Ràdio Kids del 23/9/2024

Ràdio Arenys

Darrers podcast - Ràdio Arenys

Ràdio Kids del 23/9/2024

Darrers podcast - Ràdio Arenys

Tornem amb més notícies en xarxa.

We're back with more news online.

Bona tarda.

Good afternoon.

Em dic Eric Blanco i en aquesta secció parlaré d'uns edificis ben coneguts,

My name is Eric Blanco and in this section I will talk about some well-known buildings,

per tothom, però que encara amaguen misteris.

for everyone, but that still hide mysteries.

Les set meravelles del món antic.

The seven wonders of the ancient world.

Aquestes són set impressionants construccions, la majoria ja destruïdes,

These are seven impressive constructions, most of which are already destroyed.

caracteritzades per la seva arquitectura enginyosa de l'època antiga.

characterized by their ingenious architecture of ancient times.

Comencem per la primera, que és la Gran Piràmide de Giza,

Let's start with the first one, which is the Great Pyramid of Giza,

construïda entre el 2584 i el 2561 abans de Cris pels egipcis.

built between 2584 and 2561 BC by the Egyptians.

En teoria va ser la tomba del faraó Keops i encara existeix i es pot visitar.

In theory, it was the tomb of the Pharaoh Khufu and it still exists and can be visited.

La segona són els jardins penjants de Babilònia,

The second is the hanging gardens of Babylon,

aixecats entre el 605 i el 562 abans de Cris.

erected between 605 and 562 BC.

Feien 22 metres d'alçada i servien per circular l'aigua.

They were 22 meters tall and were used to circulate water.

Es van destruir per un terratrèmol.

They were destroyed by an earthquake.

La tercera és l'estàtua d'Eus, feta entre el 466 i el 456 abans de Cris a Olímpia, Grècia.

The third is the statue of Zeus, made between 466 and 456 BC in Olympia, Greece.

Tenia 12 metres d'alçada i un fort foc la va fer caure al voltant del segle V,

It was 12 meters tall and a strong fire caused it to fall around the 5th century.

el 256 abans de Cris.

256 BC.

La quarta és el temple d'Àrtemis a Éfes, acabat el 550 abans de Cris,

The fourth is the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus, completed in 550 B.C.

encara que va ser destruït i reconstruït diverses vegades.

although it was destroyed and rebuilt several times.

Dedicat a la deessa Àrtemis, Éfes el va cremar.

Dedicated to the goddess Artemis, Ephesus burned it.

La cinquena és el mausoleu de l'Icarnàs, acabat el 351 abans de Cris per caris, perses i grecs.

The fifth is the mausoleum of Halicarnassus, completed in 351 BC for the Caria, Persians, and Greeks.

Tenia 45 metres d'alçada i es trobava...

It was 45 meters high and was located...

...en l'actual Turquia.

...in present-day Turkey.

Va ser destruït pels guerrers durant les croades.

It was destroyed by the warriors during the Crusades.

La sisena és el color de rodes, aixecat al segle III abans de Cris.

The sixth is the color of wheels, raised in the 3rd century BC.

Representava el déu grec Helios i tenia 35 metres d'alçada.

It represented the Greek god Helios and was 35 meters tall.

Estava al costat del port de la ciutat i era una escultura impressionant.

It was next to the city's port and it was an impressive sculpture.

Va caure a causa també d'un terratrèmol.

It also fell due to an earthquake.

I finalment, la setena meravella era el far de l'Alexandria,

And finally, the seventh wonder was the Lighthouse of Alexandria,

també fet al segle III abans de Cris.

also made in the 3rd century BC.

Feia entre 115 i 135 metres d'alçada i va ser destruït per un terratrèmol.

It was between 115 and 135 meters tall and was destroyed by an earthquake.

Es trobava a l'illa de Faros, a l'actual Egipte, i d'aquí prové el nom de Far, Faros.

It was located on the island of Pharos, in present-day Egypt, and this is where the name Far, Pharos comes from.

I fins aquí la meva secció, on hem après una miqueta d'història i d'aquests monuments.

And here ends my section, where we have learned a little bit of history and about these monuments.

Moltes gràcies.

Thank you very much.

I en aquell festival que tant ens agrada,

And at that festival that we like so much,

dels que tenen futracs amb llumetes penjades,

of those who have futracs with little lights hanging,

que organitza el Cunyat i ens regala entrades,

that is organized by the brother-in-law and gives us tickets,

que hi toca pau allbè i propostes rares.

that touches on peace, oddities, and proposals.

Va i més germana d'imprevista treu un sobret amb una pista,

Go and sister unexpectedly takes out an envelope with a clue,

un dibuixet que ens va ser a visitar.

a little drawing that came to visit us.

I ens vam passar el concert plorant.

And we spent the concert crying.

Olívia, quin moment tan bonic i estrany, Olívia.

Olivia, what a beautiful and strange moment, Olivia.

Pensava que es casaven, va i ens diuen que serem una més a la família.

I thought they were getting married, but then they tell us we will be one more in the family.

La família.

The family.

I just el mateix, encara marxa l'avi.

Just the same, the grandfather is still leaving.

S'obre una panxeta i els papes són avis.

A belly opens and the parents are grandparents.

D'això va la vida, tot és momentani.

That's what life is about, everything is temporary.

Gaudeix de cada dia que va massa ràpid.

Enjoy each day that goes by too fast.

I no sé com ets, Olívia, però ja t'estimem.

I don't know what you're like, Olivia, but we already love you.

Una mica, jo que he vist la Clara de petita.

A little, I who have seen Clara when she was small.

I apareixes tu.

And you appear.

I ens vam passar el concert plorant.

And we spent the concert crying.

Olívia, quin moment tan bonic i estrany, Olívia.

Olivia, what a beautiful and strange moment, Olivia.

Pensava que es casaven, va i ens diuen que serem una més a la família.

I thought they were getting married, and now they tell us that we will be one more in the family.

I a sobre va tocar, jugant brilles.

And above it touched, playing sparkles.

I jo em sentia el protagonista.

And I felt like the protagonist.

Avui l'únic que vull és veure't, Olívia.

Today the only thing I want is to see you, Olivia.

Sempre seràs la gran de la nova família.

You will always be the eldest of the new family.

Va i més germana dintre vista.

She goes and more sister within sight.

Treu un sobret amb una pista.

Take out an envelope with a clue.

Un dibuixet que ens fa ser avis i tiets.

A little drawing that makes us be grandparents and uncles.

I ens vam passar el concert plorant.

And we spent the concert crying.

Olívia, quin moment tan bonic i estrany, Olívia.

Olivia, what a beautiful and strange moment, Olivia.

Pensava que es casaven, va i ens diuen que serem una més a la família.

I thought they were getting married, and then they tell us that we will be one more in the family.

I ens vam passar el concert plorant.

And we spent the concert crying.

Olívia, quin moment tan bonic i estrany, Olívia.

Olivia, what a beautiful and strange moment, Olivia.

Pensava que es casaven, va i ens diuen que serem una més a la família.

I thought they were getting married, and then they tell us that we'll be one more in the family.

I ens vam passar el concert plorant.

And we spent the concert crying.

No puc habitar.

I cannot inhabit.

No puc habitar, No sé com fer-ho.

I cannot inhabit, I don't know how to do it.

No puc característicasger l'estat deothes.

I cannot characterize the state of others.

Un coty ben salcé, que ha mogut tot el mercat.

A very salty coti, which has moved the entire market.

No em puc treure del cap.

I can't get it out of my head.

Si vols aquest secret, per eşx li has de nhiaudar.

If you want this secret, then you have to share it.

No puc habitar, ja no sé com fer-ho, m'arriba a tal les mans.

I can't inhabit, I don't know how to do it anymore, my hands reach to such.

Hola, bona tarda, ens diem Núria i Clàudia.

Hello, good afternoon, we are Núria and Clàudia.

I avui us explicarem un dels millors llocs de França, un d'ells és Marqueixac.

And today we will explain one of the best places in France, one of them is Marqueixac.

És un lloc molt bonic per passar-ho amb família.

It's a very nice place to spend time with family.

És un castell, però el que destaca són jardins molt grans.

It is a castle, but what stands out are very large gardens.

Però abans hi havia paons, ara malauradament només queden aproximadament dos.

But there used to be peacocks, now unfortunately only about two remain.

Allà es poden fer moltes activitats.

There are many activities that can be done there.

Una via ferratada de 200 metres, es pot visitar el que queda del castell

A via ferrata of 200 meters, you can visit what remains of the castle.

i es poden fer unes llargues caminates.

And you can go on long walks.

O també es pot anar a la part d'un laberint.

Or you can go to the part of a maze.

Us recomanem molt aquest lloc i si el visiteu esperem que us agradi.

We highly recommend this place and if you visit, we hope you enjoy it.

Adeu, fins la pròxima!

Goodbye, see you next time!

No, que no, que no ho pots evitar.

No, you can't avoid it.

Ja no saps com fer-ho, t'arriba a tal les mans.

You don't know how to do it anymore, your hands get to such a point.

Un cot i véns al zero, que ha mogut tot el mercat.

A car and you come to zero, which has moved the entire market.

No te'l pots treure del cap.

You can't get it out of your head.

Si vols aquest secret, per tres l'hauràs de canviar.

If you want this secret, you will have to change it for three.

No en vull saber res.

I don't want to know anything about it.

Coti per coti, coti per coti.

Penny by penny, penny by penny.

Tento no creuar-te la mirada.

I try not to meet your gaze.

Coti per coti, coti per coti.

Penny for penny, penny for penny.

No em crec històries inventades.

I don't believe in made-up stories.

Coti per coti, coti per coti.

Cot by cot, cot by cot.

De tu ja no em puc creure res.

I can't believe anything from you anymore.

No en vull saber res.

I don't want to know anything about it.

Coti per coti, coti per coti.

Gradually, little by little.

Tento no creuar-te la mirada.

I try not to meet your gaze.

No em crec històries inventades.

I don't believe invented stories.

De tu ja no em puc creure res.

I can no longer believe anything from you.



De tu ja no em crec històries inventades.

I no longer believe made-up stories from you.

Hola, bon dia! El meu nom és Karlen i us parlaré dels icebergs.

Hello, good morning! My name is Karlen and I will talk to you about icebergs.

Els icebergs són grans masses de gel que es desprenen de les glaceres o les capes de gel de les regions polars i s'obren als oceans.

Icebergs are large masses of ice that break off from glaciers or ice sheets in polar regions and float in the oceans.

En els darrers anys s'ha observat un augment de la taxa de la fossa dels icebergs.

In recent years, an increase in the rate of iceberg calving has been observed.

Aquest fenomen està directament relacionat amb el canvi climàtic, causat en gran part pels humans.

This phenomenon is directly related to climate change, caused largely by humans.

Gràcies a les activitats humanes, a mesura que el planeta s'escalfa, els oceans també ho fan.

Thanks to human activities, as the planet warms, the oceans do as well.

Això significa que els icebergs, que s'obren a les aigües polars, estan exposats a temperatures més càlides.

This means that the icebergs, which break off into polar waters, are exposed to warmer temperatures.

L'aire càlid també afecta la superfície dels icebergs,

The warm air also affects the surface of the icebergs.

causat una fossa accelerada a la part superior de l'aigua.

causing an accelerated pit at the top of the water.

Ara us parlaré d'una part de curiositats i misteris que hi ha sobre els icebergs.

Now I will talk to you about some curiosities and mysteries that exist about icebergs.

Vosaltres sabeu que actualment l'iceberg més gran mesura 400 metres?

Do you know that currently the largest iceberg measures 400 meters?

També diuen que en els icebergs hi ha molts misteris a dins de l'aigua.

They also say that there are many mysteries inside the water in the icebergs.

Congelats, o que potser els mamuts, o potser que hi ha ovnis dels alienígenes dins de l'aigua.

Frozen, or maybe the mammoths, or perhaps there are aliens' UFOs in the water.

Però això no ho sap ningú.

But nobody knows this.

Gràcies per escoltar-me i espero que us hagi agradat.

Thank you for listening to me and I hope you liked it.

Espero que us hagi agradat aquesta informació i tingueu una molt bona tarda.

I hope you have enjoyed this information and have a very good afternoon.


Thank you.

Una esposa balla, ja no vull pensar en què passarà demà.

A wife dances, I no longer want to think about what will happen tomorrow.

Si s'acaba la bulla, no queda sangria, fa massa fred per tirar-nos al mar.

If the fuss ends, there's no sangria left, it's too cold to throw ourselves into the sea.

No sé què m'has fet, però ara estic enganxat i no som la patrulla.

I don't know what you've done to me, but now I'm hooked and we are not the patrol.

Però la nit estava canina, hem de rebre's d'una gran xinutxana.

But the night was gloomy, we have to greet each other with a big hug.

Una nit més és l'única de Manu.

One more night is the only one for Manu.

Salí con otro disque para olvidarme que en mi vida te tuve.

I went out with someone else to forget that I had you in my life.

El muy cabrón estaba usando tu perfume.

That very bastard was using your perfume.

Por más que quiero beber, por más que fume, no me acostumbro.

No matter how much I want to drink, no matter how much I smoke, I can't get used to it.

Por más que beba, bebé, por más que fume, no me acostumbro.

No matter how much I drink, baby, no matter how much I smoke, I can't get used to it.

No me acostumbro.

I can't get used to it.

Gracias, qué linda, gracias.

Thank you, how lovely, thank you.

¿Alguien más que sí a mí me va a cantar en mi chuzo?

Is there anyone else who is going to sing to me in my chuzo?



No, yo no.

No, not me.

Claro que sí, mi amor. Vamos.

Of course, my love. Let's go.

Sí, yo quiero, tú puedes, mi amor.

Yes, I want, you can, my love.

¡Carol! ¡Carol!

Carol! Carol!

¡Carol, ven!

¡Carol, ven! translates to "Carol, come!"

¡Carol! ¡Carol!

Carol! Carol!


Come on.

¡Carol! ¡Carol!

Carol! Carol!

¡Carol! ¡Carol! ¡Carol!

¡Carol! ¡Carol! ¡Carol!

¡Dale, mami!

Come on, mommy!

¿Qué hubiera sido

What would it have been

si antes te hubiera conocido?

What if I had met you earlier?



estarías bailando hasta conmigo

you would be dancing even with me

no como amigos sino como otra cosa

not as friends but as something else

Usted cerca me pone peligrosa

You make me dangerous when you are close.

Por un besito hago cualquier cosa

For a little kiss, I'll do anything.

La novia suya me pone celosa

His girlfriend makes me jealous.

Y aunque es hermosa

And although it is beautiful

No te va a tratar como yo

He won't treat you like I do.

No te va a besar como yo

He’s not going to kiss you like I do.

No está tan rica así como yo

It's not as good as me.

Ella es tímida y yo no conozco

She is shy and I don't know.

Hola, som l'Estel i la Martina

Hello, we are Estel and Martina.

i avui us parlarem del gran canvi a l'institut.

And today we will talk about the great change at the institute.

Passar a l'institut és un canvi difícil

Transitioning to high school is a difficult change.

per això us portem uns quants tips

That's why we bring you a few tips.

perquè sigui molt més fàcil

to make it much easier

Primer tip

First tip

No juntar-se amb la gent que no val la pena

Don't associate with people who aren't worth it.

i que us farà fer coses dolentes

and it will make you do bad things

perquè pot ser bastant dolent per la teva salut

because it can be quite bad for your health

Tip 2

Tip 2

No buscar problemes

Don't seek trouble.

No barallar-se amb ningú perquè així

Don't argue with anyone because that way.

si no et poses el problema

if you don't pose the problem

serà tot més fàcil els estudis

it will all be easier the studies

i la relació amb els professors

and the relationship with the teachers

Tip 3

Tip 3

Centrar-se en els estudis

Focus on studies.

Si et centres en els estudis la teva carrera serà molt millor

If you focus on your studies, your career will be much better.

i la teva futura vida anirà molt bé

and your future life will go very well

seràs millonària

you will be a millionaire

Tip 4

Tip 4

No estar sol

Not being alone

Intentar tenir amics

Try to have friends

perquè si no molta gent et pot fer bullying

because otherwise a lot of people can bully you

i si estàs amb amics et sents més segur

And if you are with friends you feel safer.

Ei Jaume

Hey Jaume

No provocar els profes

Don't provoke the teachers.

perquè llavors t'enduràs una bona incidència

because then you will take a good incident

i acabaràs plorant a la teva casa

and you will end up crying at your home

Gràcies per escoltar-nos

Thank you for listening to us.

i esperem que amb aquests tips sigui molt més fàcil

And we hope that with these tips it will be much easier.

Fins aviat

See you soon.




Thank you

Bona nit.

Good night.

Hola, som en Joan

Hello, we are Joan.

i l'Aniol

and Aniol

i avui li faré unes cotes

And today I will give him some quotes.

preguntes de Brawlish Stars

Brawlish Stars questions

que és un joc de mòbil

what is a mobile game

i de tablet.

and of tablet.

Primera pregunta,

First question,

com es juga?

How do you play?



Quan entres, et surt un menú i llavors l'hi apretes a jugar.

When you enter, a menu pops up and then you press it to play.

I llavors et surt, entres a la partida i hi ha diferents modus.

And then you go in, you enter the game and there are different modes.

Per exemple, la supervivència, et vas movent amb un botó blau,

For example, survival, you move with a blue button,

llavors dispares amb el vermell i has d'intentar que no et matin per guanyar.

then you shoot with the red and you have to try not to get killed to win.

Hi ha diferents modus, també com balonbraul, que és com un futbol,

There are different modes, also like handball, which is like football.

que et xutes amb el de disparar i et mous igual que a l'altre modus.

that you shoot with the trigger and you move just like in the other mode.

I així seria com a jugar una mica.

And this would be how to play a little.

Llavors també hi ha uns comentaris que pots posar emojis que t'agradin.

Then there are also some comments where you can put emojis that you like.

Per exemple, si estàs enfadat perquè el teu equip no juga bé, doncs poses un emoji.

For example, if you are angry because your team is not playing well, then you use an emoji.

També hi ha...

There is also...

Modus de tres persones, de dos i d'una, i poc més.

The manner of three people, of two and one, and little more.

Següent pregunta.

Next question.

Com es diferencien els brawlers?

How do the brawlers differ?

Doncs els brawlers es diferencien perquè hi ha diferents categories.

Well, the brawlers are differentiated because there are different categories.

D'especial a legendari, que entre amics hi ha superespecial, èpico i mítico, i legendari.

From special to legendary, among friends there is super special, epic and mythical, and legendary.

Per exemple...

For example...

Hi ha una categoria, però que no es posa, que és brawler inicial,

There is a category, but it is not included, which is initial brawler.

que és amb el personatge que tu comences a jugar, que és la Shelly.

It's the character you start playing with, which is Shelly.

Què és el menú principal?

What is the main menu?

El menú principal és quan tu entres al Brawl Stars, et surt un menú on hi ha diferents llocs.

The main menu is when you enter Brawl Stars, a menu appears with different locations.

Que hi ha, per exemple, el de brawlers.

For example, there is the one about brawlers.

La tienda, on pots comprar coses, que et regalen coses diferents cops.

The store, where you can buy things, gives you different things at times.

I et pots gastar diners reals o diners del joc.

You can spend real money or in-game money.

Després hi ha ajustes per crear-ho com tu vulguis.

Then there are adjustments to create it as you wish.

Els amics, que hi ha una idea, llavors el teu amic posa aquella idea, llavors t'envia una sol·licitud d'amistat.

The friends, there is an idea, then your friend puts that idea, then they send you a friend request.

I llavors sou amics i podeu jugar junts.

And then you are friends and can play together.

També hi ha el club, que tu crees un club i llavors podeu parlar amb els vostres amics.

There is also the club, where you create a club and then you can talk with your friends.

Com un WhatsApp, però el Brawl Stars.

Like a WhatsApp, but Brawl Stars.

I també hi ha, a dalt, hi ha un lloc de copes, que és quan guanyes copes, et donen recompenses, entres allà i te les dona.

And there's also, up there, a place for trophies, which is when you win trophies, they give you rewards, you go in there and they give them to you.

I... res més.

I... nothing more.

Ah, no, i també, a dalt, a la dreta, hi ha les monedes...

Ah, no, and also, up there, to the right, there are the coins...

Les gemes i tot, i és amb el que et pots comprar coses.

The gems and all, and it’s with what you can buy things.

I ja està.

And that's it.

Última pregunta. Com s'aconsegueixen les coses?

Last question. How are things achieved?

Quan guanyes partides, et donen fitxes, que es posen al passe.

When you win games, they give you tokens, which are placed on the pass.

Quan arribes a un total de fitxes, et donen coses gratuïtes.

When you reach a total of tokens, they give you free things.

I també...

And also...

També les pots aconseguir les fitxes amb missions, que per exemple et posa...

You can also get the cards through missions, which for example gives you...

Guanya 3 partides amb tal personatge.

Win 3 matches with that character.

Llavors, si les guanyes, et donen unes fitxes.

Then, if you win them, they give you some tokens.

Hi ha diferents recompenses.

There are different rewards.

Com et donen monedes, gemes, Star Drops...

How they give you coins, gems, Star Drops...

Que és una cosa que tu li piques i pot millorar d'especial al legendari.

What is something that you press and it can improve especially to legendary?

Depèn de quina categoria sigui.

It depends on what category it is.



Et tocaran més bones coses, o més dolentes.

You will experience more good things, or more bad ones.

I ja estaria.

And that would be it.

Adeu, espero que us hagi agradat.

Goodbye, I hope you liked it.

I instal·leu-vos-hi, que és un joc molt divertit.

Settle in, it's a very fun game.

Gràcies, adeu.

Thank you, goodbye.

Fins demà.

Until tomorrow.


Let's go!



Ismaela OP

Ismaela OP

Bona nit.

Good night.

Fins aquí la meva secció. Adéu!

That's all for my section. Goodbye!

Bona nit.

Good night.

Va començar el 20 de maig de 2018 pujant vídeos de Fortnite a YouTube.

It started on May 20, 2018, by uploading Fortnite videos to YouTube.

Va estudiar a l'Institut Cardenal Pardo Tavera de Toro.

He studied at the Cardenal Pardo Tavera Institute in Toro.

Té tres cançons, Flow Violento, Modavion i World Ride.

It has three songs, Flow Violento, Modavion, and World Ride.

Es diu Daniel Alonso Agúndez i té 13,7 milions de subscriptors actualment.

His name is Daniel Alonso Agúndez and he currently has 13.7 million subscribers.

Ara anem amb el segon, que és Atac 3000, 8 de novembre de 2003, Barcelona.

Now we go with the second, which is Attack 3000, November 8, 2003, Barcelona.

Va començar el 2017 a fer vídeos de Fortnite i ara en fa de la seva vida.

He started making Fortnite videos in 2017 and now he makes videos about his life.

Es diu Marc Soler, té 3,56 milions de subscriptors actualment.

His name is Marc Soler, he currently has 3.56 million subscribers.

Tercer, RubiHex64.

Third, RubiHex64.

Va començar el 2016 jugant a jocs de lluita i a fer algun tutorial.

It began in 2016 playing fighting games and doing some tutorials.

I fa nou mesos feia vídeos de la seva vida.

Nine months ago, he was making videos of his life.

Ara no ho fa perquè està ocupat.

He is not doing it now because he is busy.

Quatre, Hopalux. També he dit Hopa.

Four, Hopalux. I've also said Hopa.

Va començar el 3 de novembre del 2021 fent un vídeo de la Royal House,

It started on November 3, 2021, by making a video of the Royal House,

on vivia amb youtubers com YoSoyPlex, Atac3000, RubiHex64 i fins aquí la meva secció.

I lived with YouTubers like YoSoyPlex, Atac3000, RubiHex64 and that’s it for my section.

Espero que us hagi agradat. Adéu.

I hope you liked it. Goodbye.

Bona nit.

Good night.

Hola a tots, sóc en Pau.

Hello everyone, I am Pau.

I avui us explico 3 coses bones i 3 coses dolentes de Deadpool.

And today I will explain to you 3 good things and 3 bad things about Deadpool.

Primer, les bones.

First, the good ones.

1. L'humor.

1. Humor.

El seu humor en les pel·lis sempre et pot treure un riure.

His humor in the movies can always make you laugh.

Segona, la seva manera de lluitar.

Second, their way of fighting.

La seva manera de lluitar és molt èpica.

Their way of fighting is very epic.

Sempre mola en les seves pel·lis.

He always rocks in his movies.

I la número 3, l'interpretador.

And number 3, the interpreter.

2. En Ryan Reynolds és l'actor perfecte per fer Deadpool.

Ryan Reynolds is the perfect actor to play Deadpool.

Ara, les dolentes.

Now, the bad ones.

3. Llenguatge.

3. Language.

El seu llenguatge pot ser només de paraulotes, bàsicament en tota la seva pel·li.

Their language can be nothing but swear words, basically throughout their entire movie.

4. Contingut.

4. Content.

El seu contingut pot ser una mica excessiu.

Its content may be a bit excessive.

I la quarta paret.

And the fourth wall.

En Deadpool no para de trencar la quarta paret i això fa que només gasti molt de temps de pel·li i molesta una mica.

In Deadpool, he constantly breaks the fourth wall, which makes the movie spend too much time on that and is a bit annoying.

Bueno, espero que us hagi agradat.

Well, I hope you liked it.

Bona tarda i adéu.

Good afternoon and goodbye.

Bona tarda.

Good afternoon.

no és senzill, se'l saps fer servir, clar.

It's not easy, if you know how to use it, of course.

Quan entris dins de l'Adobe Flash has de començar fent layers,

When you enter Adobe Flash, you have to start by creating layers,

perquè els layers són on posaràs la teva animació, el fons, etc.

because the layers are where you will place your animation, the background, etc.

Després has de crear, després has de posar dins dels layers l'animació,

Afterwards you have to create, then you have to place the animation inside the layers,

bé, crec que això ni s'ha de dir.

Well, I think this doesn't even need to be said.

I l'animació és una mica complicada perquè has de fer molts dibuixos en una

And the animation is a bit complicated because you have to make many drawings in one.

i, bé, no solament t'animo i que tinguis molt bona sort,

Yes, well, I don't just encourage you and wish you good luck,

i gràcies per escoltar-me, no puc dir-vos més.

And thank you for listening to me, I can't tell you more.

Jo sóc el Pau Barratxina i adeu.

I am Pau Barratxina and goodbye.

Fins demà!

See you tomorrow!

Bona tarda!

Good afternoon!

Sóc en Fera i avui parlaré de l'animació.

I am Fera and today I will talk about animation.

El nom real de les cintes és Clorophytum comosum.

The real name of the spider plant is Chlorophytum comosum.

És una planta molt resistent i quan em refereixo a resistent és que pot aguantar fins als 2 graus,

It is a very resilient plant, and when I refer to resilient, I mean it can withstand temperatures as low as 2 degrees.

però creixerà millor a partir dels 20 graus.

but it will grow better above 20 degrees.

O sigui, si sou dolents en les plantes, ja sabeu.

So, if you're bad with plants, you know.

Realment són natives d'Àfrica i Sud-àfrica i poden arribar a fer 60 centímetres d'alt.

They are indeed natives of Africa and South Africa and can grow up to 60 centimeters tall.

I no tinc res més a dir.

I have nothing more to say.

Sóc en Fera Moreno. Adéu!

I am Fera Moreno. Goodbye!

English Center ha patrocinat aquest programa.

English Center has sponsored this program.

Aquest estiu reforça el teu anglès.

This summer strengthen your English.

A English Center ja tenim els cursos intensius.

At English Center, we already have the intensive courses.

T'oferim classes de reforç, recuperacions d'anglès de primària, ESO, batxillerat i selectivitat,

We offer reinforcement classes, recovery sessions in English for primary school, secondary education, high school, and university entrance exams.

i preparació pels títols oficials de Cambridge amb excel·lents resultats.

and preparation for the official Cambridge certificates with excellent results.

Ens impliquem amb l'alumne.

We engage with the student.

El teu futur t'ho reclama a crits.

Your future is calling out to you.

Vine a preparar-te a English Center a la Riera Francesc Macià 85 d'Arenys de Munt

Come to prepare yourself at English Center at Riera Francesc Macià 85 in Arenys de Munt.

i t'informarà la Marina trucant al telèfon 93 795 0164

And Marina will inform you by calling the phone number 93 795 0164.

i també estem a la Riera Parafita 72 d'Arenys de Mar i t'informarà la Lourdes

And we are also at Riera Parafita 72 in Arenys de Mar, and Lourdes will inform you.

trucant al telèfon 93 795 9088 o al web englishcenter.cat.

calling the phone 93 795 9088 or at the website englishcenter.cat.

Ens trobem ben a prop teu.

We are very close to you.

Ràdio Arenys, el 91.2 de la FM.

Radio Arenys, 91.2 FM.

Bona nit.

Good night.

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