BCN DM – Explorant Sants (IV)

Ruta Lokal: música a Barcelona provincia

Ruta Lokal: música a Barcelona provincia

BCN DM – Explorant Sants (IV)

Ruta Lokal: música a Barcelona provincia

Barcelona Sona.

Barcelona Sounds.

Un diàlogo de entrevistas para descubrir la fuente de la música en la ciudad condal.

A dialogue of interviews to discover the source of music in the Catalan city.

Hablando con las personas que la generan y le dan espacios,

Talking to the people who generate it and give it spaces,

barrio a barrio, distrito a distrito, en pasado, presente y futuro.

neighborhood by neighborhood, district by district, in the past, present, and future.

Hola, em dic Xiqui Trepacs.

Hello, my name is Xiqui Trepacs.

No és el meu veritable nom, però és el meu nom de grafiter,

It's not my real name, but it's my graffiti name.

perquè jo vaig fer grafitis als 80 en el grup Trepacs,

because I did graffiti in the 80s with the group Trepacs,

que érem pioners de grafiti o art urbà, com diuen ara.

that we were pioneers of graffiti or urban art, as they say now.

I vaig treballar a la sala Comuniqué des de finals dels 80

I worked at the Comuniqué room since the late 80s.

i principis del 90 fins que amb José Bellido, el Pepe,

In the early 90s until with José Bellido, Pepe,

com li dèiem tots, es va morir.

As we all called him, he passed away.

La meva relació amb ell era molt especial,

My relationship with him was very special,

perquè ens vam conèixer perquè volia pintar el local.

because we met because I wanted to paint the place.

I jo soc el responsable, amb els meus companys,

And I am the person responsible, along with my colleagues,

que hi havia altres pintors, de la decoració de la sala,

that there were other painters, of the decoration of the room,

que a més anava canviant cada any.

that was also changing every year.

Era un antic assecador de plàtans.

It was an old banana dryer.

Bé, més que assecador, era un assecador de plàtans.

Well, rather than a dryer, it was a banana dryer.

La sala era un magatzem on feien madurar els plàtans.

The room was a warehouse where they ripened the bananas.

Coses curioses.

Curious things.

I després el Pepe, amb el seu germà,

And then Pepe, with his brother,

i van fer les reformes perquè el Pepe venia a la València.

They made the renovations because Pepe was coming to Valencia.

Estava com una cabra.

I was acting like a goat.

Jo el que més recordo d'ell és que era el seu somriure.

What I remember most about him is his smile.

No se m'ha borrat el cap.

I haven't lost my mind.

Perquè a més, ell era més gran que jo.

Because besides, he was older than me.

Quan jo tenia 20 anys, ell en tenia 30,

When I was 20 years old, he was 30.

que és quan es va morir.

what is when he/she died.

I em va dubtar, en blanc,

I hesitated, in blank,

Pepe, que no te metas en lío.

Pepe, don't get into trouble.

I sí, me l'estimava molt.

And yes, he/she loved me very much.

Em va enganxar en pilotes, la seva mort.

I was caught in my underwear, his death.

Va ser un cop de la hòstia.

It was a hell of a hit.

El local primer estava pintat a broixa,

The place was first painted with a brush,

i quan ens vam conèixer, que no recordo com,

And when we met, I don't remember how,

però va ser amor a primera vista.

but it was love at first sight.

Amb el Pepe, de seguida, em va dir

With Pepe, he immediately told me.

ostres, tinc un local, vine a pintar i tal.

Wow, I have a place, come and paint and all that.

I jo em vaig juntar amb un altre pintor que es diu Sendis,

I I got together with another painter named Sendis,

i amb el Fisco, i amb el Capi, i el Tezac, i algun més,

and with the Fisco, and with the Capi, and the Tezac, and some more,

que ara no recordo,

that I don't remember now,

perquè han passat més anys que de les múmies.

because more years have passed than since the mummies.

I vam pintar el local.

We painted the venue.

Però la relació va anar intensificant-se,

But the relationship began to intensify,

perquè al grup de grafiti també teníem uns amics

because in the graffiti group we also had some friends

que tenen un grup de rap,

that have a rap group,

que en aquella època van ser els primers

that at that time were the first

a gravar rap amb una companyia,

to record rap with a company,

que em sembla que era BMG Ariola,

I think it was BMG Ariola,

i es deien Ander Rap.

And they called him Ander Rap.

El local feia un passadís,

The place had a hallway,

et quedava la cabina del disc jockey a la dreta,

the disc jockey booth was on the right,

que era el primer,

that was the first,

es centrava per la barra,

it was centered by the bar,

que estava comunicada amb la cabina,

that was connected to the cabin,

i després fa com una L,

and then it makes like an L,

tot aquest passadís més la L era sala d'exposicions,

this entire hallway plus the L was an exhibition room,

hi havia tot d'il·lustracions, quadres, fotografies i tal.

there were all kinds of illustrations, paintings, photographs, and so on.

Després, quan acabava la L,

Later, when I finished the L,

baixaves unes escales i hi havia el sòtan,

you went down some stairs and there was the basement,

que era una sala rectangular

that it was a rectangular room

amb un equip de veus de 1.000 watts,

with a 1,000-watt sound system,

que t'asseguro que jo tremolava tot el local,

I assure you that I was shaking the whole place.

perquè era molt petit.

because it was very small.

De metres quadrats no sé què tenia.

I don’t know how many square meters it had.

Allà, a la L aquesta de dalt, hi havia els lavabos, també.

There, at the L up there, there were the restrooms, too.

I, bé, era tot molt apretat.

Well, it was all very tight.

El sostre, no és que fos baix,

The ceiling wasn't that it was low,

és que la suor es condensava

it's just that the sweat was condensing

i queien gotes del sostre.

And drops were falling from the ceiling.

Això, en els concerts, he vist ballar a pocos,

This, at the concerts, I have seen few people dance.

que era tota la sala que anava de banda a banda.

that it was the whole room that went from side to side.

Saps? Aquell ball punky

You know? That punk dance.

que la gent es fot d'hòsties tota l'estona.

that people get beaten up all the time.

Era tal que així.

It was like this.

I la gent hi anava molt

And people went there a lot.

perquè no hi havia res.

because there was nothing.

La gent hi anava molt

People used to go there a lot.

perquè tocaven grups emergents.

because they featured emerging bands.

Ara se'n diuen emergents.

Now they are called emerging.

Llavors eren grups que no coneixia ni Déu.

Back then they were groups that no one, not even God, knew.

Era un sòtan,

It was a basement,

no hi havia sortides d'emergència

there were no emergency exits

i no hi havia una correcta ventilació.

and there was no proper ventilation.

No hi havia...

There wasn't...

Bé, t'ho pots imaginar, no?

Well, you can imagine it, right?

Vull dir, allò era...

I mean, that was...

El KGB semblava,

The KGB seemed,

a l'estadi Sant Jordi, saps?

at the Sant Jordi Stadium, you know?

I el comuniqué al lavabo del KGB,

And I communicated it to the KGB bathroom,

poc més o menys, en qüestions de tamany.

more or less, in terms of size.

Però sí que en Pepe

But yes, Pepe does.

sabia molt de programar.

knew a lot about programming.

L'escenari tenia un pam d'alçada.

The stage was a foot high.

De fet, era una filera de totxos

In fact, it was a row of bricks.

posats en plan obra de paleta, saps?

in a masonry work mode, you know?

Que s'hi havien posat unes fustes

That they had put some planks there.

i, clar, si volies saltar de l'escenari,

Yes, of course, if you wanted to jump off the stage,

el més segur és que no arribessis a cap lloc

the safest thing is that you would not arrive anywhere

perquè estaves a terra ja.

because you were already on the ground.

Estaves a l'abast de la gent.

You were within people's reach.

Si no li agradava l'actuació,

If he/she didn't like the performance,

et fotés una bufetada.

I'll slap you.

Però no va passar mai.

But it never happened.

La cosa anava de la següent manera.

The thing went like this.

Es contactava a l'oficina amb el Pepe

He was contacting Pepe at the office.

i llavors ens enviaven la maqueta

and then they would send us the mock-up

i si vèiem que, més o menys,

and if we saw that, more or less,

tenien taules per tocar en directe,

they had tables for live performance,

doncs es concretava una data,

so a date was specified,

venien, la caixa era per ells

they were coming, the box was for them

i les begudes del bar per nosaltres.

And the drinks from the bar for us.

És a dir, un 50-50.

That is to say, a 50-50.

I algun grup posava el concert

And some group was putting on the concert.

a 400 pessetes

at 400 pesetas

i ja em veus anant al Bingo Villares

And you can already see me going to Bingo Villares.

a anar a buscar un sac de monedes de 100

to go and get a bag of 100 coins

perquè tenien pessetes encara.

because they still had pesetas.

Amb la productora musical,

With the music producer,

perquè Comuniqué també era una productora musical,

because Comuniqué was also a music production company,

es feien concerts al Celeste,

concerts were held at the Celeste,

a l'Otto Suds,

to Otto Suds,

que era una sala de llavors,

that it was a seed room,

que ara ja no sé si existeix,

that now I don't know if it exists,

i teníem al despatx allà...

And we had it in the office there...



Ronda més alta de Sant Pere, el 119,

Higher round of Saint Peter, 119,

en unes oficines

in an office

i teníem una col·lecció de maquetes de grups.

We had a collection of group models.

Que és que ara,

What is it now,

vist el pas del temps,

given the passage of time,

teníem coses com els Bisontes,

we had things like the Bisons,

teníem coses com els Deltonos,

we had things like Deltonos,

ens enviaven maquetes d'arreu del país.

They sent us models from all over the country.

I es programava en concerts,

And it was scheduled for concerts,

de dimarts fins al diumenge.

from Tuesday to Sunday.

Era una mica cansat.

It was a bit tiring.

I també em va ensenyar el Pepe

And Pepe also taught me.

a fer de manager i tot el contracte

to act as a manager and the entire contract

i la part de la música més administrativa.

and the part of the music that is more administrative.

Que no hi tenia gaire interès,

That he wasn't very interested in it,

però va sorgir com per poder ajudar.

but it emerged as if to help.

Llavors em pagava un tant

Then it would pay me a certain amount.

i jo que estava estudiant,

and I who was studying,

m'anava de conya.

I was joking.

Els horaris no tant,

The schedules not so much,

perquè tancavem a les 6 de la matinada o així.

because we closed at 6 in the morning or so.

A les 9 anava a classe.

At 9 I was going to class.

Vull dir que...

I mean that...

A l'oficina hi havia també el Roland,

In the office there was also Roland,

que nosaltres li dèiem Rolando.

that we used to call him Rolando.

Que era...

What it was...

Em penso que era algo de soci del Pepe.

I think it was something from Pepe's partner.

Ell porta la...

He is wearing the...

O portava la botiga de Gia Jou.

I carried the Gia Jou store.

Que és una botiga de roba militar de segona mà.

It is a second-hand military clothing store.

El Rolando és que era anglès.

Rolando was that he was English.

Bueno, era xinès.

Well, it was Chinese.

Era un europeu xinès amb nacionalitat britànica.

He was a Chinese European with British nationality.

Era l'hòstia.

It was awesome.

No parlava ni el català, ni el castellà, ni l'anglès.

He/she didn't speak either Catalan, Spanish, or English.

Vull dir, era una cosa que era un desastre.

I mean, it was something that was a disaster.

Però ens anava bé per quan venien artistes internacionals.

But it worked well for when international artists came.

Nosaltres al despatx teníem un missil rus allà.

We had a Russian missile there in the office.

Evidentment descarregat.

Obviously downloaded.

Però dels viatges que feia,

But from the trips he took,

el Rolando ens va portar una depuració.

Rolando brought us a purification.

Molt hardcore, la veritat.

Very hardcore, to be honest.

Teníem un tio molt alt,

We had a very tall guy,

que li dèiem Alfarola,

that we called Alfarola,

perquè portava un frontal.

because he was wearing a headlamp.

I com era tan alt,

And as he was so tall,

li dèiem Alfarola, que era un de seguretat,

we called him Alfarola, who was a security guard,

que només amb la prestància no s'organitzava res.

that nothing was organized just with presence.

La cosa és que dins de tota aquella espècie de caos,

The thing is that within all that kind of chaos,

hi havia una espècie d'ordre que dius

there was a kind of order that you say

no sé d'on surt, però mira que bé.

I don't know where it comes from, but look how good it is.

Perquè jo me'n recordo una vegada

Because I remember once

que va vindre un esquí molt violent i molt borratxo

that came a very violent and very drunk ski

i Alfarola el va fotre cap per baix dins d'un container.

And Alfarola threw him headfirst into a container.

Perquè, vegis, les mesures d'Alfarola eren bastant impressionants.

Because, you see, Alfarola's measurements were quite impressive.

I es va acabar la broma.

And the joke is over.

Després teníem dos cambreres bessones,

Afterwards, we had two twin waitresses,

la qual cosa, quan anaves passat de copes,

which, when you were drunk,

no sabies en quin pis estaves,

you didn't know which floor you were on,

perquè tenien la mala costum de vestir-se igual

because they had the bad habit of dressing the same

com quan anaven allà.

like they used to go there.

I no sabies si eres el primer, el sòtan...

And I didn't know if you were the first, the basement...

Era bastant...

It was quite...

Però ja et dic, molt bon rotllo,

But I already tell you, very good vibes,

recordo molt bon rotllo

I remember a very good vibe.

i molt de disfrutar de la música en directe.

and a lot of enjoying live music.

Allà vam fer bastants concerts.

There we did quite a few concerts.

Allà també vaig conèixer el Xavi Mercader,

There I also met Xavi Mercader,

que era el fotògraf.

that he was the photographer.

I el director de la revista Under Rock.

And the director of the magazine Under Rock.

Perquè ell portava un fanzine que es deia Walker

Because he was carrying a fanzine called Walker.

i el deixàvem passar sempre a tots els concerts

And we always let him in all the concerts.

perquè ens feia molt bona promoció.

because it was giving us a very good promotion.

I mira, ara l'hem perdut, que també.

And look, now we've lost him too.

I llavors també fèiem programacions estranyes

And then we also did strange programs.

perquè el dimarts teníem el Club G3G,

because on Tuesday we had the G3G Club,

que era un club que es transformava el dimarts

that it was a club that transformed on Tuesday

en música experimental.

in experimental music.

Això ho portava un agent de G3G Records

This was brought by an agent from G3G Records.

i en concret ho portava l'artista i escriptor Victor Nubla.

And specifically, it was carried out by the artist and writer Victor Nubla.

Ho portava ell.

He was wearing it.

I muntava el seu xiringo

I was setting up his stand.

i venia els CDs dels grups que portava.

I used to sell the CDs of the bands I brought.

També venia gent com els del Segell,

People like those from the Seal also came.

ve de core,

comes from the heart,

el Club G3G, per exemple,

the G3G Club, for example,

que a mi m'agradava molt anar a veure els accidents polipoètics

that I really liked going to see the polipoetic accidents

que feien recitals de polipoesia.

they held polyphony recitals.

Bé, cada dimarts no, però entraven les coses del dimarts.

Well, not every Tuesday, but things would come in on Tuesday.

Crec que el Club G3G després va continuar al Sidecar.

I believe that the G3G Club later continued at Sidecar.

Però ara ja he perdut tot contacte amb Barcelona

But now I have lost all contact with Barcelona.

i ja no sé què fan.

And I don't know what they are doing anymore.

A més, Victor Nubla va morir i ja no...

Furthermore, Victor Nubla passed away and no longer...

A mi em va descobrir la música electrònica en una època.

I discovered electronic music at one point.

Hi havia els Macromassa, Super Elvis, Latina Gil...

There were Macromassa, Super Elvis, Latina Gil...

Bueno, venien a tocar gent raríssima per mi.

Well, really strange people were coming to play for me.

Esplendor geomètrico...

Geometric splendor...



Unes coses que deia...

Some things he/she said...

Diós meu, diòs meu,

My God, my God,

o els artistes hem estupau, no?

Either the artists have made a mistake, right?

Però ostres, eren molt interessants.

But wow, they were very interesting.

Coses que ara són el pa nostre, eh?

Things that are now our daily bread, huh?

La música electrònica a finals del 80.

Electronic music in the late 80s.

Quatre i mal comptats, eh?

Four and poorly counted, huh?

I clar, venien i enxufaven tots els aparells,

And of course, they would come and plug in all the devices,

i faltava la llum.

and the light was missing.

Perquè teníem vídeos, projeccions, mapping i coses d'aquestes...

Because we had videos, projections, mapping, and things like that...

I allò no ho aguantava.

And that I couldn't stand.

Sí, ja et dic.

Yes, I’m telling you.

I l'accés...

And the access...

No només a grups nous, sinó...

Not only to new groups, but...

És que tu per 300 o 400 passetes et veies un concert.

It's just that for 300 or 400 steps you could see a concert.

I anava una...

I was going a...

Una consumició.

One drink.

Sí, era una altra filosofia.

Yes, it was another philosophy.

El Pep era un enamorat de la música.

Pep was in love with music.

Però tenia clar que volia una sala de concerts,

But he was clear that he wanted a concert hall,

i com la volia...

and how I wanted it...

I quan es va morir, la idea es va desfer com el sucre, no?

And when he died, the idea melted away like sugar, didn't it?

És que el Pep estava...

It's just that Pep was...

Bueno, enviava cintes a Ràdio 3,

Well, I used to send tapes to Radio 3,

estava en contacte amb els periodistes...

I was in contact with the journalists...

Era tot un coneixedor de l'escena musical del món.

He was a true connoisseur of the world music scene.

L'escena musical del moment.

The music scene of the moment.

És a dir, de les tres i quart del dimarts.

That is to say, at a quarter past three on Tuesday.

I clar, ara, no ho sé,

I mean, now, I don't know,

les cintes deuen haver quedat a la família del Pepe,

the tapes must have stayed with Pepe's family.

perquè hi havia maquetes per parar un carro.

because there were models to stop a cart.

I alguna joia hi deu haver, segur.

And there must be some gem, for sure.

Però és que la música llavors definia la gent.

But music then defined people.


You know?

Si t'agradava el heavy metal, eres heavy.

If you liked heavy metal, you are heavy.

Si t'agradava el rock'n'roll, eres rocker.

If you liked rock'n'roll, you were a rocker.

Si t'agradava la música pop, eres mozzi.

If you liked pop music, you were a mozzi.


You know?

La música era molt important llavors.

Music was very important back then.

M'imagino perquè no hi havia ordinadors com ara,

I imagine why there weren't computers like there are now,

ni internets, ni coses de l'estil, saps?

no internets, nor things like that, you know?

Me'n recordo els fanzines de paper.

I remember the paper fanzines.

La fotocòpia.

The photocopy.

En venien uns quants allà, com es deia, venia un...

They were selling a few there, as it was called, a...

Hi havia un revister i els fotien allà i...

There was a magazine and they were put there and...

Dejo cinco.

I leave five.



I quan es venien, se'l pagava el noi i ja està.

And when they were sold, the boy was paid and that's it.

I la moda cultural de Barcelona era molt potent llavors.

And the cultural fashion of Barcelona was very strong then.

Jo recordo que hi havia gent fent de tot.

I remember that there were people doing all sorts of things.

Si no et dedicaves a pintar,

If you weren't dedicated to painting,

et dedicaves a la fotografia,

you were dedicated to photography,

si no a fer música, si no tota l'hora.

If not to make music, then not the whole hour.

Va haver-hi una temporada que,

There was a time when,

com hi havia molt hardcore,

since there was a lot of hardcore,

doncs venien esquins.

so they were coming awkwardly.



Bueno, venia gent moderna,

Well, modern people were coming,

venien mots, també.

Words were also coming.

És que llavors és en temps de tribus urbanes.

It's just that then it is in the time of urban tribes.

Però també quan pintàvem nosaltres venia gent del hip-hop,

But also when we were painting, people from hip-hop would come.

també programàvem hip-hop,

we also programmed hip-hop,

que em sembla que era la primera sala de Barcelona

I think it was the first room in Barcelona.

que va programar rap.

that programmed rap.



Temes hip-hop en una sala de concerts.

Hip-hop tracks in a concert hall.

Vull dir, és que...

I mean, it’s just that...

Vam fer tantes coses, era...

We did so many things, it was...

Una espècie de...

A kind of...

No n'és tot.

Not all of it.

Però la gent que anava allà...

But the people who went there...

Bé, gent jove i que sortien de nit

Well, young people and those who went out at night.

a buscar els concerts en directe.

to look for live concerts.

I ja està, no té més.

And that's it, there's nothing more.

Vull dir...

I mean...

Molt barrejat, també, recordo,

Very mixed, I also remember,

perquè hi havia punquis, mots...

because there were punks, words...



I de llancis i esquins,

And from spears and darts,

dins de tot el que podia ser un desastre,

within all that could have been a disaster,

que podia haver passat,

what could have happened,

mai va passar res.

nothing ever happened.

No tinc jo constància, tampoc,

I don't have any record of it either.

que quan jo no hi era

that when I was not there

es liés de manera especial, no?

It's tied in a special way, isn't it?

Amb els ajuntaments moderns,

With modern municipalities,

quan van començar a demanar insonoritzacions i tal,

when they started asking for soundproofing and such,

ja la cosa...

that's it...



O sigui, la cosa es va tancar,

So, the thing was closed.

perquè era massa despesa.

because it was too expensive.

El tema és que,

The issue is that,

després de morir el Pepe en un accident de cotxe,

after Pepe died in a car accident,

resulta que el seu germà, el Paco,

it turns out that his brother, Paco,

el va portar amb mi,

he took him with me,

perquè jo...

because I...

El Paco no hi era quan...

Paco wasn't there when...

Sí que hi era,

Yes, it was there.

era el germà del Pepe,

he was Pepe's brother,

però no s'ocupava de la sala.

but he did not occupy the room.

Jo m'ocupava amb el...

I occupied myself with the...

I no pintava res.

I didn't mean anything.

Jo era el noi dels recados,

I was the boy of errands,

i el que ajudava, no?

And the one who helped, right?

El que fos.

Whatever it was.

I llavors, amb el morir el Pepe,

And then, with Pepe's death,

va quedar molt coix, tot allò.

It was left very lame, all that.

De fet,

In fact,

era l'ànima de la sala.

she was the soul of the room.



Va tancar.

He/She closed.

Va tancar perquè allò

He closed because of that.

se'n portava moltes hores.

It had taken many hours.

Vull dir, jo me'n recordo

I mean, I remember it.

que quan van vindre els Mega City Four,

when Mega City Four came,

se'n va anar ell de gira per l'aigua.

He went on a tour for the water.

I qui es va quedar al bar,

And who stayed at the bar,



I llavors, quadrar la caixa,

And then, to square the box,

demanar al gènere...

ask for the gender...

Vull dir, és...

I mean, it’s...

Jo no venia d'aquest món.

I did not come from this world.


Of course,

jo me'n va caure tot a sobre.

Everything fell on me.

A més,


jo no bec alcohol,

I don't drink alcohol.

era l'encarregat de la caixa.

he was the cashier.

Quan venien els autors,

When the authors came,

el de los autores

the authors' one

que es pagava l'impost aquest,

that this tax was paid,



eren aquests,

were these,

els de les GAE.

the ones from the GAE.

I tela,

And fabric,

tenies d'omplir un full

you had to fill out a form

i era bastant surrealista,

it was quite surrealistic,

el full.

the sheet.

Sort que no teníem gent que feia versions,

Fortunately, we didn't have people who made versions.



com gent...

like people...

Feien temes propis

They made original songs.

i era bastant surrealista.

It was quite surreal.

Venien i cobraven.

They came and charged.

De fet, es van presentar al dialanter

In fact, they presented themselves to the dialanter.

a cobrar.

to be collected.

Sí, tota una delicatesa.

Yes, quite a delicacy.

Clar, vista en perspectiva,

Of course, seen in perspective,

tot allò era molt arriscat.

Everything was very risky.

Però, clar,

But, of course,

va fer que

made that

Ostafranc sortís al mapa de Barcelona.

Ostafranc appears on the map of Barcelona.

Perquè hi venia

Because I was going there.

un fotimer de gent, eh?

a ton of people, huh?

Vull dir,

I mean,

depenent del grup, també...

depending on the group, too...

Vaig conèixer una gent

I met some people.

al Portal de l'Àngel

at the Portal de l'Àngel

i també

and also

que es movien per les Rambles,

who were moving along the Ramblas,

que eren els inspectors

who the inspectors were



que feien un escà

what they were doing a scorn

sense cap instrument elèctric, saps?

without any electric instrument, you know?

I eren molt bons.

And they were very good.

Em sembla que encara

I think that still

ronden per all.

they wander around there.

I els vaig portar a la sala

And I took them to the room.

i vam omplir

and we filled

dos vegades


i no va vindre ningú una tercera.

And no one came a third time.

The Sound of Noise,

The Sound of Noise

que són un grup de rap anglès,

that they are an English rap group,

els vam portar, també.

We brought them, too.

Vam tocar a la sala del...

We played in the hall of...

Com era? Allà al Carrefoc.

How was it? There at the Carrefoc.

Ara me'n recordo. Allà a Montjuïc.

Now I remember. There at Montjuïc.

Era la bàscula.

It was the scale.

Bueno, anàvem a la casa

Well, we were going to the house.

de la muntanya,

from the mountain,

la casa ocupada de la muntanya.

the occupied house on the mountain.

S'havien muntat alguns concerts

Some concerts had been set up.

i també

and also

la casa dels gats, que ja no existeix.

the house of the cats, which no longer exists.

I, bueno,


després hi havia

then there was

una sala

a room

que ara no me'n recordo com es deia.

that now I don't remember what it was called.



la qüestió és que estava pintada

the thing is that it was painted

a negre amb dibuixos del Luz More,

a black one with Luz More designs,

que és un

what is a



I ara no me'n recordo.

And now I don't remember.

Estava al costat del Cajero, això sí.

I was next to the ATM, that's for sure.

Estava a l'aire de dalt, una mica més a baix.

It was in the upper air, a little lower down.

I era una casa ocupada

It was an occupied house.

que feien, bueno,

what they were doing, well,

pitjor que un club berlinès.

worse than a Berlin club.

Allà, des de coses artístiques

There, from artistic things

fins música,

even music,

teatre, circ...

theater, circus...

I tota l'hora, saps?

And the whole time, you know?

Cap problema.

No problem.

Sí, sí, jo, bueno,

Yes, yes, me, well,

me'n recordo de la Hamsa.

I remember Hamsa.

La va pintar un amic meu, el Roc.

A friend of mine, Roc, painted it.

I, clar,

I, of course,

hi havia un moment dels

there was a moment of the

squatters, perquè si ara dius

squatters, because if you say now

ocupes, quasi sembles

you occupy, you almost seem

d'extrema dreta, que ho tenia que dir.

far-right, that had to be said.



hi havia allà

there was there

un munt de gent fent coses.

a bunch of people doing things.

Vull dir, les cases ocupes eren

I mean, the occupied houses were

un centre, saps?

a center, you know?

Que, a més, no hi hauria

That, moreover, there would be no.

que són les sales, perquè

what are the rooms, why

algunes sales s'agafaven artistes

some venues used to hire artists

que havien

that they had

fet les seves primeres passes

made its first steps

en cases ocupes. Vull dir,

in occupied houses. I mean,

era molt diferent.

it was very different.

Eren altres temps, clar.

They were different times, of course.



És que allà passava des de

It was happening there since

el més a baix fins al

the lowest down to the

més top, saps?

more top, you know?

Perquè hi havia...

Because there was...

Jo me'n recordo

I remember.

de veure concerts allà

to see concerts there

a la Castella Marinera. No només

to the Marine Castle. Not only

al Comuniqué, jo estava més a fora, perquè

In the communiqué, I was more outside because

com feia l'enllaç entre el concert

how the link was made between the concert



les oficines, doncs anava amb la moto

the offices, so I was going by motorcycle

un dia a baix i tal.

a day down and such.

Sí, jo recordo una nit

Yes, I remember one night.

que vaig arribar i estaven

that I arrived and they were

tocant uns

touching some

psicobilis allà

psychobilly over there

i li dic al Pepe,

and I tell Pepe,

li dic, hòstia,

I tell him, damn,

dic, no ho veies? Diu, fan clavat

I say, didn't you see it? He says, they hit it right on.

els Stray Cats, eh?

the Stray Cats, huh?

És que eren els Stray Cats.

It was the Stray Cats.

I el tio

And the guy

no va parar de riure en tota la nit.

He didn't stop laughing all night.

Li dic, però fes-ho bé, tu,

I tell him, but do it properly, you.

que els tatuatges i tot, eh?

So, the tattoos and everything, huh?

Estan en tot.

They are everywhere.

No, és que eren ells.

No, it was them.

Saps greu que

You know it hurts that

el Pepe va rebre els homenatges

Pepe received the tributes.

que li van fer tots els músics,

what all the musicians did to him,

que no hi hagi

that there isn't

un reconeixement perquè

a recognition because

va fer

he/she/it did

pel que és la cultura

for what culture is

i tota la música,

and all the music,

en directe.


Va haver-hi un abans i un després, no?

There was a before and an after, right?

Pensa que sales grans

Think that you have big exits.


they mirrored

amb la gestió de Comuniqué. De fet,

with the management of Comuniqué. In fact,

el Celeste,

the Celeste

tant l'antic com el nou,

both the old and the new,

allà ens coneixien

they knew us there



Perquè la cosa era que

Because the thing was that

el Celeste podia programar.

Celeste could program.

Tenia una sala

I had a room.

però no tenia

but I didn't have

el tipus que fes la màgia, saps?

the guy who did the magic, you know?



el Pepe se'n anava a Londres

Pepe was going to London.

i diu, m'he traït els GVH,

And he says, I have betrayed the GVH,

que llavors

that then

del punt aquí era com

from the point here was like

l'escala inferior als 6 pistols.

the lower scale to the 6 pistols.

No sé si m'explico.

I don't know if I'm being clear.

I portar

I bring

els GVH va ser com va dir,

the GVH was as he said,



Saps? I després

You know? And then

el grup del Bateria

the Battery group

del Rawlings, que feia jazz,

of Rawlings, who played jazz,

el tio se n'anava allà

the guy was going over there

i contractava aquí.

I was contracted here.

És una mica inconscient,

It is a bit unconscious,

perquè anava amb els seus diners

because he was with his money

sense cap subvenció ni res.

without any subsidy or anything.

Del que treia d'un concert

From what was taken from a concert

ho invertia en el següent.

I invested it in the following.

Que jo li vaig dir,

That I told him/her,

jo de números no sé, però

I don't know about numbers, but

rico no te vas a fer així, eh?

Rich, you're not going to do that, right?

Perquè, clar,

Because, of course,

sempre hi havia unes gravomes, no?

There were always some gravestones, right?

A veure si me traigo

Let's see if I can get it.

a los Nirvana, lo que sigui.

to Nirvana, whatever it is.

Sí, hombre, ara mismo.

Yes, man, right now.

Ja et dic, allò,

I'm telling you, that,

i va dinamitzar molt

And it energized a lot.

el barri, els de Franks.

the neighborhood, the Franks' ones.

No el coneixia ningú

Nobody knew him.

fins que


hi va haver aquella sala.

There was that room.

I bueno, queda constància

And well, it is noted.

que algú deu tindre un fotiment de cartells,

that someone must have a lot of posters,

que hi ha

what's up

fotografies rondant. Hi ha un grup

photos wandering. There is a group

a Facebook que es poden trobar coses.

things can be found on Facebook.

L'arxiu més gran

The largest archive

de fotos el té

of photos the tea

el Mercader, el tenia.

The Merchant had it.

Que suposo

That I suppose

que ha publicat, em sembla que va publicar

that has been published, I think he/she published

un llibre on surt el Comuniqué

a book where the Comuniqué appears

reiterat tres vegades.

reiterated three times.

Per això,

That's why,

que cal

what is necessary

aquestes tipus de sales,

these types of rooms,

no sé com, però caldria

I don't know how, but it would be necessary.

que n'hi hagués una mica més.

that there were a little more.

No sé on, com,

I don't know where, how,

no sé la fórmula, allò.

I don't know the formula, that.

Perquè allò d'aquella època

Because of that time.

no es podrà tornar a repetir, però sí

it cannot happen again, but yes

que es poden buscar fórmules perquè la gent

that one can look for formulas so that people

pugui sentir música en directe.

can feel live music.

Bé, només

Well, just

ens queda agrair

we remain grateful

al Xiqui el temps que ens va

To Xiqui, the time that passes for us.

dedicar. D'aquesta entrevista fa

dedicate. This interview takes place

ja que s'hagi bé un any.

since it’s already been a year.

Es va gravar a l'agost de

It was recorded in August of

2023. Som al

2023. We are at the

juny de 2024.

June 2024.

En aquell agost de

In that August of

2023, just abans de començar

2023, just before starting

l'entrevista com a tal, el Xiqui

the interview as such, the Xiqui

ens confessava que

he confessed to us that

havia passat

had passed

un procés

a process

mèdic de recuperació,

rehabilitation doctor,

de molt de temps,

for a long time,

i que feia escasses

and it was scarce

dues setmanes que

two weeks that

havia recuperat

had recovered

la capacitat

the capacity

de parlar i d'expressió

of speech and expression

i que potser

and perhaps

no se'n recordava de tot

he did not remember everything

el que li hagués agradat.

what he/she would have liked.

Tot i així, vam tenir una conversa

Nonetheless, we had a conversation.



de prou temps, on vam

enough time, where we

estar revisitant

to be revisiting

tots aquells anys

all those years

i aquell temps que va viure

and that time he lived

en aquesta sala

in this room


We communicate.

Espero que us hagi agradat

I hope you liked it.

tot el que el Xiqui

everything that the Xiqui

ens ha pogut fer arribar

has been able to get to us

d'aquell temps i de la memòria

from that time and from memory

del Pepe i de totes

of Pepe and everyone

aquelles persones que hi van treballar.

those people who worked there.

Gràcies a tothom

Thank you everyone.

que hi va treballar, que va

that worked there, that went

fer un cop d'empenta

to give a push

a la cultura, que

to culture, which

no només que es feia al barri

not only that it was done in the neighborhood

de Santsot o Estafrancs,

of Sants or Estafrancs,

sinó a tota la ciutat.

but to the whole city.


Thank you.

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