#OhDeBarri 7: Gemma i Mònica Solanes de Daffos Organic

Ràdio Ciutat de Tarragona

Arxius de OhDeBarri - Ràdio Ciutat de Tarragona

#OhDeBarri 7: Gemma i Mònica Solanes de Daffos Organic

Arxius de OhDeBarri - Ràdio Ciutat de Tarragona

Escoltes Oda Barri, el podcast per conèixer comerços autèntics del territori.

Listen to Oda Barri, the podcast to get to know authentic shops in the area.

Bona tarda o dia, depèn del moment que ens escolteu,

Good afternoon or good day, depending on the moment you are listening to us,

i sigueu molt benvinguts a Oda Barri.

And you are very welcome to Oda Barri.

Oda Barri, com sabeu, és el podcast que posa cara, humor

Oda Barri, as you know, is the podcast that brings face and humor.

i ens apropa a les persones i les històries de l'espècie d'emprenedor

and brings us closer to the people and the stories of the entrepreneurial species

més valenta i en risc d'extinció, els botiguers.

braver and at risk of extinction, the shopkeepers.

Coneixerem les nostres start-ups de barri,

We will get to know our neighborhood start-ups,

sense elevators pitch, unicornis o ventures capital,

without elevator pitches, unicorns, or venture capital,

que han aixecat negocis que aposten pel territori,

that have launched businesses that invest in the territory,

el tracte personal, la qualitat i l'originalitat.

the personal touch, quality, and originality.

Models únics i sostenibles, que donen vida als nostres barris.

Unique and sustainable models that bring life to our neighborhoods.

I ara, a Oda Barri, volem que tornin a estar de moda.

And now, at Oda Barri, we want them to be in fashion again.

Benvinguts a Oda Barri.

Welcome to Oda Barri.

Avui tenim amb nosaltres dues persones de Reus,

Today we have with us two people from Reus,

la Mònica i la Gemma, de Dafos Orgànic.

Mònica and Gemma, from Dafos Organic.

Dafos Orgànic és una botiga que està al CET,

Dafos Orgànic is a store located at the CET,

centre de Reus, carrer Galera, número 11, a tocar de plaça Mercadal.

centre of Reus, Galera street, number 11, close to Mercadal square.

Jo crec que la gent, quan li dius carrer Galera...

I think that people, when you say Galera street...

Bé, els de Reus sí, però depèn qui, no s'aclara gaire.

Well, the people from Reus do, but it depends on who; it's not very clear.

I tinc uns aplausos aquí de benvinguda, que sonaran ara mateix.

I have some welcome applause here, which will sound right now.

Benvingudes, Mònica i Gemma.

Welcome, Mònica and Gemma.

Hola, bona tarda.

Hello, good afternoon.

Com esteu?

How are you?

Bona tarda.

Good afternoon.

És un plaer tenir-vos aquí, perquè a més amb vosaltres

It is a pleasure to have you here, because besides with you

portem molt de temps en contacte,

we have been in contact for a long time,

i a més tenim el plaer de comptar també amb Dafos Orgànic,

and we also have the pleasure of counting on Dafos Organic,

a la nostra app, al barri.

in our app, in the neighborhood.

I realment, Dafos ha fet un canvi, no?

And really, Dafos has made a change, hasn't he?

I jo, quan us vaig conèixer, em vau dir, estem planejant un canvi.

And I, when I met you, you told me, we are planning a change.

Dafos és una botiga...

Dafos is a store...

Què us dediqueu, primer de tot?

What do you do, first of all?

Què és Dafos?

What is Dafos?

Qui m'ho explica així, en 30 segons?

Who can explain it to me like this, in 30 seconds?

Bé, nosaltres érem una perfumeria tradicional,

Well, we were a traditional perfumery,

som la tercera generació,

we are the third generation,

i a poc a poc anem canviant i anem agafant tot el que és el...

And little by little we are changing and we are taking everything that is the...

el tema ecològic.

the ecological theme.

Ecològic i...

Ecological and...

Heu fet un canvi d'enfoc, diguem.

You've made a change in focus, let's say.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Molt bé.

Very good.

Perquè quant temps porteu vosaltres a Reus?

How long have you all been in Reus?

Nosaltres ja som la tercera generació.

We are already the third generation.

La tercera generació són molts anys, no?

The third generation is many years, isn't it?

Van començar els meus avis, va seguir la meva mare,

It started with my grandparents, then my mother continued.

i nosaltres ja fa gairebé 15 anys que ens hi dediquem.

And we've been doing this for almost 15 years.

Llavors, des de... des de mil... com seria això?

So, from... from a thousand... how would that be?

Home, des de 1945...

Home, since 1945...



Sí, 44-45.

Yes, 44-45.

Postguerra total.

Total postwar.



Postguerra total, sí.

Total war, yes.

De fet, encara tenim llibres del meu avi,

In fact, we still have books from my grandfather,

amb compres, ventes...

with purchases, sales...

O sigui, teniu la història, no?

So, you have the story, right?

Teniu els llibres de molta veritat.

You have very truthful books.

Sí, sí, sí, els tenim.

Yes, yes, yes, we have them.

És un postguerra i encara seguiu al peu del canó,

It's a post-war period and you are still at your post.

per tant, és encomiable veure com... com evoluciona, també.

therefore, it is commendable to see how... how it evolves, too.

I parlem d'evolució.

And we talk about evolution.

Jo, quan us vaig conèixer, d'AFOS passava a dir-se d'AFOS orgànic, no?

I, when I met you, AFOS went from being called AFOS to being called organic AFOS, right?

Com ha sorgit aquest canvi de xip, diguem?

How did this change of mindset come about, shall we say?

Com us ha arribat?

How did it reach you?

Bueno, vam començar que vam introduir la marca que és Occitan,

Well, we started by introducing the brand which is Occitan,

que és una marca que és natural,

which is a brand that is natural,

i a poc a poc ens va anar agradant tota la filosofia que l'envolta.

And little by little we began to like all the philosophy that surrounds it.

Molt bé.

Very good.

No té este tema animals,

This topic does not have animals.

té fundacions arreu del món per ajudar gent,

it has foundations around the world to help people,

i una miqueta el tema orgànic, el tema natural,

and a little bit the organic theme, the natural theme,

vam anar començant per aquí.

we started here.

Molt bé.

Very good.

Fins que vam anar agafant ja més marques amb ecològic, natural...

Until we started picking up more brands with organic, natural...

I la gent d'arreus ha respost, diguem?

And the people of Reus have responded, shall we say?

Home, hem canviat bastant la clientela, la veritat.

At home, we have changed the clientele quite a bit, to be honest.

Ha canviat?

Has it changed?

Ha canviat bastant, sí.

It has changed quite a bit, yes.

Teníem un tipus de gent d'una certa edat,

We had a certain type of older people,

i ara ve molta gent jove,

and now a lot of young people are coming,

i que està molt interessada en tot aquest tema.

and that is very interested in all this subject.

És a dir, que realment heu introduït un canvi

That is to say, you have really introduced a change.

i heu notat una evolució en la clientela.

And you have noticed an evolution in the clientele.

Sí, total.

Yes, totally.

Perquè a vegades quan entenc...

Because sometimes when I understand...

Quin any vau començar a fer aquest canvi?

What year did you start making this change?

Que vam agafar l'Occitan potser fa 7 o 8 anys.

We took up Occitan perhaps 7 or 8 years ago.



Fa anys.

Years ago.

I llavors, poquet a poquet,

And then, little by little,

hem anat fent el canvi.

We have been making the change.

O sigui, no ha sigut un canvi brusc,

So, it hasn't been a sudden change,

hem liquidat una cosa i hem introduït una altra.

we have liquidated one thing and introduced another.

Hem anat, poquet a poquet,

We have gone, little by little,

hem anat introduint marques ecològiques

we have been introducing ecological labels

i hem anat liquidant les altres.

And we have been settling the others.

Llavors, clar, la clientela, a poc a poc,

Then, of course, the clientele, little by little,

ha anat canviant, també.

It has also changed.

No ha sigut allò, un rebranding,

It hasn't been a rebranding.

que et tanques a casa i dius,

that you close yourself at home and say,

demà comencem amb una...

tomorrow we start with a...



No, perquè en principi la idea no era, tampoc, fer-ho tot.

No, because initially the idea was not to do everything either.

Era començar a agafar alguna marca

It was starting to take some shape.

per tenir diferents opcions.

to have different options.

Però al final hem acabat amb tot l'ecològic.

But in the end, we ended up with everything organic.

Molt bé.

Very good.

Escolta, ara, això em va molt bé una mica,

Listen, now, this works very well for me a bit,

aquesta primera introducció de què és DAFOS

this first introduction of what DAFOS is

i qui és DAFOS,

and who is DAFOS,

per deixar, donar entrada al següent apartat,

to leave, to introduce the next section,

que és, que...

what is, that...



Que és, vet aquí una vegada,

What is it, once upon a time,

la Mònica i la Gemma.

Mònica and Gemma.



Mònica, Gemma, qui sou vosaltres?

Mònica, Gemma, who are you?

És a dir, ja no parlem de DAFOS,

That is to say, we are no longer talking about DAFOS,



Qui sou?

Who are you?

D'on veniu?

Where do you come from?

Viviu arreu, suposo.

You live everywhere, I suppose.

Però una mica la vostra història.

But a little of your story.

A veure, un minut i un minut, vull dir.

Let's see, a minute and a minute, I mean.

Ho dic perquè, com que anem cronometrats,

I say this because, since we are timed,

perquè volem entretenir, també,

because we want to entertain, too,

volem que la gent ens escolti entretinguts.

we want people to listen to us entertained.

Bueno, nosaltres som d'arreus de tota la vida.

Well, we are from Reus for life.

Vivim les dues al centre

We both live in the center.

i treballem al centre, també.

And we work at the center, too.

Què heu estudiat?

What have you studied?

Què heu fet?

What have you done?

Una miqueta com us heu mogut?

A little bit like how have you moved?

Com ha sigut la vostra evolució?

What has your evolution been like?

Jo vaig estudiar Graduats Socials.

I studied Social Graduates.



Vaig estar treballant en un despatx 5 anys

I worked in an office for 5 years.

i després per un problema de salut de la meva mare i tot això

and then because of a health problem with my mother and all that

vam canviar, vaig passar cap a la botiga

we changed, I went towards the store

que era una idea que ja tenia i que m'agradava

that it was an idea I already had and that I liked

i a partir d'allà em vaig incorporar a ella

And from there I joined her.

i ella ens ha ensenyat,

and she has taught us,

ens ha ensenyat tot el que sabem.

has taught us everything we know.

Una mica el traspàs.

A little bit of the transfer.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Mònica, Gemma, vas amb Lió.

Mònica, Gemma, you’re going with Lion.





Dona'ns qui és la Gemma.

Give us who Gemma is.

Explica'ns una mica.

Tell us a little bit.

Doncs, més o menys el mateix.

Well, more or less the same.

Vés que arreu, som de ras de tota la vida

Go wherever, we are from the roots of a lifetime.

i jo vaig començar amb 18 anys ja a treballar amb el meu pare

And I started working with my father at the age of 18.

que llavors tenia ell un magatzem de venda al Major.

that then he had a wholesale store.



I llavors, bueno, d'aquí vaig estar treballant un munt d'anys

And then, well, from there I worked for many years.

i després quan ja vam tancar

and then when we already closed

i llavors vam començar ja a la botiga ella i jo juntes.

And then we started at the store, she and I together.

Vale, és a dir que...

Okay, that is to say that...

Fa 15 anys.

Fifteen years ago.

Clar, tu vas anar una mica ja directament a treballar en el negoci familiar, no?

Of course, you went a bit directly to work in the family business, didn't you?

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Molt bé, després ja vas fer el canvi.

Very well, then you made the change later.

Que nosaltres no estàvem on estàvem ara.

That we were not where we are now.

Nosaltres estàvem a la Raval de Jesús.

We were at Raval de Jesús.

Molt bé, vale.

Very well, okay.

Llavors vam fer el canvi.

Then we made the change.

Quan es van posar les dues, que la meva mare ja es va jubilar,

When they both were placed, my mother had already retired,

llavors es van posar al carrer Galera.

then they went to Galera street.

Sí, molt bé.

Yes, very good.

I a nivell intern, a nivell de botiga,

And at an internal level, at a store level,

que teniu les vostres, diguem, quotes de poder, no?

that you have your, let's say, shares of power, right?

Una porta inventaris i l'altra...

One door inventories and the other...

Com ho teniu repartit això?

How do you have this distributed?

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Sí, no tenim de separats i en tenim de comuns.

Yes, we have some that are separate and some that are common.



Els separats molt bé.

The separated ones very well.

Parlem dels separats.

Let's talk about the separated.

Molt bé.

Very well.

Els separats quins són, així, per tenir-ho clar?

Which ones are the separated ones, then, to have it clear?

Ell porta la comptabilitat.

He manages the accounting.

Jo porto més comptabilitat i papers.

I handle more accounting and paperwork.

I veig aquí, magatzem para, dic comptabilitat, papers.

I see here, warehouse for, I say accounting, papers.

Sí, correcte.

Yes, correct.

Tu portes l'ordre de la casa.

You bring the order of the house.



I quan la cosa se'n va de mare, li dones un toque.

And when things get out of hand, you give them a nudge.

Llavors ella gasta i jo la paro.

Then she spends, and I stop her.

Exacte, exacte.

Exactly, exactly.

Jo intento fer les comandes i parlo amb els delegats i amb les marques.

I try to place the orders and talk to the delegates and the brands.

Molt bé.

Very good.

I llavors és quan ve ella i em diu no.

And then she comes to me and says no.

No, aquí no.

No, not here.

Aquí ja parem.

Here we stop.



Lo comú, que veig que és la font de problemes, què és?

The common thing, which I see is the source of problems, what is it?

Una mica...

A little...

No, és el dia a dia de la botiga.

No, it's the daily routine of the store.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

El dia a dia ho portem les dues.

We both handle the day-to-day.

Les clienteles, les marques noves...

The clientele, the new brands...

No fa coses noves, tot això sí.

It doesn’t do new things, all of this yes.

Estem bastant d'acord.

We mostly agree.

Molt bé.

Very well.

Doncs escolta, això em dóna pas una miqueta per la següent pregunta,

Well listen, this gives me a bit of a segue to the next question,

per introduir el següent apartat, que és l'hora de la pandèmia.

to introduce the following section, which is the time of the pandemic.

Bé, han sigut dos anys, un hiatus de dos anys,

Well, it has been two years, a break of two years.

que hem tingut.

that we have had.

Com heu viscut vosaltres, des de la botiga, aquests dos anys?

How have you experienced these two years from the shop?

A nivell de negoci.

At a business level.

Home, amb preocupació, perquè tampoc no sabies...

At home, with concern, because you also didn't know...

Ens vam fer tancar d'un dia per l'altre.

We were made to close from one day to the next.



Després, clar, no sabies ni quants dies estaríem,

Afterwards, of course, you didn't even know how many days we would be.

que després van ser mesos.

that later were months.

Després ens ha fet, quan vam obrir ja,

Afterwards, it has made us, when we opened already,

ens ha fet també mal el confinament municipal,

the municipal confinement has also hurt us,

després els altres...

after the others...

Les diferents notícies que se n'han anat donant...

The different news that has been given...

Heu estat tancats sempre.

You have always been closed.



Tres mesos.

Three months.

Bé, els tres mesos.

Well, the three months.

Els tres mesos.

The three months.

I després, el que és la clientela,

And then, as for the clientele,

heu notat que la gent, després d'estar tancada,

have you noticed that people, after being locked up,

venia més a la botiga, venia menys...

I used to come to the store more, I came less...

A nivell de negoci, com ho heu vist, això?

From a business perspective, how have you seen this?

Jo crec que el primer mes, quan vam obrir,

I think that the first month, when we opened,

al maig, hi va haver molta gent que es va mentalitzar molt

In May, there were many people who prepared themselves mentally.

de tot el que era el comerç de proximitat i tot això.

of everything that was local commerce and all that.

Després la gent ja es va relaxant

Afterwards, people start to relax.

i tornen a fer el que feien abans.

And they do again what they used to do before.



Què era?

What was it?

Doncs anar a comprar allà on hi sembla.

So go shopping wherever it seems.

Allà on hi sembla.

There where it seems.

És a dir, potser els clients que estaven més a prop

That is to say, perhaps the clients who were closer.

van venir més a la botiga, no?

They came to the store more, didn't they?

Potser, que això, a vegades, anem tots directes cap al supermercat

Perhaps, sometimes, we all go straight to the supermarket.

i tal, i t'adones, ens hem adonat de la pandèmia,

And so, you realize, we have realized the pandemic,

que tenim comerços a costat de casa,

that we have shops next to the house,

que obren i que hi podem anar a comprar.

that open and where we can go shopping.

Això és un gran descobriment.

This is a great discovery.

I a pena que no s'hagi quedat, no?, per més temps.

It's a pity that they didn't stay longer, right?

Escolta, i un altre tema que tinc, que sempre pregunto,

Listen, and another topic I have that I always ask about,

i que ara introdueixo,

and that I now introduce,

és l'apartat del món digital.

It is the section of the digital world.

Bé, el tema del món digital

Well, the topic of the digital world.

és un tema apassionant, però també molt complex.

It's a fascinating topic, but also very complex.

Quan parlem de Dafos orgànic,

When we talk about organic Dafos,

en el món digital, què trobem?

In the digital world, what do we find?

Jo poso Google, no?

I use Google, right?

No hauria de dir noms, no?

I shouldn't name names, right?

Però poso a les xarxes, poso Dafos...

But I put on the networks, I put Dafos...

Què hi ha? Què hi trobo?

What's there? What do I find there?

Bàsicament Instagram.

Basically Instagram.



És a dir, el vostre focus, ara mateix,

That is to say, your focus, right now,

és Instagram.

It's Instagram.



Tenim el Facebook, també,

We also have Facebook.

però el que sempre on pengem tot és Instagram.

But what we always hang everything on is Instagram.

Veig que contestes tu.

I see that you are answering.

Això vol dir que el portes tu.

This means that you carry it.





És el seu terreny.

It's his/her land.

És el seu terreny, perfecte.

It's your territory, perfect.

No m'hi poso.

I'm not getting involved.






Do you sell?

És a dir, el feu servir com a eina de venda, vosaltres, Instagram?

In other words, do you use it as a sales tool, you, Instagram?

Ens pregunten moltes coses per l'Instagram.

They ask us many things on Instagram.



És eina de consulta.

It is a consultation tool.

Sí, és eina de consulta.

Yes, it is a consultation tool.



Et saps els followers?

Do you know the followers?

A Bote Pronto?

At a Glance?

Jo sempre ho pregunto.

I always ask it.

A vegades ho miro, avui no ho he mirat.

Sometimes I look at it, today I haven't looked at it.

Seré sincer.

I will be honest.

Jo crec que davant hi ha potser uns 800.

I think there are perhaps about 800 in front.

Sí, per ahir.

Yes, for yesterday.

Va, ahir deixem-ho.

Come on, let's leave it at that for yesterday.

Jo et diria...

I would tell you...

És que siguin, és que siguin.

It's that they are, it's that they are.



A vegades hi ha gent que s'ho sap o porta l'estadística i hi ha gent que no.

Sometimes there are people who know it or carry the statistics and there are people who do not.

No, és que tampoc no és una cosa que vagi...

No, it's just that it's not something that goes...

que ens preocupi molt.

that worries us a lot.

No ho sé.

I don't know.

En el vostre dia a dia, a tu t'entren preguntes per Instagram, entenc que estàs més o menys

In your day-to-day life, you get questions for Instagram, I understand that you are more or less

pendent, no?, de l'Instagram.

Pending, right?, from Instagram.



És a dir, tardes poc a contestar.

That is to say, you take little time to reply.



El WhatsApp també o no, a nivell de botiga?

WhatsApp too or not, at the store level?

No, no ho tenim.

No, we don't have it.

No ho teniu.

You don't have it.



És a dir, la gent ja us directament per Instagram us pregunta.

That is to say, people are already directly asking you on Instagram.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Molt bé.

Very good.

El privat, sí.

The private, yes.

És interessant perquè és veritat que hi ha comerços que treballen molt amb el WhatsApp

It is interesting because it is true that there are businesses that work a lot with WhatsApp.

també, perquè el tenen com a eina de contacte, que a mi hi ha gent que li agrada més Instagram

Also, because they use it as a contact tool, whereas some people prefer Instagram.

o una barreja d'ambos, per això una mica preguntava.

or a mix of both, that's why I was asking a bit.

Instagram, pàgina web, venda online...

Instagram, website, online sales...

Crec que Instagram està començant a oferir temes de ventes online, però vosaltres teniu

I think Instagram is starting to offer online sales topics, but you have

pensat entrar en venda online com a...

thinking of entering online sales as a...

com a DAFOs?

as SWOTs?

Bueno, a veure, ho hem parlat moltes vegades i és un tema que hem de mirar si podem entrar

Well, let's see, we've talked about it many times and it's a topic we need to see if we can delve into.

i si ens convé, però tampoc no sabem ben bé ara.

And if it suits us, but we don't really know right now.

Ho hem estat parlant, però tampoc no sabem com va, com s'ha de fer, si ens pot anar bé.

We've been talking about it, but we also don't know how it works, how it should be done, or if it will be good for us.

És un tema complex, el tema de vendes online.

It is a complex topic, the topic of online sales.

És veritat que quan tens molt de múscul, però quan estàs molt dedicat al petit comerç,

It's true that when you have a lot of muscle, but when you are very dedicated to small business,

és veritat que la gent...

it's true that people...

És veritat que la gent va a buscar una mica, una mica el valor afegit, la recomanació,

It is true that people look for a bit, a bit of added value, the recommendation.

el tast dels productes.

the tasting of the products.

Llavors, amb això entro una miqueta aquí cap al segon apartat que li diem futuroscòpia,

Then, with this, I enter a little bit here toward the second section that we call futurescopy,

agafar la bola de vidre.

take the glass ball.

Bé, aquí volem saber si us donem una boleta de vidre i feu una miqueta així amb les mans.

Well, here we want to know if we give you a glass ball and you do a little like this with your hands.

Vosaltres porteu tres generacions.

You have three generations.

Llavors, d'AFOS, d'aquí cinc anys, d'aquí deu anys, on serà, què serà?

So, AFOS, in five years, in ten years, where will it be, what will it be?

Teniu alguna idea?

Do you have any idea?

Una idea boja, ara, sense pensar en...

A crazy idea, now, without thinking about...

Ai, he de fer això, he de fer això...

Oh, I have to do this, I have to do this...

No, no.

No, no.

Si fem aquí un tirar los dados...

If we roll the dice here...

Home, jo crec que evolucionarem bé, perquè tot això ecològic, en principi, té bastanta tirada.

Well, I believe that we will evolve well, because all this ecological stuff, in principle, has quite a draw.

Hi ha molta gent jove que ho busca.

There are many young people looking for it.

Ara estem ampliant amb moltíssimes coses sense plàstic, també.

Now we are expanding with a lot of things without plastic, too.

I no hi ha tema de perfumeria.

And there is no perfume theme.

També ens volem especialitzar en cuina, tenim uns espais de cuina, ara, també.

We also want to specialize in cooking; we now have some kitchen spaces as well.

Molt bé.

Very good.

Tenim unes valletes que són de fibra de bambú.

We have some little sticks that are made of bamboo fiber.

I jo crec que tot això, a poc a poc, anirà...

And I believe that all this, little by little, will go...

Esteu fent un canvi de paradigma, diguem-ne.

You are making a paradigm shift, let's say.

Ah, exacte.

Ah, exactly.

És que per això vam posar d'AFOS orgànic.

That's why we put organic AFOS.

Volíem treure una miqueta el que és el nom de perfumeria.

We wanted to take away a little bit from what is the name of perfumery.

Molt bé.

Very good.

Algun afegitor al projecte familiar?

Any additions to the family project?

Aquí sempre s'ha de preguntar a dues bandes.

Here you always have to ask both sides.



A part d'això, volem agafar moltes més coses.

Apart from this, we want to take many more things.

Per exemple, ens estem mirant ara el tema dels granels.

For example, we are currently looking at the issue of bulk goods.

Molt bé.

Very good.

Detergents i coses per la llar a granel.

Bulk detergents and household items.

I bé, és anar introduint coses, depèn de com evolucioni el món,

And well, it's about introducing things, depending on how the world evolves,

o és anar a altres també posant-se...

or is going to others also putting themselves...

El tema és, a nivell de futur,

The issue is, in terms of the future,

jo crec que la manera, al final, del comerç local ha de sobreviure.

I believe that in the end, the way of local commerce must survive.

I la manera una mica de sobreviure és a través, potser, de l'experiència.

And the way to survive a little is perhaps through experience.

Quan un compra, ho direm malament, a Amazon,

When someone buys, we will say it wrong, on Amazon,

no pots olorar els perfums, no pots veure, tocar el que estàs comprant,

you can't smell the perfumes, you can't see, touch what you are buying,

i això la digitalització no t'ho treu, no t'ho dona.

And this is something that digitization does not take away from you, nor does it give you.

I és veritat que el comerç local això sí que t'ho aporta.

And it is true that local trade does provide you with that.

L'experiència d'anar a la botiga,

The experience of going to the store,

l'experiència de tocar, de sentir el consell,

the experience of playing, of feeling the advice,

això sí, això no, això barrejat amb això altre...

this yes, this no, this mixed with this other...

Al final, jo entenc que els comerços, uns com els vostres,

In the end, I understand that businesses like yours,

al final s'hauran d'especialitzar per donar aquest valor afegit de l'experiència,

in the end, they will have to specialize to provide that added value of the experience,

del ser proper.

of the close being.

Jo vaig aquí perquè m'ho donen, perquè m'ho recomanen,

I go here because they give it to me, because they recommend it to me,

i perquè ho puc veure i ho puc tocar.

And because I can see it and I can touch it.

Jo quan vaig a comprar perfums, per exemple,

When I go to buy perfumes, for example,

com compres un perfum sense olorar-lo?

How do you buy a perfume without smelling it?

És impossible, jo ho veig com...

It's impossible, I see it as...

Jo em bloquejo, dic, ostres, quin agafo, no?

I get blocked, I say, wow, which one do I take, right?

Però, en canvi, si vaig a un lloc que es pot olorar, doncs sí, clar.

But, on the other hand, if I go to a place that can be smelled, then yes, of course.

Llavors, molt bé.

Then, very well.

Per tancar aquest tema,

To close this topic,

sempre tinc jo una coseta que m'agrada fer amb les botigues que venen,

I always have a little thing that I like to do with the stores that sell.

un apartat aquí, una mica indecent.

a section here, a bit indecent.

Jo li dic les preguntes indecents.

I ask him the indecent questions.

Llancem la música per entrar a aquesta categoria.

Let's launch the music to enter this category.

Bé, jo aquí sempre pregunto,

Well, I always ask here,

el que passa és que aquí potser ho hauríem d'acotar,

what happens is that here we should perhaps limit it,

que és a més dur de ser emprenedor en comerç local,

what is harder than being an entrepreneur in local commerce,

perquè generalment, en el vostre cas, potser no sou emprenedors,

because generally, in your case, you may not be entrepreneurs,

és a dir, porteu un negoci que heu heretat, al final, no?

That is to say, you run a business that you have inherited, in the end, right?



Però, diguem que l'emprenedoria és en el dia a dia, no?

But, let's say that entrepreneurship is in the day-to-day, right?

Perquè l'esteu canviant el negoci,

Because you are changing the business,

per tant, sí que en certa forma esteu emprenent, no?

therefore, yes, in a way you are taking action, right?

Què és el més dur per vosaltres?

What is the hardest for you?

Bé, no ho sé, suposo que és el dia a dia d'anar canviant...

Well, I don't know, I guess it's the day-to-day of constantly changing...

Buscant marques, també...

Looking for brands, also...

Buscant marques noves, intentar d'estar sempre,

Looking for new brands, trying to always be,

per exemple, amb això dels granels,

for example, with this thing about the bulk items,

això fa dos anys no ho feia ningú,

two years ago, no one did this.

ara ja comença algú, doncs és ja començar a buscar proveïdors,

now someone is starting, so it's time to start looking for suppliers,

incorporar-te al món, és estar molt...

to integrate into the world is to be very...

el dia anar canviant i anar introduint sempre coses noves...

the day goes on changing and always introducing new things...



Perquè la gent vegi que realment

So that people can see that it really

no és que has agafat una marca i t'has quedat allí,

It's not that you picked a brand and stayed there,

senzillament que tu també tens ganes d'anar evolucionant.

Simply that you also want to keep evolving.

No, i a part que quan busquem marques,

No, and apart from that, when we look for brands,

fem tot un llistat, intentem provar el producte,

let's make a complete list, let's try the product,

saber una miqueta d'on procedeix,

to know a little bit about where it comes from,

intentem buscar moltíssimes coses de proximitat,

we try to look for a lot of local things,

tenim moltes marques de proximitat...

we have many local brands...

És a dir, és una búsqueda contínua, no?

That is to say, it is a continuous search, right?

Potser el canvi continu potser és el més dur, de veritat,

Perhaps the continuous change is the hardest, truly.

i el no saber si estàs fent bé o estàs fent malament,

and not knowing if you are doing right or doing wrong,

perquè ningú t'ho pot dir, això, no?

because no one can tell you that, right?

Al final això potser és el que més angoixa, no?,

In the end, perhaps this is what causes the most anxiety, right?

pot generar, no? Sí que és veritat.

It can generate, right? Yes, that's true.

Ho tornaríeu a fer? Sempre ho pregunto, això.

Would you do it again? I always ask that.

Sí, sí, mil vegades, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, a thousand times, yes, yes.

Abans i tot ho faríem.

We would do it before anything else.

Jo estic molt contenta i molt convençuda, i abans i tot, sí.

I am very happy and very convinced, and even before, yes.

Abans i tot ho faríem. Perfecte, escolta, fantàstic.

Before and we would do it all. Perfect, listen, fantastic.

Sí, sí, sí. M'encanta que sigui així, perquè...

Yes, yes, yes. I love that it is this way because...

Això claríssim.

This is very clear.

A vegades hi ha gent que em diu que no, que s'ho pensa,

Sometimes there are people who tell me no, that they think about it,

i jo dic, escolta, és una pregunta.

And I say, listen, it's a question.

No, no, no, si poguéssim, faríem cinc anys abans,

No, no, no, if we could, we would do it five years earlier,

hauríem fet el canvi. I tant, sí.

We would have made the change. Absolutely, yes.

Després sempre pregunto també alguna anècdota, alguna coseta,

Then I always ask for an anecdote, something small,

alguna així, un salero, un salsero que tingueu,

something like that, a salt shaker, a salsa dancer that you have,

que no explicaríeu mai a ningú, evidentment,

that you would never explain to anyone, obviously,

aquí estem a la ràdio, per tant, sense noms,

here we are on the radio, therefore, without names,

l'explicaríeu aquí, alguna coseta que vau anar...

would you explain here, something you went...

Porteu ja molts anys, no?, de botiga, alguna cosa que digués,

You've been in business for many years now, haven't you? Something to say.

ostres, aquí se'ns valia una, que...

Wow, here we were in for one, that...

Bueno, alguna vegada...

Well, sometimes...

Alguna vegada li hem dit a algú que vagi a la botiga del costat.

Have we ever told someone to go to the next store?

Adéu-siau. A si mateix.

Goodbye. To oneself.

Això quan tenim la perfumeria, eh?

When do we have the perfume, huh?

Per maleducats, diguem. Sí.

For rude people, let's say. Yes.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

L'experiència també porta amb això. Sí, sí.

Experience also comes with this. Yes, yes.

I llavors li hem dit, escolta, vagi aquí al costat,

And then we told him, listen, go over here next door,

i allà la tindran perfectament.

And there they will have it perfectly.

I ja està.

And that's it.

Jo ho he fet un parell de vegades.

I have done it a couple of times.

Un parell de vegades? Només? Només un parell de vegades?

A couple of times? Only? Only a couple of times?

Sí, home, som molt educades, sí.

Yes, man, we are very polite, yes.

Molt educades.

Very polite.

No aconseguiré detalls, tampoc.

I won't get any details either.

Després ja és todo radiopatio a hablar de lo mismo, bueno.

After that, it's all radio talk about the same thing, well.

Jo pregunto per si cau, de vegades, això.

I ask if this sometimes happens.

I després, una pregunta també faig.

And then, I also have a question.

Escolta, quadren els números?

Listen, do the numbers add up?

Bueno, així i així.

Well, like this and like that.

Depèn del mes.

It depends on the month.

Ara m'ho preguntes en un mes molt dolent, que és febrer.

Now you're asking me in a very bad month, which is February.



Si m'ho haguessis preguntat al genet hauria dit que sí.

If you had asked me at the time, I would have said yes.

Però bueno, obrim la persiana cada dia i anem fent.

But well, we open the blinds every day and keep going.

És a dir, al cap de l'any quadren els números.

That is to say, at the end of the year the numbers add up.



I durant la pandèmia suposo que haurà sigut més complicat.

And during the pandemic, I suppose it must have been more complicated.

La pandèmia ha sigut complicat, sí.

The pandemic has been complicated, yes.

Però bueno, nosaltres som molt prudents amb això

But well, we are very cautious with this.

i sempre tenim una miqueta de raconet per quan venen els mals temps.

And we always have a little corner for when bad times come.

Molt bé, genial.

Very good, great.

Doncs escolta, entrem ja a la recta final.

Well, listen, we're already entering the home stretch.

Sempre tinc un espai aquí especial, allò amb llumetes,

I always have a special space here, the one with little lights,

que és la part dels crèdits.

what is the part of the credits.

I a vegades ens oblidem de molta gent, no?

And sometimes we forget about a lot of people, don’t we?

D'aquelles persones que ens acompanyen en el dia a dia com a emprenedors

Of those people who accompany us in our daily lives as entrepreneurs.

i que estan allà una miqueta potser més endarrere.

And they are there a little bit perhaps further back.

I és el moment en què aquí teniu vosaltres al vostre voltant

And it is the moment when you have you around here.

que dieu, escolta, doncs aquesta persona, aquesta persona, aquesta persona,

What do you say, listen, so this person, this person, this person,

ole, perquè ens aguanten en els nostres drames.

Hooray, because they endure us in our dramas.

Home, el referent és la meva mare.

At home, the role model is my mother.



Sí, home, i tant, sens dubte.

Yes, of course, without a doubt.

Referent, sí.

Referent, yes.

Més familiars, gent que estigui per allà...

More relatives, people who are around there...



Ella va començar amb el negoci, va treballar 35 anys

She started with the business, she worked for 35 years.

i ella el va tirar endavant i pensa que hi ha clientes

And she pushed him forward and thinks there are clients.

que encara avui en dia venen, pregunten per ella

that even today they sell, ask about her

i fa 10 o 15 anys que està jubilada.

She has been retired for 10 or 15 years.

Però la vostra mare encara té la sort, no?, de poder...

But your mother is still lucky, isn't she, to be able to...



...de poder viure, no?, a la continuació.

...to be able to live, right?, in the continuation.

No, a més a més, ella baixa a la botiga i ens diu,

No, furthermore, she goes down to the store and tells us,

nenes, això, nenes, avui què heu fet?

Girls, this, girls, what have you done today?

Nenes, avui com ho teniu? Nenes, avui què fareu?

Girls, how are you today? Girls, what will you do today?

Vull dir que amb el referent...

I mean that with the reference...

Sí, però ens ha animat a fer el canvi i a tirar endavant i...

Yes, but it has encouraged us to make the change and to move forward and...

Una família de dones emprenedores, eh?

A family of entrepreneurial women, huh?





Molt bé, doncs, escolta, com es diu la vostra mare?

Very well, then, listen, what is your mother's name?



Doncs li enviem una fortíssima abraçada des d'aquí a la Teresa.

So we send a big hug from here to Teresa.

Moltes felicitats perquè ara emprendre a nivell de dones és fàcil,

Congratulations because now starting a business as a woman is easy,

potser fa 50 anys era més complicat.

Maybe 50 years ago it was more complicated.

No, no ho era.

No, it wasn't.

Per tant, la Teresa, ens traiem el barret per la feina que ha fet.

Therefore, Teresa, we take our hats off to the work you have done.

Doncs, escolta, hem arribat a la recta final.

Well, listen, we have reached the final stretch.

Recordem, el vostre Instagram us el sabeu?

Remember, do you know your Instagram?







Arroba Dafosorgànic, perquè si algú ens ha vist, vol agregar o us vol buscar,

At Dafosorgànic, because if someone has seen us, wants to connect or is looking for you,

doncs que us agregui.

so that I can add you.

Moltes gràcies per haver vingut.

Thank you very much for coming.

Recordem que Dafos, tinc a per què apuntar del lloc,

Remember that Dafos, I have something to note about the place,

està a carrer Galera número 11, a tocar de Plaçaner Cadal,

it is at Galera street number 11, close to Plaçaner Cadal,

per si us busquen.

just in case they look for you.

I ens despedim, doncs, ens veiem per Reus.

And so we say goodbye, see you in Reus.

Moltíssimes gràcies per haver vingut.

Thank you very much for coming.

A tu, Sergi.

To you, Sergi.

I ens despedim fins al següent capítol d'aquest podcast.

And we say goodbye until the next chapter of this podcast.

Moltíssimes gràcies per haver-nos escoltat.

Thank you very much for listening to us.

Com sabeu, els comerços més autèntics sempre els trobareu en el podcast.

As you know, you will always find the most authentic businesses in the podcast.

Moltíssimes gràcies.

Thank you very much.

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