A la Corda Fluixa 27/05/2014

A la Corda Fluixa

A la Corda Fluixa

A la Corda Fluixa 27/05/2014

A la Corda Fluixa

Bona nit!

Good night!

Escolta, llum, llum, ja estic, ja estic, molt bé, escolta.

Listen, light, light, I'm ready, I'm ready, very good, listen.

Avui, en Fem País, tenim, doncs, un programa dedicat a tots els tòpics

Today, in Fem País, we have a program dedicated to all the topics.

dels grups musicals.

of the musical groups.

Escolta, company, anem a ficar-nos una mica per posar-nos a to?

Listen, mate, shall we have a drink to get in the mood?

Pero claro, loco, esto funciona así siempre, muchacho.

But of course, man, it always works like this, kid.

Doncs vinga, anem a meternos, jo què sé, amb el baixista, no?

Well, come on, let's get involved, I don't know, with the bassist, right?

Que, a part de l'instrument, el baixet de veritat.

That, apart from the instrument, the real little one.

Doncs ja hem acabat les proves de so.

Well, we have already finished the sound tests.

Eh, compare, o sigui...

Hey, mate, I mean...

O sea, como que tocamos, o qué?

So, like, are we playing, or what?

Sí, clar, dóna-li el play, amb actitud i energia, a veure si la gent s'ho creu.

Yes, of course, play it with attitude and energy, let's see if people believe it.

Dale, dale, loco.

Go for it, crazy.

¿Tú crees que realmente la peña se traga el rollo ese de que tocamos en directo

Do you really think that people buy into that story that we play live?

y que lo hacemos de puta madre?

and that we do it fucking great?

Pues claro, tío, se'n passen, fins que llegim els mails i tot.

Of course, man, they go overboard, until we read the emails and everything.

Que cabrons.

What bastards.

Pues, en veritat, aquest tempo que hace música es una merda,

Well, in truth, this weather that makes music is a mess.

porque no cobrem casi res, y...

because we hardly charge anything, and...

A tu, ¿cuánto han pagat, avui, a la sala?

How much have they paid you today in the hall?



¿A mí?

To me?



Eh, pues, pues nada, casi nada, loco.

Eh, well, well nothing, almost nothing, dude.

Solo 5.000 por cabeza, ya sabes, lo mínimo.

Only 5,000 each, you know, the minimum.

Es que es 5.000 per cap.

It's 5,000 per person.

¿Cómo volen que visquen dignamente en aquest show?

How do they expect us to live with dignity in this show?

Parcer, Alberto, eh...

Partner, Alberto, uh...

¿Tú declaras, o qué?

Do you declare, or what?

A ver, yo declaro, tío, pero yo aprendí el mejor, loco.

Let's see, I declare, dude, but I learned the best, crazy.

El urdi, loco.

The urdi, crazy.

¿De quién?


Urdar a alguien y estar ahí, ¿no sabes?

To plot against someone and be there, don't you know?

O sea, que te pones feo, ¿no? A cantar.

So, you get ugly, right? To sing.

Maldito, papi.

Damn it, daddy.

Jo no soc imbècil, tío.

I'm not an idiot, man.

Yo declaro a Andorra, tío.

I declare for Andorra, dude.

Mira, però el cotxe a Andorra, però...

Look, but the car in Andorra, but...

¿Y si te pilla?

What if it catches you?

Doncs no passa res, perquè estem aquí, en directe, a la corda fluixa.

Well, nothing happens, because we are here, live, on the tightrope.


Let’s go!

I quan són les dues i deu minuts, gairebé onze, a DACA...

And when it's ten past two, almost eleven, in DACA...

¿Sabeu on està DACA? No ho sabem.

Do you know where DACA is? We don't know.

Benvinguts a un programa basat en entrevistes absurdes.

Welcome to a program based on absurd interviews.

Programa número 120.

Program number 120.

Per contactar amb nosaltres ho pots fer per les xarxes,

To contact us, you can do so through social media,

a través de Twitter, a twitter.com barra la corda fluixa.

through Twitter, at twitter.com/corda_fluixa.

O per Facebook, a facebook.com barra la corda fluixa.

Or via Facebook, at facebook.com/lowtightrope.

En barra la corda fluixa.

On the tightrope.

Avui estem amb la senyora Tomassa.

Today we are with Mrs. Tomassa.

I això és a la corda fluixa.

And this is on the tightrope.

Ara entra, intro al programa.

Now enter, intro to the program.



Posa intro al programa.

Press enter to start the program.



Posa, posa, posa.

Put, put, put.



Foli, Dani.

Leaf, Dani.

Ara, ara.

Now, now.

Aquest programa disposa de...

This program has...

per persones cegues.

for blind people.

Audiodescripció per a persones cegues.

Audio description for blind people.

A la corda fluixa disposa d'audiodescripció per a persones cegues.

The tightrope has audio description for blind people.

Sí, sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes, yes.

Dani, Dani, a veure, que no hi hagi mal rotllo entre tu i jo, eh?

Dani, Dani, let's see, there shouldn't be any bad vibes between you and me, okay?

Perquè darrere del vidre i portant els sons tenim a Dani Sánchez.

Because behind the glass and carrying the sounds we have Dani Sánchez.

Yo soy Cañito Brava, y ya sabéis, aquí el público,

I am Cañito Brava, and you all know, here the audience,

con todo el cariño de toda España, respeto a mis honores.

With all the affection from all of Spain, respect my honors.

Posant la veu menys, vamonos-pés, tenim a Jaume García.

Putting the voice down, let's go-feet, we have Jaume García.

Lo hago por el guión y otra vez impreviso.

I do it for the script and once again I improvise.

Y queda mejor imprevisado que el guión.

And it looks better unplanned than the script.

I posant la veu més, agafa el gos.

And raising your voice, grab the dog.

Agafa el gos, que ens pegan, tenim a la Clàudia Font.

Take the dog, they're hitting us, we have Claudia Font.

Tienen que bajar el aceite, la patata, la gasolina,

They have to lower the oil, the potato, the gasoline.

todo lo que sea comestible.

everything that is edible.

Tots nosaltres formem aquesta setmana a la corda fluixa.

All of us are on the tightrope this week.

No se puede fumar porro diante de la actuación.

You cannot smoke a joint in front of the performance.

La culpa son de los que contratan.

The blame is on those who hire.

Porque si fuma porro huele mal.

Because if you smoke weed it smells bad.

La boca deja un mal perfume.

The mouth leaves a bad perfume.

Pero recordeu que això també és un programa que només us vol el bé.

But remember that this is also a program that only wants the best for you.

I això són els consells que has de saber per no caure de la corda fluixa.

And these are the tips you need to know to avoid falling off the tightrope.

Aquí és quan heu de riure.

This is when you have to laugh.

S'ha acabat el botó de riure.

The laugh button has run out.

Ja ho veureu, eh?

You'll see, right?

Ai, que estàvem...

Oh, we were...

Ho he dit amb el llum encès?

Did I say it with the light on?



Recents estudis científics reconeixen que la quimioteràpia,

Recent scientific studies recognize that chemotherapy,

empitjora el càncer, disparant el seu creixement.

worsens the cancer, accelerating its growth.

Igual que aquestes eleccions han disparat la presència de l'ultradreta al Parlament.

Just like these elections have boosted the presence of the far right in Parliament.

I amb això no volem dir que l'ultradreta sigui càncer.

And with this, we do not mean that the far right is cancer.

O sí.

Oh yes.

Esteu fluixos, eh? Vale, vale, vale.

You are weak, huh? Okay, okay, okay.

Vale, vale, vale.

Okay, okay, okay.

Poc a poc.

Little by little.

Estudis recents asseguren que el pa no engreixa.

Recent studies claim that bread does not make you gain weight.

El que sí que es va engreixar va ser el compte corrent

What did increase was the bank account.

de la família Mato.

from the Mato family.

Concretament, en uns 500.000, segons Isenda.

Specifically, about 500,000, according to Isenda.



Tampoc cal exagerar, eh?

No need to exaggerate, right?

Quatre cafès al dia augmenten el risc de mort segons els experts.

Four coffees a day increase the risk of death according to experts.

Segons els experts.

According to the experts.

Perdona, perdona, perdona, escolta.

Sorry, sorry, sorry, listen.

És quasi tan perillós com manifestar-se per salvar canvies.

It is almost as dangerous as protesting to save canvases.

Avui dia, amb els Mossos pels voltants.

These days, with the Mossos around.

Aquí no, aquí no.

Not here, not here.



L'obligaritat em canvia.

The obligation changes me.

Científics asseguren que el sol cremarà i destruirà la Terra.

Scientists assure that the sun will burn and destroy the Earth.

Nota mental. Hem de deixar de llegir aquest tipus de científics.

Mental note. We need to stop reading this type of scientists.



Científics asseguren haver creat una màquina capaç d'apredir terratrèmols

Scientists claim to have created a machine capable of predicting earthquakes.

de retrèmols amb una fiabilitat del 70%.

of relapses with a reliability of 70%.

També han inventat una màquina

They have also invented a machine.

que serveix per predir si un polític

that serves to predict if a politician

estafarà. Sempre marca el 100%

he will scam. Always marks 100%

de probabilitats.

of probabilities.

Deu fuxos.

Ten leaks.

Sí, anava molt bé.

Yes, it was going very well.

Ja sé que no fa gràcia, però heu de fer l'esforç.

I know it's not funny, but you have to make the effort.

La gent, quan escolta,

People, when they listen,

si escolta riure... Ai, que està en vermell

If you hear laughter... Oh, it's turning red.

un altre cop. M'han pillat.

Again. They've caught me.

El que no té explicació és com ha trigat tant

What is inexplicable is how it took so long.

a dimitir la... No sé, jo,

to resign the... I don't know, me,

com ho veig... Els científics

How I see it... The scientists

asseguren que els gelos tenen explicació

they assure that jealousy has an explanation

biològica. El que no té

biological. What it does not have

explicació és com ha trigat tant

the explanation is how it has taken so long

a dimitir la cúpula del PSOE.

the leadership of the PSOE has resigned.

I més encara, com és que encara no ho ha fet ningú

And even more, how is it that no one has done it yet?

del PP.

from the PP.

Res, gent del PP, simpatitzant.

Nothing, people from the PP, sympathizer.

Recents estudis afirmen que l'obesitat

Recent studies claim that obesity

serà més perillosa que el tabaquisme.

it will be more dangerous than smoking.

I ja ha començat la campanya

And the campaign has already started.

per a posar a tots els envasos les etiquetes

to put labels on all the containers

de comer a cort a la vida.

from eating to cutting in life.


Of course!



Quan sona aquesta sintonia, és que és la sintonia

When this tune plays, it means it is the tune.

dels petits herois, que és el moment on presentem

of the little heroes, which is the moment when we present

els nostres petits herois. Els d'avui,

our little heroes. Today's.

bé, ja sabem els requisits,

well, we already know the requirements,

heu de guanyar menys de 5.000 euros

you must earn less than 5,000 euros

al mes per entrar dins de...

to the month to enter into...

ser petits herois. Vosaltres quant guanyeu?

be small heroes. How much do you earn?



Estem entre el 5 i el 7.

We are between 5 and 7.

Doncs rasqueu per 2.000 euros, eh?

So you scrape for 2,000 euros, huh?

De merda. Bé, doncs estem amb la senyora

Shit. Well, then we are with the lady.

Tomàs, si ho ha estat escoltant des del principi.

Tomàs, if he has been listening to it from the beginning.

Un plaer, perquè heu vingut

A pleasure, because you have come.

un munt de gent, eh?

a bunch of people, huh?

Quants integrants? Falten 3?

How many members? Are 3 missing?

2? 3?

2? 3?

Falta el teclista,

The keyboardist is missing.

el bateria

the drummer

i el percussionista.

and the percussionist.

I comptant que en són 7, doncs ja podeu fer

And counting that there are 7, then you can already do.

la resta.

the rest.

T'he ni apuntat. Vale, t'ànim.

I've written it down for you. Okay, I encourage you.

Són 4, tu.

It’s 4, you.

T'ànim a l'Alberto. Hola, Alberto, què tal?

I encourage Alberto. Hello, Alberto, how are you?



Què tal?

How are you?

Molt bé.

Very well.

Bé, no? Cortita i al pie.

Well, right? Short and to the point.



Tu què toques?

What do you play?

Jo toco el bajo.

I play the bass.

S'han rigut abans de tu, eh?

They have laughed at you before, huh?

Sí, siempre. Es el omnipresente, señor.

Yes, always. He is the omnipresent one, sir.

No existe.

It does not exist.

També tenim el Jordi. Hola, Jordi, què tal?

We also have Jordi. Hello, Jordi, how are you?

Bona nit. Tarda.

Good night. Afternoon.

Què tal?

How are you?

Bona nit.

Good night.

O tarda, depèn del posca, tu.

Either late, depends on the post, you.

O tarda, sí, sí, sí.

Oh, late, yes, yes, yes.

Jo sóc el guitarrista, o per lo menys ho intento.

I am the guitarist, or at least I try to be.

O sigui, és el que zumba més, no?

So, it's the one that buzzes the most, right?

El que les titis...

What the tits...

Bueno, si sigues solter, pues potser, però no...

Well, if you stay single, then maybe, but no...

No és el gana.

It's not the hunger.

Ah, o sigui, clar, no zumbes perquè tens parella.

Ah, so, of course, you don't buzz because you have a partner.

Ahí está.

There it is.

Para de guinyarme con el ojo, tú, tonto.

Stop winking at me, you fool.

No, no es broma, es broma. No nos toquen eso, que no hubo problemas.

No, it's not a joke, it's a joke. Don't touch that, there were no problems.

Un día va a trucar una persona, a decir, oye, ¿qué ha pasado aquí? Bueno, da igual.

One day a person is going to call, saying, hey, what happened here? Well, it doesn't matter.

Eh, Santiago, ¿qué tal?

Hey, Santiago, how are you?

Hola, yo sí soy soltero.

Hello, I am single.





Tú tocas.

You play.

El saxo.

The saxophone.

El saxo, ¿qué?

The sax, what about it?

La van a decir, ¿qué, qué?

They are going to tell her, what, what?

O sea, ¿qué?

So, what?

Con el saxo hay una relación extraña.

There is a strange relationship with the saxophone.

Dic, Rafael, a lligar, eh, vull dir.

I say, Rafael, to hook up, eh, I mean.

Ese es el que ens interesa aquí, el tema sexe.

That is what interests us here, the topic of sex.

Ah, bueno, siempre se dice que el saxo es el que tiene la forma más de la mujer, ¿no?

Ah, well, it is always said that the saxophone has the shape that resembles a woman the most, right?



Y además es dorada y brillante, como las mujeres por dentro.

And moreover, it is golden and shiny, like women on the inside.

A mí no sé, pero a mí ya...

I don't know about you, but for me...

A mí ya me ha posado tonta.

It's already made me silly.

I no tinc cos de dona, però bé.

I don't have a woman's body, but that's okay.

Pau, ¿qué tal?

Pau, how are you?

Molt bé, bona nit.

Very well, good night.

O tarda, depèn del posca.

It will be late, depending on the post.

Pau, ¿tú què toques?

Pau, what do you play?

Jo no toco res, jo canto.

I don't touch anything, I sing.

Ah, un dia, un dia.

Ah, one day, one day.

Les cordes vocals toques, eh?

The vocal cords, huh?

Abans del monòleg has fet un personatge que a mi m'ha enamorat profundament.

Before the monologue, you created a character that has deeply enamored me.



M'ha fet molta gràcia. Mira, cadascú té...

It made me laugh a lot. Look, everyone has...

M'ha sortit de dintre.

It has come out from inside me.

Fichalo, fichalo.

Sign him up, sign him up.

Hola, Clàudia, com estàs?

Hello, Clàudia, how are you?

Hola, molt bé. I tu, què tal, Jaume?

Hello, very well. And you, how are you, Jaume?

Bé. I tu, Juanjo, com estàs?

Good. And you, Juanjo, how are you?

És un drogata.

He is a drug addict.

És un drogata, el Juanjo, no?

He's a drug addict, Juanjo, isn't he?

Veieu que la...

You see that the...

No, no, el Juanjo no té aquesta bona veu.

No, no, Juanjo doesn't have that nice voice.

La té molt pitjor.

She has it much worse.

Al Juanjo sí, si no us ha fet gràcia la bateria,

Yes, Juanjo has, if you didn't find the battery funny,

és que és cosa d'ell i per això no ha vingut.

It's just that it's a thing of his and that's why he hasn't come.

Ha vist que no us ha fet gaire gràcia

He seen that it hasn't amused you much.

i llavors estava a punt de venir, no?

And then it was about to come, right?

I llavors ja no ve.

And then she doesn't come anymore.

Juanjo, te queremos. Te queremos.

Juanjo, we love you. We love you.

Crec que és el més bonic que li hem dit mai,

I think it's the prettiest thing we've ever told him.

però ja està molt bé.

but it’s already very good.

Molt bé, doncs estem aquí amb la senyora Tomassa

Very well, then we are here with Mrs. Tomassa.

i llavors, primer de tot,

and then, first of all,

un grup de... Quants sou el grup?

a group of... How many are in the group?

Set. En realitat som nou.

Seven. In reality, we are nine.

Som set músics

We are seven musicians.

i dos tècnics.

and two technicians.

Que són tan importants com els músics.

They are as important as musicians.

Sí, totalment. Tot masclat.

Yes, totally. All crushed.

Tot masclat. Que són

All male. What are they?

l'Arnau i el Pala.

Arnau and Pala.

Com tal recolzar

As such support

el got d'aigua que...

the glass of water that...

El got d'aigua. No, no, que...

The glass of water. No, no, that...

El cables.

The cables.

A veure, llavors.

Let's see, then.

Com us acabo dient?

How do I end up saying to you?

Nou mascles.

New males.

La senyora Tomassa. A veure.

Mrs. Tomassa. Let's see.

Faltava l'aliment femení.

The female nourishment was missing.

Doncs sí.

Well, yes.

Bueno, realment

Well, actually

lo de la senyora Tomassa va sortir perquè

Mrs. Tomassa's situation came out because

al principi

at the beginning

quan vam començar vam col·laborar

when we started we collaborated

amb el Xara58

with the Xara58

que és un músic de la

what is a musician from the

Kinky Beat. Xara58?

Kinky Beat. Xara58?

Xara58, perdó. I...

Xara58, sorry. And...

i ara bueno

and now well

té la panxita a Estudio

he has a little belly at Estudio

que és una discogràfica

what is a record label

i res, ens va fer

And nothing, it made us.

una producció al principi.

a production at the beginning.

Jo no

Not me.

acabo d'entendre aquests riures, eh.

I just understood those laughs, huh.

La cosa és que en el primer assaig que vam fer

The thing is that in the first rehearsal we had.

Gràcies, perquè hi ha un silenci.

Thank you, because there is a silence.

És que m'he atrapat.

I’m stuck.

En esta pregunta

In this question

sí que m'he atrapat.

Yes, I have gotten stuck.

En el primer assaig que vam fer

In the first rehearsal we did

que va venir el Gerard a ajudar-nos, a guiar-nos

that Gerard came to help us, to guide us

una mica això ja fa dos anyets o així.

a little bit this has been about two years or so.

Vam estar una estona

We were there for a while.

per escalfar les veus fent un cor d'una cançó

to warm up the voices by making a chorus of a song

que fa així. Diu

that does this way. Says

Estoy tan enamorado

I am so in love.

de la negra Tomassa

of the black Tomassa

que cuando se va

that when he/she leaves

de casa ay qué triste

From home, oh how sad.

me pongo.

I put on.

I el cor... Bravo, eh?

And the heart... Bravo, huh?

Ja ens ho han explicat, no?

They have already explained it to us, haven't they?

Jo crec que...

I believe that...

Es sabut, o no?

Is it known, or not?



I d'aquí va sortir.

And that's where it came from.

Uau, uau, uau.

Wow, wow, wow.

Al gent tallat a mig cor, uau, uau.

To people cut in half, wow, wow.

Tu i jo lo sabíamos. Bueno,

You and I knew it. Well,

solo yo y el técnico, que estamos ahí.

only me and the technician, who are there.

Dale, que te pego. Hola, Luqui.

Come on, I'm going to hit you. Hi, Luqui.

Soy Joaquín, Luqui. Besitos para ellas.

I'm Joaquín, Luqui. Kisses for them.

Besitos para vosotros, que sois más,

Kisses for you, since there are more of you,

ya que no hay ellas, solo hay una.

since there are none, there is only one.

Yo me voy donde hay el montón, que siempre me gustan más.

I'm going where there's a lot, because I always like it more.

Soy un ángel, no tengo mucho sexo, pero mira, me gusta.

I am an angel, I don't have much sex, but look, I like it.

No, no, ja, ja.

No, no, already, already.

La señora Tomassa que nace de una negra.

Mrs. Tomassa who is born from a black woman.

Uau, uau, uau, uau.

Wow, wow, wow, wow.

Qué increíble, qué espectacular.

How incredible, how spectacular.

Escolta, Luqui, però per què has vingut, exactament?

Listen, Luqui, but why have you come, exactly?

Vull dir, no estàs dient res

I mean, you're not saying anything.

que ja no ens hagin explicat ells.

that they haven't already explained to us.

Yo soy Joaquín Luqui. Siempre digo algo que ya se ha dicho antes.

I am Joaquín Luqui. I always say something that has already been said before.

Uau, uau, tu y yo lo sabíamos.

Wow, wow, you and I knew it.

Uau. Vale.

Wow. Okay.

Si dius que ja ho sabe, gràcies.

If you say you already know, thank you.

Quería hacer una pregunta a la señora Tomassa.

I wanted to ask Mrs. Tomassa a question.

Señora Tomassa.

Mrs. Tomassa.

¿Cómo me dirijo a vosotros?

How do I address you?

¿Por el nombre o por señora Tomassa?

By the name or by Mrs. Tomassa?

Es rara que os diga señora Tomassa a cuatro tíos.

It's rare for me to call you Mrs. Tomassa to four guys.

Ya verás, Tomassa. Totalmente.

You'll see, Tomassa. Totally.

En confi. Toma. O Tomassos.

In confi. Take. Or Tomassos.

Tomassos. Tomassos.

Tomassos. Tomassos.

Después de cantar esa canción,

After singing that song,

es cuando decidisteis,

it's when you decided,

hey, es el momento de ponerse señora Tomassa.

Hey, it's time to get dressed, Mrs. Tomassa.

Sí, pero

Yes, but

por ahí tiró la onda, ¿no?

He threw the wave over there, right?

Segundo después, segundo después,

Second later, second later,

dos segundos, tres segundos, cuatro segundos,

two seconds, three seconds, four seconds,

cinco segundos.

five seconds.

Exacto, exacto, te perdimos.

Exactly, exactly, we lost you.



Me gusta, me agrada, Luqui.

I like it, I enjoy it, Luqui.

Soy un ángel. Puedo inventarme la palabra que me dé la gana.

I am an angel. I can make up any word I want.

Sí, sí, tú mateix.

Yes, yes, you yourself.

No sé, quan tornis allà dalt, ja t'ho trobaràs.

I don't know, when you go back up there, you'll find it.

Guau, guau, guau.

Wow, wow, wow.

Sí, exactividad. ¿Qué?

Yes, exactly. What?

Al minut com a quatre va sortir la idea

At a quarter to four, the idea emerged.

i la vam treballar.

and we worked on it.

En el minut com a quatre. Eso no lo he entendido muy bien,

At a quarter to four. I didn't understand that very well.



Guau, guau, no pasa nada entre exactividad

Wow, wow, nothing happens between accuracy.

y cero cuatro. Estamos ahí, estamos ahí.

And zero four. We are there, we are there.

Joli, ya está bien, coño.

Joli, that's enough, damn it.

Gracias, gracias, Dani.

Thank you, thank you, Dani.

Daniè, gracias.

Daniè, thank you.

Llavors, vosaltres

Then, you all

us presenteu en aquest assaig.

you present yourselves in this essay.

I comenceu

And you start

a escalfar amb Senyora Tomassa,

to warm up with Mrs. Tomassa,

però la idea de barrejar

but the idea of mixing


so many...

Sí. Tantes...

Yes. So many...

Tants gèneres, no? Tants gèneres, gràcies, Claudia.

So many genres, right? So many genres, thank you, Claudia.

Tants gèneres musicals, ja el teníeu pensat?

So many musical genres, had you thought about that?

O perquè

Or why

barregeu a sac? O sigui, no ho dic com a dolent,

Mix it up? I mean, I'm not saying it in a bad way,

o sigui, ho dic que us queda bé.

I mean, I'm saying it looks good on you.

La idea de barrejar va sortir de...

The idea of mixing came from...

de que tots els grups que estan sonant ara

that all the groups that are trending now

fan molt la mateixa música

they play very much the same music

i està tot dins d'una mateixa

and it's all inside the same one

rodona, i nosaltres el que volíem

round, and what we wanted

era intentar sortir una mica de...

It was to try to get out a bit of...

de tota aquesta rodona i desmarcar-nos

of this whole circle and distance ourselves

amb el rotllo de l'electrònica,

with the whole electronics thing,

amb la música salsa i

with salsa music and

sortir una mica d'aquí.

get out of here a little.

Sempre amb el respecte de tots els grups que hi ha ara.

Always with the respect of all the groups that are present now.

Evidentment, evidentment.

Obviously, obviously.

És evident, i que som amics de molts.

It is obvious, and that we are friends with many.

Endavant. No, ha quedat molt bé,

Go ahead. No, it turned out really well.

ha quedat molt bé, està molt bé.

it looks great, it's very good.

Però el Jordi sempre ha de posar allà

But Jordi always has to put it there.

l'última paraula, és que ja estic veient per on va, eh?

The last word is that I'm already seeing where this is going, right?

Ja ho sap.

He/She already knows.

Jo crec...

I believe...

que el nostre camí és

that our path is

buscar fórmules diferents

find different solutions

i que funcionin i que ens agradin a nosaltres

and that they work and that we like them

i suposo que això mai acabarà.

And I suppose this will never end.

La búsqueda, saps?

The search, you know?

Que nunca tendremos un fin.

That we will never have an end.

Espero, vamos.

I hope, come on.

Quan arriba el moment que diuen

When the moment they say arrives

mira, vamos a coger todo este género

look, let's take all this stock

i el anem a barrejar.

And we are going to mix it.

En quin moment surt?

At what moment does it come out?

Partiu amb aquesta premissa quan us ho ajunteu tots?

Do you start with this premise when you all get together?

Clar, hosti...

Of course, dude...

O potser veníeu cadascú,

Or maybe you each came,

un d'un de la salsa,

one of the salsa,

una sèrie més de música electrònica,

a new series of electronic music,

i aleshores va ser aquest el motiu?

And then was this the reason?

Sí, sí. Realmente

Yes, yes. Really.

en la banda cada uno de nosotros somos muy diferentes.

In the band, each of us is very different.

Sí, eh?

Yes, huh?

Es nota.

It shows.

Tenemos flow todos, pero todo flow diferente.

We all have flow, but it's all different flow.

Su propio flow, eh?

Your own flow, huh?

Su propio flow, yeah.

Your own flow, yeah.



I això ja pareix que ho aporta una mica

And this already seems to bring it a bit.

a l'estil que escoltem més a casa o on sigui.

in the style that we hear most at home or anywhere.

I la veritat és que ens hem entès molt bé

And the truth is that we have understood each other very well.

tot i no escoltar el mateix

even if not hearing the same

i sabem molt bé cap on volem anar,

and we know very well where we want to go,



Bueno, se sap però a la vegada sense saber-ho

Well, it is known but at the same time unknowingly.

perquè mai deixem d'experimentar

because we never stop experimenting

una mica amb lo que volem

a little with what we want

amb lo que volem arribar a trobar que tampoc sabem el que és.

with what we want to find that we also don't know what it is.

Claro, de hecho el proceso creativo

Sure, in fact the creative process.

es como... es dificilísimo, ¿no?

It's like... it's really difficult, isn't it?

Porque claro, son siete cabezas ahí, cada uno con

Because of course, there are seven heads there, each with

mucha tendencia y muchas historias.

a lot of trends and many stories.

Pero bueno, es democrático y va funcionando

But well, it is democratic and it is working.

y bueno, en búsqueda.

and well, in search.

El primer disco es como una especie

The first album is like a kind of

de adolescencia, ¿no?, el proyecto.

from adolescence, right?, the project.

Bueno, vamos poco a poco creando y experimentando.

Well, let's go little by little creating and experimenting.

El primer disc...

The first album...

El primer disc

The first album

ha sortit ara el 2014, si no m'equivoco.

It has just been released now in 2014, if I'm not mistaken.



¿Des de quan esteu junts?

How long have you been together?

La banda va sortir

The band went out.



Desde el principio.

From the beginning.



Pues el setembre del 2010

Well, in September 2010.

es va comenzar

it started

a pensar en la historia

to think about the history

de fer alguna cosa fresca i nova.

to do something fresh and new.

Vam estar dos anys

We were two years.

que la banda no era la que som ara,

that the band was not what we are now,

que estàvem buscant coses,

that we were looking for things,

i la banda que existeix,

and the band that exists,

tal com és,

as it is,

fa poc més d'un any, realment.

Just a little over a year ago, really.

Fa poc més... poc més

A little more... a little more.

o poc menys?

or little less?

Poc més, poc més.

A little more, a little more.

El 17 d'abril de l'any passat vam fer el primer concert

On April 17th last year, we held the first concert.

com a Senyora Tomassa, amb tota la banda com som,

as Mrs. Tomassa, with the whole band as we are,

i fa res, fa res, de l'abril.

and it hasn't been long, it hasn't been long, since April.

Doncs esteu creixent d'una manera com molt

Well, you are growing in a very...

acelerada, no?

Accelerated, right?

No sé, per la idea que tinc jo de

I don't know, from the idea I have of

vosaltres, de la vostra música, del seguidor,

you, of your music, of the follower,

que podeu tenir ja,

that you can already have,

vull dir que ho ha entrat amb força.

I mean that it has come in with force.

Estem tenint sort.

We are having luck.

No, les crítiques són bones,

No, the criticisms are good.

el que passa que tampoc creiem que estiguem creixent molt

What happens is that we also don’t believe we are growing much.

ràpid, vull dir, estem fent les coses molt

quick, I mean, we're doing things very

a poc a poc, i tal com

little by little, and as

van venir les coses, doncs les anem pillant

the things came, so we are catching them

i sense cap...

and without any...

pressa ni...

hurry up nor...

Només fa un any que estan junts i ja tenen

They have only been together for a year and they already have

un disc, van molt a poc a poc, eh, Clàudia?

a disc, they go very slowly, eh, Clàudia?

Clar, clar, ara després vindran

Of course, of course, now they will come later.

els gossos...

the dogs...



feu el primer àlbum,

make the first album,

Corazón, Bombo i Son.

Heart, Drum and Sound.

Què ens trobarem en aquest àlbum? Què farem?

What will we find in this album? What will we do?

A part de trobar... O sigui, quan el posem

Apart from finding... I mean, when we put it on.

i el comencem a escoltar, què ens hi trobem?

And when we start to listen to it, what do we find there?

A casa, vull dir. Què ballarem? Ens atabalarem? No sabrem

At home, I mean. What will we dance? Will we get overwhelmed? We won't know.

per on anar? Pues la verdad que

where to go? Well, the truth is that

un auténtico potaje de cosas ahí,

a true stew of things there,

de todo lo que se nos ha...

of everything that has been...

se nos ha... nos ha venido tanto

it has... it has come to us so much

creativamente como las tendencias

creatively like the trends

de cada uno, lo que se ha querido

from each one, what has been wanted

transmitir, ¿no?, entre los rollos.

to transmit, right?, among the reels.

Está la parte más

It is the most part.

orgánica, ¿no?, de la salsa, ¿no?, de la música

organic, right?, of the sauce, right?, of the music

más folclórica, y está la parte de las tendencias que a todos

more folkloric, and there is the part of the trends that everyone

nos ha gustado, que es la parte electrónica.

We liked it, which is the electronic part.

Y bueno, es un

And well, it is a...

potaje, pero también es...

stew, but it is also...

Por otro lado, es la propuesta más honesta

On the other hand, it is the most honest proposal.

que se nos ha ocurrido a todos, ¿no?, a la hora de

that has occurred to all of us, right?, at the time of

proponer algo y sacarlo a...

propose something and take it to...

a la gente, ¿no?, a internet,

to the people, right?, to the internet,

a la... Y bueno,

to the... And well,

es arriesgado, pero aquí estamos

It's risky, but here we are.

nosotros defendiéndolo y todo el rato

we defending it all the time

redefiniéndolo. Es un constante

redefining it. It is a constant

trabajo y una constante pelea entre

work and a constant struggle between

nosotros mismos, ¿no? Es muy difícil,

ourselves, right? It's very difficult,

pero democrático, y ahí estamos, ¿no?

but democratic, and here we are, right?

Y bueno, es bonito.

And well, it is nice.

Difícil, pero bonito. Pregunta, ¿eh?

Difficult, but beautiful. A question, right?

Ara ja ha vingut l'ensabonament,

Now the soap has come,

ja us hem ensabonat una estona...

we have been soaping you for a while...

Sí que no... digo...

Yes, no... I mean...

Vale, jo miro,

Okay, I'll look.

miro, us escolto,

I watch, I listen to you,

miro després informació sobre vosaltres,

I look for information about you afterwards,

i veig. Heu estat

I see. You have been.

amb Willow Five Sound,

with Willow Five Sound,

un productor musical. Willow B Sound.

a music producer. Willow B Sound.

B Sound. Ah, B. Ah, pensava que era

B Sound. Ah, B. Ah, I thought it was.

5. Uf... Llàstima, veus

5. Ugh... What a shame, you see.

això passa per llegir-ho. Clar.

this happens by reading it. Of course.

Això és culpa del Juanjo. Avui que no està, li dic

This is Juanjo's fault. Today that he is not here, I'll tell him.

que és culpa d'ell. Això és culpa de l'educació

it's his fault. This is the fault of education.

primària. Llavors, no, massa educació

primary. So, no, too much education

primària, perquè he vist una B baixa

primary, because I saw a lowercase b

i he pensat que era un 5, vale. Llavors,

and I thought it was a 5, okay. Then,

quan es fa un disc,

when a record is made,

quan aporta un productor i quan

when a producer contributes and when

aporta el grup, com és aquesta

what does the group bring, what is this like

barreja? Perquè a mi... És la pregunta

mix? Because to me... It's the question

que m'ha vingut, eh? El Willow, ben bé,

that has come to me, huh? The Willow, really,

el productor del disc no és.

The producer of the album is not.

El Willow el que ha fet és ajudar-nos

What Willow has done is help us.

una mica en tot el tema de l'electrònica.

a bit in the whole topic of electronics.

Ell és DJ i domina de tot

He is a DJ and he masters everything.

això de l'electrònica.

this about electronics.

I li vam dir, tio, doncs ajuda'ns perquè

And we told him, dude, so help us because

tens un bon so, tens un...

you have a good sound, you have a...

tens estil i crec que podem

you have style and I think we can

encaixar bastant i podem fer un producte guai

fit quite well and we can make a cool product

els dos junts. I...

the two together. And...

I ell el que va fer, doncs, nosaltres

And he did what we did then.

vam començar construint les cançons amb una

we started building the songs with a

electrònica base i

basic electronics I

després se li va passar a ell i que ell fes

then it was passed to him and for him to do it

els últims retocs d'electrònica,

the last touches of electronics,

ficar bon so, ficar tot...

put in good sound, put everything...

Que s'englobés més en el tema electrònic

That it included more in the electronic theme.

que més al seu camp. Vale. I a parte

what more in his field. Okay. And besides

la clavo bastantes... Sí, lo en pepino,

I nail quite a few... Yes, in cucumber,

per si Willow.

just in case Willow.

Llavors, per últim,

Then, finally,

per últim, o sigui, d'aquesta tanda de preguntes,

finally, that is, from this set of questions,

després venen més friquis, no us preocupeu.

then more freaks come, don't worry.

Van ser massa seriosos.

They were too serious.

He col·laborat amb bastanta gent.

I have collaborated with quite a few people.

Jo tinc apuntat amb la Marta Trujillo,

I have an appointment with Marta Trujillo.

amb el

with the

Vladimir Peña,

Vladimir Peña,

i amb el Jesús Fallos.

and with Jesús Fallos.

Vale, aquestes

Okay, these.

col·laboracions què intenteu buscar,

collaborations what are you trying to find,

què han aportat,

what they have contributed,

què han fet?

What have they done?

Marta Trujillo és la noia que canta la cançó

Marta Trujillo is the girl who sings the song.

de Mira dentro de ti,

from Look inside you,

que potser és més electrònica

that perhaps is more electronic

i vam pensar que una veu femenina

and we thought that a female voice

allà encaixaria molt, i a part

it would fit in very well there, and apart from that

la Marta és amiga de

Marta is a friend of

tota la vida d'alguns

the whole life of some

i d'alguns altres de menys vida, però

and of some others with less life, but

molt amiga, també.

very friendly, too.

I els altres dos,

And the other two,

el Vladi és trombonista

Vladi is a trombonist.

i el Jesús

and Jesus

és trombonista. Són dos membres

He is a trombonist. They are two members.

que a la banda no hi ha, que

that there isn't on the side, that

ens interessa posar en algun tema el so

we are interested in putting sound into some topic

d'aquest tipus. Clar, és que en algunes cançons

of this type. Of course, it's just that in some songs

sents molts

you feel a lot

instruments i estàvem

instruments and we were

comptant. Jo estava comptant amb el Dani,

counting. I was counting with Dani,

el tècnic, i

the technician, and

d'on apareixen tants instruments? No ens sortien

Where do so many instruments come from? They didn't work for us.

els contes. Vale, vale.

the stories. Alright, alright.

Doncs, a veure,

Well, let's see,

això és la senyora Tomasa, aquesta és la

this is Mrs. Tomasa, this is the

primera part. Tu, Jordi, volies dir

first part. You, Jordi, wanted to say

alguna cosa? No has parlat gaire. Perdona, t'he tallat.

Anything? You haven't talked much. Sorry, I cut you off.

M'he tallat dos punts al pau.

I have cut myself two stitches on my leg.

Que teniu algun

That you have some.

problema entre vosaltres? Una mica, però no...

Problem between you? A little, but no...

Si us voleu veure allà en directe, això

If you want to see yourselves there live, this.

dona audiència, eh? Dona dos o tres seguidors

"Give an audience, huh? Give two or three followers."

més, que seria

more, what would it be

el tope que hem tingut mai, eh?

the highest we've ever had, right?

Ens estimem molt.

We love each other very much.

Som una gran família, aquí tots.

We are a big family, all of us here.

Això no us creu ningú, va, vinga.

No one believes you, come on.

És broma, és broma.

It's a joke, it's a joke.

Us porteu bé? Hi ha la senyora Tomasa

Are you doing well? Is Mrs. Tomasa there?

per molt de temps. Tots ens portem bé menys el Pau i jo.

for a long time. We all behave well except for Pau and me.

Tot l'altre... Doncs espera.

Everything else... Well, wait.

La majoria no va bé. Veurem si

Most of them are not doing well. We'll see if

durant el programa tenim sort i el Pau i

during the program we are lucky and Pau and

Jordi es barallen.

Jordi is fighting.

I seguim amb més, perquè els hologrames

And we continue with more, because the holograms

més fantasmagòrics

more phantasmagoric

tornen al món de la música. Ens amplia la informació

They return to the music world. They provide us with more information.

la Clàudia. Ella també és una mica

Clàudia. She is also a little bit.

fantasma. Ella defensa que mai ha pagat una copa

ghost. She claims she has never paid for a drink.

a una discoteca. No, la setmana

to a nightclub. No, the week.

passada em va tocar. Fa uns dies

It touched me. A few days ago.

Michael Jackson revivia en forma d'holograma

Michael Jackson came to life in the form of a hologram.

per als Premis Billboard

for the Billboard Awards

una actuació tan criticada com adorada.

a performance as criticized as it is adored.

I és que no és fàcil veure com una persona

And it's just that it's not easy to see how a person

torna del més enllà a la mida real.

returns from the beyond to real size.

S'ha de fer qualsevol cosa per tenir

One must do anything to have.

un bon directe? Fins on heu arribat

A good live performance? Where have you reached?

per treballar-se el vostre directe?

to work on your live performance?

O el feu d'una manera molt natural, que

Or you did it in a very natural way, that

s'ha de fer espontània? Com ho feu?

Does it have to be spontaneous? How do you do it?

Us disfresseu? A veure, a veure.

Are you dressing up? Let's see, let's see.

No, no. La veritat és que l'hem treballat molt.

No, no. The truth is that we have worked very hard on it.

O sigui, hem dedicat moltes, moltes hores.

So, we have dedicated many, many hours.

Perquè, a part, el nostre estil

Because, on top of that, our style

requereix que no només s'ha de treballar

requires that it is not only necessary to work

la part musical d'instruments,

the musical part of instruments,

sinó també s'ha de produir una electrònica.

but an electronics component must also be produced.

Per fer cada tema,

To do each topic,

primer es fa l'electrònica

first the electronics are made

i després es posen els instruments.

And then the instruments are put on.

I això són, doncs, més hores encara

And that means, then, even more hours.

per produir el que voleu fer.

to produce what you want to do.

I a part que una cosa és

And apart from that, one thing is

la creació teòrica de lo que, vinga,

the theoretical creation of what, come on,

vamos a hacer un directo que de repente tal,

let's do a live stream that suddenly something happens,

y de repente este momento, y lo otro,

and suddenly this moment, and the other,

y de repente va una explosión aquí.

and suddenly there's an explosion here.

Y otra cosa es la parte práctica de decir,

And another thing is the practical part of saying,

buf, a lo mejor se nos queda demasiado largo,

phew, maybe it will end up being too long for us,

corto, y es como, buf, todo el rato

short, and it's like, phew, all the time

pensando, probando y redefiniéndose.

thinking, testing, and redefining itself.

Sí, exacto.

Yes, exactly.

La idea es ir redefiniendo el directo,

The idea is to keep redefining the live performance,

el espectáculo, según cómo va reaccionando

the show, depending on how it reacts

la gente, y, pues claro,

the people, and, well of course,

nosotros tenemos una idea teórica,

we have a theoretical idea,

pero es lo que dice Alberto, que a la hora de practicar

but it's what Alberto says, that when it comes to practicing

todo es distinto. Entonces...

everything is different. So...

Se'ls veu

You can see them.

com molt treballadors, no?

Like many workers, right?

Amb ganes de fer les coses, com deia abans el Jordi,

With the desire to get things done, as Jordi mentioned before,

a poc a poc,

little by little,

i bona lletra. Bueno, a alguno de la banda

And good handwriting. Well, to someone in the band.

le caería una gota aquí,

a drop would fall here,

madre mía...

oh my god...

No, pero todo el buen rollo, sí.

No, but all the good vibes, yes.

A ver, no, no, sí, mucho trabajo.

Let's see, no, no, yes, a lot of work.

Mucho trabajo.

A lot of work.

Un montón de burro por un tubo.

A pile of donkey through a tube.

Redefineixo la pregunta.

I redefine the question.

Quina cosa feu que sigui especial

What makes you special?

d'un directe que digueu, mira, és que fem aquesta

of a live one that you say, look, it's just that we're doing this

fricada o aquesta cosa... És que són molt correctes.

"Fricada or this thing... It's just that they are very proper."

L'hem de venir a veure, a veure què és.

We need to come see it, to see what it is.

Jo crec que el factor més especial del directe és que

I think that the most special factor of live performance is that

tot és amb electrònica,

everything is with electronics,

i que a vegades

and that sometimes

podries no mirar i pensar-te que hi ha un

you could not look and think that there is one

DJ a l'escenari, i...

DJ on stage, and...

Però mira si veus una banda.

But look if you see a band.

Claro, és això.

Of course, it is that.

De músicos, eh? De músicos, saltando.

Of musicians, huh? Of musicians, jumping.

Venga y vamos, peña.

Come on, let's go, guys.

Sí, clar, perquè també ho... Vull dir, no és només

Yes, of course, because it also... I mean, it's not just

tocar, també, suposo que... L'actitud,

to touch, also, I suppose that... The attitude,

l'actitud, això fa molt, perquè estàs

the attitude, that makes a lot, because you are

muy bonito, però la gent està ballant i esteu allí

Very nice, but the people are dancing and you are there.

com uns, no? Saltar, somriir.

Like some, right? Jump, smile.

Hasta quirots. No, clar, clar.

Until quirk. No, clearly, clearly.



Probando, probando...

Testing, testing...

Espera, espera, eh...

Wait, wait, eh...

Soy tonto, eh?

Am I stupid, huh?

No lo estoy haciendo bien, espera.

I'm not doing it right, wait.

A ver, ¿cómo se llama este...?

Let's see, what is this called...?

Sí, este grupo de las

Yes, this group of the

Islas Británicas, sí. Sí.

British Islands, yes. Yes.

Ya, sí. U2,

Yeah, yes. U2,

U2, acoplando, acoplando, U2,

U2, coupling, coupling, U2,

sí, se me escucha, se me escucha.

Yes, I can be heard, I can be heard.

Hola, presidente, ¿qué fa?

Hello, president, how are you?

Sí, sí, ¿por qué se me va el holograma? Que me voy, que me voy.

Yes, yes, why is the hologram leaving me? I'm going, I'm going.

Espera, que vuelvo con holograma, espera.

Wait, I'll be back with a hologram, wait.

Presidente, presidente,

President, president,

¿pero qué...? Sí, sí, sí. Sí, se sembla un

But what...? Yes, yes, yes. Yes, it looks like a...

holograma. Sí, sí, a ver,

hologram. Yes, yes, let's see,

ayúdame, Obi-Wan Kenobi,

help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi,

tú eres mi última esperanza, sí.

you are my last hope, yes.

¿Pero qué estás fent? Siro, estoy

But what are you doing? Siro, I'm.

haciendo un mensaje a los Star Wars, aquí.

sending a message to Star Wars, here.

Hola, ¿qué tal, eh, chicos? De la señora...

Hello, how are you, eh, guys? From the lady...

Tomasa, ¿no sois? Tomasa, sí.

Tomasa, aren't you? Tomasa, yes.

Sí. Soy uno de los votantes del

Yes. I am one of the voters of the

pepero, sí.

pepper, yes.

Siempre hago de ti.

I always act like you.

Se les nota, tienen cara, tienen cara. Presidente,

You can tell, they have a face, they have a face. President,

usted sabe que nosotros solo llevamos aquí a peperos.

You know that we only bring pepero here.

Sí, sí. No, nada más.

Yes, yes. No, nothing more.

Pero, una cosa, ¿por qué está

But, one thing, why is it

dient Obi-Wan tan malamente a Esteo

saying Obi-Wan so terribly to Esteo

que le demaneu ayuda a Obi-Wan? No, Obi-Wan

Are you asking Obi-Wan for help? No, Obi-Wan.

es el pseudónimo

it's the pseudonym

de Azdar, ¿eh? O nos viene

From Azdar, huh? Either it comes to us.

a ayudar, nos pegamos otro hostión en las municipales.

to help, we got hit again in the local elections.

Sí. Bé, ella te halla

Yes. Well, she finds you.

por las municipales a la cebadona.

for the municipal elections to the cebadona.

Claudia, es que esta sorda he dicho ayuda, ¿eh?

Claudia, it's that she's deaf I said help, huh?

O un pisotón en el cuello, ¿eh?

Or a stomp on the neck, huh?

Ehm... Star Wars

Uh... Star Wars

era en...

it was in...

en R2D2

in R2D2

que portava el missatge. R2D2, sí, que aquí introducimos todo, ¿eh?

that carried the message. R2D2, yes, that we introduce everything here, right?

Bueno, R2... Arturito, sí, el Arturito. Sí, sí, sí.

Well, R2... Arturito, yes, the Arturito. Yes, yes, yes.

Al PP, ¿qui, qui ho porta?

To the PP, who, who is in charge of it?

¿Qui porta els missatges?

Who brings the messages?

No sé, eh, ¿compte opciones?

I don't know, eh, what options do we have?

Eh, no sé... A,

Eh, I don't know... A,

en Gallardón, B...

in Gallardón, B...

No, en B, en B nada, no, en B nada,

No, in B, in B nothing, no, in B nothing.

¿eh? Yo no sé nada en B, ¿eh?

Huh? I don't know anything in B, huh?

A ver, a mí quien me lo lleva es Arias Cañete, que

Let's see, the one who is taking me is Arias Cañete, who

por constitución y por movimiento se parece pasarle

By constitution and by movement, it seems to pass it on.

a R2D2, ¿eh? No, no volia dir això,

an R2D2, huh? No, I didn't mean that,

d'acord, i ara la pregunta,

Okay, and now the question,

¿per què un holograma i no un, no sé,

Why a hologram and not a, I don't know,

un WhatsApp, que també es porta molt?

A WhatsApp, which is also very popular?

Pero me gusta, me gusta, me gusta, Claudia,

But I like it, I like it, I like it, Claudia.

esa pregunta, me gusta, sí, sí.

I like that question, yes, yes.

Ah, gracias. Però, ehm...

Ah, thank you. But, um...

Digues, digues. Sí,

Tell me, tell me. Yes,

me gusta esa pregunta. ¿Estamos en Televisión Española?

I like that question. Are we on Spanish Television?

No, no.

No, no.

No? No, Televisión Española no, pero

No? No, Spanish Television no, but

estem a una ràdio pública. Sí,

we are on a public radio. Yes,

¿a quién le hacéis la pelota aquí? Aquí

Who are you trying to suck up to here? Here.

a Ciu. ¿A quién le hacéis la pregunta? Ah, sí.

to CiU. Who are you asking the question to? Ah, yes.

A Ciu fem la pilota. Sí, sí.

At Ciu, we pass the ball. Yes, yes.

La, la pelota a Ciu. Clar, sí, evidentment.

The ball is in CiU's court. Of course, yes, obviously.

Sí, sí. Muy bien, pues, pues, pues, gracias,

Yes, yes. Very well, then, then, then, thank you.

¿eh? Sí, eh, mira, eh...

Huh? Yes, huh, look, huh...

Yo esto de los hologramas,

I see this about holograms,

eh, modestamente me gustaría

Eh, modestly I would like.

decir que lo hacemos porque

to say that we do it because

el PP nos estamos poderizando,

the PP is empowering us,

sí. Lo del plasma lo estamos

Yes. We're working on the plasma.

dejando atrás. Ahora vamos a por el holograma, ¿no? Ah, vale.

leaving behind. Now let's go for the hologram, right? Ah, okay.

Que queda más real y quizá los

What feels more real and perhaps the

periodistas se lo tragan, sí.

Journalists buy it, yes.

Claro, sí, ahora ya paseo de la pantalla al holograma.

Sure, yes, now I walk from the screen to the hologram.

Sí. Bé, m'agradaria dir

Yes. Well, I would like to say

que me n'alegro, però no és així.

I'm glad for you, but it's not like that.

I, per cert, ara que el tinc aquí,

And, by the way, now that I have it here,

li faré una pregunta. Encara no ha dit

I will ask him a question. He still hasn't said.

res sobre els resultats de les eleccions europees.

nothing about the results of the European elections.

Molt bé. Bé, bé, bé.

Very good. Well, well, well.

Sembla que, sembla que ha marxat.

It seems that, it seems that he has left.

Vosaltres, abans de sortir a escena,

You, before going on stage,

teniu hàbits

do you have habits

que heu de fer sí o sí, no?

what you have to do, right?

Manies. La última, la última meadilla aquella,

Maneu. The last one, that last little thing,

no? La... Sí. Bueno, la última...

No? The... Yes. Well, the last...

La última meadilla sempre existeix.

The last medal always exists.

Algunos siempre están cagando. Sí. Los dos están súper

Some are always shitting. Yes. Both are super.

nerviosos. Meadas, por supuesto.

Nervous. Peeing, of course.

A Santi hay que exigirle que caliente,

Santi needs to be asked to warm up.

por Dios, en mi corazón. Sí. Sí, sí, sí.

For God, in my heart. Yes. Yes, yes, yes.

El saxofón, que... El saxo a muerte,

The saxophone, which... The sax to the max,

porque si no es algo más frío que, vamos,

because if it's not something colder than, come on,

que el Polo Norte.

that the North Pole.

Y sí, sí.

And yes, yes.

¿Cómo se calienta un saxofonista?

How does a saxophonist warm up?

Pues soplando.

Well, blowing.

No hay más.

There is no more.

A Santi se la soplan, ¿no?

They are blowing it to Santi, right?

Ui, ui, no, es que... Pau.

Oh, oh, no, it's just that... Pau.

Vull dir que aquestes coses les heu d'evitar.

I mean that you should avoid these things.

Corten això. Tenim molts...

Cut this. We have a lot...

Una cosa, aquí li soplen.

One thing, here they blow it.

Si te la soplen, caco,

If they blow it to you, jerk,

que has d'anar a tocar... Noa,

that you have to go play... Noa,

no estem parlant...

we are not talking...

¿Cómo te llamas? Hola, yo soy...

What is your name? Hello, I am...

Sí, Pedro.

Yes, Pedro.



Sí, però, escolta,

Yes, but listen,

no estàvem parlant d'aquell tipus de soplar

we weren't talking about that kind of blowing

que tu penses. No? No.

What do you think? No? No.

Vale, pues paro. Ah, que bé,

Okay, I'll stop. Ah, how nice.

que ràpid marxes.

how quickly you leave.

No ho he passat mai, eh, vull dir...

I've never gone through it, you know, I mean...

¿Hay una guitarra aquí?

Is there a guitar here?

Tú anda que nos follas, eh.

You go ahead and screw us, huh.

No, no, no, Noa, es que no anem

No, no, no, Noa, it’s just that we’re not going.

per aquí. Tú follas un montón. Noa.

Around here. You get laid a lot. Noa.

Voy a tirar por un concierto.

I'm going to throw a concert.

Pero es que no es así, Noa.

But it's not like that, Noa.

Gràcies. Marxa, sisplau.

Thank you. Please leave.

No estem parlant d'aquestes coses. No, però...

We're not talking about these things. No, but...

Déu. Vale, doncs...

God. Okay, then...

Hàbits, estàvem parlant d'hàbits.

Habits, we were talking about habits.

Tu, Pau, per exemple, al cantant escalfes la veu,

You, Pau, for example, warm up the voice before singing,

però alguna cosa més, no sé,

but something more, I don't know,

entres amb el peu dret,

you enter with the right foot,

amb el peu esquerre, tonteries així?

With the left foot, nonsense like that?

En teniu algun? No.

Do you have any? No.

No, no, no. Faig...

No, no, no. I do...

No, no faig res. No, no faig res.

No, I don't do anything. No, I don't do anything.

Escalfo una mica la veu abans del concert.

I warm up my voice a little before the concert.

Hola. Us presento el senyor

Hello. I introduce you to Mr.

Llopas. Hola. Ell és el

Wolf. Hello. He is the

community manager d'aquí, de...

community manager from here, from...

del programa nostre. Hola, Llopas.

from our program. Hello, Llopas.

Hola. Sí. Se diu que...

Hello. Yes. It is said that...



en Llepas i en Llopas van fer un baúl.

Llepas and Llopas made a trunk.

En Llopas la tapa

In Llopas the lid

i en Llepas el cul.

And you lick the ass.

Humorista, aspirant a guionista,

Humorist, aspiring screenwriter,

també. Sí, sí. Qué bien!

also. Yes, yes. How great!

Qué bien!

How nice!

A veure, eh...

Let's see, eh...

Senyor Llopas, a tu

Mr. Llopas, to you

has escoltat mai la senyora Tomasa?

Have you ever listened to Mrs. Tomasa?

T'agraden, la senyora Tomasa? Sí.

Do you like them, Mrs. Tomasa? Yes.

Ella va...

She goes...

Sí. Sí.

Yes. Yes.

Make a default, community...

Make a default, community...

Espera, espera, espera. Ho explicaràs

Wait, wait, wait. You'll explain it.

en idioma. És que ella té un idioma...

in language. It's just that she has a language...

Bueno, ell té un idioma que és en

Well, he has a language that is in

community manager, d'acord? Llavors ningú quasi

Community manager, okay? Then hardly anyone.

l'entén. Sí. Respondràs la pregunta

He understands it. Yes. You will answer the question.

en community manager? Sí, sí, la

as a community manager? Yes, yes, the

respondré en community manager, d'acord?

I will respond as a community manager, okay?

Sí, puc, em deixeu.

Yes, I can, you let me.

Sí, sí. D'acord.

Yes, yes. Okay.

Black Heart Creative Commons

Black Heart Creative Commons

Feedback. Freebies in

Feedback. Freebies in

World Marketing Keepers Link

World Marketing Keepers Link



Això què vol dir? Que sí, que sí,

What does this mean? That yes, that yes,

que m'agrada molt aquest grup.

I really like this group.

Tot i tot aquesta frase per dir que sí, eh?

Still, this phrase is to say yes, right?

Sí, una pregunta. Sí,

Yes, a question. Yes,

molt bé, senyora Llopas. Vosaltres...

Very well, Mrs. Llopas. You...

Escolta, Jordi, atent!

Listen, Jordi, pay attention!

Eh... Tu teniu

Eh... You have.

community manager?

community manager?

Estem buscant un. Ah!

We are looking for one. Ah!

Qué bien!

How nice!

Un community manager com ell, no? Estem buscant... Sí?

A community manager like him, right? We are looking for... Yes?

A veure, tothom ha dit sí?

Let's see, has everyone said yes?

Estan pensant de dir-t'ho a tu perquè

They are thinking of telling you because

ens estàs transmetent molt bon rotllo.

You are conveying a very good vibe to us.

Molt bé. Llopis. M'agrada.

Very good. Llopis. I like it.

Qué bien! Llopis, Llopus, Llopus...

How nice! Llopis, Llopus, Llopus...

No, en Llopus no.

No, not in Llopus.

En Llopus i jo no ens portem gaire bé, però...

Llopus and I don't get along very well, but...

Una pregunta.

A question.

Teniu vídeo viral? Bé, a veure,

Do you have a viral video? Well, let's see,

mira, tenen videoclip, que

look, they have a music video, what

està prou bé. Vale, però en aquest

it's pretty good. Okay, but in this

videoclip... Jo no l'he vist.

videoclip... I haven't seen it.

No sé a què aneu.

I don't know what you're talking about.

Però això no és problema.

But that's not a problem.

En aquest vídeo

In this video

hi ha algun...

is there any...

El gust de vosaltres es tropeça

The taste of you stumbles.

o surt algun gatet bonic?

or does a nice kitten come out?

Surten fruites

Fruits are coming out.

que es tallen.

that they are cut.

Que són mones. No és massa viral, no?

What are "mones"? They're not very viral, are they?

Són maques, les fruites, però...

The fruits are beautiful, but...

No, he de posar algun gatet

No, I have to put in a kitten.

bonic, un gosset, que demana...

beautiful, a puppy, that asks...

No, no en saben. Ja,

No, they don't know. Yeah,

jo s'arreglaré. A veure, a veure,

I'll fix myself. Let's see, let's see,

anem a escoltar un tema

let's listen to a song

de la senyora Tomassa, que estaria bé, ja que venen aquí,

Mrs. Tomassa's, which would be good, since they come here,

doncs, a escoltar un tema.

Well, let's listen to a song.

Dani, tu saps quin posaràs?

Dani, do you know which one you will put?

No, no ho saps.

No, you don't know it.

Marqueu-l'hi vosaltres.

You mark it.

Quina voleu que posem?

Which one do you want us to put on?

Posarem la senyora

We will put the lady.

Tomassa, que presenta la Tomassa.

Tomassa, who presents Tomassa.

La segona del disc.

The second of the album.

La número dos, la senyora Tomassa.

Number two, Mrs. Tomassa.

La dos, Dani.

The back, Dani.

Mentre us poseu d'acord

While you come to an agreement

amb el senyor Llopas,

with Mr. Llopas,

perquè us porti el tema

to bring you the topic

de Community Managers,

of Community Managers,

ja si d'això, doncs, escoltem el tema

Yes, of course, let's listen to the topic.

i a veure què surt d'aquí.

and let's see what comes out of this.

Quins són els colors corporatius?

What are the corporate colors?

A veure què surt d'aquí.

Let's see what comes out of this.

Llavors, can hacking.

Then, can hacking.

Lliura a la senyora Tomassa,

Deliver to Mrs. Tomassa,

lliura a la senyora Tomassa.

deliver to Mrs. Tomassa.

Amiga de todo el mundo,

Friend of everyone,

La senyora está yendo

The lady is going.

Cristiano Balab wears Fireballractors

Cristiano Balab wears Fireballractors.

Falco a Banco del roc Cubano

Falcon at the Banco del Roc Cuban

Risas, canciones y abrazos

Laughter, songs, and hugs.

Amiga de todo el mundo Tomassa a la reader La Monza

Friend of everyone, Tomassa to the reader La Monza.

Kikiribu, mandinga

Kikiribu, mandinga

Llegó la senyora Tomasa

Mrs. Tomasa has arrived.

que segons l'ABC

that according to ABC

Catalunya és el paradís de la música en directe

Catalonia is the paradise of live music.

Ens amplia l'informació

It expands our information.

en Jaume, ell també creu que

Jaume, he also believes that

en la música s'ha de ser directa

In music, one must be direct.

per això quan li canta a la seva noia

that's why when he sings to his girl

en la primera frase ja li fa referències

In the first sentence, it already makes references to it.

sexuals. Així és

sexuals. That's right.

Del primavera sauna al sonar

From spring sauna to dreaming.

passant pel Cap Roig, el Cruïssa

passing by Cap Roig, the Cruïssa

el Vida o els Jardins de Parc

the Life or the Gardens of Park

Cruïssa? Cruïssa?

Crossroad? Crossroad?

Sí, una Cruïssa, en què penses, guarro?

Yes, a cruise, what are you thinking about, you pig?

Doncs és un gran nom per un festival

Well, it's a great name for a festival.

Festival Cruïssa

Cruïssa Festival



El Cruïlla, el Vida o els Jardins de

The Cruïlla, the Vida or the Gardens of



Els festivals catalans acabaran estrelles i condicionen

The Catalan festivals will end up stars and condition.

la ruta musical de l'estiu

the musical route of summer

Pregunta, en quin festival d'aquests

Question, at which of these festivals


will you be?

Però realment Catalunya és

But really, Catalonia is

la ruta

the route

Paradís? Mentira

Paradise? A lie.

Què, com és a Catalunya

What is it like in Catalonia?

buscar bolos? Voleu-vos

looking for bowling? Do you want to?

No és gens fàcil

It's not easy at all.

La veritat és que ara mateix

The truth is that right now

no donen

they don't give

No volen que us feu enemics

They do not want you to make enemies.

O sigui, està molt difícil

That is, it is very difficult.

el moment musical

the musical moment

i la cultura en general

and culture in general

a Catalunya

in Catalonia

i és una cosa que s'ha de reivindicar

And it is something that must be claimed.

però te'n vas fora d'aquí

but you’re going outside of here

i es nota molt bé

and you can really feel it

l'altre rotllo

the other roll

Vosaltres heu tocat fora de Catalunya

You have played outside of Catalonia.

a Londres

to London

Vam començar la gira a Londres

We started the tour in London.

aquest any

this year

Aquí a dalt

Up here



Arriba a Londres

Arrives in London.

a dos hores d'allà

two hours from there

La Passing Clouds

The Passing Clouds

i la Jota Nani

and Jota Nani

a Brixton

to Brixton

I què tal?

And how about you?



La resposta va ser brutal

The response was brutal.

La gent estava on fire

The people were on fire.

i nadie nos conocía

and nobody knew us

O sea

That is to say

Es que a ver

It's just that, let's see.

ahí la gente va a escuchar música

there people go to listen to music


De hecho

In fact

la oferta musical de cada noche

the musical offer of each night



cada grupo era muy distinto entre sí

each group was very different from each other

pero es que

but it's just that

todo el mundo estaba presente

everyone was present

en cada concierto

at each concert

lo disfrutaba tal

I enjoyed it so much.



es que fue increíble

It was incredible.

Aquí és quan ens vam adonar

This is when we realized.

que era

what it was

la cultura musical

musical culture

a fora d'aquí

outside of here

es molt millor de la que hi ha aquí

it's much better than what is here

La cultura en general, no?

Culture in general, right?



Omplir una sala a Barcelona

Filling a room in Barcelona.

és difícil

it's difficult

perquè la gent no vol pagar entrades

because people don't want to pay for tickets

ni res

nor anything

perquè no

why not

no hi ha diners

there is no money

però tampoc hi ha intenció

but there is also no intention

de disfrutar de la cultura

of enjoying culture

ni de la música

neither of the music

ni en teatre

nor in theater

ni en res

in nothing

i fora la gent paga

and outside people pay

per anar a disfrutar

to go to enjoy

i veuen que hi ha algú

and they see that there is someone

donant un escenari

giving a stage

pues jo també donaré tot

Well, I will also give my all.

Es una especie de

It's a kind of


let's say

que la gente confía

that people trust

en la programación de los sitios

in the programming of websites



la gente

the people

o sea

that is to say

la sala de conciertos programan

the concert hall programs

y la gente va

and the people go

a ver los conciertos

to see the concerts

conozcan o no

whether they know or not

lo que ofrezcan

what they offer

y claro

and of course

es increíble

it's incredible

y ves que disfrutan

and you see that they enjoy

de cosas muy distintas

of very different things

de hecho había un grupo de folk antes

In fact, there was a folk group before.

y de repente nosotros

and suddenly we

con toda la traca

with all the fireworks

y era

and was

un grupo de folk

a folk group

todo el mundo arriba

everyone is coming up

y nosotros igual arriba

and we the same up there

o sea era

that is, it was

era genial

it was great

todo el mundo disfrutando

everyone enjoying



Que guai

How cool!

No, això sí que ho hem comentat

No, we have indeed discussed this.

amb varia gent

with various people

que està dins del món musical

that is within the musical world



hosti, que hi ha molta molta molta diferència

wow, there is a lot a lot a lot of difference

Sí, és clar

Yes, of course.

Catalunya, Espanya

Catalonia, Spain

a França

to France

hi és un altre rotllo

yeah, it's a whole different thing

Sí, ja comença a ser una altra cosa

Yes, it's starting to be something else.

No, i també a Euskadi

No, and also in Euskadi.

també realment

also really

vull dir

I mean

és més a

it is more to

a Catalunya

in Catalonia

que està súper retallat tot

that everything is super cut back

que no


Bueno, yo creo que es un problema

Well, I think it's a problem.

de que no hay cultura aquí

that there is no culture here

o sea promoción de la cultura

that is, promotion of culture

No s'educa

It is not educated.

No s'educa suficient

Not enough is educated.

No hi ha

There isn't.

Sí, no

Yes, no

cultura hay

there is culture

por supuesto

of course

o sea

that is to say



o sea

that is to say

a ver un momento

let's see a moment

tenemos nuestra cultura

we have our culture

y es muy importante

and it is very important

lo que pasa es que

what happens is that

no se hace promoción de ello

it is not promoted

o sea promoción

I mean promotion.

no sé

I don't know.

cómo se llama esa palabra

What is that word called?

La gente no aprende

People do not learn.

No, sí, sí

No, yes, yes.

¿Cómo va a hacer nada?

How is he going to do anything?

Sí, la gente no acaba de

Yes, people just don't quite...


Do you know?

No hay posibilidades

There are no possibilities.

Costa no intrudir

Cost does not intrude.

Costa intrudir aquel concepte de

It is difficult to introduce that concept of

Digamos que

Let's say that

o sea

that is to say

ya no la gente en sí

not the people themselves anymore

sino incluso nosotros mismos

but even ourselves

ya nos cuesta y todo

it's already hard for us as it is

a nosotros decir

to us to say

oye, venga, vamos a un bolo

Hey, come on, let's go to a gig.

da igual

it doesn't matter

¿Quién toca?

Who is playing?

Vamos, pum, de cabeza

Let's go, bam, headfirst.

Pero es que bueno

But it's just that, well...

la gente es conformista

people are conformist

Esa inercia de decir

That inertia of saying

vamos a ver música

let's go see music

y no pasa nada

and nothing happens

Qué alegría

What joy!

Y puede ser que nos encontremos

And it may be that we meet.

con algo más guay

with something cooler

con algo menos guay

with something less cool

pero bueno

but well

podemos disfrutar de cosas

we can enjoy things

que no tengan que ver con nosotros tampoco, ¿no?

that don't have to do with us either, right?

Aquí hay más quizás fuera

Here there is more, perhaps outside.

que aquí

that here

sin más

no more

Aparte de que bueno

Besides that, well.

el dinero también

the money also

pues aquí es que sea más

Well, here it is that it is more.

arriba estamos

we are here

hay más dinero pues

there's more money then


Y bueno

And well

El IVA tampoco acompaña mucho, ¿no?

The VAT doesn't help much either, does it?

Sí, exactamente

Yes, exactly.

No, solamente hace falta

No, it is only necessary.

mirar alrededor

look around

y salir

and go out

y mirar también alrededor

and also look around

y darte cuenta de lo que está pasando

and realizing what is happening

No, muy buena

No, very good.

o sea, muy buen debate

I mean, very good debate.

y creo que buena reflexión

and I think it's a good reflection

en el sentido de que

in the sense that

Pero pasemos a una otra cosa, ¿no?

But let's move on to something else, shall we?




No, pero que es verdad

No, but it is true.

lo que nos falta

what we lack

es una mica de

it's a bit of

de sortir más

to go out more

de confiar en una sala

to rely on a room

de bueno

of good

vaig a veure aquest grup

I am going to see this group.

per què no

why not

i descobrir una miqueta més

and discover a little bit more

Com aquesta és la vostra opinió

How is this your opinion?

nosaltres volem saber

we want to know

quina és l'opinió d'un gran

What is the opinion of a great one?

o sigui

that is to say

per això parlem amb un gran

that's why we talk to a great

de la música moderna

of modern music


no parlem amb ell

we don't talk to him

sinó parlem amb la seva secretària

but we will talk to his secretary

Parlem amb la secretària

Let's speak with the secretary.

de David Bustamante

by David Bustamante



Hola, ¿qué tal esteu?

Hello, how are you?



Estem bé

We are fine.

A veure

Let's see.

vostè no és la secretària

you are not the secretary

de Ripollet Ràdio?

from Ripollet Radio?


Va sortir l'últim programa

The last program aired.

que era la secretària d'aquí

that was the secretary from here

Sí, sí

Yes, yes


També és que

It is also that

encara em queden lliures

I still have free ones left.

alguns moments

some moments

de cinc de tarda

five in the afternoon

a sis

to six



i sóc la secretària

I am the secretary.

de David Bustamante

by David Bustamante

Vale, vale

Okay, okay


de cinc a sis

from five to six

no és massa temps

it's not too long ago

el que li dedica

what he dedicates to him

David Bustamante

David Bustamante

Perdoni, eh

Excuse me, eh.

Bé, és que

Well, it's just that

ell tampoc està

he is not either

massa soricitat

too much soriciness

està més desaparegut

is more missing

que el biopartidisme

that the bi-partisanship

en les eleccions europees

in the European elections




A veure

Let's see.

Sí, sí, sí

Yes, yes, yes



Pues ya me podrías dar

Well, you could give me.

un poco de trabajo

a little bit of work



La veig una mica cabrejada

I see her a little angry.

per això

for that reason

Es que no

It's just no.

no tinc feina

I don't have a job.

de cinc a sis

from five to six

de la tarda

in the afternoon

no tinc feina

I don't have a job.



A nivell de festivals

At the level of festivals

d'estiu a Barcelona

in summer in Barcelona

en Bustamante

in Bustamante


té ofertes

has offers

té millors ofertes

has better offers

que per exemple

for example

la senyora Tomasa

Mrs. Tomasa







Per festivals de Barcelona

For festivals of Barcelona






I am



Sí, sí

Yes, yes


Doncs sí

Well, yes.

Ara el volen agafar

Now they want to catch him.

pel Cruixa

for the Crunch

Ah, pel Cruilla

Ah, for the Cruilla

O pel Cruissa

Or for the Cruissa

Pel Cruissa

For the Crossroad

Pel Cruilla

For the Cruïlla

De veritat, sí?

Really, yes?



Que fàcil

How easy.

és prendre-te el pèl

it's to pull your leg

Però tot

But everything

tot apunta

everything points

que pel sonar

that for the sound



Pel sonar?

For the sonar?

Què dius?

What are you saying?

En sèrio?


No, no

No, no

No m'agafen ni de broma

They don't take me seriously even as a joke.



Potser me'n vaig a

Maybe I'm going to

a fer de secretària

to act as a secretary

d'una altra persona

of another person



Estic curiós

I'm curious.

M'ha ofert feina

He has offered me a job.

de secretària

of secretary

un tio

a guy

que sembla

what it seems

que té molt de futur

that has a lot of future

en un partit polític

in a political party



Jo no el conec

I don't know him.



d'un tal

of such a type

Alfredo Pérez

Alfredo Pérez



Però m'han dit

But they've told me.

que comença

that begins

el juliol


Sembla que pot fer coses

It seems that he/she can do things.

molt xules

very cool



Em sembla

It seems to me.

que t'equivoques

that you are wrong

una mica

a little bit

T'hauries d'informar

You should inform yourself.


Otra vez


I recorda

And remember

Vols una secretària eficient

Do you want an efficient secretary?

i que sempre estigui amb tu

and may it always be with you

pel que faci falta?

for whatever is needed?



Necessitem alguna secretària?

Do we need a secretary?


Doncs aniria malament

Well, it would go badly.



Doncs ara us dono

Well, now I give you

el número

the number

de la meva companya

from my partner

Molt bé

Very good

A veure

Let's see.



Quins pròxims vols

Which next ones do you want?

que teniu?

What do you have?



On ens podem trobar?

Where can we meet?

Venga, venga

Come on, come on.

Sí que

Yes, indeed.

ja hi ha ganes

there's already eagerness


Well then

ara ens podeu trobar

now you can find us

aquest dissabte

this Saturday

a la sala república

to the republic room

del ritmo

of the rhythm



Bueno, bueno, bueno

Well, well, well.

Bueno, bueno

Well, well.

Estarem al juny

We will be in June.

també a

also to

les festes majors

the main festivals

del barri de Font d'en Fargues

from the Font d'en Fargues neighborhood

de Barcelona

from Barcelona


We will be

a França

to France

a la festa de la música

at the music festival


We will be

a la festa major

at the festival

de Vilanova i la Joltru

from Vilanova i la Geltrú

a València

to Valencia

a Premià de Mar

to Premià de Mar

al festival

to the festival



també a Sardanyola

also in Sardanyola

Molt bé

Very good



ho podeu trobar tot a

you can find everything at


A la web

On the web

al Facebook

on Facebook

al Twitter

on Twitter

Vale, web

Okay, web


Which one?



.com, vale

.com, okay

Molt bé

Very good

I a Facebook, doncs, també

And on Facebook, then, also



Que bé

How good!

Bienven, senyor Llopas

Welcome, Mr. Llopas.

Ja, ja

Yes, yes.

Teniu molt bé

You are very good.

Teniu LinkedIn?

Do you have LinkedIn?



Teniu Flickr?

Do you have Flickr?

Fotolog, tenim

Fotolog, we have.

Teniu Fotolog

Do you have Fotolog?






You have

Jo todavía me bajo a la música

I still get into the music.

en el Naster

in the Naster

¿Sabes lo que te digo?

Do you know what I'm telling you?

Me muere le mulens

I'm dying the mules.

¿Hasteu a Google Maps?

Do you go to Google Maps?

¿Habéis perdido todo?

Have you lost everything?

¿Hasteis perdido todo, no?

You've lost everything, haven't you?

Un pling que queda a temps, no?

A pling that stays in time, right?


Potser tenen una sala d'assaig

Maybe they have a rehearsal room.

i els interessa

and they are interested

que sàpiguen on són

let them know where they are

No sé

I don't know

Llopas, molt bé

Llopas, very good.



La vostra gira

Your tour

sembla de païda, no?

It seems a bit clueless, doesn't it?

A l'estiu

In the summer

o sembra ocupada

either busy sowing

¿O no?

Or not?



De moment

For now

De moment això sembla

For now, this seems.

Tenim bastants bolos

We have quite a few gigs.

Més que l'any passat

More than last year

Tenim concretament

We have specifically

Ha, ha, ha

Ha, ha, ha



30 bolos

30 pins

De moment

For now

De moment, no arriba encara.

At the moment, it hasn't arrived yet.

Encara arriba, uns 26 i tal, però tenim més reserves i tal.

It's still coming, about 26 or so, but we have more reservations and such.

Anem a fer xerrar.

Let's go talk.

Vamos a sembrar alberos.

We are going to sow alberos.



No, la veritat és que estem contents, estem contents.

No, the truth is that we are happy, we are happy.

Tenim quasi 30 bolos.

We have almost 30 gigs.



Què és això?

What is this?


Good evening.

Això, bueno, bonsoir és...

This, well, good evening is...

Hola en francès?

Hello in French?

Sí, això els ajudarà molt, eh, senyor Misterio?

Yes, this will help them a lot, huh, Mr. Mystery?

Tot i que després de les eleccions l'ola ja ha canviat, ara és Heidt-Hiller.

Although after the elections the wave has changed, now it is Heidt-Hiller.

Esperem que no, eh?

We hope not, right?

Quin misteri això, no, de les gires?

What a mystery this is, isn't it, about the tours?

Sempre m'han preguntat, una gira...

I've always been asked, a tour...

Per què es diu gira?

Why is it called a turn?

Home, per què es diu gira?

Why is it called a gira?


Answer him/her.

De vuelta, no?

Back, right?

Vas i tornes i vas i vas i vas.

You go and come back and go and go and go.

O sigui que si no...

So if not...

Estan en moviment, professor Misterio, agafant-les als bàrtols i es mouen.

They are in motion, Professor Mystery, grabbing them by the handles and moving.

En comptes d'anar de gira amb la senyora Tomassa, que vas de Tom, amb la senyora Tomassa,

Instead of going on tour with Mrs. Tomassa, you go as Tom, with Mrs. Tomassa.

vas d'emigració, amb la senyora Tomassa.

You are going to emigrate, with Mrs. Tomassa.

Home, si vas d'emigració amb la senyora Tomassa, és com si un tio famèlic, doncs, a la postguerra diu

At home, if you emigrate with Mrs. Tomassa, it's like a famished guy, well, in the post-war says.

me'n vaig amb la senyora Tomassa.

I'm leaving with Mrs. Tomassa.

No, senyor Misterio, no.

No, Mr. Mystery, no.

M'he fet gràcia jo sol?

Have I made myself funny?

Sí, sí, això és molt dolent, eh?

Yes, yes, this is very bad, right?

M'he fet gràcia jo alone?

Did I find myself funny alone?

Alone, sí.

Alone, yes.

Alone, myself?

Alone, myself?



Ara els has fet riure, veus?

Now you've made them laugh, see?

Ara sí.

Now yes.

Ara sí, professor Misterio.

Now yes, Professor Mystery.

És que vostè en si mateix és un misteri, no?

It's that you yourself are a mystery, aren't you?

La senyora Tomassa...

Mrs. Tomassa...

El seu humor.

His/her humor.

Se ria, sí? A quatre voces?

He laughed, right? In four voices?

A quatre, sí.

Four, yes.

Ninguna voz de tia?

No aunt's voice?

No, no, no, no.

No, no, no, no.

La tarantà, no? La Marta.

The tarantula, right? Marta.

Soy yo o la senyora Tomassa és una persona muy gorda que dice

Is it just me or Mrs. Tomassa is a very fat person who says

no, come más coño, ¿quieres que te haga unos huevos?

No, eat more, damn it, do you want me to make you some eggs?

Te hago unos huevos, no te hago unos huevos.

I make you some eggs, I don't make you some eggs.

No te quedes con el niño, come, come, come.

Don't stay with the child, eat, eat, eat.

¿Es eso?

Is that it?

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Molt bé, misteri resolt, professor Misterio.

Very well, mystery solved, Professor Mystery.



A veure, no piquis aquí, no piquis aquí, no piquis aquí.

Let's see, don't peck here, don't peck here, don't peck here.

Doncs, doncs, fins aquí el misterio, aquí el misterio de...

Well, well, that's the mystery, here the mystery of...

Professor Misterio.

Professor Mystery.



Vale, quan sona això és que ja estem tancant el programa, eh?

Okay, when this rings it means we are closing the program, right?

No us espanteu, no us espanteu.

Don't be scared, don't be scared.

Sí, sí, ho vaig dient amb la llum.

Yes, yes, I'm saying it with the light.

No, no, molt bé, us he preocupat molt per mi tota l'estona, eh?

No, no, very well, you have worried a lot about me all the time, haven’t you?

Han patit, pobres, sortiran...

They have suffered, poor things, they will come out...

Totes les ràdios mentides, o sigui, jo ja sabia, jo ja era conscient que estava...

All the radios lied, that is, I already knew, I was already aware that I was...

Era un professional, loco.

He was a professional, crazy.

A veure, llavors, molt important, aquesta setmana, segurament el postcat...

Let's see, then, very important, this week, probably the postcat...

Escoltar abans del...

Listen before the...





Sabte, dissabte?

Saturday, Saturday?

31, sí.

31, yes.



No he tocat a l'Apolo?

I haven't touched Apollo?

No, és broma, ja això l'hem fet abans.

No, it's a joke, we've done this before.

Vam estar el dia 14 a l'Apolo.

We were at the Apolo on the 14th.

Vam estar el 14 a l'Apolo, sí.

We were at the Apolo on the 14th, yes.

Presentant disc.

Presenting record.

Sí, presentació oficial.

Yes, official presentation.

Toma, aquesta la sabia.

Here, I knew this one.

Molt bé, jo, jo, aquesta me l'apunto.

Very well, me, me, I'll take note of that.

Va anar bé.

It went well.

Sí, i tant, i tant.

Yes, indeed, indeed.

Sí, va anar molt bé, va anar molt bé.

Yes, it went very well, it went very well.

Molt bé, molt bé.

Very well, very well.

Molta penya i la gent va respondre molt, molt, molt bé.

A lot of people and the crowd responded very, very, very well.

Que guai.

How cool.

Molt bé.

Very good.


Come on.

Doncs hem de seguir responent i anar el proper dissabte a 31, a veure'ls.

So we have to keep responding and go see them next Saturday the 31st.

I tant.

Of course.

El 31 a la República del Rimo, a Cerdanyola, ben a propet, els que ens escolteu a Ripollet,

On the 31st in the Republic of Rimo, in Cerdanyola, quite close, those of you who are listening to us in Ripollet,

els que ens podeu escoltar a Cap de Creu, a l'Empordà allà, potser és...

those of you who can listen to us at Cap de Creus, in the Empordà there, maybe it's...

Aneu a l'Empordà?

Are you going to the Empordà?

Anirem, segurament, sí.

We will, probably, yes.

Sí, a 30 bolos, collons, heu de passar per allà.

Yes, at 30 bucks, damn it, you have to go through there.

Baixeu també cap a les províncies de Tarragona.

Go down also to the provinces of Tarragona.

Sí, que per això també...

Yes, that's why...

Hay que saber subir y bajar.

One must know how to rise and fall.

Claro, claro, claro.

Of course, of course, of course.

Ostres, Dani, avui has estat molt callat, eh, tio.

Wow, Dani, you’ve been very quiet today, huh, man.

Què t'ha passat?

What happened to you?

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Piant de porra!

Stick of a blow!

Claro, claro, claro.

Of course, of course, of course.

Ara ho entenem.

Now we understand.

Vale, vale, tranquil, tranquil.

Okay, okay, calm down, calm down.

No et volem atabar, no et volem atabar.

We don't want to bother you, we don't want to bother you.

A veure, doncs, senyora Tomasa, mil gràcies per haver vingut.

Well then, Mrs. Tomasa, thank you very much for coming.

Alberto, gràcies.

Alberto, thank you.

Gràcies, muchacha.

Thank you, girl.

Miro els noms, però que se't veu que me'l sé, el que passa és que em vull assegurar.

I look at the names, but I can see that I know it, what happens is that I want to make sure.

Jordi, mil gràcies.

Jordi, a thousand thanks.

Moltes gràcies a vosaltres.

Thank you very much to you.

Santiago, gràcies.

Santiago, thank you.

A vosaltres, que vagi bé.

To you all, take care.

Pau, moltes gràcies.

Peace, thank you very much.

A tots vosaltres.

To all of you.

Dani, gràcies.

Dani, thank you.

Gràcies, Dani.

Thank you, Dani.

Gràcies, a vosaltres.

Thank you, to you all.

Gràcies a ti.

Thank you.

Deja de liar, Dani.

Stop messing around, Dani.

Jaume, gràcies a tu també, eh.

Jaume, thanks to you too, huh.

Gràcies, Clàudia Font.

Thank you, Clàudia Font.

Doncs això ha sigut a l'acord de fluixa.

Well, that has been at the loose agreement.

Una setmana més, avui amb la senyora Tomasa hem après una miqueta més de música,

One more week, today with Mrs. Tomasa we have learned a little more about music.

ens ha sigut opinions molt interessants i hem gaudit d'una molt bona estona.

It has been very interesting opinions and we have enjoyed a very good time.

Esperem que a vosaltres també us esperem la setmana que ve o no.

We hope that we will see you next week as well, or not.

Que vagi bé, adéu-siau.

Take care, goodbye.





Gràcies a vosaltres.

Thank you.

Quiero ver salir el sol, cruzares aspiradas directas al corazón.

I want to see the sun rise, crossing direct breaths to the heart.

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