#ElsMésEscoltats: Consum i producció responsable

Ràdio Ciutat de Tarragona

Arxius de El Racó dels Global Goals - Ràdio Ciutat de Tarragona

#ElsMésEscoltats: Consum i producció responsable

Arxius de El Racó dels Global Goals - Ràdio Ciutat de Tarragona

A continuació escoltaràs un programa de Podcast City,

Next, you will listen to a program from Podcast City,

la plataforma de podcast de Ràdio Ciutat.

the podcast platform of Ràdio Ciutat.

Hola, benvinguts i benvingudes al racó dels Global Goals,

Hello, welcome to the corner of the Global Goals,

el podcast de Jovecambra Internacional de Raus.

the podcast of Jovecambra Internacional de Raus.

Els Global Goals són 17 objectius impulsats des de Nacions Unides

The Global Goals are 17 objectives driven by the United Nations.

que pretenen, pel 2030, assolir objectius com a favorir un planeta més sostenible,

what they aim to achieve by 2030, such as promoting a more sustainable planet,

acabar amb la fam o viure en un món on tothom visqui en pau.

to end hunger or to live in a world where everyone lives in peace.

I nosaltres qui som? Som Jovecambra,

And who are we? We are Jovecambra,

una entitat sense ànim de lucre present arreu del món,

a non-profit organization present around the world,

formada per joves de 18 a 40 anys,

composed of young people aged 18 to 40 years,

on aprenem a través de projectes i creem canvis positius en el nostre entorn.

we learn through projects and create positive changes in our environment.

I jo sóc l'Anna,

And I am Anna,

membre de la Jovecambra Internacional de Raus,

member of the International Young Chamber of Reus,

i jo sóc Noella Moliner,

and I am Noella Moliner,

i com l'Anna també sóc membre de Jovecambra Reus.

And like Anna, I am also a member of Jovecambra Reus.

Aquesta és l'entitat impulsora d'este podcast.

This is the driving entity of this podcast.

I avui, el confinament comarcal encara no ens permet estar juntes en la NOE aquí a l'estudi,

And today, the regional confinement still does not allow us to be together in the NOE here at the studio,

però això ben aviat s'acabarà.

but this will soon come to an end.

Avui parlarem del consum i la producció responsable, el Global Goal número 12.

Today we will talk about responsible consumption and production, Global Goal number 12.

I per això, avui ens acompanyarà la Lorena, de En Fa El Pes,

And that's why, today we will be joined by Lorena from En Fa El Pes.

un comerç de Reus, on trobarem productes de neteja a Granel.

a store in Reus, where we will find bulk cleaning products.

Bona tarda, Lorena.

Good afternoon, Lorena.

Bona tarda, Anna, i bona tarda, Noé.

Good afternoon, Anna, and good afternoon, Noé.

Bona tarda.

Good afternoon.

Encantada d'estar amb vosaltres.

Delighted to be with you.

Gràcies per acompanyar-nos avui, aquí, aquesta tarda.

Thank you for joining us today, here, this afternoon.

Abans, però, abans de començar, refresquem què és això del racó dels Global Goals.

Before, however, before we start, let's refresh what this Global Goals corner is all about.

Doncs el racó dels Global Goals és un programa,

Well, the corner of the Global Goals is a program,

és un podcast on, programa a programa, anirem presentant projectes,

It's a podcast where, episode by episode, we will be presenting projects.

empreses i entitats del territori que, amb la seva acció,

companies and entities in the territory that, with their action,

ens ajuden a aconseguir els objectius de desenvolupament

they help us achieve the development goals

que ens proposen des de les Nacions Unides.

what they propose to us from the United Nations.

A cada episodi d'aquest podcast treballarem un dels 17 Global Goals.

In each episode of this podcast, we will work on one of the 17 Global Goals.

A nosaltres ens fa molta il·lusió presentar-vos els projectes

We are very excited to present you the projects.

que us anirem donant a conèixer

that we will gradually introduce to you

i esperem que ho gaudiu tant com nosaltres ho gaudim preparant-ho.

and we hope you enjoy it as much as we enjoy preparing it.

I, com no, si al final us animeu, que passeu a l'acció.

I mean, if in the end you get motivated and take action.

Com comentava la Noé, a cada episodi tractarem un dels projectes,

As Noé was mentioning, in each episode we will discuss one of the projects,

que és el projecte de desenvolupament, que és el projecte de desenvolupament,

what is the development project, what is the development project,

en una entrevista primer i després uns consells finals

in an interview first and then some final tips

per animar-vos, sobretot, a passar a l'acció.

to encourage you, above all, to take action.

Volem donar les gràcies a Ràdio Ciutat per la seva col·laboració

We want to thank Ràdio Ciutat for their collaboration.

i us recordem que ens podeu escoltar a rctgn.cat i jci.cat

And we remind you that you can listen to us at rctgn.cat and jci.cat.

o escolteu i subscriureu-vos a través de Spotify i iTunes.

or listen and subscribe through Spotify and iTunes.

I com us hem avançat en este cinquè podcast,

And as we have informed you in this fifth podcast,

tractarem el Global Goal número 12, Consum i producció responsable.

We will address Global Goal number 12, Responsible consumption and production.

I primer que tot, anem a recordar en què consisteix este Global Goal.

And first of all, let's remember what this Global Goal consists of.

Es tracta de reduir el nostre impacte sobre el planeta

It is about reducing our impact on the planet.

produint i consumint només allò que necessitem.

producing and consuming only what we need.

L'ODS 12 posa el focus en la promoció de la gestió sostenible

SDG 12 focuses on promoting sustainable management.

i de l'ús eficient dels recursos naturals,

and the efficient use of natural resources,

en la reducció de la generació de residus i del malbaratament d'aliments,

in the reduction of waste generation and food waste,

i en el foment de la gestió ecològicament racional

and in the promotion of ecologically rational management

dels productes químics en les pràctiques de producció i consum.

of chemical products in production and consumption practices.

Aquest ODS aspirarà a garantir una gestió correcta dels residus inevitables,

This SDG will aim to ensure proper management of unavoidable waste,

sobretot dels que són tòxics.

especially those that are toxic.

Pel que fa a les empreses, especialment a les grans i a les transnacionals,

As for companies, especially large ones and multinationals,

se'ls demana que actuïn de forma més sostenible i transparent.

They are asked to act in a more sustainable and transparent manner.

Els poders públics també poden fer-hi molt,

Public authorities can also do a lot in this regard,

a través de les seves polítiques fiscals,

through its fiscal policies,

i de contractació i d'impuls a la conscienciació social

and of hiring and promoting social awareness

sobre desenvolupament i estells de vida sostenibles.

about development and sustainable lifestyles.

I ens centrarem en aquest cas en una de les frases que comentava la Noe,

And we will focus in this case on one of the phrases that Noe mentioned,

la reducció en la generació de residus.

the reduction in waste generation.

Per això la Lorena, a través del seu comerç, dona impuls en aquest objectiu

For this reason, Lorena, through her business, supports this objective.

i ara ens ho explicarà una mica com ajuda a reduir aquest impacte sobre el planeta

And now he will explain to us a little how it helps to reduce this impact on the planet.

quan consumim, que és l'objectiu d'aquest Global Goal.

when we consume, that is the objective of this Global Goal.

Lorena, primer que tot,

Lorena, first of all,

¿en què consisteix En fa el pes?

What is "En fa el pes" about?

Bé, veureu, En fa el pes,

Well, you'll see, it works for me.

venem productes de neteja,

we sell cleaning products,

els productes que es necessiten a qualsevol llar o a qualsevol empresa,

the products that are needed in any home or any business,

i els venem a pes,

and we sell them by weight,

facilitant d'aquesta manera que el client

thus facilitating the client's

vingui amb el seu propi envàs,

come with your own container,

amb un envàs que havia fet servir anteriorment,

with a container that I had used previously,

que li havia quedat buit,

that had been left empty,

per evitar comprar, no?,

to avoid buying, right?

de nou un producte de neteja i un nou envàs.

Again a cleaning product and a new container.

Són envasos que duren molt, molt, molt, molt de temps.

They are containers that last a very, very, very, very long time.

Poden durar més que el que podem durar les persones

They can last longer than what we humans can last.

i per això mateix no té sentit per nosaltres

And for that reason, it makes no sense to us.

que cada vegada que compres un producte

that every time you buy a product

hagis de comprar de nou l'envàs.

you have to buy the container again.

Facilitem això?

Shall we make this easier?

Que vinguin?

Shall they come?

Si voleu, no sé, us explico com funciona.

If you want, I don't know, I'll explain how it works.

Sí, sí, això és una cosa que jo ara mateix

Yes, yes, this is something that I right now

estava ja pensant, no?

I was already thinking, right?

Com se us va ocórrer fer una botiga així diferent?

How did you come up with the idea of creating such a different store?

Bueno, la idea va ser,

Well, the idea will be,

la idea de la botiga és de la meva parella i meva,

the idea of the store is mine and my partner's.

feia temps que teníem al cap

we had been thinking about it for a long time

engegar un negoci, no?, de manera conjunta,

start a business, right?, together,

sobretot amb l'objectiu de conciliar una mica

above all with the aim of reconciling a little

la vida familiar, tenim dos fills petits,

family life, we have two small children,

i justament això va ser com l'altre pilar que ens va fer decidir, no?

And that was precisely like the other pillar that made us decide, right?

Transmetre als nostres fills una sèrie de valors

To instill a series of values in our children.

i una sèrie de què podem fer, no?,

And a series of what we can do, right?

les persones per evitar, no?,

the people to avoid, right?

doncs, contaminar més, no?,

so, polluting more, right?

i una mica la cura neta, no?

And a bit of the clean care, right?

I vam pensar, bueno, les dues idees es van unir,

And we thought, well, the two ideas came together,

vam estar buscant informació,

we were looking for information,

era una idea que aquí encara es coneixia molt poc,

it was an idea that here was still very little known.

i, bueno, vam tirar endavant.

And, well, we moved forward.

En este cas, que us hem estat investigant una mica,

In this case, we have been investigating you a little.

la botiga, etcètera,

the store, etcetera,

pertanyeu a un grup d'empreses, o sigui, no esteu sols,

you belong to a group of companies, that is, you are not alone,

sinó que els productes, etcètera, us ve d'un grup

but the products, etc., come from a group

que està a moltíssimes parts d'Espanya,

that is found in many parts of Spain,

suposo que això també facilita moltes coses

I suppose that this also makes many things easier.

a nivell de proveïdors, etcètera,

at the supplier level, etcetera,

i és el que deies, és una cosa molt nova, no?,

And what you were saying, it's something very new, isn't it?

que ara, bueno, a poc a poc l'anem coneixent més,

that now, well, little by little we are getting to know it better,

és molt nova de més o molt diferent

it's very new or very different

que els productes de neteja, estem més acostumats potser a alimentació, no?

That we are perhaps more accustomed to cleaning products than to food, right?

Però en este cas és molt nou.

But in this case it is very new.

Quina és l'acceptació que té una ciutat com Reus, no?,

What is the acceptance that a city like Reus has, right?

l'arribada d'una empresa com la vostra?

the arrival of a company like yours?

Perquè jo et dic, o sigui, a nivell mental,

Because I tell you, I mean, on a mental level,

parlàvem també, no?, tens al final companyes també d'alimentació,

We were also talking, right? You have friends in nutrition as well, in the end.

i en alimentació, com que tots de petits hem ficat, no?,

And in food, since we've all eaten, right?

hem agafat les xutxes en les pinces,

we have taken the candies with the tongs,

és com que mos ve més ràpid la sensació

it's as if the feeling comes to us more quickly

que puc ficar a menjar dins d'un element i en portar-me'l, no?

What can I put to eat inside an item and take it with me, right?

Però en lo vostre, clar, és que costa més,

But in your case, of course, it is harder.

encara, d'arreglar.

still to be fixed.

Sí, mira, el que deia al principi, no?,

Yes, look, what I was saying at the beginning, right?

la iniciativa d'aquestes botigues,

the initiative of these shops,

pertanyem al grup 4Eco,

we belong to group 4Eco,

i es va iniciar al País Basc, però una cosa molt recent,

it started in the Basque Country, but something very recent,

va ser el 2014,

it was in 2014,

que va iniciar la primera botiga,

that started the first store,

i a dia d'avui rondem les 100 en tot Espanya.

As of today, we are around 100 across Spain.

No som una franquícia, treballem més aviat com una cooperativa,

We are not a franchise, we operate more like a cooperative.

estem com associats,

we are like associates,

i com tu deies ara, doncs gaudim d'avantatges, no?, de ser tant.

And as you just said, we enjoy advantages, right?, from being so many.

Els productes es fabriquen a València,

The products are manufactured in Valencia.

i des d'allà s'extribueixen als diferents punts de, no?,

And from there they are distributed to the different points of, right?

les diferents botigues que hi ha per tot Espanya.

the different stores that are found all over Spain.

Es fabriquen sota demanda, a més a més, no?

They are made to order, aren't they?

No fabriquen grans quantitats, sinó que és, no?,

They don't produce large quantities, but it's, isn't it?

van fabricant a mesura que les botigues anem demanant.

They are made to order as the stores request.

Hi ha una cosa molt, molt important,

There is one very, very important thing,

que si voleu ho apunto ara aquí,

that if you want, I can note it down here now,

i és que nosaltres promovem la reutilització dels envasos,

and we promote the reuse of containers,

però nosaltres també ho fem.

but we do it too.

Nosaltres els productes de neteja ens arriben des de la fàbrica a València

We receive the cleaning products from the factory in Valencia.

amb unes garrafes de 25 litres, d'acord?,

with some 25-liter jugs, okay?

que normalment no són les que s'utilitzen a la botiga

which are not usually the ones used in the store

per dispensar el producte,

to dispense the product,

sinó que aquell producte l'aboquem,

but we pour that product out,

el traspassem en uns bidons més grans de 60 litres,

we transfer it to larger 60-liter drums,

perquè és la practicitat del dia a dia, no?,

because it is the practicality of everyday life, right?

de vendre molts litros necessites com un recipient gran,

to sell many liters you need a large container,

i tots els envasos de 25 litres que queden buits els amagatzemem.

And all the empty 25-liter containers, we store them away.

Quan en tenim un número prou gran

When we have a sufficiently large number.

i ens porta, el camió ens porta gènere, no?,

And it brings us, the truck brings us goods, doesn't it?

per reomplir de nou,

to refill,

prenen els envasos buits a la fàbrica,

they take the empty containers to the factory,

els renten, els higienitzen i tornen a posar-se a disposició de...

they wash them, sanitize them, and make them available again to...

Clar, és una reutilització total.

Of course, it's a total reuse.

Des del client que ve a comprar,

From the client who comes to buy,

a nosaltres mateixos que retornem els envasos.

to ourselves that we return the containers.

Això ho fem tot a les botigues, clar.

We do all of this in the stores, of course.

És una quantitat d'envasos que s'estalvien a l'any increïble, no?

It's an incredible amount of containers saved each year, isn't it?

Traduït a quilos de plàstic que no acaben al contenidor,

Translated to kilograms of plastic that do not end up in the bin,

és impressionant, no?

It's impressive, isn't it?

Acabeu de fer el cercle, no?

You just finished the circle, right?

Sí, exacte.

Yes, exactly.

Per a nosaltres no tindria sentit

For us, it wouldn't make sense.

demanar al client que reutilitzi un envàs, què?,

ask the client to reuse a container, what?

d'un litre, dos litres, cinc litres,

one liter, two liters, five liters,

i nosaltres llençéssim a la brossa un de 25,

and we would throw one of 25 in the trash,

un plàstic molt més gran.

a much larger plastic.

No tindria sentit per a nosaltres, no?

It wouldn't make sense for us, would it?

I creiem que això és molt important.

And we believe that this is very important.



L'altra cosa que m'havies preguntat, Anna...

The other thing you asked me, Anna...

No, una mica sí.

No, a little bit yes.

Com ha sigut l'arribada a Reus, no?

How has the arrival in Reus been, right?

De com va ser l'acollida,

How the reception was,

o si l'inici ha sigut més complicat,

or if the beginning has been more complicated,

o com està evolucionant, no?

or how it's evolving, right?

Com tu deies, no?

As you said, right?

L'alimentació és com molt més quotidià,

Food is something much more everyday.

o tots ho podem tenir present, o fins i tot, no?

Either we can all keep it in mind, or even not?

Hem tingut molts clients que recorden

We have had many clients who remember.

com de petits anaven a buscar la llet,

as children they would go to fetch the milk,

anaven a buscar els ous, no?

They were going to get the eggs, right?

Jo mateixa recordo anar amb el meu avi

I myself remember going with my grandfather.

a buscar els ous amb una cistelleta d'amíbet

to look for the eggs with a little basket of friendship

i, no?, reomplir...

Yes, right? To refill...

Però sí que el producte neteja és com el més estrany.

But the cleaning product is indeed the strangest one.

L'acollida ha sigut molt bona, no?

The welcome has been very good, hasn't it?

Realment a nosaltres ens omple d'il·lusió

It really fills us with excitement.

cada vegada que hi ha hagut clients

every time there have been customers

que ens han agraït haver obert la botiga

that they have thanked us for opening the shop

i ens diuen, per fi, un lloc on poder, no?

And they tell us, finally, a place where we can, right?

Ens hem trobat gent que ja abans,

We have met people who already before,

molt abans que nosaltres obríssim,

long before we opened,

anaven acumulant envases buits

they were accumulating empty containers

perquè sentien que jo no podia acabar la brossa, no?

because they felt that I couldn't finish the rubbish, right?

És que, bueno, no ho sé,

It's just that, well, I don't know,

una mica visió de futur, no?, suposo.

a little vision of the future, right?, I suppose.

I l'acollida ha sigut bona.

And the reception has been good.

Crec que ens falta arribar a molta gent, no?

I think we need to reach a lot of people, right?

És veritat que la ubicació de la botiga

It's true that the location of the store.

està lluny del centre de la ciutat.

It is far from the city center.

Som conscients que molta gent,

We are aware that many people,

segurament el mateix Reus encara no ens coneix

surely the same Reus does not know us yet

i aquí sí que hem de fer una tasta, no?,

And here we do have to make a tasting, right?

de difusió encara gran.

of still great diffusion.

Tenim altres avantatges, no?,

We have other advantages, don't we?

d'estar on estem situats.

of being where we are located.

Doncs l'accessibilitat,

Well, accessibility,

comptem amb molta gent de pobles del voltant de Reus

we have many people from the villages around Reus

que venen, no?

That they come, right?

Realment els pobles, no sé,

Really the towns, I don't know,

hi ha molta consciència, no?,

There is a lot of awareness, isn't there?

del tema de la sostenibilitat,

on the topic of sustainability,

de la reducció de residus.

of waste reduction.

I la veritat és que estem contents, no?,

And the truth is that we are happy, aren't we?

que la gent mostra satisfacció

that people show satisfaction

de poder venir una i altra vegada amb el mateix envàs.

to be able to come one time and another with the same container.

Molt bé.

Very well.

És un goig, és un goig que,

It is a joy, it is a joy that,

tot i que el que bé que em dius, no?,

although what you say to me is good, right?

que estiguessin una miqueteta desplaçats del centre,

that they were a little displaced from the center,

però que ja hi hagi un volum de persones

but that there is already a volume of people

ja disposades a ser conscients, no?

Already ready to be aware, right?

Que és el més important al final,

What is the most important in the end,

és tindre'n consciència.

It is to be aware of it.

Hem sabut també que des de l'Ajuntament de Reus

We have also learned that from the City Council of Reus

estan impulsant l'etiqueta

they are promoting the label

Reus Consum Sostenible

Reus Sustainable Consumption

o Reus Consum Responsable.

o Reus Responsible Consumption.

Què en penseu, vosaltres, d'esta campanya?

What do you think about this campaign?

La coneixeu i esteu ja implicats?

Do you know her and are you already involved?

Sí, de fet, estem adherits.

Yes, in fact, we are subscribed.

Ens van proposar, no?,

They proposed to us, didn't they?

que sent el tipus de comerç que som

that feels like the type of commerce that we are

i també els valors, no?,

And also the values, right?

que intentem fomentar,

that we try to promote,

encaixava bastant, no?

It fit quite well, didn't it?

I amb el tema, per exemple,

And with the topic, for example,

dels repartiments a domicili, no?

of home deliveries, right?

És un projecte que funciona,

It is a project that works.

que ens agrada

that we like

i a veure si també, no?,

and let's see if it is also, right?

fent xarxa entre tots, a la ciutat,

making connections among everyone, in the city,

als comerços, també,

to the shops, too,

això va una mica més enllà, no?

this goes a bit further, doesn’t it?

Sí, i una mica, quin seria,

Yes, and a little, what would it be,

què diries a les botigues

What would you say to the shops?

que encara no han fet este pas endavant

that they still haven't taken this step forward

en prou del reciclatge

in favor of recycling

o de sumars, no?,

or to add up, right?

en esta agenda 2030, també?

In this 2030 agenda, too?

Què els recomanaries?

What would you recommend to them?

Quins avantatges creus que pot tindre, no?,

What advantages do you think it could have, right?

per a una botiga de tota la vida

for a lifelong store

entrar també en esta part

also enter into this part

que els seus valors

that their values

entren en el tema de la sostenibilitat?

Do you get into the topic of sustainability?

Doncs que és més fàcil del que un pensa, no?

Well, it's easier than one thinks, right?

Molta gent, nosaltres, per exemple,

A lot of people, us for example,

del dia a dia,

from day to day,

clients que venen a la botiga

clients who come to the store

o gent que ve per primer cop

or people who come for the first time

després d'un any, no?,

after a year, right?

que ens coneixien

that knew us

i, ostres, em faltava venir, no?

Oh, wow, I should have come, right?

Hi ha com la sensació

There is like a feeling.

com una mica de mandra

with a bit of laziness

o a fer canvis,

or to make changes,

però un quan s'hi fica

but once one gets into it

se n'adona que és molt més fàcil

He realizes that it is much easier.

del que pensàvem, no?

That's not what we thought, right?

Que no és tan complicat,

It's not that complicated,

és canviar petits hàbits, no?

It's changing small habits, isn't it?

En la rutina,

In the routine,

en els hàbits de compra, no?

in buying habits, right?

Això de comprar el necessari, no?

This is about buying what is necessary, isn't it?

Per exemple, en el nostre cas,

For example, in our case,

la venda a pes

bulk sale

permet que un s'emporti

allows one to take away

la quantitat de producte que necessita.

the amount of product you need.

I no més, no?

And just that, right?

No cal emmagatzemar.

No need to store.

Hi ha d'altres que sí,

There are others that yes,

que prenen molta quantitat

that take a lot of quantity

perquè, no sé,

because, I don't know,

volen tenir-ne, no?, sempre.

They want to have it, don't they?, always.

Sí, però aprofita el viatge, no?

Yes, but make the most of the trip, right?

Sí, és fàcil, és fàcil.

Yes, it's easy, it's easy.

Animem perquè realment

We encourage because we really

passar a ser, no?,

to become, right?



i intentar

and try

cuidar una mica tot això

take care of all this a bit

és més fàcil del que pensem.

It is easier than we think.

Molt bé.

Very good.

Quin perfil de persones

What profile of people

són les usuàries

they are the users

que més soleu rebre?

What else do you usually receive?

Doncs la veritat que és molt variat, no?

Well, the truth is that it's very varied, isn't it?

Ens va cridar molt l'atenció

It caught our attention a lot.

els primers mesos d'obrir la botiga

the first months of opening the store

que teníem gent gran,

that we had elderly people,

gent gran que

elderly people who

en la seva infantesa o joventut

in his childhood or youth

havien comprat així, no?

They had bought it like this, right?

I ens cridava molt l'atenció

And it caught our attention a lot.

i compartien a vegades amb nosaltres, no?

And sometimes they shared with us, right?

Doncs, per exemple, recordo

Well, for example, I remember

una parella d'avis

a couple of grandparents

que deien

what they said

és que a casa

it's just that at home

els nostres nets i nosaltres sí, però

our grandchildren and us yes, but

la generació del mig,

the middle generation,

que són els fills,

what are the children,

que són

what are they

qui més potser, no?,

who else maybe, right?

són els que menys.

they are the least.

Llavors sí que és veritat

Then it is true.

que a poc a poc

that little by little

això ha anat canviant.

this has been changing.

Creiem també, no?,

We believe so, don't we?

que les escoles

that the schools

s'està afavorint molt, no?,

It's being favored a lot, isn't it?

que les famílies adoptin

that families adopt

uns altres estils, no?

other styles, right?

Gairebé totes les escoles es treballen, no?,

Almost all schools are being worked on, right?

temes de sostenibilitat, de reciclatge

sustainability topics, recycling

i això facilita, no?,

And that makes it easier, right?

o bé perquè

or because

traslladen coses que aprenen a l'escola a casa,

they transfer things they learn at school to home,

doncs, bueno,

so, well,

que els pares també s'impliquin, no?

that the parents also get involved, right?

Llavors és molt variat, no?

Then it's very varied, isn't it?

Des de la senyora veïna del barri

From the neighbor lady of the neighborhood

que, no?,

that, right?

que li han parlat del nostre detergent

that they have talked to him about our detergent

i que va tan bé i prova

and it goes so well and try

i llavors acaba comprant-ho tot,

and then ends up buying it all,

en fi, d'una parella jove

well, of a young couple

que acaben d'independitzar-se,

that have just gained independence,

que, no?, fan la primera compra

that, right?, they make the first purchase

i que, doncs, conscients, no?,

So, then, aware, right?

del tema de la contaminació,

about the issue of pollution,

doncs acudeixen, no?, i compren.

So they attend, right? And buy.

Sí, suposo que ara aneu molt pel boca-orella, no?

Yes, I suppose you are relying a lot on word of mouth now, right?

Sí, sí, sí, realment,

Yes, yes, yes, really,

com en moltes professions,

as in many professions,

el boca-orella funciona, no?

Word of mouth works, doesn’t it?

Hi ha gent que,

There are people who,

el mateix que us deia abans, mandra, por, no?

The same as I told you before, laziness, fear, right?

Algú pensa,

Someone thinks,

si jo he de comprar un detergent que no funciona,

if I have to buy a detergent that doesn't work,

per què he de provar un altre,

why should I try another,

que no sé com m'anirà?

that I don't know how it will go for me?

Però si la veïna li diu

But if the neighbor tells him/her

que ha rentat la roba,

that has washed the clothes,

que li ha quedat estupenda,

that looks wonderful on her,

a més a més,


li ha posat l'olor que més li ha agradat,

he has chosen the scent that he liked the most,

doncs això ja, doncs, fa que es decideixi.

well, that makes it decided.

Comptem amb clients que estan molt compromesos,

We have clients who are very committed,

que, a banda de parlar-ne molta gent,

that, in addition to many people talking about it,

bueno, hi ha gent que, a vegades, diuen,

well, there are people who sometimes say,

posa'm en un altre envàs,

put me in another container,

que aquest li regalaré, no sé qui, perquè ho provi, no?

that I will give this one to him, I don’t know who, so that he can try it, right?

Però també hi ha gent que ens envia fotografies, no?,

But there are also people who send us photographs, right?

del resultat,

of the result,

quan netegem els nostres productes,

when we clean our products,

i ho compartim a les xarxes socials,

and we share it on social media,

i això realment crida molt, no?

And this really calls a lot, right?

Veure tu,

See you,

veure que allò que el teu veí ha provat i funciona,

see that what your neighbor has tried and it works,

doncs et fa que t'animis a comprar, no?

Well, it makes you want to buy, doesn't it?

O a canviar.

Or to change.

Bueno, en marketing, justament,

Well, in marketing, precisely,

este és lo valor més gran que busquen empreses,

this is the greatest value that companies seek,

justament que els seus clients

just that their clients

se convertixin en prescriptors,

become prescriptors,

que és lo que comentaves tu, no?

That's what you were mentioning, right?

I mirant les xarxes, estos dies,

And looking at social media these days,

sí que doneu, també, consells de com netejar,

yes, you also give advice on how to clean,



Fotografies, compartir les fotografies

Photos, share the photos.

de com queda un terra

about how a floor looks

després de netejar el vostre producte, etc.

after cleaning your product, etc.

La veritat és que incentiva molt

The truth is that it encourages a lot.

a vindre i comprar, no?

Come and buy, right?

I també, ara que arribem al final,

And also, now that we are reaching the end,

una mica de l'entrevista,

a bit of the interview,

comentar que no només teniu productes de neteja,

to note that you not only have cleaning products,

sinó que també teniu temes de cosmètica.

but you also have cosmetic topics.

Que això també ho he vist, perquè jo...

I've seen this too, because I...

De moment, lo que havia guardat era un pot de xampú,

For the moment, what I had saved was a bottle of shampoo,

de gel,

of ice,

i em preguntava, dic, ara no el podré omplir.

And I was wondering, I say, now I won't be able to fill it.

I sí, vaig veure que també teniu productes de higiene.

And yes, I saw that you also have hygiene products.

Bé, el que passa és que la cosmètica

Well, what happens is that the cosmetics

té una regulació especial

it has a special regulation

a nivell de la dispensació.

at the level of dispensing.

No és tan fàcil.

It’s not that easy.

Hi ha una llei que mira molt, no?,

There's a law that looks very closely, isn't there?

com s'ha de fer.

how it should be done.

I tractant-se d'un producte de cosmètica,

Since it is a cosmetic product,

doncs, bé, la cosa es complica massa.

Well, the situation is getting too complicated.

Nosaltres no toquem la venda granel del producte de cosmètica.

We do not touch the bulk sale of the cosmetic product.

Tenim cosmètica natural, no?,

We have natural cosmetics, right?

amb productes...

with products...



i en format sòlid,

and in solid format,

o olis corporals, pastes de dents...

or body oils, toothpaste...

Tots són productes lliures de químics, de tòxics, no?

They are all chemical-free, non-toxic products, right?

Amb envasos sempre o bé de vidre,

With containers always either glass,

o de cartró, biodegradables, no?

or cardboard, biodegradable, right?

Intentant eliminar el plàstic, no?, per complet.

Trying to eliminate plastic, right?, completely.

I productes de molt bona qualitat, no?

And products of very good quality, aren't there?

És una mica un complement, eh?

It's a bit of a complement, isn't it?

Sí que la base de la botiga és la venda granel

Yes, the basis of the shop is bulk selling.

i la venda pes,

and the weight sale,

i la cosmètica ha vingut una mica per la demanda de la gent, no?,

And cosmetics have come a bit from the demand of the people, right?

que, com tu deies, Anna, tu ja anaves guardant, doncs igual, no?

that, as you said, Anna, you were already keeping, so equal, right?



La gent també...

People also...

Bueno, fica dins del mateix àmbit, no?,

Well, it fits within the same scope, right?

la neteja i la higiene i la cosmètica.

cleanliness and hygiene and cosmetics.

Tota la part, tot el que no es menja, no?,

All the part, everything that is not eaten, right?

tota aquella gran àrea de tot el que no es menja.

all that vast area of everything that isn't eaten.

Exacte, sí.

Exactly, yes.

Bueno, d'aquí que també hem incorporat, no?,

Well, that's why we've also incorporated, right?

per exemple, el paper de vàter sense blanquejar,

for example, unbleached toilet paper,

que venem a granel, que ens arriba...

that we sell in bulk, that comes to us...

A més, està fet a Besalú, d'aquí a prop, no?

Moreover, it's made in Besalú, nearby, isn't it?

I petits complements per poder tenir a casa, doncs això,

And small accessories to have at home, well, that.

lliures de plàstic, no?, intentant evitar-ho.

free of plastic, right?, trying to avoid it.

Molt bé.

Very good.

Doncs Lorena, no sé si la Noe té alguna pregunta més.

Well Lorena, I don’t know if Noe has any more questions.

Sí, jo volia també, ja que te'ns he dit aquest espai, doncs,

Yes, I wanted to as well, since I've mentioned this space to you, well,

que ens expliquis una miqueteta...

that you explain a little to us...

Has dit que estàvem separats del centre,

You said that we were separated from the center,

però que ens expliqueu una miqueteta on us podem trobar

but please tell us a little bit about where we can find you

i com us podem localitzar.

And how can we locate you?

Bé, bueno, posant en fa el pes, no?, a Google,

Well, good, it's weighing on me, right?, on Google,

apareix la ubicació, l'adreça, també les xarxes socials.

The location, the address, and also the social media appear.

Estem a la zona de Misericòrdia, a Reus,

We are in the Misericòrdia area, in Reus.

molt a propet del pavelló d'esports de l'Alberiqui Casas,

very close to the sports pavilion of Alberiqui Casas,

a prop de la llar d'infants municipal que tenim al davant

near the municipal nursery we have in front of us

i amb una zona d'aparcament que facilita, no?,

And with a parking area that makes it easier, right?

que un vingui a carregar de productes de neteja.

that someone comes to load cleaning products.

I sempre disponibles a nivell telefònic,

And always available by phone,

a nivell de xarxes, de correu electrònic, no?,

on the level of networks, of email, right?

tant per consultar si tenim obert, l'horari que fem,

just to check if we are open, the hours we operate,

com per qualsevol dubte que pugui sorgir, no?,

As for any doubts that may arise, right?

a l'hora de fer servir els productes.

when it comes to using the products.

Doncs moltes gràcies, Lorena,

So thank you very much, Lorena,

amb ganes d'omplir aquests envasos que comencem a guardar

Eager to fill these containers that we are starting to store.

des que vam començar a pensar els temes d'aquest podcast

since we started thinking about the topics for this podcast

i, òbviament, va sortir el vostre negoci, així com altres de Reus,

and, obviously, your business came out, just like others from Reus,

que treballen no el reciclatge, sinó ja evitar, justament,

that work not on recycling, but rather on avoiding, precisely,

tindre plàstics i tindre que reciclar estos elements,

to have plastics and to have to recycle these elements,

sinó que lo millor és los que no existixen.

but the best are those that do not exist.

Sempre ho hem dit, no?

We've always said it, haven't we?

Moltíssimes gràcies per compartir esta estoneta amb naltres.

Thank you very much for sharing this moment with us.

Gràcies a vosaltres.

Thank you.

Gràcies per la invitació.

Thank you for the invitation.

Moltíssimes gràcies, Lorena, responsable d'Enfalpes a Reus.

Thank you very much, Lorena, in charge of Enfalpes in Reus.

Gràcies a vosaltres.

Thank you.

I arribem a la part final d'este cinquè podcast

And we reach the final part of this fifth podcast.

i, com a cada capítol, ara sí, passem a l'apartat d'idees i consells

And, as in each chapter, now yes, we move on to the section of ideas and advice.

de com, d'altres, podeu passar a l'acció.

of how, others, you can take action.

Informeu-vos o sigueu conscients de les conseqüències ecològiques,

Be informed or be aware of the ecological consequences.

econòmiques i socials de les vostres compres.

economic and social aspects of your purchases.

Penseu en si es pot reparar en lloc de comprar de nou.

Think about whether it can be repaired instead of buying new.

Moltes coses poden tenir una vida útil molt llarga,

Many things can have a very long shelf life,

amb petits canvis de peces o reparacions.

with small changes of parts or repairs.

Reparar sempre és una opció inicial.

Repairing is always an initial option.

Utilitzeu un criteri de proximitat a l'hora de comprar.

Use a proximity criterion when shopping.

Com més a prop s'hagi produït o elaborat el bé de consum,

The closer the consumer good has been produced or elaborated,

més fomentarem l'economia local

we will further promote the local economy

i menys energia contaminant s'haurà fet servir

and less polluting energy will have been used

per fer-vos arribar aquell producte.

to deliver that product to you.

Penseu i busqueu empreses que facin un consum sostenible,

Think and look for companies that practice sustainable consumption.

com, per exemple, Kiklicoala.com,

such as Kiklicoala.com,

que és un buscador que t'ajuda a descobrir alternatives de productes

it is a search engine that helps you discover product alternatives.

i serveis respectuosos amb el medi ambient i amb les persones.

and services that are respectful of the environment and of people.

I si teniu ganes d'elaborar alguns elements propis,

And if you want to create some of your own elements,

utilitzeu el compostatge casolà per tractar els residus orgànics,

use home composting to handle organic waste,

restes de menjar i del jardí, a casa vostra,

food scraps and garden waste, in your home,

per tal d'obtenir un adob que després podreu utilitzar

in order to obtain a paste that you will be able to use later

per nodrir les vostres plantes.

to nourish your plants.

I per acabar, participeu en espais d'intercanvi d'objectes

And finally, participate in object exchange spaces.

de segona mà entre particulars.

second-hand between individuals.

Podeu portar-hi els que no utilitzeu

You can bring those you don’t use.

i endur bosen en lloc dels que us faci falta.

I will bring some for those of you who need it.

Com, per exemple, tenir la plataforma de Big Family

As, for example, having the Big Family platform.

o trobar alguna botiga amiga propera.

or find a nearby friendly store.

I fins aquí aquest cinquè capítol del racó dels Global Goals.

And up to here this fifth chapter of the Global Goals corner.

Esperem que us hagi agradat i que, sobretot, us hagi inspirat.

We hope you liked it and, above all, that it has inspired you.

El nostre nom és Anna Frisach.

Our name is Anna Frisach.

I Noelia Moliner.

I Noelia Moliner.

Moltíssimes gràcies per acompanyar-nos.

Thank you very much for joining us.

Us animem a seguir-nos a través de les xarxes socials

We encourage you to follow us on social media.

de Jove Cambra de Reus i Ràdio Ciutat de Tarragona,

from Jove Cambra de Reus and Ràdio Ciutat de Tarragona,

a Facebook, Instagram i Twitter.

to Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

I, com sempre, si us ha agradat aquest contingut,

I, as always, if you liked this content,

us animem a compartir-lo tantes vegades com vulgueu.

we encourage you to share it as many times as you want.

I recordeu que l'acció més petita té més impacte

And remember that the smallest action has the greatest impact.

que la inserció més gran.

that the greatest insertion.

Cuidem el planeta. Fins la propera!

Let's take care of the planet. Until next time!

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