135: La 'comfort zone' dels pronoms febles

Sílvia, Andreu i l'equip d'Easy Catalan

Easy Catalan: Learn Catalan with everyday conversations

135: La 'comfort zone' dels pronoms febles

Easy Catalan: Learn Catalan with everyday conversations

Bon dia, Sílvia.

Good morning, Sílvia.

Bon dia, Andreu.

Good morning, Andreu.

Com estàs?

How are you?

Molt bé. Ja som al setembre, no? Hem començat a treballar.

Very well. It's already September, isn't it? We have started working.

Sí. Jo, de fet, avui que gravem és el dia que em reincorporo a la feina

Yes. In fact, today that we are recording is the day I go back to work.

després d'unes vacancetes, per tant...

after a short vacation, therefore...

Molt merescudes.

Very well deserved.

Molt fresc i amb ganes de reprendre l'activitat.

Very fresh and eager to resume activity.

Molt bé.

Very good.

Però Sílvia, has dit que som al setembre i això vol dir que Easy Catalan ha fet anys.

But Sílvia, you said it's September and that means Easy Catalan has had its anniversary.

Ai, sí. Sis, no?

Oh, yes. Yes, right?

Exacte. O sigui, ens hem de felicitar. Enhorabona per molts anys, Sílvia, i tot l'equip.

Exactly. So, we should congratulate ourselves. Congratulations for many years, Sílvia, and the whole team.

A tot l'equip, sí, a tot l'equip. Sis anys, Déu n'hi do, eh?

To the whole team, yes, to the whole team. Six years, goodness, huh?

Es diu aviat.

It's said soon.

Sis anys que van publicar aquell primer vídeo a Andorra.

Six years since they published that first video in Andorra.

Vaja, sí.

Wow, yes.

El van publicar a internet, però es va gravar a Andorra.

They published it on the internet, but it was filmed in Andorra.

Molt bé, molt bé. Déu n'hi do.

Very well, very well. Goodness.

Sí, sí. I des de llavors, ja quants vídeos portem?

Yes, yes. And since then, how many videos have we made?

No ho sé. Molts.

I don't know. Many.

Molts, no? Més de cent.

Many, right? More than a hundred.

No sé quants. Jo ja fa estona que he perdut el compte.

I don't know how many. I've lost track of time a while ago.

Bé, aquest serà l'episodi 136 del podcast.

Well, this will be episode 136 of the podcast.

Per tant, sí, sí, ja...

So, yes, yes, already...


Let's chat.

Hem fet feina.

We have done work.

Massa greu, xarrem.

Too serious, we talk.

Hem fet feina.

We have done work.

Doncs això, hem fet sis anys i en aquests sis anys hem tingut temps de fer moltes coses,

Well, that's it, we have been together for six years and in these six years we have had time to do many things,

entre les quals també començar l'escola d'Isicatalan.

among which also starting the Isicatalan school.

Ui, tant. Una escola que ja va funcionar tot el curs passat i aquest curs continua.

Oh, absolutely. A school that has been running all of last year and continues this year.

Exacte. I avui, 19 de setembre, vol dir que falten, com tant el dia d'avui,

Exactly. And today, September 19, means that there are, just like today,

quatre dies només perquè s'acabi el període d'inscripció als cursos.

Four days only until the registration period for the courses ends.

Això és superimportant per totes les persones.

This is super important for all people.

Que es vulguin apuntar a les classes que fem a Isicatalan.

That they want to sign up for the classes we do at Isicatalan.

Exacte. O sigui, falten només quatre dies, si esteu escoltant l'episodi el mateix dia que ha sortit publicat,

Exactly. So, there are only four days left, if you are listening to the episode on the same day it was released,

per apuntar-vos als cursos que oferim des d'Isicatalan.

to sign up for the courses we offer at Isicatalan.

I, per si us ho heu estat pensant però encara no heu donat una ullada a la informació a la web,

And, in case you have been thinking about it but haven't taken a look at the information on the website yet,

primer dir-vos que la web és classes.isicatalan.org.

First, let me tell you that the website is classes.isicatalan.org.

Una web preciosa. Entreu-hi perquè val la pena només veure-la.

A beautiful website. Check it out because it's worth it just to see.

Sí. Podeu fer pausa a aquest episodi ara mateix, visitar la web i reservar la vostra plaça si és que us interessa fer un curs de català.

Yes. You can pause this episode right now, visit the website, and reserve your spot if you are interested in taking a Catalan course.

Que preferiu escoltar-nos ara la Sílvia i a mi? Cap problema, perquè us explicarem ara, breument,

Do you prefer to hear Sílvia and me now? No problem, because we will explain it to you briefly now.

aquesta oferta de cursos i tot el que podeu trobar a la web. D'acord?

this offer of courses and everything you can find on the website. Okay?

Així que, sense pressa però sense pausa, ara us explicarem aquesta oferta de cursos.

So, without haste but without pause, we will now explain this course offer to you.

Què tenim? En primer lloc, cursos normals. O sigui, cursos que podríem fer...

What do we have? First of all, regular courses. That is to say, courses that we could take...

En primer lloc, cursos normals. O sigui, cursos que podríem fer...

First of all, regular courses. I mean, courses that we could do...

Cursos normals. O sigui, cursos que podríem fer en una escola d'idiomes, però en aquest cas en línia. D'acord?

Normal courses. That is, courses that we could take in a language school, but in this case online. Okay?

També tenim cursos de conversa. És a dir, cursos que són només de parlar, parlar i parlar, com els que vam oferir el mes de juliol

We also have conversation courses. That is, courses that are only about speaking, speaking, and speaking, like the ones we offered in July.

i que ara tornem a oferir perquè molta gent ens ha preguntat, no?, si en tornaríem a fer.

And now we are offering it again because many people have asked us, right?, if we would do it again.

Ui, tant! I a més són molt útils, perquè quan parles és quan expreses tot el que has après i, per tant,

Oh, absolutely! And furthermore, they are very useful, because when you speak is when you express everything you've learned and, therefore,

quan de veritat es nota si has après una llengua o no.

When it truly shows if you have learned a language or not.

Exacte. A més a més, què és l'enfocament...

Exactly. Furthermore, what is the approach...

...a l'escola d'idiom català, no?, de parlar, o sigui, de palpar la llengua viva del carrer i, vaja,

...at the Catalan language school, right?, to speak, I mean, to experience the living language of the street and, well,

que no podien faltar cursos de conversa a l'escola d'idiom català.

that conversation courses could not be missing from the Catalan language school.

Llavors, a part d'això, d'aquests cursos, tenim també la versió particular, o sigui, les classes particulars o sessions de conversa individuals, no?

So, apart from that, from these courses, we also have the individual version, that is, private lessons or individual conversation sessions, right?

Però, clar, les sessions de conversa o les classes particulars les podeu contractar en qualsevol moment de l'any.

But, of course, you can hire conversation sessions or private classes at any time of the year.

I el que ara estava comentant fa una estona l'Andreu és que aquests cursos...

And what Andreu was just commenting on a while ago is that these courses...

...dels cursos de conversa o dels cursos normals, només us hi podeu apuntar ara.

...of conversation courses or regular courses, you can only sign up for them now.

Exacte, perquè són 24 sessions que comencen ara el 23, la setmana del 23 de setembre, i s'allarguen fins al desembre, no?

Exactly, because there are 24 sessions that start now on the 23rd, the week of September 23rd, and they extend until December, right?

Són cursos trimestrals, això de 24 sessions per curs, cada sessió o cada classe dura 60 minuts, i què més? Com són aquests cursos? Hem dit que són en línia.

They are quarterly courses, with 24 sessions per course, each session or class lasts 60 minutes, and what else? What are these courses like? We said they are online.

Heu de pensar que els cursos, normalment, són en dues...

You have to think that the courses are usually in two...

...dues sessions, o sigui, que hi ha dos dies a la setmana que feu classe, i cada vegada us hi esteu 60 minuts, una hora.

...two sessions, that is, there are two days a week when you have class, and each time you stay for 60 minutes, one hour.

Llavors, això, són en línia, són en grups reduïts, de 3 a 6 persones, no?, la qual cosa facilita que tothom pugui participar,

So, this is online, in small groups, from 3 to 6 people, right? This makes it easier for everyone to participate.

que no hagis d'estar molta estona esperant per poder, doncs, parlar, com passen en les classes així més nombroses, de 20... 20 molts alumnes.

so that you don't have to wait a long time to be able to talk, as happens in larger classes, with 20... 20 many students.

Ui, sí. També veureu que els horaris n'hi ha que són de dematí.

Oh, yes. You will also see that there are some schedules in the morning.

I de nivells, hi ha una mica de tot, també. Hi ha des del nivell més inicial, o sigui, podeu començar de zero, o podeu triar un nivell intermedi o avançat.

And regarding levels, there is a bit of everything as well. There is the most basic level, meaning you can start from scratch, or you can choose an intermediate or advanced level.

En el cas dels cursos de conversa, tenim cursos de nivell A2, és a dir, per a persones que ja tenen una base i volen practicar el que han après, i cursos de nivell BV2.

In the case of conversation courses, we have A2 level courses, that is, for people who already have a foundation and want to practice what they have learned, and BV2 level courses.

Per tant, per als que ja tenen una base consolidada, no?, un nivell intermedi.

Therefore, for those who already have a solid foundation, right? An intermediate level.



Què més podem dir?

What else can we say?

Crec que no ens estem deixant res.

I think we are not leaving anything out.

Podríem explicar com funciona el procés d'inscripció, no?

We could explain how the registration process works, right?

Sí. Doncs, al costat de cada grup hi trobareu un botonet de color vermell que hi posa Inscriu-t'hi,

Yes. Well, next to each group you will find a red button that says Sign up.

i si el cliques, si pitxes a sobre d'aquell botonet, s'us posarà aquell grup concret a la cistella de compra.

And if you click it, if you press that button, that specific group will be added to the shopping basket.

Exacte. Per tant, el primer pas és triar el curs en qüestió que us interessa i fer el pagament.

Exactly. Therefore, the first step is to choose the relevant course that interests you and make the payment.

Aleshores, un cop fet això, us enviarem un correu electrònic amb la informació per al segon pas,

Then, once this is done, we will send you an email with the information for the second step.

que és fer una breu videotrucada amb un de nosaltres, un dels professors de l'escola de G. Catalan,

what it is to make a brief video call with one of us, one of the teachers from the G. Catalan school,

que pot ser o la Valentina, o la Irene, o jo mateix, que serà una conversa informal, no?,

which could be either Valentina, or Irene, or myself, it will be an informal conversation, right?

per veure una mica, doncs, el vostre nivell i resoldre tots els dubtes que pugueu tenir.

to see a little, then, your level and resolve any doubts you may have.

I, després d'aquesta breu videotrucada d'uns 10-15 minuts, finalment, nosaltres us farem,

I, after this brief video call of about 10-15 minutes, finally, we will make you,

una proposta de grup, és a dir, us direm si el grup al qual us heu inscrit ja us va bé,

a group proposal, that is to say, we will tell you if the group you have registered for suits you.

o si potser us aniria millor un altre grup, no?, un altre, potser un altre nivell o un altre format.

Or perhaps another group would suit you better, wouldn't it? Another one, maybe another level or another format.



Segons les vostres necessitats, us farem una proposta.

According to your needs, we will make a proposal for you.

En qualsevol cas, respectarem la vostra decisió, vosaltres teniu l'última paraula,

In any case, we will respect your decision; you have the final word.

i, per tant, l'últim pas de la inscripció és aquest, confirmar quin grup voleu.

And so, the last step of the registration is this, to confirm which group you want.

S'ha de tenir en compte, també, que potser no sortiran tots els grups que hi ha en la pàgina web,

It should also be taken into account that perhaps not all the groups listed on the website will appear.

sinó que cada grup ha de tenir, com a mínim, 3 persones inscrites perquè, al final, es tirin endavant.

but each group must have at least 3 registered members in order for them to move forward in the end.

En cas que una persona s'hagi apuntat a un grup que, al final, no tira endavant,

If a person has signed up for a group that, in the end, does not go ahead,

se li donaran diferents opcions i la persona en qüestió escollirà l'opció que li vagi millor.

Different options will be given to him/her and the person in question will choose the option that suits him/her best.

Per tant, en resum, 1. triar el curs i fer el pagament,

Therefore, in summary, 1. choose the course and make the payment,

2. breu videotrucada amb un de nosaltres,

2. brief video call with one of us,

i 3. confirmar la inscripció. Són tres passos senzills.

And 3. confirm the registration. It is three simple steps.

I què més podeu trobar a la web?

And what else can you find on the website?

Podeu trobar una breu presentació dels tres professors,

You can find a brief presentation of the three teachers.

també algunes opinions d'exalumnes.

also some opinions from former students.

Ara que ja tenim una experiència a l'Escola d'Easy Catalan amb diferents cursos que hem fet,

Now that we have experience at the Easy Catalan School with the different courses we have taken,

doncs podeu llegir algunes experiències.

so you can read some experiences.

I, per últim, un apartat de preguntes freqüents.

And finally, a section of frequently asked questions.



Què passa si teniu més preguntes i no són les preguntes freqüents?

What happens if you have more questions and they are not the frequently asked questions?

Doncs que ens podeu enviar un correu electrònic i us respondrem amb el vostre dubte o pregunta.

So you can send us an email and we will respond to your query or question.

També ens podeu escriure per les xarxes. Molta gent ho està fent aquests dies.

You can also write to us on social media. Many people are doing it these days.

Ens han escrit per Instagram.

They have written to us through Instagram.

O per altres llocs.

Or elsewhere.

Doncs preguntant si hi ha, per exemple, la possibilitat de pagar a terminis.

So asking if there is, for example, the possibility of paying in installments.

Que això també hi és. Hi ha aquesta opció.

That is also there. There is this option.

Doncs sí, qualsevol dubte que tingueu, escriviu-nos o consulteu l'apartat de preguntes freqüents.

Well, yes, any doubts you have, write to us or consult the frequently asked questions section.

Com hem dit, l'enllaç és classes.easycatalan.org. També el teniu a les notes del programa.

As we said, the link is classes.easycatalan.org. You also have it in the program notes.

I no hem parlat de preus. Quins preus tenen els cursos i les classes?

And we haven't talked about prices. What are the prices for the courses and classes?

Doncs els cursos i les classes, com hem comentat fa un moment, van per trimestre.

Well, the courses and classes, as we mentioned a moment ago, are organized by trimester.

Són 24 sessions, 24 classes. I les classes de conversa surten a 12 euros i mig l'hora.

There are 24 sessions, 24 classes. And the conversation classes cost 12 euros and a half an hour.

Això vol dir que al trimestre aquestes 24 classes us surt per 300 euros.

This means that for the term, these 24 classes cost you 300 euros.

I les altres classes, els altres cursos de català, surten per 15 euros l'hora. 24 classes, que són 360 euros.

And the other classes, the other Catalan courses, are 15 euros per hour. 24 classes, which amount to 360 euros.

Aquest pagament el podeu fer en tres vegades, si voleu.

You can make this payment in three installments, if you wish.

Exacte. Es pot pagar en tres terminis.

Exactly. It can be paid in three installments.

Aleshores, aquests són els preus dels cursos en grup reduïts.

Then, these are the prices for the small group courses.

I en el cas de les classes individuals, el preu és de 35 euros l'hora.

In the case of individual classes, the price is 35 euros per hour.

I de les sessions de conversa individuals, és a dir, particulars, 30 euros l'hora.

And for individual conversation sessions, that is to say, private ones, 30 euros per hour.

I apuntant-vos a les classes d'easycatalan, no només aprendreu català,

By signing up for easycatalan classes, you will not only learn Catalan,

sinó que també donareu suport a aquest projecte que estem fent aquí amb l'Andreu, el Joan i moltes altres persones.

but you will also support this project that we are doing here with Andreu, Joan, and many other people.



Molt bé. Doncs una cosa que podreu aprendre si us apunteu als cursos d'easycatalan és fer servir correctament els pronoms febles.

Very well. So one thing you can learn if you sign up for easycatalan courses is how to properly use weak pronouns.

Un dels punts pot ser més complexos de la gramàtica catalana, o com a mínim un dels més famosos.

One of the points can be one of the more complex aspects of Catalan grammar, or at least one of the most famous.

Tothom diu els pronoms febles, els pronoms febles.

Everyone talks about weak pronouns, weak pronouns.

I en els cursos d'easycatalan es pot treballar o treballareu aquest aspecte en més d'una ocasió.

And in the easycatalan courses, you can work on this aspect more than once.

Però avui, en aquest taller de llengua, el que volem és ensenyar-vos alguns verbs que tenen el pronom incorporat.

But today, in this language workshop, what we want is to teach you some verbs that have the pronoun incorporated.

És a dir, verbs que sempre apareixen amb un pronom feble.

That is to say, verbs that always appear with a weak pronoun.

Vol dir que està lexicalitzat aquest pronom, està fixat.

It means that this pronoun is lexicalized, it is fixed.

O potser està en procés de lexicalització.

Or perhaps it is in the process of lexicalization.

Ara explicarem millor què vol dir això.

Now we will explain better what this means.

Però, en definitiva, la idea és...

But, ultimately, the idea is...

que són verbs que sempre van amb el pronom i, per tant, no us equivocareu.

they are verbs that always go with the pronoun "i", so you won't make a mistake.

És fàcil utilitzar aquests verbs perquè sempre van amb el pronom.

It is easy to use these verbs because they always come with the pronoun.

Vinga, va, doncs va. Anem a veure-ho, anem a veure-ho.

Come on, then let's go. Let's go see it, let's go see it.

Perquè això, si és fàcil i són pronoms febles, què pot sortir malament? Vull dir, vinga.

Because it's easy and they're weak pronouns, what could go wrong? I mean, come on.

D'acord, a veure.

Alright, let's see.

Parlarem concretament dels pronoms EN i I.

We will talk specifically about the pronouns EN and I.

Hi ha altres pronoms febles, però avui parlarem d'aquests dos.

There are other weak pronouns, but today we will talk about these two.

Aleshores, què vol dir aquesta paraulota que he dit de lexicalitzat?

So, what does this big word I said about lexicalized mean?

Vol dir, doncs, fixat.

It means, then, pay attention.

Vol dir que, amb l'ús, hi ha un verb que s'ha fixat d'aquesta manera.

It means that, with use, there is a verb that has been fixed in this way.

Que sempre hi és, vaja.

It's always there, anyway.

Sempre es diu així.

It is always said like this.

Per exemple, un verb que vam dir en un episodi anterior, que és ANAR-SE'N.

For example, a verb we mentioned in a previous episode, which is TO GO AWAY.

Ah, sí. D'aquest ja en vam parlar. Sí, ANAR-SE'N.

Ah, yes. We already talked about this one. Yes, TO GO AWAY.

D'aquest ja en vam parlar, que vol dir marxar d'un lloc.

We already talked about this, which means to leave a place.

No diem EN VAig, ja és l'hora, EN VAig, sinó ME'N VAig.

We don't say I'M GOING, it's time, I'M GOING, but I'M LEAVING.

Clar, antigament era ME'N VAig d'aquí.

Sure, in the past it was I'M LEAVING here.

O sigui, aquest pronom sí que feia referència a algun lloc, però ara ja no necessitem un complement, no?

So, this pronoun did refer to somewhere, but now we no longer need a complement, right?

Simplement diem ME'N VAig, ANAR-SE'N. D'acord?

We simply say I'M LEAVING, TO LEAVE. Okay?

Un altre verb que té aquest pronom incorporat és DIR-NE.

Another verb that has this pronoun incorporated is TELL-IT.



Què vol dir DIR-NE?

What does it mean to SAY-IT?

Un segon. DIR-NE.

One second. TELL-ME.

Com en dius tu, d'això?

What do you call this?

Ah, uf, Sant Antoni. D'acord. DIR-NE.

Ah, phew, Sant Antoni. Alright. TELL- US.



Com en dius de l'aparell que fas servir per trucar?

What do you call the device you use to make calls?

Exacte, com anomenes tu.

Exactly, as you call it.

És a dir, la diferència entre DIR i DIR-NE és que DIR vol dir pronunciar, parlar,

That is to say, the difference between DIR and DIR-NE is that DIR means to pronounce, to speak,

però DIR-NE vol dir anomenar una cosa, dir-li d'alguna manera.

but SAYING IT means naming something, referring to it in some way.

Per tant, és com quan diem a casa, d'això en diem tocar-se la pera. El que sigui.

Therefore, it's like when we say at home, we call that touching one's pear. Whatever it may be.

D'acord. D'acord?

Okay. Okay?



Un altre és SORTIR-SE'N.

Another is to GET BY.

Ah, sí. Vol dir que ho aconsegueixes, que te'n surts molt bé d'una cosa.

Ah, yes. It means that you manage it, that you do very well at something.



O no sortir-se'n quan no ho aconsegueixes.

Or to not succeed when you don’t achieve it.

Vol dir com superar una situació, no? Ai, no sé si ens en sortirem. No sé si ens en sortirem. Estic una mica pessimista.

It means how to get through a situation, right? Oh, I don't know if we'll make it. I don't know if we'll make it. I'm feeling a bit pessimistic.



Superar una situació complicada, una situació difícil, sortir-se'n.

Overcoming a complicated situation, a difficult situation, managing to get through it.



D'acord. Un altre amb el pronom EN és SABER-NE.

Okay. Another one with the pronoun EN is to KNOW ABOUT IT.

SABER-NE molt d'un tema. Vol dir que tens molt coneixement sobre alguna cosa.

TO KNOW A LOT ABOUT A SUBJECT. It means that you have a lot of knowledge about something.

Exacte. Sí. Pot ser sobre alguna cosa o en general, no? El Joan en sap molt. Com en sap, en Joan, eh?

Exactly. Yes. It can be about something or in general, right? Joan knows a lot. How much Joan knows, huh?

Però, clar, si no dius sobre què és perquè ja ho has dit.

But, of course, if you don't say what it's about because you've already said it.

Sí. Es pot entendre suposo que pel context, no?

Yes. I suppose it can be understood given the context, right?

Clar. Sí, sí.

Sure. Yes, yes.

Veus algú que està fent una cosa i la fa molt bé i dius, mira com en sap.

You see someone doing something and they do it very well and you say, look how good they are at it.

Ah, aquí, aquí. Ara. Molt bé.

Ah, here, here. Now. Very good.

Mira com en sap.

Look how knowledgeable he/she is.



Doncs això, és tenir coneixements sobre alguna cosa. D'acord? Bé, doncs hem vist quatre verbs que tenen aquest pronom EN incorporat. Ara passem al pronom I.

So, this is having knowledge about something. Right? Well, we have seen four verbs that have this pronoun EN incorporated. Now let's move on to the pronoun I.


Come on.

Un verb molt habitual i que crec que també hem comentat aquí. El verb HABER-I.

A very common verb that I believe we have also discussed here. The verb HABER-I.

HABER-I. Ui, sí. Bé.

HAVE-I. Oh, yes. Well.

Potser aquí no l'hem tractat molt, molt, però hi ha un vídeo dedicat al verb HABER-I, que és el hi ha, no? Hi ha un banc. Hi ha un arbre.

Perhaps we haven't dealt with it a lot, but there is a video dedicated to the verb HABER-I, which is "there is," right? There is a bank. There is a tree.

Exacte. O sigui, per dir que en algun lloc... Com dius HABER-I sense utilitzar el verb HABER-I? El joc del tabú.

Exactly. So, to say that somewhere... How do you say HABER-I without using the verb HABER-I? The taboo game.

Que en un lloc existeix o es troba alguna cosa, no? El que seria there is o there are en anglès.

That something exists or is found in a place, right? What would be "there is" or "there are" in English.

Doncs utilitzem el verb HABER-I i sempre hi ha aquest pronom, el pronom I.

So we use the verb HABER-I and there is always this pronoun, the pronoun I.

Però el verb HABER-I en català només és hi ha. No pots fer la forma de plural. O sigui, si dius hi ha quatre cadires, hi ha cinc nois.

But the verb HABER-I in Catalan is only "hi ha." You cannot make the plural form. So, if you say there are four chairs, there are five boys.

Sí. Clar, és un verb impersonal, no? És com el verb ploure. Per tant, s'ha de conjugar, en principi, en singular. Què passa?

Yes. Of course, it is an impersonal verb, right? It's like the verb to rain. Therefore, it should be conjugated, in principle, in the singular. What happens?

A la llengua oral, espontània, col·loquial, etcètera, molt sovint l'utilitzem en plural. I diem hi ha.

In spoken, spontaneous, colloquial language, etc., we often use it in the plural. And we say there are.

I això, en un registre formal, no seria correcte, però parlant col·loquialment és molt habitual. I, de fet, si mireu els vídeos d'Isicatran, molta gent, molts dels entrevistats, utilitzen aquest verb en plural.

And this, in a formal register, would not be correct, but colloquially it is very common. And, in fact, if you watch the Isicatran videos, many people, many of the interviewees, use this verb in the plural.

Vull dir que no és una cosa estranya. Vull dir, es podria considerar un error segons el registre.

I mean it’s not a strange thing. I mean, it could be considered a mistake according to the record.

Molt bé. Però a la llengua del carrer és una cosa habitual.

Very well. But in the street language, it is a common thing.

Molt bé. Un altre verb amb el pronom i. Veure-hi.

Very well. Another verb with the pronoun i. To see it.

I veig molt clar quan porto ulleres.

I see very clearly when I wear glasses.

Què vol dir, veure-hi?

What does it mean to see?

Doncs que... sense dir veure. No sé com fer-ho.

Well, that... without saying see you. I don't know how to do it.

Podríem dir que és tenir la capacitat, o sigui, ser capaç de percebre per mitjà de la vista.

We could say that it is having the ability, that is, to be able to perceive through sight.

Sí, exacte. O sigui, com els teus ulls...

Yes, exactly. I mean, like your eyes...

Doncs, veus alguna cosa, és que clar, no sé...

Well, you see, it's just that I don't know...

Clar, a veure, podríem dir que si fas servir el verb veure, senzillament, sense el pronom, necessites un complement.

Of course, let’s see, we could say that if you use the verb "to see," simply, without the pronoun, you need a complement.

Veig la muntanya o veig moltes coses. Necessites un complement directe. Però veure-hi, o sigui, amb veure-hi no pots utilitzar un complement. És simplement veure-hi.

I see the mountain or I see many things. You need a direct object. But to see, I mean, with see you cannot use a complement. It's simply to see.

I vol dir, doncs, que hi veus o no hi veus.

So, do you mean that you see it or you don't see it?

És a dir, si, per exemple, t'has quedat sec, has tingut un accident, doncs ja no hi veus.

That is to say, if, for example, you have run out of money, you have had an accident, well then you can no longer see.

Has tingut un accident a la vista, als ulls, t'ha caigut algun líquid corrosiu, ja no hi veus. Has perdut la vista.

You have had an accident to your sight, to your eyes; some corrosive liquid has fallen on you, and you can no longer see. You have lost your vision.



O t'han tapat els ulls. Et tapes els ulls amb un mocador, no hi pots veure.

Either they have covered your eyes. You cover your eyes with a handkerchief, you cannot see.

Un altre verb molt semblant és sentir-hi.

Another very similar verb is sentir-hi.



No hi sento.

I can't hear it.

És el mateix, però amb les orelles.

It's the same, but with the ears.

Exacte. Per tant, tenir capacitat de percebre per mitjà de l'oïda.

Exactly. Therefore, having the ability to perceive through hearing.

Pots dir, sento la música o no hi sento, perquè tinc un tap a l'orella. No hi sento.

You can say, I can hear the music or I can't hear it because I have a plug in my ear. I can't hear it.

Sí. No hi sento vol dir que no sents res.

Yes. Not feeling means you feel nothing.

Sí. Que estàs una mica sord, tens una mica de sordera. Sentir-hi.

Yes. You're a little deaf, you have a bit of deafness. I can hear it.

Un altre verb que literalment té a veure amb un dels sentits, però amb el pronom té un altre sentit.

Another verb that literally relates to one of the senses, but with the pronoun has another meaning.

Té un sentit figurat, que és tocar-hi. O no tocar-hi.

It has a figurative meaning, which is to touch it. Or not to touch it.

D'acord, però això és estar boig.

Okay, but this is crazy.

Clar. Veus? Aquí sí que hi ha una diferència important entre el verb tocar, que és, doncs, palpar, no? O sigui, amb la mà, tocar alguna cosa.

Sure. You see? Here there is indeed an important difference between the verb "tocar," which means to touch, right? I mean, with your hand, to touch something.

I tocar-hi vol dir tenir seny, no estar boig. O al contrari, no tocar-hi vol dir estar boig, no?

To touch it means to be sensible, not to be crazy. Or on the contrary, not to touch it means to be crazy, right?

Clar, si dius, aquest no hi toca gaire.

Sure, if you say, this one doesn't fit in very well.



No toca gaire vol dir, doncs, que està... està com unes castanyoles, que està boig.

Not touching very much means, then, that he is... he is like a pair of castanets, that he is crazy.

Exacte. Molt bé. I, per últim, un verb que... aquest és dels que abans he dit en procés de lexicalització.

Exactly. Very well. And, lastly, a verb that... this is one of those I mentioned earlier that is in the process of lexicalization.

Vol dir que apareix amb el pronom, però molt sovint també amb un complement al qual se suposa que es substitueix.

It means that it appears with the pronoun, but very often also with a complement which it is supposed to replace.

O sigui, amb el verb tocar-hi, aquest pronom i no substitueix res. No hi ha cap complement.

So, with the verb tocar-hi, this pronoun does not replace anything. There is no complement.

No, no substitueix res. No, no.

No, it doesn't replace anything. No, no.

Perquè és un verb completament... o sigui, un pronom completament lexicalitzat amb el verb.

Because it is a completely... I mean, a completely lexicalized pronoun with the verb.



Però hi ha altres pronoms que estan en procés de lexicalització. Això vol dir que apareixen amb el verb, però també amb un complement al qual se suposa que estan substituint.

But there are other pronouns that are in the process of lexicalization. This means that they appear with the verb, but also with a complement that they are supposed to be replacing.

Però en realitat no, perquè tenim tant el pronom com el complement. D'acord?

But actually no, because we have both the pronoun and the complement. Alright?



Aleshores, un d'aquests verbs que estan en procés és entendre-hi. Entendre-hi.

So, one of these verbs that is in process is to understand it. To understand it.



D'alguna cosa.

Of something.

Mhm. Clar, hi entenc molt d'aquest tema. Clar, és que diries del tema tal, no?

Mhm. Of course, I understand a lot about this topic. Clearly, you would say about the topic, right?



Hi entenc molt de...

Hi, I understand a lot about...


Of economics.

Ah, d'acord.

Ah, okay.

Jo d'economia no hi entenc.

I don't understand economics.

Ui, no, no, no. Jo d'això no hi entenc. Clar, és que et falta alguna cosa si dius no hi entenc. No hi entenc d'aquest.

Oh no, no, no. I don't understand this. Of course, you are missing something if you say you don't understand. I don't understand this.



No hi entenc d'això. D'acord.

I don't understand this. Okay.

Però en canvi és curiós perquè entendre-hi d'alguna cosa. O sigui, després posem la preposició de,

But on the other hand, it’s curious because to understand something. I mean, then we add the preposition "of."

que si la substituíssim per un pronom seria en. Però diem entendre-hi d'alguna cosa.

that if we replaced it with a pronoun it would be "in." But we say "understand something."

Andreu, Andreu, havíem dit que era fàcil el tema. Te'n recordes?

Andreu, Andreu, we said it was an easy topic. Do you remember?

D'acord. La qüestió. Entendre-hi d'alguna cosa vol dir tenir coneixements d'alguna cosa, no? Coneixements mínims.

Okay. The question. To understand something means to have knowledge of something, right? Minimal knowledge.

Jo és que d'això no hi entenc. Vol dir que no entens ni fava, que no és el teu tema.

I just don't understand that. It means you don't understand anything at all; it's not your topic.



D'acord. Bé, doncs.

Alright. Well, then.



D'acord. Bé, doncs.

Alright. Well, then.

Teniu aquests verbs a les notes del programa. Ara, el bònus, parlarem d'expressions, o sigui, no tant de verbs,

You have these verbs in the program notes. Now, for the bonus, we will talk about expressions, that is, not so much about verbs.

sinó d'expressions que tenen aquests pronoms, n o i, també fixats. Per exemple, som-hi, no?

but of expressions that have these pronouns, either n or i, also fixed. For example, let's go, right?



La nostra expressió preferida.

Our favorite expression.

Ma, per favor.

Mom, please.

Som-hi, d'aquest i fixat.

Let's go, from this one and pay attention.

Clar, i la gent es deu preguntar, i aquest i què és aquest i, no?

Sure, and people must be wondering, and this one, what is this one, right?



Interessant. Ah, molt bé, molt bé.

Interesting. Ah, very good, very good.

O aquesta expressió tan peculiar de Déu-n'hi-do, que té els dos pronoms incorporats.

Or this peculiar expression of "Déu-n'hi-do," which has both pronouns incorporated.



És que era un dos per u.

It's that it was a two-for-one.



Era un dos per u.

It was a two for one.

H-i. És un dos per u, exacte.

Hi. It's a two for one, exactly.

Doncs parlarem d'algunes expressions com aquestes en el bònus. Abans, però, recordar l'enllaç classes.isicatran.org si voleu millorar i aprendre millor a utilitzar els pronoms febles.

Well, we will talk about some expressions like these in the bonus. Before that, remember the link classes.isicatran.org if you want to improve and learn better how to use weak pronouns.

L'Andreu us ho explica, però és súper ràpid.

Andreu explains it to you, but he's super fast.

L'Andreu us ho explica, però és súper bé, eh? Si assistiu a les classes, llavors apunteu-vos-hi.

Andreu explains it to you, but it's super good, okay? If you attend the classes, then sign up for them.

Sí. I això, recordar que teniu fins aquest diumenge, dia 22 de setembre, per apuntar-vos als cursos. I en el cas de classes particulars i sessions de conversa individuals, us hi podeu apuntar en qualsevol moment.

Yes. And remember that you have until this Sunday, September 22, to sign up for the courses. In the case of private classes and individual conversation sessions, you can sign up at any time.

Molt bé. Dit això, acabem l'episodi. Una abraçada a tothom. Moltes gràcies als oients i als membres de la comunitat. I a reveure.

Very well. That said, let's finish the episode. A hug to everyone. Thank you very much to the listeners and the members of the community. Goodbye.

Que vagi tot molt bé. Adéu.

Hope everything goes well. Goodbye.



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