65 Tocate la naris con tanta misa

Mistress Perenque, Roc Negre, Sra Licê i Joan CiberSheep

Les indòmites

65 Tocate la naris con tanta misa

Les indòmites

It's time for today's Lucky Land Horoscope with Victoria Cash.

It's time for today's Lucky Land Horoscope with Victoria Cash.

Life's gotten mundane, so shake up the daily routine

La vida s'ha tornat mundane, així que sacseja la rutina diària.

and be adventurous with a trip to Lucky Land.

and be adventurous with a trip to Lucky Land.

You know what they say, your chance to win starts with a spin.

You know what they say, your chance to win starts with a spin.

So go to LuckyLandSlots.com

So go to LuckyLandSlots.com

to play over 100 social casino-style games for free

to play over 100 social casino-style games for free

for your chance to redeem some serious prizes.

for your chance to redeem some serious prizes.

Get lucky today at LuckyLandSlots.com.

Get lucky today at LuckyLandSlots.com.

No purchase necessary.

No purchase necessary.

BGW Group. Void or prohibited by law.

BGW Group. Void or prohibited by law.

18 plus. Terms and conditions apply.

18 anys o més. S'apliquen termes i condicions.

Bip. Bip. Bip. Bip. Bip. Bip.

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

Escoltes Ona Mediterrània.

You are listening to Ona Mediterrània.

Des de la 88.8 de la freqüència modular.

From the 88.8 of the modular frequency.

Moixa mental presenta les indòmites.

Mental mouse presents the untamed.

Una hora de radio eclèptica por gent de ment elèctrica.

An hour of eclectic radio for people with electric minds.

Era massa il·lusiós per entendre el funcionament dels engrenatges

He was too idealistic to understand the workings of the gears.

i de la tritura d'hora de temps.

and the grinding of time.

Mentre ens allunyàvem, cap de nosaltres sabia si els records ens tornarien a mentir

As we distanced ourselves, neither of us knew if the memories would lie to us again.

o si seríem tan sols aquells que ens van fer mal.

or we would only be those who hurt us.

Compte enrere.


4, 3, 2, 1, 0.

4, 3, 2, 1, 0.

Hi ha algú a l'altre costat?

Is there anyone on the other side?

Bona nit.

Good night.


Excuse me?

Hola, avui és 22 de juliol

Hello, today is July 22.

de 2024, dia de l'aproximació

of 2024, day of the approximation

a Pi.

to Pi.

A Pi en Pe, però ja m'he

A Pi in Pe, but I've already got it.

volgut l'aproximació al Vi.

Dearest, the approach to wine.

I el Betaglucà.

And the Betaglucan.

Avui es celebra la independència de Sarawak.

Today the independence of Sarawak is celebrated.

Bé. És el dia del mango.

Okay. It's mango day.

Bé. Dia mundial del servei.

Good. World Service Day.

Bé. Bé.

Good. Good.

És el...

It is the...

Bé, també del contrapèd.

Well, also from the counterfoot.

això no és

this is not

no és això

it is not that

un contrapet és la presta en si mateixa

a counterpoint is the loan in itself


you know

aquestes coses de

these things of

el que faig jo tot el dia

what I do all day

que tu dius

what you say


to call

ja m'ha dit ma mare que esteu tots en contra meu

My mother has already told me that you are all against me.

i que me farà sopeta

And what will make me soup?

només perquè l'altre no me cuida

just because the other one doesn't take care of me

no, el que diu ma mare

no, what my mother says

on ve se t'hi una punyà és

we see a punch there

si hi ha demàrgues m'escolta el programa

If there are demarcations, listen to the program.

un contrapet és

a counter-slap is

canviar aquella cosa

change that thing



clar, en fi es fa, aquí no funciona

Sure, well it works, here it doesn't.

perquè els cf són el mateix

because the cf are the same

de girar les lletres perquè s'entenguin

to turn the letters so that they can be understood

els missatges sense que

the messages without that


write them

doncs això, que cerqueu el que és un contrapet

so, that's it, that you seek what a contrapet is

m'he muat més que contrapet

I have changed more than the counterweight.

una encriptació de paraules és un contrapet

an encryption of words is a pun

sí, algo així

yes, something like that

en lloc de dir

instead of saying

Rafa Nadal és un farra d'anar

Rafa Nadal is a party animal.

això és un contrapet

this is a counterweight

un farra nadal

a Christmas party

algo tipus

something like

mi moto alpina derrapante

my sliding alpine motorcycle

crec que sí

I think so.

mi moto alpina derrapante

my slippery alpine motorcycle

i després ho dius amb totes les lletres

And then you say it with all the letters.

amb totes les vocals

with all the vowels

avui és dia de mallorquí

Today is Mallorcan Day.

d'anar-se'n i no saber si es tornarà

of leaving and not knowing if one will return

i no saber si es tornarà

and I don't know if he/she will return

i de comprar cerveses moixes

and to buy flat beers

així, senzill

so, simple

la xafarderia destacada de la Prestes

the prominent gossip of the Prestes

que estic canviant la veu

that I am changing my voice

però que amb biel de sa cosa grossa

but with Biel from the big thing

segons diuen els veïnats de Porreres

according to the neighbors of Porreres

hauria trencat amb el seu company de pis

she would have broken up with her roommate

entre cometes

in quotation marks

és clar, no se veu

it's clear, it can't be seen

és que encara Creu en Vida no ha començat

It's just that Creu en Vida hasn't started yet.

però si jo faig així

but if I do it like this

és que són cometes

it's that they are comets

no te veus la gent

you can't see the people

has de fer

you have to do

ho podeu fer o altrament

you can do it or otherwise

hauria destacat amb el seu company de pis

he would have stood out with his roommate

i molt bon amic

and a very good friend

Miquel Esllest

Miquel Esllest

és molt boníssim

it's very delicious

segur de fer un vídeo

sure to make a video

amb paraules del Tomeu Comfit

with words from Tomeu Comfit

municipal del poble

municipal of the town

tot passar després d'una brega molt forta

everything happened after a very strong argument

i una on renovada se sentia

and a renewed wave was felt

la cosa sembla definitiva

the thing seems definitive

perquè en Miquel ha agafat els atapins

because Miquel has taken the tickets

i ara viu amb sa mare

and now lives with his mother

ah no, no tocava

oh no, it wasn't the right time

sí, jo també m'he quedat amb la gana de fer-ho

Yes, I too have been left wanting to do it.

bé, vinga

Alright, come on.

ara viu amb sa...

now lives with her...

està per confirmar

it is to be confirmed

que passarà amb la parella

What will happen with the couple?

coneguda a tot Porreres

known throughout Porreres

com els Browban Mountains

like the Browban Mountains

més a la pres.cat

more to the pres.cat

què està el que ha sonat avui?

What has sounded today?

el que ha sonat avui

what has sounded today

està amb Meg Myers

she is with Meg Myers

fent una versió de Kate Bush

doing a version of Kate Bush

la més relevanta

the most relevant

és que el vídeo està fet

it's just that the video is done

amb dibuixos colorejats

with colored drawings

per infants

for children

si el voleu cercar

if you want to search for it

i mirar-lo

and look at it

però el més xulo d'això és que està basat

but the coolest thing about it is that it is based

en una cançó de la Kate Bush

in a song by Kate Bush

que ahir va tenir un dia comemoratiu

that yesterday had a commemorative day

que es fa cada any

that is done every year

que és arrel de sa seva cançó

what is the root of her song

Wuthering Heights

Wuthering Heights

qui no ho sàpiga

who doesn't know it

se fa cada any

it is done every year

que no puc anar

that I can't go

jo tenc el vestit preparat

I have the dress ready.

però te saps la còria també

but you know the choir too



no és tan fàcil

it's not that easy

no, no

no, no

quina pena que no tinguen càmeres

What a shame that they don't have cameras.

doncs sí

so yes

aquesta cançó es va fer molt popular

this song became very popular

aquest any

this year

no, Jutupiri no

no, Jutupiri no

com se diu Cucarabalda

Cucarabalda translates to "cockroach" in English.

que es diu Cucarabalda

which is called Cucarabalda

alerta que no tenim segura

alert that we do not have secure

que li passen a ser Wuthering Wheels

that they become Wuthering Wheels

és que és una cançó de la Kate Bush

It's a song by Kate Bush.

que qui sigui prou major

that who is old enough

en aquest vídeo

in this video

recordades de cançó

song memories

d'una senyora que anava així vestida de vermell

of a lady who was dressed like this in red

fent com uns moviments molt

making some very movements

sabeu que hi ha dues versions d'aquest vídeo

Do you know that there are two versions of this video?


ho estava

I was it

per això


però sé que mos agrada

but I know we like it

se va anar

he/she went away

i d'així ahir es celebrava

and from this, it was celebrated yesterday.

es veu que aquí a Mallorca finalment no va poder ser

It seems that here in Mallorca it ultimately couldn't be.

no sé què va passar

I don't know what happened.

mem si la veu mos posam d'acord

I hope we can agree on the voice.

i feim the most Wuthering Heights ever

and we do the most Wuthering Heights ever

se va morir

he died


the organizer

no sé què va passar

I don't know what happened.

no ho crec

I don't believe it.

seria casualitat

it would be coincidence

jo està a sa rotonda i no va venir ningú

I am at the roundabout and no one came.

mira que tenim rotondes a Mallorca

Look at how many roundabouts we have in Mallorca.

no estan per rotondes

they are not for roundabouts

ací té un castell de rotondes

here you have a castle of roundabouts

vaig a viure una persona a cada rotonda de Mallorca

I am going to live with a person at each roundabout in Mallorca.

i clar no va... no va... no va...

and of course it doesn't... it doesn't... it doesn't...

té... té seu rotllo performàtic

has... has got a performing vibe

una persona a cada rotonda

one person at each roundabout

és una bona idea pel l'any que ve

It's a good idea for next year.


o una rotonda

or a roundabout

amb l'estiu d'aquest vermell

with the summer of this red

i ja veiem què passa

and we'll see what happens

seria un gran videoclip

it would be a great music video

si no sabeu qui és la Kate Bush

if you don't know who Kate Bush is

o no sabeu quina és la cançó de most Wuthering Heights

Or you don’t know what the song of most Wuthering Heights is.

canvieu la emissora

change the station

no vos volem aquí

we don't want you here

o posau qualsevol anunci de Colony

or put any Colony advertisement

o de perfum

or of perfume

del 1986 al 1996

from 1986 to 1996

i l'obteniu

and you obtain it

o Stranger Things

or Stranger Things



que turra

what a bore

mare nona



m'has dit secció?

Did you say section?


turra turra turra

turra turra turra

el tiqui toqui

the tick tock

que bonito

how beautiful

hem de fer totes cinc sintonies del programa en viu crec

We have to do all five live program sessions, I think.


us vull xerrar d'una persona que s'ha fet molt viral

I want to talk to you about a person who has gone very viral.

que es diu Solar Glow Meditation

it's called Solar Glow Meditation.

ai no

oh no

empleu unes varilles d'aquestes que et diuen sí o no

use some of those sticks that say yes or no

sabeu qui unes vos dic?

Do you know who I am talking about?

són uns palets que aguantes en sa mà

they are small pallets that you hold in your hand



no sé com es diuen

I don't know what they are called.

també et diuen sí o no

they also say yes or no

que te diuen sí o no

what do they say yes or no

són un palet no?

They are a pallet, right?

sí no no és el predictor

yes no no it's not the predictor

és bastant més útil

it's quite a bit more useful

és allò que te fiques dins de la

it's that which you put inside the

els predictors útils?

the useful predictors?

és allò que te fiques dins de la

it's what you put inside the

només te contesta una pregunta

only answers one question

si a Sank és no

if at Sank is no

si allò és sí

if that is yes

no Solar Glow

no Solar Glow

Solar Glow Meditation

Solar Glow Meditation

pot contestar qualsevol tipus de pregunta

can answer any type of question

jo ja no li demano res a ningú

I don't ask anything of anyone anymore.

ni ho mira a Google

don't even look it up on Google

ni a Wikipedia ni a res

neither on Wikipedia nor on anything

fes-me una pregunta

ask me a question

guanyarà les eleccions?

Will he/she win the elections?





has vist?

Have you seen?

i sense palets ni res

and without pallets or anything




Do you see?

vos en recordeu d'en Arrorro?

Do you remember Arrorro?

la setmana passada va xerrar d'una atleta

Last week he talked about an athlete.

que està embarassada

that is pregnant

que es dedicava a fer cosetes pel seu atlet

that was dedicated to making little things for her athlete

que es deia Pablo

who was called Pablo

que es deu ser un inútil

he must be useless

que hòstia

what a shock

doncs no és l'única que fa això

well, she's not the only one who does this

això es forma part d'una tendència

this is part of a trend

que es diu Tradwives

it's called Tradwives

o esposes tradicionals

or traditional spouses

que fa molta porata

that is very scary

però una característica específica

but a specific characteristic

d'aquesta atleta d'en Arrorro

of this athlete from Arrorro

i d'aquestes creadores

and from these creators

és el que se diu

it's what is said

se fan Baby Boys

Baby Boys are made.

o una veu molt infantilitzada

or a very childlike voice

que mostren

that show

normalment ses persones

normally these people

que són així d'un estil educatiu

that are of such an educational style

molt tradicional

very traditional

o que els ensenyen a ses dones

or what they teach to these women

que pertanyen a comunitats

that belong to communities



fa molta cosica

it's very little

i sembla que mos està arribant

It seems that it is coming to us.

i els neurodivergents també entren dins d'aquest grau

And neurodivergent individuals also fall within this category.

i per això no són normalitats

and that's why they are not normalities

els neurodivergents




tots ho som

we all are

d'una manera

in a way

no tots no

not all no

però molta gent sí

but many people do

una notícia espaterràm

a shocking news

Grinder confirma

Grinder confirms

que els seus problemes tècnics

that their technical problems

els que va experimentar

those who experienced

amb unes dates concretes

with specific dates

que se'ls hi caia la plataforma

that the platform was falling down on them

i no funcionava

and it didn't work

quins problemes tècnics que dius?

What technical problems are you talking about?

si els Estats Units

if the United States

van ser a motiu de la Convenció Republicana

they were due to the Republican Convention

que es va donar

that was given

a un estat molt específic

to a very specific state

i tenen

and they have

els republicans són els de dretes

the republicans are the right-wing people

o els de molt de dretes?

or the far-right?

els Estats Units només hi ha dretes

In the United States, there are only right-wing parties.

més dretes, més dretes

more right, more right

i crec que al final

I think that in the end

ja fas tota la volta

You already go all the way around.

però és bastant heavy

but it's quite heavy

perquè tenen proves

because they have evidence

se veia a venir

it was on the horizon

aquests són els teus

these are yours

no, perdona

no, sorry

no, no

no, no

tu no saps quins són els meus

you don't know what mine are

sí que ho sou

yes you are

ho tenc cada setmana

I have it every week.

una usuària de TikTok

a TikTok user

està intentant averiguar si el seu home

is trying to find out if her husband

li està posant les banyes

he is cheating on her

a set capítols

to this chapter

i l'està seguint amb el cotxe

and he is following her with the car

s'ha fet passar per una repartidora d'Amazon

she pretended to be an Amazon delivery person

i tot per sebre

and everything to know

tu i jo ho sabem

you and I know it

però ella no sabem què espera

but we don't know what she is waiting for

i mos té a tots

and it has us all

i a totes amb un ai

and to all with a sigh

ja és el nostre home

he is already our man

i ja ho volem sebre

And we want to know it.

però el seu home que no té xarxes

but her husband who has no networks

no sap

doesn't know

entendre un mòbil

understand a mobile phone

és enrorro

he is grumpy

enrorro moant

enrorro moant

doncs les de la deja de bit

then the ones from the deja of bit

la repartidora d'aquesta temporada

the delivery person of this season

acabaré amb la frase més popular

I will end with the most popular phrase.

que hi ha a xarxes en aquest moment

what is there on social media right now

per acabar de resumir la temporada

to summarize the season

i el tornillo que me falta

and the screw that I’m missing

lo he tirado yo

I threw it.

hombre, la senyora Lissé

man, Mrs. Lissé

no me l'han presentat

They haven't introduced me to him/her.

perquè anam sovra

because we are going above

per què ha venit aquí

why have you come here

per què ha venit al plató

Why has he/she come to the set?

de què estem parlant

What are we talking about?



Efectivament. Doncs mira, podríem

Indeed. Well, look, we could...

fer... Què vol fer?

do... What do you want to do?

No me xerris, baixet, que no t'entenc.

Don't talk to me softly, I can't understand you.

Vol fer... Que mos podem presentar ara.

Do you want to... That we can introduce ourselves now.

Ah, mos podem presentar? No, no, no.

Ah, can we introduce ourselves? No, no, no.

Això són les Indòmites,

These are the Indomitable ones,

un programa de moixa mental, gata moixa,

a program of mental meowing, meowing cat,



única i exclusivament per...

unique and exclusively for...

Mister Esperenque.

Mister Esperenque.

Senyor Alicet. Un altre pic.

Mr. Alicet. Again.

El senyor Roc Negre.

Mr. Black Rock.

Avui venc de pollastre rostit, com tothom.

Today I come from roasted chicken, like everyone else.

És de

It is from

pollastre rostit o de pollastre

roast chicken or chicken

vestit? No, tots junts.

dressed? No, all together.

De pollastre rostit junts, és una paraula.

Roast chicken together, it's one word.

Tenim també

We also have

Amagat, que ha fet...

Hidden, what has he done...

I apareix a tu a l'altre.

And it appears to you in the other.

A gotxar s'hi apareix...

It appears there...

Senyor Satan.

Mr. Satan.

No, perdó, un altre pic. Satan.

No, sorry, another time. Satan.



Ara sí. I és l'altre convidat

Now yes. And it's the other guest.

que han tingut l'avió

that have had the plane

d'obrir la porta. Marcos Einstein.

of opening the door. Marcos Einstein.

Marcos Einstein. Benvingut a

Marcos Einstein. Welcome to

acudar a recepcion.

go to reception.

Qui vol xerrar són jo

Who wants to chat is me.

i darrere d'esforç fill tenim

and behind effort we have a son

Ana Maria...

Ana Maria...

Cant de força, Oliver.

Song of strength, Oliver.

Oi, oi, per què se'm...

Hey, hey, why do I...



deixant aquí que no puc

leaving here that I can't

dir cant de força?

say strength song?

Bé, i...

Well, and...

Doncs mira, podríem fer una ronda

Well, look, we could do a round.

de preguntes absurdes o

of absurd questions or

jo què sé, posar-me una cançó.

I don't know, put on a song.

2 minuts més tard...

2 minutes later...

Bé, això...

Well, that...



Imagina't que tu ets un de microscopic

Imagine that you are one of the microscopic.

i ets mat当als al local.

And you're killing it at the venue.

Com Mac peròAMA

Like Mac but AMA


It seems there is no text to translate. Please provide the Catalan text you'd like translated into English.

És tot allò que saps?

Is that everything you know?

I collaborate a l'estiu

I collaborate in the summer.

dov prizegar mateixa

dove prizegar same

Bona nit.

Good night.

Bona nit

Good night

Escoltes Ona Mediterrània

You are listening to Ona Mediterrània.

des de la 88.8

from 88.8

de la freqüència modular

of the modular frequency

de Balears.cat

from Balears.cat

sempre oberta a l'actualitat

always open to current events

i a l'opinió plural

and to the plural opinion

Té Balears al teu ordenador,

You have the Balearic Islands on your computer,

a la teva tablet,

to your tablet,

al teu telèfon mòbil.

to your mobile phone.

Llegeix dbalears.cat

Read dbalears.cat


I love it.

He escoltat que l'obra cultural Balear fa 60 anys.

I have heard that the Balearic cultural work is 60 years old.

No en sabia gaire cosa de l'obra.

I didn't know much about the work.

Saps què fan?

Do you know what they are doing?

Idò mira,

Well, look,

des del 1962

since 1962

defensa la nostra llengua.

defend our language.



indica la cultura de la nostra terra

indicates the culture of our land

i lluita per l'autogovern.

And fight for self-government.

Ara, l'obra cultural Balear

Now, the Balearic cultural work

mira enrere per celebrar aquests 60 anys,

look back to celebrate these 60 years,

per subratllar el seu paper en la lluita

to emphasize his role in the struggle

per les llibertats democràtiques

for democratic freedoms

i per accentuar la seva implicació

and to emphasize their involvement

en la normalització del català.

in the normalization of Catalan.

Però, també mira endavant

But, it also looks ahead.

per abraçar una societat que canvia dia rere dia

to embrace a society that changes day by day

perquè als 60 anys

because at 60 years old

l'obra cultural Balear

the Balearic cultural work

és més jove que mai

he is younger than ever

i segueix fent país.

and continue building the country.

Per entendre el crepuscle

To understand the twilight

en 100 estals

in 100 installments

heu de pensar en un magasín

You have to think about a magazine.

de 5 hores.

of 5 hours.

Un temps durant el qual

A time during which.

tindrem notícies de ciència,

we will have science news,


of education,

de filosofia, entrevistes.

of philosophy, interviews.

També parlarem de cinema,

We will also talk about cinema,

de música,

of music,

tot això i més.

all this and more.

5 hores de ràdio, ara bé,

5 hours of radio, now well,

amb 20 doles

with 20 dollars

d'una hora cada una.

of one hour each.

De dilluns a divendres,

From Monday to Friday,

aquí, a Ona Mediterrània,

here, at Ona Mediterrània,

el crepuscle en 100 estals

the twilight in 100 stalls

a les 9 del vespre.

at 9 in the evening.

Música experimental,

Experimental music,

New Wave,

New Wave,


They make music,

New Times,

New Times,

The End,

The End,







Copinha de Volta Verda.

Cup of Green Return.

Un repàs conscienciós i vertiginós

A conscious and dizzying review

a la música del segle XX.

to the music of the 20th century.

Cada dilluns, dijous, dimarts i dimecres

Every Monday, Thursday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.

de 10-11 de la nit

from 10-11 at night

a Ona Mediterrània.

To the Mediterranean Wave.

Escoltes Ona Mediterrània

You listen to Ona Mediterrània.

gràcies al suport de les persones associades.

thanks to the support of the associated individuals.

Ajuda'ns tu també.

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Ona Mediterrània.

Mediterranean Wave.

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Envia'ns missatges d'odi i amor

Send us messages of hate and love.

a moixamental

a meowment

arroba gmail.com

at gmail.com

Mi padre tal, no sé qué,

My father such, I don't know what,

una bona conversa

a good conversation

és la millor forma d'art.

It is the best form of art.

Marmesons i punquis.

Marmots and punks.

Llenguatge corporal.

Body language.

Estic transmetent un missatge

I am sending a message.

i començar a compartir

and start sharing

qualcom diferent.

something different.

Un tant per cent

A percentage



Anem a punt.

Let's get going.



M'oferia trios a verbenes

He was offering me threesomes at festivals.

amb coca per enmig.

with cake in the middle.

Un gènere generacional.

A generational genre.

Jo vull pensar xorrades

I want to think silly things.

com el socialisme primitiu.

like primitive socialism.

No hi ha res bo

There is nothing good.

ni res dolent.

nor anything bad.

El binarisme aquest...

This binarism...

No mos despertam un dia

We don't wake up one day.

i inventam l'agricultura.

We invent agriculture.

Hi ha formes pseudo-mixtes.

There are pseudo-mixed forms.

Cap tipus d'agricultura

No type of agriculture

i això, en confis,

and this, in confiscation,

és ben diferent.

It is very different.

Talment la biomèdica.

Just like the biomedical.

Bé, vaig a pixar, ara vendré.

Okay, I’m going to pee, I’ll be right back.

Però sa gent s'ho ha de passar bé.

But people have to have a good time.

Molt bé, me'n vaig a pixar.

Very well, I'm going to pee.

Però vos ho heu de passar bé.

But you have to enjoy yourselves.

Ara vendré.

Now I will come.

Jo vaig de punqui allà.

I'm going punk over there.

Cada dia dic allà.

Every day I say there.



Cada dia anés per la menta i vaig.

Every day I went for the mint and I go.



Jo trobo que anar a Pesteguià

I find that going to Pesteguià

està molt tot sol.

he is very much all alone.

El van enrenyar per fer autocrítica.

They scolded him for being self-critical.

Com no sortir demà a dir

How not to go out tomorrow to say

que no ho he fet bé,

that I haven't done it well,


They will scold me.





Súper espanyolista.

Super Spanish nationalist.

Fric i catalanista.

Freak and Catalanist.

Tio Huelo, què escrius?

Uncle Huelo, what are you writing?

Què has fet?

What have you done?

Com consumim?

How do we consume?

Història de la psicopatologització

History of psychopathologization

de la transsexualitat.

of transsexuality.

Ara me faria vergonya.

Now I would be embarrassed.

Ningú no sabia escriure.

Nobody could write.

Ho sabien.

They knew it.


They were trying.

I veien que en el passat

They saw that in the past.

ho havien fet.

they had done it.

Renegaven per la por

They reneged out of fear.

i el prejudici envers la jovenesa.

and the prejudice towards youth.

Etnografia d'allò urbà.

Ethnography of the urban.

Documentació dels viaixos ideològics.

Documentation of ideological journeys.



hibridat amb futurisme italià.

hybridized with Italian futurism.

Terps i cuirs a parts iguals.

Equal parts of turpentine and leather.

Això, tot això que he dit, fins ara,

This, all this that I have said, until now,

tot això, tot això és una puta merda.

all of this, all of this is total bullshit.

El millor és la tradició oral.

The best is the oral tradition.

Per exemple, quan en Macià Manera

For example, when Macià Manera

gats com anaven, mos comptava, com el torturaven,

cats as they were going, he told us, how they tortured him,

això no està escrit enlloc, però era.

this is not written anywhere, but it was.

Que en Miquel Barceló,

That Miquel Barceló,

Miquel Barceló, te sona?

Miquel Barceló, does that ring a bell?

Miquel Barceló va finançar Terra Lliure?

Did Miquel Barceló finance Terra Lliure?

Bé, bé, no sé si xerram d'es pintor.

Well, well, I don’t know if we’re talking about the painter.

Es pintor, per altra banda, ha fet molt per sa pàtria.

He is a painter, on the other hand, has done a lot for his homeland.

I n'hi ha un altre, de Miquel Barceló,

There is another one, by Miquel Barceló,

fill d'un sandinista de Nicaragua.

son of a Sandinista from Nicaragua.

Hi ha gent que l'han penjat d'un helicòter.

There are people who have hung him from a helicopter.

Jo som una soldada.

I am a soldier.

No és més intel·lectual qui sap més.

Being more intellectual is not about knowing more.

És intel·lectual qui comparteix coneixement.

An intellectual is someone who shares knowledge.

Cava diarreic,

Diarrheal cava,

venut amb tres marques diferents

sold with three different brands

i espuma de sal fumant.

and smoking salt foam.

Quina és el cuit de la qüestió?

What is the crux of the matter?

Que tot això no està documentat.

That all this is not documented.

I be a mirror, reflect what you are,

I am a mirror, reflect what you are.

in case you don't know.

in case you don't know.

I be the wind,

I am the wind,

the rain and the sunset,

the rain and the sunset,

the light on your door,

the light on your door,

to show that you're home.

to show that you're home.

When you think the night has seen your mind,

When you think the night has seen your mind,

that inside you're twisted and unkind,

that inside you're twisted and unkind,

let me stand to show that you are blind.

Let me stand to show that you are blind.

Please put down your hands,

Please put down your hands.

cause I see you.

because I see you.

I find it hard to believe you don't know the beauty you are.

I find it hard to believe that you don't know the beauty you are.

But if you don't, let me be your eyes,

But if you don't, let me be your eyes,

a hand to your darkness,

a hand to your darkness,

so you won't be afraid

so you won't be afraid

when you think the night has seen your mind.

when you think the night has seen your mind.

When you think the night has seen your mind,

When you think the night has seen your mind,

that inside you're twisted and unkind,

que per dins estàs torçat i sense bondat,

let me stand to show that you are blind.

Let me stand to show that you are blind.

Please put down your hands,

Please put your hands down,

cause I see you.

because I see you.

I be a mirror,

I am a mirror,

reflect what you are,

reflect what you are,

I be a mirror,

I am a mirror,

I'll be your mirror

I'll be your mirror

Ai, ens havíem quedat aquí com a clapats, no sé què ha passat.

Oh, we had ended up here like dumbfounded, I don’t know what has happened.

Qui mos ha duit això?

Who has brought us this?



I qui mos ha duit?

And who has brought us?

Això era de Velvet Underground,

That was from Velvet Underground,

el tema del seu primer àlbum.

the theme of their first album.

La cançó és I'll be your mirror.

The song is "I'll Be Your Mirror."

I jo seré el teu.

And I will be yours.

Te puc dir una cosa?

Can I tell you something?



Que no has tenido nunca novio.

That you have never had a boyfriend.

No ho sé.

I don't know.

Així la va volar.

That's how she flew it.

Mos has duit sexi, oi?

You brought us sexy, didn't you?

Sí, senyora.

Yes, madam.

Moixa! Ai, no.

Mouse! Oh no.

Perdoni, senyora Lisset.

Excuse me, Mrs. Lisset.

Moixa és de viu.

Moixa is alive.



Qui ha vengut avui?

Who has come today?

Necrista Pafgen.

Necrista Pafgen.

Oh, perdoni.

Oh, excuse me.

Necrista Pafgen o...

Necrista Pafgen or...

Canxa la guerra.

End the war.





Com tothom la coneix,

As everyone knows her,

és Nanico.

it's Nanico.





La veu greu i solemne de la cançó és Nanico,

The deep and solemn voice of the song is Nanico.

cantant en el primer àlbum de Velvet Underground.

singer on the first album of Velvet Underground.

Va interpretar tres cançons obligades

He performed three mandatory songs.

per en Warhol,

for in Warhol,

que era el productor en aquell moment de la Velvet.

who was the producer at that time of the Velvet.

Que hòstia.

What the hell.

Que la va imposar a la resta de components del grup.

That she imposed on the rest of the group members.

Va bé.

It's going well.

Ella també era mocàtric.

She was also a mocàtric.

Era cantant, model i actriu.

She was a singer, model, and actress.

Va néixer a Colònia el 43.

He was born in Cologne in '43.

Sembla que ningú s'hi posa d'acord

It seems that no one agrees on it.

en sa data de naixement.

on her date of birth.

16 de març, 15 de març, no ho sé.

March 16, March 15, I don't know.

I va morir a Eivissa,

He died in Ibiza.

justament el 18 de juliol del 88.

just on July 18, 88.

Engrogada, sa vella.

Wrinkled, old woman.

Havia sortit a comprar en sa bicicleta

He had gone out to shop on his bicycle.

a comprar domàtigues.

to buy tomatoes.

O domàtigueres.

Oh, tomato growers.



I va tenir una etat de cor,

He had a heart attack.

va caure, se va fer un cop en es cap,

he fell, hit his head.

va morir d'es cop en es cap.

he died suddenly on his head.





Qui era? No ho sé.

Who was he? I don't know.

Havia estat model des dels 16 anys,

I had been a model since I was 16 years old,

que la va descobrir un fotògraf,

that a photographer discovered it,

en Herbert Tobias,

in Herbert Tobias,

quan ella feia feina en un magatzem de Berlín.

when she was working in a warehouse in Berlin.

Que va ser que se li va inventar

What was it that he/she invented?

el nom artístic de Nico.

the stage name of Nico.



Feia carrera de model,

She was pursuing a modeling career.

l'havia contratada a Chanel,

I had hired her at Chanel.

però ella trobava que no era el que havia d'estar fent,

but she found that it was not what she should be doing,

de model.

of model.

Era massa buit per ella

It was too empty for her.

i se'n va a Nova York.

And he's going to New York.

A Nova York, a segon començ,

In New York, at second start,

entra en s'òrbita d'en Warhol,

enter Warhol's orbit,

que era aquest senyor,

who was this gentleman,

era aquest vampir.

it was this vampire.

Sí, que xuclava...

Yes, it was sucking...

O sigui, que se'n revoltava de gent

That is to say, he was revolting against people.

que podia tenir més o manco talent

that could have more or less talent

i xuclava talents.

I sucked talents.

I fer fotògrafis.

And to take photographs.



Hi ha d'haver coses que xuclava.

There must have been things that sucked.

Va tenir també una carrera com a triu.

He also had a career as a triathlete.

De fet, surt a bastantes de ses pel·lis

In fact, she appears in quite a few of her movies.

alternatives o experimentals

alternatives or experimental

que feien Warhol, no?

What Warhol did, right?

Una d'elles, Chelsea Girls,

One of them, Chelsea Girls,

que després li va donar el títol

that later gave him the title

en el seu primer àlbum

in their first album

de cantant en solitari.

from solo singer.

Jo he vist aquesta pel·lícula.

I have seen this movie.

Chelsea Girls.

Chelsea Girls.


I believe.

I també surt com a actriu

And she also appears as an actress.

a l'Alchevita,

at Alchevita,

interpretant-se més o manco

interpreting more or less

ella mateixa, no?

herself, right?

Marcela Mastroianni surt cridant

Marcela Mastroianni comes out shouting.



Mentre ella hi rompe sa escena.

While she breaks her scene.

Però ses seves pel·lis

But his movies

més ressenyables són

more noteworthy are

supòs que ses d'entre

I suppose you are among

el 72 i el 78,

the 72 and the 78,

quan ses que fa

when is it done

les ordres de sa que era

the orders of her who was

sa seva parella d'aquella època,

his partner from that time,

el director Francesc Philip Garrel,

the director Francesc Philip Garrel,

que són la cicatriu a l'interior,

that are the scars inside,

la cuna de vidre,

the glass cradle,

que se consideren més o manco

that are considered more or less

biogràfiques o autobiogràfiques,

biographical or autobiographical,

que el director està xerrant

that the director is talking

d'un pot de sa seva relació,

from a jar of her relationship,

perquè en aquell moment ella ja estava

because at that moment she was already

superenganxada a sa heroïna,

super hooked on heroin,

se pensa 15 anys enganxada.

She thinks she has been stuck for 15 years.

En els 80,

In the 80s,

en els 80 és quan

in the 80s is when

sa seva carrera musical

his musical career

fa es boom,

it's a boom,

i fa moltes coses,

and does many things,

un muntet de gires

a pile of turns

per tota Europa,

throughout Europe,

per el Japó,

for Japan,



en solitari,


com he dit,

as I said,

perquè sa aventura de l'Abelbet

because of the adventure of Abelbet

dura un àlbum només,

it lasts only one album,

el primer,

the first,

no s'ha d'entendre mai,

it should never be understood,

de fet a ella la tractaven

in fact, they treated her

bastant malament,

quite badly,

com a imposada,

as imposed,

i s'enrotlla una mica

it gets a bit tangled

de sa seu talent

of his/her talent

com a cantant.

as a singer.

I els altres també,

And the others too,

anaven tot drogats

they were all high

tot el dia.

all day.

Els altres, sí.

The others, yes.

I després,

And then,

després de, precisament,

after, precisely,

d'una gira,

on a tour,

se'n va de vacances a Eivissa,

he is going on vacation to Ibiza,

amb sa seu fill,

with her son,

perquè totes aquestes

because all these

havia tingut un fill,

he had had a son,

en aquell moment,

at that moment,

quan va néixer,

when was he/she born,

ella va dir que era

she said she was

d'anar a l'Aindelon,

to go to Aindelon,

i ell sempre ho va negar.

And he always denied it.

En el principi el criava ella

At first, she raised him.

com a mare fredina,

as a cold mother,

fins que els fredins

until the cold ones

se'n van enterar

they found out

i el van anar a cercar,

and they went to look for him,

i se'n van fer càrrec

and they took charge of it

des nin.

of the child.

Tu l'has de tu,

You have to be familiar with him.

tu l'has de tu,

you have to you,

tu l'has de tu.

you have to you.



Sí, de fet,

Yes, in fact,

a l'Aindelon

to the Aindelon

se'n va quebrar ja tant,

it has already broken so much,

tant son pa i sa mare

both parents are equal

que els va deixar de xerrar

that stopped talking to them

durant, no sé,

during, I don't know,

un munt d'anys.

a lot of years.

No, i ara s'ho fan.

No, and now they do it.

I, jo què sé,

I, what do I know,

hi ha una espècie també

there is also a species

de llegenda negra,

of black legend,

perquè, suposadament,

because, supposedly,

ella va ser sa que,

she was the one who,



sa que va enganxar

"that got stuck"

en el fill, també,

in the son, too,

que després de gairebé

that after almost


to kick the bucket, to die

estava a l'hospital

I was in the hospital.

i ella va compareixer

and she appeared

amb una gravadora

with a recorder

per gravar

to record

els respiradors.

the respirators.

No, sa màquina

No, the machine.

on estava connectat

where it was connected

per el seu següent

for his next







Arte, arte.

Art, art.





No estic loca.

I'm not crazy.

La vida misma.

Life itself.



O la mort, en aquest cas.

Or death, in this case.

I també, jo què sé,

And also, I don’t know,

diuen que teníem

they say we had

idees un poc feixistes.

a bit fascist ideas.





no he trobat

I haven't found.

cap referència clara

no clear reference

o cap declaració negra,

or any black declaration,

però és una

but it is a

història així que cor.

history as soon as heart.

Quan son pare

When his father

va morir

he/she died

a un camp de concentració,

to a concentration camp,

durant la Segona Guerra Mundial.

during World War II.

No ho sé.

I don't know.

És una moixa d'avió

It is an airplane mouse.

o no.

or not.

No ho sé.

I don't know.

Encara no ho he decidit.

I haven't decided yet.

Sí, clar que sí.

Yes, of course.

Bé, me'n vaig a...

Well, I'm going to...

Si no ho has decidit,

If you haven't decided it,

per què la dos?

why the two?



Bé, recorda'ns com es de...

Well, remind us how to...



o Christa Pagen.

O Christa Pagen.



Ho hem de cridar?

Do we have to call it?

No, no ho hem de cridar.

No, we don't have to shout it out.

Crec que el que podríem fer

I think what we could do

és despedir-nos

it's saying goodbye



no ho sé quan,

I don't know when,

si tornem o no tornem.

whether we return or not.

Perquè, clar,

Because, of course,

pot ser


que haurem de fer

what we will have to do

el programa

the program

des de la presó

from the prison

modèlica de...

exemplary of...



Anava a dir presó.

I was going to say prison.

És una diferència

It's a difference.

entre una presó

between a prison

i una presó municipal.

and a municipal prison.

M'agrada més

I like it more.

si ha de fer-ho

if you have to do it

des d'un vaixell

from a ship

a aigües internacionals.

to international waters.

Oh, sí.

Oh, yes.

Això ja s'ha fet.

This has already been done.

Això ja s'ha fet, no?

This has already been done, right?

Jo me mereix.

I deserve.

Bé, però el que s'hagi fet

Well, but whatever has been done

no vol dir

does not mean

que no ho puguem tornar a fer

that we can't do it again

si ens fa il·lusió.

if it makes us excited.

També és vera.

It is also true.

I ja que fes.

And what should I do?

Bé, però,

Well, but,

ens despedim, per favor,

we say goodbye, please,

perquè ma mare diu

because my mother says

que s'estan tots dos programes

that both programs are being

i que no sap

and who doesn't know

quan s'acaben

when do they end

i quan no

and when not

i torna a escoltar...

and listen again...

Torna a escoltar dos pics

Listen again twice.



Ara s'acaba.

Now it ends.



No, mama, és mentida.

No, mom, it's a lie.

Ara s'acaba.

Now it ends.

Aquest programa ha estat...

This program has been...



Les Indòmites

The Indomitable

i un pro...

and a pro...

Un programa fet

A program made

per moixes mentals

for mental mites

i gata moixa

and smooth cat

i tots dos moixes

and both nuns

però fet

but done

per moixes mentals

for mental moans

que es diuen...

what they call...

Enroc Negre.

Black Enrock.

Senyora Elisa.

Mrs. Elisa.

Mister Esperenque.

Mister Esperenque.

Es neo-moix mental.

It is a mental neo-cat.



Vec, vec.

Goat, goat.


Excuse me?



Vec, vec.

I see, I see.

És super neo,

It's super neo.

mega neo-moix mental.

mega neo-mouse mental.

Manuel Einstein.

Manuel Einstein.



Crec que no se t'ha sentit

I think you haven't been heard.

el nom

the name

perquè has pinjat...

because you have posted...

Manuel, Manuel Einstein.

Manuel, Manuel Einstein.

Què creu que pinja...

What do you think it means...

Hola, hola.

Hello, hello.

Hola, Manuel Einstein.

Hello, Manuel Einstein.

Ja començam a tenir

We are already starting to have

problemes tècnics.

technical problems.



d'es cap de força

of a power head

hi ha

there is

na Maria Forsfield Oliver

Maria Forsfield Oliver

o no?

or not?

Darrere d'es Forsfield

Behind the Forsfield

na Maria


cap de força Oliver.

force head Oliver.

Ara sí.

Now yes.

Davant tres micros

In front of three microphones

són jo

it's me

i darrere d'es micro

and behind the microphone

doncs no n'hi ha ningú

then there is no one there

perquè si no

because if not

no se sentiria

it wouldn't be felt

perquè és d'aquells micros

because it's one of those mics

que tenen com una deixana

that have like a remnant





Zero percentatges

Zero percentages



Ara s'acaba.

Now it is ending.

En què estàs pensant?

What are you thinking about?

Perquè darrere d'es micro

Because behind the microphone

poden estar damunt de taula

They can be on the table.

o davant de taula.

or in front of the table.

Atura, és micro 5, Joan!

Stop, it's micro 5, Joan!

Jo m'he imaginat

I have imagined.

que algú aquí

that someone here



No, no, no.

No, no, no.

Però, per favor,

But, please,

un poc de serioritat.

A little seriousness.







Avui és es dia...

Today is the day...

No era es dia

It was not the day.


of entanglement,

era es dia de...

it was the day of...



Així, gràcies.

Thank you, then.



Perquè hem de fer

Why do we have to do

una secció

a section

que ens falta.

what we lack.

Oh, és veritat.

Oh, it's true.

Paraula de sa setmana.

Word of the week.

Moltes gràcies

Thank you very much.

per en què em viu.

for what it lives for me.

I podríem fer...

We could do...

Podríem fer...

We could do...

Mos decidirem.

We will decide.

Serà sa darrera

It will be the last.



de sa setmana,

of the week,

de sa temporada

of the season

i pot ser

and it can be

de les indòmites

of the indomitable

o de sa ràdio

or the radio

o perquè si no tornem

or because if we don't come back

què fem?

What do we do?

A do món.

To the world.

Si hi ha un apocalipsi

If there is an apocalypse

tampoc tornarem.

we won't return either.



Un apocalipsi.

An apocalypse.

Jo no sé

I don't know.

com no me perdre.

how not to lose me.

Que em peguen

Hit me.

els apocalipsis

the apocalypses

que me peguen.

let them hit me.

Ho preveixen llegir?

Do they expect to read it?



O escriure.

Or write.



No, Susi.

No, Susi.

Qui és no Susi?

Who is not Susi?





No Susi

No Susi

era aquella

it was that

que s'ho gana

that he/she eats it up

això de Nico.

this is about Nico.

És a la teia.

It’s in the web.



Valar morbuli.

All men must die.

Por favor,



control yourselves.


Control yourselves.

No m'acrideu

Don't shout at me.

a sa vegada.

at the same time.

No podem

We cannot.

controlar-vos, Joan,

control you, Joan,

perquè tu m'ho dus

because you bring it to me

cap en aquest territori.

no one in this territory.

Intentem un altre pic.

Let's try again.





Sa secció.

His section.



de sa setmana.

of the week.

Ara ho has fet!

Now you've done it!

Moltes gràcies

Thank you very much.

per l'encaig gravada

for the recorded engraving

en viu


o en viu gravada.

or live recorded.



Has duit paraula?

Have you brought words?

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Doncs prepara-la

So get it ready.



ha duit paraula

has brought a word

senyora Lisset?

Mrs. Lisset?



És aquesta sa paraula?

Is this the word?



Sa tant?

Is that so much?

Ha triat paraula avui?

Have you chosen a word today?





Oi sí.

Oh yes.





Senyora Negra?

Mrs. Black?

Sí, jo sempre

Yes, I always do.

intento una paraula

I try a word.

encara que de vegades

even though sometimes

em duc d'altres

I carry others.

i de vegades

and sometimes

me l'invent

I make it up.

però és que a mi

but it's just that to me

no és vera.

it is not true.

No l'escolteu,

Don't listen to him/her.

no s'inventa res.

Nothing is invented.

Jo he duit una paraula

I have brought a word.



que vos agraeixerà molt

that will thank you a lot

perquè a més a més

because furthermore

es dic

I am called.

si me deixau...

if you let me...

A mi no m'agraden tant, eh?

I don't like them that much, you know?

Com que no?

Of course not?

Se me fa llarga

It's taking a long time for me.

i després no me'n record.

And then I don't remember.

Les set pàgines que tens ahí

The seven pages you have there.

són del desplegable,

they are from the dropdown,


Isn't it?

No, no, no.

No, no, no.

Abans ho fem.

The sooner we do it.

Aparent que ell i en Joan

Apparently, he and Joan.

se picaven entre ells

they used to pick on each other

a veure qui la veia

let's see who would see her

més llarga.


A veure qui la té

Let's see who has it.

més llarga.


Com en la mitat

Like in the middle.

de los congresos del PP.

of the PP congresses.

A ver qui la té

Let's see who has it.

més llarga.


No és vera, no és vera.

It is not true, it is not true.



que se m'heu parat

what you have stopped me

les boníssimes,

the very good ones,

que no són els diccionaris.

that are not dictionaries.

Se m'heu parat...

You've stopped me...

I'm Victoria Cash

Sóc Victoria Cash.

and I want to invite you

and I want to invite you

to a place called

to a place called

Lucky Land

Lucky Land

where you can play

on where you can play

over a hundred

more than a hundred

social casino style games

social casino style games

for free

for free

for your chance

for your chance

to redeem

to redeem

some serious prizes.

some serious prizes.

So what are you waiting for?

So what are you waiting for?

The best way

The best way

to discover your luck

to discover your luck

is to spin.

is to spin.

So go to

So go to







and get lucky today

i sort lucky avui

at Lucky Land.

at Lucky Land.

No purchase necessary

No es necessita cap compra.

VTW group

VTW group

void where prohibited by law

void where prohibited by law

18 plus terms

18 plus terms

and conditions apply.

and conditions apply.

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