is an absolutely unbearable place.

Et maltracten, a més, voluntàriament,

They abuse you, moreover, intentionally,

és a dir, a banda que sigui caríssim i a banda que sigui insostenible,

that is to say, aside from being extremely expensive and aside from being unsustainable,

és un lloc on tens dubtes de per què estàs veient el que estàs veient,

it's a place where you have doubts about why you are seeing what you are seeing,

tot i que sigui important i el puguis aprofitar.

even though it is important and you can take advantage of it.

Jo conec molt bé els francesos, perquè he viscut molt temps a França

I know the French very well because I have lived a long time in France.

i valoro moltes coses seves, però quan volen ser bordes no els guanya ningú.

I value many things about them, but when they want to be rude, no one can beat them.

També són classe A.

They are also class A.

Sí, o sigui, realment, realment, en el festival de Canes se senten poderosos

Yes, I mean, really, really, at the Cannes festival they feel powerful.

i ets una ovelleta que has d'obeir ordres tot el dia

and you are a little sheep that has to obey orders all day

i a mi els règims militars em treuen de polleguera.

military regimes get on my nerves.

Recordes la primera vegada que vas anar a un festival de cine?

Do you remember the first time you went to a film festival?

La primera vegada que vaig anar a un festival de cinema

The first time I went to a film festival.

va ser a la vella Setmana de Cinema en Color,

it was at the old Color Film Week,

que es feia a Barcelona davant de la Font Màgica.

what was done in Barcelona in front of the Magic Fountain.

Era un festival dirigit pel Josep Lluís Warner,

It was a festival directed by Josep Lluís Warner,

portava pel·lícules que no s'estrenaven

I was bringing movies that weren't being released.

i que, per tant, era un lloc únic en aquella època,

and that, therefore, it was a unique place at that time,

un lloc de prohibicions per poder veure molta cosa que no tenies accés.

A place of prohibitions to be able to see a lot of things you didn't have access to.

Un festival és un lloc on veure bones pel·lícules?

A festival is a place to see good movies?

És evident que és un lloc on comences a veure pel·lícules a les 6 de la matí

It is evident that it is a place where you start watching movies at 6 in the morning.

i acabes a les 4 de la matinada.

and you finish at 4 in the morning.

No dorms durant molts dies, no menges,

You don't sleep for many days, you don't eat,

com a molt pots fer unes quantes entrevistes

At most, you can do a few interviews.

i això sí, t'alimentes per tota la temporada.

And yes, you feed yourself for the whole season.

Hi ha anys allò de molt bona collita?

Are there years with very good harvests?

L'any 1986 el festival de Sitges,

In 1986, the Sitges festival,

per alguna qüestió de pura oportunitat, sort o el que sigui,

for some matter of pure opportunity, luck or whatever it is,

es va crear un festival de cinema.

a film festival was created.

Vam concentrar un munt de pel·lícules interessantíssimes de cinema fantàstic

We gathered a bunch of really interesting fantasy films.

amb alguns dels directors que han acabat sent de referència

with some of the directors who have ended up being references

però que llavors estaven tot just començant a ser.

but they were just starting to be then.

David Cronenberg, David Lynch...

David Cronenberg, David Lynch...

És a dir, va ser un moment platòric, absolutament,

That is to say, it was a platonic moment, absolutely,

i ens va quedar marcada.

and it was marked on us.

Perquè després sempre es va intentar superar l'any 1986

Because afterwards they always tried to surpass the year 1986.

i ja no va ser possible.

and it was no longer possible.

Jo sóc Jordi Arreruela i sóc el director del Festival Cruylla.

I am Jordi Arreruela and I am the director of the Cruylla Festival.

Jo vaig estudiar Informàtica i Telecos

I studied Computer Science and Telecommunications.

i quan vaig acabar la carrera

And when I finished my degree.

vaig entrar en un negoci financer internacional

I entered an international financial business.

que té a veure amb les companyies de seguros,

which has to do with insurance companies,

es diuen les reassegurances,

they are called reinsurance.

i com que era jove i tenia una bona feina

and since I was young and had a good job

i em pagaven bé,

and they paid me well,

doncs em dedicava a gastar-me els diners en consum i cultura.

So I dedicated myself to spending my money on consumption and culture.

I a base d'aquest...

And based on this...

gran consum cultural

great cultural consumption

t'acabes fent amic de la gent que fa de promotor

You end up making friends with the people who act as promoters.

i vaig tenir la sensació que tenia més sentit

I had the feeling that it made more sense.

fer una activitat que fa que milers de persones ho passin bé

to do an activity that makes thousands of people have a good time

a que algú en algun lloc del món guanyés més diners.

to someone somewhere in the world earning more money.

Tu ja eres festivalero d'alguna manera, o què?

Are you already a festival-goer in some way, or what?

Sí, jo començo amb els festivals

Yes, I start with the festivals.

amb els primers Doctor Music, no?

with the first Doctor Music, right?

Per mi, diguem, allò va ser una experiència

For me, let's say, that was an experience.



i a partir de llavors quedo completament enganxat

And from then on I became completely hooked.

i diria que el Cruïlla, en certa manera,

I would say that the Cruïlla, in a certain way,

és un hereu d'aquells primers Doctor Music

He is an heir of those early Doctor Music.

que eren molt diversos musicalment,

that they were very diverse musically,

molt plurals,

very plurals,

i vam fer una aposta per un festival

And we made a bet for a festival.

que no està definit per un estil musical.

that is not defined by a musical style.

I d'aquí el nom, no?

And that's where the name comes from, right?

Sí, Cruïlla en realitat és un punt de trobada,

Yes, Cruïlla is actually a meeting point,

és un...

it's a...

és un nexe que jo crec que defineix molt bé la ciutat de Barcelona.

It is a link that I believe defines the city of Barcelona very well.

Jo crec que el llegat més clar de la ciutat

I believe that the clearest legacy of the city

és la seva creativitat,

it is their creativity,

és la nostra creativitat passada

it is our past creativity

i la nostra creativitat present.

and our creativity present.

Fins i tot quan el futbol,

Even when football,

quan el Barça ha triomfat internacionalment

when Barça has triumphed internationally

ha estat per fer un futbol més creatiu.

it has been to create a more creative football.

Quan els nostres cuiners han triomfat internacionalment

When our chefs have triumphed internationally.

és per ser més creatius que els altres,

it is to be more creative than others,

la nostra arquitectura, els nostres pintors.

our architecture, our painters.

Hola, sóc Gemma Racudé

Hello, I am Gemma Racudé.

i sóc la directora de Sound Music.

I am the director of Sound Music.

Sóc la directora de Canet Rock, també.

I am the director of Canet Rock, too.

El 76, que es feia Canet Rock,

In '76, when Canet Rock was held,

que va ser un festival mític,

that was a legendary festival,

que en aquell moment se'l va anomenar

that at that moment he was named

inclús el Bustoc Català.

including the Bustoc Català.

Després d'haver fet el concert del Camp Nou,

After having performed the concert at Camp Nou,

el concert per la llibertat,

the concert for freedom,

parlant amb el Josep Maria Mainat,

talking with Josep Maria Mainat,

amb el que tinc una relació gairebé familiar,

with whom I have an almost family-like relationship,

li vaig dir, ostres, Josep Maria,

I said to him, wow, Josep Maria,

en el moment que tenim la música del país

at the moment we have the country's music

seria un moment de fer una cosa

it would be a moment to do something

com vau fer vosaltres Canet Rock.

How did you do Canet Rock?

I el Josep Maria em va dir,

And Josep Maria told me,

no una cosa com Canet Rock,

not something like Canet Rock,

feu Canet Rock.

Do Canet Rock.

És difícil organitzar un festival de música?

Is it difficult to organize a music festival?

Bueno, n'has d'aprendre.

Well, you have to learn it.

Nosaltres el primer any

We the first year

potser vam fallar en bastantes coses

perhaps we failed in quite a few things

que hem après.

what we have learned.

Més que difícil és laboriós.

More than difficult, it is laborious.

Implica molta, molta feina.

It requires a lot, a lot of work.

Nosaltres estem un any sencer treballant per fer Canet Rock.

We have been working for a whole year to organize Canet Rock.

Però també t'haig de dir, és molt divertit.

But I also have to tell you, it's very entertaining.

És una feina molt, molt bonica

It is a very, very beautiful job.

i molt satisfactòria.

and very satisfactory.

És arriscat fer un festival de música?

Is it risky to hold a music festival?

És superarriscat perquè tu

It's super risky because of you.

fas un plantejament

you make a statement

d'unes despeses molt grans,

of very large expenses,

molt grans,

very big,

però tu no tens cap garantia

but you have no guarantee

que la gent et comprarà l'entrada

that people will buy your ticket

i que la gent vindrà

and that people will come

i que la gent anirà a la barra

and that people will go to the bar

a consumir una cervesa

to drink a beer

o un refresc,

or a soft drink,

o qualque sigui,

or whatever it may be,

que tot això és necessari

that all this is necessary

perquè et surtin els números.

so that the numbers come up for you.

No tens cap garantia,

You have no guarantee,

però sempre patim,

but we always suffer,

nosaltres sempre patim.

we always suffer.

Jo estic entrant a l'app

I am entering the app.

que tinc de venda d'entrades

that I have for sale tickets

constantment i mirant

constantly and looking

i sempre patim

and we always suffer

i hem fet soldat molts anys.

and we have been soldiers for many years.

Arriveu a tenir un número, per exemple,

Do you end up with a number, for example,

d'entrades que dius

of entries that you say

si no arribem aquí,

if we don't get here,

ens enganxem els dits,

we get our fingers stuck,

a partir d'aquí començo a respirar una mica?

From here, do I start to breathe a little?

Totalment, totalment.

Totally, totally.

Aquest número,

This number,

te'l diré tranquil·lament,

I will tell you calmly,

està entre les 18.000-19.000 entrades

it is between 18,000-19,000 entries

i nosaltres n'hem de vendre 25.

And we have to sell 25 of them.

Amb dies abans

With days before

hi passen 30.000 persones

30,000 people pass by.

pel Cruïlla.

for the Crossroad.

Jo soc d'un poble que són la meitat d'habitants,

I come from a village that has half the population,

o sigui que déu-n'hi-do.

So that's quite something.

Un festival, en realitat,

A festival, in reality,

és com si creéssim

it's like we were creating

una ciutat efímera,

an ephemeral city,

que la creem,

that we create it,

20 dies abans d'obrir les portes

20 days before opening the doors

i es desmunta en 4 o 5 dies.

and it disassembles in 4 or 5 days.

Treballem mètodes de pagament,

We work on payment methods,

treballem gestió de públics,

we work on audience management,

treballem mobilitat,

we work on mobility,

treballem innovació,

we work on innovation,

gestió de residus,

waste management





tot tipus de servei a sobre espectacles.

all kinds of service on top of shows.

I que quan hi ha situacions difícils,

And that when there are difficult situations,

com per exemple va arribar la pandèmia

such as how the pandemic arrived

i s'havia de muntar un hospital de campanya,

and a field hospital had to be set up,

els especialistes,

the specialists,

els especialistes han muntat estructures efímeres

the specialists have set up temporary structures

que donin bons serveis,

that they provide good services,

no és l'exèrcit, som els festivals de música.

It is not the army, we are the music festivals.

Aquest dissabte

This Saturday

saps on anirem?

Do you know where we will go?

La mama us rapta

Mom is kidnapping you.

que bé que ens ho passarem.

How well we are going to have fun.

Sembla que ara tot s'adapta

It seems that everything is adapting now.

per nenes i nens.

for girls and boys.

Bé, soc la Carolina Carrillo,

Well, I am Carolina Carrillo.

la mestra d'Educació Física de l'Escola Camps Elixis.

the Physical Education teacher of the Camps Elixis School.

Jo fa 16 anys que estic aquí.

I have been here for 16 years.

Són 16 festivals de final de curs

There are 16 end-of-year festivals.

i cada un diferent.

and each one different.

Per tant, estem molt contents.

Therefore, we are very happy.

És que els alumnes i les famílies

It is that the students and the families

i els docents ens ho passem molt bé aquell dia.

And the teachers have a great time that day.

Doncs mira, nosaltres una vegada

Well, look, we once

hem acabat Sant Jordi,

we have finished Sant Jordi,

que és quan fem les danses tradicionals,

that is when we do the traditional dances,

la sardana, l'obra de teatre,

the sardana, the play,

doncs a partir d'aquí comencem a assajar

So from here we begin to rehearse.

ja les coreografies de ball modern

the choreographies of modern dance

amb tots els alumnes d'infantil i primària.

with all the students from preschool and primary school.

L'objectiu nostre principal

Our main objective

és que gaudeixin de la música

it's that they enjoy the music

i del moviment, que la puguin sentir.

and of the movement, that they can feel it.

Poder extreure de cada alumne el seu potencial.

To be able to extract each student's potential.

Tenim nens que potser acadèmicament

We have children who may academically

no són realment bons,

they are not really good,

però tenen un acordament

but they have an agreement

i una coordinació i un moviment motriu

and a coordination and a motor movement

molt, molt bo, excel·lent.

very, very good, excellent.

I el que volem és que aquell dia,

And what we want is that on that day,

a part dels dies de l'entrenament,

apart from the training days,

però que aquell dia se sentin molt importants.

but that they feel very important that day.

Per la nostra part també pensem

For our part, we also think

que a part de les coreografies grupals

that apart from the group choreographies

muntem un Got Talent a l'escola

We're organizing a Got Talent at school.

que també comença a l'abril

that also starts in April

on els alumnes de la comunitat dels grans,

where the students of the senior community are,

que són quart, cinquè i sisè,

which are fourth, fifth, and sixth,

es preparen el que ells vulguin preparar-se,

they prepare whatever they want to prepare,

no ha de ser ni un ball,

it shouldn't be just a dance,

i llavors passen un càsting.

And then they have a casting.

I això també forma part del festival

And this is also part of the festival.

perquè llavors l'intercalem

because then we intersperse it

entre aquestes coreografies de grup.

among these group choreographies.


We do,

cançons i ballem,

songs and we dance,

o a vegades fem teatre

or sometimes we do theater

o el que volem presentar.

or what we want to present.

I tu què has escollit?

And what have you chosen?

Jo he ballat

I have danced.

una cançó

a song

amb les nenes de quart,

with the fourth-grade girls,

La Fama.

The Fame.

I quin tipus de ball fas?

And what type of dance do you do?



Et fa passar nervis sortir allà davant de l'escenari o què?

Does it make you nervous to go out there in front of the stage or what?

No, perquè jo l'he passat,

No, because I have experienced it.

també he fet el Got Talent

I have also done Got Talent.

i ja sé com me sento

And I already know how I feel.

i no té nervis.

and it has no nerves.



una mica,

a little bit,

perquè és que quan veus

because when you see

molta gent mirant-te,

many people looking at you,

doncs et donen com un calambre

then they give you like a cramp

i estàs molt avergonyat.

and you are very embarrassed.

A mi si ara em diguessin

If they told me now

que ens estan escoltant 200 milions de persones,

that 200 million people are listening to us,

potser se me'n va la veu,

maybe my voice is leaving me,

el que és el diapònic, no?

what is the diatonic, right?

Vull dir que jo crec que només sortir i acabar,

I mean that I think that just going out and finishing,

per mi ja déu-n'hi-do el mèrit que té.

For me, it already has a significant merit.



Després d'això,

After that,

veu un baixon?

Do you see a decline?

No creguis, no creguis.

Don't believe, don't believe.

Jo crec que per mi allò va ser l'inici de tot.

I believe that was the beginning of it all for me.

O sigui, va ser com a partir d'aquí

So, it was like from here on.

ja només podem pujar.

We can only go up now.

Aprofitar l'onada i la promoció

Take advantage of the wave and the promotion.

i la visibilitat que et dona Eurovisió

and the visibility that Eurovision gives you

per després fer el que realment tu vols

to then do what you really want

i la música que vols composar

and the music you want to compose

i com vols ser com a artista,

And how do you want to be as an artist,

crec que funciona molt bé.

I think it works very well.

I la gent que es queda són fans de veritat

And the people who stay are true fans.

que es quedaran per sempre.

that will stay forever.

O sigui, els eurofans, per exemple,

So, the eurofans, for example,

són molt fidels.

they are very loyal.

La meitat dels meus concerts estan plenes d'eurofans

Half of my concerts are filled with eurofans.

i això mola molt.

and that is really cool.

O sigui, tenir allà un fandom tan fidel

So, having such a loyal fandom there.

i tan constant i tan boig

so constant and so crazy

en el bon sentit, és guai.

In the good sense, it's cool.

A mi moltes vegades em pregunten

Many times I am asked.

què haguessis canviat de la tectuació.

What would you have changed about the punctuation?

Dic que no s'hauria celebrat en un país que està en guerra,

I say that it would not have taken place in a country that is at war.

la veritat, i menys una guerra com sabem com és.

The truth, and less a war as we know how it is.

Sí, sí, jo amb la cançó no vaig tenir cap problema.

Yes, yes, I had no problem with the song.

Vaig tenir problemes amb el país

I had problems with the country.

on s'havia de fer Eurovisió, en què era Israel,

where Eurovision was supposed to be held, which was in Israel,

i òbviament era una miqueta

and obviously it was a little bit

anar a fer una miqueta de...

to go and do a little bit of...

Collons, un país que porta tant de temps

Damn, a country that has been around for so long.


doing it...

i castigant tant a Palestina

and punishing Palestine so much

és dur.

It's hard.

Però això no es podia dir

But this could not be said.

ni ho podíem dir fins que va acabar Eurovisió.

We couldn't say it until Eurovision was over.

I ara ho puc dir, però en aquell moment, calladet.

And now I can say it, but at that moment, I kept quiet.

Després vas explicar que havies passat una mica d'angoixa

Afterwards, you explained that you had experienced a bit of anxiety.

o molta angoixa.

or a lot of anguish.

Sí, molta angoixa.

Yes, a lot of anguish.

És que pensa que és molta gent la que et veu

It's just that I think a lot of people see you.

i llavors és molta gent la que opina.

And then there are many people who have an opinion.

I sí que és cert que la tònica general, crec, de la gent

And it is indeed true that the general tone, I believe, of the people

és opinar d'una manera constructiva,

it is to give an opinion in a constructive way,

però sí que és cert també que hi ha moltíssima gent

but it is also true that there are a lot of people

que el que li agrada és fotre hate

that what he likes is to spread hate

i odiar i opinar

to hate and to think

sense cap mena d'afonament.

without any kind of fading.

I això fa molt de mal, no només per mi,

And this hurts a lot, not only for me,

sinó per les amenaces

but for the threats

que va rebre la meva família, fins i tot.

that my family received, even.

Sí, sí, els meus pares, els meus avis,

Yes, yes, my parents, my grandparents,

el meu germà, o sigui, va ser una mica boig.

my brother, that is, was a bit crazy.

I a mi m'agradaria reivindicar

And I would like to reivindicate.

des d'aquí que abans que la gent posi

from here that before people put

qualsevol comentari per algú a les xarxes socials,

any comment for someone on social media,

m'agradaria que es canviessin els papers, no?

I would like them to switch roles, right?

O sigui, jo crec que hi ha dos motors molt importants

That is to say, I believe there are two very important drivers.

al món, que és l'amor i l'empatia,

in the world, what is love and empathy,

i trobo que hauríem de canviar papers

I think we should swap roles.

i pensar, què pensaria la meva mare o el meu pare

And I think, what would my mother or my father think?

si estigués a la meva família?

if I were in my family?

I que no estiguessin llegint aquest comentari sobre mi.

And I hope they are not reading this comment about me.

Però sobretot per la gent que ens estima.

But above all for the people who love us.

A mi m'havia arribat a trucar la meva mare al pal

My mother had even called me at the pole.

tu què, on estàs? I jo, fent una birra.

What about you, where are you? And me, having a beer.

Ja, doncs torna a casa perquè llegi per títol

Yes, then go back home to read by title.

que s'hi troben pel carrer et mataran.

If they find you in the street, they will kill you.

Per una cançó.

For a song.

Clar, o sigui, no he fet res.

Sure, I mean, I haven't done anything.

Simplement he anat, o sigui, he cantat una cançó.

I simply went, that is, I sang a song.

I he fet una cançó.

I have made a song.

Hola, sóc l'Agnès Marquès.

Hello, I'm Agnès Marquès.

Mireu, a mi quan algú pronuncia la paraula festival

Look, when someone pronounces the word festival to me

el que em ve al cap són els ara ja

What comes to my mind are the now already.

incomptables festivals de música

countless music festivals

els que ha anat.

those who have gone.

Per mi és una experiència brutal a la vida.

For me, it's an amazing experience in life.

Em va impactar tant que

It impacted me so much that

la meva primera novel·la

my first novel

Ningú sap que sóc aquí

Nobody knows that I am here.

està ubicada en un festival.

is located at a festival.

Un macrofestival

A macrofestival

d'aquests que has d'agafar el cotxe

of these, you need to take the car.

i marxar tres dies.

And leave for three days.

Que representa al final un parèntesi

What does a parenthesis represent in the end?

a la teva vida quotidiana.

in your daily life.

I el que explica la novel·la

And what the novel explains

és el retrobament de tres amics

It is the reunion of three friends.

que eren un històric

that they were a historic

durant els anys

during the years

d'haver anat a molts festivals de música

of having gone to many music festivals

i reprenen aquesta tradició

and resume this tradition

vuit anys després de pràcticament no veure's.

Eight years after hardly seeing each other.

I també hi va

And it also goes there.

una noia que va amb un d'aquests

a girl who goes with one of these

tres amics per a la qual

three friends for the which

és el seu primer festival.

It's his/her first festival.

I d'això va la novel·la.

And that's what the novel is about.

De trobar-se sol enmig de tanta gent

To be alone in the midst of so many people.

que al final és el que ens passa

that in the end is what happens to us

al llarg de la vida.

throughout life.

Continuo anant de festivals

I continue going to festivals.

i continua sent una experiència brutal.

And it continues to be an amazing experience.

Els de cinema també tenen

The ones from the cinema also have.

un punt de convivència interessantíssim.

An extremely interesting point of coexistence.

No només amb els col·legues,

Not only with colleagues,

que evidentment tens

that you obviously have

la immediatesa de l'intercanvi

the immediacy of the exchange

d'opinions i d'anàlisi

of opinions and analysis

del que acabes de veure,

from what you just saw,

però també coneixes la gent de l'ofici.

but you also know the people of the trade.

He tingut l'oportunitat de superar

I have had the opportunity to overcome.

la barrera del tracte

the barrier of treatment

que té un periodista

what a journalist has

amb un convidat aquí a Entrevistes

with a guest here at Interviews

per fer una trobada personal

to hold a personal meeting

que signifiqui senzillament

that simply means

anar a fer un beure

going for a drink

o anar a fer un passeig de bicicleta

or go for a bike ride

o fugir a un far a la Bretanya

or flee to a lighthouse in Brittany

i passar el Nadal tancat

and spend Christmas closed

enmig d'unes tempestes horroroses

in the midst of some horrific storms

amb un director com l'Alain Resner.

with a director like Alain Resner.

Jo, per exemple,

Me, for example,

vaig viure una història d'amor

I lived a love story.

apassionant amb un director de cinema

exciting with a film director



El nom del director el deixem

We leave the name of the director out.

ser el que es diu

to be what is said

sense dir-lo o el tema?

without saying it or the subject?

Todd Haynes, el director de Carol

Todd Haynes, the director of Carol.

i de Velvet Goldmine

and Velvet Goldmine

o Poison, moltes altres pel·lícules.

or Poison, many other movies.

És un gran director,

He is a great director.

és una meravellosa persona

She is a wonderful person.

i és una història d'amor

and it is a love story

que tots dos vam decidir

that we both decided

que arribaria fins on va arribar

that would arrive as far as it did

per les circumstàncies que ens portaven

for the circumstances that brought us

però que romà.

but how Roman.

L'he vist moltes vegades

I've seen him many times.

en fotografies portant un penjoll

in photographs wearing a pendant

que li vaig regalar per donar-li bona sort

that I gave him to wish him good luck

i em fa molta il·lusió que el porti.

And it makes me very happy that you bring it.

Que bonic!

How beautiful!

Aleshores, sí que podem afirmar

Then, we can indeed affirm.

i ja sabia que això ho podria dir

I already knew that I could say this.

però ara encara veig que a més

but now I still see that besides

que la teva vida sense els festivals de cine

that your life without film festivals

hagués sigut una altra, això segur.

It would have been another one, that for sure.

Com sense tot.

Like without everything.

Però sincerament, sincerament

But honestly, honestly

estic content de la part que m'ha tocat.

I am happy with the part that has been assigned to me.

M'he perdut moltes coses.

I have missed many things.

És a dir, m'he perdut moltes coses.

That is to say, I have missed many things.

Mira, t'explicaré una anècdota.

Look, I will tell you an anecdote.

Per culpa del cinema em vaig perdre.

Because of the cinema, I got lost.

Vaig demanar ser corresponsal a Catalunya Ràdio

I asked to be a correspondent at Catalunya Ràdio.

per anar a la guerra de Bòsnia

to go to the war in Bosnia

perquè ningú volia anar d'informatius

because no one wanted to go to the news department

de Catalunya Ràdio.

from Catalunya Ràdio.

Sé que hi havia una preocupació

I know there was a concern.

perquè no hi havia ningú disposat.

because there was no one willing.

Jo no tenia la preparació ni res en absolut.

I had no preparation or anything at all.

I em van dir, no, no, no.

They told me, no, no, no.

Et necessitem fent cinema

We need you making cinema.

i dubtaven de mi, no?

They doubted me, didn't they?

Doncs per culpa del cinema

Well, because of the cinema.

en aquest cas vaig perdre una oportunitat

In this case, I missed an opportunity.

que potser hagués estat bé per la meva vida.

that perhaps would have been good for my life.

Avalueu com es preparen

Assess how they are prepared.

pel festival de final de curs?

for the end-of-year festival?

Doncs mira, potser semblen una mica dolents

Well, look, they may seem a little bad.

però sí.

but yes.

És a dir, ells han de veure

That is to say, they have to see.

que l'educació artística

that artistic education

sigui el ball modern o la música

whether it be modern dance or music

lògicament té un bon pes

logically has a good weight

en aquesta escola, per tant és avaluable.

In this school, therefore it is assessable.

Jo crec que és un dels

I believe it is one of the

moments més

more moments

emocionals, no?

Emotional, right?

Perquè els nens, clar, una vegada més

Because the kids, of course, once again.

i per finalitzar el curs

and to finish the course

tornen a treure el seu potencial, no?

They are bringing out their potential again, right?

Cada escola al seu ritme i al seu nivell.

Each school at its own pace and level.

I els que acaben l'etapa educativa, que marxaran?

And those who finish the educational stage, will they leave?

Estan una mica tristos aquell dia.

They are a bit sad that day.

Per animar-los,

To encourage them,

jo com a mestre d'educació física

I as a physical education teacher.

els aprenents, doncs ballem amb ells,

the learners, so we dance with them,

que som l'únic grup que ballem amb ells

that we are the only group that dances with them

a sobre de l'escenari, no?

on top of the stage, right?

Els mestres ens emocionem una miqueta, no?

The teachers get a little emotional, don't they?

Perquè te donen guerra, però també ja saps

Because they give you trouble, but you already know.

que hi ha aquesta part de carinyo, no?

that there is this part of affection, right?

I te fa una mica de tristor. Jo penso que estem tots igual.

And it makes you a little sad. I think we are all the same.

Després ve el DJ i se te passa una mica, eh?

Then the DJ comes and you get a bit carried away, huh?

L'any passat ens vam ajuntar

Last year we got together.

unes 250 persones aquí.

About 250 people here.

Llavors, clar, són molts pares

Well, of course, there are many parents.

gravant, perquè estan gravant, a part de que

recording, because they are recording, apart from that

gravem nosaltres, de que volen

we record ourselves, of what they want

esperen el millor del seu fill, no?

They expect the best from their son, right?

Potser per algun d'aquests és la...

Maybe for one of these it's the...

d'aquests alumnes és la primera seva

for these students, this is their first

gran actuació, no?, d'un futur

Great performance, right?, of a future.

que no sabem quin serà.

that we do not know what it will be.

Jo crec que hi ha pares que tampoc acaben

I believe that there are parents who also don't finish.

de saber realment el potencial que tenen

to really know the potential they have

els seus alumnes fora d'un aprenentatge

his/her students outside of a learning experience

tradicional, no?, de dir, la part acadèmica

traditional, right?, of saying, the academic part

també està en la part motriu i creativa

it is also in the motor and creative part

que a la nostra escola li donem

that we give to our school

una gran importància.

a great importance.

I quan tu eres petita, hi havia festival

And when you were little, there was a festival.

de final de curs a la teva escola?

end of term at your school?

Si t'explico el meu festival de final de curs,

If I explain to you my end-of-year festival,

que era una taula de gimnàstica

that it was a gymnastics table

al pati per fer tombarelles

in the yard to do somersaults

al plínton i per fer una taula

to the plinth and to make a table

d'aquestes d'estàtiques de gimnàstica,

of these gymnastics stances,

clar, jo recordo que els pares aplaudien

Sure, I remember that the parents were applauding.

perquè tu acabaves, no?, doncs amb aquell

because you finished, right?, well with that one

saludo, no?, de final de la gimnàstica

greeting, right?, at the end of the gymnastics

artística i sí, a mi m'agradava

artistic and yes, I liked it

molt, eh? Jo vaig estudiar

a lot, huh? I studied

els Jesuïtes de Sarrià

the Jesuits of Sarrià

i en aquella època hi havia

And at that time there was

poca festa, però no...

little party, but no...

l'única festa que es feia era alguna cosa

the only party that was held was something

que deien la promulgació

what they said about the promulgation

de dignitats, on ens feien

of dignities, where they made us

competir amb bàndols, romans

compete with factions, Romans

i cartaginesos, i al llarg de tota

and Carthaginians, and throughout the whole



l'any escolar podies accedir

during the school year you could access

a tenir un... ser

to have a... being

l'emperador o el

the emperor or the

santurió o el no sé què,

santurió or the I don't know what,

tontaria una cosa horrorosa,

nonsense, a horrible thing,

però era l'única festa que et permetien

but it was the only party they allowed you to attend

i llavors competies.

and then you competed.

No m'agrada competir. Jo començo a cantar

I don't like to compete. I start to sing.

gràcies al festival de final de curs, o sigui,

thanks to the end-of-year festival, in other words,

la cosa va ser molt senzilla,

the thing was very simple,

o sigui, quan teníem 12 anys,

that is, when we were 12 years old,

13 anys, a la festa final

13 years, at the final party

de curs, amb els meus col·legues, ens ve la

of course, with my colleagues, it comes to us the

directora, la Rosi, i ens diu, nois,

director, Rosi, and she tells us, guys,

no hi ha actuacions de final de curs

there are no end-of-year performances

perquè ningú vol ballar, ningú vol cantar, ningú

because nobody wants to dance, nobody wants to sing, nobody

vol fer cap espit, ningú vol llegir poemes,

wants to make any splash, no one wants to read poems,

i ens vam mirar amb els meus col·legues i vam dir, jo què sé,

and we looked at each other with my colleagues and said, I don’t know,

aprenem tu a tocar la guitarra, tu apren a tocar el piano,

let's learn to play the guitar, you learn to play the piano,

tu al baix, tu a la bateria, i ja ho cantaré,

you at the bottom, you on the drums, and I'll sing it.

va, ja està, i ho fem així,

Okay, that's it, and we'll do it like this.

i va sorgir així, arrel d'un festival

And it arose thus, as a result of a festival.

de final de curs, la banda, que ara mateix

at the end of the course, the band, which right now

és la mateixa banda, són els meus amics,

it's the same band, they are my friends,

i és com anar, literal, a festa final

And it's like going, literally, to a final party.

de curs, com anar a colònies, cada vegada

of course, like going to camp, every time

que fem un concert. Hosti, doncs,

let's have a concert. Wow, then,

quin nivell que hi havia en aquest festival

what a level there was at this festival

de final de curs d'escola, no?

end of school year, right?

Home, a veure, jo, sí,

Well, let's see, I, yes,

hòstia, ara miro algun vídeo i penso, mare,

Wow, now I watch some video and think, wow,

no donem ni una nota. Recordes quina cançó

We don't give even a note. Do you remember which song?

vau interpretar? Sí, vam tocar Tres Minuts

Did you perform? Yes, we played Three Minutes.

de Manu Guix i Llença't de l'Axambusta.

by Manu Guix and Llença't from Axambusta.

Després, no sé si has sigut

Afterwards, I don't know if you have been.

festivalero d'anar a festivals de música

festivalgoer to music festivals

o no? Sí, a Campada Jove

or not? Yes, at Campada Jove

a Fondo, he sigut Canet Roca

Basically, I have been Canet Roca.

a Fondo, he sigut

At heart, I have been.

festes majors, és que a la fi, les festes majors

major festivals, it is that in the end, the major festivals

són quasi festivals. A veure, per mi un festival

they are almost festivals. Let's see, for me a festival

ara és una merda,

now it's a mess,

o sigui, m'explico, és una merda que jo

I mean, let me explain, it’s a mess that I

vagi a un festival perquè em passo tota l'estona

I go to a festival because I spend the whole time.

analitzant què fan, per agafar idees.

analyzing what they do, to get ideas.

Ah, mira, veus, el baix no va amb la caixa aquí,

Ah, look, you see, the bass doesn't go with the box here.

el baix no va amb el bombo, i és com que et passes l'estona

the bass doesn't go with the drum, and it's like you're passing the time

analitzant. Però abans, dedicar-me a això

analyzing. But first, to dedicate myself to this



era fantàstic. Per mi era anar

it was fantastic. For me it was going

a nodrir-me

to feed me

de música i del que es portava

of music and what was in fashion

en aquell moment, i sobretot

at that moment, and above all

anar amb col·legues.

to go out with friends.

Els festivals que es fan a

The festivals that take place in

Catalunya tenen

Catalonia has

recorregut per anar més? S'ha arribat

Route to go further? Has it been reached?

al sostre? Jo crec que està creixent,

to the ceiling? I think it's growing,

està creixent per sobre del 10%

is growing by more than 10%

anual. De fet, els números

annual. In fact, the numbers

del 22 respecte

of the 22 regarding

al 2019, que va ser

in 2019, what was it

l'últim any normal,

the last normal year,

és de créixer per sobre del 20%.

It is to grow by more than 20%.

Jo crec que fins ara

I believe that until now.

els festivals de música

music festivals

hi anava només aquella gent que era molt

only those people who were very much went there

fan de la música, i crec que ara els festivals

fans of music, and I think that now the festivals

de música hi estan en tothom.

Everyone is into music.

De fet, hi ha poques

In fact, there are few.

coses que

things that

es facin

let them be done

tan sovint com escoltar música

as often as listening to music

per gairebé tota la

for almost the whole of the

població, de manera que

population, so that

el públic possible

the possible audience

de festivals és enorme.

The festival is huge.

Nosaltres no som exactament

We are not exactly.

un festival de música, ja som més coses,

a music festival, we are already more things,

comèdia, arts,

comedy, arts



Jo visualitzo el Cruïlla com

I visualize the Cruïlla as

un festival per la gent que no va a festivals.

A festival for people who don't go to festivals.

M'agrada veure-ho com

I like to see it as

si fos una verbena,

if it were a party,

com si fos un punt de trobada,

as if it were a meeting point,

on vas amb una part dels teus amics

Where are you going with some of your friends?

però et trobes amb molta altra gent

but you meet a lot of other people

que coneixes. L'únic que en lloc

that you know. The only thing is instead

de tocar una orquestra

of playing an orchestra

que fa versions,

that makes versions,

un any toca Jamiroquai, l'altre

One year it’s Jamiroquai, the next year it’s not.

toca Placebo, l'altre toca la Kylie Minogue,

play Placebo, the other one plays Kylie Minogue,

o sigui, els

that is, the

love of lesbian tens artistes

Love of lesbian has ten artists.

de primer nivell.

first level.

El nostre claim és

Our claim is

més de 12 hores de música i festa

more than 12 hours of music and celebration

fins a sortir el sol. Si no

until the sun comes out. If not

surts afònic de canet rock

you come out voiceless from Canet Rock

és que no has viscut el canet rock amb intensitat,

it's that you haven’t experienced Canet Rock with intensity,

afònic i una mica brut.

hoarse and a little dirty.

Jo recomano a la gent que vulgui saber

I recommend to people who want to know

què és canet rock que entri a

what is canet rock that enters to

l'Instagram d'Ocas Grasses

the Instagram of Ocas Grasses

i que miri un vídeo que vam penjar

And let him watch a video that we uploaded.

de la gent que estimo.

of the people I love.

Si hagués de triar

If I had to choose

un sol moment em resultaria

a single moment would be enough for me

molt difícil.

very difficult.

Però he de fer, he de fer. Aquest és l'encàrrec

But I have to do, I have to do. This is the assignment.

del Manel que tria un sol moment. Per tant,

of Manel who chooses a single moment. Therefore,

estic parlant d'un concert de Nick Cave.

I am talking about a Nick Cave concert.

De fet, és el

In fact, it is the

Primavera Sound de l'any passat,

Last year's Primavera Sound,

del 2022. És tan bèstia

from 2022. It's so beastly

com que a mi cada vegada, i l'he vist

As for me every time, and I have seen him/her.

ja 4 o 5 vegades, em porta

Already 4 or 5 times, it brings me.

fins a les llàgrimes. En el concert

to tears. At the concert

de l'any passat potser hi havia, no sé,

from last year there might have been, I don’t know,

30.000 persones veient-lo.

30,000 people watching it.

No exagero. És a dir, doncs

I'm not exaggerating. That is to say, then.

va aconseguir fer el silenci.

he managed to create silence.

I recordaré un moment,

I will remember a moment,

si podeu recuperar la cançó,

if you can recover the song,

us podeu imaginar com pot créixer en un directe.

can you imagine how it can grow in a live performance.

És right, right hand.

It's right, right hand.

És brutal. Per mi són moments

It's brutal. For me, these are moments.



Sensorialment em porten

They carry me sensorially.

molt, molt lluny.

very, very far.

Take a little walk

Take a little walk.

to the edge of the world.

to the edge of the world.

Take a little walk to the edge of the world.

Take a little walk to the edge of the world.

Algú moment en algun festival

Someone moment at some festival

que hagis dit, ostres, que bé que estic aquí.

that you said, wow, how good it is that I am here.

Jo d'adolescent

Me as a teenager

escoltava un disc de Rubén Blades

I was listening to a Rubén Blades album.

amb Som del Solar

with Sound of the Solar

i tocava una cançó que es deia

I was playing a song that was called

La canción del fin del mundo,

The song of the end of the world,

on posava el públic en la situació

it placed the audience in the situation

que si Rússia i els Estats Units

that if Russia and the United States

llençaven els seus missils

they were launching their missiles

i tu sabies que quedaven

And you knew that there were still some left?

5 minuts de vida,

5 minutes of life,

què és el que faries en aquests 5 minuts?

What would you do in these 5 minutes?

i el que ell proposava

and what he was proposing

era que en aquests cinc minuts el que havies de fer

was that in these five minutes what you had to do

era ballar

was dancing

i d'alguna manera l'inconscient

and somehow the unconscious

durant la Covid

during Covid

em va portar el record d'aquella cançó

it brought me the memory of that song

i la vaig tenir molt present

and I kept her very much in mind

durant tot el confinament

during the entire lockdown

i el dia

and the day

el mateix dia del concert

the same day of the concert

ens va demanar

he asked us

si podia allargar el concert tres minuts

if it could extend the concert three minutes

i ell en aquests tres minuts

and he in these three minutes

va tocar Patria

he touched Homeland

és pràcticament un himne

it's practically an anthem

no oficial de Panamà

non-official of Panama

que és un himne

what is a hymn

que tocava Rubén Blades

that Rubén Blades played

i aquest moment de Rubén Blades

and this moment of Rubén Blades

tocant Patria

touching Homeland

amb la senyera al darrere

with the senyera behind

per mi va ser molt especial

for me it was very special

Si hagués d'haver ara

If it had to happen now

una guerra nuclear, els últims minuts

a nuclear war, the last minutes

tu ja saps què faries, no?

You already know what you would do, right?

Sí, ho tinc molt clar

Yes, I am very clear about it.

jo faré el que digui el mestre Rubén Blades

I will do what master Rubén Blades says.

i la senyora Patria

and Mrs. Homeland

Llavors els baratons i els festivals que faig ara

Then the bargains and the festivals that I do now.

és agafar John Ford, per exemple

it's to take John Ford, for example

de qui he vist el 80% de les pel·lícules

of whom I have seen 80% of the movies

i m'agrada moltíssim

I like it very much.

o unes més, altres menys, però m'agrada moltíssim

either more, others less, but I like it a lot

i veig aquelles 20

I see those 20.

intento trobar aquelles 20 que no he vist

I'm trying to find those 20 that I haven't seen.

però les col·loco en el lloc que toca

but I place them in the right place

i llavors faig tot John Ford de la baix

And then I do all John Ford from below.

per poder veure cada pel·lícula que no he vist

to be able to see every movie that I haven't seen

en quin punt del recorregut estava

at what point of the route was he/she

I per acabar, una pel·li que

And to finish, a movie that

recomanis per veure aquest estiu?

Recommendations for places to see this summer?

La pel·lícula de la meva vida, que són moltes

The movie of my life, which is many.

però et diré una que no sé si coneixes

but I will tell you one that I don't know if you know

o no sé si heu vist

or I don't know if you have seen

que per mi és el resum del que l'Àlex Urina

which for me is the summary of what Àlex Urina

considera que és millor en el cinema

considers that it is better in the cinema

una petita pel·lícula fracassada

a small failed movie

en el seu moment, avui dia en la llegenda

In its time, today in the legend.

que es diu La nit del caçador

it's called The Night of the Hunter

que va dirigir, l'àurica que va dirigir

that directed, the auric that directed

Charles Laughton

Charles Laughton

amb Robert Mitchum i Shelley Winters

with Robert Mitchum and Shelley Winters

de protagonistes que em posa la pell de gallina

of protagonists that gives me goosebumps

literalment cada vegada que la veig

literally every time I see her

no puc evitar plorar

I can't help but cry.

He vist potser 30 i pico vegades

I've seen it maybe 30-something times.

o més

or more

i cada vegada és la primera vegada

and every time it is the first time

i sé exactament on acabaré plorant

I know exactly where I will end up crying.

i no m'ho provoco però no puc evitar-ho

I don't provoke it, but I can't prevent it.

és la perfecció, és la bellesa

it is perfection, it is beauty

és la humanitat

it is humanity

és el que sento a dins meu

it's what I feel inside me

perquè m'identifico molt amb els nens protagonistes

because I identify a lot with the main child characters

Ara acabes de treure un disc

Now you have just released an album.

que està funcionant molt bé

that is working very well

molt, molt bé, estic super content

very, very good, I am super happy

121, ja deus tenir programats festivals

121, you must already have festivals scheduled.

tenim programats molts festivals

we have many festivals scheduled

anem de gira

let's go on tour

amb una ràdio nacional

with a national radio

anem al Puigcerdà

let's go to Puigcerdà

amb unes grans grans grans grans grans grans grans grans grans grans grans

with some very very very very very very very very very very big ones

Cerdanya Music Fest, es diu

Cerdanya Music Fest, it is called.

anem al Festival Internacional de Música

let's go to the International Music Festival

de Cambrils

from Cambrils

i llavors fem festivals nosaltres mateixos

And then we organize festivals ourselves.

o sigui, al cap i a la fi

that is to say, after all

la nostra música, molta gent ens ho diu

our music, a lot of people tell us that

és com de festival, no? És que literal

It's like a festival, isn't it? It's just literal.

i sí, sí, contentíssim d'estar

and yes, yes, very happy to be

a totes les festes, molt

to all the parties, very

Ha estat sonant una cançó que tu no has pogut sentir

It has been playing a song that you couldn't hear.

ni jo tampoc, perquè la posem a posteriori

neither do I, because we add it later

Ah, quina meravella! Però la pots triar

Ah, what a marvel! But you can choose it.

del teu últim disc, quina et sembla

which one do you think is from your last album

que estaria bé escoltar? Home, jo vull que poseu Gelat

What would be nice to listen to? Well, I want you to play Gelat.

Sí, que és el bonus track

Yes, it is the bonus track.

del disc

of the disc

que és la cançó estiuenca

What is the summer song?

d'aquest any, doncs a refrescar-nos

of this year, so let's cool down

Ara, ara

Now, now

Camino feliç a la platja

Happy walk to the beach

esperant que arribi el teu missatge

waiting for your message to arrive

però fa estona que miro i no veig la resposta

But I've been looking for a while and I don't see the answer.

esperada que tant desitjava

expected that I so desired

i serà que sí o que no

And will it be yes or no?

aquest estiu serà molt millor

this summer will be much better

si jo començo amb el teu petó

if I start with your kiss

Parem l'antena

Let's stop the antenna.

és un espai de Manel Alí Estort

It is a space of Manel Alí Estort.

amb muntatge de Sergi Cotilles

with the editing of Sergi Cotilles

producció d'Omar Barón

production of Omar Barón

i el suport del Departament d'Exteriors

and the support of the Department of Foreign Affairs

de Catalunya Ràdio

from Catalunya Radio

El cor batagava

The heart was pounding.

les ganes de beure

the desire to drink

el meu gelat d'aigua salada

my salted water ice cream

tu i jo davant el mar

you and I in front of the sea

és de postal

it's postcard-worthy

l'estiu que torna

the summer that returns

com un boomerang

like a boomerang

al teu costat

by your side

l'estiu que torna

the summer that returns

com més importa

the more it matters

m'he trobat amb els genis

I have met with the geniuses.

i m'ha dit que has arribat

He told me that you have arrived.

que ara ja fa dies que voltes per aquí

that you've been around here for a few days now

que no vols saber res de mi

that you don't want to know anything about me

tu i jo davant el mar

you and I in front of the sea

l'estiu que torna

the summer that returns

com un boomerang

like a boomerang

l'estiu que torna

the summer that returns

tu i jo davant el mar

you and I in front of the sea

és de postal

it's postcard-perfect

l'estiu que torna

the summer that returns

com un boomerang

like a boomerang

al teu costat

at your side

l'estiu que torna

the summer that returns

com més importa

the more it matters

la tuaения

the yourness

l'estiu que torna

the summer that returns

amb l'estiu que trobes

with the summer that you find

l'estiu que torna

the summer that returns

el mar

the sea

per demà

for tomorrow

tot això

all this


The text you provided is not in Catalan, but rather in Arabic, and it translates to "died" in English. If you have any text in Catalan that needs translation, please provide it.

l'estiu que torna

the summer that returns



l'estiu, l'estiu que torna

the summer, the summer that returns

l'estiu que torna

the summer that returns

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