Una de les millors formes de viure la vida.

Pol Bru

Mètode Bru

Una de les millors formes de viure la vida.

Mètode Bru

Bon dia, benvinguts i benvingudes al Mètode Bru, un sistema per hackejar la nostra ment i arribar a ser feliços i transformar-nos al nostre gust.

Good morning, welcome to the Bru Method, a system to hack our minds and become happy and transform ourselves as we wish.

Doncs avui us volia parlar sobre aquesta paraula que és la passió.

So today I wanted to talk to you about this word that is passion.

Per mi és una paraula molt important, que no només és una paraula sinó una forma de viure i de fer,

For me, it is a very important word, which is not only a word but a way of living and doing.

que per mi sempre ha hagut d'estar en la meva vida perquè si no em sento malament.

that for me has always had to be in my life because otherwise I feel bad.

I crec que tots hauríem de poder trobar sempre allò que ens apassiona.

I believe that we should all be able to always find what we are passionate about.

També m'he anat observant al llarg de tot aquest temps fent les classes que faig,

I have also been observing myself throughout all this time while doing the classes that I teach,

que sempre veig que estic molt apassionat amb el que faig,

that I always see I am very passionate about what I do,

i a l'observar-me m'he anat adonant com funcionava la meva passió.

And by observing myself, I have come to realize how my passion worked.

I al final ha arribat un moment d'observar com ho feia que ara puc activar la passió en qualsevol àmbit.

And in the end, a moment has arrived to observe how I did it so that I can now activate passion in any area.

Com per exemple aquests dies.

Like for example these days.

Aquests dies que estic fent una altra cosa i a lo millor no estic tan, no estava tan connectat a lo que estava fent,

These days I'm doing something else and maybe I'm not so connected to what I was doing.

me'n vaig a donar compte de seguida que dic, hòstia, no estic connectant.

I'm going to realize right away that I say, damn, I'm not connecting.

I de seguida, mentalment, jo em vaig reactivar i vaig activar la passió.

And immediately, mentally, I reactivated myself and ignited the passion.

Com s'activa la passió?

How is passion activated?

De fet és molt senzill.

In fact, it's very simple.

L'únic que hem de fer és en comptes d'estar com en tercera persona,

The only thing we have to do is instead of being in the third person,

és a dir, vivint l'experiència com si no n'és amb nosaltres,

that is to say, living the experience as if it is not with us,

com si estiguéssim des de fora,

as if we were on the outside,

hem de fer tot lo contrari.

we have to do the exact opposite.

Ens hem de submergir i endinsar-nos dintre de l'experiència que estem fent i que estem vivint.

We must immerse ourselves and dive into the experience we are having and living.

I moldejar-la al nostre gust.

And shape it to our liking.

Això és superimportant.

This is super important.

Perquè si fas les coses com et diu algú altre,

Because if you do things the way someone else tells you,

no funcionarà perquè segueixes les pautes d'un altre.

it won't work because you follow the guidelines of another.

És molt important que tu trobis la manera de fer-ho a la teva manera.

It is very important that you find a way to do it your way.



si trobes això a la teva manera és quan ens apassionem.

If you find this in your own way, that's when we get passionate.

Perquè al final la passió és com l'art, no?

Because in the end, passion is like art, right?

És una forma de fer que és teva.

It's a way of doing that is yours.

És com qui té el pinzell i fa el seu propi traç.

It's like someone who has the brush and creates their own stroke.

Ha après moltes tècniques i ara ja pot, no? Fer-ho a la seva manera.

He has learned many techniques and now he can, right? Do it his way.

Llavors, tot i que, per exemple, si són feines que són més mecàniques o feines que no...

Then, even though, for example, if they are jobs that are more mechanical or jobs that are not...

que potser no ens deixen tant marge de mobilitat,

that perhaps they don't allow us much room for mobility,

igualment hem de trobar la forma

we also have to find a way

que allò acabi sent una cosa nova cada vegada.

that it ends up being something new every time.

De vegades, no hem de modificar el que estem fent.

Sometimes, we do not have to modify what we are doing.

Com, per exemple, si estem fent una cosa a l'ordinador

Like, for example, if we are doing something on the computer.

i estem teclejant, doncs, jo què sé, un informe,

and we are typing, well, I don't know, a report,

no és canviar el que dius en l'informe,

it's not about changing what you say in the report,

sinó és la forma en què estàs fent l'informe.

but rather it's the way you are writing the report.

La forma en què ho sents, la forma en què estàs submergit en fer allò...

The way you feel it, the way you are immersed in doing that...

És a dir, per mi, la passió és arrelar-te, introduir-te profundament,

That is to say, for me, passion is to root yourself, to deeply immerse yourself,

submergir-te en l'experiència i viure-la tan profundament

immerse yourself in the experience and live it as deeply as possible

que una cosa mecànica es pot convertir en art per tu.

that a mechanical thing can become art for you.

I per mi això és com s'activa la passió.

And for me, this is how passion is activated.

Després és veritat que hi ha coses que...

Later it is true that there are things that...

que a tu ja t'apassionen i llavors t'és molt fàcil submergir-te

that you are already passionate about and then it's very easy for you to immerse yourself

perquè és com que ja et ve... ja t'és molt senzill fer-ho.

because it's like you already see it... it's very easy for you to do it.

Però he anat observant que es pot fer en absolutament tot.

But I have been noticing that it can be done in absolutely everything.

Llavors jo us invito, a través d'aquest podcast,

Then I invite you, through this podcast,

a que ho proveu en el vostre dia a dia, en coses quotidianes

to try it out in your day to day, in everyday things

que fins ara estàveu així. Saps aquella actitud que tens de...

that until now you were like this. You know that attitude you have of...

Bueno, estic fent això, però no li prestes atenció, estàs en altres llocs.

Well, I’m doing this, but you’re not paying attention, you’re somewhere else.

I no et submergeixes en l'experiència perquè potser és una cosa que fas cada dia

And you don't immerse yourself in the experience because maybe it's something you do every day.

o potser no et ve de gust o etcètera, no?

or maybe you don't feel like it or etcetera, right?

Com per exemple, jo ara estava pensant, de vegades quan he de netejar el lavabo,

For example, I was just thinking, sometimes when I have to clean the bathroom,

a mi no em ve gens de gust netejar el lavabo, però quan ho faig,

I really don’t feel like cleaning the bathroom, but when I do,

com que ja sé que em passa això, què és el que faig?

Since I already know that this happens to me, what do I do?

Doncs em submergeixo en l'experiència i busco la passió.

So I immerse myself in the experience and seek the passion.

I al final acabes, doncs, ficant-te música, cantant i ballant mentre estàs fregant

And in the end, you end up putting on music, singing, and dancing while you are scrubbing.

i pot ser un dels millors moments de la teva vida,

and it can be one of the best moments of your life,

quan representava que anava a ser el pitjor.

when I thought it was going to be the worst.

Doncs la passió es troba. La passió és com la meditació.

Well, passion is found. Passion is like meditation.

La pots arribar a generar.

You can end up generating it.

Simplement és l'actitud i la connexió a l'experiència.

It's simply the attitude and the connection to the experience.

Jo us recomano també que comenceu a observar-vos

I also recommend that you start observing yourselves.

si esteu connectats a l'experiència o desconnectats en l'experiència.

whether you are connected to the experience or disconnected from the experience.

I veureu la diferència.

And you'll see the difference.

Que quan esteu connectats, esteu molt més introduïts, hi ha molta més passió.

That when you are connected, you are much more engaged, there is much more passion.

Us ho passareu molt millor.

You will have a much better time.

Quan esteu desconnectats, allò és com si no anés amb tu

When you are disconnected, it feels like it has nothing to do with you.

i, per tant, és com si estessis allà en una presó, passant el temps.

And therefore, it's as if you were there in a prison, passing the time.

Llavors no et diverteixes.

Then you don't have fun.

I després, l'altra part que podeu observar és si esteu connectats,

And then, the other part that you can observe is if you are connected,

si esteu submergits en l'experiència.

if you are immersed in the experience.

Si esteu submergits en l'experiència, voldrà dir que l'esteu sentint al màxim,

If you are immersed in the experience, it will mean that you are feeling it to the fullest.

que l'esteu vivint i l'esteu intentant fer de la millor manera possible, gaudint-la.

that you are experiencing it and trying to do it in the best possible way, enjoying it.

I l'altra part és aquesta.

And the other part is this.

Si esteu fent el que voleu en l'experiència.

If you are doing what you want in the experience.

Són aquests tres tips.

These are the three tips.

Si no, busqueu l'estratègia perquè acabi sent a la vostra manera, com t'he dit jo.

If not, look for the strategy to make it end up your way, as I told you.

Per exemple, algun podria dir

For example, someone could say

Mira, has de netejar els lavabos, no?

Look, you have to clean the restrooms, right?

I jo, vale, s'ha de netejar els lavabos.

And me, okay, the restrooms need to be cleaned.

I et poden dir més de fer servir aquest producte, aquest producte i aquest producte.

They can tell you more about using this product, this product, and this product.

Perquè imagina't que estàs treballant.

Because imagine you are working.

Vale, perfecte. Llavors tu ho fas.

Okay, perfect. Then you do it.

Però a l'hora de fer aquella feina, jo puc fer-la com jo desitgi.

But when it comes to doing that job, I can do it as I wish.

De la manera que jo desitjo.

The way I desire.

Utilitzant el que m'han dit que s'ha d'utilitzar.

Using what I have been told to use.

Per exemple, si em poso música, l'experiència canvia 100%.

For example, if I put on music, the experience changes 100%.

Si a sobre ballo i moco el cos, l'experiència canvia el 100%.

If I dance on top and move my body, the experience changes 100%.

Llavors sempre hi ha coses, normalment són coses en el nostre interior,

Then there are always things, usually they are things within us,

de la forma de pensar-ho i de viure, que si les canviem, l'experiència canvia per complet.

of the way of thinking and living, that if we change them, the experience changes completely.

I ve la passió.

I have the passion.

Quan nosaltres estem en la passió, la passió és allò meravellós i increïble

When we are in passion, passion is the wonderful and incredible thing.

que fa que una hora es converteixi en un minut.

that makes an hour turn into a minute.

Perquè estàs talment connectat a l'experiència

Because you are so connected to the experience.

i es crea una simbiosi tan perfecta que l'energia es retroalimenta.

And a symbiosis is created that is so perfect that the energy feeds back into itself.

I a part que no et cansa, sinó que pots fer allò tanta estona com vulguis

And apart from not tiring you, you can do that for as long as you want.

i no et deixes tant, estàs tan connectat a l'experiència,

and you don't hold back so much, you are so connected to the experience,

l'estàs vivint tant que et dóna vida.

You are living it so much that it gives you life.

Llavors us recomano que aquesta setmana és la proposta d'aquest podcast

Then I recommend that this week is the proposal of this podcast.

en què aneu observant la vostra vida i aneu fent aquest exercici

in what ways are you observing your life and doing this exercise

i aneu activant la passió en la vostra vida

and activate the passion in your life

en llocs on normalment no la teníeu activada

in places where you usually did not have it activated

per poder veure i demostrar que la passió és una cosa que s'aprèn.

to be able to see and demonstrate that passion is something that is learned.

Espero que us hagi agradat aquest pot.

I hope you liked this post.

Ja sabeu que si sempre necessiteu ajuda per fer una transformació en la vostra vida

You already know that if you always need help to make a transformation in your life.

podeu entrar a la meva pàgina web que es diu polvertran.com

you can visit my website which is called polvertran.com

i allà trobareu diverses formes com per exemple fer ioga,

and there you will find various ways such as doing yoga,

fer les classes de creixement personal o les sessions individuals.

to hold personal growth classes or individual sessions.

Una abraçada.

A hug.

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