A Tot Jazz 25/12/2022

A Tot Jazz

A Tot Jazz

A Tot Jazz 25/12/2022

A Tot Jazz

Bona nit, amics i amigues, i benvinguts a una edició especial d'aquí a Totges.

Good evening, friends, and welcome to a special edition here at Totges.

És edició especial del Nadal 2022 i la veritat és que per mi és un plaer retrobar-me a l'audiència de Ripollet Ràdio

This is a special Christmas edition for 2022, and the truth is that for me it is a pleasure to reconnect with the audience of Ripollet Radio.

fent aquest programa dedicat a la música jazzística.

doing this program dedicated to jazz music.

Bé, com no podria ser d'una altra manera, aquesta selecció musical són Nadales,

Well, how could it be otherwise, this musical selection is Christmas carols,

Nadales amb una versió jazzística, òbviament.

Christmas carols with a jazz version, obviously.

He procurat portar versions no tan les clàssiques que tothom escolta en aquestes dates,

I have tried to bring versions that are not as classic as the ones everyone listens to during these times.

sinó versions per grups o per músics diferents.

but versions for different groups or musicians.

I crec que, i espero i desitjo, que us agradi molt aquesta selecció que us he preparat.

I believe that, and I hope and wish, that you really like this selection that I have prepared for you.

Us recordo als fidels oients de la tot jazz que en aquest programa el millor és la música

I remind you, loyal listeners of Tot Jazz, that in this program the best thing is the music.

i que el menys important és el que jo dic que procuraré que sigui el menys possible

And the least important thing is what I say, which I will try to make as little as possible.

perquè podeu guadir d'aquesta música.

so you can enjoy this music.

I bé, com obres són amores i no guanar ratones, que deia aquell,

And well, as works are loves and not winning mice, as that one said,

doncs comencem amb The Christmas...

So let's start with The Christmas...

Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt!

Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt!

Xxxt! Xxxt!

Xxxt! Xxxt!

Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! X

Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! Xxxt! X

Bona nit.

Good night.

Fins demà!

See you tomorrow!

A vegades ens n'oblidem

Sometimes we forget about it.

que l'hemisferi sur

that the southern hemisphere

de la Terra

from the Earth

el Nadal fa molta calor.

Christmas is very hot.

Per tant, suposo que

Therefore, I suppose that

a països o zones

to countries or areas

com a Brasil

like in Brazil

o tot el que és l'hemisferi sur

or everything that is the southern hemisphere

aquest ritme de samba

this samba rhythm

que s'ha proposat la Carol

what Carol has proposed

que, per cert, aquesta vegada

that, by the way, this time

tocava la flauta travesera

he played the flute

doncs no els sonarà tant i tan estrany.

so it won't sound so strange and unfamiliar to them.

Bé, recordeu que esteu

Well, remember that you are

escoltant un especial de Nadal

listening to a Christmas special

de la Tot Jazz.

of the All Jazz.

Un especial que Arriba i Et Ràdio

A special that Arriba and Et Ràdio

ha tingut l'amabilitat

he has had the kindness

de permetre'm

to allow me

donar en forma de música

give in the form of music

la meva felicitació.

my congratulations.

Bé, canviem una miqueta d'estil.

Well, let's change the style a bit.

Ja no passem del ritme

We no longer go beyond the rhythm.

diguem-ne calent

let's call it hot

que ens ha proposat la Carol

that Carol has proposed to us

i passem als germans

And we move on to the brothers.

Txacón, Eric i

Txacón, Eric and

Xipi Txacón. Ens presenten

Xipi Txacón. They introduce us.

uns jingles que francament

some jingles that frankly

sonen una mica diferent

they sound a bit different

amb un ritme una mica més

with a slightly faster pace

de jazz modern.

of modern jazz.

Txacón, Eric i Xipi Txacón.

Txacón, Eric and Xipi Txacón.

Fins demà!

See you tomorrow!

White Christmas de la guitarra de Pasquale Grasso

White Christmas from the guitar of Pasquale Grasso

en un ritme

at a pace

trepidant. Bé, ara escoltarem

throbbing. Well, now we will listen

un pianista,

a pianist,

a John Fulbert, que ens

to John Fulbert, who us

fa una proposta

make a proposal

d'un estàndard, també,

of a standard, too,

de la música nadalenca

of Christmas music

i que s'han fet milions i milions

and that millions and millions have been made

de versions.

of versions.

We wish you a Merry Christmas

We wish you a Merry Christmas.

de les mans de John Fulbert.

from the hands of John Fulbert.

Bon dia.

Good morning.

decisiones diant-vos!

decisions ahead of you!

no va a estar bé...

it's not going to be okay...

Reese ha mantingut els

Reese has maintained the

seus premis,

your awards,

la coalició,

the coalition,

el festival,

the festival,

aquest replic...

this replicate...



a temps de res,

in no time,

� США ні...!

The USA, no...!



Fins demà!

Until tomorrow!

Santa Claus is coming to town

Santa Claus ve a la ciutat.

és a dir, ha arribat

that is to say, it has arrived

Santa Claus a la ciutat

Santa Claus in the city

com sonarà aquest tema

How will this theme sound?

a Perció Funky? Doncs

A Funky Perció? Well

sense cap mena de dubte, escoltem

without any doubt, we listen

perquè segur que us agradarà moltíssim

because you will surely like it a lot

Fins demà!

Until tomorrow!

Well, in December, too.

Well, in December, too.

Bé, hem escoltat el Well, in December de Samaralloi,

Well, we have listened to Well, in December by Samaralloi.

que els venia a dir que el desembre fa una miqueta de calor i que no és normal.

that it was coming to tell them that in December it is a little warm and that it is not normal.

Bé, per la meva part, res més.

Well, on my part, nothing more.

Arribem al final d'aquest especial de Nadal de la Totges.

We have reached the end of this Christmas special of Totges.

La veritat és que, moltes gràcies, ha estat un veritable plaer tornar

The truth is that, thank you very much, it has been a real pleasure to return.

en aquesta emissora Ripollet Ràdio, que m'ha donat la possibilitat

on this station Ripollet Ràdio, which has given me the opportunity

de compartir una estoneta amb vosaltres en aquests dies tan assenyalats,

to share a moment with you during these significant days,

i la veritat és que, per mi, ha estat un veritable plaer.

And the truth is that, for me, it has been a real pleasure.

No us he de dir...

I don't have to tell you...

No us he de dir que us desitjo el millor.

I don’t have to tell you that I wish you the best.

Tot el que us mereixeu, la veritat és que segur que el rebreu.

Everything you deserve, the truth is that you will surely receive it.

Sols, en família, com vulgueu, tant se va.

Alone, with family, however you want, it doesn’t matter.

Són dies que, bé, tot i que la premsa i la publicitat ens obliguen a ser feliços,

There are days when, well, although the press and advertising force us to be happy,

jo crec que tampoc passa res perdonant-nos una miqueta de tregua

I think it doesn't hurt to give ourselves a little break.

en aquests problemes que ens envaeixen dia tras dia.

in these problems that invade us day after day.

No vull acabar amb una nota pessimista, tot el contrari,

I don't want to end on a pessimistic note, quite the opposite,

perquè Albert Castro de Schwinger ha estat amb vosaltres

because Albert Castro de Schwinger has been with you



Aquest Nadal.

This Christmas.

Bé, si abans dèiem que el desembre feia calor,

Well, if we said that it was warm in December,

Jimmy Smith i Wes Montgomery ens diuen que, nena, fora fa una mica de fred.

Jimmy Smith and Wes Montgomery tell us that, girl, it's a little cold outside.

Baby, it's cool all day.

Bebè, fa fresc tot el dia.

Amb aquest tema us deixo,

With this topic I leave you,

i recordeu que el millor de la tot jazz,

And remember that the best of all jazz,

sense cap mena de dubte,

without any doubt,

és la música.

It's the music.

ores aarte de'Steres Grandza,

I am sorry, but it seems that the text you provided contains some errors or typos. Could you please provide the correct Catalan text for translation?

Kroox iвид citizenag tú envangen Pontante.

Kroox and the citizen you mention are Pontante.

Tales continentinelles lounge es estronxi i traditionalment

Such continental lounges are destructive and traditionally.

en el teatre diuen que ells n'han llegat molt

In the theater, they say that they have inherited a lot from it.

els DJs de les pel·lícules en el luxe obertes.

the DJs of the movies in the open luxury.

Les is заключades per‑ absolutely addressing usams a vosaltres,

The is concluded by - absolutely addressing yourselves to you,

uite,اتъt 얼�یш.

I'm sorry, but the text you provided does not appear to be in Catalan. It seems to contain characters from multiple languages or may be garbled text. Please provide a clearer Catalan text for translation.

Bona nit.

Good night.

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