T1xC15 - Don Quixote


My first big story

T1xC15 - Don Quixote

My first big story

Aquest és un podcast del Super3!

This is a podcast from Super3!

Un senyor gran que marxa en una gran aventura.

An old gentleman who sets off on a grand adventure.

Però el primer que heu de fer és...

But the first thing you have to do is...

Agafeu-vos les orelles i bellugueu-les durant 3 segons

Grab your ears and wiggle them for 3 seconds.

per sentir-ho tot molt bé.

to feel everything very well.

El nostre personatge es diu Alonso Quijano.

Our character's name is Alonso Quijano.

La Alonso és un home gran, amable i imaginatiu,

Alonso is a kind, imaginative old man.

que llegeix tants llibres sobre cavallers

that reads so many books about knights

que somia en ser-ho ell mateix.

who dreams of being himself.

Un bon dia?

A good day?

Decideix canviar-se de nom i dir-se Don Quixot

He decides to change his name and call himself Don Quixote.

i marxar a l'aventura.

and leave for adventure.

I fins i tot es posa una armadura antiga.

And he even puts on an ancient armor.

Don Quixot comença la seva primera aventura

Don Quixote begins his first adventure.

i coneix en Sancho Panza,

I know Sancho Panza,

un pagès del seu poble.

a farmer from his village.

I li diu, vols venir?

And he/she says to him/her, do you want to come?

Viurem aventures emocionants i guanyarem molts diners.

We will live exciting adventures and earn a lot of money.

Comença l'aventura.

The adventure begins.

Don Quixote ronca un cavall

Don Quixote snores a horse.

que es diu Rocinante.

his name is Rocinante.

Rocinante, Rocinante,

Rocinante, Rocinante,

és el nom del cavall que munta en Don Quixot.

It's the name of the horse that Don Quixote rides.

Sancho Panza ronca un cavall.

Sancho Panza snores a horse.

En Sancho Panza va al damunt d'un ruc.

Sancho Panza rides on a donkey.

Primer, Don Quixot,

First, Don Quixote,

그 yahve Sir,

The phrase you provided appears to be a mix of different languages and does not seem to be in Catalan. If you meant to provide a Catalan phrase for translation, please provide that, and I'll be happy to help!

Don Quixote ve en un ruc.

Don Quixote comes on a donkey.

Tot d'una, en Quixot veu uns gegants.

Suddenly, Quixote sees some giants.

Aguantive, seglar.

I endured, secular.

Són realment gegants?

Are they really giants?

Diu també...

It also says...

En Don Quixot s'adona el seu error.

In Don Quixote, he realizes his mistake.

No són pas gegants, són molins, però és massa tard.

They are not giants, they are windmills, but it is too late.

Cau del seu cavall a terra i...

Falls off your horse to the ground and...




They continue.

Un castell és la següent cosa que veuen Don Quixot.

A castle is the next thing that Don Quixote sees.

Espera un moment. És realment això, un castell?

Wait a moment. Is this really a castle?

No, és una fonda, és un hostal, és un hotel.

No, it's an inn, it's a hostel, it's a hotel.

Tot i així, ell vol que el tractin com un cavaller...

Nevertheless, he wants to be treated like a gentleman...

en aquesta fonda on vol dormir-hi.

in this inn where he wants to sleep.

Fins i tot es baralla amb el criat de l'hostaler de la fonda...

Even fights with the innkeeper's servant at the lodge...

perquè creu que és un cavaller que amenaça una princesa.

because he believes he is a knight threatening a princess.

A la presó!

To prison!

Podeu dir-ho vosaltres també?

Can you say it too?

Don Quixote, a la presó!

Don Quixote, to prison!

Next, Don Quixote encounters Cardenio.

Next, Don Quixote encounters Cardenio.

A young man, heartbroken, over losing his love, Lucinda.

A young man, heartbroken, over losing his love, Lucinda.

En Cardenio és la propera persona que a Don Quixot es troba.

In Cardenio is the next person that Don Quixote meets.

Un jove amb el cor trencat perquè ha perdut el seu amor, la Lucinda.

A young man with a broken heart because he has lost his love, Lucinda.

Oh, Lucinda!

Oh, Lucinda!



Don Quixote and Sancho Panza continue on their journey.

Don Quixote and Sancho Panza continue on their journey.

En Don Quixot, a sobre el seu cavall,

In Don Quixote, on his horse,

i en Sancho Panza, a sobre el seu ruc, continuen el seu viatge.

And Sancho Panza, on his donkey, continues his journey.

Then, Don Quixote sees some enchanted maidens by a river.

Then, Don Quixote sees some enchanted maidens by a river.

A prop d'un riu, veuen unes donzelles encantades.

Near a river, they see some enchanted maidens.

Wait a minute. Are they really enchanted maidens?

Wait a minute. Are they really enchanted maidens?

No, they're just some girls washing clothes in the river.

No, són només unes noies rentant roba al riu.

Només són unes noies que renten roba al riu.

They are just some girls washing clothes in the river.

Don Quixote is sure they are enchanted maidens and tries to rescue them.

Don Quixote is sure they are enchanted maidens and tries to rescue them.

En Don Quixot, convençut que són unes donzelles encantades, intenta rescatar-les.

In Don Quixote, convinced that they are enchanted maidens, he tries to rescue them.

Don Quixote to the rescue!

Don Quixote to the rescue!

Podeu dir-ho vosaltres, també?

Can you say it yourselves too?

Don Quixote to the rescue!

Don Quixote to the rescue!

The girls get so angry with him that they throw him into the river.

The girls get so angry with him that they throw him into the river.

Les noies s'enfaden tant amb ell que l'acaben llançant al riu.

The girls get so angry with him that they end up throwing him into the river.

Don Quixote gets back on his horse and Sancho Panza on his donkey,

Don Quixote gets back on his horse and Sancho Panza on his donkey,

and they continue on their way.

and they continue on their way.

Continuen el seu camí.

They continue on their way.

Don Quixot, el cavall, Sancho Panza i el ruc.

Don Quixote, the horse, Sancho Panza, and the donkey.

But then, the Knight of the Mirrors appears

Però llavors, apareix el Cavaller dels Miralls.

and challenges Don Quixote to a duel.

and challenges Don Quixote to a duel.

Però de sobte apareix el cavaller dels miralls

But suddenly the knight of mirrors appears.

i desafia en Don Quixot a un duel, una baralla a mort.

and challenges Don Quixote to a duel, a fight to the death.

Don Quixote accepts the challenge.

Don Quixote accepts the challenge.

I en Don Quixot accepta el repte.

And in Don Quixote he accepts the challenge.

The Knight of the Mirrors has mirrors all over his armor.

The Knight of the Mirrors has mirrors all over his armor.

As they fight,

As they fight,

Don Quixote sees his own reflection in the mirrors.

Don Quixote sees his own reflection in the mirrors.

Això en Don Quixot no s'ho esperava,

This is something Don Quixote did not expect.

perquè el cavaller dels miralls porta una armadura feta de miralls,

because the knight of mirrors wears armor made of mirrors,

i mentre es barallen,

and while they are arguing,

el Quixot el que veu és el seu propi reflex

the Quixote sees his own reflection

en aquests miralls del cavaller dels miralls.

in these mirrors of the knight of the mirrors.

Don Quixot gets very confused

Don Quixote becomes very confused.

and begins to doubt his own abilities and identity.

and begins to doubt his own abilities and identity.

En Don Quixot queda molt confós

In Don Quixote, he remains very confused.

i comença a dubtar de les seves habilitats

and starts to doubt his abilities

i la seva identitat.

and its identity.

És realment ell que es veu reflectit en aquests miralls?

Is it really him that can be seen reflected in these mirrors?

After a fierce but futile struggle,

Després d'una lluita ferotge però fútil,

Don Quixote is defeated by the Knight of the Mirrors.

Don Quixote is defeated by the Knight of the Mirrors.

En Don Quixot lluita aferrissadament,

In Don Quixote he fights fiercely,

però no ho aconsegueix, és derrotat pel cavaller dels miralls.

but he does not succeed, he is defeated by the knight of mirrors.

Then the victorious knight reveals himself to be Samson Carrasco,

Then the victorious knight reveals himself to be Samson Carrasco,

a friend of Don Quixote.

a friend of Don Quixote.

Hola, amigo.

Hello, friend.

Però aleshores el cavaller victoriós es treu el casc de l'armadura dels miralls

But then the victorious knight removes the helmet of the mirror armor.

i resulta ser un amic del Don Quixot, en Samson Carrasco.

And he turns out to be a friend of Don Quixote, Samson Carrasco.

Samson Carrasco planned the whole thing

Samson Carrasco planned the whole thing.

in order to persuade Don Quixote to return home.

in order to persuade Don Quixote to return home.

Tot havia estat un pla d'en Samson Carrasco.

It had all been a plan by Samson Carrasco.

Ho havia fet per convèncer en Quixot de que tornés a casa.

I had done it to convince Quixote to return home.

Va pensar que en Don Quixot quedaria molt desanimat després de la derrota

He thought that Don Quixote would be very discouraged after the defeat.

i voldria tornar a casa.

I would like to go back home.

Aquí va ser.

Here it was.

Don Quixote decides to return home, to rest and recover from his adventures.

Don Quixote decides to return home, to rest and recover from his adventures.

Tornarà a casa per descansar i recuperar-se d'aquestes aventures.

He will return home to rest and recover from these adventures.

Don Quixote read so many books, pal,

Don Quixote read so many books, buddy,

that he thought he was one of the characters in the books.

that he thought he was one of the characters in the books.

En Don Quixot llegia tants llibres

In Don Quixote, he read so many books.

que va arribar a pensar que era un personatge d'aquests llibres.

who came to think that he was a character from those books.

Can you imagine if you transformed into a character

Can you imagine if you transformed into a character?

of a book you are reading?

of a book you are reading?

What would you be?

What would you be?

An adventurer? A dragon? A pig? A witch?

An adventurer? A dragon? A pig? A witch?

Si us transforméssiu en un personatge del llibre que esteu llegint,

If you transformed into a character from the book you are reading,

quin seríeu?

Which one would you be?

Un aventurer? Un drac? Una bruixa? Un porc? Una granota?

An adventurer? A dragon? A witch? A pig? A frog?

Un llibre?

A book?

Let me think.

Let me think.

Penseu, penseu.

Think, think.

Així que, amics meus, acaba la història de Don Quixot.

So, my friends, the story of Don Quixote ends.

Ens ensenya que el poder de la imaginació

It teaches us that the power of imagination

és increïble.

It's incredible.

We hope you had a wonderful time on this adventure

We hope you had a wonderful time on this adventure.

with Don Quixote and Sancho Panza.

with Don Quixote and Sancho Panza.

Esperem que en Don Quixot, en Sancho Panza, el ruc i el seu cavall,

We hope that in Don Quixote, Sancho Panza, the donkey and his horse,

en Rocinante, us hagin fet passar molt bona estona.

I hope you have had a great time on Rocinante.

Ara que coneixeu aquesta història,

Now that you know this story,

podeu tornar-la a escoltar o, encara millor,

you can listen to it again or, even better,

la podeu explicar al vostre...

you can explain it to your...

A best friend. Millor amic.

A best friend. Best friend.

Brother or sister. Germà o germana.

Brother or sister.

Mum or dad. Papa o mama.

Dad or mum. Dad or mum.

Grandma or grandpa. Avi o àvia.

Grandma or grandpa.

Cat or dog. Gat o gos.

Cat or dog.

I ara sí, acabem i ens veiem a la propera història.

And now yes, we finish and see you in the next story.

And remember, this is...

And remember, this is...

My First Big Story.

My First Big Story.

Subtitles by the Amara.org community

Subtítols de la comunitat Amara.org

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