5é podcast...

Agusti, Alfonso i Guillem

L'Àgora Cibernètica

5é podcast...

L'Àgora Cibernètica

A ver, niño, ¿qué quieres para Navidad?

Let's see, kid, what do you want for Christmas?

Hola, papá Noel.

Hello, Santa Claus.

Solo quería un poco de dignidad para mi podcast.

I just wanted a little dignity for my podcast.

¿La obra cibernética te suena?

Does the cybernetic work ring a bell?

Pues la verdad es que no.

Well, the truth is no.

Pero, hombre, me estás pidiendo mucho.

But, man, you're asking a lot from me.

Yo no hago milagros.

I don't perform miracles.

Entonces, no sé.

So, I don't know.

¿La paz en el mundo?

Peace in the world?

No, no, eso no me gusta.

No, no, I don't like that.

Una vez de tres pa'l piso.

Once in a blue moon.

Començamos el podcast.

Let's start the podcast.

Jo volia posar-li WordPress,

I wanted to put WordPress on it,

però aquí estos braus estos diuen

but here these bulls say

no, això no va a trobar en PHP,

no, this will not be found in PHP,

que somos pros y yo, mané.

that we are pros and I, mané.

Bueno, ja ho provarem.

Well, we'll try it.

Ui, que al final le posarem en WordPress, no os preocupeu.

Oh, in the end we'll put it on WordPress, don't worry.

I això,

And this,

ha volgut venir un puntet.

has wanted to come a little bit.

Pues esperem.

Well, let's wait.

I això, bueno, el projecte l'està fent

And this, well, the project is being done.

en una cosa que se diu

in a thing called


It seems.

Que viene siendo un servidor

Which means a server.

donde se almacena todo el código

where all the code is stored

que lleves d'un projecte.

that you carry from a project.

La forma de funcionar que té és

The way it works is

tu fas, bé, treballes sobre la seva versió

You do well, you work on your version.

i el que fas és

and what you do is

fas un check-up sobre

you do a check-up on

el teu ordinador on estàs treballant, d'acord?

your computer where you are working, okay?

Te descarga el código, la última versió

Download the code, the latest version.

que hi hagi i

that there is and

tu modifiques, dius quins arxius vols,

you modify, you say which files you want,

quins arxius vols borrar, crees les carpetes,

which files do you want to delete, do you create the folders,

li dius que les han de pujar al servidor i tal

You tell her that they have to upload them to the server and so on.

i després, quan ja tens, diguem, acabat

and then, when you have, let's say, finished

el que hagis fet, fas un commit

Whatever you have done, make a commit.

que li has de dir una pequena descripció,

that you have to give him a small description,

si pot o no, de lo que has fet.

if it can or not, of what you have done.

De lo que hayas hecho.

Of what you have done.

Y te actualiza, te sube

And it updates you, it elevates you.

todo la información que tengas

all the information you have

en tu carpeta, te la sube al servidor, te la compara

in your folder, it uploads it to the server, it compares it

con lo que hay

with what there is

y digamos que te crea una nueva versión sobre esta

and let's say it creates a new version of this for you

nueva modificación que has hecho. Pero te guarda un historial

new modification that you have made. But it keeps a history for you.

en todas esas antifersiones que tiene que haber algún problema.

In all those antifersions, there must be some problem.

Exactamente. Estás enfocado a trabajar

Exactly. You are focused on working.

en grupo para que cada cosa

in a group so that everything

diga lo que has fet, lo que no has fet, si algú va a modificar

say what you have done, what you have not done, if someone is going to modify

la seva función o algo, modifiquete

its function or something, modify yourself

todo eso. Digamos que eso vale

All that. Let's say that it's worth it.

pero el proyecto es un poco más avanzado, pero bueno,

but the project is a bit more advanced, but, well,

si no, problema. Sí, problema.

If not, problem. Yes, problem.

Tiene cosas muy buenas

It has very good things.



te permite ponerte

it allows you to put on

como metas, objetivos, ¿vale?

like goals, objectives, okay?

Milestones, que se diga.

Milestones, so to speak.

Exacto. Cuando las vas cumpliendo

Exactly. When you fulfill them.

digamos que tú puedes decirle, vale, he hecho esto.

let's say you can tell him, okay, I've done this.

Entonces te llega un porcentaje de tus avances.

Then you receive a percentage of your progress.

Luego también te permite

Then it also allows you to

digamos que

let's say that

entre dos versiones

between two versions

o entre dos archivos del mismo

or between two files of the same.

te marca con verde y rojo

It marks you with green and red.

las diferencias que hay entre uno y otro.

the differences that exist between one and the other.

Por lo tanto, puedes saber perfectamente

Therefore, you can know perfectly.

qué es lo que has añadido, qué es lo que ha añadido tal persona y tal.

What is it that you have added, what is it that such a person has added and so on.

Y también llama un wiki para poder consultar

And also call a wiki to be able to consult.

a machado tranquilamente. Lo que pasa es que después se llevo

a machete calmly. What happens is that afterwards he took away.

borra, pero bueno. Vamos, que es una

delete, but well. Come on, it's a

ferramenta imprescindible para cuando vayas a hacer cualquier

essential tool for when you are going to do anything

proyecto. Para desarrollar cualquier software.

project. To develop any software.

Sí, es gratuíta el conte y

Yes, the story is free and

bueno, y si vas a participar, tens ahí

Well, and if you are going to participate, you have it there.

el teu equip de desarrollo que está

your development team that is

en la sembla y todo eso. Y además

in the appearance and all that. And besides

también servís para buscar treballs, porque

it also serves to search for jobs, because

ahí sí que poseemos proyectos, algunos son públics.

There we do have projects, some are public.

Entonces, si vas a programar

So, if you are going to program

y no sabes qué proyectos hacer,

and you don't know what projects to do,

pues hay ya proyectos públicos que te puedes unir ahí

Well, there are already public projects that you can join there.

y puedes comenzar a aplicar cuando tienes eso.

and you can start applying when you have that.

Y puedes probar treballs.

And you can try jobs.

¿Esta prueba completa? Sí, sí, está muy bien.

Is this test complete? Yes, yes, it is very good.

A sembla.org, ¿no? Exacto.

It's seems.org, right? Exactly.

A sembla.org. O sea, que si os aburriu,

It seems like a.org. I mean, if you get bored,

entreu y disfruteu.

enter and enjoy.

Y si sale el PHP,

And if PHP comes out,

no os podeu fer el código

you cannot make the code

de las otras páginas, si voleu.

from the other pages, if you want.

Bueno, luego hemos

Well, then we have

alojado el servidor.

hosted the server.

One and one. Sí, one and one.

One and one. Yes, one and one.

Un hosting, parece ser que está entrando

A hosting, it seems, is coming in.

en Espanya para promocionarse.

in Spain to promote herself.

Tiene una oferta de Nadal. Exacto.

They have a Christmas offer. Exactly.

Que eran dos años gratuito de host

That they were two years of free hosting.

y además te dan también el domini.

And they also give you the domain.

El domini puntés. Sí, encara teniu temps.

The dot domain. Yes, you still have time.

Creo que en dos semanas está hasta cap d'any.

I think in two weeks it will be until New Year's.

Hasta cap d'any. Encara podeu

Until New Year's Eve. You can still

demanar això. Y creo que son

ask for this. And I think they are

20 gigas de disco duro.

20 gigabytes of hard drive.

No, no, eran dos gigas de disco duro. Dos gigas de disco duro.

No, no, they were two gigabytes of hard drive. Two gigabytes of hard drive.

Pero luego tienen una cosa rara ahí, que es que...

But then they have a strange thing there, which is that...

20 gigas de transferencia mensual. Exactamente.

20 gigabytes of monthly transfer. Exactly.

Sí, que eso tienen que tener cuidado,

Yes, they need to be careful about that,

porque si nos pasan, creo que no...

because if they pass us, I don't think...

Bueno. Esperamos que

Well. We hope that

todos veáis nuestro

everyone sees our

blog, mucho, al día.

blog, a lot, up to date.

Y comentéis. Y comentéis.

And you commented. And you commented.

Hay que hacer retos de comentarios. Pero bueno,

We need to do comment challenges. But well,

de así hasta que lo tragan tardan en un boquet,

from thus until they swallow it takes them a while,

porque... Esperamos hacerlo

because... We hope to do it

lo antes posible. Ya, pero bueno.

as soon as possible. Yes, but well.



Bueno, y ahora que ya aprovecho yo para promocionar

Well, and now that I take the opportunity to promote.

un proyecto que estoy con un compañero,

a project that I am working on with a colleague,

EducaSites. Fanigan, ¿no? Sí.

EducaSites. Fanigan, right? Yes.

Fanigan, que consiste en... Una persona rara.

Fanigan, which consists of... A strange person.

La paraula de on ve, que no sé, me parece curiosa.

The word where it comes from, which I don't know, seems curious to me.

Viene de fan, de fanático,

It comes from fan, from fanatic,

y hooligan. Ah, que bien, ¿verdad?

and hooligan. Ah, how nice, right?

Fanigan. Ya lo pillé, ya lo pillé.

Got it. I got it.

Y se consistirá, básicamente,

And it will consist basically of,

en comentar a través de Twitter.

in commenting through Twitter.

O sea, es una aplicación

In other words, it's an application.

basada en Twitter.

based on Twitter.

Permite comentar,

Allows commenting,

la idea es eventos deportivos,

the idea is sporting events,

y para este

and for this

domingo 23

Sunday 23

de diciembre,

of December,

pues esperemos tenerlo

well let's hope to have it

listo para comentar el partido de Madrid-Barça.

Ready to comment on the Madrid-Barça match.

Así que estáis todos invitados.

So you are all invited.

Fanigan.es, ¿no?

Fanigan.es, right?

Sí. Y si vuelvo a

Yes. And if I go back to


to help,

lo que tengo que hacer es enviar desde Twitter,

what I have to do is send from Twitter,

arroba Fanigan, y enviar un comentario.

@Fanigan, and send a comment.

Exactamente. Y bueno, les xuxerances...

Exactly. And well, the chitchat...

Les xuxerances... Siempre están aguartos.

The whispers... They are always lurking.

¿No, Machado? Sí.

No, Machado? Yes.

Pues nada, cambiamos de tema.

Well then, let's change the subject.

Y ahora vamos a hablar sobre el Amazon Kindle.

And now let's talk about the Amazon Kindle.

Sí, bueno, que es un nou lector de e-books,

Yes, well, it is a new e-book reader,

acaba de treballar a Amazon,

he just worked at Amazon,

y que la veritat es que...

and the truth is that...

Es yetx. Es yetx, pero...

It's yetx. It's yetx, but...



Prou. Prou. Prou. Prou.

Enough. Enough. Enough. Enough.

Pero que té prou utilitat.

But it has quite a lot of utility.

Els del Geek & Run te feren un especial.

The Geek & Run team did a special for you.

Recomanem el Geek & Run com a podcast

We recommend Geek & Run as a podcast.

i també com a e-special.

and also as an e-special.

Y la veritat es que

And the truth is that

ho expliquen prou bé. La tecnologia

They explain it well enough. The technology

es curiosa,

it's curious,

perquè no té pantalles retroactives,

because it doesn't have retroactive screens,

com el problema de l'eixir a l'aigua,

like the problem of going out into the water,

que era el problema

what was the problem

d'eixir i buxar a l'aigua en PDAs i coses així.

of going out and diving into the water in PDAs and things like that.

I són una espècie de boletes,

And they are a kind of little balls,

no sé com explicar-ho, la veritat,

I don't know how to explain it, to be honest.

que se pinten per un costat de blanc

that they are painted white on one side

i per un altre costat de negre.

and on the other side in black.

I a base de camps magnètics van orientant-les

And they are being oriented based on magnetic fields.

cap a un costat o cap a un altre,

one way or another,

lo que permet que mentre estàs eixint una pàgina

what allows you to be exiting a page

no se gaste energia, i soles se gastaria

Do not waste energy, and it would only be wasted.

quan passes de pàgina.

when you turn the page.

Jo he vist unes fotos i la veritat és que

I have seen some photos and the truth is that

en les fotos pareixia que se eixia prou bé,

In the photos, it seemed that it was coming out quite well.

oi, eixia la lletra prou xula, i no...

Hey, the lyrics turned out pretty cool, and no...

Normalment jo quan he d'eixir un PDF

Normally, when I have to export a PDF

i el que no he d'anar a l'aigua és que em mou prou

And what I shouldn't go into the water is that it moves me enough.

i cansa molt.

and it's very tiring.

Jo crec que el llibre

I believe that the book

realment en paper no ho deixaria d'eixir mai.

I really wouldn't stop going out on paper.

I això és la meva proposta.

And this is my proposal.

Està bé que Amazon kille,

It's okay for Amazon to kill,

bueno, Amazon ha aixatat este e-book

Well, Amazon has released this e-book.

encara que sigui a jets,

even if it is in jets,

també t'hem de dir que els e-books tenen DRM,

we also have to tell you that the e-books have DRM,

això és un pateo,

this is a hassle,

i no reconeix PDFs.

and does not recognize PDFs.

Van a aixecar els llibres

They are going to lift the books.

amb DRM.

with DRM.

Sí, i tindràs que pagar un euro per cada llibre.

Yes, and you will have to pay one euro for each book.

Tindràs que pagar un euro per cada llibre,

You will have to pay one euro for each book.

inclús que siga copyleft.

even if it is copyleft.

Sí, encara que sigui a llibre.

Yes, even if it is in a book.

El bo que té és que

The good thing about it is that

no és connexió wifi,

it's not a wifi connection,

si és una connexió tipo GSM,

if it is a GSM type connection,

el que tenen els mòbils,

what mobile phones have,

i ha arribat a una corte una operadora

An operator has arrived at a court.

d'allà als Estats Units,

from there to the United States,

és a dir, que pots anar pel carrer

that is to say, you can walk down the street

i pots dir, posa la de baixa este,

and you can tell me, put this one on hold,

bueno, estàs ja connectat directament

Well, you are already connected directly.

perquè la GSM és universal,

because GSM is universal,

te'l baixes i en seguida el tens.

You download it and you have it right away.

També te pot mirar, crec que, alguns feeds,

It can also look at you, I think, some feeds.

que et deixen a Amazon,

that they leave you on Amazon,

i això.

and that.

De tota manera és una primera versió

Anyway, it's a first version.

d'un aparell que segurament trauran altres.

of a device that they will probably take out others.



I la veritat és que té molta jugabilitat

And the truth is that it has a lot of playability.

perquè els ebooks

because of ebooks

es poden millorar moltes coses,

many things can be improved,

per exemple, pots anar directament

for example, you can go directly

als llocs del llibre,

in the places of the book,

si estàs llegint un tros del llibre

if you are reading a part of the book

i no saps qui és una persona en concret,

and you don't know who a specific person is,

podries apretar, per exemple,

you could press, for example,

i et posaran una explicació.

And they will give you an explanation.

El primer és que sigui el hipot del llibre,

The first is that it be the hypothesis of the book,

que realment sigui fàcil d'usar,

that is really easy to use,

que no sigui molt complicat

that it is not very complicated

i que realment tingui molt d'èxit.

and that it really has a lot of success.

El preu, a mi m'ha paregut car.

The price seemed expensive to me.

Crec que eren 400 pavos.

I think it was 400 bucks.

Sí, crec que estava per ahir, no me'n recordo.

Yes, I think it was yesterday, I don't remember.

M'ha paregut prou car,

It seemed quite expensive to me,

i després hi ha altres propostes

and then there are other proposals

d'altres companyies com Sony,

from other companies like Sony,

que a mi personalment m'agraden més estèticament.

that I personally find more aesthetically pleasing.

La tecnologia no sé si és la mateixa

I don't know if the technology is the same.

o canvia, no en tinc ni idea.

Oh, change it, I have no idea.

Jo crec que és com un primer pas

I think it's like a first step.

per anar millor.

to go better.

Una tecnologia que té molt que dir

A technology that has a lot to say.

i ja anirem mirant.

And we'll keep looking.

És com el primer hipot, que realment no era molt xulo,

It's like the first hippo, which really wasn't very cool.

però va causar unes evolucions

but it caused some developments

des del que era el CMP3.

from what was the CMP3.

Anirem mirant els segons anys.

We will be looking at second years.

Ara vamos a hablar sobre

Now we are going to talk about

los ultramovil PCs.

the ultramobile PCs.

Vull dir, anem a parlar sobre

I mean, let's talk about

que es diferent a todo lo que se diu

that is different from everything that is said

la plataforma UMPC,

the UMPC platform,

perquè la plataforma UMPC

because the UMPC platform

està, com diré,

it is, as I will say,



des de Microsoft

from Microsoft

i també Intel, crec,

and also Intel, I think,

i és diferent. Però bé, al final i al cap

And it is different. But well, in the end and at the end.

són portàtils molt xicotets.

They are very small laptops.

Bueno, ara anem a parlar sobre l'ASUS-E

Well, now let's talk about the ASUS-E.

i després parlarem d'altres alternatives.

And then we will talk about other alternatives.

L'ASUS-E està seguint tot un èxit

The ASUS-E is experiencing great success.

en Estats Units,

in the United States,

ha sigut a Europa crec que ja arribat,

It has been in Europe, I think it has already arrived.

i està sobre 300 euros,

and it is about 300 euros,

si vas a Estats Units

if you go to the United States

en dòlars

in dollars

és més barat. Alguna especificació?

It's cheaper. Any specifications?

Sí, és un Intel

Yes, it's an Intel.

a 900 en

to 900 in

512 de RAM

512 MB of RAM

i un disc dur de 4 lligues, però en comptes

and a 4-league hard drive, but instead

de ser un disc dur normal és flash,

from being a normal hard disk it is flash,

és a dir, que és molt més ràpid la càrrega i tot.

That is to say, the loading and everything is much faster.

I realment està,

And really it is,

i crec que s'ha posat la

I think it has been put on the...

pantalleta, que és prou xicotet, és a dir,

little screen, which is quite small, that is to say,

que realment no el pots funcionar com un pàrtel

that you really can't function like a party

perquè puguis treballar, sinó que és un pàrtel

so that you can work, but it is a partial

que pots portar a tots els jocs, i si desconeixes

what you can bring to all the games, and if you don't know

el wifi i tot això, doncs de seguida pam,

the wifi and all that, well immediately bam,

mira el correu... El wifi també, doncs?

look at the email... The wifi too, then?

Sí, sí. I el suport? Bé, no ho crec.

Yes, yes. And the support? Well, I don't think so.

Soporta tots els protocols?

Does it support all protocols?

No, el N no, és

No, the N no, it is.



I això, i crec que també té Bluetooth.

And this, and I think it also has Bluetooth.

I corre sobre

And runs on

una distribució Linux

a Linux distribution

que seguiu usant-los, que crec que l'ASUS

that you keep using them, because I think ASUS

l'ha preparat especialment per ser portàtil,

he has specially prepared it to be portable,

i la veritat és que

and the truth is that

els protocols que he vist estan molt xulos, i jo

the protocols I have seen are very cool, and I

si tingués els diners...

if I had the money...

És un gadget que m'agradaria realment perquè

It's a gadget that I would really like because

és que, per què vols fer un

It's just that, why do you want to do one?

portàtil? Si estàs molt darrere

Laptop? If you're very behind.

i no et pesa gaire... De Manalewa Reyes.

And it doesn't weigh on you much... By Manalewa Reyes.

De Manalewa Reyes, que són hispanes.

From Manalewa Reyes, who are Hispanic.



però, a mi m'agrada molt.

but, I like it a lot.

A més, i n'hi han circulant

Moreover, there are some circulating.

allà, ui, li han fet de tot

there, oh, they have done everything to him/her

a aquest portàtil. Jo no sé,

to this laptop. I don't know,

el pobre portàtil estarà tindant el cul

the poor laptop will be having a fit

en un forat.

in a hole.

I una cosa, algun SDK o alguna cosa?

And one thing, any SDK or something?

O totalment treballes sobre

Or you completely work on

el portàtil?

the laptop?

Ui, és Linux,

Oh, it's Linux.

és lliure, i

is free, and

fins i tot Windows Vista.

even Windows Vista.

Jo també he vist la segona

I have also seen the second one.

release de KD4. Sí.

KD4 release. Yes.

I el Compute Fusion. El Compute Fusion

And the Compute Fusion. The Compute Fusion

també, i fins i tot una cosa que

also, and even something that

li van intentar salvar-li tot això.

They tried to save all this for him.

No sé si al final el van buscar. Però,

I don't know if they ended up looking for him. But,

bueno, se li poden fer moltes coses. A més,

Well, many things can be done to him/her. Moreover,

ASUS ha fet coses bé amb la garantia.

ASUS has done things right with the warranty.

Ara, si obre's l'ordinador per canviar

Now, if you open the computer to change.

alguna peça, realment no estàs trencant la garantia,

some parts, you are really not breaking the warranty,

que això en... En qualsevol altre PC... En el

that this in... In any other PC... In the

nou PSN desportatis passa això.

New sports PSN happens this.

Que si obris una cosa per canviar-li el RAM,

That if you open something to change its RAM,

ja has tancat la garantia. El que ha succeït, la veritat,

you have already closed the guarantee. What has happened, the truth,

és que està començant una nova...

it's just that a new... is beginning

un nou mode de fer les coses.

a new way of doing things.

Que esperen que continuï molta gent.

They expect that many people will continue.

A parte de este portàtil, bueno,

Apart from this laptop, well,

también tenemos el OLPC.

we also have the OLPC.

Sí, el One Laptop Per Chill.

Yes, the One Laptop Per Chill.

Que es, bueno, fue una de las soluciones

What is, well, it was one of the solutions.

que se tenía para intentar llevar

that was supposed to try to carry

las tecnologías al tercer mundo.

technologies in the third world.

Sí, a Venezuela.

Yes, in Venezuela.

Venezuela va a comprar, ¿no? No,

Venezuela is going to buy, right? No,

el presidente ha hecho una especie

the president has made a kind

de ordenadores especiales y tal.

of special computers and such.

Bueno, al país del tercer mundo,

Well, in the third world country,

que realmente la tecnología no es accesible

that technology is really not accessible

a molta gente.

a lot of people.

Que bueno, se dice que parece ser que no ha tenido mucho éxito

How good, it is said that it seems it hasn't been very successful.

porque no se está invirtiendo demasiado y tal.

because there isn’t too much investment and so on.

No sé si es lo que realmente

I don't know if it's what really

se tiene en principios del tercer mundo.

it has principles of the third world.

Va a comenzar el projecte

The project is going to start.

farà dos anys, no sé,

it will be two years, I don't know,

ya fa temps, ya está.

It's been a while, that's it.

Realmente no está en comercialización,

It is not really on the market.

sino está en prototipos. Recuerden que va

"if it is in prototypes. Remember that it is going"

sobre una Fedore Core, eh...

about a Fedora Core, uh...

Ja que eixa aposta

Since that bet





Ha adaptat l'aposta

He has adapted the bet.

per al hardware del One Laptop Per Chill,

for the hardware of the One Laptop Per Child,

bueno, el LPC, perquè realment és hardware

well, the LPC, because it is really hardware

un poquet xitano, i té una manivela

a little gypsy, and it has a crank

per a carregar la bateria, que això està xulo.

to charge the battery, that's cool.

I lo que estan fent ara és, tu pots comprar

And what they are doing now is, you can buy

uno así en el primer món

one like that in the first world

i la qüestió està és que compres

And the question is that you buy.

uno, pero realmente estás comprando

one, but you are really buying

uno pa' tu i un altre pa'l tercer món

one for you and another for the third world

que els anirà íntegrament al país. Exactamente.

that will go entirely to the country. Exactly.

A part d'això, hi ha un altre

Apart from this, there is another.

producte que també s'ha de comprar

product that also needs to be purchased

i fa una bona causa de pas, que a mi no m'agrada

It makes a good cause of pass, which I do not like.

gaire. També hi ha uno que és l'Intel

barely. There is also one that is the Intel

Classmate, perquè Microsoft

Classmate, why Microsoft?

se va enfadar, va dir

he got angry, he said

eh tio, però jo vull posar-li Microsoft

Hey dude, but I want to name it Microsoft.

al LPC, i el tío va, i el Negroponte, que és

to the LPC, and the guy goes, and Negroponte, who is

el que va fer esta idea, va dir

what made this idea, said

xato, Microsoft no, tio, que eso es privativo.

Dude, not Microsoft, man, that's proprietary.

Entonces, Microsoft i Intel

So, Microsoft and Intel

se van unir pa' fer el Classmate, que més o menys

they joined to make the Classmate, which more or less

lo mateix, pero sobre Windows XP.

the same, but about Windows XP.

Y apart de

And apart from

ese ordenador, también hay uno que es

that computer, there is also one that is

Transfentes chinos, que se irá

Chinese transfers, that will go away.

también en 2008, que es

also in 2008, which is

con el Asus en el cubo,

with the Asus in the cube,

pero un poco mejor, prestaciones un poco

but a little better, a little more benefits

mejor, y todo eso, que por ahí en que también

better, and all that, than out there where also

es la moda de

it is the fashion of

portátils baratos,

cheap laptops,

chicotets, y que molen. Pero esta moda

small ones, and they are cool. But this trend

es dura también. Exacto, porque

it's hard too. Exactly, because

esta moda, bueno, hace

this trend, well, makes

digamos que tres o cuatro años de que salía esto,

let's say three or four years after this came out,

ya habían UMPCs, que

there were already UMPCs, which

aunque no son estos, pero no triunfaron.

Although these are not, they did not succeed.

Pero el UMPCs realmente

But the UMPCs really

no van triunfar, perquè

they did not succeed because

eren ni lo suficientment

they were not enough

menys grans, ni lo suficientment

less big, nor sufficiently

chicotets, para que te caeran, yo que sé,

little ones, so that they'll fall for you, I don't know,

en una butxaca, que es lo que eran menys,

in a pocket, which is what they were less.

y no eran tampoco los

and they were not the ones either

no sé, era un concepto diferente

I don't know, it was a different concept.

que eran...

that they were...

Sí, y la batería, uy,

Yes, and the battery, oh,

tampoco. Realmente creo que valía un UMPC

Not really. I really think it was worth a UMPC.

mil euros, que en esa te podías...

a thousand euros, that in that you could...

Que estamos viendo como que

That we are seeing as if

a mejorar la tecnología los precios se han

to improve technology the prices have gone up

abaratado. Exactamente. Y ahora

cheapened. Exactly. And now

que la memoria flash, wollen fer discursos sobre memoria flash,

that the flash memory, they want to give speeches about flash memory,

que això anirà molt més ràpid, i...

that this will go much faster, and...

Incluso portàtiles no, también quieren hacer. Exactamente.

They want to make even laptops, not just that. Exactly.

Exacto. Pues no.

Exactly. Well, no.

Y aprovechando que

And taking advantage of the fact that

hoy se celebra la Lotería Nacional...

Today the National Lottery is celebrated...

Bueno, la Lotería de Navidad...

Well, the Christmas Lottery...

La grossa de Nadal... Tenemos con vosotros...

The big Christmas one... We have with you...

La Lotería,

The Lottery,

la Lotería, la Lotería,

the Lottery, the Lottery,

de la Magu...

from the Magu...

Pues eso, vamos a hacer nuestras

Well then, let's do our own.

nuestras pequeñas

our little ones

propuestas sobre lo que

proposals about what

sobre lo que va a pasar

about what is going to happen

en la MagWorld de enero.

in the MagWorld of January.

¿Qué día era? El 15 de enero.

What day was it? January 15th.

El 15 de enero, exacto.

January 15th, exactly.

Bueno, y vale, Agustí. Si has salte,

Well, okay, Agustí. If you've jumped,

me monto en un sotoriori por la pele.

I get on a sotoriori for the skin.

Hacia este.

Towards this.

Bueno, a ver, sorprende. Yo,

Well, let's see, surprise me. I,

me voy a decir dos

I'm going to say two.

paraules. Bueno, al menos son dos, pero qué.

Words. Well, at least there are two, but so what.

Para asustar.

To scare.

Ultraportàtils. Ah, pues sí que son dos.

Ultraportables. Oh, so there are two.

Bueno, no. No es una, pero chula. Bueno,

Well, no. It's not one, but cool. Well,

da igual. Ultraportàtils.

It doesn't matter. Ultraportables.

Crec que

I believe that

Apple se va a apuntar al carro del

Apple is going to jump on the bandwagon of the

ultraportàtils tipo Asus El Cubo que

ultraportables like the Asus Cube that

hem parlat abans.

We have talked before.

Serà platejat.

It will be silver.

Bueno, tipo el MacBook Pro.

Well, like the MacBook Pro.

Tipo MacBook Pro.

MacBook Pro type.

Aluminium, lo que siga.

Aluminum, whatever it is.

Y estará muy chulo.

And it will be very cool.

Y será barato. Yo siempre.

And it will be cheap. I always.

¿Y el táctil?

And the touch screen?

Ahí está fuera la máquina, chato. Yo lo de táctil

The machine is out there, buddy. I'm not into touch screens.

no ve importantes.

It does not seem important.

¿Cómo analices que vayan a hacer eso?

How do you analyze that they are going to do that?

Pues en diners y en cosas.

Well, in money and in things.

Yo, personalmente, yo creo que no van a sacar nada.

I, personally, believe that they are not going to release anything.

No creo que van a sacar. Puede ser

I don't think they are going to release it. It could be.

que digan que van a sacar ya el iPhone 2G.

that they say they are going to release the iPhone 2G already.

Ah, eso seguramente sí.

Ah, that surely is.

El iPhone de segunda generación. Exactamente.

The second generation iPhone. Exactly.

En 3G y toda la pesca. Exacto.

In 3G and all that stuff. Exactly.

Y al estat espanyol

And to the Spanish state.

que hiciera en marzo.

that I did in March.

Puede ser que

It may be that

actualicen alguna cosa. El iTunes.

Update something. iTunes.

Van a decir que uno de los tres ha sido.

They are going to say that one of the three has been.

Y creo que también abrirán

And I think they will also open.

lo que es la iTunes de vídeo.

what the iTunes of video is.

La iTunes de historia de vídeo para Europa.

The iTunes video history for Europe.

Porque ahora en Estados Unidos

Because now in the United States

ha hecho de comprar los episodios

has made the purchase of the episodes

y toda la pesca y cree que ya en Europa

and all the fishing and believes that already in Europe

ya lo abrirán para...

they will open it for...

¿Y se sabrá algo sobre si será en castellano,

And will we know anything about whether it will be in Spanish,

en español, en francés, en francia o todo en inglés?

in Spanish, in French, in France or all in English?

Con subtítulos.

With subtitles.

Pues no sé cómo diría.

Well, I don't know how I would say it.

Si tiene acorche en las teles de así,

If it has padding in the fabrics like this,

en Antena 3 no cree.

In Antena 3, they don't believe.

No cree que ningú compre, no sé,

I don't think anyone will buy, I don't know.

algunas series que están perdiendo últimamente.

some series that are losing lately.

Creo que el Apple TV, que últimamente está

I think that the Apple TV, which lately is

por los de costar, lo actualizarán para hacerle

for the cost, they will update it to make it

alguna fricames. ¿Sí? Sí.

Some fricames. Yes? Yes.

Yo no creo que lo vean.

I don't think they will see it.

Realmente es un buen

It's really a good one.

compaño, pero...

I understand, but...

Como mucho yo creo que puede ser que suban el disco duro.

At most, I think they might increase the hard drive.

Porque si el iPod si tiene 160 gigas...

Because the iPod does have 160 gigs...



No, yo creo que podrán hacer moltes.

No, I think they will be able to do many.

El Apple TV yo creo que fará moltes mejores

I think the Apple TV will do much better.

y ya podrá realmente ser

and it will really be able to be

un competidor para lo que se puede ir media center

a competitor for what you can go halfway center

y se pueden ver cosas ahí. Yo creo que no.

and you can see things there. I don't think so.

Yo creo que no. Bueno, y te habrán

I don't think so. Well, and they will have you...

publicados MacBook Pros.

published MacBook Pros.

Yo tampoco estoy de acuerdo.

I don't agree either.

No, no hace mucho que los han publicado.

No, they were not published long ago.

Es que es muy poco. Els van traure...

It's just very little. They took them out...

¿Hace tres meses? ¿Cuatro? No.

Three months ago? Four? No.

Els MacBook Pros van a utilizar en Txull.

The MacBook Pros will be used in Txull.

En la Mawold de desarrollados.

In the developed Mawold.

Con que cada seis mesos, mes o menos...

With each six months, more or less...

¿Y cuándo sacarán los Santa Rosa? Uy, los Santa Rosa.

And when will they release the Santa Rosa? Oh, the Santa Rosa.

Cuando... ¡Ah, no, no, vale!

When... Ah, no, no, okay!

Claro, lo que han actualizado los Santa Rosa es el Mawold.

Sure, what the Santa Rosa have updated is the Mawold.

Sí, el Mawold, exactamente. Vale, vale.

Yes, the Mawold, exactly. Okay, okay.

Y ya está así la lotería.

And that's how the lottery is.

Pero... Ah, no.

But... Oh, no.

¿Tú crees que...? Espera, espera.

Do you think that...? Wait, wait.

El MacBook Pro lo van a...

They are going to... the MacBook Pro.

¿Lo van a renovar? Ah, espera.

Are they going to renew it? Ah, wait.

¿Estàticament? Sí. No.

Statically? Yes. No.

¿Entonces qué crees? ¿Que van a hacer una actualización normal? Sí.

So what do you think? That they are going to make a normal update? Yes.

Ah, bueno. Eso sí que puede ser. Eso sí que puede ser.

Ah, well. That could be. That could be.

¿Y el MacBook desaparece?

And does the MacBook disappear?

No, el MacBook no desaparecerá, sino que

No, the MacBook will not disappear, but rather

tendrá una taga más importante y son un poco más baratos

it will have a more important label and they are a little cheaper

que realmente se han disfrutado por datos

that have really been enjoyed for data

y que triunfarán en todo el mall y que la gente

and that they will succeed in everything and that the people

se pegará y matará. Bueno, matar

It will hit and kill. Well, kill.

a esta madre. ¿Y si sacan un

to this mother. And if they take out a

ultra mall de feo, como se llama?

ugly ultra mall, what is it called?

Eh... Yo me compraré.

Eh... I will buy myself.

Sí, sí. Te iba a decir. ¿Qué, tío?

Yes, yes. I was going to tell you. What, dude?

¿Quieres un móvil con Android? Ah, bueno.

Do you want a phone with Android? Oh, good.

Tema Android. Bueno, la cuestión es que

Android theme. Well, the question is that

cuanto así diga el iPhone 3G,

how much does the iPhone 3G say?

yo creo que a lo mejor en España

I think that maybe in Spain

ya teníamos algún móvil en el Android y ahora

we already had some mobile on the Android and now

hay una pita feroz, eh.

There's a fierce girl, huh.

¿Tú crees? No.

Do you think so? No.

Pero bueno,

But well,

es cuando hay frikis que son los que entienden, sí,

it's when there are geeks who are the ones who understand, yes,

que a lo mejor están en duda entre iPhone o...

that maybe they are in doubt between iPhone or...

¿Y nos podrían sorprender

And could they surprise us?

con un port

with a port

de Android a iPhone?

from Android to iPhone?

No, no, no.

No, no, no.

Apple mai deixarà que creen en el iPhone.

Apple will never let them create on the iPhone.

Con cosas que no han pasado

With things that haven't happened.

que les suelen dar. ¿Seguro? Olvídate de eso.

That they usually give them. Are you sure? Forget about it.

¿Y si hacen una adaptación ellos mismos?

And what if they make an adaptation themselves?

No, no, no, no. Bueno, yo lo digo porque

No, no, no, no. Well, I say it because

como el Leopard tiene muchísimas cosas directamente

As the Leopard has many things directly.

que te las autoconfigura para Google...

that self-configures for Google...

No, no, no. ¿No? Una cosa es que

No, no, no. What? One thing is that

te digan cosas y otra cosa es que porten a eso

They tell you things and another thing is that they lead to that.

al iPhone, ¿no? Demasiado bonito.

To the iPhone, right? Too beautiful.

Más abonico. Bueno, y en

More abonic. Well, and in

iPhone, cuando hagan el... seca la aplicación

iPhone, when they make the... dry the application.

sin tener... Eso, eso también lo van a sacar.

Without having... That, they are also going to take it out.

Vorem, sí. Un resumen de la lista que

We'll see, yes. A summary of the list that

creemos. ¿Tú, Agustí, qué crees? Yo...

we believe. What do you think, Agustí? I...

Ultraportátil MacBook plateado.

Ultraportable silver MacBook.

Nuevo iTunes.

New iTunes.

Apple TV mejorado.

Improved Apple TV.

MacBook Pro mejorados.

Improved MacBook Pro.

Bueno, y el SDK que ya está seguro.

Well, and the SDK that is already certain.

Y eso. Pero a lo mejor

And that. But maybe

todavía nos pueden sorprender.

they can still surprise us.

Nos pueden sorprender en el SDK.

They can surprise us in the SDK.

Como una fricadera o algo.

Like a frying pan or something.

Lo de vídeo también.

The video thing too.

La iTunes de vídeo que arriba ya

The video iTunes that's arriving now.

en iTunes Store a Europa.

in the iTunes Store in Europe.

Yo creo, personalmente, que lo único que va a ser es

I personally believe that the only thing it will be is

lo del SDK que tiene que estar, la actualización

the SDK that has to be there, the update

de iTunes, la actualización seguramente de

from iTunes, the update is likely from





Yo creo que nada más.

I think that's all.

Puede ser que nos sorprendan con que por fin van a sacar

It may be that they surprise us by finally releasing.

la versión de Safari para Windows. Bueno.

the version of Safari for Windows. Well.



A ella no cree que pase mal.

She doesn't believe that it will be bad for her.

Tú te soñarás. Hombre, si sacan un SDK...

You will dream about it. Man, if they release an SDK...

La idea de sacar el Safari para Windows es porque

The idea of releasing Safari for Windows is because

el iPhone salía y había que programar en IAX para...

the iPhone was coming out and we had to program in IAX to...

El web 2.0, sí.

Web 2.0, yes.

Si sacan un SDK, a lo mejor dicen

If they release an SDK, maybe they'll say.

va, aquí ya la tenemos.

Come on, here we have it.

Bueno, a lo mejor el SDK del iPhone

Well, maybe the iPhone SDK.

va a ser ultrabuen para Mac y para Windows.

It's going to be ultra good for Mac and for Windows.

Una cosa que no saben.

One thing you don't know.

Sería una idea.

It would be an idea.

Pero creo que eso funcionaría.

But I think that would work.

¿Y tú quién? ¿Tienes alguna previsión?

And who are you? Do you have any forecast?

Yo ya creo que Mac está un poco que ciego.

I already think that Mac is a bit blind.

Está un poco que ciego, pero...

He's a little blind, but...

Pero bueno.

But well.

Bueno, ya me conigo.

Well, I already got it.

Bueno, hasta así.

Well, even so.

Ahora con nuestra sección preferida.

Now with our favorite section.

Las series.

The series.

Bueno, y ahora que estemos en eso de la huelga.

Well, now that we're on the topic of the strike.

Sí, puta huelga.

Yes, fucking strike.

Pues estemos tirando madres de series angleses.

Well, let's be throwing shade at English series.



Y bueno, comencemos en Life on Mars.

And well, let's start with Life on Mars.

Life on Mars.

Life on Mars.

Tú dirás, que es el que más se ha avanzado.

You will say, that is what has advanced the most.

Son dos temporades.

There are two seasons.

7 capítulos en total.

7 chapters in total.

Yo solo he seguido la primera.

I have only followed the first one.

Una hora cada capítulo.

An hour for each chapter.

Pero vale la pena.

But it's worth it.



Es un policía que la atropellen.

He is a police officer who gets run over.

Este viene en el 2006.

This one comes in 2006.

Bueno, el 2005 creo que es.

Well, I think it's 2005.

La atropellen y se desperta en 1973.

She is run over and wakes up in 1973.

Y dios, así que ha pasado.

And God, so it has happened.

¿Estás loco? ¿Viajo por el tiempo?

Are you crazy? Am I time traveling?

¿O estoy en coma?

Or am I in a coma?

Bueno, y la serie va...

Well, and the series is going...

Y allá en 1973

And there in 1973

encara continúa siendo policía.

he still continues to be a police officer.



Y se ven las tres diferencias que tenían

And the three differences they had can be seen.

entre los dos años.

between the two years.

La verdad es que los personajes están...

The truth is that the characters are...

Me agradan mucho. Está muy chulo.

I really like them. It's very cool.

El Han, sobre todo.

The Han, above all.

Hostia, está todo chulo ahí.

Damn, everything looks cool there.

Es recomanable por él, si teniu temps.

It is advisable for him, if you have time.

Que segur que en teniu, perros.

I'm sure you have some, dogs.

Así que, això.

So, this.

Life on Mars, muy recomanable.

Life on Mars, highly recommended.

Dos temporades, acaba bé.

Two seasons, it ends well.

Ahora volen hacer un spin-off,

Now they want to make a spin-off,

pero estará ambientada en el 73,

but it will be set in '73,

estará ambientada en el 84.

It will be set in '84.

Y también aparecerá Han.

And Han will also appear.

Pero estas dos acaban. Acaba la serie?

But these two are finishing. Is the series ending?

Bueno, y una otra serie inglesa,

Well, and another English series,

la mítica Doctor Who.

the mythical Doctor Who.

Doctor Who!

Doctor Who!

Que es una serie que comenzó en el 63.

It is a series that started in '63.

Paran en el 89, crec.

They stop in '89, I think.

Bueno, no estoy seguro.

Well, I'm not sure.

Realment mai la van cancelar.

They never really canceled it.

Si no trobaren

If they did not find

ningún actor,

no actor,

ni hasta que digues Doctor Who

nor until you say Doctor Who

té un nivell,

it has a level,

la van deixar aplaçant, aplaçant.

They left her postponing, postponing.

Y bueno, en el 2005 recuperaren

And well, in 2005 they recovered.

y que porten tres temporades ya.

and they have already been running for three seasons.

Però van canviar l'actor.

But they changed the actor.

Primer hi ha una temporada de tres capítols

First, there is a season of three episodes.

que és completa,

that is complete,

i després van canviar un altre actor.

And then they changed another actor.

Doctor Who.

Doctor Who.

Eh, està divertida.

Eh, it's fun.

A veure.

Let's see.

Una sèrie tan mítica,

A series so iconic,

que tindrà una gran qualitat.

that will have a great quality.

És que és molt cutre.

It's just very tacky.

Però està xula.

But it's cool.

És tan cutre que agrada.

It's so lame that it's charming.

A mi esto me lo acaban de poner hace un rato

They just put this on me a little while ago.

y no me parece tan cutre.

and it doesn't seem so cheap to me.

Has devorado un poquemés.

You have devoured a little more.

Si no tienes que ver o algo,

If you have nothing to see or something,

vale la pena que si abre un capítol

it's worth it to open a chapter

de una mítica serie como esta.

from a legendary series like this.

A las fiestas y esas cosas,

To the parties and those things,

en vez de series.

instead of series.

Eso se lo daba para el vodka.

That was given to him for the vodka.

Que esto se pasa en la vida viendo series, coño.

This is what happens in life watching series, damn it.

Mira este.

Look at this.

Y después

And then

tienes series...

you have series...

Bueno, esto ya no son americanes,

Well, these are no longer American.

pero tú estás mirando Moonlight.

but you are watching Moonlight.

Son americanes, estos.

They are Americans, these.

Sí, lo que pasa es que van emitiendo capítols

Yes, what happens is that they are releasing episodes.

con poder.

with power.

Así que no tienen muchas gravas.

So they don't have much gravel.

Y bueno, Moonlight, no estoy seguro

And well, Moonlight, I'm not sure.

que es una serie que va a durar solo una temporada

It is a series that will only last one season.

conclusiva, pero ya te digo,

conclusive, but I already tell you,

no está confirmada.

it is not confirmed.

Y bueno, creo que es la primera serie

And well, I think it's the first series.

de vampiros que me ha agradado.

of vampires that I have liked.

Sí, porque me estabais contando

Yes, because you were telling me.

que van a hacer una basada

they are going to make a based one

en la mascarada, pero que era muy chitana.

at the masquerade, but it was very shabby.

Es el primer post en el que la veis

It's the first post in which you see her.

y bueno, me la vais a tragar toda.

And well, you're going to swallow it all.

Pero no se podía aguantar.

But it couldn't be endured.

De alguna manera,


esta está muy bien.

this is very good.

Es pro-diferent, no se basa en la mascarada,

It is pro-different, it is not based on the masquerade.

pero bueno...

but well...

El tío es un investigador

The man is a researcher.

privado, vampiro también.

private, vampire too.

Pero que bueno,

But how good,

la verdad es que no sé exactamente cómo explicar

The truth is that I don't know exactly how to explain.

la serie, porque no tiene

the series, because it doesn't have

un fin argumental claro,

a clear narrative thread,

pero oye,

but hey,

calvo, en serio.

Bald, seriously.

Y Battlestar Galactica, que

And Battlestar Galactica, which

la habéis guillainmimachado, yo no la he visto,

you have guillainmimachado her, I haven’t seen her.

la tengo cosas pendientes.

I have things pending.

Y a alguno le parecen

And some seem to them.

que está bien, y a otro le dicen basurilla.

that it's fine, and to another one they call little trash.



Bueno, es un trost

Well, it's a mess.

de Battlestar Galactica

of Battlestar Galactica

que no se va a ver en la serie.

that will not be seen in the series.



Parla sobre Pegasus.

Talk about Pegasus.

No pueden hacer muchos spoilers,

They can't give away many spoilers.

no hay feedbacks, como si diguérem,

there are no feedbacks, so to speak,

a la época de Pegasus

in the time of Pegasus

abans de trobarse en Galactica.

before meeting in Galactica.

Pero feedbacks no, flybacks, tío.

But feedbacks no, flybacks, dude.

Bueno, es algo que yo me raye.

Well, it's something that I get hung up on.

Bueno, pues eso.

Well, that's it.

¿A Machado le parece una basura?

Does Machado think it's garbage?

Sí. Bueno,

Yes. Well,

me aportó muy poco.

it brought me very little.

Es que yo realmente no creo que

It's just that I really don't believe that.

le haya aportado algo.

has contributed something to him/her.

A mí me ha llevado un poco el mono.

I've been a bit affected by it.

Y si no, podría aguantar hasta abrir tranquilamente.

And if not, I could hold on until I can open calmly.

Sí. En principio,

Yes. In principle,

¿habrá más de esta película?

Will there be more of this movie?



Que yo sepiga, ¿no?

As far as I know, right?

Pues entonces aún peor me pones, ¿eh?

Well then, you make it even worse for me, huh?

No, es como una manera de...

No, it's like a way of...

No hacemos spoilers, tío.

We don't do spoilers, dude.

No, no, no. Tranquil.

No, no, no. Calm down.

No n'hi ha més ací.

There are no more here.

Pero bueno, que...

But well, that...

Yo esperaba que hubiera, mínimo, dos películas más.

I was expecting there to be at least two more movies.

Joder, Machado, dos películas más.

Damn it, Machado, two more movies.

De todas maneras, es això.

Anyway, it is that.

Si habéis batido esta Galactica,

If you have defeated this Galactica,

recomendé Morela

I recommend Morela.

para adentrarnos más en el mundo de Galactica.

to delve deeper into the world of Galactica.

Está muy chulo.

It's really cool.

¿Cómo es que empieza? Anteriormente.

How does it start? Previously.



Pero en castilla, en Castilla.

But in Castile, in Castile.

Sí, Galactica está de combate.

Yes, Galactica is in combat.

De un mío.

Of a mine.

Galactica está de combate.

Galactica is in combat.

Qué vergoña.

What a shame.

¿Ya estás en la sección de series?

Are you already in the series section?

Y entré en la sección de música

And I entered the music section.

parlant, esta vegada,

speaking, this time,

de dos grups, como siempre, de música copilés.

of two groups, like always, of music by copilés.

El primer va a ser

The first is going to be

un grup francés, perdoneu

a French group, excuse me

per la pronunciació, que no se me dóna molt bé.

for the pronunciation, which I'm not very good at.

Perdonable, està xato.

Forgivable, he's a bit slow.

La Goutte Onés.

The Drop Onés.

Y el segon, Anticonceptives.

And the second, Contraceptives.

Sí, Anticonceptives.

Yes, contraceptives.

De Barcelona.

From Barcelona.

El primer és francès.

The first one is French.

La música

The music

és un poquet de dub,

it's a little bit of doubt

un poquet de ska,

a little bit of ska,

música festiva en general.

festive music in general.

Jazz, funk...

Jazz, funk...

Un mescle d'aquestes que no canten,

A mixture of those that don't sing,

és música ambiental,

it's ambient music,

però que està prou bé.

but it's quite good.

Està bé.

It's fine.

Està xulo.

It's cool.

Una velada encantadora.

A lovely evening.

Els músics

The musicians

diverteixen molt perquè

they are very entertaining because

tenen un baix, una bateria de grups típics,

they have a bass, a typical group drum,

però també porten un acordeó,

but they also carry an accordion,

que a mi personalment m'agrada molt.

that I personally like very much.

Porten flautes, crec, trompetes...

They carry flutes, I think, trumpets...

Una diversitat

A diversity

que la veritat és que mal aprou.

that the truth is that it is poorly learned.

El acordeó té bona por

The accordion is afraid of good.

los pajitos por aquí, los pajitos por allá.

The little straws here, the little straws there.



I bueno, tenia que preguntar-ho.

Well, I had to ask it.

El grup este

This group

el vais conèixer

you met him



que és una plataforma

what is a platform

amb qualsevol autor que tinga llicència Creative Commons

with any author who has a Creative Commons license

bueno, no sé si Creative Commons

Well, I don't know if Creative Commons

o en general el llibre.

or in general the book.

Pot apujar la seva obra

You can raise your work.

i la veritat és que n'hi ha música prou interessant.

And the truth is that there is quite interesting music.

La música te la pots fer en torrent

You can make the music in Torrent.

i en l'emulet també.

and in the amulet too.

Sí, que està bé.

Yes, it's fine.

I ofreix la plataforma

I offer the platform.

per a escriptors nobels

for noble writers

que facin coses

let them do things

i pots dibuixar tot el món.

And you can draw the whole world.

Sí, la veritat és que és molt senzill.

Yes, the truth is that it is very simple.

Però bé,

But well,

està molt bé.

it's very good.

I em sembla que

It seems to me that

el grup tant és

the group doesn't matter

a veure,

let's see,

el grup més

the group more

i el grup al que més

and the group that most


do you like it

és la de...

it is that of...

I ara parlem d'ActiConceptives,

And now let's talk about ActiConceptives,

un grup de la scena barcelonina

a group from the Barcelona scene

de Barcelona, és a dir,

from Barcelona, that is,

perquè el matxiu s'apiga.

so that the match extinguishes.



és un grup que té membres

It is a group that has members.

d'altres grups que sí que tenen disc

from other groups that do have an album

en el mercat, com crec que són

In the market, as I think they are.

Silvain, Tarantula, que també parlaré

Silvain, Tarantula, that I will also speak.

algun dia d'ells, que també fan música

some day of them, who also make music

copyleft i tot això

copyleft and all that

i és un grup que no és altre que un CD

and it is a group that is nothing other than a CD

del mateix nom

of the same name

i no sé, a mi m'agrada

I don't know, I like it.

fan tipus cançons curtes

they make short songs



divertides, curioses

funny, curious

fan poc, no ho sé, m'agrada

they do little, I don't know, I like it

posarem una cançó

we will play a song

que us agradarà segur

you will surely like it

i se'n podeu baixar

and you can download it

des de la seva pàgina web

from their website

que la posarem en el post

that we will put in the post

i ja

and that's it

I hasta aquí ha llegado

And this is where it has come to.

nuestra quinta edición del podcast

our fifth edition of the podcast

de Elaboración Red

of Preparation Network

Feliz Hanukkah a tots

Happy Hanukkah to everyone

Feliz Año Nuevo

Happy New Year

Y bueno, no sé, de nuevo molt

And well, I don't know, again a lot.

Y cuando digo en cuidado

And when I say in care

que tenga coche, y que no tenga coche

whether he/she has a car, and whether he/she does not have a car

que aprofite y raca raca la perraca

Enjoy and raca raca the doggy.

Y esperamos veros el año que viene

And we hope to see you next year.

¡Adiós, amiguitos míos!

Goodbye, my little friends!

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