1. Fauna i flora

Daniel Llobet Gea

Barcelona no perdona

1. Fauna i flora

Barcelona no perdona

El sospitós ha agafat direcció Santa Coloma.

The suspect has headed towards Santa Coloma.

Quina merda de lentilles, hòstia!

What a load of crap lentils, damn it!

I m'he deixat les ulleres a comissaria.

I left my glasses at the police station.

Vols que condueixi jo?

Do you want me to drive?

No, de lluny veig bé.

No, I can see well from afar.

Si vols a la propera pausa em poso jo.

If you want, I can take it next break.

Ja t'he dit que no.

I've already told you no.

Concentra't en netejar l'arma,

Focus on cleaning the weapon.

perquè si se't torna a encallar mentre estem de servei

because if it gets stuck again while we are on duty

et penso obrir un expedient tan bèstia

I'm thinking of opening a very serious case against you.

que no et contractaran ni a prosegur.

that they won't hire you even at Prosegur.

No tornarà a passar.

It won't happen again.

Això espero.

This I hope.

Em pots dir quina hora és?

Can you tell me what time it is?

No veig bé el rellotge.

I can't see the clock well.

Queda poc per les dues.

It's almost two o'clock.

Què vol dir poc?

What does "poc" mean?

Aquí, quan demanem l'hora, la volem exacta.

Here, when we ask for the time, we want it to be exact.

Són menys dos.

It's ten to two.

Què fas?

What are you doing?

Saps quin és el meu rang, oi?

You know what my rank is, right?

Caporal, però...

Corporal, but...

Però per què has frenat?

But why did you brake?

El sergent m'ha dit que hi vols opositar.

The sergeant told me that you want to apply.

L'examen és d'aquí una setmana.

The exam is in a week.


Cheer up.

Puc preguntar per què has frenat?

Can I ask why you have stopped?

Perquè a mitja nit arriben els avisos.

Because the warnings arrive at midnight.

Joder, no en sabia res.

Damn, I didn't know anything about it.

Pensava que havies fet rondes nocturnes abans.

I thought you had done night rounds before.

No, és la meva primera.

No, it's my first.

Va bé saber-ho.

It's good to know.

Quin joder? Quins avisos han d'arribar?

What the hell? What warnings are supposed to come?

Els que ningú més ha volgut.

Those whom no one else has wanted.

Guiu, em reps?

Guiu, can you hear me?

Sí, sergent, el rebo.

Yes, sergeant, I receive it.

Bona nit, Mariona.

Good night, Mariona.

Bona nit, sergent.

Good night, sergeant.

Et tracta bé el caporal Besora?

Does Corporal Besora treat you well?



No et passis, Guiu.

Don't overdo it, Guiu.

Només faig el que em vas ensenyar.

I only do what you taught me.

On sou ara?

What are you now?

Diputació en Viladomats.

Deputy in Viladomats.

Ja ho saps.

You already know.

Us vau gastar la meitat del pressupost pels vehicles

You spent half of the budget on the vehicles.

en aquests aparatets Made in Silicon Valley.

in these gadgets Made in Silicon Valley.

Diria que són de Corea.

I would say they are from Korea.

Sou la unitat que està més a prop del Raval.

You are the unit that is closest to the Raval.

No m'ho crec.

I don't believe it.

Carrer de Reina Màlia, número 9.

Queen Màlia Street, number 9.

El segon pis.

The second floor.

Els veïns fa dies que ens sumen una olor molt forta.

The neighbors have been reporting a very strong smell for days.

Fa dies que ens suma malament i ens ho hem de menjar nosaltres ara?

It's been days since we've been added up wrong, and now we have to deal with it ourselves?

No tinc cap unitat més a prop.

I don't have any unit closer.

N'hi ha una polla.

There is a cock.



Però si no estem ni a Sant Antoni.

But we're not even in Sant Antoni.

Ja m'has sentit.

You have heard me.

Quan trigaran els reforços?

How long will the reinforcements take?

No us calen reforços.

You don't need reinforcements.

Sense reforços?

Without reinforcements?

Només som dos.

There are only two of us.

I ella és una gent novella que mai no ha fet cap ronda nocturna.

She is a new person who has never done any night shift.

Fa tres anys que sóc al cos.

I have been in the body for three years.

Ningú diria.

Nobody would say.



Hi anireu ara i sense protestar.

Hi, you will go now and without protesting.

D'acord, Fioran.

Okay, Fioran.

Confio en tu, Mariona.

I trust you, Mariona.

Ara hi anem, senyor.

Now we're going, sir.



Tu no ho entens.

You don't understand it.

Me la té jurada, aquest paio.

He has it in for me, that guy.

Per què?


Perquè vaig fer uns cafès amb la seva exdona.

Because I had some coffees with his ex-wife.



Amb molta llet, no?

With a lot of milk, right?

No ho recordo.

I don't remember.

Fer un cafè?

Have a coffee?

Mai havia escoltat aquest eufemisme.

I had never heard that euphemism before.

No sé el que és un eufemisme.

I don't know what a euphemism is.

Barcelona no perdona.

Barcelona does not forgive.

Una ficció sonora sobre l'hort més gran d'Europa.

A sound fiction about the largest garden in Europe.

Un dia, a l'hort de Barcelona,

One day, in the orchard of Barcelona,

un dia, a l'hort de Barcelona,

one day, in the garden of Barcelona,


Shall we go out?

He de fer deu respiracions.

I have to take ten breaths.

Per què?


Tens asma?

Do you have asthma?

Problemes de control de la ira.

Anger control issues.

Estàs com un llum.

You are like a light.

Per això faig les respiracions.

That's why I do the breathing exercises.

Vale, jo surto del cotxe.

Okay, I'm getting out of the car.

Passo de les teves paranoies.

I’m done with your paranoia.

Has deixat algú d'oxigen al cotxe

Have you left any oxygen in the car?

o te l'has respirat tot?

Or have you breathed it all in?

Què s'ha cregut aquest amb la música?

What does this one think he is with the music?

Vine, anem cap allà.

Come on, let's go over there.

Bona nit.

Good night.

Pot treure la música, sisplau?

Can you turn off the music, please?

Ets sort o què?

Are you lucky or what?

Són les dotze de la nit.

It is twelve o'clock at night.

Me cago en la puta.

I shit on the whore.

No em toquis els collons o truco a immigració.

Don't touch my balls or I'll call immigration.

Sort que havies respirat.

It was good that you had breathed.

Molt bé.

Very well.

A la propera només t'ho demanaré una vegada.

Next time, I will only ask you once.

I aquesta generositat?

And this generosity?


Follow me.

Mossos d'esquadra, ens pot obrir, sisplau?

Mossos d'Esquadra, can you open it for us, please?

Posa't la mascareta.

Put on your mask.

Quina pudor.

What a stench.

Com no ha pogut venir cap unitat abans?

How could no unit come before?

Les prioritats del sergent són confoses.

The sergeant's priorities are confused.

No entenc per què.

I don't understand why.

Ni fa falta que ho facis.

There's no need for you to do it.

Mossos d'esquadra, obriu la porta.

Mossos d'esquadra, open the door.

Tu, tu, tu, què s'està escapant?

You, you, you, what is slipping away?

Molt bé, Sherlock, surt del mig.

Very well, Sherlock, get out of the way.

Mossos d'esquadra!

Mossos d'Esquadra!

Para, para, para, para.

Stop, stop, stop, stop.

Tens una tarjeta de crèdit?

Do you have a credit card?

Per què?


De tu de la mala.

Of you, the bad one.

Ni se t'acudeixi, Maurat.

Don't even think about it, Maurat.

Només volia prendre l'aire.

I just wanted to get some fresh air.

Doncs pren-lo assegut en aquesta cadira.

So take it sitting in this chair.

És que no és el mateix.

It's just not the same.

Seu aquí i digue'm com ha pagut el puto extracte.

Sit here and tell me how the fucking extract has been.

¿Qué es el extracto?

What is the extract?

Lo voto a Lleida.

I vote for it in Lleida.



Amb la mascareta m'ofego.

I'm suffocating with the mask on.

Jo també m'ofegaria amb aquests trajos que porto.

I would drown too with these suits I'm wearing.

Calla, rata!

Shut up, rat!

Què és tot això?

What is all this?

El mitja merda aquest!

This half-assed thing!

Que ara es dedica a adultar a marihuana.

That he is now dedicated to growing marijuana.



Molt fàcil.

Very easy.

Amb paciència i bona lletra, Marta.

With patience and good handwriting, Marta.



Barregen els cogollos amb vidres triturats perquè l'herba pesi més.

They mix the buds with crushed glass so that the grass weighs more.

I després l'assequen amb aquest detergent barato perquè tingui una olor forta.

And then they dry it with this cheap detergent so that it has a strong smell.

Quin fàstic.

What a disgust.

Eh, pero que no son letals, eh.

Eh, but they are not lethal, eh.

Saps que podrien enviar algú a l'hospital, no?

You know they could send someone to the hospital, right?





Avisaré el sergent.

I will inform the sergeant.



És clar que no.

Of course not.

Per què no?

Why not?

Saben els caps de Lleida que fas aquesta merda?

Do the bosses in Lleida know that you do this crap?



Quan fa que ho feu?

How long have you been doing it?

Si t'ho digués, me pegarien amb la mangala.

If I told you, they would hit me with the mangala.



És el bastó que utilitza la gent gran.

It is the cane that older people use.

El meu padrín té un.

My godfather has one.

Guiu, aquesta onilleta m'agrada.

Guiu, I like this little wave.

Té sang de ponent.

He has blood from the west.

Podem parlar un moment?

Can we talk for a moment?

Em pots explicar per què sap el teu nom?

Can you explain to me why your name knows?

Ara no és el moment.

Now is not the time.

Llavors truco al sergent.

Then I call the sergeant.

No, espera.

No, wait.

Fa anys que deixem que les grans famílies de Lleida i Girona moguin la marihuana per Catalunya.

For years, we have allowed the big families of Lleida and Girona to move marijuana throughout Catalonia.

Per què?


Les màfies estrangeres són violentes i porten molts problemes.

Foreign mafias are violent and bring many problems.

Si deixem que els d'aquí portin el negoci, els de fora no voldran venir.

If we let the locals run the business, those from outside won't want to come.

Sou corruptes!

You are corrupt!



No guanyem diners!

We don't make money!

I per què no ho sap el sergent?

And why doesn't the sergeant know?

Perquè s'hi va negar.

Because he/she refused.

Això són ordres de dalt, de l'intendent.

These are orders from above, from the superintendent.

Del Josep Espirosa!

From Josep Espirosa!



Un dels punts del pacte era que no adulteressin l'herba.

One of the points of the agreement was that they did not adulterate the grass.

Però si ara el detenim i requerim tot el material i els de Girona se n'assabenten, voldran guanyar territori.

But if we arrest him now and seize all the material, and the people from Girona find out, they will want to gain territory.

Però anem a veure.

But let's see.

No podem tolerar una guerra.

We cannot tolerate a war.

I què vols fer?

And what do you want to do?

Tirarem tota l'herba adulterada i l'atendrem per alguna parida.

We will pull out all the adulterated grass and attend to it for some nonsense.

Com es diu?

What is your name?

Pau. Pau Picornell.

Peace. Pau Picornell.

Farem que passi una nit al calabós perquè es carmenti.

We will make him spend a night in the dungeon so he can learn his lesson.

I tota l'altra herba?

And all the other grass?

La amagarem.

We will hide her.

No, no, no, Nieto, no!

No, no, no, grandson, no!

Barcelona no perdona és una ficció sonora escrita i dirigida per Daniel Llobet.

Barcelona no perdona is a sound fiction written and directed by Daniel Llobet.

Protagonitzada per Ignasi Bornyol i Natàlia Mas.

Starring Ignasi Bornyol and Natàlia Mas.

Enregistrada i editada per Marçal Cid.

Recorded and edited by Marçal Cid.

Amb la música de Pol Álvarez.

With the music of Pol Álvarez.

I la col·laboració especial de Rock Milà.

And the special collaboration of Rock Milà.

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