Sílvia Biosca: Diluvi a Pineda

Ràdio Pineda

Darrers podcast - Ràdio Pineda

Sílvia Biosca: Diluvi a Pineda

Darrers podcast - Ràdio Pineda

Estem en disposició d'entrevistar Sílvia Biosca, alcaldessa de Pineda.

We are in a position to interview Sílvia Biosca, the mayor of Pineda.

Molt bon dia.

Very good morning.

Hola, bon dia.

Hello, good morning.

Bé, alcaldessa, una situació que ahir va fer activar tots els serveis d'emergència.

Well, mayor, a situation that yesterday activated all emergency services.

L'Ajuntament ens ha d'haver de remengar per fer front a aquest intens ruixat, no?

The City Council must have to roll up its sleeves to cope with this intense downpour, right?

Sí, de fet, ens va venir així una mica de nou,

Yes, in fact, it came to us a bit as a surprise.

perquè sí que és veritat que teníem avisos de pluja i de ruixats,

because it is true that we had warnings of rain and showers,

però fins a les 6, o ens van dir que potser eren més actives fins a les 6.

but until 6, or they told us that they might be more active until 6.

I mira, doncs cap a les 7 de la tarda es va haver d'activar a tothom

And look, around 7 in the evening everyone had to be activated.

perquè ja vau veure en una hora l'aigua que va caure i el mal que va fer.

because you already saw in one hour the water that fell and the damage it caused.

De fet, anem-me'n a preguntar, quines són les incidències més importants?

In fact, let's go and ask, what are the most important incidents?

Hem vist que hi ha hagut una mica de tot i una mica tot arreu,

We have seen that there has been a bit of everything and a bit of everything everywhere,

perquè, per què ens fem la idea, doncs tots els barris van tenir les seves coses.

Why do we get the idea that all neighborhoods had their own things?

No sé si podríem destacar-ne alguna d'important.

I don't know if we could highlight any important one.

A banda, entenc jo d'aquests rescats que van haver-hi, que afortunadament van acabar bé.

Besides, I understand about these rescues that took place, which fortunately ended well.

Sí, efectivament es va inundar gairebé tot el poble,

Yes, indeed almost the whole village was flooded.

des de Poblenou, barri Les Creus, Alcarma, Santeu Rossinyol,

from Poblenou, Les Creus neighborhood, Alcarma, Santeu Rossinyol,

places, l'Avingudes Principals, totes ben negades d'aigua.

places, the main avenues, all well flooded with water.

Les incidències més importants, per sort, doncs no cal lamentar cap víctima important.

The most important incidents, fortunately, as there is no need to mourn any significant casualties.

Vam tenir un ensurt important amb una noia que la va arrossegar,

We had a serious scare with a girl who was swept away.

va voler creuar per la riera del camí del mig i la va arrossegar fins baix,

he wanted to cross the stream on the middle path and dragged her down.

fins al túnel, fins al taulo, és per entendre'ns.

Until the tunnel, until the table, it’s to understand each other.

I aquest, doncs, va ser, la veritat és que va tenir sort perquè un conductor la va poder ajudar

And this, then, was, the truth is that he was lucky because a driver was able to help her.

i aquest va ser l'incident, doncs, més important que, per sort, no hem de lamentar cap tragèdia, no?

And this was the most important incident, so fortunately we do not have to mourn any tragedy, right?

Perquè, bé, doncs, la veritat és que va tenir molta sort.

Because, well, the truth is that he/she was very lucky.

Després, també es va haver de rescatar una senyora, doncs, ja d'alçada d'edat, uns 80 anys,

Later, a lady also had to be rescued, as she was already of advanced age, around 80 years old.

que estava dins del seu cotxe, també, amb el seu gos.

that was inside his car, also, with his dog.

I, bé, algun altre, també, algun altre conductor que va haver de deixar el cotxe

I, well, some other, too, some other driver who had to leave the car.

i sortir-se'n.

and to get away with it.

I, bé, moltes forces, cinc o sis cotxes tenim comptabilitzats en què es van inundar,

Well, many forces, we have recorded five or six cars that were flooded.

o sigui, va pujar l'aigua fins al nivell dels seients.

That is, the water rose to the level of the seats.

I, bé, molts baixos, molts baixos, molts comerços, forces de pendències municipals

I, well, many low-income areas, many low-income areas, many businesses, a lot of municipal liabilities.

que també, doncs, es van inundar o va entrar aigua, no?, per finestres, pels laterals,

that also, then, they were flooded or water came in, right?, through windows, from the sides,

per, bueno, per on va voler l'aigua, ja sabem la força que té.

Well, as for where the water wanted to go, we already know the force it has.

I quan cau i cau tant, amb tan poca estona, doncs, la veritat és que sí, que va fer força, força mal.

And when it falls and falls so much, in such a short time, then, the truth is that yes, it really hurt a lot.

Déu-n'hi-do, són moltes coses, alcaldessa.

Well, well, that's a lot of things, mayor.

Bé, ara m'estava apuntant a aquests sis cotxes inundats.

Well, I was just noting these six flooded cars.

Les zones, diguem-ne, més habituals que s'inunden a Pineda,

The areas, shall we say, most commonly flooded in Pineda,

tots sabem, doncs, que moltes vegades el passeig, doncs, òbviament acumula molta aigua.

We all know, then, that many times the walkway obviously accumulates a lot of water.

Sabem, també, la població que tenim, molt, molt plana, per lo bo i per lo dolent, per dir-ho així.

We also know the population we have, very, very flat, for better and for worse, so to speak.



Deixa'm, deixa'm insistir en aquest cas, perquè em sembla especial,

Let me, let me insist on this case, because it seems special to me,

l'interès, i ara parlàvem amb l'home del temps, de vegades, no temptar la sort,

the interest, and now we were talking with the weatherman, sometimes, do not tempt fate,

i en aquest cas, potser per un excés de confiança, una...

and in this case, perhaps due to an excess of confidence, a...

Confirmem això, no? Un cotxe va intentar creuar la riera de Pineda al pas

Let's confirm this, shall we? A car tried to cross the stream in Pineda at the crossing.

perquè ens entenguem, doncs, al camí del mig, no?

so that we understand each other, then, on the middle path, right?

I el cotxe va ser arrossegat fins a... fins a la boca de...

And the car was dragged to... to the mouth of...

Fins a baix.

Until down.

Fins a baix?

All the way down?

Sí, sí, sí, va arrossegar, doncs, ara no et sabria dir, són 400 o 400 metres, o 500,

Yes, yes, yes, it was dragged, well, now I wouldn't be able to tell you, is it 400 or 400 meters, or 500?

però ben bé, sí, sí.

but quite well, yes, yes.

Des de la riera, al pas de la riera, no?, que va parar a l'esquí, perquè ens entenguem,

From the stream, at the step of the stream, right? That stopped at the ski, so we understand each other,

el que era abans l'antic paradís, l'hotel paradís, doncs, des d'allà,

what was once the old paradise, the paradise hotel, thus, from there,

la va arrossegar fins a ben bé a l'entrada del mar.

she dragged her right up to the entrance of the sea.

És a dir, va tenir molta sort, va tenir molta sort perquè se la va endur,

That is to say, he was very lucky, he was very lucky because he took her away,

era una conductora que anava sola, es va refiar, jo vaig poder parlar després amb ella,

She was a driver who was alone, she felt confident, I was able to talk to her afterward.

la veritat és que estava...

the truth is that I was...

Molt, molt espantada, i ella mateixa era conscient, eh?, que, bueno, aquestes decisions

Very, very scared, and she was aware herself, you know?, that, well, these decisions.

que a vegades prenem en un segon, no?, i que ens poden portar a una tragèdia, i ella mateixa

that sometimes we take in a second, right?, and that can lead us to a tragedy, and herself

deia, és que no havia d'haver creuat, m'he confiat, i bé, doncs, aquestes coses que

I said, it's just that I shouldn't have crossed, I was too confident, and well, then, these things that

ens poden passar a tothom en algun moment, eh?, de la vida, però sí que sempre demanem

It can happen to anyone at some point in life, right? But we always ask.

que, en aquests casos, davant el dubte, doncs, aparquem el cotxe, deixem el cotxe on puguem,

that, in these cases, when in doubt, we park the car, we leave the car wherever we can,

i sobretot, no?, que són passos de riera, doncs, perquè l'aigua baixa i baixa amb tota

And above all, right?, they are stream beds, then, because the water flows down and down with everything.

la força que pot i pot fer molt mal, no?, el cotxe, evidentment, no el controles i se

The force that can and can do a lot of harm, right? The car, of course, you don't control it and it...

t'emporta, doncs, mar avall, és que no pots controlar ni el cotxe, era un cotxe molt nou,

It carries you away, then, downstream, you can't even control the car, it was a very new car.

molt gran, vull dir que, però, és que no, era impossible, era impossible controlar.

very big, I mean that, but, it was just not possible, it was impossible to control.

De fet, farem també una crida des de la ràdio.

In fact, we will also make a call from the radio.

La ràdio, justament, que no passin situacions com aquesta, no?, aquest excés de confiança

The radio, precisely, that situations like this don't happen, right? This excess of confidence.

que ens pot portar a fer un error fatal, estava pensant, encara, la sort que va tenir, doncs,

that can lead us to make a fatal mistake, I was thinking, still, about the luck he had, then,

que no fos abocada al mar, que, de fet, l'aigua és on desemboca, no?, per tant, estem parlant

that it was not poured into the sea, because, in fact, the water is where it flows into, right? So, we are talking

d'una situació que podríem estar parlant d'una altra qüestió, que, òbviament, ara,

of a situation where we could be talking about another issue, which, obviously, now,

afortunadament, no l'estem dient, però, vaja, és per pensar-hi, eh?, per tant, avui farem

Fortunately, we are not saying it, but, well, it's something to think about, right? Therefore, today we will do

especial incís en aquesta qüestió, òbviament.

special emphasis on this issue, obviously.

Sí, en aquests moments, no?, que baixa...

Yes, at this moment, right? It's going down...

I és el que diem, eh?, va baixar aigua per tots els carrers de Pineda, no?, els que

And that's what we're saying, right? The water came down all the streets of Pineda, didn't it? Those that...

habitualment baixa aigua i els que no baixa tanta aigua, també, i que va ser una quantitat

Usually, water levels decrease, and those that do not decrease as much also, and it was a quantity.

d'aigua molt important, en molt poqueta estona, ara comentàveu, no?, la, doncs, no sé si

of very important water, in a very short time, now you were commenting, right?, well, I don't know if

són 70 o 75...

they are 70 or 75...

Sí, intensitats de 300, eh?, en el moment més àlgid.

Yes, intensities of 300, huh?, at the peak moment.

Ah, o 300 en el moment puntual.

Ah, or 300 at the specific moment.

Sí, clar, doncs, és que això, no?, per molta previsió que puguis tenir, per molts

Yes, of course, well, it's just that this, right?, for all the planning you might have, for many

moments, doncs, això, una crida a que en aquestes situacions, sobretot, tothom no surti

Moments, then, this is a call for everyone not to go out in these situations, above all.

de casa, si no és realment imprescindible, i, sobretot, el dels cotxes, no?, l'ús de

At home, if it is not really essential, and above all, that of the cars, right?, the use of.

vehicles, motos, cotxes, doncs, en aquestes situacions, millor no fer-los servir, no?

vehicles, motorcycles, cars, so in these situations, it's better not to use them, right?

Bé, alcaldessa, sabem que avui, vaja, tindrem molta feina, entre altres qüestions, perquè

Well, mayor, we know that today, well, we will have a lot of work, among other issues, because

hi ha hagut, també, instal·lacions municipals que han quedat inundades, petites inundacions,

there have also been municipal facilities that have been flooded, small floods,

afortunadament, però, vaja, tot són afectacions importants.

Fortunately, however, well, all are significant impacts.

Ho hem comentat, la policia, Canxo Bet, Nino Buscator, Can Comas, de vegades...

We have talked about it, the police, Canxo Bet, Nino Buscator, Can Comas, sometimes...

I, res...

I, nothing...

Sí, sí, digui, digui.

Yes, yes, go ahead, go ahead.

No, no, estem acabant de fer repàs a totes, perquè, clar, hi ha dependències, per exemple,

No, no, we are finishing reviewing all of them, because, of course, there are dependencies, for example,

a les escoles, que en aquell moment ja estaven tancades, i ara estem acabant de comptabilitzar

in the schools, which at that moment were already closed, and now we are finishing counting

i de fer repàs a tots els espais municipals, però, sí, Nino Buscator va entrar ahir,

and to review all the municipal spaces, but yes, Nino Buscator entered yesterday,

a Can Comas, que estàvem allà a l'Ajuntament, doncs, ben bé, tres dits, tres o quatre dits

at Can Comas, we were there at the Town Hall, well, really, three fingers, three or four fingers

d'aigua, la planta baixa també va entrar, la policia, comissaria de policia també, també

Of water, the ground floor also entered, the police, police station too, also.

es va inundar, tots els baixos, i bé, doncs, això, que va caure molta aigua, molts comerços,

it flooded, all the ground floors, and well, that, a lot of water fell, many businesses,

també, agrair, no?, la col·laboració de tots els comerços, que...

also, to thank, right?, the collaboration of all the businesses, that...



Que els va enxampar hora totalment comercial, i bé, pobres, van haver de deixar tot el que

That caught them at a totally commercial hour, and well, poor things, they had to leave everything that

fèiem per posar barreres, per agafar escombres i fragones, per intentar treure el màxim d'aigua

we did to put up barriers, to grab brooms and shovels, to try to remove the maximum amount of water

possible. També volia aprofitar per fer una crida, i pel tema de l'ús de les tovalloletes,

possible. I also wanted to take the opportunity to make a call regarding the use of wet wipes,

aquestes tovalloletes higièniques que a vegades fem servir habitualment, no?, perquè són

these hygienic wipes that we sometimes use regularly, right? because they are

molt còmodes, i que...

very comfortable, and that...

Totes les utilitzem en algun moment, però, sobretot, no?, que les llancem al lloc que toca, perquè

We all use them at some point, but, above all, right?, that we throw them in the right place, because

tots els clavegrams, no?, que va sortir, i que es va, no?, que van saltar les tapes, i que

All the crossword puzzles, right?, that came out, and that it was, right?, that the covers jumped, and that

va sortir, doncs, tota l'aigua cap a fora, sortia més tovalloletes que res, no?, i llavors,

so all the water came out, more wet wipes came out than anything else, right?, and then,

doncs, això, també, els serveis d'emergència ens ho han recordat, no?, que són molt importants,

well, this, the emergency services have also reminded us, right?, that they are very important,

sobretot, fem un bon ús d'aquest, no?, d'aquest material, però que, que, sobretot, quan

Above all, let's make good use of this, right?, of this material, but, but, above all, when.

acabem, doncs, el reciclem correctament, perquè, clar, fa molt mal tapona, el clavegrami, en

So, we finish, we recycle it correctly, because, of course, it clogs the drainage system very badly.

aquests casos, no?, doncs, la veritat és que dificulta molt, doncs, la neteja, i dificulta

in these cases, right?, well, the truth is that it complicates a lot, well, the cleaning, and complicates

molt, doncs, una bona, una bona actuació en cas d'inundació.

very well, then, a good, a good action in case of flooding.

Que és una crida que hem fet en algunes ocasions, i que, malauradament, algunes,

It is a call that we have made on some occasions, and that, unfortunately, some,

fins i tot, anuncien que són, diguem-ne, degradables, però, vaja, es demostra que

even, they announce that they are, let's say, degradable, but, well, it is proven that

no, que tenen unes fibres que, que les fan, vaja, de fet, al fons del mar hi ha tovalloletes,

No, they have some fibers that they make, well, in fact, at the bottom of the sea there are wipes.

ni el mar és capaç de destruir-les, no?, vull dir que estem parlant d'un problema greu

not even the sea is capable of destroying them, right? I mean we're talking about a serious problem

que tenim, no? No, no ens enrafiem, no?, encara que fossin que són biodegradables o degradables,

What we have, right? No, let's not fool ourselves, okay? Even if they are biodegradable or degradable.

o ecològiques, no?, perquè, a vegades, no, no ens enrafiem perquè, perquè fa, fa molt

or ecological, right? Because, sometimes, no, we don't get carried away because, because it takes, it takes a long time.

mal, fa, fa molt mal, i, per tant...

it hurts, it hurts a lot, and therefore...

Són molt còmodes, i, i van molt bé, però, sobretot a l'hora de, no?, de fer, de llançar-les,

They are very comfortable, and they are great, but especially when it comes to, you know, throwing them.

doncs, que tinguem cura, i les, i les ubiquem enlloc que toca.

Well, let's take care, and we place them where they belong.

Bé, ja per últim, alcaldessa, clar, ja, ja s'ha fet, però suposo que cal tornar-ho a

Well, finally, mayor, of course, it has already been done, but I suppose it needs to be done again.

fer, no?, l'agraïment als serveis d'emergència, que van intervenir ja des d'ahir a primera

to do, right?, gratitude to the emergency services, who intervened since yesterday morning

hora de la tarda, estem parlant de protecció civil, però també policia local, els bombers,

afternoon, we are talking about civil protection, but also local police, the firefighters,

els Mossos, el SEM, hi havia tots els serveis municipals...

the Mossos, the SEM, all the municipal services were there...

Els Mossos, l'Ajuntament de Pineda, doncs, en aquell moment, doncs, activa grups de WhatsApp

The Mossos, the Pineda City Council, at that moment, therefore, activates WhatsApp groups.

i tothom s'ha de, ha de, ha d'anar a treballar, no?, suposo que això va ser així ahir més

And everyone has to, has to, has to go to work, right? I suppose that was the case yesterday more.

que mai.

that never.

Sí, efectivament.

Yes, indeed.

Ahir, doncs, això, un agraïment a totes les persones, no?, a tots els serveis d'emergència

Yesterday, then, this, a thank you to all the people, right?, to all the emergency services.

que es van activar, els que ja, els que estaven activats i els que voluntàriament es van

that were activated, those that were already activated and those that voluntarily did

unir, doncs, tant de policia local que, que van venir a treballar, no els hi, no els hi

unite, then, so much local police that, that came to work, not to them, not to them

van venir a treballar, sinó que van venir a treballar.

they came to work, but they came to work.

Són serveis municipals, també, que des del primer moment, doncs, van dedicar totes les

They are municipal services, which from the very beginning dedicated all their

forces per, per això, que no tapar un clavegueram i treure pedres, no?, perquè, sobretot, el

forces for, for this reason, not to cover a sewer and remove stones, right?, because, above all, the

barri, per exemple, Les Creus, no?, que abaixa tota la pedra, tota el, no?, dificulta molt,

neighborhood, for example, Les Creus, right?, that lowers all the stone, all the, right?, makes it very difficult,

que llavors, també, pot provocar accidents pels cotxes que, que passen, no?, i, doncs,

that then can also cause accidents for the cars that pass, right?, and so,

això, un agraïment a tots els serveis municipals, que, doncs, han estat activats per totes les forces,

this, a thank you to all the municipal services, which have been activated by all the forces,

I, doncs, això, un agraïment a tots els serveis que van intervenir

And so, this is a thank you to all the services that were involved.

i que encara estan treballant a hores d'ara

and are still working at this hour.

per tornar a la normalitat l'abans possible.

to return to normality as soon as possible.

Molt bé, doncs, alcaldessa de Pineda, Sílvia Biosca, gràcies i molt bon dia.

Very well, then, mayor of Pineda, Sílvia Biosca, thank you and have a great day.

Gràcies, bon dia.

Thank you, good morning.

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