T1xC10 - Per tenir bons somnis


10 minuts de pati

T1xC10 - Per tenir bons somnis

10 minuts de pati

Aquest és un podcast del Super3.

This is a podcast from Super3.

Partem d'un malson.

We start from a nightmare.

Ens ajudarà a tenir seguretat per descansar millor.

It will help us feel secure to rest better.

Per fer aquesta meditació has d'estar estirat al llit amb molt poca llum.

To do this meditation, you should be lying in bed with very little light.

Ara ens prepararem per descansar molt,

Now we will prepare to rest a lot,

tenir uns somnis molt dolços i estar tranquils.

to have very sweet dreams and to be at peace.

Comença a notar la teva respiració.

Begin to notice your breath.

Potser has tingut un dia amb moltes aventures

Maybe you had a day full of adventures.

i tens la respiració una mica agitada.

and your breath is a little rapid.

No passa res.

It's all right.

Primer observa com estàs.

First, observe how you are.

Agafa aire pel nas

Breathe in through your nose.

i notes com t'arriba a la panxa i te l'infla.

And you notice how it reaches your stomach and inflates it.

Quan la panxa estigui plena d'aire,

When the belly is full of air,

espera't uns segons per notar que està rodona

wait a few seconds to notice that it is round

i treu l'aire a poc a poc per la boca.

and release the air slowly through your mouth.

Ho fas?

Do you do it?

Ho farem tres cops.

We will do it three times.

Agafa aire pel nas i notes com t'arriba a la panxa

Breathe in through your nose and feel it reach your belly.

i te l'infla.

And he/she inflates it.

Quan la panxa estigui plena d'aire,

When the belly is full of air,

espera't uns segons per notar que està rodona

Wait a few seconds to notice that it is round.

i treu l'aire a poc a poc per la boca.

and exhale slowly through the mouth.

Agafa aire pel nas

Breathe in through your nose.

i notes com t'arriba a la panxa i te l'infla.

And you notice how it reaches your stomach and inflates it.

Quan la panxa estigui plena d'aire,

When the belly is full of air,

espera't uns segons per notar que està rodona

wait a few seconds to notice that it is round

i treu l'aire a poc a poc per la boca.

and breathe out slowly through your mouth.

I l'última.

And the last one.

Agafa aire pel nas

Breathe in through your nose.

i notes com t'arriba a la panxa i te l'infla.

And you notice how it reaches your stomach and inflates it.

Quan la panxa estigui plena d'aire,

When the belly is full of air,

espera't uns segons per notar que està rodona

wait a few seconds to notice that it is round

i treu l'aire a poc a poc per la boca.

and exhale slowly through the mouth.

Molt bé.

Very well.

Aquestes respiracions...

These breaths...

Aquestes respiracions tan agradables

These pleasant breaths

les pots fer en qualsevol moment de la nit

You can do them at any time during the night.

i t'adormiràs superràpid.

and you will fall asleep super fast.

Al llit ja estàs molt bé i notes molta seguretat.

In bed, you are already very well and feel a lot of security.

Els llençols et protegeixen de qualsevol cosa.

The sheets protect you from anything.

Tu només t'has de preocupar de descansar i estar a gust.

You just need to worry about resting and feeling good.

Li demanarem a la Iuna que et cuidi tota la nit

We will ask Iuna to take care of you all night.

i vigili els somnis que tens.

And watch over the dreams you have.

Et sembla bé?

Does that seem good to you?

I ara, per començar-la, hem de dir fluixet.

And now, to start it, we have to say softly.

La lluna a la pruna, germana del sol,

The moon to the plum, sister of the sun,

son pare li canta, sa mare la dorm.

His father sings to him, his mother puts him to sleep.

I una altra vegada.

And another time.

La lluna a la pruna, germana del sol,

The moon in the plum tree, sister of the sun,

son pare li canta, sa mare la dorm.

his father sings to him, his mother puts her to sleep.

I just davant teu apareix una lluna plena ben grossa.

Right in front of you, a big full moon appears.

Et regala un somriure molt gran

It gives you a big smile.

i et banya amb una llum daurada molt agradable.

and it bathes you in a very pleasant golden light.

A poc a poc, la llum de la lluna et va il·luminant la taula.

Little by little, the light of the moon illuminates the table.

I et va il·luminant la taula.

And it was illuminating the table for you.

I et va relaxant.

It relaxes you.

Ara t'il·lumina les espatlles, el pit, els braços i les mans.

Now it illuminates the shoulders, the chest, the arms, and the hands.

Els braços et van posant cada vegada més i més

The arms are putting you more and more.

i sembla que se t'ensorrin a dins del llit.

And it seems that you are collapsing inside the bed.

La llum de la lluna t'arriba a la panxa

The light of the moon reaches your belly.

i de mica en mica se't relaxa la respiració encara més.

And little by little your breathing relaxes even more.

Notes que la llum t'arriba a la cintura

You notice that the light reaches you at the waist.

i et comença a baixar per les cintures.

and it starts to go down by the waist.

I et comença a baixar per les cames.

It starts to go down your legs.

Se't relaxen les cuixes, els genolls i els pauets.

Your thighs, knees, and toes relax.

Cada cop notes més el teu pes a sobre el llit.

You increasingly feel your weight on the bed.

La lluna t'acompanya i et somriu des del cel.

The moon accompanies you and smiles at you from the sky.

Ara tens el cos relaxat

Now you have a relaxed body.

i trobes que el llit és el millor lloc del món.

And you find that the bed is the best place in the world.

Imagina't que la llum de la lluna comença a fer marxar

Imagine that the moonlight starts to fade away.

totes les coses que et fan estar neguitós o preocupat.

all the things that make you anxious or worried.

De cop i volta, el llum t'acompanya i et somriu des del cel.

Suddenly, the light accompanies you and smiles at you from the sky.

De cop i volta, desapareixen els deures, les obligacions

Suddenly, the duties and obligations disappear.

i tot el que et fa mandra i et ronda pel cap.

and everything that makes you lazy and goes around in your head.

Només et queda el descans.

You only have rest left.

És el millor moment del dia, el d'anar a dormir.

It's the best time of the day, the time to go to sleep.

Quan ja no et queda cap preocupació a dins,

When there are no worries left inside you,

notes que el llit s'aixeca de terra.

you notice that the bed is raised off the ground.

Li han sortit ales.

He has grown wings.

S'ha transformat en un llit volador

It has transformed into a flying bed.

i tot d'una surts volant per la finestra de la llum.

And suddenly you fly out through the window of light.

Com és que et passa això?

How is it that this happens to you?

Pot ser que la lluna et vulgui veure?

Could it be that the moon wants to see you?

Voles una estona en línia recta

You want a while in a straight line.

i et vas allunyant de casa, del poble i de la comarca.

And you are distancing yourself from home, from the village, and from the region.

Veus casa teva més petita,

You see your house smaller,

després el poble i després la comarca,

after the village and then the region,

que ara és molt i molt petita.

that now is very, very small.

Cada vegada ets més i més petita.

You are getting smaller and smaller each time.

Més i més lluny.

More and more far away.

Estar dins del llit et dóna molta seguretat.

Being in bed gives you a lot of security.

No tens por, al contrari.

You are not afraid, on the contrary.

Tens molta curiositat per aquesta aventura que vius.

You have a lot of curiosity about this adventure you are living.

Vas pujant, amunt i amunt.

You keep going up, up and up.

Finalment, aterres a la lluna.

Finally, you land on the moon.

El terra és de color platejat

The floor is silver in color.

i el cel és ple d'estrelles.

And the sky is full of stars.

Quan mires amunt, en lloc de veure la lluna,

When you look up, instead of seeing the moon,

veus la terra.

you see the land.

És rodona i d'un blau molt intens.

It is round and a very intense blue.

De cop i volta, veus un astronauta.

Suddenly, you see an astronaut.

Qui és?

Who is it?

Et fa un gest amb la mà perquè surtis del llit i el segueixis.

He gestures with his hand for you to get out of bed and follow him.

Surs del llit i et poses a caminar i a saltar

You get out of bed and start to walk and jump.

per tots els cràters que trobes.

for all the creators you find.

És curiós perquè a la lluna

It's curious because on the moon

la gravetat és diferent

gravity is different

i et mous molt apropatament.

and you move very closely.

És molt divertit.

It's very fun.

L'astronauta t'assenyala a un telescopi molt gran.

The astronaut points you to a very large telescope.

No havies vist mai res igual.

You had never seen anything like it.

És com el dels observatoris de la Terra,

It is like that of the Earth observatories,

però tres vegades més gran.

but three times bigger.

I a més, hi ha molts més astronautes.

And also, there are many more astronauts.

Sembla una ciutat a la lluna.

It looks like a city on the moon.

Què hi fa tot això aquí?

What is all this doing here?

Molt fàcil.

Very easy.

L'astronauta t'explica

The astronaut tells you.

que vigilen el son de tots els nens i totes les nenes de la Terra.

that monitor the sleep of all the boys and girls of the Earth.

Volen evitar els malsons.

They want to avoid nightmares.

I amb aquests telescopis tan grans

And with these big telescopes

s'asseguren que tots descanseu bé.

they make sure that you all rest well.

I quan un nen té un malson, fan brillar més la lluna

And when a child has a nightmare, they make the moon shine brighter.

perquè el nen es relaxi i estigui tranquil.

so that the child relaxes and is calm.

Sembla que no has de patir

It seems that you don't have to worry.

i que pots dormir ben a gust.

and you can sleep peacefully.

Quin descans!

What a relief!

A la lluna vetllen pel teu son.

On the moon, they watch over your sleep.

Però la cosa és que no és el que és.

But the thing is that it is not what it is.

La cosa no s'acaba aquí.

The thing doesn't end here.

L'astronauta et diu que pots demanar de somiar

The astronaut tells you that you can ask to dream.

amb el que tu vulguis

with whatever you want

que es farà realitat.

that will become reality.

Quina sorpresa!

What a surprise!

Et pensaves que els somnis no es podien triar.

You thought that dreams could not be chosen.

Pensa-t'ho bé.

Think it over.

Què t'agradaria somiar avui?

What would you like to dream about today?

Que vas a un parc d'atraccions?

Are you going to an amusement park?

Vols somiar amb el que faràs el cap de setmana?

Do you want to dream about what you'll do this weekend?

Amb el gos?

With the dog?

Amb el gat?

With the cat?

Pensa, pensa.

Think, think.

Pots triar el somni que vulguis.

You can choose any dream you want.

Quan el somni és el que vols,

When the dream is what you want,

quan el tens clar,

when you have it clear,

l'hi dius a l'astronauta.

You tell it to the astronaut.

Avui vull somiar a ca...

Today I want to dream at home...

I ell ho escriu en un ordinador gegant.

And he writes it on a giant computer.

Li has de demanar tres vegades més.

You have to ask him three times more.

Astronauta, sisplau.

Astronaut, please.

Avui vull somiar a ca...

Today I want to dream at home...

Astronauta, sisplau.

Astronaut, please.

Avui vull somiar a ca...

Today I want to dream at home...

Astronauta, sisplau.

Astronaut, please.

Avui vull somiar a ca...

Today I want to dream at home...

I ell ho escriu a l'ordinador.

And he writes it on the computer.

Després et mira als ulls a través de l'escafandre

Then he looks into your eyes through the helmet.

i et diu que no t'has de preocupar,

and it tells you that you don't have to worry,

que el teu somni ja està en marxa,

that your dream is already in motion,

però que ara has de tornar a casa

but now you have to go back home

per poder dormir tota la nit al teu llit.

to be able to sleep all night in your bed.

D'acord, ho tens claríssim.

Okay, you have it crystal clear.

Te'n vas cap a casa.

You're going home.

I com que ara ja t'has acostumat a la gravetat de la lluna,

And now that you are used to the gravity of the moon,

aprofites per fer piruetes i salts impossibles

you take the opportunity to do pirouettes and impossible jumps

entremig dels cràters.

in between the craters.

Ja està.

It's done.

Ja has arribat al teu llit.

You have already arrived at your bed.

T'has cansat una mica i tens molta curiositat.

You are a bit tired and very curious.

És veritat el que t'ha promès l'astronauta

Is it true what the astronaut promised you?

i ara somiaràs el que li has demanat?

And now will you dream what you have asked for?

Et sembla impossible.

It seems impossible to you.

T'estires bé al llit,

You stretch well in bed,

et tapes amb el llençol i la manta

you wrap yourself with the sheet and the blanket

i el llitet comença a volar com abans.

And the little bed starts to fly like before.

Des del llit veus tot el que hi ha al voltant.

From the bed, you can see everything around you.

El cel de nit no et fa por.

The night sky does not frighten you.

El trobes molt maco i molt misteriós.

You find it very beautiful and very mysterious.

Veus unes estrelles que somriuen,

You see some stars that smile,

i els planetes que orbiten al voltant del Sol.

and the planets that orbit around the Sun.

Fins i tot et sembla sentir una musiqueta molt especial.

You even seem to hear a very special little tune.

El llit entra per la finestra del teu quarto.

The bed comes through the window of your room.

Veus els pòsters de les parets, l'armari...

Do you see the posters on the walls, the closet...

Potser dorms amb el germà o la germana i el tens al costat?

Maybe you sleep with your brother or sister and have them next to you?

Et fixes en tots els detalls.

You pay attention to all the details.

Sembla mentida que només fa una estona fossis a la Lluna.

It seems unbelievable that just a moment ago you were on the Moon.

Com es deuen sentir els astronautes?

How must astronauts feel?

Com es deuen sentir els astronautes que vigilen els somnis

How must the astronauts who watch over dreams feel?

de tots els nens i les nenes de la Terra?

of all the boys and girls on Earth?

Abans de quedar-te adormit del tot

Before you fully fall asleep

i somiar el que has triat abans,

and dream what you chose before,

has de donar les gràcies per tres coses boniques

You have to be thankful for three beautiful things.

que t'han passat avui.

What happened to you today?

Ho has de pensar molt fort,

You have to think very hard.

o dir-ho molt fluix, com tu vulguis.

or say it very softly, whichever you prefer.

La primera, dono les gràcies per...

First, I would like to thank you for...

La segona, dono les gràcies per...

The second, I thank for...

I la tercera, dono les gràcies per...

And the third, I thank for...

I ara sí, de mica en mica,

And now yes, little by little,

notes que vas entrant en un son molt agradable.

you notice that you are entering a very pleasant sound.

Però encara pots demanar un desig per demà.

But you can still make a wish for tomorrow.

Què t'agradaria que et passés?

What would you like to happen to you?

Demanes un desig per tu

You make a wish for yourself.

i un altre per algú que t'estimis molt i molt.

and another for someone who loves you very much.

I mentre entres en un son profund,

And while you enter into a deep sleep,


you think...

La lluna, la pruna, germana del sol,

The moon, the plum, sister of the sun,

son pare li canta, sa mare la dorm.

his father sings to him, his mother puts her to sleep.

I tu ets com aquesta lluna que dorm i descansa

And you are like this moon that sleeps and rests.

amb seguretat i tranquil·litat fins al matí.

with security and tranquility until morning.

Bona nit.

Good night.

Gràcies per meditar amb la Vilma.

Thank you for meditating with Vilma.

Una abraçada ben gran a tots.

A big hug to everyone.

A tothom.

To everyone.

10 minuts de pati.

10 minutes of recess.

Meditacions per descobrir la calma i la felicitat.

Meditations to discover calmness and happiness.

És un podcast del Super3 produït per Dana Building SL.

It is a podcast from Super3 produced by Dana Building SL.

Guió i presentació Vilma Montoliu.

Script and presentation by Vilma Montoliu.

Correcció de guions Jordi Quiles.

Script correction by Jordi Quiles.

Adaptació sonora i muntatge tècnic Toni Torres

Sound adaptation and technical editing Toni Torres

de l'estudi Here Comes the Sound.

from the study Here Comes the Sound.

Grafisme Sam Gómez.

Graphics Sam Gómez.

Direcció Rosa Moya.

Direction Rosa Moya.

Producció executiva Javi Hernández.

Executive production Javi Hernández.

Aquest és un podcast del Super3.

This is a podcast from Super3.

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