Ràdio Rosselló

Darrers podcast - Ràdio Rosselló


Darrers podcast - Ràdio Rosselló


Thank you.

Parlem d'actualitat, fem safareig i molta conya.

Let's talk about current events, gossip, and a lot of jokes.

Tenim seccions per tots els gustos.

We have sections for all tastes.

Tenim de tot, vaja, de tot.

We have everything, really, everything.

I sí, sempre amb la mirada posada a les Terres de Lleida

And yes, always with the gaze set on the Lands of Lleida.

i la seva gent.

and its people.

Donem veu a projectes i a persones

We give voice to projects and to people.

des de la Plada fins al Pirineu

from the Plain to the Pyrenees

passant per totes les comarques.

passing through all the regions.

I també tenim xarxes socials.

And we also have social networks.

Instagram i Twitter, MyX, ho sentim.

Instagram and Twitter, MyX, we are sorry.

Arroba aquí a l'oest, seguiu-nos.

Avenue here to the west, follow us.

En definitiva, aquí a l'oest,

In short, here in the west,

el magasí territorial i en xarxa

the territorial and network warehouse

de les Terres de Lleida.

from the Lands of Lleida.

I amb la col·laboració de la xarxa de comunicació local.

And with the collaboration of the local communication network.

Totes les tardes, a la teva emissora.

Every afternoon, on your station.

A la teva emissora.

To your station.

El nom del seu negoci és Núvols de Fil.

The name of her business is Thread Clouds.

Botiga online a través d'una aplicació.

Online store through an application.

Segons el que comentes a l'aplicació Etsy

According to what you mention in the Etsy application.

on estan exposats tots els articles

where all the articles are displayed

de Núvols de Fils que comercialitzes,

of Threads Clouds that you market,

hi ha un petit escrit on ens expliques

there is a small writing where you explain to us

que des de fa molts, molts, molts anys

that for many, many, many years

els fils, les agulles, les teles,

the threads, the needles, the fabrics,

el ferganxet i la mitja formen part

the ferganxet and the half are part

de la teva vida.

of your life.

Va ser el 2023 on vas decidir demanar

It was in 2023 when you decided to ask.

una excedència per compaginar la teva professió

a leave of absence to balance your profession

d'artesana de fils i agulles fets a mà

of handmade thread and needles artisan

amb l'activitat de ser mare.

with the activity of being a mother.

Anteriorment amb aquesta data,

Previously with this date,

combinaves la teva feina d'educadora infantil

you combined your work as a preschool educator

amb l'activitat de creadora de somnis

with the activity of dream maker

que es materialitzaven amb un ventall molt ampli

that materialized with a very wide range

de productes diversos.

of various products.

El 2017 ja s'hi troben a Instagram.

In 2017, they are already on Instagram.

Els nous productes a oferir per la seva venda ja estaven.

The new products to be offered for sale were already there.

I mira, per on ja estem el 2024?

And look, here we are in 2024 already?

Ja han passat uns quants anys.

A few years have passed now.

Benvinguda Montse, espero que disfrutis molt

Welcome Montse, I hope you enjoy it a lot.

amb la nostra conversa i si et sembla,

with our conversation and if you agree,

ja podem començar.

We can start now.

Em pots explicar com comença el teu dia a dia?

Can you explain to me how your day-to-day starts?

Bon dia, primer que res.

Good morning, first of all.

Bon dia.

Good morning.

Doncs mira, jo...

Well, look, I...

Sóc molt matinera,

I am very much an early riser,

allà a les sis ja m'aixeco

There at six I already get up.

i el primer que faig és el cafè

And the first thing I do is the coffee.

i llavors gestiono tot el tema xarxes,

and then I manage everything related to networking,

per contestar missatges, si hi ha comandes,

to respond to messages, if there are orders,

si s'ha de... si toca penjar alguna cosa, el que sigui.

if it needs to be... if it’s time to hang something, whatever it is.

I a partir d'aquí llavors ja començo a fer

And from here I start to do.

la feina que tinc pendent.

the work I have pending.

Com que tinc un nen petit,

Since I have a small child,

aprofito fins a l'hora que s'aixequi

I take advantage of it until the time she gets up.

per fer tot el que no fa soroll,

to do everything that does not make noise,

és a dir, tot el que és de ganxet, de mitja,

that is to say, everything that is from ganxet, from half,

de la màquina de cosir, doncs no la puc engegar.

from the sewing machine, so I can't turn it on.

I després de portar-lo al col·le i fer tot el que hem de fer,

And after taking him to school and doing everything we have to do,

doncs llavors ja continuo amb tot el que hi ha de més.

Then I will continue with everything else.

I el dia es basa una mica entre fer comandes,

And the day is partly based on placing orders,

fer tallers i el nen i la casa.

to hold workshops and the kid and the house.

Així doncs segueixes una rutina

So you follow a routine.

que de vegades es veu alterada

which is sometimes seen as altered

per la teva activitat de setmana.

for your activity of the week.

Sí, doncs bé, em vaig adaptant una mica

Yes, well, I'm adjusting a little bit.

al que toca aquell dia.

to which it touches that day.

Quines activitats fas en el teu temps d'oci?

What activities do you do in your free time?

M'agrada molt llegir,

I really enjoy reading,

encara que sembli mentida,

although it seems incredible,

continuo fent ganxet i mitja,

I keep crocheting and knitting.

però llavors ja són coses per mi.

but then they are already things for me.

M'agradaria fer un xal o una jaqueta o el que sigui.

I would like to make a shawl or a jacket or whatever.

Com que és un negoci que està basat en un hobby,

Since it is a business that is based on a hobby,

realment jo no he deixat de fer això al meu temps lliure tampoc.

I really haven't stopped doing this in my free time either.

M'agrada veure pel·lis, sèries,

I like watching movies, series,

no sé, quedar amb algú, una mica de tot.

I don't know, hanging out with someone, a bit of everything.

Així doncs feina i hobbies estan units en una mateixa direcció.

Thus, work and hobbies are connected in the same direction.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Hobby, feina, feina, hobby.

Hobby, job, job, hobby.

Sí, és una mica perillós perquè llavors no pares mai,

Yes, it's a bit dangerous because then you never stop.

però com que t'agrada, doncs ho disfrutes.

but since you like it, then enjoy it.

De petita com eres, Montse?

What were you like as a child, Montse?

Sempre he sigut molt activa, sobretot de ment.

I have always been very active, especially mentally.

No he pogut fer mai una sola cosa alhora.

I have never been able to do one thing at a time.

I sempre m'ha agradat llegir, sempre m'ha agradat fer coses...

I've always liked reading, I've always liked doing things...

M'han agradat molt els jocs de taula, coses tranquil·les,

I have really enjoyed board games, quiet things.

però també no parava mai quieta.

but she also never stayed still.

Els jocs de taula, quins t'agradaven?

Board games, which ones did you like?

M'agradaven, doncs, el típic, el parxís, el domino, les cartes...

I liked, therefore, the typical ones, parches, dominoes, cards...

Jo ja tinc una edat, eh?

I'm already of a certain age, you know?

No hi havia tot el que hi ha ara.

There wasn't everything that there is now.

Una mica de tot.

A little bit of everything.

El típic de tothom, diguéssim.

The typical one for everyone, let's say.

I amb qui solies jugar?

And who did you usually play with?

Jugava amb els meus padrins, jugava amb la meva germana també.

I played with my grandparents, I played with my sister too.

Ens portem sis anys, ella és més petita,

We are six years apart, she is younger.

i clar, hi havia coses que no podíem,

and of course, there were things we couldn't do,

però sobretot amb els meus padrins ja he jugat molt.

but above all I have already played a lot with my grandparents.

Així que has tingut uns bons mestres.

So you've had some good teachers.

Sí. Sí, sí. Una sort.

Yes. Yes, yes. A luck.

I de lectura, què me'n dius?

And what about reading? What do you say?

Eres de llegir Aventures de los Cinco,

Are you a reader of The Famous Five adventures?

o Velas Mellizas Románticas?

or Romantic Twin Candles?

Una mica de tot.

A little bit of everything.

Potser vaig començar...

Maybe I started...

Hi havia uns que es deien Enid...

There were some who were called Enid...

Enid y los... algo, ja no me'n recordo,

Enid and the... something, I don't remember anymore.

que eren així, tipus, col·leccions,

that were like this, types, collections,

que m'agradaven molt,

that I liked a lot,

i després ja vaig començar una mica amb la novel·la,

and then I started a bit with the novel,

que és el que més m'agrada,

what I like the most,

a la joventut més romàntica,

to the most romantic youth,

i després ja vaig passar més a la novel·la històrica.

and then I moved more into historical novels.

Què ens hi deixaves per menjar les nostres novetats?

What were you leaving us to eat our news?

Els Reis, la nit abans.

The Kings, the night before.

Els hi deixàvem...

We let them...

No teníem alguna cosa típica,

We didn't have anything typical.

llet o aigua, i galetes o polvorons,

milk or water, and cookies or polvorones,

el que tinguéssim.

what we had.

El que sí que no fallava mai

What never failed was

era deixar-los la sabata al balcó.

it was to leave them the shoe on the balcony.



I què me'n dius de la rateta

And what do you think of the little mouse?

que venia quan et queia una dent de llet?

What came when you lost a baby tooth?

I què me'n dius de la rateta que venia quan et queia una dent de llet?

And what do you think about the little mouse that came when you lost a baby tooth?

També, el que fèiem tots, sota el coixí,

Also, what we all did, under the pillow,

perquè llavors n'hi havia... Ara som molt moderns,

because back then there were... Now we are very modern,

i hi ha la porteta del ratolí, l'escaleta,

and there is the mouse's little door, the staircase,

i totes aquestes coses,

and all these things,

però llavors la majoria ficàvem l'adena

but then the majority put in the adenine

sota el coixí i a veure què apareixia pel matí.

under the pillow and see what appeared in the morning.

I què et solia deixar?

And what did it usually leave you?

No recordo gaire, la veritat,

I don't remember much, to be honest,

però suposo que diners.

but I suppose money.

100 pesetes en aquella època, no?

100 pesetas at that time, right?

Que era tot un tresor.

That was quite a treasure.



I després tenies un problema per saber en què volies gastar?

And then you had a problem knowing how you wanted to spend?

Vos dir? No.

I will tell you? No.

Amb gastar sempre sabem. Amb què?

With spending, we always know. With what?

Amb gastar sempre sabem.

With spending, we always know.

A què t'agradaria jugar quan ets petita,

What would you like to play when you were little?

ets més de corda, de saltar la corda,

you are more of a rope, of jumping rope,

o de...

or of...


to play...

No, el que et deia, una mica de tot.

No, what I was telling you, a bit of everything.

M'agradaven molt els jocs tranquils,

I really liked quiet games,

tipus jocs de taula i així,

types of board games and so on,

però també no paràvem, sempre estàvem al carrer jugant.

but we also never stopped, we were always outside playing.

Jugàvem a la gometa, a la corda,

We played with the rubber band, with the rope,

a amagar, bueno,

to hide, well,

lo típic que jugàvem sempre tots abans.

The typical games we always used to play before.

I ara ets afortunada de poder jugar al carrer.

And now you are lucky to be able to play in the street.

Sí, perquè vivíem en una zona

Yes, because we lived in an area

al final del poble, era un carrer que

at the end of the village, there was a street that

quasi no passaven cotxes, només els veïns,

almost no cars passed, only the neighbors,

vull dir que, clar, podíem estar tot el dia per allí

I mean that, of course, we could be there all day.

al carrer, fins a l'hora de menjar,

in the street, until lunchtime,

que llavors te cridaven, i cap a casa.

then they called you, and homeward.

Ai, sí, doncs, tot el dia al carrer.

Oh, yes, well, all day in the street.

Sí, bastant, sí, sí.

Yes, quite, yes, yes.

Fa caliu.

It's warm.

I sobretot, dona...

And above all, woman...

és la porta oberta

it is the open door

a investigar i a dir tot allò que vols

to investigate and to say all that you want

quan ets petita i que no et veu ningú.

when you are little and no one sees you.

Sí, sí. Sí, sí.

Yes, yes. Yes, yes.

Ens agradava molt també buscar

We also really enjoyed looking for

a les cases d'aquestes o

to the houses of these or

magatzems que estaven abandonats

abandoned warehouses

i en altres per allí dins, claro, llavors arribaves

and in others in there, of course, then you arrived

amb els ginots pelats i aquestes coses.

with the peeled ginots and those things.

Però bueno, pues lo que tocàve.

But well, that's what was meant to happen.

Clar, us ho passàveu bé.

Of course, you were having fun.

Què ens pots explicar

What can you tell us?

de la teva adolescència?

from your adolescence?

Bueno, bastant normal

Well, quite normal.

dintre del què?

inside what?

Quedar amb els amics,

Meeting with friends,

sortir una mica

go out a bit

i anar al cine,

and go to the cinema,

que llavors anàvem molt al cine, també.

that we used to go to the movies a lot, too.

On anàveu?

Where were you going?

Al del Poble.

To the People.

En quin poble?

In which village?

Jo soc de l'Iñola.

I am from Iñola.



una gran cosa més, tampoc,

a great thing more, neither,

perquè en aquella època

because at that time

ni Playstation ni aquestes coses,

neither Playstation nor these things,

no hi havia res.

there was nothing.

Recordo que abans els cines dels pobles

I remember that before, the cinemas in the villages

era com sessió contínua.

it was like a continuous session.

Podies pagar l'entrada

Could you pay the entrance fee?

i podies veure tres cops de pel·lícula.

You could see three movie screenings.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

O les sutxes o les palometes

Either the socks or the butterflies.

i vinga, fins que et deixessin,

and come on, until they let you go,

fins a l'hora que havies de tornar.

until the time you had to return.

Quina va ser

What was it?

la teva primera discoteca?

your first nightclub?

El Musicland, a Mallorussa,

The Musicland, in Mallorca,

que ho teníem al costat.

that we had next to us.

El Musicland, sí, sí, els domenyes.

The Musicland, yes, yes, the Sundays.

I com hi anàveu?

And how did you get there?

Ens portaven els pares, perquè teníem

Our parents took us because we had

16 o 17 anys,

16 or 17 years old,

i ens portaven i ens venien a buscar.

They took us and came to pick us up.

I a tal hora, havies de ser a la porta,

And at that time, you had to be at the door,

passés lo que passés.

whatever happens.

Et tocava treballar els estius?

Did you have to work during the summers?



Sí, sí, a partir del 16

Yes, yes, starting from the 16th.

vaig començar a treballar

I started working.

els estius. Primer la fruita

the summers. First the fruit

i després ja vas trobant

and then you start finding

altres cosetes, però sí, sí.

other little things, but yes, yes.

La veritat és que en aquella

The truth is that in that

època tots nosaltres

era all of us

treballàvem a la fruita, cuidant

we worked in the fruit, taking care

nens o fent repassos,

kids or reviewing,

perquè eren uns dinerets que anaven molt bé.

because they were some little money that went very well.

Ens quedàvem

We stayed.

per nosaltres. A què et volies

for us. What did you want?

dedicar quan fossis gran?

What would you dedicate yourself to when you grew up?

Jo volia ser

I wanted to be

mestra d'educació especial.

special education teacher.

Llavors quan vaig acabar a COU,

Then when I finished high school,

que nosaltres fèiem COU llavors,

when we were doing COU then,

vaig fer la selectivitat i em vaig quedar

I took the entrance exam and I passed.

unes dècimes.

a few tenths.

Llavors vaig dir,

Then I said,

faig el cicle d'educació infantil

I am doing the early childhood education course.

i a través d'ell després

and through him afterwards

aprovaré d'entrar una altra vegada.

I will approve to enter again.

I així va ser, vaig fer el cicle.

And so it was, I completed the program.

L'únic que

The only thing that

durant el cicle vaig tindre

during the cycle I had

sempre em va canviar el xip

he always changed my mindset

i en comptes d'educació especial

and instead of special education

me'n vaig passar a llengua anglesa

I switched to English.

i llavors vaig fer magisteri d'anglès.

And then I studied to become a teacher of English.

Així que pots anar

So you can go.

per qualsevol lloc del món.

to anywhere in the world.

Bueno, he perdut una mica la pràctica

Well, I have lost a bit of practice.

perquè clar, després m'he dedicat a l'educació infantil,

because of course, then I dedicated myself to early childhood education,

però sí, me defenso,

but yes, I defend myself,

no em queixo. Almenys pots dir

I'm not complaining. At least you can say.

on puc dinar,

Where can I have lunch?

on puc anar a dormir, no? Sí, això sí.

Where can I go to sleep, right? Yes, that's true.

El més bàsic, no? Sí, sí.

The most basic, right? Yes, yes.

Quins eren els teus somnis bons?

What were your good dreams?

Somnis bastant

Pretty dreams

normalets, la veritat.

fairly normal, to be honest.

Trobar una feina que m'agradés,

Finding a job that I liked,

viure mitjanament bé,

to live moderately well,

una família. No he tingut mai

a family. I have never had one.

allò, anar a la Lluna, aquestes coses

that, going to the Moon, those things

així i tant, no. Molt bé.

Yes, indeed, no. Very good.

Ara, Montse,

Now, Montse,

et posarem una cançó que sabem

we will play you a song that we know

que t'agrada i t'emociona.

what you like and excites you.

Comença un dia nou

A new day begins

sobre les taulades,

on the rooftops,

veient com balla la foscor amb la matinada.

watching how the darkness dances with the dawn.

La teva pell brillant

Your glowing skin

com una estrella rana,

like a frog star,

jo vull quedar-me a viure entre les teves mans.

I want to stay living in your hands.

Un crit a l'univers i se trenca

A scream to the universe and it breaks.

la veu. El nostre amor

the voice. Our love

té tant valor que no té preu.

It is so valuable that it has no price.

Brindem per les persones que han deixat

We toast to the people who have left.

petjada pel dia que ens va

footprint for the day that takes us

portar al món la nostra mare.

to bring our mother into the world.

I és igual que costi

And it doesn't matter how much it costs.

tant, no hi ha res gratis,

so, there is nothing free,

però estem aquí.

but we are here.

Tu al meu costat, enamorat,

You by my side, in love,

d'aquesta vida

of this life

que estem vivint.

that we are living.

I és igual, estem de guais,

And it doesn't matter, we're awesome,

que sembla un somni,

that seems like a dream,

però està passant.

but it is happening.

L'angoixa marxa i mira de lluny.

Anxiety departs and watches from afar.



recordes els motius

do you remember the reasons

que et van portar a realitzar aquesta

What led you to carry out this?

professió artesanal

craft profession

de fils i agulles?

of threads and needles?

Bueno, va ser una mica

Well, it was a bit.

la vida m'hi ha portat.

Life has brought me there.

És una cosa que sempre ha format

It's something that has always been part.

el meu dia a dia.

my day to day.

Jo feia, quan havia

I used to do, when I had

de fer un regal, feia

to give a gift, I did

algo de ganxet o de mitja

something knitted or crocheted

o de costura,

or of sewing,

perquè m'agradava, és com a

because I liked it, it's like a

regalar algo més personal,

give something more personal,

més... saps que aquella

more... you know that one

persona hi ha dedicat un temps,

person has dedicated some time,

no és com anar a una botiga i comprovar

it's not like going to a store and checking

algo i punto, saps?

Something and that's it, you know?

I ho feia per regalar.

I did it as a gift.

Llavors, a mesura que vaig anar

Then, as I went

fent, llavors me n'havien demanat

doing, then they had asked me for it

què vull fer, no sé què,

what I want to do, I don't know what,

què m'ho podries fer, vinga va, ho fem.

What could you do for me, come on, let's do it.

També et diré que no dic mai que no,

I will also tell you that I never say no,

saps? Vull dir, normalment,

You know? I mean, normally,

què em podries fer un nino de no sé què,

what could you make me a doll out of, I don’t know what,

no sé quant... provem-ho, saps?

I don't know how much... let's try it, you know?

El no ja el tenim.

We already have the no.

I a poc a poc va anar així.

And little by little it went this way.

I llavors va arribar la pandèmia,

And then the pandemic arrived,

la famosa pandèmia,

the famous pandemic,

i em van començar a demanar més coses

and they started asking me for more things

i jo també tenia més temps per dedicar-hi

And I also wished I had more time to dedicate to it.

i va ser quan va començar a créixer

and it was when it started to grow

una mica la cosa.

a little bit the thing.

Recordes algun moment significatiu,

Do you remember any significant moment,

emotiu o important que tu creguis

emotional or important that you believe

que va ser decisiu?

What was decisive?

Sí, la pandèmia, realment.

Yes, the pandemic, really.

Realment sí, però és el que et dic,

Really yes, but it's what I'm telling you,

teníem molt més temps

we had much more time

i podíem dedicar més estones,

and we could dedicate more time,

com que estava

as it was

més activa també a xarxes

more active also on social media

i així també et coneix més gent,

and this way more people get to know you,

doncs una mica tot això.

so just a bit of all this.

Així doncs, un moment difícil i vas

So, a difficult moment and you go.

extraure una experiència

extract an experience

d'impuls cap a la teva

of impulse towards yours

carrera artesanal.

craft career.

Quins passos vas seguir

What steps did you follow?

per arribar aquí on estàs?

to get here where are you?

On et vas formar?

Where did you get your training?

Formar és quasi tot autodidacte,

Training is almost entirely self-taught,

la veritat.

the truth.

Jo, YouTube, Pinterest,

Me, YouTube, Pinterest,

internet en general,

internet in general,

i sí que he fet algun curs puntual,

and yes, I have taken some specific courses,

però quasi tot és autodidacte.

but almost everything is self-taught.

Vas tenir que fer moltes pràctiques

You had to do a lot of practice.

abans de posar el teu primer producte

before putting your first product

a la venda?

for sale?

No, no, perquè és el que et dic,

No, no, because it's what I'm telling you,

com que el teu primer producte

as your first product

va anar sorgint de forma natural,

it arose naturally,

no és que diguis

it's not that you say

mira, faré un mic

look, I'll make a mic

i el provo fins que em surt,

and I provoke him until I get it out,



Jo en vaig fer un per regalar,

I made one to give as a gift.

després n'hi vaig fer un altre,

after that I made another one for him/her,

després me'n van començar a demanar,

then they started asking me for it,

vull dir que sí que és veritat

I mean that yes, it is true.

que després amb el temps

that later with time

el patró ha anat evolucionant

the pattern has evolved

i com que jo també he après més,

and since I have learned more too,

també fas les coses de forma diferent,

you also do things differently,

però ha anat així.

but it has gone like this.

Les passes a seguir

The steps to follow

són primeres de fer un patró?

Are they first to make a pattern?

Quan comentes

When you comment

què és el primer patró,

what is the first pattern,

exactament què és perquè els nostres

exactly what it is for our

oients ho sàpiguen?

Do listeners know it?

Fer un patró és

To make a pattern is


to write

com aniràs fent aquest nino,

how are you going to make this doll,

faré tants punts, aquí faré un augment,

I will score so many points, here I will make an increase,

aquí faré una reducció, aquí faré

here I will make a reduction, here I will make

canviaré de color, aquí no sé què...

I will change color, here I don't know what...

Clar, tu quan no en saps gaire al principi

Sure, when you don't know much at the beginning.

normalment busques patrons

you usually look for patterns

d'altra gent que en sap. Quan hi ha

other people who know about it. When there is

comences a dominar una mica i tu saps

you are starting to master a bit and you know it.

com has de fer per fer una forma

How do you make a shape?

per fer una altra, jo normalment

to make another one, I usually

vaig fent i vaig anotant el patró.

I keep going and I note down the pattern.

Si hi ha alguna cosa que no m'agrada, tiro enrere

If there is something I don't like, I back off.

i modifico, però vaig fent

I modify, but I keep going.

el patró a mesura que vaig

the pattern as I go

cosint o que vaig fent enganxar.

sewing or what I'm doing is sticking.

Així un patró seria com una fulla en blanc

Thus a pattern would be like a blank sheet.

on tu fas un dibuix a mà

where you make a drawing by hand

per exemple, i vas

for example, and you go

anotant a cada part del cos

noting on each part of the body

els colors que hi ha. Començo per aquí, començo per allà

the colors that are there. I start here, I start there

amb aquest color, amb tants punts, amb aquesta agulla

with this color, with so many dots, with this needle

no sé què, així. I a partir d'aquí

I don't know what, like this. And from here on.


go ahead.

Abans de començar a exercir aquesta professió

Before starting to practice this profession

vas realitzar algun altre tipus

did you carry out any other type?


of activity

a banda de ser educadora infantil?

besides being a preschool teacher?

Bueno, lo que dèiem els estius

Well, what we were saying about the summers.

primer la fruita

first the fruit

després vaig estar

after I was

treballant a Caldes de Boí, al balneari

working in Caldes de Boí, at the spa



com que la zona m'agradava i a part nosaltres

since I liked the area and besides us

ja estivojàvem per allí i així, doncs ja

we have already been around there and so, well then

em vaig quedar per allí els estius.

I stayed there during the summers.

Vaig estar a l'oficina dels taxis

I was at the taxi office.

d'aigües tortes

of twisted waters

donant informació i així

providing information and so on

i després ja me'n vaig anar

And then I went away.

cap al resort, cap a Boguitavull.

towards the resort, towards Boguitavull.

Quant temps t'hi vas quedar per allí dalt?

How long did you stay up there?



vaig començar els estius i finalment

I started the summers and finally

hi va haver un hivern que em vaig quedar i

there was a winter when I stayed and

vaig passar uns 4 anys i mig o 5.

I spent about 4 and a half or 5 years.



dels 4 o 5 anys

from 4 to 5 years old

què vas fer?

What did you do?

Ja estava una mica cansada

I was already a little tired.

d'estar per allí

to be around there

la veritat

the truth

i vaig tornar cap aquí baix

I returned down here.

i casualment van sortir oposicions

and casually, job openings were announced

a la llar d'infants del Picat

at the Picat nursery

em vaig presentar, vaig aprovar

I introduced myself, I passed.

i des de llavors que hi havia

and since then there was

estat, des del 2009.

state, since 2009.

Què et va portar a escollir l'activitat

What led you to choose the activity?

primer d'estudi d'educadora infantil

first year of early childhood education

per dedicar-te després a treballar

to dedicate yourself later to working

a l'escola Bressol?

to the nursery school?

Va ser una mica el tema

It was a bit the theme.

de no arribar a la nota per fer

not reaching the note to do

Magisteri d'Educació Especial

Special Education Teaching

doncs el que diem casualitats

so what we call coincidences

de la vida que al final

of life that in the end

realment m'hi he dedicat amb això

I have really dedicated myself to this.

i ho he disfrutat i ho disfruto moltíssim.

I have enjoyed it and I enjoy it a lot.

Quan els hi vares comunicar

When did you communicate it to them?

als de casa teva que et volies dedicar

to your family that you wanted to dedicate yourself to

a l'artesania de productes de fils i agulles

to the craftsmanship of products made with threads and needles

què et van dir?

What did they tell you?

Bueno, és que com que no va ser

Well, it's just that since it wasn't

una decisió així avui

such a decision today

començó això que va anar sorgint

this began to emerge

a poc a poc, és com que tothom

slowly, it's like everyone

ja ho tenia assumit que anava

I had already accepted that it was going to happen.

compaginant les dues coses

juggling both things

sí que al moment que dius

yes, at the moment you say

doncs mira, decideixo agafar una excedència

Well, look, I've decided to take a leave of absence.

perquè no puc amb tot

because I can't handle everything

clar, el primer que et pregunten

sure, the first thing they ask you

estàs segura? Sí, sí, jo ja he fet

Are you sure? Yes, yes, I have already done it.

els meus números, jo ja he vist el que més o menys

my numbers, I've already seen what more or less

i ho vull provar, doncs endavant.

And I want to try it, so go ahead.

I va, hi va haver algun membre

And yes, there was a member.

de la teva família que

of your family that

es dediqués

he/she devoted

amb aquesta temàtica o bé que fos

with this theme or that it was

una inspiració per a tu?

an inspiration for you?



no et sabria dir, no.

I couldn't tell you, no.

Ma mare

My mother

feia, doncs quan jo era petita

so when I was little

ella cosia màquina, feia jercers

She sewed machine, she made jerseys.

i així, i ma padrina

and so, and my grandmother

em va ensenyar a fer ganxet

she taught me to crochet

quan jo era petita, que fèiem les puntilles

When I was little, we used to make the lace.

aquelles dels llençols i tot això

those of the sheets and all that

però a part d'això

but apart from that

clar, sí, des de llavors sempre

of course, yes, since then always

ha sigut present el ganxet

The ganxet has been present.

a la meua vida, però no hi ha

to my life, but there isn't

ningú que es dediqui a aquests àmbits

nobody who is dedicated to these fields

Així es podria dir que

So it could be said that

la principal font d'inspiració seria

the main source of inspiration would be

la teva padrina

your grandmother

que durant alguns estius

that during some summers

et va fer dedicar

it made you dedicate

a fer puntilles pels llençols

to tiptoe on the sheets

Sí, des de llavors

Yes, since then.

que les vaig avorrir, també t'ho diré

that I bored them, I'll tell you as well

però sí que és veritat que aquella base

but it is true that that basis

ja em va servir per després

it already served me for later

tot lo demés

everything else

a l'aprendre a fer els punts bàsics

to learn to do the basic points

després quan vaig ser més gran

later when I was older

i em vaig volguer fer un gorro

and I wanted to make myself a hat

ja sabia més o menys el què

I already knew more or less what it was.

llavors investigant lo que et deia internet

then researching what the internet was telling you

aquí va començar tot una mica

here is where it all began a little

Amb la teva padrina

With your grandmother.

el fer i desfer

the doing and undoing

com ho portaves?

How were you handling it?

Perquè clar, molta paciència

Because of course, a lot of patience.

Sí, però bueno, sóc una persona

Yes, but well, I am a person.

molt pacient

very patient

i també és veritat que m'adapto molt

And it is also true that I adapt very well.

a les circumstàncies

to the circumstances

s'ha de desfer, s'ha de desfer, evidentment

It has to be undone, it has to be undone, obviously.

hi hauria ratos que em faria ràbia, segur

There would be moments that would make me angry, for sure.

però tampoc no ho recordo com a algo

but I don't remember it as something either

negatiu, la veritat

negative, the truth

Així va ser una bona base

Thus it was a good foundation.

que la vas disfrutar

that you enjoyed it

i la vas viure en pau

and you lived it in peace

Sí, i és com que tu ja portes això

Yes, and it's like you already have this.

amb tu

with you

relacions, el ganxet

relations, the hook

i aquestes coses amb algo

and these things with something

emocional i bo

emotional and good

Quin va ser el motiu

What was the reason?

d'escollir el canal online

of choosing the online channel

per muntar la teva botiga

to set up your shop

al revés d'aquest canal

the opposite of this channel

Clar, tu quan comences

Of course, when do you start?

no tens els diners per invertir en un local

you don't have the money to invest in a premises

tampoc no saps si realment funcionarà

you also don't know if it will really work

si no funcionarà

if it won't work

internet i les xarxes socials

internet and social networks

és una bona manera de no haver d'invertir

it's a good way not to have to invest

i proves

and tests

a veure que tal

let's see how it goes

i de moment bé

And for now, I'm fine.

També he vist que algun any has muntat

I have also seen that some years you have set up.

la teva paradeta al mercat medieval d'Almenar

your stall at the medieval market of Almenar

Què me'n dius?

What do you say about it?

El vam muntar un any amb una noia d'aquí al poble

We set it up one year with a girl from here in the village.

que fa espelmes

that makes candles

i va sortir així una mica

and it came out like that a bit

de casualitat

by chance

provem, provem

let's try, let's try

com que anàvem les dos

as we were going together

si hagués anat sola segurament no hagués anat

If I had gone alone, I probably wouldn't have gone.

però com que anàvem les dos van dir

but since we were both going they said

a veure que tal

let's see how it goes

van provar i ja està

they tried and that's it

Una experiència més

One more experience

He vist a les teves fotos d'Instagram

I have seen your photos on Instagram.

que hi ha

What's going on?

un actor molt conegut

a very well-known actor

una persona coneguda

a known person

de les Terres de Lleida

from the Lands of Lleida

que és el senyor Postu

What is Mr. Postu?

i també he vist un ninot

I have also seen a doll.

El Postonino

The Postonino

El Postonino, què m'expliques?

The Postonino, what are you telling me?

El Postonino

The Postonino

va sorgir de casualitat

it came up by chance

com gairebé tot el que ha fet

like almost everything he/she has done



normalment els caps de setmana

usually on weekends

i així

and so

deixa que la gent li faci preguntes per Instagram

let people ask him questions on Instagram

i algú li va dir

and someone told him/her

podries fer un nino

could you make a doll

del Posto, no sé què

from the Post, I don't know what

total, que jo

So, that I

també et diré que no ho havia fet mai

I will also tell you that I had never done it before.

de parlar amb algú així una mica conegut

to talk to someone like that who is a bit familiar

d'enviar-li algo

to send him something

i li vaig dir, això si vols te'l faig

And I told him, if you want, I'll make it for you.

total, que em va contestar, vam estar parlant

So, she answered me, we were talking.

seria una bona idea, ho podríem fer

It would be a good idea, we could do it.

ell em va dir

he told me

estic buscant algo

I'm looking for something.



l'UCI neonatal

the neonatal ICU

de pediatria

of pediatrics

de l'Arnau

of Arnau

i podríem provar

and we could try

doncs vinga va, total, vaig fer el prototip

so come on, anyway, I made the prototype

canviem això, canviem allò

let's change this, let's change that

li va agradar, perfecte

he liked it, perfect

provem-ho i en portem

let's try it and we'll take it with us

més de 300

more than 300

Moltes felicitats

Many congratulations

Tinc una pregunta

I have a question.

que no sé si te l'hauríem de fer

that I don't know if we should do it for you

a tu o al senyor

to you or to the gentleman

Carles Porta de Crims

Carles Porta of Crimes

el senyor Posto sempre

Mr. Posto always

porta un antifàs vermell

he wears a red mask

unes ulleres

a pair of glasses

i un barret de palla

and a straw hat

qui és el nostre superheroi?

Who is our superhero?

Home, això no es pot revelar

Man, this cannot be revealed.

els meus llavis estan sellats

my lips are sealed

Bé doncs

Well then

no volem que hi hagi cap assassinat més

we do not want there to be any more murders


It will remain.

el secret

the secret



per una altra banda

on the other hand

et va resultar difícil

did it turn out difficult for you

fer la gestió

to carry out the management

del procés del canvi?

of the change process?

No, no perquè

No, not because.

és el que et dic

it's what I'm telling you

ha sigut algo molt meditat

it has been something very thought out

jo estava fent reducció de jornada

I was working part-time.



clar, jo portava un any

Sure, I had been carrying for a year.

o un any i pico

or a year and a bit

que no tenia vida

that had no life

jo de 8 a 1

I from 8 to 1.

treballava a la bressol

I worked at the nursery.

a casa, menjava ràpid

At home, I ate quickly.

i em passava la tarda fent coses

and I spent the afternoon doing things.

que m'havien demanat

that they had asked me

que havia d'entregar, tot

that I had to deliver, everything

clar, va arribar un punt que deia

of course, there came a point where he/she said

és que no puc viure més així

I just can't live like this anymore.

portava un nivell d'estrès bastant seriós

she was experiencing quite a serious level of stress

i vaig estar fent números i tot

I was doing calculations and everything.

i vaig dir

I said

quan s'acabi el curs

when the term ends

demano una excedència, provarem un any

I am requesting a leave of absence, we will try for a year.

i a veure que tal

and we'll see how it goes

i el que et deia de moment bé

And what I was saying is that for now, it's good.

Alguna anècdota a explicar?

Any anecdotes to share?



quan treballes

when do you work

de cara al públic, encara que sigui

in front of the public, even if it is

a través de xarxes, sempre hi ha

through networks, there is always

bones i dolentes

good and bad

he tingut experiències molt bones

I have had very good experiences.

de gent molt maca

of very nice people

però també és el que diem, sempre hi ha el típic

but it's also what we say, there's always the typical one

que penges algo

that you post something

i ni bon dia ni res

neither good morning nor anything

preu, que dius no sé

price, what you say I don't know

una mica de, darrere de qui hi ha una persona

a little bit of, behind whom there is a person

una mica de hola que tal

a bit of hello how are you

bon dia, que em podries dir el preu

Good morning, could you tell me the price?

no sé, estes coses

I don't know, these things.

però allò de dir desagradable

but that of saying unpleasant

no, tampoc

no, neither

Aquest camp és molt ampli

This field is very wide.

està en constant evolució

is in constant evolution

amb noves teles, nous fills

with new fabrics, new children

com et continues formant actualment?

How are you continuing your education currently?

Bueno, com que és

Well, what is it?

he d'estar molt activa

she must be very active

amb xarxes

with networks

per anar creixent i així

to keep growing and thus

també et van sortint moltes coses

you are also coming up with a lot of things

i vas coneixent noves tècniques

and you are getting to know new techniques

noves idees

new ideas

tot, clar, ja és una cosa

Everything, of course, is already something.

el peix que es mossega la cua

the fish that bites its tail

una cosa et porta a l'altra

one thing leads to another

Els teus clients et nutreixen

Your clients nourish you.

el camp creatiu

the creative field

amb noves propostes?

with new proposals?

Sí, la veritat que com que

Yes, the truth is that since

faig molts ninos personalitzats

I make many personalized dolls.

clar, sempre

sure, always

tenc reptes

I have challenges.

mira, què li vull regalar a la meva filla

Look, what I want to gift my daughter.

a aquest nino

to this doll

que surt amb aquests dibuixos, que me'l podries fer?

What comes out with these drawings, could you make it for me?

Doncs sí, venga, provem-ho

Well yes, come on, let's try it.

i clar, sempre

And of course, always.

tenc reptes

I have challenges.

sempre has d'aprendre coses noves

you always have to learn new things

sempre has d'aplicar coses noves

you always have to apply new things

vull dir que és una cosa que també et fa evolucionar

I mean that it's something that also makes you evolve.

Ostres, Montse, està genial

Wow, Montse, it's great!

que sempre diguis que sí

that you always say yes

provem-ho perquè demostri que ets una persona oberta

Let's try it to show that you are an open-minded person.

amb reptes

with challenges

que es van presentant de tant en tant

that are presented from time to time

al llarg de la teva carrera professional

throughout your professional career


Thank you

Però a tu, Montse, dediquem aquesta cançó

But to you, Montse, we dedicate this song.

per somiar

to dream

la teva vida

your life

i la teva vida

and your life



em mires

you look at me

i jo

and me

no puc pensar

I can't think.

en res més

in nothing else

que com ets important

how important you are

amb tu

with you

jo em vaig fent gran

I am growing up.

ja no em passa pel cap

it doesn't cross my mind anymore

res on no hi ets

nothing you are not there

ja no espero

I no longer wait.

trobar-me amb ningú més

meet with no one else

i jo

and me

hi ha cops

there are punches

que no et puc mirar

I can't look at you.

no sigui pas

don't be so

el cas

the case

que em passi d'estimar

that I stop loving

jo no et vull cansar

I don't want to tire you out.

si m'has de carregar

if you have to load me


do it

perquè tu vols

because you want

fes-ho de gust

do it for pleasure

Montse, he estat mirant

Montse, I have been looking.

el teu Instagram

your Instagram

i he vist que hi ha molt producte especialitzat per a nens

I have seen that there is a lot of specialized product for children.

de recents nascuts

of newborns

fins a més grans

to greater heights

d'alguna manera es podria dir que la teva etapa

In some way, it could be said that your stage

d'educadora ha estat una font d'inspiració

as an educator has been a source of inspiration

dels productes de caire infantil?

of children's products?


sí perquè

yes because



jo ja feia moltes coses

I was already doing many things.

de ganxet de ninos i així

of ganxet from kids and so on

però al treballar

but when working

a l'Abresol

to the Abresol

clar, jo ja tinc teles

Sure, I already have fabrics.

i si provés de fer

and if I tried to do it

el que es necessita a l'Abresol

what is needed at Abresol

doncs els llençols, les bates, les bossetes

so the sheets, the robes, the little bags



comences a fer alguna coseta

you start to do something small

i te van demanar un altre

and they asked you for another one

ah, és que jo necessito tovallons

Ah, I need napkins.

vinga, doncs tovallons

Come on, then napkins.

és que jo necessito no sé què

it's just that I need I don't know what

doncs fem-ho

So let's do it.

el que et deia, com que jo sempre dic que sí

What I was telling you, since I always say yes.

a veure, en algun moment diré que no

let's see, at some point I will say no

però com que sempre dic vinga va, doncs sí

but since I always say come on, then yes

clar, llavors sempre vas afegint coses

Of course, then you always keep adding things.


do you know?

i normalment està relacionat tot amb aquest camp

and it is usually related to this field.

vull dir que sí

I mean yes.

hi ha ganxets per la cuna de recent nascut

there are hooks for the newborn's crib

llençols per a nens, conjunts de pantalons

sheets for children, sets of pants

de ganxets, sabates

of hooks, shoes

colls per a l'hivern

collars for winter

gorros, pitets, motxilla

hats, bibs, backpack

tovalloles, la llista és llarga

towels, the list is long


em vas explicar alguna cosa dels pitets

You explained something to me about the bibs.

sobre el que és la part del darrere

about what is the back part

que porta amb bambú

that carries bamboo

i així l'aigua no cau

and so the water does not fall

m'ho podries explicar als oients?

Could you explain it to the listeners?

hi ha escoles que demanen específicament

there are schools that specifically request

que els pitets tinguin

that the bibs have

tela impermeable per darrere

waterproof fabric on the back

però si no és així

but if it is not like that

jo normalment m'agrada fer-los

I usually like to do them.

amb el rus aquest per darrere

with the Russian behind this

que és absorbent

that is absorbent

clar, tu toques el rus normal, encara que sigui de cotó

Sure, you play the normal Russian, even if it's cotton.

i és una mica aspre

and it is a bit harsh

llavors vaig veure que hi havia aquest altre

then I saw that there was this other one

de bambú, és super suau i a més és molt

of bamboo, it is super soft and also it is very

més absorbent

more absorbent

vaig dir, jo els faig amb això

I said, I do them with this.

si els vols de rus normal els pots trobar

If you want normal Russian flights, you can find them.

però jo els faig així perquè considero

but I do them this way because I consider

que van més bé

that go better

saps el que et vull dir?

Do you know what I mean?

al final cadascú té una mica

in the end, everyone has a bit

la seva manera, el seu estil

his way, his style

i el seu què, a mi l'experiència

And what about him, to me the experience?

m'ha portat a veure que això

has brought me to see that this

pels nens que jo he vist

for the children that I have seen

els pot anar millor, doncs ho faig així

It can go better for them, so I do it this way.

així doncs els pitets

thus the bibs

amb absorbent de tela de bambú

with bamboo fabric absorbent

són molt millors que els que porten

they are much better than the ones they wear

un plàstic al darrere, des de la teua experiència

a plastic at the back, from your experience

per mi, de professora

for me, as a teacher

per mi, al final és el que diem

For me, in the end, it's what we say.

cadascú al final té la seva

everyone in the end has their own

experiència i els seus motius

experience and its reasons

que els vols plastificar, jo te'ls faig plastificar

If you want them laminated, I will have them laminated for you.

no hi ha problema

no problem

però t'has sentit això que dius

but have you felt this that you say

que damunt d'un plastificat l'aigua va caient

that on a laminated surface, the water keeps falling

i llavors cau al darrere

and then falls behind

al final sí, cau al darrere o damunt de

in the end yes, it falls behind or on top of

pantaló del nen

boy's trousers

m'ha agradat molt els llibres de roba

I really liked the fabric books.



que has fet per nens petits

what have you done for small children

trobo que són una manera de començar

I think they are a way to start.

per iniciar-los a que s'enamorin dels llibres

to encourage them to fall in love with books

i de la lectura

and from reading

no ens podem oblidar de tot

we cannot forget everything

de Marina Dalenc, de Sant Jordi

by Marina Dalenc, from Sant Jordi

Catalanes, Drats

Catalans, Drats

Roses de ganxe, Troncs de Nadal

Hook roses, Christmas logs

Capsetes de les nostres majestat

Boxes of our majesty

Punts de llibre




també per a llibre

also for book

és fantàstic

it's fantastic

però sobretot m'ha agradat molt els llibres

but above all I have really enjoyed the books

perquè a mi també m'agraden molt així

because I also really like them like this

com va sorgir la idea?

How did the idea come about?

no t'ho sabria dir

I couldn't tell you.

exactament, suposo que una mica com tot

exactly, I suppose a bit like everything

veus algo por ahí, t'inspires

you see something out there, you get inspired

i dius vinga, em podria provar de fer un

And you say come on, I could try to make one.

va agradar, doncs

it was liked, then

n'hi vaig anar fent més

I went there doing more.

també és veritat que abans

it is also true that before

fa dos, tres anys

two or three years ago

no se'n trobàvem tants

we didn't find so many

ara tu vas amb una gran

now you go with a big

superfície i en tenen

surface and they have

50.000 per dos d'euros

50,000 for two euros

clar, llavors

of course, then

sempre hi ha gent que valora més el fet amar

There are always people who value the act of loving more.

però al final si tu ho trobes tan barat

but in the end if you find it so cheap



i en botella, saps el que et vull dir?

And in a bottle, do you know what I mean?

que desvaloritza una mica el fet amar

that somewhat devalues the act of loving

però és llei de vida

but it is the law of life

i no hi podem fer més tampoc

and we can't do anything more about it either

Montse, el que m'ha enamorat

Montse, what has made me fall in love.

és l'opció que presentes als clients

It is the option that you present to the clients.

de reciclar

to recycle

la roba mànima

the minimum clothing

records que són importants

records that are important

i transformar-los en ninos de drap

and turn them into rag dolls

m'ha semblat una manera genial

I thought it was a great way.

de donar-li un ús diferent

to give it a different use

i alhora mantenir el record de la font

and at the same time keep the memory of the source

del vestit

of the dress

o pantaló

or pant

que ha estat d'algun familiar, d'algun amic

that has been of some family member, of some friend



ja fa potser

it's been maybe

un parell d'anys

a couple of years

que vaig veure una noia d'Estats Units

that I saw a girl from the United States

que ho feia i vaig dir

that I did it and I said

ostres, quina bona idea

Wow, what a great idea!

i ho he de fer

and I have to do it

però com que sempre vas de bòlit

but since you are always in a hurry

i no tenia mai temps per dedicar-m'hi bé

and I never had time to dedicate myself properly to it

per fer els patrons, per tot

to make the patterns, for everything

és allò que ho vas aplaçant

it's what you keep postponing

i ara fa poc

and now recently

havia de néixer una nena d'aquí al poble

a girl had to be born here in the village

li volia fer un regal

I wanted to give him/her a gift.

i vaig dir, mira, és l'ocasió perfecta

I said, look, it's the perfect opportunity.

vaig parlar amb la mare

I spoke with my mother.

i li vaig dir

and I told him/her

què et sembla això?

What do you think of this?

i li vaig dir

and I told him/her

va buscar un jersei del padrí

he looked for a sweater of the grandfather

i li vaig fer

and I did it to him/her.

i li va agradar

and he/she liked it

la veritat que és una cosa

the truth is that it is one thing

que al penjar-la i així

that when hanging it and so

he vist que està agradant moltíssim

I have seen that it is being very much enjoyed.

i és algo que té un

and it's something that has a

té un sentit al darrere

it has a meaning behind it

m'agrada fer-ho

I like to do it.

evidentment que

obviously that

les bates, els pitets, totes aquestes coses

the gowns, the bibs, all these things

més en plan industrial

more in an industrial way

m'agrada fer-ho, sí

I like doing it, yes.

però si és algo que porta

but if it is something that carries

un toc al darrere

a tap on the back

com per exemple els ninos

like for example the dolls

aquests amb ànima

these with soul

és algo que sempre t'agrada més

it's something that you always like more

tu saps que estàs tractant una peça de roba

You know that you are handling a piece of clothing.

sigui d'algú que ja no hi és

be someone who is no longer there

sigui del teu bebè quan era petit

be your baby when he was little

tu saps que estàs tractant algo

You know that you are dealing with something.

que hi has de dedicar molt més carinyo

that you have to dedicate much more love to it.

que ho has de cuidar molt més

you have to take much better care of it

i que al darrere porta molta història

and that behind it carries a lot of history

i això m'agrada

and I like it


very much

ja ho sabeu

you already know

podeu trobar l'Instagram de la Montse

you can find Montse's Instagram

com ho fas per saber l'estil d'una clienta

How do you tell a client's style?

quan et demanen algun article especial

when they ask you for a special item


to ask

sempre pregunto molt

I always ask a lot.

que m'envien fotos

that they send me photos

que m'expliquin tot el que volen

let them explain to me everything they want

les mides, la manera, tot

the dimensions, the way, everything

i també és veritat

and it is also true

que sempre que feia algo personalitzat

that whenever I did something personalized

vaig enviant fotos

I am sending photos.

per anar concretant

to get more specific

i per anar veient

and to keep seeing

si no, si fem cap aquí, cap allà

If not, if we go this way, that way.

vull dir que quan ho reben

I mean that when they receive it

ja ho han vist, han vist el procés

they have already seen it, they have seen the process

han vist el resultat

they have seen the result

i si ha hagut algo que no els ha acabat d'encaixar

and if there has been something that hasn't quite fit for them

ho han modificat i ja està

They have modified it and that's it.

Si alguna persona tingués

If any person had

que obrir un negoci del teu

that opening a business of your own

estil, què diries

style, what would you say

que es necessita?

What is needed?

Es necessita

It is needed.

molta paciència

a lot of patience

molta perseverança

a lot of perseverance

dedicar-hi moltes hores

spend many hours on it





anar fent dia a dia

going day by day

cada dia una miqueta més

Every day a little more.

cada dia

every day

si vas fent les coses mitjanament bé

if you keep doing things reasonably well

la cosa va creixent

The thing is growing.

però és el que et deia

but that's what I was telling you

molta feina i molta paciència

a lot of work and a lot of patience

Dosis de paciència

Dose of patience

de creativitat

of creativity

màgia i inspiració

magic and inspiration

Ai sí, doncs Montse

Oh yes, well Montse.

ets empresària, t'encarregues el pagament dels autònoms

You are a businesswoman, you handle the payment of freelancers.

de l'elaboració del producte

of the product preparation

de la tria del material, factures

from the choice of material, invoices

emballatge, enviament

packaging, shipping

i seguiment dels paquets

and tracking of packages

com ho pots fer tot?

How can you do it all?

No ho sé

I don't know.

Ho vas normalitzant

You are normalizing it.

al principi era més fàcil

At first it was easier.

perquè no tens

because you don't have

tant volum de

such a volume of

però ja com que ho has normalitzat

but since you have already normalized it

és una cosa que ja fas dia a dia

It is something you do day by day.

quasi sense donar-te en compte, és el que et deia jo

almost without realizing it, it's what I was telling you

al matí

in the morning

faig el tema xarxes

I'm doing the network topic.

un cop fet el tema xarxes

once the topic of networks is done

me dedico a les comandes

I dedicate myself to orders.

si aquell dia s'han de fer enviaments

if shipments need to be made that day

si el que sigui

whatever it is

me falta això, me falta allò

I miss this, I miss that.

m'ajunto dos o tres coses

I'll add two or three things.

i faig les comandes del material

I place the orders for the material.

tot, vas fent

everything, you keep going

Quin és el perfil de clients que tens?

What is the profile of the clients you have?

Són majoritàriament dones?

Are they mostly women?

Dones i mares

Women and mothers

normalment amb nens petits

usually with small children

però també tinc més gent gran

but I also have more elderly people

que també

that also

volen fer un detall al net

they want to make a gift for the grandson

o volen fer un

or they want to make one

regal a una amiga

gift for a friend

el que sigui

whatever it is

però sí majoritàriament dones i mares

but mainly women and mothers

Al maig del 2024

In May 2024

vas celebrar els 3.000 seguidors

Did you celebrate the 3,000 followers?

a Instagram, Tele

to Instagram, Tele

i millor i mai millor dit

and better, never better said

Moltes felicitats


Això sí que ens demostra una bona evolució

This does indeed show us a good evolution.

et segueixen per conèixer

they follow you to get to know you

tot allò que vas presentant

everything you are presenting

Què recordes d'aquell dia

What do you remember about that day?

que vas arribar als 3.000 seguidors?

Did you reach 3,000 followers?

Bueno, vaig flipar amb colors, clar

Well, I was blown away, of course.

Jo vaig començar

I started

que tenia 150

that had 150

lo típic, família i amics

the typical, family and friends

i a poc a poc vas creixent

and little by little you are growing

quan arribes als 1.000 ja dius

when you reach 1,000 you already say

Després hi ha gent que en té 300 milions

Then there are people who have 300 million.

però tu amb 1.000 ja eres feliç

but you were already happy with 1,000

Saps el que et vull dir?

Do you know what I mean?

Va, a veure si arribo als 1.500

Come on, let's see if I reach 1,500.

i així a poc a poc

and so little by little

3.000 al maig

3,000 in May

i super bé, super contenta

I'm super good, super happy.

La Montse està feliç com una anís

Montse is as happy as a lark.


Ai sí, també he fixat

Oh yes, I've noticed that too.

que els teus

that your

les publicacions d'Instagram

Instagram posts

van sempre acompanyades d'escrits

are always accompanied by writings

molt aclaridors sobre la finalitat del producte

very enlightening about the purpose of the product

et puc dir que quan he llegit

I can tell you that when I read

les publicacions he rebut molt bona energia

I have received very good energy from the publications.

que l'hi vull curar pels detalls

I want to heal it for the details.

roba suau

soft fabric

sobretot pels recents nascuts

especially for the newborns

són garantia de qualitat

they are a guarantee of quality

Tot un luxe Montse, moltes felicitats

A real luxury Montse, many congratulations.


Thank you

Es nota que estan escrits amb molt d'amor

You can tell they are written with a lot of love.

i això es percep clarament

and this is clearly perceived

Tot un plaer

A real pleasure.

Ens agradaria que ens expliquessis

We would like you to explain to us.

una mica als nostres oients

a little to our listeners

quelcom sobre el teu ventall de productes

something about your range of products

Què et sembla?

What do you think?

Bueno, lo que dèiem

Well, what we were saying.

coses per el material escolar

things for school supplies

per l'abresol

for the abresol

ninos de ganxet personalitzats

customized crochet dolls

També tinc

I also have



de cada any

every year

lo de Nadal, el pessebre

the Christmas, the nativity scene

el tió, per Sant Jordi

the log, for Saint George

fem dracs i roses

we make dragons and roses

També fem la princesa, el cavaller

We also make the princess, the knight.

el cavall

the horse

el mic

the mic

que és algo que

what is something that

se ven durant tot l'any

for sale all year round

el posto nino

the place kid

i després

and then

els ninos amb ànima

the children with soul

que és lo que he tret ara últimament

What have I recently taken out?

Però una mica de tot

But a little bit of everything.

és lo que diem

it's what we say

És que voldria

It's just that I would like.

una funda pel llibre

a cover for the book

Què me la podries fer?

Could you do it for me?

Pues sí, jo te la faig

Well yes, I'll do it for you.

No és algo que faig normalment

It's not something I usually do.

però no em costa res

but it costs me nothing

És que vull un bolso de tal

I want a bag like that.

o vull un xal

Oh, I want a shawl.

Per què no?

Why not?

Sobretot no ens oblidem dels postos ninos

Above all, don't forget about the little posts.

que els beneficis recaptats

that the collected profits

van a la UCI

they are going to the ICU

de pediatria

of pediatrics

de l'Hospital Arnau

from Arnau Hospital

Si voleu fer algun detall

If you want to make any detail.

la Montse estarà encantada

Montse will be delighted.

de fer-lo arribar

to send it to him/her

i alhora estareu ajudant

and at the same time you will be helping

a la UCI de pediatria

to the pediatric ICU

que sempre els va molt bé

that always goes very well for them

quan ho reben

when they receive it

He vist també que et dediques

I have also seen that you dedicate yourself.

a la formació d'aquesta activitat

to the formation of this activity

i que principalment

and that mainly

s'imparteix a la botiga

it is taught at the store

la botona de Lleida

the button of Lleida

empresa amb la qual col·labores

company you collaborate with

He vist que fas cursos

I have seen that you do courses.

per decorar pantalons, jaquetes...

to decorate pants, jackets...

M'he adonat que

I've realized that

s'anuncien tallers per adults

Adult workshops are announced.

a la Lola Botona

to Lola Botona

tallers per adults a Rosselló

workshops for adults in Rosselló

a l'Associació de Dones

to the Women's Association

tallers per nens i nenes de primària

workshops for primary school children

a través de l'empresa

through the company

Llanes Katia

Llanes Katia

i que aquests els realitzes

and that you carry them out

a l'escola El Claver, a l'escola Erabell

at El Claver school, at Erabell school

a la Ciutat Jardí

to the Garden City

i ara que hi ha el col·legi de Rosselló

And now that there is the college of Rosselló

Què m'expliques de tot això?

What do you tell me about all this?

Bé, doncs els tallers

Well, then the workshops

jo vaig començar

I started.

perdó, vaig començar aquí a Rosselló

Sorry, I started here in Rosselló.

a través de l'Associació de Dones

through the Women's Association

després me va sorgir l'oportunitat

then the opportunity arose for me

a l'Ola Botona

to the Padded Wave

a Lleida, a la Merceria

in Lleida, at the Merceria

allí tenim dos grups

there we have two groups

un de matí i un altre de tarda

one in the morning and another in the afternoon

després a partir d'allí

then from there

em va sortir lo de Katia

Katia came up for me.

que són extraescolars que es fan a les escoles

What are extracurricular activities that are held at schools?

aquí a Lleida

here in Lleida

que vam començar l'any passat, no s'havia fet mai

what we started last year had never been done before

i vam començar amb dos escoles

and we started with two schools

i aquest any ja en tindrem cinc

and this year we will have five of them.

em sembla que són

I think they are

una d'elles aquí a Rosselló

one of them here in Rosselló

vull dir que bé, molt contenta

I mean, good, very happy.

De fet he vist que totes les ressenyes

In fact, I have seen that all the reviews

que surten publicades sobre tu

that are published about you

donen un cinc sobre cinc

they give a five out of five

és una puntuació molt alta

it's a very high score

a banda està ple de bons comentaris

The band is full of good comments.

és una empresa molt jove

It is a very young company.

i els teus clients estan contents amb el resultat

And your clients are happy with the result?

Estàs contenta?

Are you happy?

Sí, molt, molt

Yes, very, very.

Bé, doncs Montse, per celebrar aquest punt

Well then, Montse, to celebrate this point.

que estàs contenta amb el resultat

that you are happy with the result

que hem aconseguit

that we have achieved

et dediquem aquesta cançó

we dedicate this song to you



I ai ai ai

Oh oh oh

aiai ai ai

oh dear oh dear

ui ui ui ui

oh oh oh oh

balla com una lluna a l'aigua

dances like a moon on the water

ui ui ui ui

oh oh oh oh

ahi ai ai ai

oh oh oh oh

ui ui ui ui

oh oh oh oh

balla com una lluna a l'aigua

dances like a moon on the water

exporte de terra de la teva pell

export from the land of your skin



M'agradaria molt donar veu

I would really like to give voice.

en allò que jo he experimentat

in what I have experienced

quan he estat parlant amb tu per primer cop

when I spoke with you for the first time

i conegut el teu negoci

I have known your business.

Publicacions són molt didàctiques i estan fetes amb molt de carinyo

Publications are very educational and are made with a lot of affection.

i amb molta cura pels detalls.

and with great care for the details.

Estan plenes d'il·lusió i creativitat.

They are full of enthusiasm and creativity.

Aquesta és l'energia que s'hi desprèn.

This is the energy that is released.

Es nota que ho gaudeixes i aquest sentiment es transmet a cada moment.

You can tell that you enjoy it, and that feeling is conveyed at every moment.

Moltes felicitats per aquesta feina ben feta.

Congratulations on this job well done.


Thank you.

I ja per anar acabant, tres preguntes.

And finally, three questions.

Quin llibre ens recomanaries?

Which book would you recommend to us?

La Catedral del Mar.

The Cathedral of the Sea.

Una pel·lícula que t'hagi emocionat?

A movie that has moved you?

La Vida és vella.

Life is old.

I per últim, una imatge de silenci?

And finally, an image of silence?

La platja i fent ganxet o mitja.

The beach and knitting or crocheting.

Platja i fent ganxet o mitja.

Beach and doing crochet or knitting.

I d'aquí et volia comentar si volies convertir-te en nosaltres,

And from here I wanted to ask if you wanted to join us,

on et podem trobar, si volem contactar amb tu, els nostres oients que et coneixen.

Where can we find you if we want to contact you, our listeners who know you?

Em podeu trobar a Instagram, és arroba

You can find me on Instagram, it's

També estic a Facebook i allà també trobareu el meu WhatsApp.

I am also on Facebook, and you will also find my WhatsApp there.

Hi ha molta gent del poble que no sap ni que vinc aquí al poble, també t'ho dic.

There are many people in the village who don’t even know that I come here to the village, I tell you that too.

Però a través d'Instagram també em veureu la cara.

But through Instagram, you will also see my face.

I llavors quan em veieu pel poble, ah sí, és veritat, perquè això m'ha passat moltes vegades.

And then when you see me around the village, oh yes, it's true, because this has happened to me many times.

Ah, però vius a Rosselló?

Ah, but do you live in Roussillon?

Sí, sí, soc nouvinguda però des del 2012 que estic vivint aquí, vull dir que ja fa un temps.

Yes, yes, I am a newcomer but I have been living here since 2012, I mean it's been a while.

I això, m'agrada molt.

And this, I like a lot.

És el tu a tu.

It is the one-on-one.

O sigui que me poden parlar per Instagram, per WhatsApp, per Facebook, per on vulguin.

So they can talk to me on Instagram, WhatsApp, Facebook, wherever they want.

M'he oblidat d'una cosa molt important.

I have forgotten something very important.

Com vas arribar aquí a Rosselló?

How did you get here to Rosselló?

Vaig arribar perquè vaig conèixer el meu home i ell tenia pis aquí.

I arrived because I met my husband and he had an apartment here.

I tampoc no és d'aquí.

I’m not from here either.

O sigui que ni l'un ni l'altre.

So neither one nor the other.

Així que l'amor et va portar a les terres.

So love brought you to the lands.

Sí, de Rosselló.

Yes, from Rosselló.

De Rosselló.

From Rosselló.

Molt bé, Montse, moltes gràcies per haver compartit aquesta estona amb nosaltres.

Very well, Montse, thank you very much for sharing this time with us.

A tu.

To you.

I desitgem que ho hagis disfrutat tant com ho he fet jo.

I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.

Estimada amiga Montse, fins aviat.

Dear friend Montse, see you soon.

Merci, igualment.

Thank you, likewise.


Thank you.

Perquè jo podria i m'atreviria a dir

Because I could and I would dare to say

que l'individu no és més que un esglaó,

that the individual is nothing more than a step,

un petit esglaó en una llarguíssima cadena

a small step in a very long chain

el qual origen es perd en el temps

whose origin is lost in time

i el qual fi està encara per forjar.

and the end of which is yet to be forged.

L'alateig d'una papallona es pot sentir a l'altra punta del món.

The flap of a butterfly's wings can be felt at the other end of the world.

Tot comença per tu.

It all starts with you.

S'ho serà avi a punt.

He will be ready soon.

Onda ODS.

Wave ODS.

Una finestra oberta.

An open window.

Una ventana oberta.

An open window.

A un futur sostenible.

To a sustainable future.

Et torquis un jasangarribat en ardats.

You twist a jasmine in the flames.

Una fiestra oberta.

An open window.

A un futur sostenible.

To a sustainable future.

Cada vegada són més les persones

More and more people are

que decideixen emprendre un negoci

that decide to start a business

basat en la sostenibilitat.

based on sustainability.

Cada vegada són més les que intenten

More and more are trying.

tenir cura del medi ambient reduint residus,

taking care of the environment by reducing waste,

sobretot plàstic.

above all plastic.

Cada vegada són més les persones

More and more people are.

que pensen on i què compren.

what they think about and what they buy.

I cada vegada són més les que decideixen

And more and more are the ones who decide.

agafar el transport públic

take public transport

en lloc del transport privat.

instead of private transport.

Malauradament encara hi ha gent

Unfortunately, there are still people.

que totes aquestes petites coses

that all these little things

no les pensa o no les veu.

he doesn't think of them or doesn't see them.

I per això estem nosaltres aquí

And that's why we are here.

en aquest programa dedicat a l'Onda ODS.

in this program dedicated to the ODS Wave.

I avui tenim amb nosaltres

And today we have with us

la Cecília Gutiérrez

Cecília Gutiérrez

del projecte Tàpat Econvolcalls.

of the Tàpat Econvolcalls project.

Cecília, explica'ns què són aquests envolcalls

Cecília, tell us what these wrappers are.

de cera d'abella

of beeswax

i com va sorgir la idea de començar a fer-los.

And how did the idea of starting to make them come about?

Tàpat són envolcalls

Tàpat are wrappers.

de cera d'abella


que és un producte que serveix

that is a product that works

per substituir els plàstics

to replace plastics

d'un sol ús a la cuina.

single-use in the kitchen.

El fil i l'alumini

The wire and the aluminum

que fem servir.

that we use.

I neix per una motivació meva

I was born out of my own motivation.

en el sentit que jo vaig veure

in the sense that I saw

aquest producte

this product

i jo no el coneixia

and I didn't know him.

i fa dos o tres anys

two or three years ago

més o menys

more or less

un dia el vaig veure

One day I saw him.

navegant per internet

browsing the internet

i em va sorprendre molt

and it surprised me a lot

i llavors vaig començar a mirar

and then I started to look

i a buscar informació

and to search for information

perquè em semblava

because it seemed to me

molt pràctic

very practical

molt útil i molt pràctic.

very useful and very practical.

I a més jo tenia un problema

And also I had a problem.

perquè ja volia començar

because I already wanted to start

a fer canvis

to make changes

envers la sostenibilitat a casa meva

towards sustainability in my home

i estava sempre pendent una mica

And I was always a little watchful.

però bueno, el que comencem tots

but well, what we all start

no fer servir bosses de plàstic

do not use plastic bags

anar a comprar sempre

to always go shopping

amb les bosses des de casa

with the bags from home

el que és la separació

what separation is

també a casa del reciclatge

also at the recycling house

i poc a poc

and little by little

estava fent canvis i això em va sobtar

I was making changes and that surprised me.

molt i em va agradar molt

very much and I liked it a lot

i m'agrada molt la idea

I really like the idea.

vaig començar a investigar

I started to investigate.

i vaig veure que

I saw that

és un producte que no s'havia inventat aquí

It is a product that had not been invented here.

i que els que vaig trobar

and those that I found

venien de molt lluny

they were coming from far away

no vaig trobar que es fabriquessin

I didn't find that they were manufactured.

aquí a Espanya en aquell moment

here in Spain at that time

i llavors era una cosa

and then it was one thing

que jo tenia al cap

that I had in mind

i buscava

I was looking for.

i un dia per motius de feina

and one day for work reasons

d'un dia per l'altre

from one day to the next

això que et queda sense feina

this that you are left without a job

i vaig pensar que ara és el moment

I thought that now is the time.

de començar, de provar

to start, to try

perquè ja t'ho dic, tenia molt

because I'm telling you, I had a lot

al cap i el dia següent

the head and the next day

vaig anar directament a comprar

I went straight to buy.

tots els materials per començar

all the materials to get started

a fer proves

to take tests

i em vaig posar

and I put on

per fer els embolquells es necessita

to make the wrappings, it is necessary

cera de vella, resina de pi

old wax, pine resin

i oli de jojoba

and jojoba oil

i el repte era trobar la fórmula

And the challenge was to find the formula.

que anés bé

that it went well

que funcionés bé perquè si hi ha

that it worked well because if there is

molta cera no és el que

a lot of wax is not what

el producte no va bé

the product is not working well

si hi ha molta resina tampoc

if there is a lot of resin neither

i vaig fer moltes proves

I did a lot of tests.

vaig estar més de tres mesos

I was there for more than three months.

fins que al final vaig trobar

until I finally found

la fórmula

the formula

que m'agradava

that I liked

ho donava a provar als familiars

I let my family try it.

als amics

to friends

i em deien, vale, sí, ens agrada

and they were telling me, okay, yes, we like it

també perquè hi ha gent

also because there are people

que no li agrada que quedi molt enganxós

that he/she doesn't like it to be very sticky

o menys

or less

i això és el començament

and this is the beginning

per què podem fer servir

why can we use

aquests embolquells de cera de vella

these old beeswax wrappings

a part de per tapar aliments

besides for covering food

també tenen altres propietats?

Do they also have other properties?

els embolquells no només serveixen

wrappings not only serve

per tapar un bol

to cover a bowl

o cobrir una safata

or cover a tray

sinó per ajudar

but to help

a conservar els aliments

to preserve food

durant més temps

for a longer time

i que no se'ns faci malbé

and that we don't get damaged

les propietats que té la cera de vella

the properties that old wax has

ajuden amb això

they help with this

perquè és conservant

because it is preservative

és antifúngica

it is antifungal

llavors si tens

then if you have

el que faries servir ara al fil

what you would use now on the thread

fas servir uns embolquells

you use some wrappers

tens mig cogombre

you have half a cucumber

que et queda quan fas l'amanida

What do you have left when you make the salad?

el tapes perquè no s'assequi

you cover it so that it doesn't dry out

el mig abocat

the half poured

a l'estiu pots tapar directament

In the summer you can cover directly.

la cíndria o el meló

the watermelon or the melon

quan ho guardes a la nevera

when you store it in the fridge

i que no s'assequi tan bé

and that it doesn't dry so well

és un producte que és alimentari

it is a product that is food-related

i pot estar en contacte amb aliments

and it can be in contact with food

és important

it is important

ressaltar que

to highlight that

tenim registres sanitaris

we have health records

i que tenim registres sanitaris

and that we have health records

quins materials es necessiten

what materials are needed

per fer aquests embolquells

to make these wrappings

quin és el procés que segueixes

what is the process you follow

per fer-los

to make them

per fer els embolquells

to make the wrappings

de cera de vella

of old wax

fem servir tela de cotó

we use cotton fabric



certificada o ecotex

certified or ecotex

que et certifica que

that certifies you that

les tintes que es fan servir

the dyes that are used

per fer els estampats

to make the prints

no porten químics

they do not contain chemicals

i de seguida

and right away

s'estan produint

they are being produced

i després faig una barreja

and then I make a mixture.

de cera d'abella, resina de pi

beeswax, pine resin

i oli de jojoba

and jojoba oil

i amb això es fon

and with this it melts

i s'impregna la tela

and the fabric is impregnated

i amb això es fa l'embolcall

and with this the wrapping is done

i després jo el que intento és

and then what I try is



generar el mínim residir possible

generate the minimum possible waste

en el sentit que

in the sense that

el packaging que faig servir

the packaging that I use

intento que sigui el mínim

I try to keep it to a minimum.

si és un embolcall que vendré jo

If it's a packaging that I will sell.

per la pàgina web

for the website

o quan vaig al mercat d'artesans

or when I go to the artisan market

porta una faixa de paper

he wears a paper belt

si és per les botigues

if it's for the shops

és una caixeta de cartró

it's a little cardboard box

però sempre intento

but I always try

minimitzar el màxim

minimize the maximum

tenen algun tipus de manteniment

Do they have any type of maintenance?

com els hem de rentar

how we have to wash them

quan els fem servir

when we use them

i com els guardem

And how do we keep them?

l'embolcall té una vida útil

the packaging has a shelf life

més o menys d'un any

more or less a year

depèn de com el facis servir

it depends on how you use it

ha d'estar enllunyat

it must be kept away

i per rentar-lo

and to wash it

s'ha de rentar sota l'aixeta

it must be washed under the tap

amb aigua freda

with cold water

i si s'ha atacat

and if it has been attacked

se li pot ficar una mica de sabó

you can put a little soap on it

intentant no ser molt agressiu

trying not to be too aggressive

perquè si no

because if not

es va marxant

he/she is leaving

la impregnació que té

the impregnation it has

més o menys durant un any

more or less for a year

després el que es pot fer

after that, what can be done

es poden restaurar

they can be restored

i se'ls pot allargar la seva vida útil

and their lifespan can be extended

faig unes pastilles amb aquesta barreja

I make some pills with this mixture.

per impregnar i que durin més temps

to soak and make them last longer

i si no

and if not

si un després ja no vol

if one no longer wants afterwards

continuar fent-lo servir pel motiu que sigui

continue to use it for whatever reason

m'agrada donar

I like to give.

també idees

also ideas

per no llançar-ho a la paperera

to avoid throwing it in the wastebasket

perquè lo interessant

because the interesting

és poder fer tot un xicle

it's being able to do a whole gum

de vida

of life

i tot el cercle

and all the circle

com que és una tela de cotó

since it is a cotton fabric

aquesta impregnació que té

this impregnation that it has

se li pot treure

it can be taken away

si el fiquem amb aigua calenta o calor

if we put it in hot water or heat

ja et queda

it's up to you now

un tros de tela de cotó

a piece of cotton fabric

que la pots fer servir com a bocador

that you can use as a mouthpiece

com a tovalló

like a napkin

exactament, correcte

exactly, correct

Què és el que et va

What is it that suits you?

fer decidir per muntar un projecte

make a decision to start a project



per els inputs també

for the inputs too

que et vénen de fora

that come from abroad

vaig ser conscient

I became aware.

que era necessari fer canvis

that it was necessary to make changes

perquè no només

because not only

separar la brossa a casa

separate the trash at home

és suficient

it's enough

que a mi

that to me

això de veure aquestes marees

this thing of seeing these tides

de plàstic en el mar

plastic in the sea

que el mar m'agrada molt

I really like the sea.

em feia patir

it worried me


I was thinking.

hem d'anar cap a un canvi

we need to move towards a change

i també

and also

t'arriben inputs

You're receiving inputs.

i vaig començar

I started.

a buscar informació

to seek information



i te n'adones

and you realize it

que hem estat molts anys

that we have been many years

amb el consumisme

with consumerism

perquè no m'importa

because I don't care

no t'importa

it doesn't matter to you

compres de tot

purchases of everything

de qualsevol cosa

of anything

i el dia que prens consciència

and the day you become aware

t'adones que estàs rodejat de plàstic

Do you realize that you are surrounded by plastic?

de tot

of everything

has de comprar

you have to buy

al súper

to the supermarket

si vols una mica de pernil dolç

if you want a bit of sweet ham

has d'anar al súper

You need to go to the supermarket.

i has de comprar

you have to buy

una safata 100 grams

a tray 100 grams

abans anàvem a la xarcoteria

before we used to go to the charcuterie

t'ho tallaven, inclús et podies portar el tàper

they would cut it for you, you could even bring your own container

que t'ho posin

let them put it on you

i és tornar a fer

and it is to do again

per mi és tornar a hàbits

for me it's about returning to habits

que teníem abans

that we had before

o que tenien les nostres mares o àvies

or that our mothers or grandmothers had



consumir menys

consume less

sobretot plàstic

above all plastic

i bé

and well

la jo d'ara

the one of now

en aquest sentit

in this regard

soc molt millor

I am much better.

que la de fa dos anys i mig

than the one two and a half years ago

he fet tot un camí

I have come a long way.

arrel també de començar amb el projecte

also as a result of starting with the project

vaig començar tot

I started everything.

perquè em semblava molt pràctic

because it seemed very practical to me

i a partir d'aquí

and from here

vaig començar a investigar

I started to investigate.

i he acabat fent tot un canvi a casa

I have ended up making quite a change at home.

de tot

of everything

intento que entri zero plàstic

I try to make sure zero plastic enters.

o el mínim plàstic possible

or the minimum plastic possible

Cecília moltíssimes gràcies

Cecília, thank you very much.

per ser avui aquí amb nosaltres

for being here today with us

i per venir a explicar-nos aquest projecte sostenible

and for coming to explain this sustainable project to us.

que ens permet generar menys residus

that allows us to generate less waste

a la cuina, moltes gràcies

In the kitchen, thank you very much.

Transició ecològica

Ecological transition

Economia circular

Circular economy

Igualtat de gènere

Gender equality

Emprego digno

Dignified employment

Energia verdea

Green energy

Revitalització del medi rural

Revitalization of the rural environment

Onda ODS

Wave SDG

El teu espai radiofònic per a un món més just

Your radio space for a fairer world

Més informació a

More information at

Finançat pel Ministeri de Drets Socials i Agenda 2030

Financed by the Ministry of Social Rights and Agenda 2030.

Govern d'Espanya

Government of Spain

Sense punts inc

No points inc



Radio Rosselló

Rosselló Radio

Item Política

Item Policy





Institut İ headquarters

Institut İ headquarters

Sant Pol

Saint Paul









Bona nit.

Good night.

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