Terratrèmol a Turquia, OVNIS als EUA i periodisme actual

Ainoa Benaiges, Albert López, Marc Gavaldà

Piscolabis, lo Podcast

Terratrèmol a Turquia, OVNIS als EUA i periodisme actual

Piscolabis, lo Podcast

Està silenciada, igual, sempre me passa igual, benvingudes, benvinguts, benvingudes, benvingudes

It is muted, just like that, it always happens to me the same, welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome.

a l'Oficina de l'Amistat, el podcast, jo sóc Aina Benatges, jo sóc Marga Valdà i

At the Office of Friendship, the podcast, I am Aina Benatges, I am Marga Valdà and

Albert López, Marga Valdà, bon profit, moltes gràcies Aina Benatges, estàs menjant, uns

Albert López, Marga Valdà, enjoy your meal, thank you very much Aina Benatges, are you eating, some

5 plats al dia, 4, no 5, 5 és una burrada, aquest quin és, el tercer, te'n queda un

5 dishes a day, 4, no 5, 5 is ridiculous, which one is this, the third, you have one left.

altre? És el quart ja, hòstia, avui no pots menjar més plàtano, eh? Exceso de plàtano,

Another one? It's the fourth already, damn, you can't eat more bananas today, right? Banana overload.

és greu, te pots morir amb l'exceso de plàtano? No, que és super bo, però arribar a un punt

Is it serious, can you die from eating too many bananas? No, they're really good, but you can reach a point.

que entrava i potser no surt, perquè el plàtano fa buf, té potassio, jo crec que arriba un

that enters and maybe doesn't come out, because the banana makes a sound, it has potassium, I believe it reaches one.

plàtano, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,

banana, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,

no, no, no, no, no, no, yo no sé, jo crec que en un dia que Marc consumix,

no, no, no, no, no, no, I don't know, I think that on a day that Marc consumes,

o sigui, menja molts de plàtanos, o sigui, al final del caga deu sortir un plàtano tal

So, eat a lot of bananas, so in the end, a banana must come out of the poop.

qual, ho has de dir, per aquest gai l'haig de triturar, filla, seria igual.

What you have to say is that for this guy I have to crush him, daughter, it would be the same.

Ja, ja, Albert López d'你要 confirme abans de continuar, canviat la llum, que pareixes

Yes, yes, Albert López, you need to confirm before continuing, change the light, because you look.

un fantasmeta, feito da llum grogueta, eso es. Era la llum crepuscular. Eh, perfecte,

a little ghost, made of yellowish light, that’s it. It was the twilight light. Hey, perfect,

ara estàs molt millor, curioso. Euch abans échem a projectes de cinzовые, i ω.

Now you are much better, curious. Before we were working on gray projects, and ω.





Bueno, escolteu

Well, listen.

que no teniu cascos molt guais

Don't you have very cool headphones?

i jo no, que pringada

and not me, what a loser

Home, a la ràdio s'han de portar cascos sempre

At home, you always have to wear headphones on the radio.

Ah, doncs ara agafarem els cascos

Ah, well now we will take the headphones.

Algú es quedarà sense

Someone will be left without.

Ah, doncs agafa'ls si vols

Ah, well then take them if you want.



No se m'escolta?

Aren't you listening to me?

Ara sí

Now yes


Come on

No res, doncs que mira, justament jo estava

Nothing, so look, I was just

per aquí

over here

pegant una volteta per la xarxa

taking a stroll around the web

per la res

for the nothing

i he dit

and I have said

Quines notícies hi haurà esta setmana?

What news will there be this week?

i he pensat, a veure si m'informa Albert López

And I thought, let's see if Albert López informs me.



No, la veritat és que no estic al dia

No, the truth is that I am not up to date.

del que ha passat, no sé res

I don't know anything about what has happened.

No, jo ja soc més mal

No, I am already worse.

Estic tot el dia escoltant la vida

I spend all day listening to life.

Vinga, fem-vos un resumet

Come on, let's give you a brief summary.

de les

of the

de les dues notícies

of the two news items

més importants que han passat

more important events that have happened

Home, en esta última setmana han passat

Home, in this last week things have happened.

dues coses bastant heavies, en primer lloc

two quite heavy things, in the first place

el terratrèmol de Turquia

the earthquake in Turkey

i de Síria

and from Syria

que ha afectat una població

that has affected a population

una barbaritat de persones

a barbarity of people

l'última xifra que vaig veure van ser 20.000 morts

The last figure I saw was 20,000 dead.

i això va ser fa una setmana

and that was a week ago

o sigui que probablement ja ha doblat

so it probably has already doubled

la xifra fàcilment

the figure easily

normalment quan passen més dies

usually when more days pass

la xifra va augmentant cada cop més

the figure is increasingly rising

i ha sigut bastant heavy

it has been pretty intense

perquè no és que hagi afectat

because it hasn’t affected

una zona concreta, una ciutat o diverses ciutats

a specific area, a city or several cities

sinó que ha afectat zones quilomètriques

but it has affected square kilometer areas

és a dir, si ho comparem a un lloc

that is to say, if we compare it to a place

com el nostre, seria tot Catalunya

with ours, it would be all of Catalonia

hi havia una carretera afectada

there was a road affected

que és com si anéssies de Portbou

that is like going from Portbou

fins a les cases d'Alcanar

up to the houses of Alcanar

hi havia una carretera totalment inutilitzable

there was a completely unusable road

vaig veure un vídeo també

I also saw a video.

d'una muntanya

from a mountain

que estava totalment

that was totally

en un boquete al mig, super gran

in a massive hole in the middle

i bueno, els edificis

And well, the buildings.

és una barbaritat

it is outrageous

tots els vídeos de la gent que van trobar

all the videos of the people they found

i tal, és una passada

and so, it's amazing

ara ja ha passat, em sembla

Now it's already passed, it seems to me.

quasi dues setmanes

almost two weeks

des que va ser el terratrèmol

since the earthquake occurred

però me va flipar

but it blew my mind

el fet que trobessin gent viva

the fact that they found living people

quasi una setmana després

almost a week later

entre tots els escombros

among all the rubble

perquè no sé

because I don't know

molt bé

very good

la veritat

the truth

la veritat és que jo anem mirant cosetes

The truth is that we are looking at little things.

haig de dir que no puc mirar molt

I have to say that I can't watch too much.

perquè a mi aquestes coses m'afecten molt

because these things affect me a lot

i ho passo mal, llavors intento llegir

And I feel bad, so I try to read.

més que mirar fotos i vídeos

more than looking at photos and videos

però sí que he estat veient també

but I have also been watching

és una puntualització més com una anècdoteta

It's more of a clarification like a little anecdote.

que m'està fent com

what is it doing to me like

com il·lusió

with excitement

veure la d'animals

see the animals

que es dediquen a trobar persones

that are dedicated to finding people

m'ha semblat una curiositat

It seemed a curiosity to me.

que estan entrenats per això

that are trained for this

i que estan fent una feina brutal

and they are doing an amazing job

de trobar persones baix dels escombros

of finding people under the rubble

i que els oloren si estan vius

and let them smell if they are alive

i els acaben trobant

and they end up finding them

vull dir, impressionant

I mean, impressive.

només una puntualització com a curiositat

just a clarification as a curiosity

jo imatges i això tampoc

I images and this neither.

ho he vist la veritat

I have seen it, the truth.

però la feina

but the work

som de molts països diferents

we are from many different countries

i hi ha gent que tenia família allí

And there are people who had family there.

oh, uau

oh, wow

i en molts dies que ho estan passant

and it has been many days that they are going through it

home, una cosa que es pot fer

man, something that can be done

que aniria bastant bé

that would work quite well

és aportar alguna ajuda

it is to provide some help

ni que sigui mínimament econòmica

even if it is minimally economical

perquè la meva feina, per exemple

because my job, for example

l'altre dia ja vam fer un esmorzar solidari

The other day we already had a solidarity breakfast.

per a recaudar una mica de diners

to raise some money

i alguna persona així que segueixo

and some person like that whom I follow

i tal, de xarxes

and so on, about networks

ja han començat a fer algun tipus d'event

They have already started to hold some kind of event.

per a recaudar diners i tal

to raise money and such

perquè se veu que

because it seems that

per a recuperar tota la zona

to recover the entire area

i ajudar la gent se necessita

And helping people is needed.

moltíssima ajuda

a lot of help

bueno, això sembla bastant heavy

well, this seems pretty heavy

crec que és putada tot en general

I think it's just a mess overall.

però per a Síria està sent

but for Syria it is being

un puntet més heavy

a slightly heavier point

que el tema de la guerra

that the issue of war

com que no poden arribar reforços

as they cannot receive reinforcements


que estan penalitzats a nivell mundial

that are penalized globally

per lo de la guerra i tal

for the war and such

bueno, tipo, com lo que va passar

well, like, what happened

com si ara passés algo a Rússia

as if something were happening in Russia now

que va ficar-se en guerra en Ucrania

that got involved in war in Ukraine

i no enviarien ajuda pel fet de que

and they would not send help because

hòstia, si tu estàs atacant un país

Holy shit, if you are attacking a country.

ara no t'enviarem ajuda

We will not send you help now.

o alguna cosa així

or something like that

doncs gent que realment no té

so people who really don't have

cap culpa per dir alguna cosa

no blame for saying something

doncs se menja el marró

then he/she eats the chestnut

clar, és bastant heavy

Sure, it's pretty heavy.

perquè al final la població

because in the end the population

quina culpa té de tot el que es fa

what guilt does he have for everything that is done

al final les guerres són polítiques

In the end, wars are political.

mai són per la gent del poble

they are never for the people of the village

i al final el terratrèmol

and in the end the earthquake

està afectant la gent del poble

it is affecting the people of the village

estigués afectant els polítics

was affecting the politicians

doncs ho sento molt

I am very sorry about that.

però allà se pudren

but there they rot

perquè són els que han provocat tot això

because they are the ones who have caused all this

però un terratrèmol que és una cosa natural

but an earthquake is a natural thing

que no es pot controlar

that cannot be controlled

doncs una mica de pausa

so a little break

en tanta guerra i tanta merda

in so much war and so much crap

i a salvar la gent

and to save the people

la merda és que també

the shit is that also

el fet que un país com Síria

the fact that a country like Syria

que ja té el problema este

that already has this problem

que porten tants anys en guerra

that have been at war for so many years

que hi ha molta pobresa

that there is a lot of poverty

hi ha una situació molt delicada

there is a very delicate situation

i a sobre tens aquesta situació

and on top of that you have this situation

ara d'un terratrèmol

now of an earthquake

és com hòstia

it's like holy shit

és que com pot ser tanta casualitat

How can there be so much coincidence?

que els passi tot a ells

let it all happen to them

o sigui, em sembla com

that is to say, it seems to me like

o sigui, realment és superinjust

So, it's really super unfair.



però és bastant greu

but it is quite serious

la veritat

the truth

sí, a veure, que les coses naturals

yes, let's see, that natural things

no es poden controlar

they cannot be controlled



els temes de les guerres

the themes of wars

al final és el que dic

In the end, it's what I say.

són política

they are politics

ja sabem a les ganes

we already know about the desires

de qui està a parar

who it is about

uf, i no ho faran

uf, and they won't do it

perquè hi ha n'hi ha darrere

because there is behind

els econòmics darrere

the economics behind

però és clar

but of course

i no és just

And it is not fair.

jo, doncs bé

me, well then

doncs bé, molts ànims

well, lots of encouragement

i si et poden ajudar, que ajudin

And if they can help you, let them help.

gràcies Marc

thank you Marc



ara enviaré el missatge

Now I will send the message.

al rei

to the king

el rei

the king

a mi una cosa que em sorprèn molt

One thing that surprises me a lot.

d'aquestes coses, per exemple

of these things, for example

és també que no se sàpiga abans

it is also that it should not be known beforehand

en tota la tecnologia que hi ha

in all the technology that exists

i de més

and more

em sorprèn que els terratrèmols

I am surprised that earthquakes

no se detecten a temps

not detected in time

de dir, hòstia, demà

to say, damn, tomorrow

com n'hi haurà

how there will be

jo què sé, els volcans, per exemple

I don't know, volcanoes, for example.

sí que em sembla que es fan estudis

Yes, it does seem to me that studies are being done.

i tal, i se poden mig preveure

and such, and they can be somewhat anticipated

però els terratrèmols

but the earthquakes

exactament no sé com funciona la cosa

I don't exactly know how it works.

però són molt difícils de detectar

but they are very difficult to detect

o sigui, quan ho detectes

that is, when you detect it

és perquè segurament

it's because probably

o ja està a punt de passar

oh it's about to happen

o ja ha passat

oh it's already happened

ja, no t'entens de reaccionar

Yes, you don't understand how to react.

ja, no sé

yes, I don't know

és raro, suposo que queda molt per avançar

It's rare, I guess there's still a long way to go.

encara realment

still really

i l'altra notícia així heavy que ha passat

and the other heavy news that has happened

que molta gent que hagi ni ho escoltat

that many people have not even heard it

perquè trobo que a les teles

because I find that on the screens

o en general

or in general

no s'ha parlat molt d'això

It hasn't been talked about much.

sí que s'ha parlat molt que últimament

Yes, there has been a lot of talk about it lately.

als Estats Units s'han vist com molts ovnis

In the United States, many UFOs have been seen.

que també van

that also go

derruir una, com se diu

demolish one, what is it called



una espècie de sonda o algo així

a kind of probe or something like that

una espia xinesa

a Chinese spy

un globo, era com un globo

a balloon, it was like a balloon

un globo, un globo xino i tal

a balloon, a Chinese balloon and so on

i últimament estan com derribant com diversos ovnis

And lately, they are like bringing down several UFOs.

però no han dit res

but they haven't said anything

que se veu que un tren

that it looks like a train

com se diu

how do you say

un tren tòxic

a toxic train

se va descarrilar

it derailed

i va desprendre molta merda allà a Ohio

And a lot of crap came loose there in Ohio.

i ho estan tapant bastant

and they are covering it up quite a bit

vull dir, no es parla gent

I mean, people don't talk.

vaig escoltar inclús que els periodistes

I even heard that the journalists

que anaven a cobrir la zona

that were going to cover the area

els estaven

they were

no sé

I don't know.

la paraula

the word

bueno, que els deixaven gravar bàsicament

well, they basically let them record



jo això no ho havia escoltat la veritat

I hadn't heard this, the truth is.

justament abans de començar ho parlàvem

Just before starting, we were talking about it.

i no en tenia ni idea

and I had no idea about it

pel que has explicat és bastant heavy

What you've explained is quite heavy.

i en el cas del que has dit de les gallines

And in the case of what you said about the chickens.

sí, sí, sí

yes, yes, yes

una xica per exemple

a girl for example

deia que tenia les seves gallines

said that he had his chickens

a uns 10 quilòmetres de la zona afectada

about 10 kilometers from the affected area

i que el dia següent ja estaven mortes

and that the next day they were already dead

diu, hosti, si les gallines

says, damn, if the hens

estan mortes el dia següent

they are dead the next day

en això

in this

ha d'estar a 10 quilòmetres

It has to be 10 kilometers away.

vull dir, no vull saber

I mean, I don't want to know.

el que ens passarà a nosaltres

what will happen to us

dintre d'uns dies

in a few days

vull dir, ho comparàvem quasi

I mean, we were almost comparing it.

en el de Txernòbil

in Chernobyl

sabeu que el tòxic que ha deixat anar

Do you know that the toxic thing that has been released?

el tren este

this train

és dels tòxics més potents que n'hi ha

It is one of the most potent toxins there is.

o sigui, és una barbaritat

that is to say, it's outrageous

no se sap què és exacte?

It is not known what it is exactly?

sí, té un nom

Yes, it has a name.

però no et sabria dir

but I couldn't tell you

però bueno, mira

but well, look

ara ho tinc aquí davant

now I have it right in front of me

perquè fica que

because it fits that

això, cloruro de vinilo

this, vinyl chloride

és un producte cancerigen

it is a carcinogenic product

i se veu que quan comença a cremar

and it can be seen that when it starts to burn

se descompon en

breaks down into

cloruro d'hidrogeno i fosgeno

hydrogen chloride and phosgene

que no tinc ni puta idea de què és

that I have no fucking idea what it is

i diu que el fosgeno és molt tòxic

And he says that phosgene is very toxic.

provoca vòmits i problemes respiratoris

causes vomiting and respiratory problems

i se va utilitzar moltíssim

and it was used a lot

a la primera guerra mundial

to the First World War

com a agent asfixiant

as an asphyxiating agent

i el cloruro d'hidrogeno

and hydrogen chloride

és irritant i corrosiu

it is irritating and corrosive

per qualsevol tipus de teixit

for any type of fabric

així com la pell, per exemple

just like the skin, for example

realment jo crec que

I really believe that

el que acabarà passant

what will end up happening

això és que

this is that

nada y menos

nothing and less

sortirà gent que s'està morint

people who are dying will come out

d'aquestes coses

of these things

no directament de

not directly from

me moro per això

I'm dying for this.

o càncers

or cancers

o per exemple

or for example

una embarassada

a pregnant woman

pel que estic llegint

for what I am reading

la zona no estava molt poblada

the area was not very populated

però clar, si se'ns diuen

but of course, if we are told

que a 10 km d'afectat

that at 10 km from affected


imagine yourself

i com te n'has d'enterrar

and how you have to bury it

l'embarassada li sortirà

the pregnant woman will give birth

el xiquet malament

the bad boy

o alguna persona

or someone

és que no ho sé

I don't know.

podem passar una de borrades

can we have a blank one

bueno, de moment

well, for now

aigua que no sigui embotellada

water that is not bottled

no podem beure

we cannot drink

perquè sortirà

because it will come out

uns vídeos de persones

some videos of people

tirant pedres

throwing stones

a una espècie de riu

to a kind of river

i el riu tal com tiraven pedres

and the river as they threw stones

se veia com un color

it looked like a color

el típic arcoiris

the typical rainbow

este que veus

this that you see

saps quan plou

do you know when it rains

i a vegades un cotxe

and sometimes a car

deixa anar una mica d'oli

let go of a little oil

en terra o el que sigui

in land or whatever it is

se veu com un color així

it looks like a color like this

com d'arcoiris

like a rainbow

doncs el riu se veia

so the river was visible

aquest color

this color

i començava a fer bombolles

and I started to make bubbles

vull dir, imagina't

I mean, imagine yourself.

com està

how are you

tot allò


que és agradable

that is pleasant

i hi ha una foto

And there is a photo.

d'un satèl·lit

of a satellite

que es veu

what can be seen

un núvol negre

a black cloud

però mega

but mega

mega tot

mega all

mega gran

mega huge

és un

it is a

un xavi

a Xavi

i com t'enteres

And how do you find out?

tot això

all this

el veus

do you see him

com estan cobrint

how are they covering

jo bàsicament

I basically

aquestes coses

these things

a través de


de Twitter

from Twitter

jo Twitter

I Twitter

crec que és la forma

I think it is the way.

que utilitzo

that I use

per enterar-me

to find out

de coses així

about things like that

perquè trobo

because I find

que és la forma

what is the shape

en la que pots trobar

in which you can find

com informació

as information



no sé

I don't know.

contrastar millor

better contrast

la informació

the information


above all

i a vegades

and sometimes



trobar vídeos

find videos

que no

no way


they will teach you

a les notícies

to the news



a certs jocs

to certain games

no sé

I don't know.

és com

it's like

que tens més informació

that you have more information


l'únic que s'ha de vigilar

the only thing that needs to be watched

una miqueta

a little bit

i això ho vaig alligar

and I tied this up

en una de les coses

in one of the things

que volia comentar avui

what I wanted to comment on today

i és en

and it is in

en la falsa informació

in false information

que es pot generar

that can be generated

o sigui

that is to say

m'he referit

I have referred to.

que s'han de tenir

that must be had

dos dits de front

two fingers of forehead

per a poder-te enfiar

to be able to trust you

de la informació

of the information

de Twitter

from Twitter

perquè moltes vegades

because many times

més que informar

more than informing



en el teu cas

in your case

te conec

I know you.

i sé que

and I know that



i que no et quedes

and don't stay

en el primer

in the first

que llegixes

What are you reading?

però aquí entrava

but here I entered

una mica

a little bit

que avui en dia

that today

o sigui

that is to say

el que volia comentar

what I wanted to comment

era sobre la precarietat

it was about precariousness

que hi ha

What's up?

en el periodisme

in journalism

si hi ha periodisme precari

if there is precarious journalism







les fonts de molta gent

the sources of many people

són les xarxes socials

they are social networks

i repetir

and repeat

això en el teu cas

this in your case

sé que ets una persona intel·ligent

I know you are an intelligent person.

i que

and that

que no és com

that it's not like

jo què sé

I don't know.

no te creus

don't you believe it

el primer que llegixes

the first thing you read

però hi ha molta gent

but there are a lot of people

que sí

that yes

i és veritat

and it's true

que avui en dia

that nowadays

com que crec

as I believe

que el periodisme

that journalism

s'està desvaloritzant

it is being devalued

una barbaritat

an atrocity

s'està donant

it is being given

molta importància

great importance

a la informació

to the information

que es dona

that is given

per xarxes socials

for social networks



i això pot ser

and this could be

és molt dolent

it's very bad

per a la societat

for society

i més una societat

and more a society

com la que tenim avui

with the one we have today

que és molt innocent

that is very innocent

i molt ignorant

and very ignorant


above all


i el periodisme

and journalism

sobretot trobo

above all I find

que han començat

that have begun

a buscar més

to look for more

la quantitat

the quantity

que la qualitat

that the quality

perquè busquen més

because they seek more

els clics

the clicks

que que la persona

what the person

s'informi bé

get informed properly



ha passat moltes vegades

it has happened many times

inclús en diaris

even in newspapers

que solem llegir

that we usually read

o en

or in

jo què sé

I don’t know.

Fico TV3

I tune into TV3.

per exemple

for example

que és com un

it's like a

que tenim molt proper

that we have very close



busca la notícia ràpida

look for the quick news

i el clic ràpid

and the quick click



l'altre dia

the other day

no sé si va ser el 3-24

I don't know if it was the 3-24.

que va haver una notícia

that there was news

d'última hora i tal

last minute and such

i ho van publicar

and they published it

super ràpid

super fast

què passa

what's happening

que ho van publicar malament

that they published it wrong

no tenien suficient informació

they did not have enough information

la informació que estàvem donant

the information we were providing

no era del tot verídica

it was not entirely true

i al cap del rato

and after a while

els diaris

the newspapers

en general

in general

van començar a publicar

they started to publish

la notícia allà

the news there

amb tota la informació

with all the information



i 3-24

and 3-24

em sembla que va haver de canviar

I think he/she had to change.

el titular

the headline

perquè estava

because I was



és a dir

that is to say

el que volien simplement

what they simply wanted

era ser els primers

it was to be the first

i tindre el clic

and I will have the click



i molta gent se queixava

and many people were complaining





el que esteu dient

what you are saying

no és del tot cert

it is not entirely true

vull dir

I mean

heu buscat aquí

you have searched here

ser els primers

to be the first

sempre s'han de valorar

they must always be valued

les dues coses

the two things

jo abans

me before

portava la comunicació

I carried the communication.

d'una organització

of an organization

i mos venien periodistes

and journalists would come to us

i amb els que tenia confiança

and with those I trusted


he/she/it was speaking

i me dien

and they said to me



és que parlar de temes

it's about talking about topics



per exemple

for example

en el meu cas

in my case

no crida molt l'atenció

doesn't attract much attention

i llavors

and then

si publico alguna cosa

if I publish something

i no tenim molt de clic

and we don't get many clicks

a la pàgina web

on the website

la gent que fem

the people we are

em dirà

it will tell me



doncs d'aquestes temes

well, of these topics

no parlem més

let's not talk anymore

encara que siguin molt interessants

even if they are very interesting

per a les organitzacions

for organizations

del món social

of the social world

llavors els periodistes

then the journalists

han de fer això

they have to do this

han de parlar de coses

they have to talk about things



que importen

what matters

però també han de buscar

but they also have to search

els clics

the clicks

i cridar l'atenció

and attract attention

i no és fàcil

and it's not easy

no és tan fàcil

it's not that easy

què passa

What's happening?

que jo crec

that I believe

que el problema

that the problem

avui en dia


és que

it's that

no sé si és sensació meu

I don't know if it's just my feeling.

però la gent

but the people

està extremadament morbosa

it is extremely morbid

i com que

and since

per a que els genera interès

for what generates interest for them

ha d'haver informació morbosa

there must be morbid information

en el sentit

in the sense

per exemple

for example

en el tema social

in the social aspect

no és el mateix

it's not the same


to say

tal fundació

such foundation

està ajudant

is helping

a X persones

to X people



X persones

X people

estan sense casa

they are homeless

per culpa de

because of

llavors probablement

then probably

X persones

X people

sense casa

without home

per la tal

for the such

no sé què

I don't know what.

de l'alcaldessa

from the mayor

la gent entraria

the people would enter



i pot ser

it can be

i la notícia

and the news

no té res que veure

it has nothing to do with it

en canvi

on the other hand

la fundació

the foundation

està ajudant

is helping

està fent la labor

is doing the work

de tal

of such

no sé què

I don't know what.

no interessaria

it wouldn't be interesting


you know

vull dir

I mean

per això


avui en dia


se fa molt d'ús

it is used a lot

d'estes borrades

of these erased





s'aprofiten molt

They take great advantage.

de gent pública

of public people







que poden

that can





perquè al final

because in the end

jo que sé

I know.

un exemple

an example

super clar

super clear

és que últimament

it's just that lately



està al foc

it is on the fire



o sigui

that is to say

molt heavy

very heavy

per la seva

for her

suposada nova relació

supposed new relationship

amb Sebastián

with Sebastián

i altre

and another

amb el cantant

with the singer

i clar

of course

els titulars

the headlines

ja són

they are already



se pronuncia

it is pronounced

sobre tal

about such

jo soc seguidora

I am a follower.

en este cas

in this case

i he vist coses

I have seen things.

i Aitana

and Aitana

no ha dit

he has not said

absolutament res

absolutely nothing

però la gent entra

but people enter

i estan guanyant

and they are winning

una de visites

one of visits

o sigui

that is to say

és molt heavy

it's very heavy

i segons quines cadenes

and depending on which chains

encara fan mesos d'això

it's still months away from that

i recentment

and recently

també he vist casos

I have also seen cases.



amb influencers mares

with mom influencers

que jo que sé

that I know

una era

an era

un cas

a case

que explicava

that explained

als seus seguidors

to his/her followers

que estan

that are

fent-se una casa nova

building a new house



que els estava costant

that it was costing them

molt que arribés

very much that arrived

el gas

the gas

i diuen

and they say

que estem calentant

that we are warming up


the water

en gerres

in jugs



per a dutxar

for showering

la xiqueta

the girl



és un rotllo

it's a drag

no sé què

I don't know what.

el titular

the headline

la situació

the situation

d'aquest influencer

of this influencer

és molt

it is very




com molt alarmant

as very alarming

i entre cometes

"and in quotation marks"

estic dutxant

I am showering.

la meva filla

my daughter

com Harras

like Harras

i era en plan

and it was like

la xiqueta

the girl

no me l'està explicant

he is not explaining it to me

que s'està

that is being


you know

vull dir

I mean

la de visites

the number of visits

que tenien

that they had

aquestes notícies

these news

una altra

another one



bueno no sé

well I don't know

com unes animalades

like some animal acts

que jo penso

that I think

això s'ha convertit

this has become

en periodisme

in journalism

això és lo

this is it

això és informal

this is informal

vull dir

I mean

n'hi ha un munt

there are plenty

de portades així

of covers like this

vull dir

I mean

jo crec que si a Twitter

I believe that yes on Twitter.

busco diaris

I am looking for newspapers.

i després en canvi

and then in turn

s'ha de parlar

It must be talked about.

de totes les importants

of all the important ones

com la de Turquia

like that of Turkey

com la d'Ohio

like that of Ohio



i com que s'ha quedat

And since it has remained

tot en plan

all in good fun

un titular

a headline

un dia a la setmana

one day a week

i ja està

and that's it

per davant

in front

a seguir

to follow

o sigui

that is to say

és que els diaris

it is that the newspapers

més seriosos

more serious

es publiquen

they are published



super banal

super banal

super sense sentit

super senseless

només per a

only for

i en aquest cas

and in this case



jo he de dir

I have to say

que m'he enterat

that I have found out

però perquè justament

but why precisely

són casos

they are cases

de gent

of people

que jo

that I

tinc ara les tràmites

I have the paperwork now.



però m'he enterat

but I found out

per les tràmites socials

for social procedures

no pels diaris

not for the newspapers

però clar

but of course

jo miro

I look.

segons quines revistes

according to which magazines

i quin tal

and how about you

i això que

and this that

m'hi fot a misses

I'm fed up with it.

vull dir

I mean

no sé

I don't know.

crec que està sent

I think it is being

bastant heavy

quite heavy

i també a part

and also apart

comentar justament

to comment precisely

abans també

before too

ho estàvem

we were



que el periodisme

that journalism

està en un moment

is in a moment

que està molt mal pagat

that is very poorly paid

que els periodistes

that the journalists

han de tirar

they have to throw

cap a comunicació

towards communication



més que cap al periodisme

more than ever to journalism

com a tal

as such

perquè o no t'agafen

because they either don't take you in

o has de ser un pecari

or you have to be a peccary

o t'agafen

or they catch you

per a cobrir

to cover



i donar gràcies

and give thanks

i al final

and in the end

com a que no

as if not

tinguin l'experiència

have the experience

ni la formació

neither the training

com te lo comes

how do you eat it

i listo

I'm ready.

jo és que

I am that

és com una feina

It's like a job.

de les més estressants

one of the most stressful

que hi ha

what's there

si ho vols fer bé

if you want to do it right

si has de fer cas

if you have to pay attention

els quefes

the chiefs

has de fer cas

you have to pay attention

a la gent

to the people

amb la qual et parles

with whom you are talking

has de fer cas

You have to pay attention.

has de tenir tacte

You need to have tact.

has de ser morbós

you have to be morbid

a la vegada

at the same time

per a crear clics

to create clicks

és una cosa

it's a thing

tan complexa

so complex

si la vols fer bé

if you want to do it right

i després

and then

que no està gens ben remunerat

that is not well paid at all

llavors no m'estranya

then it doesn't surprise me

que la gent cada vegada

that people increasingly



tot el que tu dius

everything you say

més cap a comunicació corporativa

more towards corporate communication

i altres formes

and other forms

de comunicació

of communication

sí, sí

yes, yes

jo crec que és una cosa

I think it is a thing.

que està passant molt

that is happening a lot

són uns

they are some

són uns mons

they are some worlds

uns ambients

some environments

que no




jo crec que actualment

I believe that currently





jo no sé

I don't know.

almenys jo crec que

at least I think that

quan vaig entrar

when I entered

quan vaig entrar a fer la carrera

when I started my degree

estava molt difícil

it was very difficult



era molt diferent

it was very different

de com està ara

of how it is now

a més ara mateix

right now too

al periodista també li demanen

the journalist is also asked

que sigui una mica

let it be a little

el todo

the whole

el que ho fa tot

the one that does it all


do you know?

i és com

and it is like

i no hi ha ofertes

and there are no offers

com a tal

as such

de periodista

as a journalist

perquè sempre agafen primer

because they always take first

el nebot de

the nephew of


Do you know?

és una forma de dir

it's a way of saying



a veure

let's see

que en plan

what's the plan



si jo fos la neboda de

if I were the niece of

doncs et dono gràcies

Well, I thank you.

però com no estic

but how am I not

vist des de fora

seen from the outside

m'he adonat

I have realized.



és dur

it's hard

per a les persones

for people

que realment

that really

volen treballar

they want to work

d'alguna cosa

of something

jo t'haig de dir

I have to tell you.

que tema contactes

What topic do you contact?

no ho critico

I don't criticize it.



trobo que funciona així

I find that it works like this.

en qualsevol tema

in any subject

en qualsevol treball

in any job

i crec que

I believe that

no es pot criticar

it cannot be criticized



quan no t'afecta a tu

when it doesn't affect you

és això

it's this

és el que dius

it's what you say




you say

vaya merda

what a crap

però si t'afecta a tu

but if it affects you


you say


holy shit

que bé que tinc

how well I have

aquest contacte

this contact

per a ficar-me aquí

to put me here

sí, sí

yes, yes

o sigui

that is to say

jo ho penso així també

I think so too.



ho comparteixo

I share it.

però també penso

but I also think

que la realitat

that reality

és que és dur

it's just that it's hard

o sigui

that is to say

estem parlant

we are talking

d'una persona formada

of a trained person

que ho respecto totalment

I totally respect that.

jo conec gent

I know people.

que ha entrat

that has entered

a X llocs

to X places

per ser fills d'ell

to be his children

però tenen la formació

but they have the training

doncs ole tu

well done you

o sigui

that is to say

damunt que t'has format

above that you have formed

tens alguna experiència

do you have any experience

i has tingut un padrí

I have had a godfather.

que t'ha pogut posar

what could have put you?

a un bon lloc de feina

to a good job location



mis dieces

my tens



avui en dia


també hi ha molta gent

there are also many people

que no és periodista

that is not a journalist

i està treballant

and is working

com a periodista

as a journalist

i això sí que és més

and this is indeed more





jo no puc

I cannot.

posar-me a treballar

start working

o sigui

that is to say

ni puc

I can't either.

ni m'agradaria

nor would I like it

posar-me a treballar

start working

d'una cosa

of one thing

que no em toca

that does not concern me

o que meritxen

or that they deserve


Do you know?



molt heavy tot

very heavy everything

pensava que anava a dir

I thought you were going to say.



no jo és el que tu

not me, it's you

anaves a dir

you were going to say

no jo anava a dir

no I was going to say

que a mi m'agradaria

that I would like

per exemple

for example

quan vaig començar

when I started

la meva carrera professional

my professional career

però de alguna manera

but somehow

vaig començar

I started

una ràdio local

a local radio

i m'agradava moltíssim

I liked it very much.

m'eslipava la feina

I was slipping on the job.

però llavors

but then


I say



no sé si em vaig fer això

I don't know if I did this to myself.

tota la vida

all life

perquè jo veia

because I saw

el que feia

what I was doing

la jefa

the boss

en el meu cas

in my case

que era sacrificar

that was to sacrifice

sacrificar tot el seu

sacrifice all his/hers

puto dia

fucking day

en parlant clar

speaking clearly

dic jo ara mateix

I say right now.

a mi no m'interessa

I'm not interested.

i no sé si vaig tirar més

and I don't know if I threw more

per la vessant

for the slope

de comunicació corporativa

of corporate communication

perquè era més còmode

because it was more comfortable

o potser perquè em feia

or maybe because it made me

de temor també

of fear too

no sé

I don't know.

tenia una feina

I had a job.

que t'implica tant

that involves you so much

perquè al final

because in the end

des de primera hora del matí

since early morning

fins que te'n vas a la nit

until you leave at night

has d'estar al dia

You need to be up to date.

de tot el que passa

of everything that happens

has d'estar atent a tot

You have to pay attention to everything.

has de buscar contactes

you have to look for contacts

has de parlar més

you need to talk more

és com

it's like

és una burrada

it's a nonsense

no sé

I don't know

jo trobo que la gent

I find that people

que ho fa bé

that does it well

i torna a parlar

and speak again

del món social

of the social world

perquè és un dels periodistes

because he is one of the journalists

que jo

that I

que jo he tingut

that I have had

tocant més

playing more

és super d'admirar

it's super admirable

super d'admirar

super amazing

sí al final

yes in the end

jo també he estat

I have also been.

en la teua situació

in your situation

del lloc

of the place

el mateix lloc

the same place

i també a la tele

and also on TV

no només a la ràdio

not only on the radio

ah sí

oh yes

i és veritat

and it's true

que també

that also

al ser algú local

by being a local

no està ben pagat

it is not well paid

és una realitat

it is a reality

i és molt sacrificat

and it is very sacrificial

en el sentit

in the sense

que al final

that in the end



jo no he estat

I have not been.

a cap mitjà

at half past one

ni nacional

neither national

ni en el cas

not even in the case

de TV3

from TV3

i tal

and so on

no he estat

I have not been.

no sé

I don't know.

fins a quin punt

to what extent

de sacrificat té

has it sacrificed

però clar

but of course

segons el lloc

according to the place

en què estàs

what are you doing

tu estàs disponible

are you available

per exemple

for example





el teu horari

your schedule

és de 8 a 5

It's from 8 to 5.

però és que

but it is that

si ha passat alguna cosa

if something has happened

a les 10 de la nit

at 10 o'clock at night

hi ha molta gent

there are many people

que li toca

that touches him/her

agafar la càmera

take the camera

agafar el micro

take the mic

i tirar per a cobrir

and throw to cover

tal cosa

such a thing


Do you know?

vull dir

I mean

entenc que els mitjans

I understand that the media



i com se diu

And how do you say?

que seria TV3

what would TV3 be

un mitjà

a means

no és mitjà nacional

it is not a national medium





tenen gent

they have people

que està cobrint

that is covering

aquelles hores

those hours

que és

what is it

però per exemple

but for example

jo sé que

I know that

la delegació

the delegation

de TV3

of TV3

de Terres de l'Ebre

from the Ebro Lands

són dues persones

they are two people

o tres

or three


I believe.

i a les 11 de la nit

and at 11 at night

hi havia un accident

there was an accident

i s'havia d'anar a cobrir

and it had to be covered


they were calling

a les 11 de la nit

at 11 o'clock at night

havien d'anar

they had to go


Do you know?

vull dir

I mean

al final

in the end

és donar la teua vida

it's giving your life

per la feina

for work

jo crec que és per això

I believe that is why.

que també

that too

no m'he acabat

I haven't finished.

d'aventurar mai

to never venture

a intentar

to try

a lluitar-ho molt

to fight for it a lot

o sigui

that is to say

és com que ho vaig lluitar

it's like I fought for it

molt poc

very little



sí que és veritat

yes, it is true

que jo reconec

that I recognize

en el meu cas

in my case

que sóc còmoda

that I am comfortable

o sigui

in other words

a mi m'agrada tenir el meu horari

I like to have my own schedule.

disfrutar les tardes

enjoy the evenings

la meitat de la tarda lliure

half of the afternoon free

les meves nits lliures

my free nights

i cap de setmana lliure

and a free weekend

i això

and this

ser un periodista

to be a journalist

segons quin mitjà

according to which medium

no ho pots fer

you can't do it

al final és una balança

in the end, it is a balance

el treball

the work

hi ha gent que preferix

there are people who prefer

tindre un treball

to have a job

que tindre un horari

that having a schedule

que no li importi

that it doesn't matter to him/her

el que és

what it is

és a dir

that is to say

que és igual que no li agrada

which is the same as saying he/she doesn't like it

o sigui

that is to say

tinc un horari

I have a schedule.

de tal hora a tal hora

from such hour to such hour

però no em toca treballar

but I don't have to work

a fins de

up to

ni en cap moment

not at any moment

però una altra persona

but another person

que li agrada el treball

that he/she likes the work

doncs no li importarà

then it won't matter to him/her

estar-se més hores

to stay longer

també diuen molt

they also say a lot

la frase esta de

the phrase is of

treballa de lo que t'agrada

Work on what you love.

i no hauràs de treballar

and you will not have to work

mai més en la teva vida

never again in your life

doncs potser

then maybe

aquestes persones

these people

que es dediquen

that are dedicated

a veure

let's see



una persona que no li importa

a person who doesn't care

la seva vida personal

his/her personal life

és a dir

that is to say

que no li importa

that he/she doesn't care

un fin d'anar a tal lloc

a purpose of going to such a place

o que li truquen

or what they call him

per la nit i tal

at night and such

i és una feina

and it is a job

que li agrada

that he/she likes

doncs potser ho disfruta

well, maybe you enjoy it

en certa manera

in a way

però jo crec

but I believe

que pot existir

that can exist

un equilibri

a balance

és a dir

that is to say

jo per exemple

me for example

si jo estigués

if I were

a algun mitjà

to some media

que m'agrada molt

that I really like



a mi m'agrada molt

I like it a lot.

la indústria musical

the music industry



jo entre setmana

me during the week

tinc el meu horari i tal

I have my schedule and such.

però potser em toca

but maybe it's my turn

un dijous a la nit

a Thursday night

cobrir un concert

cover a concert




Do you know?

vull dir

I mean

crec que el que falta

I think that what is missing

són recursos

they are resources



per al que els mitjans

for what the media

se'n puguen permetre

they can afford it

gent per a cada turno

people for each shift

és a dir

that is to say

jo puc assumir

I can take on.

entrar a un lloc

enter a place

que el meu horari

that my schedule

és de 8 de la tarda

It's 8 in the evening.

fins a les 6 del matí

until 6 in the morning

perquè jo estic

because I am

cobrint la nit

covering the night

o sigui

that is to say

jo estic a l'avantguàrdia

I am at the forefront.

i estic

and I am

així que puguem passar

as soon as we can pass

aquella nit

that night

o la redacció

or the writing

per a tal

for such

ara el problema ve

now the problem comes

doncs el que diem

so what we say

de mitjans

of the media

quan a mitjans locals

when in local media

no hi ha recursos

there are no resources

i tu

and you

has d'estar allà pendent

You need to be there paying attention.

les 14 hores

the 14 hours

i passa alguna cosa

And something happens.

i al final

and in the end

sí, hi ha un event

yes, there is an event


Do you know?

vull dir

I mean

crec que és important

I think it's important.

trobar l'equilibri

find the balance

no sé si

I don't know if

no sé a quin punt

I don't know to what extent.

depèn de l'empresa

it depends on the company

crec que una part

I think that a part

sí que depèn de l'empresa

yes, it does depend on the company

o del mitjà

or of the medium

però també crec que

but I also believe that

depèn del recurs econòmic

depends on the economic resource

que reben

that receive

per part de l'estat

on behalf of the state

o de la generalitat

or of the government


Do you know?

vull dir

I mean

no sé

I don't know.

ja et dic

I'm telling you.

jo crec

I believe.

crec que l'equilibri

I believe that the balance


to exist

sí que és veritat

it is true



en el meu cas

in my case

per exemple

for example

a mi no em molestaria

I wouldn't mind.

haver de cobrir

to have to cover

algunes coses

some things

caps de setmana


o nit, etc.

or night, etc.

però sí que és algo puntual

but it is indeed something specific

llavors entenc

then I understand

que hi ha gent

that there are people

que no li importa

that he/she doesn't care

que és com

what is like

m'encanta tant

I love it so much.

la meva feina

my job

o m'encanta tant això

Oh, I love this so much.

que m'agrada igual

that I like just the same

si totes les nits

if every night

he d'anar

I have to go.


Do you know?

vull dir

I mean

clar, el problema

sure, the problem

està aquí

is here

que si també vols

that if you want too

una comoditat

a comfort

però t'agrada

but you like it

X cosa

X thing

i aquella cosa

and that thing

el que comporta

what it entails

és tindre un horari

it is to have a schedule

super desordenat

super messy



vol dir que

means that

pot ser el que estàs fent

it might be what you are doing


do you like it

però no te compensarà

but it will not compensate you

a nivell de

at the level of

de vida

of life

per això estic dient

that's why I'm saying

que crec que sí

I think so.

que pot existir

that can exist

un equilibri

a balance

és a dir

that is to say

a mi el que no em sembla just

what doesn't seem fair to me

és que hi ha persones

there are people

que tenen un horari

that have a schedule

que s'hi fiquen

that they get involved

nou o així

new or so

però que després

but what afterwards

a més haguem d'estar pendents

we must also be attentive

els caps de setmana

the weekends

i les nits

and the nights

per si passa alguna cosa

just in case something happens

i m'he trobat

I have found myself.

en ofertes d'aquest estil

in offers of this style

de treball

of work

de 8 a tal

from 8 to such

de lunes a viernes

from Monday to Friday

és disponible

it is available

a fines de setmana

on weekends



és una cosa

it is one thing

que ja ho recordo

that I remember it now



si m'estàs dient

if you're telling me

que el meu turno

that my turn

és caps de setmana

it's weekends



si realment

if really


I want

t'ho puc firmar

I can sign it for you.

i si m'estàs dient

And if you are telling me

que és un cap de setmana

what is a weekend

quan hi ha un festival

when there is a festival



t'ho compro

I'll buy it from you.

perquè són

because they are

tres caps de setmana

three weekends

a l'any

per year

però que em posi

but let me put on

que m'oferisques

that you offer me


to work

un horari normal

a normal schedule

una jornada completa

a full day

del dilluns a divendres

from Monday to Friday

i disponible

and available

caps de setmana


aquí és on crec

here is where I believe

que falten recursos

that resources are lacking

o falta que l'empresa

or the company is lacking

tingui menys cara dura

have less nerve



perquè així

because this way

se salven de pagar algú

they are saved from paying someone

vull dir

I mean

per això

for that reason

dic que depèn

I say it depends.

de l'empresa

of the company



però això

but this

és super complicat

it's super complicated

de gestionar

of managing


I find

sí sí

yes yes

jo crec que sí

I think so.

perquè jo coneixo gent

because I know people

que ha estat super implicada

who has been super involved

a la seva feina

to his/her job

que dius

What are you saying?

m'és igual fer niers

I don't care about making nests.

fer matí

to wake up early

treballar 24 hores

work 24 hours

però hi ha un moment

but there is a moment

que explotes

that you explode

hi ha un moment

there is a moment

que has de canviar

that you have to change

perquè això no és

because this is not

no pots fer-ho

you can't do it

durant molts anys

for many years




sí sí

yes yes

doncs bé

well then

acabarem el podcast

we will finish the podcast

amb aquestes reflexions

with these reflections


current affairs







els periodistes

the journalists

de l'any

of the year

ha fet un podcast

he has made a podcast

una mica dramàtic

a bit dramatic




una mica informatiu

a bit informative





current affairs

ho digerim així

we digest it this way

molt bé

very well

doncs ens veiem

well, see you later

al pròxim Pisco Labis

to the next Pisco Labis

xau pescau

bye fish catch

molt bé

very good

xau pescau

bye fish catch

moltes gràcies

thank you very much

per escoltar-me

to listen to me

a veure quantes persones

let's see how many people

avui dos

today two

i una sóc jo

and one is me

i l'altre que jo

and the other than me

ah mira

oh look

va molt bé

it goes very well



vull veure

I want to see

reflexat un 3

reflected a 3

vaig a entrar

I am going to enter.

vinga vinga

come on come on

que fa molt que no ve

he hasn't been around for a long time

vaig a entrar

I am going to enter.

a veure

let's see

quant és el 3

how much is the 3

un 3

a 3







a mi em surt

it comes out for me



moltes gràcies a ningú

thank you very much to nobody

per escoltar-me

to listen to me

ha sigut un plaer

It has been a pleasure.

m'encanta la frase

I love the phrase.

moltes gràcies a ningú

thank you very much to nobody



perquè som nosaltres mateixos

because we are ourselves

els millors espectadors del món

the best spectators in the world





molt bé

very well

doncs adeu

so goodbye

anem a tancar

let's close

vinga pantalla

come screen



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