Emissió Especial des de l'Aplec Internacional de Prešov (2)

RAB Ràdio

RAB Ràdio - Camí a Prešov 2024

Emissió Especial des de l'Aplec Internacional de Prešov (2)

RAB Ràdio - Camí a Prešov 2024

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Comencem el segon programa especial

Let's start the second special program.

des de la Pleca Internacional de Cultura Popular de Presòf, a Eslovàquia,

from the International Pleca of Popular Culture of Presòf, in Slovakia,

en aquest 2024.

in this 2024.

Hi vam estar tot el dia seguint les diferents colles participants.

Hi, we spent the whole day following the different participating groups.

I avui començarem aquest segon programa especial

And today we will start this second special program.

amb la delegada del Govern de l'Europa Central, Cristina Schreiber.

with the representative of the Central Government of Europe, Cristina Schreiber.



Moltes gràcies. Bon dia.

Thank you very much. Good morning.

Abans d'entrar en matèria, a nivell personal,

Before getting into the matter, on a personal level,

m'agradaria que em diguessis com estàs vivint aquest plec internacional.

I would like you to tell me how you are experiencing this international call.

Amb molta alegria per moltes coses,

With much joy for many things,

perquè tot el que estem veient i vivint,

because everything we are seeing and living,

que estan posant aquí els grups per tothom,

that the groups are putting here for everyone,

la festa major que estem aquí celebrant,

the big festival that we are celebrating here,

transmet moltes emocions,

it transmits many emotions,

per tant, aquesta alegria que es viu,

therefore, this joy that is experienced,

també la sento jo.

I feel it too.

I també alegria veure que una cosa com la cultura popular,

And it's also a joy to see something like popular culture,

que estem ajudant a portar en fora,

that we are helping to bring outside,

i que, per cert, no és possible sense la gent,

and which, by the way, is not possible without the people,

que és una cosa de baix a dalt,

that is a bottom-up thing,

que és tan capaç d'emocionar gent

that is so capable of moving people

amb milers de quilòmetres,

with thousands of kilometers,

com aquí a Eslovàquia, a l'est d'Eslovàquia,

like here in Slovakia, in eastern Slovakia,

i això genera a mi orgull i alegria.

And this generates pride and joy in me.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Realment, bé, ahir va ser tot el dia,

Really, well, yesterday was the whole day,

però sobretot al vespre, com estava tot el passeig aquest,

but especially in the evening, how the whole promenade was,

de dalt a baix, absolutament ple de gent,

from top to bottom, absolutely full of people,

i que el veies gaudir, perquè estava veient,

and that you saw him enjoy, because he was watching,

no és que veia una cosa estranya,

it's not that I saw something strange,

estaven gaudint, aplaudien, participaven,

they were enjoying, applauding, participating,

realment és extraordinari.

it is truly extraordinary.

Sí, la gent, els eslovacs que estaven mirant la festa major,

Yes, the people, the Slovaks who were watching the festival,

entraven també a ballar,

they also entered to dance,

i llavors també era aquesta cosa que la música té,

and then there was also this thing that music has,

que tu no necessites parlar el mateix idioma en paraules,

that you don't need to speak the same language in words,

la música ja ho fa.

Music does it already.

La música és la que uneix, que transmet emocions,

Music is what unites, what conveys emotions.

que uneix amb les emocions,

that connects with emotions,

i els eslovacs han participat des de nens petits fins a gent gran,

And the Slovaks have participated from young children to older people,

i això també és una cosa que dona molta alegria,

and this is also something that brings a lot of joy,

perquè al final també demostra

because in the end it also proves

com la cultura popular catalana és una ambaixadora,

as Catalan popular culture is an ambassador,

perquè aquests valors, aquesta idea de fer coses en comú,

because these values, this idea of doing things together,

acceptar la diversitat, d'integrar gent de fora,

accepting diversity, integrating people from outside,

l'estem vivint aquí mateix,

we are living it right here.

amb la gent d'Eslovàquia, i això també és fantàstic.

with the people of Slovakia, and that is also fantastic.

És el segon any consecutiu que la delegació s'involucra de ple

It is the second consecutive year that the delegation is fully involved.

en aquest esdeveniment, l'any passat a Vilach, a Àustria,

at this event, last year in Vilach, Austria,

i aquest any aquí a Preixou, a Eslovàquia.

And this year here in Preixou, Slovakia.

Ja ho hem anat parlant en el podcast de Camí a Presó,

We have already been talking about it in the Camí a Presó podcast,

però recordem una mica, per la gent que potser només sentirà aquest programa,

but let's remember a little, for the people who might just listen to this program,

com és el procés del moment en què suposo que ve la gent de default,

How is the process of the moment when I assume people come by default,

o és a l'inrevés, és la delegació que fa el pitch,

or it's the other way around, it's the delegation that does the pitch,

la default de dir, tinc una idea, com va tot plegat?

As I usually say, I have an idea, how is everything going?

El que les delegacions aquí aportem és sobretot el coneixement sobre el terreny,

What the delegations here provide is mainly knowledge about the ground.

és a dir, trobar o proposar jocs, ciutats,

that is to say, to find or propose games, cities,

que sabem que tenen un possible interès,

that we know they have a possible interest,

perquè ells també tenen tradicions semblants,

because they also have similar traditions,

o com a mínim una cultura de mantenir i celebrar i festejar les seves tradicions,

or at least a culture of maintaining, celebrating, and festively honoring its traditions,

que també potser hi ha una idea darrere de, per exemple,

that perhaps there is also an idea behind, for example,

en el cas de Presó, és una regió que està entre fronteres, entre tres fronteres.

In the case of Presó, it is a region that lies between borders, between three borders.

Per tant, té moltes coses en comú amb Catalunya.

Therefore, it has many things in common with Catalonia.

És una terra d'acollida, és una terra molt multicultural,

It is a welcoming land, it is a very multicultural land.

amb moltes entitats o identitats que tots conjunts se senten eslovacs,

with many entities or identities that all groups feel Slovak,

i una regió també molt pro-europea.

and a region that is also very pro-European.

Per tant, també sabem que aquí hi ha una visió oberta al món

Therefore, we also know that there is an open vision of the world here.

i que ens rebran amb els braços oberts,

and they will welcome us with open arms,

i que també se volcaran.

and they will also be involved.

Això és molt important, que les ciutats que acullen l'Aplec ho fan seu,

This is very important, that the cities hosting the Aplec make it their own.

ho fan seu, aquesta festa,

they make it their own, this party,

que ells entenen realment de què es tracta i que ho volen posar a la seva part,

that they really understand what it is about and that they want to put it on their side,

perquè això, al final, és el que he dit abans,

because this, in the end, is what I said before,

és que els ponts que es construeixen es fan amb la gent,

it's that the bridges that are built are made with people,

i la gent ha d'estar a les dues bandes.

And people have to be on both sides.

Però, delegada, hi ha un punt zero, diguem-ne,

But, delegate, there is a point zero, let's call it that,

en què suposo que la delegada ve a veure l'alcalde i li diu

I suppose that the delegate comes to see the mayor and tells him.

Tinc una proposta.

I have a proposal.



Si ho agafes en fred, és molt boig tot plegat, no?

If you take it cold, it's all very crazy, isn't it?

Te portaré 600 catalans, uns pugen un sobre l'altre,

I will bring you 600 Catalans, some climbing on top of each other,

els altres tiren foc, els altres ballen...

the others set fire, the others dance...

Sí, sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes, yes.

Com es ve en aquesta idea, un alcalde?

How does a mayor come up with this idea?

Bé, el que fem és una mica un pre-casting,

Well, what we do is a bit of a pre-casting,

òbviament, sí, també tantejant una mica les ciutats.

obviously, yes, also feeling out the cities a bit.

Tenim material, perquè en el nostre cas, per exemple,

We have material, because in our case, for example,

ja hem viscut un Aplec, però també Ari Foch està superorganitzat

We have already experienced a Gathering, but Ari Foch is also very organized.

i té material per ensenyar.

And has material to teach.

I després també es fa una entrevista, diguem-ne,

And then there is also an interview, let's say,

per part d'Adi Foch amb nosaltres, amb els responsables de cada ciutat,

on behalf of Adi Foch with us, with the heads of each city,

una mica per veure amb quina hi ha més fluïdesa,

a little to see which one has more fluency,

on ells també veuen que la cosa tingui més sortida, no?

They also see that the thing has more potential, right?

I en aquest cas ha estat filat clarament i també després per això.

And in this case, it has been clearly spun and also after that.

Però sí, diguem-ne, sempre hi ha més candidats i al final és Adi Foch,

But yes, let's say there are always more candidates and in the end it's Adi Foch,

que decideix, nosaltres, el que aportem també és les recomanacions que podem dir,

what we decide, what we contribute is also the recommendations we can give,

doncs mira, si veniu aquí, per exemple, encara mai he estat a Eslovàquia,

well, look, if you come here, for example, I have never been to Slovakia.

la gent està supercontenta que gent des de Catalunya vingui fins aquí,

people are really happy that people from Catalonia come here,

us podem donar suport també com a delegació, perquè forma part del nostre mandat,

we can also support you as a delegation, because it is part of our mandate,

això també és important, és a dir, que quan Adi Foch va a fora,

this is also important, that is to say, when Adi Foch goes outside,

tindrà el suport de la delegació.

It will have the support of the delegation.

Jo crec que aquí també hi ha espai de millora, no?, fins i tot,

I believe there is room for improvement here too, right?, even,

continuar construint aquesta col·laboració, que no és tan antiga,

to continue building this collaboration, which is not that old,

és més ben decent, i veiem que és un benefici mútu

it is more decent, and we see that it is a mutual benefit

i podem ajudar a potenciar encara més aquest impacte que pot tenir

and we can help amplify even more this impact it can have

un àplec internacional fora de casa, també pensant en el llarg termini,

an international gathering away from home, also thinking about the long term,

perquè aquí el que fem, parlem amb els alcaldes, sí,

because here what we do is talk to the mayors, yes,

i també s'assigna l'acord, que això es fa sempre,

and the agreement is also assigned, which is always done,

però també intentem donar una dimensió més gran de dir,

but we also try to give a greater dimension to say,

ok, això hauria de...

ok, this should...

i continuar, igual també després torna en grups, es convida en grups,

and continue, also later it comes back in groups, it invites in groups,

és a dir, aquí es tracta de construir una amistat entre Catalunya i el país

That is to say, the aim here is to build a friendship between Catalonia and the country.

o la ciutat d'acollir-ho, i això les delegacions ho podem reforçar també

or the city to host it, and this the delegations can also reinforce

i continuar-ho durant l'any.

and continue it throughout the year.

Hem vist una iniciativa que suma l'aplec, que és això de Pressure Unlimited,

We have seen an initiative that combines the gathering, which is this of Pressure Unlimited.

que sí que és 100% delegació, això, no?

So it's 100% delegation, right?



Expliqueu-nos una mica de què va això.

Tell us a bit about what this is about.

Quan ens vam reunir amb Pressure, ahir ja estava decidit l'aplec que es faria aquí,

When we met with Pressure, it was already decided yesterday that the gathering would take place here.

nosaltres pensem, si portem la cultura popular aquí, si donem suport,

we think, if we bring popular culture here, if we support,

què més podem fer per reforçar aquests valors catalans,

What else can we do to reinforce these Catalan values,

que són els que es transmeten, que també vam comentar abans,

what are the ones that are transmitted, which we also discussed earlier,

i que jo també inclouria aquesta transmissió de cohesió social,

and I would also include this transmission of social cohesion,

que es veu, per exemple, que amb els castellers,

as can be seen, for example, with the human towers,

nens molt petits fins a gent gran,

very young children to elderly people,

i que a més a més, i això és una cosa que m'acaben de dir aquest matí gent d'aquí,

and that besides, and this is something that people here just told me this morning,

que els va realment tocar, o sigui, els va emocionar veure com els nens eren nens petits,

that really touched them, I mean, it moved them to see how the children were small children,

i en el moment que els van dir, bueno, toca pujar les enginetes,

And at the moment they were told, well, it's time to raise the engines,

de sobte van agafar una altra postura, van pujar,

suddenly they took another stance, they stood up,

és a dir, nens petits ja tenen aquesta consciència de responsabilitat col·lectiva,

that is to say, young children already have this awareness of collective responsibility,

i això els va realment emocionar.

And this really moved them.

Per tant, aquests valors,

Therefore, these values,

i que podem transportar amb la cultura popular,

and what we can carry with popular culture,

si nosaltres pensem com podem reforçar això.

if we think about how we can reinforce this.

I Pressure Unlimited és un projecte que té aquesta idea,

I Pressure Unlimited is a project that has this idea,

que Pressure ara és una situació una mica difícil,

that Pressure now is a somewhat difficult situation,

perquè hi ha molta migració, hi ha molts refugiats d'Ucraïna,

because there is a lot of migration, there are many refugees from Ukraine,

i per altra banda hi ha un discurs a Europa Central,

and on the other hand, there is a discourse in Central Europe,

molt, cada vegada més xenòfob i cada vegada més anti-immigració.

very, increasingly xenophobic and increasingly anti-immigration.

És a zona, això.

It's in the area, that.

Sí, exacte.

Yes, exactly.

Llavors, justament, per part de la ciutat,

Then, precisely, on the part of the city,

que també és...

that is also...


social democrat,

vam pensar què podem fer per donar-li aquesta capa, també.

We thought about what we can do to give it this layer, too.

I Pressure Unlimited, doncs,

I Pressure Unlimited, therefore,

inclou aquest projecte de l'esperança a la galeria que estem fent,

it includes this project of hope in the gallery we are creating,

també el projecte de portar un professor de l'Escola Massana de Barcelona aquí

also the project to bring a teacher from the Escola Massana in Barcelona here

per fer tallers amb nens,

to hold workshops with children,

amb una tècnica que es fa servir, doncs, per exemple,

with a technique that is used, therefore, for example,

a aquella escola, també per integrar nens,

to that school, also to integrate children,

i han participat nens grans,

and older children have participated,

refugiats d'Ucraïna,

Ukrainian refugees,

han participat nens de Pressure,

children from Pressure have participated,

i la idea és aquesta de parlar de visions de futur comunes.

And the idea is to talk about common visions for the future.

Com volem que sigui aquesta regió de la nostra ciutat en el futur?

How do we want this region of our city to be in the future?

Com podem tenir esperança tenint una guerra aquí al costat?

How can we have hope with a war next door?

Perquè si ho pensem és que estem a 100 quilòmetres d'Ucraïna.

Because if we think about it, we are 100 kilometers from Ukraine.

Això és molt fort, en el fons, no?

This is very strong, deep down, right?

Llavors, aquí Catalunya té experiència,

Then, here Catalonia has experience,

està molt volcat amb tot el tema,

he is very involved with the whole issue,

i per tant, doncs, amb Pressure Unlimited podem treballar aquests temes.

And therefore, with Pressure Unlimited we can work on these issues.

I afegir això a l'APLEC,

And add this to the APLEC,

i donar-li una dimensió encara més trascendent en l'aspecte dels valors.

and give it an even more transcendent dimension in terms of values.

Magnífic. Jo crec que és una cosa que tanca el cercle

Magnificent. I think it's something that completes the circle.

i fa que tot tingui molt més sentit.

and it makes everything make much more sense.

Delegada, ens espera un dia molt intens.

Delegate, a very intense day awaits us.

Avui encara tenim tot el diumenge d'activitats i acabarem amb un...

Today we still have all of Sunday full of activities and we will end with a...

Que bé! Quina sort!

How great! What luck!

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Ja tinc gana.

I'm already hungry.

Doncs anem a gaudir del que ens queda de l'APLEC

So let's enjoy what we have left of the APLEC.

i moltes gràcies per acompanyar-nos aquests minuts.

And thank you very much for joining us these minutes.

I gràcies a vosaltres per venir fins aquí i estar amb nosaltres.

And thank you all for coming here and being with us.


Thank you.

RAP Ràdio. La ràdio sense dial.

RAP Radio. The radio without a dial.

RAP. La teva ràdio.

RAP. Your radio.

Continuem amb aquest recorregut per l'APLEC Internacional 2024 aquí a Presshow.

We continue with this journey through the International APLEC 2024 here at Presshow.

Avui, en aquest segon programa especial,

Today, in this second special program,

comencem a parlar amb els personatges

let's start talking with the characters

protagonistes i tenim ara els bastoners de Prats i Lluçaners.

protagonists and we now have the stick dancers of Prats and Lluçaners.

Ho heu dit bé, no?

You said it right, didn't you?



I ens acompanyen en Jordi, la Maria i la Mercè,

And accompanying us are Jordi, Maria, and Mercè.

que diu que no vol parlar, però que també ens acompanya.

who says he doesn’t want to speak, but also accompanies us.

Maria, com va tot plegat?

Maria, how is everything going?

Molt bé. Una festassa. Una festa major. Una gran festa major.

Very good. A huge party. A major festival. A great major festival.

És la primera vegada que participeu?

Is this the first time you are participating?

No, ja hem participat quatre ocasions.

No, we have already participated four times.



A Turí, a Perpinyà, a l'Alguer i ara a Presshow.

In Turin, in Perpignan, in Alghero and now in Presshow.

Ah, o sigui que vosaltres sí que podeu fer una mica de comparativa

Ah, so you can do a bit of comparison.

entre diferents ciutats, no?

between different cities, right?

Com trobeu la gent d'Eslovàquia?

What do you think of the people from Slovakia?

Molt bé, molt acollidora.

Very good, very welcoming.

És una ocasió que nosaltres hi hem estat en totes quatre,

It is an occasion that we have been present at all four of them.

de plegs, que hi ha gent que són més joves,

of folds, that there are people who are younger,

però nosaltres, particularment, tots quatre.

but we, particularly, all four of us.

La gent d'aquí molt participatius,

The people here are very participative,

van ballar molt ahir al vespre amb nosaltres.

They danced a lot with us last night.

Molt bé.

Very good.

Sí, sí, realment estem veient una implicació de la gent d'aquí

Yes, yes, we are really seeing an involvement from the people here.

que és espectacular.

that is spectacular.

Vosaltres feu una cosa que és molt important,

You do something that is very important,

que és fer una disciplina de la cultura popular

what it means to create a discipline of popular culture

molt particular, molt divertida.

very particular, very fun.

Imagino que això sorprèn, no?

I imagine this is surprising, isn't it?

La gent s'hi involucra d'una manera especial

People get involved in a special way.

quan es veu en acció.

when seen in action.

Sí, tenim un ball, sobretot, que piquem molt fort

Yes, we have a dance, especially one that we hit very hard.

i es veu al públic, no?

And it can be seen by the public, right?

I fan que ens aplaudeixin.

They make us get applauded.

Jordi, com és el procediment des que decidiu...

Jordi, what is the procedure from the moment you decide...

Mira, ens presentarem per anar-hi a la pleg d'aquest any.

Look, we will introduce ourselves to go to this year's harvest.



Com us prepareu?

How do you prepare?

Què implica per una colla venir aquí?

What does it mean for a group to come here?

A dir foc, em sembla que serà el novembre o desembre.

To be honest, I think it will be November or December.

Passa el correu dient

The email says

que hem de separar la pleg de l'any.

that we have to separate the harvest of the year.

Nosaltres, en principi, ho suïcidem.

We, in principle, will commit suicide.

L'any passat no vam fer-ho

Last year we didn't do it.

perquè teníem una trobada nacional de bastoners,

because we had a national meeting of bastoners,

molt important a Catalunya.

very important in Catalonia.

Però ho suïcidem.

But we suicide it.

Després, em sembla que serà el gener

Afterwards, it seems to me that it will be January.

que et diuen si t'han agafat o no t'han agafat.

What do they tell you if they have caught you or not?

Quan t'han agafat, com ara aquest any,

When they have taken you, like this year,

després nosaltres ho passem al grup.

then we pass it to the group.

Al grup, esclar, si fem colla, venim.

To the group, of course, if we team up, we come.

I si no fem colla, que no ens hi hem trobat mai,

And if we don't get together, since we've never met before,

però si no féssim colla, diem, senyors,

but if we didn't stick together, we say, gentlemen,

gràcies per comptar amb nosaltres,

thank you for counting on us,

però no fem colla per venir.

but we don't hang out to come.

Això funciona així.

This works like this.

Però no ho heu passat mai.

But you have never gone through it.

No, les quatre vegades no ens ho hem passat mai.

No, we've never had a good time all four times.

I quan sou? Quan heu vingut?

And when are you? When did you come?

Hem vingut el 21.

We came on the 21st.

Entre bastoners i acompanyants, el 21.

Between poles and companions, the 21st.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Som una bona colla.

We are a good bunch.

I gairebé podem anar a tot arreu ara, actualment.

We can almost go everywhere now, currently.

I en el vostre cas no heu d'enviar material

And in your case, you do not need to send any material.

amb el camió i tot això, o també?

with the truck and all that, or also?



Ho suporteu tots vosaltres, no?

You all support it, don't you?

Els dos som petits, la bandera que és llarga

Both of us are small, the flag that is long.

ja hi vam fer un apanyo.

We already made a fix for it.

Sort del Jordi, que és fuster.

Jordi's work, who is a carpenter.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Doncs no, nosaltres.

Well no, us.

Ens ho portem a sobre nosaltres.

We carry it with us.

El que passa és que quan anem per uns llocs

What happens is that when we go to certain places

o es porta tot un amb una bossa o amb un carro,

either you carry everything with a bag or with a cart,

i aquí vam entregar dos bastoners

And here we delivered two walking sticks.

a cada bastoner.

to each pole.

I m'imagino que quan passeu

I imagine that when you pass by

el control de l'aeroport, més d'una vegada

the airport control, more than once

us preguntaran

they will ask you

què és això que porteu o no?

What is this that you are carrying or not?

Al moment de passar, dèiem, ai, ai, ai.

At the moment of passing, we said, oh, oh, oh.

No vam tenir cap problema.

We didn't have any problems.

Encara us queda conlectuació?

Do you still have collections left?

A la tarda. Avui a la nit.

In the afternoon. Tonight.

En l'espectacle final, diguem.

In the final show, let's say.

I demà torneu.

And tomorrow you return.

Demà ja en tornem

Tomorrow we will return.

la majoria i uns quants es queden

the majority and a few stay

a fer una mica de turisme.

to do a bit of sightseeing.

Imagino que després de quatre

I imagine that after four



si l'any que ve podeu

if you can next year

tornar-hi, hi tornareu, no?

You'll go back, won't you?

I tant, sí, sí.

Yes, absolutely.

Així ens agafen, perquè, esclar,

That's how they catch us, because, of course,

a vegades, no ho sé,

sometimes, I don't know,

s'ha de provar.

It must be tried.

Nosaltres ens presentem i l'any que ens toca,

We introduce ourselves and the year that is ours,

aquí ens tenen.

Here they have us.

Amb ganes de festa.

Looking forward to the party.

Al vespre també vam participar en el Vall Foc

In the evening, we also participated in the Vall Foc.

i que va ser quan vam ballar amb gent d'aquí del país

And it was when we danced with people from here in the country.

i ens ho vam passar molt bé.

And we had a great time.

Per ser bastoners,

To be bastoners,

hi ha limitacions d'edat?

Are there age limitations?

No hi ha requisits que digui

There are no requirements that I say.

si ets molt petit no pots, si ets molt gran no pots?

If you are very small, you can't; if you are very big, you can't?

En el nostre cas hi ha dues colles bastoneres al poble.

In our case, there are two stick-dancing groups in the village.

Una és la dels nens petits,

One is that of small children,

que és la tradicional que hi ha hagut sempre.

that is the traditional one that has always existed.

I ells són fins als nens de sisè.

And they are up to the sixth-grade children.

A partir de primer d'ESO

Starting from the first year of secondary education.

poden venir nosaltres els grans.

we the adults can come.

Ah, molt bé, molt bé.

Ah, very good, very good.

Llavors, no hi ha límit d'edat.

So, there is no age limit.

Som gent jove, gent més gran, vull dir,

We are young people, older people, I mean,

som una barreja.

we are a mixture.

És un grup que ens vam formar ja de grans,

It's a group that we formed when we were already adults.

bueno, ells de joves,

well, they as young people,

però vam formar ells que ara havien de néixer,

but we formed them that now had to be born,

però jo personalment fa més de 40 anys

but I personally have been for more than 40 years

que estic parant Ball de Bastons.

I am preparing for the Bastons Dance.

I Jordi, creus que té bona salut

I Jordi, do you think he is in good health?

el Ball de Bastons?

The Stick Dance?

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Té futur, això.

It has a future, this.

Hi ha comarques que més que l'altre,

There are regions that more than others,

però sí, nosaltres hem fet

but yes, we have done

tres trobades nacionals,

three national meetings,

que és tot Catalunya,

what is all of Catalonia,

i hem agafat la ratlla

and we have taken the line

de 2.000 participants.

of 2,000 participants.

Això ja són paraules grosses, diguéssim.

That's already strong words, let's say.

Sí que podem dir

Yes, we can say.

que en tot Catalunya

that throughout Catalonia

aquestes trobades

these meetings

som els únics que les hem organitzat

we are the only ones who have organized them

tres vegades, vull dir que la majoria

three times, I mean that the majority

de dues, una, o que la majoria cap.

of two, one, or that most none.

Ara que parles d'organitzar trobades,

Now that you mention organizing meetings,

què us sembla

What do you think?

l'organització de default

the default organization

de les trobades?

about the meetings?

Per mi perfecte.

Perfect for me.

Estem informats en tot moment.

We are informed at all times.

Has de seguir l'ordre que et manen.

You must follow the order given to you.

Al final som molta gent

In the end, we are a lot of people.

i tots hem d'anar a la una,

and we all have to go at one o'clock,

perquè si no, serien masses

because if not, there would be too many

i aniria cadascú pel seu cantó.

and each would go their own way.

Ho fan perfecte, de veritat.

They do it perfectly, really.

No sé qui ens ho deia ahir,

I don't know who told us yesterday,

que també conversàvem, que es nota que fa més de 30 anys

that we also talked, which is evident that it has been more than 30 years

que ho fan i han anat apolint

that they do it and have gone to sharpen it

totes les maneres de fer-ho bé.

all the ways to do it right.

Doncs, amics,

Well, friends,

gràcies per aquests minuts

thank you for these minutes

acompanyant-nos, us desitgem

accompanying us, we wish you

èxits en aquesta última actuació

successes in this last performance

d'aquest vespre

this evening

i serem nosaltres també

and we will be too

i esperem retrobar-nos en un altre pleg.

and we hope to meet again in another meeting.

Sí, ho esperem.

Yes, we are expecting it.

Per la nostra part

On our part

no quedarem.

we will not meet.

Molt bé, moltes gràcies.

Very well, thank you very much.

Gràcies a vosaltres.

Thank you.

De Catalunya a Preixof, celebrant la diversitat cultural.

From Catalonia to Preixof, celebrating cultural diversity.

Estàs escoltant RAP,

You are listening to RAP,

la teva ràdio.

your radio.

Continuem en aquest segon programa especial

We continue in this second special program.

dedicat a la pleg internacional

dedicated to international folding

de la ciutat.

of the city.

De default, des d'aquí, des del Teatre Gila Negra

By default, from here, from the Gila Negra Theatre.


of Slovakia.

Ara ens acompanya la Montse Cadevall,

Now we are joined by Montse Cadevall,

que és la responsable del cor de cambra

who is the conductor of the chamber choir

de la Federació Catalana d'Entitats Corals.

of the Catalan Federation of Choral Entities.

Què tal, Montserrat? Benvinguda un any més.

How are you, Montserrat? Welcome another year.

Moltes gràcies.

Thank you very much.

Explica, jo crec que l'any passat

Explain, I believe that last year

ja ens ho vas explicar,

you already explained it to us,

però potser hi ha gent que s'escolta

but perhaps there are people who listen to each other

per primera vegada.

for the first time.

La Federació Catalana d'Entitats Corals,

The Catalan Federation of Choral Entities,

de quantes corals estem parlant?

How many choirs are we talking about?

Unes 500 gràcies.

About 500 thanks.

520 a tota Catalunya

520 throughout Catalonia

i a nivell de cantaires...

and at the level of singers...

Uns 30.000, hauríem de dir.

About 30,000, we should say.

Imagina't si haguessin de venir a default,

Imagine if they had to come to default,

és realment difícil d'imaginar.

It is really difficult to imagine.

Aleshores feu la selecció,

Then make the selection,

diguem-ne, no?,

let's say, shall we?

com la selecció de futbol.

like the football team.

Bé, a veure, per una banda,

Well, let's see, on one hand,

nosaltres fem difusió de la convocatòria

we spread the announcement

entre totes les nostres entitats

among all our entities

i s'apunten corals, com per exemple aquest any,

and choirs are being joined, like for example this year,

doncs entre les que s'han apuntat

so among those who have signed up

han seleccionat la joia de maig d'Anglesola,

they have selected the jewel of May from Anglesola,

que estan fent el 75è aniversari.

they are celebrating the 75th anniversary.

I per altra banda,

And on the other hand,

va néixer la idea

the idea was born

de fer un cor a la federació

to make a heart for the federation

per treballar un projecte

to work on a project

de música coral catalana,

of Catalan choral music,

de donar a conèixer

to make known

noves composicions,

new compositions,

que no estiguin enregistrades,

that are not recorded,

per després poder fer enregistraments,

to later be able to make recordings,

i a més a més donar-ho a conèixer.

and furthermore make it known.

I un lloc de donar a conèixer aquesta música

And a place to introduce this music.

és a la Plec d'Adifolc.

it is at the Plec d'Adifolc.

I un cor de cambra, quanta gent sou?

And in a chamber heart, how many of you are there?

Bé, som uns 18-19,

Well, there are about 18-19 of us.

més dels dos directors,

more than the two directors,

i ara ja estem en el segon període,

and now we are already in the second period,

perquè primer vam fer una selecció

because first we made a selection

de tots els cantaires que es van voler presentar,

of all the singers who wanted to participate,

i han estat dos anys,

and it has been two years,

i vam anar a dos aplecs, el d'Elbes i el de Vilach.

And we went to two gatherings, the one in Elbes and the one in Vilach.

I ara vam tornar a fer selecció de cantaires,

And now we have selected singers again,

hem canviat els directors,

we have changed the directors,

hi ha un director i una directora,

there is a male director and a female director,

i ara ja són alguns cantaires que repeteixen,

and now there are already some singers who repeat,

però els altres són nous.

but the others are new.

I a nivell de repertori?

And at the repertoire level?

A nivell de repertori, potser la primera

In terms of repertoire, perhaps the first.

periode, diguem-ne,

period, let's say,

es va dedicar més a Cançó d'Oltre

he dedicated more to Cançó d'Oltre

i Francesc Vila, perquè estàvem celebrant

and Francesc Vila, because we were celebrating

el centenari del vejament,

the centenary of aging,

i ara també hi ha compositors,

and now there are also composers,

cada vegada hem anat incorporant

each time we have been incorporating

més compositors contemporanis,

more contemporary composers,

i sobretot obres que sapiguem

And above all works that we know.

que no estan enregistrades.

that are not recorded.

Aquest diumenge feu, diguem-ne,

This Sunday, let's say,

l'actuació principal, l'actuació estel·lar,

the main performance, the stellar performance,

que és?

What is it?

És el concert a l'Església,

It's the concert at the Church,

però ahir va haver-hi una prèvia,

but yesterday there was a preview,

perquè això ja ho vam iniciar l'any passat a Vilach,

because we already started this last year in Vilach,

de fer una trobada el dissabte al matí

to have a meeting on Saturday morning

en lloc de participar al Cercavila,

instead of participating in the parade,

que per una coral és més difícil

that it is more difficult for a choir

el paper que ha de fer Montserc a Vilach,

the role that Montserc has to play in Vilach,

i ara fem un assaig conjunt

And now let's do a joint rehearsal.

amb una coral d'aquí.

with a choir from here.

Les dues corals catalanes,

The two Catalan choirs,

allà ens els ensenyem una cançó catalana

there they teach us a Catalan song

i ells ens van ensenyar una cançó eslovaca.

And they taught us a Slovak song.

I ara avui al concert el compartim

And now today at the concert we share it.

amb les tres corals.

with the three choirs.

Primer canta la joia de maig d'Anglesola,

First sings the joy of May from Anglesola,

després el cor vocals d'aquí a Prejou,

after the choirs here to Prejou,

i darrere el cor de cambra.

and behind the chamber heart.

I al final acabarem cantant

And in the end, we will end up singing.

muntanyes del Canigó, que els hi vam ensenyar ahir,

Canigó mountains, which we showed them yesterday,

i un cant en eslovac que ens van ensenyar.

And a song in Slovak that they taught us.

I això és a la catedral,

And this is at the cathedral,

aquí a l'església municipal del poble.

here at the town's municipal church.

A les quatre de la tarda, sí, sí.

At four in the afternoon, yes, yes.

A les quatre de la tarda.

At four in the afternoon.

És una experiència, m'imagino,

It's an experience, I imagine,

per tota la gent que participa.

for all the people who participate.

Sí, sí, clar, tots els que fem coses així d'intercanvis,

Yes, yes, of course, all of us who do things like these exchanges,

hi ha el moment aquest del camp comú

there is this moment of the common field

de fer intercanvis de repertori,

to exchange repertoire,

que està molt bé.

that's very good.

Tu ja tens una mica d'experiència

You already have some experience.

en això dels aplex internacionals.

in this of the international appeals.

Has notat, a nosaltres ens ha semblat

You have noticed, it has seemed to us.

que la gent aquí a l'Eslovàquia

that the people here in Slovakia

s'ha involucrat d'una manera molt intensa, no?

He has gotten very involved, hasn't he?

Sí, sí, hi ha molta gent

Yes, yes, there are many people.

que participa.

that participates.

També sabem per àrea de foc

We also know by fire area.

que hi ha hagut moltes facilitats en tot,

that there have been many facilites in everything,

i tot i que hi ha les característiques

and although there are the characteristics

de cada país, que si a l'església fas això

from each country, that if you do this in the church

no pots fer res a fora perquè no se senti,

you can't do anything outside so that it doesn't get heard,

però bé, vull dir,

but well, I mean,

sí, sí, està bé.

yes, yes, it's fine.

I ara estem, avui cantem les misses.

And now we are, today we sing the masses.

La coral d'Anglosòlia ha cantat una missa,

The Anglosòlia choir has sung a mass,

la corda del Cambre del Fesec en canta una altra.

the rope of the Cambre of the Fesec sings another.

Ara al migdia?

Now at noon?



Ostres, això també deu ser emocionant, no?

Wow, this must be exciting too, right?

Sí, perquè llavors això també t'obliga

Yes, because then that also obliges you.

a portar repertori religiós, català religiós,

to bring religious repertoire, Catalan religious,

no només, vull dir, al concert pots cantar

Not only, I mean, at the concert you can sing.

sempre el que vulguis,

always whatever you want,

molta música religiosa catalana,

a lot of Catalan religious music,

i ara, per exemple, la coral d'Anglosòlia

And now, for example, the choir of Anglosòlia.

ha cantat el Gloria del Passebre de Pau Casals,

he has sung the Gloria from the Passió del Pau Casals,

doncs bé, és una manera també d'anar donant

well, it’s also a way of giving back

a conèixer la música religiosa catalana.

to get to know Catalan religious music.

Sí, no? I a més a més,

Yes, right? And moreover,

segurament és de les últimes coses

it is probably one of the last things

que la gent s'imagina

that people imagine

quan parla d'un plec de cultura popular, no?

When talking about a bundle of popular culture, right?

Penses més en el bastonet

You think more about the little stick.

que la sardana, però...

that the sardana, but...

Bé, no? Jo penso que les corals

Well, not? I think that the choirs

tenim dues bastants.

we have two bastards.

Una és la més de coral,

One is the most coral,

de cançó de repertori,

of repertoire song,

internacional, de tota època,

international, of all time,

però hi ha una part molt important

but there is a very important part

de cançó tradicional.

of traditional song.

I també ja m'hi arriba un punt, per exemple,

And also, it's already reaching a point for me, for example,

la nova cançó, aquests moviments que han donat

the new song, these movements that they have given

tantes composicions que després hem adaptat

so many compositions that we have later adapted

al cant coral.

to choral singing.

Sí, sí, és il·limitat, això.

Yes, yes, it's unlimited, that.

Doncs, Montserrat, moltíssimes gràcies

Well, Montserrat, thank you very much.

per aquests minuts que ens has acompanyat.

for these minutes that you have accompanied us.

Desitgem, bé, anirem a escoltar

We wish, well, we will go to listen.

aquesta actuació estel·lar

this stellar performance

d'aquesta tarda,

this afternoon,

que em sembla una idea magnífica

I think it's a magnificent idea.

per unir dues cultures,

to unite two cultures,

que són molt diferents,

that are very different,

però que al final, quan us poseu a cantar,

but in the end, when you start to sing,

imagino que us trobeu propers

I imagine you are close.

l'una a l'altra.

to one another.

Doncs, a disfrutar del que ens queda

Well, let's enjoy what we have left.

de la pleg, i esperem que ens retrobem

from the pleat, and we hope to meet again

en el següent.

in the following.

Moltes gràcies.

Thank you very much.

Estàs escoltant

You are listening

la teva ràdio.

your radio.

Seguim en aquest segon programa

We continue in this second program.

especial d'aquí,

special from here,

des del Teatre Guilanera

from the Guilanera Theatre

de Presov. Estem conversant

from Prešov. We are conversing

amb alguns dels protagonistes,

with some of the protagonists,

d'aquest Aplec Internacional 2024,

of this International Gathering 2024,

i ara tenim amb nosaltres,

and now we have with us,

ens acompanyen membres

members accompany us

de la puntual folk,

of the punctual folk,

que són en Guillem, la Clara i en Pep.

who are Guillem, Clara, and Pep.

Què tal? Benvinguts.

How are you? Welcome.

Molt bé, bon dia.

Very well, good morning.

M'ha après a dir

He has taught me to say

Dobre i llent, Dobre i llent.

Good and slow, Good and slow.

Hòstia, això ni jo encara ho he après.

Damn, I haven't learned that yet either.

Doncs mira, avui hem après això.

Well look, today we learned this.

Dobre i llent.

Slow and sluggish.

Bon dia.

Good morning.

Mentre conversem,

While we converse,

està entrant una banda,

a gang is coming in,

per aquí, al teatre,

over here, at the theater,

molt entusiasmats, esperarem que

very excited, we will wait for

ens fan...

they make us...

Hem estat amb música de fons

We have been with background music.

contínuament, per això ja es passa

continually, that's why it already happens

una mica. Doncs, Guillem,

a little bit. Well, Guillem,

començo per tu. Apropa't al micro

I start with you. Come closer to the mic.

i explica'm, és la primera vegada que veniu?

And tell me, is this your first time here?

És la primera vegada que venim

It's the first time we've come.

a l'Aplec Internacional

to the International Gathering

i a Presov, també.

and in Prešov, too.

I a nivell personal,

And on a personal level,

com t'ha impactat

how has it impacted you

aquesta experiència?

this experience?

Bé, és bonic compartir,

Well, it's nice to share,

i podem mostrar

and we can show

una mica la feina que fem,

a little of the work we do,

tant a nivell de grup com a nivell

both at the group level and at the level

de país, que es vagi coneguent

of the country, which is becoming known

una mica el que és tota la part

a bit of what the whole part is

de cultura popular.

of popular culture.

I, Clara, com és

I, Clara, how is it

que vau decidir presentar-vos

that you decided to present yourselves

a la convocatòria de

to the call of

Defolk? Ens feia gràcia,

Defolk? It made us laugh.

era com a grup, portem

it was as a group, we carry

dos anys funcionant,

two years functioning,

i és la primera vegada

and it's the first time

que sortim a l'estranger,

that we go abroad,

en algun altre país,

in some other country,

en aquest cas d'Europa,

in this case of Europe,

i ens feia gràcia

and it made us laugh

també portar la nostra música,

also bring our music,

que és, sobretot, de ball folk

which is, above all, folk dance

de real tradicional catalana,

of traditional Catalan descent,

en altres llocs, i veure com reacciona

in other places, and see how it reacts

la gent quan toques

the people when you touch

un ball pla, això, en una ciutat

a flat dance, this, in a city


of Slovakia.

I, en aquest sentit, ha sigut una cosa

I, in this sense, has been something

molt xula d'ahir estar fent

very cool to be doing yesterday

un ball folk i tocar gèneres

a folk dance and playing genres

diversos, i veure com alguns

various, and see how some

són punts en comú,

they are common points,

perquè si toques un vals,

because if you play a waltz,

s'entén tant a Alemanya com a França,

it is understood both in Germany and in France,

com a Eslovàquia, com a Catalunya.

like Slovakia, like Catalonia.

Però, si toques una jota,

But if you play a jota,

què passa? I aquí, clar,

What's happening? And here, of course,

era un públic en què hi havia una part

it was an audience in which there was a part

important de públic català,

important to the Catalan audience,

però que, alhora, permetia

but that, at the same time, allowed

que el seu ball folk, que és un ball

that their folk dance, which is a dance

molt participatiu i molt espontani,

very participatory and very spontaneous,

i molt fàcil de posar-s'hi

and very easy to get into it

encara que no el sàpigues, doncs permetia

even if you don't know it, it allowed

que també públic eslovac

that also Slovak public

participés del ball, no?

You participated in the dance, didn’t you?

Llavors, teníem moltes ganes d'experimentar això,

Then, we were very eager to experience this,

i va ser molt xulo de veure.

It was very cool to see.

Clar, això, Pep, això que deia la Carme,

Sure, that, Pep, that what Carme was saying,

clar, penso que és la clau

Sure, I think that's the key.

d'aquesta participació.

of this participation.

Esteu acostumats, m'imagino, a jugar de local,

You are used, I imagine, to playing at home,

no?, a tocar llocs on

no?, to touch places where

la gent sap de què va, més o menys,

people know what it's about, more or less,

la pel·lícula. En canvi, aquí, veniu

the movie. Instead, here, come

a mostrar una cosa completament

to show something completely

nova per la gent d'aquí, no?

new for the people around here, right?

Sí, passa que també, clar, és a dir,

Yes, it happens that also, of course, I mean,

com a puntual sí que portem dos anys, però

as punctuals we have indeed been two years, but

les trajectòries personals de cadascú,

the personal trajectories of each individual,

que fa molts anys que tenim petat,

that we have had it broken for many years,

com pots comprovar, no? I, esclar,

as you can check, right? And, of course,

tenim aquesta mena de bagatge

we have this kind of baggage

i aquests recursos, tenim la motxilla plena de recursos,

and these resources, we have the backpack full of resources,

i el que sí que és cert és que

and what is true is that

veus el contrast entre llocs on has

do you see the contrast between places where you have

visitat, tant de casa com de fora,

visited, both from home and outside,

de Catalunya, i sí que veus aquest contrast,

from Catalonia, and you do see this contrast,

i això és molt maco, no? I ahir, el que deia

And this is very lovely, isn't it? And yesterday, what I was saying...

la Clara, no?, que us lo va aquí, he pensat,

Clara, right?, that she will tell you here, I thought,

com respondrà aquesta gent, no?, què passarà

How will these people respond, right? What will happen?

quan sentin un xotis, o

when they hear a jota, or

un vaiplà, o qualsevol cosa

a blimp, or anything

que ells desconeixen. I des del

that they are unaware of. And from the

escenari, vèiem de quina manera s'integraven,

stage, we saw how they integrated,

i això era divertidíssim,

and that was hilarious,

perquè no entenien res,

because they didn't understand anything,

estaven allà, i per mimetisme s'hi afegien,

they were there, and by mimicry they joined in,

que estaven triomfant i estaven

that they were triumphing and they were

passant, però pipa. Ben bé

passing, but pipe. Truly

no sabien què estava passant, però s'hi

they didn't know what was happening, but they were there

afegien, això. O sigui, això motiva

they added, this. I mean, this motivates

molt, des de l'escenari ho veus i et motiva molt.

A lot, from the stage you see it and it motivates you a lot.

Sí, no, ahir realment ens va impressionar,

Yes, no, yesterday really impressed us.

primer que el passeig estava

first that the walkway was

ple de gent de dalt a baix,

full of people from top to bottom,

veies que el poble s'havia,

you saw that the village had,

per això s'havia volcat al 100%,

for that reason, he had fully committed himself.

no?, però és que la gent ballava,

No? But it’s just that people were dancing.

i hi havia la rotllana,

and there was the circle,

i hi havia el traductor aquest eslovac

And there was this Slovak translator.

que li deia ara, i donava de dos en dos,

what I was telling him now, and he was giving two at a time,

no sé com deia, i la gent, però com si fos,

I don't know what it was called, and the people, but as if it were,

ho hagués fet tota la vida, no?

I would have done it my whole life, right?

I fins i tot gent que no ballava,

And even people who didn't dance,

vull dir que estava allà amb la cervesa, assegut a les taules

I mean that I was there with the beer, sitting at the tables.

d'allà al costat, i quan després ens van

from next door, and when they later came to us

veure, ens van venir, no?, a dir, hòstia,

see, they came to us, right?, to say, damn,

molt xulo això que heu fet, no?,

This is really cool what you've done, right?

que és l'interessant de conèixer una altra cultura,

what is interesting about knowing another culture,

no?, que hi ha coses que et sorprenen.

No? There are things that surprise you.

I us imaginàveu

I imagined you.

que això, aquest aplec internacional

that this, this international gathering

aniria així, o

I would go like this, or

què esperàveu?

What were you expecting?

No, la veritat és que tampoc no

No, the truth is that I don't either.

teníem una idea molt preconcebuda de com

we had a very preconceived idea of how

reaccionaria el públic i de com

how the audience would react and in what way

aniria, sí que pensàvem, bé, com que

I would go, yes, we thought, well, since

hi ha altres grups de,

there are other groups of

no sé, hi ha els bars d'en Saires,

I don't know, there are the bars of Saires,

hi ha altres grups

there are other groups

de cultura popular que estan

of popular culture that are

habituats al Ball Folk, dic, com a mínim

used to Folk Dance, I say, at least

un mínim de públic ballador de,

a minimum of dancing audience of,

suposem que tindrem, no?, però

let's suppose we will have, right?, but

això, no sabíem si

this, we didn't know if

la gent local també

the local people too

s'incorporaria o no, i

would it incorporate or not, and

sí, realment una de les coses

yes, really one of the things

que facilita el Ball Folk

that facilitates Folk Dance

és això, no?, que la gent pugui participar-hi

Is this it, that people can participate in it?

sense un coneixement previ,

without prior knowledge,

ni sense una necessitat gaire d'explicació,

nor with much need for explanation,

no?, només que hi hagi una parella

no? only that there is a couple

que ja més o menys conegui la dansa

that I already somewhat know the dance

i ho pugui capitanejar

and I can captain it

una mica, l'altra gent s'hi pot afegir

A little, other people can join in.

sense problema. Llavors, dona

no problem. Then, give

aquesta cosa així molt, això, molt

this thing like this a lot, this, a lot

espontània i molt

spontaneous and very

intergeneracional, també, i molt

intergenerational, also, and a lot

bueno, molt

well, very

comunitària d'aquesta forma

community in this way

de ballar que té el Ball Folk, que

of dancing that the Folk Dance has, which

no n'has de saber, no ho has d'haver assajat,

you don't have to know it, you don't have to have rehearsed it,

sinó que simplement llençar-t'hi

but simply throw yourself at it

i gaudir.

and enjoy.

Sempre ens dona la sensació que

It always gives us the feeling that

la música folk té una mala

Folk music has a bad.

salut de ferro. I tant, això ja fa.

Iron health. Indeed, that's been a while.

És un clàssic, això.

It's a classic, this.

I és així, no? Sí, sí, sí.

And that's the way it is, isn't it? Yes, yes, yes.

A poc a poc, eh? A poc a poc

Little by little, eh? Little by little.

vol dir 50 anys treballant-hi, vull dir, que

it means 50 years working on it, I mean, that

algun dia suposo que aconseguirem

Someday I suppose we will succeed.

posar-ho, si més no, al mateix nivell que la música

put it, at least, on the same level as music

popular, entesa

popular, understood

com a popular... Mainstream.

as a popular... Mainstream.

Mainstream, correcte.

Mainstream, correct.

És una feina que estem intentant allò com a

It's a job that we are trying to do like this.

formiguetes i picant pedra, picant pedra...

ants and spicy stone, spicy stone...

Sí que és cert que hi ha com una mena de

Yes, it is true that there is a kind of

pèndol, no?, que ja es posa

Pendulum, right? It's already getting set.

de moda, entre cometes, també,

in fashion, in quotes, also,

en algun sector, en algun lloc,

in some sector, somewhere,

amb un tipus de...

with a type of...

La fusió que es va portant al seu dia.

The fusion that is taking place on its day.

Ara som més gent que busca més

Now we are more people seeking more.

arrel, cosa més tradicional,

root, more traditional thing,

cosa més... Treball

thing more... Work

quasi musicològic, en alguns, no?

Almost musicological, in some, right?

Hi ha altres que apuntem per una festa

There are others that we are planning for a party.

o altres que barregem nosaltres.

or others that we mix ourselves.

Una de les coses que fem nosaltres és que, a més a més,

One of the things we do is that, besides that,

de tenir material tradicional

to have traditional material

pur i dur, incorporem coses noves,

pure and hard, we incorporate new things,

coses nostres, escrites de puny i lletra,

our things, written by hand,

no? I també,

no? And also,

jo dic una miqueta això, seguint la línia,

I say a little bit of this, following the line,

seguint l'estil,

following the style,

però són coses que ja no són populars

but these are things that are no longer popular

tradicionals, sinó que són noves d'estrena.

not traditional, but brand new.

I també ajudem, diguéssim, ajudem.

And we also help, let's say, we help.

Tampoc cal ser

There's no need to be.

tan pretensiós, no?

So pretentious, right?

Afegeix un gra de sorra al...

Add a grain of sand to the...

Al repertori, generalment.

In the repertoire, generally.

Ens deia la Clara que

Clara was telling us that

porteu dos anys.

you have been together for two years.

Com us trobeu?

How are you?

Com neix la puntual?

How does punctuality come about?

Ens odiem mútuament tots...

We all hate each other mutually...

No, va ser molt divertit perquè...

No, it was very fun because...

Ens odiem. Jo et dic que estàs molt bé.

We hate each other. I tell you that you are very good.

I tu molt guapo, eh?

And you very handsome, huh?

Va ser divertit perquè, de fet,

It was fun because, in fact,

va ser, o sigui, ens diem la puntual perquè

it was, I mean, we call ourselves punctual because

va ser... Ens vam formar per una actuació

It was... We trained for a performance.

puntual, per un dia concret, no?

punctual, for a specific day, right?

Que va arribar una demanda

That a demand arrived.

en en Pep de... Podeu venir a fer

in Pep of... You can come to do

un ball fort, no sé què? Va dir, tens una formació...

a strong dance, I don’t know what? He said, you have a training...

Diu, quants... Quatre, vinga,

He says, how many... Four, come on,

doncs no sé què... Quins pressupostos tens?

So I don't know what... What budget do you have?

I, hòstia, ens aniria bé

I, damn, it would do us good.

una guitarra, què li podem dir? Guillem, no sé què...

a guitar, what can we say? Guillem, I don’t know what...

I va ser així, no?

It was like this, right?

I, de fet, tots quatre junts

I, in fact, all four together.

no havíem tocat prèviament, no?

we hadn't touched it before, had we?

Qui falta? Qui és el número 4?

Who is missing? Who is number 4?

La Caral, el violí. Ah, molt bé.

The Caral, the violin. Ah, very good.

I vam muntar-ho per aquella actuació

We set it up for that performance.

que ens van contractar.

that hired us.

Com un encàrrec. I l'objectiu

Like a commission. And the objective.

era anar a fer aquella actuació puntual.

It was to go to that specific performance.

Però ens ho vam passar molt bé,

But we had a great time.

ens vam entendre molt bé tocant

we understood each other very well while playing

i vam trobar que era una formació que...

and we found that it was a training that...

Hi havia química. Sí.

There was chemistry. Yes.

Va ser curiós perquè

It was curious because

ens van dir, com us dieu?

they told us, how do you call yourselves?

Com us dieu aquest nom?

What do you call this name?

I vam pensar, The Falking Dead.

We thought, The Falking Dead.

Ens va agradar molt la idea del Falking Dead.

We really liked the idea of The Falking Dead.

I, va, vam dir, ah, està bé, és xulo.

I, go, we said, ah, it's fine, it's cool.

La persona que es va contractar

The person who was hired

no li agradava gens el nom.

he didn't like the name at all.

I es va dir, és que aquest nom vols dir, vols dir...

And it was said, it's that this name means, you mean...

Va, et canviem el nom per tu, també.

Come on, we’ll change the name for you too.

Va, ja que és puntual, ho farem.

Come on, since it's punctual, we'll do it.

I ja està, ja està.

And that's it, that's it.

El nom ja està incorporat gràcies a aquella senyora.

The name is already included thanks to that lady.

I, normalment,

I, normally,

feu actuacions

take action

a festivals, a...

to festivals, to...

Sí. De fet, tenim

Yes. In fact, we have

com dos productes, no? Sí.

Like two products, right? Yes.

Un que és la puntual Falk, que ens dediquem sobretot

One that is punctual Falk, that we dedicate ourselves mainly to.

a fer ball Falk.

to make ball Falk.

I actuem tant això, festivals o...

And we act on this, festivals or...

Clar, a vegades anem a places

Of course, sometimes we go to squares.

que ja són com molt balladores, no?

that they are already very dancer-like, right?

Vull dir, vas a la plaça del rei de Barcelona,

I mean, you go to the King's Square in Barcelona,

divendres, la programació de la plaça del rei,

Friday, the programming of the Plaça del Rei,

clar, ja tothom sap ballar

Of course, everyone knows how to dance.

i es fan... I, a vegades,

And they are made... And sometimes,

hem anat a llocs que no s'havia programat mai

we have been to places that were never scheduled

un ball Falk abans.

a Falk dance before.

Llavors, bueno, s'ha de picar una mica més de pedra,

So, well, you have to break a bit more stone,

no? I, a vegades,

no? I, sometimes,

en aquest cas, us fem un taller previ,

in this case, we are holding a preliminary workshop,

o portem una persona que dinamitzi el ball

or we bring in a person who energizes the dance

i que ensenyi les danses, però,

and teach the dances, but,

de cop, no?, en un poblet de l'Empordà

all of a sudden, right?, in a little town in the Empordà

o de la selva, hi ha un ball Falk

or from the jungle, there is a Falk dance

a la seva festa major o a la seva festa

to their main festival or to their party

que sigui, i no s'havia

let it be, and it wasn't

produït mai abans. I això, clar,

produced like never before. And this, of course,

potser no és tan agraït com de veure allò

perhaps it is not as grateful as seeing that

a una plaça de 300 persones ballant

in a square of 300 people dancing

el que tu toques sense cap dificultat,

what you touch without any difficulty,

però també és molt gratificant

but it is also very rewarding

en aquest sentit, no?, d'estar

in this sense, right?, of being

conreant aquesta normalitat

cultivating this normality

del ball d'arrel tradicional

of traditional folk dance

a casa nostra.

at our house.

I l'altre producte que tenim, que és

And the other product that we have, which is

la Puntual Modernista, que també

the Modernist Point, which also

va sorgir per un encàrrec

it arose from a commission

també de, ostres, vosaltres podríeu fer

also from, wow, you all could do

un ball modernista?

a modernist dance?

Sí, home, sí, ja ho farem!

Yes, of course, we'll do it!

I llavors, vam

And then, we

muntar la Puntual Modernista,

mount the Modernist Point,

que som la mateixa formació de músics,

that we are the same group of musicians,

amb un repertori diferent,

with a different repertoire,

més de ball d'embalat, noucentista,

more of a packaging dance, Noucentista,

i, bueno,

and, well,

també hi ha alguna diferència

there is also a difference

en l'instrumentació, perquè en aquest

in the instrumentation, because in this

espectacle portem un instrument

We bring an instrument to the show.

que és l'Orga de Barberí,

what is the Orga de Barberí,

que és un instrument mecànic,

that is a mechanical instrument,

i llavors tenim

and then we have

aquests dos, i per tant, amb aquesta formació

these two, and therefore, with this training

toquem més en contextos de fires

we play more in the context of fairs

modernistes, o esdeveniments

modernists, or events

al voltant del noucentisme, o dels indians,

around Noucentisme, or the Indians,

o així, i en l'altre

or like this, and in the other

solem fer ball folk, tot i que si

we usually do folk dancing, although yes

cal fer un concert, també el fem.

If we need to do a concert, we'll do it too.

O sigui, no descartem una plega internacional

So, we're not ruling out an international strike.

25-26 que vingui

25-26 let it come.

la Puntual Modernista, no? Vinga!

The Modernist Point, right? Come on!

Si fa tanta calor,

If it's so hot,

jo el barret de copa no me'l poso.

I don't wear the top hat.

Has de posar refrigeració.

You need to put in refrigeration.

Ah, perquè veniu modernistes al 100%, no?

Ah, because you come as 100% modernists, right?

Ah, ni tant, de lluïment.

Ah, not at all, for show.

Fem molt de loig.

We make a lot of noise.

Home, això s'ha de veure.

Man, this has to be seen.

Us queda que una actuació, aquí a Presshow?

Do you have a performance left, here at Presshow?

Aquesta nit, no?

Tonight, right?

Avui participem en l'espectacle aquest

Today we participate in this show.

sobre Joan Amades, que és

about Joan Amades, who is

l'espectacle de Cluenda,

the Cluenda show,

i participem també tocant-hi algun tema

and we also participate by touching on some topic

com la Puntual, i llavors

like the Puntual, and then

el tema conjunt final del Tirabol,

the final joint theme of the Tirabol,

que també participem tocant-hi.

that we also participate by playing it.

Doncs, a disfrutar del que

Well, enjoy what

ens queda de plega internacional,

we have an international meeting,

enhorabona per la participació

congratulations on the participation

i gràcies per acompanyar-nos aquests minuts.

And thank you for joining us for these minutes.

A vosaltres!

To you all!

Presshow i Catalunya,

Press how in Catalonia,

cultures que es troben, tradicions que s'uneixen.

cultures that meet, traditions that unite.

Rap Radio, la ràdio sense dial.

Rap Radio, the radio without a dial.

Seguim conversant

We continue talking.

en aquest programa especial

in this special program

des de


la ciutat de Presshow, dedicat a la plega internacional

the city of Presshow, dedicated to the international fair

2024, amb alguns

2024, with some

dels seus protagonistes.

of its protagonists.

Ara ens acompanyen en Dani i la Marina,

Now Dani and Marina are with us,

benvinguts. Hola!

Welcome. Hello!

Que sou músics de la banda

You are musicians of the band.

sinfònica Roquetes Nou Barris,

symphonic Roquetes Nou Barris,

no? Sí. Qui dels dos m'explica

No? Yes. Which of the two will explain to me?

què és això? La Marina.

What is this? The Marina.

El Dani, el Dani ho fa superbé.

Dani does it superbly.

Bé, t'ho explico jo una miqueta.

Well, I'll explain it to you a little.

La banda sinfònica Roquetes Nou Barris

The Roquetes Nou Barris symphonic band

neix a Barcelona ara, just fa

born in Barcelona now, just ago

35 anys.

35 years.

Roquetes Nou Barris és un barri treballador,

Roquetes Nou Barris is a working-class neighborhood,

no tenim escola de música

we do not have a music school

i llavors una mica

and then a little bit

un grup de joves

a group of young people

amb empenta, més el

with drive, more the

director d'aquell moment, el Vicenç Navarro

director at that time, Vicenç Navarro



l'agrupació sardanista Vidal d'En Claver

the sardana group Vidal d'En Claver

decideixen fer una

they decide to make a

agrupació musical, perquè el Vicenç ve

musical group, because Vicenç is coming

de tradició bandística de València

of band tradition from Valencia

i es va fer la banda

and the band was made

i una copla. I llavors

and a couplet. And then

a partir d'aquí comença

from here it begins

i un grup animat de gent, doncs

and an animated group of people, then

mira, ho han anat fent

look, they've been doing it

sembrant, no?

sowing, right?

I això com comença? Com una escola

And how does it start? Like a school.

de música que els nens s'hi apunten

of music that children sign up for

i van... No, va ser una mica

and they went... No, it was a little

més social. O oberta a tothom, diguem-ne.

more social. Or open to everyone, let's say.

Va ser, és oberta a tothom i encara

It was, it is open to everyone and still is.

des de llavors encara segueix oberta a tothom.

since then it is still open to everyone.

Vull dir, qui té ganes de

I mean, who feels like

passar una bona estona

have a good time

i aprendre música i passar

and learn music and have fun

no sé, estones d'oci

I don't know, leisure moments.

i estudiar l'instrument.

and study the instrument.

Vull dir, perquè també s'ha de rendir en un nivell.

I mean, because one also has to surrender at a certain level.

Clar. I concretament què feu

Sure. And what exactly do you do?

vosaltres a la banda?

you on the side?

Ah, jo sóc el director. Tu ets el director. Sí.

Ah, I am the director. You are the director. Yes.

I tu? Jo sóc clarinetista.

And you? I am a clarinetist.

La? Clarinetista. Clarinetista, sí.

The? Clarinetist. Clarinetist, yes.

Molt bé, molt bé. Des de fa molts anys ja.

Very well, very well. For many years now.

Sí? El Dani va començar

Yes? Dani started.

sent músic també

I also feel music.

i després ja li va passar el relleu

and then she passed the baton to him.

al seu pare. Ah, ostres, que bo.

to his father. Oh, wow, how good.

Que maco, que maco.

How beautiful, how beautiful.

I és el primer plec

And it is the first fold.

al que assistiu?

to which you attended?

Com a banda, sí. L'agrupació

As a band, yes. The group.

on pertanyem, sí que havia

we belong, yes there was

assistit a algun altre plec

attend another tender

fa molts anys, a Marsella.

Many years ago, in Marseille.

Però com a banda, realment és el primer any

But as a band, it's really the first year.

que venim. I jo havia vingut com a músic.

that we come. And I had come as a musician.

Ah, havies vingut com a músic. De Sardanes.

Ah, you had come as a musician. From Sardanes.

Havia fet Timisoara, havia fet

I had made Timisoara, I had made

també Turí

also Turin

i crec que algun no em deixo.

And I believe that some do not leave me.

I què us ha semblat, o què us està semblant

And what have you thought, or what are you thinking?

aquest de Presshof, aquí a Eslovàquia?

this from Presshof, here in Slovakia?

La veritat és que ens en portem una bona

The truth is that we take away a good one.

impressió, perquè està bastant

impression, because it is quite



tot molt pautadet, hi ha un ambient

everything is very structured, there is an atmosphere

de luxe, i

of luxury, and

pel que és nostre

for what is ours

com a banda, també

as a band, also

un rendiment espectacular.

a spectacular performance.

I tot molt ben organitzat, la veritat.

And everything very well organized, to be honest.

Venim també acompanyats de la Federació

We also come accompanied by the Federation.

de Bandes

of Bands

i entre ells i nosaltres hem anat

and between them and us we have gone

fent tot el que és el viatge.

doing everything that the journey is.

Organitzem tot el viatge i ajuntem-nos aquí.

Let's organize the whole trip and meet here.

Quan sou vinguts?

When did you come?

De músics som 52

We are 52 musicians.

més acompanyants nostres, i de la Federació

more of our companions, and from the Federation

en venen 6 més.

They sell 6 more.

En total som un 64.

In total we are 64.



I a nivell associatiu,

And at the associative level,

com s'organitza un viatge

how to organize a trip

d'aquesta magnitud?

of this magnitude?

Una persona sola, no.

One person alone, no.

El que hem fet és agafar

What we have done is take

un grup de veteranos

a group of veterans

que són fundadors,

who are founders,

van ser fundadors, van deixar la banda.

They were founders, they left the band.

Hi ha jubilats amb temps, imagino?

There are retirees with time, I imagine?

No, jubilats no.

No, retirees no.

Jubilats hi ha un parell de músics,

There are a couple of retired musicians.

però ara el gruix de la banda va

but now the bulk of the band goes

des de 14 anys fins a

from 14 years to

més de 55 o així.

more than 55 or so.

Però és un grup de veteranos

But it is a group of veterans.

que van començar sent petits,

that started as small,

adolescents a la banda,

teenagers to the band,



i per circumstàncies van haver-ho de deixar

and for circumstances they had to leave it.

i ara han tornat

and now they have returned

i ens hem tornat a trobar.

and we have met again.

I aquest grup és el que tiba,

And this group is the one that pulls.

que tenen moltes ganes de fer coses

that are very eager to do things

i entre ells un porta el tema

And among them, one brings up the topic.

de sopars, l'altre porta

for dinners, the other brings

el tema organitzatiu,

the organizational topic,

la maleta sanitària...

the medical kit...

I el tema logístic d'instruments,

And the logistical issue of instruments,

perquè m'imagino,

because I imagine,

en el teu cas, el clarinet sí

In your case, the clarinet yes.

que ho pots portar a la maleta,

that you can take it in the suitcase,

però hi ha instruments que impliquen

but there are instruments that involve

com el seu ambient...

with its environment...

Sí, això ens ha ajudat la Federació una miqueta.

Yes, this has helped us a little from the Federation.

Hem vingut una part amb autocar,

We have come part of the way by bus.

que ho porten ells,

that they bring it,

llavors els carreguem a l'autocar

then we load them onto the coach

i els recollirem d'aquí 3 o 4 dies.

And we will collect them in 3 or 4 days.

O sigui que una part de la colla...

So a part of the group...

Heu vingut en autocar des de Barcelona?

Did you come by bus from Barcelona?

No, els instruments.

No, the instruments.

I l'actuació principal vostra

And your main performance

quina ha sigut?

What has it been?

Va ser ahir, al concert, a la concatedral.

It was yesterday, at the concert, at the co-cathedral.

Estava a rebentar.

I was about to burst.

Va ser com...

It was like...

Sí, realment va ser...

Yes, it really was...

Nosaltres ens hem quedat tot el passeig ple

We have left the entire promenade full.

però tot el passeig ple i la gent

but the entire promenade was full and the people

no els veies passar volant,

you didn't see them flying by,

sinó participant i engrescats

but participating and enthusiastic

amb tot el que estava passant.

with everything that was happening.

Ho pregunto bastant

I ask it quite a lot.

a les colles.

to the groups.

M'imagino que esteu acostumats a actuar

I imagine you are used to performing.

jugant una mica de local,

playing a bit local,

que hi ha famílies, hi ha amics,

there are families, there are friends,

hi ha un entorn que saben

There is an environment they know.

que va una mica a la pel·lícula.

it goes a bit like the movie.

Aquí no, aquí és diferent.

Not here, here it's different.

Això us provoca més neguit,

This causes you more worry,

més respecte o no?

More respect or not?

En el nostre cas,

In our case,

com que som una agrupació

Since we are a group

que toquem molts àmbits de música,

that we touch on many areas of music,

és com jugar de local sempre.

It's like playing at home all the time.

Encara que no vulguis

Even if you don't want to.

una banda sonora d'una pel·lícula,

a movie soundtrack,

és molt coneguda arreu del món.

It is very well known all over the world.

Si la pel·lícula ha sigut

If the movie has been



I després,

And then,

el repertori que portem català

the repertoire we bring is Catalan

podria passar per qualsevol

it could pass for anyone

peça sinfònica.

symphonic piece.

Està molt ben arranjat

It is very well arranged.

i la veritat és que

and the truth is that

va tenir molt bona acollida.

it was very well received.

Portàvem l'Estaca,

We were carrying the stake,

el Boig per tu,

The Mad for You,

va ser bonic.

it was beautiful.



I encara us queda una

And you still have one left.

actuació aquesta nit.

performance tonight.

I ens queda la Cluenda,

And we have the Cluenda left,

on actuem tots els grups

where all the groups act

i ja estem preparats.

And we are already ready.

A tot bé, per finalitzar ja.

All good, to finish up now.

Queden poques hores

There are few hours left.

i demà ja torneu.

And tomorrow you return.

I demà tornem,

And tomorrow we return,

anem cap a Budapest,

we are heading to Budapest,

que farem nit allà

we will spend the night there

i l'avió ens en surt demà,

and the plane leaves us tomorrow,

el dimarts.


I marxareu amb ganes de tornar-hi?

Will you leave wanting to return?



és una experiència que, com a banda,

it is an experience that, as a band,

m'agradava també sortir,

I also liked going out,

perquè ara amb la pandèmia

because now with the pandemic

tot això ho vam aturar una miqueta.

We stopped all of this for a little while.

Sempre som una banda que allà,

We are always a band over there,

per canviar les nostres serres,

to change our saws,

fem moltes coses.

we do many things.

I ara, doncs mira,

And now, well look,

anirem a tirar...

we will go throw...

Sortides així són importants,

Outings like this are important,

per l'equació del grup i...

for the group equation and...

No, perquè l'equació del grup

No, because the group's equation

i diferents edats

and different ages

compartim moltes estones junts.

we share many moments together.

No és el mateix que anar a assajar,

It's not the same as going to rehearse,

anar-te'n a un concert,

going to a concert,

i així està millor entre nosaltres.

And that’s better between us.

O sigui que...


això també és feina,

this is also work,

dinamitzar els grups, no?

dynamize the groups, right?

Exacte, no és només la façana,

Exactly, it's not just the facade,

ni el que s'escolta, sinó tot el que hi ha al darrere.

not what is heard, but everything that lies behind it.

No ens podem queixar,

We cannot complain,

perquè tenim un bon grup,

because we have a good group,

uns adolescents molt macos...

some very nice teenagers...

La veritat és que impecable,

The truth is that impeccable,

no hem tingut res de res de res.

we haven't had anything at all.

Molt satisfets amb l'experiència.

Very satisfied with the experience.

Fa goig

It looks nice.

desmentir els tòpics, no?

debunk the stereotypes, right?

A mi em sembla que diu

It seems to me that it says.

que portaran adolescents que no sé què,

that will bring adolescents that I don't know what,

que no sé quantos,

that I don't know how many,

que la gent jove...

that young people...

La veritat és que impecable.

The truth is that it is impeccable.

Zero problemes.

Zero problems.

Molt puntuals, molt...

Very punctual, very...

Això que tenim diferents franges d'edat.

This means that we have different age groups.

El 40-50,

The 40-50,

tenim la franja de 20-30,

we have the 20-30 range,

tenim algun menor, també,

we have some minors too,

però tot superbé.

but everything is great.

Us ajuden aquest tipus de sortida?

Does this type of outing help you?

Rebeu alguna mena de suport?

Do you receive any kind of support?

Hem demanat subvencions, de moment.

We have applied for grants, for now.

Estem pendents que ens diguin sí o no,

We are waiting for them to tell us yes or no.

perquè és anual.

because it is annual.

I és això tan ben organitzat

And is this so well organized?

que et diuen si te la donen quan ja t'ho has gastat.

What do they tell you if they give it to you when you've already spent it?

Primer avances els diners

First, you advance the money.

i després...

and then...

Però tampoc hem tingut problemes

But we haven't had problems either.

amb la gent de la banda.

with the people from the band.

Han sigut implicats.

They have been involved.

La veritat és que

The truth is that

històries com la vostra

stories like yours

carreguen molt les piles,

they recharge the batteries a lot,

perquè és autogestionat,

because it is self-managed,

és autoorganitzat,

it is self-organized,

surt bé,

it turns out well,

perquè ho veus i veus que

because you see it and you see that

hi ha molta feina que està ben feta

there is a lot of work that is well done

i realment us felicitem.

And we truly congratulate you.

Com veus els resultats, queda satisfet.

How do you see the results, are you satisfied?

Va molt de pena.

It goes a lot of pain.

Ens representeu molt bé

You represent us very well.

perquè venir aquí,

why come here,

amb aquests 600 catalans

with these 600 Catalans

que en les diferents disciplines

that in the different disciplines

fan una mostra com la que es fa,

they make a sample like the one that is made,

jo crec que és extraordinari.

I think it is extraordinary.

I som perquè creiem

We are because we believe.

que se'n parla poc de tot plegat.

it's not talked about much at all.

A Catalunya

In Catalonia

passa aquesta percepció.

pass this perception.



a disfrutar de l'últim concert d'avui

to enjoy the last concert of today

i del poc que ens queda de la pleg.

and from the little that is left of the fold.

Gràcies per venir a explicar-nos-ho.

Thank you for coming to explain it to us.

Gràcies a vosaltres.

Thank you.


Thank you.

Gràcies a tots.

Thank you all.




Thank you.

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