La Pedalera #8 - 20/01/10

Miquel Cornellà

La Pedalera

La Pedalera #8 - 20/01/10

La Pedalera

Ràdio Vic, són les 10.

Radio Vic, it’s 10 o'clock.

Escolta'ns també al nostre blog

Listen to us also on our blog.

I comencem la nostra entrevista

And we begin our interview.

de cada setmana amb Pulpo Pop

of each week with Pulpo Pop

que és un duet que barreja

what is a duet that mixes

la cançó d'autor en català

the author's song in Catalan

amb el pop i amb un especial

with octopus and with a special

sentit de l'humor

sense of humor

Molt bona nit Edgar i Pau

Good night Edgar and Pau.

que sou en Pulpo i en Pop

What are you, the Octopus and the Pop?

Sí, per aquest ordre consecutiu

Yes, in this consecutive order.

O sigui, l'Edgar

So, Edgar

que és en Pulpo

who is Pulpo

i present, i després tenim en Pau

I present, and then we have Pau.

que és en Pop

What is Pop?

Molt bona nit

Very good night.

Un plaer estar aquí a Vic

A pleasure to be here in Vic.

amb vosaltres

with you

Hem de dir que venen des de Girona

We must say that they come from Girona.

com s'ha dit abans

as mentioned before

El pop ve a Barcelona

The octopus is coming to Barcelona.

i nosaltres ve a Girona

and we come to Girona

Ho agraïm molt, aquest petit viatge

We greatly appreciate this little trip.

aquest viatge a Vic, que heu comprat

this trip to Vic, that you have purchased

un fuet que ens l'han regalat

a fuet that they have gifted us

Ah, no l'heu comprat

Ah, you haven't bought it.

No l'heu comprat, us l'han regalat

You didn't buy it, they gave it to you.

Esclar, exacte

Of course, exactly.

Perquè el fet d'anar a la botiga

Because the fact of going to the store

sembla que ho compris

it seems that you understood it

però hem arribat a un acord

but we have reached an agreement

hem estat negociant

we have been negotiating

i hem dit

and we have said

mira, aquesta nit anem a la ràdio

Look, tonight we are going to the radio.

escolta'ns-ne perquè això és surreal

Listen to us because this is surreal.

total i a més a més és de veritat

total and moreover it is true

Te'l fem amb condició que me'l regalis

We'll do it on the condition that you gift it to me.

jo l'hi regalaré a la meva mare

I will give it to my mother.

perquè estarà contenta tota una setmana

because she will be happy for a whole week

i a condició que ho regalis

as long as you give it as a gift

et farem propaganda per la ràdio

we will promote you on the radio

que ve més bo, si ens està escoltant

What comes better, if he is listening to us?

Si ens està escoltant

If you are listening to us

d'aquí és això

Where is this from?

Doncs això és el fuet Fusiyama

Well, this is the Fusiyama fuet.



No, aquest el fan a la Japó

No, they make this in Japan.

Allà fan uns fuets també

There they also make some cured sausages.

És el fuet Fusimanya

It is the Fusimanya sausage.

artesà de cuidados

craftsperson of care

i uns entrepancs

and some sandwiches

S'haurà de provar això

This will have to be tried.

A Vic, quina terra

In Vic, what a land.

Un gran descobriment

A great discovery

Molt bé, ja queda dit això

Very well, that's settled.

Fusimanya, que d'aquí de Vic

Fusimanya, that from here in Vic

que li han regalat aquesta barra de fuet

that they have given him this stick of fuet

a l'Edgar i al Pau

to Edgar and Pau

Edgar i Pau, com va, comencem

Edgar and Pau, how's it going, let's get started.

Entrem en matèria, no?

Let's get to the point, shall we?

Sí, home

Yes, man.

Com va sorgir aquesta idea de formar un duet

How did the idea of forming a duet come about?

i tan característic, no?

So characteristic, isn't it?

Perquè, no sé, és bastant diferent

Because, I don't know, it's quite different.

del que estem acostumats a sentir

of what we are used to hearing

Bueno, aquest projecte

Well, this project

va començar a l'estiu passat

it began last summer

però abans l'Edgar i jo

but before Edgar and I

tocàvem en un club de jazz

we played in a jazz club

ja fa dos anys que toquem junts

It's been two years since we played together.

i hi havia molta sincronia entre els dos

and there was a lot of synergy between the two.

i com que ell també és fuet

And since he is also a whip.

tenia uns textos allà

I had some texts there.

i jo els hi vaig posar música

And I played them music.

i bé

and well

I el producte, què tal?

And the product, how is it?

El producte final ha sigut un pop-up

The final product has been a pop-up.

El producte és un fuet especialment

The product is a specially made fuet.

Un fuet

A dry sausage.

Fruit sempre de l'atzar

Always a fruit of chance.

La veritat és que les coses ens

The truth is that things are happening to us

ens flueixen sense

they flow without us

sense utilitzar gaire les paraules

without using words much

i amb això hem fet una cançó

And with this, we have made a song.

amb ell ens vam trobar

we met with him

en una cuina, en un alberg

in a kitchen, in a hostel

i quasi no ens coneixíem

we hardly knew each other

vam tocar i així

we played and so

i aleshores, per exemple

and then, for example

les coses passen que

things happen that

ens trobem als assajos i

we meet at the rehearsals and

no parlem, o bé ell diu

we don't speak, or rather he says

ostres, tinc una idea

Wow, I have an idea.

i jo dic, ostres, jo també tinc una altra idea

And I say, wow, I also have another idea.

i exposem la idea

I present the idea.

i va resultar que eren la mateixa idea

and it turned out that they were the same idea.

tant harmònicament com rítmicament

both harmonically and rhythmically

Es va sumar una mica

It added up a little.

Això ja és la hòstia de coincidir

This is just incredible to coincide.

amb idees i sense paraules

with ideas and without words

És com, ens estem plantejant de formar

It's like, we are considering forming

una parella de fet

a de facto couple

amb permís

with permission



No, si teniu permís

No, if you have permission.

Ah, doncs, amb permís de la pedalera

Ah, well, with the permission of the pedalboard.

amb pulpo i pop

with octopus and octopus

Com surt això de pulpo i pop?

How does this thing about octopus and octopus come about?

El tema, el nom i el moti

The subject, the name and the motive.

que us fiqueu

that you get in



Qui és el culpable?

Who is the guilty one?

El culpable és el pulpo

The culprit is the octopus.

en el cas de l'Edgar

in the case of Edgar

ell és un gran bateria

he is a great drummer

de jazz

of jazz

i un dia en un concert va portar

and one day at a concert he/she brought

uns tentacles que se'ls va

some tentacles that are going to them

enxufar en els tambors

plug into the drums

i els bufava

and he would blow them

i creava un so

and created a sound

Un so ambient, no?

An ambient sound, right?

Amb el rebot, suposo

With the rebound, I suppose.

No se'ls anima aquí els tentacles

The tentacles are not encouraged here.

Algo així, no?

Something like that, right?

A mi em semblava un pop

It seemed to me like an octopus.

dels tentacles

of the tentacles

que li semblava un pop

that seemed like an octopus

i s'ha quedat amb el nom de pop

and it has kept the name of squid

I pop?

Do I pop?

Jo el nom de pop té...

I have the name squid...

ve de...

comes from...

a mi m'agrada molt la música pop

I really like pop music.





i s'ha ajuntat aquest

and has joined this

Pop a lo Beatles

Pop a la Beatles

Quina és la referència?

What is the reference?



De fet, l'única versió que tenim

In fact, the only version we have

és l'Octopus Garden

it's the Octopus Garden

Sí, ho hem llegit al MySpace

Yes, we read it on MySpace.

L'hem adaptat com a Pulpo Pop Jardí

We have adapted it as Pulpo Pop Jardí.

i llavors el pop també és aquest Octopus

And then the octopus is also this Octopus.

i alhora el pop és l'estil

And at the same time, pop is the style.

que si tradueixes pop a la castellana

that if you translate pop to Spanish

no es pot traduir com a pulpo

it cannot be translated as octopus

i en canvi pulpo

and instead octopus

traduït a la catalana com a pop

translated into Catalan as pop

esdevé un estil

it becomes a style

i és com un...

and it is like a...

és com un joc de paraules

It's like a play on words.

sense solució, vaja

without solution, oh dear

queda obert

remains open

excepte frio

except cold

que la gent imagini

let people imagine

I tot això

And all this

si m'ho permeteu surrealista

if you allow me surrealist

que ho és

what it is

d'on ve? Quines són les influències?

Where does it come from? What are the influences?

Quins són grups

What are groups?

que no tenen per què ser semblants a vosaltres

that they don't have to be similar to you

però si més no han estat

but at least they have been

grups presents

present groups

en la vostra trajectòria?

in your journey?

La veritat és que

The truth is that

a les nostres oïdes

to our ears

no hem

we haven't

conreiat gaire

not cultivated much

el que hem acabat fent

what we ended up doing

perquè hem escoltat molt de

because we have listened a lot to

de músiques

of music

música avançada

advanced music

o free jazz

or free jazz

i bé aquestes han sigut

and well, these have been

per això dediquem també

for this reason we also dedicate

un tema a Sean Levitt

a song by Sean Levitt

un gran guitarrista de jazz de Barcelona

a great jazz guitarist from Barcelona

i sobretot

and above all

encara que no tingui res a veure

even though it has nothing to do with it

el jazz i el free jazz ha estat una influència

jazz and free jazz have been an influence

perquè més tard hem estudiat aquest estil

because later we studied this style

encara que provenim

even though we come from

dels locals

of the locals

més on hi havia

more where there was

els molts punts

the many points

tant de la cellera com

both from the cellar and

de serrià de terra

of Serrià de Terra

és una barreja suposo bastant important

It's a mixture I suppose quite important.

free jazz

free jazz

formació de jazz

jazz formation

després formació

after training

de carrer, de local d'assaig

of street, of rehearsal space

formació de pop

formation of octopus

estem davant d'algú bastant innovador

we are in front of someone quite innovative

en aquest sentit que és una mica

in this sense that it is a bit

el que falta o el que trobem a faltar

what's missing or what we miss

en aquest panorama últimament

in this recent panorama

a Catalunya

in Catalonia

i a tot arreu

and everywhere

però parlem de Catalunya

but let’s talk about Catalonia

que és on nosaltres personalment trobem

that is where we personally find

que falta una mica aquest esperit

that this spirit is a bit lacking

d'induar i de llançar-se a la piscina

of diving and jumping into the pool

sense por


si més no pull pop pop

at least pull pop pop

és aquest tipus de proposta

it is this type of proposal



molt original

very original

i jo vull escoltar-los

And I want to listen to them.

que ens tocareu?

What will you play for us?

que ens tocareu avui?

What will you play for us today?

que ens contesta l'Edgar

that Edgar answers us

el Pau es prepara

Pau is getting ready.

la guitarra

the guitar


we will touch

perdó m'he estat aquí discutint

Sorry, I've been here discussing.

tot una baralla

a whole fight



pensant quina cançó tocaríeu

thinking about which song you would play



s'ha imposat un tema que no està a la maqueta

A theme has been imposed that is not in the mockup.

que no té

that does not have

això de quan estudiem

this about when we study

que hi ha les dobles

that there are doubles

amb això del periodisme que n'hi ha 4 o 5

with this journalism that there are 4 or 5

doncs aquest que és el que

so this is the one that

el quan, el com, el qui, el per què

the when, the how, the who, the why

doncs aquest tema no té ni que

so this topic doesn't even have to

ni com, ni quan, ni qui

neither how, nor when, nor who

ni per què

neither why

no li cal suposo

I suppose it’s not necessary for him/her.

com? no li cal

how? she doesn't need it

clar exacte cadascú

clear exactly each one

amb la seva pròpia experiència s'imagina

with their own experience, they imagine

quin és el que, el qui, el quan, el com

what is the what, the who, the when, the how

i el per què

and the why

una mica com aquell relat de la casa tomada de Julio Cortázar

a bit like that story "Casa Tomada" by Julio Cortázar

que no se sap ben bé

that is not quite known

quin és el leitmotiv de la història

What is the leitmotif of the story?

aquest tema es titula

this topic is titled

Tensiums del frau

Fraud measures

i diu, estava cantat que passaria

And he says, it was sung that it would happen.

però estava encantat i no

but I was delighted and not

veus? ja t'ho deia jo

Do you see? I told you so.

llavors anava cantant

then I was singing

i no saps realment què és el que va passar

and you don't really know what happened

o quin era el frau

Oh, what was the fraud?

que van sumar a la persona que li passava això

that added to the person who was experiencing this

i cadascú amb la seva experiència personal

and each with their personal experience


is imagined

el que? el seu millor frau de la seva vida

What? His biggest fraud of his life.

molt bé, doncs endavant

Very well, then go ahead.

Déu n'hi do, això es mereix un aplaudiment

Well, this deserves a round of applause.

aquí en silenci, així als micros

here in silence, so to the microphones

però molt bé, molt bé

but very well, very well

tota una introducció

a whole introduction

estava cantat

was singing

que passaria

what would happen

però estava encantat

but he was thrilled

i no veus

and you don't see

si ja t'ho deia jo

I told you so.



anava cantant

was singing



del frau

of the fraud



l'ensura et deixa esclau

Censorship leaves you a slave.



del frau

of the fraud



l'ensura et torna esclau

Censorship makes you a slave.



del frau

of the fraud

Tots et veuen petit, amb peix per l'engany.

Everyone sees you small, with fish for the trick.

Fes un pas amb fels i tornes a cantar, i tornes a cantar, i tornes a cantar.

Take a step with faith and you sing again, and you sing again, and you sing again.

Tens un alfreu, tens un alfreu forfotut, tens un d'aquest clau.

You have a fool, you have a silly fool, you have one of this key.

Ja corren les veus, es veu a venir, era un secret, sent-se com n'hi peus.

The voices are already spreading, it's to be expected, it was a secret, feeling as it should.

Sóc deus, altaveus, xiuren les orelles, són de l'hiperdeus, veus, si jo t'ho deia jo.

I am god, loudspeakers, my ears are buzzing, they are from the hypergod, you see, I told you so.

Estava a cantar que passaria, però estava encantat i no veus, si jo t'ho deia jo.

I was singing that it would happen, but I was delighted and you see, if I told you, I did.

Llavors anava cantant insults, alfreu forfotut, tens un d'aquest clau insults, alfreu forfotut.

Then I was singing insults, Alfreu the annoying, you have one of those key insults, Alfreu the annoying.

Estava a cantar que passaria, però estava encantat i no veus, si jo t'ho deia jo.

I was singing that it would happen, but I was delighted and you see, if I told you so.

Molt bé, molt bé, molt bé.

Very good, very good, very good.

Llavors a Serrià, per la Costa Roja es filtra una mica la tramuntana, no?

So in Serrià, a bit of the tramuntana comes through the Costa Roja, right?

Són aquests dos vents, aquests corrents d'aire que provoquen tot aquest tipus de cançó.

It is these two winds, these air currents that cause all this type of song.

Jo no sé des de casa, és el que deia, però jo des d'aquí, amb la boca oberta, ens hem quedat, no nosaltres, sinó tècnics, col·laboradors, mira, des de dintre, ens aplaudeixen.

I don't know from home, that's what I was saying, but from here, with our mouths open, we've been left, not us, but technicians, collaborators, look, from the inside, they applaud us.

A més han vingut aquí amb la guitarra, amb aquesta indumentària.

Furthermore, they have come here with the guitar, with this outfit.

Jo tinc una pregunta, que és el tema de les lletres, teniu algun referent, així, perquè he vist que també has dit que...

I have a question, what is the topic of the lyrics, do you have any reference, like, because I've seen that you've also said that...

És poeta, i suposo que quan et dius que ets poeta és perquè tens algun referent, algunes persones potser que t'han influenciat a l'hora d'escriure.

He is a poet, and I suppose that when you call yourself a poet it is because you have some reference, perhaps some people who have influenced you when it comes to writing.

Bé, la veritat és que hi havia una època anterior que sí que llegia molt coses com Leopoldo María Panero, o...

Well, the truth is that there was a previous time when I did read a lot of things like Leopoldo María Panero, or...

Leopoldo María Panero, eh? Gran poeta.

Leopoldo María Panero, huh? Great poet.

Sí, exacte. Bé, tindria molts, però...

Yes, exactly. Well, I would have many, but...

No ho sé, ho he percat molt, lo de la lectura, i sí que inconscientment surten les influències, però pensar la cançó és diferent perquè la lletra impresa és una cosa que he anat fent de fa molt, però la cançó, la mateixa lletra ja porta el vocable, ja porta la fonia, i la fonia ja porta la música,

I don't know, I've noticed it a lot, regarding the reading, and yes, influences come out unconsciously, but thinking about the song is different because the printed lyrics are something I've been doing for a long time, but the song, the same lyrics already carry the word, they already carry the sound, and the sound already carries the music.

i ja penses la cançó amb una melodia determinada que prové de la lletra.

And you already think of the song with a certain melody that comes from the lyrics.

Encara que de vegades estem treballant perquè el missatge sigui molt clar i molt directe, no?

Even though sometimes we are working to make the message very clear and very direct, right?

I de vegades jugues més amb la fonia, però te se'n va una mica el significat a través del significant, i bé, la veritat és que estem treballant perquè arribi directe...

And sometimes you play more with the phonetics, but the meaning gets a little lost through the signifier, and well, the truth is that we are working to make it come through directly...

El missatge és el més clar, no? Potser el més clar possible, no?

The message is the clearest, right? Perhaps the clearest possible, right?

Exacte, el més clar possible...

Exactly, as clear as possible...

Estem parlant de semiologia ja, pràcticament, eh? Pràcticament, eh?

We're already talking about semiology, practically, right? Practically, right?

Molt bé, molt interessant. Al Facebook hem trobat alguna informació sobre vosaltres, no gaire, però bé, ho hem trobat.

Very good, very interesting. On Facebook, we found some information about you, not much, but well, we found it.

I ens ha... Bé, el que ens sobtava és que la primera frase que hem llegit feia referència no a la música, no a les lletres, no a les cançons, sinó a la imatge que doneu, no?

And what surprised us is that the first sentence we read referred not to the music, not to the lyrics, not to the songs, but to the image you present, right?

Que ara entenc una mica millor, després de veure-us, no serà fàcil transmetre-ho als oients, però per què, no? Per què aquesta importància del vestit o de la imatge?

Now I understand a little better, after seeing you, it won't be easy to convey it to the listeners, but why not? Why is the outfit or image so important?

Una breu explicació de...

A brief explanation of...

L'indumentari que portem, l'ha tret, una mica...

The clothing we are wearing, has taken it off, a little...

L'ha tret, sí, es crea una mica la imatge del grup, no?

He's taken it out, yes, it somewhat creates the image of the group, doesn't it?

Vam trobar aquests vestits que portem allà al Raval, són vestits de... són unes americanes de coronel, però a sota hi ha la camiseta, és la... com es diria això?

We found these suits that we're wearing there in Raval, they're suits of... they're colonel's jackets, but underneath there is a t-shirt, it's the... what would you call that?

La contraposició, no?

The juxtaposition, right?



De lo infantil amb lo...

From the childish with the...

Amb lo més seriós.

With the utmost seriousness.

Amb lo més seriós, perquè, per exemple, aquí a la samarreta a sota hi ha l'Snoopy, saps? I ell té una... aquí una... què és això?

With the most seriousness, because, for example, here on the t-shirt below there is Snoopy, you know? And he has a... here a... what is this?

És una...

It is a...

Sí, bueno, una... una nina, una...

Yes, well, a... a girl, a...

A surf, a surf, dic d'aile, així.

A surf, a surf, I say from the wing, like this.

És el... sí, el contrast amb...

It's the... yes, the contrast with...

Amb això volem crear, no?, l'imatge una mica surrealista.

With this, we want to create, right?, a somewhat surreal image.

Potser per diferenciar-vos una miqueta del destil que... de música que hi ha avui dia, què n'opineu del panorama musical d'avui dia? Com el trobeu?

Perhaps to differentiate yourselves a little from the music that is out there today, what do you think of today's musical landscape? How do you find it?

Hi ha un... hi ha un silenci, així.

There is a... there is a silence, like that.

Una pregunta diferent.

A different question.

No, hi ha un...

No, there is a...

S'està pensant.

He is thinking.

La ràdio també es pot pensar, eh?

Radio can also be thought about, you know?

Hi ha moltes coses, hi ha moltes coses.

There are many things, there are many things.

És un... són molts panorames, sí, sí, sí, sí.

It's a... there are many panoramas, yes, yes, yes, yes.

No és aquesta ben bé la resposta que buscàvem, ja ho has notat, Edgar?

This isn't quite the answer we were looking for, have you noticed that, Edgar?

Llavors, mullat una mica, mullat una mica. Va.

So, a little wet, a little wet. Go.

No, eh...

No, uh...



O panorama en quin sentit?

Or panorama in what sense?



Sí, panorama musical voldríem dir potser el que escoltes a la ràdio, el que passes en mitjans de comunicació.

Yes, we might say that the musical landscape is perhaps what you hear on the radio, what you see in the media.

Clar, és que...

Of course, it's just that...

Perquè també hi ha el panorama musical que escolta o que es fa promoció i després hi ha el panorama musical que potser no té tanta promoció.

Because there is also the musical landscape that is listened to or promoted and then there is the musical landscape that perhaps doesn't have as much promotion.

Que està al...

That is at...

Sí, exacte.

Yes, exactly.

Fora de càmera, no?

Off camera, right?

En aquest sentit em sembla que, tant en Pau com en mi, estem una mica allunyats del...

In this regard, it seems to me that both Pau and I are a little distant from the...

Bé, estem sempre... no ho diré amb una...

Well, we are always... I won't say it with a...

A l'accent.

At the accent.

A l'àxia.

To the axia.

Amb un nubol.

With a cloud.

No, amb un nubol quínton, però sí que la veritat és que no...

No, with a looming cloud, but the truth is that no...

Una cosa que coincideix molt amb nosaltres, i que és una cosa que coincideix, és que no escoltem música quan tenim alguna actuació o així.

One thing that aligns a lot with us, and which is something that coincides, is that we don't listen to music when we have a performance or something like that.



Per no anar influenciats de res, només del que sentim a dins, del que traiem de...

To not be influenced by anything, only by what we feel inside, by what we draw from...

De lo que teniu, de lo que has fet.

Of what you have, of what you have done.



Intentem respirar al màxim.

Let's try to breathe to the fullest.

Respirar al màxim les orelles i quan escoltem, doncs, buscar algun diamant i alguna perla.

Breathe in deeply with the ears and when we listen, then look for a diamond and a pearl.

Però no som d'escoltar a diari molta i molta informació perquè... Bé, no sé, per anar amb aquell punt d'espiritualitat i de buscar aquell punt de consciència.

But we're not used to listening to a lot of information every day because... Well, I don't know, to be in that point of spirituality and to seek that point of awareness.

Què tal si ens toqueu un altre tema?

How about we touch on another topic?

No, espera.

No, wait.

Vols fer una pregunta?

Do you want to ask a question?

Sí, no, tinc una idea millor.

Yes, no, I have a better idea.

Una idea?

Any idea?

Vull escoltar un tema de la maqueta.

I want to listen to a track from the demo.

Vull escoltar la cançó 2, concretament, i també vull que la presenteu vosaltres.

I want to hear song 2, specifically, and I also want you to present it.



Els dies i el temps tenen el temps i els dies comptats.

The days and the weather have their time and days counted.

Una cançó ecologista que no ens diu que els dies i el temps tenen el temps i els dies comptats, sinó que ens diu, ei, aprofiteu al màxim el temps.

An environmental song that doesn't tell us that days and time are numbered, but rather tells us, hey, make the most of your time.

Molt bé, doncs, endavant amb aquest temazo.

Very well, then, let's go ahead with this great topic.


Thank you.

Bé, i Espanya respon.

Well, and Spain responds.


Thank you.

Bé, gràcies.

Good, thank you.

els drets dels dies comptats.

the rights of the counted days.

El passat es va fent rere en un futur,

The past is becoming behind in a future,

fins i tot ja es ferm el firmament.

even the firmament is already firm.

El present no és l'avingut,

The present is not the past,

l'horitzó és l'imbost,

the horizon is the disguise,

ni la vida és firmes,

neither is life firm,

els ous plou fins al més final.

The eggs rain until the final month.

Com si és el temps,

As if it is the weather,

eren els temps els dies comptats.

they were the times the days were numbered.

Com si és el temps...

As if it is the weather...

Bueno, Pulpo Pop, on ens trobarem pròximament?

Well, Pulpo Pop, where will we meet soon?

Si volem veure-us en directe,

If we want to see you live,

on tenim contacte,

where we have contact,

on hem d'anar?

Where do we have to go?

Mira, el dia 28 de gener

Look, on January 28th.

fem una intervenció en un festival de poesia

let's make an intervention at a poetry festival

que es fa a Girona,

what is done in Girona,

que es presenta en la revista El Llob Ferotge,

that is presented in the magazine El Llob Ferotge,

llavors intervenim,

then we intervene,

enllacem les cançons entre poesia i cançó

we link songs between poetry and song

i fem quatre cançonetes,

and we make four little songs,

llavors el 28 de febrer

then on February 28

estem amb en Miquel del Roig a Palamós,

we are with Miquel del Roig in Palamós,

una plaça del poble,

a village square,

llavors el...

then the...

exacte, el 24...

exactly, the 24th...

El 24 de març?

March 24th?

El 24 de març,

On March 24,

a l'Ateneu de Banyoles.

at the Ateneu of Banyoles.

De Banyoles.

From Banyoles.

De Banyoles, estem preparant un concert...

From Banyoles, we are preparing a concert...

Bueno, tot el que hem anat fent fins ara

Well, everything we have done so far.

hi ha molta performance i molta intervenció

there is a lot of performance and a lot of intervention

amb molts espectadors artístics,

with many artistic spectators,

però el de l'Ateneu és un concert

but the one at the Ateneu is a concert

que l'estem preparant amb molta...

that we are preparing it with a lot of...

És un concert important per vosaltres.

It is an important concert for you.

Sí, perquè hem currat unes imatges

Yes, because we have worked on some images.

que projectarem,

that we will project,

és a dir, hi haurà com una història

That is to say, there will be something like a story.

en totes les cançons.

in all the songs.

El concert serà una història

The concert will be a story.

i les imatges explicaran cada cançó.

And the images will explain each song.

Molt bé, doncs ja sabem on anem,

Very well, so we already know where we're going,

hem d'anar, ja ens ho han explicat ells mateixos,

we have to go, they have already explained it to us themselves,

jo per acomiadar m'agradaria sentir en directe

I would like to hear live to say goodbye.

un altre tema, que ens el presenteu,

another topic that you present to us,

que ens el expliqueu, que ens el canteu...

that you explain it to us, that you sing it to us...

Ai, per cert, i a veure si venim per aquí a dir

Oh, by the way, let's see if we come here to say.

que hi ha una gent increïble...

that there are incredible people...

Clar, i a veure si ens portem per aquí,

Sure, let's see if we get along here.

no sé, a la Jascaba o al City Arms

I don't know, to the Jascaba or to the City Arms.

o a qualsevol lloc d'aquests, us podem trobar.

or anywhere like that, we can find you.

Doncs res, culpopop, moltes gràcies per venir,

Well then, culpopop, thank you very much for coming,

ens acompanyem de la millor manera possible...

we accompany each other in the best possible way...

Ha sigut un plaer tenir-vos aquí.

It has been a pleasure having you here.

I amb què ens asseu?

And what does it sit us with?

Amb un tema que es diu...

With a song that is called...

Cuit, cuit ben cuit.

Cooked, cooked well cooked.

Cuit ben cuit. Endavant, els culpopop.

Well cooked. Go ahead, the culpopop.

Cuit ben cuit.

Well cooked.

Notes que tanques els dits,

You notice that you close your fingers,

notes que se't creuen les cames,

you feel your legs crossing,

notes el pes a l'esquena,

you feel the weight on your back,

notes que el cos no es pon.

you notice that the body does not get cold.

Sents com et tremonen les cames,

You feel your legs trembling,

sents com et cau el fitxet,

you feel the small card fall from you,

sents com el cor dolent dins,

you feel how the bad heart inside,

sents com se't mou,

you feel it moving,

cau a les dents,

falls into the teeth,

sents com et cremonen les cames,

you feel how your legs are burning,

sents com et cau el ronyó,

you feel your kidney drop,

sents com duus els ulls d'embruix,

you feel how you carry the eyes of enchantment,

sents, no sents, si no sents res.

you feel, you don't feel, if you don't feel anything.

Cuit, ben cuit, a punt d'amor,

Cooked, well cooked, on the brink of love,

tirat el bé i mig del terreny dels avis que passaren.

tired the good and a half of the land of the grandparents who passed.

Cuit, ben cuit,

Cooked, well cooked,

a punt d'amor,

about to love,

tirat el bé i mig del terreny dels avis que passaren.

pulled the good and a half from the land of the grandparents who passed.

Cuit, ben cuit, a punt d'amor,

Cooked, well cooked, at the point of love,

tirat el bé i mig del terreny dels avis que passaren.

thrown the good and half of the land of the grandparents who passed.

Sents que ja no pots respirar,

You feel like you can no longer breathe,

sents un bon cop el cervell,

you feel a good knock to the brain,

sents com el cor dolent dins,

you feel the bad heart inside,

sents, no sents, si no sents res,

you feel, you don't feel, if you don't feel anything,

sents que ja no pots ni somiar,

you feel that you can't even dream anymore,

sents com el cor dolent dins,

you feel the bad heart inside,

sents com duus els ulls d'embruix,

you feel how you carry the eyes of enchantment,

sents, no sents, si no sents res.

you feel, you don't feel, if you don't feel anything.

Cuit, ben cuit, a punt d'amor,

Cooked, well cooked, at the point of love,

tirat el bé i mig del terreny dels avis que passaren.

thrown the good and a half of the grandparents' land that passed.

Sents com el cor dolent dins, sents, no sents, si no sents res.

You feel the bad heart inside, you feel, you don't feel, if you don't feel anything.

Cuit, ben cuit, a punt d'amor,

Cooked, well cooked, ready for love,

tirat el bé i mig del terreny dels avis que passaren.

thrown the good and half of the land of the grandfathers that passed.

Sents com un sol

You feel like a sun.

que ens van recullir?

What did they pick us up for?

Please provide the text you would like translated from Catalan to English.

Si estarem bé ani i demà,

Yes, we will be fine this year and tomorrow.

Estem frigids, si no, no, no, no te'n dones compte i de cop i volta la teva vida fa un gir, fa un gir, fa un gir.

We are frigid, if not, no, no, you don’t realize it and suddenly your life takes a turn, takes a turn, takes a turn.

Estem tots a la corda fluixa, no val la pena somiar-hi, si viure l'intensament.

We are all walking a tightrope, it's not worth dreaming about it, but living it intensely.

Fins demà!

See you tomorrow!

Moltíssimes gràcies per haver-nos convidat, ens serveix de tot cor i esperem anar-nos-en retrobant per aquest món.

Thank you very much for having invited us; it means a lot to us and we hope to keep meeting again in this world.

Ens trobarem. Moltes gràcies.

We will meet. Thank you very much.

I aquests fuets excel·lents que feu a aquesta terra excel·lenta.

And these excellent whips that you make in this excellent land.

Molt bé.

Very good.

Visita el PEN nostre al carrer Miramarges, al costat de la Universitat de Vic. No et perdis un cafè al matí.

Visit our PEN at Miramarges Street, next to the University of Vic. Don't miss a coffee in the morning.

Seguiu-nos al rastre a Twitter, la pedalera.

Follow us on the trail on Twitter, the pedal board.

Fins demà!

See you tomorrow!

Si parlem de les dones punk, doncs no podem deixar de parlar de Patti Smith.

If we talk about punk women, then we cannot fail to mention Patti Smith.

Potser la més important, no?

Maybe the most important one, right?

Sí, més no, les pioneres.

Yes, more no, the pioneers.

Recupero Patti Smith després que el primer programa la cités quan vaig parlar de Jim Carroll.

I bring back Patti Smith after the first program mentioned her when I talked about Jim Carroll.

A l'igual que ell, Smith també és coneguda com a poeta, que va donar a la música punk un aire una mica més intel·lectual.

Like him, Smith is also known as a poet who gave punk music a somewhat more intellectual air.

S'inspirava en els poemes francesos del segle XIX i també està considerada una de les autores VIP,

She was inspired by the French poems of the 19th century and is also considered one of the VIP authors.

del moment.

at the moment.

És de la generació VIP?

Are you from the VIP generation?



És a dir, de la generació aquesta dels 75-80, no?

That is to say, from the generation of the 75-80, right?

Sí, sí, és d'aquella època, ella.

Yes, yes, she's from that time.





I, bé, a més també va trencar amb la imatge de dona femenina als escenaris pel seu estil més aviat masculí.

Well, it also shattered the image of the feminine woman on stage with her rather masculine style.

Va ser una mica trencadora amb tot.

It was a bit groundbreaking with everything.

Clar, va utilitzar una imatge més masculina, el fet de treure el públic.

Of course, he used a more masculine image, the fact of removing the audience.



Potser buscant un estil diferent totalment a...

Perhaps searching for a style completely different from...

Clar, no havia ni de provocar ningú ni res.

Of course, there was no need to provoke anyone or anything.

Va ser amb música, amb els seus poemes i endavant.

It was with music, with his poems, and onward.

I per situar-la una mica, us deixo una cançó que va escriure conjuntament amb Bruce Springsteen i que el serà...

And to give you some context, I'll leave you with a song that she wrote together with Bruce Springsteen and that will be...

Ah, per això Bruce Springsteen té una altra versió d'aquesta cançó.

Ah, that's why Bruce Springsteen has another version of this song.

Jo pensava que era d'en Bruce i que ella l'havia de sonar.

I thought it was Bruce's and that she was supposed to know him.

No, no, no, la van escriure conjuntament, el que passa que segurament s'ha fet més famosa amb ell que amb ella.

No, no, no, they wrote it together, but it's probably become more famous with him than with her.

No sé què dir-te, eh? Jo he escoltat més la versió d'ella que no pas la d'ell.

I don't know what to say to you, huh? I've listened to her version more than his.

Sí? Ah, doncs...

Yes? Oh, well...

A mi em sona molt més la seva.

It sounds much more like hers to me.

Sí? Ah, doncs...

Yes? Ah, well...

Jo pensava que era o així o que l'havien copiat un altre, una cosa així.

I thought it was either that or that someone had copied it, something like that.

Doncs mira, la van escriure conjuntament.

Well, look, they wrote it together.

És molt maca aquesta cançó.

This song is very beautiful.

Sí, i el 78 a més va obtenir un gran èxit, va ser l'any més o menys que va sorgir.

Yes, and in '78 it also achieved great success, it was the year more or less that it emerged.

A tot això de quina cançó estem parlant?

What song are we talking about?

Estem parlant de Because the Night, del disc Easter del 78. Endavant.

We are talking about Because the Night, from the album Easter from '78. Go ahead.

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.

Bona nit.

Good night.

Patti Smith té un estil molt característic

Patti Smith has a very distinctive style.

i no és el típic dels punk, com heu pogut

And it is not the typical punk, as you might have been able to.

veure, de cançons ràpides

to see, of fast songs

amb lletres i melodies tan senzilles.

with letters and melodies so simple.

Però això seria punk, això que acabem de escoltar?

But would this be punk, what we just listened to?

Això seria més rock?

Would this be more rock?

Més rock.

More rock.

Això no és punk, tothom ho va veure.

This is not punk, everyone saw it.

Això no és punk, no ho puc comprovar.

This is not punk, I can't verify it.

No sé, però com que m'has dit punk

I don't know, but since you called me punk

i ha sortit això, doncs...

and this has come out, then...

No, ella està considerada,

No, she is considered.

el que passa que les seves cançons

what happens is that their songs

jo tampoc les considero punk.

I don't consider them punk either.

No sé.

I don’t know.

Però és que tu ets punk, punk, punk.

But you are punk, punk, punk.

Jo és més que punk.

I am more than punk.

Potser és un viejo punk i és de les grans.

Maybe he’s an old punk and one of the greats.

Sí, és així.

Yes, that's right.



Doncs, per jo mateix, ella feia el poema

Well, for myself, she wrote the poem.

cantat amb un resultat força interessant.

sung with a rather interesting result.

Escoltem una altra de les seves cançons

Let's listen to another one of their songs.

Ain't It Strange

Ain't It Strange

del seu segon àlbum

from their second album

Ràdio Etiòpia del 76.

Radio Ethiopia from '76.

Cal dir que Smith durant els 80

It must be said that Smith during the 80s.

va deixar per la seva carrera musical

he left for his musical career

per ocupar-se de la seva família.

to take care of his/her family.

Però va tornar al 96 als escenaris

But he returned to the stage in '96.

i encara ara la podem veure de gira.

And even now we can see her on tour.

Sí? Déu-n'hi-do, no?

Yes? Quite something, isn't it?

Sí, és ja força gran.

Yes, it is already quite big.

Algún problema familiar, alguna història?

Any family problems, any story?

O més aviat suposo que va ser...

Or rather, I suppose it was...

No, no, bueno, de fet,

No, no, well, in fact,

se li va morir el marit

her husband passed away

i també el seu germà

and also his brother

va ser un cúmul de circumstàncies.

It was a culmination of circumstances.

I llavors ella també era amiga

And then she was also a friend.

dels Rem, per exemple

of the Rem, for example

i ells la van animar

and they encouraged her

a tornar als escenaris

back to the stages

i ha set també com una mica de teràpia

It has also been like a bit of therapy.

i mira, encara ara

and look, even now

ja està sortint bé

It's already going well.



passem ara al punk nacional

let's move on to national punk now

de la mà d'unes basques molt polèmiques

at the hands of some very controversial Basques

estic parlant de les

I am talking about the

vulpes escrites amb una S

foxes spelled with an S

segurament a molts llocs

probably in many places

ho podeu trobar escrit amb dues S

you can find it written with two S's

això anava a dir que ho havia vist escrit diferent

I was going to say that I had seen it written differently.

era perquè feien referència

it was because they referred

a les SS dels nazis

to the SS of the Nazis

però allò només era per provocar

but that was just to provoke

no vol dir que ja es fossin de...

it doesn't mean that they were already from...



però és el mateix grup

but it's the same group

no, no, és el mateix grup

no, no, it's the same group

el que passa que tot el que feien

what happens is that everything they did

ho feien per provocar

they did it to provoke

i què més donava el què

and what else gave what

i bé, el grup

And well, the group

que estava composat per 4 noies

that was made up of 4 girls

d'entre 17 i 21 anys

between 17 and 21 years old

va néixer a Baracaldo, Vizcaya

he was born in Baracaldo, Biscay

el 1982

the year 1982

la cançó que les va portar la fama

the song that brought them fame

i que va suposar un gran escàndol

and that caused a great scandal

va ser el seu únic single

it was their only single

M'he gustat ser una zorra

I have enjoyed being a fox.



més explícit no podia ser

it couldn't be more explicit

és una cançó molt guapa, aquesta

it's a very beautiful song, this one

sí, ara l'escoltarem

yes, now we will listen to him/her

doncs es va llençar la fama

so the fame was launched

perquè la van interpretar en un programa

because they performed it on a show

de música de televisió espanyola

of Spanish television music

el 83, ja us podeu imaginar

the 83, you can already imagine

i a més a més en horari infantil

and also during children's programming

això seria música sí

this would be music yes

recordes de música sí

music records yes


sí, tothom se'n recorda de música sí

Yes, everyone remembers music yes.


Goodness gracious!

doncs mira,

well, look,

escoltem la cançó

let's listen to the song

i veurem per què va portar tanta polèmica

and we will see why it caused so much controversy



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Bona nit.

Good night.

Ara ja ho entenem tot, no, Iris?

Now we understand everything, don't we, Iris?

Això de quiero meter tu pico en la polla

This translates to "I want to stick your beak in the cock."

és que no... Estava escoltant a la Llero.

It's just that I wasn't... I was listening to Llero.

Sí. Quiero meter tu pico en la polla.

Yes. I want to put your beak in the cock.

No feia tampoc falta recalcar

It wasn't necessary to emphasize either.

tant la frase...

both the sentence...

No, però la gent

No, but the people.

sí que segurament ja l'ha entès.

yes, he/she has probably already understood it.


You know?

Si vols

If you want

la gravem com una feita

we record it as a deed

i l'anem llançant, també, no?

And we throw it away, too, right?

Grava la frase.

Record the sentence.

No, déu-n'hi-do, no?

No, well, that's impressive, isn't it?

S'ha de tenir valor per...

One must have courage to...

Per sortir amb això.

To get out with this.

Sí, és el que us deia abans,

Yes, it's what I was telling you before,

principalment, creant escàndol.

mainly, creating scandal.

Però més culpa, perdona, Iris,

But more blame, forgive me, Iris,

suposo que de la gent del programa,

I suppose that from the people of the program,

més aviat que d'elles, perquè, bueno,

sooner than them, because, well,

elles han fet la cançó i el que havia a la fi,

they made the song and what was at the end,

si la vols l'escoltes i si no, no.

If you want it, you listen to it, and if not, you don't.

Però suposo que el director d'aquella

But I suppose that the director of that

televisió, en aquell moment,

television, at that moment,



Tenia part de culpa, no?

I had part of the blame, didn't I?

Va pagar les conseqüències.

He paid the consequences.

Segurament, segurament, evidentment.

Certainly, certainly, evidently.

Mira, després de les queixes del diari

Look, after the complaints from the newspaper.

ABC i del Partit Demòcrata Popular,

ABC and the Popular Democratic Party,

el director del programa

the program director

musical, Carlos Tena,

musical, Carlos Tena,

va haver de dimitir i el programa

he had to resign and the program

es va deixar de mèdrom.

he stopped measuring.

Era una cosa d'esperar.

It was to be expected.

És aquest el perill, eh?

Is this the danger, huh?

Sí, doncs...

Yes, well...

Molt bé, molt bé.

Very good, very good.

Aquests efectes que hem incorporat.

These effects that we have incorporated.

I és condensada.

And it is condensed.

El proper ja el deixarem com si fóssim professionals,

The next one we'll leave it as if we were professionals,

ja com qui no sent res, saps?

just like someone who doesn't feel anything, you know?

Allò que fan.

What they do.

Ja va.


Bé, continuem.

Well, let's continue.

Elles, per la seva banda, van fer les següents declaracions.

They, for their part, made the following statements.

Nos gusta ser como somos

We like to be who we are.

y pensamos que a nadie debe escandalizar

and we think that no one should be shocked

que digamos que nos masturbamos

let's say we masturbate

porque eso es natural.

because that is natural.

Eso lo hace todo el mundo.

Everyone does that.

Es más fuerte poner películas violentas

It's stronger to put on violent movies.

o obligar a niños a seguir

or force children to follow

determinado tipo de religión.

certain type of religion.

O menys sexy.

Or less sexy.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Bueno, sexy, sexy, no sé què dir-te.

Well, sexy, sexy, I don't know what to say to you.

Sexy, sí.

Sexy, yes.

Però bueno.

But well.

No, però està molt bé.

No, but it's very good.

Almenys tenen coherència en el que diuen, no?

At least they have consistency in what they say, right?

Tenen unes idees i les porten al...

They have some ideas and they take them to the...



Aunque això sigui l'únic boc que estiguin fent, no?

Even if this is the only thing they are doing, right?

Però bé.

But well.

Si més no, un tipus de pensament cadascú el seu.

At least, a type of thought for each one.

Sí, hi ha punquers com abans, com la Patty Smith,

Yes, there are punkers like before, like Patti Smith,

i hi ha punquers com aquesta.

And there are punks like this.

I ja està.

And that's it.

Hi ha d'haver de tot.

There had to be everything.

Pensar-m'hi m'ha agradat.

I have enjoyed thinking about it.

Molt bé.

Very good.

I, bueno, cal afegir que aquest tema és original

Well, it's worth adding that this topic is original.

de Iggy Pop i d'Stooges, anomenada, i aquesta cançó s'anomena

by Iggy Pop and the Stooges, called, and this song is called

I Wanna Be Your Dog, que ara mateix l'escoltarem per comparar-la.

I Wanna Be Your Dog, which we will listen to right now to compare it.

Oh my God!

Oh, my God!

Sí, aquí!

Yes, here!









Bona nit.

Good night.

Van treure un single i prou.

They released a single and that's it.

Van treure uns quants, però no van poder, diguem, editar-lo.

They took out a few, but they couldn't, let's say, edit it.



El 2003, però, es van tornar a ajuntar

In 2003, however, they came together again.

per fer concerts d'homenatge

to hold tribute concerts

per la mort d'una de les components

for the death of one of the members

que va morir el 93.

who died in 93.

Aquests concerts, s'ha de dir que

These concerts, it must be said that

van tenir força d'assistència.

they had quite a lot of attendance.

Dos anys més tard, el 2005,

Two years later, in 2005,

llavors sí que van gravar l'àlbum

then they went ahead and recorded the album

que haurien d'haver editat 20 anys abans,

that they should have edited 20 years earlier,

però que no ho va poder ser

but it could not be

per les circumstàncies que fos.

for the circumstances that it was.

Jo suposo que deu haver canviat.

I suppose it must have changed.

Ha canviat bastant, no?, aquest àlbum,

It has changed quite a bit, hasn't it, this album?

d'aquests moments a ara, no?

from these moments to now, right?

Bueno, les cançons són les mateixes.

Well, the songs are the same.

Sí? Sí, sí, sí.

Yes? Yes, yes, yes.

El disc va sortir a la llum amb el nom de

The album was released under the name of

Me gustas él, i aquesta cançó

I like him, and this song.

estava inclosa.

was included.

Tot i que després ja... Hem après alguna cosa, no?

Even though afterwards we... We learned something, didn't we?

Però bé, llavors,

But well, then,

elles ja no van tirar endavant i tampoc van continuar...

they no longer moved forward and did not continue either...

Bueno, finalment, el 2005

Well, finally, in 2005.

va ser l'últim cop que...

it was the last time that...

que se les va poder veure.

that could be seen.

Exacte. I què més tenim?

Exactly. And what else do we have?

Doncs ara m'agradaria parlar-vos

Well, now I would like to talk to you.

d'un grup de noies de Buenos Aires,

from a group of girls from Buenos Aires,

que he descobert fa molt poquet.

that I have discovered very recently.

De Buenos Aires? Sí.

From Buenos Aires? Yes.

I, bueno, em sembla interessant

I, well, I find it interesting.

compartir-les amb vosaltres.

share them with you.

I puc, també? Bueno, és una mica un

Can I too? Well, it's a bit of a...

rotllo raro. Això està bé.

weird vibe. This is fine.

Això ens agrada.

We like this.

Una cosa nova? Sí, és més

Something new? Yes, it’s more.

cachondeo, diria jo.

I would call it a joke.

Ah, sí? Sí. No són molt

Oh, really? Yes. They are not very much.

famoses, són de per allà, locals,

famous, they are from around there, locals,

i, bueno, les he descobert

Yes, well, I have discovered them.

i estan molt bé.

and they are very good.

Es diuen Cumbia Queers

They are called Cumbia Queers.

i tenen un estil molt característic.

And they have a very characteristic style.

Compten amb una gran varietat de versions

They have a wide variety of versions.

dels grans del rock, fetes

of the greats of rock, made

amb la seva manera cumbia, que

with her cumbia style, which

després explicaré. Escoltem

I'll explain later. Let's listen.

un exemple, l'Ironman

an example, the Ironman

de Black Sabbath, com a Chica Metal

from Black Sabbath, as Metal Girl

de Cumbia Queers.

from Cumbia Queers.


Sure! Please provide the text you would like me to translate from Catalan to English.

Doncs aquesta setmana

Well, this week.




Please provide the text you would like to have translated from Catalan to English.

Sangel Alçó, parlarem de Cristina Rosenvill.

Sangel Alçó, we will talk about Cristina Rosenvill.

Tu coneixes la Cristina Rosenvill?

Do you know Cristina Rosenvill?

Sí, una mica.

Yes, a little.

Una miqueta?

A little bit?

T'he parlat alguna vegada?

Have I spoken to you before?

Sí, m'has parlat.

Yes, you have spoken to me.

Jo aquesta tia la vull recomanar a l'Iris i a l'Esther perquè creu que...

I want to recommend this girl to Iris and Esther because she believes that...

Perquè són ties, no?

Because they are girls, right?

No perquè són ties.

Not because they are girls.

Avui parlem de ties i és una tia que m'agrada molt perquè escriu a l'Esther de Nacho Vegas

Today we are talking about girls, and it's a girl I like a lot because she writes to Esther from Nacho Vegas.

però des de la perspectiva d'una tia.

but from a woman's perspective.

D'una dona.

Of a woman.

Per tant, bueno, d'una dona.

Therefore, well, from a woman.

No, no, m'ha sortit així.

No, no, it came out like this for me.

És una dona, d'acord.

She is a woman, okay.

Sí, és una dona.

Yes, she is a woman.

Doncs aquesta setmana parlem de la Cristina perquè el proper 3 de febrer ofereix un concert

Well, this week we are talking about Cristina because on February 3rd she is giving a concert.

a la sala Bikini i els amants del folk americà i el blues no hi podeu faltar.

You can't miss the Bikini room and the lovers of American folk and blues.

La Cristina és una de les primeres dones que va començar a tractar aquest estil de cantautor

Cristina is one of the first women who started to engage with this singer-songwriter style.

americana a l'estat espanyol.

American in Spain.

El seu debut va ser amb la banda Los Subterráneos, amb qui va formar Cristina y Los Subterráneos,

His debut was with the band Los Subterráneos, with whom he formed Cristina y Los Subterráneos.

la seva banda.

their band.

Amant de les lletres melancòliques i amb unes referències molt marcades d'artistes americans

Lover of melancholic letters and with very marked references to American artists.

com Lucinda Williams.

like Lucinda Williams.



Ei, bona nit.

Hey, good night.

Estem parlant de Cristina Rosentvins que té certa relació amb la Lucinda Williams,

We are talking about Cristina Rosentvins, who has a certain relationship with Lucinda Williams.

ja veuràs, a tu que t'agrada la Lucinda i que vas postejant al Facebook les cançons

You'll see, you who like Lucinda and keep posting the songs on Facebook.

de la Lucinda Williams perquè la gent les escolti.

of Lucinda Williams so that people listen to them.

Doncs la Cristina és una noia que explica la seva vida dins del món del rock'n'roll

Well, Cristina is a girl who shares her life within the world of rock'n'roll.

amb un punt de vista més femení.

from a more feminine perspective.

Per a aquells que no la conegueu cal dir que Cristina Rosentvins ha actuat amb Joaquín

For those who do not know her, it should be said that Cristina Rosentvins has performed with Joaquín.

Sabina i va fer durant el 2007 un disc amb Nacho Vegas, Verano Azul.

Sabina made an album with Nacho Vegas in 2007, Verano Azul.

És una de les veteranes de la movida madrilenya i tot i que a Catalunya no ha estat mai una

She is one of the veterans of the Madrid movement, and although in Catalonia she has never been one.

tia gaire reconeguda, fora d'Espanya té un mercat molt consagrat.

Aunt is not very recognized, but outside of Spain it has a well-established market.

Escoltem una de les seves primeres cançons amb la banda Los Subterráneos que es diu

Let's listen to one of their first songs with the band Los Subterráneos called



Dices que la suerte no para en tu portal, que lo que Dios te da Dios te lo quita.

You say that luck doesn't stop at your doorstep, that what God gives you, God takes away.

Y sé que no es tu fuerte pensar en los demás, ya no me das pena señorita.

And I know that thinking of others is not your strong suit, I don’t pity you anymore, miss.

Dejaste que aquel tipo cantase su canción, pero no te pareció bonita.

You let that guy sing his song, but you didn't find it nice.

Guardas las caricias en el congelador, ya no me das pena señorita.

You keep the caresses in the freezer, you no longer make me feel sorry, miss.

Ya no me das pena señorita.

You no longer make me feel sorry, miss.

Juegas con los hombres a colocado y ganador y mezclas whisky con agua bendita.

You play with men at placing and winning, and mix whisky with holy water.

Están abriendo bares junto a tu corazón.

They are opening bars next to your heart.

Ya no me das pena señorita.

You no longer make me feel sorry, miss.

Bona nit.

Good night.

Anem a escoltar la cançó Bruno Fatal.

Let's listen to the song Bruno Fatal.

Bona nit.

Good night.

Busca'ns a Facebook, La Pedalera.

Find us on Facebook, La Pedalera.

Podríem fer, ja que crea tanta expectació, la cançó, programa dedicat a la Jenny Joplin, ja li vam fer una secció, és verda, a la cançó, el tècnic s'emociona quan la posa, el Feus aixeca els braços, jo me'n vaig a la cadira.

We could do the song, a program dedicated to Janis Joplin, which creates so much anticipation; we already did a section on it, it's green, the technician gets emotional when he plays it, Feus raises his arms, and I go to the chair.

Tothom entra aquí en un estado de éxtasis, no?

Everyone enters here in a state of ecstasy, right?

Bé, què ens portes, Esther?

Well, what do you bring us, Esther?

Avui, la setmana passada vam començar un bloc de música espanyola dels anys 60, vam parlar del Círex, vam riure amb l'escova de los Círex, vam parlar després de Los Canarios, que avui he llegit a La Vanguardia, que us en recordeu que us vaig dir que el líder de la banda que era Edi Bautista, el primer nom no me'n recordo, Bautista, que és el president de l'ESGAE, ara té moguda.

Today, last week we started a block on Spanish music from the 60s, we talked about Círex, we laughed with the broom of Círex, then we talked about Los Canarios, which I read about today in La Vanguardia, do you remember I told you that the leader of the band was Edi Bautista, I don't remember the first name, Bautista, who is the president of ESGAE, now has some controversy.

Ara té moguda.

Now it has moved.

Té moguda, sí, que els han denunciat l'ESGAE.

There's been action, yes, as they've been reported to the ESGAE.

Han denunciat.

They have reported.

Han denunciat l'ESGAE per monopoli.

They have reported the ESGAE for monopoly.



Això està molt bé.

This is very good.

Ja està bé, ja està bé.

It's alright, it's alright.

Volem fer una denúncia molt gran a aquests personatges que estan a l'ESGAE, i com que som un mitjà de comunicació de petit format, doncs podem donar molta canya.

We want to make a big denunciation against these characters at the ESGAE, and since we are a small-format media outlet, we can really raise a stir.

És la controvèrsia aquesta que tenen els petits mitjans.

It is this controversy that small media outlets have.

Des d'aquí, deixeu-nos una mica en pau i penseu una mica amb el cap i no amb altres coses.

From here, leave us alone for a bit and think a little with your head and not with other things.

És gai.

He is gay.

Així funciona el món, tio.

That's how the world works, dude.

Ramoncín i tota la pandilla.

Ramoncín and the whole gang.

Sí, i tant.

Yes, definitely.



I ja està.

That's it.

Ja ha quedat clar.

It is now clear.

El punt crític associat del dia.

The critical point associated with the day.

Continuem amb la secció.

Let's continue with the section.

Bé, doncs per avui porto un altre grup, que són Los Salvajes, una banda originària de Malgrat de Mar, i amb ells vull acabar aquest bloc de música espanyola dels anys 60.

Well, today I bring another group, which is Los Salvajes, a band originally from Malgrat de Mar, and with them I want to end this block of Spanish music from the 60s.

Jo vull dir que Los Salvajes tenen un rotllo molt diferent dels que vam sentir la setmana passada, sobretot dels círex.

I want to say that Los Salvajes have a very different vibe from what we heard last week, especially from the círex.

Bàsicament és un grup molt diferent.

Basically, it is a very different group.

Bàsicament els grups populars, més comercials del moment, tot i que van ser coneguts, no?

Basically, the popular and more commercial groups of the moment, even though they were well-known, right?

Però és un grup amb bastanta qualitat.

But it is a group with quite a bit of quality.

Més seriós, no?

More serious, right?

Sí, una mica.

Yes, a little.



No tan comercial en el sentit de cancions del mes o...

Not so commercial in the sense of songs of the month or...

Exacte, cancions del verano, que era el que funcionava.

Exactly, summer songs, which was what worked.

Era un grup bastant, bueno, molt rockero, fins i tot els ja havien dit que eren els Rolling Stones espanyols.

It was quite a group, well, very rock-oriented; they had even been called the Spanish Rolling Stones.

Feien moltes versions, moltes d'elles eren dels Rolling Stones.

They made many versions, many of them were of the Rolling Stones.

I, clar, al final se'ls va acabar dient això, i s'ha de dir que també, bueno, la gent escoltava abans les versions de Los Salvajes que les pròpies cançons originals dels Rolling Stones.

I mean, in the end they ended up saying this, and it must be said that, well, people used to listen to the versions of Los Salvajes more than the original songs by the Rolling Stones.

Els Rolling Stones.

The Rolling Stones.

Això va passar.

This happened.

Sí, amb aquells...

Yes, with those...

Això costava passar perquè no entenen, la gent no entén les cançons.

This was difficult to get through because they don't understand, people don't understand the songs.

Clar, abans era diferent que ara, no hi ha... era diferent.

Of course, it was different than it is now, there is no... it was different.

El comptatge americà no teníem tant de comptatge americà.

We didn't have as much American counting.

Tardava més en arribar a les coses, ara és molt més ràpid, més immediat, el flux d'informació.

It took longer to get to things, now it's much faster, more immediate, the flow of information.

El flux d'informació.

The flow of information.

El flux d'informació comunicativa del segle XXI.

The flow of communicative information of the 21st century.



Los Salvajes, com he dit, eren catalans, malgrat de mar, van néixer, però no cantaven ni en català, només en castellà i en anglès a les versions.

The Savages, as I said, were Catalans, despite being born at sea, but they did not sing in Catalan, only in Spanish and English for the versions.

Van començar com la típica banda, bueno, que toquen al garatge, juvenil, de local...

They started out like the typical band, well, playing in a garage, youthful, local...

De barri.

From the neighborhood.

Sí, de barri, que manca llum de vegades.

Yes, it’s a neighborhood that lacks light sometimes.

Després van començar a tocar a locals de la zona fins que, de cop i volta, van anar a ressaltar...

Later they began to play in local venues until, all of a sudden, they went to highlight...

A començar...

To begin...

A començar a tocar a la escena musical.

Starting to play on the music scene.

Sí, van començar a tocar...

Yes, they started to play...

A grans escenaris.

On a large scale.

Sí, bueno, van començar a gravar el seu primer EP, va ser el 64, no va vendre moltes còpies, va ser com la prova, no?, la iniciació,

Yes, well, they started recording their first EP, it was in '64, it didn't sell many copies, it was like the trial, right? The initiation.

tot i que tenien cançons com Nada cambiado, Con el corazón y una versión de los Beatles de los Boys, la cançó del tema de los Boys, bastant potents,

even though they had songs like Nada cambiado, Con el corazón and a version of the Beatles by the Boys, the song from the Boys' theme, quite powerful,

però bueno, era el primer EP, encara estaven així.

but well, it was the first EP, they were still like that.

I per recordar que hi veia grup, escoltem una de les cançons.

And to remember that I saw a group there, let's listen to one of the songs.

Això són i...

This is and...

Que són i, aun.

What are they and, even.

Que són i...

What are and...

I no vamos a parar, no ves que quiero vivir

And we are not going to stop, don't you see that I want to live?

Con ese ritmo que me hace arrepentir

With that rhythm that makes me regret

Que suena rock & roll, que suena rock & roll

Let it sound rock & roll, let it sound rock & roll.

Que suena rock & roll para ti

What does rock & roll sound like to you?

Que suena rock & roll, que suena rock & roll

That sounds rock & roll, that sounds rock & roll.

Que suena rock & roll para mi

What sounds like rock & roll to me

Toda la semana esperando actuar

All week waiting to perform.

Dile a tu mama

Tell your mom.

Más que esta vez te dejará

More than this time it will leave you.

Súbete a mi coche, yo te llevaré

Get in my car, I'll take you.

Coge mi guitarra, para ti yo tocaré

Take my guitar, for you I will play.

No ves que quiero vivir

Don't you see that I want to live?

Con ese ritmo que me hace repetir

With that rhythm that makes me repeat.

Que suene rock and roll

Let the rock and roll play.

Que suene rock and roll para ti

Let rock and roll play for you.

Que suene rock and roll

Let the rock and roll play.

Que suene rock and roll para mí

Let rock and roll play for me.

Que suene rock and roll

Let rock and roll play.

Doncs bé, aquesta és una de les seves primeres cançons

Well, this is one of their first songs.

Què us ha semblat? Són rock and roll

What did you think? They are rock and roll.

Diferents, a los brincos

Different, to the jumps.

Los mustangs

The mustangs

No és el mateix

It's not the same.

Són els teus gustos personals

They are your personal preferences.

I t'he de dir que molt bé

I have to tell you that very well.

A tu t'ha agradat

Did you like it?

Que no s'ha de mirar

That should not be looked at.

Quan he estat així mirant la seva música

When I have been looking at his music like this.

La seva discografia

Her discography

He estat pensant, com tu tens un grup de música

I have been thinking, since you have a music group.

Hi ha coses que m'han recordat

There are things that reminded me.

En unes cançons ja passarem informació

In some songs, we will pass on information.

Però rock and roll

But rock and roll

I bé

And good

El rock nunca muere

Rock never dies

La banda

The band

Així com anècdota va ser talonera dels Moody Blues

As a side note, she was the shoemaker for the Moody Blues.

Quan vam venir aquí al Palau dels Esports

When we came here to the Sports Palace.

I bé, dic que els següents EPs

And well, I say that the following EPs

Que van treure, en total uns 4 EPs més

They released a total of about 4 more EPs.

Van tenir cada cop més èxit

They became more and more successful.

S'ha de dir que cada vegada que feien un EP

It must be said that every time they made an EP

Hi havia més versions

There were more versions.

No sé per què

I don't know why.

Com és això?

How is that?

És a dir, cada vegada que feien un EP

That is to say, every time they made an EP.

Hi havia més versions

There were more versions.

Hi havia menys música pròpia

There was less original music.

I més versions

And more versions

És clar

Of course.

I és clar

And it is clear.

La resposta venia molt més

The answer was coming much more.

Venia per la versió

I came for the version.

Versions Rolling Stones, versions Beatles

Rolling Stones covers, Beatles covers

Que cosexa pròpia

What she harvests herself

I suposo que costa menys

I suppose it costs less.

Bueno, però no et creguis

Well, but don't believe it.

Perquè fer una versió d'un grup que és potent

Why create a version of a band that is powerful?

I ben feta

Well done.

És xungo

It's tough.

Perquè pensa que et fiques el llistó molt alt

Why do you think you're setting the bar too high?

I a part d'això

And apart from that

Que la penya que està dalt

Let the group up there.

Té uns equips i uns diners

He has some equipment and some money.



Per invertir que tu no tens

To invest what you do not have.

Sí, el que passa que

Yes, what happens is that

També s'ha de tenir en compte

It must also be taken into account.

Que és molt complicat

That it is very complicated.

Fer una cançó pròpia

Make your own song

I que quedi bé

And let it be good.



Bueno, aquí està el gran misteri

Well, here is the great mystery.

Està on cae la linda

It is where the beautiful falls.

Doncs bé, per acabar amb aquest grup

Well then, to finish with this group.

I tancar, com he dit, el bloc de música espanyola dels anys 60

And to close, as I said, the block of Spanish music from the 60s.

Us deixo amb un tema del seu tercer EP

I leave you with a track from their third EP.

Gravat el 66

Engraved in 66

Que bueno, ja veureu el que diu la música

How nice, you will see what the music says.

Però ens transmet el seu caràcter rebel de los salvajes

But it transmits to us its rebellious character of the savages.


Let's listen.

Yo soy así, de los salvajes

I am like this, from the wild ones.

Estrecho pantalón

Slim pants

Un jersey a rai

A striped sweater.

Estrecho pantalón

Narrow pants

Aunque dame la atención

Although give me attention.

Estoy así

I am like this.

Toco la guitarra

I play the guitar.

Con satisfacción

With satisfaction

Bailo a mi

I dance for myself.

T shuttle

T shuttle

En el lundi

On Monday


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Aunque dame la atención

Although give me attention.

Yo voy cada día

I go every day.

Una an Day

A day in the year

Estoy así

I'm like this.



Soy así

I am this way.







Fins demà!

See you tomorrow!

Bé, no passa res, continuem.

Well, it's okay, let's continue.

Tampoc cal que ens recreem en cada error que anem fent, nois, perquè ens...

We don't need to dwell on every mistake we're making, guys, because we...

No, però és una mica com acceptar, no?

No, but it's a bit like accepting, isn't it?

Doncs bé, va, avui he portat una cosa diferent per la secció.

Well, okay, today I've brought something different for the section.

Per acabar la secció d'avui us vull parlar d'un moviment urbà, molt lligat a la música, dels anys 60 a Anglaterra.

To conclude today's section, I want to talk to you about an urban movement, closely linked to music, from the 60s in England.

Això és el moviment M.O.T.

This is the M.O.T. movement.



Hi ha alguna definició d'això de M.O.T.?

Is there any definition of this M.O.T.?

Sí, que més en... bueno, vols que te l'expliqui? Doncs te l'explicaré.

Yes, what else... well, do you want me to explain it to you? Then I will explain it to you.

Bé, bàsicament és que ara m'acabes de trencar el guió.

Well, basically you've just broken my script.

Ho sento.

I'm sorry.

Has trencat una mica la secció, no?

You’ve broken the section a bit, haven’t you?

Però bueno, no, cap problema, l'expliquem.

But well, no, no problem, we explain it.

Per què es diuen M.O.T.?

Why are they called M.O.T.?

Perquè, com explicaré, era un grup, una tribu urbana que els agradava molt la música

Because, as I will explain, it was a group, an urban tribe that really liked music.

i van començar, la primera música que els estimulava era el... perdoneu, el jazz modern.

And they began, the first music that stimulated them was the... excuse me, modern jazz.

Llavors es van dir que eren els modernistes.

Then they said they were the modernists.

De modernistes, M.O.T.

Of modernists, M.O.T.

Ah, molt bé, està molt bé.

Ah, very good, it is very good.

Perquè fanàtics del modern.

Because fanatics of the modern.

Modern jazz, que és bé dir.

Modern jazz, which is to say.

Modern jazz, M.O.T.

Modern jazz, M.O.T.

Resposta a la teva pregunta?

Answer to your question?

Sí, perfectament.

Yes, perfectly.

Doncs procedim a seguir el meu ordre habitual de la...

So let's proceed to follow my usual order of the...

Per començar, dir que els M.O.T. no tenen res a veure amb la política.

To begin with, I would say that the M.O.T. has nothing to do with politics.

És un grup urbà, però no tenia res a veure amb la política, sinó amb la música, com hem anat dient.

It is an urban group, but it had nothing to do with politics, rather with music, as we have been saying.

La música i l'elegància.

The music and elegance.

Perquè, bàsicament, volien destacar entre la societat.

Because, basically, they wanted to stand out among society.

I com destacaven?

And how did they stand out?

Doncs vestint-se d'una manera molt elegant.

Well, dressing in a very elegant manner.

Amb trajos.

With suits.

Amb trajos, corbatetes molt fines.

With suits, very fine ties.

Un estil de vestir, que després, per exemple, els Beatles van copiar una miqueta, comercialitzant l'aspecte, el rotllo.

A style of dressing that later, for example, the Beatles copied a bit, commercializing the look, the vibe.

El pantinet que portaven era aixins mig amb l'aneta molt talladet, com amb gomina.

The hairstyle they had was somewhat like an elongated bob, very neat, as if with gel.

Que ara s'ha tornat una mica a l'extrem.

That has now become a bit extreme.

S'ha portat el flequillo, xupava per la vaca...

He had a fringe, sucked on the cow...

Doncs no tan llarg.

Well, not so long.

El llacat de vaca, el llacat de vaca.

The cow's lick, the cow's lick.

El flequillo xupat per la vaca.

The fringe sucked by the cow.

No, sense criticar.

No, without criticizing.

Vaig aixins amb el casquet, més talladet, molt elegant tot.

I go like this with the cap, more stylish, very elegant overall.

Sí, abans era com més...

Yes, before it was more like...

I això s'explica, bàsicament, perquè els orígens dels mods es remunten als finals dels 50, per clubs dels Soho Londinens,

And this can be explained, basically, because the origins of the mods date back to the late 50s, to clubs in London's Soho,

i van començar a aparèixer nois, la majoria d'ells de la classe obrera, vestits impecablement.

And boys began to appear, most of them from the working class, dressed impeccably.

Era la seva manera de demostrar que ells eren iguals o millors que la resta, no?

It was their way of showing that they were the same or better than the rest, right?

Era un acte de rebeldia. Eren rebels, completament rebels, aquest grup.

It was an act of rebellion. They were rebels, completely rebellious, this group.

I bé, doncs, als inicis dels 60, els mods es converteixen en la cultura de la cultura.

And well, then, in the early 60s, the mods become the culture of the culture.

La cultura juvenil, predominant a Anglaterra.

Youth culture, predominant in England.

I no van entrar en política?

And they didn't enter politics?

No, perquè era un grup molt superficial. Era un grup que és... era l'estètica, la rebeldia contra les normes imparants en la societat d'aquell moment,

No, because it was a very superficial group. It was a group that is... it was the aesthetics, the rebellion against the prevailing norms in society at that time.

i un fanatisme per portar motos, scooters...

and a fanaticism for riding motorbikes, scooters...

Sí, sí, potser era més tema estètic que no pas polític.

Yes, yes, perhaps it was more of an aesthetic issue than a political one.

Sí, era com una manera de rebuig a la societat, una manera d'aïllar-se, van crear el seu...

Yes, it was like a way of rejecting society, a way to isolate themselves, they created their...

Del rotllo, jo no vull ser com vosaltres, me'n feia el meu...

From the roll, I don't want to be like you, I was doing my own...

Sense una ideologia a darrere, saps? Era més el passar-s'ho bé.

Without an ideology behind it, you know? It was more about having fun.

Com deia, que els agradava molt la música, muntaven les night parties, que se n'anaven, el que veia ser era una rave,

As they said, they really liked music, they organized night parties, they would go, what I saw was a rave.

se n'anaven a Brixtol, a on siguessin, això va ser bàsicament Anglaterra, i muntaven tota la nit, festa, música.

They were going to Bristol, wherever that might be, that was basically England, and they partied all night, music.

I allà, doncs, era un grup que estava molt relacionat amb la droga, amb l'èxtasi, a més era un grup que, repetim, eren gent de la classe obrera.

And there, then, was a group that was very involved with drugs, with ecstasy; in addition, it was a group that, we repeat, consisted of working-class people.

Treballaven, a més de tot això, i aquest ritme de drogues els ajudava també a seguir tot el cercle, perquè, per què portaven motos?

They worked, in addition to all this, and this pace of drugs also helped them keep up with the whole circle, because why did they ride motorcycles?

Han dit que portaven sempre un escúter, perquè sempre s'estaven, o sigui, anaven en banda i es anaven movent d'un lloc a un altre.

They said they always had a scooter, because they were always hanging out, or in other words, they were in a group and moving from one place to another.

I com a curiositat, estonejaven les motos, però clar, el més guai era qui portava la moto més guapa.

And as a curiosity, they used to rev the motorbikes, but of course, the coolest thing was who had the coolest bike.

Sí, clar.

Yes, of course.

I, per exemple, es veu que abans, a finals dels cinquanta, a inicis dels seixanta, no era obligatori portar retrovisors a les motocicletes.

And, for example, it seems that before, in the late fifties, at the beginning of the sixties, it was not mandatory to have rearview mirrors on motorcycles.

I, per exemple, a les motocicletes, no era obligatori portar retrovisors a les motocicletes.

And, for example, motorcycles were not required to have mirrors on motorcycles.

I, de cop i volta, doncs, surt una nova llei que obliga a portar retrovisors.

And suddenly, a new law comes out that requires the use of mirrors.

Lleis més xulos que nadie, i diuen, jo no portaré un retrovisor, portaré vint retrovisors.

Cooler laws than anyone, and they say, I won't carry one rearview mirror, I'll carry twenty rearview mirrors.

I el més guai del grup era qui portava, doncs...

And the coolest person in the group was the one who wore, well...

Més retrovisors en la moto.

More mirrors on the motorcycle.

S'ha de ser mota en aquesta vida.

One must be cunning in this life.

Bueno, s'ha de dir que la tendència aquesta de tribu urbana va ser molt potent als anys seixanta, però cada vegada més, o sigui, es van reduint,

Well, it must be said that this trend of urban tribe was very strong in the sixties, but increasingly, I mean, it's diminishing.

perquè aquella gent, quan era jove, s'ha fet gran.

because those people, when they were young, have grown up.

a veure que no portaven...

let's see what they didn't bring...

Era molt superficial.

She was very superficial.

O que no era un sistema de vida...

Or that it was not a way of life...

Bueno, era fiesta, divertir-te i aparència.

Well, it was a party, having fun, and appearance.

I aparència, sí.

And appearance, yes.

I poca cosa...

And very little...

I si no tens un padrí i no et toca la loteria,

And if you don't have a godfather and you don't win the lottery,

malauradament aquesta vida

unfortunately this life

no és viable.

it is not viable.

No permet aquestes coses.

Don't allow these things.

I bé, doncs avui per acabar la secció us deixo

And well, then today to finish the section I leave you

amb un himne dels Mood,

with a hymn from the Mood,

My Generation, una cançó dels The Hood,

My Generation, a song by The Hood,

on Roger Daltrey

about Roger Daltrey

imita els efectes

imitates the effects

que produïa l'espit a l'hora de parlar.

that produced the stutter when speaking.

Us animo a que intenteu

I encourage you to try.

desxifrar la cançó

decipher the song

i amb aquesta cançó em despadeixo per avui

And with this song, I say goodbye for today.

i ja ho sabeu. Fins la propera setmana.

And you already know it. Until next week.

Moltes gràcies, Esther.

Thank you very much, Esther.

Bona nit.

Good night.

Escolta'ns també al nostre blog

Listen to us also on our blog.

Molt bona nit, companys. Continuem a la pedalera.

Good night, comrades. Let's continue on the pedal.

Molt bona nit, oients. Què tal? La setmana ve, ja ho hem dit, això,

Good evening, listeners. How are you? Next week, as we have said, this,

però com que jo començo la meva secció...

but since I start my section...

Molt bé, bona nit, Zeus.

Very well, good night, Zeus.

Començo preguntant, no? Què tal? Benvinguts.

I start by asking, right? How are you? Welcome.

Benvinguts a la secció d'en Zeus.

Welcome to Zeus's section.

Bé, la secció a banda, aquesta setmana, ha descobert un parell de coses bastant interessants.

Well, aside from the section, this week has uncovered a couple of quite interesting things.

Aquesta setmana promet, la secció a banda.

This week promises, the section aside.

Sí, ho he descobert quan vaig mirant, ja sabeu que vaig indagant i vaig buscant,

Yes, I discovered it while watching, you know that I investigate and I search.

i internet és la gran...

and the internet is the great...

I què has trobat a la xarxa?

And what have you found on the web?

Doncs, abans, bueno, és molt interessant, però abans vull parlar d'una altra cosa,

Well, first, well, it's very interesting, but before I want to talk about something else,

una altra cosa que no és només música, d'acord?

another thing that is not just music, okay?

Avui no parlem de música a banda, però diferent.

Today we are not talking about music in a band, but differently.

Sí, farem una història diferent.

Yes, we will make a different story.

Abans de tot, hem de parlar d'una gent que ha tingut una idea genial.

First of all, we need to talk about a group of people who have had a brilliant idea.

No sé si ho heu sentit, és la companyia Pagagnini,

I don't know if you've heard, it's the company Pagagnini,

potser us sona perquè últimament està als mitjans,

you might have heard of it because it has been in the media lately,

últimament han fet una... avui, precisament, han fet una entrevista

lately they have done a... today, precisely, they have done an interview

telefònica a RAC1, a un dels integrants d'aquest projecte, més aviat el líder.

phone call to RAC1, to one of the members of this project, rather the leader.

Es tracta de quatre persones que han decidit barrejar la música clàssica

It involves four people who have decided to mix classical music.

amb l'humor i el teatre.

with humor and theater.

Una història que sembla d'allò més útil per treure-li la polsa a la música clàssica

A story that seems very useful for dusting off classical music.

i apropar-la una mica a la gent, no?, que sembla que tenim aquest estil...

and bring it a little closer to the people, right? It seems we have this style...

O sigui, han ajuntat la música amb el teatre?

So, they have combined music with theater?

Sí, ells el que fan són quatre persones, són tres violins i un cello,

Yes, what they have are four people, three violins and a cello.

llavors el que fan és una mica de... juguen amb el nom, és Pagagnini,

then what they do is a bit of... play with the name, it's Pagagnini,

però és Pagagnini.

but it is Pagagnini.

Pagagnini, llavors juguen amb aquest tema del gag, de fer teatre,

Pagagnini, then they play with this theme of the gag, of doing theater,

de fer... com que porten els instruments, són mòbils, diguéssim, els porten a sobre,

of doing... since they carry the instruments, they are mobile, we could say, they carry them with them,

us van fent una mica d'humor, de teatre, i bé, estan de gira per tot el món aquest any.

They are making a bit of humor, of theater, and well, they are on tour around the world this year.

Una proposta molt original.

A very original proposal.

Una proposta molt original i, bueno, molt innovadora, sobretot,

A very original and, well, very innovative proposal, above all,

ara que parlàvem amb aquests d'entrevistat, amb els Pulpo Pop, que és innovador,

now that we were talking with these interviewees, with Pulpo Pop, which is innovative,

doncs això és innovador també, però...

well, this is innovative as well, but...

Sí, és innovador, potser, no sé, un altre estil.

Yes, it is innovative, perhaps, I don't know, another style.

Per un altre estil, i sobretot per apropar una mica,

For another style, and above all to bring a little closer,

la música clàssica a la gent, no?

Classical music to people, right?

Potser ara que està tan oblidada, no?

Maybe now that it is so forgotten, right?

La part més popular del Pol.

The most popular part of Pol.

Ara que està una mica oblidada la música clàssica, s'ha de reivindicar una miqueta.

Now that classical music is a bit forgotten, it needs to be reasserted a little.

Sí, sembla que ara tenim com un algo molt seriós, molt complicat d'escoltar,

Yes, it seems that now we have something very serious, very complicated to listen to.

i amb aquesta gent podem descobrir que ens ho podem passar realment bé

And with these people, we can discover that we can really have a good time.

escoltant música clàssica.

listening to classical music.

Sembla difícil.

It seems difficult.

Sí, és difícil, és el que deia, el que volia dir,

Yes, it's hard, it's what I was saying, what I wanted to say,

que no deixa de ser una música difícil,

that is definitely a difficult music,

però amb el Pagagnini el que podem veure és que la part divertida de la música clàssica,

but with Pagagnini what we can see is the funny side of classical music,

és aquest vessant.

it is this facet.

Que s'ajuda amb el teatre, que s'ajuda a fer humor,

That helps with theatre, that helps to create humor,

són gent que no només són músics increïbles, sinó que són artistes, són humoristes.

They are people who are not only incredible musicians but also artists, they are comedians.

Llavors, convido a tothom que s'apropi al teatre.

Then, I invite everyone to come to the theater.

On ho podem trobar, això, de la Pagagnini?

Where can we find this, from Pagagnini?

Ara ho parlarem, que a mi no em canviaràs a l'ordre de la meva secció.

Now we'll talk about it, because you won't change the order of my section.

No, no t'ho vull canviar, el que passa és que estàs parlant aquí,

No, I don't want to change it for you, the thing is that you are talking here,

m'estàs creant necessitat d'anar-hi, i clar, i si no m'ho expliques, doncs no.

You are creating a need for me to go there, and of course, if you don't explain it to me, then no.

No, ara t'ho explico.

No, now I'll explain it to you.

Ah, d'acord.

Ah, okay.

Començo explicant una mica el projecte i ja arribarem.

I will start by explaining the project a bit and we will get there.

És un projecte liderat...

It is a project led by...

per Ara Malikian, un violinista d'Armènia,

for Ara Malikian, a violinist from Armenia,

provenent d'una família de músics bastant important entre els anys 50 i 60.

coming from a family of musicians quite important during the 1950s and 1960s.

Malikian presumeix d'una trajectòria notable com a intèrpret,

Malikian boasts a remarkable career as a performer,

ha estat guanyador de diferents premis internacionals,

he has been the winner of various international awards,

com ara el Felix Mendelssohn, a Berlín,

like now Felix Mendelssohn, in Berlin,

o el Pablo Sarasate.

or Pablo Sarasate.

Pablo Sarasate.

Pablo Sarasate.

Sí, és un premi de música clàssica d'aquí a Espanya, concretament de Pamplona.

Yes, it is a classical music award here in Spain, specifically from Pamplona.

Actualment s'ha instal·lat a Madrid,

Currently, he/she has settled in Madrid.

ha col·laborat amb la Fundació...

has collaborated with the Foundation...

Non-Profit Music,

Non-Profit Music

una creació...

a creation...

un procés de creació d'una banda, d'una orquestra de cambra,

a process of creating a band, a chamber orchestra,

a la Fundació Non-Profit Music.

to the Non-Profit Music Foundation.

I ara està de gira amb Paganini, no?

And now he is on tour with Paganini, right?

Per tant, no hi ha dubte que estem davant d'un gran professional de la música,

Therefore, there is no doubt that we are dealing with a great music professional,

no només de la música clàssica,

not only from classical music,

sinó que ja hem vist que fa molts projectes i molt diferents,

but we have already seen that he does many different projects,

i que segur que val molt la pena

and that I'm sure it's worth a lot

anar-hi a veure un espectacle.

to go there to see a show.

Doncs a veure si tenim l'ocasió de poder anar-hi...

Well, let's see if we have the chance to go there...

A veure-ho.

Let's see it.

No porto res de música d'ells, perquè he pensat...

I don't have any of their music because I've thought...

La podia portar, eh, no? És un tema de...

I could take her, right? It's a matter of...

Ja, però si no veiem imatges, potser perdo una mica, no?

Yes, but if we don't see images, maybe I'll lose a bit, right?

Clar, aquest és el tema.

Sure, that's the topic.

He decidit que el que és realment bonic i interessant és assistir a un espectacle,

I have decided that what is really beautiful and interesting is to attend a show,

o si més no, qui no s'ho pugui permetre,

or at least, those who cannot afford it,

veure un vídeo, que els podem trobar a YouTube i a diferents plataformes.

watch a video, which we can find on YouTube and on different platforms.

I clar, lo interessant és escoltar la música clàssica

And of course, what's interesting is listening to classical music.

i interpretar aquest humor i aquest espectacle que fan dalt d'un escenari.

"To interpret this humor and this show they put on a stage."

Ah, i en realitat de tot el que es pugui,

Ah, and in reality of everything that can be,

perquè són espectacles molt, molt...

because they are shows very, very...

No improvisats, però sí molt...

Not improvised, but yes very...

Que se't deixen portar molt pel directe, i...

They tend to get carried away a lot by the live performance, and...

Avui he estat indagant una mica i m'ho he passat molt bé.

Today I have been investigating a bit and I had a great time.

I us preguntareu, no?, lo que em demanava Ramon, impacient.

You will ask me, right? what Ramon was asking me, impatient.

Dime-lo ja.

Tell me already.

Sí, estan aquí.

Yes, they are here.

Estan aquí?

Are they here?

Estan a Barcelona, ara.

They are in Barcelona, now.

A la ràdio tampoc, però estan a Barcelona.

Not on the radio either, but they are in Barcelona.

Estan a Barcelona des de l'1 fins al 24 d'aquest mateix mes de gener.

They are in Barcelona from the 1st to the 24th of this same month of January.

I concretament al Teatre Romea.

And specifically at the Romea Theatre.

Els dimarts i dijous a les 9 de la nit,

Tuesdays and Thursdays at 9 PM,

els dissabtes a les 6.30 i a les 10 de la nit,

Saturdays at 6:30 and 10 at night,

i els diumenges i festius a les 6.30 de la tarda.

and on Sundays and holidays at 6:30 in the evening.

S'ha de dir que fins a finals d'aquest mes

It must be said that until the end of this month

estaran per aquí, com he dit, fins al dia 24,

they will be around here, as I said, until the 24th,

i llavors marxen cap a Alemanya

and then they leave for Germany

a fer un parell de concerts,

to do a couple of concerts,

i el 10 de gener tornen a omplir els teatres espanyols.

And on January 10, they will fill the Spanish theaters again.

Aquí de Barcelona, no?

Here from Barcelona, right?



Està molt bé.

It's very good.

I res, doncs...

And nothing, then...

Més que res era una informació prèvia abans d'entrar amb la teca.

More than anything, it was a preliminary piece of information before getting into the details.

Vam fer una escapadeta, tio, amb sa propera meia.

We took a little getaway, dude, with the next half.

Es pot saber?

Can it be known?

La faré.

I will do it.

Es pot saber quan ho saps, quan costa l'entrada?

Can you let me know when you know how much the ticket costs?

No ho sé.

I don't know.

No ho saps?

Don't you know?

De veritat no ho sé.

I truly don’t know.

Ara sí, ara m'has fet aquesta...

Now you got me with this...

Punto negativo, eh?

Negative point, huh?

Ja has fet la pregunta.

You have already asked the question.

Jo li he trencat la secció, quasi que se la trenco i tot és tancat.

I have broken the section for him, I almost break it entirely and everything is closed.

Saps què passa?

Do you know what happens?

Ara sortiré d'aquesta putada que m'has fet sortir.

Now I will get out of this mess that you have made me get into.

M'ha mirat amb cara de rat.

He looked at me with a rat's face.

Sí, sí, ha sigut el rotllo.

Yes, yes, it has been the hassle.

Aquesta pregunta no.

This question no.

Tens tota la raó, però avui tenim aquí el noi de la cova.

You are absolutely right, but today we have the boy from the cave here.

I estic segur que ja ho està.

And I am sure that he/she already is.

El noi de la cova ja està buscant, està cercant.

The boy from the cave is already searching, he is looking.

Estic segur que no hem dit res i ja ho està buscant.

I am sure that we haven't said anything and he/she is already looking for it.

Està aquí amb Miquel Cornellà, que fem un record del Miquel Cornellà.

He is here with Miquel Cornellà, as we remember Miquel Cornellà.

Aquell noi que ens fa el blog, que ens fa els temes d'internet.

That boy who does our blog, who creates the internet topics for us.

Canvia cada setmana, alimenta el Facebook.

Change every week, feed Facebook.

És ell.

It's him.

O sigui, el missatge aquest que veieu cada setmana l'ha fet en Miquel allà al Facebook.

So, the message you see every week has been made by Miquel over there on Facebook.

I avui el tenim aquí.

And today we have him here.

Avui no treballem.

Today we are not working.

I si avui no treballem s'escapa.

And if we don't work today, it will slip away.



Bona nit, Miquel.

Good night, Miquel.

Bona nit.

Good night.

Avui achievements l'ha portat el Miquel 저�ara amb un parell de discos nous que hem descobert.

Today Miquel has brought us a couple of new records that we have discovered.

Un d'ells prové de Bilbao, és un agent que té un grup anomenat Autostereo.

One of them comes from Bilbao, he is an agent who has a group called Autostereo.

I, bé, me'ls he estat escoltant, evidentment, i sonen bastant bé.

Well, I've been listening to them, obviously, and they sound quite good.

És una barreja de rock, pop i metal.

It's a mix of rock, pop, and metal.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.



Rock, pop i metal.

Rock, pop, and metal.

Com juntes el pop i el metal?

How do you combine pop and metal?

Pues precisament per això m'ha interessat.

Well, that's precisely why it has interested me.

Perquè m'ho he estat mirant i dic, ostres, aquesta barreja m'interessa, no?

Because I've been looking at it and I say, wow, this mix interests me, right?

Els he portat perquè m'ha semblat un projecte bastant innovador, com et deia.

I brought them because I found it to be a fairly innovative project, as I mentioned.

innovador, com et deia, en els temps

innovative, as I told you, in the times

que corren i sobretot perquè acaben de presentar

that run and especially because they have just been presented

un disc que han editat ells mateixos

a disc that they have self-released

i que han anomenat Esperança

and they have named Hope

i Amara Guerra. Anem escoltant

I Amara Guerra. Let's keep listening.

a Autostereo

to Autostereo

un tema que es diu Alma al Diablo

a theme called Soul to the Devil

No et costa de sonar, ja sabem

It's not hard for you to dream, we already know.

Aquí el tenim, Alma al Diablo

Here we have it, Soul to the Devil.

No et costa de sonar, ja sabem

It's not hard to dream, we already know.

Aquí el tenim, Alma al Diablo

Here we have it, Soul to the Devil.

No et costa de sonar, ja sabem

It's not hard for you to dream, we already know.

Aquí el tenim, Alma al Diablo

Here we have it, Soul to the Devil.

gaudir d'un directe, ja que només

enjoy a live performance, since only

estaran programats concerts

there will be concerts scheduled

pel mes de febrer, però tots a Madrid

for the month of February, but all in Madrid

o Pontevedra. Llavors esperem

Oh Pontevedra. Then we wait.

que arribin aviat a Catalunya, que

that they arrive soon in Catalonia, that

tinguin sort, i va,

good luck, and go ahead,

escoltem un dels temes de Los Sándeyers

let's listen to one of the songs by Los Sándeyers

i acomiadem la secció a banda

And we end the section aside.

amb aquest bon rotllo que transmeten

with this good vibe they radiate

i amb molta festa. En la calma

and with a lot of party. In the calm.

de Los Sándeyers.

of the Sándeyers.

Los Sándeyers

The Sándeyers

Un rato esperando, cansada de temer

A while waiting, tired of fearing

Ellos miran a otro lado y aceleran a la vez

They look the other way and speed up at the same time.

Se ve que ser amable no fue su prioridad

It seems that being kind was not his priority.

Y a base de ladridos se perdió la dignidad

And based on barking, dignity was lost.

Un rato esperando

A while waiting

Un funky especial

A special funky.

Ens acomiadem de banda

We say goodbye as a group.

I amb en Jordi

And with Jordi.

Ens haurà d'explicar cosetes que la setmana passada

You will have to explain little things to us that last week.

Aquesta setmana va al Tardós

This week he/she goes to Tardós.

Partida doble

Double entry

Jordi González al de la Noreal

Jordi González at the Noreal

Molt bona nit, nois!

Good night, guys!

Molt bona nit, Jordi González!

Good night, Jordi González!

Teníem ganes d'anar-hi, eh, per aquí?

We were looking forward to going there, right, around here?

Sí, home, ja tocava tornar, any nou.

Yes, man, it was about time to come back, new year.

Venim carregats de propostetes.

We come loaded with little proposals.





Va, explica'ns, explica'ns.

Come on, tell us, tell us.

Anem per feina de recuperar una miqueta.

Let's get down to business and recover a little bit.

Ja em vau dir que vau estar parlant del festival Mileni.

You already told me that you were talking about the Mileni festival.



L'altre dia, avui també en parlarem.

The other day, we will talk about it today too.

I vam parlar també del rock meló.

We also talked about melon rock.

Del rock meló, és veritat.

It's true about rock melon.

Sí, vam intentar cobrir el teu hueco com va ser possible.

Yes, we tried to fill your gap as best as we could.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Va estar molt bé, va estar molt bé.

It was very good, it was very good.

Tornem a estar aquí.

We're back here.

I anem a parlar d'un concert que es fa demà, Sala Bikini.

And let's talk about a concert that is happening tomorrow at Sala Bikini.

Sala Bikini?

Bikini Room?

Ramon, com parlaves abans.

Ramon, as you were talking before.



És Elliot Murphy.

It's Elliot Murphy.

Elliot Murphy.

Elliot Murphy.

Elliot Murphy és compositor i cantautor de rock de Nova York, tot i que viu a París des del 1990.

Elliot Murphy is a composer and rock singer-songwriter from New York, although he has been living in Paris since 1990.

I ell veu de Bruce Springsteen, Lou Reed, Velvet Underground, Talking Heads...

And he hears the voice of Bruce Springsteen, Lou Reed, Velvet Underground, Talking Heads...

Sí, és de l'estel·la de los grandes.

Yes, it is from the great star.

Sí, sí, és dels grans i porta bastanta carrera, tot i que ha tret en solitari els dos últims discs.

Yes, yes, he is one of the greats and has quite a career, although he has released the last two albums solo.

El 2008, Notes for the Underground, i el 2009, Alive in Paris.

In 2008, Notes for the Underground, and in 2009, Alive in Paris.

I anem a escoltar una cançó d'aquest últim, Alive in Paris, que es diu Ophelia.

Let's listen to a song from the latest album, Alive in Paris, called Ophelia.



Bona nit.

Good night.

Bé, doncs aquest és Elliot Murphy.

Well, this is Elliot Murphy.

Senyor Elliot Murphy.

Mr. Elliot Murphy.

A la sala Bikini, demà dijous,

At the Bikini room, tomorrow Thursday,

a partir de les 9 del vespre,

from 9 in the evening,

per 27 euros.

for 27 euros.

Uf, déu-n'hi-do, no?

Wow, that's impressive, isn't it?

Sí, piquen una miqueta.

Yes, they sting a little.

No, però és que Elliot Murphy és...

No, but the thing is Elliot Murphy is...

És dels grans.

He is one of the greats.

És dels grans, no?

He's one of the greats, isn't he?

Estem parlant de qualsevol...

We are talking about anyone...

Sí, està bé.

Yes, it's fine.

A veure, a veure, a prendre les butxalles.

Let's see, let's see, let's take the wallets.

Sí, bueno.

Yes, well.

A partir d'aquí a costa d'enero,

From here to the end of January,

a prendre com...

to take as...

Els hem pagat més cars.

We have paid them more.

Sí, sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes, yes.

Bé, anem cap a divendres.

Well, let's head towards Friday.

Ens quedem a Barcelona encara,

We're still in Barcelona.

a les 10 de la nit,

at 10 o'clock in the evening,

a Grup Lifante.

to Lifante Group.

Ells, Lifante,

They, Lifante,

es descriu com 9 amb 5 tripulants...

it is described as 9 with 5 crew members...

Bueno, la descripció, la definició,

Well, the description, the definition,

comença de diccionari,

dictionary starter,

després ells la segueixen.

then they follow her.

Sí, de la seva manera.

Yes, in his own way.

Ampliada de la seva manera.

Extended in its own way.

Seria 9 amb 5 tripulants

It would be 9 with 5 crew members.

units per un somni sideral

units for a sidereal dream

que viatgen a gran velocitat

that travel at high speed

visitant Raco Rocco

visiting Raco Rocco

de la immensa galàxia del pop i el rock

from the immense galaxy of pop and rock

amb la missió de trobar

with the mission of finding

el talismà de la fusió llatina,

the talisman of Latin fusion,

els amulets del fang

the clay amulets

i les joies perdudes

and the lost jewels

de les coves del blues.

of the caves of the blues.

I aquesta és una definició

And this is a definition.

que s'han posat ells.

that they have put on.

Al principi, o sigui,

At the beginning, that is,

al principi, no.

At first, no.

O sigui, el principi és de l'original.

That is, the beginning is from the original.

9 amb 5 tripulants units

9 with 5 crew members united

per un somni sideral, tal.

for a sidereal dream, such.

No a tota la resta del rock.

Not to all the rest of rock.

Doncs està molt bé per definir-se.

Well, it's very good for defining oneself.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Avui tenim coses surrealistes.

Today we have surreal things.

Sí, avui és el dia

Yes, today is the day.

de coses surrealistes totalment.

of totally surreal things.

Sí, porto una miqueta de tot,

Yes, I have a little bit of everything.

és com un aperitiu,

it's like an appetizer,

porto un pic a pic.

I'm wearing a backpack.


Octopus opera.

Molt estrany.

Very strange.

I aquesta explicació...

And this explanation...

I aquí seguim.

And here we are.

Mira, va per aquí,

Look, it's going this way,



Fricada assegurada.

Guaranteed mess.



I això,

And this,

i ens presenten

and they introduce us

el seu primer disc,

their first album,

que és Amuleto,

what is Amulet,

produït per Joan Sorribas

produced by Joan Sorribas

i David Martínez.

I David Martínez.

Això semblen

This seems like.

a escoltar una cançó

listening to a song

que es diu

what is it called



Cuenta la leyenda.

The legend goes.

Caminante en la lejanía

Walker in the distance

andaba sin rumbo alguno.

I was wandering aimlessly.

Un día de resplandor

A day of brilliance

surgió de la nada

it came out of nowhere

una bella dama

a beautiful lady

que iluminó

that illuminated

en su mirada

in her gaze

una sonrisa encantada.

a charming smile.

Iluminó en su mirada

She illuminated with her gaze.

una sonrisa hechizada.

a enchanted smile.

Una mala suerte

A bad luck

un caballero

a knight

de la corte Santa Fe.

of the Santa Fe court.

Gran muchacho

Great boy.



con la hermosa chiquilla.

with the beautiful girl.

Des de el fondo

From the bottom

una espada

a sword

abriendo una brecha profunda.

opening a deep rift.

Cada alma ley.

Every soul law.

Gritos quiso dar, gritos quiso dar, para impedir la muerte del chaval,

He wanted to scream, he wanted to scream, to prevent the boy's death.

para impedir la muerte del chaval.

to prevent the boy's death.

Tan solo era un caminante en la lejanía, un bohemio de la vida.

He was just a wanderer in the distance, a bohemian of life.

Buscando las puertas hacia la verdad, hacia la sabiduría,

Searching for the doors to truth, to wisdom,

dejando en vida el amor a primera vista, de nuestra protagonista,

leaving in life the love at first sight of our protagonist,

dando por finalizada la historia, del caminante en la lejanía.

considering the story of the traveler in the distance to be concluded.

Buscando las puertas hacia la verdad, hacia la sabiduría,

Searching for the doors to truth, to wisdom,

dejando en vida el amor a primera vista, de nuestra protagonista,

leaving alive the love at first sight of our protagonist,

dando por finalizada la historia, del caminante en la lejanía.

concluding the story of the wanderer in the distance.

Gritos quiso dar, para impedir la muerte del chaval,

He wanted to shout to prevent the boy's death,

para impedir la muerte del chaval.

to prevent the boy's death.

Gritos quiso dar.

He wanted to shout.

Gritos quiso dar, para impedir la muerte del chaval,

He wanted to shout to prevent the boy's death,

para impedir la muerte del chaval.

to prevent the boy's death.

Tan solo era un caminante en la lejanía, un bohemio de la vida.

He was just a wanderer in the distance, a bohemian of life.

Buscando las puertas hacia la verdad, hacia la sabiduría,

Searching for the doors to truth, to wisdom,

dejando en vida el amor a primera vista, de nuestra protagonista,

leaving alive the love at first sight, of our protagonist,

dando por finalizada la historia.

concluding the story.

Del caminante en la lejanía,

From the walker in the distance,

Buscando las puertas hacia la verdad, hacia la sabiduría,

Searching for the doors to truth, to wisdom,

dejando en vida el amor a primera vista, de nuestra protagonista,

leaving the love at first sight of our protagonist alive,

dando por finalizada la historia,

considering the story concluded,

del caminante en la lejanía.

of the walker in the distance.

Bé, doncs aquests són L'Ifanté.

Well, then these are L'Ifanté.



Divendres a les 10 de la nit a la Sidecar, 7 euros anticipada a, 7 euros de taquilla.

Friday at 10 PM at Sidecar, 7 euros in advance at, 7 euros at the box office.

Tu mateix.


7 euros de taquilla i 5, perdó, si no m'he equivocat, d'anticipada.

7 euros at the box office and 5, sorry, if I'm not mistaken, in advance.

M'ha semblat sentir 7 i 7.

I thought I heard seven and seven.

Pot ser, sí, sí.

Maybe, yes, yes.

5 i 7.

5 and 7.

5 i 7, exacte.

5 and 7, exactly.



I seguim Festival Mil·lenni, que dèiem abans.

And we continue with the Millennium Festival, as we mentioned earlier.

Festival Mil·lenni.

Millennium Festival.

A l'auditori, Astrut, sí, el divendres a les 9 del vespre.

At the auditorium, Astrut, yes, on Friday at 9 PM.

El duet de Barcelona ha format per gent a Içagarra, els Taglats i Manolo Martí de Veu i Guitarra.

The duet from Barcelona is formed by people from Içagarra, the Taglats, and Manolo Martí with voice and guitar.

Fan un concert.

They are having a concert.

Tinc a dir que des del 2007 t'hem de dir que no treuen treball.

I have to say that since 2007 we have to tell you that they don't hire.

Van treure l'últim treball, Tu no existes, aquest mateix any, ja el 2007.

They released the last work, You Don't Exist, this same year, already in 2007.

Després de començar la seva carrera el 1999.

After starting his career in 1999.

I, bueno, una bona oportunitat de repascar-los i tornar-los a sentir.

I, well, a good opportunity to review them and hear them again.

Així que anem a veure com solen Astrut, Minus Valida.

So let's see how Astrut usually is, Minus Valida.

Així que anem a veure com solen.

So let's see how they usually are.

Bona nit.

Good night.

Noi de la cova.

Boy from the cave.

Noi de la cova, que està aquí amb nosaltres.

Boy from the cave, who is here with us.

Torna a saludar a Noi de la cova, sisplau.

Please greet the Boy from the Cave again.

Digues adéu.

Say goodbye.

Hola, bona nit.

Hello, good night.

Bueno, ja no és bona nit, ara ja és adéu.

Well, it's no longer good night, now it's goodbye.


We are leaving.

Sembla que sigui un tall de veu, eh?

It sounds like a voice cut, doesn't it?



Apareix puntualment, no?

It appears on time, right?

Els de la cova són així.

The ones from the cave are like this.

Això és el de la cova.

This is about the cave.

Poques paraules, però directes.

Few words, but direct.

Bé, nosaltres ens acomiadem.

Well, we say goodbye.

Moltes gràcies per estar a l'altre costat dels nostres cascos.

Thank you very much for being on the other side of our headsets.

Els nostres cascos.

Our helmets.

No sé com dir-ho.

I don't know how to say it.

I mira, som les nostres...

And look, they are ours...

Ens trobem la setmana que ve aquí a les 10 de la nit.

We will meet next week here at 10 at night.


Thank you.

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