T3xC30 - Fanny Mendelssohn


Van fer història

T3xC30 - Fanny Mendelssohn

Van fer història

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Van fer història.

They made history.

Si ara us preguntem quins compositors de música clàssica coneixeu,

If we now ask you which classical music composers you know,

segurament us vindran al cap alguns noms.

You will probably come up with some names.

Estem convençuts que molts haureu pensat en Mozart,

We are convinced that many of you will have thought of Mozart,



D'altres, potser també en Beethoven.

Others, perhaps also in Beethoven.

I potser a algú li haurà vingut al cap

And perhaps it has occurred to someone.

un dels més grans de tots els temps,

one of the greatest of all time,

Johann Sebastian Bach.

Johann Sebastian Bach.

Són potser els tres més coneguts.

They are perhaps the three most well-known.

I potser també heu sentit a parlar de

And maybe you have also heard about

Verdi, Strauss, Händel, Wagner, Schubert i Chopin.

Verdi, Strauss, Handel, Wagner, Schubert, and Chopin.

Però, us heu fixat que tots són homes?

But have you noticed that they are all men?

No ho trobeu estrany?

Don't you find it strange?

Això és perquè durant segles

This is because for centuries

la nostra societat ha estat

our society has been

limitat el paper de les dones

limited the role of women

en l'espai públic.

in the public space.

I el camp musical no n'és cap excepció.

And the music field is no exception.

Per exemple,

For example,

els homes podien dedicar-se a tocar

men could devote themselves to playing

un instrument de manera professional.

a musical instrument professionally.

Però les dones només podien

But the women could only

tocar per gust, com a hobby.

to play for pleasure, as a hobby.

I no estava ben vist

It was not well seen.

que volguessin fer carrera musical.

that they wanted to pursue a music career.

Però de dones

But of women

compositores n'hi ha hagut sempre.

There have always been composers.

I tant que sí!

Of course!

I us animem a descobrir les obres

We encourage you to discover the works.

poc conegudes d'autores musicals

little known by female music authors

com Francesca Caccini,

like Francesca Caccini,

Bàrbara Strozzi,

Barbara Strozzi,

Elisabet Jaquet de la Guerre,

Elisabet Jaquet de la Guerre,

Marianna Martínez o Clara Schumann.

Marianna Martínez or Clara Schumann.

I les obres de la dona

And the works of the woman.

de qui us parlarem avui?

Who will we talk about today?

Una compositora brillant

A brilliant composer

que va crear més de 450 peces,

that created more than 450 pieces,

entre elles

among them

més de 250 cançons.

more than 250 songs.

De les seves nombroses

Of their numerous

composicions per a piano,

compositions for piano,

música de cambra i obres dramàtiques,

chamber music and dramatic works,

només en coneixem unes poques.

we only know a few of them.

I a que gran part dels seus manuscrits

And that a large part of its manuscripts

són en arxius privats.

they are in private files.

Va ser una compositora

She was a composer.

valorada per molts autors de renom.

valued by many renowned authors.

Per exemple, Charles Gounod

For example, Charles Gounod

va dir d'ella que

he said about her that

era una músic sense comparació,

she was a musician without comparison,

una pianista destacada

a prominent pianist

i una dona amb una ment superior,

and a woman with a superior mind,



amb una habilitat sorprenent

with surprising skill

com a compositora.

as a composer.

Una dona brillant que,

A brilliant woman who,

malgrat haver d'arrumandre l'anonimat,

despite having to compromise anonymity,

va fer història.

made history.

Avui us parlem

Today we talk to you

de Fanny Mendelssohn.

by Fanny Mendelssohn.

Fanny Cecil Mendelssohn

Fanny Cecil Mendelssohn

va néixer el 14 de novembre de 1805,

he was born on November 14, 1805,

ara fa uns 220 anys,

about 220 years ago,

a la ciutat alemanya d'Hamburg.

in the German city of Hamburg.

Era filla d'una parella

She was the daughter of a couple.

que, en casar-se,

that, when marrying,

havien unit dues famílies

they had united two families

molt potents d'origen jueu,

very powerful of Jewish origin,

la Lea Salomon

the Lea Salomon

i l'Abraham Mendelssohn.

and Abraham Mendelssohn.

Els Mendelssohn eren

The Mendelssohns were

una família benestant,

a wealthy family,

amb una llarga tradició

with a long tradition

en el món de les arts i el pensament.

in the world of arts and thought.

L'avi de la Fanny,

Fanny's grandfather,

per part de mare,

on the maternal side,

va pertànyer a l'acord dels reis de Prússia

it belonged to the agreement of the kings of Prussia

i el seu avi, per part de pare,

and his grandfather, on the father's side,

era un pensador i filòsof

he was a thinker and philosopher

molt apreciat per la comunitat jueva.

much appreciated by the Jewish community.

El seu pare, l'Abraham,

His father, Abraham,

era banquer,

he was a banker,

però també un gran amant de les arts

but also a great lover of the arts

que escrivia poemes.

that wrote poems.

Quatre anys després

Four years later

que nascués la Fanny,

that Fanny was born,

va néixer el seu germà petit,

his little brother was born,

en Fèlix.

in Felix.

Tots dos van mantenir

Both of them maintained.

un fort lligam tota la vida.

a strong bond for life.

Després encara vindrien

Afterwards, they would still come.

dos germans més,

two more brothers,

en Pol i la Rebeca.

Pol and Rebeca.

Malgrat la forta tradició jueva

Despite the strong Jewish tradition

de la família,

of the family,

els seus pares van decidir

his/her parents decided

convertir-se al cristianisme.

to convert to Christianity.

Tots plegats es van batejar a l'església.

They all got baptized at the church.

I així ja no som jueus?

And so we are no longer Jews?

Sí, filla,

Yes, daughter,

seguim sent jueus,

we remain Jews,

però a Alemanya

but in Germany

hi ha molta gent que es pensa

there are many people who think

que els jueus som dolents.

that the Jews are bad.

Però no ho som pas de dolents.

But we are not bad at all.

Ja, però no hi podem fer res.

Yes, but there's nothing we can do about it.

El tenen tant a dins aquest odi

They have this hatred deep inside them.

que no els podem fer canviar d'opinió.

that we cannot make them change their minds.

Per evitar problemes

To avoid problems.

ens farem divertir

we will have fun

i així la gent

and so the people

no es ficarà amb nosaltres.

he won't mess with us.

Com si anéssim disfressats.

As if we were in disguise.

Això mateix.

Exactly that.

I d'aquesta manera

And in this way

podrem seguir amb els nostres costums

we will be able to continue with our customs

sense que ningú ens molesti.

without anyone bothering us.

L'entorn cultural

The cultural environment

de la família era molt ric.

from the family was very rich.

Gràcies al seu benestar econòmic,

Thanks to their economic well-being,

els fills van gaudir

the children enjoyed

d'una educació excel·lent.

of an excellent education.

Des de ben petita,

Since I was very little,

la Fanny va destacar en el camp de la música.

Fanny excelled in the field of music.

Donava mostres d'un enorme talent.

He showed signs of enormous talent.

Per això va aprendre a tocar el piano,

That's why he/she learned to play the piano,

com moltes senyoretes de Casa Bona.

like many young ladies from Casa Bona.

Però també va aprendre a compondre.

But he also learned to compose.

La seva formació musical,

His/her musical training,

excel·lent i refinada,

excellent and refined,

va començar a casa.

It started at home.

La seva primera professora de piano

Her first piano teacher.

va ser sa mare.

it was his mother.

Mira, la Fanny,

Look, Fanny,

quina habilitat que té el piano.

What a skill the piano has.

És espectacular.

It's spectacular.

Sembla que tingui els dits

It seems that I have fingers.

de Johann Sebastian Bach

by Johann Sebastian Bach

per a les fugues.

for the leaks.

I en Fèlix, déu-n'hi-do la destresa que té.

And Félix, what a skill he has!

En Fèlix té una veu potent

Fèlix has a powerful voice.

i canta tot el dia.

And sings all day long.

L'educació dels dos germans

The education of the two brothers.

es completava amb un llarg repertori

it was complemented by a long repertoire

de classes particulars a casa

private classes at home

que incluïen el dibuix,

that included the drawing,

l'educació física

physical education

i les lliçons de violí.

and the violin lessons.

Aleshores, la família es va transformar

Then, the family transformed.

i es va traslladar a casa de l'àvia

and moved to the grandmother's house

Bella Salomon,

Beautiful Salomon,

al centre de Berlín.

in the center of Berlin.

I aquella nova llar es va convertir

And that new home became

en escenari de petits concerts

in a small concert setting

cada diumenge.

every Sunday.

Els dos germans, la Fanny i en Fèlix,

The two siblings, Fanny and Félix,

mostraven les seves habilitats musicals

they showcased their musical skills

a amics i coneguts,

to friends and acquaintances,

acompanyats per altres instrumentistes

accompanied by other instrumentalists

que contractava el seu pare.

that hired his father.

En un d'aquells recitals,

At one of those recitals,

quan la Fanny només tenia 14 anys,

when Fanny was only 14 years old,

la nostra protagonista va fer

our protagonist did

un regal ben especial al seu pare.

a very special gift for his father.

El dia del seu aniversari

On the day of his/her birthday

va tocar les 24 peces del clavecí

he played the 24 pieces of the harpsichord

ben temprat,

well prepared,

una de les composicions més influents

one of the most influential compositions

a la història de la música clàssica,

in the history of classical music,

creada pel genial Johann Sebastian Bach.

created by the genius Johann Sebastian Bach.

La Fanny havia assajat moltíssim

Fanny had practiced a lot.

i les va tocar totes de memòria,

and he played them all from memory,

sense partitura.

without sheet music.

Va ser espectacular

It was spectacular.

i va deixar tothom amb la boca oberta.

and left everyone speechless.

Per si fos poc,

In case it wasn't enough,

la joveneta va començar a compondre

the young girl began to compose

les seves pròpies peces

their own pieces

i creava unes melodies delicioses.

and created some delicious melodies.

El seu germà Fèlix

His brother Fèlix.

també tenia un gran talent per a la música,

he also had a great talent for music,

que havia demostrat des de ben petit.

that he had demonstrated from a very young age.

Els seus pares no ho van dubtar

Her parents did not hesitate.

i van decidir contractar

and they decided to hire

els millors professors de música

the best music teachers

pels seus fills.

for their children.

A París, la Fanny va rebre classes

In Paris, Fanny took classes.

de la pianista i compositora francesa

of the French pianist and composer

Marie Bigot,

Marie Bigot,

la qual havia estat alumna, deixeble

who had been a student, disciple

i amiga del famosíssim

and friend of the very famous

Ludwig van Beethoven.

Ludwig van Beethoven.

Els dos germans també van ser alumnes

The two brothers were also students.

del pianista i compositor alemany

of the German pianist and composer

Ludwig Berger

Ludwig Berger

i l'any 1819

and the year 1819

van aprendre composició

they learned composition

amb Carl Friedrich Zelter,

with Carl Friedrich Zelter,

director d'orquestra i professor de música.

orchestra conductor and music teacher.

Aquesta nena

This girl

té un talent espectacular.

He has spectacular talent.

És una nena realment especial.

She is a really special girl.

I en Fèlix?

And what about Fèlix?

En Fèlix també és força bo,

Fèlix is also quite good.

però considero que la Fanny

but I consider that Fanny

és la meva millor alumna.

she is my best student.

Tant en Fèlix com la Fanny

Both Fèlix and Fanny

eren molt treballadors,

they were very hardworking,

i gaudien moltíssim

and they enjoyed themselves very much

creant música nova.

creating new music.

Els dos germans s'estimaven molt

The two brothers loved each other very much.

i s'admiraven l'un a l'altre.

They admired each other.

S'intercanviaven materials i idees musicals,

Musical materials and ideas were exchanged,

la Fanny ajudava en Fèlix

Fanny was helping Félix.

en les seves composicions

in his compositions

i fins i tot

and even

s'acitaven mútuament en les seves obres respectives.

they mutually stimulated each other in their respective works.

Però a mesura

But as time goes by

que es feien grans,

that they were growing up,

els camins professionals dels dos germans

the professional paths of the two brothers

es van començar a separar.

they began to separate.

I és que la Fanny s'havia de resignar

And it was that Fanny had to resign herself.

a no poder desenvolupar

unable to develop

una carrera artística professional

a professional artistic career

en la música.

in the music.

El seu pare i la societat sencera

Her father and the whole society.

del seu temps

of his time

estaven convençuts

they were convinced

que el seu únic deure com a dona

that her only duty as a woman

era formar una família.

was to start a family.

La música potser serà

The music may be

la professió d'en Fèlix,

Fèlix's profession,

però per a tu

but for you

només pot ser un ornament.

it can only be an ornament.

Què vols dir, pare?

What do you mean, father?

Que una dona ha de casar-se i tenir fills

That a woman must get married and have children.

i després cuidar-los

and then take care of them

i estar per ells.

and be there for them.

La música no pot ser

The music cannot be.

el centre de la teva vida diària.

the center of your daily life.

Però això no és just.

But this is not fair.

Em sap greu, Fanny,

I'm sorry, Fanny,

però la vida és així.

but life is like that.

Per culpa del masclisme que dominava

Because of the sexism that dominated.

la societat del segle XIX,

the society of the 19th century,

a la joveneta li va caure a sobre

the young girl fell on top of her

una galleda d'aigua freda.

a bucket of cold water.

Hauria de renunciar a dedicar-se a la música,

He would have to give up dedicating himself to music,

que era el que més li agradava.

that was what he liked the most.

El seu germà, en canvi,

Her brother, on the other hand,

va poder dedicar-se a la música

was able to dedicate himself to music

de manera professional

in a professional manner

i va arribar a ser un compositor

and he became a composer

amb fama mundial.

with worldwide fame.

Tot i així,

Even so,

ella va continuar anant a la seva.

She kept going about her business.

Estimava massa la música

He loved music too much.

per deixar-la del tot

to leave her completely

i va seguir component,

and continued composing,

però de manera anònima i secreta,

but in an anonymous and secret way,

perquè ningú no escoltava

because no one was listening

les seves peces fora de casa seva.

their pieces outside their home.

L'any 1825,

In the year 1825,

en Fèlix va proposar

Fèlix proposed.

un tracte a la seva germana.

a treatment for her sister.

Ja que no podia publicar

Since I couldn't publish

música signada per ella,

music signed by her,

ell trauria algunes de les seves cançons

He would release some of his songs.

amb el seu nom,

with his name,

com si fossin obrares.

as if they were works.

I així ho va fer.

And that's how he did it.

Van ser sis peces,

There were six pieces,

i entre elles n'hi havia una

and among them there was one

que es titulava Italien.

which was titled Italy.

La Fanny la va compondre

Fanny composed it.

després d'un viatge a Itàlia,

after a trip to Italy,

un país que li havien cantat.

a country they had sung to him.

Vint anys més tard,

Twenty years later,

aquesta peça va provocar

this piece provoked

un moment compromès en Fèlix.

a moment compromised in Félix.

La reina Victòria d'Anglaterra

Queen Victoria of England

va rebre el compositor al seu palau

He received the composer at his palace.

i li va voler cantar la seva cançó preferida.

and he wanted to sing his favorite song to her.

Sabeu quina era?

Do you know what era it was?

Doncs sí, Italien.

Well yes, Italy.

I en Fèlix,

And in Fèlix,

Fèlix es va empassar l'orgull

Fèlix swallowed his pride.

i va confessar a la reina d'Anglaterra

and confessed to the queen of England

que aquella cançó no l'havia compost ell,

that he had not composed that song,

sinó la seva germana.

but her sister.

Però no ens avancem tant.

But let's not get ahead of ourselves.

El 1829,

In 1829,

el jove Fèlix

the young Fèlix

ja va viatjar a Anglaterra.

He already traveled to England.

Era la primera vegada

It was the first time.

que s'allunyava de la seva estimada família,

who was distancing himself from his beloved family,

però el viatge va ser

but the journey was

un èxit rotund,

a resounding success,

ple de noves experiències

full of new experiences

i nous aprenentatges.

and new learnings.



quan tenia 24 anys,

when I was 24 years old,

la Fanny va decidir casar-se.

Fanny decided to get married.

El nubi era el pintor, artista i poeta alemany

The cloudy one was the German painter, artist, and poet.

Wilhelm Hensel,

Wilhelm Hensel,

que havia conegut feia uns anys.

that I had met a few years ago.

El casament va ser el 3 d'octubre del 1829

The wedding was on October 3, 1829.

i la marxa nupcial que va sonar a l'església

and the bridal march that played at the church

l'havia compost la mateixa Fanny.

It had been composed by Fanny herself.

Des de llavors,

Since then,

va passar a ser anomenada Fanny Hensel,

she came to be known as Fanny Hensel,

el cognom del seu marit.

the surname of her husband.

I ella no parava de compondre

She couldn't stop composing.

i de tocar a totes hores.

and to touch at all times.

I ella no parava de compondre i de tocar a totes hores.

She couldn't stop composing and playing at all hours.

Aquesta joveneta és excepcional.

This young lady is exceptional.

Toca de meravella.

Touch of wonder.

Ho fa sense errors, amb decisió i elegància.

It does it without mistakes, with determination and elegance.

Sí, mira, podem dir que...

Yes, look, we can say that...

que toca com un home.

that touches like a man.

Fixeu-vos com n'era de masclista aquella societat.

Notice how sexist that society was.

En aquell moment,

At that moment,

la genialitat i el talent

genius and talent

només s'associaven als homes.

they only associated with men.

Per això, quan una dona destacava en alguna cosa,

Therefore, when a woman excelled at something,

es considerava un fet estrany.

it was considered a strange fact.

Com si en ella mateixa,

As if in herself,

en el seu cos,

in its body,

hi hagués alguna cosa que la fes masculina,

if there were something that made it masculine,

rara i, per tant, talentosa.

rare and therefore talented.

El vincle entre els dos germans Mendelssohn

The bond between the two Mendelssohn brothers.

era tan fort

he was so strong

que en els concerts que s'organitzaven

that at the concerts that were organized

a la mansió familiar,

to the family mansion,

les obres de la Fanny sovint s'interpretaven

Fanny's works were often interpreted.

alternades amb les del seu germà.

alternated with those of her brother.

Cap al 1839,

Around 1839,

aquells diumenges musicals

those musical Sundays

van adquirir un ressò encara més important

they acquired an even more significant resonance

i van començar a rebre personalitats importants

and they began to receive important personalities

del món de la música.

from the world of music.

I, per tant,

And, therefore,

la Fanny també organitzava reunions musicals

Fanny also organized musical meetings.

a casa seva cada dilluns

at their house every Monday

i interpretava les obres que componia.

I interpreted the works that I composed.

Quan tocava a casa

When it rang at home

per al públic del Garden Hall,

for the audience of the Garden Hall,

que podia arribar a estar format

that could end up being formed

per 250 o 300 persones,

for 250 or 300 people,

la Fanny desplegava tot el seu talent

Fanny was displaying all her talent.

com a directora d'orquestra,

as a conductor,

pianista i compositora,

pianist and composer,

però també com a anfitriona

but also as a host

i organitzadora d'esdeveniments.

and event organizer.

Tot i això,


gairebé mai tocava fora de casa.

he hardly ever played away from home.

Només va fer 3 recitals de piano públics a Berlín.

He only did 3 public piano recitals in Berlin.

De fet, el seu debut com a pianista

In fact, his debut as a pianist

en un concert públic

at a public concert

no va arribar fins que ja tenia 33 anys.

He didn't arrive until he was already 33 years old.

I això que era boníssima!

And this was really delicious!

I havia demostrat talent

I had shown talent.

des de molt petita.

since I was very little.

En aquell concert

At that concert

va interpretar com a solista

he performed as a soloist

el concert número 1

the concert number 1

per a piano i orquestra

for piano and orchestra

del seu germà, Felix Mendelssohn.

of his brother, Felix Mendelssohn.

Al seu marit li donava suport

She supported her husband.

i volia conèixer-lo.

I wanted to meet him.

Va aconseguir que ella tingués

He managed to have her.

el paper que li corresponia.

the role that belonged to her.

Amor meu,

My love,

totes aquestes composicions

all these compositions

les hauries de publicar.

You should publish them.

Són boníssimes!

They are very good!

Ai, però està mal vist

Oh, but it's frowned upon.

que una dona escrigui música.

that a woman writes music.

Ja m'ho va dir el meu pare

My father told me that already.

quan era joveneta,

when I was a young girl,

que havia de ser una afició i prou.

that was meant to be just a hobby.

Deixa't estar!

Forget it!

Dones mil voltes a molts noients

You turn many boys a thousand times.

que van de grans compositors.

that go by great composers.

De fet, el teu germà no seria qui és

In fact, your brother would not be who he is.

si no fos pel teu talent.

if it weren't for your talent.

Potser sí que m'hi animaré.

Maybe I'll go for it.

Al públic li agraden les meves peces,

The audience likes my pieces,

tindré ganes de fer-ne de noves.

I will feel like doing new ones.

I, si no,

And if not,

estaré al mateix punt

I will be at the same place.

en què he estat sempre.

in what I have always been.

Malgrat totes les restriccions,

Despite all the restrictions,

la Fanny va decidir editar

Fanny decided to edit.

algunes de les seves obres

some of his/her works

l'any 1846.

the year 1846.

El gènere musical

The musical genre

que a més va cultivar la Fanny

that Fanny also cultivated

va ser el liet,

it was the light,

una cançó breu que posa música

a short song that puts music

a un poema.

to a poem.

Els lieders s'escrivien

The lieder were written.

per a veu solista,

for solo voice,

generalment amb l'acompanyament

generally with the accompaniment

d'un piano.

of a piano.

La Fanny va posar música

Fanny put music on.

als versos que li escrivia

to the verses I wrote to her

el seu marit i a l'obra

her husband and the work

d'alguns dels poetes principals

of some of the main poets

de la seva època.

from his era.

Per exemple, va musicar

For example, he/she composed music for.

46 poesies de Goethe,

46 poems by Goethe,

el poeta alemany més influent

the most influential German poet

que havia mort poc abans.

who had died shortly before.

El març del 1847

March 1847

la Fanny es va trobar

Fanny met.

amb Clara Schumann,

with Clara Schumann,

una altra gran compositora del moment.

another great composer of the moment.

També era una pianista extraordinària.

She was also an extraordinary pianist.

I totes dues van teixir

And both of them wove.

una gran amistat.

a great friendship.

En aquells moments la Fanny

At that moment, Fanny

estava treballant en el seu trio

he was working on his trio

per a piano, violí i violoncel

for piano, violin, and cello

Opus XI.

Opus XI.

Aquesta va ser l'última obra

This was the last work.

de gran format que va compondre.

large format that he composed.

I mentrestant la Clara no feia gaire

Meanwhile, Clara wasn't doing much.

que també havia enllestit un trio

that he had also prepared a trio

per a piano, l'Opus XVII,

for piano, Opus XVII,

que va dedicar a la seva amiga

that he/she dedicated to his/her friend

Fanny Mendelssohn.

Fanny Mendelssohn.



ets una compositora excepcional.

You are an exceptional composer.

Gràcies, Clara.

Thank you, Clara.

Tu ets brillant, també.

You are brilliant, too.

Tant de bo haguéssim tingut

I wish we had had.

les mateixes oportunitats

the same opportunities

que els homes en aquesta vida.

that men in this life.

No em puc queixar.

I can't complain.

Vaig rebre una bona educació

I received a good education.

i he pogut escriure música

I have been able to write music.

tota la meva vida.

my whole life.

Potser no recordaran els nostres noms,

Perhaps they will not remember our names,

però la nostra música

but our music

ja és immortal.

he is already immortal.

La Fanny va morir a Berlín

Fanny died in Berlin.

l'any 1847,

the year 1847,

quan només tenia

when I was only

41 anys.

41 years.

Va morir a causa d'un infart cerebral

He died due to a cerebral infarction.

just quan assajava per a un concert

just when I was rehearsing for a concert

del seu germà Fèlix.

from her brother Fèlix.

La mort de la Fanny va provocar

Fanny's death caused

un dolor enorme, immens,

a huge, immense pain,

al seu germà, que va morir

to his brother, who died

només sis mesos més tard.

only six months later.

Abans de traspassar,

Before passing away,

va dedicar la seva última gran obra,

he devoted his last great work,

el quartet d'acorda número 6,

the string quartet number 6,

a la memòria de la seva germana.

in memory of his sister.

Un any després de la mort de la Fanny,

A year after Fanny's death,

el seu marit va aconseguir

her husband succeeded

editar una selecció de les seves obres.

edit a selection of his works.

Tot i així,


la major part de l'obra que va compondre,

the majority of the work that he composed,

més de 450 peces,

more than 450 pieces,

encara no s'han publicat.

they have not been published yet.

I cada any que passa,

And each passing year,

hi ha historiadors de la música

there are music historians

que atribueixen noves peces a Fanny Mendelssohn.

which attribute new pieces to Fanny Mendelssohn.

A poc a poc,

Little by little,

se li fa la justícia

justice is done to him/her

que no va rebre en el seu temps,

that did not receive in his time,

reconeixent el seu mèrit

acknowledging its merit

com a gran compositora que,

as a great composer who,

sens dubte,

without a doubt,

va fer història.

made history.

I, per tant,

And therefore,

és una de les peces més importants de la seva història.

It is one of the most important pieces of its history.

Si t'ha agradat conèixer la vida de Fanny Mendelssohn,

If you enjoyed getting to know the life of Fanny Mendelssohn,

escolta el proper episodi de Vam fer història.

Listen to the next episode of We Made History.

Una producció de Bacus, per a 3Cat.

A production by Bacus, for 3Cat.

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