T1xC10 - Començo l'institut


Em dic Goa

T1xC10 - Començo l'institut

Em dic Goa

Aquest és un podcast del Super3!

This is a podcast from Super3!

Ei! Aquest podcast està fet amb tecnologia binaural.

Hey! This podcast is made with binaural technology.

El pots escoltar com vulguis, però si ho fas amb auriculars, t'encantarà!

You can listen to it however you want, but if you do it with headphones, you will love it!

Aquest podcast està inspirat en la col·lecció de llibres Ambicoa,

This podcast is inspired by the Ambicoa book collection.

una sèrie escrita per Miquel Pirado que ja ha enganxat a milers de preadolescents i adolescents de tot arreu.

A series written by Miquel Pirado that has already captivated thousands of preteens and teenagers all over.

Començo l'institut!

I'm starting high school!

A la festa de final de curs de sisè,

At the end-of-year party for sixth grade,

la Goa no es podia creure que la sèrie d'adolescents de la sèrie d'adolescents de la sèrie d'adolescents

Goa couldn't believe that the teen series of the teen series of the teen series.

que el setembre anirien tots a l'institut.

that in September they would all go to the institute.

Aquella escola que l'havia vist créixer quedaria enrere

That school that had seen him grow would be left behind.

i li tocaria començar una nova etapa,

and it would be time to start a new chapter,

ara a un nou edifici,

now to a new building,

amb noves persones, nous professors i professores

with new people, new teachers

i un munt d'experiències noves que ni tan sols era capaç d'imaginar.

and a bunch of new experiences that I couldn't even imagine.

Us ho podeu creure? D'aquí uns mesos comencem l'institut!

Can you believe it? In a few months we start high school!

Que em tinc unes ganes bosses!

I really want some bags!

És fortíssim!

It's very strong!

A mi em fa una mica de pena marxar d'aquí.

I feel a bit sad to leave here.

En sèrio? Per què? No els veus a tots molt petits?

Seriously? Why? Don't you see them all very small?

Però si hi ha nens de cinquè que són més alts que tu!

But there are fifth graders who are taller than you!

No vull dir d'alçada, vull dir d'actitud.

I don't mean height, I mean attitude.

A més, el dia que jo faci l'estirada,

Moreover, the day I make the stretch,

veuràs com us deixo a tots amb un pam de mes.

You'll see how I leave you all with a bit more.

No t'enfadis, era una broma!

Don't get mad, it was a joke!

Jo no en tinc gens de ganes,

I don't feel like it at all.

perquè sóc l'única a qui li ha tocat a mi un altre institut que no és el vostre.

because I am the only one who has been assigned to another school that is not yours.

Què faré jo sense vosaltres?

What will I do without you?

Quina merda!

What crap!

Què fan això de separar-nos?

What are they doing to separate us?

Que no ho veuen, que no poden separar uns amics?

Don't they see that they can't separate friends?

Però ens seguirem veient a vòlei, i quedarem molt, t'ho prometo!

But we will keep seeing each other at volleyball, and we'll meet a lot, I promise you!

Més us val!

You better!

Potser a l'instit trobo l'enemda dels meus somnis.

Maybe at the school I'll find the enemy of my dreams.

Ja veig que molt tampoc penses estudiar.

I see that you don't plan to study much either.

Eh, que he tret bones notes de sisè, eh!

Hey, I've gotten good grades in sixth grade, huh!

Aquell dia hi havia molt xivarri a l'escola.

That day there was a lot of noise at school.

Tothom sortia amb la màquina.

Everyone was going out with the machine.

Tothom sortia amb àlbums, treballs de finals de curs,

Everyone was leaving with albums, end-of-year projects,

manualitats i disfresses que s'enduien cap a casa carregats com mules.

crafts and costumes that they took home loaded like mules.

Ells, però, encara no se n'anaven.

They, however, were still not leaving.

Hi havia una festa especial de sisè,

There was a special sixth-grade party,

perquè alumnes, mestres i famílies es poguessin acomiadar com cal d'aquesta etapa

so that students, teachers, and families could properly say goodbye to this stage

que ara arribava al punt i final.

that now reached the end point.

Per davant els esperava un estiu, i molts nervis,

Ahead of them awaited a summer, and many nerves,

que no van abandonar l'agoa ni estan de vacances a Mallorca,

they did not abandon the lagoon nor are they on vacation in Mallorca,

amb el Klaus i la seva família.

with Klaus and his family.

Banyant-se en una d'aquelles precioses cales,

Bathing in one of those beautiful coves,

l'agoa li va dir, després d'intentar enfonsar-lo pel cap...

the water said to him, after trying to drown him by the head...

Algum dia ho aconseguiré.

Someday I will achieve it.

No puc perquè ets un any més gran que jo, si no et fulminava.

I can't because you are a year older than me, otherwise I would have struck you down.

Però què dius? Si ni tan sols has començat l'institut, com vols guanyar-me?

But what are you saying? If you haven't even started high school, how do you expect to beat me?

No et flipis, que d'aquí no res, seré una high school girl.

Don't get carried away, because before you know it, I'll be a high school girl.

Ja veig que se te'n has fumat els nervis.

I can see that you've smoked away your nerves.

Però què dius? Estic cagada, no penso en una altra cosa.

But what are you saying? I'm freaked out, I can't think about anything else.

Em veuré tan petita allà...

I will look so small there...

I com no anem a la mateixa classe amb el Bru i l'Anna,

And since we don't go to the same class as Bru and Anna,

em-mo-ro. Literal que em moro.

I'm dying. Literally, I'm dying.

Si jo he aterrat de Berlín en un institut nou a Catalunya

If I have arrived from Berlin at a new high school in Catalonia.

sense conèixer ningú i no m'he mort,

without knowing anyone and I haven't died,

tu tampoc et moriràs per no anar a la mateixa classe que ells.

you won't die for not being in the same class as them either.

Klaus, en sèrio? Per mi seria terrible,

Klaus, seriously? It would be terrible for me,

i crec que el que has fet tu jo no seria capaç de fer-ho.

And I believe that what you have done, I would not be capable of doing it.

I tant que en series!

I would love to be in them!

Si et toca, doncs et toca i ho fas i punt.

If it comes to you, then it comes to you and you do it, and that's it.

Quan no et té d'altra remei...

When you have no other choice...

Ja, suposo. Però que difícil ha de ser.

Yes, I suppose. But it must be so difficult.

Si ja se'n fa una muntanya, anar a l'institut al setembre,

If it's already made into a mountain, going to high school in September,

imagina't com viuria jo canviar de país,

imagine how I would live changing countries,

no conèixer ningú i fer tot el que has fet tu.

not knowing anyone and doing everything you have done.

Va, ja veuràs que anirà tot bé i et tocarà amb els teus amics.

Come on, you'll see that everything will be fine and you'll get to be with your friends.

I el primer dia ho veuràs tot diferent i estrany,

And on the first day, you will see everything differently and strangely,

però al cap de res ja t'hi hauràs acostumat.

but before long you will have gotten used to it.

Això espero.

I hope so.

Va, ja ho veuràs.

Come on, you'll see.

Això espero.

I hope so.

Va, fem una carrera nedant fins a la boia.

Come on, let's have a swimming race to the buoy.

Qui arribi primer és lliure de parar i d'esperar la taula avui.

Whoever arrives first is free to stop and wait for the table today.

Durant l'estiu, la Goa tenia estones de tot.

During the summer, Goa had moments of everything.

Alguns dies en què estava més distreta

Some days when I was more distracted.

i no pensava mai en la tornada del setembre,

and I never thought about the return in September,

i d'altres en què li entraven com papallones a l'estómac

and others that made her feel like butterflies in her stomach

i li costava dormir pensant en com seria això de començar l'institut.

And it was hard for him to sleep thinking about what it would be like to start high school.

El que li anava millor de tot era parlar-ne amb l'Anna,

What suited him best of all was talking about it with Anna,

sobretot els dies que quedaven a la tarda

especially the days that remained in the afternoon

per anar a mirar botigues al centre.

to go shopping in the city center.

Anna, estic nerviosa.

Anna, I'm nervous.

Per? Només estem passejant, pots relaxar-te.

Why? We're just taking a walk, you can relax.

Que no és per això, ho dic per començar l'institut.

It's not for that, I'm saying it to start high school.

I si no ens toca juntes?

And what if we don't end up together?

Si no ens toca juntes, ens haurem de conformar en veure'ns a l'hora del pati,

If we don't get to be together, we'll have to settle for seeing each other at recess.

que allà és més del que tindrà la pobra Nàdia,

that there is more than what poor Nàdia will have,

que anirà a un altre insti a l'altra punta d'on serem nosaltres.

that will go to another school at the other end of where we will be.

Ja, pobra.

Yes, poor thing.

Quina merda.

What crap.

Igualment, estic nerviosa.

Likewise, I am nervous.

Goa, que falta mil!

Goa, a thousand is missing!

És que mira que ets intenseta tu, eh?

It's just that look how intense you are, huh?

Tu ara dedica't a gaudir de l'estiu i l'institut ja arribarà al setembre.

Now focus on enjoying the summer, and school will come in September.

No cal que ara pateixis per una cosa que no està passant, no?

There's no need for you to worry about something that isn't happening right now, is there?

Això és molt fàcil de dir i molt difícil de fer.

This is very easy to say and very difficult to do.

Ja veig que a tu això no et passa.

I can see that this doesn't happen to you.

Jo els dies abans estaré histèrica,

In the days leading up to it, I will be hysterical,

però ara, que falten gairebé dos mesos,

but now, with almost two months to go,

només penso en aquest gelat deliciós que em penso menjar d'aquí cinc minuts.

I am only thinking about this delicious ice cream that I plan to eat in five minutes.

Va, afanya't, que camines a pas de tortuga.

Come on, hurry up, you're walking at a turtle's pace.

Amb tants nervis, a la Goa li anava molt bé

With so many nerves, Goa was doing very well.

treure tot el que sentia i abocar-ho a la seva tauleta,

take out everything he felt and pour it onto his little table,

al seu videoblog personal,

on his personal video blog,

on deixava anar tota l'angoixa que li generava un nou canvi a l'institut.

he let go of all the anxiety that a new change at the school generated for him.

El tenia ple d'entrades com aquesta.

He had it full of entries like this.

Literal que no puc pensar en res més que en l'institut.

Literally, I can't think of anything else but the institute.

Com serà? Quins propers tindrem? Ens faran molts exàmens?

How will it be? What upcoming ones will we have? Will we have a lot of exams?

I si no em toca la mateixa classe que el Bru i l'Anna?

And what if I'm not in the same class as Bru and Anna?

Per favor, univers, ajuda'm i posa'm amb ells,

Please, universe, help me and put me with them.

perquè si no passaré molta vergonya a la classe sense conèixer ningú.

because if not, I will feel very embarrassed in class without knowing anyone.

En sèrio, necessito anar amb ells.

Seriously, I need to go with them.

Ai, que llarga se m'està fent tot.

Oh, everything is taking so long for me.

Per sort, a la Goa els dies d'estiu li van passar més ràpid del que es pensava

Fortunately, the summer days in Goa passed more quickly than he had thought.

i el primer dia d'institut finalment va arribar.

And the first day of high school finally arrived.

Quan la Goa va veure

When Goa saw

que anava a la mateixa classe que l'Anna i el Bru

who was in the same class as Anna and Bru

va fer un bot que semblava que li hagués tocat la loteria.

He made a leap as if he had won the lottery.

Anem junts, anem junts!

Let's go together, let's go together!

Uf, menys mal! Quins nervis! Què ha passat? Per favor!

Phew, thank goodness! What nerves! What happened? Please!

Goa, para de saltar, que tothom ens mira!

Goa, stop jumping, everyone is looking at us!

Era tan evident qui arribava a l'institut de primera vegada i qui no.

It was so obvious who was arriving at the institute for the first time and who wasn't.

Els de primer semblaven tots petits, com si caminessin amb por.

The first ones all seemed small, as if they were walking in fear.

En canvi, els de tercer, quart o batxillerat caminaven per l'institut com si allò fos casa seva,

In contrast, those in third, fourth, or high school walked through the institute as if it were their home,

saludant-se amb tots els seus amics i amb una comoditat que a la Goa li va fer una mica d'enveja.

greeting all his friends with a comfort that made Goa a little jealous.

Ella se sentia anys llum d'allò.

She felt light-years away from that.

Es veia petita al seu costat, amb por i amb molta confusió.

She felt small next to him, afraid and very confused.

Els havia costat trobar la classe i un cop hi van entrar tampoc sabien molt bé què havien de fer.

They had found it hard to locate the class and once they entered, they weren't quite sure what they had to do.

Se sentien com un pop en un garatge.

They felt like an octopus in a garage.

Per sort, els dies van anar passant i cada vegada aquell lloc nou se'ls feia més familiar.

Fortunately, the days went by and that new place became more familiar to them each time.

Què tal, l'insti? Ja no estàs tan acollonida?

How's it going at school? Aren't you so scared anymore?

Uf, encara se'm fa tot estrany, però cada vegada millor. És guai.

Phew, everything still feels strange to me, but it's getting better each time. It's cool.

Guai? Això digue-m'ho quan t'arribin els primers parcials. Ja veuràs que guai que serà.

Cool? Tell me that when the first midterms come in. You'll see how cool it will be.

No vull dir els exàmens o la feina.

I don't mean the exams or the work.

Vull dir anar a un lloc on la gent és més gran que tu.

I want to go to a place where the people are older than you.

Flipo amb les pintes d'alguna gent de l'insti. Són superatrevits.

I’m amazed by the hairstyles of some people at school. They are really bold.

Hauries de veure els instis a Berlín. Allò sí que és gent atrevida.

You should see the instincts in Berlin. Those are indeed bold people.

D'aquí uns anys, l'atrevida és segura que anirà bé.

In a few years, the bold one is sure to do well.

Vaig a l'insti sense por. Seré jo. Ja ho veuràs.

I'm going to school unafraid. It will be me. You'll see.

No en tinc cap dubte. I no caldrà esperar uns anys.

I have no doubt about it. And there will be no need to wait a few years.

Jo diria que d'aquí dos dies ja aniràs per l'insti com si fos el menjador de casa teva.

I would say that in two days you will be going to school as if it were your home dining room.

Ja ho veuràs. Ets més valenta del que et penses.

You'll see. You're braver than you think.

Amb aquella última frase del Klaus, la Goa es va sentir molt empoderada i creia, fermament, que ell tenia raó.

With that last sentence from Klaus, Goa felt very empowered and firmly believed that he was right.

Al cap i a la fi, potser ella n'havia fet un gran error.

After all, perhaps she had made a big mistake.

I començar a l'institut no era una cosa tan aterridora.

Starting at the institute wasn't such a terrifying thing.

Al contrari. Era un pas més que li tocava fer.

On the contrary. It was a step that he needed to take.

I la veritat és que l'estava fent la mar de bé.

And the truth is that I was doing it very well.

Moltes gràcies però, no era sobretot una cosa que m'agradaria fer.

Thank you very much, but it wasn't primarily something I would like to do.

I estaria ben aumentant.

I would be well increasing.

Una cosa que no m'agradaria fer.

One thing I wouldn't like to do.

Si no ho hagués fet, totes les coses m'han pas imaginat.

If I hadn't done it, everything would not have crossed my mind.

Si hagués estat l'han imaginat, jo no m'hauria imaginat.

If it had been what they imagined, I wouldn't have imagined it.

Ho heu imaginat?

Have you imagined it?



Ningú m'ha imaginat.

No one has imagined me.

No m'ha imaginat res.

I haven't imagined anything.

Si no m'ha imaginat res, jo m'ha imaginat res.

If I haven't imagined anything, I haven't imagined anything.

No m'ha imaginat res.

I haven't imagined anything.


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