El primer Pregó infantil de Santa Tecla de la Gina i l’Ariadna

Radio Maricel

Ràdio Maricel de Sitges

El primer Pregó infantil de Santa Tecla de la Gina i l’Ariadna

Ràdio Maricel de Sitges

Ens fa molta il·lusió viure per primera vegada un pregó de Santa Tecla,

We are very excited to experience a Santa Tecla proclamation for the first time.

pregonat, com no, per qui protagonitza la festa, els infants.

Proclaimed, of course, by those who star in the celebration, the children.

Ara debutaran en aquest paper l'Ariadna Coll i Carbonell i la Gina Pérez i Paretes,

Now Ariadna Coll i Carbonell and Gina Pérez i Paretes will make their debut in this role.

membres del Ball Infantil de Cintas.

members of the Children's Ribbon Dance.

Elles han estat encarregat del text i del concepte

They have been responsible for the text and the concept.

i l'únic que els hem demanat és que expliquessin la festa des del seu punt de vista.

And the only thing we asked them was to explain the festival from their point of view.

Estem segurs que gaudireu d'aquest magnífic pregó

We are sure you will enjoy this magnificent proclamation.

i desitgem que aquest sigui el primer de molts futurs pregons

And we hope that this will be the first of many future proclamations.

que formaran part dels actes de Santa Tecla.

that will be part of the Santa Tecla celebrations.

Dit això, bona Santa Tecla i visca l'Agrupa!

That said, happy Santa Tecla and long live the Agrupa!

I ara sí!

And now yes!

Amb tots vosaltres, l'Ariadna i la Gina.

With all of you, Ariadna and Gina.

Bona tarda a tots i a totes.

Good afternoon everyone.

Esperem que estigueu molt bé.

We hope you are doing very well.

Perquè nosaltres estem molt nervioses.

Because we are very nervous.

Esperem que ens ajudeu a treure els nervis.

We hope you help us calm our nerves.

Tothom de peu, eh?

Everyone on their feet, huh?

Ara ens ajudareu a treure els nervis de manera ordenada.

Now you will help us to relieve the nerves in an orderly manner.

I amb seny, una mica.

And with common sense, a little bit.

A la de tres, d'acord?

On the count of three, okay?

Una, dues i tres!

One, two, and three!

Ara aplaudim tots ben fort.

Now let's all clap really loud.

I per últim, a cridar ben fort.

And finally, to shout very loud.

Ben fort!

Very strong!

Ja podeu seure, eh?

You can sit down now, okay?

Esteu preparats i preparadors?

Are you ready?



Doncs comencem aquest treball infantil.

So let's start this children's work.

Hola Ariadna, què tal?

Hello Ariadna, how are you?

Hola Gina, molt bé.

Hello Gina, very well.

Quina il·lusió veure't.

What a pleasure to see you.

Saps què?

Do you know what?





Avui he somiat amb santa tecla.

Today I dreamed of Saint Tecla.

Segur que són els nervis, perquè ja queda poc bé, però...

I'm sure it's nerves, because it's almost over, but...

Què has somiat?

What have you dreamed?

He somiat amb els cinc sàntics.

He has dreamed of the five saints.



Que he somiat amb santa tecla.

I have dreamed of Saint Tecla.

Amb els cinc sàntics.

With the five saints.

Amb el sàntic de la...

With the santic of the...



Al meu somni sortia tot el palau ple de cintes de colors.

In my dream, the entire palace was filled with colorful ribbons.

Ai, que bonic!

Oh, how beautiful!

Cintes de colors de l'art de Sant Martí.

Colored ribbons of the art of Saint Martin.



Dels colors de festa major.

Of the colors of the festival.

Que sabeu quins són?

Do you know what they are?



Ai, perdó.

Oh, sorry.

Ari, aquí veig molts nens, nenes, homes i dones que segur que ens ajudaran.

Ari, here I see many boys, girls, men, and women who will surely help us.



Sí, estic ben segura.

Yes, I am quite sure.

Tots i totes teniu cara de ser molt fasta majorengs.

You all have the look of being very much from Majorca.

Comencem pels colors dels vells blancs.

Let's start with the colors of the old whites.

El primer color és el...

The first color is the...



Molt bé.

Very well.

El segon color és el...

The second color is the...



Molt bé.

Very well.

I l'últim, però no el menys important, el color...

And the last, but not the least important, the color...



Gina, més o menys, estava així el palau quan ets tu somni.

Gina, more or less, the palace was like this when you dream.

Sí, però...

Yes, but...

També que hi ha les floretes de les Armies dels Pastorets, Moixiganga i de les Paldies de les Gitanes.

Also that there are the little flowers of the Armies of the Shepherds, Moixiganga, and the Paldies of the Gypsies.



Vale, vale, ja, ja, ja.

Okay, okay, ha, ha, ha.



Ai, les xitanes, ens encantaria poder ballar les xitanes,

Oh, the chitanas, we would love to be able to dance the chitanas,

però qui diu que no ho podem fer?

But who says we can't do it?

Ai, Gina, ja saps que això és impossible.

Oh, Gina, you know that this is impossible.

Però va, Ari, deixa'm com a mínim explicar-t'ho.

But come on, Ari, let me at least explain it to you.

Val, a veure quina idea esbojarrada se t'ha passat el cap ara.

Okay, let's see what crazy idea has crossed your mind now.

Té, posa't aquest barret.

Here, put on this hat.

Però què és això?

But what is this?

Doncs el barret de les xitanes. Tu hauries de ser millor que ningú.

Well, the hat of the xitanes. You should be better than anyone.

Sí, val, però per què serveix?

Yes, okay, but what is it for?

Tu segueix-me, que comenci la música.

You follow me, let the music begin.

Bona nit.

Good night.

més divertit que el ball de les gitanes

more fun than the dance of the gypsies

i el so de les castanyoles

and the sound of the castanets

em fa tremolar les cames.

It makes my legs tremble.

El ball de les castanyoles

The dance of the castanets

i el so de les castanyoles

and the sound of the castanets

o, com feien abans,

oh, as they used to do before,

que es posaven una planta darrere de l'orella

that they would put a plant behind their ear

per camuflar les olors.

to camouflage the smells.

Bé, les pudors.

Well, the smells.

Sí, és veritat,

Yes, it's true,

i sempre veig que els grallers

and I always see that the grallers

la porten a l'orella.

They wear it in their ear.

Doncs, si voleu sentir aquesta olor,

Well, if you want to smell this scent,

obriu el potet número 1.

Open pot number 1.

I, ojo, no xucleu molt, que s'ho escuit de la part dins, eh?

I, hey, don't suck too much, because it gets heard from inside, okay?

Que sabeu quina olor és?

Do you know what smell it is?


The basil.

Correcte, és l'alfàbrega.

Correct, it is basil.

Ara tanqueu tots bé el potet.

Now close the little jar tightly.

I sabeu quina és l'altra olor?

Do you know what the other smell is?

Per esbrinar-ho, obriu el potet número 2.

To find out, open jar number 2.

I amb aquesta, sí, tingueu cuidat, sisplau.

And with this, yes, be careful, please.

Que sabeu quina olor és?

Do you know what smell it is?





És la pòlvora.

It's the gunpowder.

Aquesta olor que per festa major i santa tecla

This smell that comes with the major festivities and Saint Tecla.

s'escampa pertot arreu

it spreads everywhere

i que arriba a casa i tots acabem perfumats.

And when he gets home, we all end up smelling good.

Sí, és veritat, i és l'olor

Yes, it is true, and it is the smell.

de quan els nostres pares arriben de casa

since our parents arrive home

i acaben de tirar la seva última carretilla

and they have just thrown their last wheelbarrow.

amb el drac i diuen

with the dragon and they say

Nen, te, que vaig suat i faig olor a pòlvora.

Kid, here, I’m sweating and I smell like gunpowder.

Ai, sí, per favor.

Oh, yes, please.

Bueno, mentre jo buscava l'olor a pòlvora,

Well, while I was searching for the smell of gunpowder,

anava sentint com baixava l'estacirot

I was feeling how the stirrup went down.

per les escales.

through the stairs.

Gina, però...

Gina, but...

Però si l'estacirot de cintes no fa soroll.

But if the tape stapler doesn’t make noise.

Ara no sé què portin els picarols.

Now I don't know what the bells bring.

Que sí, lloro, és que no m'has deixat acabar.

Yes, I cry, it's just that you didn't let me finish.



Ai, i mira que és estrany, eh?

Oh, and look how strange it is, huh?

El què?

The what?

Doncs que en tot el palau només hi hagi soroll.

So that there is noise throughout the palace.

Ari, te la jugues, eh?

Ari, you're taking a risk, huh?

Val, val, ja paro.

Okay, okay, I'll stop.

Ari, sisplau.

Ari, please.

Val, val.

Okay, okay.

Puc seguir ja o no?

Can I continue now or not?

Sí, sí, quan vulguis.

Yes, yes, whenever you want.

Val, gràcies.

Okay, thank you.

Vinga, segueix, que m'has deixat amb intriga.

Come on, keep going, you've left me in suspense.

Bé, doncs, mentre jo buscava l'olor a pòlvora

Well, then, while I was looking for the smell of gunpowder

i sentia com baixava l'estacirot,

I felt how the stork was coming down,

de mentre sonaven el soroll de les campanes de fons.

while the sound of the bells rang in the background.

Ai, què guai seria, Gina,

Oh, how cool would it be, Gina,

si els vaquers ens conviden a tocar les campanes, eh?

if the cowboys invite us to ring the bells, right?

Sí, estaria superguai.

Yes, that would be really great.

Tant de bo ho hagués imaginat.

I wish I had imagined it.

Per què?


Perquè com a mínim...

Because at least...



Perquè com a mínim ho hagués imaginat.

Because at least I would have imagined it.

Doncs avui ho farem.

Well, today we will do it.



Sí, tots i totes, pugeu-vos la peu i pugem a les escales.

Yes, everyone, lift your foot and let's go up the stairs.

Pugem les escales del campanar.

We climb the stairs of the bell tower.

Va, tota peu, tota peu.

Come on, all foot, all foot.

I no sé si alguna vegada heu pujat al campanar,

And I don't know if you have ever climbed the belfry,

però hi ha unes escales que són superempinades,

but there are some stairs that are super steep,

per tant, anem a pujar a aquelles, perquè hem d'arribar...

Therefore, let's go up to those, because we have to get...

Vinga, una, dues i tres.

Come on, one, two, and three.

Què és això, les mans, què és?

What is this, the hands, what is it?

T'ho vas caure?

Did you fall down?

T'has d'anar campant així, quan puja.

You have to go up like that when it rises.



Ui, ja som dins, que bé.

Oh, we're inside already, how nice.

Sí, pues ara...

Yes, well now...

Ja podeu ser breus.

You can be brief now.

No, és igual.

No, it doesn't matter.

Tots a peu un altre cop.

Everyone on foot again.

Bueno, pues tots, agafem ben fort la corda de la campana i estireu.

Well, everyone, let's hold the bell rope tight and pull.

I, ojo, que fa mal, eh, quan toca.

I, watch out, it hurts, huh, when it touches.



Jo crec que ja et puc dir, nè.

I think I can tell you now, kid.

Que guai.

How cool.

Ara sí que m'ho he imaginat, però cansa, eh!

Now I really imagined it, but it’s tiring, huh!



I doncs...

And so...

I com seguia el teu somni?

And how did your dream continue?

El meu somni seguia...

My dream continued...

És que no m'has dopat.

It's just that you haven't doped me.

Ale barbar 궁금as.

Oh, barbarian, I'm curious.



El meu somni seguia...

My dream continued...

Toni seguia amb més castell de focs, a més no poder.

Toni continued with more fireworks, as much as he could.

Això vol dir que per això era l'hora?

Does this mean that was the time?

No, deixa'm acabar, coi.

No, let me finish, damn it.

Val, perdó, és que és l'emoció.

Okay, sorry, it's just the emotion.

El castell de focs el fèiem nosaltres, nens, nenes, homes i dones.

We were the ones who set off the fireworks, children, boys, men, and women.

Ara sí que no t'entenc.

Now I really don't understand you.

Que sí, que el castell de focs el fèiem nens, nenes, homes i dones.

Yes, the fireworks were made by boys, girls, men, and women.

Gina, veig alguns del públic que tenen un globo, per què serveixen?

Gina, I see some people in the audience have a balloon, what are they for?

Doncs, aquí és afortunats i afortunades que tenen un globo,

Well, here are the lucky ones who have a balloon,

infleu-los però no feu cap nus.

Inflate them but do not tie any knots.

I els que els peten ara s'han quedat sense.

And those who have them now are left without.

I no feu cap nus i que no s'escapi l'aire.

And don't make any knots and let the air escape.

Doncs els de la meitat, cap aquí, picarem ben fort de mar, ben fort de mans, però lent, així.

So those from the middle, come here, we will hit hard from the sea, hard with our hands, but slowly, like this.

Ja, tu no.

Yes, you not.

Tu no.

Not you.

Ves sense, tu també.

Go without, you too.

I els de la meva banda, cap a la dreta, picarem ben fort de mans, però superràpid, així.

And those on my side, to the right, we will clap our hands really hard, but super fast, like this.

Doncs, quan diguem a la de tres, com sempre,

Well, when we say "on the count of three," as always,

començareu a desinflar el globo de manera que faig el més soroll possible.

You will start to deflate the balloon in a way that makes the most noise possible.

Correcte, molt bé, molt bé.

Correct, very good, very good.

A la una.

At one o'clock.

A les dues.

At two o'clock.

I picareu tots de fort de mans.

I will tickle you all hard with my hands.

A la una, a les dues i a les tres.

At one, at two, and at three.



冠 havien!

Crown had!

Molt bé!

Very good!

Fins aviat!

See you soon!

Molt bé!

Very well!

Molt bona nit a tots!

Good night everyone!

Fins abans!

See you later!

Rei de gràcies!

King of thanks!

Fins de pareixim!

Until we seem!


Long live!

公 hysteria!

public hysteria!

O gloriosa Santa Tecla, galassitza's més padrona, visca la festa major petitona.

O glorious Saint Tecla, greatest of galassitzas, long live the little major festival.

O millor, la festa més bona, o escolteu la festa com sona.

Or better, the best party, or you listen to how the party sounds.

Però Ariadna, ara només ens falta un sentit, oi?

But Ariadna, now we only lack one sense, right?

Sí, que sabeu quin és?

Yes, do you know what it is?

El gos!

The dog!

Correcte, és el gos. Recordeu, ara quan acabem, anar a buscar la vostra xocolata amb melindros i no marxeu, que tot seguit vas tirant els gegants.

Correct, it's the dog. Remember, now when we finish, go get your chocolate with melindres and don't leave, because soon you'll be throwing the giants.

Esperem que us hagi agradat.

We hope you liked it.

Tant com ens ha agradat a nosaltres aquesta festa.

As much as we have enjoyed this party.

Que passeu una bona Santa Tecla.

Have a good Santa Tecla.

Una bona Santa Tecla.

A happy Santa Tecla.

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