T3xC44 - Què fan Monirosky, 31Fam, Teo Vizuete o els germans Gonfaus junts a Tik-tok?



T3xC44 - Què fan Monirosky, 31Fam, Teo Vizuete o els germans Gonfaus junts a Tik-tok?


Hola! Benvinguts i benvingudes a l'últim programa de Kids d'aquesta temporada.

Hello! Welcome to the last Kids program of this season.

El David està molt emocionat.

David is very excited.

És l'hora dels adeus, companys. Hem vingut de Canet Rock i hem passat d'aquí a aquí.

It is time to say goodbye, comrades. We came from Canet Rock and we have moved from here to here.

Però no passa res, perquè us hem d'agrair moltes coses.

But it's okay, because we have to thank you for many things.

O sigui, primer de tot, moltes gràcies per veure'ns dia a dia i que ho hem vist.

So, first of all, thank you very much for watching us day by day and for what we have seen.

Hem tingut una resposta increïble a YouTube, a Instagram, a TikTok.

We have had an incredible response on YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok.

O sigui, a TikTok hem crescut de forma brutal.

So, on TikTok we have grown tremendously.

I dic hem perquè som gairebé 7.000 ja a la família de Kids

I say "we" because we are almost 7,000 in the Kids family now.

i potser us hem sortit alguna vegada al For You Page.

And maybe we've appeared on your For You Page.

Potser, perquè entre tots els vídeos acumulem milions de visites.

Maybe because together all the videos accumulate millions of views.

És una bogeria, segur que us hem sortit al Paratú.

It's madness, I'm sure we ended up on Paratú.

No dir pas que no.

Don't say no.

I això, ja estem superagraïts i prometem que si tornem

And this, we are already super grateful and we promise that if we return

doncs farem molts més bons convidats.

Then we will have many more good guests.

I moltes més bones entrevistes.

And many more good interviews.

Sí, perquè només en 10 mesos, aquesta temporada,

Yes, because in just 10 months, this season,

hem fet dues, o sigui, dos milions de visites

we have made two, that is, two million visits

entre tots els vídeos de TikTok.

among all the TikTok videos.

O sigui, això haurà passat, de veritat.

So, this will have happened, truly.

És molt fort.

It's very strong.

És gran, és gran, és fort.

He is big, he is big, he is strong.

I per això també hem de dir, però, que el que més ens importa

And for this reason, we must also say, however, that what matters most to us

no és només les reproduccions i el sharing que tinguem,

It is not just the reproductions and the sharing that we have,

sinó que ens vegueu i que us sembli bé tot el que fem.

but that you see us and that you like everything we do.

Per això, avui, recuperem alguns dels millors moments de la temporada.

That’s why today we are bringing back some of the best moments of the season.

Sí, us portem, doncs,

Yes, we bring you, then,

els millors, bueno, els top moments de la temporada.

the best, well, the top moments of the season.

A partir de gener.

Starting from January.

Top moments 2023.

Top moments 2023.

Vinga, què, comencem amb el primer.

Come on, what, let's start with the first one.

En Jaume, l'escolanet de Montserrat.

Jaume, the altar boy from Montserrat.

Voleu saber amb quina edat podeu entrar a l'escolania?

Do you want to know what age you can enter the choir school?

A partir de quina edat pots entrar a l'escolania?

From what age can you enter the choir school?

Des de quart de primària, però cinquè també pots entrar.

Since fourth grade, but you can also enter in fifth.

I després, ja a partir de sisè hi ha cases excepcionals.

And then, starting from sixth grade, there are exceptional houses.

A quart no cantes, però cinquè sí, entres a cinquè sí.

In fourth you don't sing, but in fifth yes, you enter in fifth yes.

Et fan una preparació i llavors ja comences a cantar, però a quart

They prepare you and then you start singing, but at a quarter.

estàs un temps preparant-te per la veu,

you've been preparing for the voice for a while,

coneixent les partitures.

knowing the scores.

I quan arribes allà, què, quina és la primera impressió?

And when you arrive there, what, what is the first impression?

És allò de...

It's that thing of...

La primera impressió és que és molt gran.

The first impression is that it is very large.

Té quatre plantes, inclús la planta zero.

It has four floors, including the ground floor.

Ara, tu, quant fa que hi ets?

Now, you, how long have you been there?

Jo, tres anys, perquè vaig entre cinquè.

I, three years, because I am in fifth grade.

I fins quina edat esteu?

And until what age are you?

Fins a segon d'ESO.

Until the second year of secondary education.

Clar, perquè sou un cor de veus blanques.

Of course, because you are a heart of white voices.

Clar, i és quan et canvia la veu, però a vegades també te'n pots anar

Sure, and it's when your voice changes, but sometimes you can also leave.

primer, perquè si et canvia la veu molt ràpid,

first, because if your voice changes very quickly,

clar, t'has d'anar abans, perquè...

of course, you have to leave before, because...

i és un cor de veus blanques, no se fa el cert.

and it is a choir of white voices, it does not become true.

Que maco que és.

How beautiful it is.

Sí, a mi m'ha encantat, de veritat.

Yes, I really loved it.

O sigui, va ser una entrevista superagradable.

I mean, it was a super nice interview.

Sí, sí, i ella estava tan còmoda que ens va fins i tot explicar

Yes, yes, and she was so comfortable that she even told us.

alguns dels secrets que hi ha allà dins de l'escolània.

some of the secrets that are inside the school.

I te'n recordes del Jan Gunfaus?

Do you remember Jan Gunfaus?

Ostres, sí.

Wow, yes.

Sembla que sigui del segle passat, però no fa tant.

It seems like it's from the last century, but it wasn't that long ago.

Vols veure un clip?

Do you want to see a clip?

Vinga, va.

Come on, let's go.


Let's look at it.

Tornaries de quan eres molt més petit?

Would you go back to when you were much younger?

Jo, a l'època de l'ESO, m'ho vaig passar tan bé.

I had such a great time during my secondary education.



Jo no dic res, però imagino que tu la liaves

I'm not saying anything, but I imagine you were messing things up.

una mica, no?

A little bit, right?

Clar, però és que... No, però hi ha una cosa.

Sure, but there's a thing.

Clar, jo la liava amb els meus amics,

Sure, I used to hang out with my friends.

però entre nosaltres, per riure'ns nosaltres.

but between us, to laugh at ourselves.

Ara, no ho sé, tu vas a una escola i veus que l'ambient és diferent.

Now, I don't know, you go to a school and see that the environment is different.

Que comentàvem allò de l'ESO, te'n recordes?

Do you remember what we were saying about secondary school?

Ostres, sí.

Wow, yes.

Els malotes han canviat.

The bad girls have changed.

Però ell no era malote, ell era dolent amb els seus,

But he wasn't a bad guy, he was bad to his own.

no amb els professors.

not with the teachers.



Això està bé.

This is good.

Bueno, i dolent.

Good and bad.

Que es feien brometes entre ells, però els professors es respectaven.

They made little jokes among themselves, but the teachers respected each other.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Com s'hauria de fer.

How it should be done.

I tant.


I què més tenim, David?

And what else do we have, David?

Home, ens vam visitar uns cracs de la música urbana,

Dude, we were visited by some big names in urban music.

uns cracs que la Farnés, sobretot, admira moltíssim,

some stars that Farnés admires very much,

igual que jo.

just like me.

Els classes de Catalunya, és que s'ha de dir.

The classes of Catalonia, that's what must be said.

Ens va visitar l'Edi i el Didi.

Edi and Didi visited us.

Sembla, com es diu això, un trencaclosques.

It seems, what do you call this, a puzzle.

No, allò, un rodolí.

No, that, a couplet.

Un rodolí.

A rhyme.

Bé, doncs ens vam visitar i ens van comentar moltíssimes coses,

Well, then they visited us and told us a lot of things.

sobretot que l'Edi s'enamora bastant.

especially that Edi falls in love quite a bit.

Jo cada dia que surto al carrer m'enamoro.

Every day I go out on the street, I fall in love.

Llavors, què passa? Que em puc enamorar de moltes coses.

So, what happens? That I can fall in love with many things.

Per exemple, jo crec que a Interlud és més amor cap a la Costa Brava.

For example, I believe that in Interlude there is more love for the Costa Brava.

És una cosa que jo crec que només entenem els catalans,

It's something that I believe only we Catalans understand.

però és una cosa que es viu aquí i que transmet això.

but it is something that is experienced here and that conveys this.

I a l'A17 transmet una cosa totalment diferent.

And the A17 transmits a completely different thing.

Ai, el Baladetes. És el Baladetes.

Oh, the Baladetes. It's the Baladetes.

Total. Ei, li surt bé, eh, per això. O sigui, transmet, transmet.

Total. Hey, it works out well for him, right? I mean, pass it on, pass it on.

Transmet, ara no li preguntis com es deia la persona que...

Transmit, now don't ask him what the person's name was...

Això ja no.

Not anymore.

Que s'enamora de moltes coses diferents.

That falls in love with many different things.

Ho vam respectar. Ho vam respectar.

We respected it. We respected it.

També vam portar divers monitors.

We also brought several monitors.

A la primera part de la temporada vam portar la Judit,

In the first part of the season, we brought Judit,

que també era monitora d'esplai. Sí, Judit Canovas.

who was also a leisure monitor. Yes, Judit Canovas.

I després també vam portar el Teo Bizuete.

And then we also brought Teo Bizuete.

Home, home, home, home.

Home, home, home, home.

Que vam parlar també bastant de monitoratge i de colònies.

We also talked quite a bit about monitoring and colonies.

Bastant, vols dir? Sí.

Quite a lot, do you mean? Yes.



Què era el que passava a les colònies molts cops?

What would often happen in the colonies?


Let's see it.

Quines són les preguntes que més et fan, normalment?

What are the questions that you get asked the most, usually?

Si tinc nòvia o nòvio.

If I have a girlfriend or boyfriend.

El que sí que fan molt és, si veuen una nona monitora joveneta a l'equip...

What they do a lot is, if they see a young female monitor in the team...

Sí, paja.

Yes, straw.

Molt, molt.

Very, very.

I què tal amb ella? No sé quantes. I els hi encanta.

And how about her? I don't know how many. And they love it.

I sobretot volen saber molt de tu, sempre.

And above all, they always want to know a lot about you.

I també quan acabarem, quan dinem, quan dinem, quan sopem, quan berenem.

And also when we finish, when we have lunch, when we have lunch, when we have dinner, when we have a snack.

I dius, acabem de...

And you say, we just...

A mi m'ha passat, sempre em passa, que després de dinar, quan berenem.

It has happened to me, it always happens to me, that after lunch, when we have a snack.

I dius, eh, encara queda.

And you say, eh, there's still some left.

Cada 5 minuts, cada infant, tens 80 infants, doncs fes-te una idea.

Every 5 minutes, every child, you have 80 children, so just imagine.

Ets com pare de família nombrosa, no? Totalment.

You're like a father of a large family, right? Totally.

Mare meva, com es nota qui no era d'esplai ni de cau.

My goodness, you can really tell who wasn't from the youth group or the scout group.

Aquí, un servidor, era el que estava allà, una mica d'espectador a la conversa,

Here, yours truly, was the one who was there, a bit of a spectator to the conversation,

però això està molt bé també per aprendre, oi que sí?

but this is also very good for learning, isn’t it?

Sí, totalment.

Yes, totally.

També vam portar el Maniroski.

We also brought the Maniroski.

Ep, sí, perquè si us havíeu preguntat mai com queda el drill i el català,

Hey, yes, because if you ever wondered how drill sounds in Catalan,

ho vam aconseguir.

we did it.

Jo el català el veig com un idioma molt correcte, saps?

I see Catalan as a very correct language, you know?

I el drill ja és una mica més macà, en realitat.

And the drill is already a bit more handsome, actually.

Clar, aleshores dic tu, si barrejo aquestes dues coses...

Of course, then I say to you, if I mix these two things...

Normalment, les lletres de drill, parlant de matar i coses així...

Usually, drill lyrics talk about killing and things like that...

Ostres, va, són temes bastant...

Wow, come on, these are quite...

És una locura, saps?, quan ho fas, però en català.

It's crazy, you know?, when you do it, but in Catalan.

Per això et dic l'altre, que el ganivet sona una mica millor, saps?

That's why I tell you the other, that the knife sounds a bit better, you know?

Treure el ganivet sona com, dius, et vaig a fer una abraçada, o...

Taking out the knife sounds like, you say, I'm going to give you a hug, or...

Em va encantar, aquella entrevista, de veritat t'ho dic, eh?

I loved that interview, I'm really telling you, okay?

Quin crac! És que fa uns vídeos tan graciosos,

What a star! He makes such funny videos,

jo el segueixo a dia d'avui i m'encanta.

I still follow him to this day and I love it.

També volia ser actor, o sigui, polifacètic total.

He also wanted to be an actor, in other words, totally versatile.

És una entrevista que a mi m'ha encantat.

It's an interview that I really loved.

Promet, promet. Sí, sí.

Promise, promise. Yes, yes.

També m'ha encantat molt una entrevista que vam fer a l'Ona Guamfaus.

I also loved an interview we did with Ona Guamfaus.

Sí, sí, que ens ho va explicar,

Yes, yes, he told us.

que havia canviat 3 cops d'escola.

that he had changed schools 3 times.

Quina bogeria. Veiem-ho.

What madness. Let's see it.

Jo visc a una ciutat, d'acord?

I live in a city, okay?

Hi ha 3 carrers i hi ha 3 escoles. I he passat per aquelles 3.

There are 3 streets and there are 3 schools. I have passed by all 3.

Primer vaig anar de P3 fins a 5a1,

First I went from P3 to 5a1,

que m'agradava molt, però no tenia l'ESO,

that I really liked, but I didn't have the Secondary Education Certificate,

llavors havia de canviar sí o sí, i vaig voler canviar una mica abans,

then I had to change one way or another, and I wanted to change a little earlier,

i vaig anar a la segona.

I went to the second one.

I a la segona vaig estar fins a quart de l'ESO,

And in the second year, I was until the fourth year of secondary education.

que també m'agradava molt, però no feien l'Humanístic.

that I also liked a lot, but they didn't offer the Humanities program.

Llavors vaig haver d'anar a la tercera, a fer el batxillerat.

Then I had to go to the third year to do my bachelor's degree.

I d'aquestes 3, amb quina et quedes?

And out of these 3, which one do you choose?



Ara que hi estic, m'ha ajudat molt amb tot aquest tema, la veritat,

Now that I'm at it, it has helped me a lot with all this matter, to be honest,

però jo crec que em quedo per allò que millor m'ho he passat amb la segona.

but I think I'll stay for what I've enjoyed the most with the second one.

Quin encant, o sigui, de veritat, eh? Va ser molt agradable.

What a charm, I mean, really, huh? It was very pleasant.

Doncs sí, la veritat, es va portar superbé.

Well yes, the truth is, he handled it wonderfully.

I qui també es va portar bé, però tampoc excessivament,

And who also behaved well, but not excessively.

va ser Anteo, Anteo rapejant.

It was Anteo, Anteo rapping.

No, que és broma, la meitat que va rapejar un llibre d'Anteo.

No, it's a joke, half of what he rapped is from a book by Anteo.

M'hi caig estrany.

I find it strange.

Ei, ei, estem aquí, Catalunya Ràdio,

Hey, hey, we are here, Catalunya Ràdio,



Tots 3 dintre de la taula, tu et dius David i ella es diu Paula.

All 3 of us at the table, you are called David and she is called Paula.

No, és broma.

No, it's a joke.

Quins ois, quines marejades.

What eyes, what dizziness.

Ai, ai, quina pudor ha podrit.

Oh, oh, what a rotten smell.

Em dic Jordi, no soc del Madrid.

My name is Jordi, I am not from Madrid.

Què feien les bambes?

What were the sneakers doing?

Es diuen bambes, jo de Lleida li dic què ets.

They are called sneakers, I from Lleida call it what are you.

He dit David, però tu qui ets?

I have said David, but who are you?

Dins el teu nom, quan obrien les motxilles.

Inside your name, when they opened the backpacks.

Em dic Farnés.

My name is Farnés.

Farnés, Nesmo Pilla, totes les mosques ja anaven.

Farnés, Nesmo Pilla, all the flies were already going.

Però ja està, prou, perquè és que jo això ja...

But that's it, enough, because I already...

Molt bé!

Very good!

Li va pillar desprevingudíssim, eh?

It caught him completely off guard, huh?

Pobra, pobre, aquell dia, a més a més, no estava...

Poor, poor, that day, moreover, was not...

Estava una mica cansadet, el pobre.

He was a little tired, poor thing.

Estava que no estava.

I was that I wasn't.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Bé, espero que hagueu seguit també el repte de l'euro a les xarxes,

Well, I hope you have also followed the euro challenge on social media,

perquè amb cada convidat l'hem portat allà,

because with every guest we have taken them there,

a la màquina que tenim aquí a sobre i havia d'escollir un menjar...

to the machine that we have here on top and I had to choose a food...

Jo crec que el repte estava més en posar les tecles,

I believe that the challenge was more in pressing the keys,

o sigui, en pitjar les tecles, aviam què era primer,

that is, by pressing the keys, let's see what was first,

si les tecles o les monedes, en fi.

if the keys or the coins, anyway.

No acabava de funcionar, hem tingut alguns entrebancs,

It wasn't really working; we encountered some setbacks.

però s'ha solucionat, i bé, Martina Puiggalí,

but it has been resolved, and well, Martina Puiggalí,

el repte de l'europoder més accidentat.

the challenge of the most accident-prone europod.

Avui, el repte de l'euro... Amb la Martina Puiggalí!

Today, the euro challenge... With Martina Puiggalí!

A veure, deu.

Let's see, God.

Vinga, deu.

Come on, God.

Jo observo, d'acord?

I observe, okay?







Vinga, vinga, ja ho tenim.

Come on, come on, we've got it.

Vinga, vinga, vinga, vinga.

Come on, come on, come on, come on.

Vale. Quin número era?

Okay. What number was it?



Oh, no, Quique, no, Quique, no!

Oh, no, Quique, no, Quique, no!

Vale, crec que...

Okay, I think that...



Ara sí.

Now yes.

Ara sí, ara sí.

Now yes, now yes.

Passades amb gust, a formatge.

Passed with taste, in cheese.

Voleu una patata? Sí.

Do you want a potato? Yes.

Aquí teniu una patata.

Here you have a potato.



Doncs que ràpid que ha passat. Ostres, una moneda, una altra.

Well, how quickly it has passed. Wow, a coin, another one.

Potser ens toca fer el repte de l'euro, no?

Perhaps we have to take on the euro challenge, right?

Potser ens toca fer el repte de l'euro a nosaltres.

Maybe it's our turn to take on the euro challenge.

A nosaltres?

To us?

Al repte de l'euro.

To the challenge of the euro.

En fi, bueno, gràcies a tots per veure'ns,

Well, thank you all for watching us,

per seguir-nos durant aquesta temporada.

for following us during this season.

Qui sap, esperem veure'ns a la tornada.

Who knows, let's hope to see each other when we come back.

És que m'estic ratllant.

I'm just freaking out.

Bon estiu i bones vacances.

Have a great summer and enjoyable holidays.

Ens veiem al setembre.

See you in September.

Adeu, adeu. Moltes gràcies.

Goodbye, goodbye. Thank you very much.

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