L'edat corregida - 23/10/22

Catalunya Ràdio

El reportatge d'"El suplement"

L'edat corregida - 23/10/22

El reportatge d'"El suplement"

El suplement de Catalunya Ràdio presenta

The supplement of Catalunya Ràdio presents

L'edat corregida. Un reportatge sobre els nadons prematurs.

Corrected age. A report on premature infants.

A la il·lusió que precedeix l'arribada d'un fill

To the excitement that precedes the arrival of a child.

s'hi suma sempre una bona quantitat de dubtes, d'incerteses, de temors.

There is always a good amount of doubts, uncertainties, and fears that are added.

Però quan el naixement es produeix abans d'hora, de manera prematura,

But when birth occurs too early, prematurely,

l'angoixa dels pares es multiplica de manera exponencial.

The anxiety of parents multiplies exponentially.

En aquests casos, cada dia esgarrapat el calendari,

In these cases, each day scraping the calendar,

cada gram de pes guanyat, cada batec de cor

every gram of weight gained, every heartbeat

marquen la diferència entre la vida i la mort.

they mark the difference between life and death.

Utilitzant l'eufemisme mèdic, marquen la diferència

Using the medical euphemism, they make a difference.

entre un nadó viable o un nadó no viable.

between a viable baby or a non-viable baby.

Ningú està preparat per afrontar una situació que és, per definició, inesperada.

No one is prepared to face a situation that is, by definition, unexpected.

Ningú tret del personal sanitari.

Nobody except for the healthcare staff.

Els especialistes en neonatologia es converteixen en l'única via

The neonatology specialists become the only avenue.

per acompanyar els prematurs fins al punt de partida, fins al punt zero.

to accompany the premature babies to the starting point, to the zero point.

Avui, el suplement, en aquest reportatge,

Today, the supplement, in this report,

parlem dels naixements prematurs, dels naixements on no s'envien flors.

let's talk about premature births, about births where no flowers are sent.

Un homenatge al personal sanitari.

A tribute to healthcare staff.

Un reportatge ple d'històries humanes.

A report full of human stories.

Moltes d'elles amb final feliç.

Many of them have a happy ending.

Marta, què tal? Bon dia.

Marta, how are you? Good morning.

Hola, bon dia, Roger, què tal?

Hello, good morning, Roger, how are you?

Com estàs?

How are you?

Bé, molt bé, gràcies.

Well, very well, thank you.

La revolució ha arribat

The revolution has arrived.

i jo sóc el sofà de casa.

And I am the sofa at home.

La revolució ha arribat

The revolution has arrived.

i jo sóc el sofà de casa.

And I am the sofa at home.

Segons dades de l'Institut de la Cultura,

According to data from the Institute of Culture,

la revolució ha arribat i jo sóc el sofà de casa.

The revolution has arrived and I am the sofa at home.

Segons dades de l'Institut de la Cultura,

According to data from the Institute of Culture,

l'Institut d'Estadística de Catalunya,

the Statistical Institute of Catalonia,

l'any 2021 es van registrar a Catalunya

In 2021, there were registrations in Catalonia.

més de 3.300 parts prematurs.

more than 3,300 premature parts.

Es considera un naixement prematur

It is considered a premature birth.

quan es produeix entre les 28

when it occurs among the 28

i les 37 setmanes de gestació.

and the 37 weeks of gestation.

El naixement que es produeix

The birth that occurs

abans de les 28 setmanes

before 28 weeks

es considera prematur extrem.

It is considered extremely premature.

És el cas d'en Guiu,

It's the case of Guiu,

que va néixer a les 28 setmanes de gestació

born at 28 weeks of gestation

amb un part prematur d'urgència

with a premature part of urgency

a la Vall d'Hebron,

in the Vall d'Hebron,

on va arribar derivat de l'Hospital de Vic,

he arrived referred from the Hospital of Vic,

amb només un quilo de pes,

with only one kilo of weight,

una màquina l'ajudava a respirar.

a machine was helping him breathe.

Era el començament d'un camí

It was the beginning of a journey.

ple de complicacions i imprevistos

full of complications and unforeseen events

que van posar en Guiu i els seus pares

that were put on Guiu and his parents

en una situació límit.

in a critical situation.

En parlem amb la seva mare,

We'll talk to his/her mother.

la Marta Bosch.

Marta Bosch.

Com està el Guiu?

How is Guiu?

Bé, molt bé.

Good, very good.

Quants anys té ara?

How old is he/she now?

Ara té 21 mesos.

Now he/she is 21 months old.

Encara comptes amb mesos, eh?

You still count in months, huh?



A partir dels dos anys jo crec que ja canviona.

From the age of two, I think it already changes.

Sí, això espero, perquè entre l'edat corregida

Yes, I hope so, because between the corrected age.

i l'edat no corregida jo ja em lio.

And the uncorrected age, I already get confused.

Recordes del dia que va néixer el Guiu?

Do you remember the day Guiu was born?

Doncs va ser un dia intens.

It was an intense day.

Van passar moltes coses

Many things happened.

i, bueno,

and, well,

va anar com tot molt inesperat.

It went as everything very unexpected.

Estàvem a casa,

We were at home,

a les 12 de la nit vaig començar a perdre sang

At midnight I started to lose blood.

i vam haver de córrer a l'Hospital de Vic

and we had to run to the Hospital of Vic

i després cap a Vic

and then towards Vic

em van enviar a la Vall d'Hebron, a Barcelona.

They sent me to Vall d'Hebron, in Barcelona.

Vaig estar tot el dia en observació,

I was under observation all day.

anar perdent sang, fins que al final,

to keep losing blood, until finally,

a les 12 de la nit,

at midnight,

com que perdia tanta sang, vaig fer desprendiment de placenta,

as I was losing so much blood, I had a placental abruption,

l'hemorràgia ja es va descontrolar

the hemorrhage has already gotten out of control

i vam haver de fer cesària d'urgència.

and we had to perform an emergency cesarean.

De quantes setmanes estaves?

How many weeks were you?

De 28.

Of 28.

28 setmanes?

28 weeks?



Clar, això és molt aviat.

Of course, that's very early.

Sí, no ens ho esperàvem pas, ningú.

Yes, we certainly didn't expect it, nobody did.

Les revisions havien anat bé?

Had the check-ups gone well?

Sí, les revisions fins al moment anaven bé,

Yes, the check-ups were going well so far,

sabíem que seria cesària perquè tenia placenta prèvia,

we knew it would be a cesarean because she had placenta previa,

l'únic que no esperàvem que fos tan d'hora,

the only thing we didn't expect was that it would be so early,

la teníem programada la setmana 37,

we had it scheduled for week 37,

jo havia fet vida normal fins fa un parell de dies,

I had been living a normal life until a couple of days ago,

que ja m'havien recomanat repòs,

that I had already been advised to rest,

però jo no tenia ni dolors ni res,

but I had neither pain nor anything.

jo estava perfectament.

I was perfectly.

Et puc preguntar quant va pesar el guiu?

Can I ask how much the gilly weighed?

Un quilo.

One kilogram.

Sí, sí, era molt petit.

Yes, yes, I was very small.

Molt petit, però ara està fantàstic, no?

Very small, but now it's fantastic, isn't it?

Sí, sí, ara en té 10, pesa 10 quilos ja.

Yes, yes, now he/she is 10, weighs 10 kilos already.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Clar, en aquests 21 mesos

Of course, in these 21 months

deveu haver viscut un trampolí emocional considerable, no?

You must have experienced quite an emotional trampoline, right?

Perquè el teu fill neix en un mes,

Because your son is born in a month,

però clar, el que ve després són molts dies d'hospital.

but of course, what comes next is many days in the hospital.

Què us van dir els metges després que n'esqués?

What did the doctors tell you after it happened?

Bueno, clar, els metges,

Well, of course, the doctors,

també són prudents perquè és un prematur extrem

they are also cautious because it is an extreme premature

i el que et diuen és que les primeres hores són vitals

And what they tell you is that the first hours are vital.

per saber què era la seva evolució.

to know what its evolution was.

Tant podia ser que sobrevisqués com que no,

It could be that he survived or not.

però hi havia un bon pronòstic.

but there was a good prognosis.

I, bueno, de mica en mica va anar anant tot bé,

Well, little by little everything started to go well.

ella anava guanyant...

she was winning...

Els primers dies va perdre pes, com la majoria de recent nascuts,

In the first few days, he lost weight, like most newborns.

després de mica en mica va anar guanyant,

after gradually winning,

va anar anant tot bé,

it was all going well,

el tema d'oxigen ja no estava intubat,

the oxygen issue was no longer intubated,

que va estar els dos primers dies intubat.

he was intubated for the first two days.

Necessitava oxigen, evidentment.

He needed oxygen, obviously.

I llavors anava amb el suport respiratori del CEPAP

And then I was using the CPAP breathing support.

i, bueno, al cap de deu dies,

and, well, after ten days,

en un dels catèters que li vam posar,

in one of the catheters we put in him,

que els hi posen per a l'alimentació,

that they are given for feeding,

va agafar una bactèria i va fer una sepsis a la sang.

He contracted a bacteria and developed sepsis in the blood.

Va estar molt greu, va tenir moltes amnèsies, bradicàrdies,

It was very serious, he/she had many amnesias, bradycardias.

ens van dir que no sabien si se'n sortiria,

they told us they didn't know if he would make it,

si quedaria afectat del cor o d'algun altre òrgan,

if it would be affected by the heart or some other organ,

perquè, clar, la sang circula per tot arreu.

because, of course, blood circulates everywhere.

Per sort, va anar tot bé,

Fortunately, everything went well.

però va necessitar d'una...

but it required a...

transfusió de sang i, bueno, i antibiòtics i tractament,

blood transfusion and, well, antibiotics and treatment,

perquè, bueno, va acabar molt dèbil,

because, well, it ended very weak,

al cap de dues o tres setmanes l'havien de reanimar,

after two or three weeks they had to revive him,

bueno, va quedar molt afectat.

Well, he was very affected.

Però, per sort, després va anar tot bé, sí, sí.

But, fortunately, everything went well afterwards, yes, yes.

Com estàs, tu?

How are you?

Jo bé, bé, bé.

I'm fine, good, good.

Ara bé, ja estem recuperant el que seria la vida normal

Well, we are already regaining what would be normal life.

que hauríem de tenir de tots treballar,

that we should all work together,

el nen comença ja a anar a la guarderia

The child is starting to go to daycare.

i bé, de moment bé.

And well, for now, good.

Quants mesos vau estar a l'hospital?

How many months were you in the hospital?



Tres mesos.

Three months.

Tres mesos a l'UCI de l'Hospital.

Three months in the ICU of the hospital.

A la Vall d'Hebron, sí, sí.

At Vall d'Hebron, yes, yes.

Era el teu primer fill?

Was he your first child?



Suposo que el que t'imagines és que arribar a la setmana 40,

I suppose what you imagine is reaching week 40,

tenir un parc pel qual t'has estat preparant

to have a park for which you have been preparing

amb les classes de prepar

with the preparatory classes

i al cap de 24-48 hores

and after 24-48 hours

i tot va bé anar-te'n a casa amb el teu fill.

And everything is fine for you to go home with your son.

Sí, bueno, de fet, jo no vaig començar les classes de prepar

Yes, well, in fact, I didn't start the preparatory classes.

perquè m'apuntava al 7-8è mes.

because I was signing up for the 7th-8th month.

No hi vas arribar.

You didn't make it.

No, ni tan sols li havia de comprar res al nen.

No, I wasn't even supposed to buy anything for the kid.

Ni pel nen, ni per mi, no teníem res.

Neither for the boy, nor for me, we had nothing.

Absolutament res.

Absolutely nothing.

Un cotxet encarregat que ni havia arribat.

A stroller ordered that had not yet arrived.

I, bueno,

I, well,

no és el pànic que tu tens.

it's not the panic that you have.

Fins i tot ja havia calculat les setmanes

I had even already calculated the weeks.

de baixa d'un, de l'altre,

of one, of the other,

quan començaria a anar a la guarderia,

when I would start going to kindergarten,

ja m'havia muntat la vida.

I had already set up my life.

Però no, no, va néixer quan va néixer

But no, no, it was born when it was born.

i vam canviar tots els plans.

And we changed all the plans.

Ser mare i que et diguin

Being a mother and being called.

que no saps si se'n sortirà, no?,

you don't know if they'll manage, right?

les primeres setmanes,

the first weeks,

amb totes aquestes infeccions i complicacions

with all these infections and complications

que va tenir, com ho va viure, això?

What did he/she have, how did he/she experience it, this?

Doncs, molt malament,

Well, very bad,

perquè tens moltes pors,

because you have many fears,

també tens moltes...

you also have many...

moltes inseguretats, perquè

many insecurities, because

tu tens un fill que ni tan sols el pots tocar

you have a son that you can't even touch

perquè està en una incubadora,

because it is in an incubator,

no li pots canviar els bolquers,

you can't change their diapers,

no li pots fer ni un petó.

you can't even give him/her a kiss.

Per allò del Covid a l'UCI

Because of the Covid in the ICU

no es podia estar un dels dos,

one of the two couldn't be excluded.

intentar el mínim de canvis,

try to make the minimum changes,

llavors també et sents molt sola

then you feel very alone too

perquè, bueno, anàvem tots dos a Barcelona

because, well, we were both going to Barcelona

però estàvem tot el dia sols.

but we were alone all day.

Perquè estàvem tot el dia a l'hospital amb el nen,

Because we were at the hospital all day with the child,

però quan no estava un,

but when one was not,

l'altre estava al carrer fent temps.

The other was outside killing time.

Llavors entrava l'altre

Then the other one entered.

i l'altre estava al carrer fent temps.

And the other was waiting outside.

Això amb el Covid t'ho complica

That complicates things with Covid.

perquè no tens...

because you don't have...

No teníem ni bars

We didn't even have bars.

perquè estaven tancats,

because they were closed,

o sigui, estàvem a l'hivern al carrer.

That is to say, we were in winter on the street.

I, clar, tens moltes hores per pensar,

I, of course, have many hours to think,

tens moltes inseguretats

you have many insecurities

dient què podràs fer,

saying what you will be able to do,

què passarà després,

what will happen next,

què li passarà,

what will happen to him/her,

perquè tens tantes suposicions dels metges

Why do you have so many assumptions about doctors?

que no saps com serà el teu fill.

that you don't know what your child will be like.





Se n'ha sortit i bé.

He has managed it well.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

També és un contrast d'emocions

It is also a contrast of emotions.

perquè si has tingut un fill prematur

because if you have had a premature baby

però acabes de tenir un fill

but you just had a son

i una part de tu està content

and a part of you is happy

perquè ets sol,

because you are alone,

i una part de tu està content perquè ets sol,

and a part of you is happy because you are alone,

i una part de tu està content

and a part of you is happy

perquè ets mare, tens el teu fill...

because you are a mother, you have your child...

Bueno, després de 24 hores patint

Well, after 24 hours of suffering.

de si sortiria bé o mort,

of whether it would come out well or dead,

va néixer viu...

he was born alive...

I a la gent també li costa

And people also find it difficult.

alegrar-se per tu de...

to be happy for you for...

Perquè, clar, tens un fill ingressat

Because, of course, you have a son in the hospital.

i veient la foto,

and seeing the photo,

i costa alegrar-se

it is hard to cheer up

que has tingut aquest fill, saps?

that you have had this child, you know?

Però és el teu fill,

But he is your son,

tu te n'alegres per tu?

Are you happy for yourself?

És preciós!

It's beautiful!

Saps que és el millor del món!

You know what the best thing in the world is!

No esperes que tingui això

Don't expect me to have that.

i no li desitges cap mal

and you wish him no harm

i que tot vagi bé.

And may everything go well.

Però no per això

But not for that.

el desitges menys

you desire it less

o l'estimes menys,

or you love her less,

crec que al contrari, saps?

I think the opposite, you know?


It is...

Va, ho farem.

Come on, we'll do it.

No té seqüeles, no, en principi, ara?

It has no sequels, no, in principle, now?

O vull dir...

Oh, I mean...

No, té...

No, it has...

Com dic jo, té petites cosetes,

As I say, it has little things,

ha de seguir anant al CDAP,

must continue going to the CDAP,

ha fet rehabilitació a la Vall d'Hebron

he has undergone rehabilitation at Vall d'Hebron

fins ara als 20 mesos,

until now at 20 months,

ha anat a monologopèdia

he has gone to monologopedia

per temes de deglució,

for swallowing issues,

però el que jo dic,

but what I say,

tenint en compte que va néixer

taking into account that he/she was born

les 28 setmanes

the 28 weeks

i tot el que li podia haver passat,

and everything that could have happened to him,

o les patologies que li podien haver sortit,

or the pathologies that could have occurred to him,

qualsevol cosa,


jo, mira,

I, look,

és que no canvio res.

It's just that I don't change anything.

És que, vull dir,

It's just that, I mean,

amb tot el que hem patit,

with all that we have suffered,

dic, mira, ja m'està bé, o sigui...

I say, look, that's fine with me, so...

Com ho vau viure amb la parella?

How did you experience it with your partner?

Va ser molt dur.

It was very hard.

Al principi...

At first...

A més, havia de néixer a Vic.

Moreover, I had to be born in Vic.



Et van traslladar a la Vall d'Hebron.

They transferred you to Vall d'Hebron.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.


Of course,

ella el primer dia que a mi m'han ingressat

the first day that I was admitted

no el deixaven quedar-se a la Vall d'Hebron pel Covid,

they wouldn't let him stay in Vall d'Hebron because of Covid,

llavors ella va passar molt malament

then she had a very hard time

perquè tenia por també

because I was afraid too

que naixés o em passés algun amic.

that a friend of mine would be born or something would happen to me.

El fet del Covid també va dificultar

The fact of Covid also made it difficult.

tota la gestió,

the entire management,



familiar o de parella,

family or partner,

per dir-ho d'una manera, no?

to put it a certain way, right?



Bé, jo suposo que com a parella

Well, I suppose that as a couple

entres en una mena de bucle

you enter a kind of loop

que cada dia,

that every day,

o sigui, estàs 78 dies anant a l'UCI,

so, you are spending 78 days in the ICU,

et lleves,

you get up,

vas allà,

you go there,

estàs tot el dia,

you are all day,

arribes a la nit, sopes,

you arrive at night, you have dinner,

et tornes a dutxar,

you take a shower again,

vas a dormir...

are you going to sleep...

Vam entrar en una mena de bucle

We entered a sort of loop.

que tampoc et pares a pensar

that you also don't stop to think

ni amb la parella,

nor with the partner,

ni avui és Nadal,

neither today is Christmas,

ni avui és Cap d'Any,

nor is today New Year's Day,

o sigui, cada dia era el mateix dia.

In other words, every day was the same day.

Ens era igual el que fos, saps?

We didn't care what it was, you know?

Llavors hi ha dies que

Then there are days that

els primers dies, sobretot jo,

the first days, especially me,

era la que potser estava

was the one that perhaps was

emocionalment més tocada,

emotionally more affected,

plorava molt,

she cried a lot,

jo els primers dies em sentia fatal

I felt terrible in the first few days.

quan marxava de la vall de Bruni

when I was leaving the Bruni valley

i el deixàvem allà,

and we left him there,

i jo sé que ell també,

and I know that he does too,

però vulguis o no,

but whether you like it or not,

suposo que...

I suppose that...

Ell va aguantar més, no?,

He held on longer, didn't he?

aquests sentiments al principi,

these feelings at the beginning,

que no vol dir que no patís,

that doesn't mean he didn't suffer,

al contrari,

on the contrary,

l'únic que, bueno,

the only thing that, well,

teníem maneres diferents de gestionar-ho,

we had different ways of managing it,

i ell va patir molt

and he suffered a lot

quan va passar això de la sepsis, no?,

When did this sepsis happen, right?

que, bueno, que no ens en sortiríem,

that, well, we wouldn't manage it,

però esclar, ell patia molt,

but of course, he suffered a lot,



les pors i les inseguretats i aquestes

the fears and insecurities and these

és que, bueno,

it's just that, well,

és que afecten en tot.

they affect everything.

Clar, tu has tingut un fill,

Of course, you have had a son.



No pots fer ben bé de mare

You can't really do it as a mother.

com ens han explicat

as they have explained to us

que és fer de mare i de pare els primers dies,

what it is like to be a mother and father in the first few days,

perquè el pell en pell no pots.

because skin to skin you can't.

La lactància és diferent.

Breastfeeding is different.

Per exemple, com vas fer la lactància?

For example, how did you do the breastfeeding?

Bueno, quan ell estava ingressat,

Well, when he was hospitalized,

jo m'havia d'anar traient la llet

I had to keep milking the cow.

cada 3-4 hores,

every 3-4 hours,

la portava a la vall de Bruni

she took her to the valley of Bruni

i a ell li donaven amb sonda.

and they gave him with a probe.

Després, l'última setmana,

Later, the last week,

perquè ell li dongui l'alta,

so that he gives him the discharge,

ell ha de ser capaç de poder fer deglució

he must be able to swallow

i alimentar-se sense sonda.

and feed without a probe.

Llavors, l'última setmana,

Then, the last week,

jo sé que vaig quedar cada dia

I know that I stayed every day.

o 10 dies cada dia a l'hospital

or 10 days every day at the hospital

amb ell per fer tot el tema de deglucions.

with him to do all the swallowing issues.

Clar, un cop li van donar l'alta,

Of course, once they discharged him.

ell no tenia prou força per fer

he did not have enough strength to do

totes les preses de pit.

all the breast feeds.

Llavors, havia de fer el que se'n deia

Then, I had to do what was said.

amb el recolector, amb una xeringa,

with the collector, with a syringe,

amb un tub enganxat al dit

with a tube stuck to the finger

i ell havia de succionar amb el dit petit

and he had to suck with his little finger

que estava la sonda enganxada

that the probe was stuck

i amb la xeringa anar apretant

and with the syringe keep squeezing

perquè anés sortint la llet i anar-lo ajudant

to help the milk come out and assist him

perquè ell no podia succionar.

because he could not suck.

A mica a mica va anar guanyant força

Little by little, he/she started gaining strength.

i al cap de 3 setmanes o un mes

and after 3 weeks or a month

ja vam poder fer totes les preses normals.

We were able to take all the normal measures.

Com recordes el dia en què us donen l'alta?

How do you remember the day they discharged you?

Doncs, mira, va ser un dia

Well, look, it was a day.

com de molts nervis,

as if very nervous,

eufòria, molt contenta,

euphoria, very happy,

però el moment en què sortia d'allà

but the moment I was leaving there

jo els deia a les infermeres

I told the nurses.

tinc el síndrome d'Estocolm

I have Stockholm syndrome.

perquè vull anar a casa

because I want to go home

però és que porto tant temps aquí dintre

but I have been here inside for so long

que se'm fa estar difícil

that is becoming difficult for me

llavors quan hagi de fer-ho tot jo sola

then when I have to do it all by myself

on no tinc els aparatos que em diuen

I don't have the devices they tell me about.

què pita, què no pita, què li passa, saps?

what's chirping, what's not chirping, what's happening to him, you know?

Elles ja t'ho van dient, eh?

They are already telling you, right?

Perquè abans que li doni l'alta

Because before I discharge him.

desenxufant el nen ja a totes les màquines

unplugging the child from all the machines

o et diuen, no, serà enxufat

or they tell you, no, it will be a plug

però tu has d'aprendre a mirar el nen, el color dels llavis

but you have to learn to look at the child, the color of the lips

elles ja ho intenten, ajudar-te

they are already trying to help you

però creen una dependència a les màquines

but they create a dependence on machines

que a casa també les voldries

that you would also want them at home

i no, però llavors un cop a casa

And no, but then once at home

doncs molt feliços

so very happy

estàvem amb ell, és veritat que havíem

we were with him, it is true that we had

no dormíem, havíem d'estar tot el dia amb ell

we didn't sleep, we had to be with him all day

era un nen molt demandant

he was a very demanding child

plorava molt, sempre a braços

she cried a lot, always in arms

però estàs a casa, saps?

But you are at home, you know?

Estàvem el pare, el nen i jo

We were the father, the boy, and I.

i els més feliços.

and the happiest.

3 mesos, però és tornar a començar de zero, no?

3 months, but it's starting over from scratch, isn't it?

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

I sense ajuda, ni infermeres, ni metges

I feel help, neither nurses nor doctors.

No, i a més a més

No, and moreover.

van anar a casa amb alta domiciliària

they went home with a high home care plan

que és que vas a casa però no té l'alta mèdica

What is it that you are going home but you don't have the medical discharge?

el nen cada dos dies havíem d'anar

the boy had to go every other day

a fer control de pes

to do weight control

havia d'estar totalment aïllat

he had to be completely isolated

de qualsevol persona

of anyone

van dir, bueno, si ve alguna àvia o alguna iaia

they said, well, if some grandmother or an old lady comes

amb mascareta, alcohol

with mask, alcohol

L'entorn ho entenia, això?

Did the environment understand this?

Alguns més que d'altres

Some more than others.

alguns més que d'altres, sí

some more than others, yes

d'altres, a vegades hi havia gent

of others, sometimes there were people

que s'ho prenia com un atac

that he took it as an attack

que no t'estic dient que siguis brut o que siguis un sac de virus

I'm not saying that you're dirty or that you're a bag of viruses.

però és que el meu nen és delicat

but my boy is delicate

llavors, però jo, mira

then, but I, look

després del que has viscut

after what you have experienced

si la gent ho entén bé i si no, no

if people understand it well and if not, then not

per mi l'important és que el nen estigui bé

For me, the important thing is that the child is well.

llavors, la gent, de mica en mica, que el nen vagi sent més gran

then, people, little by little, let the child feel more grown up

ho anirà entenent

it will go understanding

Tornaries a ser mare?

Would you become a mother again?

Sí, aviam, sí

Yes, let's see, yes.

no pensant que el següent fill serà prematur, evidentment

not thinking that the next child will be premature, obviously

espero que si em torno a quedar embarassada

I hope that if I become pregnant again.

tot vagi bé

hope everything goes well

Moltes gràcies

Thank you very much.

A vosaltres

To you all

I la infermera Erika Sánchez

And nurse Erika Sánchez.

és la coordinadora de la unitat assistencial

She is the coordinator of the care unit.

del mateix hospital

from the same hospital

Al llarg de la seva carrera

Throughout his/her career

han ajudat centenars d'infants a sobreviure

they have helped hundreds of children to survive

Són la cara i l'ànima de l'hospital

They are the face and soul of the hospital.

Roger escapa, passa per la consulta

Roger escapes, goes through the consultation.

Doctora, què és la corregida?

Doctor, what is the correction?

L'edat corregida és quan un nen neix molt prematur

Corrected age is when a child is born very prematurely.

la seva edat cronològica o la seva edat de naixement

his chronological age or his date of birth

estarà molt lluny de la seva època madurativa

he will be far from his maturity stage

Llavors, amb aquest nen se'ls corregit l'edat

Then, with this child, their age was corrected.

Per exemple, si un nen havia de néixer als 9 mesos d'embaràs

For example, if a child was to be born at 9 months of pregnancy.

però neix als 7

but is born at 7

sempre se'ls restarà aquests dos mesos

they will always have these two months deducted from them

Ell no començarà a caminar als 12 mesos

He will not start walking at 12 months.

que seria l'edat habitual

what would be the usual age

sinó un palet més tard

but a pallet later

però no perquè sigui una cosa normal

but not because it is a normal thing

sinó que va néixer molt aviat

but was born very early

Llavors se'ls corregit

Then they were corrected.

A nivell de creixement

In terms of growth

i a nivell de desenvolupament

and at the level of development

Per què hi ha nens prematurs?

Why are there premature babies?

Per què hi ha nens que neixen abans d'hora?

Why are there children who are born prematurely?

Hi ha nens que neixen abans d'hora

There are children who are born prematurely.

per diferents tipus de patologies

for different types of pathologies

Bàsicament, per alguna patologia de la mare

Basically, due to some pathology of the mother.

per alguna patologia de l'úter en si

for some pathology of the uterus itself

o la placenta o el cordó

either the placenta or the cord

o inclús a vegades per patologies del propi nen

or even sometimes due to the child's own pathologies

Molt comúment és per alguna malaltia de l'embaràs de la mare

Very commonly it is due to some illness of the mother's pregnancy.

o per infeccions

or for infections

Aquestes són les causes més freqüents

These are the most common causes.

Llavors, molts d'aquests prematurs

Then, many of these preterm infants

són prematurs moderats o tardants

they are moderate or late preterm

que solen tenir una evolució bastant bona

that usually have a quite good evolution

i és una situació fàcil

and it is an easy situation

de superar

to overcome

Els que realment ens preocupen són els que coneixem

Those who truly worry us are the ones we know.

com a molt prematurs o extremadament prematurs

as very premature or extremely premature

que per sort són menys nens

that fortunately there are fewer children

però aquest sí, la gravetat és més important

but this one yes, gravity is more important

I a partir de quina setmana

And from which week

són més greus?

Are they more serious?

A partir de les 32 a Navall

Starting at 32 in Navall.

els coneixem com a molt prematurs

we know them as very premature

i els que són realment pacients molt vulnerables

and those who are truly very vulnerable patients

o molt delicats són els grans

either the grains are very delicate

immadurs o extremadament prematurs

immature or extremely premature

que són els nens de menys de 28 setmanes

What are the children under 28 weeks?

Nosaltres aquí

We here

que considerem viable

that we consider viable

l'onado a partir de les 23

the wave from 11 PM

de les 23 a les 27 serien els pacients

from the 23rd to the 27th would be the patients

amb més gravetat

with more seriousness

Quants dits sobreviuen?

How many fingers survive?

Depèn molt de les setmanes

It depends a lot on the weeks.

Nosaltres aquí que som un centre que tenim molt prematur

We here are a center that has a very premature baby.

a partir de les 28-30 setmanes

from 28-30 weeks onwards

la supervivència és pràcticament

survival is practically

absoluta, més del 95%

absolute, more than 95%

Els més petits, més petits

The smallest, the smallest.

els extremadament

the extremely

immadurs, 23-24 setmanes

immature, 23-24 weeks

podem parlar

we can talk

entre un 50-un 70%

between 50-70%

depèn del cas

it depends on the case

Tenen seqüeles?

Do they have sequels?

Els més petitets, els extremadament immadurs

The littlest ones, the extremely immature.

sobretot aquestes setmanes que comentava ara

especially these weeks I was just mentioning

23-24 setmanes que estan com en el límit

23-24 weeks that are at the limit.

que considerem que poden sobreviure

that we consider can survive

poden tenir seqüeles, sí

they can have consequences, yes

i poden tenir seqüeles que considerem greus

and they can have sequelae that we consider serious

que bàsicament són seqüeles neurològiques

which are basically neurological sequelae

algun tipus de problema

some kind of problem

neurosensorial, de visió, d'audició

neurosensory, of vision, of hearing

algun problema de motilitat, d'alguna extremitat

any mobility problem, in any limb

o algun problema cognitiu o de comportament

or some cognitive or behavioral problem

De comportament, tipus, no sé

Of behavior, type, I don't know.

TDAH o...

ADHD or...

Sí, exacte, normalment la

Yes, exactly, usually the

comportament el classifiquem en dos tipus

We classify behavior into two types.

el que en diem de l'esfera TEA

what we call the TEA sphere

que és de l'espectre autista

what is of the autistic spectrum

o de l'esfera de la hiperactivitat

or of the sphere of hyperactivity

o la falta d'atenció

or the lack of attention

Quin és el tractament? Què necessita un nen que ha nascut abans d'hora?

What is the treatment? What does a preterm baby need?

Necessita sobretot

Needs above all.

que estiguin els pares, això és el més important

That the parents are there, that is the most important.

després ja nosaltres li donem

then we will give it to him/her

el suport mèdic

the medical support

que necessita, el respirador

What does the ventilator need?

tot el que necessita, però el que és molt important

everything you need, but what is very important

és que la família estigui amb ells

it is that the family is with them

això és el que li volem transmetre a totes les famílies

this is what we want to convey to all families

que la voluntat d'aquestes famílies és que

that the will of these families is that

la solució d'aquests nens és molt important

the solution for these children is very important

gràcies al seu acompanyament

thanks to their support

perquè el nen hauria d'estar amb la seva mare

because the child should be with his mother

i aquí nosaltres estem en un medi hostil

And here we are in a hostile environment.

però volem que la família estigui

but we want the family to be there

amb ells en tot moment

with them at all times

Amb una incubadora? Amb una incubadora

With an incubator? With an incubator.

però si pot estar sobre d'ells, millor

but if you can be above them, better

que la incubadora, encara que estigui

that the incubator, even if it is

intubat, encara que tingui vies

intubated, even though he has airways

encara que necessiti qualsevol

even if I need anyone

suport, que estigui sobre els seus pares

support, that it be on top of its parents

El contacte pell amb pell suposo

The skin-to-skin contact, I suppose.

que és molt important. Exacte, és bàsic el contacte

that is very important. Exactly, contact is basic.

pell amb pell. Des de...

skin with skin. Since...

també quan són tan menuts?

also when they are so small?

Sí, sí, sí, quan ells estan, o sigui

Yes, yes, yes, when they are, I mean

encara que, ja et dic, encara que estigui intubat

even though, I tell you, even if I am intubated

porti vies, sempre que el nen

bring tracks, as long as the child

estigui estable, el posem sobre

keep it stable, we put it on

la família, sobre el pare

the family, about the father

la mare o el familiar

the mother or the relative

més proper.


Què fem nosaltres? Bàsicament, nosaltres

What do we do? Basically, we.

els ajudem amb dos funcions vitals

we help them with two vital functions

que no poden fer, perquè són prematurs, que és respirar

that they cannot do, because they are premature, which is to breathe

i alimentar-se. Respirar, ho fa el

and feed. Breathe, it does it.

respirador, i alimentar-se tenen com

respirator, and feeding have as

diferents fases. Només neixen

different stages. They only are born

no estan preparats per alimentar-se com per

they are not prepared to feed themselves like for

boca, igual que un nen que ha nascut a terme

mouth, just like a child who has been born full term

llavors hi ha un temps que porten un catèter

then there is a time that they have a catheter

i s'alimenten a través de la vena, perquè

and they are nourished through the vein, because

el tub digestiu no està preparat. Quan

the digestive tube is not prepared. When

ja ha passat una miqueta de temps els intentem alimentar

It's been a little while, we are trying to feed them.

llavors ja sí per boca i retirar aquest catèter

then yes for mouth and remove this catheter

que els nutreix, el que passa és que ells

that nourishes them, what happens is that they

no tenen la capacitat de succionar i tregar

they do not have the ability to suck and chew

igual que tenim nosaltres, en què

just like we have, in which

respirem, mengem i no passa res.

we breathe, we eat, and nothing happens.

Llavors ho fan a través d'una sonda.

Then they do it through a probe.

Aquí és molt important que el que reben sigui llet de la seva

Here it is very important that what they receive is milk from their own.

pròpia mare, si és possible, perquè la lactància

own mother, if possible, because of breastfeeding

materna sí que marca molta diferència amb

the maternal does make a big difference with

l'evolució del prematur. I en el cas

the evolution of the premature. And in the case

que no sigui de la seva pròpia mare,

that is not from her own mother,

perquè la mare està malalta o pren

because the mother is sick or takes

medicació incompatible o el que sigui, llavors els

incompatible medication or whatever, then the

donem llet d'altres mares que són donants

we give milk from other mothers who are donors

i sempre reben llet humana.

and they always receive human milk.

Un moment molt complicat

A very complicated moment

és quan donen l'alta

it's when they discharge you

a la mare, al cap de 24-48

to the mother, after 24-48

hores, perquè tot ha anat

hours, because everything has gone

perquè el pare ha anat bé, però clar

because the father has gone well, but of course

el nen es queda aquí i els pares

the boy stays here and the parents

han d'anar a dormir a casa, no? Això és molt dur.

They have to go to sleep at home, right? This is very hard.

Nosaltres tenim la unitat, com totes les unitats

We have unity, like all units.

estan les unitats obertes 24 hores

the units are open 24 hours

que els pares poden quedar-se aquí a dormir, però és veritat

that the parents can stay here to sleep, but it is true

que són ingressos tan llargs

what are such long incomes

que bueno, i a més

how nice, and also

mares que acaben de patir

mothers who have just given birth

una malaltia o acaben de

a disease or they have just ended

parir, llavors no estan bé

to give birth, then they are not well

per estar aquí les 24 hores, llavors marxen

to be here 24 hours, then they leave

a casa, però tenim la possibilitat

at home, but we have the possibility

d'unes càmeres que poden

of some cameras that can

veure els seus fills les 24 hores.

see their children 24 hours a day.

Llavors, intentem

Then, let's try.

reduir aquest estrès, aquesta

reduce this stress, this

separació amb això, amb les

separation with this, with the

càmeres, que els dona molta tranquil·litat

cameras, which give them a lot of peace of mind

poder estar mirant el seu fill les

to be able to be watching your son the

24 hores a través d'una càmera.

24 hours through a camera.

Es deu haver avançat molt, no? També amb la

It must have advanced a lot, right? Also with the

medicina els últims anys, això

medicine in recent years, this

del pell en pell, no sé si és més recent

from skin to skin, I don't know if it's more recent

dels últims anys, perquè abans el nen es posava una

of recent years, because before the boy would put one on

incubadora i estaven aïllats.

incubator and they were isolated.

Ha canviat molt el que

It has changed a lot what

diem l'entorn. O sigui, abans

let's say the environment. That is, before

el nen es col·locava en incubadora i no es tenia

the baby was placed in an incubator and wasn't stable

tant en compte en quina posició havia d'estar,

taking into account what position I should be in,

si havia d'estar en contacte amb algun

if I had to be in contact with someone

altre ésser humà, amb la seva família, amb la seva

another human being, with their family, with their

mare, i ara això ha canviat molt últimament.

Mom, and now this has changed a lot lately.

Ara, quan entren a la incubadora

Now, when they enter the incubator.

ja els posem en una cosa que coneixem al niu,

we put them in something we know at the nest,

que és com un ambient per contenir-lo, perquè

it is like an atmosphere to contain it, because

se senti com si tornés a estar dins

it feels as if he were back inside

de la matriu de la mare, i després tenen

from the mother's womb, and then they have

moltíssim contacte amb els pares, i el que abans

a lot of contact with the parents, and what was before

era fer una mica de por, traure'l de la incubadora.

It was a bit scary to take him out of the incubator.

Un nen que pesa 500 grams.

A boy who weighs 500 grams.

Ara, a partir del tercer, quart dia,

Now, starting from the third, fourth day,

si estan bé, la idea és que passin el màxim

If they are well, the idea is that they spend the maximum.

temps possible a pell amb ell, perquè

possible time on skin with him, because

ha demostrat que millora el neurodesenvolupament del

has shown to improve the neurodevelopment of the

prematur. Exacte.

premature. Exactly.

On som ara mateix? Perquè veiem una sala

Where are we right now? Because we see a room.

amb alguns pares... Sí, mira,

with some parents... Yes, look,

això és el passadís, que nosaltres

this is the corridor, that we

us donem aquí la benvinguda, la

we welcome you here, the

nostra unitat, i tenim posades

our unity, and we are positioned

unes fotos de nens des de fa 20 anys,

some photos of children from 20 years ago,

no?, que van néixer aquí

no?, that they were born here

a la unitat, i que ara mateix, doncs

to the unit, and right now, then

mira, són nens sants, que...

look, they are healthy kids, that...

Mira, l'Ernest, 26 setmanes i 790 grams.

Look, Ernest, 26 weeks and 790 grams.

Sí, que li encanta el futbol.

Yes, he loves football.

Bueno, és un jugador de futbol.

Well, he is a football player.

Sí, sí. O l'Aylen, que té 26 setmanes

Yes, yes. Or Aylen, who is 26 weeks old.

i va a pesar 900 grams. Sí, ara és una

and it will weigh 900 grams. Yes, now it is a

gran amazona, no?, que li encanta

great amazon, right? that she loves it

la... bueno,

the... well,

està amb cavalls. Després

is with horses. After

tenim aquí el Guillermo, que són de

we have here Guillermo, who is from

27 setmanes i 910 grams,

27 weeks and 910 grams,

que també, que és un tio que li encanta

that also, that he is a guy who loves it

la lectura, li encanta

reading, he/she loves it

el Quijote,

the Quijote,

i ens va fer aquesta foto.

And he took this photo of us.

I, bueno, tenim molt... Mira, aquí també

I, well, we have a lot... Look, here too.

tenim, vull recordar,

we have, I want to remember,

un dels nens més petits que vam tenir,

one of the smallest children we had,

de 23 setmanes, el

of 23 weeks, the

Iago, que mira, aquí

Iago, look, here.

està menjant-se ell sol el plat d'espaguetis.

He is eating the plate of spaghetti all by himself.

Quin missatge

What message

donaríeu a uns pares

would you give to some parents

que es troben amb aquesta situació per primera

that find themselves in this situation for the first time

vegada, que avui ingressen aquí?

Occasion, that today they are admitted here?

Què els dieu quan arriben?

What do you say to them when they arrive?

Que comencen una etapa dura,

That they are starting a difficult phase,

que, com hem dit

that, as we have said

abans, que és una muntanya russa, que començarem

First, it's a roller coaster that we will start.

a treballar... bueno, a tenir coses

to work... well, to have things

bones, però... o tenir dos dies

Good, but... or have two days.

caminar cap endavant i tres dies

walk forward and three days

cap enrere, i això és una etapa

head back, and this is a stage

molt dura, que serà llarga,

very hard, that it will be long,

però que estem aquí per acompanyar-los.

but we are here to accompany them.

I, a més, les baixes laborals

And, furthermore, the work absences.

quan tens un fill prematur,

when you have a premature child,

que la ciutat ha de passar tres mesos a l'hospital,

that the city has to spend three months in the hospital,

ens falten reconèixer encara

we still need to acknowledge

drets pels pares que es troben

rights for parents who are present

en aquesta situació? Sí, ara mateix

in this situation? Yes, right now

la veritat és que la cosa ha millorat,

the truth is that things have improved,

però sí que

but indeed

necessitem més ajudes,

we need more help,

que els polítics

that the politicians

ens ajudin perquè aquestes famílies

help us so that these families

ho passen molt malament i passen molt temps aquí.

they have a very hard time and spend a lot of time here.

Ara es corregeix, no? Si tens

Now it is being corrected, right? If you have

un nen molt prematur i has d'estar un temps aquí

a very premature baby and you have to stay here for a while

ingressat, la baixa s'allarga

admitted, the leave is extended

el temps que està aquí. Però a vegades

the time that is here. But sometimes

aquests nens quan marxen a casa tampoc

these children when they go home neither

es poden normalitzar la seva vida com un

They can normalize their life like a

nen que ha nascut a terme i amb la llarga infància.

child who was born full-term and with a long childhood.

El que necessiten

What they need

jo crec també és més suport més endavant

I think it's also more support later on.

per acompanyar el nen fins que

to accompany the child until

està més ben recuperat, que moltes vegades

he is better recovered than many times

dient que és cap al voltant dels dos anys

saying that it is around two years old

o així, que el nen ja ha recuperat del tot.

or so, that the child has fully recovered.

Doctora Cristina Borràs, moltes gràcies

Doctor Cristina Borràs, thank you very much.

i la infermera Erika Sánchez també, moltes gràcies.

And nurse Erika Sánchez too, thank you very much.

A vosaltres.

To you.

A vosaltres també.

To you as well.

Henri instance, Sobre els nadons prematurs

Henri instance, About premature babies

Roger escapa

Roger escapes.

Alex què tal

Alex, how are you?

Bon dia, bon dia com estàs

Good morning, good morning how are you?

Molt bé.

Very well.

L'Alex Bosch és periodista a Catalunya

Alex Bosch is a journalist in Catalonia.

Ràdio des de l'any 2000, juntament

Radio since the year 2000, together

amb la Maria té dos fills. El petit,

with Maria has two sons. The youngest,

Roger va néixer el 2012 de manera prematura, a les 26 setmanes d'embaràs,

Roger was born in 2012 prematurely, at 26 weeks of gestation,

i quan només pesava 640 grams.

and when I weighed only 640 grams.

Va recollir la seva experiència al llibre Prematur, 82 dies entre la foscor i l'esperança.

He collected his experience in the book Premature, 82 Days Between Darkness and Hope.

I el Roger, com està?

And Roger, how is he?

Doncs molt bé. Ara té 10 anys i fa vida normal i és un nen més.

Well, very good. Now he is 10 years old and lives a normal life and is just one more boy.

El gran èxit del Roger és que a la seva classe és un més.

Roger's great success is that in his class he is just one of many.

Què va passar fa 10 anys?

What happened 10 years ago?

No sé, no ho sé.

I don't know, I don't know.

Doncs fa 10 anys el món es va enfonsar al voltant seu, crec.

Well, ten years ago the world fell apart around him, I think.

És el que em surt dir, no?

It's what comes to mind to say, right?

Perquè nosaltres ja teníem una filla de 5 anys en aquell moment,

Because we already had a 5-year-old daughter at that time,

que havia nascut no a termini, a la setmana 41 pràcticament.

that had been born on time, at week 41 practically.

I no estàvem preparats perquè a la setmana 24 de tot anés malament

And we were not prepared for everything to go wrong in week 24.

i que el nen nasqués a la setmana 26, no?

And the baby was born in week 26, right?

És com un xoc emocional molt bèstia.

It's like a very intense emotional shock.

És d'aquells moments que tens la sensació,

It's one of those moments when you have the feeling,

que la vida et posa contra les cordes directament

that life puts you directly against the ropes

i que tu no pots fer res més que aguantar els cops.

And that you can do nothing but endure the blows.

No pots fer res, no?

You can't do anything, can you?

És la història aquesta de sobtar.

It is this story of surprise.

Jo crec que la frase que em surt dir és que la vida es va posar en pausa.

I believe that the phrase that comes to mind is that life was put on pause.

Com recordes aquells 82 dies a la maternitat pendent de...

How do you remember those 82 days in the maternity ward waiting for...

Suposo que el primer és pendent de si el Roger se'n surt o no se'n surt.

I suppose that the first thing depends on whether Roger succeeds or not.

Sí. La idea és la pregunta aquesta, no?

Yes. The idea is this question, isn’t it?

La primera pregunta que li vaig fer jo...

The first question I asked him...

Al metge, quan vaig acompanyar la incuadora

To the doctor, when I accompanied the incubator.

amb la qual traslladen els nens des del quiròfan fins a l'UCI de la maternitat

with which they transfer the children from the operating room to the maternity ICU

i el van deixar dintre, li vaig preguntar al metge

And they left him inside, I asked the doctor.

l'únic que vull saber és si se'n sortirà, no?

The only thing I want to know is if he will make it, won't he?

És l'única pregunta que tens en aquell moment

It's the only question you have at that moment.

i és l'única pregunta que no et poden respondre,

and it's the only question they can't answer you,

i menys un metge, no?, quan sap tots els preis que hi ha.

And less a doctor, right?, when he knows all the prices that exist.

Si em preguntes com recordo jo aquells dies,

If you ask me how I remember those days,

jo tinc síndrome de pèl.

I have hair syndrome.

Jo tinc síndrome de pèl.

I have hair syndrome.

Jo tinc síndrome d'Estocolm.

I have Stockholm syndrome.

És a dir, van ser els pitjors dies de la meva vida,

That is to say, they were the worst days of my life,

però ara els recordo amb felicitat.

but now I remember them with happiness.

És a dir, jo passo per davant de la maternitat

That is to say, I pass in front of the maternity ward.

i veig àngels, no?

And I see angels, don't I?

Veig una casa que a mi em porta bons records, malgrat tot.

I see a house that brings me good memories, despite everything.

Per això dic que tinc síndrome d'Estocolm,

That's why I say I have Stockholm syndrome.

perquè com el resultat és positiu,

because since the result is positive,

el record dolent del que vam passar s'ha difuminat molt.

The bad memory of what we went through has faded a lot.

Què vas pensar la primera vegada que vas veure el Roger,

What did you think the first time you saw Roger?

just després de néixer?

just after being born?

Jo vaig sentir molta por.

I felt very scared.

Molta por perquè jo no hi veia un bebè.

A lot of fear because I couldn't see a baby there.

No és el tipus de bebè que veus quan neix, no?

It's not the kind of baby you see when it is born, is it?

Era la pell molt transparent, molt poca cosa, molt dèbil.

It was very transparent skin, very little, very weak.

Recordo un color molt blau, molt intens.

I remember a very blue, very intense color.

Em va impressionar molt la cara,

I was very impressed by the face,

el poc que vaig veure, perquè tampoc no...

the little I saw, because I also don't...

Clar, porten tants...

Of course, they have so many...

De seguida li donen oxigen.

They immediately give him oxygen.

Sí, aleshores no vaig acabar d'assimilar-ho

Yes, then I didn't quite manage to assimilate it.

i m'espantava molt mirar-lo, no?

I was very scared to look at him, wasn't I?

Jo vaig tenir al principi una relació complicada

I initially had a complicated relationship.

amb el meu propi fill perquè, ostres,

with my own son because, wow,

em costava posar-li el nom, dir-li el nom, no?

I found it difficult to give it a name, to say its name, right?

Perquè quan li poses nom a una cosa la fas teva.

Because when you name something, you make it yours.

I jo sabia que el Roger podia no sortir-se'n.

And I knew that Roger might not make it.

Aleshores pensava que si no li posava nom,

Then I thought that if I didn't give it a name,

si no li deia pel nom, me'l faria menys meu

if I didn't call him by name, it would feel less like my own

i, per tant, si el perdíem, em faria menys dolor.

And therefore, if we lost him, it would hurt me less.

Em va costar molt.

It was very difficult for me.

Em va costar molt tocar-lo,

It was very hard for me to touch it,

em va costar molt posar-me'l sobre el pit pell en pell,

It was very difficult for me to put it against my skin, skin to skin.

em va costar molt dir-li pel nom.

It was very difficult for me to call him by his name.

Jo crec que són mecanismes d'autoprotecció, no?

I think they are mechanisms of self-protection, right?

O sigui, jo feia tot el que havia de fer un pare,

I mean, I was doing everything a father was supposed to do,

estava present constantment,

was constantly present,

però evitava el contacte, no?

but you avoided contact, right?

Per sort, la seva mare en això va reaccionar molt més bé que jo.

Fortunately, her mother reacted much better to this than I did.

Jo estava present constantment, estava allà,

I was constantly present, I was there,

però preferia fer les feines tècniques, no?

but I preferred to do the technical work, right?

És a dir, no fas el dinar, sinó que neteges els plats, no?

That is to say, you don't make lunch, but you clean the dishes, right?

No poses la taula, sinó que neteges el terra, no?

You don't set the table, but you clean the floor, right?

Doncs jo feia les coses que m'evitaven el contacte directe.

So I was doing things that kept me from direct contact.

Li has explicat això al Roger?

Have you explained this to Roger?



Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

N'hem parlat molt, perquè...

We've talked about it a lot, because...

Però clar, és com tot, no?

But of course, it's like everything, isn’t it?

Ara aquell...

Now that one...

Clar, amb 10 anys ja comences a ser una mica conscient i tal.

Sure, at 10 years old you start to be a bit aware and all.

Em fem broma.

We are joking.

Em fem broma, perquè parlem...

We joke with each other, because we talk...

S'acosta el seu aniversari, no?

His/her birthday is approaching, isn't it?

El 8 de març, que és el dia de la dona.

March 8th, which is International Women's Day.

I jo sempre li dic...

And I always tell him...

Ell està supercontent, perquè fa anys i és el seu aniversari, no?

He is very happy because it's been years and it's his birthday, right?

I jo convenç-ho, ostres, sapiguessis com va ser aquell dia,

And I convince you, wow, if only you knew how that day was,

i moltes vegades li dic...

and many times I tell him/her...

Jo ho parlem, no?

We'll talk about it, right?

La Laia, la seva germana, no?

Laia, her sister, right?

Va néixer tal dia, ho va néixer bé, no sé què,

He was born on such a day, he was born well, I don't know what,

i dic tu, Roger, i jo que no en parlem, no?

I'm telling you, Roger, and we don't talk about it, right?

I fem broma, no?

We are joking, right?

Perquè també crec que se li ha de treure dramatisme,

Because I also think that it should be stripped of drama,

perquè vegi que tampoc...

to show you that neither...

En el fons, com el resultat va ser positiu en el nostre cas,

In the end, since the outcome was positive in our case,

que no sempre és així,

that it is not always like this,

t'ajuda molt a treure-li dramatisme

it helps a lot to take the drama out of it

i fins i tot a buscar-hi una mica d'humor, també,

and even to look for a bit of humor in it as well,

perquè ja està tot arreglat, no?

because everything is already fixed, right?

És al·lucinant com avança la ciència,

It's amazing how science progresses,

i jo crec que el llibre també és un homenatge

And I believe that the book is also a tribute.

a tot el personal sanitari

to all healthcare staff

que fa possible que aquests nens

that makes it possible for these children

que neixen amb 24, 25, 26, 27 setmanes

that are born at 24, 25, 26, 27 weeks

arribin a la vida adulta

they reach adulthood

com una persona normal, sense seqüeles, no?

like a normal person, without aftereffects, right?

Perquè el Roger pràcticament no té seqüeles.

Because Roger practically has no sequelae.

No, no en té cap,

No, he doesn't have any.

té una seqüela física al nas

he has a physical sequel on his nose

per un tema d'un tub

for a tube issue

que li van posar malament un dia,

that they wronged him one day,

però res, és una qüestió purament estètica.

but nothing, it is a purely aesthetic matter.

Per la resta, és un nen absolutament normal, no?

For the rest, he is an absolutely normal child, right?

És aquesta paraula que ens costa moltes vegades dir.

It is this word that we often find difficult to say.

És un nen com és?

What kind of boy is he?

Doncs no, és un nen normal, és un més, no?

Well no, he's a normal kid, just one of the bunch, right?

Perquè quan vens de tan avall,

Because when you come from so low,

el teu objectiu és que sigui un més, no?

your goal is for it to be one more, right?

Que vegi's la classe...

Let the class see...

Jo si m'haguessin dit en aquell moment

I if they had told me at that moment

una foto del futur

a photo of the future

i veig el meu fill ara sortint sol

I see my son now going out alone.

per primera vegada a cinquè de bàsica

for the first time in fifth grade

i anant amb els seus companys a l'escola,

and going with his classmates to school,

ostres, per mi això ja és un èxit, no?

Wow, for me this is already a success, right?

Jo sempre penso que

I always think that

tot el que aconsegueixi el meu fill

everything that my son achieves

ja és una més a més, no?

It's just one more on top of that, isn't it?

Però des del minut zero.

But from minute zero.

La vostra història, malgrat ser un prematur molt extrem,

Your story, despite being a very extreme preemie,

acaba bé, no totes les històries acaben bé,

it ends well, not all stories end well,

el llibre també en fa referència,

the book also refers to it,

o poses un pseudònim

or you use a pseudonym

a la història del Naïm, no?

In the story of Naïm, right?

Perquè, clar, n'hi ha que es queden pel camí.

Because, of course, some get left behind along the way.

Sí, jo, per exemple,

Yes, I, for example,

amb això que deies del pseudònim, no?

with what you were saying about the pseudonym, right?

Jo vaig procurar,

I tried,

com el llibre parla només

as the book only speaks

del que jo vaig sentir,

from what I heard,

vaig voler respectar la intimitat dels altres, no?

I wanted to respect the intimacy of others, right?

Aleshores, no he posat el nom de ningú

Then, I haven't put anyone's name.

excepte la del meu fill.

except for my son's.

Tots els altres noms són...

All the other names are...

no corresponen a la realitat, no?

they don't correspond to reality, do they?

Però el cas del Naïm és cert

But the case of Naïm is true.

i després és una parella que jo he anat retrobant

And then it is a couple that I have been reconnecting with.

i sé que les coses els han anat bé

and I know that things have gone well for them

i que han tingut dos fills després

and they have had two children afterwards

i tot això, no?

And all this, right?

Però, ostres,

But, wow,

per nosaltres va ser un cop

for us it was a blow

la mort del Naïm molt bèstia

the death of Naïm very brutal

perquè era una història

because it was a story

que anava en paral·lel exactament amb nosaltres.

that was running exactly parallel to us.

O sigui, les mateixes setmanes,

That is, the same weeks,

pràcticament al mateix pes,

practically the same weight,

fins i tot en el cas del Naïm

even in the case of Naïm

no va arribar a estar a la UCI-UCI,

he did not reach the ICU-ICU,

va estar directament a la semi-UCI,

he was directly in the semi-ICU,



al cap de 15 dies va morir, no?

He died 15 days later, didn't he?

I quan veus això

And when you see this

amb un parell de persones,

with a couple of people,

amb un nen al costat que és el teu

with a child next to you who is yours

que en principi està pitjor

that is in worse condition in principle

i veus que ha passat això

And you see that this has happened.

tan a prop,

so close,

ostres, aquell dia...

Wow, that day...

Jo recordo que aquell dia va ser

I remember that that day was

un impacte molt bèstia

a very significant impact

no només per nosaltres, eh?

not just for us, huh?

Per tota la gent que està treballant

For all the people who are working

a la maternitat

to motherhood

hi havia molt de silenci

there was a lot of silence

aquell dia.

that day.

Aquell dia hi havia molt de silenci

That day there was a lot of silence.

i moltes infermeres que t'amagaven la mirada, no?

And many nurses who would avoid your gaze, right?

Perquè és un dia molt...

Because it is a very...

molt dur, perquè per ells també

very hard, because for them too

és un petit fracàs professional, no?

It's a small professional failure, isn’t it?

Hi ha l'enterocolitis, que és això,

There is enterocolitis, what is this?

el que passa moltes vegades,

what often happens,

que és que aquests nens

what is it that these children

no tenen el sistema digestiu ben preparat

they do not have their digestive system well prepared

i pot deixar de funcionar

and it may stop working

en qualsevol moment.

at any time.

I quan deixa de funcionar

And when does it stop working?

tens molt poc temps,

you have very little time,

molt poc marge per actuar.

very little room to act.

La idea de la mort,

The idea of death,

perquè s'ha de parlar així, no?

Why do we have to talk like this, right?

O sigui, a tu el que et fa por

So, what you're afraid of is...

és que el nen es mori.

it's that the child is dying.

Vas dient, no?, que estigui endavant, no?

You keep saying, right?, that I should go ahead, right?

A tu el que et fa por és això,

What scares you is this,

és la mort, no?

It's death, isn't it?

I no li posem paraules

And we don't put words to it.

i no parlem de la mort,

and we do not speak of death,

però passa, no?

But it happens, right?

I afrontar això és molt bèstia.

And facing this is very tough.

I quan...

And when...

i quan va passar això

And when did this happen?

ens va quedar una cosa que és

we were left with one thing that is

el dolor molt profund

the very deep pain

perquè havíem compartit

because we had shared

moments molt complicats

very complicated moments

amb aquesta parella

with this couple

i després una sensació de culpa

and then a feeling of guilt

perquè jo sí, ells no.

because I do, they don't.




I like it,

és tant

it is so much

que quan ens creuem pel carrer

that when we cross each other in the street

i faig tal

I do such.

vaig veure que

I saw that

ningú m'espera

nobody is waiting for me

que exigim

that we demand

la primavera

the spring

d'aquest any.

of this year.

Recordes la primera vegada que

Do you remember the first time that

te'l vas posar a sobre, que vas fer el pell amb ell,

you put it on top, that you made the skin with it,

amb el teu fill?

with your son?

Sí, perquè

Yes, because

jo tenia molts problemes

I had a lot of problems.

per això, ja t'ho he explicat,

that's why I have already explained it to you,

i el primer dia

and the first day

va ser gràcies a una infermera

it was thanks to a nurse

que suposo que devia detectar

that I suppose must have detected

que jo tenia problemes amb això

that I had problems with that

i no em va deixar pensar.

and he/she didn't let me think.

Em va posar el roger a sobre

He put the roger on top of me.

d'una manera molt ràpida,

in a very quick way,

no em va deixar pensar, no em va deixar

he didn't let me think, he didn't let me

dir no.

say no.

I ho vaig agrair molt, la veritat és que

I appreciated it a lot, the truth is that

ho vaig agrair molt perquè

I appreciated it a lot because

jo crec que és el gran secret,

I believe it is the great secret,

és a dir, el pell amb pell va molt bé

That is to say, skin to skin works very well.

segurament pel nen,

probably for the boy,

però pels pares és...

but for the parents it is...

No, és...

No, it is...

Per mi va ser posar-li nom,

For me, it was giving it a name,

posar-li pell, posar-li tot.

putting on skin, putting on everything.

Àlex, moltes gràcies

Alex, thank you very much.

per compartir la teva història amb nosaltres.

for sharing your story with us.

A vosaltres.

To you.

El dolor ho neix.

Pain is born.

Ho sap prou bé la Sandra Pérez,

Sandra Pérez knows it very well,

que ha passat per dos parts prematurs.

that has gone through two premature births.

És mare de tres fills.

She is the mother of three children.

El mitjà va néixer a les 32 setmanes de gestació

The baby was born at 32 weeks of gestation.

i el petit, en Gerard,

and the little one, Gerard,

a la setmana 27.

in week 27.

És el que es considera un prematur extrem.

It is what is considered an extreme premature.

En el moment del seu naixement

At the moment of his/her birth

passava tan sols 630 grams.

it weighed only 630 grams.

Totes les flors,

All the flowers,

totes les flors,

all the flowers,

La pròpia experiència

The experience itself

i les llargues temporades

and the long seasons

a la unitat de cures intensives

to the intensive care unit

li van fer veure la soledat

they made him see the loneliness

i la sensació de desemparament

and the feeling of neglect

que pateixen molts pares i mares

that many parents suffer

que passen per aquesta situació.

that go through this situation.

Amb l'objectiu d'acompanyar-los

With the aim of accompanying them.

i de donar-los escalf,

and to give them warmth,

va crear l'associació

he created the association

Petits Grans Herois.

Little Big Heroes.

Tens tres fills?

Do you have three children?



Quina edat tenen?

How old are they?

17, 10 i 8.

17, 10 and 8.

Com estan?

How are you?



Molt bé.

Very good.

El primer el vas tenir la setmana 37?

Did you have the first one in week 37?



Que és el límit?

What is the limit?

És el límit.

It is the limit.

A partir de la 36

Starting from 36

ja es considera que són prematurs,

they are already considered premature,

però tots tres van ser preclàmsia

but all three were preclamsia

i els dos prematurs

and the two premature babies

van ser preclàmsia

they were precursors

amb síndrome de Held.

with Held syndrome.

Què vol dir preclàmsia?

What does preeclampsia mean?

Doncs són dificultats

Well, they are difficulties.

que tenen tant la mare com el bebè.

that both the mother and the baby have.

Primerament és que et puja molt l'atenció,

Firstly, it really catches your attention,

amb la qual cosa

with which

pot donar-te un petit derrame

it can give you a small hemorrhage

de retenció de líquids,

of fluid retention,

que hi ha complicacions

that there are complications

que són molt importants

that are very important

tant per la mare com pel bebè

both for the mother and for the baby

perquè estem en perill.

because we are in danger.

Quan tenim una preclàmsia

When we have preeclampsia.

amb síndrome de Held

with Held syndrome

la veritat és que hem de córrer.

The truth is that we have to run.

El primer va ser el Pau

The first was Pau.

que va néixer la setmana 37,

who was born in week 37,

després va venir el Roger

then Roger came

que va néixer amb 32 setmanes,

who was born at 32 weeks,

que aquí ja...

that here already...

Ja comencem.

We are already starting.

Com vas viure aquell moment?

How did you experience that moment?

Doncs la veritat és que

Well, the truth is that

com tota parella

like any couple

que li diuen que el seu fill ha de néixer ja,

they tell him that his son has to be born already,

que encara no són les setmanes que toquen,

that it is not yet the weeks that are due,

i llavors et ve una muntanya

and then a mountain comes to you

de preguntes,

of questions,

de dubtes,

of doubts,

de i ara què, no?

So, now what?

Perquè quan et quedes embarassat

Because when you get pregnant

són 40 setmanes,

they are 40 weeks,

on penses que pots tenir un embaràs de llibre,

do you think you can have a textbook pregnancy,

que tot anirà perfecte,

that everything will go perfectly,

però després quan et diuen

but then when they tell you

hem de fer sa sèrie d'urgència,

we have to do the emergency series,

diu perquè s'ha de posar fi a l'embaràs.

says why the pregnancy must be terminated.

Llavors és...

Then it is...

un xoc d'emocions

a clash of emotions

i de moltes pors

and of many fears

perquè no saps què passarà l'endemà

because you don't know what will happen tomorrow

de tenir el bebè.

of having the baby.

El Roger va ser el segon

Roger was the second.

i després va venir el Gerard

And then Gerard came.

que va ser el tercer

what was the third

i el Gerard ja va néixer la setmana 27.

And Gerard was already born in week 27.

Ja va ser...

It was already...

Amb aquest ja estaven una miqueta preparats, no?

With this, they were already a little prepared, weren't they?

Sabies que podia tornar a passar.

Did you know it could happen again?

Sí, era un embaràs de risc.

Yes, it was a high-risk pregnancy.

Però tu no vas renunciar a tornar a ser mare

But you did not give up on becoming a mother again.

quan et vas quedar embarassada

When did you get pregnant?



Vas decidir assumir els riscos.

You decided to take on the risks.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

A dia d'avui no sé si ho faria, eh?

As of today, I don't know if I would do it, you know?

Però en aquell moment sí.

But at that moment, yes.

La inconsciència jo anava amb de la mà,

Innocence I was walking hand in hand,

que això també m'ajuda molt.

that this also helps me a lot.

El no pensar en el dia de demà,

Not thinking about tomorrow,

sinó en aquí i ara.

but in here and now.

Que això també a les famílies els hi dic.

I also tell this to the families.

No ens avancem si no estem aquí.

We are not getting ahead if we are not here.

Ara pensem en el que estem vivint.

Now let's think about what we are living.

I llavors, doncs, bueno,

And then, well,

va ser un embaràs de risc

it was a high-risk pregnancy

durant tot l'embaràs,

during the whole pregnancy,

molts controls,

many controls,

moltes analítiques,

many analytics,

moltes proves...

many tests...

Fins que la setmana 26

Until week 26

diu que la preeclàmcia

says that preeclampsia

amb síndrome de Alzheimer

with Alzheimer's syndrome

torna a aparèixer.

appears again.

Jo sabia el que passava,

I knew what was happening,

però jo calladeta,

but I’m quiet,

perquè deia

because he/she said

si no ho dic, no passa.

if I don't say it, it won't happen.

I llavors ja quan vam arribar a l'hospital

And then when we arrived at the hospital.

jo ja sabia

I already knew.

el que ens estàvem afrontant.

what we were facing.

I res, vam aconseguir

And nothing, we managed.

passar cinc dies,

spend five days,

perquè la ginecòloga sempre em deia

because the gynecologist always told me

si estiguessis de 30,

if you were 30,

avui mateix va fora.

Today it goes outside.

Diu, però Sandra, estàs de 26.

She says, but Sandra, you are 26.

Hem d'aguantar com sigui.

We have to hold on no matter what.

Llavors, doncs, bueno,

So, then, well,

vam anar parant aquests...

we kept stopping these...



mals que em feia

the bad things it caused me

el síndrome de HELP

the HELP syndrome

i fins que la setmana 27,

and until week 27,

puntual, un dilluns,

punctual, a Monday,

ja van dir que no,

they already said no,

perquè jo ja estava molt mal de cap,

because I already had a very bad headache,

no tenia forces per obrir els ulls.

I didn't have the strength to open my eyes.

Era un risc per tu, no?

It was a risk for you, wasn't it?

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

A banda de Palmena, evidentment.

Besides Palmena, obviously.

Jo ja estava que és que no tenia forces.

I was already wondering why I had no strength.

Que imagina com estàs allà,

What do you imagine you are like there,

que jo ja estava que...

that I was already that...

bueno, estava com adormida

Well, I was a bit sleepy.

i li deia al Bernat

and I was telling Bernat

no vull ser egoista,

I don't want to be selfish.

però és que ja no puc més.

but I can't take it anymore.

O sigui, ja arribava a un punt que deies...

So, I was reaching a point where you would say...

feu-me el que sigui,

do whatever you want with me,

perquè és que ja...

because it is that already...

Puc preguntar-te quant va pesar el Gerard?

May I ask how much Gerard weighed?



630 grams.

630 grams.

Va ser molt menut,

It was very small,

van ser 33 centímetres de bebè.

They were 33 centimeters of baby.

I, bueno, era petit, era recollidet.

I, well, was small, was cozy.

Era un bebè,

He was a baby,

perquè a vegades la gent

because sometimes people

es pensa que era com un mago raro,

he is thought to be like a strange magician,

però no, no, era un bebè,

but no, no, it was a baby,

però més petitet.

but smaller.

Com està ara?

How are you now?



Un toreté.

A toret.

Ha fet un canvi brutal,

He has made a brutal change,

perquè al principi sí que era molt petitó,

because at first it was indeed very small,

molt manudet.

very handy.

Clar, la base que teníem és petitona,

Of course, the base we had is small,

són 600 grams.

they are 600 grams.

Però ara no, ara està a la mida,

But not now, now it fits.

al pes...

to the weight...

Han passat 8 anys.

Eight years have passed.

Quantes setmanes o mesos vau passar a l'hospital

How many weeks or months did you spend in the hospital?

després que n'esqués el Gerard?

after Gerard broke it?

Perquè, clar, amb 630 grams,

Because, of course, with 630 grams,

suposo que el primer que et diuen és

I suppose the first thing they tell you is

veurem si se'n surt.

we'll see if he/she manages.



No t'ho diuen així,

They don't tell you like that,

perquè com vas veient el dia a dia,

because as you see day by day,



Sempre que estàs allà,

Whenever you are there,

coneixes les infermeres,

do you know the nurses,

coneixes les tutores,

do you know the tutors,

passes moltes hores allà,

you spend many hours there,

llavors les cares...

then the faces...

Jo sóc molt observadora, no?

I am very observant, aren’t I?

I ja quan entrava,

And just as I was entering,

treia el cap,

was sticking its head out,

ho feia així,

I did it this way,

i quan em deien

and when they told me

Hola, mami!

Hello, mommy!

I deies,

And you said,

bé, hem passat bé la nit.

Well, we had a good night.

I quan et deien

And when they told you

Bon dia, mami,

Good morning, mommy,

ara ve la pediatra i t'informa.

The pediatrician is coming now and will inform you.

I deies, maló,

And you said, bad one,

ja s'ha portat malament.

He has already misbehaved.



el dia de sortida no te'l deien.

They didn't tell you the departure date.

Jo, a vegades,

I, sometimes,

insinuava una mica,

it hinted a little,

quan ja portàvem 3 mesos,

when we had already been together for 3 months,

2 mesos, 3 mesos,

2 months, 3 months,

fins que al final vaig dir,

until I finally said,

és igual, no ho preguntis, Sandra,

it's okay, don't ask it, Sandra,

si sortiràs,

if you will go out,

quan estigui bé.

when it is good.

Perquè ell va estar 5 mesos amb l'oxigen.

Because he was on oxygen for 5 months.

No hi havia manera de treure-li.

There was no way to get it out of him.

Vam marxar a casa amb una bombona d'oxigen,

We left for home with an oxygen tank.

per si de cas.

just in case.

Al cap de 5 mesos?

After 5 months?



5 mesos, 132 dies fent passar allà a l'UCI.

5 months, 132 days spent there in the ICU.

I aleshores, quant passava?

And then, how much time passed?

3.300 kg.

3,300 kg.

O sigui, era un...

So, it was a...

Com un bebè a terme.

Like a full-term baby.



Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Ell és conscient, el Gerard,

He is aware, Gerard,

que va passar 5 mesos a l'hospital?

What happened 5 months in the hospital?



Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

A més, aquest estiu,

In addition, this summer,

vam fer unes jornades

we held some days

per una empresa de lleure,

for a leisure company,

que ens va agafar com a causa solidària

that took us as a cause for solidarity

de Patisans Herois,

of Heroic Partisans,

i llavors vam anar per 3 escoles d'aquí de Mollet

And then we went to 3 schools here in Mollet.

i una de Figaro

and one by Figaro

a explicar què era la prematuritat.

to explain what prematurity was.

I llavors, bueno,

And then, well,

vaig agafar ninos,

I took dolls,

vaig agafar paquets d'arròs,

I picked up bags of rice,

també perquè...

also because...

Bueno, fer-ho el més infantil

Well, make it as childish as possible.

i el més...

and the most...

el més proper a nens de 3 a 12 anys

the closest to children aged 3 to 12 years

i ell em va ajudar.

And he helped me.

Tu has tingut 3 fills,

You have had 3 children,

pràcticament els 3 prematurs,

practically the 3 premature ones,

i no t'has quedat aquí

and you haven't stayed here

perquè has muntat

because you have set up

l'associació Patis Herois, no?

the association Patis Herois, right?

Precisament perquè,

Precisely because,

sobretot entenc que és pels pares

above all I understand that it is for the parents

que s'hi troben

that they find themselves there

i que és una situació que tu no t'esperes,

and it is a situation that you don't expect,

com afrontar un moment que és...

how to face a moment that is...

que és aparentment de felicitat,

which is apparently of happiness,

però és una felicitat continguda.

but it is a contained happiness.

I més ara, amb l'època que estem, no?

And even more now, with the time we're in, right?

Amb el tema del post-Covid,

With the post-Covid issue,

el Covid,

the Covid,

ha sigut...

it has been...

ja era difícil abans,

it was already difficult before,

doncs ara encara més, no?

So now even more, right?

Però també ens ho han posat fàcil,

But they have also made it easy for us,

el tema de Covid,

the topic of Covid

perquè al rebre visites,

because upon receiving visitors,

la gent, sobretot,

the people, above all,

nosaltres, amb els nens prematurs,

us, with the premature children,

hem d'anar molt amb compte,

we have to be very careful,

amb les mans netes,

with clean hands,

si hi ha algú que està refredat,

if there is someone who has a cold,

si no...

if not...

Llavors, això hi ha molta gent

So, there are a lot of people there.

que no ho entenc.

I don't understand it.

No passa res.

It's okay.

Sí que passa,

Yes, it happens,

perquè jo sempre els hi dic,

because I always tell them,

un refredat per un nen a terme

a cold for a child at term

és un refredat,

it's a cold,

pel nostre,

for ours,

parlo en el meu cas,

I speak in my case,

eren deu dies a l'hospital,

they were ten days in the hospital,

vuit amb oxigen.

eight with oxygen.

Llavors, no és que siguis,

Then, it's not that you are,

o no és que facis de mama bombolla,

or it's not that you act like a bubble mom,

però sí saps les conseqüències.

but you do know the consequences.



això el Covid ens ho ha posat fàcil,

this Covid has made it easy for us,

perquè tothom s'ha de rentar les mans,

because everyone must wash their hands,

si estàs refredat,

if you have a cold,

doncs ara encara més.

then now even more.

I, bueno,


llavors, doncs,

then, well,

a les famílies,

to the families,

quan estan a l'hospital,

when they are in the hospital,

el que els hi dic és que

what I tell them is that

ens ha tocat viure una maternitat diferent,

we have had to experience a different motherhood,

perquè tothom s'espera, no?

because everyone is waiting, right?

El que comentaves de

What you were saying about

dos dies a l'hospital

two days in the hospital

i te'n vas cap a casa amb el teu bebè,

and you go home with your baby,

però què passa?

But what happens?

Doncs que potser t'estàs quatre, cinc dies

Well, maybe you're staying four, five days.

i te'n vas,

and you leave,

amb les mans buides momentàniament.

with empty hands momentarily.

Això és un xoc,

This is a shock,

o simplement el fet de no tenir-lo a l'habitació.

or simply the fact of not having it in the room.

Perquè jo me'n recordo al Pau,

Because I remember Pau,

quan vam tenir el primer prematur,

when we had the first premature,

que va entrar a l'habitació,

that entered the room,


very excited,

obre la porta i diu

open the door and says

«Mama, on està el Roger?».

"Mom, where is Roger?"

Li dic «No, carinyo,

I say to her, "No, darling,

és que el Roger està aquí al costat».

"It's just that Roger is right here next to me."

I després, el diumenge,

And then, on Sunday,

que era el dia que el podíem anar a veure,

that it was the day we could go see him,

dic «Anirem a veure, seràs el doctor Pau?».

I say, "We'll see, will you be Doctor Pau?"

Dic «Et posarem una bata,

I said, "We'll put a robe on you,"

et posarem una mascareta

we will put a mask on you

i podràs entrar a veure el teu germanet».

"and you will be able to go in to see your little brother."

«Vale, mami».

"Okay, mommy."

I llavors a les famílies és això,

And then to the families, it's this,

que ens ha tocat viure una maternitat diferent,

that has led us to experience a different motherhood,

però molt enriquidora.

but very enriching.

A la vegada és molt dura, però molt enriquidora.

At the same time it is very tough, but very enriching.

Sandra, i per la parella,

Sandra, and for the couple,

viure la paternitat i la maternitat d'aquesta manera,

to live parenthood in this way,

vosaltres dos, com ho vau viure?

You two, how did you experience it?

Us va unir més, us va separar més,

It brought you closer, it separated you more.

cadascú ho mirava d'una manera diferent?

Did everyone look at it differently?

No, això va ser una experiència, com deia,

No, that was an experience, as I said,

dura però molt gratificant.

hard but very rewarding.

A nivell de parella ens va fer més forts.

On a couple level, it made us stronger.

Per sort, anàvem tots dos a viure,

Fortunately, we were both going to live,

tots dos a la una.

both at one.

I bueno, vas veient com està un, com està l'altre.

And well, you see how one is, how the other is.

Jo, sobretot, en el meu aspecte,

I, above all, in my aspect,

sempre deia, no?

He always said, didn't he?

Jo, clar, hi va haver, sobretot a Malgerard,

Me, of course, there was, especially in Malgerard,

vaig estar 24 hores en una uci,

I spent 24 hours in an ICU.

em trobava bé, tenia l'atenció pels núvols,

I was feeling good, I was focused on the clouds,

però estava bé.

but it was fine.

I jo l'únic que volia era, no, no,

And I, the only thing I wanted was, no, no,

jo em sento bé, vull que estiguis a Malgerard.

I feel good, I want you to be in Malgerard.

O sigui, jo estic bé, Bernat, de debò.

That is to say, I am fine, Bernat, really.

Ves a anar a Malgerard, per mi no em preocupis,

You can go to Malgerard, don't worry about me.

a mi m'envies una foto,

send me a photo,

dic, i jo ja està.

I say, and that's it.

Ja estaré contenta, no?

I will be happy, right?

Perquè, sobretot, els pares,

Because, above all, the parents,

clar, el pare està pendent

Of course, the father is paying attention.

de la seva dona i del seu fill.

of his wife and his son.

En el cas del Bernat, pobre, anava d'uci a uci.

In Bernat's case, poor thing, he was going from ICU to ICU.

Anava de la primera planta,

I was going down from the first floor,

que estava, bueno, que està neonat,

that was, well, that is neonate,

a la quarta, a l'uci d'adults.

to the fourth, to the adult ICU.

Clar, pobre, anava.

Of course, poor thing, he was going.

I d'ell, qui s'encarrega?

And who's in charge of him?

Jo sempre dic als pares,

I always tell the parents,

sobretot a les famílies de l'associació,

especially to the families of the association,

sempre els dic, parleu molt entre vosaltres.

I always tell them, talk a lot among yourselves.

Compartiu, ploreu.

Share, cry.

Si heu de plorar, ploreu.

If you need to cry, cry.

Però que aneu tots dos a la una.

But you both go at one o'clock.

I, sobretot, al pare.

I, above all, to the father.

Perquè la mare, tu saps com estàs tu,

Because mother, you know how you are,

però del pare, qui s'encarrega?

but who takes care of the father?

I una miqueta és aquesta unió,

And a little bit, this is the union,

que tots dos vagin a la una,

that both go together,

que s'ho parlin molt,

let them talk it over a lot,

que no s'ho quedin a dintre,

don't keep it inside,

perquè després, quan vas a veure el teu peque,

because later, when you go to see your little one,

o la teva peque, doncs, ho noten.

or your little one, then, notices it.

Canviaries alguna cosa de la que t'ha passat?

Would you change anything about what has happened to you?

No, ja està.

No, that's it.

Ja està viscuda.

It's already lived.

O sigui, ha sigut un gran aprenentatge.

So, it has been a great learning experience.



m'he de donar gràcies,

I have to thank myself,

que gràcies a aquesta experiència,

that thanks to this experience,

el Bernat i a mi ens hem unit molt.

Bernat and I have become very close.

I ara m'estic emocionant jo.

And now I'm getting emotional myself.

Perquè la veritat és que sempre hem anat a la una,

Because the truth is that we have always been on the same page,

i això ha sigut molt positiu.

and this has been very positive.

I la veritat és que tinc tres nens genials,

And the truth is that I have three great kids,

i que,

and that,

que han ajudat en tot el que han pogut,

who have helped in every way they could,

i que estan molt per la labor.

and they are very dedicated to the task.

Sandra, moltes gràcies.

Sandra, thank you very much.

A vosaltres.

To you all.

A Catalunya Ràdio, l'edat corregida.

At Catalunya Ràdio, the corrected age.

Un reportatge del Suplement.

A report from the Supplement.

fiction i vérita.

fiction and truth.

La doctorsina també ha sixtyitz senseogen.

The doctor has also been sixty years old.

I fy meffective.

And if effective.

Com es toen a vérit si laет je stuffed..

How do you turn it into truth if you are stuffed?

aters de Minnie hi era.

Minnie was there.

Si laet jillana,

If joy has fleeted,

aquí sacred no era el seu propietari.

Here Sacred was not its owner.

articles sealed.

sealed articles.

Em vénen poques situacions al cap

Few situations come to my mind.

en què una mare,

in which a mother,

o un pare,

or a father,

va realitzi que en un moment de la seva vida

he realized that at a moment in his life

li va fer por arribar a estimar el seu fill.

He was afraid of coming to love his son.

Acabar de pronunciar el seu nom,

Just having pronounced his name,

és un mecanisme d'autoprotecció

it is a self-protection mechanism

davant del dolor que provoca una pèrdua

in the face of the pain caused by a loss

que en el cas dels prematurs

that in the case of premature babies

es pot donar en qualsevol moment.

It can happen at any time.

Els pares es protegeixen

Parents protect themselves.

mentre els fills que han nascut en una edat equivocada

while the children who were born at the wrong time

han de començar a lluitar abans d'arribar al punt de partida.

They must start fighting before reaching the starting point.

I al seu costat, el personal sanitari.

And by their side, the healthcare staff.

Metges, infermeres i infermers

Doctors, nurses and male nurses

que, quan s'acaba la jornada laboral,

that, when the workday ends,

s'emporten l'angoixa o l'eufòria a casa.

They take the anxiety or the euphoria home.

Són la mà que apareix en plena foscor

They are the hand that appears in the midst of darkness.

i estira el prematur fins a la casella de sortida.

and stretch the premature to the starting box.

I a vegades, contra tot pronòstic,

And sometimes, against all odds,

una gran masquera que no gira

a big mask that doesn't spin

o que creiem lògic tot ben evident

or that we believe logical all very evident

que per un moment ens en sortim.

that for a moment we make it.

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