#ElsMésEscoltats: El Netflix dels videojocs?

Ràdio Ciutat de Tarragona

La Demo | Ràdio Ciutat de Tarragona

#ElsMésEscoltats: El Netflix dels videojocs?

La Demo | Ràdio Ciutat de Tarragona

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the podcast platform of Ràdio Ciutat.

Benvinguts i benvingudes, tornem amb un nou programa de la demo.

Welcome everyone, we're back with a new episode of the demo.

Serveis com Netflix o Spotify han establert un referent

Services like Netflix or Spotify have established a benchmark.

pel que fa al consum de productes culturals

regarding the consumption of cultural products

i Xbox n'ha seguit l'estela.

and Xbox has followed in its wake.

El món del videojoc comença una nova generació

The world of video games is beginning a new generation.

on el joc com a servei i el joc per subscripció

where gaming as a service and subscription gaming

seran els grans cavalls de batalla,

they will be the great battle horses,

tot i que estem una mica en contra d'aquest concepte de guerra de consoles,

although we are somewhat against this concept of console wars,

bàsicament perquè tinc les dues.

Basically because I have both.

Per parlar d'aquest quilombo,

To talk about this mess,

comptem amb...

we count on...

amb el nostre Frank Underwood dels videojocs.

with our Frank Underwood of video games.

David Gallego, com estàs?

David Gallego, how are you?

Hòstia, no me l'esperava aquesta, eh?

Damn, I wasn't expecting this, huh?

Frank Underwood? Ara no sé per què.

Frank Underwood? I don't know why now.

Perquè he dit Netflix i he pensat...

Because I said Netflix and I thought...

Ah, d'acord, d'acord.

Ah, okay, okay.

Al moment d'escriure m'ha semblat una bona idea.

At the moment of writing, it seemed like a good idea to me.

No passa res.

It's okay.

Sí que pensi que sóc mala persona.

Yes, I do think that I am a bad person.

Ui, no, per mi referent absolut de...

Oh no, for me an absolute reference of...

de moltes coses dolentes, sí, tens raó.

Of many bad things, yes, you are right.

Com estàs?

How are you?

Molt bé.

Very good.

Molt bé, molt bé.

Very well, very well.

Aquí, després de t'haixerar d'un tema que jo crec que és molt interessant,

Here, after you have drawn attention to a topic that I think is very interesting,

a més a més, per el tipus de consum.

furthermore, due to the type of consumption.



I també està qui us parla, Joan Albert Besora,

And also here is the person speaking to you, Joan Albert Besora,

i bé, com sabeu, acabarem el programa

And well, as you know, we will finish the program.

amb la secció més premium de la ràdio, el DLC.

with the most premium section of the radio, the DLC.


Let's begin!

difícil de tractar ara mateix

difficult to deal with right now

perquè jo crec que encara estem

because I believe that we are still

en un punt en què les

at a point where the

peces s'estan posicionant una mica

pieces are positioning themselves a bit

al taulell

at the counter

però jo tinc

but I have

la sensació que

the feeling that

tot anirà cap al Game Pass

Everything will go to Game Pass.

que tot anirà cap a

that everything will go towards

una mena de servei de subscripció

a kind of subscription service

que al final jo crec que anirà guanyant

that in the end I believe he will win



fins que ja sigui

until it is already

el model de jugador

the player model



Sí, creus que Sony acabarà cedint

Yes, do you think Sony will end up conceding?

o que potser ho està preparant

or maybe it is preparing it

que això també és cert

that this is also true

que és una cosa que no sabem, potser ara està preparant

what is something we don't know, perhaps it's preparing now

ara és cert que té

now it's true that he/she has

el Playstation Now però no vindria

the Playstation Now wouldn't come

o sigui, jo crec que no és

I mean, I don't think it is.

equiparable al Game Pass perquè d'entrada

comparable to Game Pass because at first

no treu jocs de sortida

doesn't take exit games

que això crec que és un gran

that I believe this is a great

al·licient pel que fa al Game Pass

incentive regarding the Game Pass

per tant, tots són jocs que més o menys

therefore, they are all games that more or less

ja tenen un temps, que més o menys pots trobar

They have been around for a while, which you can more or less find.

rebaixats, que sí, vale, pagues una

discounted, yes, okay, you pay one.

subscripció ja ho tens

subscription you already have it

però no és ben bé el mateix

but it is not quite the same

que molts jugues

that many play

directament des del núvol, no te'ls

directly from the cloud, don't you them

baixes i jo crec

I'll lower it and I think.

que és un concepte una mica diferent

that is a slightly different concept

i és possible que Sony estigui preparant

And it is possible that Sony is preparing.

el seu Netflix dels videojocs

the Netflix of video games

i surti d'aquí

and get out of here

dos mesos, ens xapi la boca

two months, it drives us crazy

i digui, mira, per 6 euros

And say, look, for 6 euros.

teniu tot el catàleg

do you have the entire catalog

i bueno,

and well,

amb baixos calçotets

with low underwear

però jo crec que no, jo crec que

but I don't think so, I think that

jo crec que li costarà una mica més

I think it will cost him a little more.

perquè ara, o sigui, de fet

because now, I mean, in fact

o sigui, ara mateix

that is to say, right now

el que hi ha sobre la taula és Sony

What is on the table is Sony.

dient, no mira, els meus jocs

saying, do not look, my games

sortiran per 80 paus

they will go out for 80 cents

80 paus

80 cents

que es diu aviat

what is said soon

i Sony diu, bueno

And Sony says, well

els meus jocs

my games

entren al Game Pass que

they enter the Game Pass that

que al final, si fas

that in the end, if you do

números, tampoc és tan

numbers, it's not that much either

diferent, però a nivell

different, but at a level

jo crec que a nivell de

I believe that at the level of

sensació, de sensació de punyalada

sensation, a sensation of being stabbed

és diferent

it's different



jo crec que

I believe that

jo crec que el PlayStation 9

I believe that the PlayStation 9

jo soc usuari del PlayStation 9

I am a user of PlayStation 9.

jo vaig pagar una subscripció

I paid for a subscription.

d'un any quan estava

of a year when I was

a l'oferta

to the offer

i sí que és veritat que no tenim jocs

And it is true that we do not have any games.

de sortida


no tenim el Returnal

we don't have Returnal

no tenim aquests jocs que estan sortint ara mateix

We don't have these games that are coming out right now.

tot i que jo encara no tinc PlayStation 5

even though I still don't have a PlayStation 5



però sí que és veritat que

but it is true that

jo com a

I as a

pel tipus de jugador que soc jo

for the type of player that I am

que jo en cap cas soc

that I in no case am



i que tampoc rejugo

and I don't play either

gaires jocs

too many games

de fet, molt pocs

in fact, very few

jo és un model

I am a model.

al qual m'hi podria acostumar

to which I could get used

encara no hi estic acostumat

I'm still not used to it.

perquè ara sortirà

because now it will come out

el Resident Evil que em va pillar

the Resident Evil that caught me

segurament la sortida

probably the exit

també sortirà el Mass Effect

Mass Effect will also be released.

encara soc jugador

I'm still a player.



però t'he de dir

but I have to tell you

que saber que tens

that you know that you have

cada mes tres jocs diferents

every month three different games

per poder anar picotejant

to be able to go pecking

per poder anar provant

to be able to keep trying

ara provoquet, mira si no m'agrada

now provoke it, see if I don't like it

doncs ja està, el desinstal·lo i punt

So that's it, I'll uninstall it and that's that.

que no tenen un cos

that do not have a body



doncs em sembla interessant

Well, it seems interesting to me.

és veritat que hi ha debat

It is true that there is debate.

que hi ha debat

that there is debate

i està clar que

and it is clear that

avui dia el model del Game Pass

nowadays the Game Pass model

no té rival

has no rival

amb Sony

with Sony

i és el que t'anava a dir

And that's what I was going to tell you.



a mi em sembla guai la proposta

I think the proposal is great.

em pot semblar bé la proposta de Sony

The proposal from Sony may seem good to me.

el que em sembla complicat

what seems complicated to me

és combinar-la amb

it is to combine it with

però paga 80 pavos

but it costs 80 bucks

pel joc que acabo de treure

for the game I just released

potser de merda

maybe crappy

perquè, ojo, o sigui

because, watch out, I mean

que recordem que

that we remember that

All Stars

All Stars

com se deia aquell

what was that called

Destruction All Stars

Destruction All Stars

anava a sortir a 80 euros

it was going to cost 80 euros

que, bueno, ni t'asseguro

well, I'm not sure about that

que ni fumat

that not even if smoked

els pago 80 euros

I will pay them 80 euros.

de fet encara no he pagat 80 euros

In fact, I still haven't paid 80 euros.

per un joc de Play 5

for a Play 5 game

els he pagat per jocs anteriors

I have paid them for previous games.

per edicions d'aquestes

for editions of these

que t'hi cagues

that you shit yourself

però em sembla heavy

but it seems heavy to me

o sigui, crec

that is, I think

no tinc clar que ho acabin

I'm not sure they'll finish it.

de treure

to remove

hem de tenir clar el tema dels 80 euros

We need to be clear about the issue of the 80 euros.

perquè s'han tirat enrere amb algunes coses

because they have backed down on some things


we will see

ara els que realment han de sortir

now those who really have to go out

per Play 5

for Play 5

bueno, de fet el retorn

well, in fact the return

surt per menys ja

it's cheaper now

si no recordo malament

if I remember correctly

o surt per 80

or it comes out for 80

surt per 80

goes out for 80

vaig a confirmar-ho ara mateix

I am going to confirm it right now.

estic buscant el preu

I am looking for the price.

els tenen quadrats

they have squares

però jo diria que surt per 80

but I would say it comes out to 80

em sembla una barrera psicològica

It seems like a psychological barrier to me.

79-95 efectivament

79-95 effectively

em sembla una barrera psicològica

It seems like a psychological barrier to me.

molt heavy

very heavy

o sigui, de fet jo l'he viscut

that is to say, in fact, I have lived it

i l'he viscut com superintensament

and I have experienced it very intensely

amb l'NBA, tio

with the NBA, dude

l'NBA no l'he volgut comprar

I didn't want to buy the NBA.

per nova generació

for new generation

perquè valia 80 euros

because it was worth 80 euros

però 80 euros ara

but 80 euros now

que l'anterior generació el trobes per 20 euros

that the previous generation you find for 20 euros

s'està posant Nintendo

Nintendo is becoming popular.

una mica

a bit

s'està posant Nintendo l'NBA

Is Nintendo getting the NBA?

una mica

a little bit

però crec que és una barrera psicològica

but I think it is a psychological barrier

crec que se li passarà

I think it will pass.

amb l'NBA 2K22

with NBA 2K22

o sigui, és d'aquelles coses que

I mean, it's one of those things that

bueno, doncs ja està

well, that's it then

t'esperes un any i ja ho tindràs amb el nou

You wait a year and you'll have it with the new one.

és que jo per això

it's just that I for that

considero que

I consider that

aquí estem

here we are

és el que et dic, que encara

it's what I'm telling you, that still

les peces no estan ben col·locades

the pieces are not well placed

pel que fa al joc

regarding the game

no en streaming, però al joc on deman

not in streaming, but in the game where you ask

no, no estan col·locades les peces encara

No, the pieces are not placed yet.

és veritat que el Game Pass funciona com un tiro

It's true that Game Pass works like a charm.

i el de tothom que té una Xbox

and everyone who has an Xbox

i que

and that

és un motiu de compra

it is a reason for purchase

per tenir una Xbox

to have an Xbox

però és veritat que a Sony encara

but it's true that at Sony still

no està ben

it is not good



Xbox tampoc té tants

Xbox doesn't have that many either.

tants pesos pesants com perquè sigui

as many heavyweights as needed



que els jocs d'onatament sortin

that the games of donation come out

és el que li falta

it's what he/she/it lacks

i tant

of course

o sigui, si fos al revés

that is, if it were the other way around

si fos al revés

if it were the other way around

si fos Sony que tingués el Game Pass

if it were Sony that had Game Pass

i estigués traient

and I was taking out

God of War, Spider-Man i Uncharted

God of War, Spider-Man, and Uncharted

en fons, o sigui, Microsoft

in essence, that is, Microsoft

ja es pot dedicar a fer torradores

you can now dedicate yourself to making toasters

també et dic que com pagues aquests jocs

I also tell you how you pay for these games.

o sigui, clar, quant val el Game Pass a l'any?

So, of course, how much does Game Pass cost per year?

80 euros?

80 euros?

jo tinc l'Ultimate

I have the Ultimate.

i crec que en pago 15 al mes

And I think I pay 15 a month.

o sigui, com el Netflix

I mean, like Netflix.



doncs vols dir que això fa que

so you mean that this makes that

puguis pagar

you can pay

les superproduccions que s'estan fent

the superproductions that are being made

avui dia en el món del videojoc

today in the world of video games



tu el que fas el pots pagar

What you do, you can pay for it.

amb un Game Pass?

with a Game Pass?

ja, però no ho sé, de moment

yes, but I don't know, for now

Microsoft ha comprat Bethesda

Microsoft has bought Bethesda.

que ja em sembla el més louco

that already seems the craziest to me

de l'univers

of the universe

per tant, jo entenc que els números

therefore, I understand that the numbers

li deuen sortir

they must be coming out

o calculen que li poden sortir

or they estimate that it could cost him/her

exacte, aquí ja està

exactly, here it is

el quid de la qüestió

the crux of the matter

a moment jo crec que estan calculant

I think they are calculating at the moment.

i aquí no som cap experts

And here we are no experts.

en negoci internacional

in international business

ah no!

oh no!

amb puta idea

with a fucking idea

estem parlant i parlem

we are talking and we talk

però jo crec que estan mirant el punt

but I think they are looking at the point

que estan en un procés d'inversió

that are in an investment process

o apostem tot

or we bet everything

i esperem guanyar

and we hope to win

la generació en consoles

the generation in consoles

i, per tant, en usuaris

and, therefore, in users

i ser

and to be

la nova plataforma

the new platform



el nou Netflix

the new Netflix

l'acaparadora de tot

the one that hoards everything

durant aquesta generació, perquè si no estan

during this generation, because if they are not

en aquesta posició, si estan en la mateixa

in this position, if they are in the same

posició que ara, que

position that now, that

és una mica 50-50

it's a bit 50-50

i fins i tot 60-40,

and even 60-40,



sincerament no veia els números.

Honestly, I didn't see the numbers.

A veure,

Let's see,

també et diré, o sigui,

I will also tell you, I mean,

ho entenc,

I understand.

però al final Netflix

but in the end Netflix

funciona, i és cert que sempre surten

It works, and it is true that they always appear.

notícies que van justos,

news that are tight,



hi ha alguns moments que

there are some moments that

han estat del cantó enduro a desaparèixer,

they have been on the verge of disappearing,



Llavors, però perquè al final

Then, but why in the end

ara deuen estar millor,

now they must be better,

entenc, perquè amb la pandèmia

I understand, because of the pandemic.

tothom s'ha fet Netflix.

Everyone has gotten Netflix.

Però inverteixen molts diners

But they invest a lot of money.

en grans superproduccions,

in large superproductions,

hòstia, van començar

Holy shit, they started.

amb una, Netflix va començar amb una

With one, Netflix started with one.

sabatesa i una espardenya fent justament

a shoe and a sandal doing just that

House of Cards i The Orange is

House of Cards and The Orange is

the New Black, com a grans

the New Black, like the greats

cavalls de batalla

battle horses

i costaven un pastó.

They cost a fortune.

I tenien

They had.

els quatre subscriptors

the four subscribers

locos dels Estats Units.

crazy people from the United States.

Per tant,


és una aposta arriscada.

it's a risky bet.

El món del cinema

The world of cinema

no és el mateix, perquè

it's not the same, because

els budget són

the budgets are

més baixos, o sigui, els

lower, that is, the

pressupostos són més baixos, i els

budgets are lower, and the

temps de desenvolupament són també molt més baixos.

Development times are also much lower.

Un videojoc, si trigues

A video game, if you take your time.

5, 6, 7 anys,

5, 6, 7 years.

fer un gran videojoc, un

make a great video game, a

Red Dead Redemption, un The Last of Us,

Red Dead Redemption, a The Last of Us,

hòstia, jo no veig els números.

Holy shit, I can't see the numbers.

És que no els acabo de veure.

I just can't see them.

O sigui, un The Last of Us,

I mean, a The Last of Us,

per dos, ja sé, quan m'acosta,

for two, I know, when he/she/it approaches me,

quan m'intercanviïs el

when you exchange the

torn de paraula, ho buscaré.

take the floor, I will look for it.

No veig jo

I don't see it.

on està el benefici.

Where is the profit?

No el veig.

I don't see him/her.

O sigui, a veure,

So, let's see,

jo el que

I what

suposo, o vull pensar

I suppose, or I want to think.

que acabarà passant, és que,

what will end up happening is that,

una mica el que deies, que

a bit what you said, that

totes dues companyies acabaran entrant

both companies will eventually enter

amb Microsoft i iOS,

with Microsoft and iOS,

però totes dues acabaran

but both will end

entrant amb un model de subscripció

entering with a subscription model

de base, on

of base, where

sí que tindrà un sentit

it will indeed make sense

seri, perquè

sure, because

amb les dues companyies tindràs

with both companies you will have

jocs de sortida

outdoor games

allà, però que els

there, but that they

grans pepinardos acabaran

big cucumbers will end up

anant fora. O sigui,

going outside. That is,

acabarà sent o un plus,

it will end up being either a plus,

o com, bueno,

or how, well,

no, ara Disney+, no?, que

no, now Disney+, right?, that

ara estrena Mulan

now premieres Mulan

o Black Widow

or Black Widow

i pagues 21 euros, que em

And you pay 21 euros, which I...

sembla una xaladura, però bueno. Val més que el cine.

It seems like nonsense, but well. It's better than the movies.



A veure, després hi ha

Let's see, then there is

el contrarregument

the countercurrent

aquest que et diu, bueno,

this one that tells you, well,

però és que ho pagues entre quatre i et surt com una entrada

but you pay for it among four people and it comes out to about the price of a ticket

al cine. Bueno, jo

to the cinema. Well, I

no estic agarrat per fer visions, tampoc.

I am not bound to make visions, either.

Vull dir...

I mean...

Jo no la treia.

I didn't take it out.

Sí, sí, estic d'acord.

Yes, yes, I agree.

Black Widow.

Black Widow.

Veure Black Widow a la tele.

Watch Black Widow on TV.

No, no, jo aniré al cine.

No, no, I will go to the cinema.

Però em refereixo que jo crec que

But I mean that I believe that

potser va per aquí, de dir,

maybe it goes like this, to say,

mira, o això,

look, or this,

o ja ens podem

or we can already

agafar perquè

take because

tots els jocs que surtin

all the games that come out

siguin rotllo

be a vibe



i amb micropagaments.

and with micropayments.

Si ja ho feien ara

If they were already doing it now.

amb jocs que valien

with games that were worth it

70 euros,

70 euros,

o sigui, 70 euros,

that is, 70 euros,

i tenies un joc paladíssim

And you had a very obvious game.

que realment havies de posar més diners

that you really had to put in more money

perquè, per passar-t'ho bé,

because, to have a good time,


imagine yourself

si només van amb subscripció.

if they only come with a subscription.

Jo crec que serà molt més a saco.

I think it will be much more straightforward.

No sé, eh? Vull pensar que no,

I don't know, huh? I want to think not.

però una part de mi

but a part of me

creu que...

do you think...

Jo crec que no perquè és un risc,

I don't think so because it's a risk.

òbviament, i segurament tindrem

obviously, and we will probably have

més jocs com aquests.

more games like this.

És veritat.

It is true.

Això és un perill real.

This is a real danger.

Però s'està veient que,

But it is being seen that,

els que més venen

the best sellers

i els que més interès desperten,

and those that arouse the most interest,

al final, no són aquestes propostes.

In the end, these are not the proposals.

Perquè Avengers, tothom

Because Avengers, everyone

sabem l'hòstia que es va fotre.

we know the hell he got into.

Jo ara mateix

I right now

l'estic jugant amb el PlayStation Now.

I'm playing it on PlayStation Now.



I que, per cert,

And what, by the way,

després parlarem del DS, però...

we will talk about the DS later, but...

Tinc comentari del respecte.

I have a comment regarding respect.



Però jo crec

But I believe

que al final, si hi ha com una dicotomia,

that in the end, if there is like a dichotomy,

com una dicotomia estranya,

with a strange dichotomy,

que fa que no sabem cap on

which makes us not know where to go

haguem de tirar.

we would have to throw away.

És que jo crec que estarà, és un tipus,

I think he will be there, he's a guy,

és un model que estarà en el limbo

it is a model that will be in limbo

uns quants anys. És a dir,

a few years. That is to say,

un usuari com jo, que paga 60 napos

a user like me, who pays 60 napos

per un any,

for a year,

o 70, o els que siguin.

or 70, or however many there are.

Jo he pagat 60 per PlayStation Now.

I have paid 60 for PlayStation Now.

Jo pago 60 euros per un any

I pay 60 euros for a year.

i vaig jugant.

I am playing.

I els llançaments que a mi m'interessen,

And the launches that interest me,

pagar a 70 euros un altre cop,

pay 70 euros again,

doncs aquests els compraré.

Well, I will buy these.

El Resident Evil,

The Resident Evil,

el Mass Effect,

the Mass Effect,

el Horizon Zero Dawn,

Horizon Zero Dawn

aquests grans llançaments

these great launches

que en principi tenim per aquest any.

that we have planned for this year.

Jo crec que és un model que navegara així.

I think it's a model that will navigate like this.

Per això jo no acabo d'entendre

That's why I don't quite understand.

Microsoft en aquest punt

Microsoft at this point

que aquesta postura sigui

that this position be

a llarg termini.

in the long term.

És a dir, si tu treus un

That is to say, if you take one out.

Gear 6 o un Halo

Gear 6 or a Halo

o un Halo...

or a Halo...

Com es diu el nou?

What is the new one called?



El Infinite, exacte.

The Infinite, exactly.

Aquest, m'estàs dient que de sortida

This, you are telling me that as a result.

el tindràs al Game Pass?

Will you have it on Game Pass?

Però perquè és una estratègia,

But because it is a strategy,

o sigui, perquè en el concepte

that is, because in the concept



Sí, sí, sí, serà, però perquè

Yes, yes, yes, it will be, but why?

jo crec que en el concepte

I believe that in the concept

de guerra de consoles aquest que estem

of console war this that we are in

en contra, però si...

against, but yes...

Mira, entrant-hi,

Look, by entering,



a l'anterior generació

to the previous generation

va quedar molt enrere

it fell far behind

perquè PlayStation 4

because PlayStation 4

va vendre com a xurros

sold like hot cakes

d'entrada perquè tenia

at first because I had

un millor preu de sortida

a better starting price

i després va fer millors jocs.

and then made better games.

Llavors, Microsoft havia de

Then, Microsoft had to

canviar el xip

change the chip

i dir, mira, necessito

And say, look, I need.

vendre com sigui

sell whatever it takes

i crear aquest sistema.

and create this system.

Què passa? Crec jo, eh?

What's happening? I think so, right?

És molt difícil

It's very difficult.

tirar enrere.

to backtrack.

O sigui, crec que

That is to say, I think that.

Sony el que ha de fer és tirar enrere.

What Sony needs to do is backtrack.

És, ara està, o sigui,

It is, now it is, I mean,

ara està a dalt de tot

now it is at the top

Sony, o sigui...

Sony, that is...

Sony creus que ha de tirar enrere?

Sony, do you think it should pull back?

En el sentit de, per mi és tirar enrere

In the sense that, for me, it's going backwards.

dir, faig un joc

say, I'm playing a game

a 80 euros, el venc

at 80 euros, I sell it

com a xurros

like churros

i ara dic, bueno, mira,

And now I say, well, look,

en lloc de vendre-lo a 80 euros

instead of selling it for 80 euros

el poso en aquesta plataforma

I put it on this platform.

que m'enduré un tant per cent

that I will take a percentage

i ja li poso algun

And I'll put some on him/her.

micropagament per a veure que m'enduc.

micropayment to see what I take.

O sigui, crec que aquest canvi...

So, I think that this change...

O sigui, podíem fer qualsevol merda a la Play 4,

So, we could do any crap on the Play 4,

podíem fer qualsevol merda

we could do any crap

que la venien com a xurros.

that they were selling like hotcakes.

Van fer el Days Gone

They made Days Gone.

que tenia coses bones, però en general

that had good things, but in general

era una merda

it was shit

i el van vendre com a xurros.

and they sold him like hotcakes.

Mira si...

Look if...

Que no faran el dos.

They won't team up.

Vaig acabar comprant.

I ended up buying.

Però em refereixo que

But I mean that

és tan difícil...

it's so difficult...

O pensar un concepte com el FIFA.

Or think of a concept like FIFA.

El FIFA té cada any

The FIFA has every year

la mateixa merda

the same shit

i jo soc el primer tonto

And I am the first fool.

que el dia 1 paga 70 euros

that on the 1st you pay 70 euros

i se'l compra sencer.

and he buys it whole.

I a més a més on fan la pasta no és aquí

And moreover, where they make the pasta is not here.

sinó amb tots els micropagaments de després.

but with all the micropayments afterwards.

Per tant, una companyia

Therefore, a company.

renuncia a aquests 70 euros d'entrada

waiver of these 70 entry euros

és que

it is that

és molt difícil.

It is very difficult.

I això ho va entendre

And he/she understood that.

dintre de la seva mentalitat capitalista

within their capitalist mindset


cheap or tacky.

I crec que aquí hi ha el problema.

I believe that here lies the problem.

M'agraeixo que ho fa això.

I thank you for doing this.

M'agraeixo que ho fa perquè

I appreciate that you do it because

no té res a perdre.

has nothing to lose.

Es gasta 60, 70,

It costs 60, 70.

80 milions de dòlars

80 million dollars

el que valgui fer el Gears 5.

what Gears 5 is worth doing.

No sé, potser val 50.

I don't know, maybe it's worth 50.

No crec que sigui tan car.

I don't think it's that expensive.

50, 60, 70.

50, 60, 70.

No sé, entre aquest va demo.

I don't know, this one goes as a demo.

I el que fa és posar-lo,

And what he does is put it,

per exemple,

for example,

al Game Pass.

to Game Pass.

Esperant que un allau

Waiting for an avalanche

de nous subscriptors

of new subscribers

paguin el servei en aquest moment.

They are paying for the service at this moment.

Però aquest mercat

But this market

d'ampliació constant

of constant expansion

del parc

of the park

de Game Pass

of Game Pass

hi haurà algun dia

there will be a day

que és com Netflix

it's like Netflix

que se suposa que ja estan arribant

that are supposed to be arriving already

al tope de subscriptors.

at the top of subscribers.

Què fem a partir d'aquí?

What do we do from here?

Que ja no guanyem

That we don't win anymore.

més diners.

more money.

I que ho has de repartir per tots.

And you have to distribute it among everyone.

I que això és un transatlàntic

And that this is a transatlantic ship.

que ja ha agafat velocitat a creuer

that has already reached cruising speed

i ara què fem?

And now what do we do?

Jo crec que és un servei

I believe it is a service.

que beneficia clarament

that clearly benefits

primer el jugador,

first the player,

per tant, a tope amb això.

therefore, all in on this.

I després els jocs petits.

And then the small games.

És a dir,

That is to say,

jo crec que el gran al·licient

I believe that the main attraction

del Game Pass

from the Game Pass

és jugar a jocs

it is playing games

que t'asseguro que no pagaria ni un euro

that I assure you I wouldn’t pay a single euro

d'entrada. Potser si el conegués

At first. Maybe if I knew him.

després sí, però l'altre dia vaig estar

after yes, but the other day I was

tres hores jugant a un joc on era

three hours playing a game where I was

un puto núvol plovent sobre de penya.

a fucking cloud raining over a rock.

Ui, molt bo aquest, eh?

Oh, very good this one, huh?

Molt bo. A l'Aguafiestes.

Very good. To the party pooper.

A l'Aguafiestes.

To the Party Pooper.

Si no l'hagués trobat

If I hadn't found him/her.

ultra rebaixat a Steam

ultra discounted on Steam

per un euro, no sé què,

for one euro, I don't know what,

potser no m'hi hagués interessat.

maybe I wouldn't have been interested in it.

O sigui, crec que aquí és on

I mean, I think this is where

on realment brilla

where it really shines

i no potser tant amb les grans

and maybe not so much with the big ones

superproduccions, que clar, és, o sigui,

superproductions, which of course, is, I mean,

joder, Caballo regalado

Damn, a gift horse.

pues de puta madre.

Well, that's fucking great.



L'haurà de resoldre de la vida, eh?

You'll have to resolve it in life, huh?

Però crec que

But I think that

crec que Sony

I think that Sony

ha de baixar i

has to go down and

ho veig difícil. Crec que trigarà.

I see it as difficult. I think it will take time.

Però que també valen això els

But this is also worth it for them.

bitjocs en Microsoft.

video games on Microsoft.

O sigui, els jocs de sortida...

That is, the starting games...

Vull dir que són totes dues.

I mean that they are both.

Però Microsoft

But Microsoft

té més diners d'entrada.

has more money coming in.

O sigui, sí que potser està palant més,

So, yes, maybe he is shoveling more.

però els guanya per una altra banda.

but they win it on another front.

O sigui, en guanyar és sempre més

That is to say, in winning it is always more.

Microsoft venent ordinadors

Microsoft selling computers

que Sony venent teles.

that Sony is selling TVs.

Jo, mira, els hi acabo de comprar una càmera de fotos,

I just bought them a camera.

però crec que amb això no faran res.

but I don't think they will do anything about it.

Per tant,


jo crec que el tema està aquí.

I believe the issue is here.

Això és com plantejar-te. Ara tenim

This is like proposing to you. Now we have

Disney+, tenim Amazon Prime,

Disney+, we have Amazon Prime,

veu, tenim tota aquesta

voice, we have all this

amalgama, no?, que excepte

amalgam, right?, that excepts

Netflix, perdoneu que us ho digui,

Netflix, sorry to say this to you,

excepte Netflix,

except Netflix,

cap de les altres

head of the others

plataformes fa pel·lis

platforms make movies



Entre cometes, eh? Espera, espera, espera.

In quotes, huh? Wait, wait, wait.

Va, ja corregim.

Okay, let's correct it.

Sí que hem tingut un parell de

Yes, we have had a couple of

nominacions d'Òscar amb The Black Messiah

Oscar nominations with The Black Messiah



la pel·li aquesta del baterista sort

the movie about the drummer luck

de Death Metal i tal, The Sound of Metal.

of Death Metal and so on, The Sound of Metal.

Sí que hi ha coses,

There are indeed things,

però és veritat que aquesta

but it is true that this

velocitat de creuer és perillosa,

cruising speed is dangerous,

jo la veig perillosa

I see her as dangerous.

a nivell creatiu,

at a creative level,

perquè tu,

because you,

vull dir, tu no poses les teves

I mean, you don't put yours.



els Avengers,

the Avengers,

ara sortirà Black Widow.

Now Black Widow will come out.

Què passa amb Black Widow?

What's going on with Black Widow?

Que te la fotran a 20 euros

They'll charge you 20 euros for it.

a Disney+, per què?

a Disney+, why?

Perquè és que Black Widow costa

Why does Black Widow cost?

120, 140, 150 milions.

120, 140, 150 million.

I no la

I don’t have it.

pagues amb les subscripcions

you pay with subscriptions

que ara mateix té Disney+. I per això des del primer

that currently has Disney+. And that's why since the first

dia et diuen, no, no, tu per esto

they call you day, no, no, you for this

pagues, com si fos al cine.

you pay, as if you were at the movies.

Però tampoc

But neither.

pagues una sèrie

you pay a series

com fa el Conan de

how does Conan do it

Winter Soldier.

Winter Soldier.

Que difícil que es digui aquest nom de

How difficult it is to say this name of

la puta sèrie, tio.

the fucking series, dude.

Que una sèrie així, ara

That a series like this, now

els conceptes que s'estan treballant

the concepts that are being developed

ara de sèries, tampoc els pagues.

Now for series, you don't pay them either.

De fet, ara t'he de dir, o sigui,

In fact, I have to tell you now, that is,

en el món

in the world

de l'audiovisual, cinema,

of audiovisual, cinema,

sèries, Amazon

series, Amazon

és Microsoft,

it's Microsoft,

en comparació. És a dir, és aquella

in comparison. That is to say, it is that

empresa que el seu nucli

company whose core

de negoci és un altre.

business is another.

Però que ve aquí

But what comes here?

amb la xorra fora a dir

with the cock out to say

em gasto 540

I spend 540.

milions en fer una sèrie del Senyor de los

millions to make a series of The Lord of the Rings

Anillos, per què?

Rings, why?

És la primera que fa, eh?

It's the first one she's doing, right?

No, no, no, em porten

No, no, no, they are taking me.

les quantes que, ojo, o sigui, si

the how many that, watch out, I mean, if


you enter...

Uf, ara, mira, jo ara estic

Phew, now, look, I am now

enganxadíssim a la sèrie

totally hooked on the series

Invencible, que és d'animació,

Invincible, which is animated,

d'acord, però el cast

okay, but the cast

de doblatge,

of dubbing,

o sigui, bueno, el que els hi posa

I mean, well, what puts them.

la veu en anglès,

the voice in English,

els hi ha d'haver costat una pasta.

It must have cost them a fortune.

Però és que

But it's just that

el primer tonto que passa ja és un actor

the first fool that comes by is already an actor

que dius el conec.

What you say, I know him.

Per tant,


estar al nivell d'inversió,

to be at the level of investment,

una mica en el sentit

a little in the sense

de Microsoft, eh?, de

from Microsoft, huh?, from

hem d'invertir diners per

we need to invest money to

realment tenir productes

really having products

que cridin l'atenció i que, per tant,

that grab attention and that, therefore,

la gent vingui a les nostres

the people come to our place

plataformes. Ja sigui perquè

platforms. Whether it's because

per molt que tu tinguis una Xbox

no matter how much you have an Xbox

pots decidir no subscriure't aquí

you can choose not to subscribe here

i aquest joc

and this game

que surt el pots pagar

that comes out you can pay

a 70 euros si vols,

at 70 euros if you want,

que ets un boig, però bueno...

that you're crazy, but okay...

Aquí el culmen de la jugada

Here is the culmination of the play.

és treure una consola com

it's like taking out a console

la Xbox One S,

the Xbox One S,

que és una consola molt

what is a very console

competent, és una consola

competent, it is a console

a un preu que

at a price that

ningú pot competir i per

nobody can compete and for

la potència que té i les prestacions

the power it has and the features

que té és competitiva

what she has is competitive

a nivells

at levels

estratosfèrics. Sí.

stratospheric. Yes.



no posar-li el lector de discos.

not to put the disk reader on it.

És jugada mestra.

It's a masterstroke.

És jugada mestra. Vull dir,

It's a master move. I mean,

estàs traient una consola barata, potent,

you are getting a cheap, powerful console,

que funciona superbé i li treus els discos

that works great and you take out the discs

perquè la consola és el Game Pass

because the console is the Game Pass

i punt. És que

And point. It's just that

quasi que podries fer, o sigui,

almost you could do, I mean,

per aquella consola podries fer que només

for that console you could make it so that only

funcionés el Game Pass.

it worked the Game Pass.

I en tindries per

And you would have it for

tota la puta vida.

the whole damn life.

No caldria res més.

Nothing else would be needed.

Allí pagant això i ja està.

There paying this and that's it.

És que jo li veig sentit a l'estratègia

It's just that I see sense in the strategy.

de Microsoft, li veig sentit.

from Microsoft, I find it meaningful.

El problema és que jo no sé quan arribi

The problem is that I don't know when he/she will arrive.

l'Elder Scrolls 6

The Elder Scrolls 6



el Dragon Age 3 o 4

Dragon Age 3 or 4

el que toqui ara.

whatever comes next.

Sí, crec que sí.

Yes, I think so.

El Dragon Age que toqui nou.

The next Dragon Age.

M'estàs dient que

Are you telling me that

a PlayStation sortirà per 80

A PlayStation will be released for 80.

napos el primer dia

we took a nap on the first day

i tu el tindràs el Game Pass el primer dia

And you will have the Game Pass on the first day.

allà, perquè és de Bethlehem.

there, because it is from Bethlehem.

Ha passat ara.

It has happened now.

Ara ha passat amb el joc aquest

Now it has happened with this game.

que a mi m'importa un pitu

that I don't give a hoot

del béisbol.

of baseball.

No sabem jugar

We don't know how to play.

més enllà de la Wii.

beyond the Wii.

Amb la Wii jugava el béisbol. Superbé.

With the Wii, I played baseball. Super good.

Hi ha home rounds com a xurros.

There are men who are round like churros.

Però ara aquest joc no m'interessa gens.

But now this game doesn't interest me at all.

Ha sortit a la Xbox.

It has been released on Xbox.

És un joc que ha produït PlayStation

It's a game produced by PlayStation.



però a Xbox surt

but it comes out on Xbox

el Game Pass.

the Game Pass.

És de xaladura.

It's from fun.

És a dir, tens aquest joc

That is to say, you have this game.

de sortida a 80 euros

outgoing at 80 euros

però el Game Pass el tens

but you have the Game Pass

pel preu bàsic.

for the basic price.

És que no hi ha més preus.

There are no more prices.

Jo no ho entenc.

I don't understand it.

A mi hi ha una cosa que se m'escapa.

There is one thing that escapes me.

El pivote

The pivot

no l'acabo d'entendre.

I don't quite understand it.

I jo crec que Sony s'està dormint

And I believe that Sony is falling asleep.

a les laureles. Jim Ryan té un problema.

on the laurels. Jim Ryan has a problem.

I Jim Ryan té un problema

Jim Ryan has a problem.

que es diu que aquest

it is said that this

2021 si surt l'Horizon

2021 if Horizon comes out

Forbidden West

Forbidden West

si surt...

if it comes out...

No sortirà una puta merda

It won't come out a damn thing.

però per ningú.

but for no one.

Aquest any 2001 hi ha

This year 2001 there is



Odyssey en el Espacio.

Odyssey in Space.

Doncs aquest any 2021

Well, this year 2021

ja ens podem posar al cap que

we can already get it into our heads that

aquest any sí que serà la travessia

this year it will indeed be the crossing

al desert. De fet,

to the desert. In fact,

parlàvem l'any passat

we were talking last year

que ho era l'any passat

that it was last year

perquè era l'any de transició.

because it was the year of transition.

Una puta merda.

A fucking shit.

És aquest any que la gent no té consoles

It is this year that people don't have consoles.

que no surten jocs perquè

that games don't come out because

no hi ha consoles. Perquè aquesta és

there are no consoles. Because this is

l'altra. Que hi ha molt

the other. That there is a lot

ui, ui, ui, ho retrassem perquè

oh, oh, oh, we will delay it because

a veure si pillorem. Ho retrasses

Let's see if we catch on. You delay it.

mamonazo perquè

muffin because

no hi ha prou Play 5 al mercat

There aren't enough Play 5 in the market.

i per tant la gent que

and therefore the people who

comprarà el joc serà

will buy the game will be



Jo crec que per Nadal s'animarà la cosa.

I think that things will liven up for Christmas.

Jo crec que tindrem un parell,

I think we will have a couple.

algun llançament fort per Nadal.

a strong launch for Christmas.

Però és que per

But it’s just that for

Nadal faltaran 6 dies pel 2022.

Christmas is six days away from 2022.

Per tant,


tot el 2021

all of 2021

serà un cagarro.

it will be a turd.

Hi haurà

There will be


little things.

És cert, però d'un joc

It's true, but of a game.

realment de nova

really anew

generació que ens posi els pèls

generation that gives us goosebumps

de punta, que diguem

on the tip, as we say

oh yeah, això és el que buscàvem.

oh yeah, this is what we were looking for.

No tio, jo és que encara

No man, I still...

jo tinc la Play 5 i la Xbox

I have the Play 5 and the Xbox.

aquí i jugo a

here and I play at

jocs de Play 4

PlayStation 4 games

tio. Em toca els collons.

dude. You're pissing me off.

És que penso,

It's just that I think,

està millorat, però al final

it's improved, but in the end

saps que

you know that

és de Play 4. Mira Teddy

It's for Play 4. Look, Teddy.

que vaig jugar al Destruction

that I played Destruction

of the Stars un dia

of the Stars one day

i és el primer joc

and it's the first game

que vaig pensar

what I thought

aquest sí que trobo

this one I do find

una diferència, una bona diferència

a difference, a good difference

de veritat, que diu hòstia

Really, what the hell.

això és una altra cosa.

this is another thing.

Poso Distraction només per veure els

I put Distraction just to see the

graficotes i després jugo

graphics and then I play

10 minuts i l'apago.

10 minutes and I'll turn it off.

Doncs tal qual.

Just like that.

De fet, espero el Ratchet & Clank

In fact, I am looking forward to Ratchet & Clank.

que crec que serà

that I think it will be

aquest i el Kena.

this one and Kena.

Aquest dels ninotets aquells

This about those little dolls.

que aquest m'agrada molt. Crec que seran

that I like this one a lot. I think they will be

els dos grandíssims jocs.

the two huge games.

O sigui, el que

That is, what

va dir, el que va fer

he said, what he did

va dir amb el Final Cut

he said with the Final Cut

el trailer de God of War

the trailer of God of War

posant al final 2021

putting at the end 2021

es va fumar un porro

he smoked a joint

de dos metros. O sigui

two meters. That is

ni de conya.

Not even joking.

Jo m'imagino

I imagine myself

en aquell moment rebent trucades

at that moment receiving calls

Que ha fet loco.

What has he done, crazy?

Va, va, que

Come on, come on, that

nos vamos a reir.

we are going to laugh.

Pon el 2021.

Put 2021.

No, va,

No, come on,

ni boig.

neither crazy.

Serà un any de merda.

It will be a shit year.



Jo crec que s'animarà.

I think he/she will cheer up.

Jo crec que, a més, tindrem E3

I believe that, in addition, we will have E3.

aquest any, sembla ser,

this year, it seems,

que sí que serà una M3 de merda,

that it will indeed be a piece of crap M3,

però sí que tindrem E3, per fi.

but we will have E3, finally.

Jo crec que l'E3

I think that E3


we will have

típic, disponible

typical, available

en 6 mesos. Disponible en 3 mesos.

in 6 months. Available in 3 months.

Disponible en 4 mesos.

Available in 4 months.

Jo crec, eh.

I believe so, eh.

És possible.

It is possible.

S'estan guardant bales, perquè és veritat

They are saving bullets, because it's true.

que, bueno, avui dia entres a la...

that, well, nowadays you enter the...

Només ja disponible... Tu avui dia només pots

Only already available... You only can today

comprar la Xbox Series S.

buy the Xbox Series S.



Ni la X, ni la PlayStation 5

Neither the X nor the PlayStation 5.

les pots comprar.

You can buy them.

Hi ha el problema aquest dels processadors, o no sé què,

There is this problem with the processors, or I don't know what.



I el que ha fet Clank,

And what Clank has done,

quan surt? El mes que ve, no?

When is it coming out? Next month, right?

No, el juny, no?

No, in June, right?

D'aquí dos mesos.

In two months.

I que no hem vist

And that we haven't seen.

més que un tràiler, també et dic, que potser

more than a trailer, I also tell you, that perhaps

tocaria veure alguna cosa més.

It would be worth seeing something more.

Però jo crec

But I believe.

que frena molt,

that slows down a lot,

en sèrio, eh, crec que el tema frena

Seriously, I think the topic slows down.

molt del

very much of

número de consoles que hi ha. En general,

number of consoles that there are. In general,

amb les dues, eh.

with both, huh.

Crec que això

I think that this

els està pillant. A banda que

it is catching them. Besides that

entenc que l'any passat el tema

I understand that last year's topic

de la pandèmia i tal va retreçar,

the pandemic and such delayed,

o sigui, va pausar

that is, he/she paused

molt treball de

a lot of work from



companyies, o sigui, crec que el que va sortir

companies, that is, I think what came out

l'any passat era feina que ja

last year it was work that already

estava feta i que només van acabar de rematar.

it was done and they just finished it off.

Alguns que ho van

Some who do it

rematar més bé i altres com Cyberpunk.

wrap up better and others like Cyberpunk.

I bé,

And well,

o sigui, crec que

that is to say, I think that

aquest any serà una mica d'això,

this year will be a little of that,

que els que estan planejats, segurament,

that those who are planned, surely,

sobre el paper, els hi sortia que

on paper, it appeared to them that

sortia en aquest any, però

it came out this year, but

van tenir

they had

un parón de readaptar-se de...

a pause to readjust to...

O sigui, jo ho entenc, eh, vas cada dia

I mean, I understand it, okay, you go every day.

a l'oficina i tens un ordinador de 5.000 euros

at the office and you have a 5,000 euro computer

per treballar i de sobte

to work and suddenly

ho has de treballar amb el teu

you have to work on your

Pentium 3 a casa.

Pentium 3 at home.

Entenc que

I understand that

aquí hi ha una limitació

there is a limitation here

que, bueno, haurem d'acceptar

Well, we'll have to accept it.

més tard o més d'hora, eh,

sooner or later, huh,



no sortirà un cagarro. O sigui,

it won't be a turd. I mean,

crec que, per exemple, eh, ara

I think that, for example, uh, now

pensava en Switch quan va sortir,

I was thinking about Switch when it came out,

en va haver poques,

there were few.

poques entre cometes, eh, anaven sortint

a few in quotes, right, were coming out

com de gotes.

like drops.

Però els jocs

But the games

anaven sortint

they were coming out

en la mesura que sabien

as far as they knew

que vendrien tots els jocs. O sigui,

that all the games would come. I mean,

quan surt el Zelda

When is Zelda coming out?

amb l'inici de Switch

with the start of Switch

sap que els vendrà tots. O sigui,

he knows he will sell them all. That is,

que tot el Switch que surti

that all the Switch that comes out

aquella persona agafarà

that person will take

un Zelda del prestatge

a Zelda from the shelf

perquè és l'únic que hi havia.

because it was the only thing there was.

I mica en mica, no,

And little by little, no,

així van anar fent. I per això tenen els números

That's how they kept going. And that's why they have the numbers.

que han acabat tenint.

that they have ended up having.

A banda que són grans jocs, eh.

Besides, they are great games, huh.

I crec que hi ha una mica d'això.

I think there is a bit of that.

De dir, vale, potser ens falta una mica

To say, okay, maybe we're missing a little bit.

de base, de...

of base, of...

És que hi ha totalment això. Vull dir, és que

It's that there is totally this. I mean, it's that...

no hi ha cap joc, cap joc.

there is no game, no game.

Com tu vulguis justificar una compra de

As you wish to justify a purchase of

PlayStation 5 o Series X.

PlayStation 5 or Series X.

De fet, Resident Evil,

In fact, Resident Evil,

que sortirà ara, el

what will come out now, the

Resident Evil 8, que havia de ser

Resident Evil 8, which was supposed to be

només de...

only from...

I ara ja surt a totes.

And now it appears in all of them.

O sigui, i ho entenc, però és que

So, I understand it, but it’s just that

jo hauria fet el mateix. Jo hauria dit, bueno, bueno...

I would have done the same. I would have said, well, well...

És que si no, no sortiria.

It's just that if not, it wouldn't come out.

És que per vendre, igual...

It's just that to sell, the same...

El Returnal, saps què passarà?

Returnal, do you know what will happen?

Que Returnal

That Returnal

el dinero, por favor.

The money, please.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Si algú el compra, també et dic.

If someone buys it, I'll let you know.

Es fotrà un piñazo,

He's going to crash hard.

pero un piñazo,

but a smack,

y yo creo que estará muy bien el

and I think he will be very well

Returnal, eh.

Returnal, huh.



Ja, és que no és el teu tipus de joc.

Yes, it's just not your type of game.

No, no, gens.

No, not at all.

Jo crec que tindrà...

I believe it will have...

Tindrà bona acollida.

It will be well received.

L'altre dia em vaig posar l'últim trailer que han fet

The other day I watched the latest trailer they made.

de rollo... Enemics i tal.

Like, enemies and such.

Amb ganes! O sigui, va, venga, va!

With enthusiasm! I mean, come on, let's go!

A veure si m'animo.

Let's see if I cheer up.

I vaig dir... No vaig acabar

I said... I didn’t finish.

el trailer. Vaig dir...

the trailer. I said...

És que no és el meu.

It's just that it's not mine.

Jo sí que me'l pillaria, la sortida.

I would definitely take it, the exit.

Venga, va!

Come on, let’s go!

Anem al DLC, o què? Anem al DLC.

Let's go to the DLC, or what? Let's go to the DLC.

Anem a passar a la secció

Let's move on to the section.

més prèmium de la ràdio,

more premium of the radio,

al DLC.

to the DLC.

I com sabeu, cada

And as you know, each

setmana comentem un parell

this week we discuss a couple

d'aspectes, o un parell, o els que siguin,

of aspects, or a couple, or however many there are,

sobre l'actualitat, dels videojocs,

about current affairs, video games,

alguna cosa que vulguem destacar,

anything we want to highlight,

jocs que hem jugat una mica

games that we have played a little

al self-service. Llavors, comencem per tu, David.

to self-service. So, let's start with you, David.

Què vols comentar aquesta setmana?

What do you want to comment on this week?

Jo et volia

I wanted you.


to comment

Avengers, aquest joc.

Avengers, this game.

L'estic jugant amb el

I'm playing with him.

PlayStation 9.

PlayStation 9.

Zero actualitat aquí. No hi ha

Zero news here. There isn't any.


current affairs.

Perquè és que fa

Why is it that it does?

molt de temps que no jugo un joc

I haven't played a game in a long time.

que hagin

that they have



I he de dir

I have to tell you.

que m'està semblant dolent,

that is seeming bad to me,

però estranyament divertit.

but strangely funny.

És entretingut.

It's entertaining.

És entretingut, sí.

It is entertaining, yes.

Però és dolent a matar.

But he is bad at killing.



Però t'he de dir que la història

But I have to tell you that the story

no està malament.

it's not bad.

O sigui, a nivell d'història

So, at a historical level

comiquera, a mi

comic book, to me

mola. I té moments...

It’s cool. And it has moments...

La primera emissió, que és la

The first emission, which is the

Kamala Khan,

Kamala Khan,

Kamala Harris.

Kamala Harris.

La vicepresidenta

The vice president

dels Estats Units.

from the United States.

Podria ser perfectament.

It could be perfectly.

Que està per allà és molt guai.

What is over there is very cool.

Té bons feelings, però es queda

It has good feelings, but it stays.



Les mecàniques no acompanyen.

The mechanics do not accompany.

I el rotllo del Hulk,

And the Hulk's thing,

quan arribes després al Quinjet

when you arrive later at the Quinjet

i tot el rotllo, està graciós.

And all the stuff, it's funny.



Però no acompanyen.

But they do not accompany.

Les mecàniques

The mechanics

d'ara et poses unes noves costelles

from now on, you put on some new ribs

al Hulk, o ara...

to the Hulk, or now...

Això no acompanya.

This does not accompany.

No és un destiny.

It is not a destiny.

Però ho vol ser.

But it wants to be.

Jo el que crec aquí, podríem analitzar

What I think here is that we could analyze.

què ha passat.

what has happened.

Això ha passat al filtre

This has passed the filter.

a Disney?

to a Disney?

Estranya, eh?

Strange, isn't it?

Jo crec que els hem dit, bueno, feu el que...

I think we told them, well, do whatever...

S'ho prenen en sèrio, Disney,

They take it seriously, Disney,

els videojocs?

video games?

És una bona pregunta.

It's a good question.

Jo crec que a partir d'ara se'ls prendran

I believe that from now on they will take them.

més en sèrio, després d'aquesta hòstia

more seriously, after this hit

monumental, eh?

monumental, huh?

És que ja va ser en puta hora, també t'ho dic.

It was about time, I'm telling you that too.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Però si...

But if...

Si ets capaç de fer un joc

If you are capable of playing a game.

com l'Spiderman...

like Spiderman...

Exacte. Aquí és on vaig jo.

Exactly. This is where I go.

Ets capaç...

You are capable...

O sigui, a mi em sap greu, però em sap greu

I mean, I'm sorry, but I'm sorry.

a nivell de...

at the level of...

Tinc aquí darrere un munt de còmics

I have a pile of comics right behind me.

dels Avengers, i de...

of the Avengers, and of...

personatges d'aquest rotllo,

characters of this kind,

i em sap greu pels personatges.

And I'm sorry for the characters.

O sigui, crec que no es mereixen un joc així.

So, I think they don't deserve a game like that.

Que et dic, a nivell d'història,

What I'm telling you, on a historical level,

i ara que jo he jugat ara fa

And now that I have played just now

molt poc, he jugat

very little, I have played

als DLCs

to the DLCs

d'aquest joc,

of this game,

i bueno, té el seu rotllo,

Well, it has its thing.

i personatges nous, no?, i tal.

And new characters, right? And so on.

Però crec que...

But I think that...

Crec que han pillat, crec que tota

I think they have caught, I think all.

la història aquella que deien

that story they used to tell

que anirien sortint 16

they would be coming out 16

personatges un cada mes,

characters one each month,

els ha pillat el toro,

they have been caught by the bull,

aquí han palmat molta pasta,

they have lost a lot of money here,

i faran una mica per cobrir l'expedient.

And they will do a little to cover the file.

És un de...

It's one of...

O sigui, però és que jo com a concepte

So, but it's just that I as a concept

ja em sembla un desastre de joc.

It seems to me a disastrous game.

Vull dir, no l'entenc, no l'entenc.

I mean, I don't understand it, I don't understand it.

Perquè l'Speederman, per l'altra

Because the Speederman, on the other hand

banda, penso, és que clar, com no ha de

band, I think, is that of course, how could it not

tenir èxit un joc d'Speederman

to succeed in a Speederman game

plantejat així.

posed this way.

És que és fàcil, eh?

Is it easy, huh?

És puto fàcil.

It's fucking easy.

Fes un puto joc

Play a fucking game.

un Uncharted,

an Uncharted,

però amb els Avengers.

but with the Avengers.

Doncs de putíssima mare.

Well, fucking great.

Ja està.

It’s done.

Sí, sí. És el mateix que penso

Yes, yes. It's the same as I think.

del Senyor dels Anells.

of the Lord of the Rings.

Que no treuen un joc bo

That they don't bring out a good game.

en un altre any.

in another year.

Des de... Ui, ui,

From... Oh, oh,

el retorn del rei...

the return of the king...

No, estava bé, estava bé.

No, it was fine, it was fine.

Estava bé, era divertit.

It was good, it was fun.

Però sí, sí, estic...

But yes, yes, I am...

Però estic molt d'acord amb tu.

But I completely agree with you.

Aquests jocs que...

These games that...

Jo crec que Destiny marca un percent,

I believe that Destiny marks a percentage,

que a mi tampoc em sembla el grandíssim joc, eh?

that I don't think it's the great game either, huh?

És entretingut, té un bon

It's entertaining, it has a good

gunplay. Sí.

gunplay. Yes.

Molt bo. Però ja està.

Very good. But that's it.

Es queda allà.

It stays there.



Per què no cal

Why not?

fer un joc com a

to play a game as

servei? Ei, treu un joc

Service? Hey, take out a game.

dels Avengers i jo et pagaré

from the Avengers and I will pay you

80 euros si vols.

80 euros if you want.

Mira, tinc la cartera aquí,

Look, I have the wallet here,

te'ls pago ara. Però no

I'll pay you now. But no.

vulguis tenir 3 anys

you want to be 3 years old

enganxat aquí, perquè no és això.

stuck here, because this is not it.

Treu-me'n un altre,

Get me another one,

treu-me Avengers 2, que tornaré

Get me Avengers 2, and I will return.

a pagar 80 euros i que sigui

to pay 80 euros and that’s it

un refrito. Si FIFA ho fa cada any,

a rehash. If FIFA does it every year,

si FIFA ho fa cada any amb els mateixos

if FIFA does it every year with the same ones

putos jugadors i el mateix motor

fucking players and the same engine

gràfic i va cobrant cada

graphic and is charging each

any 70 euros, per què no ho pots fer tu?

any 70 euros, why can't you do it?

A vegades,


de veritat, em sorprèn.

Really, it surprises me.

Estàs fomentant males praxis, eh?

You are promoting bad practices, aren't you?

Sí, però

Yes, but

és que és el que em semblaria lògic.

it's just that it would seem logical to me.

O sigui, em semblaria

That is, it would seem to me.

lògic treure un joc de putíssima mare

logical to create an absolutely amazing game

i després tornar-te-la

and then return it to you

a clavar amb el mateix joc,

to hit with the same game,

amb una història una mica diferent, que és el que han

with a slightly different story, which is what they have

fet amb l'Spiderman, eh?

Made with Spiderman, huh?

Spiderman ha tret un joc de puta mare

Spiderman has released an awesome game.

i t'han tret un DLC dient que és un joc nou,

and they've taken a DLC from you saying it's a new game,

però és un DLC, que és el Miles Morales.

but it is a DLC, which is the Miles Morales.

L'has pagat el preu que l'has pagat

You have paid the price that you have paid.

i tots a

and all to

tragar. Però no

swallow. But no

passa res. I tots contents.

Nothing happens. And everyone is happy.

I tots contents. Al final,

And all happy. In the end,

si mires... Ara, tu que

If you look... Now, you who

has passat el dia amb

you have spent the day with

les pel·lis de Marvel,

the Marvel movies,

és això.

that's it.

Sí, sí, totalment. Una pel·li,

Yes, yes, totally. A movie,

ah, està de puta mare, te'n posem quatre.

Ah, it's awesome, we'll give you four.

Bueno, i són entretingudes,

Well, they are entertaining,

eh? Però bueno,

Eh? But well,

hi ha de més i de menys.

there is more and less.

Però te les menges igual, vas al cine igual,

But you eat them anyway, you go to the cinema anyway,

pagant els vuit euros els nou o els deu,

paying eight euros for the nine or the ten,

que depèn del cine, les crispetes

it depends on the cinema, the popcorn

i venga, i adelante, que sigui

And come on, go ahead, let it be.

el negoci. I tant, i tant.

the business. Indeed, indeed.

Vull dir, jo el dia que estrenin Black Widow

I mean, the day they release Black Widow.

seré allí el primer.

I will be there first.



I ara m'estic mirant les sèries també de

And now I am also watching the series of

Wandavision i tot el rotllo.

Wandavision and all that stuff.

Bé, bé, bé.

Good, good, good.

Ara s'ha acabat

Now it is over.

Falcon and the...

Falcon and the...

la cosa aquesta. És que no em surt.

this thing. It's just that I can't do it.

Doncs jo et volia parlar...

Well, I wanted to talk to you...

The Winter Soldiers.

The Winter Soldiers.

The Winter...

The Winter...

Jo et volia parlar d'un joc

I wanted to talk to you about a game.

que em connecta molt, perquè has dit

that connects me a lot because you said

que volies parlar dels Avengers i

that you wanted to talk about the Avengers and

volia parlar dels Outriders,

I wanted to talk about the Outriders.

que és el joc que ha sortit ara fa poc,

what is the game that has just come out,

que ha sortit amb el Game Pass,

that has been released with Game Pass,

que jo l'estic jugant

that I am playing it

un temps així sueltos

a time like this loose

amb un amic,

with a friend,

i és... el concepte

and it is... the concept

és el mateix. És una història,

it's the same. It's a story,

o sigui,

that is,

és una campanya,

it is a campaign,

és una història lineal,

it's a linear story,



agafa la mecànica de Destiny

take the mechanics of Destiny

de loot,

of loot,

de recollir mil merdes,

to pick up a thousand shits,

de... és una cosa que em fot molt nerviós.

...is something that makes me very nervous.

Em fot molt nerviós

It makes me very nervous.

agafar un arma i dir-me, ah, quina arma més guapa!

to grab a weapon and say to me, oh, what a beautiful weapon!

Mato tres tios i me'n surt

I kill three guys and I get away with it.

un altre millor. I, bueno,

another better one. And, well,

estic canviant d'arma cada dos per tres,

I'm changing weapons every two seconds.

tio, semblo un...

dude, I look like a...

un imbècil. Em fa sentir

an idiot. It makes me feel

molt tonto i no m'agrada gens.

very stupid and I don't like it at all.

Jo tinc la mateixa sensació

I have the same feeling.

amb els Shooter Looters.

with the Shooter Looters.

Doncs passa això. A banda,

Well, this is what happens. Besides,

a banda que la història és

besides that history is

un despropòsit, o sigui, és divertit

a nonsense, that is, it's funny

perquè tens uns poders i, o sigui,

because you have some powers and, like,

a nivell de lluitar, fas una cervesa

At the level of fighting, you make a beer.

i és divertit. És un

and it's fun. It's a

kebab, que

kebab, what

és divertit un dimarts a la tarda.

It's fun on a Tuesday afternoon.

Un dimarts a la tarda?

A Tuesday afternoon?

Bueno, al vespre. O sigui, un dimarts

Well, in the evening. That is, a Tuesday.

per sopar, un kebab

for dinner, a kebab

està de puta mare. Però un dissabte

it's fucking great. But a Saturday

amb una mica de vi i dos

with a little wine and two

espelmes, no et fotràs un kebab.

candles, you won't get a kebab.



Correcte, jo he fet

Correct, I have done it.

coses molt d'això. Però,

very much of this. But,

és com, o sigui,

it's like, I mean,

la història i el guió

the story and the script

és una mescla. O sigui, ahir

it's a mix. I mean, yesterday

vaig jugar a la

I played at the

nit, a la matinada

night, in the early morning

i vaig tenir la sensació que tot

I had the feeling that everything

el que veia ja ho havia

what I saw I had already seen



És que és com una mescla de

It's like a mixture of

coses que han passat en moltes pel·lis

things that have happened in many movies

típiques, Terminator,

typical, Terminator,



Tot aquest imaginari

All this imagery

posat aquí, però

put here, but

amb un embut.

with a funnel.

O sigui, veus personatges que no saps,

That is to say, you see characters that you don't know,

que moren i no saps ni qui són,

who die and you don't even know who they are,

coses que passen i dius

things that happen and you say

però ara, què m'estan explicant?

but now, what are they telling me?

Doncs així...

Well, like this...

Té pinta de ser dolent, eh?

Looks like it could be bad, huh?

És terrible. És entretingut.

It is terrible. It is entertaining.

Clar, això ho té.

Of course, it has that.

O sigui, com a mínim, és que no me'n faltaria

I mean, at the very least, I wouldn’t be missing any of it.

perquè llavors hauria jugat deu minuts.

because then I would have played ten minutes.



la part de, bueno, ara dispar

the part of, well, now shoot

i la intel·ligència artificial

and artificial intelligence

és guai perquè sempre et busca, no?

It's cool because he always looks for you, right?

Tu si tens una cobertura

You do have coverage.

et busca sempre treure't d'aquesta

it always tries to get you out of this

cobertura i té un sistema de dificultat

coverage and has a difficulty system

que no està mal,

that's not bad,

però ara, de fet,

but now, in fact,

ara estic arribant a un punt, aquesta dificultat,

now I am reaching a point, this difficulty,

o sigui, va com per nivells de dificultat,

that is to say, it goes in levels of difficulty,

però n'hi ha com vint i pico,

but there are like twenty and something,

no sé, com un munt.

I don't know, like a pile.

Estic arribant com a un punt

I am arriving at a point.

i som dos, eh? Perquè el nivell

And we're two, right? Because the level.

és el mateix, siguis dos, tres o

it's the same, whether you are two, three or

un. Per tant, amb un

one. Therefore, with a

ja mai passaràs de

you will never exceed

cert marge.

certain margin.

Arriba un moment que

There comes a moment that

és com, no ho puc fer millor.

It's like, I can't do it any better.

O sigui, ja no és una qüestió d'habilitat,

So, it's no longer a matter of skill,

és una qüestió que li he de fotre

It's a matter that I have to deal with.

quatre carregadors

four chargers

d'una metralladora

from a machine gun

lleugera que té

lightweight it has

200 bales

200 bales

per treure-li un 10% de vida.

to take away 10% of life.

I llavors és en plan, bueno.

And then it's like, well.

I ell et fot unes hòsties com a pans

And he'll give you a beating like bread.

que et deixa donant toms.

that leaves you spinning around.

Llavors és, bueno, no res.

Then it is, well, nothing.

Doncs no és aquí.

Well, it's not here.

És com aquest punt de la recompensa

It's like this point of reward.

és una merda.

it's a piece of crap.



Però bueno, aquesta és la vida.

But well, this is life.

Ja t'he dit que no tenia gaire bona pinta.

I've already told you it didn't look very good.



No, però per què s'empenyen a fer

No, but why do they push themselves to do it?

Shooter Looters d'aquests?

Shooter Looters of these?

Però com el tens al Game Pass.

But how do you have it on Game Pass?

No, clar. No, no hauria pagat diners

No, of course not. No, I wouldn't have paid money.

per això ni boig, eh?

That's why not even a madman, right?

Aquí no s'enfada ningú.

No one gets angry here.



Bueno, m'enfado, sí que m'enfado

Well, I get angry, yes, I get angry.

perquè té uns problemes de servidors

because it has some server issues

que és de locos.

that's crazy.

Sí, sí. Però sí, clar.

Yes, yes. But yes, of course.

És un joc

It's a game.

que premia molt, mecànicament,

that rewards a lot, mechanically,

premia molt

it rewards a lot

que vagis a l'atac.

go on the attack.

Perquè quan tu dispares

Because when you shoot

robes vida.

clothes life.

Per tant, una manera de

Therefore, a way to

recuperar vida és atacant.

Recovering life is attacking.

Per tant, sempre...

Therefore, always...

Cosa que està molt bé, eh? És molt guai.

That's very good, huh? It's really cool.

Et poses sempre al límit de

You always push yourself to the limit of

no, no, has d'anar amb

no, no, you have to go with

el ganivet entre les dents

the knife between the teeth

per sobreviure.

to survive.

Però llavors, clar,

But then, of course,

és molt important esquivar bé

It is very important to dodge well.

i esquivar els atacs de la hòstia

and dodge the attacks of the host

que et foten els altres.

what others do to you.

Doncs hi ha problemes de lag,

Well, there are lag problems.

de ara esquivo però no esquivo

now I dodge but I don't dodge

i em foten una hòstia de 3.000

And they hit me with a blow of 3,000.

i acabo mort.

and I end up dead.

Mare de Déu. Cosa d'aquest rotllo que dius.

Mother of God. Something about this nonsense you say.

Mare de Déu.

Mother of God.

No, no, no el jugaré pas.

No, no, I will not play it.

Bueno, perquè està el gamepass, eh?

Well, because there's the gamepass, huh?

Si no...

If not...

Molt bé, doncs ho deixarem per aquí. Què et sembla?

Very well, then we'll leave it here. What do you think?

Molt bé. No hem fet cap

Very well. We haven't done any.

recomanació, eh? Només hem dit dos jocs

Recommendation, huh? We’ve only mentioned two games.

que no ens han agradat.

that we did not like.

No, n'hem fet una.

No, we have made one.

L'Agua Fiestas.

The Party Water.

L'Agua Fiestas, molt bon joc.

The Party Water, very good game.

Molt bon, molt bon joc.

Very good, very good game.

I el...

And the...

Hotline Miami. Jo ara estic jugant al

Hotline Miami. I am currently playing it.

Hotline Miami a la Switch.

Hotline Miami on the Switch.



I el Bastion. És que estaven com

And the Bastion. It's just that they were like

molt de rebaixes.

a lot of discounts.

Hotline Miami és meravellós

Hotline Miami is marvelous.

i Bastion és meravellós, també.

And Bastion is wonderful, too.

Sí, tio. Els estic gaudint molt

Yes, dude. I'm really enjoying them.

a la Switch,

to the Switch,

allí cagant, que és com

there shitting, which is how

quan se juga a la Switch.

when you play on the Switch.

I bé, i això està.

And well, that's it.


Thank you

per acompanyar-nos

to accompany us

i fins una altra. Esperem que

and until another time. We hope that

cagueu bé amb la Switch.

Have a good time with the Switch.



Adeu a tots.

Goodbye to all.


Thank you.

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