Programa 64 de La Caverna Galàctica

Ràdio Sabadell

La Caverna Galàctica

Programa 64 de La Caverna Galàctica

La Caverna Galàctica

Fins demà!

See you tomorrow!

La caverna galàctica

The galactic cavern

Un magatzim top

A top warehouse

de filosofia pop

of pop philosophy

T'espreu, t'espreu, t'espreu!

I hope, I hope, I hope!

Escolta'm, què vols tu per prendre?

Listen to me, what do you want to drink?

Doncs mira, no sé

Well, look, I don't know.

és que si ara apretem una miqueta

it's just that if we push a little now

la calor, em sembla que em demanaria

the heat, it seems to me that it would ask me

una caipirinha, jo què sé

a caipirinha, I don't know

Una cosa fresqueta i dolça

Something cool and sweet.

Ostres, doncs mira, jo anava a fer una cervesa

Wow, well look, I was going to have a beer.

però mira, m'has convençut

but look, you’ve convinced me

per canviar i fer

to change and to do

un mojito tu i jo

a mojito you and me

Oh, mojito!

Oh, mojito!

Edu, Edu

Edu, Edu

Un mojito i una caipirinha

A mojito and a caipirinha.

Sí, per l'Òscar i per l'Enric

Yes, for Òscar and Enric.

Vinga va, aprofitem-nos un moment

Come on, let's take advantage of a moment.

Gràcies, maco

Thank you, handsome.

A punt!


A punt teu, a punt!

At your point, at point!

La confiança fa fàstic

Confidence is disgusting.

La confiança


Mira els bancs

Look at the banks.



No sé qui són, Enric

I don't know who they are, Enric.

Hòstia, els nostres tenis de...

Holy shit, our trainers of...

Ah, vale, sí, és veritat

Ah, okay, yes, it's true.

Ara els veig

Now I see them.

Estan aquí, no sé

They're here, I don't know.

Al càmping, em sembla que diuen que han vingut

At the campsite, I think they say that they have come.

Escolta'm, Enric, tu creus que si li demanem música

Listen to me, Enric, do you think that if we ask him for music

al teu cunyat, a l'Edu, ens ho posarà?

Will your brother-in-law, Edu, set it up for us?

L'Edu? Home, és un friqui

Edu? Dude, he's a geek.

Sí, és un friqui

Yes, he is a geek.

Escolta'm, Enric, tu creus que si li demanem música

Listen to me, Enric, do you think that if we ask him for music

és tan friqui com tu

he's as much of a freak as you are

El que passa és que tu...

What happens is that you...

Sí, sí, sí, digue-li, digue-li

Yes, yes, yes, tell him, tell him.

Sí, tant i tant i tant, li diem

Yes, so much, so much, we tell him.

Va, li demanem temes, no?

Come on, let's ask him for topics, shall we?

Mentre aquí disfrutem de...

While here we enjoy...

Fem un tu i a mi, va

Let's make it you and me, come on.

Va, vinga

Come on.

Tu i jo, tu i jo, tu i jo

You and I, you and I, you and I.

Com sempre fem

As we always do

Sí, eh

Yes, huh.

Qui comença? Va, Enric

Who starts? Come on, Enric.

Comença... comença tu, que has tingut la idea

It starts... you start, since you had the idea.

Començo jo?

Shall I start?

Sí, senyor, si vols, eh

Yes, sir, if you want, huh.

Va, doncs demanaré...

Okay, then I will ask...

Que així vaig sorprès una mica

So I was a little surprised.



Ai, Déu meu

Oh, my God.

Doncs demanaré, espera't, deixem que pensi...

Well, I'll ask, wait a moment, let me think...

Ja està, sí

That's it, yes.

Edu, pots posar el...

Edu, can you put the...

El Root Down dels Vestid Boys?

The Root Down of the Vestid Boys?

El Root Down?

The Root Down?

El coneixes, no?

You know him, right?





Ah, jo? El Root Down, home

Ah, me? The Root Down, man.

Sí, jo crec que el conec

Yes, I think I know him.

És un temazo dels Vestid Boys

It’s a great song by the Vestid Boys.

del seu disc de l'any 95

from their album of 1995


Ill Communication

Ill Communication

I a més fan...

And they also do...


are used

un tema del gran Jimmy Smith

a song by the great Jimmy Smith

un gran...

a great...

un gran teclista d'Orga Hammond

a great Hammond organist

D'Orga Hammond?

D'Orga Hammond?

Sí, sí, sí

Yes, yes, yes



Veieu què se'n passa?

Do you see what's happening?

On va ser?

Where were we?

Ara, ho posa, ho posa ara o ho veureu després?

Now, do you put it, do you put it now or will you see it later?

Ara, ara, si pot ser

Now, now, if it can be.

Vale, vale, Oscar, posa ara

Okay, okay, Oscar, put it on now.

Vale, doncs això, posa'l, posa'l

Okay, then that's it, put it on, put it on.

Sí? El podem escoltar?

Yes? Can we listen to him?

Vinga, a veure què et sembla, segur que et sona

Come on, let’s see what you think, I’m sure it sounds familiar to you.

Ja ho sé, ja ho sé

I know, I know.

El recordaràs, segur

You will surely remember it.

Ai, ai, ai, em puc ballar?

Oh, oh, oh, can I dance?


Of course! Please provide the text you would like translated from Catalan to English.

SHe Touched you

She touched you.


Bona nit.

Good night.

Segur que els Beastie Boys

Surely the Beastie Boys

són dels meus grups preferits de hip-hop.

They are one of my favorite hip-hop groups.

Els Beastie Boys, boníssim, eh?

The Beastie Boys, really great, huh?



A més, són blancs.

Furthermore, they are white.

I super respectats per tota la comunitat afroamericana

I am highly respected by the entire African American community.

de hip-hop. Estan considerats com un dels pilars.

of hip-hop. They are considered one of the pillars.

Cos que demostra

Body that demonstrates

que no és qüestió del color de la pell.

that it is not a matter of skin color.



Del talent i prou.

Of talent and enough.

El que passa és que, clar,

What happens is that, of course,

quan un té les veus que tenen

when one has the voices that they have

els negres...

the blacks...

No, clar.

No, of course.

És difícil de competir.

It is difficult to compete.

És difícil, difícil.

It's difficult, difficult.

Doncs jo, mira, a mi,

Well, I, look, to me,

amb aquesta mena, amb aquest caipirinha,

with this kind, with this caipirinha,

em sembla que em ve de gust fer un recorregut

I feel like going for a walk.

ben tranquil

very calm

i fer una volta per Sud-amèrica.

And to take a trip around South America.

Però començant per...

But starting with...

Ara que parlàvem de negres i de tot, comencem?

Now that we were talking about blacks and everything, shall we start?

Mira, et proposo començar

Look, I suggest we start.

per una de les illes des de les quals sortien

for one of the islands from which they departed

els negres cap al Brasil.

the blacks towards Brazil.

Les illes de Cabo Verde.

The Cape Verde Islands.

Allà hi ha un

There is one there.

tipus de cançó,

type of song,

un ritme que li diu...

a rhythm that tells him...



que li diuen la morna.

that they call the morna.

La morna. La morna és

The morna. The morna is

una mena de

a kind of

cançó que s'assembla

song that resembles

a estar entre el favo

to be among the favo

i la banera.

and the bathtub.

I una de les grans

And one of the greats.

cantants més internacional

most international singers

que jo crec que serà.

that I believe it will be.

Fesare Égora?

Will you do it?

Fesare Égora.

Make Égora.

Anem a sentir, a més a més, com estem així,

Let's feel, moreover, how we are like this,

amb aquesta tranquil·litat

with this tranquility

després de moure el mar.

after moving the sea.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Sentim necessària égora cantant

We feel necessary era singing.

Sodade, que és com li diu

Sodade, which is what he calls it.

el tema aquest.

this topic.

Sodade és tristó?

Is Sodade sad?

Sí, però saudade és en portuguès

Yes, but saudade is in Portuguese.

i en el portuguès de Cabo Verde és

and in Cape Verdean Portuguese it is



És tristó, però

It is sad, but

quan parles

when you speak

amb algun portuguès

with some Portuguese

o portuguesa, t'explica molt bé

or Portuguese, explains it to you very well.

que no és només tristó.

that is not only sad.

És com morrinha.

It's like a little death.

La morrinha, no? Gallega.

The mist, right? Galician.

Sí, però no.

Yes, but no.

Tu diràs que sí que no.

You will say yes or no.

Que per nosaltres

That for us

deu ser una mena de morrinha

it must be a kind of rubbish



És com el tema de Chegade Saudade,

It's like the theme of Chegade Saudade,

de la bossa nova,

of bossa nova,

que en anglès es tradueix

which translates to English as

com a no more blues.

as no more blues.

Clar, si tu dius blues en anglès,

Sure, if you say blues in English,

què vols dir?

What do you mean?

Tristó, la melàngia...

Sadness, the melancholy...

Però hi ha un punt de dolç, en el fons.

But there is a point of sweetness, deep down.

És aquesta petita

It is this small one.

creació, no?

creation, right?

Petita tristó.

Little sad one.

Això ho veus molt amb la música brasileira,

You see this a lot with Brazilian music,

que els acords poden ser menors,

that the agreements may be minor,

però estàs plorant

but you are crying

i somrient a la vegada.

and smiling at the same time.

Doncs aquesta mescla de plorar i somriure

Well, this mixture of crying and smiling.

a la vegada és la saudade,

at the same time it is the saudade,

pensant en allò passat,

thinking about the past,

però és una mescla una miqueta particular.

but it's a somewhat peculiar mixture.

La morrinha sembla que sigui

The shyness seems to be

més trobar a faltar allò,

more to miss that,

però aquí es troba a faltar

but here it is lacking

i mentre ho trobes a faltar, ho gaudeixes.

And while you miss it, you enjoy it.

És una història, no?

It's a story, isn't it?

Doncs res, gaudim

Well then, let's enjoy.

amb un somriure mentre ens cau una llagrimeta.

with a smile while a tear falls.

Poseu-vos còmodes,

Make yourselves comfortable,

i anem a sentir a Cesària

And let's listen to Cesària.

i a Évora amb el seu sotà de...

and in Évora with its cellar of...

A veure, vinga, a veure...

Let's see, come on, let's see...



Que mostraves camí lluny

That you showed a long way off.

Descaminó passant-ho bé

He had a good time while getting sidetracked.

Que mostraves camí lluny

That you showed the way far away.

Descaminó passant-ho bé

Disguised while having fun.





Soda, soda, soda de senyatera, senyclau.

Soda, soda, soda of a matron, keymaster.

Què mostrava aquest camí lluny, què mostrava aquest camí lluny,

What did this distant road show, what did this distant road show,

aquest camí passant-me'n?

this path passing by me?

Què mostrava aquest camí lluny, què mostrava aquest camí lluny,

What did this distant path show, what did this distant path show,

aquest camí passant-me'n?

this path passing through me?

Soda, soda, soda de senyatera, senyclau.

Soda, soda, soda of the wise woman, wise key.



Soda de senyatera, senyclau.

Soda from the fountain, key drink.

Si vos crever muntes crever, si vos esquecer muntes esquecer,

If you crave mountains, crave mountains; if you forget, forget mountains.

até dia que vou voltar.

until the day I come back.

Si vos crever muntes crever, si vos esquecer muntes esquecer,

If you die, you die; if you forget, you forget.

até dia que vou voltar.

until the day I return.

Soda, soda, soda de senyatera, senyclau.

Soda, soda, soda of the wise, key of wisdom.

Què mostrava aquest camí lluny, què mostrava aquest camí lluny,

What did that distant road show, what did that distant road show,

què mostrava aquest camí lluny,

what did this road far away show,

Soda, soda, soda

Soda, soda, soda

de senyatera, seny clar

of a wise man, clear mind

Soda, soda, soda

Soda, soda, soda

de senyatera, seny clar

from the copper, clear sense

Soda, soda, soda

Soda, soda, soda

Quina meravella, Dima.

What a wonder, Dima.

Quina meravella.

What a wonder.

Com vas entrar, eh?

How did you get in, huh?

Sí, vas estar aquí fotent-te

Yes, you were here messing around.

amb aquesta cua.

with this tail.

És curiós com la fusió

It's curious how the fusion

de moltes músiques,

of many musics,

de la música portuguesa,

of Portuguese music,

de la música brasilera,

of Brazilian music,

de la música de Cabo Verde.

from the music of Cape Verde.

Ostres, aquestes fusions

Wow, these fusions.

de la música dels

of the music of the

esclaus negres,

black slaves,

amb la música

with the music

que el van portar allà a la força,

that they took him there by force,


poor things.

Ostres, aquesta fusió és una meravella.

Wow, this fusion is a wonder.

Ha fet tantes músiques meravelloses

He has made so many wonderful pieces of music.

en el món.

in the world.

I què et sembla, Enric, ara?

And what do you think, Enric, now?

Digues, digues.

Tell me, tell me.

Ja saps que jo sóc un fan

You know that I am a fan.

del blues, en totes les seves vessants.

of blues, in all its aspects.

I tant.

Me too.

Ja ho saps, el blues.

You already know, the blues.

Ets un blues man.

You are a blues man.

Yes, I am.

Yes, I am.

Doncs, què et sembla si anem a escoltar

So, what do you think if we go listen?

ara, ara li demanarem a l'Edu,

now, now we will ask Edu,

un blues que pot ser

a blues that can be

perfectament tocat a l'infern.

perfectly touched in hell.

Ah, sí?

Oh, really?

Sí, és un blues que és

Yes, it's a blues that is

sí, sí, és un blues que és tocat

yes, yes, it's a blues that is played

a l'infern. L'escoltem?

to hell. Shall we listen to it?

Va, però...

Come on, but...

És dels grans, ja saps que també sóc molt fan de Black Sabbath,

He's one of the greats, you know I'm also a big fan of Black Sabbath.

és el tema de Wizard,

it's the theme of Wizard,

que té una doble lectura, està molt influenciat

that has a double meaning, is very influenced

per la lectura

for the reading

del Senyor dels Anells. En aquella època

from the Lord of the Rings. At that time

molts grups de rock tenien

many rock groups had

moltes cançons inspirades, els Led Zeppelin,

many inspired songs, Led Zeppelin,

els Black Sabbath,

the Black Sabbath,

en cançons, els Uriah Heep,

in songs, the Uriah Heep,

en cançons

in songs

per tota l'obra, inspirada per tota l'obra

for the entire work, inspired by the entire work

de John Ronald Ruelan Tolkien,

by John Ronald Reuel Tolkien,

el Senyor dels Anells, el Hobbit...

The Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit...

Té una doble lectura.

It has a double meaning.

La inspiració és això, és el

Inspiration is this, it is the

Mac inspirat per Gandalf, o és

Mac inspired by Gandalf, or is it

Mac és el camell

Mac is the camel.

que els passava la mandanga a la banda.

that the mandanga was happening to the side.


Let's listen.

aquest blues

this blues

des de l'infern.

from hell.

The Wizard, Black Sabbath.

The Wizard, Black Sabbath.

Bona nit.

Good night.

Ia, buà, com m'ha pujat l'adrenalina, nen.

Yeah, wow, my adrenaline is pumping, man.

I explica, com explica, com entres, com explica una història, com la veus, eh?

And explain, as you explain, as you enter, as you tell a story, how you see it, huh?

No com la, i com la vius.

Not how I eat it, but how I live it.

Té, a més a més, tot el sabor, a mi em recordava altres bandes,

It also has all the flavor; it reminded me of other bands.

és com anar ara mateix amb aquest caipirinha, que sento gustos diferents,

It's like going right now with this caipirinha, where I feel different tastes.

aquí sents sons, molt getro, no?, per exemple,

here you hear sounds, very noisy, right?, for example,

i molta, tota aquesta fusió que pot haver amb el,

and a lot, all this fusion that there may be with him,

perquè això se sent perfectament, eh?,

because this is perfectly audible, huh?

algú que digui que és fort, és hard, no, no és hard,

someone who says they are strong, is hard, no, they are not hard,

no, no té, té una línia que es pot entendre perfectament, no?

No, it doesn't have it; it has a line that can be perfectly understood, right?

Ho dic perquè els que diuen això és una música dura,

I say this because those who say this is hard music,

no, no, no té res, és dura, dura d'energia.

No, no, it has nothing, it's tough, tough in energy.

Sí, d'energia, i també les guitarres ja van començar a ser més pesades, no?,

Yes, in terms of energy, and the guitars also started to get heavier, right?

el Toni i jo vam començar a introduir un so

Toni and I started to introduce a sound.

en la guitarra, no?,

on the guitar, right?

que és el que va, doncs, crear l'escola després de tot el heavy metal, no?

What is it that ended up creating the school after all the heavy metal, right?

Vull dir que són una banda que són un pilar.

I mean they are a band that is a pillar.

I tant, i tant, i tant.

Yes, indeed, yes, indeed, yes, indeed.

Probablement els que més, més que Deep Purple i més que Led Zeppelin, fins i tot, no?

Probably the ones that matter most, more than Deep Purple and even more than Led Zeppelin, right?

Bueno, bueno.

Well, well.

Sí, sí, en el heavy, segur.

Yes, yes, definitely in heavy metal.

No t'ho discutiré.

I won't argue with you about it.

Vull dir, els altres també són molt importants, també m'encanten,

I mean, others are also very important, I love them too,

però, hòstia, tinc una especial devoció per, per els,

but, damn, I have a special devotion for, for the,


for the...

Pels Jethro.

For Jethro.

Ai, hòstia, jo tinc llocs del Jethro del Cap ara.

Oh, damn, I have Jethro's places at the Cap now.

Jethro Tull també, però per Black Sabbath, total.

Jethro Tull too, but for Black Sabbath, totally.

I a més, jo sempre ho he dit, i hi ha una constatació,

And besides, I've always said it, and there is a realization,

de que a Black Sabbath la base rítmica és totalment jazz.

that in Black Sabbath the rhythmic base is totally jazz.

Tu escoltes qualsevol tema de Black Sabbath i és jazz.

You listen to any Black Sabbath song and it's jazz.

I fins i tot hi ha un grup que es diuen els Jazz Sabbath,

And there is even a group called Jazz Sabbath,

que fan versions jazz de temes de Black Sabbath.

that make jazz versions of Black Sabbath songs.

Ah, sí?

Oh, really?

Això està bé.

This is fine.

És molt recomanable, també.

It is highly recommended, too.

Es diuen, es diuen, ho repetim?

They say, they say, shall we repeat it?

Jazz Sabbath.

Jazz Sabbath.



És per ara anar a veure si trobem una mica...

It's just to go see if we find a little...

I tant.

Of course.

Space Records ho podeu aconseguir.

You can get it at Space Records.

Hòstia, s'han atès.

Damn, they have been attended to.

Es van escapar, eh?

They escaped, didn't they?

Te'n recordes?

Do you remember?

Sí, de la presó, igual que nosaltres.

Yes, from prison, just like us.

A veure si els veiem aquí fent-se una caipirinha, diu.

Let's see if we see them here making a caipirinha, she says.

I un nom estranyeria, estan el Toni i el Rony.

And a strange name, there are Toni and Rony.

Estan els nostres tècnics.

Our technicians are here.

Sí, mira, i estan allà, hòstia, no sé...

Yes, look, and they are there, damn, I don't know...

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Estan a sota, estan a sota el Cucuté.

They are below, they are below the Cucuté.

Molt bé.

Very good.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

No sé per què, no sé, és que és curiós que estem tots, que estiguem tots aquí.

I don't know why, I don't know, it's just curious that we are all here.

Bé, més o menys, va, continuem.

Well, more or less, come on, let's continue.



No sé això que deies.

I don't know what you were saying.

A més, si parles de ritme, jo continuo amb el viatge aquest que m'agradaria fer per

Additionally, if you're talking about rhythm, I continue with this journey that I would like to take for

les terres sud-americanes i imagina't que sortim de les illes de Cabo Verde i anem...

the South American lands and imagine that we leave the Cape Verde islands and go...

On anem, ara?

Where are we going now?

A unes altres illes.

To other islands.

Amb la imaginació, eh?

With imagination, huh?

Ara estem aquí, a Oliva, que no...

Now we are here, in Oliva, which is not...

Sí, estem al replanell de Nassos, aquí s'està...

Yes, we are at the flat of Noses, here it is...

Si posa una paella per després, la podem demanar.

If you put a pan aside for later, we can ask for it.

Ah, doncs vinga, sí.

Ah, well come on, yes.

Entarreguem una paelleta.

Let's order a small paella.

Però de marisc.

But seafood.

El que tu vulguis.

Whatever you want.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.









Sí, la paella però de marisquet, eh?

Yes, the paella but with seafood, right?

De marisquet.

Of shellfish.

I els hi preguntes a aquells nois, oi?

And you ask those guys, right?

Sí, el Toni, el Poc, també.

Yes, Toni, the Poco, too.

Sí, que estan convidats.

Yes, they are invited.



Bé, doncs escolta'm, anem a una altra illa, anem a Cuba, tu.

Well, listen to me, let's go to another island, let's go to Cuba, you.

Oh, Cuba.

Oh, Cuba.

Sí, doncs clar, amb això dels esclaus.

Yes, of course, with the issue of slaves.

Com cubano.

Like a Cuban.

Tristament, hi ha rutes que portaven a Brasil, també portaven a Cuba.

Sadly, there are routes that led to Brazil, they also led to Cuba.

Anem a sentir un...

Let's go listen to a...

Després parlem una mica d'ell, a un mític i famós cubà músic que es diu...

Later we'll talk a bit about him, a mythical and famous Cuban musician named...

O li diuen, perquè així no és com es diu, però se'l coneix per Compay Segundo.

Or they call him that, because that's not how he's really named, but he is known as Compay Segundo.

Oh, grande.

Oh, great.



Vinga, va, va, va.

Come on, come on, come on.

Tu veus ron, no?

You see rum, don't you?

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Vinga, foli, foli.

Come on, fool, fool.

Doncs va, anem a sentir el xan-xan aquest.

Well, let's go listen to this buzz.

Oh, quina meravella.

Oh, what a wonder.

Ai, hi ha bones llores.

Oh, there are good tears.









It's alles here, we're going home!

It's all here, we're going home!

I t'espero.

I'll wait for you.

Ot hora guanyare!

Another time will win!

talking in �

talking in �





De Alto Cerro voy para Marcané, llego a Puerto, voy para Mayaví.

From Alto Cerro I'm going to Marcané, I arrive at Puerto, I'm going to Mayaví.

El cariño que te tengo, no te lo puedo negar, se me sale la papita, yo no lo puedo olvidar.

The affection I have for you, I cannot deny it, it slips out of me, I can't forget it.

Juan, Juan, Juanica y Chanchan en el bar Cernián,

Juan, Juan, Juanica, and Chanchan at the Cernián bar,

aquí en el bar Cernián, aquí en el bar Cernián.

here at the Cernián bar, here at the Cernián bar.

Como sacudí el jibé, a Chanchan le daba pena, qué pena.

As I shook the jibé, Chanchan felt sorry, what a pity.

Limpia el camino de pajas que yo me quiero sentar

Clean the path of straws because I want to sit down.

en aquel tronco que veo.

in that trunk that I see.

Y así no puedo llegar.

And so I cannot arrive.

De Alto Cerro voy para Marcané, llego a Puerto, voy para Mayaví.

From Alto Cerro I go to Marcané, I arrive at Puerto, I go to Mayaví.

Ataque, compañero, ataque.

Attack, mate, attack.

De frente.

Straight ahead.

De Alto Cerro voy para Marcané, llego a Puerto, voy para Mayaví.

From Alto Cerro I go to Marcané, I arrive at Puerto, I go to Mayaví.


Break it.

Vaya, que es tuyo.

Well, that is yours.

De Alto Cerro voy para Marcané, llego a Puerto, voy para Mayaví.

From Alto Cerro I go to Marcané, I arrive at Puerto, I go to Mayaví.


Break it.

Vaya, que es tuyo.

Wow, it's yours.

Si ens hi fixem

If we pay attention to it.

el ritme de la morna

the rhythm of the morna

de la cesària èvora

of the cesària evora

continua aquí

continue here

hi ha una semblança

there is a resemblance

una forma de caminar

a way of walking

aquí està una mica tombau

here it is a bit tilted

perquè vol dir anticipat

because it means anticipated

podríem dir una miqueta abans

we could say a little earlier

però té una línia de continuïtat

but it has a line of continuity

amb aquest ritme

at this pace

i es nota

and it shows

la similitud

the similarity

d'això que dèiem de la influència

of what we were saying about influence

de les músiques

of the music

es deia Francisco Repilado Muñoz

his name was Francisco Repilado Muñoz

al Compay Segundo

to Compay Segundo

i aquest tema és curiós

and this topic is curious

perquè no se sap

because it is not known

quan s'expliquen aquestes coses

when these things are explained

però ell va dir que el va somiar

but he said he dreamed about him

no és molt antic

it is not very old

tampoc el tema

neither the subject

però com aquestes coses

but like these things

de la música folklòrica

of folk music

és curiós com pensem

It is curious how we think.

que estan fetes de fa tants segles

that are made from so many centuries ago

tot es va transmetent

everything is being transmitted

del coneixement musical

of musical knowledge

perquè aquest és del 1984

because this is from 1984

i explica la història bonica

And tell the beautiful story.

d'un que s'enamora

of one who falls in love

és una història d'amor

It is a love story.

una parella

a couple

que ell és el xanxan

that he is the blabbermouth

i diu que li cau la bava

And he says that he is drooling.

de mirar-la amb ella

of looking at her with her

perquè decideixen fer una casa

because they decide to build a house

però per fer una casa necessiten diners

but to build a house they need money

i se'n van a la platja a remoure sorra

and they go to the beach to stir up sand

per intentar trobar or

to try to find gold

és una cosa que es feia

it's something that was done

i és una cosa que es feia

and it is something that was done

i es fa

and it is done

i fem

and we do

per intentar construir casa seu

to try to build your house

i en aquesta feina

and in this job

ell es mou d'una manera

he moves in a way

que ell es queda bocabadat

that he is left speechless

i li cau la bava

and he/she drools

quina dona tinc

what a woman I have

i és increïble

and it's incredible

i no paren de moure's

and they won't stop moving

ni com nosaltres

nor like us

que amb la ment pots moure't

that with the mind you can move yourself

i anar on vulguis

and go wherever you want

amb la música

with the music

amb les novel·les

with the novels

amb els poemes

with the poems

amb les pel·lícules

with the movies

amb el pensament

with the thought

amb la filosofia

with philosophy

podem viatjar

we can travel

i acompanyats de la música

and accompanied by music

en aquest cas

in this case

i tant

Of course.

què més volem?

What else do we want?

doncs mira

well, look

jo saps què?

Do you know what?

demanaré una altra

I will ask for another one.

aquesta vegada

this time

d'un gran guitarrista irlandès

of a great Irish guitarist

el Rory Gallagher

the Rory Gallagher

el coneixes no?

You know him, right?

el pare dels germans Gallagher

the father of the Gallagher brothers

no, no, no

no, no, no

aquest senyor

this gentleman

amb tots els respectes

with all due respect

amb els germans d'Oasis

with the brothers from Oasis

tenia bastant menys

I had quite a bit less.

talent que els germans

talent that the brothers

sí, sí, no, no

yes, yes, no, no

amb tot el respecte

with all due respect

tenia molt més talent

I had much more talent.

era un gran guitarrista

he was a great guitarist

de blues, blues, hard rock

of blues, blues, hard rock

i que influenciava tothom

and that influenced everyone

a més a més


molt mestre de molta gent

very much a teacher of many people

a més fins i tot

even more so

expliquen l'anècdota

they explain the anecdote

que un dia li van preguntar

that one day they asked him/her

al Jimi Hendrix

to Jimi Hendrix

que se sentia sent

that he felt felt

el millor guitarrista del món

the best guitarist in the world

i ell va dir

and he said

diu no ho sé

says I don't know

diu pregunteu-li

he says ask him/her

al Rory Gallagher

to Rory Gallagher

imagina't eh

imagine that, huh


imagine yourself

el Hendrix

the Hendrix


imagine yourself

doncs escoltem

so let's listen

si et sembla bé

if you think it's fine

un llibre

a book

un tema que és brutal

a topic that is brutal

de hard rock blues

of hard rock blues

que es diu

what is it called

Tattooed Lady

Tattooed Lady

la dama tatuada

the tattooed lady

del gran Rory Gallagher

of the great Rory Gallagher

quin ral·la

what a mess



posa't una altra

put on another one

una altra ronda

another round

i fes-te tu una

and make one for yourself


come on

has Blood, That

has Blood, That





you're sound

you're sound



la sorρά

the sister







a TV

a TV









el talento

the talent

y la música

and the music

Bona nit

Good night

Bona nit.

Good night.

I per acabar aquest

And to conclude this

meravellós... Què et sembla

wonderful... What do you think?

si reconeixem

if we recognize

ara que estem aquí

now that we are here

en aquestes...

in these...

d'aquí del replanell,

from here of the flat area,

el xiringuito d'oliva,

the olive beach bar,



tu te'n recordes

Do you remember?

els dies que hem passat corrent

the days we have spent running

com bojos allà a Ràdio Sabadell...

like crazy over there at Ràdio Sabadell...

No, ja no me'n recordo.

No, I don't remember anymore.

Em sembla molt llunyà aquí.

It seems very distant here.

Ens ha passat tot.

Everything has happened to us.

No hem de forçar la màquina,

We should not force the machine,

hem de disfrutar del temps

we must enjoy the time

i pensar que treballem per viure

And to think that we work to live.

i no vivim per treballar

we do not live to work

i nosaltres ja això ho tenim clar.

And we are clear about that.

Agraïm per això la feina

We thank you for the work.

de tots, del Toni,

of all, from Toni,

de la Bea...

of Bea...

Com es deia la noia aquella? La Bea, no?

What was that girl's name? Bea, right?

Sí, l'altra noia, com es deia la...

Yes, the other girl, what was her name...

Soraya, no?

Soraya, right?

També, i la Soraya

Also, and Soraya.

i la Rocío

and Rocío

i aquell noi

and that boy

i el Pol, també...

and Pol, too...

Tota la família

The whole family

de Ràdio Sabadell.

from Ràdio Sabadell.

I què els diem? Que no forcin la màquina, no?

And what do we tell them? Not to push the machine, right?

Que no, es veu que estan

No, it seems that they are.

d'obres. Ah, sí,

of works. Ah, yes,

estan d'obres.

they are under construction.

Ah, clar, tio!

Ah, of course, dude!

Per això, ens van

That's why they gave us

ens van pagar un viatge!

They paid us a trip!

Aquí, a Oliva, sí, sí.

Here, in Oliva, yes, yes.

No me'n recordava!

I had forgotten about it!

Per això està el Daniel Paraguay, tios!

That's why Daniel Paraguay is here, guys!



que ya les traigo la paella!

I'm bringing you the paella!

Hòstia, mira! La paella!

Holy shit, look! The paella!

La paella!

The paella!

I ara, tio! Va, home, va!

And now, dude! Come on, man, come on!

Maravillós, vosaltres, veniu cap aquí

Wonderful, you all come here.

i no forcem la màquina. Enric, mentre

And I don't force the machine. Enric, while

ens fotem la paella, demana-li

Let's make the paella, ask him/her.

un tema. Va, mira, Edu, Edu!

A topic. Come on, look, Edu, Edu!

És que és maco, tu, l'Edu, cagondena.

It's just that he's nice, you know, Edu, damn it.

És guapo, aquest tio! Va, Edu,

He's handsome, this guy! Come on, Edu!

gràcies per tot! No, forcem la màquina!

Thank you for everything! No, let's not push it!

De gato, Pérez! Ostres!

Oh wow, Pérez!

És una rombeta catalana, tu!

It's a little Catalan rumble, you!

Anem a fotre'ns la paella, va!

Let's go have some paella, come on!

Quina? Quina? No forcem

Which one? Which one? Let's not force it.

la màquina. Ah, forcem la màquina. No forcem

the machine. Ah, let's force the machine. Don't force it.

la màquina. Ah, no forcem la màquina. No, no, no,

the machine. Ah, let's not force the machine. No, no, no,

forcem la màquina. Ai, Picarón!

let's force the machine. Oh, Picarón!

Un homenatge a tots nosaltres! Hòstia, quins gambots!

A tribute to all of us! Wow, what clumsy boots!

A tota la gent! Hòstia, quins gambots que té, jo!

To all the people! Damn, what big feet he has, me!

Mira, mira, va! Té llamant-ho-li tot!

Look, look, come on! It's all calling it!

Aquí sí que forçarem la màquina!

Here we will really push the machine!

Fot-li, fot-li! Vinga!

Hit it, hit it! Come on!

Ei, Toni, fot-li, fot-li!

Hey, Toni, go for it, go for it!

Fot-li, fot-li!

Hit it, hit it!

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