Parlem de formació contínua amb Montse Fillat i Mercè Folguera.


100 anys al vostre costat

Parlem de formació contínua amb Montse Fillat i Mercè Folguera.

100 anys al vostre costat

D'un director aclamat, Todd Phillips.

From an acclaimed director, Todd Phillips.

Què s'ha canviat?

What has changed?

No soc més sol.

I am no longer alone.

Anem a sortir d'aquí.

Let's get out of here.

Critiques anomenen Joker

Critics call him Joker.

audaç, bo i brillant.

daring, good, and brilliant.

Això és el que hauríem de parlar.

This is what we should talk about.

Geniós, valent i exhilarant.

Genius, brave, and exhilarating.

No tindré més

I won't have any more.

que vosaltres

that you

a mantenir-me a dalt.

to keep myself on top.

Joaquín Fénix.

Joaquín Phoenix.

Lady Gaga.

Lady Gaga.

Tu pots fer

You can do it.

el que vulguis.

whatever you want.

Ets Joker.

You are Joker.





A cinemas, octubre 4.

In theaters, October 4.

Filmat per IMAX.

Filmed in IMAX.

Book tickets now.

Book tickets now.

100 anys al vostre costat.

100 years by your side.

Hospital Universitari Santa Maria.

Santa Maria University Hospital.

100 anys al vostre costat.

100 years by your side.

Quan tens la vocació molt clara

When you have a very clear calling.

i des de ben petita,

and since I was very little,

saps quin camí has de seguir.

you know which path you have to follow.

La Montsín i la Mercè

Montsín and Mercè

sabien que volien ser infermeres.

they knew they wanted to be nurses.

Les seves famílies

Their families

volien que fossin metges,

they wanted them to be doctors,

però elles ho tenien claríssim.

but they were very clear about it.

I sabien que si escollien aquest camí,

They knew that if they chose this path,

no deixaria mai de formar-se.

I would never stop educating myself.

Des de molt joveneta

Since very young.

va ser una cosa que m'atreveix molt.

It was something that I dare very much.

Era una cosa que de tota la vida

It was something that had always been.

m'havia agradat.

I had liked it.

M'havia agradat ajudar els altres

I had liked helping others.

i fins i tot

and even

quan ho vaig comentar a casa

When I mentioned it at home

el meu pare em va dir

my father told me

no et facis infermera,

don't become a nurse,

fes-te metge.

become a doctor.

Jo li vaig dir

I told him/her.

no vull ser metge,

I don't want to be a doctor,

jo vull ser infermera.

I want to be a nurse.

I el meu pare insistint, insistint

And my father insisting, insisting.

i jo insistint més

and me insisting more

i al final

and in the end

me vaig fer infermera.

I became a nurse.

I ja està.

And that's it.

No sé si és la mateixa lluita

I don't know if it's the same struggle.

de la Mercè Folguera,

of Mercè Folguera,

l'Anastà també convidada.

Anastà is also invited.

Sí, també una miqueteta així.

Yes, also a little bit like that.

Potser tampoc no sabia massa bé

Perhaps I didn't know very well either.

quan me vaig decidir per ser infermera,

when I decided to become a nurse,

però sempre m'havia agradat aquest món

but I had always liked this world

o alguna sèrie

or some series

de quan jo era joveneta

from when I was young

que feien a la tele

what they were doing on TV

allò a cor obert

that with an open heart

o així que sempre m'havia agradat.

Oh, so I always liked it.

I quan vas acabar el cop

And when did you finish the shot?

i dius

and you say

què has de fer?

What do you have to do?

Ostres, no ho sé.

Wow, I don't know.

I faré infermeria.

I will study nursing.

I per què?

And why?

Perquè a casa també deien

Because at home they also said

per què no et fas metge?

Why don't you become a doctor?

Ui, no,

Oh no,

que són massa anys d'estudiar, no?

That's too many years of studying, isn't it?

I al final

And in the end

arribes a un punt

you reach a point

que dius

What do you say?

infermeria acabaré més aviat

nursing I will finish earlier

però després et dones compte

but then you realize

que no acabes

don't stop

en tota la vida d'estudiar

in all the life of studying

que sempre has de fer coses.

that you always have to do things.

Això és molt important

This is very important.

el que acabes de dir

what you just said

perquè precisament

because precisely

la Montsín

the Montsín

me permets dir-te Montsín, no?

Can I call you Montsín, right?

Sí, i tant, i tant.

Yes, indeed, indeed.

Tu vas lluitar molt

You fought a lot.

per aquesta continuïtat

for this continuity

el no parar d'estudiar

the constant studying

en preparar

in preparing

i que es convertís

and that it would become

l'Hospital Universitari Santa Maria

Santa Maria University Hospital

en tot un referent.

and a whole reference.

Sí, doncs la veritat

Yes, well the truth

és que sense voleu

it's just that without wanting

i sense posar-me-ho

and without putting it on me

al cap

on the head

des del començament

from the beginning

però sí que vaig veure

but I did see

que era una cosa

that it was one thing

que les infermeres

that the nurses

havíem de lluitar

we had to fight

per això

that's why

perquè la formació

because the training

estigués sempre

was always

al nostre costat.

at our side.

I al començament

And at the beginning

quan jo vaig començar

when I started

a treballar

to work

en aquesta casa

in this house

vaig començar

I started

treballant de nit

working at night

i al molt poc temps

and shortly after

de treballar

to work

doncs se va produir

then it occurred

un canvi molt important

a very important change

i va ser l'arribada

and it was the arrival

del doctor Pomès

from Doctor Pomès

i al poc temps

and in a little while

que treballés aquí

that worked here

segurament l'haureu sentit

you have probably heard it

anomenar molt

to name a lot

perquè tothom l'anomena

because everyone calls it

va ser un punt

it was a point


of inflection

i va ser un punt

and it was a point


of infection

molt gran

very big

que va haver en aquesta casa

what happened in this house

l'arribada del doctor Pomès

the arrival of Dr. Pomès

va depositar la confiança

he/she placed the trust

en mi

in me

i em va fer

and it made me

adjunta d'infermeria

nurse aide

i juntament

and together

amb la Montse Viladrosa

with Montse Viladrosa

i la Pilar Alaiz

and Pilar Alaiz

vam formar un tàndem

we formed a tandem

jo crec que va ser

I believe it was.

no per tirar-nos floretes

not to praise ourselves

però va ser

but it was

un tàndem molt important

a very important tandem

i ens vam trobar

and we met

que teníem

that we had

molts pocs professionals

very few professionals

que estiguessin

that they were

veritablement preparats

truly prepared

perquè és que

because it is that

s'havia tancat

had closed

l'escola d'infermeria

the nursing school

i els que havien

and those who had


the hospital

s'hi fonamentava

it was based on

dels estudiants d'infermeria

of nursing students

i hi havia molt pocs professionals

and there were very few professionals

que tinguessin

that they had

el títol d'infermeres

the title of nurses

i teníem una manca

and we had a lack

molt gran de professionals

very large number of professionals

llavors s'havia contractat

then he/she had been hired

amb molt poc espai de temps

with very little time left

per cobrir aquesta manca

to cover this gap

de professionals

of professionals

un número molt elevat

a very high number

d'auxiliars d'infermeria

nursing assistants

però aquests auxiliars d'infermeria

but these nursing assistants

tenien el diploma

they had the diploma

de la Diputació

of the Diputació

que tenien

that they had

la possibilitat

the possibility

de treballar

to work

com a auxiliars

as assistants

però no tenien

but they didn't have

el títol

the title

d'auxiliars d'infermeria

nurse assistants

i des de la direcció

and from the direction


of nursing

vam veure

we saw

que això no es podia

that this could not be

mantenir així

to keep it that way

que s'havia de fer

what had to be done

algun canvi

any change

i com l'única possibilitat

and as the only possibility

d'aconseguir aquest canvi

to achieve this change

era a través de l'INEM

it was through the INEM

que eren els que

what were the ones that

en aquell moment

at that moment

tenien la possibilitat

they had the possibility

de facilitar els estudis

of facilitating studies

als auxiliars d'infermeria

to the nursing assistants

la meva companya

my companion

la Pilar Laitz

the Pilar Laitz

que era la que portava

that was the one she wore

el tema de formació

the training topic

en aquells moments

in those moments

a l'hospital

at the hospital

va anar


i vam aconseguir

and we achieved

que ens permetessin

that they would allow us

donar-los classes

give them classes

amb ells

with them

i vam aconseguir

and we managed

que es poguessin

that they could

presentar per lliures

present for free

i es poguessin treure

and they could be taken out

el títol

the title

d'auxiliars d'infermeria

nurse assistants


of FPU

i la majoria

and the majority

se van poder treure

they were able to take off

el títol

the title


of FPU

amb la qual cosa

with which

vam aconseguir

we managed

que els auxiliars

that the auxiliaries

que teníem

that we had

sense titulació oficial

without official qualification

se traguessin

they would be removed

un títol oficial

an official title

i això

and this

vau dir

you said

hem de continuar

we must continue

i tant

of course

a mi això

to me this

m'ha obrit la porta

he has opened the door for me

la veritat

the truth

m'ha obrit molt els ulls

it has opened my eyes a lot

tot i que jo no era

although I was not

l'adjunta de formació

the training assistant

jo era l'adjunta

I was the assistant.

de recursos humans

of human resources

per dir-ho d'alguna manera

to put it somehow

jo era l'encarregada

I was the person in charge.

de personal

of staff


of administering

a les infermeres

to the nurses

i a les auxiliars

and the auxiliaries

les poques que hi havia

the few that there were

per les plantes

for the plants

però a mi això

but to me this

no m'agradava

I didn't like it.

a mi m'agradava

I liked it.


the other

la veritat

the truth

i vaig dir

I said.

si mai tinc l'oportunitat

if I ever have the opportunity

jo m'he d'adreçar

I have to address myself.

cap aquí

come here

i vas començar

and you started

amb aquesta petita fita

with this small milestone

i després

and then

la cosa va continuar

the thing continued

i llavors vas dir

and then you said

per què els residents

why the residents

no venen

they don't sell

a fer la seva residència

to make his residence

aquí a l'Hospital

here at the Hospital


University student

Santa Maria

Saint Mary

Bueno, això va ser

Well, that was it.

molt més tard

much later

perquè jo després

because I afterwards

vaig deixar de ser adjunta

I stopped being an assistant.

i vaig tornar a ser

I became again.



normal i corrent

normal and current

vaig passar

I passed.

a estar a hospitalització

to be in hospitalization

vaig estar a consultes externes

I was at outpatient consultations.

vaig estar a oncologia

I was in oncology.

vaig estar a molts llocs

I have been to many places.

i fins molts anys després

and many years later

ens va treure

he took us out

a concurs o posició

to a competition or position

a la plaça d'infermera

in the nurse's square

de formació continuada

of continuing education

i llavors

and then

em vaig presentar

I introduced myself.

a la plaça

in the square

al concurs

to the competition

se van presentar

they showed up

altres infermeres

other nurses

i el concurs

and the contest

al final

in the end

vaig treure jo

I took out.

a la plaça

in the square

i bueno

and well

vaig començar a fer

I started to do


of nurse

de formació continuada

of continued education

i bueno

And well

aquí va començar

here it started

un camí llarg

a long path

fins que m'hagués jubilat

until I had retired

ja està

that's it

però fins a arribar

but until reaching

a l'hora dels estudiants

at the students' hour

de medicina

of medicine

i d'infermeria

and of nursing

hi ha un camí molt llarg

there is a very long way

ara m'ho explicaràs

now you will explain it to me



és molt curiós

it's very curious

perquè diu

because he/she says

i ja està

and that's it

però gràcies

but thank you

a tota aquesta feina

to all this work

a tot aquest

to all this

picar pedra

to break stones

de tots els anys

from all the years

de veure una necessitat

to see a need

en la formació

in training



estem on estem ara

where are we now


la veritat

the truth

és que sí

it is that yes



ens ha costat molt

it has cost us a lot

de poder arribar aquí

to be able to get here

i de creure-nos-ho

and to believe it

com a infermeres

as nurses

és el que deia

it's what I was saying

que primer

that first

van començar

they started

que sí

that yes

érem ATS

we were ATS

després va vindre

then came

la diplomatura

the diploma

després som graduats

then we are graduates

i ara

and now

a nivell

at level


of nursing

com a tal

as such

que podem accedir

that we can access

al màster

to the master

i al doctorat

and to the doctorate

és tot una

it's all one



que fa molts anys

that many years ago

no ens ho haguéssim pensat

we wouldn't have thought it



i ara

and now

i tot això

and all this

és gràcies

it's thanks

a persones

to people

com la Montsín

like Montsín

que gràcies

thank you

a la formació continuada

to continuing education

i que van impulsant

and they are driving

i potenciant

and enhancing

que molta gent

that many people

vagi formant-se

keep forming

és un gran què

it's a big something



tu a part de ser

you apart from being

adjunta de direcció

assistant to management


of nursing

de l'Hospital Universitari

from the University Hospital

Santa Maria

Saint Mary

ets professora

you are a teacher



a la Universitat de Lleida

at the University of Lleida

com veus l'alumnat?

How do you see the students?

Està preparat

Are you ready?

per viure

to live

una professió

a profession

en què mai

in what never

es deixarà d'estudiar?

Will it stop being studied?

Hi ha gent que sí

There are people who do.

però hi ha gent

but there are people

que també

that too

no es deixa d'estudiar

one does not stop studying

i els costa

and they struggle

suposo que

I suppose that

veus que

you see that



acabes la carrera

you finish the race

i quan acabes

And when do you finish?

el que tens

what you have

és moltes ganes

it’s a lot of desire

de treballar

to work

sempre hi ha gent

there are always people

que quan acaba

that when it ends

el primer que vol

the first thing he/she wants

és fer un màster

it's doing a master's degree

i anar-se formant

and going on forming

però suposo que també

but I suppose so too

és el fet de treballar

it is the act of working

de poder guanyar

to be able to win

uns dinerets

some money

però realment

but really

som una professió

we are a profession

que sempre

that always

t'has d'estar formant

you need to be training

perquè les coses

because things


they change

i el que

and what

quan jo vaig estudiar

when I studied

o quan vaig estudiar

or when I studied

a la Montsín

to the Montsín



ha evolucionat molt

has evolved a lot

i clar

and of course

has d'estar al dia

you have to stay up to date

no et pots

you can't

permetre el luxe

to allow luxury

de quedar-te enrere

of being left behind

quan escoltes

when you listen

a la Mercè

to Mercy

dient això

saying this

que hi ha estudiants

that there are students

que no estan disposats

that they are not willing



ja sé que tu

I already know that you.

ja estàs

are you ready

en un altre aire

in another air

ja ho mires

you see

des d'un altre punt de vista

from another point of view

però no et fiques

but don't get involved

les mans al cap

hands on head

doncs home

well man

en part

in part

els entenc

I understand them.

perquè els estudiants

because the students


of now

tenen una vida

they have a life

han tingut una vida

they have had a life

molt més fàcil

much easier

que la vida

that life

que vam tindre nosaltres

that we had

quan nosaltres

when we

vam començar

we started

les coses

the things

eren molt més difícils

they were much more difficult

més complicades

more complicated

i aconseguir

and achieve

per exemple

for example




to arrive

a tindre

to have

una carrera

a race

com vam tindre nosaltres

how we had us

doncs era molt més dur

then it was much harder



pensa que

think that

per exemple

for example

la gent de la meva generació

the people of my generation

fèiem set hores d'estudi

we studied for seven hours

i set hores de pràctiques

I set hours for internships.

però això

but this

cada dia

every day

i de vacances

and on vacation

a l'hivern

in the winter

només teníem

we only had

set dies al Nadal

seven days until Christmas

i de Setmana Santa

and of Holy Week

no teníem vacances

we didn't have a vacation

i a l'estiu

and in the summer

teníem un mes

we had a month

de vacances

on vacation

a l'estiu

in the summer

però per exemple

but for example



els tres anys de carrera

the three years of study

van ser

they were

els tres anys

the three years

d'estar aquí

of being here

fent pràctiques

doing an internship

i estudiant

and student

vull dir que

I mean that

no era

it wasn't

el temps de vacances

the holiday time

que tenen ara

what they have now

nosaltres això

we this

no ho enteníem

we didn't understand it

ja t'he dit

I already told you.

que l'hospital

that the hospital

se sustentava

was sustained



de les estudiants

of the students


of nursing

no hi havia professionals

there were no professionals

per tant


el temps de la nostra carrera

the time of our career

el temps de la carrera

the race time

que tenen avui en dia

what they have nowadays

els estudiants

the students

no té res a veure

it has nothing to do with it

i entenc

and I understand

que com tenen la vida

that they have life

tan fàcil

so easy

els costa pensar

it costs them to think

que s'han d'estar

that must be

formant permanentment

permanently forming

ho entenc

I understand it.



i Montsín

and Montsín


you (plural)

heu coincidit

you have coincided

en el temps

in time

a l'hospital?

to the hospital?

treballant juntes?

working together?


que hem coincidit

that we have coincided

i molt a gust

and very comfortably

per cert

by the way

la Mercè té una visió

Mercè has a vision.

de futur

of the future

i té una visió

and has a vision

de treball

of work



és una de les infermeres

she is one of the nurses

puntals i capdavantera

props and forefoot

dintre d'aquesta casa

inside this house



tenim la sort

we are lucky

de comptar amb ella

counting on her

que bonic

how beautiful




tantes floretes

so many little flowers

no, no, no

no, no, no

espero no deixar-me

I hope not to let myself down.

en cap el tinter

in the inkpot

la veritat és que

the truth is that

ha sigut un plaer

It has been a pleasure.

treballar amb ella

work with her


no, això

no, this



vull dir

I mean

treballar amb la Montsín

to work with Montsín

és una persona

he is a person

amb molta experiència

with a lot of experience

i que t'ensenya

and that teaches you

i dona el valor

and gives the value

de lo que és

of what it is

la formació

the training

que molta gent

that many people

vull dir

I mean

jo encara he vist

I have still seen.

de l'època

of the time

que vaig començar ara

that I started now

que hi ha hagut canvis

that there have been changes

però clar

but of course

la gent que comença ara

the people who are starting now

veu que la formació

you see that the training

és un dret

it is a right

i evidentment

and obviously

és un dret que tenim

it is a right we have

però no són conscients

but they are not aware

de lo que ha costat

of what it has cost

de que

of what

puguem disfrutar

we can enjoy

d'aquesta formació

of this training

de manera gratuïta

free of charge

que ens ho faciliti

that it makes it easier for us


the company



vull dir

I mean

jo a la meva època

me in my time

quan vaig acabar

when I finished



t'havies d'anar a formar

you had to go and train

a fora


a buscar la formació

to seek training



en altres llocs

in other places

i era una manera

and it was a way

doncs de fer punts

so to make points

a l'hospital

at the hospital

s'oferia la formació

training was offered

però poques coses

but few things

però bueno

but well

i ara la gent

and now the people

ja ho té

he's got it already

com un dret

as a right

i que tens l'obligació

and you have the obligation

de donar-li

to give it to him/her

que realment és així

that it really is so

però potser no valoren

but maybe they do not appreciate


the effort

que ha costat

what it has cost

amb gent com la Montsín

with people like Montsín

d'aconseguir tot això

of achieving all this

formació gratuïta

free training

que fins i tot

that even

coses que

things that

et comptin

they tell you

a nivell d'hores

in terms of hours

dins del campus

inside the campus

d'horari laboral

working hours

tot això ha costat molt

all this has cost a lot

Hi ha una cosa

There is one thing

que ha dit la Mercè

What has Mercè said?

que m'ha agradat molt

that I liked a lot



és el fet de

it is the fact of

la Montsín

the Montsín

encara ens pot ensenyar

he can still teach us

i hi ha après molt

and has learned a lot

el fet

the fact

de poder compartir

of being able to share

aquesta professionalitat

this professionalism

de diferents generacions

from different generations

que està molt bé

that is very good


the learning

amb els cursos

with the courses

amb les formacions

with the formations

però aprendre

but learn

al costat d'un professional

beside a professional

que fa una cura

what a cure does

o que està atenent

or what is attending

amb un malalt

with a patient

que en aquest moment

that at this moment



una mica de carinyo

a little bit of affection

com s'agafa la mà

how to hold the hand

el donar una notícia

the giving of news

aquí les infermeres

here are the nurses

juguen un paper molt important

they play a very important role

i això

and this

hi ha coses que no s'aprenen

There are things that cannot be learned.

a l'aula

in the classroom

ho has de veure

you have to see it

i ho has de viure

and you have to live it


hi ha coses que

there are things that

moltes coses

many things

estan als llibres

they are in the books

però moltes coses

but many things

les aprens

you learn them

al costat del malalt

next to the patient

i al costat

and beside

d'una professional

of a professional

que tingui ja

that it has already

uns anys d'experiència

a few years of experience

i que

and what

hagi passat

has happened

per situacions

for situations



i situacions compromeses

and compromising situations

i això realment

and this really


it is learned

a base d'hores

on an hourly basis

i a base d'estar

and based on being

al costat de gent

next to people

que ha passat

what has happened

per aquelles situacions

for those situations

i que sap dominar-les

and knows how to master them

que a vegades

that sometimes

no és fàcil

it is not easy

ser empàtic

to be empathetic

posar-te al lloc

put yourself in their place

de l'altra persona

of the other person

sàpiguer que una persona

to know that a person

està patint

is suffering

i que necessita

and what it needs

la teva ajuda

your help

entendre els silencis

understanding the silences

entendre quan convé

understand when it is appropriate

una paraula

one word

i entendre quan convé

and understand when it is appropriate

un distanciament

a distancing

perquè això

because of this

també s'ha d'entendre

it must also be understood

que a vegades

that sometimes

també convé

it is also advisable

posar-ho a distància

put it at a distance

i deixar temps

and leave time

perquè la persona

because the person

et demani l'ajuda

I ask for your help.

perquè una persona

because one person

no pot ajudar

cannot help

amb una altra

with another

si la persona

if the person

no li demani

don't ask him/her

això també és important

this is also important


understand it

i això s'ha d'aprendre

and this must be learned

s'ha d'aprendre

one must learn



la importància

the importance

que els residents

that the residents

escolleixin un hospital

choose a hospital

d'aquestes característiques

of these characteristics

ara sí que arribem

now we have arrived

als residents

to the residents

que escolleixin

let them choose

un hospital

a hospital

d'aquestes característiques

of these characteristics

que és

what is it

un hospital petit

a small hospital

però que és

but what is it

un hospital universitari

a university hospital

quins són

what are

els avantatges

the advantages

i sobretot

and above all

els beneficis

the benefits

que es pot emportar

what can be taken away


the student

el resident

the resident

que ve aquí

what comes here

a aprendre

to learn




jo crec

I believe.

a veure

let's see

jo no em puc posar

I can't put myself.

la pell d'un estudiant

the skin of a student



d'un estudiant universitari

of a university student



però jo crec

but I think



hi ha un factor

there is a factor

molt important

very important

en aquest hospital

in this hospital

que no s'ha perdut mai

that has never been lost

i és

and it is

el factor

the factor

de la proximitat

of proximity

és una cosa

it's a thing

que s'ha de tindre

that must be had

molt en compte

very carefully

a veure

let's see

aquest hospital

this hospital

és un hospital

it is a hospital



i sempre

and always

s'ha caracteritzat

has been characterized

per la seva familiaritat

for its familiarity

i per la seva proximitat

and for its proximity



no has de demanar

you don't have to ask

per favor


al metge

to the doctor

que tens de tutor

What do you have as a tutor?

o no has de demanar

or you don't have to ask

per favor


al cap de servei

to the head of service



vols parlar amb ell

do you want to talk to him

o que li has de fer

or what you have to do to him/her

una consulta

a consultation

o quin dia

oh what a day

li vindrà bé

it will be good for him/her

de parlar amb tu

to talk with you

el tens a la mà

you have it in your hand

prens cafè

make coffee

amb ell

with him

passes consulta

you hold a consultation

amb ell

with him

el tens al despatx

He has it in the office.

al teu costat

by your side



això facilita molt

this makes things much easier


the understanding

entre els estudiants

among the students

i el metge

and the doctor

que tens de tutor

What do you have as a tutor?

el metge

the doctor

que tens de tutor

What do you have as a tutor?

els companys

the companions

que tens de tutor

What do you have as a tutor?

i els altres metges

and the other doctors

que tens per allà

what do you have over there

a la vora

at the edge

i jo penso

and I think

que això

that this

és una de les

it is one of the



que atreuen més

that attract more

els estudiants

the students

a la vora

at the edge

de vindre a fer

to come to do

unes pràctiques

an internship



sí no

yes no

realment és així

it really is like that

el fet de ser

the fact of being

un hospital

a hospital



com diu la Montsín

how does Montsín say

és la familiaritat

it is familiarity



que tots ens coneixem

that we all know each other

clar que de vegades

of course sometimes

també som una mica

we are also a bit

més grans


però tots ens coneixem

but we all know each other

sabem qui és qui

we know who is who

saps amb qui

do you know with whom

has d'anar a parlar

you have to go talk

saps que

you know that

som accessibles

we are accessible



saps on pots anar

you know where you can go

a buscar

to look for

tal persona

such person

que és la que

what is the one that


it will help you

o t'indicarà

or will indicate to you

o el que sigui

or whatever it is

i això vol dir

and this means

o és que no

or is it not

és una gran ajuda

it's a great help


you save yourself

molts passos

many steps



que potser


en altres llocs

in other places

més grans


hi són

hi they are

i fer-lo atractiu

and make it attractive

per als residents

for the residents

com s'hauria de fer

how it should be done

a veure Montsín

let's see Montsín

tu des de fora

you from outside

perquè clar

because of course

la Mercè


està a la universitat

he is at the university

i ara també

and now also

volia que m'expliquessis

I wanted you to explain to me.

com enamorar

how to fall in love

els alumnes

the students

perquè escolleixin

so that they choose

vindre aquí

come here

en aquest cas

in this case

com hauria de ser

how it should be

buscar un hospital

search for a hospital

d'aquestes característiques

of these characteristics

que té les coses

that has the things

en aquest sentit

in this regard

és més atractiu

it is more attractive



estàs cada dia

you are every day

amb el malalt

with the patient

i vas directament

and you go directly

i tens la facilitat

and you have the ease

de tindre

to have

la persona

the person

que t'està fent

What is it doing to you?

el tutoratge

the tutoring

de la mà

hand in hand

jo crec

I believe.



no cal fer res especial

there's no need to do anything special

que ha sortit

that has come out

sola això

just this

perquè el boca a boca

because of word of mouth


it works

i d'uns estudiants

and of some students

als altres

to others

ja s'ho diuen

they already say so

vull dir que

I mean that

la feina que fèiem abans

the work we used to do

que obríem les portes

that we opened the doors

fèiem el dia

we were having a day

de portes obertes

of open doors

anàvem a penjar

we were going to hang



a la facultat

at the faculty

i anàvem

and we went

a les aves

to the birds

a les taules

at the tables

i dèiem

and we said

tal dia

such a day

se farà

it will be done

una sessió oberta

an open session

per explicar-vos

to explain to you

què és el que us trobareu

what will you find

si viniu a l'hospital

if you come to the hospital

amb quines unitats

with which units

podreu estar

you will be able to be

de què gaudireu

what you will enjoy

de què no gaudireu

what you will not enjoy

fins i tot


el dia que estàvem

the day we were





i aconseguíem

and we managed

que algun laboratori

that some laboratory

ens pogués ajudar

could help us

els oferíem

we offered them

un pica-pica

a snack

que quedi entre nosaltres

let it stay between us

perquè no sé

because I don't know

si està bé

if it's okay

dir-ho això

say this

però fins i tot

but even

el dia que es podia fer

the day it could be done

fèiem això

we were doing this

i ara ja Montsina

And now Montsina

això ha prescrit

this has expired

no passa res

it's okay

fins i tot


algun dia


els hi podíem oferir

we could offer them

un pica-pica

a snack

amb la qual cosa

with which

ho posàvem

we put it

entre cometes

"between quotation marks"

i entre parèntesis

(and in parentheses)

ho posàvem

we put it

hi haurà pica-pica

there will be snacks

algú segur

someone sure

que venia pel pica-pica

that was coming for the snacks



algú gràcies al pica-pica

someone thanks to the snacks

us va conèixer

he/she met you

i va fer

and did it

aquí la seva residència

here is your residence

pot ser també

it can also be



doncs això

well then

jo crec que avui en dia

I believe that nowadays

ja no cal

no longer necessary

fer crida

make a call

perquè jo crec que això

because I believe that this

que el boca a boca

that word of mouth


it works

i els alumnes

and the students

s'ho diuen

they say it to each other

dels uns als altres

from one another

i ja saben

and they already know

ja saben on venen

they already know where they come from

ja saben què trobaran

they already know what they will find

és així Mercè?

Is that so, Mercè?

jo crec que sí

I think so.



sí que és veritat

yes, it's true

que hi ha alumnes

that there are students

que tenen molt clar

that they have very clear

el que els agrada més

what they like the most

i evidentment

and obviously

si t'agrada molt

if you like it very much

un servei d'urgències

an emergency service

doncs aquí no el tenim

then we don't have it here

només tenim el de salut mental

we only have the mental health one

i no és unes urgències generals

and it is not a general emergency

per tant


saps que aquí

do you know that here



no es de venir

it's not about coming



la gent

the people

podem dir

we can say

que els alumnes

that the students

que comencen

that they start

a principis

at the beginning

a primer

a primer

a segon

to second



que venen a fer pràctiques

they come to do internships

algun període aquí

any period here

acaben repetint

they end up repeating

amb altres cursos

with other courses

o amb algun altre període

or with some other period

i acaben repetint

and end up repeating

i ho diuen

and they say it

de dir

to say

ostres és que hem estat molt bé

Wow, we have been great!

o fins i tot gent

or even people

que han estat

what have been

en altres centres

in other centers

de dir

to say



és que m'han dit

it's just that they told me

que el Santa Maria

that the Santa Maria

s'està molt bé

it's very nice

llavors és això

so it's this

és el boca a boca

it's word of mouth

clar si no ho has provat

Of course, if you haven't tried it.

no ho veus

you don't see it

però venen

but they sell

i repeteixen

and they repeat

amb la qual

with which

te donen

they give you

a entendre

to understand

que realment

that really

sí que han estat bé

they have indeed been good

la familiaritat aquesta

this familiarity

que se senten ben tractats

that feel well treated

i que la manera

and that the way

de treballar

to work

que tenim aquí

What do we have here?

que també

that also

els deu agradar

you must like them

o els podem ensenyar

or we can teach them

a treballar bé

to work well

una manera de treballar

a way of working

que vosaltres

that you


you (plural)

els professionals

the professionals

de la vostra generació

of your generation

vau posar les bases

you laid the foundations



jo crec que

I believe that


jo crec que sí

I believe so.

la veritat

the truth

és que

it's that

l'escola d'infermeria

the school of nursing


from here

del recinte

of the enclosure

del Santa Maria

of the Santa Maria

tenia molt bona fama

he had a very good reputation

de sempre


i va ser

and it was

un transmetre

a transmitter

d'unes alumnes

of some students

a les altres

to the others

perquè eren les de tercer

because they were the ones from third grade

les que ensenyaven

the ones that taught us

a les de primer

to the first ones

i les de segon

and the second ones

i les de tercer

and those of third

i les de segon

and the second ones

que estaven

that were

també amb les de primer

also with the first ones

perquè les de tercer

because the third ones

ensenyaven a les de primer

they taught the first graders

al matí

in the morning

i les de segon

and those in second

ensenyaven a les de primer

they taught the first graders

a la tarda

in the afternoon

doncs era una transmissió

so it was a transmission

d'unes professionals

of some professionals

a les altres

to the others

d'unes estudiants

of some students

a les altres

to the others

i que se van

and they are leaving

a transmetre

to transmit

a poc a poc

little by little

i aquesta transmissió

and this transmission

jo crec que

I believe that

al llarg dels anys

over the years



s'ha anat mantenint

has been maintained

potser hi ha hagut

perhaps there has been





han anat afluixant

they have been easing off

en algun moment

at some point





no ens hem d'enganyar

we must not delude ourselves



hi ha hagut temporades

there have been seasons

que la cosa

that the thing

ha sigut més difícil

it has been more difficult



aquesta transmissió

this transmission

jo crec que

I believe that

continua tenint un valor

it continues to have value

i aquest valor

and this value

s'ha aconseguit

it has been achieved


to maintain

al llarg del temps

over time

i fins i tot

and even

jo recordo

I remember

que quan treballava

that when I worked

i treballava

and I worked

a les èpoques de nit

in the times of night

que era quan

what was when

ens venien

they were selling us

els ingressos

the income

amb més dificultats

with more difficulties

que sobretot

that above all

ens enviaven

they sent us

de l'Hospital Gran

from the Great Hospital

els ingressos

the income

que venien

that were coming

amb pitjors condicions

with worse conditions

Com parles

How do you speak?

de l'Hospital Gran?

from the Great Hospital?


no vull anomenar ningú

I don't want to name anyone.

però tots

but all

ho tenim en ment

we have it in mind

ens enviaven

they sent us

els ingressos

the income

que ells no volien

that they did not want



i sempre

and always


they were coming

amb pitjors condicions

in worse conditions





nosaltres encara

we still

teníem les obres

we had the works

per fer

to do

moltes vegades

many times

que teníem

that we had

aquelles habitacions

those rooms

tan grans

so big

que teníem

that we had

els 30 llits

the 30 beds

tots junts

all together

i quan encenies

and when you light up

una llum

a light


they were lighting up

les llums generals

the general lights

de tota la unitat

of the entire unit

i tal

and so on

i venia

and I came

el pobre malalt

the poor sick person

fet pols

turned to dust

i veníem

and we were coming



del familiar

of the relative

i ja et dic

And I'll tell you.

que havíem d'encenre

that we had to light

la llum general

the general light

de la planta

from the plant

i s'encenien

and they were lit up



les llums

the lights

i tal

and such

i el pobre familiar

and the poor relative

estava tip

I was fed up.

i fart

I fart


to wait



i quan per fi

and when at last

arribava aquí

I was arriving here.

li dèiem

we told him/her

mira ho sentim molt

Look, we are very sorry.

però ja no li podem

but we can no longer give him/her

donar de sopar

to give for dinner

perquè arribaven

because they were arriving

a les dues del dematí

at two in the morning

nosaltres no teníem

we did not have

cuina oberta

open kitchen

i tal

and so on

però bueno

but well

mos escarrassàvem

we were laughing at ourselves

per donar-li

to give it

un vas de llet calent

a glass of warm milk

o un iogurt

or a yogurt

o alguna cosa així

or something like that

i li dèiem

and we told him/her

ho sentim molt

we are very sorry

però haurà de seure

but he/she will have to sit down

aquí amb aquesta cadireta

here with this little chair

de fòrmica

of formica

perquè nosaltres

because we

no teníem

we didn't have

altra cosa

another thing

i mos diuen

and they tell us

és igual, és igual

it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter

100 vegades aquí

100 times here

abans que allà dalt

before up there



tu què recordes

what do you remember

dels teus primers dies

of your early days

aquí a l'Hòspital Santa Maria?

here at the Santa Maria Hospital?



no, la veritat

no, the truth

és que

it's that

que sí

that yes

que ara ja fa uns quants anyets

that now it has been a few years



de treballar molt bé

to work very well

la veritat

the truth

que els companys

that the companions

el que el diu la Montsín

what Montsín says

potser jo no hi he enganxat

maybe I didn't get it right


the era

que quan fes pràctiques

that when he/she did an internship

les companyes de tercer

the third-year classmates

ensenyaven als de primer

they taught those in first grade

això ja no

not this anymore

però sí que és veritat

but it is true

que te senties

how did you feel

molt ben acollida

very well received

t'explicaven tot

they were explaining everything to you

i a més

and furthermore

entre la gent

among the people

hi va enganxar una època

he got caught up in a time

que vam

that we went


to begin

a treballar

to work

a començar

to start

un grup important de gent

an important group of people

en qüestió de dos o tres anys

in a matter of two or three years

doncs érem bastanta gent

so we were quite a lot of people

que havíem començat nous

that we had started new

i també fas molta pinya

and you also create a strong bond

i et senties molt ben acollit

and you felt very welcomed

perquè t'explicaven

because they were explaining to you

la manera de funcionar

the way of functioning

podies preguntar

could you ask

ningú et deia

nobody was telling you

ja ho aprendràs

you will learn it

te senties molt ben

you felt very good

molt ben acollit

very well received

llavors això també

then this too

és una cosa

it is one thing

que realment

that really

que s'agraeix

that is appreciated

clar jo

sure yes

aquestes aventuretes

these little adventures



ja no

no more

no les he viscut

I haven't lived them.



la veritat

the truth

és que també

it's that also

és una època

it's a time



molt bonica

very pretty

i que aprens molt

and that you learn a lot



i tu te recordes

And do you remember?

el primer dia

the first day

que vas vindre a l'hospital

that you came to the hospital


vaig dir

I said

surto corrents

I am going out running.

i no torno més

and I won't come back anymore

doncs per sortir corrents

so to run away

solament vas estar 40 anys

you only were here for 40 years

doncs sí

then yes

la veritat

the truth

és que

it's that

vaig tindre molt mal

I had a lot of pain.

en clínica

in clinic

en aquella ocasió

on that occasion

és que eres garrifosa

it's just that you are scary

la visió de l'hospital

the vision of the hospital

en aquells anys

in those years

eres molt garrifosa

you are very scary

la veritat

the truth

és que sí

it is that yes

parlo d'un hospital

I am talking about a hospital.

que tenia

that I had

totes les habitacions

all the rooms



que no hi havia gens

that there was nothing


of intimacy

entre pacients

among patients





que tot estava a la vista

that everything was in plain sight

i la veritat

and the truth

és que

it is that


it scared me

una mica

a little bit

diguem que era

let's say it was

un hospital

a hospital

de Simononi

of Simononi

i que

and that



tot i que les germanes

although the sisters

les germanes

the sisters

eren carinyosíssimes

they were very affectionate

i tot el que tu vulguis

and everything you want





la visió d'una persona

the vision of a person






I was scared.

una mica

a little bit

la veritat

the truth

i una pregunta

And a question.

a l'inversa

the other way around

com vas deixar l'hospital

How did you leave the hospital?

l'últim dia

the last day

vas fer un examen

you took an exam

de dir

to say

el dia que

the day that

jo vaig entrar

I went in.

i el dia que marxo

and the day I leave



no tenia res a veure

had nothing to do with it

la veritat

the truth

és que eren

it's that they were







no tenien res a veure

they had nothing to do with it

res a veure

nothing to see

en absolut

absolutely not

quin és l'hospital

which is the hospital

que vas deixar

that you left





vaig deixar

I left

un hospital modern

a modern hospital

vaig deixar

I left.

un hospital

a hospital



vaig deixar

I left.

un hospital

a hospital

que podia ser competitiu

that could be competitive

vaig deixar

I left.

un hospital orgullós

a proud hospital

vaig deixar

I left.

un hospital

a hospital

que podia mirar

that I could look at

cara a cara

face to face

qualsevol altre hospital

any other hospital

els silencis

the silences

també són importants

they are also important

tu ho has dit

you said it



crec que si

I think so.



estàs jubilada

are you retired



tornes de tant en tant

you come back from time to time



torno de tant en tant

I return every now and then.

però només

but only

per visitar-me

to visit me





quan veus professionals

when you see professionals

com la monarquia

with the monarchy

que ho han donat tot

that they have given it all

que han picat pedra

that they have quarried stone

que perquè tu avui en dia

that because you nowadays

com a professional

as a professional

ho tinguis un pelet més fàcil

I hope it's a little easier for you.

i nosaltres com a usuaris

and we as users


let's have

un hospital

a hospital

on sentir-nos bé

by feeling good

en tots els sentits

in every way

perquè a més a més

because in addition

la gent que hem tingut

the people we've had

no dic la sort

I don't say the luck.

perquè no és una sort

because it is not a luck

vindre a un hospital

come to a hospital

però sí que hem tingut

but yes, we have had

el contacte

the contact

i hem patit

and we have suffered





a l'hospital

at the hospital



els nostres essers

our beings



quan surts per aquella porta

when you go out through that door

sempre te'n recordes

you always remember it

del carinyo

of the affection

i sobretot

and above all

la professionalitat


de tota la gent

of all the people

que treballa aquí a l'hospital

that works here at the hospital

si no

if not

la veritat

the truth

és que

it's that

per més que

for as much as

som una

we are one





una carrera universitària

a university degree



hi ha d'haver també

there must also be

la mica aquesta

this little bit

de vocació

of vocation

i que

and that

estàs treballant

are you working

amb persones

with people

i que estàs treballant

and that you are working

amb persones

with people

que no estan bé

that are not well

i que tenen

and what do they have

una sèrie

a series

de necessitats

of needs

i que tu els has de donar

and that you have to give them



dintre de les teues

within your



i de les teues capacitats

and of your abilities

però tu els has de donar

but you have to give them



per tant


és el que comentava

it's what I was mentioning

abans el Montsín

before Montsín

has de saber

you should know

fins a on pots arribar

to what extent you can reach

què pots dir

What can you say?

què no pots dir

what you can't say

si et demanen ajuda

if they ask you for help

intentar donar-li

try to give it


the help

que volen

what do they want

si no

if not


to see

per què no la volen

why don't they want her?

o realment

or really

què has de fer

what do you have to do

en aquell moment

at that moment

i la veritat

and the truth

que això

that this

no s'aprèn

it is not learned

a les aules

in the classrooms

com deies

as you said

una cosa

one thing

que per més que t'ho expliquen

that no matter how much they explain it to you

no és el mateix

it's not the same

les simulacions

the simulations

que pots fer

What can you do?

amb un nino

with a doll

que no


quan realment

when really

et trobes

are you okay

en el dia a dia

in day-to-day life

amb una persona

with a person

de carn i ossos

of flesh and bones

i clar

Of course

això s'ha de prendre

this must be taken

i s'ha de fer

it must be done

les pràctiques

the practices

i s'ha d'anar

and it must be done



dia a dia

day by day

jo crec que la Mercè

I think that Mercè

ha dit una paraula

he has said a word



des del meu punt de vista

from my point of view

i és el de la vocació

and it is about vocation

jo tinc una rajoleta

I have a little tile.

a casa

at home

que diu

what does it say

quan natura no en da

When nature doesn't give.

se la manca

if it is missing

no en presta

doesn't lend me

ja pots estudiar

you can study now

el que vulguis

whatever you want

que si tu no tens

that if you don't have

una vocació

a vocation

aquesta feina

this job

te donarà l'esquena

he will turn his back on you

perquè no és per tu

because it is not for you

per més capacitat

for more capacity



que tinguis

have a good one

aquesta feina

this job

te donarà l'esquena

he will turn his back on you

perquè no és per tu

because it's not for you

si una cosa

if one thing

estic aprenent

I am learning.

amb aquestes converses

with these conversations

que tinc la sort

that I am lucky

de compartir

of sharing

amb els professionals

with the professionals

de l'Hospital Universitari

from the University Hospital

Santa Maria

Saint Mary

és humanitat

it is humanity


thank you

al vostre costat

by your side


thank you

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