La Moixiganga del 23/9/2024

Ràdio la Selva

Darrers podcast - Ràdio la Selva

La Moixiganga del 23/9/2024

Darrers podcast - Ràdio la Selva

Moltes gràcies.

Thank you very much.

La Moixiganga

The Moixiganga

La Moixiganga amb Moisès Bru

The Moixiganga with Moisès Bru

La Moixiganga

The Moixiganga

Bona nit, Mainada, i bona tardor.

Good night, children, and have a good autumn.

Bona nit, Moisès.

Good night, Moisès.

Comença La Moixiganga.

The Moixiganga begins.

Bona nit, què tal? Com ha anat la setmana?

Good night, how are you? How has the week been?

Espero que n'hagi anat molt bé.

I hope it has gone very well.

Sabeu, dissabte va començar la tardor.

You know, autumn started on Saturday.

S'ha anat l'estiu i arriba la tardor.

Summer has gone and autumn has arrived.


Long live.

La tardor és una època...

Autumn is a time...

molt xula, on els boscos es tornen de color marró,

very cool, where the forests turn brown,

on plou, on podem anar passejant pel bosc

It's raining, where can we go for a walk in the forest?

amb aquella fresqueta i anar a buscar bolets.

with that coolness and going to pick mushrooms.

I també és la temporada,

And it is also the season,

és l'estació de l'any que arriba la castanyada.

It is the season of the year when the chestnut festival arrives.

I avui, aquí a La Moixiganga,

And today, here at La Moixiganga,

ho volem celebrar.

we want to celebrate it.

Per fi ha arribat la tardor.

Autumn has finally arrived.

I avui totes les músiques i cançons que us posarem

And today all the music and songs that we'll play for you.

seran relacionades amb la tardor,

they will be related to autumn,

perquè avui us hem preparat un programa

because today we have prepared a program for you

molt i que molt xulo, perquè avui

very and very cool, because today

ens visita el Pauet.

Pauet is visiting us.

Després de les seves vacances d'estiu,

After their summer vacation,

ja ha tornat a l'escola

has returned to school

i ens ve aquí amb els seus petits científics

And he comes here with his little scientists.

i m'ha dit que li porti llaminadures.

He told me to bring him sweets.

Vol que li porti xutxes.

He wants me to bring him candies.

Ai, aquest noi, sempre menjant i demanant.

Oh, this boy, always eating and asking.

En fi, espero que aquestes llaminadures

Anyway, I hope these candies

siguin per fer els seus petits científics,

to make their little scientists,

els seus invents,

his inventions,

que ens fa aquí a La Moixiganga.

what brings us here to La Moixiganga.

Acabarem amb un capítol de cert petit.

We will finish with a chapter of a certain small one.

Avui ens el fa l'escola Pompeu Fabra

Today it is hosted by the Pompeu Fabra school.

del Pont de Vilomara.

from Pont de Vilomara.

Són les classes que ens han fet un munt de capítols,

They are the classes that have given us a lot of chapters,

els han escrit, els han gravat

they have written them, they have recorded them

i nosaltres els hi hem muntat aquí a la ràdio

and we have set them up here at the radio

i avui es titula

and today it is titled

Compte de la Tordor.

Count of the Tordor.

Que no, tossut.

No, stubborn.

A La Moixiganga, com sempre,

At La Moixiganga, as always,

acabarem amb una cançó de bressol

we will end with a lullaby

que voldrà dir que és el moment d'anar-nos en tots i totes

that will mean that it is time for all of us to go

cap al llit, cap a dormir, a començar a somiar,

to bed, to sleep, to start dreaming,

que demà hem d'anar a l'escola i hem d'aprendre moltes coses.

That tomorrow we have to go to school and we have to learn many things.

Però abans de començar,

But before starting,

deixeu-me dir que aquí a La Moixiganga

let me say that here at La Moixiganga

tenim una pàgina web molt xula,

we have a very cool website,

una pàgina web que es diu el nom del programa

a website called the name of the program

i hi posarem un punt cat a darrere,

and we will put a cat dot at the end,, i aquí trobarem, per exemple,, and here we will find, for example,

tots els capítols de cert petit,

all the chapters of a certain little one,

si cliqueu allà, però també hi trobareu vídeos

If you click there, you will also find videos.

de com gravem el cert petit

about how we record the small cert

i hi trobareu tots els capítols,

and you will find all the chapters there,

i també, si voleu, podeu trobar un projecte pedagògic

And also, if you want, you can find a pedagogical project.

perquè el pugueu ensenyar al vostre mestre

so that you can show it to your teacher

i pugueu gravar cert petit

and you can record certain small things

com han fet l'escola Pompeu Fabra

how the Pompeu Fabra school has done

del Pont de Vilomara

of Vilomara Bridge

i nosaltres us els gravarem, us ajudarem

And we will record them for you, we will help you.

amb tot el que sigui possible i mans nostres.

with everything that is possible and our hands.

Així és que ja ho sabeu, eh?

So you already know this, right?

El projecte pedagògic, allà on posa mestres,

The pedagogical project, where it states teachers,

aneu allà i els podeu parlar

go there and you can talk to them

amb els vostres mestres. També tenim el Pinta.

with your teachers. We also have the Pinta.

Si baixeu-vos un dibuix en blanc i negre

If you download a black and white drawing.

ja el podeu pintar. I també tenim un conte,

You can paint it now. And we also have a story.

si teniu ganes de llegir,

if you feel like reading,

podeu anar a llegir el nostre fantàstic conte

you can go read our fantastic story

de cert petit.

certainly small.

Doncs va, que nosaltres ja el tenim tot a punt

Well, come on, we already have everything ready.

i avui començarem donant les gràcies

And today we will start by giving thanks.

a Ràdio Montesquieu, que s'afegeix

to Ràdio Montesquieu, which joins

a la llista d'emisores que emet

to the list of broadcasters that it emits

la Moixiganga, i avui començarem

the Moixiganga, and today we will begin

amb una cançó que es diu La Tardor

with a song called The Autumn

i ens la canten els Gil i els Ratatamplam.

and it's sung to us by the Gil and the Ratatamplam.

Així doncs, amics i amigues,

So, friends,

obrim les orelles com si fóssim

we open our ears as if we were

elefants, perquè ara mateix

elephants, because right now

comença el teu programa preferit.

Your favorite show is starting.

Comença la Moixiganga.

The Moixiganga begins.

Amics i amigues,



let's go!

Ja se'm costa l'hivern

I'm already struggling with winter.

i els arbres

and the trees

tenen fred

they are cold

i em poso

and I put on

un bocador al cap

a blow to the head

i agafo

and I take

un cister de falla

a faulty cistern

i faig

I do.

un foc ben gran

a very large fire

per torrar castanyes

to roast chestnuts

i ja arriba

and it's already arriving

la tardor

the autumn

i ja arriba

and it arrives already

la tardor

the autumn

i castanyes

and chestnuts

i arriba la tardor

and autumn arrives



per tothom

for everyone

i arriba

and arrives

la tardor

the autumn



i castanyes

and chestnuts

i arriba

and arrives

la tardor




per tothom

for everyone

and a castanyes

and chestnuts

i una mica de cabra

and a little bit of goat

una mica de cabra

a little bit of goat

i un gran postre.

And a great dessert.

I arriba la tardor, castanyes i castanyes.

And autumn arrives, chestnuts and chestnuts.

I arriba la tardor, castanyes per tothom.

And autumn arrives, chestnuts for everyone.

I arriba la tardor, castanyes i castanyes.

And autumn arrives, chestnuts and chestnuts.

I arriba la tardor, castanyes per tothom.

And autumn arrives, chestnuts for everyone.

La moixiganga.

The moixiganga.

La timpa canpa tu, homes i dones del capdre.

The timpa calls you, men and women of the capdre.

La timpa canpa tu, no trepitgeu el pato fer.

The timpa plays for you, do not step on the duck to make.

Aquest programa sí que és una ganga.

This program really is a bargain.

La timpa canpa tu, els petits dones del capdre.

The timpa canpa for you, the little gifts of the head.

La timpa canpa tu, els petits dones del pato fer.

The timpa fits you, the little ladies make the duck.

La timpa canpa tu, els petits dones del capdre.

The timpa sings to you, the little women of the head.

de dins del pot.

from inside the jar.

De dins del pot.

From inside the jar.



I si no pots xuclar, també, eh?

And if you can't suck, too, eh?

Puc xuclar.

I can suck.

Però el pot ha de quedar tancat, eh, per això.

But the jar has to remain closed, okay, for that reason.





Però pots xuclar la boca.

But you can suck your mouth.

Però si xuclos,

But if you suck,

me'n passaré la llaminadura cap dins.

I will take the candy inside.

Però pots ser saltit.

But you can be jumpy.



En fi, i què passarà?

Well, what will happen?

I llavors,

And then,

tu el que tens que fer

what you have to do

és treure l'aire del pot.

It's taking the air out of the jar.



Amb la llaminadura dintre.

With the candy inside.



I que faci el buit.

And let it be empty.

I llavors creixerà la llaminadura.

And then the candy will grow.

I llavors s'infla.

And then it inflates.

Ah, sí?

Oh, really?


It inflates.

I ens queda més gran?

And does it fit us bigger?



Home, això està molt bé.

Dude, this is really good.

Per què, per què, per què, per què, per què,

Why, why, why, why, why,

per què, com no hi ha pressió a l'aire?

Why is there no air pressure?


Of course.

Però es creix.

But it grows.



Està molt bé que estigui bé, eh?

It's very good that you are well, right?



I així ens el podem menjar.

And so we can eat it.

Això sí, això és com...

This is, however, like...

Tu per què no viatges?

Why don't you travel?



Però, però, però,

But, but, but,

quan vas amb avió també passa.

When you fly, it also happens.

Que són més grans les nuves allà?

Are the clouds bigger there?



Per què, per què, per què,

Why, why, why?

perquè quan passa l'avió

because when the plane passes

doncs no hi ha tanta pressió a l'aire.

so there is not so much pressure in the air.



Perquè no hi ha la força de tracció.

Because there is no pulling force.

De la gravetat.

Of gravity.




Of course.

I llavors creix.

And then it grows.

O què creix?

Or what grows?

La llaminadura.

The sweet treat.


Of course.

Val, val.

Okay, okay.

Però li sembla que hi hagi un problema aquí, eh?

But it seems to him that there is a problem here, right?



Que quan traguem l'aire es tornarà a fer petita la llaminadura.

That when we exhale, the sweet treat will shrink again.



I com no ens la podrem menjar de gran.

And how we won't be able to eat it when we grow up.





Doncs, doncs, doncs,

Well, well, well,

fas això que tiri-te el pot.

do this so that the pot throws you.



I fas això aquí a la boca

And you do this here in the mouth.

i llavors quan,

and then when,

quan veus que ha crescut fa...

when you see that it has grown for...

i tu ets molt bé.

and you are very well.

Te l'empatxes en xerarran.

You catch him by talking too much.



Vols dir?

Do you mean?



Em sembla que no funciona.

It seems to me that it doesn't work.

I a la panxa es fa petita.

And the belly gets small.

A la panxa es fa petita?

Does it get small in the belly?



Vols dir?

Do you mean?

Em fi, Pauet.

I'll go, Pauet.

Saps què?

Do you know what?

Pengem un vídeo a la web de la Moxiganga

We are posting a video on the Moxiganga website.

i que els nens ho mirin.

And let the children watch it.





Aviam si ho entenen.

Let's see if they understand it.











Què més?

What else?

T'ha agradat.

You liked it.

M'ha agradat moltíssim.

I liked it very much.



Però la llaminadura serà petita quan ens la mengem.

But the treat will be small when we eat it.

Mira-ho bé.

Look closely.

Mira-ho bé en el vídeo.

Look at it closely in the video.

Bé, si xucla ràpid, no.

Well, if you suck quickly, no.

Has de xuclar molt ràpid, sí.

You have to suck very fast, yes.

Molt bé, Pauet.

Very good, Pauet.

Tens un altre experiment pel mes que ve?

Do you have another experiment for next month?

Sí, en tinc més.

Yes, I have more.

Doncs el guardes.

Then you keep it.



El guardes?

Do you keep it?

Tu saps què és la pressió de l'aire?

Do you know what air pressure is?

La pressió de l'aire?

The air pressure?



Què pressiona?

What is pressuring?

Què pressiona, sí.

What presses, yes.

Anirà d'això?

Is that what it will be about?

El pròxim invent?

The next invention?





Això és aquest.

This is this.

Ah, encara saps pel que és aquest.

Ah, you still know what this is for.

Jo t'estava despedint, eh, ja.

I was saying goodbye to you, huh, already.

Ah, doncs adéu.

Ah, well goodbye.

Doncs, Pauet, ens veiem d'aquí un mes.

Well, Pauet, we'll see each other in a month.




Come on.

Apa, adéu.

Okay, goodbye.



Adéu, adéu.

Goodbye, goodbye.

Adéu, petits científics.

Goodbye, little scientists.

Aquest programa sí que és una ganga.

This program is truly a bargain.

Que no, tossut.

No, stubborn.

Veieu conèixer aquest petit circ?

Do you know this little circus?

No us en venim?

Aren't we coming to you?


Let's get closer to it.

Avui som en un poble molt especial.

Today we are in a very special town.

Ja és que el nostre amic del circ petit ja hi ha vingut més d'una vegada.

Our friend from the little circus has been here more than once already.

Totes estan fent els darrers preparatius per començar la funció,

They are all making the final preparations to start the performance.

quan es presenta un veí conegut.

when a known neighbor appears.

A veure, Sibila.

Let's see, Sibila.

Digues, Janís.

Tell me, Janís.

Ja has preparat els mocadors de colors?

Have you prepared the colored handkerchiefs?



I els cercles de metal?

And the metal circles?



Oh, què has revisat?

Oh, what have you reviewed?

No et preocupis, Janís. Està tot a punt.

Don't worry, Janís. Everything is ready.

Ei, hola, Janís. Hola, Sílvia.

Hey, hello, Janís. Hello, Sílvia.

Oh, no.

Oh, no.

Mira qui tenim aquí, però si és en Pauet.

Look who we have here, it's Pauet.

Hola, Pauet.

Hello, Pauet.



D'això, estic molt content que hagueu tornat al meu poble, eh?

I am very happy that you have returned to my town, huh?

Oi, que sí.

Oh, yes.

Però, escolta, ens has vingut a veure tant de gent.

But, listen, so many people have come to see us.

Tantes vegades tu deus saber de memòria.

So many times you must know by heart.

Talés he pogut quedar a casa.

So I could stay at home.

Doncs, precisament d'això volia parlar.

Well, that's exactly what I wanted to talk about.

De quedar-te a casa?

Staying at home?

No, que us he vist tantes vegades que ja m'ho sé de memòria.

No, I have seen you so many times that I already know it by heart.

Això és perquè tu ets molt espavilat.

This is because you are very clever.

Gràcies, Sílvia.

Thank you, Sílvia.

Doncs, aprofitant que sou tan espavilat

Well, taking advantage of the fact that you are so sharp.

i que hem fet tot l'espectacle de memòria,

and we have done the whole show from memory,

he pensat que avui potser podria actuar amb vosaltres.

I was thinking that today I might be able to perform with you.

Com? Estàs de broma?

What? Are you joking?

D'això, Pauet, seria fantàstic, eh?

That would be fantastic, wouldn't it, Pauet?

Però, saps què passa?

But, do you know what happens?

Que els trucs de màgia són secrets.

That magic tricks are secrets.

I els mags no poden revelar mai els seus secrets.

And the wizards can never reveal their secrets.

Oi que ho entens?

Don't you understand it?

Per què no li preguntes a en Tomàs?

Why don't you ask Tomàs?

Molt bé. Bona idea.

Very good. Good idea.

Haré de domador.

I will be a tamer.

Vaja, sembla que en Pauet s'ha encarpat en actuar així

Well, it seems that Pauet has taken to acting this way.

que se'n va de dret a parlar amb Tomàs

that goes directly to talk to Tomàs

que està amb la perla i les deu poses serran amb l'Enric.

which is with the pearl and the ten mountain poses with Enric.

Hola, Tomàs. Hola, Enric.

Hello, Tomàs. Hello, Enric.

D'això, què puc actuar amb vosaltres avui?

What can I do with you today?

Com? Ostres, de debò, que em sap molt greu, eh?

How? Wow, really, I'm very sorry, okay?

Però és que les bèsties es posen molt nervioses

But the beasts get very nervous.

davant dels desconeguts.

in front of the unknowns.

La perla et podria picar

The pearl could sting you.

i les poses a aixafar-te a ell.

and you put yourself in a position to crush him.

Vull dir, al revés.

I mean, the other way around.

D'això, jo és que el meu número

About that, it's just that my number

ho deixo tot empastifat de nata.

I leave everything covered in cream.

I saps?

And you know?

Estic segur que...

I am sure that...

Estic segur que els teus pares

I am sure that your parents

no els faria caucràsia

I wouldn't make them a cacophony.

que tornessis a casa fet una marrenga.

that you came home all dirty.

Mira, allà hi ha la Sibila i en Salim.

Look, there are the Sibila and Salim.

Pot ser que amb ell sí que pots actuar.

Maybe with him you can indeed act.

Així que en Pauet, sense fer de l'esperança,

So Pauet, without giving up hope,

se'n va a veure la Sibila i en Salim.

He/she is going to see the Sibyl and Salim.

Hola, Sibila. Hola, Salim.

Hello, Sibila. Hello, Salim.

Què puc sortir a l'absorció amb vosaltres avui?

What can I go out to absorb with you today?

Ai, em sap molt greu patir.

Oh, I'm very sorry to suffer.

Però el número d'en Devinaira com jo

But the number of Devinaira like me.

l'amant que el voluntari sigui un conegut.

the lover that the volunteer is a known person.

Perquè tothom es pensa que faig trampes.

Because everyone thinks I'm cheating.

D'això, a mi no faria res

I wouldn't mind that.

que m'ajudessis a fer el meu número.

to help me with my number.

Però comprendràs que és massa carinyós.

But you will understand that he is too affectionate.

Et podries punxar amb el dit de claus

You could poke yourself with your fingernail.

o cremar amb les taixes.

or burn with the torches.

Mira, aquí ve l'Albert.

Look, here comes Albert.

Ei, família, què feu per aquí?

Hey, family, what are you doing here?

Oh, hola, Albert.

Oh, hello, Albert.

Escolta, una cosa.

Listen, one thing.

Avui podria disparar jo el canyó avui?

Could I fire the cannon today?

I per què no l'hi fiquem a ell dins el canó?

And why don't we put him inside the cannon?

Caram, Pauet, ho sento.

Wow, Pauet, I'm sorry.

Però és que els nens no poden jugar amb la pólvora.

But children can't play with fireworks.

És clar, vaja.

Of course, wow.

Oh, mira, la Marta.

Oh, look, it's Marta.

Segur que ella sí que em deixa ajudar-la.

I'm sure she will let me help her.

Marta, Marta.

Marta, Marta.

Ei, hola, Pauet.

Hey, hello, Pauet.

Com estàs?

How are you?

Jo molt bé, d'això saps què?

I'm very well, you know what?

Avui t'ajudaré amb els teus números a l'espectacle.

Today I will help you with your numbers in the show.



Però, Pauet,

But, Pauet,

jo sóc trapecista.

I am a trapeze artist.

Tu no et preocupis, que ho tinc tot controlat.

You don't worry, I have it all under control.

La Marta es passa el dia intentant treure-li del cap aquesta idea al Pauet.

Marta spends the whole day trying to get this idea out of Pauet's head.

No se'n surt així que quan arriba l'hora de la funció

He doesn’t manage it, so when the time for the performance arrives

tots fan el seu número fins que arriba el moment de la Marta.

everyone does their act until Marta's moment arrives.

El senyor Agustí, que no sabia res de les intencions del Pauet,

Mr. Agustí, who knew nothing of Pauet's intentions,

per poc no es desmaiarà.

He will almost faint.

I a continuació, estimadíssim públic,

And now, dear audience,

incència en el nostre meravellós...

incense in our wonderful...

Jo sóc trapecista.

I am a trapeze artist.

Va a la pelsa de la nostra carpa com si fos un ocellet.

He goes to the edge of our tent as if he were a little bird.

I fa les cabrioles més sorprenents.

And he/she does the most surprising somersaults.

Primer de tot, mirin com és gronxa.

First of all, look at how it swings.



Però es percebe qui més hi ha allà dalt.

But one can perceive who else is up there.

Hola, senyor Agustí.

Hello, Mr. Agustí.

Mira què sé fer.

Look what I can do.

Però, Pauet, es pot saber què fas aquí a dalt, que cauràs.

But, Pauet, can you tell me what you are doing up here? You'll fall.

De sobte, en Pauet, rellisca i cau.

Suddenly, Pauet slips and falls.

Tot el poble fan esglai, però, per sort,

The whole village is in shock, but fortunately,

la perla el pesca amb la trompa just abans que t'arribi a morros damunt de la pista.

The pearl catches it with the trunk just before it reaches your snout on the track.

El públic aplaudeix amb ganes.

The audience applauds enthusiastically.

Un cop acaba la funció, el pare del Pauet, el senyor Pous,

Once the performance is over, Pauet's father, Mr. Pous,

es disculpa amb tota la companyia del circ.

He apologizes to the entire circus company.

De debò, que em sap molt greu.

Really, I'm very sorry.

No saben com ho sento.

They don't know how I feel.

No passa res, senyor Pous.

It's alright, Mr. Pous.

Sort n'hem tingut a la perla.

We have had bad luck with the pearl.

I tu, Pauet, espero que aquesta vegada hauràs après la gestió.

And you, Pauet, I hope this time you have learned management.



Segur que sí.

Sure thing.

Oi, Pauet?

Hey, Pauet?



Com que no?

Why not?

Però si ha estat un èxit.

But it has been a success.

Tothom ha aplaudit molt.

Everyone has applauded a lot.

A partir d'ara vindré sempre amb vosaltres.

From now on, I will always come with you.

De cap manera.

In no way.

Passa cap a casa.

Go home.

Serà possible.

It will be possible.

Va, passa.

Come on, go ahead.

Però per què?

But why?

Si tothom m'ha aplaudit.

Yes, everyone has applauded me.



Hola, Marta.

Hello, Marta.

Ostres, que no ha sort que ens ha clavat avui el Pauet, oi?

Wow, that Pauet really gave it to us today, didn't he?

Sí, jo pots ben dir.

Yes, you can definitely say that.

Que nens de tosutic ha perrut aquest nen.

What a brat this boy has been.

I tant.

I certainly.

I escolta, com ho fas això d'avui?

And listen, how are you doing this today?

Ja ho tinc.

I've got it.

Doncs vinga, endavant.

Well then, go ahead.

Tothom vol ser un artista.

Everyone wants to be an artist.

I el més tosut surt a la pista.

And the most stubborn goes out on the track.

Però no ho pot fer qualsevol merret.

But not just any fool can do it.

I tots fan fora el Pauet.

And everyone throws Pauet out.

Gràcies a la perla no acaba a l'hospital.

Thanks to the pearl, he/she doesn't end up in the hospital.

Perquè evita que el Pauet els faci mal.

Because it prevents Pauet from hurting them.



Des del disc de poetes-cansonetes,

From the disc of poets-songs,

Juanjo Muñoz ens canta Cançó de tardor.

Juanjo Muñoz sings to us Autumn Song.

És la cançó que us proposem avui

It is the song that we propose to you today.

com a Cançó de bressol.

like a lullaby.

Ja ha arribat la tardor

Autumn has arrived.

vestida de groc i marró.

dressed in yellow and brown.

Cauen branques, cauen fulles

Branches fall, leaves fall.

que després trepitgem tots.

which we all tread on afterwards.

Ja ha marxat la calor, vent i pluja se l'han endut.

The heat has already left, wind and rain have taken it away.

Nits més llargues, més silenci, flaires que recordem tots.

Longer nights, more silence, scents that we all remember.

Ja ha arribat la tardor, vestida de groc i marró.

Autumn has arrived, dressed in yellow and brown.

Cau en branques, cau en flores que després trepitgem tots.

Falls on branches, falls on flowers that we all step on afterwards.

La natura ens durà, com a si veïn del bo,

Nature will lead us, as if a neighbor of goodness,

molts bolets, també castanyes,

many mushrooms, also chestnuts,

que ens agraden molt a tots.

that we all like a lot.

Ja ha arribat la tardor, vestida de groc i marró.

Autumn has arrived, dressed in yellow and brown.

Cau en branques, cau en flores que després trepitgem tots.

It falls on branches, it falls on flowers that we all later tread on.

Ja ha arribat la tardor, vestida de groc i marró.

Autumn has arrived, dressed in yellow and brown.

Bona nit!

Good night!

I fins aquí la Moixiganga d'aquesta setmana

And thus concludes the Moixiganga of this week.

espero que hagueu gaudit molt d'ella

I hope you have enjoyed her a lot.

i recordeu que si voleu tornar a l'escoltar

And remember that if you want to listen again.

només heu d'anar a la nostra pàgina web

you just have to go to our website

avui hem celebrat l'arribada de la tardor

Today we celebrated the arrival of autumn.

i la setmana que ve us esperem aquí a la Moixiganga

And next week we expect you here at the Moixiganga.

amb noves cançons i noves aventures

with new songs and new adventures

que passarem tots junts escoltant

that we will all spend time together listening

la ràdio. Amics i amigues, sóc el Moisés

the radio. Friends, I am Moisés

i la setmana que ve

and next week

no hi falteu aquí a la Moixiganga perquè

don't miss the Moixiganga here because

ja ho sabeu, oi, que aquí passem llista, sí?

You know, right, that we take attendance here, yes?

Doncs, sobretot, sobretot, la setmana que ve

Well, above all, above all, next week.

us esperem aquí

we'll wait for you here

a la vostra emissora municipal

to your municipal station

no hi falteu, que passarem llista

Don't miss it, we will take attendance.

Bona nit!

Good night!

És el millor programa

It's the best program.

que he sentit mai

that I have ever felt

a la meva vida

to my life

Ràdio La Selva

Radio La Selva

Bona nit!

Good night!

I'll be loving you

T'estaré estimant.

I remember the time I was all alone

I remember the time I was all alone.

I used to sit and cry

I used to sit and cry

I didn't think I had a friend in the world

I didn't think I had a friend in the world.

Then you came walking by

Then you came walking by.

Your love lifted me up

Your love lifted me up.

You eased my troubled mind

You eased my troubled mind.

That's why I'm gonna stick by you, baby

Per això t'aguantaré, estimada.

Love you till the end of time, baby

Love you till the end of time, baby.

I'll be loving you

T'estaré estimant.

Yes, I will, girl

Yes, I will, girl.

I'll be loving you

T'estaré estimant.

Sometimes I lift my head up to the sky

Sometimes I lift my head up to the sky.

And I count the stars above

And I count the stars above.

And I say, oh, what a lucky man I am

And I say, oh, what a lucky man I am.

To have someone like you to love

Avoir quelqu'un comme toi à aimer.

I've been searching for a long, long time

He estat buscant durant molt, molt de temps.

And now I don't have to search no more

I don't have to search anymore.

Now that I've got you by my side, baby

Now that I've got you by my side, baby.

I'll never, never, never, never let you go, baby

I'll never, never, never, never let you go, baby.

I'll be loving you

T'estaré estimant.

Yes, I will, girl

Yes, I will, girl.

I'll be loving you

T'estaré estimant.

Baby, I'm gonna stick by you

Baby, I'm gonna stick by you.

I'll be loving you

Estaré estimant-te.

I'll never, never, never let you go

I'll never, never, never let you go.

I'll be loving you


Pues la cosa es así, verá

Well, the thing is like this, you see.

Es impresionante

It's impressive.

Me encanta, me encanta

I love it, I love it.


It’s cool.

Me gusta como suena, que bonita

I like how it sounds, how beautiful.

Si us agrada el cine i les bandes sonores

If you like movies and soundtracks

vosaltres també podeu formar part dels escoltants de La Llanterna Màgica

you too can be part of the listeners of La Llanterna Màgica

tots els dimecres a les 8 del vespre

every Wednesday at 8 in the evening

La Llanterna Màgica a Ràdio La Selva

The Magic Lantern on Radio La Selva

Sempre os dona un saludo

Always gives you a greeting.

Nosaltres seguim ensenyant

We continue teaching.

cosas cada vez más

things more and more

cosas así

things like that

cosas que es faz

things that are done

no hay más

there is no more

cosas tan pocas

so few things

cosas que no hay más

things that no longer exist

Bona nit.

Good night.

Fins demà!

Until tomorrow!

Les cançons són tot això

The songs are all of this.

i més coses.

and more things.

Lletra i música en francès Massana

Lyrics and music in French Massana

dissabtes de 9 a 10 de la vespre

Saturdays from 9 to 10 in the evening.

a Ràdio La Selva

to Ràdio La Selva

al 105.8 de l'FM

at 105.8 FM



Fins demà!

See you tomorrow!

I què hi fas en un lloc

And what are you doing in a place?

com aquest?

like this?

Vaig pintar tot el pis

I painted the whole apartment.

fa quatre dies

four days ago

i els diumenges

and on Sundays



quedar amb gent.

meet up with people.



ja són les dues

It is already two o'clock.

l'home posa un bolero

The man puts on a bolero.

i deu marxar

and he must leave

Tu no deus pas conèixer

You probably don't know.

un barbe

a beard

Tu que ets jove

You who are young

ajuda'm a trobar

help me find

un barbe

a beard

un lloc on anar a parar

a place to end up

Anem a fora

Let's go outside.

ajuda'm a trobar

help me to find

la llum

the light

que no se'n va

that it doesn't go away

la llum

the light

que no se'n va

that it doesn't go away



Segur que hi ha gent

Surely there are people.

que és com nosaltres

that is like us

la ciutat

the city

és de nit infinita

it is of infinite night

la ciutat

the city

No et demano

I do not ask you.

pas que em tris

step that I miss



M'és igual si al voltant hi ha gent

I don't mind if there are people around.

amb volum que no deixi ni pensar.

with a volume that doesn't allow for any thought.

Tu que ets jove, ajuda'm a trobar

You who are young, help me to find.

un lloc on anar a parar-ho.

A place to take it.

Anem a fora, ajuda'm a trobar

Let's go outside, help me find.

la llum que no se'n va, la llum que no se'n va.

the light that doesn't go away, the light that doesn't go away.

Tu que ets jove, ajuda'm a trobar

You who are young, help me find.

un lloc on anar a parar-ho.

A place to put it.

Anem a fora, ajuda'm a trobar

Let's go outside, help me find.

un lloc on anar a parar-ho.

A place to put it.

Anem a fora, ajuda'm a trobar

Let's go outside, help me find.

la llum que no se'n va, la llum que no se'n va.

the light that doesn't fade, the light that doesn't fade.

Anem a fora, ajuda'm a trobar

Let's go outside, help me find.

la llum que no se'n va, la llum que no se'n va.

the light that doesn't go away, the light that doesn't go away.

Un peliu cap per Nadal sempre ens escriu algun poema.

A little bird always writes us a poem for Christmas.

Ah, em mereix el passeig dels pins

Ah, I deserve the promenade of the pines.

amb mans de tan sols quinze anys

with hands of just fifteen years

no han tingut temps d'aprendre'n.

they haven't had time to learn it.

I sempre torno al mar

And I always return to the sea.

allà on puc respirar

there where I can breathe

i sento que la sal m'abassa.

I feel that the salt overwhelms me.

Allà on purifica la pell.

There where the skin is purified.

Vinc d'un poble mariner

I come from a fishing village.

on flors i pescadors naveguen junts en una rumba.

Flowers and fishermen sail together in a rumba.

Vinc d'allà on tot el fòlgol mull.

I come from a place where everything is abundant.

Allà on les palmeres ploren la llorada cua.

There where the palms weep the lamented tail.

Quan arribes a casa,

When you arrive home,

a Sant Joan.

to Saint John.

I el dia es fa més llarg

And the day gets longer.

per celebrar la nostra festa.

to celebrate our party.

Complim el poble de colors,

I fill the village with colors,

cremem el desig al foc

we burn desire in the fire

i l'alegria fa la resta.

and joy makes the rest.

I sempre torno al mar

And I always return to the sea.

allà on puc respirar

there where I can breathe

i sento que la sal m'abassa.

I feel that the salt overwhelms me.

I sempre torno al mar

And I always return to the sea.

allà on puc respirar

there where I can breathe

i sento que la sal m'abassa.

I feel that the salt overwhelms me.

I el dia es fa més llarg

And the day gets longer.

per celebrar la nostra festa.

to celebrate our party.

Vinc d'un poble mariner

I come from a fishing village.

on flors i pescadors naveguen junts en una rumba.

flowers and fishermen sail together in a rumba.

Vinc d'un poble mariner

I come from a fishing village.

on flors i pescadors naveguen junts en una rumba.

On flowers and fishermen sail together in a rumba.

Vaig a la��면

I'm going to the...

on 2013

In 2013

em van llençar una cosa

they threw something at me

feia tantes hores

it had been so many hours

i altres vegades

and other times

vaig ferễs

I made you feral.

per a la porteria del repairs de Astollà.

for the gate of the repairs of Astollà.

Jo crec que ho rôle ho deia

I think that role was saying it.

no et

I don't you.


to excuse.

I sempre torno al mar, allà on puc respirar i sento que la sal m'abraça i em purifica la pell.

And I always return to the sea, where I can breathe and feel that the salt embraces me and purifies my skin.

Vinc un poble a orar al mar, vinc un poble a orar al mar, vinc un poble a orar al mar.

I come from a village to pray by the sea, I come from a village to pray by the sea, I come from a village to pray by the sea.

Vinc un poble a orar al mar.

I come from a village to pray at the sea.

Avui parlem de...

Today we talk about...

Si t'agrada el country.

If you like country.

Jungle country.

Jungle country.

Si vols saber-ho tot del setè art.

If you want to know everything about the seventh art.

La llanterna màgica.

The magic lantern.

Si vols saber què fas en aquesta dimensió i en l'altra.

If you want to know what you do in this dimension and in the other.

B de victòria.

B for victory.

Si vols fer xerinola amb els més petits.

If you want to have fun with the little ones.

La moixiganga.

The moixiganga.

Si vols llegir músiques i escoltar lletres.

If you want to read music and listen to lyrics.

Lletra i música.

Lyrics and music.

Si vols estar ben entornat.

If you want to be well surrounded.

Amb clau de sol.

With a treble clef.

I per als dissabtes a última hora.

And for Saturdays at the last moment.

La sessió de...

The session of...

Hola melòmans.

Hello music lovers.

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