Camera Obscura, tornen els clàssics

Catalunya Ràdio


Camera Obscura, tornen els clàssics


Icat, la ràdio inquieta.

Icat, the restless radio.

Fins demà!

See you tomorrow!

Acarícia'm, saps que t'estimo

Caress me, you know I love you.

Icari, Icari, acarícia'm

Icari, Icari, caress me.

Però no sé com dir-t'ho

But I don't know how to tell you.

Icari, Icari, acarícia'm

Icari, Icari, caress me.

Saps que t'estimo

You know that I love you.

Icari, Icari, acarícia'm

Icari, Icari, caress me.

Però no sé com dir-t'ho

But I don't know how to tell you.

Que jo no la sé

That I don't know her.

Que tal, com esteu? Benvinguts i benvingudes al Delicatessen.

How are you doing? Welcome to the Delicatessen.

Un dia més aquí a la sintonia d'ICAT.

One more day here on the waves of ICAT.

Hem començat avui amb música de Dan Peralbo i el Convoy.

We started today with music from Dan Peralbo and the Convoy.

Per tots aquells que van dient així, a veu cridant,

For all those who keep saying like this, shouting aloud,

que això del rock and roll ha mort,

that this rock and roll thing is dead,

doncs la veritat és que cada vegada estem tenint més bandes

Well, the truth is that we are getting more and more bands.

que es dediquen una altra vegada,

that they dedicate themselves once again,

a recuperar les guitarres elèctriques

to recover the electric guitars

i a fer-ho amb moltíssima energia.

and to do it with a lot of energy.

I Dan Peralbo i el Convoy és un d'aquests bons exemples.

I Dan Peralbo and the Convoy is one of those good examples.

Aneu-los a veure en directe perquè no us en penedireu.

Go see them live because you won't regret it.

Valen molt la pena.

They are worth it.

Avui, la primera part del programa,

Today, the first part of the program,

novetats de casa,

news from home,

producte de proximitat,

local product,

quilòmetre zero,

kilometre zero,

i d'altra banda, l'aparador del programa,

and on the other hand, the showcase of the program,

abans d'entrar en novetats de fora,

before entering new developments from outside,

hi posarem avui el nou àlbum

we will put the new album on today

d'una banda bataraníssima, escocesa,

on one hand very bat-like, Scottish,

que són Càmera Obscura,

what Càmera Obscura are,

que aquests dies estan de gira per territori

that these days they are on tour in the territory

català i espanyol.

Catalan and Spanish.

Els podeu veure en directe.

You can watch them live.

Per tant, un d'aquells regals

Therefore, one of those gifts

que ens porta això de la nostàlgia,

what this nostalgia brings us,

que està tan de moda darrerament.

that is so trendy lately.

Benvinguts i benvingudes al Delicatessen.

Welcome to the Delicatessen.

No oblidar-les i tornar a ser aquella

Do not forget them and become that again.

que es va cosir

that was sewn

de dos ales per volar i escapar

of two wings to fly and escape

de maques enflaments.

of beautiful swelling.

Portant els auriculars com si foren salvavides

Wearing the headphones as if they were lifebuoys.

i aprenem a les cançons,

and we learn from the songs,

aprenc a sobreviure i quan et trobe al parc

I learn to survive and when I meet you in the park.

en tres silencis llargs

in three long silences

xulem melodies, tornem a somriure.

we sing melodies, we smile again.

I cantem

We sing.

les cançons de les nostres vides,

the songs of our lives,

tanquem els ulls

we close our eyes

i volem

and we want

sobre incendis i ruïnes.

about fires and ruins.

Estos en la teua bici,

You are on your bike,

fugim pels camins d'horta,

we flee along the paths of the garden,

cridem al vent i sentim

we call to the wind and we feel

que la vida és nostra,

that life is ours,

com uns equilibristes.

like tightrope walkers.

Entre el drama i l'eufòria

Between drama and euphoria

entenem que ser un nosaltres

we understand that being a us

ja és una victòria.

It's already a victory.

La vella alqueria és el nostre magatall,

The old farmhouse is our storage place,

tocant a tota hòstia amb uns samplis que ens han deixat.

touching a whole bunch with some samples they left us.

Intentem alliberar la ràbia amb tres acords

Let's try to release the rage with three chords.

i amb qui té l'adrenalina que ens alimenta el cor.

and with whom has the adrenaline that feeds our heart.

I ara que torna a obrir-me'l, et troba a l'interior

And now that he opens it for me again, he finds you inside.

i ens cura amb les ferides, amb mil trossos de cançons.

And it heals us with the wounds, with a thousand pieces of songs.

I ballem i vibrem i riem

We dance and vibrate and laugh.

i tornem a ser-hi.

And we're back at it.

Som qui som sense angoixes ni por.

We are who we are without anguish or fear.

I cantem les cançons de les nostres vides,

We sing the songs of our lives,

tanquem els ulls i volem sobre incendis i ruïnes.

we close our eyes and fly over fires and ruins.

I sentim que la vida és això,

We feel that life is this,

música, ràbia i amor.

music, rage, and love.

Els nostres refugis en els dies de foscor.

Our shelters in the days of darkness.

I saltem a la plaça de les cançons correjades

And we jump to the square of the sung songs.

i entre espentes i suor el cor és com bengales.

And between pushes and sweat, the heart is like sparklers.

Cantant com animals el gimnàs de l'adolescència

Singing like animals the gym of adolescence

ens besem en eixestant que crem a València

we kiss in the heat that burns in Valencia

i volem amb emoció el nostre primer concert

and we want with excitement our first concert

com papallones de foc que il·luminen l'univers.

like fireflies that illuminate the universe.

Amb la fúria i el desig rebentant de feridins.

With the fury and the desire bursting with wounds.

Em torni a sentir misteriosament feliç.

It makes me feel mysteriously happy again.

I cantem les cançons de les nostres vides,

We sing the songs of our lives,

tanquem els ulls i volem sobre incendis i ruïnes.

we close our eyes and fly over fires and ruins.

I sentim que la vida és això,

We feel that life is this,

música, ràbia i amor.

music, rage and love.

Els nostres refugis en els dies de foscor.

Our shelters in the days of darkness.

I els nostres refugis en els dies de foscor.

And our shelters in the days of darkness.

I ara anem a les illes, perquè tenim nou single d'Alenaira.

And now let's go to the islands, because we have a new single from Alenaira.

Creus que no estàs preparat

Do you think you are not ready?

per començar-te

to start you

S'està fonent el teu gelat

Your ice cream is melting.

Espera en tu

Wait in you

I ja us penja en l'aire

And it already hangs in the air for you.

Ulls crucs

Crossed eyes

Ignoren que el futur

They ignore that the future

comença allà

it starts there

Causa, pluja, puja, escàs

Cause, rain, rise, scarce

Ja surt la lluna i tot tancat

The moon is already out and everything is closed.

Dins casa

Inside the house

Volen els ocells arran de mà

They want the birds at hand.

Els teus pensaments ni vols enllà

Your thoughts do not want to go beyond.


They escape.

Els teus discos originals

Your original records

S'entreben cor

They intertwine hearts.

Se despinten els morals

The mulberries are fading.


Listening to you


They escape.

Els teus versos

Your verses

Els teus mans creuats

Your crossed hands

Els teus peus junts

Your feet together.


Calibrate yourself

Els temps just

Just in time

Comença ara

It starts now.

Causa, pluja, puja, escàs

Cause, rain, rise, scarce

Ja surt la lluna i tot tancat

The moon is already out and everything is closed.

Dins casa

Inside the house

Volen els ocells arran de mà

They want the birds hand in hand.

I ja us penja en l'aire

And it was already hanging in the air.

Els teus pensaments ni vols enllà

Your thoughts do not want beyond.


They escape.

I causa, pluja, puja, escàs

And reason, rain, rises, scarce.

Rodes, planeta i tu aturat

Wheels, planet, and you stopped.



Volen els peixos volar

Do the fish want to fly?

Els teus sentiments s'enfonsaran

Your feelings will drown.

Si va

Yes, go ahead.



Diòleg i format

Dialogue and format

S Robina

S Robina




To rest

Segons les est academia

According to the academy.

Els veus pedres

You see stones.

Deu ficar-se ضor

God will put you in trouble.









Fins demà!

See you tomorrow!

Cel de cendra, lluna de blat

Ash sky, wheat moon.

La mort diu sempre, la por diu mai

Death always says, fear never says.

Ve l'estir, ja és temps de cega

The harvest is coming, it’s time for the blind.

De tallar el dolor i el pa

To cut the pain and the bread

De fer un...

To make a...

De fer un ram

To make a bouquet.

Amb les roselles

With the poppies

Complen el camp

Fill the field

Ni un pas enrere

Not a step back

Tots endavant

All forward

Si et dones l'esquena

If you turn your back.

No puc trobar un moment de pau

I can't find a moment of peace.

Per sentir

To feel

Que val la pena

That is worth it.

Per collir

To harvest

El que vam sembrar

What we sowed

Per saltar

To jump

Junts la fober

Together the fober

La nit de Sant Joan

The night of Saint John

Ens hem llançat al riu

We have jumped into the river.

I ens hem llançat a la nit de Sant Joan

And we have jumped into the Night of Sant Joan.

Hem travessat el mar

We have crossed the sea.

Hem escalat el cor

We have climbed the heart.

Fins al cim més alt

To the highest peak

L'amor és un secret

Love is a secret.

Que no es pot guardar

That cannot be kept.

Només vull creure allò

I only want to believe that.

Que puc cantar

What can I sing

Dóna'm la mà

Give me your hand.

Fins demà!

Until tomorrow!

No siento nada

I feel nothing.

Y jamás había tenido tanto miedo

And I had never been so scared.

Pero ahí va

But here it goes.

Ya lo sé, ahí está la puerta

I already know, there is the door.

Y además me la dejas de abierta

And besides, you leave it open for me.

Quisiera decir que lo siento

I would like to say that I am sorry.

Y no me sale

And it doesn't come out for me.

Ya lo sé, ahí está la puerta

I already know, there is the door.

Y además me la dejas de abierta

And besides, you leave it open for me.

Quisiera decir que lo siento

I would like to say that I'm sorry.

Y no me sale

And it doesn't come out for me.

Uy, si me da por caer

Oh, if I happen to fall.

O me da por saltar

Or makes me want to jump.

No me sale yo

I can't figure it out myself.

Y me la suda a vivir

And I don't care about living.

Y si me da por caer

And if I feel like falling.

O me da por saltar

Or it makes me want to jump.

No me sale yo

I can't see myself.

Y me la suda a vivir

And I couldn't care less about living.

Y si me da por caer

And if I feel like falling.

Uy, si me da por caer

Oh, if I happen to fall.

O me da por saltar

Or it makes me want to jump.

No me sale yo

I don't come out.

Uy, si me da por saltar

Oh, if I feel like jumping.

Bona nit.

Good night.

Amb el que vaig a dir ara

With what I am going to say now.

no vull dir que

I don't mean that.

Cocogin and the Tonics no hagin fet sempre

Cocogin and the Tonics have not always done.

bones cançons, però aquesta em sembla

good songs, but this one seems to me

especialment encertada. Frank's Zone

especially successful. Frank's Zone

és el

it is the

llibre que m'ha fet

book that has made me

jo diria segon single que han publicat ja en aquest

I would say it's the second single they have already released in this.

2024 aquesta banda liderada

2024 this band led

per la Cocogin i que a més a més teniu algunes

for the Cocogin and that you also have some

possibilitats properament de poder

possibilities soon to be able

veure en directe.

see live.

I ara el Delicatessen

And now the Delicatessen

moment d'obrir la persiana de l'aparador

moment to open the display window

i allà hi posem

and there we put

ben recolzadet un disc cada dia

well supported a disc every day

i el nostre disc del dia

and our disc of the day

d'avui és per una banda veteraníssima

Today's is by a very veteran band.

una banda que jo crec

a band that I believe

que forma part una mica de la història del pop

that is somewhat part of the history of pop

independent. Són escocesos

independent. They are Scottish.

estan a Barcelona

they are in Barcelona



podríeu regalar, és el dia del meu aniversari

could you gift, it is my birthday

el dia 28 de setembre estan a la sala

On September 28, they are in the room.

Au Blot de Barcelona

Au Blot of Barcelona

i es diuen Càmera Obscura

and they are called Càmera Obscura



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Bona nit.

Good night.

La nostàlgia, que pot arribar a ser una moda, també.

Nostalgia can also become a trend.

Últimament hi ha uns quants esdeveniments molt nostàlgics.

Lately, there have been a few very nostalgic events.

Alguns, per exemple,

Some, for example,

jo crec que de més encertats que d'altres,

I believe that some are more successful than others,

perquè també s'estan fent aquesta mena de festivals

because this kind of festivals are also being held

en els que s'estan recuperant

in those who are recovering

gent que tenia èxit

people who were successful

o cert èxit comercial als anys 80

a certain commercial success in the 80s

i que ara

and that now

munten com aquests festivals

mount like these festivals

remembers o de nostàlgia

remembers or of nostalgia

i acaben tocant dos, tres cançons

and they end up playing two or three songs

que són les úniques que els van fer populars.

they are the only ones that made them popular.

I la veritat és que aquesta mena de festivals

And the truth is that this kind of festivals

diguéssim que m'interessen força menys

let's say that I am much less interested

que la nostàlgia de recuperar bandes com Càmera Obscura.

that the nostalgia for recovering bands like Càmera Obscura.

Una banda que van començar

A band that started

amb un primer àlbum

with a first album

l'any 2001

the year 2001

i que des d'aleshores només n'han publicat sis.

And since then they have only published six.

Podem dir que és una banda

We can say that it is a band.

amb poques ganes de treballar

with little desire to work

o podem dir que és una banda que a cada un dels seus àlbums

We can say that it is a band that with each of its albums

se'ls ha treballat i molt.

They have worked on it a lot.

Aquest nou treball que han publicat en aquest 2024

This new work they have published in 2024.

el disc es diu

the album is called

Look to the West

Look to the West

i no publicaven res de nou

and they didn't publish anything new

des del 2013.

since 2013.

Per tant, diguem que

Therefore, let's say that

els tios s'ho agafen amb calma.

The guys take it easy.

Busquem una novaSON.

We are looking for a new SOUND.





20.000 Veneces

20,000 Venices



Bona nit.

Good night.

with that extra applause

amb aquell aplaudiment extra

spread it out over your yard

espaílla-ho pel teu jardí

your mirror whispers

el teu mirall xiuxiueja

you've got the secret garden

you've got the secret garden

but I could never get behind

però mai he pogut avençar-hi

hiding a bloom from no one

hiding a bloom from no one

so busy laughing at the light

tan ocupat rient-se de la llum

living in your

vivint en el teu

your vain glory

your vain glory

pulling at a world tide

pulling at a world tide

pulling off a full-time heist

executing a full-time heist

pulling off so tight

pulling off so tight

all my eyes

tots els meus ulls

pulling off a full-time heist

pulling off a full-time heist

you think if you insist enough

you think if you insist enough

someone will believe you

Someone will believe you.

or sadly wait

or sadly wait

if you think for themselves

if you think for yourself

then you can use it

llavors el pots utilitzar

if you think for themselves

if you think for yourself

dream of a girl

dream of a girl

shape dream of who I am

shape dream of who I am

and proceed to fall in love

and proceed to fall in love

live your fantasy

live your fantasy

you don't even notice

you don't even notice

I'm not in it

No hi sóc.



in this

in this

just now

just now



and let it all go

i deixa-ho tot marxar



turn on that

turn on that

the world tide

the world tide

pulling off a full-time heist

pulling off a full-time heist



pull a wool so tight

pull a wool so tight

all my eyes

tots els meus ulls




The text "الإACHisée" is not in Catalan; it appears to be a mix of Arabic and possibly French or another language. If you have a specific Catalan text for translation, please provide it.

rel трав

rel herb

poll it off right now

poll it off right now



I'm coming for it

I'm coming for it.

not� 101

note 101

I'm coming for it

I'm coming for it.

Fins demà!

Until tomorrow!

fan música surf

they make surf music

i van sempre amb unes màscares

They always go with masks.

de lluitadors mexicans

of Mexican fighters

no se'ls veu la cara. Jo vaig tenir la possibilitat

they can’t be seen face. I had the opportunity

una vegada de veure'ls-hi la cara

once to see their face

en un concert perquè vam accedir a Camerinos

at a concert because we accessed the dressing rooms

i gent molt veterana

and very veteran people

la veritat és que això de sortir a escenaris

The truth is that this business of going on stage

sense que et coneguin el rostre

without them knowing your face

doncs jo crec que et permet certes

well, I think it allows you certain

llicències. A Nick Lousy

licenses. To Nick Lousy

que se li coneix la cara i realment és un d'aquells

that you know his face and he really is one of those

gentlemen que continuen actiu i fent

gentlemen who continue active and doing

coses realment meravelloses

really wonderful things

i acabarem amb música de Bright Eyes

And we will end with music by Bright Eyes.

que també retornen

that also return

a publicar coses noves

to publish new things

una nova cançó que es diu Bell

a new song called Bell

amb la que avui posarem bonifinal

with which today we will finalize well

aquest delicatessen. Com us dic sempre

this delicatessen. As I always tell you

gràcies per ser-hi de debò, això és un miracle

thank you for being really here, this is a miracle

gràcies per ser-hi, per fer-nos costat

thank you for being there, for supporting us

per escoltar-nos

to listen to us

i per ser exigents amb la bona música

and to be demanding with good music

i tornem demà a la mateixa hora

And we’ll meet again tomorrow at the same time.

Ells són els imprescindibles

They are the essentials.

Avui ja sabem

Today we already know

com atacar el càncer

how to attack cancer

Hi ha dos claus fonamentals

There are two fundamental keys.

en el camp cardiovascular

in the cardiovascular field

la ciència i l'educació

science and education

A la Fundació Bancària La Caixa

To the La Caixa Banking Foundation

impulsem aquests i altres projectes

we promote these and other projects

per millorar la salut de tothom

to improve everyone's health

Obre social La Caixa

La Caixa Social Open

L'ànima de La Caixa

The soul of La Caixa


You are confused.





















de recuperació

of recovery



Bona nit.

Good night.

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