Ximo Noguera

VIA MIDI / La Tercera Onada


VIA MIDI / La Tercera Onada

Fins ara!

Until now!

Benvinguts a una nova edició de Fluim.

Welcome to a new edition of Fluim.

Una edició especial amb la qual anem a conèixer

A special edition with which we are going to get to know

i a parlar amb els membres de la banda El Sirenya Azunt.

and to talk with the members of the band El Sirenya Azunt.

Comencem escoltant el tema que obri l'últim treball que han gravat

Let's start by listening to the track that opens their latest work.

i del qual anem a parlar en no res.

and what we are going to talk about in no time.

Benvinguts a una nova edició de Fluim.

Welcome to a new edition of Fluim.

Fins ara!

Until now!

Benvinguts a una nova edició de Fluim.

Welcome to a new edition of Fluim.

també em molava molt

it also bothered me a lot

l'experimental de Rod Sonic Youth i tal

the experimental of Rod Sonic Youth and such

i perquè tampoc fas una barreja

And why don't you make a mix either?

quan ja passes l'etapa de quinzeanyero

when you have already passed the teenage stage

doncs ja

well then

te passes del grunx al stoner

you move from grunge to stoner

perquè te mola més la psicodèlia

because you like psychedelia more

o algo més contundent

or something more forceful

i perquè tampoc al final

And why not in the end either?

ho xuntes tot un poc

you combine everything a little

el stoner és la corrent de rock

stoner is the rock movement

dels 90 que va eixir en

of the 90 that came out in

tapa per el nirvanazo

lid for the nirvanazo



estava nirvana però

I was nirvana but

a la volta en Califòrnia va eixir

On the turn in California it came out.



que del guitarrista va eixir

that the guitarist came out

de ahí va derivar a Queens of Stone Age

from there it derived to Queens of the Stone Age

però Caius era algo

but Caius was something

més black sabat, era gent que com no

more black sabbath, it was people who just didn’t

tenia un tocar, se n'anava

I had a touch, it was leaving.

en un generador al desert

in a generator in the desert

i la rave però sense

and the turnip but without



tot això s'ha fet prou més pico

all this has been done quite a bit more thoroughly

venien allà i us quals

they were coming there and you which

ara el surfismo

now the surfism

bueno i abans

well and before

abans de Zoom tots heu estat

before Zoom you have all been

tocant en altres bandes

touching on other matters

si jo d'antany ho tocava

if I used to play it back then

en una altra banda de la sida

on the other side of the AIDS

no té res que veure

it has nothing to do

es deia Amen

His name was Amen.

algú la recordarà

someone will remember her

que després es deia Zoe

that later was called Zoe

i ara últimament estava tocant

And now lately I was playing.

n'he tingut altres projectes

I have had other projects.

ara últimament estava tocant

now lately I was playing

amb Enterro Tobatos

with Enterro Tobatos

que estem eixint un poc de paratge

that we are getting a little out of place

allò és més punk hardcore

that is more hardcore punk

tornem al punk

let's return to punk

i ara me liaren

And now they'll tie me up.

estos dos que s'havien ajuntat

these two who had joined together

i vine a tocar que mos fa falta

And I came to play because we need it.

baixista i hòstia

bassist and host

no tinc temps, va, venga

I don't have time, come on, let's go.

i mira, la veritat és que estic flipant

And look, the truth is that I'm amazed.

afinar a tiempo completo

fine-tune full-time

home, porteu ja un parell d'anys

man, you have been here for a couple of years now

a lo tonto sí

In a silly way, yes.

sí, la idea va començar més o menys

yes, the idea started more or less

en la pandèmia

in the pandemic

més o menys se podria dir

more or less it could be said

fa un any que farem el primer volo

It has been a year since we took the first flight.

però clar, des del primer volo

but of course, since the first flight

n'hi ha moltes patades que penen

there are many kicks that hurt

moltes patades

many kicks

de preparació

of preparation

i molt de...

and a lot of...

no fem ninguna versió en aquella època

we do not make any version at that time

només en fem dos

we only do two

i al nostre estil

and in our style

no algo clavat

no something nailed

o sigui que no era qüestió de

so it wasn't a matter of

un parell de covers, ja comencem

a couple of covers, we're starting now

no, pues pegarem el nostre pateig

No, we'll take our stroll.

de, bueno, més que mosaltres dos ahí

of, well, more than us two there

Sergio, vull dir

Sergio, I want to say.

perquè, claro, n'hi havia que preparar-ho tot bé

because, of course, there were those who had to prepare everything well

els samplers, els sintetitzadors

the samplers, the synthesizers

que tots tenen al quadrat

that everyone has in squares

que este tros no m'agrada, que este a mi sí

I don't like this piece, but I like this one.

volto así, uno que va, uno que torna

I turn like this, one that goes, one that returns.

saps, i se'n coses

you know, and I know things

bueno, al haver fet un mòdul

Well, after having done a module

de això

of this

sempre he entès prou bé com funciona tot això

I've always understood quite well how all this works.

sempre m'agrada gravar-me

I always like to record myself.

per lo que fem, la veritat és que ve molt bé

For what we do, the truth is that it comes in very handy.

perquè al ficar a gravar i ficar d'improvisar

because when you start recording and improvising

després estar en claqueta tot

after being in a bracket all

claro, poder anar a la casa

Sure, to be able to go to the house.

començar a editar, tallar, pegar

start editing, cutting, pasting

se fa tot molt més fàcil

it makes everything much easier

perquè és com que m'està tallant, potser mitja hora, tres quarts

because it's like it's cutting me off, maybe half an hour, three quarters

i almenys aprofito dos minuts

At least I make the most of two minutes.

vull dir, dos minuts

I mean, two minutes.

al final acabes tallant, pegant

in the end, you end up cutting, hitting

i t'agafes la volta, saps

And you turn around, you know.

o així dos temes d'una llanta, m'ho s'ha passat alguna vegada

or like this two topics of a rim, it has happened to me some time.

o que un tema se convertís en un altre

or that one topic would become another

no sé

I don't know.

bueno, sobretot en pronois, que és el que estàvem

well, especially in pronouns, which is what we were on

parlant abans, fora de micro

speaking earlier, off the record

també ho feies

you did it too

però no seria tant, no?

But it wouldn't be that much, would it?

no recorde, jo recorde haver-vos vist

I don't remember, I remember having seen you.

però jo pensé que era prou diferent

but I thought it was quite different

allí lo que passa és que no, en lo que se referís

there what happens is that no, in what you referred to

a l'estil, era més industrial

in style, it was more industrial

pospunt, sobretot

point, above all

però a lo que me refería es que ahí

but what I was referring to is that there

vaig aprendre a gastar tots els cacharrets

I learned to use all the gadgets.

i a poder saber

and to be able to know

com poder ficar tots aixòs

how to fit all this

perquè, clar, només tinc dos mans i dos peus

because, of course, I only have two hands and two feet

no puc estar tocant la bateria i ficant-ho tot a la vega

I can't be playing the drums and putting everything in at the same time.

però, clar, això m'obria les possibilitats

but, of course, this opened up possibilities for me

de poder ficar-ho tot

to be able to fit it all in

i, clar, jo vaig entrar en pronois en realitat

Yes, of course, I actually entered in pronouns.

per a passar al directe

to go live

les bateries que ells tenien fets

the batteries they had made

en calces de ritmes i tot això

in rhythms and all that

jo vaig fer una interpretació en bateria

I did a performance on drums.

però, clar, aixina no hi havia intros

but, of course, this way there were no intros

ni hi havia samples que no se disparaven

neither were there samples that did not trigger

que anaven ja pregrabats

that they were already pre-recorded

i vaig haver d'aprendre a tocar en la claqueta

I had to learn to play the clapper.

a partir d'ahir vaig dir

starting from yesterday I said

ja vaig fer un altre projecte amb uns altres col·legues

I already did another project with some other colleagues.

que es deia Revengas

that was called Revengas

i allà és quan ja vaig començar a ficar-me

And that's when I started to get involved.

del tot a fer-ho

from total to doing it

perquè aquell ja estava ja pregrabat tot

because that one was already pre-recorded entirely

de dos discos que tenia pronois

of two discs that I had pronois

així era començar a fer-ho tot i veure com anava a encarar-ho

this was starting to do everything and see how I was going to face it

Què va passar amb pronois?

What happened with pronois?

Perquè el pronois en un primer moment

Because the pronoun at first

pareixia que tenia prou projecció, no?

It seemed like he/she had enough projection, right?

després va desaparèixer

then it disappeared

Sí, a veure, el cantant

Yes, let's see, the singer.

va arribar un moment que tenia que treballar

There came a time when I had to work.

en Alemanya i va ser bàsicament per això

in Germany and it was basically for this reason

era molt difícil compaginar-ho tot

it was very difficult to juggle everything

estava complicat

it was complicated

també en el temps, jo què sé

also in time, I don't know

te vas cansant, no?

You're getting tired, aren't you?

veure una banda és molt complicat

seeing a band is very complicated

i bueno, al final cadascú quasi que tiràvem per un costat

And well, in the end, each one almost went their own way.

i aquell que tenia que treballar en Alemanya

and that one who had to work in Germany

ja se va desfer

it already unraveled

Teníeu eixida fora de València?

Did you have an exit outside of Valencia?

No crec que sí

I don't think so.

no crec que sí

I don't think so.

fora de la comunitat valenciana

outside the Valencian Community

m'havíem anat, pronois no

we had gone, but not in vain

en Alacant

in Alicante

és el més lluny d'Eixina

it is the furthest from Eixina

però no, no ho crec

but no, I don't believe it

també et dic, és que és difícil perquè són estils

I also tell you, it's difficult because they are styles.

que no estan tan de moda

that are not so trendy

en el lloc on vius

in the place where you live

que sempre n'hi ha algun lloc

that there is always a place

on té que haver

there has to be

és que està clar, el que fa és difícil

It's clear that what he/she does is difficult.

saber-ho, accedir, trobar-ho

know it, access it, find it

tu no sabràs ningú?

You won't know anyone?

Jo per exemple

Me, for example

escoltant el que esteu fent

listening to what you are doing

perquè m'ha cridat prou l'atenció

because it has caught my attention enough

que no porteu vocalista

that you don't bring a vocalist

i sou molt desamplejat

and you are very untidy

moltes veus de pel·lícules

many movie voices



no sé si de documentals

I don't know if about documentaries.

o pilleu

or catch

però el que

but what

el que m'ha cridat l'atenció

what caught my attention

és que el que he dit que no porteu

It's just that what I said is that you don't bring.

és la vostra manera de treballar

it is your way of working

jo per exemple

me for example

per a mi hi ha un festival que és l'Ombra

For me, there is a festival that is the Shadow.

i jo perfectament veig

and I can see perfectly

que treballen com treballeu vosaltres

that work like you do

però el que passa és que l'estil no és igual

but what happens is that the style is not the same

aquell festival estava més

that festival was more

dedicat a EBM

dedicated to EBM

i pós punts

and put points



no sé si encaixaríeu

I don't know if you would fit in.

en aquest festival

in this festival

però és que ho feu exactament igual

but you do exactly the same thing

és el procés de treball

it is the work process

els desamples ja t'ho dic

the desamples I already tell you

de pel·lícules sobretot

about movies above all

la temàtica sol ser de ciència ficció

the theme is often science fiction

a mi m'agrada també fer-ho

I also like to do it.

com un poc tot

like a little of everything

en un tema

in a subject

que es basarà tot

that everything will be based on

en el concepte

in the concept

i bé

and well

tot aquest tema sempre m'ha agradat

I've always liked this topic.

el tema de la ciència ficció

the theme of science fiction

i tot això

and all this

i donar molt de xoc també per posar síntesis i samples

And give a lot of shock also to put synthesis and samples.

i crear l'atmosfera

and create the atmosphere

i va ser fàcil

it was easy

va tornar

he/she returned

i que tots estan aquí

and that everyone is here

i jo pensava que els tres teníem una part

And I thought that the three of us had a share.

prop de cinéfila

close to cinephile

i hòstia

and damn

aquesta pel·lícula tal

this movie such

aquesta part tal

this part such

i d'ahí se'n prou

and that's enough of that

home és

man is

pel·lícules de ciència ficció i de terror

science fiction and horror movies

se sol utilitzar moltíssim

is used very often

en este tipus de música

in this type of music

tant per imatge com per això

both for the image and for this

com nosaltres també tirem per la sèrie B

as we also take for the B series

feta un poquet més trash

made a little more trashy

coses molt antiques

very ancient things



casposes seria la paraula

clumsy would be the word

si és que realment el gòtic

if it is truly the Gothic

va néixer així

was born like this

per exemple

for example

Peter Murphy

Peter Murphy

se'n pot dir el primer gòtic

it can be called the first Gothic

que va lliure

that goes free

i era perquè li agradaven este tipus de pel·lícules

And it was because he liked this type of movies.

que era dels anys 30

that was from the 1930s

i els anys 40

and the 1940s

i tot això

and all this

i és un concepte que s'aplica molt

and it is a concept that is used a lot

a part és que

partly it is that

m'esteu parlant de ciència ficció

you are talking to me about science fiction

que és el que he vist en el primer disc que heu publicat

what is it that I saw in the first album you published

però després es publicar un single d'un tema

but then a single of a song will be released

i així crec que el concepte ja és diferent

And so I believe that the concept is already different.

Sí, és que

Yes, it's just that

ese riff

that riff

el tenia jo

I had him.

de fea

of ugly

15 anys

15 years

i jo volia aprofitar-lo

And I wanted to take advantage of it.

i se m'ho va dir a Sergio

And he told me to Sergio.

escolta, i per què no fem una de tal

Listen, and why don't we do something like that?

com ens agrada

how we like

com que era, però no quadrava molt bé

As it was, but it didn't quite fit.

en el que anava a ser el pròxim disc o en el anterior

in what was to be the next album or in the previous one

decidirem treure un single digital

we will decide to release a digital single

perquè estàvem buscant

because we were looking

tenir que gravar, quines cançons

have to record, which songs

elegir i tal, i diguem, sí, doncs fem

choose and such, and let's say, yes, so let's do it

primer esta, com

first this, how

a obrir boca un poc més, que ja feia un tempset

to open up a bit more, since it had been a little while

que no havíem tret, que havíem tret

that we had not taken out, that we had taken out

el Take From Space

the Take From Space

i el Dragon Emissor Single

and the Emitting Dragon Single

I en quant a Electric Ship

And as for Electric Ship

el que sí que has comentat és que este viatge

What you have mentioned is that this trip

sí que ho he gravat en un

yes, I have recorded it in one

en un estudi

in a study

en Limonium Studios, de Castelló

in Limonium Studios, from Castelló

de la Ribera

of the Riverbank

Ah, Castelló de la Ribera

Ah, Castelló de la Ribera

Sabia que era l'altre Castelló

I knew it was the other Castellón.

No m'ho he menjat tant

I haven't eaten that much.

Estàs al costat

You are beside.

Limonium Studios, un pedazo professional

Limonium Studios, a professional piece.

que és Raúl Uberos

who is Raúl Uberos

en les grans socials, per si algú va a buscar-lo

in the social media, in case someone goes looking for it

és Lluís Covell o Limonium Studios

It is Lluís Covell or Limonium Studios.

Profite, la cunya publicitària

Profit, the advertising jingle.



molt bé, molt a gust d'entendre'l

Very well, very pleased to understand it.

i ho gravarem

and we will record it

mig en directe, mig produint

half live, half producing

ens va entendre molt bé

he understood us very well

el que volíem fer

what we wanted to do

i un pedazo professional, de veritat

and a professional piece, really

Sí, molt a gust d'entendre-ho

Yes, very pleased to understand it.

També vaig estar d'una banda en València molt bona

I was also on a very good side in Valencia.

que es diu Esquellot

what is called Esquellot

també, aprofite

also, I take advantage

Ells que es van sonoritzar en l'Underfest

They who were amplified at the Underfest.

a finals de l'any passat

at the end of last year

en l'Alcúdia, se va fer l'Underfest

In l'Alcúdia, the Underfest was held.

i estiguerem tancant la nit

and we will be closing the night

ens va veure

it saw us

li va molar i ens ho va proposar

He liked it and suggested it to us.

perquè també és un rotllo

because it’s also a hassle

no sé, li va aparèixer

I don't know, it appeared to him.

li va aparèixer molt guai

it seemed very cool to him/her

la nostra proposta

our proposal

i ens va dir que si volien gravar

And he told us that if they wanted to record.

i tenia allà l'estudi

I had the study there.

i la veritat és que és un tio molt majo

And the truth is that he is a really nice guy.

molt professional, estem molt contents

very professional, we are very happy

de com sona

how it sounds

El que gravaeu

What you record

ho gravava jo

I recorded it.

ho gravàveu en casa

you recorded it at home

amb esclaves i tot

with slaves and all

no, m'esclava

no, it enslaves me

i jo masteritzava un amic de David

and I was mastering a friend of David

un amic de Santi

a friend of Santi

jo ho gravava allí

I was recording it there.

en el local

in the premises

en uns quants micros més

in a few more microphones

i preparant-me un poc millor

and preparing myself a little better

i el que passa és que

and what happens is that

no tracto

I don't deal with it.

que el so tan bo

that the sound is so good

a més també acabi fart

"besides, I'm also fed up."

tindré que gravar-ho

I will have to record it.

llevar-li un poquet de faena

take a little work off him/her

a la història també

to history as well

sí, perquè també les bateries i totes

yes, because also the batteries and all

com que som molt quijos

since we are very picky

i he de passar hores i hores

I have to spend hours and hours.

i al final no és tan bon so

And in the end, it's not such a good sound.

al final

in the end

millor que ho fer a un altre

better than doing it to someone else

Home, gravar un estudi

Home, record a study.

si te compren el estudi

if they buy the study

té un puntasso

it has a great score

el que passa és que si València estudis

what happens is that if Valencia studies

per gravar

to record

és que això vas pensar també

it's just that you thought that too

jo fa mil anys que no xafava un estudi

I haven't stepped into a studio in a thousand years.

la veritat, era tot

the truth, it was everything

jo va ser la meva primera volta

it was my first time

en un estudi, diguem, professional

in a study, let's say, professional

sempre m'havia gravat

it had always stuck with me

igual que mos gravaien ells

just like they were recording us

o algun col·lega que grava sempre

or some colleague who always records

però entrar a un estudi

but entering a studio

uuuh, saps, cuidao

Ooh, you know, watch out.

sí, sí, a mi me va ruboritzar

Yes, yes, it blushed me.

però sí

but yes

no hi ha, hi havia

there isn't, there wasn't

està Raúl Nàxer que està sent el XMSI

Raúl Nàxer is the XMSI.

i estava Tabalet

and Tabalet was there

i ni gravarem

And we will record it.

una de les primeres maquetes de menys

one of the first models of less

en sa casa

in his house

i ell sí que té un bon estudi

And he does have a good study.

sí, sí, ara el tindrà

yes, yes, now he will have it

antes, clar, estaries començant

Before, of course, you would be starting.

sí que tenia bon equip

he did have a good team

naturalment t'haurà millorat molt

naturally it must have improved a lot

perquè d'allò

because of that

a l'època ja era

at the time it was already

d'allò fa 30 anys

That was 30 years ago.

això anava a dir-te

I was going to tell you that.

jo fa 20 i pico vaig estar en sa casa

I was at his house when I was 20-something.

i l'estudi ja em posava prou

and the study was already stressing me enough

perquè ell crec que estava treballant

because I think he was working

estava treballant molt per a Tele5

I was working a lot for Tele5.

per a algunes televisions

for some televisions

programes estos de

programs of these

no sé ni els noms

I don't even know the names.

d'estos de cantar, de concursos

of these singing, of contests

i tot això

and all this

i sé que ell es feia la música

And I know that he made the music.

però jo vos dic que deu ser molt

but I tell you that it must be very

complicat trobar un estudi

complicated to find a studio

que es pugui

that it can

és complicat, claro

It's complicated, of course.

lo que me va agradar d'ell és primer que

What I liked about him is first that

li va interessar la proposta a ell

He was interested in the proposal.

i segon que va sentir també el grup que tenia

and second, he also heard the group he had.

i és un grup que són dos persones

And it is a group that consists of two people.

i el baix té com molta distorsió

and the bass has a lot of distortion

i no xua en lo normal

and not in the normal way

vale, mosatros tamé gastem

okay, we also spend

no, moltes distorsions gastem a Santi

No, we spend many distortions on Santi.

que no són les habituals

that are not the usual ones

al vore que ell tamé tenia ixe rollet

upon seeing that he also had that role

dic, pues este mos podrà comprendre millor

I say, well this one will be able to understand me better.

i està bé perquè és a costa de casa

And it's fine because it's at home.

vull dir, no m'esperava

I mean, I wasn't expecting it.

és algú que té gustos més alternatius

is someone with more alternative tastes

digam, que uno

let's say, that one

que se desmereixer, però alguno que

that it is not valued, but someone who

digam, fa algo més clàssic

Tell me, do something more classic.

clar, sí

of course, yes

perquè l'estudi deu d'estar preparat

because the study must be prepared

hi ha estudis que estan preparats per a una cosa

There are studies that are prepared for one thing.

però una altra

but another

i que el tio que tinga ganes, el productor entenga

and if the guy who wants it, the producer understands

lo que vols gravar i

what you want to record and

que compartisca

that he/she shares

perquè al final és el teu paper, saps?

because in the end it's your role, you know?

i si no li agrada, per lo menos

And if he doesn't like it, at least...

no va a disfrutar

he/she is not going to enjoy

és un tracte més personal del tio

It's a more personal deal from the guy.

al agradar-li la història

by liking the story

s'ha involucrat un poquet tamé

it has also gotten a little involved

i ha fet un perdixatge l'or

It has made a partridge the gold.

de hola, buenas, voy a grabar esto que tengo aquí

Hello, good, I'm going to record this that I have here.

i que

and that

se te quede mirant com este tio

You stay looking at him like this guy.

que no sona

that doesn't sound

clar, jo recordo estar allí

Sure, I remember being there.

en el underfest d'allí d'Alcúdia

at the underfest over there in Alcúdia

quan s'acabarem i tal, i jo li vaig dir

when we finish and such, and I told him

tal, no sé què

such, I don't know what

i parlant, parlant, pel darrere de la conversació

and talking, talking, behind the conversation

li vaig dir, a veure quan gravem, tal

I told him, let's see when we record, like that.

i me va dir, si voleu gravar

"And he told me, if you want to record."

i jo, uff

and I, ugh

se'n va anar a la bombia i li vaig dir

He went to the bomb and I told him.

Sergio, Sergio, vine, vine

Sergio, Sergio, come, come

particularment jo era

particularly I was

fan del

they are from the

projecte i he escoltat discos que hi ha produït

project and I have listened to albums that he has produced

i a mi, jo tenia ganes de gravar

And as for me, I wanted to record.

la veritat que sona molt bé

the truth sounds very good

de fet, anem a escoltar el segon tema

In fact, let's listen to the second track.

que és Spacebump

what is Spacebump

és un exemple boníssim

it's a great example

perquè té molt

because it has a lot

de veus ampleixades

of wide voices

i és

and it is

és equiparable a

is comparable to

tindre un vocalista, és una altra manera

Having a vocalist is another way.

de treballar

of working

però original, bueno, anem a escoltar el tema

but original, well, let's listen to the song

que es diu

what is it called



és un projecte

it is a project

que es diu

what is it called



és un projecte

it is a project

que s'anomena Spacebump

that is called Spacebump

i que es diu

and what is it called



i que s'anomena

and what is called



és un projecte

it's a project

d'aquest projecte

of this project

Fins demà!

See you tomorrow!

A la bateria electrònica sona una veu, una sirena, un cop que ha ben gravat en dos ferros,

On the electronic drums, a voice sounds, a siren, a blow that has been well recorded on two metals,

o qualsevol cosa d'aquest tipus.

or anything of that kind.

És curiós.

It's curious.

A l'anar amb la claqueta va tot del tiró.

When going with the clapperboard, everything goes smoothly.

Clar, tu sí que portes bateria analògica, no?

Of course, you do have an analog drum set, right?

Clar, jo tinc una bateria analògica, també tinc un pad, on hi ha quatre pads,

Of course, I have an analog drum kit, I also have a pad, where there are four pads.

per pegar-li si és aquest tipus de coses, un sampler.

to hit him if it’s this kind of thing, a sampler.

I això ho tinc connectat també al Roland.

And I have this connected to the Roland as well.

En Arbeid, per exemple, uno de los sonidos que gastem que dispara Borja

In Arbeid, for example, one of the sounds we use that Borja triggers.

es la sirena de la meua empresa en mi otro valle,

she is the mermaid of my company in my other valley,

que un día estaba todo tranquilo, la gente no estaba en las radios posadas,

that one day everything was calm, people were not on the radios set up,

no había más ángeles, más que el ruido de la empresa.

there were no more angels, only the noise of the company.

I dic, ostres, això està interessant.

I say, wow, this is interesting.

Has tirat el mòbil en la butxaca i ho vas a gravar.

You put your phone in your pocket and you're going to record it.

Vas a gravar la sirena, se va a gravar la sirena,

You are going to record the siren, the siren is going to be recorded.

va a gravar tots els ruïdes dels aprietes que fem o lo que siga.

It will record all the noises from the squeezes we make or whatever it is.

Entonces, la sirena de la empresa.

So, the company siren.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

El de presa-sampleja, això són gravacions de camp que feu que també utilitzeu.

The sampling pressure, these are field recordings that you also use.

Clar, això se prepara, se modifica un peliu perquè soni bé,

Of course, this is prepared, a little is modified so that it sounds good,

un poc millor, evidentment està gravat en el mòbil, en la butxaca.

A little better, it's obviously recorded on the phone, in the pocket.

Però es tracta un poc de...

But it's a bit about...

Bueno, crec que el matís que tenim és d'això només.

Well, I think the nuance we have is just that.

Així gravat d'ambient, vull dir.

Thus recorded in ambient, I mean.

Sí que volia pegar-me alguna gravaora.

Yes, I did want to get some recording done.

Sí, però n'hi ha amb ferro, també, i n'hi ha...

Yes, but there are some with iron as well, and there are...

Ah, sí, el ferro i això també. D'aquest tema, sí.

Ah, yes, the iron and that too. On this topic, yes.

Però la idea és comprar una gravaora de camp, a fer-te-me...

But the idea is to buy a field recorder, to make you...

Agarrar sonidos d'ací, d'allà...

Grab sounds from here, there...

Clar, clar.

Sure, sure.

Després es tracta en tots els sons.

Then it is dealt with in all the sounds.

Clar, fer lo que vulguis.

Sure, do whatever you want.

I s'utilitza molt millor.

It is used much better.

I ara, parlant de directes, entrant un poc així en matèria,

And now, speaking of direct broadcasts, getting a bit into the matter,

i així ens podem explotar tot el que...

And so we can exploit everything that...

Oiga'm, el tema de concerts com està?

Hey, how is the concert situation?

A veure...

Let's see...



Ens va costar un poquet arrencar, perquè, clar,

It was a bit difficult for us to get started, because, of course,

al ser una banda que es començava i tal,

as it was a band that was just starting out,

vos tocarem mosatros, que tal,

we will touch you, how are you,

que ixe dia no puc, tal, no sé què,

that day I can't, such, I don't know what,

mos va costar un poquet arrencar.

It took us a little while to get going.

Però després de fer el primer concert,

But after doing the first concert,

costa tot lo que li pot costar a una banda

it costs everything it can cost a band

que té una proposta un poquet diferenciada,

that has a slightly differentiated proposal,

la pensé jo.

I thought so.

Però, dins d'un circuit de dos, tres o quatre sales,

But, within a circuit of two, three, or four venues,

que volem també trencar-lo un poquet,

that we also want to break it a little bit,

a començar a eixir un poquet més per fora d'eixe cercle,

to start going out a little more outside of that circle,

mos va prou bé, perquè anem rodant,

it's going quite well for us, because we keep rolling,

la gent que ha anat a eixes sales ja mos té vist

The people who have gone to those rooms have already seen us.

uns més, altres menys, però no m'he eixit malparat sent pocs.

Some more, others less, but I haven't fared poorly being few.

Solem xuntar-mos més amb gent que toca, jo què sé,

We usually hang out more with people who play, I don't know,

pues Stoner, algo més alternatiu tamé,

well Stoner, something more alternative too,

alguno de Death Metal, jo què sé, la Darkness,

Some of Death Metal, I don't know, the Darkness,

de la TC David, el Morgul...

of the TC David, the Morgul...

La veritat és que en una nit que són tres bandes de Death Metal,

The truth is that on a night that features three Death Metal bands,

la gent, el que no siga massa fanàtic del tema,

the people, who are not too fanatical about the subject,

no sé, nosaltres som com el pernil del sàndwich,

I don't know, we are like the ham in the sandwich,

estem per desempalagar entre uns i altres.

We are about to untangle between one another.

És curiós, però moltes voltes ens ha passat

It's curious, but it has happened to us many times.

de tocar la primera banda i l'última.

of playing the first band and the last.

Són molt metaleros, del palo que siguen,

They are very metalhead, whatever style they are into.

dins del metal, i nosaltres estem al mig un poquet

within the metal, and we are in the middle a little bit

i la gent se queda un poquet a quadra,

and people stay a little at the square,

perquè clar, és una proposta un poquet diferent.

because, of course, it is a slightly different proposal.

Més tranquil·la, que no és tranquil·la,

More calm, who is not calm,

però ja no és tan bèstia, no és tan radical.

but it is no longer so extreme, it is not so radical.

Sí, però agrada, agrada molt a la gent.

Yes, but it pleases, it pleases people a lot.

N'hi hagué una situació curiosa, quan traguérem el primer disc,

There was a curious situation when we released the first album,

jo l'hi vaig ensenyar a un amic,

I showed it to a friend.

per el tema de no tindre cantant,

for the issue of not having a singer,

i ell se quedava escoltant lo que jo li posava.

And he would stay listening to what I played for him.

No m'avorreixi.

Don't bore me.

I ja quan acaba el tema, el tio se me xira i diu

And just when the topic ends, the guy turns to me and says

No canteu!

Don't sing!

No has tirat de menys, no?

You haven't underestimated, have you?

No sé, portem prou bé

I don't know, we are doing quite well.

eixe tema de no tindre cantant,

that theme of not having a singer,

la gent presta atenció a lo que fem,

people pay attention to what we do,

i està guai.

it's cool.

Està guai veure la reacció de la gent

It's cool to see people's reactions.

al vore lo que fem.

upon seeing what we do.

Normalment el cantant s'emporta tota la direcció...

Normally the singer takes all the direction...

Al no haver un frontman,

As there is no frontman,

és tot un poquet més escoltar,

it's just a little more to listen,

que, hòstia, que està fent este o l'altre...

What the hell is this one or the other doing...

També fa que se senta millor,

It also makes one feel better.

és més fàcil sonoritzar,

it is easier to soundproof,

perquè al final és un baix, una guitarra,

because in the end it's a bass, a guitar,

no n'hi ha ningú micro d'ambient, saps?

There is no one around, you know?

I samples, i la bateria.

The samples, and the drums.

Entonces es molt més fàcil que soni bé.

Then it is much easier for it to sound good.

Menys bulto, més claror.

Less bulk, more clarity.

Claro, claro.

Sure, sure.

Empecen a tres bandes que són dos guitarres, cantant,

They start with three parts, which are two guitars, singing,

i són sales xicotetes que no tenen de normal molt bon so,

and they are small rooms that usually do not have very good sound.

i és una avantatge pa mosatros,

and it's an advantage for us,

fer-ho aixina.

do it like this.

Vosatros també aneu amb claqueta, el baix i la guitarra?

Do you also go with a click track, the bass and the guitar?

No, vosatros anem darrere de...

No, we are going after...

Vosatros, conforme toca ell, aneu.

You all, as it is right for him, go.

Ja, ja, ja.

Ha, ha, ha.

Home, doncs és curiós, clar,

Well, it's curious, of course,

ell sí que té que estar,

he does have to be there,

ell me referís, quan dic ell,

he referred to me, when I say he,

me referís que Sergio sí que té que estar atent,

I meant that Sergio does need to pay attention.

perquè, a més de tocar i de portar-ho tot,

because, besides touching and carrying everything,

vosatros el que feu, directament,

you what you do, directly,

tot el que dispareu no va res a temps,

everything you shoot does not go anywhere on time,

perquè no fa falta que vagi res a temps.

because there's no need for anything to be on time.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

No són seqüències, no són seqüències.

They are not sequences, they are not sequences.

Lo que ells disparen solen ser shots, disparos o no.

What they shoot are usually shots, gunshots or not.

Això ho hem d'anar treballant tot,

We have to work on all of this.

per veure fins on podríem arribar.

to see how far we could go.

És una cosa que en els temes nous sí que m'agradaria provar,

It's something that I would indeed like to try with new topics.

a veure si podem fer seqüències que no se quedaren molt per fora,

let's see if we can make sequences that don't get left out too much,

perquè al final, si tu li dones mal al colp,

because in the end, if you give him a bad blow,

quant has de donar-li, fins a la seqüència va a entrar mal.

how much you have to give him, until the sequence will go in badly.

O molt clavat.

Oh very nailed.

Jo sí que estic provant en les percussions,

I am indeed trying out percussion.

que tenen delays i s'allarguen,

that have delays and are prolonged,

i sí que noto que puc fer que sí que soni

And I do notice that I can make it sound.

un mulló de sons en quatre parts,

a mixture of sounds in four parts,

perquè s'allarga l'un i s'allarga l'altre.

because one is elongated and the other is elongated.

Vull provar que fem això,

I want to prove that we do this,

a veure si podem arribar a aquest punt.

let's see if we can reach this point.

No t'has pensat de no tocar la bateria i fer-la només electrònica?

Have you thought about not playing the drums and just doing it electronically?

Vull combinar-ho.

I want to combine it.

Vull poder combinar-ho.

I want to be able to combine it.

Vull poder combinar una bateria electrònica,

I want to be able to combine an electronic drum set,

i així poder combinar també passatges,

and so be able to combine passages as well,

i quan sigui la bateria acústica,

and when the acoustic battery is,

que sigui molt més contundent en el moment,

that it is much more forceful at the moment,

poder jugar en aquest tipus de...

to be able to play in this type of...

no sé, agafar-ho com una ferramenta més.

I don't know, take it as just another tool.

Això, quan començant a gir bandes així,

This, when starting to turn bands like this,

com si estiguessis immers,

as if you were immersed,

bateries no portava ningú.

no one carried batteries.

Començant a gir el que eren les primeres

Starting to turn what were the first.

caixes de ritmes

rhythm boxes

menys domèstiques

less domestic

i més professionals,

and more professionals,

i ningú portava bateria.

and no one was carrying a battery.

I és una cosa que en 80 anys acostumarem,

And it is something that we will get used to in 80 years,

i ara tampoc passaria res

and now nothing would happen either

si es tornara a fer.

if it were to happen again.

Sí, però m'agrada el canvi.

Yes, but I like the change.

A mi m'agrada el canvi i se me'n recorda molt.

I like change and it reminds me a lot.

També han evolucionat molt els plug-ins

The plugins have also evolved a lot.

d'aquest tipus de caixes.

of this type of boxes.



Ara pot sonar com una bateria, de veres.

Now it may sound like a drum, really.

Sí, però encara,

Yes, but still,

i si n'aconteixen sempre,

and if they always tell it,

perquè jo penso sempre pels directes.

Because I always think about the direct ones.

Pense molt en els directes sempre.

I always think a lot about the live shows.

I clar, si fos tot en bateria electrònica,

And of course, if it were all on electronic drums,

clar, ja estic clavant pels altaveus,

sure, I'm already hammering for the speakers,

estic perdent el rotllo

I'm losing the plot.

de la bateria acústica, que m'agrada molt.

of the acoustic drum kit, which I really like.

Una bateria com tu, bateria de tota la vida,

A battery like you, a lifelong battery,

i és una cosa que...

and it's something that...

no vull pedres, saps? En el que m'agrada xubar.

I don't want stones, you know? In what I like to suck.

Sí, havia esperat 16 bandes,

Yes, I had waited 16 bands,

però a mi em recorda més a bandes com

but it reminds me more of bands like

Nine Inch Nails o

Nine Inch Nails or

Rob Zombie, que tenen

Rob Zombie, what do they have?

esa Ministry. Fan ese tipo de combinacions

That ministry. They make that kind of combinations.

moltes vegades.

many times.

I m'agrada, això ja se volia un poc en més a band.

I like it, this was already wanted a little more on the side.

Nile Bomb també ho fa molt,

Nile Bomb also does it a lot,

que és el rotllo este de...

what is this thing about...

és cabalera, a vegades de cultura,

it is a headstrong, sometimes of culture,

és un altre projecte que tenen més industrial.

It's another project that they have more industrial.

En el que m'identifiqui, també prou.

In what identifies me, enough too.

I seguint de si del CIRA,

And following from the CIRA,

que sou de si del CIRA,

What are you doing from CIRA?

com van les propostes per a si fer el CIRA?

How are the proposals for doing the CIRA going?

No n'hi ha propostes?

Aren't there any proposals?

Quina proposta?

What proposal?

És difícil, eh?

It's difficult, isn't it?

És molt complicat.

It's very complicated.

Propostes no en tenim cap.

We have no proposals.

Antes encararíamos una sala

Before we would face a room.

un garito, un xicotet,

a dive, a little one,

que tots coneguem,

that we all know,

però tancat,

but closed,

per problemes en el veïnat, també.

due to problems in the neighborhood, too.

També on està el local d'assajos,

Also, where is the rehearsal space?

la llave. Però clar, aquell se va

the key. But of course, that one leaves.

cansar i la simbiosi...

tire and the symbiosis...

Però la simbiosi no arribarem a tocar-ho.

But we won't be able to touch upon the symbiosis.

Però això són sales més grans,

But these are larger rooms,

i que has d'alquilar,

and that you have to rent,

i és una pasta,

and it's a pasta,

no és una sala mitjana.

it is not a medium room.

No, abans...

No, before...

No té tanta facilitat.

It doesn't have that much ease.

Abans jo també vaig arribar a tocar...

Before, I also managed to touch...

Estava al costat el Barman Invisible,

I was next to the Invisible Bartender,

que algun concert sí que n'hi havia,

that there were indeed some concerts,

però arriba a estar ara,

but it is now,

i toquem una vegada i no més,

and we touch once and no more,

perquè es vegin tirant amunt

so that they can be seen shooting up

i en seguida...

and right away...

Home, jo recorde,

Man, I remember,

crec que va ser en 2000,

I think it was in 2000.

que vaig anar a la Torrent

that I went to the Torrent

a vore gatillazo...

let's see a missed shot...

Jo estava.

I was.

I era de Baes el concert,

And it was the concert of Baes,

el concert era de Baes,

the concert was Baes,

ho pagava l'Ajuntament,

it was paid for by the City Council,

i aquest tipus de propostes,

and this type of proposals,

encara que siguen un poc més arriscades,

although they are a bit more risky,

deuria donar igual la proposta.

The proposal should be of no consequence.

L'Ajuntament deuria tenir un espai

The City Council should have a space.

per a...


per a bandes, per a assajos,

for bands, for rehearsals,

o per almenys ocupar-se de lo que n'hi ha,

or at least take care of what there is,

o cuidar un poc millor.

or take a little better care.

Molta gent, si la siguen,

Many people, if they follow it,

se'n va a llocs com Alcúdia o Xàtiva,

he goes to places like Alcúdia or Xàtiva,

que sí que tenen,

that they do have,

per només ser d'allí, sales gratuïtes,

for just being from there, free rooms,


of rehearsals.

Només que estigues empadonat allí.

Only if you were staying there.

I a banda tenen l'espai per fer concerts i tot això.

And on the side, they have the space to hold concerts and all that.

Igual la proposta que tinguis,

Whatever proposal you have,

perquè al final és que això va molt bé.

because in the end this is going very well.

Tens una sala de concerts,

You have a concert hall,

i tot està a costa del poble...

and everything is at the expense of the people...

Se crea una infraestructura...

An infrastructure is created...

Se va a crear el moviment, claro.

The movement is going to be created, of course.

Si no, és impossible.

If not, it's impossible.

Vas parlar amb Esteban,

Did you talk to Esteban?

el guitarrista de Crazar,

the guitarist of Crazar,

que estàvem parlant de l'esceneta de grups,

that we were talking about the group scene,

i ell m'ha dit una frase que jo pensé

And he told me a phrase that I think.

que és molt bastant.

that is quite a lot.

L'escena no existeix.

The scene does not exist.

N'hi ha que crear-la.

Some have to create it.

N'hi ha que entre els grups

There are some among the groups.

muntar una infraestructura,

set up an infrastructure,

un... algo, para poder

a... something, in order to be able to

y que engasgar un tipo de espai

and to catch a type of space

para que así en el poble

so that in the village

les bandes digan una cosa més alternativa

the bands say something more alternative

alternativa en quant a

alternative in terms of

que no siga

that it not be

algo determinat més mainstream.

something more mainstream.

Perquè aquí en Alcira

Because here in Alcira.

absolutament per proposta de bandes

absolutely at the proposal of bands

no ens podem queixar de res.

we cannot complain about anything.

Jo no he vist des de fa molts anys

I haven't seen in many years.

que una banda d'ací d'Alcira

that a band from here in Alcira

que tinga el que tu has dit

let it have what you said

que no sigui tan comercial

not be so commercial

toqui aquí a Alcira.

Touch here in Alcira.

Hi ha bandes molt bones

There are very good bands.

però sabem que són d'ací

but we know that they are from here

perquè es connecten

because they connect

i no són ruins.

and they are not bad.

N'hi ha bandes molt bones

There are very good bands.

i estan allà

and they are there



per caputx.

per capita.

Al final és perquè t'agrada

In the end, it's because you like it.

però si fos per...

but if it were for...

És el primer.

It is the first.

Estem parlant d'Alcira

We are talking about Alcira.

però podem parlar de València

but we can talk about Valencia

Podem parlar d'Espanya també si vols.

We can talk about Spain too if you want.

Jo en el meu cas, a Espanya

In my case, in Spain.

tota Espanya no la posaria.

I wouldn't put all of Spain.

A Barcelona, per exemple,

In Barcelona, for example,

hi ha multitud de propostes

there are a multitude of proposals



o eres una ciutat gran

either you are a big city

o res

or nothing

inclús allà també

even there too

n'hi ha prou traves

there are enough obstacles

n'hi ha molta oferta

there is a lot of supply

però són modes també

but they are also ways

si no entres dins d'aquestes cercles

if you don't enter these circles

sempre ens ha passat el mateix

It's always happened to us the same.

a tots.

to everyone.

Clavar cap és molt difícil

It's very difficult to concentrate.

Jo he anat molt de concert

I have gone to a lot of concerts.

al Mans, allà a aquella zona

to the Mans, there in that area

Allà hi ha un circuit

There is a circuit there.

on hi ha un circuit

where there is a circuit

que fa molts anys

that many years ago

que no he anat

that I haven't gone

que jo així no l'he conegut mai

that I have never known him like this

i és que no era un circuit

and it wasn't a circuit

que poguessis anar a veure

that you could go to see

jo vaig veure allí a Estremoduro

I saw Estremoduro there.

però també vaig veure Platero i tu

but I also saw Platero and you

i vaig veure altres concerts

I saw other concerts.

que eren més tranquils

that were calmer

però t'ho portaven de tot

but they brought you everything

i tota esta gent

and all these people

en València

in Valencia

jo recorde les festes d'antany

I remember the festivities of yesteryear.

o de fa mil anys

or from a thousand years ago

en el Carrasca Rock del 94

at the Carrasca Rock of '94

vam haver de fer dos nits

we had to stay two nights

perquè hi havia tants grups

because there were so many groups

en el poble que va ser

in the village that was

vam fer dos nits

we spent two nights

Carrasca Rock era un festival

Carrasca Rock was a festival.

de grups de cire

of wax groups

no, en les festes de Sant Bernat

No, during the festivities of Saint Bernard.

sempre hi havia una nit de rock

there was always a night of rock

i tocavem

and we played

perquè jo he tocat

because I have touched

grups del poble

village groups

i recorde

I remember.

que en el 94

that in '94

hi havia tantes bandes

there were so many bands

en el poble

in the village

que s'havien de fer dos nits

that they had to stay two nights

en aquella època jo era un xiquet

At that time, I was a boy.

i recorde

and I remember

tots els concerts

all the concerts

en la plaça Major de metal

in the Main Square of metal

o sigui

that is to say

lesions cerebrals

brain lesions

no sé

I don't know.

es disaben i es disaben

they said and they said

i ja està

And that's it.

no ho entenc

I don’t understand it.

i més tot el que has hagut a València

and more everything you have had in Valencia

hem involucionat un poc

we have involuted a bit

podria dir que sí

I could say yes.

és que ja ni siquera està això

it's just that this isn't even here anymore

perquè era una volta a l'any

because it was once a year

però per lo menos era

but at least it was

ara ni siquera això

now not even this

i recordes

and you remember

jo he estat en festes d'altres pobles

I have been to festivals in other towns.

que és en Villena

who is Villena

que se fan unes festes impressionants

that some amazing festivals are held

en Villarreal

in Villarreal

recorde aquell any que tocaven

I remember that year they played.



Ratos de Porao

Porao Rats



de bandes super bones

of super good bands

i això

and this

jo ací no ho he conegut ací eren

I have not known it here, they were here.

els grups del poble que estan molt bé

the groups of the village that are very good



arriben i aquí porten

they arrive and here they bring



con todos mis respetos

with all due respect

és complicat

it's complicated

a mi

to me

jo no toco

I don't touch.

jo punxo

I poke.

però el meu estil moltes vegades

but my style many times

reconec que pot ser prou radical

I acknowledge that it can be quite radical.



ruïdisme industrial

industrial noise

i moltes vegades el que penso

and many times what I think

és que no deu el perquè

it is that it does not owe the why

és com si t'agrés faltant el respecte

It's as if you enjoy being disrespectful.

a la gent

to the people

que pugui acudir

that can come

i no sap realment el que va a veure

and he doesn't really know what he is going to see

i no sé si és que

and I don't know if it's that

ixa filosofia

that philosophy

s'ha instaurat en molts pobles i no no que això pot oferir

It has been established in many villages and I don’t know what this can offer.

ixa falta de cultura

what a lack of culture

està creada per ixa falta

it is created for that lack


of offer

encara que n'hi ha tanta gent

even though there are so many people

que ens agrada descobrir música nova

that we enjoy discovering new music

i ixa és la clave

and that is the key

ixa és la clave

that is the key

n'hi ha molta gent que passa

there are a lot of people passing by

quan se vol lo primer que pilla

when you want it, the first thing you grab

i normalment és lo que ja coneix

and normally it is what you already know

perquè se troba a gust

because they feel at ease

és com su zona de confort

it's like his comfort zone

entonces ixa descobrir música nova

then go discover new music

n'hi ha molta gent

There are a lot of people.

que no està acostumat

that is not used to

perquè no té ixa oferta

because it doesn't have that offer

entonces li costa un poquet

so it costs him a little bit

i ja faena fuig

And already work escapes.

no sé si és algo ixina

I don't know if it's something like that.

jo crec que això fa escena un poquet

I think this makes a bit of a scene.

gent curiosa que no fa falta saber

curious people that don't need to know

qui va a tocar

who is going to play

només toca algo

just touch something

això ha passat a temporades

this has happened in seasons

un exemple

an example

que no té res a vore

that has nothing to do

jo vaig començar a punxar en el 91

I started DJing in '91.

i per tant

and therefore

jo ja estava comprant més música

I was already buying more music.

ara jo tinc prou vinilos

Now I have enough vinyl records.

i el que ara s'anomena remember

and what is now called remember

que a mi no m'agrada mai dir remember

that I never like to say remember

jo punxe moltes vegades

I poke many times.

i el que estem dient

and what we are saying

n'hi ha música super bona

there is really good music

que la punxe i sempre té que vindre

that it pokes me and it always has to come

els dos o tres a dir-te

the two or three to tell you

posa algo que conegam

put something we know

que més te dóna tio

what does it matter to you dude

estàs escoltant una música que se punxava

you are listening to music that was played

fa 32 o 33 anys

32 or 33 years ago

que més te dóna

what else do you care

no pots escoltar-la

you can't hear her

és el mateix

it's the same

com sabràs jo també he punxat molts anys

As you know, I have also been involved in many years.

i això és

and this is

això també passa en els festivals

this also happens at festivals

en els festivals grans

in the big festivals

per exemple això també passa molt

for example this also happens a lot

tu veus els cartells que n'hi ha

you see the posters that are there

i són sempre les mateixes bandes

and it's always the same bands

no hi ha un relevo generacional

there is no generational change

però no perquè no existisca

but not because it doesn't exist

sinó perquè a un festival

but because at a festival

no li interessa ser un casatalent

he is not interested in being a has-been

però tampoc s'esforcen

but they also don't make an effort

sí que n'hi ha relevo

Yes, there is a replacement.

però són d'altres estils

but they are of other styles

del calimotxeo

of the calimotxo

o del metal

or of the metal

és el més caspos que pugues tirar-te

it's the most pathetic thing you could throw at yourself

o el que sigui

or whatever it is

ara per exemple sí que n'hi ha alguns llocs

Now, for example, there are indeed some places.

que sí que s'està obrint un poquet això

that yes, it is opening up a little bit

però va molt lent

but it is very slow

va molt lent

it goes very slow

i jo com a consumidor de música

and I as a music consumer

que m'agrada moltíssim l'Underground

that I really like Underground very much

de fet disfrute últimament

In fact, I've been enjoying lately.

de fa uns anys més l'Underground

a few years ago, more the Underground

que les propostes diguem més grans

that the proposals we call the biggest

jo m'ho passi molt millor

I had a much better time.

i que no hi hagi una nanta

and that there is no shortage

jo què sé, la 16 tonelades a vore

I don't know, the 16 tons to see.

a qualsevol grup de l'Under

to any group of the Under

que a qualsevol

that to anyone

per dir-te un nom

to give you a name

medicinal o tonto o boicot

medicinal or fool or boycott

per exemple

for example

saps què passa que en els 80

Do you know what happens in the 80s?

en els 80 el que va passar

in the 80s what happened

és que la gent estava anestesià

it's just that people were anesthetized

de tota

of all

la postguerra

the post-war

de tota la dictadura

of the entire dictatorship

i la gent tenia molta gana

and the people were very hungry

de llibertat

of freedom

no estic parlant de l'estil

I am not talking about the style.

no, no, jo el que t'estic parlant ara mateix

no, no, what I'm talking to you about right now

és que en els 80 la gent estava oberta

It's just that in the 80s people were open.

a escoltar-ho tot

to hear it all

i tu podies anar a qualsevol sala

and you could go to any room

i la sala més oscura que te pogués imaginar

and the darkest room you could imagine

i anava

and I was going

tota la classe de gent

all kinds of people

que te pogués creuar en el poble

that I could cross paths with you in the village

anava tot el món

the whole world was going

tot això ha desaparegut

all of this has disappeared

i jo moltes vegades el que em posa en el cap és

And many times what comes to my mind is

escolta-ho, fes-te l'ànimo

listen to it, cheer yourself up

no passa res

it's okay

i és el contrari, és que

and it's the opposite, it's that

és completament de costat

it is completely sideways

al final les coses que més t'agraden

in the end, the things you like the most

no són les que t'entren a la primera

they are not the ones that get to you the first time

sempre ho he pensat quan parlàvem amb uns amics

I have always thought this when we talked with some friends.

inclús quan érem molt xicotets de molt cosí m'ho deia

Even when we were very little, my cousin used to tell me.

escúchatelo un parell de vegades

listen to it a couple of times

te va costar al principi

it was difficult for you at the beginning

i després ha sigut un dels meus discos favorits

and then it became one of my favorite albums

tindréis ganes

you will want

d'obrir la ment

to open the mind

jo me compré els discos sabent que me té que agradar en un futur

I bought the albums knowing that I have to like them in the future.

me'n compré molts aixina

I bought a lot like that.

i no és per res sinó perquè desprestigio un altre tipus de proposta

and it is not for anything but because it discredits another type of proposal

un altre tipus de música

another type of music

i això te va al pelo

and that suits you perfectly

pot ser que en l'edat no interpretes igual que quan tinguis

It may be that you don't interpret the same way at your age as you will when you are older.

un parell d'anys més

a couple more years

a mi em va passar per exemple un parell de discos que vas comprar i vas dir

For example, a couple of records that you bought and said passed to me.


i després als dos o tres anys, en bucle

and then after two or three years, in a loop

perquè potser el que no estava preparat per a aquest tipus

because perhaps I was not prepared for this type

de madures musicals era jo

I was of musical maturity.

o pel que sigui

or for whatever reason

però sabies que en un moment o altre ho estaries

but did you know that at one time or another you would be?

perquè tens la ment oberta

because you have an open mind

que això és el que falta avui en dia

that this is what is lacking nowadays

perquè és complicat

because it is complicated

i la gent jove ha desaparegut

and the young people have disappeared

la gent jove que

the young people who

no perquè vosaltres

not because of you

en el meu cas

in my case

on jo vaig a pujar la gent

where I will lift the people up

l'edat mitja és ja de 45-48

The average age is already 45-48.

en amunt


és de veres

it's true

suposa que en els vostres concerts passarà alguna cosa per aigut

It is assumed that something will happen during your concerts.

si menys menys

if less less

llevant d'algú que altre

someone else's east

que té la meva edat que tampoc soc un xic allà

who is my age, who is not a guy there either

doncs si

well yes

si ahi està

if it is there

molt poca gent jove

very few young people

igual la...

the same...

la franja d'edat

the age range

és dels 30 vagamunts

he is one of the 30 good-for-nothings

però això sí també perquè estem on estem

but this is also because we are where we are

vull dir

I mean

no és que sigui un lloc pitjor

it's not that it's a worse place

però no n'hi ha tanta oferta d'això

but there is not so much availability of this

no n'hi ha tant de moviment d'això

there isn't that much movement of this

i no s'interessa la gent

and people are not interested

és que també jo pense que

it's just that I also think that

conforme si és la proposta nostra

as long as it is our proposal

estem un poquet fora d'escena

we are a little off stage

perquè no sabem

because we do not know

si tenim part d'això però no som

Yes, we have part of it but we are not.

d'aquest estil pur

of this pure style

és que és algo complicat

It's just that it's something complicated.

això jo ho he pensat quan vos he escoltat

I thought about this when I listened to you.

i ho he pensat per lo que vos estava dient

And I thought about it for what I was telling you.



en Barcelona quan tenim

in Barcelona when we have

posa l'ombra perquè és

put the shade because it is

on jo vaig suposa que n'hi ha en altres festivals

where I went I suppose there are in other festivals

fa poc feren el dark mad

Recently they made the dark mad.

però tu escoltes propostes que són super besties

but you listen to proposals that are really crazy

però no té

but it doesn't have

el tipo de guitarra i el tipo de

the type of guitar and the type of

de rollo musical

of musical style

que feu vosaltres encara que puguen gastar

what do you do even if they can spend

les mateixes ferramentes

the same tools

sí però fer algo diferent

yes but do something different

hauria de ser algo atractiu

it should be something attractive

no, pero yo me referís

No, but I meant.

este tipo de festival

this type of festival



música oscura que ya te digo que es música oscura

dark music that I already tell you is dark music

pero sí que está

but yes, it is

en electrónica

in electronics

en electrónica y

in electronics and

en el post punk

in post-punk

y lo vuestro por ejemplo

and yours, for example

ni es post punk

neither is it post-punk

ni es hard

it is not hard

siempre fuera de lugar

always out of place

entonces claro

so of course

lo tendreu complicat

you will have it complicated

en bandes de stoners

in stoner bands

sí que toquem

yes we do play

molt de riffs són de stoners

a lot of riffs are from stoners

i en bandes de metal

and in metal bands

diguem que

let's say that

de les cercles que menegem

of the circles we move

és el que més encaixem

it's what fits us best

tant les personalitats com

both the personalities and

porteu una guitarra i un baix

you bring a guitar and a bass

que se pot identificar molt en el metal

that can be easily identified in metal

però metal tampoc és?

but is it not metal either?

metal industrial en alguns moments

industrial metal at times

se podria dir

it could be said

però no, algun doblegum bonic

but no, some beautiful doublegum

un rasgueig de guitarra i sina

a strum of guitar and sine

però metal metal com a tal

but metal metal as such

tampoc és stoner com a tal

it's not stoner as such either

està ahí com un poquet en mig

it's there like a little bit in the middle

bueno, anem a escoltar un altre tema

Well, let's listen to another song.



així al final

so in the end

escoltarem els quatre temes d'este disc

we will listen to the four tracks of this album

i continuem parlant

and we continue talking



o una cosa que encara no ha estat

or something that has not yet been.


they want



Fins demà!

See you tomorrow!

Jo, de fet, quan he hagut d'utilitzar algun nom

I, in fact, when I have had to use any name

i no he volgut

and I did not want to

que hi hagués res per aigut,

that there was anything for it,

normalment el que faig és en Google

Usually what I do is on Google.

i anar posant el nom i si va néixer un resultat

And keep adding the name and if a result was born

es passa i vaig a un altre.

It passes and I go to another.

I així, així, perquè el que interessa és tindre

And so, so, because what matters is to have.

un... No per res,

a... Not for anything,

sinó perquè si

but only because if

te busquen i te posen en el buscador

they look for you and put you in the search engine

que te puguen trobar.

that they can find you.

Clar, que només estigues tu.

Of course, that you were the only one.

Tenia que consultar-se

It had to be consulted.

tot, que mos agradara, que fos curte,

everything, that we would like, that it was short,

que no estigués molt trillat.

that wasn't too cliché.

Que quedara l'atenció, també, un poc.

That will also keep the attention a little.

I com es deia abans?

And what was it called before?



Sí, fent referència a un tipus d'alien

Yes, referring to a type of alien.

que n'hi havia.

that there was.





Grid és xarxa, no?

Grid is network, isn't it?



És la xarxa que té

It is the network that has

com tatuada un alien.

like a tattooed alien.

La pel·lícula d'Alien vs. Predator

The movie Alien vs. Predator



li tira la red elèctrica

he throws the electric net at him

i se li queda marcat en el cràni.

and it gets marked on his skull.

I el trache que tenien

And the trache they had.

en l'estudi de gravació d'Alien i Xina.

in the recording studio of Alien and Xina.

Que teníem una llista de Xina, tio, i al final...

That we had a list from China, man, and in the end...

Tot això no m'ho friqui.

All of this doesn't freak me out.

Que tu com busquessis noms.

That you were looking for names.

No, és que teníem una llista

No, it's just that we had a list.

enorme de noms i cada uno

enormous amount of names and each one

voteu tres, voteu dos, voteu uno,

vote three, vote two, vote one,

i se va així i al final...

And it goes like this, and in the end...

Té el rotllo cinèfic que tenien, pues claro,

It has the cinematic vibe that they had, well of course.

ahí n'hi havia molt d'on tirar.

There was plenty to draw from.

I que no està agarrat,

And it's not grabbed,

que això també era molt greu.

that this was also very serious.

Jo, per exemple, el nom del programa,

I, for example, the name of the program,

que no sé si ho he dit alguna vegada,

that I don't know if I have said it ever,

el nom del programa es diu Fluim.

The name of the program is called Fluim.

Ho poso per separat, Fluim,

I'll put it separately, Fluim.

i a més és que en valencià, per això és una paraula bonica,

and also it is that in Valencian, that is why it is a beautiful word,

perquè queda també en la dièresi,

because it also remains in the diaeresis,

i sí que fa referència

and it does refer to

a Fluxus, que era

to Fluxus, which was

un moviment que va llaur

a movement that plows

en 60 i 70

in the 60s and 70s

que va donar

that gave

després passa

then it happens

el que va ser l'industrial,

the one who was the industrial,

però era un moviment...

but it was a movement...

Crec que va voler això en Cint Britània,

I think he wanted this in Cint Britannia,

un documental que es diu Cint Britània.

a documentary called Cint Britània.

Pot ser, sí.

Maybe, yes.

Estaria també de Trobin Grisel

It would also be of Trobin Grisel.

de Txell, tots això venien de Fluxus.

from Txell, all this came from Fluxus.

Sí que ho recorde.

Yes, I do remember it.

Clar, tot això

Of course, all of this.

era impensable, no existia.

it was unthinkable, it did not exist.

Clar, estava complicat.

Of course, it was complicated.

Home, podria haver arrencat bé,

Man, it could have started well,

pensé jo, perquè en els 80

I thought, why in the 80s.

sí que hi va haver una bona olea de música

there was indeed a good wave of music

i de ganes d'aprendre i tal,

and keen to learn and stuff,

però és com que no acaba de quallar.

but it’s like it still hasn’t taken shape.

O s'ha passat

Either it's gone too far.

i no s'ha quedat.

and he/she hasn't stayed.

Clar, jo, per exemple, escric

Of course, I, for example, write.

molt sobre

very much

totes aquestes coses, sobre tots aquests projectes

all these things, about all these projects

que van sorgir en els finals de 70

that emerged in the late 70s

i en els inicis

and in the beginnings

de 80

of 80

i en els inicis de 80

in the early 80s

i hi havia moltíssims

and there were a lot of them

bandes, hi havia moltíssims

bands, there were countless



sobretot en l'experiment d'àrea industrial

especially in the industrial area experiment

que així en Espanya

that so in Spain

sobretot el que va ser

especially what it was

els mitjans de comunicació

the media

no es va fer ni cas.

it was not taken into account.

Cas es feien a la movida madrilenya

They were done in the Madrid movement.

i ja no existia res més.

and there was nothing else.

I fora d'Espanya

And outside of Spain.

estan considerats

are considered

com a pioners

as pioneers

els esprendors geomètricos de Francisco López

the geometric glows of Francisco López

i un munt de gent així.

and a bunch of people like that.

De fet, l'altre dia vaig entrevistar

In fact, the other day I interviewed.

vaig entrevistar

I interviewed

per un llibre a Javier Hernando

for a book to Javier Hernando

que Javier Hernando

that Javier Hernando

és un productor

he is a producer

català de música experimental

Catalan experimental music

i ell va fer un grup

And he formed a group.

que es deia Xerox en l'any 79

what was called Xerox in 79

i és

and it is

molt curiós perquè el va fer ell

very curious because he did it

tenia 18 anys i el va fer

I was 18 years old and he did it.

en Krishna

in Krishna

que tenia 14 anys

that she was 14 years old

fent el grup

making the group

i Krishna com a veure que no

And Krishna as to see that not.

no evolucionava

did not evolve

perquè el pare era alemany

because the father was German

i el pare era francès

and the father was French

i ell va muntar una altra banda

and he formed another band

que es deia

that was called

l'Ajassons d'en Jerousis

the Assumption of Jerousis

i ell és el que canta

and he is the one who sings

los niños del parque

the children of the park

jo tinc discos d'aquestes

I have records of these.

ell és el que canta

he is the one who sings

és un...

it's a...

és un tema

it's a topic

super mític

super legendary

que va ser així d'Espanya

that was how it was with Spain

però va ser així d'Espanya

but it was like that of Spain

però pensé que si

but I thought that if

ixa cançó s'havia fet així d'Espanya

that song had been made like this from Spain

segurament no haurà sigut

it probably won't have been

la mateixa cançó

the same song

ni l'haurem planxat

neither have we ironed it

claro, te parla de la mateixa cançó

Of course, it's talking about the same song.

i aleshores el tio este

and then this guy

va tenir que anar a Alemanya

had to go to Germany

quan ho va produir

when did it happen

ara va ser...

now it was...

sí, és que tot i així

yes, it's just that even so

com que no se va quedar

since it did not stay

així molt de productor també

so very much of a producer too

bueno, estava en Megabit

Well, I was at Megabit.

i no sé, no recorde

And I don't know, I don't remember.

bueno, Interfront

well, Interfront

i que més o menys

and more or less

són la mateixa gent, no?

They're the same people, right?

sí, no, no són la mateixa

yes, no, they are not the same

sí, són la mateixa

yes, they are the same

així teníem a Germán Bou

thus we had Germán Bou

Germán Bou, correcte

Germán Bou, correct.

i és que no teníem el pop, no?

And it's just that we didn't have the octopus, right?

no, no, no, no

no, no, no, no

no sé què t'ha teixit

I don't know what has woven you.

per tot el moviment que va haver

for all the movement that took place

és com més de sala

it's like more of a hall

i de gent que ha vist

and of people who have seen

però no sé què t'ha teixit

but I don't know what has woven you

i en bandes així

and in bands like this

en un so més arriscat

in a riskier sound

és que tampoc

it's just that neither

si tampoc va hi haure res

if there was nothing either

bueno, que sepan nosotros, no

Well, they should know us, no?

banderes de mayo

May flags

que eren del Cúdia

that were from Cúdia




do you remember?

sí, sí, sí

yes, yes, yes

i poc més

and a little more

però bueno, això era pop

but well, this was pop

no era...

it was not...

sí, no, no

yes, no, no

no era

it was not

era més normal, diguem

it was more normal, let's say

no és despectiu dir-ho així

It's not derogatory to say it that way.

sí, no, és real

Yes, no, it is real.

doncs bé

well then

anem a acabar ja

let's finish already

i a part d'haver-vos entrevistat

and besides having interviewed you

i d'haver raonat

and having reasoned

i d'haver conegut el vostre projecte

and having known your project

també és fer un poc

it's also doing a little bit

un llançament a la població

a launch to the population

de que estem així

of why we are like this

que n'hi ha bandes com la vostra

that there are bands like yours

i que n'hi ha moltes més bandes

and there are many more bands



i d'alguna manera

and somehow

que li se faça un poc de cas

that he/she gets a little attention

el moviment que hi ha

the movement that exists

de tots els estils

of all styles

n'hi ha molts estils

there are many styles

ja fa falta

it's needed now

en algun espai

in some space

on pot

where can one

tot això

all of this


to know


to communicate

i fer

and do

que s'hi creixin

let them grow there

en realitat és això

in reality it is this

el millor

the best

si et fiques un lloc

if you get into a place

amb el del Cúdia

with that of Cúdia

amb aquest tipus de llocs

with this type of places

on estan les seres d'assaig

where are the rehearsal beings

on pots fer concerts

where can you hold concerts

i allò de més

and all that else

allò se sol

that is often done alone

és que així

it's just that this way

en el cas d'assaig

in the case of trial

d'allà de la llave

from beyond the key

que gràcies que estan

how grateful they are



o en l'espai

or in space

que tu per exemple

that you for example

ens estàs brindant també

you are also offering us

però és que així

but that's how



n'hi ha bandes de grup metal

there are metal group bands

que estàs aixima

What are you like?

n'hi ha bandes de death metal

there are death metal bands

n'hi ha bandes de folk

there are folk bands

de doom

of doom

n'hi ha moltes coses

there are many things

n'hi ha moltes

there are many

però no

but no

ni mos coneixem

we don’t even know each other



tenim uns altres

we have others

que podien

that could

sorgir noves bandes

new bands emerge

podria conèixer

could know

molt del públic

a lot of the audience

que des d'aquest

that from this

podria agradar-li

it might please you

mos altres

we others

i així també

and so too

tot això

all of this

s'està perdent

it's getting lost

no està passant

it's not happening

però almenys en el poble

but at least in the village

tenim una ràdio

we have a radio

que ens fa caer

that makes us fall

un programa

a program

doncs molt bé

well then, very good

des de Fluim

from Fluim

vos dona les gràcies

he/she thanks you

vos desitge

I wish you.

moltíssima sort

lots of luck

perquè per a aquestes coses

because for these things

fa moltíssima falta

it is very much needed

gràcies a tu

thanks to you



la veritat

the truth

és que si no

it's just that if not

si no mos agradarà

if we don't like it

no ho faríem

we wouldn't do it



portem tots més de 30 anys

we have all been together for more than 30 years



i no hem arribat

and we have not arrived

a cap lloc


en concret


a disfrutar la música

to enjoy the music

i a ser cada vegada millors

and to be better and better


doing it


però bueno

but well

està bé també

it's fine too

demostrar un poc

show a little

a l'audiència

to the audience



home està ja bé

The man is already well.



, clar

, clear

si hi ha una alternativa

if there is an alternative

si hi ha més alternatives

if there are more alternatives

molt bé

very good

doncs moltíssimes gràcies

well, thank you very much

anem a acabar-hi el programa

let's finish the program there

i escoltem

and we listen




de què veixen home?

What do you see, man?



és per exemple

it is for example

és de la pel·li

it's from the movie

la pel·li

the movie

I'm Mother

Sóc la mare.


i APX03

i APX03

ens va ocórrer

it occurred to us

perquè és

because it is




test tube



no vull destripar-li

I don't want to spoil it for him/her.

perquè és un pel·lículon

because it is an amazing movie

no l'haig vist

I haven't seen him/her.

que la veig

that I see her

quina pel·lícula?

Which movie?

I'm Mother

Sóc la mare.



la tinc pendent

I have it pending.


la veritat és que

the truth is that

es va agradar

he/she liked it

Sergio és molt fan

Sergio is a big fan.

molt molt fan

very very fan

d'intel·ligència artificial

of artificial intelligence

temàtica d'intel·ligència artificial

thematic of artificial intelligence

entonces n'hi ha un moment

so there is a moment




look at her



és el nom que se li fica

it is the name that is given to it

acabem amb

we finish with



i res més

and nothing more

ens vegem

see you

en una altra edició

in another edition

de Fluim

of Fluim

moltes gràcies

thank you very much

Fins demà!

See you tomorrow!

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