#ElsMésEscoltats: La Revisió: Caps de cau

Ràdio Ciutat de Tarragona

La Revisió | Ràdio Ciutat de Tarragona

#ElsMésEscoltats: La Revisió: Caps de cau

La Revisió | Ràdio Ciutat de Tarragona

A continuació escoltaràs un programa de Podcast City,

Next, you will listen to a Podcast City program,

la plataforma de podcast de Ràdio Ciutat.

the podcast platform of Ràdio Ciutat.

12 de desembre de 1901,

December 12, 1901,

el físic italià Guillermo Marconi inventa la ràdio

The Italian physicist Guillermo Marconi invents the radio.

al connectar Europa i Amèrica a través d'una senyal radiotelegràfica.

by connecting Europe and America through a radiotelegraphic signal.

1 d'agost de 1907,

August 1, 1907,

el tinent general molt honorable Robert Stephenson Meath

the very honorable Lieutenant General Robert Stephenson Meath

va d'en Powell, comença uns campaments a l'illa de Bronsi

Powell is starting some camps on Bronsi Island.

que eren el primer president de l'escoltisme.

who was the first president of scouting.

29 de febrer de 1927,

February 29, 1927,

Josep Maria Batista i Roca creen Minyons de Muntanya.

Josep Maria Batista i Roca creates Minyons de Muntanya.

31 de setembre de 1932,

September 31, 1932,

es creen la Germanor de Noies Guies i les Guiel Scouts de Catalunya.

The Brotherhood of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts of Catalonia is created.

31 de novembre de 1977,

November 31, 1977,

es funden Minyons, Escoltes i Guies Sant Jordi a Catalunya.

Minyons, Scouts, and Guides of Saint George merge in Catalonia.

I finalment, 23 de febrer de 2020,

And finally, February 23, 2020,

sota el paraigües de Marcació de Tarragona

under the umbrella of Tarragona Marking

i Podcast City de Radio Ciutat de Tarragona.cat,

i Podcast City of Radio City of Tarragona.cat,

neix La Revisió!

The Review is born!

Som-hi! La Revisió! Mare meva, però què és això?

Here we go! The Review! My goodness, but what is this?

És una cosa molt sucosa.

It is a very juicy thing.

Benvingudes a totes les persones veient el nou podcast La Revisió,

Welcome to all the people watching the new podcast La Revisió,

un podcast on de forma bisatmanal...

a podcast that is biweekly...

Què vol dir bisatmanal? Recordem-ho?

What does biweekly mean? Shall we remember it?

Bueno, diem que són una cosa que...

Well, let's say that they are something that...

Un programa, un podcast que sortirà cada dues setmanes.

A program, a podcast that will be released every two weeks.

Bé, més o menys.

Well, more or less.

Cada dues setmanes.

Every two weeks.

Recordem, bisatmanal, cada dues setmanes, no dues de la setmana.

Remember, biweekly, every two weeks, not two of the week.

No donem abast. També tenim vida.

We can't keep up. We also have a life.

I en aquest podcast intentarem explicar de forma desenfadada

In this podcast, we will try to explain in a relaxed manner.

què és el cau, què s'hi fa, d'on ve

What is the den, what is done there, where does it come from?

i per què les caps cobrem menys del que hauríem.

And why do women earn less than we should?

Estarem cada programa unes quantes persones fixes

There will be a few fixed people in each program.

i abans que res, cal presentar-nos, no?

And before anything else, we should introduce ourselves, right?

Bueno, sí, jo crec que sí.

Well, yes, I think so.

L'integrant de més lluny, amb 14 anys de cau a les seves esquenes,

The member with the most experience, with 14 years of scouting behind him,

Marc López, de les tornelles de l'Espuga Francolí.

Marc López, from the turnstiles of the Espuga Francolí.

Bé, dissenyador gràfic, il·lustrador.

Good, graphic designer, illustrator.

Com estàs, Marc?

How are you, Marc?

Jo, mira, jo he de dir que aquests aplaudiments

I, look, I have to say that these applauses

que m'han sigut dit al costat, que no sé d'on són,

that have been told to me on the side, that I don't know where they are from,

m'estan agafant aquí una energia brutal.

They are picking up a huge energy here.

Però bé, bé, bé, estic amb moltes ganes,

But well, well, well, I'm very eager.

ha començat tot bé i vinga, i sempre punt que es diu, no?

It all started well and come on, and always a point that is said, right?

Saps d'on són aquests aplaudiments, no?

You know where these applause are from, right?

Són l'esperit de l'escoltisme que et recolza.

They are the spirit of scouting that supports you.

I jo mateix, amb 18 anys de cau a les meves esquenes,

And I myself, with 18 years of experience behind me,

David de la Torre, de l'Albert Montserrat,

David de la Torre, from Albert Montserrat,

de Tarragona, projecte de persona, d'animador sociocultural,

from Tarragona, personal project, of a social and cultural animator,

projecte d'ucrealista i consegrat fabricant de precs reguleros.

project of a ucrealist and consecrated manufacturer of regular prices.

Com estàs, David?

How are you, David?

Bueno, sí, David, gràcies per la pregunta.

Well, yes, David, thank you for the question.

Bueno, estic bé.

Well, I am fine.

Una mica nerviós perquè començar un projecte nou

A bit nervous because starting a new project.

sempre porta aquest pessigollet a l'estómac, però...

he always carries this tickle in his stomach, but...

Què és això que un projecte hagi sortit d'un prec

What is this that a project has emerged from a plea?

que hagi sortit així de regulero?

that it has turned out so mediocre?

No, però, clar, perquè jo tinc un amic que està a ràdio

No, but of course, because I have a friend who is on the radio.

i, clar, m'ha provocat...

Yes, of course, it has provoked me...

M'ha provocat de fer un podcast perquè, clar,

It has made me want to do a podcast because, of course,

sempre diem que no té visibilitat, no?

We always say that it has no visibility, right?

Bueno, ja m'enteneu.

Well, you already understand me.

Una petita recreació del que va ser aquella fatèdica tarda

A small recreation of what that fateful afternoon was.

on es va gestar...

where it was conceived...

Bueno, jo tinc coses, jo faig...

Well, I have things, I do...

Però, bueno, també que l'ha dit que l'alentco no es queda aquí,

But, well, also that he said that the slowdown doesn't stop here,

que també n'hi hem de tenir més col·laboradors

that we also need to have more collaborators

que aniran col·laborant de forma puntual,

that will be collaborating occasionally,

o no tan puntual, però per motius geogràfics, calendarístics,

or not so punctual, but for geographical and calendar reasons,

o que tenen coses millors a fer, que tampoc ho descartem.

or that they have better things to do, which we don't rule out either.

Ho faran de forma més esporàdica.

They will do it more sporadically.

I anirem veient.

We'll see.

I, sense més preàmbul, comença la revisió.

I, without further ado, begin the review.

La revisió serà una secció en què al començament de cada programa

The review will be a section at the beginning of each program.

farem una mica de sumari

we will do a little summary

i explicarem el que vindrà a ser el programa d'aquell dia

And we will explain what the program for that day will be.

i els objectius que tenim.

and the objectives we have.

Clar, o sigui, com a bons escoltes i guies que som,

Sure, I mean, as good listeners and guides that we are,

el que hem de fer és saber cap a on volem anar,

what we have to do is know where we want to go,

cap a quines coses volem fer,

towards which things do we want to do,

que al final d'aquest programa tingui aquest suc, no?

that in the end of this program it has this juice, right?

I el d'avui és megapedagògic.

And today's is megapedagogical.

Els objectius són presentar el programa...

The objectives are to present the program...



James Obby.

James Obby.

Jo crec que això és un gomet verd ja, eh?

I think this is already a green sticker, right?

Presentar les col·laboradores del programa...

Presenting the collaborators of the program...


I have!

Segon gomet verd.

Second green sticker.



I donar un ambient de proximitat amb les oientes.

And give a close environment with the listeners.

O no.

Oh no.

A part de donar a conèixer la realitat de l'estornell,

Apart from raising awareness about the reality of the starling,

cosa que veurem després, que és una secció,

something that we will see later, which is a section,

i també explicar de forma senzilla...

and also explain simply...

El tema de Foca fort d'Amis, que en seguida sabrem què és.

The strong theme of Amis' Foca, which we will soon know what it is.

Que a partir d'ara sempre serà sorpresa, sorpresa,

That from now on it will always be surprise, surprise,

quin tema serà, no?

what will the theme be, right?

Perquè ens ha ganat sorpreses, Marc, oi que sí?

Because it has surprised us, Marc, hasn’t it?

Sí, exacte.

Yes, exactly.

Són fantàstiques.

They are fantastic.

I un cop fetes les presentacions,

And once the introductions are made,

els seus objectius ja diem els noms de les seccions,

their objectives we already say the names of the sections,

com perquè no sigui tan niu,

so that it is not so messy,

però bueno, comencem amb l'intercanvi.

but well, let's start with the exchange.

Molt bé, molt bé, molt bé, doncs bé, l'intercanvi, bàsicament,

Very well, very well, very well, so well, the exchange, basically,

s'irà a seguit de tots aquests programes bisembenals,

it will follow all these biennial programs,

portarem un cau de cada, de la demarcació de Tarragona,

We will bring a den of each, from the Tarragona region.

en aquest cas, començarem per aquí,

in this case, we will start here,

i començarem amb l'estornell, on està l'inistada de l'estornell.

And we will start with the starling, where is the starling's nest.

Hem fet una búsqueda exhaustiva per buscar un cap de l'estornell,

We have done a thorough search to look for a starling's head,

i vaja, n'hem trobat un.

And well, we've found one.



Sisplau, et pots presentar, cap nou de l'estornell?

Please, can you introduce yourself, new one from the starlings?

Hola, sóc jo mateix, sóc el Marc,

Hello, it's me, I'm Marc,

sóc cap de l'estornell, de l'espluga de Francolí,

I am the head of the starling, from l'Espluga de Francolí,

i bé, bàsicament, som al cau on fa més fred de tota la demarcació,

And well, basically, we are in the den where it is the coldest in the entire region,

on tothom li fa com a pal venir,

everyone makes it like a straw to come,

totes les taques, les tasses i les tapes i tot això,

all the stains, the cups and the lids and all that,

oi, és que fa fred, no sé què,

hey, it's just that it's cold, I don't know what,

però al final, bueno, tenim un local que té calefacció, amics i amigues,

but in the end, well, we have a place that has heating, friends.

tenim calefacció en el nostre cau,

we have heating in our den,

i llavors, doncs, ara ja és una miqueta menys de pal

And so, now it's a little less of a hassle.

per anar a visitar l'espluga de Francolí.

to go visit the Espluga de Francolí.

Bé, què dir de l'estornell?

Well, what to say about the starling?

L'estornell és un cau que és datat de l'any 1975,

The stork is a nest that dates back to 1975.

però no va començar allà, sinó que va començar a haver-hi un grup de gent

but it didn't start there; it started with a group of people.

abans que s'anomenés l'estornell,

before the starling was named,

que va ser el 69, més o menys,

what was it, more or less, 69

que es deia Olla Barrejada.

which was called Olla Barrejada.

Després d'uns anys d'anar fent activitats junts,

After a few years of doing activities together,

d'excursions, etcètera,

of excursions, etcetera,

van decidir adoptar el món de l'escoltisme i tot això.

They decided to adopt the world of scouting and all that.

I llavors, doncs,

And then, then,

des del 75, doncs, què fem cau cada cap de setmana?

Since '75, so what do we do every weekend?

I bé, al final, doncs, és el que fem tots.

And well, in the end, that's what we all do.

Tenim com a color de folars el groc i el negre,

We have yellow and black as the colors of our banners.

que no ens confonguem amb el cau de valls,

let's not confuse ourselves with the den of valleys,

que és negre i groc, que és al revés,

what is black and yellow, what is upside down,

o sigui que al final...

so in the end...

No fes espòiler d'altres intercanvis, per favor.

Please do not spoil other exchanges.

Ja arriba de valls, home, ja arriba.

He's already coming from Valls, man, he's already coming.

Ja, però almenys fiquem la punteta.

Yes, but at least we put in a little bit.

De quin color és el ribet?

What color is the trim?

Expliquem el concepte de ribet que surt a cada intercanvi.

Let’s explain the concept of ribet that appears in each exchange.

Ribet, el ribet és el negre.

Ribet, the ribet is the black one.

El ribet és la part de fora, no?

The rib is the outside part, right?

És la cinta que has posat per fora,

It's the tape that you put on the outside,

com perquè el folar tingui dos o més colors

as to why the scarf has two or more colors

que potser algun folar de marcació

that perhaps some marking sample

que té més d'un color el ribet.

that has more than one color the trim.

I ja ho veurem.

And we'll see.

I tant.

I certainly do.

I bé, bé, som ara mateix, doncs,

And well, well, we are right now, then,

una vintena de caps

about twenty heads

i més o menys rondarem entre els 80, 90 infants i joves.

And we will have around 80 to 90 children and young people.

Que bé, ja ho aprendreu després a Foca For Damis,

How great, you'll learn it later at Foca For Damis.

però tenim unitat de llops i daines oberta,

but we have a unit of wolves and does open,

tenim, no una, dos unitats de llops i daines oberta.

We have, not one, but two units of wolves and deer open.

Uf, això és feina, eh?

Phew, that's work, isn't it?

Sí, sí, bueno, està partida en dos.

Yes, yes, well, it is split in two.

Això, el no tenir castors és una miqueta més senzill.

This, not having beavers is a little bit simpler.

Una de llops i una de daines, com fa 30 anys, o?

One of wolves and one of deer, like 30 years ago, right?

Com antes.

Like before.

No, no, no.

No, no, no.

Tots junts, tots junts.

All together, all together.

Després tenim la rangers i noies guia,

Then we have the rangers and girl guides,

i pioners i carabeles, i truco.

and pioneers and caravels, and I trick.

Truc dos, malauradament no tenim joves

Call two, unfortunately we don't have young people.

perquè ens rebel·lin i puguem marxar del cau

so that they rebel against us and we can leave the den

sense ser dinosaures.

without being dinosaurs.

Aprofitem per fer una crida als joves de l'Espluga,

We take the opportunity to call on the young people of Espluga,

que es vulguin apuntar al cau.

that want to sign up for the den.


Thank you.

I bé, bueno, bàsicament, això és l'estornell.

And well, basically, this is the starlings.

Si passeu per l'Espluga i esteu un dissabte per la tarda

If you pass by Espluga and you're there on a Saturday afternoon

ens veureu per la plaça del Casal i per la plaça de l'Església.

We will see you at the Casal square and at the Church square.

I, bàsicament, això és el que fem.

I, basically, this is what we do.

I dissabte a la nit on veurem els caps?

And Saturday night, where will we see the heads?

Dissabte a la nit, com a molt,

Saturday night, at the latest,

potser els trobeu al bar del Casal

maybe you'll find them at the Casal bar

i si passeu una miqueta més de nit

And if you stay a little longer at night.

segurament els trobareu al Xenon, eh?

You'll probably find them at Xenon, right?

Home, és que m'han dit que ja...

Home, I've been told that already...

M'ha arribat a les meves orelles que hi ha una tradició

I've heard that there is a tradition.

que té un propi a l'Espluga.

that has a property in the Espluga.

Ah, és veritat, sí, és veritat.

Ah, it's true, yes, it's true.

De fet, no fa tant que es fa aquesta tradició.

In fact, it hasn't been that long since this tradition started.

Que es va fer a mitges.

It was done halfway.

Com es diu? Els oients ho volen saber.

What is it called? The listeners want to know.

Es diu Chino-Xenon.

It's called Chino-Xenon.

Bàsicament és anar al bar a menjar xino

Basically, it's going to the bar to eat Chinese food.

i acabes al Xenon a fer unes cervesetes

And you ended up at Xenon having a few beers.

per acabar la nit com s'acaben les nits de festa.

to end the night as party nights come to an end.

Acabar aviat la nit per demà poder aixecar-se aviat

End the night early to be able to get up early tomorrow.

i poder aprofitar el dia.

and be able to make the most of the day.

Exacte, exacte.

Exactly, exactly.

Des de la revisió recomanem una vida saludable

From the review, we recommend a healthy life.

plena d'esport.

full of sport.

Hàbits saludables, sisplau.

Healthy habits, please.

I lectura.

I reading.

Sobretot, hàbits saludables.

Above all, healthy habits.

Molt bé. Alguna cosa més de l'intercanvi?

Very well. Anything else about the exchange?

No, crec que això és tot.

No, I don't think that's all.

Doncs molt bé, passem a la següent secció.

Well then, let's move on to the next section.

Bé, bé, bé.

Well, well, well.

Doncs, per tota la gent novata del cau

Well, for all the new people at the den.

o que simplement no té ni idea del que és el cau,

or who simply has no idea what the den is,

què és el món de l'escoltisme i tot això,

what is the world of scouting and all that,

no passa res, perquè aquesta secció és just la vostra.

It's nothing, because this section is just for you.

És per saber-ho tot, tot el cau.

It's to know it all, all the den.

Benvinguts, benvingudes a Foca for Dummies.

Welcome to Foca for Dummies.

Traducció, sisplau, al nostre policlata.

Translation, please, to our policlata.

Foca per gent que té necessitats especials específiques

Seal for people with specific special needs.

que potser li costa una miqueta.

that it may be a bit difficult for him/her.

Bé, doncs, Foca for Dummies és tota aquesta informació

Well, then, Seal for Dummies is all this information.

que necessitareu si voleu saber una mica més

what you will need if you want to know a little more

sobre l'escoltisme, tot el món de les escoltes en general,

about scouting, the whole world of scouts in general,

a veure què fem, com som, etcètera.

let's see what we do, how we are, etcetera.

I bé, com he dit abans, una miqueta amb l'intercanvi,

And well, as I said before, a little with the exchange,

tractem avui sobre com es pot arribar a s'organitzar

Today we will discuss how to get organized.

l'agrupament en base als infants i joves que tenim.

the grouping based on the children and young people we have.


Let me explain.

Hi ha molts agrupaments diferents

There are many different groups.

i maneres de fer distintes,

and different ways of doing,

però una cosa que tenen en comú

but one thing they have in common

és que tots els agrupaments

it's that all the groupings

tenen branques, tenen branques d'unitat,

they have branches, they have branches of unity,

ja sigui de més o menys edat,

whether older or younger,

o sigui, ja sigui que uns castors, per exemple,

that is, whether some beavers, for example,

en comptes de fer dos anys tinguin un any

instead of doing two years, they have one year

o que hi hagi trucs que siguin no més d'un any.

or that there are tricks that are no more than a year old.

Després explicarem casos especials.

Later we will explain special cases.

Sí, exacte.

Yes, exactly.

Al cap i a la fi, ens basem en les branques.

After all, we rely on the branches.

Llavors, anirem passant,

Then, we will keep passing.

perquè així les persones que no sapigueu

because this way the people who do not know

què és això del món del cau, etcètera,

What is this about the world of the den, etcetera?

sapigueu de...

be aware of...

Ostres, tinc canalla de deu anys

Wow, I have a ten-year-old child.

que s'està avorrint a casa meva

who is getting bored at my home

i no sé on fotre les mortes.

and I don't know where to put the dead ones.

Doncs al final, doncs, ep,

So in the end, well, hey,

el cau potser és una solució perquè...

the den might be a solution because...

Quan s'acaben els capítols de Patrulla Canina

When do the episodes of Paw Patrol end?

i de Ladybug han de fer alguna cosa més,

and Ladybug has to do something else,

alguna cosa estimulant.

something stimulating.



I bé, comencem.

And well, let's start.

Pels més petitonets, al final que has de rentar

For the little ones, in the end, what you have to wash.

algun pichum, alguna caqueta, alguna cosa que...

some pichum, some caqueta, something that...

Uix, se m'ha escapat.

Oops, it slipped out.

Tenim els castors i llúdrigues.

We have beavers and otters.

Són les més petitonetes de la branca

They are the littlest ones of the branch.

que ronden entre els sis i els vuit anys

that are around six to eight years old

i és on comencen, és on comencen aquí al cau.

And this is where they start, this is where they start here at the den.

Jo no, jo vaig començar a Llops i Dainers.

Not me, I started with Wolves and Creditors.

Jo també.

Me too.



Un high five.

A high five.


Take it.

Que radiofónica ha quedat això.

This has turned out to be very radio-like.

I bé, el seu...

And well, his...

Totes les branques tenen colors.

All branches have colors.

Castors i llúdrigues té el color taronja.

Beavers and otters have an orange color.

I bé, aquí com la descripció, diguem-ne, de Wikipèdia

And well, here is the description, let's say, from Wikipedia.

és que el que els defineix els castors i llúdrigues

It's that what defines beavers and otters.

són la il·lusió per la descoberta,

they are the excitement for discovery,

el joc i el somni.

the game and the dream.

Aprendre és un joc.

Learning is a game.

I tenen un lema.

And they have a motto.

Totes les branques tenen un lema, de fet.

All branches have a motto, in fact.

Saps la de castors i llúdrigues o no?

Do you know about the beavers and otters or not?

Uf, això és com un concurs.

Phew, this is like a contest.

Pot ser que sigui riu amunt.

It may be upstream.

Oh, molt bé.

Oh, very good.

Bum, per mi.

Boom, for me.

Bum, bum.

Boom, boom.

Doncs sí, és riu, riu amunt.

Well yes, it's a river, upstream.

I bé, això són els meus petitonets.

And well, these are my little ones.

I passem, doncs, una miqueta a tot el grupillo de liantes.

And we'll move on, then, to the little group of troublemakers.

El següent és la bon.

The following is the good.



O sigui, tu veus una bola de nens i nenes, majoritàriament és on hi ha...

So, you see a group of boys and girls, mainly that's where there is...

Veus que potser són 10 nens i nenes,

You see that there might be 10 boys and girls,

però que semblen 30 per la quantitat de crits i històries que fan.

but they seem 30 because of the amount of screams and stories they make.

L'energia pura del cau.

The pure energy of the den.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

O sigui, és un xute directament d'energia i de crits.

So, it's a direct shot of energy and screams.

Vale, sisplau, necessito un cafè, sisplau.

Okay, please, I need a coffee, please.

Cocaps, ajudeu-me perquè no tinc el meu dia.

Cocaps, help me because I'm not having my day.

Com a informació curiosa, direm que normalment és la branca on posen més caps.

As a curious piece of information, we will say that it is usually the branch where they put the most heads.

Per a algú serà.

For someone it will be.

Sí, exacte.

Yes, exactly.

I bé, llops i daines són d'entre 8 a 11 anys.

And well, wolves and does are between 8 to 11 years old.

I és aquest moment on floreix aquest animal salvatge de dins d'aquests nanos petits i petites

And it is at this moment that this wild animal within these little boys and girls blossoms.

que al final, doncs, a veure, a cap i a la fi, vulguis o no, se'ls fa una miqueta així...

that in the end, well, let's see, ultimately, whether you like it or not, they are made a little like this...

La patateta.

The little potato.

Segueix fent.

Keep doing.

I bé, tenint, òbviament, una identificació també de Wikipèdia, que és la imaginació del poder.

And well, having, obviously, an identification of Wikipedia as well, which is the imagination of power.

Som creatius i tenim ganes de saber més.

We are creative and we want to know more.

Bé, que la Wikipèdia és la nostra guionista recurrent, no?

Well, Wikipedia is our recurring screenwriter, isn't it?

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Tenim Wikipèdia per a totes les branques.

We have Wikipedia for all branches.

La tenim a segur.

We have it secured.

Exacte, exacte.

Exactly, exactly.

I, bé, el seu color és el groc i el lema, que en principi és el lema de...

Well, its color is yellow and the motto, which is originally the motto of...

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Que en principi és el lema més conegut de tots.

That is, in principle, the most well-known motto of all.

Almenys el que... Si dius un lema d'una branca, sempre, normalment, almenys a mi, se'm ve al cap la de Llops i Dainers.

At least what... If you mention a motto from a branch, always, normally, at least for me, the one that comes to mind is that of Wolves and Dainers.

Que és?

What is it?

Tant com puc.

As much as I can.

Molt bé.

Very well.



Quina és?

Which one is it?

Què va abans de tant com puc?

What comes before as much as I can?

Ah, sempre a punt.

Ah, always ready.

Sempre a punt.

Always ready.

Uf, has patinat aquí.

Phew, you've slipped up here.

És que jo... Jo que t'has clès de foc amb els vipers. Per això em va bé repassar.

It's just that I... I got burned by the vipers. That's why it's good for me to review.



Perquè també m'han dit que estem en contacte amb l'escola de formació.

Because they have also told me that we are in contact with the training school.



Perquè si t'escoltes tots els podcasts, et convalides tot el monitor, no?

Because if you listen to all the podcasts, you get credit for the whole monitor, right?



I també, de fet, la part de la memòria la tens ja feta.

And also, in fact, you already have the part of the report done.



Transcrius el que posa i ja tens la secció 2.3.

Transcribe what it says and you already have section 2.3.

La gent que té la memòria...

The people who have memory...

La part de la wikipèdia aquesta és...

This part of the Wikipedia is...

Al final, tu fes... No el copia-pega, però fiques en plan...

In the end, you do... Not copy-paste, but put it in a way...

Bueno, ho copio però amb les meves paraules.

Well, I'll copy it but in my own words.

Bueno, no sé, el primer cop que es copia una part d'un PEA, una part d'alguna altra memòria...

Well, I don't know, the first time you copy a part of a PEA, a part of another memory...



La atrapallaria.

The clumsiness.

Doncs bueno, continuem, continuem.

Well then, let's continue, let's continue.

Continuem parlant.

Let's continue talking.

Per allà comencem rangers i noies guia.

Over there we start with rangers and guide girls.

Comencem amb l'edat que tenen de 11 a 14 anys.

Let's start with the age they are from 11 to 14 years old.

Que estan aquests nens que comencen una nova branca del cau a sisè de primària

Here are these kids who are starting a new branch of the scout group in sixth grade.

i acaben a segon d'ESO.

and they finish in second year of ESO.

O sigui, com acaben aquesta canalla?

So, how do they end up, this bunch?

Amb pavo.

With turkey.

Acaben amb pavo.

They end with turkey.

El que vulgar-me és conèixer com el pavo.

What is vulgar to me is to know like the turkey.

Comences sent un nen.

You start off as a child.

Ets un nen...

You are a boy...

Un nen, nena...

A boy, a girl...



Amb la veu així.

With a voice like that.

I t'acabes...

You're done...

I acabes...

And you finish...

Els nens semblen Charlon Heston.

The children look like Charlton Heston.

Acabes fent un podcast a Tarragona fent tot això.

You end up doing a podcast in Tarragona doing all this.

I bé, òbviament, també tenen color, també tenen una descripció de Wikipèdia i també tenen un lema.

And well, obviously, they also have color, they also have a Wikipedia description, and they also have a motto.

Que en el cap són de color, tenen el color blau.

That in the head are colored, they are blue.

Descobrim l'aventura de créixer divertits i arriscant cada repte.

Let’s discover the adventure of growing up while having fun and taking on every challenge.

Van a tope.

They are going all out.

Veuen un riu i veuen que han d'agafar pedres per posar-les a la tenda.

They see a river and realize they need to gather stones to put in the tent.

Els rincs entenen el de riu amunt i ho fan literalment, no?

The donkeys understand the upstream and they take it literally, right?



Bueno, que rincs són les abertures de quan ets cap i parles la jerga.

Well, what a joke the openings are when you're the boss and speaking the jargon.

O havies en plan aquestes lluites de castells, llops i aines, llits, ranxes i unes guies, rincs.

Either you had such fights of castles, wolves and eagles, beds, ranches and some guides, whinnies.

I així totes les veritats. Així de cutres són els caps.

And so all the truths. That's how shabby the bosses are.

Bé, o sigui, ara m'acabo d'entrar que...

Well, I mean, I just found out that...

A Patina no ha sigut tu, crec que ha sigut jo, de llegir el lema. Quin és el lema?

It hasn't been you, Patina, I think it has been me reading the motto. What is the motto?

Sempre a punt? Vaja!

Always on time? Wow!

Perquè la gent no sap llegir, en aquest cas sóc jo, que...

Because people don’t know how to read, in this case it’s me, that...

Aquí a Baden-Powell se li va acabar la imaginació o a tu t'han traspapel·lat les informacions?

Here, Baden-Powell ran out of imagination or have they misplaced the information for you?

Exacte, se m'han traspapel·lat, se m'han traspapel·lat. Llavors, canvi, canvi, canvi totalment.

Exactly, they got mixed up, they got mixed up. So, change, change, completely change.

Llops i aines, lema.

Wolves and aines, motto.

Canvi de guionista, per favor, perquè Wikipedia ja...

Change the screenwriter, please, because Wikipedia already...

No ha sigut culpa de Wikipedia, ha sigut culpa meva. Ja em podeu fer fotre, si voleu, eh?

It wasn't Wikipedia's fault, it was my fault. You can tell me off if you want, okay?

Des de la religió volem donar disculpes, i Wikipedia i les entitats l'ho he dit, eh?

From the religion, we want to apologize, and I have told Wikipedia and the entities, okay?

I bé, bueno, llops i aines, borrem el lema d'abans, fiquem el nou, que és Tant com puc.

And well, wolves and aines, let's erase the previous slogan, let's put the new one, which is As Much As I Can.

Sí, ho havia dit bé el David, era una prova, era una prova això.

Yes, David had said it right, it was a test, it was a test this.

A veure si estàveu atentes.

Let's see if you were paying attention.

Exacte. I llavors, ranxes i unes guies, sí que és sempre a punt. Ara sí, ho tinc bé? Sí, està bé.

Exactly. And then, branches and some guides, yes, it's always ready. Now yes, am I good? Yes, it's fine.

És sempre a punt el lema.

The motto is always ready.

Passem. Queden dos, només dos.

Let's go. There are two left, only two.

Hi ha la part, ja diguem, si comencem amb nens acabant amb pavo,

There is the part, let's say, if we start with children ending with turkey,

piones y carabeles, que és la franja de 14 a 17 anys,

pions and jellyfish, which is the age range of 14 to 17 years,

ja s'ha fet de... aquells són joves que es maten a fer extrajobs,

it has already become... those are young people who kill themselves doing extra jobs,

perquè dius, buah, és que vull anar a Menorca a fer un camp d'estiu a no fer res.

Because you say, wow, I just want to go to Menorca to do a summer camp and do nothing.

I al final potser dius, oi, és que he fet tot el meu curs extrajobs,

And in the end, maybe you say, oh, I've done all my extra jobs course,

no he gaudit, no he fet coneixença, no he fet res, i he acabat...

I haven't enjoyed, I haven't made acquaintance, I haven't done anything, and I've ended up...

i he acabat anant a l'Empordà perquè...

and I ended up going to the Empordà because...

o vaja, no hi ha títol de director al meu agrupament o no hi ha títol de director a la branca, saps?

Oh well, there is no director title in my group or there is no director title in the branch, you know?

Això, els títols de director de Lleure és un tema a part que...

This, the titles of Leisure Director is a separate topic that...

Sí, buf.

Yes, phew.

Es dona per dos o tres podcasts.

It is given for two or three podcasts.

Sí, exacte, sisplau.

Yes, exactly, please.

Gent que tingui títol de director, doncs hi ha unes crides d'intendents, però vamos, els estius...

People who have the title of director, as there are calls for stewards, but come on, the summers...

Vols anar de vacances gratis, cuinant, sisplau?

Do you want to go on vacation for free, cooking, please?

Jo tinc el títol de directora de Lleure.

I have the title of Leisure Director.

Si algú està disposat a pagar el preu que jo valc,

If someone is willing to pay the price that I'm worth,

si algú em vol valorar com jo em mereixo, es pot parlar.

If someone wants to evaluate me as I deserve, we can talk.

Doncs aquí teniu un director...

Well, here you have a director...

Sí, 5, 7, 14, 13, 14.

Yes, 5, 7, 14, 13, 14.

És fals.

It's false.

Però bé, estan a mitja de l'edat del pavo, com dèiem,

But well, they are in the middle of their turkey age, as we said,

s'identifiquen amb el color vermell i la seva descripció de Wikipèdia és

they identify with the color red and their Wikipedia description is

Prenem responsabilitats?

Shall we take responsibility?

Som idealistes i ambiciosos.

We are idealists and ambitious.

Perdó que m'hagi riguit.

Sorry for laughing at you.

Prenem responsabilitats ha sigut una actitud molt barruera per la meva part.

Taking responsibilities has been a very blunt attitude on my part.

Som molt responsables, ho sabem.

We are very responsible, we know it.

Sí, vull dir, PICS és aquella màgica unitat on a vegades els més grans comencen a venir com cansats del cau,

Yes, I mean, PICS is that magical unit where sometimes the older ones start to come like tired from the den.

poc participatius, els altres a vegades dormen molt pel matí.

not very participatory, the others sometimes sleep a lot in the morning.

Diguem que es desenvolupen certes activitats nocturnes que a vegades fan que erin més cansats.

Let's say that certain nighttime activities are developed that sometimes make them more tired.

Com és que vens així?

How come you come like this?

Com és que més amb aquests baixos ànims?

How is it that more with these low spirits?

Com és que la motxilla quan es mou fa clinc, clinc, clinc, clinc?

Why does the backpack make a clink, clink, clink, clink sound when it moves?



No ho sabem. O no ho volem saber.

We don't know. Or we don't want to know.

És un tema que ho deixem a parar als agrupaments.

It's a topic that we leave to the groups.

És una etapa on la CAP desenvolupa habilitats d'investigadora privada.

It is a stage where the CAP develops skills as a private investigator.

Exacte, bàsicament.

Exactly, basically.

I bé, ja passem a l'última.

And well, let's move on to the last one.

Va anar a ser Foca for Domis.

He went to be Foca for Domis.

Va anar a ser una cosa bastant lleugereta.

It turned out to be something quite light.

I al final...

And in the end...

Jo crec que està sent un tos tònim el que...

I think it is being a silly cough that...

Ui, anava a dir la formació de minors escolters judies.

Oops, I was about to say the training of Jewish boy scouts.



Vale, sisplau, i tu pots fer això després. Gràcies.

Okay, please, and you can do this later. Thank you.

Bé, tenim a les Truc,

Well, we have the Truc,

que ja és l'última etapa que estàs d'infant al cau.

that it is already the last stage you are in as a child at the den.

Cosa que...

Thing that...

A veure, infant, no en tenim gaire, que ja són de 17 a 19 anys.

Let's see, child, we don't have many, as they are already between 17 to 19 years old.

Valejant entre Truc 1 i Truc 2.

Valuing between Trick 1 and Trick 2.

O sigui, comencen sent menors d'edat

That is, they start out being minors.

i acaben, doncs, el seu primer any de batxillerat.

And thus, they finish their first year of high school.

Ai, de batxillerat d'universitat.

Oh, from university high school.

O sigui, al final...

So, in the end...

O sigui, són gent que està amb la universitat, està amb el cau.

That is, they are people who are with the university, they are involved in the youth group.

O sigui, són persones que tu vas a dir, dius,

So, they are people that you are going to say, you say,

eh, bueno, els deixem aquí una estoneta, dius,

Eh, well, we'll leave them here for a little while, you say,

que facin lo seu perquè l'any que ve

let them do their thing because next year

hauràs d'agafar, de tirar del carro de l'agrupament.

you will have to take, to pull the cart of the group.

Si és que deixen-se caps...

If they let themselves be heads...

Que no és l'objectiu pas dels agrupaments, que...

That is not the objective of the groupings, that...

que hi hagi un bon relleu, no?

that there be a good relief, right?

Que hi hagi un bon relleu, no?

That there is a good replacement, right?

El busc de llegir el mètode Truc.

The search for reading the Trick method.

Bé, jo soc una persona d'aquestes que s'ha de llegir mètode Truc.

Well, I am one of those people who needs to read the Trick method.

Són semi-impatients, està bastant bé.

They are semi-impatient, it’s quite good.

És molt bona lectura.

It's very good reading.

Doncs, doncs, si soc algun dia animador de Truc,

Well, well, if I ever become a Truc entertainer,

ja m'ho faran saber.

They will let me know.

El recomanem, crec que està penjat a la pàgina de minyons,

We recommend it, I think it is posted on the minyons page.



A l'espai del cap, està?

In the space of the head, is it?

A l'espai del cap.

In the space of the head.

Potser, no ho sé.

Maybe, I don't know.

No ho sé, és possible.

I don't know, it's possible.

A l'espai del cap sí que trobes.

In the space of the head, you can find it.

A mi m'ha donat còpia física, a mi.

It has given me a physical copy, to me.

Soc un enxufat de...

I am a connection of...



Tu te'n vas d'allà als gestions, te'n vas d'allà als...

You leave from there to the management, you leave from there to the...

Amb qui et dius que parles?

Who do you say you're talking to?

Amb un mindundi?

With a loser?



Tu te'n vas a la Danai i dius,

You go to the Danai and say,

Danai, escolta, sisplau, necessito el meu de...

Danai, listen, please, I need my...

el d'això de Truc.

the thing about Truc.

Això de necessito el meu,

I need mine.

que el Danai sigui una camella i jo...

that the Danai be a camel and I...

la meva reacció diària de pedagogia, escolta.

my daily reaction of pedagogy, listen.



I bé,

And well,



tenen encara a faltar

they are still missing

el color,

the color,

això de Wikipèdia,

this about Wikipedia,

i el seu lema.

and its motto.



Colors verd.

Green colors.

El color és el verd,

The color is green,

el verd del camp,

the green of the field,

el verd de l'ecologia.

the green of ecology.

I la descripció de la Wikipèdia és

And the description from Wikipedia is

Fem servei.

We provide service.

Un gra de sorra per canviar el món.

A grain of sand to change the world.

I amb aquí hem dit el seu lema, de fet,

And here we have said its motto, in fact,

que és...

what is...

Fem servei, no?

We provide service, right?



Tot i que a vegades s'ha d'analitzar una miqueta més.

Although sometimes it needs to be analyzed a little more.



Quins tipus de serveis podem fer?

What types of services can we provide?



Quants trucs de projecte se'n van d'interrail.

How many project tricks are going on interrail?

Com el meu.

Like mine.

Jo com a truc em vaig anar d'interrail.

I went interrailing as a trick.

Jo no vaig fer truc, de fet.

I didn't actually do a trick.

Ben dit que va ser.

Well said it was.

Sí, estic aquí dient,

Yes, I am here saying,

oh, truc és així, truc és així,

oh, trick is like this, trick is like this,

quan no hem fet ni trucs, saps?

When we haven't even done tricks, you know?

Vull dir...

I mean...

Però ja te l'odores, te l'imagines.

But you already smell it, you imagine it.

I bé,

And well,

per aquí,

over here,

Foca for Dummies,

Seal for Dummies,

la primera...

the first...

el primer tastet

the first tasting

de coses que anireu aprenent,

about things you will be learning,



al darrere dels programes.

behind the programs.

I res,

And nothing,

per aquí és tot,

that's all around here,

per aquí és tota la part més pedagògica,

around here is the entire more pedagogical part,

més instructiva que us podem donar,

more instructive than we can give you,

perquè ara a partir d'aquí serà...

because now from here it will be...

L'única part pedagògica.

The only pedagogical part.



A partir d'aquí és tot,

From here on, it's everything,

tened cap avall.

head down.

Això ja no hi ha qui s'ho aganti.

This is something that no one can stand anymore.

I bé,

And well,

passem, no, doncs?

Let's move on, shall we?

Passem a la següent secció.

Let's move on to the next section.

I per no trencar el ritme del primer programa,

And to not break the rhythm of the first program,

estarem secció altra cop.

we will be sectioning again.

Òbviament, no podem...

Obviously, we cannot...

No, no.

No, no.

No podem repetir res.

We cannot repeat anything.

Sí que s'ha de s'estrenar sempre.

It must always be premiered.

El foc de camp.

The campfire.

En aquesta secció,

In this section,

intentarem que la gent que es presenti

we will try to get the people who show up

a través de les seves batalletes de cau.

through their little skirmishes.

En aquest cas, la gent nova,

In this case, the new people,

som naltros.

we are us.



És veritat.

It's true.

Pues ronda batalletes nostres.

Well, let’s go for our stories.

Jo he parlat abans de tot que tu.

I have spoken before you did.

S'ha fet de participació començo jo,

It has been made of participation, I will start.

després tu...

after you...

Vinga, va.

Come on, let's go.

Foli, foli gas.

Paper, paper gas.

Jo explicaré quan...

I will explain when...

Quan el cau em va despertar,

When the nest woke me up,

el primer esperit reivindicatiu,

the first reivindicative spirit,

tot i que potser no era el més encertat.

although it may not have been the most appropriate.

També, fixeu-vos que la música de fons és

Also, notice that the background music is

Bella Chiruca,

Beautiful Chiruca,

una cançó també emblemàtica i...

an emblematic song and...

Qui no l'ha cantat als campaments?

Who hasn't sung it at summer camps?

Qui no l'ha cantat en lloc de plorar per la ruta

Who hasn't sung it instead of crying along the way?

que durava 30 km?

which lasted 30 km?



Jo recordo,

I remember,

per exemple, parlant de ruta,

for example, talking about route,

una ruta que vaig fer jo com a llop,

a route that I took as a wolf,

vull dir primer...

I mean first...



El meu primer any o segon,

My first year or second,



I vam anar al...

We went to the...

Els primers pinitos...

The first little steps...

Diré que era l'estany de Sant Maurici,

I will say it was the Sant Maurici lake,

per allí, per aigües tortes.

over there, through the twisted waters.

Què va passar?

What happened?

Que els caps,

That the leaders,

era mig matí,

it was mid-morning,

i van dir,

and they said,

fem una paradinha llarga,

let's take a long break,

perquè és que ens deixin de queixar-se,

why they stop complaining,

perquè no me'n recordo,

because I don't remember,

però segurament ens queixaríem,

but we would probably complain,



I ens van parar a un llac que era força bonic.

And they stopped us at a lake that was quite beautiful.

Què va passar?

What happened?

Que els caps van dir,

That the bosses said,

ostres, calla,

wow, shut up,

que hi ha granotes en aquest estany.

that there are frogs in this pond.

I què van fer?

And what did they do?

Van dir, ui,

They said, oh,

les granotes,

the frogs,

són boniques,

they are beautiful,

són amfibi,

they are amphibians,

i què més es pot fer amb una granota?

And what else can be done with a frog?

Anques de rana,

Frog legs,

anques de granota,

frog legs,



No sé com es diu en català.

I don't know how to say it in Catalan.

M'estàs dient que...

You're telling me that...

Perdoneu la gent filòloga.

Excuse the philologist people.

M'estàs dient que les teves caps,

You're telling me that your bosses,

o sigui,

that is,

al moment de descans,

at the moment of rest,

i en comptes de tenir,

and instead of having,

no sé,

I don't know,

el típic de fruits secs,

the typical of dried fruits,



això per...

this for...

No, no, però sol per les caps.

No, no, but only for the leaders.

No ens en van oferir,

They didn't offer them to us.

era per elles.

it was for them.

Què van fer?

What did they do?

Van treure el fogonet,

They took out the stove,

van caçar alguna granota,

they caught some frogs,

i se les van cuinar,

and they were cooked.

i se les van menjar allí.

and they ate them there.

Ah, diguem la veritat,

Ah, let's speak the truth,

tu vas demanar-ne?

Did you ask for it?

Tu vas preguntar...

You asked...

No, perquè, clar,

No, because, of course,

jo tenia 8-9 anys,

I was 8-9 years old,

a mi em feia un fàstic,

it made me sick,


you hallucinate.



És el fet de veure

It's the act of seeing.

a una persona referent teva

to a person you refer to

que agafa una granota

that catches a frog

i allà mateix l'embolleix.

And right there, he wraps her up.

Un altre dia parlarem sobre

Another day we will talk about

la realitat d'encendre un fogonet

the reality of lighting a small stove

en un parc natural.

in a natural park.




Very valuable.

Però bueno,

But well,

això ja són figues molt trepanetes.

that's just very outlandish nonsense.

Minúcies, minúcies.

Trivialities, trivialities.



jo i les meves amigues,

me and my friends,



les obsidienes,

the obsidians,

vam dir,

we said,



això que estan fent és horrible.

What they are doing is horrible.

Què podem fer per solucionar-ho?

What can we do to solve it?

Ja està.

That's it.

Agafem els capgrossos,

We take the tadpoles,

els traiem de l'aigua,

we take them out of the water,

i vam dir,

and we said,



i on els posem?

And where do we put them?

Ja ho sé.

I already know.

Els posem en un got que tinc,

We put them in a glass that I have,

li posem una mica d'aigua.

we put a little water in it.

Què va passar?

What happened?

Que al principi en teníem 3-4 capgrossos,

At first, we had 3-4 giant heads,

però vam començar a ficar-nos

but we started to get into it

unes 10-11 persones,

about 10-11 people,

persones infants que érem llavors,

children that we were back then,

a caçar-ne.

to hunt them.

Potser en un gotet d'aquells

Maybe in one of those little cups.

de plàstic petits,

small plastic,

o no sé...

oh I don't know...

Però era plàstic?

But was it plastic?

No sé si era plàstic com a tal,

I don't know if it was plastic as such,

no me'n recordo.

I don't remember.

No, no, no,

No, no, no.

vull dir,

I mean,

era plàstic re-reprofitable d'aquells.

it was that kind of reusable plastic.

Suposo que no,

I suppose not.

perquè això és més de barraques,

because this is more about shanties,

de festes que...

about the parties that...

Ah, bueno, sí,

Ah, well, yes,

és típic de festes.

It is typical of parties.

Sí, sí,

Yes, yes,

els pics sí que pots portar

You can indeed bring the peaks.

un got d'aquests.

a glass of these.

Són tots.

They are all.

Són tots els de les festes del seu poble.

They are all from the festivals of their village.



I llavors,

And then,



vam omplir tant allò que,

we filled so much that,

quan ho vam...

when we did it...

Vull dir,

I mean,

estaven tan a gust allí totes juntes

they were so comfortable there all together

que dient que potser es van dormir,

saying that maybe they fell asleep,

que es morien menys,

that they died less,

llavors clar,

then of course,

es van tornar a l'aigua

they returned to the water

quan estan dormint.

when they are sleeping.

Han de descansar.

They need to rest.

Vista en perspectiva,

Perspective view,

potser vam ser pitjors que naltros

maybe we were worse than us

que vam fer un extermini

that we committed an extermination

de la següent generació de granotes

of the next generation of frogs

i els caps que potser

and the heads that perhaps

van anar fa dos o tres.

They went two or three ago.

Però bueno,

But well,

jo recordo com un moment

I remember it as a moment.

de sentir-me molt rebelde

of feeling very rebellious

i molt que estigués jugant al planeta

and a lot that I was playing on the planet

seguint els meus ideals.

following my ideals.

Ja demanem perdó aquí,

We already ask for forgiveness here,

ja de bonesa.

already of goodness.

Demanem perdó a les granotes.

We apologize to the frogs.

A l'estany de Sant Maurici,

At the Sant Maurici lake,



si heu vist una fallida

if you have seen a failure

en el fet de reproducció

in the act of reproduction

de les granotes,

of the frogs,

ja sabem,

we already know,

tenim culpables.

we have culprits.



això pot ser il·legal, no?

This can be illegal, right?

Vull dir que això

I mean that this

hauria de passar

it should happen

a un conegut meu.

to a friend of mine.

En un cau

In a den

que no era el meu.

that it was not mine.

Molt bé.

Very well.

I bueno,

And well,



em toca a mi,

it's my turn,

em toca dir la meva.

I have to say my piece.

Sí, sí, toca, toca.

Yes, yes, touch, touch.

Recordo d'una,

I remember one,

d'un camp d'estiu,

from a summer camp,

que és que al final

what is it that in the end

les batalletes

the little battles

moltes surten

many come out

de camps d'estiu.

of summer camps.





expliquem què és un camp d'estiu

let's explain what a summer camp is

per portar-nos

to take us

a un camp d'estiu.

to a summer camp.

Sí, sí,

Yes, yes,

és un camp d'estiu

it is a summer camp

per portar-nos

to take us

a un camp d'estiu

to a summer camp

que és un camp

what is a field


of summer

que potser

that perhaps

les vietes

the streets

que no saben.

that they don't know.

Bé, bueno,

Well, okay,

un camp d'estiu

a summer camp

és com el culment

it's like the climax

de tot un curs

of an entire course

de cau,

of den,

on al final

where in the end


it is,

realment és la part

it really is the part

on recordes

you don't remember

amb més enyorança

with more longing

i recordes

and you remember

amb més bons records

with fondest memories

perquè estàs

because you are

una setmana,

a week,

deu dies,

ten days,



depenent de com són,

depending on how they are,



amb la teva branca,

with your branch,

fent activitats,

doing activities,

tallers, etc.

workshops, etc.

Una cosa molt típica

A very typical thing

que es fa

what is done

que a unes colònies d'estiu

that at a summer camp

amb qualsevol

with anyone



associacions que fan

associations that do

un camí

a path

amb tendes

with tents

a qualsevol terreny

on any terrain

que hagin trobat por aigua.

that they have found fear in water.

Pujant a Pedra Forca,

Climbing Pedra Forca,



Normalment són aquestes dues opcions.

Usually, these are the two options.





anar a Menorca

go to Menorca

si ets pics.

if you are a peak.

O cap de Creus,

Or Cap de Creus,

cap de Creus,

Cape Creus

cap de Creus.

Cape Creus.



un dia hem de fer un mapa

One day we have to make a map.

de les zones calentes

of the hot zones

on hi ha...

where there is...



per branques,

by branches,

tot això.

all this.

I bé,

And well,



era epic

it was epic

i estàvem fent

and we were doing

un camp d'estiu

a summer camp



Cada nosaltres,

Each of us,

el nostre grupament,

our grouping,



on veus allà

can you see over there

en un campament,

in a camp







100 i pico persones,

100 and something people,







Molta gent,

A lot of people,

molta gent.

a lot of people.

De fet,

In fact,

era un campament

it was a camp

on era...

once upon a time...

no hi havia ni lavabos

there were not even toilets

que vam haver de...

that we had to...

vam haver de llogar

we had to rent

uns policlins.

some policlinics.

O sigui,

That is,




the water,





com així

like this

a lo loco.

like crazy.

I bé,

And well,





i me'n recordo

and I remember it




I'm going.

a veure,

let's see,

el quart o el cinquè dia

the fourth or the fifth day

i els castells i les lliguetes

and the castles and the little ties

van vindre ja

they came already

doncs a fer només,

then at just doing,

no tot el camp d'estiu,

not all summer camp,

sinó van vindre

but they came

crec que 5 o 6 dies

I think 5 or 6 days.

i va ser la seva

and it was hers

primera o segona nit,

first or second night,

no recordo bé.

I don't remember well.



cosa que

thing that

a mitjanit

at midnight

comencen a sentir

they begin to feel





i sé plorar,

and I know how to cry,

no sé què,

I don't know what,




I wake up.

i veus

and you see

a la part de tendes

in the area of shops

de castells i lliguetes

of castles and ribbons

un codi de caps

a code of heads

que estan

that are

amb cara

with face







havia plogut,

it had rained,

en un context

in a context

havia plogut

it had rained

el dia abans

the day before

i llavors

and then


let's call it that



en aquelles tendes

in those tents

crec que

I think that



se'n va salvar una

one was saved

i hi havia

and there was







i veus

and you see

nens plorant

crying children

perquè estaven els cucs

why the worms were there

dintre del sac

inside the bag

dintre no sé què

inside I don't know what


come on,


let's go out

totes les pics

all the time



una bogeria

a madness



nens plorant

crying children

algun digué

someone said

algun pip

some pip

alguna caca suelta per allà

some loose poop over there



a mi em passa

it happens to me

i penso que també

I think so too.

ploro una miqueta

I cry a little bit.

també t'ho dic

I also tell you that.

és bastant heavy

it's quite heavy


let's understand them

el fet d'això sí

the fact that this yes

sí sí

yes yes

i bé

and well

al final

in the end

va ser un caos

it was chaos

vam arribar

we arrived

a netejar les tendes

to clean the tents

un caos

a chaos



crec que aquella nit

I think that night

van acabar dormint

ended up sleeping

en el cobert

in the shed

fent bivac


i au

and go

aquells pobres nens

those poor children

i nenes

and girls

l'any que ve

next year

es van inscriure bastant boques

They registered quite a few spots.



totes van fer

they all did

una embrenada

a blunder



algun encara sobreviu

some still survive



jo me'n recordo

I remember.

d'aquella nit

that night

no sé què

I don't know what.

on vaig

where am I going

o què

or what

ara deuen ser

it must be الآن

potser alguna

maybe some

ja està a tothom

It's already for everyone.

no, no

no, no

a tothom

to everyone



però rangers segur

but rangers surely

si jo era pic

if I was a pic



fa 4

it’s been 4







que ens fem grans

that we grow up

no passa res

it's okay

si no, no passa res

if not, nothing happens

i bé

and well



i fins aquí

and that's it

el foc de camp

the campfire

molt bé

very well


i un cop

and once

acabes les accions

you finish the actions

que dolça aquesta cançó

how sweet this song is



com tu

like you



a què

to what

em repit

he repeats to me



hem d'anar a fer uns petonets

we need to go share some kisses







això s'ha de tallar ja

this needs to be cut now

venga ràpid

come quickly




un cop acabes les accions

once you finish the actions

cal fer allò

we must do that

que és

what is it

cal fer allò

one must do that

que tot bon escolta fa

that every good listener does


the end

qualsevol cosa


anar a Sant de Festa

go to Sant de Festa

a part de

apart from

a part de Sant de Festa

aside from Saint of the Party







jo crec que me'n vaig eh

I think I'm leaving, huh?



tinc molta pressa

I'm in a hurry.

de marxar cap a

of leaving towards

cap a l'espluga

towards the cave

d'agafar el cotxe

to take the car

tinc un aniversari

I have a birthday.



no, no, no

no, no, no

no puc

I can't.



ahi va ser carnaval

there was carnival



castiga encara

punish still



vaja, vaja

well, well

que has bogerrat

what have you gone mad about

sí, sí

yes, yes

i en aquesta petita secció

and in this small section

un tancament

a closure

vull dir

I mean.

potser serà la segona part

perhaps it will be the second part

on estarem

where we will be

minement seriosos

seriously ill

on farem una mica

we will do a bit



i compartirem allò

and we will share that

que ens ha sorprès

that has surprised us

o impactat de

or impacted by

potser el que hem descobert

maybe what we have discovered

d'aquell programa

from that program

el que hem

what we have

qualsevol cosa




little things

aquesta és la part

this is the part

hippie flowers

hippie flowers


bueno a veure

well let's see

és la part

it is the part

diguem-ne que

let's call it that

som uns negats de la vida

we are some rejects of life

fent podcast

making a podcast

i fent històries

and making stories

és el meu primer cop

it's my first time

aquí en una ràdio

here on a radio

fent un podcast

making a podcast

i cada cop ho serem menys

And each time we will be fewer.

jo crec que

I believe that


que estem prou bé

that we are doing quite well

almenys jo

at least me

m'hauria notat una mica

I would have noticed a little.

més cohibit

more inhibited

però bé

but well

crec que això

I think this

anirà avançant

will be advancing


no per posar

not for putting

un gomet verd

a green sticker

però un gomet així

but a sticker like this





color caqui

khaki color

per dir

to say

vinga va

come on

seguim treballant

we keep working

o potser

or maybe

però el color caqui és verd

but khaki is green




és com un verd

it's like a green



té una idea

he has an idea

jo l'escalapantona

I scare her.

la porto regulint

I'm bringing it along carefully.

té una idea

he has an idea

el posarem

we will put it

i aviam

let's see


we will review

ets com la típica professora

you are like the typical teacher

que et diu

what it tells you

no et poso nota

I don't give you a grade.

depèn del que tu treballis

it depends on what you work on

al següent

to the following



hem de ser

we must be





i al final dius

and in the end you say

al final los frutos salen

in the end, the fruits come out

al final tu trabajo

in the end your work



donarà un fruit

it will bear fruit





i bé

and well

bueno això

well this

a continuar fent

to continue doing

a veure

let's see

al final

in the end

no hi ha cap altra cosa

there is nothing else

són les ganes

it's the desire

és la motivació

it is the motivation



encara que

even though




be it

més que per

more than for

la gent

the people

sigui per nosaltres

be for us

per escoltar-lo

to listen to him

i per tindre un petit record

and to have a small memory

ja és

it's already

passar-nos-ho bé

have a good time

i tot això

and all that

i tu què

and you what

jo bé

I'm fine.

vull dir realment

I mean really.

estar nerviós

to be nervous

haver fet alguna petita cosa

having done some small thing

de ràdio

of radio



sempre ve de gust

it always feels good

començar un projecte

start a project

i hi havia nervis

and there were nerves

perquè també com

because also how

com estem posant el celló

how we are putting the cello

de més gent aquí

more people here

perquè també

because also

tenim com una mica

we have like a little bit

el deure

the duty

de compartir

of sharing

que és el cau

what is the den



la gent coneix una mica més

people know a little more

el cau

the den



és un objectiu

it is a goal

que ens ha marcat

that has marked us



trobo una feina més responsable

I find a more responsible job.

i crec que estic bastant

I think I am quite

bastant guai amb això

pretty cool about that



o sigui

that is to say

no hem de deixar

we must not let

això que és

what is this

hem de ser conscients

we must be aware

amb la feina que fem

with the work we do

i al final

and in the end

ens escolti la gent

let the people listen to us

que ens escolti

may it listen to us



X cosa

X thing

jo què sé

I don't know.



si t'apadrina

if it sponsors you

que no saps res del cau

that you don’t know anything about the den

per X coses

for X things



no li has explicat res

you haven't explained anything to him/her

i acabes

and you finish

escoltant aquest podcast

listening to this podcast





m'està sonant

I'm feeling sleepy.

a l'actor

to the actor

de monisme

of monism

que ens estem passant

that we are missing out

de monyes

of monkeys

i de serios eh

And seriously, huh?

bé bé

good good

bé doncs digues alguna tonteria

Well then, say something silly.







piones i carabeles

pines and jellyfish



quantes coses així que fan

how many things like that they make



quin pal

what a drag

aquest aval

this guarantee

us arreglem

we'll sort it out

perquè és bastant de gratis

because it's quite free



fins a aquest programa d'avui

until this program today

esperem que us hagi agradat

we hope you liked it

i recordem que

and let us remember that

per molt que sigui

no matter how much it is

tenim una cosa

we have a thing

que portem

what we carry

dos mesos pràcticament

two months practically

amb allò fet

with that done

és veritat

it's true

les xarxes socials

social networks



les per dir alguna cosa

to put it another way



la gran xarxa social

the great social network

tenim Instagram

we have Instagram

on ja

it's already done

podem penjar en posturer

we can hang in a position

o no sé què

or I don't know what

si tu

if you



que m'estàs escoltant

that you are listening to me

encara no ens segueixes

you still don't follow us

ets l'única persona que no ho fa

you are the only person who doesn't do it



no vulguis ser la persona

don't want to be the person

que no ens segueix

that does not follow us

ens has de seguir

you have to follow us



a més a més


la nostra intenció

our intention

és que

it is that

hi participeu

hi you participate

nosaltres fem un Instagram

we make an Instagram

i publicitem el podcast

and we promote the podcast

tot el dia

all day



doncs res

well, nothing

ens seguiu a

do you follow us on

arroba la revisió

check the review

a Instagram

to Instagram



i res

and nothing

esperem que

we hope that

hagueu agradit

you would have appreciated

que heu fet unes risses

that you have had some laughs



sempre a punt

always ready

has escoltat

have you listened

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a program

de Podcast City

of Podcast City

la plataforma

the platform

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