POP Cat del 23/9/2024

Ràdio Vila

Darrers podcast - Ràdio Vila

POP Cat del 23/9/2024

Darrers podcast - Ràdio Vila

La millor selecció musical en català

The best musical selection in Catalan

a PopCat

a PopCat

60 minuts amb el millor del pop-rock fet a casa nostra

60 minutes with the best of pop-rock made in our home.

El que jo vull és cantar-te fins que arribi l'alba

What I want is to sing to you until dawn arrives.



de dilluns a divendres de 10 a 11 del matí

from Monday to Friday from 10 to 11 in the morning

a Ràdio Vila

to Radio Vila

Cada cop que et sentis sol

Every time you feel alone

quan sentis que ho has perdut tot

when you feel that you have lost everything

no et sentis perdut en aquest món

don't feel lost in this world

Cada cop que et sentis trist

Every time you feel sad

corre i busca el teu camí

Run and find your way.

Desperta i escriu el teu destí

Awaken and write your destiny.

No tot és tan fort ni trist com t'imagines

Not everything is as strong or as sad as you imagine.

La vida té altres camins per descobrir

Life has other paths to discover.

No miris enrere

Don't look back.

Tu només mira endavant

You just look ahead.

Ja veuràs que tu sol te'n sortiràs

You'll see that you'll manage on your own.

O aconseguiràs

Either you will succeed

Obrida't dels problemes

Open yourself to the problems.

Que et preocupen a cada instant

That worry you at every moment.

Que la vida t'està esperant

That life is waiting for you.

Agafa-la amb les dues mans

Take it with both hands.

I ara que ja has vist la llum

And now that you have seen the light

Que saps que no està tot perdut

You know that not everything is lost.

No cal que et donis per vençut

You don't have to give up.

Les coses milloren a poc a poc

Things are getting better little by little.

La vida et somriu, ja surt el sol

Life smiles at you, the sun is rising.

Les coses tornen al seu lloc

Things return to their place.

No tot és tan fort ni trist com t'imagines

Not everything is as strong or sad as you imagine.

La vida té altres camins per descobrir

Life has other paths to discover.

No et sentis perdut en aquest món

Don't feel lost in this world.

No et sents perdut en aquest món

Do you not feel lost in this world?

No em miris d'enrere

Don't look at me from behind.

Tu només mira endavant

You only look ahead.

Ja veuràs que tu sol te'n sortiràs

You'll see that you'll manage on your own.

O aconseguiràs

Or you will succeed.

Obrida't dels problemes

Open yourself to the problems.

Que et preocupen a cada instant

That worry you at every moment.

Que la vida t'està esperant

That life is waiting for you.

Agafa-la amb les dues mans

Take it with both hands.

I amb 찾.com

And with 찾.com

Agafa-la amb les dues mans

Take it with both hands.

I amb trabaixant les hores

And with working the hours

No et sents perdut en aquest món

Do you not feel lost in this world?

Agafa-la amb les dues mans

Take it with both hands.

No em miris d'enrere

Don't look at me from behind.

Tu només mira endavant

You just look ahead.

Ja veuràs que tu sol te'n sortiràs

You'll see that you'll manage it on your own.

Agafa-la amb les dues mans

Take it with both hands.

Te'n sortiràs, ho aconseguiràs, oblidant tants problemes que et preocupen cada instant.

You will succeed, you will achieve it, forgetting about so many problems that worry you every moment.

Però ara veus que la vida t'està esperant, agafa'm les dues mans, agafa'm les dues mans.

But now you see that life is waiting for you, take both my hands, take both my hands.

Som el millor del pop-rock en català, a Ràdio Vila.

We are the best of pop-rock in Catalan, on Radio Vila.

Digue'm on vaig, balla el ritme del meu compàs.

Tell me where I am going, dance to the rhythm of my beat.

Diu la dita que tot el que fas tornarà.

The saying goes that everything you do will come back.

Tots els records m'acompanyen cada moment.

All the memories accompany me every moment.

Sóc un mal poeta, però la veu...

I am a bad poet, but the voice...

és amb mi.

it is with me.

Quan acabi tot, te n'enriuràs.

When it's all over, you will laugh about it.

Hem conegut la sort i la derrota.

We have experienced both luck and defeat.

Hem fet cançons d'amor amb quatre notes.

We've made love songs with four notes.

Ens hem sentit tan forts i tan idiotes junts.

We have felt so strong and so stupid together.

Hem superat moments insuperables.

We have overcome insurmountable moments.

Hem estimat moments inestimables.

We have cherished invaluable moments.

No hi ha res impossible per nosaltres junts.

There is nothing impossible for us together.

M'estàs delegant, vull que et sentis molt especial.

You are delegating to me, I want you to feel very special.

Sortirem de festa i aquesta nit brillaràs.

We'll go out partying and tonight you'll shine.

Avui sóc aquí, l'endemà no sé si vindràs.

Today I am here, tomorrow I don't know if you will come.

Sóc un nou profeta dins d'un mar per explorar.

I am a new prophet in a sea to explore.

Quan acabi tot, ens enriurem.

When it's all over, we will laugh.

Hem conegut la sort i la derrota.

We have known both luck and defeat.

Hem fet cançons d'amor amb quatre notes.

We have made love songs with four notes.

Ens hem sentit tan forts i tan idiotes junts.

We have felt so strong and so idiotic together.

Hem superat moments insuperables.

We have overcome insurmountable moments.

Hem estimat moments inestimables.

We have cherished invaluable moments.

No hi ha res impossible per nosaltres junts.

There is nothing impossible for us together.

Ens hem sentit tan forts i tan idiotes junts.

We have felt so strong and so foolish together.

Avui sóc aquí, l'endemà no sé si vindràs.

Today I am here, tomorrow I don't know if you will come.

Torno sol pels carrers que ja no són meus.

I walk alone through the streets that are no longer mine.

Sempre he temptat la sort, veia la por en els meus enemics.

I have always tempted fate, I saw fear in my enemies.

No vull sentir cridar la gent.

I don't want to hear people shouting.

Avui ha mort el rei, visca el nou rei.

Today the king has died, long live the new king.

Un cop m'he trobat aquí, no puc cridar, no puc sortir.

Once I have found myself here, I can't scream, I can't get out.

Ara em desperto i veig el meu castell

Now I wake up and see my castle.

dormint en terres de sal i terres de fang.

sleeping on salt lands and mud lands.

Escolto els cants i llunyans que sonen,

I listen to the distant songs that sound,

sento encara la lluita forta.

I still feel the strong struggle.

Són l'escut al mirall, l'espasa,

They are the shield in the mirror, the sword,

missions en terres estranyes.

missions in foreign lands.

Per raons que no sé explicar

For reasons that I cannot explain.

vaig caure sota la pluja.

I fell in the rain.

Així va ser com va passar

That's how it happened.

quan jo feia moure el món.

when I was moving the world.

No puc entendre com he arribat.

I can't understand how I got here.

Potser és el vent, potser l'atzar.

Maybe it's the wind, maybe chance.

Tan sols recordo que vaig perdre el nord

I only remember that I lost my way.

en què t'has convertit i tu no eres ja així.

what have you become, you were not like this before.

Revolucionaris fidels

Faithful revolutionaries

ara demanen el meu cas.

now they are asking for my case.

Sóc un titell a campanjat d'un fil.

I am a puppet hung by a string.

Un fil que s'esborra amb el temps.

A thread that fades with time.

Escolto els cants i llunyans que sonen,

I hear the distant songs that resonate,

sento encara la lluita forta.

I still feel the strong struggle.

Són l'escut al mirall, l'espasa,

They are the shield in the mirror, the sword,

missions en terres estranyes.

missions in foreign lands.

Per raons que no sé explicar

For reasons I cannot explain.

vaig caure sota la pluja.

I fell in the rain.

Així va ser com va passar

That's how it happened.

quan jo feia moure el món.

when I used to move the world.

Així va ser com va passar

That's how it happened.

quan jo feia moure el món.

when I was moving the world.



Escolto cantis llunyans que sonen,

I hear distant songs that sound,

sento encara la lluita forta.

I still feel the strong struggle.

Són l'escut o un xai de l'espasa,

They are the shield or a lamb of the sword,

missiones enterrades, esplanyes,

buried missions, you tears,

Per raons que no s'hi ha explicat

For reasons that have not been explained.

Vam creure sota la pluja

We believed in the rain.

Així va ser com va passar

That's how it happened.

Quan ja feia moure el món

When it was already moving the world.

La teva mirada, la marca d'expressió

Your gaze, the mark of expression.

De mig somriure, ganes de riure

Half-smile, desire to laugh.

I les hores volen i així passa una tarda

And the hours fly by and thus an afternoon passes.

I una altra, i una altra

And another one, and another one.

Com m'agradaria que els petons no fossin sempre a la galta

How I wish kisses weren't always on the cheek.

No només els bojos fan bogeries

Not only the crazy people do crazy things.

Si et digués que m'agrades ja ho sabries

If I told you that I like you, you would already know.

I això no passa tots els dies

And this doesn't happen every day.

Alguns dies paties, d'altres són galimaties

Some days you suffer, others are nonsense.

Vull trobar-te a totes les teves pigues

I want to find you in all your freckles.

Soc tan cigala com formiga

I am as much a grasshopper as an ant.

No sé què passa però tu em toques la fibra

I don't know what happens but you touch my soul.

I no sé què faria si no hi fossis algun dia

And I don't know what I would do if you weren't there one day.

Vull trobar-te a totes les teves pigues

I want to find you in all your freckles.

Soc tan cigala com formiga

I am as much a cicada as an ant.

No sé què passa però tu em toques la fibra

I don’t know what’s happening, but you touch my heart.

No sé què faria si no hi fossis algun dia

I don't know what I would do if you weren't there one day.

La vida no és sempre de color rosa

Life is not always rosy.

I el rosa no sempre l'amor s'hi posa

And love doesn't always come with the rose.

Mai serà perfecta, només fem-ho funcionar

It will never be perfect, let's just make it work.

No vull complicar-me, no busquem tres peus al gat

I don’t want to complicate things, let’s not look for a third foot on the cat.

Que ni els petons ens callin la boca

Let not even kisses silence our mouths.

Però de vegades poca i roca, pica i rica, poca

But sometimes little and rock, bite and rich, little.

I el que et fa rica és tenir el cor ben carat

And what makes you rich is having a well-shaped heart.

Que tinguis la butxaca petita

May you have a small pocket.

Vull trobar-te a totes les teves pigues

I want to find you in all your freckles.

Soc tan cigala com formiga

I am as much a cricket as an ant.

No sé què passa però tu em toques la fibra

I don't know what's happening, but you touch me deeply.

I no sé què faria si no hi fossis algun dia

I don't know what I would do if you weren't there one day.

Vull trobar-te a totes les teves pigues

I want to find you in all your freckles.

Soc tan cigala com formiga

I am as much a cicada as an ant.

No sé què passa però tu em toques la fibra

I don't know what's happening, but you touch me deeply.

No sé què faria si no hi fossis algun dia

I don't know what I would do if you weren't here one day.

Jo no t'espero però em desespero

I do not wait for you but I despair.

Sovint hi ha una mica de veritat, una broma

There is often a bit of truth, a joke.

Sentiment, aún no importa

Sentiment, it still doesn't matter.

I una mica de dolor, aún estic bé

And a little bit of pain, I'm still fine.

Si els meus defectes no t'agraden

If you don't like my flaws

En tinc més, no m'importa que pensin els de més

I have more, I don't care what others think.

Perquè vull trobar-te a totes les teves pigues

Because I want to find you in all your freckles.

Soc tan cigala com formiga

I am as much a cicada as an ant.

No sé què passa però tu em toques la fibra

I don't know what's happening but you touch me deeply.

I no sé què faria si no hi fossis algun dia

And I don't know what I would do if you weren't there someday.

Vull trobar-te a totes les teves pigues

I want to find you in all your freckles.

Soc tan cigala com formiga

I am as much a cicada as an ant.

No sé què passa però tu em toques la fibra

I don't know what's going on, but you touch my heart.

No sé què faria si no hi fossis algun dia

I don't know what I would do if you weren't here someday.

Jo no t'espero però em desespero

I do not wait for you but I despair.

Si creus que la teva vida t'ha de portar lluny d'aquí

If you believe that your life must take you far from here.

Ens vestim de llunes, volem trobar el camí

We dress in moons, we want to find the way.

Tant de banc que es prop, deixe que és més amunt

So much for the bank that is nearby, let it be higher up.

Pensa en menys del que pensem, canta lliure, tria tu

Think of less than we think, sing free, choose you.

Tornàvem en diumenges als dies normals

We returned on Sundays to normal days.

I en petons despertàvem sense haver-nos de llevar

And in kisses, we would wake up without having to get up.

Cantant els dos al cotxe, escapant-nos de l'angoixa

Singing together in the car, escaping from the anguish.

Fent enganyades, no parar mai de fer bromes

Making tricks, never stop joking.

Pensa en el que tens al cap, si vols escoltar el teu cor

Think about what you have in mind, if you want to listen to your heart.

No et deixis enganyar pel que passa al teu voltant

Don't let yourself be deceived by what is happening around you.

Desperta l'animal, no et deixis enganyar

Awaken the animal, don't let yourself be deceived.

Camina sobre el parc, porta els ulls que t'aporten

Walk through the park, wear the eyes that bring you.

La mort no et decot, que la terra que t'atrapa

Death does not deceive you, for it is the earth that traps you.

Sigui a dalt per fer-nos els diners dels ulls

Let it be up to make us money from our eyes.

L'aire net que porta lluny, les portes de viu

The clean air that takes away, the doors of the living.

No cal que sigui estiu, tot s'ategui fort

It doesn't have to be summer, everything holds on tight.

Porta els ulls i queda lluny

Bring the eyes and stay far away.

Nanananana, nananana

Nanananana, nananana

Nanana eh!

Nanana eh!



Nanana eh!

Nanana, huh!

Quina calor, quina calor

What heat, what heat!

Tan quizón, tan quizón

So much gossip, so much gossip.

Vull tallar-me amb xocolata, pujar-se gala a teva panxa

I want to cut myself with chocolate, to raise a gala in your belly.

Cuinem aventures, saltarem entre les dunes

We cook adventures, we will jump between the dunes.

Portarem mentides esborrades pel camí.

We will carry erased lies along the way.

Jo em sento com un arbre amb ocells a dins del pit.

I feel like a tree with birds inside my chest.

Sabem que tot no riure treu el tigre.

We know that not all laughter removes the tiger.

Els estels i melodies, els plors de tots els dies,

The stars and melodies, the cries of every day,

adormint-me recordant la geografia del teu cos,

falling asleep while remembering the geography of your body,

aquella línia que amb els dits et resseguia.

that line that your fingers traced.

Pensa-t'ho, pensa-t'ho al cop, si vols escoltar el teu cor,

Think about it, think about it again, if you want to listen to your heart,

no et deixis enganyar pel que fas al teu voltant.

Don’t let yourself be deceived by what you do around you.

Desperta l'animal, camina sobre el parc,

Awaken the animal, walk through the park,

o dels ulls que t'aporten l'amor un altre cop.

or the eyes that bring you love again.

Que la terra que ens atrapa sigui adorpar-nos als diners dels ulls.

May the land that traps us be a coat of money for our eyes.

No hi ha d'haver cap porta lluny, les cordes de viu.

There should be no door far away, the strings of the living.

No cal que siguis tu, com no sé quin port,

You don't have to be you, since I don't know which port,

o dels ulls que hi queda a mi.

or of the eyes that remain to me.

Na-na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na-na, na-na-na-e, na-na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na-e, na-na-na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na-na-e.

Na-na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na-na, na-na-na-e, na-na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na-e, na-na-na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na-na-e.

I no acabo, i no acabo, fem millor, fem millor.

I don’t finish, and I don’t finish, let’s do better, let’s do better.

Na-na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na-na-na-na.

Na-na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na-na-na-na.

La millor combinació musical en català

The best musical combination in Catalan.

a PopCat

a PopCat

60 minuts amb el millor del pop-rock en català

60 minutes with the best of pop-rock in Catalan

a Ràdio Vila

to Radio Vila

La millor música en català

The best music in Catalan

a PopCat

a PopCat

60 minuts musicals

60 musical minutes

amb el millor de la música en català

with the best of Catalan music

a Ràdio Vila

to Radio Vila

com sona la nineteta dels nens dos.

how the children's little girl sounds two.

És la nineteta dels nens dos.

She is the little girl of the two children.

I fa.

It makes.



De la teva pell bruna, nana, escoto els seus.

From your brown skin, nana, I listen to its.

Et vull tallar les ales però les has refet.

I want to cut your wings but you have refashioned them.

Ara trobar tot aquest temps es col·lapsa tots els secrets.

Now finding all this time collapses all the secrets.

És que hem girat el món sense ell i ens hem trobat sent diferents.

It's that we have turned the world without him and we have found ourselves being different.

Tu qui s'alça, ara és tu qui ja no es cansa.

You who rise, now it is you who no longer tires.

Ara és tu qui viu, que riu, qui cerca la nit al rabat de la nit.

Now it is you who lives, who laughs, who seeks the night at the edge of the night.

De la teva pell nua n'han nascut.

From your bare skin they have been born.

Després somies, primaderes, mans, pits i clavells.

Then we dream, primroses, hands, breasts, and carnations.

Ara trobar el món sense ell ens hem trobat sent diferents.

Now finding the world without him, we have found ourselves being different.

Tu qui s'alça, ara és tu qui ja no es cansa.

You who rises, now it is you who no longer tires.

Ara és tu qui viu, que riu, qui cerca la nit al rabat de la nit.

Now it is you who lives, who laughs, who seeks the night at the edge of the night.

De la teva pell nua n'han nascut.

From your naked skin they have been born.

Tu qui s'alça, ara és tu qui ja no es cansa.

You who rise, now it is you who no longer tires.

Ara és tu qui viu, que riu, qui cerca la nit al rabat de la nit.

Now it is you who lives, who laughs, who seeks the night at the edge of the night.

Ara és tu qui viu, que riu, leads team,

Now it is you who lives, who laughs, leads team,

forwards tots els 높is.."

"forwards all the heights.."

Ara sí que hi som tu tu tu tu tu que sí.

Now we are really here, you you you you you yes.

Ara sí, però si un demà va morir.

Now yes, but if one dies tomorrow.

M'escoltes lliure i mosbraves,

You listen to me freely and you scold me,

Ara sí que hi som tu tu tu tu tu que si.

Now we are really here, you you you you you that yes.

M'escoltes lliure i mosbraves,

You listen to me free and you browbeat me,

ara sí que hi s'entara…"

"Now it will be understood..."

Fins demà!

See you tomorrow!

Tinc raó per oblidar

I have a reason to forget.

Sé molt bé

I know very well.

Quin és el camí que hem de seguir

What is the path we must follow?

El que ens porta lluny d'aquí

What takes us far from here

On el temps s'atura

Where time stands still.

Vine amb mi

Come with me

Deixem de córrer, ja no tenim pressa

Let's stop running, we are no longer in a hurry.



Passa, passa, torna a ser colmera

Come, come, be a beehive again.

Passa el temps i no s'atura el món

Time passes and the world does not stop.

No puc canviar la realitat

I cannot change reality.

Només tenir-te a prop

Just having you close.

Vine amb mi, confia

Come with me, trust.

Vine amb mi

Come with me.

Deixem de córrer, ja no tenim pressa

Let's stop running, we are no longer in a hurry.



Passa, passa, torna a ser colmera

Come on, come on, be a beehive again.

Vine amb mi

Come with me.

Deixem de córrer, ja no tenim pressa

Let’s stop running, we’re not in a hurry anymore.

Quina por, que foc

What fear, what fire

Passa, passa, torna a ser colmera

Come, come, be a hive again.

Va, va, va, passa el temps

Come on, come on, come on, time goes by.

I no s'atura el món

And the world doesn't stop.

Va, va, va, passa el temps

Come on, come on, come on, time passes.

I no s'atura el món

And the world doesn't stop.



Va, va, va, passa el temps

Come on, come on, come on, time is passing.

I no s'atura el món

And the world doesn't stop.

Va, va, va, passa el temps

Come on, come on, come on, time passes.

de la millor música en català

of the best music in Catalan

a Ràdio Vila.

to Radio Vila.

Bona nit.

Good night.

que pres del seu vell sota els estels,

that taken from his old one under the stars,

des de la Barcelona al caire

from Barcelona to Cairo

canten sirenes que en són rebels.

rebellious sirens sing.

Duc els tambors d'un mar en ruïnes,

I bring the drums of a sea in ruins,

sóc pastor arran de tot un circ,

I am a shepherd in the middle of a circus,

sempre a punt per robar la lluna.

always ready to steal the moon.

Ui, ui, ui, ui, ui, ui, ui, ui, ui, ui, ui, ui, ui, ui, ui, ui.

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.

Jo sóc músic de carrer.

I am a street musician.

Ui, ui, ui, ui, ui, ui, ui, ui, ui, ui, ui, ui, ui.

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.

Del teu pas sóc pitallaire.

From your step, I am a lark.

Ai, ai, ai, ai, deixo l'alegria a l'aire, per quan vulguis, per el temps.

Oh, oh, oh, I leave the joy in the air, for whenever you want, for the time.

Soc fill del mar que desespera, duc a la sang al seu barí, sobre la pell el sol ens crema,

I am the son of the despairing sea, I carry its bar into my blood, the sun burns us on our skin,

si estem junts crema la nit, malgrat caminos sense cap casa.

If we are together, the night burns, despite paths without any home.

Soc el xucluc dels teus platons, vinc a encendre foc a la plaça.

I am the succubus of your platters, I come to light a fire in the square.

Oi, oi, oi, ai, ai, ai, ai, jo sóc músic de carrer, del teu pas sóc dita llaire.

Oh, oh, oh, ah, ah, ah, ah, I am a street musician, from your step I am said to be a crier.

Ai, ai, ai, ai, deixo l'alegria a l'aire, per quan vulguis, per el temps.

Oh, oh, oh, oh, I leave happiness in the air, for whenever you want, for the time.

Oi, oi, oi, ai, ai, ai, ai, que s'encéncora.

Oh, oh, oh, ah, ah, ah, ah, it's getting out of hand.

I els tambors, oi, oi, oi, oi, oi, el ritme de la tempesta.

And the drums, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, the rhythm of the storm.

Ai, ai, ai, ai, ai, t'he buscat entre les tuestes, oi, oi, oi, oi, oi, perquè explotin el teu cos.

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, I have searched for you among the toasts, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, so that your body explodes.

Que balla el darrer terreny.

Let the last land dance.

El ritme de la tempesta.

The rhythm of the storm.

De les valls fins a les dunes, el teu cos sota la lluna, m'atrapa quan cau la nit.

From the valleys to the dunes, your body under the moon, catches me when night falls.

I al matí sempre m'aparta, no hi seré per despertar-te, em va agradar estimar-te ahir.

And in the morning, he always pushes me away, I won't be there to wake you up, I liked loving you yesterday.

De les valls fins a les dunes, el teu cos sota la lluna, m'atrapa quan cau la nit.

From the valleys to the dunes, your body under the moon, catches me when night falls.

I al matí sempre m'aparta, no hi seré per despertar-te, em va agradar estimar-te ahir.

And in the morning he always pushes me away, I won't be there to wake you up, I liked loving you yesterday.

Oi, oi, oi, ai, ai, ai, ai, jo soc músic de carrer.

Oh, oh, oh, ah, ah, ah, ah, I am a street musician.

Oi, oi, oi, oi, oi, del temps som nit de llaire.

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, of the time we are a night of joy.

Ai, ai, ai, ai, ai, deixo l'alegria a l'aire.

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, I leave joy in the air.

Oi, oi, oi, oi, oi, ic!

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, yes!

Per quan vulguis parar

Whenever you want to stop.

Que s'encenguin els tambors

Let the drums sound.

El ritme de la tempesta

The rhythm of the storm

De buscar-te entre les festes

Of looking for you among the celebrations.

Perquè explotin el teu cos

So that they exploit your body.

A Ràdio Vila, Popcat

At Radio Vila, Popcat

Només música en català

Only music in Catalan.

Quan al centre del món no ets ben bé tu

When at the center of the world, you are not quite yourself.

Per més que en tinguis la il·lusió

No matter how much hope you have for it.

Si et desvetllaven enmig de la nit

If you woke up in the middle of the night

No vulguis preguntar-te

Don't want to ask yourself.

Per què vius

Why do you live?

Distreu-te arrossegant l'ungla d'un dit

Distract yourself by dragging the nail of a finger.

Quan al centre del món queda tan lluny

When the center of the world is so far away

Que tu

That you

Que honestament comences a saber

That honestly you are starting to know.

Que no ets ningú

That you are nobody.

Pare per un moment

Stop for a moment.

Inventa el primer nas un cop

Invent the first nose once.

A punt


Podem escalar a volta més esquius

We can climb around more slopes.

Et venen a aturbar la dolça sort

They come to disturb your sweet fate.

I sols et falta baixar pel que tu dius

You only need to come down for what you say.

Ducar que no ets del tot

Dare that you are not completely.

Centre del món

Center of the world

Oh, oh, oh, oh

Oh, oh, oh, oh

No donaré ni el més petit consol

I will not give even the slightest comfort.

Et volarà un dia qualsevol

It will fly away one day.

No hem tret a la vida alguns trastorns

We have not taken some disorders out of life.

Un nou dia ha començat

A new day has begun.

Em llevo al teu costat

I wake up by your side.

Respires lentament

You breathe slowly.

Un nou dia t'ha abraçat

A new day has embraced you.

Et lleves i no saps

You get up and don't know.

Que enyorarem aquest moment

We will miss this moment.

Les casualitats

The coincidences

Són les que ens han portat

They are the ones who have brought us.

A viure aquest present

To live this present

Que jo no en sóc conscient

That I am not aware of.

Si m'esperes

If you wait for me

Allà fora et cantaré

Out there I will sing to you.


We will write

Que tot no va ser fàcil

That not everything was easy.

Cantarem la nostra vida

We will sing our life.

En un paper

On a paper

Marxarem amb els dies regalats

We will walk with the gifted days.

I amb el somriure dels que ja no hi puguin ser

And with the smile of those who can no longer be there.


We will write

Que tot no va ser fàcil

That not everything was easy.

Cantarem la nostra vida

We will sing our life.

En un paper

On a paper

Marxarem caminant per les estrelles

We will walk among the stars.

I amb el somriure dels que ja no hi puguin ser

And with the smile of those who can no longer be there.

I ara que tot ha acabat

And now that everything is over

Que no tinc al meu costat

That I don't have by my side.

Et sento diferent

I feel you different.

Amb aigua en un calaix

With water in a drawer.

Les mirades d'amagat

The hidden glances

Les cançons que em vas cantar

The songs you sang to me.

Són les que vull cridar

They are the ones I want to call out.

Si m'esperes

If you wait for me

Allà fora et cantaré

Out there I will sing to you.


We will write.

Que tot no va ser fàcil

That everything wasn't easy.

Cantarem la nostra vida

We will sing our life.

En un paper

On a paper

Marxarem amb els dies regalats

We will walk with the gifted days.

I amb el somriure dels que ja no hi puguin ser

And with the smile of those who can no longer be there.


We will write.

Que tot no va ser fàcil

Not everything was easy.

Cantarem la nostra vida

We will sing our life.

En un paper

On a paper

Marxarem caminant per les estrelles

We will walk among the stars.

I amb el somriure dels que ja no hi puguin ser

And with the smile of those who can no longer be there.

Oh, oh, oh, oh

Oh, oh, oh, oh

T'escriuré que sí que va ser fàcil

I will write to you that it was indeed easy.

T'estic cantant la nostra història en un paper

I am singing our story on a piece of paper.

Marxaré recordant tots aquells dies

I will leave remembering all those days.

I amb el somriure que tu sols havies fet

And with the smile that only you had made.

T'escriurem que tot no va ser fàcil

We will write to you that not everything was easy.

Cantarem la nostra vida en un paper

We will sing our life on a piece of paper.

Marxarem amb els dies regalats

We will leave with the gift days.

I amb el somriure dels que ja no hi puguin ser

And with the smile of those who can no longer be there.

T'escriurem que tot no va ser fàcil

We will write to you that not everything was easy.

Cantarem la nostra vida en un paper

We will sing our life on a paper.

Marxarem caminant per les estrelles

We will walk among the stars.

I amb el somriure que tu sols havies fet

And with the smile that only you had made.

I amb el somriure dels que ja no hi puguin ser

And with the smile of those who can no longer be there.

T'escriurem que tot no va ser fàcil

We will write to you that not everything was easy.

Cantarem la nostra vida en un paper

We will sing our life on a paper.

Marxarem amb els dies regalats

We will march with the gifted days.

I amb el somriure dels que ja no hi puguin ser

And with the smile of those who can no longer be there.

T'escriurem que tot no va ser fàcil

We will write to you that not everything was easy.

Cantarem la nostra vida en un paper

We will sing our life on a piece of paper.

Marxarem caminant per les estrelles

We will walk among the stars.

I amb el somriure dels que ja no hi puguin ser

And with the smile of those who can no longer be there.

somriure que tu sols

smile that only you

havies fet.

you had done.

La millor música en català

The best music in Catalan

a PopCat. 60 minuts musicals

a PopCat. 60 musical minutes

amb el millor de la música en català

with the best of Catalan music

a Ràdio Vila.

to Vila Radio.

La millor música en català

The best music in Catalan.

a Ràdio Vila.

to Radio Vila.

La millor música en català

The best music in Catalan

a Ràdio Vila.

to Radio Vila.

La millor música en català

The best music in Catalan.

a Ràdio Vila.

to Radio Vila.

A Ràdio Vila, PopCat.

At Ràdio Vila, PopCat.

Només música en català.

Only music in Catalan.

Un viatge

A journey

a París, un sopar

in Paris, a dinner

davant del Molaus.

in front of the Molaus.

Je t'aime

I love you

mon amour.

my love.

Un retrat

A portrait

original d'aquell

original of that

pintor romàntic

romantic painter

del Catan.

from Catan.

Me n'has parlat.

You have talked to me about it.

Tot ho donaria,

I would give everything.

però no puc.

but I can't.

Només podem

We can only


to imagine.

Que tu i jo

That you and I

fugim d'aquí.

let's run away from here.

Sóc així, molt normal.

I am like this, very normal.

Tinc poques coses

I have few things.

per donar-te.

to give you.

Sóc així, essencial.

I am like this, essential.

No esperis llacs viatges.

Don't wait for lakes to travel.

I jo sóc així,

And I am like this,

molt formal.

very formal.

Tinc poesies i carícies.

I have poems and caresses.

No sóc gens excepcional.

I am not exceptional at all.

Però tinc un univers

But I have a universe.

només per tu.

just for you.



Només per tu.

Only for you.



Tot ho donaria

I would give everything.

a peu d'aquest vi.

at the foot of this wine.

Fes volar

Make it fly.

la ment amb mi.

the mind with me.

Tu i jo.

You and I.

Sóc així, molt normal.

I am like this, very normal.

Tinc poques coses

I have few things.

per donar-te.

to give you.

Sóc així, essencial.

I am like this, essential.

No esperis llacs viatges.

Don't wait for lake trips.

I jo sóc així, molt formal.

And I am like this, very formal.

Tinc poesies i carícies.

I have poems and caresses.

No sóc gens excepcional.

I am not exceptional at all.

Però tinc un univers

But I have a universe.

només per tu.

only for you.

Sóc així, molt normal.

I am like this, very normal.

Tinc poques coses

I have few things.

per donar-te.

to give you.

Sóc així, molt normal.

I'm like this, very normal.

Tinc poques coses

I have few things.

per donar-te.

to give you.

Sóc així, essencial.

I am thus, essential.

No esperis llacs viatges.

Do not expect lakes traveling.

I jo sóc així, molt formal.

And I am like this, very formal.

Tinc poesies i carícies.

I have poems and caresses.

No sóc gens excepcional.

I am not exceptional at all.

Però tinc un univers

But I have a universe.

només per tu.

only for you.

Però tinc un univers

But I have a universe.

només per tu.

just for you.

No sóc així, molt formal.

I'm not like that, very formal.

I amb l'espurna de la història

And with the spark of history

i avançant a pas valent

and advancing with a valiant step

hem encès dins la memòria

we have ignited within the memory

la flama d'un sentiment

the flame of a feeling

Viure sempre corrents avançant amb la gent

Always living in a hurry, moving forward with the people.

rellevant contres, transportant sentiments

relevant counters, transporting feelings

Viure mantenint viva la flama a través del temps

Living by keeping the flame alive through time.

la flama de tot un poble moviment

the flame of an entire people's movement

Viure sempre corrents avançant amb la gent

Living continuously running forward with the people.

rellevant contres, transportant sentiments

relevant counterpoints, transporting feelings

Viure mantenint viva la flama a través del temps

Living by keeping the flame alive throughout time.

la flama de tot un poble moviment

the flame of an entire people's movement

Bona nit.

Good night.

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