Informe Especial Parlem de llibres del 23/9/2024

Ràdio Puig-Reig

Darrers podcast - Ràdio Puig-Reig

Informe Especial Parlem de llibres del 23/9/2024

Darrers podcast - Ràdio Puig-Reig

La xarxa de comunicació local.

The local communication network.

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And for streaming at

Informe especial. Entrevistes, reportatges i debats d'actualitat.

Special report. Interviews, features, and current affairs debates.

Informe especial. Un programa de Ràdio Porreig, editat i presentat per Josep Genescà.

Special report. A program from Ràdio Porreig, edited and presented by Josep Genescà.

Hola, bon dia. Avui al nostre programa us parlarem de dos llibres molt interessants.

Hello, good morning. Today in our program we will talk about two very interesting books.

El primer serà amb l'experta Cristina.

The first will be with the expert Cristina.

I el títol és Tres desitjos abans de morir.

And the title is Three Wishes Before Dying.

Parlarem de la mort, el dol i la vida.

We will talk about death, grief, and life.

La segona part del programa parlarem amb Xavier Grasset.

In the second part of the program, we will talk with Xavier Grasset.

Xavier Grasset ens porta també un altre llibre.

Xavier Grasset also brings us another book.

Un llibre que es diu La pausa dels dies.

A book called The Pause of Days.

Un dietari de vivències plaents.

A diary of pleasant experiences.

Són editats per La Campana.

They are published by La Campana.

Avui parlarem amb Xavier Grasset.

Today we will talk with Xavier Grasset.

I Espartac per a en...

I Spartacus for...

Informe especial. Parlem de llibres amb Josep Genescà.

Special report. We talk about books with Josep Genescà.

Bé, presentem un nou llibre.

Well, we present a new book.

La mare ens havia demanat tres coses abans de morir.

Mother had asked us for three things before she died.

No em van poder complicar.

They couldn't complicate me.

És un relat íntim i universal.

It is an intimate and universal tale.

És un cant a la vida a través de la mort.

It is a song to life through death.

La mort.

The death.

Una reflexió sobre la mort, el dol i la vida.

A reflection on death, mourning, and life.

I diu l'autor.

And the author says.

A casa, la mort i el dol

At home, death and mourning

van seure

they sat down

amb tots a la taula.

with everyone at the table.

Vaig créixer

I grew up.

al costat d'uns pares

beside some parents

marcats per la mort

marked by death

del seu primer fill.

of her first child.

Era el meu germà gran.

He was my older brother.

No el vaig conèixer.

I didn't know him.

No vam coincidir

We didn't meet.

en el temps, però és com si l'hagués conegut de tota la vida.

In time, but it feels as if I have known him my whole life.

La mort ens ha ocupat molts moments i pensaments.

Death has occupied us many moments and thoughts.

No esquivar-la ens ha fet aferrar amb força a la vida.

Not dodging it has made us cling tightly to life.

Una reflexió que ens porta a parlar de vida,

A reflection that leads us to talk about life,

a parlar de com assumim el dol

to speak about how we cope with grief

i, sobretot, què pensem de la mort.

And, above all, what do we think about death?

Amb nosaltres, el seu autor és Espartac Paran,

With us, its author is Espartac Paran.

un llibre de Penninghaus, La campana,

a book by Penninghaus, The Bell,

i que està donant la volta al món, no, però a Catalunya sí.

And that is going around the world, no, but in Catalonia it is.

Que és tot un món.

It's a whole world.

Benvingut a casa.

Welcome home.

Moltes gràcies, exacte. Em sento molt a casa.

Thank you very much, exactly. I feel very much at home.

Això és el que m'agrada.

This is what I like.

Una casa que ja saps que per tu l'havíem d'obrir

A house that you already know we had to open for you.

quan vas venir.

when did you come.

Vam venir el 2008.

We came in 2008.

Després vas tornar amb TV3 a fer el programa.

Then you returned to do the program with TV3.



Vam fer la setmana del divendres aquí.

We did the week from Friday here.

Vam fer la setmana aquella del divendres.

We did that week from Friday.

I després, del divendres, vas venir per la corrida.

And then, on Friday, you came for the bullfight.

I després de la corrida vas tornar amb el Xavi Coral.

And after the run, you went back with Xavi Coral.

Exactament, al fòrum.

Exactly, at the forum.

Per això, per això, que és casa i ara presentant aquest llibre.

That's why, that's why, it's home and now presenting this book.

Aquest llibre és com un tresor per mi.

This book is like a treasure to me.

Perquè no és un llibre qualsevol, o no és un mira aquest, ha fet un llibre,

Because it is not just any book, or it is not a look at this one, it has made a book,

sinó que és un llibre molt pensat durant 20 anys.

but it is a book that has been thought out for 20 years.

I quan dic pensat vol dir fent reflexions,

And when I say thought, I mean making reflections,

pensant en coses que m'interessen sobre l'amor.

thinking about things that interest me about love.

I finalment és una amiga que em diu, escolta, fa molt de temps que dius que vols escriure un llibre,

And finally, it's a friend who tells me, listen, you've been saying for a long time that you want to write a book,

no hi ha manera.

there's no way.

Va, t'agafo de la mà i comencem a escriure i m'ho vas ensenyant i a veure què tal.

Come on, I'll take you by the hand and we'll start writing, and you can show me how it goes.

I a partir d'aquí la Isabel Martí, una de les grans editores d'aquest país,

And from here Isabel Martí, one of the great editors of this country,

també li va encantar la història i junts vam treballar fins al final.

He also loved the story and together we worked until the end.

Un llibre que ens porta allò, despullar-te, despullar-te davant de la gent, d'alguna manera.

A book that brings us that, to undress, to undress in front of people, in some way.

Obrir-te, més que despullar-te, obrir-te, no?

To open yourself, more than to undress yourself, to open yourself, right?

Perquè aquí hi ha coses molt íntimes.

Because there are very intimate things here.

Sí, el llibre he intentat tant que sigui un llibre que no fa por,

Yes, the book I have tried to make it a book that is not scary.

perquè la gent es pensa que si fas un llibre que parla de l'amor és un llibre que fa por.

Because people think that if you make a book about love, it's a book that is scary.

Jo he intentat fer un llibre de l'amor que acaba sent un can a la vida, no?

I have tried to make a book about love that ends up being a song to life, right?

He intentat.

I have tried.

I llavors el que no volia era parlar dels meus, la meva voluntat era

And then what I didn't want was to talk about my own, my will was

que aquelles mares i pares que han perdut un fill,

that those mothers and fathers who have lost a child,

sentissin identificats amb la història que explicava dels meus pares que van perdre un fill.

they felt identified with the story I told about my parents who lost a child.

Quan parlava de la pèrdua dels pares, que els vaig perdre en pocs mesos de diferència,

When I spoke of the loss of my parents, whom I lost within a few months of each other,

intentava que tota la gent que ha perdut els pares pensés en aquesta pèrdua

I was trying to make all the people who have lost their parents think about this loss.

i els que no han perdut els pares que s'aixequin de la cadira i vagin a fer una abraçada o un petó, no?

And those who haven't lost their parents should get up from their chair and go give a hug or a kiss, right?

Perquè de vegades perdem la consciència que allò que tenim ho podem perdre

Because sometimes we lose the awareness that what we have we can lose.

i va bé que siguem conscients que les coses a la vida es poden perdre.

And it's good that we are aware that things in life can be lost.

I aquelles persones que han perdut un amic, una amiga,

And those people who have lost a friend, a girlfriend,

també hi ha un relat aquí d'amistat, també se senten identificats amb això.

There is also a story here of friendship; they also feel identified with that.

En definitiva, que a través del llibre connectin amb l'amor, no amb mi.

Ultimately, let them connect with love through the book, not with me.

Que connectin amb l'amor, que és molt important connectar amb l'amor,

Let them connect with love, as it is very important to connect with love.

però de la forma que tu l'entens o que la vols fer entendre.

but in the way that you understand it or that you want to make it understood.

Que se'n parli, és a dir, no en parlem perquè...

Let it be talked about, that is to say, we don't talk about it because...

Que no sigui un tabú.

Let it not be a taboo.



Sí, jo crec que no és un tabú, que ens han fet creure que és un tabú.

Yes, I believe it is not a taboo, that we have been made to believe it is a taboo.

És un tema que creiem que incomoda.

It is a topic that we believe is uncomfortable.

És un tema que creiem que molesta.

It's a topic that we believe is bothersome.

És un tema que si veiem algú, per exemple, que té càncer,

It is a topic that if we see someone, for example, who has cancer,

no anirem allà i intentarem parlar amb ell, que ens tregui com està,

We won't go there and we'll try to talk to him, so he can tell us how he is.

com ho veu, com se sent, per no incomodar.

how you see it, how you feel, so as not to make it uncomfortable.

I dissimularem, com si que ell no tingués res.

We will pretend, as if he had nothing.

I potser està al seu final de vida, però tots dissimularem.

And maybe it is at the end of its life, but we will all pretend.

I entrem en un joc com pervers,

We enter a game that is somewhat perverse,

sense saber-ho, en què jo no et pregunto per no doldre't

without knowing it, in which I do not ask you so as not to hurt you

i tu no em manifestes el teu dolor per no incomodar-me.

And you don't show me your pain so as not to disturb me.

Per tant, estem fent un joc molt tonto,

Therefore, we are playing a very silly game,

que si fóssim clars i traguéssim aquest bel de l'amor,

that if we were clear and removed this veil of love,

podríem parlar.

we could talk.

Perquè tu, que estàs fotut, tens ganes d'explicar-m'ho, segurament.

Because you, who are messed up, probably want to tell me about it.

Ja sabem que hi ha un moment que no, eh?

We already know that there is a moment when not, right?

Però hi haurà un moment que tens ganes d'explicar-m'ho.

But there will be a time when you will want to tell me.

I l'altre, que t'estima, ganes de rebre-ho.

And the other, who loves you, wants to receive it.

I tu, que ets una persona que no t'estima,

And you, who are a person that does not love you,

que has pogut parlar amb molta gent, precisament parlant d'això,

that you have been able to talk to a lot of people, precisely about that,

quan és el moment que la persona necessita explicar-ho?

When is the moment that a person needs to explain it?

Quan se li acaba la vida?

When does life end?

O quan li comuniquen que potser tindrà, que té aquest problema?

Or when they inform him that he might have this problem?

Jo he deixat molt clar que no sóc especialista de res,

I have made it very clear that I am not an expert in anything,

però sóc periodista.

but I am a journalist.

I el que he fet és mirar-me l'amor.

And what I have done is look at love.

I quan em mires l'amor,

And when you look at me, love,

de tot el que passa amb l'amor,

of everything that happens with love,

el mor, el calvetlla, la funerària,

the Moor, the calvetlla, the funeral home,

tots com ens movem al voltant de l'amor,

we all move around love,

passen moltes coses.

Many things happen.

I com a periodista això és la bomba.

And as a journalist, this is the bomb.

Tens moltes parts de la teva finestra, diguéssim,

You have many parts of your window, let's say,

per mirar, per treballar, per acabar fent un llibre, per exemple.

to look, to work, to end up making a book, for example.

Llavors, aquesta pregunta que em fas,

So, this question you are asking me,

jo crec que és una pregunta molt d'especialista.

I think it's a very specialist question.

Jo l'únic que et diria és que

The only thing I would tell you is that

el que va bé, sobretot,

what is good, above all,

és que no ens mirem quan va bé parlar de l'amor,

it's just that we don't look at each other when it's good to talk about love,

ja la tenim molt a prop.

We have it very close now.

El que ens hem de començar a plantejar

What we need to start considering.

és que ara, per exemple, tu i jo, que som molt vius,

it's just that now, for example, you and I, who are very sharp,

parlem de l'amor.

let's talk about love.

Que no parlem sempre quan ens veiem de la corrida.

We don't always talk about bullfighting when we see each other.

Que no parlem sempre quan ens veiem del fòrum,

We don't always talk about the forum when we see each other,

creient-nos que tu i jo només tenim aquests dos temes.

believing that you and I only have these two topics.

Podem seure i parlar de l'amor. Per què no?

We can sit down and talk about love. Why not?

Perquè segurament serem capaços de parlar de sexe.

Because we will probably be able to talk about sex.

Perquè sexe, escolta, tothom en pot parlar,

Because sex, listen, everyone can talk about it,

encara que després siguis un zero a l'esquerra a casa.

even if later you end up being a nobody at home.

O, d'economia, has sentit en Sala Martín a la tele,

Oh, about the economy, have you heard Sala Martín on TV?

i ara aquí, com que saps que jo no el vaig sentir,

and now here, as you know I didn't hear it,

et fots el xulo, em dius com aniran les borses,

you act all tough, you tell me how the stock markets will go,

però de l'amor no, que incomoda.

but not love, as it is uncomfortable.

Doncs acostumem-nos a parlar de l'amor.

Well, let's get used to talking about love.

L'hem de fer més fàcil, aquest tracte, no?

We have to make this deal easier, right?

Clar, clar.

Sure, sure.

El que passa és que estaràs d'acord amb mi

What happens is that you will agree with me.

que quan perds una persona propera,

that when you lose a close person,

doncs, parlar de l'amor

well, talking about love

sembla que el que fas és

it seems that what you do is

d'alguna manera,


retornar enrere, no?

go back, right?

O sigui, anar a buscar l'origen d'aquell problema.

In other words, to go looking for the origin of that problem.

Del problema que ja, d'alguna manera, l'has aparcat.

About the problem that you have, in a way, put aside.

I potser l'hem aparcat massa de pressa.

And perhaps we parked it too quickly.

Quan dius aparcat, vols dir que s'ha mort una persona,

When you say parked, you mean that a person has died.

que t'ha provocat un dolor,

that has caused you pain,

i tu has aparcat, que dius aparcat, eh?

And you have parked, what do you mean parked, huh?

Aparcar el dolor.

Park the pain.

Sí, doncs aparcar el dolor crec que és un crim.

Yes, I think parking the pain is a crime.

Aparcar el dolor és un crim per tu mateix.

Parking the pain is a crime against yourself.

Perquè si em parles d'un problema,

Because if you talk to me about a problem,

si em parles, no hi ha cap racó on hagis aparcat res.

If you talk to me, there is no corner where you have parked anything.

I aquell pàrquing sempre queda buit de cotxes.

And that parking lot is always empty of cars.

Per tant, si tu el que fas és no aparcar les coses,

Therefore, if what you do is not to put things off,

sinó que és afrontar-les,

but rather facing them,

quan estiguis preparat,

when you are ready,

quan et doni la gana,

when you get hungry,

parlar-ne, explicar les teves penes,

talk about it, explain your troubles,

reivindicar la teva tristesa,

claim your sadness,

reivindicar el record,

to reclaim the memory,

reivindicar... va molt bé.

to reclaim... goes very well.

Durant masses anys, el que hem fet és enquistar

For many years, what we have done is entrench.

molts problemes de l'amor,

many problems of love,

que ens acaben passant una factura grossa.

that they end up sending us a big bill.

La factura grossa quina pot ser?

What could the big bill be?

Doncs que portem unes motxilles tan carregades de pedres

So we carry backpacks so loaded with stones.

que al final no podem avançar.

that in the end we cannot make progress.

I ens morim en vida.

And we die while alive.

Espartac, aquest llibre ens porta a moltes coses.

Spartacus, this book takes us to many things.

No només parla de la mort,

Not only does it talk about death,

parla dels vius,

talks about the living,

parla de quan la teva família era viva

Talk about when your family was alive.

i sobretot

and above all

de qui era, com era,

who it was, what it was like,

què feia...

what was I doing...

Hi ha una cosa que

There is one thing that

també m'ha cridat molt l'atenció, no?

it has also caught my attention a lot, hasn’t it?

És la feina que feia la teva mare

It's the job your mother used to do.

quan era peixatera

when I was a fishmonger

i anava des de Mataró

I was going from Mataró.

fins a Barcelona

until Barcelona

amb el peix

with the fish

a la xistella.

to the frying pan.

Carregat, carregat al damunt.

Loaded, loaded on top.

Bueno, és la història de...

Well, it's the story of...

És la història de tots els oficis, no?

It's the story of all trades, isn't it?

I de la duresa, i que ara ens hem...

And from the hardness, and that now we have...

Ens hem...

We have...

Ara qualsevol esforç...

Now any effort...

Veus molts treballadors que fer

You see many workers to do.

un petit esforç a la feina

a small effort at work

sembla que s'enfonsi el món, no?

It seems like the world is sinking, right?

I abans, quan no hi havien tots aquests recursos,

And before, when there weren't all these resources,

és impressionant veure escrit

it is impressive to see it written

com es treballava. Per exemple,

how it worked. For example,

una peixatera de Mataró

a fishmonger from Mataró

que tenia poc peix a Mataró

that there was little fish in Mataró

perquè hi havia poques barques

because there were few boats

i, per tant, el gruix del peix

and, therefore, the thickness of the fish

que s'acabava portant a la peixateria

that ended up being taken to the fishmonger

l'havia d'anar a buscar al Born,

I had to go pick him up in the Born,

no al Mercabarna, no, al Born,

not at Mercabarna, no, at the Born,

perquè al Mercabarna encara no hi era.

because it was still not there at Mercabarna.

Clar, ella pujava en tren

Of course, she was getting on the train.

amb una cistella, no?

with a basket, right?

I quan tornava allà

And when I returned there

amb el peix i el gel

with the fish and the ice

que el conservava com podia, és a dir,

that he/she kept as best he/she could, that is to say,

conservava l'afredor com podia

he kept the chill as best as he could

i aquell gel s'anava desfent

and that ice was melting away

i li queia per les cuixes, els peus

and it fell down her thighs, the feet

d'aigua gelada, no?

cold water, right?

A ple hivern, potser, no?

In the middle of winter, maybe, right?

I ara, clar, tens unes furgonetes

And now, of course, you have some vans.

d'aquestes preparades, no?

Of these prepared, right?

Tant el paper de la meva mare

Both the role of my mother

com el paper del meu pare,

like my father's role,

que també és treballador del Forn del Vidre,

who is also a worker at the Forn del Vidre,

una de les cooperatives més importants

one of the most important cooperatives

de l'estat espanyol, és de personatges,

from the Spanish state, it is about characters,

perquè en el llibre estan com a personatges,

because in the book they are portrayed as characters,

que et venen a explicar

that they come to explain to you

que persones

what people

que són molt conegudes i estimades,

which are very well-known and loved,

les dues a Mataró, per exemple,

the two in Mataró, for example,

de cop i volta hi ha un

all of a sudden there is a

una aturada del temps

a pause of time

en què mor un nen de 9 anys,

what does a 9-year-old child die from,

el seu fill.

your son.

Cau d'un metre i mig

Falls from a meter and a half.

i allà el temps s'atura.

And there time stands still.

Com tot canvia, no?

As everything changes, right?

Com d'estar envoltats

How it feels to be surrounded

de moltíssima gent, la gent

of a lot of people, the people

amb tota aquesta pena tan grossa

with all this great sorrow

no els poden acompanyar de cap de les maneres, no?

They cannot accompany them in any way, right?

I això fa pensar

And this makes one think.

amb el dol

with the mourning

i amb la manera que tenim de portar,

and with the way we have of carrying on,

que estem insistint tota l'estona

that we are insisting all the time

en aquesta xerrada,

in this talk,

si tu vols ajudar uns pares que han perdut una criatura,

if you want to help some parents who have lost a child,

no els pots ajudar si abans

you can't help them if you don't first

no tens alguna experiència

don't you have any experience?

d'acompanyar en el dol,

to accompany in grief,

de fer costat a una persona que ha perdut algú.

to support a person who has lost someone.

La veritat és que

The truth is that

em va ser plorar, eh?

It made me cry, didn't it?



Jo vaig plorar.

I cried.

Però tu tens un amor recent.

But you have a recent love.

Sí, dues.

Yes, two.

Els dos pares.

The two parents.

Primer el pare

First the father

i al cap d'un any

and after a year

i escaig, la mare.

and a bit more, the mother.

Jo sóc un boig

I am a madman.

de reivindicar, evidentment,

to advocate, obviously,

que el pare és important, això.

that the father is important, this.

Sóc un boig de reivindicar el paper de la mare.

I am a madman for claiming the role of the mother.

Quan se'ns mor la mare, tingui l'edat que tingui

When our mother dies, no matter how old she is.

i tinguem l'edat que tinguem,

no matter how old we are,



la mort de la mare és una cosa molt grossa.

the death of the mother is a very big thing.



Que de vegades també te l'has de tapar.

That sometimes you also have to cover it up.

Perquè si és molt gran i vas pel carrer i dius

Because if it is very big and you walk down the street and say

no, és que tenia 130 anys

No, it's just that he was 130 years old.

i se m'ha mort la mare.

my mother has died.

Tenia 130 anys.

He was 130 years old.

Diu, home, ja li tocava, ja hi ha tot el que vulguis.

He says, man, it was about time, there is already everything you want.

Però és que era la teva mare.

But it was your mother.

I és una cosa tan grossa que sembla que t'arrenquin

And it is such a big thing that it feels like they are ripping you away.

alguna cosa d'aquí, de dins, no?

Something from here, from inside, right?

I la pena és molt gran. I és un dol.

And the pain is very great. And it is a mourning.

És un dol d'una persona

It's the grief of a person.

que et va fer néixer, una persona

what made you born, a person

que et va donar coses molt importants

that gave you very important things

mentre anaves creixent

while you were growing up

i que ara, digue-li llei de vida

and that now, call it the law of life

o el que vulguis,

or whatever you want,

has mort, no?

you're dead, aren't you?

Però tu, en aquest llibre,

But you, in this book,

vas molt més enllà.

you go much further.

I parles d'una cosa

And you talk about one thing.

molt teva, no?

Very yours, isn’t it?

És, no com un sofriment,

It is, not as a suffering,

sinó com un acompanyament.

but as an accompaniment.

És a dir, una cosa

That is to say, one thing.

que t'ha acompanyat a viure,

that has accompanied you to live,

que és el dol del teu germà.

what is the grief of your brother.

El dol del teu germà.

The mourning of your brother.

El dol dels pares respecte al germà.

The grief of the parents regarding the brother.

Aquell, allò, aquell, sempre,

That, that, that one, always,



aquell noi, el, el...

that boy, him, him...


The Eliseu.

L'Eliseu. L'Eliseu

The Eliseu. The Eliseu

ho faria així. L'Eliseu

I would do it this way. Eliseu

ho hauria fet així.

I would have done it like this.

Això de quina forma t'ha marcat a tu?

How has this marked you?

A qualsevol casa, quan hi ha la mort

In any home, when there is death.

d'un fill, com que a partir d'ara

of a son, since from now on

has de remar, no sabent on vas,

you have to row, not knowing where you are going,

no? Sense, sense objectiu,

No? Without, without a goal,

el que, el que et passa

what, what is happening to you

és que l'única manera

it's just that the only way

que tens de salvar aquesta pena

that you have to save this pain

és recordar-lo

it's to remember it

constantment, encara que no

constantly, even though not

hi sigui. I llavors, si després

Hello. And then, if afterwards.

d'aquesta mort han nascut noves criatures,

from this death new creatures have been born,

com és el cas de casa meva,

as is the case with my house,

tot l'entorn, tot

the whole environment, everything

l'ambient familiar queda

the family atmosphere remains

impregnat d'aquesta figura que ha mort

impregnated with this figure that has died

i t'acompanya.

and accompanies you.

Però jo, jo ho dic no com a trauma,

But I, I don't say it as a trauma,

sinó des de la normalitat. Els meus

but from normality. My

pares tenien el seu fill,

parents had their son,

que van perdre, per tant, una desgràcia,

that they lost, therefore, a misfortune,

al cementiri, doncs els acompanyàvem al cementiri.

to the cemetery, so we accompanied them to the cemetery.

I en el cementiri no hi ha cap trauma.

And in the cemetery, there is no trauma.

Si a casa es parlava de

If at home we talked about

l'Eliseu li agradava aquest plat de macarrons

Eliseu liked this dish of macaroni.

o llegia molt, es parlava.

Or I read a lot, it was talked about.

I no era un trauma, era un més.

And it wasn't a trauma, it was just another one.

La desgràcia com a nen,

The misfortune as a child,

i fins i tot ara com més gran,

and even now as I am older,

és de no veure'l, que et fa molta ràbia

It's unbelievable, it makes you very angry.

que et diguin que tu el vas conèixer,

let them tell you that you met him,

aquest germà? I la veritat,

this brother? And the truth,

no el vaig conèixer, però és com si el conegués,

I didn't know him, but it's as if I did.

perquè és que va formar tant

because it shaped so much

part de la meva vida, no?

part of my life, right?

Que físicament no estava allà,

That physically was not there,

però el seu pes,

but its weight,

el pes de l'absència, era evident.

The weight of absence was evident.

I com va ser la teva vida

And how was your life?

de petit? Com vas viure tu?

As a child? How did you live?

No només la mort,

Not just death,

sinó tu, com et senties

but you, how did you feel

dintre la societat d'una persona

within a person's society

que als 14 anys ja te'n vas anar

that at 14 years old you already left

a Televisió de Mataró?

To Mataró Television?

Jo per part

I on my part

de la mort, si és que ho preguntes en aquest sentit,

about death, if you are asking in that sense,

no només per la mort del meu germà,

not only for the death of my brother,

sinó tots els morts amunt i avall

but all the dead up and down

que passaven a casa, i al voltant,

that happened at home, and around,

de casa, això era una cosa

At home, that was one thing.

com molt natural. Jo crec que és una cosa

as very natural. I think it's something

com molt bonica, molt bonica.

very pretty, very pretty.

Sí, perquè pensar en la mort,

Yes, because thinking about death,

veure la mort, jo crec que et col·loca molt

Seeing death, I think it puts you in your place a lot.

a la vida. És a dir, jo vaig tenir

to life. That is to say, I had

uns pares que

some parents who

em van estimar molt.

they loved me very much.

El que passa és que eren molt treballadors,

The thing is that they were very hard workers,

i es passaven les nits, per exemple, el meu pare al forn del vidre,

And they spent the nights, for example, my father at the glass factory,

per tant, durant el dia no servia

therefore, during the day it was not useful

per res, i la meva mare

for nothing, and my mother

de la matinada fins a la tarda,

from dawn until afternoon,

tarda a la tarda, a la peixateria.

afternoon in the afternoon, at the fish market.

Llavors jo, que dius, als 14 anys

Then I, what do you say, at 14 years old

vas començar mitjans de comunicació,

you started media,

jo sí que tinc la sensació

I do have the feeling.

de que em parla sol

What is it talking to me about?

i d'haver-me d'inventar la vida.

and having to invent my life.

Llavors, de petitet, agafava un caset

Then, when I was little, I would grab a cassette.

que un dia em van regalar i entrevistava el veí,

that one day they gave me as a gift and interviewed the neighbor,

o fotia un espectacle

or it was a show

al cobert de casa, per tant,

under the cover of the house, therefore,

creava com un món màgic al meu voltant,

it created a magical world around me,

i aquella és l'essència.

And that is the essence.

Però pel que fa a la mort,

But as for death,

la mort de vegades ens pensem que treu

Death sometimes makes us think that it takes away.

matits els petits, i no és ben veixia.

You kill the little ones, and it is not good sight.

El que passa que els hem de

What happens is that we have to

d'acompanyar. Però jo crec que hi ha

to accompany. But I believe that there is

altres coses a la vida que provoquen...

other things in life that cause...

Penses que hi ha poca informació de la mort?

Do you think there is little information about death?

Que en parlem poc?

Why do we talk so little about it?

Sí, clar.

Yes, of course.

Ho tenim massa lluny.

It's too far away for us.

I potser massa negre.

And perhaps too dark.

Exacte. Aquesta és molt bona.

Exactly. This is very good.

L'hempitat negra.

The black hemp.

L'hempitat fosca.

The dark hemp.

I gris.

The gray.

I són colors, que a mi m'agrada molt el negre,

And these are colors, I really like black.

però són colors

but they are colors

molt apagats. I a l'hora d'explicar-ho,

very dim. And when it comes to explaining it,

jo aquí tinc un quadre de radioporrets,

I have a picture of radioporrets here.

que és de color blau

it is blue

i blanc, que el veig

And white, that I see it.

molt en vida, però just al costat

very much alive, but just beside

en tinc un altre, com més

I have another one, like more.

tacat de negre,

stained black,

el que semblen unes persones,

what some people seem,

que fa més por.

that is scarier.

Les coses fosques fan més por.

Dark things are scarier.

Potser si haguéssim pintat

Perhaps if we had painted

de vermell i groc i una miqueta de blau

in red and yellow and a little bit of blue

la mort, seria una altra cosa.

Death would be something else.

Per tant, potser l'haurem de pintar. Estem a temps de canviar

Therefore, maybe we will have to paint it. We are still in time to change.

les coses. I penses que hi ha

the things. And do you think there are

voluntat de fer-ho, perquè és clar.

will to do it, because it is clear.

Jo vaig conèixer un senyor,

I met a gentleman,

un senyor,

a gentleman,

que em va dir, ara que he donat

that he told me, now that I have given

la volta al món ja em puc morir,

the world tour, I can die now,

perquè tinc un càncer.

because I have cancer.

I la meva...

And my...

Però jo no vull que sigui

But I don't want it to be.

una mort

a death

que vinguin

let them come

i que tothom plori,

and let everyone cry,

sinó que el que vull és que riguin,

but what I want is for them to laugh,

que s'ho passin bé.

Have fun.

I vull que hi hagi una orquestra que toqui,

And I want there to be an orchestra playing,

i vull... Això es fa poc.

And I want... This is done little.

I no sé si es va complir,

I don't know if it was fulfilled,

perquè aquest era el seu

because this was his



A partir d'ara depèn dels altres, clar.

From now on it depends on others, of course.

O va a dependre dels altres. Cada cop hi ha

Or it will depend on others. There is always.

més cerimònies d'aquestes.

more ceremonies like these.

Però cada cop també ens hauríem d'acostumar

But we would also have to get used to it each time.

a parlar de la mort,

to talk about death,

perquè precisament ens ajuda

because it precisely helps us

més a preparar el final.

more to prepare the end.

A preparar el final

Getting ready for the end.

pel que fa al dol,

regarding mourning,

a preparar el final pel que fa

to prepare the ending as far as

a la cerimònia.

to the ceremony.

I a tu què t'ha portat aquest llibre?

And what has this book brought you?

Què t'ha portat a nivell personal?

What has it brought you personally?

A mi aquest llibre,

I like this book,

ara, el setembre farà...

now, in September it will...

El 8 de setembre farà

On September 8th, it will be.

no sé quants mesos que el vaig seure,

I don't know how many months ago I sat him down,

però ja en fa bastant.

but it's been quite a while.

Són 3, 4, 6, 7 mesos.

They are 3, 4, 6, 7 months.

7 mesos, no?

7 months, right?

7 mesos.

7 months.

Va per la setena edició, precisament.

It is for the seventh edition, precisely.

I el que m'ha donat és

And what it has given me is

molts comentaris preciosos.

many precious comments.

Jo tenia molta por que algú em digués

I was very afraid that someone would tell me.

que estigués perdut. Déu-n'hi-do, la teva vida,

that he was lost. Wow, your life,

com ho has passat malament.

how you have had a bad time.

I això, per sort, no m'ho ha dit ningú.

And this, fortunately, no one has told me.

No. Patia molt, per això.

No. I suffered a lot because of that.

Perquè no és un llibre per llepar-me les ferides.

Because it's not a book to lick my wounds.



I, en aquest cas, la gent està molt contenta,

I, in this case, the people are very happy,

la gent m'ha enviat missatges preciosos,

people have sent me precious messages,

la gent m'ha dit que l'ajuda,

people have told me that the help,

la gent m'ha dit que l'acompanya,

People have told me that he accompanies her,

que la pretensió que fos un llibre que podia acompanyar

that the intention was for it to be a book that could accompany

era una voluntat meva,

it was a wish of mine,

però és molt difícil de complir.

but it is very difficult to fulfill.

Doncs noto que s'ha complert, que acompanya.

Well, I feel that it has been fulfilled, that it accompanies.

Hòstia, és guapíssim.

Wow, it's really beautiful.

Jo penso que després d'aquest llibre

I think that after this book

entens l'amor diferent.

you understand love differently.

És a dir,

That is to say,

els que teníem por

those of us who were afraid

de la mort

of death

ens la sentim més propera.

we feel it closer to us.

I ens donem compte

And we realize.

i ens fa reflexionar

and it makes us reflect

a veure si tot el que hem fet

let's see if everything we've done

amb els que hem perdut

with those we have lost

ho hem fet correcte.

We have done it correctly.

Perquè el llibre ensenya,

Because the book teaches,

et marca un camí.

it sets a path.

Un camí no només

A path not only

de pèrdua,

of loss,

sinó d'acompanyament.

but as a companion.

No esperis que diré res

Don't expect me to say anything.

perquè no diré res,

because I won’t say anything,

perquè les paraules són pressioses

because words are precious

i per tant és també una reflexió

And therefore it is also a reflection.

després d'haver llegit el llibre

after having read the book

i per tant m'encanta i no puc dir res més.

And therefore I love it and I can’t say anything more.

Aquí també hi ha

Here there is also

el llibre, té una part

the book has a part

molt personal,

very personal,

molt personal.

very personal.

La calaixera

The drawer unit


it is



no dic res més

I won't say anything else.

perquè crec que és

because I think it is

una de les fotos

one of the photos

de la força

of the force

gran que té aquest llibre

great thing about this book

el que hi pot haver

what there may be

darrere d'un record,

behind a memory,

el que hi pot haver darrere

what can be behind it

d'una acció.

of an action.

I també

Me too.

el teu pas

your step

de cada dia

of each day

quan comença el llibre

When does the book start?

que vas amb el teu pare

you are going with your father

amb la galleda

with the bucket

a netejar la tomba del teu germà.

to clean your brother's grave.



són coses que

they are things that

realment aquest llibre

really this book

és un llibre.

It is a book.

És un llibre que és un llibre

It is a book that is a book.

que et marquen

that mark you

però sobretot et marca el final.

but above all it marks the end.

Un final

An ending

que tampoc es pot dir

which also cannot be said

perquè faríem espòilers

why would we spoil?

i la gent el que ha de fer és comprar-lo

and what people have to do is buy it.

és un llibre que diu

it's a book that says

tres desitjos abans

three wishes before

de morir

of dying

de la mort, el dol i la vida

of death, mourning, and life

i d'aquests desitjos no s'han complert

and these wishes have not been fulfilled



No ho sé.

I don't know.

O sí.

Oh yes.

No ho sé.

I don't know.

O sí.

Oh yes.

Crec que hi ha alguna cosa

I think there is something.



Per tant


per això és l'autor.

that is why he is the author.

Però aquí s'ha desvetllat

But here it has been revealed.

també una altra cosa.

also another thing.

S'ha desvetllat un escriptor.

A writer has been awakened.

Ha sortit un escriptor.

An author has emerged.

I molts periodistes

And many journalists

que han començat fent un capítol

that they have started by making a chapter

com tu

like you

doncs ara són professionals

so now they are professionals

de Martí Gironell,

by Martí Gironell,

per exemple, company teu.

for example, your friend.


We have


very many...

És diferent, eh?

It's different, isn't it?

Sí, és diferent perquè ell és...

Yes, it's different because he is...

No, ell és escriptor.

No, he is a writer.

Jo no em sento escriptor.

I do not feel like a writer.

Jo sé que és una tonteria que a l'editorial

I know it's foolish that at the publishing house

són els primers que m'han dit

they are the first to have told me

tens un llibre i per tant

you have a book and therefore

ja ets escriptor.

You are already a writer.

Però és que jo no tinc ganes de ser-ho.

But I don't feel like being it.

Perquè això és un tresor meu.

Because this is a treasure of mine.

Es diu llibre per casualitat, però és un tresor meu

It is called a book by coincidence, but it is a treasure of mine.

que l'he canalitzat a través

that I have channeled through

de l'escriptura.

of the writing.

Però jo no tinc ganes

But I don't feel like it.

d'embrancar-me més

to become more involved

en... Faré un conte, eh?

I'll tell a story, okay?

Un conte infantil que ja el tinc encarrilat.

A children's story that I already have underway.

Un conte sobre la mort.

A tale about death.

Sobre la mort? Sí. Però no un llibre.

About death? Yes. But not a book.

Un llibre m'ha costat molt,

A book has cost me a lot,

he patit molt i m'ha costat

I have suffered a lot and it has been difficult for me.



jo una novel·la no la vull fer.

I don't want to write a novel.

Vull fer coses

I want to do things.

al voltant de la reflexió i aquest tema

around reflection and this topic

m'apassiona, no? Però costa tot

It excites me, doesn't it? But everything is difficult.

tant canalitzar-ho, ordenar-ho,

so much to channel it, to organize it,

col·locar-ho, ara mira't-ho així,

put it, now look at it this way,

avui et sents un gran escriptor,

today you feel like a great writer,

demà t'ho rellegeixes, ho llançaries

Tomorrow you will reread it, would you throw it away?

tot, les obvietats de l'escriptor,

everything, the writer's obviousness,

no? Però

no? But

que és una guerra que jo no tinc ganes.

it's a war that I have no desire for.

No tinc ganes, entre altres coses, perquè

I don't feel like it, among other things, because

sóc molt conscient que jo he fet

I am very aware that I have done.

moltes coses, les que he volgut, les que he somiat,

many things, those I have wanted, those I have dreamed of,

però entre els meus somnis

but among my dreams

no hi ha escriure llibres.

There is no writing books.

Ni molt menys. I ara et faré una

Not at all. And now I'll make you one.

pregunta. La teva...

question. Yours...

El teu fill...

Your son...

El teu fill? No.

Your son? No.

El gran és la nena?

The big one is the girl?

La nena és la Clàudia.

The girl is Claudia.

I el nen l'Adrià, de 7 i 5 anys.

And the child Adrià, 7 and 5 years old.

Han llegit el llibre?

Have they read the book?

Una part?

A part?

Ells saben perfectament que hi ha un llibre i que parla

They know perfectly well that there is a book and that it talks.

de la mort i han fet reflexions xules

about death and have made cool reflections

al voltant de la mort.

around death.

La Clàudia, de 7 anys,

Clàudia, who is 7 years old,

ha llegit trossets petits, no?

He's read little pieces, hasn't he?

I què t'han dit?

And what have they told you?

Bueno, ells...

Well, they...



L'Averne ha parlat de la mort,

Averne has spoken of death,

la por encara no els hi ha trobat,

fear has still not found them,



Però sí que trobes comentaris

But you do find comments.

molt simpàtics. Els nens

very nice. The children

tenen de vegades unes preguntes que són

they sometimes have questions that are



Si algú pensa que aquest llibre

If someone thinks that this book

només és lletra, va molt equivocat.

it's just letters, he's very mistaken.

Hi ha moltes

There are many.

lletres de cançons.

song lyrics.



per tant, aquí, per exemple,

therefore, here, for example,

tenim Blaumut,

we have Blaumut,

la primera, o Pa amb oli i sal.

the first one, or Bread with oil and salt.



Hem d'acabar...

We have to finish...

amb música. Quina posaríem?

with music. Which one would we play?

Jo, després d'aquesta conversa,

I, after this conversation,

crec que les coses senzilles de xarango

I believe that the simple things by Xarango.

és un tema fantàstic, no només

it's a fantastic topic, not only

per posar-la i que t'acompanyi,

to put it on and have it accompany you,

sinó perquè tothom que ens està escoltant ara mateix

but because everyone who is listening to us right now

segueixi filparrant

continue threading

de la lletra, cada una de les paraules.

from the letter, each one of the words.

Espartac parant.

Spartacus pausing.

Amic, gràcies.

Friend, thank you.

Gràcies a tu.

Thanks to you.

Dic amic perquè...

I say friend because...

Sí, perquè és veritat.

Yes, because it is true.

Perquè ho som, no?

Because we are, right?

Doncs, moltíssimes gràcies.

Well, thank you very much.

Gràcies per fer-nos disfrutar.

Thank you for making us enjoy.

Gràcies per fer-nos despertar

Thank you for waking us up.

i per fer-nos veure

and to make ourselves seen

que la mort

that death

pot ser de color negre

it can be black

per nosaltres,

for us,

l'hem de pintar de tots colors.

We have to paint it in all colors.

Exacte. Moltes gràcies.

Exactly. Thank you very much.

Bona, gràcies.

Good, thank you.

La vida és tan fràgil,

Life is so fragile,

és tan fràgil

it is so fragile

estar aquí,

to be here,

recorrent el camí,

traveling the path,

comprenent el mandala.

understanding the mandala.

T'ho posaré

I'll put it for you.

a la taula,

at the table,

és tan fàcil.

it's so easy.

Sé que demà no estarem vius,

I know that tomorrow we will not be alive,

no estarem vius.

we will not be alive.

Tu i jo serem uns altres

You and I will be different.

i reptes, llocs i gent

and challenges, places, and people

seran només

they will only be

pols en el temps.

dust in time.

Som de ben i ales,

We are from good and wings,

som de ben i ales.

we are of good and wings.

Lluitant per viure lent,

Fighting to live slowly,

anem cuidant

let's take care

d'aquest present,

of this present,

d'aquest present.

of this present.

Oh, oh, oh, oh.

Oh, oh, oh, oh.

He vist la mort

I have seen death.

batllar el meu llit

make my bed

i sé

I know.

que serà bonic

that will be nice

deixar aquest cos a terra.

leave this body on the ground.

Per guerra,

For war,

som-hi a l'infinit.

let's go to infinity.

He fet

I have done.

aquesta cançó

this song

per no guanyar cap guerra.

to not win any war.

Tenim el cor rebel.

We have a rebellious heart.

La vida és tan fràgil,

Life is so fragile,

és tan fràgil,

it's so fragile,

és tan fràgil estar aquí,

it's so fragile to be here,

recorrent el camí,

traversing the path,

agraint cada passa.

thanking each step.

T'ho posaré fàcil,

I'll make it easy for you,

sé que demà no estarem vius,

I know that tomorrow we will not be alive,

no estarem vius.

we will not be alive.

Tu i jo serem uns altres

You and I will be different.

i reptes, llocs i gent

and challenges, places and people

seran només

will only be

pols en el temps.

dust in time.

Som de ben i ales,

We are of good wings,

són de ben i ales.

They are of good and wings.

Lluitant per viure lent,

Fighting to live slowly,

anem cuidant d'aquest present,

let's take care of this present,

d'aquest present.

of this present.

Oh, oh, oh, oh.

Oh, oh, oh, oh.

He vist la mort

I have seen death.

batllar el meu llit

make my bed

i sé

I know

que serà bonic

that will be beautiful

deixar aquest cos a terra.

leave this body on the ground.

Oh, oh, oh, oh.

Oh, oh, oh, oh.

Per guerra,

For war,

som-hi a l'infinit.

let's go to infinity.

He fet

I have done.

aquesta cançó

this song

per no guanyar cap guerra.

for not winning any war.

Tenim el cor rebel.

We have the rebellious heart.

Tan difícil

So difficult

dir-nos les coses senzilles.

tell us the simple things.

Tan difícil

So difficult

fer-nos més fàcil la vida.

make life easier for us.

Tu ja ho saps,

You already know it,

a vegades no trobo el camí.

Sometimes I can't find the way.

A vegades no trobo el camí.

Sometimes I can't find the way.

I al final d'aquest laberint

And at the end of this labyrinth

només hi ha

there is only

tan difícil

so difficult

dir-nos les coses senzilles.

to tell us the simple things.

Tan difícil

So difficult

fer-nos més fàcil la vida.

make our life easier.

Tu ja ho saps,

You already know it,

a vegades no trobo el camí.

Sometimes I can't find the way.

I al final d'aquest laberint

And at the end of this labyrinth

només hi ha

there is only

tan difícil

so difficult

només hi ha un testimoni.

There is only one witness.

Només hi ha un testimoni.

There is only one witness.

I us presentem un altre llibre.

We present to you another book.

Un llibre que, a més a més,

A book that, moreover,

és d'aquests llibres que diuen que estan fets

It's one of those books that say they're made.

amb el cap i amb el cor.

with the head and with the heart.

Perquè ens porta

Because it leads us

això. Ens porta

this. It takes us

a escoltar

to listen

el que hi ha

what there is

a dins de cada una

inside each one

d'aquestes paraules.

of these words.

És un dietari

It is a diary.

de vivències plaents.

of pleasant experiences.

Amb això,

With this,

gairebé ho podríem dir tot.

we could almost say it all.

Però si diem que el títol és

But if we say that the title is

La pausa dels dies,

The pause of the days,

encara és més.

it's even more.

I si parlem del nom de l'autor,

And if we talk about the author's name,

us quedarà ben clar

it will be perfectly clear to you

de qui pot ser aquest llibre.

Whose book can this be?

Doncs bé,


és un senyor que sempre ens parla

He is a gentleman who always talks to us.

de llibres. Que cada dia

of books. That every day

el tenim a la televisió

We have it on television.

i cada dia

and every day

entre dos i tres llibres

between two and three books

el dia que té menys.

the day that has the least.

I és que

And it is that

la veritat

the truth

ens porta

brings us

totes les novetats.

all the news.

I diuen que a les editorials

And they say that at the publishing houses

el persegueixen.

they are chasing him/her.

I com no l'han de perseguir?

And how are they not supposed to pursue him?

Si és la persona que té més audiència

If it is the person who has the most audience.



a aquella hora. Perquè estem parlant

at that time. Because we are talking

del 3-24,

from 3-24,

estem parlant d'en

we are talking about him

Xavier Graset. Xavier.

Xavier Graset. Xavier.

Què tal? Com estem? Moltes gràcies

How are you? How are we doing? Thank you very much.

per pensar en mi sempre.

to always think of me.

I per donar-me l'oportunitat

And to give me the opportunity

d'explicar-me. Home, sí,

to explain to me. Well, yes,

el mestre 3-24 fa el seu

the teacher 3-24 does his own

forat i hem

hole and bruise

recorregut la tertúlia

the route of the discussion

política salpebrada

seasoned politics

amb les idees que surten dels llibres.

with the ideas that come from the books.

És un recurs que vam

It is a resource that we used.

trobar que funcionava

find that it worked

no massa estudiat,

not very studied,

no massa premeditat. Interessant-nos

not too premeditated. Interesting us

inicialment pels llibres de

initially for the books of

política, pels assajos

politics, for the rehearsals

històrics i després

historical and then

acostant-nos a la ficció.

getting closer to fiction.

Mirant que

Looking at that

la idea escrita,

the written idea,

la idea més pensada,

the most thought-out idea,

contrastés amb

contrasted with

la idea més improvisada de la tertúlia.

the most impromptu idea of the discussion group.

Parlar aquest mes de tertúlia

Talk this month in a discussion.

política. Però déu-n'hi-do

politics. But wow

també els tertulians que portes, eh?

Also the pundits you're bringing, right?

Sí, sí, però vull dir que

Yes, yes, but I mean that



no som un programa de llibres, som un

we are not a book program, we are a

programa on els llibres hi tenen una presència

program where books have a presence

directa i

direct and

clara, no? Però

clear, right? But

per aprofitar-ne les idees.

to make use of its ideas.

Volem que la gent expliqui històries

We want people to tell stories.

que es contraposen amb el que

that contrast with what

és la feina dels bons tertulians

it is the job of good commentators

que analitzen l'actualitat, però

that analyze the current events, but

en calent, diríem, no? Moltes vegades

In the heat of the moment, we would say, right? Many times.

es veuen forçada la gent a expressar

people are forced to express

una opinió sobre un fet que potser

an opinion about a fact that perhaps

no tenen tots els detalls o tots els

they don't have all the details or all the

complements, no? Perquè acaba de passar la

complements, right? Because it just happened the

tarda, al vespre el Parlament s'ha aprovat

In the afternoon, the Parliament has been approved in the evening.

una resolució més a saber què

a resolution more to know what

i tu els exigeixes que et donin

and you demand that they give you

un punt de vista

a point of view

arrats, no? Un pensament arrats.

funny, right? A funny thought.

I a vegades, quan les coses estan més

And sometimes, when things are more

pausades, més

pauses, more

reposades, doncs es veuen

rested, so they are seen

d'una altra manera, no?

In another way, right?

Xavier, fa un moment llegies

Xavier, a moment ago you were reading.





un fullet que t'he donat. Ah, sí, sí, sí.

a leaflet that I gave you. Ah, yes, yes, yes.

Quin any vas venir

Which year did you come?

al fòrum? Te'n recordes?

At the forum? Do you remember?

No, bueno, no me'n recordo

No, well, I don't remember it.

ara perquè m'he trobat aquí. Aquí

now because I have found myself here. Here

diu 1997.

says 1997.

Comunicació avui, evolució en el món

Communication today, evolution in the world

de la comunicació, amb Xavier Graset, Sílvia Coplo,

of communication, with Xavier Graset, Sílvia Coplo,

Josep Maria Bacs, Agustí Gallar,

Josep Maria Bacs, Agustí Gallar,

Joan Francesc Cànoves,

Joan Francesc Cànoves,

Joaquim Coca i Josep Camproví.

Joaquim Coca and Josep Camproví.

Realment feu una feina

You really do a job.

brutal al fòrum, perquè

brutal at the forum, because

permet veure cada moment

allows you to see every moment

des de l'any 91 com

since the year 91 as

ha evolucionat també aquest

it has also evolved this

món de la comunicació i els

world of communication and the

que som al davant i els que

that we are in front and those who

en podem afegir. I també veus

we can add. And you also see

noms de gent que s'han

names of people who have

anat, que ja no tornaran.

they won't return anymore.

Veig aquí en Carles Capdevila, per exemple,

I see here Carles Capdevila, for example,

o el mateix Sonia Bacs

or the same Sonia Bacs

que dèiem abans, o en Joan Barril.

what we were saying before, or Joan Barril.

Això sí que no perdona.

This really doesn't forgive.

Per això de tant en tant necessitem pauses

That's why every now and then we need breaks.

els dies. Però bé, hi ha història.

the days. But well, there is history.

Històries que aquí

Stories that are here

també recullen.

they also collect.

I recullen un apartat, precisament

They collect a section, precisely.

aquí un

here a

apartat molt especial.

very special section.

I a mi sempre em ve

And it always comes to me.

aquella frase

that phrase

que es va dir aquell dia

what was said that day

que estaves allà, i que parlaves

that you were there, and that you were talking

de les oliveres.

of the olive trees.

No vegis taques d'oli

Don't see oil stains.

on no hi ha oliveres.

where there are no olive trees.

I en canvi en aquest llibre

And instead in this book


you will find...

Parles molt de l'oli.

You talk a lot about oil.

Parles de les taques d'oli, sí.

You're talking about the oil stains, yes.

Perquè el llibre és un dietari

Because the book is a diary.

però de diferents anys. No és un sol any,

but of different years. It is not just one year.

sinó que passo pel calendari diversos anys.

but I go through the calendar several years.

12 anys concentrats en un.

12 years concentrated into one.

I com que a mi m'agrada molt

And since I like it a lot.

aturar-me, m'agraden molt

stop me, I like them a lot

les crosses que suposa el calendari,

the obstacles posed by the calendar,

les festivitats,

the festivities,

el temps natural,

the natural time,

l'oli apareix diverses vegades

oil appears several times

perquè el pare havia

because the father had

treballat amb un molí d'oli

worked with an oil mill

i això forma part del meu bagatge

and this is part of my background

personal. I això hi va sortir

personal. And this came out of it.

com una obsessió.

with an obsession.

Sí, he vist que hi havia

Yes, I saw that there was.



una part del dietari que

a part of the diary that

a més a més el pot seguir, aquest oli pot seguir

furthermore it can continue, this oil can continue

l'evolució de l'oli.

the evolution of oil.

Des que es cull,

Since it is harvested,

gairebé des que

almost since

es planta,

it is planted,

gairebé, fins

almost, until

que es recull. Però no només això,

what is collected. But not only that,

sinó fins la prensa,

but even the press,



A mi la part que m'interessa més,

The part that interests me the most,

quan fent de pagès

when farming

aficionat, he anat a

amateur, I have gone to

esporgar oliveres i sempre hi ha

pruning olive trees and there is always

un pagès de Vilaseca, Jordi Vileta,

a farmer from Vilaseca, Jordi Vileta,

que se'n fot de mi, perquè una vegada

that makes fun of me, because once

vam anar a ensofatar i jo

we went to enfotatar and I

mal ubicat em posava

misplaced it put me

el que el vent feia que tot el

what the wind made everything

producte tòxic, lògicament,

toxic product, logically,

per un humà, manés a la cara.

for a human, he/she was hit in the face.

I ell deia, escolta,

And he said, listen,

que li deia a mon pare,

that I was telling my father,

escolta, avisa el xiquet que

listen, tell the boy that

està mal posat.

it's poorly placed.

I mon pare es veu que m'ànim

My father seems to encourage me.

de fer un aprenentatge pràctic,

to carry out a practical learning,

deia, no, no, ja s'espavilarà

I said, no, no, he'll manage.

quan noti que té la cara prou

when I notice that you have enough face

tacada i ja

stained and already

canviarà de lloc. Però sí, d'aquestes

it will change location. But yes, of these

feines de l'esporgar, de l'ensofatar,

jobs of pruning, of fattening,

gairebé m'agrada més

I almost like it more.

la feina de premsada, si el

the work of pressing, if the

trull, els cofins,

trough, the coffins,

la pasta d'olives

olive paste

posada una damunt de l'altra

stacked one on top of the other

i llavors la premsa que fa que vagi rejant

And then the press makes it go reeling.

i surti aquest

and this one comes out

or líquid, que també en diem,

or liquid, which we also call,

or cada any, no?

It's every year, right?

He vist que aquesta paraula

I have seen that this word

or líquid surt d'aquí, per exemple,

or liquid comes out of here, for example,



Ja ho dius, no? Perquè lligo

You say it yourself, right? Because I flirt.

la infantesa i la manera de

childhood and the way of

fer dels anys 60.

from the 60s.

Ara es fa d'una manera molt més

Now it is done in a much more

higiènica, diríem. Tot allò

hygienic, we would say. All that

ha desaparegut

has disappeared

perquè a vegades allà es concentraven

because sometimes they concentrated there

olives que venien de diferents pagesos,

olives that came from different farmers,

agafaven temperatura, vés a saber

they were taking temperature, who knows

si allò fermentava o...

if that was fermenting or...

I en canvi ara tot és molt més escèptic,

And now everything is much more skeptical.

els processos són més higiènics,

the processes are more hygienic,

més nets, més purs, l'oli que obtenim

cleaner, purer, the oil we obtain

és realment, aquest potser encara

it is really, this maybe still

és més or,

it is more gold,

aquell era d'una manera més natural,

that was in a more natural way,

més... amb la pedra,

more... with the stone,

no? Era tot una altra

No? It was all another.

cosa, i suposo

thing, and I suppose

que ara els graus,

that now the degrees,

la qualitat és superior

the quality is superior

fins i tot, no? Ara tenim

even, right? Now we have

encara uns olis millors que no teníem.

still some better oils than we had.

Però no parles només d'oli, eh? Parles

But you’re not just talking about oil, right? You’re talking about

d'avellanes, parles de fideus,

of hazelnuts, you speak of noodles,

parles de bacallà,

you talk about cod,

parles d'una mica

you speak a little bit

de tot, és allò de

of everything, it's that of

llegir llibre i situar-los.

read books and place them.

El llibre està pensat gairebé com

The book is conceived almost like

per anar tastant-lo, perquè et faci

to start tasting it, so that it will do you good

companyia tot l'any, si vols,

company all year round, if you want,

que el tinguis allà,

hope you have it there,

si vols te'l pots llegir tot seguit, però

if you want, you can read it right away, but

si no, doncs, basta estar en un episodi

if not, then, just being in an episode

ara, et busques el teu dia,

now, you look for your day,

què passava

what was happening

un dia assenyalat per les persones, perquè la

a day marked by people, because the

gràcia d'això és que també

the grace of this is that also

molts altres s'hi sentin identificats,

many others feel identified with it,

s'hi sentin reconeguts

they feel recognized

en el llibre, no?

In the book, right?

I per què comença el 24

And why does it start on the 24th?

de març?

of March?

Què passa aquí?

What happens here?

No, no, és l'atzar, és començar

No, no, it's chance, it's about starting.

el 21 de març, és

March 21st, is

l'arrencar l'any per algun lloc, i

the start of the year somewhere, and

comencem per la primavera,

let's start with spring,

primavera, estiu,

spring, summer,

tardor, hivern, no?

autumn, winter, right?

Però vaja, és perquè

But well, it's because

sempre l'explosió de la primavera,

always the explosion of spring,

l'arribada dels

the arrival of the

ous de Pasqua, les bones,

Easter eggs, the good ones,

de l'alegria, no?, després de

of the joy, right?, after

d'uns temps més, clar, que

in some more time, of course, that

tot això parlo, i parlo per parlar, perquè

I say all this, and I talk to talk, because

anava a dir dels temps més freds,

I was going to talk about the colder times,

i ara, de fred, gairebé no en fa,

And now, it's hardly cold at all.

i ara gairebé la divisió

and now almost the division

per estacions ha passat a ser ridícula

It has become ridiculous per season.

i absurda, no?, perquè

And absurd, isn't it? Because...

hi ha un article que parlo del setembre, que és el

there is an article that talks about September, which is the

més que a mi més m'agrada, que dic

more than I like myself, what I say

que l'agost està gelós i vol fer de setembre,

that August is jealous and wants to be September,

perquè plou més a l'agost que al setembre,

because it rains more in August than in September,

i llavors al setembre no plou, i ara

and then in September it doesn't rain, and now

fa un temps que, en fi,

it's been a while, well,

que està alterat

that is agitated

el material lògic, i el

the logical material, and the

clima en general, no?, això

climate in general, right?, this

ens ho hem carregat nosaltres. I per què t'agrada

We've messed it up ourselves. And why do you like it?

el setembre? No, potser

September? No, maybe.

perquè hi ha l'acollida de ballanes, i potser

because there is the reception of females, and perhaps

perquè, com que feia feines d'estiu, quan era

because, since I was doing summer jobs, when I was

petit, passava de l'escola

little, he was passing by the school

a treballar a l'acosta,

to work on the coast,

al turisme, no?, i llavors això volia

to tourism, right? and then that was what I wanted

dir que no hi havia interrupció, que no hi havia pausa, i per tant

to say that there was no interruption, that there was no pause, and therefore

a mi el període de vacances

I like the holiday period.

era el setembre, i llavors

it was September, and then

quan arribava el setembre podia fer potser algun viatge,

when September arrived, I could perhaps make a trip,

anar a París, vaig anar a Londres,

going to Paris, I went to London,

no?, alguna sortideta

No? Any little outing?

a Bèlgica,

to Belgium,

i a més a més viatja menys gent,

and furthermore fewer people travel,

no?, i per això m'agrada

No? And that's why I like it.

el setembre, això el tinc mitificat, perquè la llum

September, I have this mythologized, because the light

és diferent, perquè encara

it's different, because still

allò que encara no ha començat l'escola

that which has not yet started the school

i tens aquells dies una mica per fer el ruc,

and you have those days a little to goof around,

és a dir que

that is to say that

era aquell setembre que tinc mitificat

it was that September that I have mythologized

que ara potser ja no

that maybe now no longer

ja no és tal, no?

it's not so anymore, is it?

És un llibre que s'ha fet amb 10 anys.

It is a book that has been made over 10 years.

Sí, és de cocció

Yes, it is for cooking.

lenta. A veure, és una selecció d'articles,

slow. Let's see, it's a selection of articles,

hi havia 1.100 articles,

there were 1,100 articles,

i a mi em sabia

and it tasted to me

que hauríeu sacrificar-los.

that you would have to sacrifice them.

Per tant, per mi el llibre hauria tingut

Therefore, for me the book would have had

doncs un volum gairebé

so an almost volume

triplicat el que té ara,

tripled what he has now,

o quadriplicat, perquè aquí

or quadrupled, because here

hi ha uns 200 o

there are about 200 or

una cosa així, o 300,

one thing like this, or 300,

no arriba, però el llibre

it doesn't arrive, but the book

hauria, o sigui, hi ha molt més.

there would be, that is to say, there is a lot more.

Però és veritat que a vegades

But it is true that sometimes

doncs sembla que

so it seems that

et caiguin dels dits, hi ha a vegades esquins

if they fall from your fingers, there are sometimes corners

que són molt d'urgència, que penses

they are very urgent, what do you think

que el temps potser ja els ha deixat enrere,

that time may have already left them behind,

i en canvi els que hi ha

and on the other hand those that are there

permeten tenir aquesta estructura

allow to have this structure

de tot l'any, del pas dels dies,

of the whole year, of the passing of days,

i tenen com una coherència, no?

And they have a certain coherence, right?

Hi ha alguns articles

There are some articles.

que realment et posen la pell de gallina,

that really gives you goosebumps,

altres que et fan riure,

others that make you laugh,

i altres que inclús

and others that even

arribin a fer-te plorar.

they make you cry.

Però sobretot hi ha

But above all, there is

aquesta tendresa

this tenderness

i aquesta

and this

senyal d'agresset.

sign of aggression.

Sí, esclar,

Yes, of course,

no es pot dir que ho hagi fet

it cannot be said that I did it

la intel·ligència artificial, això va ser

artificial intelligence, that was

escrit jo, i sóc com sóc,

written by me, and I am as I am,

i jo sóc, bueno,

and I am, well,


I like it.

reflexionar sobre a vegades petites coses

reflect on sometimes small things

que les vull barrejar després

that I want to mix later

amb d'altres, no?, amb coses

with others, right?, with things

que he llegit, o amb obres de teatre que he anat

that I have read, or with plays that I have attended

a veure, o amb pel·lícules que he vist, no?,

let's see, or with movies that I've seen, right?

perquè entenc que la vida no es

because I understand that life is not

estanca, no són compartiments estancs,

watertight, they are not watertight compartments,

i que tot ens relaciona, no?, tot ens

And everything connects us, right? Everything connects us.

afecta, ens afecta, m'afecta la mort

affects, affects us, the death affects me

del meu germà, que hi apareix,

of my brother, who appears there,



m'afecta la mort d'un amic,

the death of a friend affects me,

i em fa la sensació que quan anem al

and it gives me the feeling that when we go to the

tanatori, aquelles portes que

funeral home, those doors that

giren, giratoris, uf, ens expulsen,

they turn, rotating, uf, they are expelling us,

no?, si la mort té un efecte

no?, if death has an effect

curiós, ens apropa

curious, brings us closer

i ens separa, no?, ens separa

and it separates us, right? it separates us

perquè aquella persona ja deixarà de ser-hi,

because that person will no longer be there,

ja no la tindrem a nosaltres, tret que l'anem

we will no longer have her with us, unless we go get her

recordant, i ens apropa perquè

remembering, and it brings us closer because

durant unes hores ens reunim,

for a few hours we meet,

ens convoca, no?, eh, vine aquí, que

he's calling us, right?, hey, come here, that

s'ha mort tal persona, i tu fas acte

such a person has died, and you make an act

de presència, no?, per donar suport,

of presence, right?, to provide support,

per donar el condol, per recordar,

to express condolences, to remember,

i després, és com un

and then, it's like a

interruptor, no?, que ens sents

switch, right?, that you hear us

i s'apaga, no?, és curiós, això.

It turns off, doesn't it? It's curious, this.

A mi també m'ha creat molt

It has also created a lot for me.

l'atenció un capítol

the attention a chapter

que dediques a la teva mare,

that you dedicate to your mother,

quan tu parles,

when you speak,

doncs, de

so, of

la teva mare que té Alzheimer,

your mother who has Alzheimer's,

i en canvi, que

and instead, what

et canta una cançó.

sings you a song.

Sí, perquè

Yes, because

perquè l'Alzheimer té això, no?,

because Alzheimer's has this, right?

és una malaltia que

it is a disease that

que et separa

what separates you

els records més immediats, no?,

the most immediate memories, right?

t'esborra el que acabes

erase what you just wrote

de veure, o el que acabes de fer,

to see, or what you just did,

i per contra, és capaç

and on the contrary, it is capable

de recordar

to remember

poemes antics, la mare se sabia de memòria

ancient poems, the mother knew by heart

doncs, el lloro, el moro, el mico,

so, the parrot, the Moor, the monkey,

el senyor de Puerto Rico, o també

the gentleman from Puerto Rico, or also

aquell, en un castelló perdut

that, in a lost castle

entre boscos i jardins, hi havia dos gatos de pelo fino

Among forests and gardens, there were two cats with fine fur.

que feien, meu, meu, meu, meu,

what they were doing, mine, mine, mine, mine,

i jo te l'encendré, el tiro, liro, liro, no?

And I'll light it for you, the shot, liro, liro, right?

I això, que durava,

And this, that lasted,

no sé quant durava, és un

I don't know how long it lasted, it's a

poema llarguíssim, que després vaig anar,

very long poem, which I later went,

buscant per internet, i el vaig acabar

looking on the internet, and I finished it



doncs un dia ho vaig explicar per ràdio,

so one day I explained it on the radio,

i vaig fer un pregó, no sé si era

I made an announcement, I don't know if it was.

el Pla de Cabra, o el Pla de Santa Maria,

the Pla de Cabra, or the Pla de Santa Maria,

a la conca, ai, el

to the basin, oh, him

a l'alcàm,

to the Alcàm,



em va aparèixer

it appeared to me

una dona que em va dir, mira, veus,

a woman who told me, look, you see,

justament jo ara també he recuperat

just now I have also recovered

aquest poema, perquè la mare també el deia, no?

this poem, because mother used to say it too, right?

Llavors hi ha com coses màgiques,

Then there are like magical things,

que formen part d'aquest paisatge

that are part of this landscape

de més enrere,

from further back,

i que la novetat se'l menja, no?

And the novelty consumes him, right?

Llavors, tot això, que també té

Then, all of this, which also has

un fons, és el que m'agrada

a bottom, it's what I like

posar en el llibre, també, no?

Put it in the book, too, right?

Però tu tens un peu a Barcelona, un peu

But you have one foot in Barcelona, one foot.

gairebé als dos,

almost at two,

però, Vilaseca,

but, Vilaseca,



és Can de Tarragona.

It is a house from Tarragona.

A veure, per mi casa meva entenc que és

Let's see, for me my home is understanding that it is

a tot arreu allà on es parli català,

everywhere where Catalan is spoken,

tant si és l'Alguer, com

whether it is Alghero, as

si és Andorra,

if it's Andorra,

com si és Perpinyà,

as if it is Perpignan,

País Valencià, les Illes, o

Valencian Country, the Isles, or

el Matarranya. Allò és casa meva.

the Matarranya. That is my home.

Però, esclar,

But, of course,

entre cases, si és que hi ha cases d'algú,

among cases, if there are indeed cases of someone,

allà on t'has nascut,

where you were born,

i allà on t'has crescut, allà on t'has fet,

and there where you were raised, there where you became,

un home amb sang ben gerda,

a man with well-spilled blood,

com la terra que em dóna l'Eca,

like the earth that Eca gives me,

cantava Saldoni Funell,

Saldoni Funell sang,

d'un poema, quan feia recitals,

from a poem, when I was doing recitals,

doncs, em sembla que també es pot

well, it seems to me that it can also be done

explicar el país i el món

explain the country and the world

des de la teva terra,

from your land,

des de la teva pàtria petita, que en diuen, no?

from your little homeland, as they say, right?

Perquè Catalunya és tot,

Because Catalonia is everything,

i el que ens passa a uns,

and what happens to some of us,

amb matisos, amb detalls,

with nuances, with details,

amb correccions, pot passar als altres.

With corrections, it can be passed on to others.

Si estàs al costat del mar,

If you are by the sea,

et passen unes coses, si estàs al costat de la muntanya,

things happen to you if you are next to the mountain,

et passen nosaltres, si ets a la ciutat,

we'll pass by you if you're in the city,

te'n passen nosaltres, però al final,

they pass you, but in the end,

el país és prou petit

the country is small enough

com perquè ens hi reconeguem, no?

as so that we recognize ourselves in it, right?

I, en tot cas, descobrim, ah, doncs mira,

I, in any case, we discover, ah, well look,

aquesta gent això ho fan així, però,

these people do it this way, but,

vaja, som els mateixos.

Well, we are the same.

El teatre, el teatre forma part de la teva vida, també.

The theatre, the theatre is part of your life, too.

Sí, sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes, yes.

Jo, doneu-me un escenari

I, give me a stage.

i ja m'hi quedaria a viure, del de l'escenari.

And I would stay there to live, from the one on stage.

És veritat que he agafat

It is true that I have taken.

un altre escenari, que és el del plató,

another scenario, which is that of the set,

amb les càmeres i tot això, però,

with the cameras and all that, but,

el teatre, la representació, la idea

the theater, the performance, the idea

d'imaginar altres mons, no ho sé,

of imagining other worlds, I don't know,

potser el pare cantava a Sarsuela d'aficionat,

perhaps the father sang in amateur Sarsuela,

els meus germans també s'hi dedicaven,

my siblings were also dedicated to it,

tenia un cosí que s'hi dedicava, el cosí Esteve.

I had a cousin who was dedicated to it, cousin Esteve.

Sempre m'ha tret,

It has always taken me out,

m'ha tret això de poder posar-me la pell d'un altre

it has taken away my ability to put myself in someone else's shoes

i fer comèdia

and make comedy

i fer riure i tenir

to make laugh and to have



el domini de les sensacions que creus

the mastery of the sensations you believe

que poden experimentar els espectadors.

that the spectators can experience.

Això és una cosa que m'agrada

This is something I like.

i m'ha estirat, també, sempre, sempre, sí.

it has stretched me, too, always, always, yes.

I quin és el paper que t'ha sentit més

And what is the role that has moved you the most?

representat per Gasclav?

represented by Gasclav?

Vull dir, que diuen

I mean, they say.

l'actor es fa el paper

the actor plays the role

i el paper fa l'actor.

And the role makes the actor.

Bé, aquests últims temps he fet

Well, lately I have been doing

un monòleg de Chekhov, que es diu

a monologue by Chekhov, called

Sobre els danys del tabac,

About the damages of tobacco,

em dirigeix el Francesc Cerro,

I am directed by Francesc Cerro.

que és un director de teatre de Reus,

who is a theater director from Reus,

i amb ell vam treballar aquest text,

and with him we worked on this text,

que és un monòleg de Chekhov,

what is a monologue by Chekhov,

que va escriure dues vegades,

that he wrote twice,

perquè ell era metge, a més a més, en Chekhov,

because he was a doctor, in addition, Chekhov,

i vam afegir uns contes, uns contes que ens permeten

and we added some stories, some stories that allow us

situar-nos en la infantesa d'aquest personatge,

to place ourselves in the childhood of this character,

que és un conferenciant

what is a speaker

que intenta fer una xerrada que no hi ha manera,

that tries to have a conversation that there is no way to do,

que sempre hi ha algú que l'interromp,

that there is always someone who interrupts him,

que ell mateix

that he himself

se'n va d'estudi, torna,

he goes to study, he returns,

la seva dona

his wife

el té dominat,

the dominated tea,

ell, un trist paper,

he, a sad role,

el Ivan Ivanovich Nuskin,

the Ivan Ivanovich Nuskin,

i aquest és un paper que ha representat,

and this is a role that has represented,

a més, és que em fa que estic sol,

furthermore, it makes me feel that I am alone,

dalt de l'escenari, durant una hora,

on stage, for an hour,

i l'he gaudit molt,

and I have enjoyed it a lot,

perquè plora, riu,

why it cries, laughs,



és com un titot,

it's like a little boy,

de sobte és genial,

suddenly it's great,

pensa que ha inventat el remake,

he thinks he has invented the remake,

però ja els preocupava això del tabac,

but they were already worried about this tobacco thing,

i els mals que podia fer,

and the evils that I could do,

i un bon empatx d'ostres

and a good overdose of oysters

també et pot acabar fent mal, sobretot si et metges les closques.

It can also end up hurting you, especially if you mess with the shells.

Sobretot si et metges les closques,

Especially if the doctors get you into trouble,

perquè si són bones, són del Delta,

because if they are good, they are from the Delta,

sobretot del Delta, acabades d'acollir,

especially from the Delta, recently welcomed,

doncs val la pena.

then it's worth it.

Un ostró, un ostró del Delta.

An oyster, an oyster from the Delta.

Un ostró d'aquells, eh?

An oyster like that, huh?



Bé, també si són de la Bretanya, tampoc passa res.

Well, if they're from Brittany, that's fine too.

Tampoc passa res, no?

Nothing happens, does it?

Perquè ells, però és com sempre, una vegada més,

Because them, but it's like always, once again,

això també vas, quan he tombat,

this also goes, when I have turned,

per la seca i la meca,

for the dry and the mecca,

tenen dos que els altres saben comercialitzar molt millor

they have two that others know how to market much better

que nosaltres tots els productes que tenen,

that we all the products that they have,

ja siguin productes de la terra,

whether they are local products,

siguin productes del mar,

whether they are seafood,

sembla que ho saben treballar molt millor.

it seems that they know how to work much better.

Bé, i què en tens tu de vividor?

Well, and what do you have as a live wire?

Perquè aquí diu que ets un vividor.

Because it says here that you are a freeloader.

Bé, home, a mi m'agrada la bona vida,

Well, man, I like the good life.

m'agrada això que el dia dels plaers,

I like this about the day of pleasures,

menjar bé, descobrir restaurants,

eat well, discover restaurants,

m'agrada tombar amunt,

I like to turn upside down,

m'agrada viure,

I like to live,

m'agrada el vi, m'agrada el menjar,

I like wine, I like food,

m'agrada gaudir

I like to enjoy.

de la vida, de les coses bones de la vida,

of life, of the good things in life,

dels plaers de la vida.

of the pleasures of life.

Com t'hi sents amb el 3-24?

How do you feel about the 3-24?

Molt bé, molt a gust,

Very well, very comfortably,

és el millor,

he is the best,

la millor hora del dia,

the best time of the day,

això ho sempre explico,

I always explain this,

ara, ho direm de les millors hores,

now, we will talk about the best hours,

ja no puc parlar en singular,

I can no longer speak in singular.

he de parlar en plural perquè fem dues hores de test,

I have to speak in plural because we are doing two hours of testing,

i la veritat és que m'hi sento molt a gust,

and the truth is that I feel very comfortable there,

hem trobat això una fórmula que agrada,

we have found a formula that is liked,

que complementa,

that complements,

no és el producte estrella

it's not the star product

de la televisió catalana,

from Catalan television,

perquè, lògicament, TV3 té un prime time

because, logically, TV3 has a prime time

on allà sí que hi ha el grafort,

there is the grain bank,

el Polònia,

the Polònia,


the APM,

els futbols, els programes dels documentals,

the footballs, the documentary programs,

els 30 minuts,

the 30 minutes,

tot això més seriós,

all this more seriously,

hi és,

Hi there,

hi ha els pressupostos

there are the budgets

i el tele,

and the TV,

i també amb una grella riquíssima,

and also with a very rich grill,

la nostra feina és complementària,

our work is complementary,

però saps que hi som,

but you know that we are here,

sempre hi som.

We are always here.

Però el 3-24 és un programa seriós?

But is the 3-24 a serious program?

El més 3-24?

The more 3-24?

El més 3-24 és tot el canal,

The more 3-24 is the entire channel,

sí, és seriós,

yes, it is serious,

però hi ha altres programes que tenen més recursos,

but there are other programs that have more resources,

és un programa seriós

it is a serious program

que fem entre 3 i l'Astròleg,

what we do between 3 and the Astrologer,

que fem amb un equip

what do we do with a team

reduït de personal,

reduced staff,

som 5 persones

we are 5 people

que fem un programa de 3-24,

let's make a 3-24 program,

que fem un programa de 2 hores,

let's make a 2-hour program,

i si ho compares amb d'altres programes

And if you compare it with other programs

que tenen més pressupost,

that have a larger budget,

tenen també més talent i més personal,

they also have more talent and more staff,

i llavors de vegades les coses surten millor.

And then sometimes things turn out better.

El nostre és una mica de sal grossa,

Ours is a bit of coarse salt,

és així una mica barrim-barram,

it's a bit of a ramble-jamble,

però potser per això

but perhaps for that reason

té una aire de naturalitat que també agrada,

it has an air of naturalness that is also pleasing,

perquè fem una mica la tele com la vida,

because we make a bit of television like life,

tal com és, sense filtres.

as it is, without filters.

Tal com és.

Just as it is.

Fa uns moments parlaves d'Andorra,

A few moments ago you were talking about Andorra,

bé, aquest pas d'Andorra

well, this pass of Andorra

el vam veure precisament

we saw him precisely



i vam veure que al darrere

and we saw that behind

hi vas afegir un llibre

You added a book.

d'un andorrà.

of an Andorran.

Exacte, la Torre dels Russos,

Exactly, the Tower of the Russians,

David Galvez,

David Galvez,

que és una història singular

that is a singular story

que en César Martinell,

that César Martinell,

quan era un jove arquitecte,

when I was a young architect,

va fer més conegut per les catedrals del Vi,

became more known for the Wine Cathedrals,

el Pirell de Brai,

the Pirell de Brai

Gandesa, Falset, Nulles,

Gandesa, Falset, Nulles,

és deixable de gaudir,

it is worth enjoying,

i també el van cridar

and they also called him

per fer un edifici

to build a building

com una mena de llibre,

like a kind of book,

que havia de ser la seu d'una comuna,

that was to be the seat of a commune,

però no una comuna com entenen Andorra,

but not a commune as they understand Andorra,

sinó un espai

but a space

fer un col·lectiu

make a collective

per assajar

to rehearse

una col·lectivitat socialista, comunista,

a socialist, communist collectivity,

seguint les teories d'Orwell,

following Orwell's theories,

i que un americà

and that an American

i un rus

and a Russian

van intentar tirar endavant

they tried to move forward

i va acabar fracassant.

and ended up failing.

Vam lligar el que havia passat a Andorra

We connected what had happened in Andorra.

aquell dia amb l'actualitat,

that day with the news,

amb el seu projecte,

with his project,

i això va passar el 1916,

and this happened in 1916,

i ara hi ha un llibre que ho explica

And now there is a book that explains it.

i vam considerar que lligava bé.

and we considered that it suited well.

I això ho fa sovint,

And it does this often,

veig al programa

I see on the program.

que intenta desvincular la notícia,

that seeks to disconnect the news,

precisament aquest llibre

exactly this book

parla d'això,

talk about this,

parla d'hi ha un moment

It talks about there being a moment.

d'insallades d'actualitat,

of current installations,

d'un apunt,

from a note,

perquè són escrits

because they are written

que van aparèixer al punt avui,

that appeared at the point today,

i llavors aquesta reflexió,

and then this reflection,

que s'intenta acostar al fet més quotidià,

that tries to approach the most everyday fact,

ara som davant d'un mercat,

now we are in front of a market,

aquí al mercat de Sant Gervasi,

here at the Sant Gervasi market,

al mig del carrer,

in the middle of the street,

i la gent va passant,

and people keep passing by,

la canalla amb bicicleta,

the kids with bicycles,

perquè ja no van al col·le i fan festa,

because they no longer go to school and party,

i així és la vida,

and that's life,

mentre ets davant del mercat,

while you are in front of the market,

la gent passa pel carrer,

people walk down the street,

els autobusos pugen amunt i avall del carrer Balmes,

the buses go up and down Balmes street,

els articles també,

the articles too,

hi ha autobusos que pugen i que baixen,

there are buses that go up and down,

hi ha hores de teatre,

there are hours of theater,

hi ha política, però pinzellades,

there is politics, but only brushstrokes,

perquè volia donar més importància

because I wanted to give more importance

al mercat, a l'autobús,

to the market, to the bus,

que no pas al fet polític.

that is not related to the political fact.

Avui tenim aquí aquest llibre,

Today we have this book here,

La pausa dels dies,

The pause of the days,

Dietari d'Evidències Plens.

Diary of Full Evidence.

Podríem parlar de moltes coses,

We could talk about many things,

però veiem que també analitzes

but we see that you also analyze

una mica, amb una pinzellada,

a little, with a brushstroke,

el judici, analitzes

the trial, you analyze

el retorn

the return

quan va sortir de la presó

when he/she got out of prison

al forn,

in the oven,

per prendre la posició

to take the position

a l'Ajuntament.

to the Town Hall.

Bé, és que parles

Well, it's that you speak

de tantes i tantes coses

of so many and so many things

que és millor que el lector les llegeixi, no?

Isn't it better for the reader to read them?

Sí, i sobretot, al marge,

Yes, and above all, on the sidelines,

quan tenen aquesta forma,

when they have this shape,

el que ve a dir

what it says

el llibre és que

the book is that

busquem el calendari natural,

we seek the natural calendar,

el que ens dona

what it gives us

el cicle de les collites,

the cycle of the harvests,

del creixement, dels arbres,

of growth, of the trees,

que necessiten cura.

that need care.

Per tant, el missatge del llibre és

Therefore, the message of the book is

mirem de centrar-nos,

let's try to focus,

mirem de sossegar-nos, mirem de no accelerar-nos

let's try to calm down, let's try not to rush

i mirem de cuidar-nos

and we try to take care of each other

sobretot els uns entre els altres.

especially among one another.

Nosaltres aquest programa

We this program

l'acabem amb música.

Let's finish it with music.

Abans, però, una pregunta.

First, however, a question.

Com t'ho fas per llegir tants llibres?

How do you manage to read so many books?

Home, doncs...

Home, then...

Per escollir-los, per què, clar.

To choose them, why, of course.

A veure, hi ha algunes dèries que tenim

Let's see, there are some quirks that we have.

d'autors amb els quals fa molts anys que coneixem

of authors we have known for many years

que llavors gairebé sense filtre

that then almost without a filter

passen, i després, home,

they pass, and then, man,

hi ha aquí també la feina de les editorials

there is also the work of the publishers here

que també et diuen, escolta, mira,

that they also tell you, listen, look,

aquesta és una aposta nostra, ens ha de dir que no necessites un cop de mà

this is our bet, you have to tell us that you don't need a hand

o això, aquest és un autor

or this, this is an author

americà que realment...

American that really...

allà ha guanyat dos púlitzers,

there he has won two Pulitzers,

hi ha poques persones...

there are few people...

També hi ha gent que ens ho fan notar

There are also people who point it out to us.

i el treball, vull destacar també el treball

And the work, I want to highlight the work as well.

dels companys de les editorials

from the colleagues of the publishing houses

que també donen pistes

which also give clues

del que poden ser bons llibres.

of what can be good books.

Nosaltres portem molts autors internacionals

We represent many international authors.

també, perquè també ens agrada afegir

also, because we also like to add

aquesta pluralitat de veus

this plurality of voices

que si no, i de mirades

that if not, and of looks

d'altres punts del món que si no no tens

from other places in the world that if not you do not have

i això ens gràcies als llibres.

and this is thanks to books.

Però el dia té moltes hores

But the day has many hours.

i hi ha un equip de guionistes també, a veure,

And there is a team of screenwriters as well, let's see,

jo llegeixo, però també

I read, but also

llegeixen l'Anselm Roig, el David Carballo

they read Anselm Roig, David Carballo

que són qui juntament

that are who together

amb mi fem els guions del programa.

With me, we make the scripts for the show.

Doncs escolta, moltes felicitats, la veritat

Well listen, congratulations, the truth.

jo, per pota que puc

I can do it for a leg.


I listen to him/her.

i el segueixo

And I follow him.

perquè a més a més aprenc

because in addition I learn

i aprenc, i aprenc. Es pot recuperar

I learn, I learn. It can be recovered.

també després a la xarxa a través d'internet

also later online through the internet

les entrevistes queden encapsulades i es pot recuperar

the interviews are encapsulated and can be retrieved

però pensa que jo passo llista

But think that I take attendance.

abans de començar el programa i quan hi som tots

before starting the program and when we are all there

llavors comencem.

Then let's begin.

Ja faré, ja diré, ja hi sóc

I will do it, I will say it, I am already there.

ja hi sóc, ja farem començar.

I'm here, we'll get started.

Xavier, escolta, ara cançó

Xavier, listen, now song.

què posaríem?

What would we put?

Posem Oques Grasses

We put Fat Sheep

El que diguis tu. Jo em dic Grasset, per tant

Whatever you say. My name is Grasset, therefore.

Grasset, Oques Grasses

Bold, Fat Sheep

Tota la gent que estimo

All the people I love

aquesta és una cançó preciosa

this is a beautiful song

i a més a més reflecteix també l'esperit del llibre.

And moreover, it also reflects the spirit of the book.

Doncs tota la gent que estimo

Well, all the people I love.

amb Oques Grasses posa punt i final

with Oques Grasses puts a period and an end

aquesta entrevista amb Xavier Grasset

this interview with Xavier Grasset



records de

records of

la Maria i Lluís Amorós

Maria and Lluís Amorós

records de la Coia Valls

records of Coia Valls

records del Chuyo

Chuyo records

records també de l'Espera d'Ecparant

records also of the Wait of Ecparant

records perquè els hi vaig dir

I remember because I told them.

que et vindria a veure

that would come to see you

doncs moltes, moltes felicitats

so many, many congratulations

Moltes gràcies Josep, espero que

Thank you very much, Josep, I hope that

en gaudiu d'aquesta pausa

enjoy this break

Gràcies. Però si ens veiem aviam per allà dalt

Thank you. But if we see each other up there, let's see.

Molt bé, quan vulguis

Very well, whenever you want.

Informe especial, parlem de llibres

Special report, we talk about books.

amb Josep Genescà

with Josep Genescà



Porto amb mi les coses que em vas dir

I carry with me the things you told me.

El teu amor

Your love

El meu barí

My baritone

Una part de tu

A part of you

em floreix a dins

it blooms inside me

El meu amor

My love

El meu destí

My destiny

Sóc feliç

I am happy.

Però de perill

But of danger

Només sóc com un desig

I am only like a wish.

Com un desig

Like a wish

Que d'amor

That of love

En aquest món

In this world

I t'estimo molt

I love you very much.

I també tinc por

And I am also afraid.

Sempre porto un tros d'ahir

I always carry a piece of yesterday.

I un altre cop m'escapo

And again I escape.

Sempre porto un tros d'ahir

I always carry a piece of yesterday.

I un altre cop m'escapo

And once again I escape.

Van plorant els núvols grisos

The gray clouds are crying.

I ens fan enyorar el bon temps

And they make us long for the good times.

El record del que vam ser

The memory of what we were.

Que tots en vagi a la merda

May everyone go to hell.

Ei, recordo que t'ho vaig dir

Hey, I remember I told you that.

Que seria millor així

It would be better this way.

No seràs, però m'ho vull creure

You won't be, but I want to believe it.

Que al final seràs el que seràs

That in the end you will be what you will be.

Si en el fons som la veritat

If in the end we are the truth.

De tot el que ens ha passat

Of everything that has happened to us.

Som la sort de ser aquí

We are lucky to be here.

Tan estrany i tan bonic

So strange and so beautiful.

Entre el miracle i el desastre

Between the miracle and the disaster

És un benvingut

He is a welcome guest.

Cel de llums

Sky of lights

Per fer-te feliç

To make you happy.

Brilla la nit i fa per tu

The night shines and is made for you.

Perquè ets aquí

Why are you here?

I el que no és el que és

And what is not what it is

Tan estrany i tan bonic

So strange and so beautiful.

Entre el miracle i el desastre

Between the miracle and the disaster

És un benvingut

He is a welcome guest.

Cel de llums

Sky of lights

Per fer-te feliç

To make you happy

Brilla la nit

The night shines.

I fa per tu

And it’s for you.

Perquè ets aquí

Why are you here?

Segur que sí

Surely yes.

I ets aquella d'enllaçades

And you are the one linked.

I sempre porto un tros d'ahir

And I always carry a piece of yesterday.

I un altre com escapo

And another way I escape.

Informe especial. Parlem de llibres amb Josep Genescà.

Special report. We talk about books with Josep Genescà.

I fins aquí aquest programa. Esperem que us hagi agradat.

And this is the end of this program. We hope you enjoyed it.

Avui hem parlat amb en Xavier Garcet, parlant de la pausa dels dies,

Today we spoke with Xavier Garcet about the pause of the days.

un dietari de vivències que ens porta a descobrir el Xavier Garcet,

a diary of experiences that leads us to discover Xavier Garcet,

a degustar i a viure la vida.

to taste and to live life.

A la primera part del programa hem parlat amb l'Espartac Parant

In the first part of the program, we talked with Espartac Parant.

sobre aquest llibre, Tres desitjos abans de morir,

about this book, Three Wishes Before Dying,

de la mort al dol i la vida.

from death to mourning and life.

Tots dos editats per la campana.

Both edited by the bell.

Avui hem parlat amb aquests dos periodistes, autors,

Today we spoke with these two journalists, authors,

que en uns moments han deixat el plató de televisió

that at certain moments have left the television set

per dedicar-se a explicar-nos les històries.

to dedicate himself to telling us the stories.

Espartac Parant i Xavier Garcet. Xavier Garcet i Espartac Parant.

Espartac Parant and Xavier Garcet. Xavier Garcet and Espartac Parant.

Dos llibres per viure i disfrutar.

Two books to live and enjoy.

Tres desitjos.

Three wishes.

La primera llista de coyeres.

The first list of coyers.

La segona llista de coyeres.

The second list of coilers.

Està puntada.

It is stitched.

Una litura de magnèssia.

A layer of magnesia.

I a casa seva.

And at his home.

A casa seva.

At his/her house.



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