122. Què passarà durant les pròximes setmanes?

Couch Polyglot

Learn Catalan with Couch Polyglot - Your morning sip of Catalan

122. Què passarà durant les pròximes setmanes?

Learn Catalan with Couch Polyglot - Your morning sip of Catalan

Hola, com anem? Tot bé? Espero que sí.

Hello, how are we? All good? I hope so.

En aquest episodi et vull explicar una cosa que passarà en les pròximes setmanes.

In this episode, I want to tell you something that will happen in the coming weeks.

No és gaire emocionant, potser, però crec que és important parlar d'aquest tema.

It's not very exciting, perhaps, but I think it's important to talk about this topic.

I res, moltíssimes gràcies als meus patrons i als que em doneu suport a Co-Fi

And nothing, thank you very much to my patrons and to those who support me on Co-Fi.

i si ja estàs a punt, som-hi!

And if you're already ready, let's go!

Per si no ho sabeu, a Patreon podeu trobar-hi totes les transcripcions del podcast

Just in case you didn't know, on Patreon you can find all the transcripts of the podcast.

fins ara, o fins a l'episodi crec que és 120.

See you later, or see you at episode I think it's 120.

Vull dir que crec que us podria ajudar i a mi em va molt bé si us feu patrons

I mean, I think I could help you, and it works very well for me if you become patrons.

perquè així veig que la gent té interès a donar suport a aquest projecte.

because this way I see that people are interested in supporting this project.

Doncs res, el tema del qual us vull parlar avui no és res excepcional.

Well, the topic I want to talk to you about today is nothing exceptional.

És simplement que estaré un temps sense crear episodis nous

It's just that I will be without creating new episodes for a while.

perquè necessito una mica de descans.

because I need a little rest.

I bàsicament això és perquè he tingut molta feina últimament

And basically this is because I have had a lot of work lately.

i ara m'agradaria agafar-me unes setmanes de vacances

And now I would like to take a few weeks off.

i de repòs, de descans i per tornar a agafar energia,

and of rest, of relaxation and to regain energy,

recarregar les piles per tornar amb més força d'aquí unes setmanes

recharge the batteries to come back stronger in a few weeks

i potser durant aquest temps tindré noves idees

And perhaps during this time I will have new ideas.

i pensaré en coses de les quals...

and I will think about things that...

de les quals puc parlar.

of which I can speak.

Però ara mateix em noto una mica cansada,

But right now I feel a little tired,

noto que tinc ganes d'agafar unes vacances,

I feel like I need to take a vacation.

encara que no vagin enlloc o el que sigui,

even if they don't go anywhere or whatever,

simplement de no pensar

simply not to think

ah, i ara he de gravar l'episodi del podcast,

ah, and now I have to record the podcast episode,

ah, i ara he de gravar un vídeo.

Ah, and now I have to record a video.

Vull dir que faré unes setmanes de descans.

I mean that I will take a few weeks off.

No sé exactament quan tornaré a publicar episodis,

I don't know exactly when I will publish episodes again,

suposo que potser, no ho sé, d'aquí a un mes o alguna cosa així,

I suppose maybe, I don't know, in a month or something like that,

però no vull...

but I don't want to...

deixar una data fixa perquè tinc ganes d'agafar això,

set a fixed date because I want to take this,

unes setmanes de vacances per reflexionar, per descansar

a few weeks of vacation to reflect, to rest

i per tornar a agafar energia.

and to recharge energy.

I res, si dius, ostres, quina llàstima,

And nothing, if you say, wow, what a shame,

durant aquest temps no hi haurà episodis nous,

during this time there will be no new episodes,

si vols pots anar a veure els vídeos de YouTube,

if you want you can go watch the YouTube videos,

que ja n'hi ha uns quants també en català,

that there are already a few in Catalan as well,

crec que n'hi ha 70 o 80, no ho sé,

I think there are 70 or 80, I don't know.

i et poden servir i per practicar

and they can serve you and for practicing

també pots deixar algun comentari

you can also leave a comment

o el que sigui.

or whatever.

I res, bàsicament, això,

And nothing, basically, this,

no volia desaparèixer sense dir res

I didn't want to disappear without saying anything.

perquè sempre em sembla una mica estrany

because it always seems a bit strange to me

o no ho sé, si hi ha alguns creadors o creadores

Oh, I don't know if there are some creators or creators.

de contingut que segueixo que de cop desapareixen

of content that I follow suddenly disappears

dic, ostres, què se n'ha fet ara d'aquest?

I say, wow, what has happened to this one now?

O de vegades fins i tot, no ho sé,

Or sometimes even, I don't know,

pateixo, dic, ai, pobre, què li ha passat?

I suffer, I say, oh, poor thing, what has happened to him/her?

Fa dies o fa mesos que no diu res.

It has been days or months since he/she said anything.

I, o sigui, estic bé,

I mean, I'm fine,

no us preocupeu, tot bé,

don't worry, everything's fine.

però sempre penso que és important,

but I always think that it is important,

simplement, recarregar les piles,

simply, recharge the batteries,

descansar, fer pausa, etc.

rest, take a break, etc.

Sí, i si durant aquest temps

Yes, and if during this time

dius, ai, ara estic inspirat

you say, oh, now I'm inspired

o inspirada

or inspired

i m'envies algunes idees,

send me some ideas,

doncs perfecte, perquè així també em va bé

so perfect, because that works for me too

per quan torni a començar.

for when it starts again.

Tinc una llista d'idees,

I have a list of ideas,

vull dir que d'idees en general

I mean ideas in general.

no me'n falten, però

I don't lack for them, but...

el que passa de vegades és que m'envieu idees

What happens sometimes is that you send me ideas.

que encara són més bones o que m'agraden més

that are even better or that I like more

i dic, ah, mira, no hi havia

I say, ah, look, there wasn't any.

pensat en això, i llavors

thinking about this, and then

en parlo aquí al podcast i ja està.

I talk about it here in the podcast and that's it.

Doncs res, com pots veure,

Well, as you can see,

aquest episodi simplement és per explicar-te

this episode is simply to explain to you

que estic bé, però que estic una mica

that I'm fine, but that I'm a little bit

cansada i que tinc ganes

tired and wanting

d'agafar-me unes setmanes lliures

to take a few weeks off

sense obligacions

without obligations

a nivell de creació

at the level of creation

de contingut, sense

of content, without

haver de tenir un vídeo llest, sense haver

have to have a video ready, without having

de tenir una miniatura preparada,

of having a miniature prepared,

sense haver de fer subtítols...

without having to make subtitles...

És una cosa que m'encanta

It's something that I love.

fer, o sigui, fa més de quatre anys,

to do, I mean, more than four years ago,

que sóc a YouTube,

that I am on YouTube,

fa més de dos anys, crec jo, que tinc aquest podcast

I think I've had this podcast for more than two years.

i de mica en mica he anat

and little by little I have gone

creant episodis, amb alguns també

creating episodes, with some too

amb convidats i

with guests and

amb idees vostres, i és molt

with your ideas, and it is very

maco, vull dir que no és que no m'agradi,

pretty, I mean it's not that I don't like it,

però suposo que

but I suppose that

com tot, no sé tu què fas,

Like everything, I don't know what you do,

potser estudies, potser treballes,

maybe you study, maybe you work,

i fins i tot si t'agrada

and even if you like it

el que fas, suposo que això

what you do, I guess that's it

de que de tant en tant necessites una pausa,

that every now and then you need a break,

que és una cosa, crec, molt

that is one thing, I think, very

saludable i necessària,

healthy and necessary,

i sí, jo ara avui estava

and yes, I was here today

pensant, ai, la setmana passada

thinking, oh, last week

ja no vaig penjar un episodi,

I no uploaded an episode anymore,

ara n'he de penjar un altre, i ai, què faré

now I have to post another one, and oh, what will I do

la setmana que ve, i ai, i llavors m'he adonat

next week, and oh, and then I realized

com que dic, Laura, no,

as I say, Laura, no,

estàs una mica estressada, i ja

you are a little stressed, and that's it

fa temps que no

It's been a while since...

que no fas pausa, i

that you don't take a break, and

convé també de tant en tant

it is also advisable from time to time



fer una pausa, fer unes vacances,

take a break, take a vacation,

deixar-ho reposar una mica,

let it rest for a while,

i això.

and that.

I res, simplement era per dir-vos

And nothing, it was simply to tell you.

que estaré un temps sense publicar nous episodis,

that I will be a while without publishing new episodes,

no ho sé

I don't know.

quan sortirà el pròxim, potser

When will the next one come out, maybe?

el mes d'octubre,

the month of October,



sí, suposo que el mes d'octubre sí,

yes, I suppose that the month of October yes,

el que passa és que no ho sé, o sigui,

what happens is that I don’t know, I mean,

ja ho veuré una mica com ho faig,

I'll see a bit how I do it.

també estic

I am also

preparant altres cosetes,

preparing other little things,

paral·lelament tinc alguns projectes

At the same time, I have some projects.

dels quals encara no us he parlat,

of which I have not yet talked to you,

i clar, tot

And of course, everything.

demana temps,

ask for time,

feina, atenció,

work, attention,

i clar, fer-ho tot és una mica difícil.

And of course, doing everything is a bit difficult.

Vull dir que sí.

I mean yes.

I ara, de fet, aquestes setmanes

And now, in fact, these weeks

m'agafaré una mica vacances de tot,

I will take a little vacation from everything.

no només dels projectes meus,

not only of my projects,

sinó també vacances de la feina,

but also time off from work,



aquests projectes que tinc mig

these projects that I have halfway

empareulats, doncs potser faré una mica

paired, so maybe I will do a little

menys, també, i

less, also, and

sí, la idea és

yes, the idea is

simplement descansar una mica

just rest a little

i desconnectar.

and disconnect.

I res, doncs espero que estiguis molt bé,

And nothing, so I hope you are very well,

si no has fet vacances,

if you haven't taken a vacation,

t'ho recomano, crec que és molt important

I recommend it to you, I think it's very important.

i saludable i necessari,

and healthy and necessary,

si pots fer-ho, també tinc

if you can do it, I also have

diguem-ne, tinc el privilegi

let's say, I have the privilege

de poder agafar vacances, ja sé que

if I could take a vacation, I know that

hi ha gent que ho té una mica més complicat,

there are people who have it a bit more complicated,

però si tens aquest privilegi,

but if you have this privilege,

doncs t'ho recomano, perquè

so I recommend it to you, because

crec que és molt important.

I think it is very important.

Doncs res, espero que estiguis molt bé,

Well, I hope you are doing well.

si ja has anat de vacances,

if you have already gone on vacation,

espero que t'ho hagis passat molt bé,

I hope you had a great time.

i que, sí,

and yes,

que hagis pogut desconnectar una mica

that you could disconnect a bit

de la rutina, i si,

from the routine, and yes,

si encara no has anat de vacances, doncs espero

If you haven't gone on vacation yet, then I hope you do.

que hi puguis anar aviat,

that you can go there soon,

i si no, et pots agafar algun cap de setmana

And if not, you can take a weekend off.

o algun petit dia

or some small day



ni que sigui, per desconnectar,

even if it's just to disconnect,

que crec que és vital.

that I believe is vital.

Doncs res, espero que estiguis molt bé

Well, I hope you are doing very well.

i fins ben aviat, que vagi bé!

And until soon, take care!



Fins demà!

See you tomorrow!

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