T3xC6 - Som com actuem - L'actor


Som com som

T3xC6 - Som com actuem - L'actor

Som com som

Aquest és un podcast del...

This is a podcast about...



Som com som.

We are who we are.

Som com actuem.

We are how we act.


The actor.

Avui som al teatre.

Today we are at the theater.

L'obra tot just s'ha acabat.

The work has just been completed.

Ha sigut un èxit.

It has been a success.

I res no hauria estat possible

And nothing would have been possible.



sense aquesta persona

without this person

a qui ara tothom aplaudeix

to whom everyone is now applauding

mentre saluda el públic

while greeting the audience

des de l'escenari.

from the stage.

És algú que es posa en la pell

It is someone who puts themselves in someone else's shoes.

d'un altre per poder explicar

of another in order to explain

la seva història.

its history.

Que estudia bé el seu paper

That studies its role well.

i que és capaç de fer-nos riure

and is capable of making us laugh

o plorar.

or to cry.

Sovint també pot cantar i ballar

Often she can also sing and dance.

o, si cal, muntar a cavall.

or, if necessary, ride a horse.

Qualsevol cosa


l'ajuda a fer millor la seva feina.

It helps him do his job better.

Aquesta persona

This person

és un actor.

He is an actor.

Algú que de petit

Someone who as a child

era com tu.

it was like you.



Treu-te els auriculars!

Take off your headphones!

Què passa?

What's happening?

Has fet el treball de medi?

Have you done the media project?

Ah, no.

Ah, no.

I ho dius tan tranquil?

How can you say it so calmly?

El profe t'escriurà una nota a l'agenda.

The teacher will write you a note in the agenda.

Pah! Ja m'inventaré alguna excusa.

Pah! I will come up with some excuse.

Mai se les creu, les excuses.

She never believes the excuses.

Perquè les excuses s'han d'explicar bé.

Because excuses must be explained well.

Una manera de que et creguin

One way for them to believe you.

és fer riure.

It's funny.

Li diré...

I will tell him/her...

David, t'ha passat mai

David, has it ever happened to you?

que estàs fent els deures i et mareges?

Why are you doing your homework and getting dizzy?

A mi em passa molt.

It happens to me a lot.

I és curiós, perquè mira que faig poc els deures.

And it's curious, because look how little I do my homework.

Doncs era a la vista.

Well, it was in sight.

Així que ahir vaig a l'òptica i dic

So yesterday I go to the optician and I say

voldria unes ulleres.

I would like some glasses.

I em diuen

They call me.

per veure de prop o de lluny?

to see up close or from afar?

I jo, per veure de prop o de lluny?

And me, to see up close or from afar?

Per veure per aquí, per la província de Barcelona.

To see around here, in the province of Barcelona.



El profe no té sentit de l'humor.

The teacher has no sense of humor.

Recordes com es va enfadar

Do you remember how he/she got angry?

quan et va enganxar imitant-lo?

When did it catch you imitating it?

Doncs li explicaré una història

Well, I will tell you a story.

que el mantingui enganxat.

that keeps it stuck.

Profe, venia caminant cap a l'escola

Teacher, I was walking towards school.

pensant que bé que m'havia quedat

thinking how good it had turned out for me

al treball de medi.

in environmental work.

I no he vist que al carrer estaven obres

And I haven't seen that there were works on the street.

i havien deixat aixecada la tapa d'una claveguera.

They had left the manhole cover raised.

Jo anava despistat,

I was distracted,

pensant que bé que m'havia quedat

thinking how well I had turned out

al treball de medi,

to the environmental work,

quan de sobte...

when suddenly...

He caigut a la claveguera,

I have fallen into the sewer,

directe a les aigües residuals.

directly to the wastewater.

El corrent era salvatge

The current was wild.

i m'ha arrossegat.

it has dragged me.

Però jo nedava tant com podia

But I swam as much as I could.

fins que amb penes i treballs

until with great difficulty

he pogut sortir-ne.

I have been able to get out of it.

Havia perdut la motxilla amb els deures

I had lost the backpack with the homework.

i no sabia on estava,

and I didn't know where I was,

així que he cridat

so I called

Ajuda! Ajuda!

Help! Help!

I llavors ha aparegut una rata gegant

And then a giant rat appeared.

i quatre tortugues mutants

and four mutant turtles

i han començat a perseguir-me fins...

and they have started to chase me to...

Para, para!

Stop, stop!

Un, les tortugues mutants, al cine.

One, the mutant turtles, at the cinema.

I dos, si haguessis caigut a les clavegueres

And two, if you had fallen into the sewers.

faries molta pudor i...

you would smell a lot and...

No és el cas.

It is not the case.



Doncs intentaré posar-lo sensible

Well, I will try to make it sensitive.

perquè em faci perdonar.

so that I can be forgiven.

Professor, ho sento.

Professor, I'm sorry.

No he pogut fer els deures

I haven't been able to do the homework.

perquè vinc de l'hospital

because I come from the hospital

i he passat la nit perquè ahir,

I spent the night because yesterday,

mentre feia una divisió,

while I was doing a division,

vaig patir un infart.

I had a heart attack.



Isaac, els nens no acostumen a patir infarts.

Isaac, children usually don't suffer heart attacks.

Si et fan un ensurt molt gros,

If they give you a really big scare,

potser sí.

maybe yes.

Jo ho tinc!

I've got it!

David, si us plau,

David, please,

acompanya'm en aquest viatge

accompany me on this journey

a l'univers del desconegut.

to the universe of the unknown.

Ahir estava a casa,

Yesterday I was at home,

tan tranquil,

so calm

fent el treball de medi,

doing the media work,

quan de sobte la meva mare va dir-me,

when suddenly my mother said to me,



Vine un moment a la cuina!

Come to the kitchen for a moment!

I llavors vaig caminar pel passadís,

And then I walked down the hallway,

a les fosques,

in the dark,

i mentre obria la porta de la cuina,

and while I was opening the kitchen door,

vaig recordar

I remembered

que ma mare

that my mother

no era a casa!

I wasn't at home!



Quin mal rotllo!

What a bad vibe!

I després de l'ensurt,

And after the scare,

dic això de l'infart?

I say this about the heart attack?

Em sembla, Isaac,

I think, Isaac,

que la meva mare

that my mother

no és a casa.

he is not at home.

Em sembla, Isaac,

I think, Isaac,

que l'únic ensurt

that the only scare

serà el que tindran els teus pares

it will be what your parents will have

quan vegin la nota a l'agenda.

when they see the note in the agenda.

Doncs jo crec que colarà.

Well, I think it will work.

Ara deixa'm concentrar,

Now let me concentrate,

que m'he de preparar bé el paper.

that I have to prepare the paper well.



L'escenari s'il·lumina.

The stage lights up.

L'escenari s'ilumina.

The stage lights up.

I has de fer veure a la gent les emocions

You have to make people see the emotions.

i els sentiments del personatge que estàs fent.

And the feelings of the character you are portraying.

Has de ser àgil, perquè no és fàcil

You have to be agile, because it's not easy.

fer riure quan estàs trist,

to make you laugh when you are sad,

plorar quan estàs content.

to cry when you are happy.

Estones còmic i estones trògic.

Sometimes comic and sometimes tragic.

Has de mostrar convincent

You have to be convincing.

i has de fer veure a la gent

You have to make people see.

les emocions i els sentiments

emotions and feelings

del personatge que estàs fent.

of the character you are creating.

Ei, Isaac, com ha anat amb el profe?

Hey, Isaac, how did it go with the teacher?

M'ha posat dues notes a l'agenda.

She has written me two notes in the agenda.

Una per no fer els dits de la gent,

One to not get people's fingers.

i una per no fer els dits de la gent.

And one to avoid annoying people.

I una per no fer els dits de la gent.

And one to avoid poking people's fingers.

I una altra per dir mentides.

And another one to tell lies.

Ostres, Isaac, que bé que ho fas.

Wow, Isaac, you do it so well.

Si fins i tot fas veure que plores.

If you even pretend to cry.

Que no ho faig veure, Martina.

I'm not making it obvious, Martina.

Ja veuràs els meus pares.

You will see my parents.

No n'hi ha per tant.

It's no big deal.

Suspendràs medi, però tindràs un excel·lent de teatre.

You will fail in media, but you will get an excellent in theater.

No t'enriguis de mi.

Don't laugh at me.

Direcció sonora i creació musical Marc Parrot.

Sound direction and musical creation Marc Parrot.

Guions Jordi Ventura.

Scripts by Jordi Ventura.

Guions Jordi Ventura i Jaume Buixó.

Scripts by Jordi Ventura and Jaume Buixó.

Veus Aina Lluc, Marta Rodríguez, Ramon Hernández, Marc Parrot i Francesc Torrent.

You see Aina Lluc, Marta Rodríguez, Ramon Hernández, Marc Parrot, and Francesc Torrent.

És una producció de Producciones Silvestres per 3CAT.

It is a production of Producciones Silvestres for 3CAT.

Aquest és un podcast del Super3.

This is a podcast from Super3.

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