Bao i els seus amics


Una mà de contes

Bao i els seus amics

Una mà de contes

Existeix un país, a l'Àsia Oriental, molt lluny d'aquí, que té la muralla més llarga del món.

There is a country in East Asia, very far from here, that has the longest wall in the world.

Diuen que pel seu cel hi sobrevolen dracs fantàstics, capaços d'espantar la mala sort.

They say that fantastic dragons soar through its sky, capable of frightening away bad luck.

A la primavera hi floreixen els cirerers.

In spring, the cherry trees bloom.

Al costat, d'unes pagodes precioses de mil colors i de fanalets llampants i encisadors.

Next to some beautiful pagodas of a thousand colors and dazzling, enchanting lanterns.

Heu endevinat de quin país es tracta?

Have you guessed which country it is?

Doncs sí, la Xina.

Well, yes, China.

És on viuen en Bao i els seus amics.

It's where Bao and his friends live.

A la regió d'Anji hi ha un bosc de bambú immens, enorme, gegantí.

In the Anji region, there is an immense, enormous, gigantic bamboo forest.

En Bao és un espanda, i com tots els ossos panda, li encanta passejar-se pel bosc i menjar bambú.

In Bao is a panda, and like all panda bears, he loves to stroll through the forest and eat bamboo.



Però què és aquesta veu?

But what is this voice?

La sentiu?

Do you hear it?





Sembla que hi ha algú per entre les canyes.

It seems that there is someone among the reeds.

O potser és el vent que bufa i les fa moure.

Or maybe it's the wind that blows and makes them move.

Sembla que les canyes ballin soles.

It seems that the reeds dance alone.





Mireu, és en Bao!

Look, it's Bao!

Què hi fa en Bao aquí tot sol?

What is Bao doing here all alone?

De tant en tant, se'n va d'excursió.

From time to time, he/she goes on an excursion.

Però sempre va amb els seus amics.

But he/she always goes with his/her friends.

Les fulles de bambú els fan pessigolles i riuen i s'ho passen pipa.

The bamboo leaves tickle them and they laugh and have a great time.

Potser en Bao s'ha perdut.

Perhaps Bao has gotten lost.

En Hai i la Xia també són al bosc.

Hai and Xia are also in the forest.

Canten i juguen.

They sing and play.

I la Xia se n'adona que en Bao no hi és.

And Xia realizes that Bao is not there.

Es deu haver despistat, es diu.

He must have gotten distracted, they say.

Els dos ossos busquen el seu amic i el criden.

The two bears are looking for their friend and calling him.

En Hai sent una baueta.

In Hai there is a bay.

Sóc aquí!

I'm here!

I el troba un amic espantat i tremolós.

And he finds a frightened and trembling friend.

Bao li diu.

Bao says.

Ets un despistat!

You are forgetful!

Mira que perdre't!

Look at what you're missing!

I en Bao riu content.

And in Bao, he laughs happily.

I el bosc li diu.

And the forest tells him.

Ets un despistat!

You're scatterbrained!

Mira que perdre't!

Look what you missed!

I en Bao riu content.

And in Bao, he smiles happily.

I el bosc li diu.

And the forest says to him.

Ets un despistat!

You're absent-minded!

Mira que perdre't!

Look at what you've lost!

I en Bao riu content.

And in Bao, he laughs happily.

I en Bao riu content de veure el seu amic i li passa la por.

And Bao, happy to see his friend, passes the fear.

Una setmana més tard,

A week later,

al poble se celebra el festival dels fanalets.

In the village, the lantern festival is celebrated.

I els tres amics ho volen veure tot i no perdre's cap detall.

And the three friends want to see everything and not miss any detail.

Agafen les bicicletes i recorren els carrers

They take the bicycles and ride through the streets.

Baden amunt i avall amb la boca oberta

Bobbing up and down with their mouth open.

Els fanalets són preciosos

The lanterns are beautiful.

I en Bao s'imagina que són cuques de llum de coloraines

And Bao imagines that they are colorful fireflies.

De sobte, pam!

Suddenly, bang!

En Bao es torna a despistar

In Bao, he gets distracted again.

I topa de morros contra un fanalet

I bump my nose against a lantern.

En Bao cau i la bicicleta rodola pel terra

Bao falls and the bicycle rolls on the ground.

Estic bé, estic bé, diu en Bao

I'm fine, I'm fine, says Bao.

M'he despistat i no l'he vist

I got distracted and didn't see him/her.

En Bao riu

In Bao River

Però per dins li sap greu el que ha passat

But inside, he feels sorry for what has happened.

Fins que un dia, a l'hora de sopar

Until one day, at dinner time.

En Bao té gana i s'obre a buscar bambú

Bao is hungry and goes out to look for bamboo.

En lloc de triar unes fulles dolces i tendres

Instead of choosing sweet and tender leaves

Li clava queixalada a un tronc dur i estallós

He bites into a hard and explosive trunk.

I se l'empassa

And he/she swallows it.

En Bao es posa malalt

Bao gets sick.

Li fa mal la panxa

His stomach hurts.

Va a O

Go to O

Però per què ho has fet?

But why did you do it?

Potser et passes de despistat

Maybe you're just being forgetful.

Li diuen la Xia Yanhai

They call her Xia Yanhai.

Ella explica que no s'hi veu bé

She explains that she can't see well there.

I que per això es perd

And that is why it is lost.

Topa amb els fanalets

Bumps into the lanterns

I menja el que no ha de menjar

And eats what he should not eat.

Es confon i li fa vergonya dir-ho

He gets confused and feels embarrassed to say it.

Però mira, ja ho ha dit

But look, he/she has already said it.

Els seus amics li diuen

His friends tell him.

Que si no es troba bé ha d'anar al metge

That if he/she is not feeling well, he/she should go to the doctor.

Que ell l'ajudarà

That he will help her.

L'endemà, en Bao va a l'oftalmòleg

The next day, Bao goes to the ophthalmologist.

I aquest li fa llegir unes lletres

And this one makes him read some letters.

En Bao li costa

In Bao, it’s difficult for him.

I el metge li diu

And the doctor says to him/her

Bao, el que necessites són unes bones ulleres

Bao, what you need is a good pair of glasses.

I com n'és de difícil triar unes bones ulleres

And how difficult it is to choose a good pair of glasses.

Aquestes són unes bones ulleres

These are some good glasses.

Aquestes són massa fosques

These are too dark.

Sembla un escarbat

It looks like a beetle.

Aquestes, massa llampants

These, too flashy.

No, no, no, són enormes

No, no, no, they are enormous.

Amb aquestes no s'hi veu un bou a tres passes

With these, you can't see a bull three steps away.

Ui, massa petites

Oh, too small.

I aquestes són per anar de festa

And these are for going to a party.

I aquestes són molt serioses

And these are very serious.

Ai, aquestes tampoc li fan el pes

Oh, these also don't suit him/her.

Uf, aquestes, encara menys

Ugh, these, even less.

Ep, però aquestes

Hey, but these

Aquestes sí

These ones, yes.

Són les seves ulleres noves

They are her new glasses.

Ara ja s'hi veu bé

Now you can see it clearly.

I fins i tot pot veure unes ulleres noves

And you can even see some new glasses.

A veure els dracs que sobrevolen el cel

Let's see the dragons flying over the sky.

I espanten la mala sort

And I scare away bad luck.

Mai més ningú li diu que és un despistat

Never again does anyone tell him that he is scatterbrained.

I en Bao i els seus amics

And Bao and his friends

Se'n van plegats i contents

They leave together and happy.

A buscar noves aventures

To seek new adventures.

I et volen explicar que aquestes són massa bones

They want to explain to you that these are too good.

És molt important

It is very important.

Que hi hagi gir de guta

That there be a twist of fate.

I que la vida el faci més bé

And may life treat him better.

A veure què hi ha dins

Let's see what's inside.

Estem a l'apel de mar

We are at the seashore.

I a la ràdio

And on the radio

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