44. Anem al Poble Nou amb TV3

Generació X

Generació X

44. Anem al Poble Nou amb TV3

Generació X

Benvinguts a Generació X, el podcast on les coses de sempre mai passen de moda.

Welcome to Generation X, the podcast where the old things never go out of style.

Hola, Soler, com estàs?

Hello, Soler, how are you?



Collons, ja ho veig, ja.

Damn, I see it now.

Bé, de fet, jo tinc la veu una mica també...

Well, in fact, I have the voice a little too...

Doncs, avui seria bo que viséssim que potser sentireu algun...

Well, today it would be good if we saw that maybe you'll hear some...

Sí, sí, algun estosseg.

Yes, yes, some coughing.

Sentireu algun...

You will hear some...

The holes?

The holes?

Sí, efectes especials.

Yes, special effects.

Sí, no ens ho tingueu en compte.

Yes, don't hold it against us.

Ho ha estat una setmana dura, eh?

It's been a tough week, hasn't it?

Molt bé, sí, sí, nosaltres també.

Very good, yes, yes, we too.

Portem uns dies a casa amb tothom una mica així...

We've been at home for a few days with everyone a bit like this...

I pioc, ja sembla que anem sortint del túnel, però déu-n'hi-do lo llarg que s'ha fet.

And look, it seems that we are finally coming out of the tunnel, but my goodness how long it has been.

Jo tinc un...

I have a...

Crec que tinc el motiu, la root cause, de per què estic malalt.

I believe I have the reason, the root cause, for why I am sick.

Ah, sí?

Oh, really?



L'última vegada que vaig estar mig engripat va ser prèvia a anar a en Joan Dauzà,

The last time I was half sick was before going to Joan Dauzà.

i aquesta vegada també és prèvia a anar a en Joan Dauzà.

And this time it is also prior to going to Joan Dauzà.

Collons, quin mal...

Damn, what pain...

No ho sé.

I don't know.

Quina mala estrogança, doncs, aquest noi.

What a bad attitude, then, this boy.

No ho sé, però és dos cops la mateixa casualitat, potser ja no és tanta casualitat.

I don't know, but it's the same coincidence twice, maybe it's not such a coincidence anymore.

Masses coincidències.

Many coincidences.

Però bé.

But well.

En fi, avui tenim entre nosaltres la Montserrat.

Anyway, today we have Montserrat with us.

Què tal estàs, Montserrat?

How are you, Montserrat?

Amb ganes d'estar al podcast?

Looking forward to being on the podcast?

Molt bé.

Very well.

Encantada de participar, per fi, al podcast i parlar una estona amb vosaltres,

Delighted to finally participate in the podcast and talk for a while with you.

tot i que no em puc quedar gaire.

although I can't stay very long.

I doncs, com és això?

And so, how is that?

Res greu, no us ho vaig dir, però encara soc a Estats Units.

Nothing serious, I didn't tell you, but I'm still in the United States.

Al final, per temes familiars, un cop acabades les festes,

In the end, due to family matters, once the holidays are over,

m'he tingut que quedar uns dies més, però aviat tornaré cap a Catalunya.

I had to stay a few more days, but I will soon return to Catalonia.

Molt bé, Montserrat, això ja sembla la sagrada família, eh?

Very good, Montserrat, this already looks like the Sagrada Familia, huh?

Quan vulguis ja tornaràs, saps que nosaltres et guardem al lloc.

Whenever you want, you can come back; you know we will keep your place.

Però si et pots quedar una estona, queda't, no?

But if you can stay for a while, stay, right?

Què et sembla, Jordi?

What do you think, Jordi?

Sí, sí, sí, et vas ficant allà on tu vulguis.

Yes, yes, yes, you are getting in wherever you want.

Molt bé.

Very good.

En fi, de què parlarem avui?

Well then, what will we talk about today?

Avui parlarem de les telenovel·les de TV3, que enganxaven a tot el personal.

Today we will talk about the TV3 soap operas, which captivated everyone.

Aprofitem que és el 40è aniversari de TV3.

Let's take advantage of the 40th anniversary of TV3.

I avui parlarem de la primera, parlarem de Poblenou.

And today we will talk about the first one, we will talk about Poblenou.

Ah, molt bé.

Ah, very well.

Tu, Montserrat, no deus pas saber de quina sèrie estem parlant, no?

You, Montserrat, probably don't know which series we are talking about, do you?

Perquè em sembla que abans he buscat quan va sortir el TV3 per satèl·lit

Because it seems to me that I have looked up when TV3 was launched via satellite.

i aquell any encara no existia.

and that year it didn't exist yet.

Vol dir que no existeix.

It means that it does not exist.

Que no deus pas haver vist, oi?

You must not have seen it, right?

Doncs em sap greu, però no tinc ni idea de quina sèrie parlareu.

I'm sorry, but I have no idea which series you will be talking about.

Ja us val no haver-me avisat amb temps per poder investigar una mica.

It's already enough that you didn't warn me in time to be able to investigate a little.

No pateixis, Montserrat.

Don't worry, Montserrat.

Et passarem l'enllaç a 3Cat i allà podràs veure-ho tot.

We will send you the link to 3Cat and there you will be able to see everything.

Això mateix.

Exactly that.

Perquè no serà l'última vegada que parlarem de sèries de TV3, crec, eh?

Because it won't be the last time we talk about TV3 series, I think, right?

No, no, no.

No, no, no.

Després ho comentem?

Shall we discuss it later?

Molt bé.

Very well.

Vinga, anem cap al podcast follow-up?

Come on, shall we head to the podcast follow-up?


Let's go.

Molt bé, avui, primer de tot, avui tornem a tenir sorteig, per fi.

Very well, today, first of all, today we have a draw again, at last.

Un àpat per dues persones, el cònic de Vic.

A meal for two people, the Vic sausage.

Vinga, Montserrat, els dies que vas ser a Catalunya vas poder estar a algun cònic

Come on, Montserrat, the days you were in Catalonia, were you able to be at any concert?

i provar les seves hamburgueses o les seves tapes?

Should I try their hamburgers or their tapas?

Doncs sí, vaig estar al de Figueres, un dia que vam anar al Museu de Lí

Well, yes, I was at the one in Figueres, on a day when we went to the Lí Museum.

i em vaig menjar una hamburguesa d'aquelles premium que porta ou, bacon i de tot.

And I ate one of those premium hamburgers that comes with egg, bacon, and everything.

Ou, mama, i què et va semblar, Montserrat?

Egg, mom, and what did you think, Montserrat?

Molt bona, però clar, he crescut als Estats i si una cosa fem bé aquí,

Very good, but of course, I grew up in the States and if there's one thing we do well here,

són les hamburgueses.

They are the hamburgers.

Bueno, això ho haurem de discutir algun dia, potser.

Well, we will have to discuss this some day, maybe.

Sí, sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes, yes.

És un mite, això.

It's a myth, this.

Quan vulgueu, però en aquest aspecte, Europa vs. United States té les de perdre.

Whenever you want, but in this respect, Europe vs. United States has the odds against it.

Ui, vas molt sobradeta, no, Montserrat?

Oh, you're quite full of yourself, aren't you, Montserrat?

En fi, anem pel podcast perquè aquest 21 de gener farà dos anys exactes

Well, let's get to the podcast because this January 21 will mark exactly two years.

que va començar aquesta aventura i que vam penjar el nostre primer episodi.

that started this adventure and that we posted our first episode.

Ostres, fem dos anys ja, eh?

Wow, it's already been two years, hasn't it?

Ja, ja, ja.

Ha, ha, ha.

Uf, ha passat ràpid, eh?

Wow, that went quickly, huh?

Ha passat ràpid, ha passat ràpid.

It has passed quickly, it has passed quickly.

A veure, també hem tingut una crisi pel mig.

Let's see, we've also had a crisis in between.

Sí, hem tingut...

Yes, we have had...

Que vam estar a punt de la dissolució.

We were on the verge of dissolution.

Sí, però ho hem salvat.

Yes, but we have saved it.

Ens hem reconstruït un parell de vegades.

We have rebuilt ourselves a couple of times.

Ara crec que ens reconstruirem una tercera.

Now I think we will rebuild a third one.



Bé, bé, bé.

Well, well, well.

Fem una mica de repàs d'estadístiques.

Let's do a bit of a review of statistics.

Va, fem una mica de repàs.

Come on, let's review a bit.

Quatre números ràpids.

Four quick numbers.

Va, episodis, quants?

Come on, episodes, how many?

Mira, el 2023, 21 episodis hem gravat.

Look, in 2023, we recorded 21 episodes.



Sí, sí, sí, sí, són productius, eh?

Yes, yes, yes, yes, they are productive, huh?

Hem complert les expectatives, doncs, aquí.

We have met the expectations, therefore, here.

I més o menys unes 20 hores de... 21 hores de gravació.

And more or less about 20 hours of... 21 hours of recording.

Bueno, i ara agafeu-vos a fort perquè ara ve el número d'escoltes

Well, hold on tight because now comes the number of listeners.

que hem tingut durant tot l'any 2023.

that we have had throughout the year 2023.

Sí, sí, no, 2023.

Yes, yes, no, 2023.

9.200 escoltes.

9,200 listeners.

Això és molt fort.

This is very intense.

És molt full, això.

This is very crazy.

Sí, hem més que doblat les de...

Yes, we have more than doubled those of...

Mare meva.

My mother.

Les de 2022.

The ones from 2022.

Molt bé, molt bé.

Very good, very good.

En fi, molt contents, no?

Well then, very happy, aren't we?



Et sembla bé, Montserrat, o no, aquestes dades?

Do you think these data are good, Montserrat, or not?



He de reconèixer que el primer cop que us vaig escoltar ja fa temps

I have to admit that the first time I heard you was a long time ago.

vaig pensar que aquest parell duraran dos dies.

I thought this pair would last two days.

Però heu anat agafant flow en la conversa i sou prou distrets.

But you've been getting into the flow of the conversation and you're quite distracted.

Tot i això, tinc molta feina.

Nevertheless, I have a lot of work.

Tinc molta feina a fer amb vosaltres.

I have a lot of work to do with you.

Vas una mica de sobrada o m'ha semblat en a mi?

Are you a bit full of yourself or is it just me?

No, però penseu que allà als Estats fa molt temps que el podcast està triomfant

No, but think that over there in the States, podcasts have been thriving for a long time.

i hi ha gent que s'hi guanya molt bé la vida.

And there are people who make a good living from it.

Vosaltres quan guanyeu cada mes amb Generació Keys?

When do you earn each month with Generació Keys?

Bueno, no és el lloc on compartir aquesta dada, Montserrat.

Well, it's not the place to share this information, Montserrat.

Si cas, un dia que vinguis aquí físicament t'ensenyarem quatre coses o quatre números.

If you ever come here in person, we'll show you a few things or a few numbers.

Però bàsicament el que ens estalviem aquí és en el psicòleg.

But basically what we save here is on the psychologist.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Tenim aquestes sessions gratuïtes d'autoajuda.

We have these free self-help sessions.



Aquest dia vam dir que l'havíem categoritzat aquest podcast...

That day we said that we had categorized this podcast...

Com a autoajuda.

As self-help.



I de moment ens està ajudant.

And for the moment, it is helping us.



Ens estem autoajudant bastant.

We are helping each other quite a bit.

En fi, fem un repàs del top 4 de països més escoltats.

Anyway, let's review the top 4 most listened countries.



El primer, evidentment, és...

The first, obviously, is...

És Espanya.

It is Spain.

Espanya, que deu ser Catalunya.

Spain, which must be Catalonia.

Entenc que sí.

I understand that yes.



El segon, Estats Units.

The second, United States.

I a veure què ens dirà la Montserrat, Anna.

And let's see what Montserrat will tell us, Anna.

Aquí permeteu-me dir que des que em vau proposar participar al podcast ara fa uns mesos

Here allow me to say that since you suggested I participate in the podcast a few months ago

he fet molta propaganda entre la comunitat catalana d'Estats Units

I have done a lot of campaigning among the Catalan community in the United States.

i sé que hi ha gent que espera amb candeletes la publicació dels episodis.

And I know that there are people who are eagerly awaiting the release of the episodes.

Molt bé.

Very good.

Doncs gràcies per la publicitat.

Well, thank you for the publicity.

Montserrat, estàs una mica sobradeta, eh?

Montserrat, you are a bit overconfident, huh?

Vull dir, potser tindràs problemes familiars als estats

I mean, maybe you'll have family problems in the States.

i problemes personals quan vinguis aquí a Catalunya un altre cop, eh?

And personal problems when you come here to Catalonia again, eh?

Quan vingui a Catalunya ja la posarem a top,

When she comes to Catalonia, we'll get her all set up.

perquè a més ha d'acabar d'aprendre bé de dir el nom de generació X.

because he also has to finish learning to say the name of Generation X correctly.

Sí, perquè...

Yes, because...

Per començar amb generació X.

To start with Generation X.



Montserrat, això hem d'anar millorant.

Montserrat, we need to keep improving this.

Però, en fi, el següent país, França, suposo que és la...

But, well, the next country, France, I suppose is the...

Catalunya 9.

Catalonia 9.

Sí, Catalunya Nord.

Yes, Northern Catalonia.

Hi ha algun català...

Is there any Catalan...

Perdut per Alemanya.

Lost in Germany.

Hi ha altres països, però aquests quatre són els que hi havia més reproducció.

There are other countries, but these four are the ones with the most reproduction.

A Rússia no ens escolten perquè cada vegada que llancem un capítol ens el capen.

In Russia, they don't listen to us because every time we release a chapter, they censor it.

Sí, per la música que posàvem, em sembla, aquestes històries.

Yes, for the music we were playing, I think, these stories.

O sigui que si esteu a Rússia ho teniu complicat.

So if you are in Russia, you have it complicated.



Molt bé.

Very well.

I res, episodis més escoltats?

And nothing, most listened episodes?

Tenim el primer, que és Escalfant Motors per Eurovisió.

We have the first one, which is Heating Motors for Eurovision.

És el capítol 31, perdó.

It's chapter 31, sorry.

450 escoltes.

450 listeners.



Aquest sempre havia sentit quan...

This had always been felt when...

Quan dius Eurovisió, la gent li fa una mica de mandra,

When you mention Eurovision, people feel a bit lazy about it,

però acaba sent dels que tiren més, normalment.

but it usually ends up being one of those who throws more.

I el segon va ser un dels clàssics que ens han portat moltes visites,

And the second was one of the classics that has brought us many visitors,

que és aquells tres volums que vam fer de rock català.

What are those three volumes that we did about Catalan rock?

En aquest cas, el 2023 només en vam fer un que va ser el que hi havia a l'Exambusta.

In this case, in 2023 we only did one, which was the one that was at the Exambusta.



També unes 450 escoltes, aproximadament.

Also about 450 listeners, approximately.

I després el Sylvester Stallone.

And then Sylvester Stallone.

Manrock i Rambo, musiquetes...

Manrock and Rambo, little tunes...

28, eh?

28, huh?

Capítol 28.

Chapter 28.

No deixeu d'escoltar-lo.

Don't stop listening to him.

També unes 400.

Also around 400.

Després ha vingut també...

Later came also...

Amb 400 n'hi ha hagut 3.

With 400 there have been 3.

Unes 400 que més o menys han empatat,

About 400 that have more or less tied,

que l'altre del 29, que és el d'Anem a la disco i ho petem,

that the one on the 29th, which is the one about Going to the disco and having a blast,

que recordo que començava amb una cançó d'en Gigi D'Agostino.

I remember that it started with a song by Gigi D'Agostino.



I aquell me l'he escoltat.

And I have listened to that one.

Queda lleig dir que escolto el nostre podcast, però...

It's ugly to say that I listen to our podcast, but...

No, no queda lleig.

No, it doesn't look bad.

Amb la música aquella és que et fa vibrar.

With that music, it makes you vibrate.

Escolteu-lo, perquè us ho passareu pipa.

Listen to him, because you'll have a blast.



I l'últim...

And the last...

El de ChatGPT.

The one from ChatGPT.

Aquest m'ho vaig passar molt bé, jo.

I had a great time with this, I did.

Potser perquè m'agrada aquesta cosa.

Maybe because I like this thing.

Però aquí vam riure, més o menys.

But here we laughed, more or less.

Sí, ens ho vam passar bé.

Yes, we had a great time.

Si algú de la generació X ha sentit molt a parlar de ChatGPT

If someone from Generation X has heard a lot about ChatGPT.

i no sap encara què és o com funciona, etcètera, etcètera, etcètera,

and he still doesn't know what it is or how it works, etc., etc., etc.

recupereu l'episodi 30 i us fem una mica de tutorial ràpid,

recover episode 30 and we give you a quick tutorial,

així és per membres X de la nostra generació.

that's how it is for members X of our generation.

I a tu, Montserrat, quin és el capítol de generació X que t'ha agradat més?

And you, Montserrat, which is the chapter of Generation X that you liked the most?

Home, jo allà on hi hagi en Sil amb el seu cos fibrat,

Man, where there is Sil with his toned body,

sempre m'hi trobareu.

you will always find me there.

Tot i que com a actor transmet el mateix que un gat de guix.

Although as an actor he conveys the same as a plaster cat.

I el de la disco també em va agradar molt,

And I really liked the one from the disco too,

amb la música que vau posar.

with the music you played.

Escolta, Montserrat, acabes de comparar en Silvester Estalón

Listen, Montserrat, you just compared Silvester Stalone.

amb un gat de guix?

with a plaster cat?

De guix? I t'has quedat així tan ample?

Plaster? And you stayed like this, so wide?

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

És que a més a més veig que avui té un to de psicòpata

It's just that I also see that today he has a psychopath vibe.

que fa mig a por la Montserrat avui.

What makes Montserrat afraid today?

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

En fi, i a tu, Soler, quin t'ha agradat més d'aquest 2023 d'episodi?

Well, and you, Soler, which one did you like the most from this 2023 episode?

A mi el d'anar amb la disco, també.

I also like going to the disco.

Considera això aquí, sí, sí, sí.

Consider this here, yes, yes, yes.

Jo també em va agradar bastant.

I also quite liked it.

I el de la disco, per això que et deia de la música,

And the one from the disco, for that reason I was telling you about the music,

i el del ChatGPT em va fer especial il·lusió

And the one from ChatGPT made me especially happy.

perquè, com que m'agrada molt, soc una mica friqui

because, since I really like it, I'm a bit of a geek

d'aquests temes de la intel·ligència artificial

of these topics of artificial intelligence

i penso que m'ha canviat la vida, em va fer il·lusió

I think it has changed my life, it made me excited.

poder-ho compartir

to be able to share it

amb els companys de generació.

with the peers of the generation.

Molt bé.

Very well.

En fi, i també m'ha fet molta il·lusió

Well, it has also made me very happy.

un d'aquests últims que vam fer del joc retro

one of those last ones we did of the retro game

amb musiquetes,

with little tunes,

aquelles de 8-bits

those 8-bits

i totes aquestes històries.

and all these stories.

Escolteu, nois, em sap greu, però us he de deixar.

Listen, guys, I'm sorry, but I have to leave you.

M'ha agradat molt participar

I really enjoyed participating.

a aquests minuts i quan torni a Catalunya

at this moment and when he/she returns to Catalonia

espero participar més sovint.

I hope to participate more often.

Fins aviat.

See you soon.

Molt bé, Montserrat.

Very good, Montserrat.

Molt bé, Maca, que et petin.

Very well, Maca, that they break you.

Home, ja està bé, tu.

Home, that's enough, you.

Ha vingut aquí.

He has come here.

Sí, sort que ha penjat avui.

Yes, lucky that he/she hung it up today.

La teníem en versió telefònica, diguem.

We had it in telephone version, let's say.

Però res, esperem que en propers episodis

But nothing, we hope that in upcoming episodes

puguem... Abans ho parlàvem,

we can... We were talking about it earlier,

que hem de fer una secció fixa,

that we have to make a fixed section,

hem de buscar una temàtica que...

we need to find a theme that...

Perquè es pugui esplaiar.

So that it can be elaborated.

Avui l'he vista una mica crescodeta

Today I saw her a bit swollen.

i a veure si té collons de fer una secció allà soleta

And let's see if she has the guts to do a section there by herself.

i que s'esplai.

and that it is enjoyable.

Suposo que estan físicament els Estats Units

I suppose that the United States is physically there.

també d'una naia de Donald Trump.

also of a daughter of Donald Trump.

Pot ser, pot ser.

Maybe, maybe.

No sé.

I don't know.

Això l'hi haurem de demanar.

We will have to ask him/her that.

Quina ideologia respira aquesta senyora.

What ideology does this lady breathe?

Ai, Déu meu.

Oh, my God.

Això sí que serà un maló per obrir.

This will be a tough nut to crack.

2024, objectius.

2024, objectives.

L'any passat, quan vam arribar a aquest punt,

Last year, when we reached this point,

vam fer com una previsió d'escoltes que voldríem.

We made a kind of forecast of the listens we would like.

Jo crec que jo et vaig dir

I believe that I told you.

ja hi firmaria un 50% més que vol dir 6.000

I would already agree to a 50% more, which means 6,000.

i tu vas dir 8.000 o 10.000.

And you said 8,000 or 10,000.

Jo et vaig dir, benei, doncs mira, pam,

I told you, well, look, bam,

ho hem clavat.

We've nailed it.

Què dius tu per l'any que ve?

What do you say for next year?

Seràs tan optimista

You will be so optimistic.

com l'any passat?

like last year?

No, jo crec que no ara, però bueno.

No, I don't think so now, but well.

Fa de mal dir, fa de mal dir.

It's hard to say, it's hard to say.

Bé, de fet, clar, hem de comptar

Well, in fact, of course, we have to count.

que el febrer anem a l'Afnac

that in February we go to the Afnac

i això serà un avant i un després.

and this will be a before and an after.

És veritat, després en parlarem un moment.

It's true, we'll talk about it for a moment later.

Però també, clar,

But also, of course,

amb el que parlarem després també d'aquí un moment,

with what we will talk about later in a moment,

reduirem escoltes.

we will reduce listening sessions.

Reduirem una mica,

We will reduce a little.

però intentarem fidelitzar una mica més l'audiència.

but we will try to engage the audience a bit more.

I fer aquella màxima catalana de menys és més.

And to do that Catalan maxim of less is more.

Això mateix.

Just that.

O el pot petit i la bona confitura.

Or the small pot and the good jam.

Sí, perquè deixem aquí els objectius.

Yes, because we leave the objectives here.



Anem pels càmbits que hem parlat aquests dies.

Let's go over the exchanges we've discussed these days.

Anem als càmbits.

Let's go to the exchange rates.

Perquè l'altre dia vam fer una reunió de treball

Because the other day we had a work meeting.

d'aquelles que solíem fer al nostre cònic.

of those that we used to do at our conic.

Al cònic, sí.

To the conic, yes.

Que vam picar tapes en aquest cas.

We had tapas in this case.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

I vam menjar de collons.

We ate really well.

I va ser molt productiu.

It was very productive.

Jo crec que de les vegades que més.

I think it's one of the times the most.

I aquí jo venia amb una proposta

And here I came with a proposal.

que tu tenies una certa por

that you had a certain fear

perquè em va semblar que et pensaves

because it seemed to me that you thought

que et diria que volia baixar la pressió.

I would tell you that I wanted to lower the pressure.

Clar, em vas dir, hem de parlar.

Sure, you told me we need to talk.

Però no perquè jo necessito aquesta autoajuda que fem.

But not because I need this self-help that we do.

O sigui, la frase va ser

I mean, the phrase was

avui no gravem, hem de parlar.

Today we are not recording, we need to talk.

És veritat, perquè gravem una setmana més tard.

It's true because we record a week later.


Holy crap.

Del previst.

Of the planned.

Clar, dic, val, ja està.

Sure, I say, okay, that's it.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Véies que...

You saw that...

Dic, ara que ens anàvem a l'AFNAC,

I say, now that we were going to the FNAC,

ara el tio sopeta.

Now the uncle snores.

Doncs no, però sí que et vaig dir,

Well no, but I did tell you,

realment cada dues setmanes,

really every two weeks,

moltes setmanes jo em trobava

many weeks I found myself

que anàvem a última hora i de pressa i corrents.

that we were going at the last minute and in a hurry.

Pel que vam decidir...

For what we decided...

Que ara farem un cop al mes.

That we will now do once a month.

Un programa mensual.

A monthly program.

Ben estructurat.

Well structured.

Ben guionitzat.

Well scripted.

Una mica més treballat.

A little more worked on.

El de avui fliparíeu el guió que tenim.

You would freak out over the script we have today.

No sé com sortirà,

I don't know how it will turn out.

potser no us notarà gens.

you might not notice it at all.



Però ens ho hem treballat una mica més.

But we have worked on it a little more.

Has de dir que un parell de frases ja les he llegit.

You have to say that I have already read a couple of sentences.

Del Tiron.

From the Pull.



Molt bé.

Very well.

O sigui, improvisació zero.

That is to say, zero improvisation.

Doncs a partir d'ara,

Well from now on,

periodicitat mensual

monthly frequency

i al ser un episodi mensual...

and since it is a monthly episode...



Ens petem una mica l'actualitat,

We joke around a bit about the news,

per què no parlem de...

why don't we talk about...

Així que hi hagi alguna cosa

So that there is something.

que realment sigui molt actual,

that it really is very current,

ens la petem.

we mess it up.



Però a canvi, tenim una nova secció.

But in return, we have a new section.



Que es dirà Insert Coin.

It will be called Insert Coin.

En honor...

In honor...

A les màquines arcade.

To the arcade machines.

Sí, parlarem de joc retro.

Yes, we will talk about retro gaming.

Ara que a casa teva hi ha entrat una màquina arcade,

Now that an arcade machine has entered your home,

jo m'he preparat un ordino,

I have prepared a computer.

una retenida de cutre

a shabby retention

per poder jugar als jocs també

to be able to play the games too

i entrenar quan juguem,

and train when we play,

que no hi hagi tanta diferència.

that there isn't such a big difference.

No, de fet, no n'hem jugat més.

No, in fact, we haven't played any more.

Però ja jugarem, ja.

But we'll play, we will.

I el que farem en aquesta nova secció,

And what we will do in this new section,

que començarem en el proper episodi,

that we will start in the next episode,

serà analitzar...

it will be to analyze...

Bueno, analitzar...

Well, to analyze...

Parlarem d'algun joc retro mític de la nostra època.

We will talk about some legendary retro game from our era.



Amb les musiquetes...

With the little tunes...



I com funcionava.

And how it worked.

Inclús podríem...

We could even...

No ho sé, ho hem de parlar...

I don't know, we need to talk about it...

Fer una partideta així com en directe,

Play a little game just like live.

o allò, els piques aquells

or that, those thorns

quan et foto un Kamehameha,

when I hit you with a Kamehameha,

o t'ho foto un Shoryuken

or I'll hit you with a Shoryuken

si juguem a l'Style Fighter,

if we play Style Fighter,

aquestes coses...

these things...

Sí, sí, l'Style Fighter no és el meu joc preferit.

Yes, yes, Style Fighter is not my favorite game.



Vale, doncs ja està.

Okay, then that's it.

Deixem aquí ja el podcast follow-up.

Let's leave the podcast follow-up here.

No, queda un últim punt.

No, there is one last point.

Què queda?

What remains?

Home, ja està el guió, tio.

Dude, the script is ready.

Hòstia santa.

Holy shit.


Welcome home!

Queda el punt top.

The top point remains.

Si no hi ha res de nou,

If there is nothing new,

el proper episodi,

the next episode,

que serà d'aquí un mes,

what will it be in a month,

crec que és el 20 de febrer,

I believe it is the 20th of February.

el gravarem en directe...

we will record it live...

Hòstia, és l'aniversari del meu nano.

Damn, it's my guy's birthday.

Ah, sí?

Oh, really?

Merda santa, hòstia, merda santa.

Holy shit, damn, holy shit.

Ep, tenim aquí un problema.

Hey, we have a problem here.

Bueno, ja...

Well, already...



Que vingui.

Let him/her come.



I ho celebrem a l'Afnac.

We celebrate it at the Afnac.

En fi,

In short,

que en principi hauríem de gravar

that in principle we should record

el pròxim episodi en directe

the next live episode

a l'Afnac de l'Illa de Gaunal de Barcelona.

at the Fnac of La Illa Diagonal in Barcelona.



A les Podtalks Live Shows.

At the Podtalks Live Shows.


Holy shit.

Que com crec que hem explicat

As I believe we have explained.

en els últims dos episodis...

in the last two episodes...

Això ho organitza l'amic d'en Jordi,

This is organized by Jordi's friend,

que és en Sone.

Who is Sone?

En Sone.

In Sone.

En Sone, que és un crac.

In Sone, who is a whiz.

És un crac.

He's a genius.

Tu hi parles sovint.

You often talk there.

Ja tenim algun...

We already have some...

Tenim algun...

Do we have any...



No tenim res.

We have nothing.

Però això que et dic,

But this that I am telling you,

parlem en directe,

let's talk live,

abans l'haurem d'explicar a tu.

Before we have to explain it to you.

Home, però...

Home, but...

Clar, abans li has de dir

Of course, you have to tell him first.

que porti el material,

to bring the material,



Un penjador a la porta d'aquells.

A hanger on the door of those.

Oh, s'està gravant.

Oh, it's being recorded.

No sé què deia,

I don't know what he/she was saying,

ja ens ho mirarem.

We'll take a look at it.

Però estem entusiasmats amb aquest tema

But we are excited about this topic.

i estem preparant un episodi

And we are preparing an episode.

amb un tema que creiem

with a theme that we believe

que lligarà molt

that will tie a lot

amb la ciutat de Banyer.

with the city of Banyer.

I que us enllapareu els dits.

And you will stick your fingers together.



I segurament la Montserrat

And probably Montserrat.

no la deixarem intervenir.

we will not let her intervene.

Segurament no.

Probably not.

I vaja...

Oh well...

No, perquè vindrà molt

No, because it will come a lot.

pujada de to

increase in tone

amb els estets i tal i qual.

with the aesthetics and so on.

Ja ho veurem.

We'll see.

Bé, bé, no estem molt il·lusionats,

Well, well, we're not very excited.

la veritat.

the truth.

El que sí que intentarem fer

What we will try to do

en aquesta setmana

in this week

se queden fins a aquest episodi

they stay until this episode

és anar informant

it's to keep informing

per les xarxes socials

for social networks

que una de les coses

that one of the things

que volíem fer

what we wanted to do

durant aquest 24

during this 24

era recuperar

was to recover

el contacte amb l'audiència

the contact with the audience

que creiem que l'hem perdut.

that we think we have lost it.

Que de fet,

In fact,

a partir de demà

starting from tomorrow

ja tindreu

you will have

una cosa a Instagram

one thing on Instagram

perquè col·laboreu.

because you collaborate.


Come on.

Perquè abans ho fèieu molt

Because you used to do it a lot before.

i ara de cop i volta

and now all of a sudden

heu desaparegut.

you have disappeared.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

I nosaltres som igual d'imbècils

And we are just as stupid.

que abans.

than before.

Vull dir,

I mean,

no és que siguem

it's not that we are

més imbècils que abans

more imbeciles than before

o menys,

or less,

som igual d'imbècils.

we are just as stupid.

En fi,


que intentarem contactar

that we will try to contact

amb vosaltres

with you

perquè ens ajudeu,

because you help us,

us demanarem coses

we will ask you things

i tal i qual.

and so on.



I ens ajudeu

And you help us.

a fer una mica els programes.

to tweak the programs a bit.

Molt bé.

Very well.



Doncs va,

So go ahead,

ara sí, eh?

Now yes, huh?


Current affairs.


Let's go.



ara veig que aquesta...

now I see that this...

La primera és

The first is

una notícia que vaig veure

a piece of news that I saw

d'un nen de 13 anys

of a 13-year-old boy

que va ser el primer

what was the first

a passar-se tot el tètric.

to go through the whole bleakness.

Però això és de fa setmanes.

But this is from weeks ago.

Jo que dèiem

I said

de l'actualitat

of the present time

que ja ha caducat una mica.

that has already expired a bit.

Encara deu tenir 13 anys, per això.

He must still be 13 years old because of that.

Però em va estranyar

But it surprised me.

que en tant de temps

that in so long

ningú se l'hagués acabat.

nobody would have finished it.

I es veu al vídeo,

And you can see it in the video,

el vaig veure aquí a la notícia,

I saw him here in the news,

que el nano està allà

the kid is over there

en plan robot,

in robot mode,

perquè, clar,

because, of course,

les fitxes van a tot hòstia.

The cards are going like crazy.



I de cop es veu

And suddenly it shows.

que quan te l'acabes

that when you finish it

és perquè es penja la màquina.

It's because the machine hangs.

I de cop es va penjar allà

And suddenly it got hung up there.

amb aquella música

with that music

com congelada

like frozen

i el tio comença a saltar

and the guy starts to jump

flipant que no s'ho creu

flipping that he/she doesn't believe it

i tal i qual.

and so on.



Que sapigueu que algú

That you know that someone

no sereu els primers

you will not be the first

si us l'acabeu.

if you finish it.

Hi ha algú que se l'ha acabat.

Someone has finished it.

I com se sap

And as it is known

que aquest noi de 13 anys

that this 13-year-old boy

és el primer que ho ha fet?

Is he the first one to have done it?

No ho sé.

I don't know.

Deu ser el primer

It must be the first.

que ha penjat un vídeo.

that has posted a video.

Mira, la notícia és del 3-24.

Look, the news is from 3-24.

Ens ho hem de refiar

We have to rely on it.

al criteri dels periodistes

to the criteria of the journalists

que hi ha al darrere.

what is behind.

Molt bé.

Very well.

Hòstia, una cosa

Damn, one thing

que em va fer molta il·lusió.

that made me very happy.

Ja, ja,

Ha, ha,

vam parlar

we talked

que havíem d'anar al cine

that we had to go to the cinema

a veure la Sabina aquella.

let's see that Sabina.

Sí, només saps que parlar-ne

Yes, you only know how to talk about it.

de la pel·lícula.

of the movie.

Del Sabina aquella

From that Sabina

o dels collons.

Oh for God's sake.

Perquè és que en tenia moltes ganes.

Because I was really looking forward to it.



No vam coincidir per anar al cine.

We didn't coincide to go to the movies.

No, tampoc ho vas proposar

No, you didn't propose it either.

per anar-hi.

to go there.

Bueno, van anar les coses així.

Well, that's how things went.

Però aquesta setmana passada

But last week

o fa dues setmanes

or two weeks ago

va sortir ja

It has already come out.

a l'Apple TV,

to Apple TV,

a Prime i a Rakuten

to Prime and to Rakuten

per poder-la llogar.

to be able to rent it.

I cap de setmana passada

Last weekend

la vaig llogar.

I rented it.

I què?

And what?

Em va agradar molt.

I liked it a lot.


Do you see?

Vaig tenir una llagrimeta

I had a little tear.

i hi ha un moment

and there is a moment

que és una mica d'orillo

what is a bit of gold

i crec que si no has vist

I believe that if you haven't seen.

el documental que hi va haver

the documentary that took place

encara agrada més.

it is still more enjoyable.

Ah, carai.

Oh, wow.

Perquè quan coneixes la història

Because when you know the history

et sorprèn una mica més.

it surprises you a little more.

Jo ja sabia cap on anaven els tiros

I already knew where things were heading.

i tal i qual.

and so on.

No faré ja cap esplòder.

I will no longer cause any explosions.

No, no, no.

No, no, no.

Però et recomano moltíssim

But I highly recommend you.

que la lloguis.

that you rent it.

Aquesta us tenia

This one had you.

alguna cosa d'aquestes.

something like that.

Sí, com serà?

Yes, how will it be?

Doncs te la miris

Well, you look at it.

i veuràs que t'agradarà.

and you will see that you will like it.

Va, doncs ho farem.

Alright, then we'll do it.


Come on.




Holy shit.



Què fem?

What do we do?

Ho fem o passem?

Shall we do it or pass?

Sí, s'ha donat així

Yes, it has happened that way.

aquest any.

this year.

Sí, hem començat l'any

Yes, we have started the year.

necrològicament a top.

necrologically top.



Bueno, n'hi ha un d'aquests quatre

Well, there is one of these four.

que jo no sé qui és.

that I don't know who it is.

El Franz Beckenbauer.

The Franz Beckenbauer.



És que era de l'Arevalo, eh?

It's just that it was from Arevalo, right?



És que era de l'Arevalo.

It's just that it was from Arevalo.

Prefereixo en Beckenbauer malalt

I prefer Beckenbauer sick.

que l'Arevalo.

that Arevalo.

Ah, ja, però això és una llista.

Ah, right, but this is a list.

S'ha mort en Ventura Pons,

Ventura Pons has died.

el director de cinema.

the film director.

Amb Franz Beckenbauer,

With Franz Beckenbauer,

el Kaiser.

the Kaiser.

Aquest jugava amb Alemanya,

He played with Germany,

imagino, no?

I imagine, right?

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Jugava amb el Bayern de Múnich.

He played with Bayern Munich.

El mític Arevalo,

The mythical Arevalo,

que en l'episodi que vam fer

that in the episode we made



De gangstas.

Of gangstas.

El que necessita ser és humor.

What needs to be is humor.

Va sortir, no?

He went out, didn't he?



El gangosta, el gangosta.

The mongoose, the mongoose.

Aquest sempre explicava

This always explained.

codits de gangostos.

gastrocnemius tendons.

I de mariquites.

And of ladybugs.

Que no feien gaire gràcia.

They weren't very funny.



Eh, que sí?

Eh, isn’t that so?

I finalment vaig veure l'altre dia

And finally, I saw the other day.

que es va morir en Juli Mira,

who died in Juli Mira,

que era un actor valencià

who was a Valencian actor

que sortia a moltes...

that came out in many...

Sí, moltes sèries.

Yes, many series.

Avui que parlem de telenoveles,

Today, as we talk about soap operas,

que sortia a moltes telenoveles.

that appeared in many soap operas.

En fi, descansin en pau.

Well, rest in peace.

Tema que has introduït tu.

Topic that you have introduced.

Joc de cartes.

Card game.



Que ens toca de prop.

That touches us closely.

Sí, però ja està.

Yes, but that's it.

Perquè era la millor cuiner d'Osona.

Because she was the best cook in Osona.

No és el d'ahir?

Isn't it from yesterday?

Estem gravant a dia 18 de gener,

We are recording on January 18th,

un dijous.

a Thursday.

És el de la setmana passada.

It’s from last week.



I va haver pica, eh?

There was a fight, huh?

Últimament hi ha alguns programes...

Lately there are some programs...

Hòstia santa.

Holy shit.

Hi ha algun que va ser una mica light,

There was someone who was a bit light.

però la setmana passada...

but last week...

Però no és per res, eh?

But it's not for nothing, right?

No hi ha res millor a Osona?

Is there nothing better in Osona?

Sí, passa que suposo que...

Yes, it happens that I suppose that...

Però segurament no donen tant joc.

But they probably don't offer much play.

No els fa falta participar en aquests llocs.

They don't need to participate in these places.



No ho sé, no ho sé.

I don't know, I don't know.

Però la veritat,

But the truth,

que la fullonera va ser aquella del guai

that the chick was the one from the cool guy

i va haver molt fullon amb la de...

and there was a lot of fuss about the one with...

És que, de fet, guai ja no s'escrivia com a guai,

It's just that, in fact, "guai" was no longer written as "guai,"

s'escrivia com a guai.

it was written as cool.



Però allà la deien guai.

But there they called it cool.

I per què guai?

And why cool?

Perquè aquí la gent ve i s'ho passa guai.

Because here people come and have a great time.





Bueno, ja veies que...

Well, you already saw that...



Una cuina que estava per estrenar,

A kitchen that was yet to be used,


it seemed,

que no es va aclarir si realment era nova.

that it was not clarified whether it was really new.

Les olles són noves.

The pots are new.

El que sí que és cert és que ja no hi són, es veu.

What is certain is that they are no longer here, it seems.

Van baixar per Siana.

They went down by Siana.

Això que mira que estaven en un lloc...

This, look, that they were in a place...

I tant.

Of course.

Ara d'esquí i tot això,

Now skiing and all that,

que és un lloc per preparar-te a esmorzar i tal, igual.

it is a place to prepare breakfast and such, the same.

I el que em va fer gràcia

And what made me laugh

i que ho han comentat molt a la xarxa,

and that they have talked about it a lot on the network,

que hi havia aquella noia de Barcelona

that there was that girl from Barcelona

que se'n va anar...

that went away...

Sí, sí, sí, que va dir que...

Yes, yes, yes, he said that...

Els que no són d'aquí no són benvinguts.

Those who are not from here are not welcome.

Sí, i que, a més a més,

Yes, and also,

que va començar la presentació,

that started the presentation,

la feia en català,

I did it in Catalan,

i després tot el programa va parlar en castellà.

And then the whole program spoke in Spanish.

Això van anar a ganivet al Twitter,

They went at it with knives on Twitter.

saps que és un lloc de...

do you know what a place of... is

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.


Of hyperventilated.



Van anar a sac amb ella,

They went all out with her.

perquè encara hi havia la colombiana,

because there was still the Colombian,

era colombiana aquella, la noia de...

She was Colombian, the girl from...



La de l'Uruguayana, del Gurechic,

The one from Uruguay, from Gurechic,

que parlava en català perfecte.

who spoke perfect Catalan.

En fi, hi va haver molt...

Anyway, there was a lot...

A Twitter hi va haver molt rebombori amb aquest tema.

There was a lot of commotion about this topic on Twitter.

No, no, però sí que és cert que aquesta temporada van...

No, no, but it is true that this season they went...

N'hi ha alguns que van molt a pinyó.

There are some that are very pushy.

N'hi ha algun que no l'hem comentat,

There are some that we haven't discussed.

que encara van anar més a...

that they even went further to...

I el Marc també hi va a pinyó, eh?

And Marc is also going all out, right?

Sí, va ficar un zero l'altre dia, vaig veure.

Yes, he scored a zero the other day, I saw.

Sí, fa dues setmanes, és veritat.

Yes, two weeks ago, it's true.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Perquè els cuiners no eren els titulars.

Because the chefs were not the main ones.

No, no, va ser espectacular.

No, no, it was spectacular.

Hi havia els de l'equip B.

There were the ones from team B.



En fi...


Letícia, Letícia.

Letícia, Letícia.

Hòstia, sí.

Damn, yes.

Havíem de comentar-ho, que venia la Letícia.

We had to discuss it, that Letícia was coming.

Clar, havíem de fer promoció.

Of course, we had to promote it.

I volíem fer promoció perquè havíem de gravar la setmana.

We wanted to promote because we had to record that week.

La setmana passada.

Last week.

Però no cal.

But it's not necessary.

Però ja va venir.

But it already came.

Aquesta noia, la promoció se la feia sola.

This girl, she was promoting herself.

Sí, no cal.

Yes, there's no need.

Però vaig ficar-ho aquí al guió perquè vaig llegir el 9-9.

But I put it here in the script because I read the 9-9.

Bueno, em va sortir a l'Insta l'article de la seva actuació.

Well, the article about her performance came up on my Insta.

O sigui, el que ho va escriure també era un hiperventilat que devia disfrutar.

That is to say, the one who wrote it was also a hyperventilator who must have enjoyed it.

Va disfrutar com un nen.

He enjoyed like a child.

I no comentarem gaire res més, però us deixarem l'enllaç a la notícia

And we won't comment much more, but we will leave you the link to the news.

perquè hi ha un vídeo inclús de l'actuació que parla per si sol.

because there is even a video of the performance that speaks for itself.

Per tant, si us fa il·lusió, seguireu.

Therefore, if it excites you, you will continue.

Sí, jo l'he vist i realment hi ha tres escenes.

Yes, I have seen it and there are really three scenes.

Tres escenes puntuals que és per fugir corrent.

Three specific scenes that are worth fleeing from.

Sí, i jo cada cop que veig aquells abdominals de goma

Yes, and every time I see those rubber abs

marxaria corrent perquè em vénen arcades.

I would vomit because I feel nauseous.


You know?

En fi, us deixem l'enllaç a les notes del podcast,

Anyway, we leave you the link to the podcast notes.

qui s'ho vulgui mirar.

whoever wants to take a look at it.

Mireu, perquè l'article realment fa patxoca.

Look, because the article really looks impressive.

Sota la seva responsabilitat que assumir-hi si vol.

Under his responsibility to assume it if he wants.

Va, 40 anys de TV3.

Come on, 40 years of TV3.

Doncs sí.

Well, yes.

Dimarts, no?, em sembla que va ser.

Tuesday, right? I think it was.

Sí, o dimecres.

Yes, or Wednesday.

Dimarts, dimarts, dimarts.

Tuesday, Tuesday, Tuesday.

El festival, que hi havia una hamburguesa.

The festival, where there was a hamburger.

Ai, una hamburguesa.

Oh, a hamburger.

Hi havia una alfombra vermella.

There was a red carpet.

Ah, hòstia.

Ah, damn.

Hi havia una, és que ara veient l'en Letizia

There was one, it's just that now seeing Letizia...

amb el xat xipata i tot això...

with the chitchat and all that...

Has vist l'hamburguesa i el Frankfurt, eh?

Have you seen the hamburger and the hot dog, huh?

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Plà de mostassa.

Mustard sauce.

I la fan demà divendres, dia 19,

And they're doing it tomorrow, Friday, the 19th.

pel que he vist els únics de la tele,

from what I've seen, the only ones on TV,

faran, la retransmeten per la tele, en diferit.

They will air it on TV, delayed.

Vaig veure fotos d'en López amb en Joel Joan.

I saw photos of López with Joel Joan.

Clar, hi ha totes les sèries d'aquestes clàssiques.

Of course, there are all these classic series.

Sí, també hi ha...

Yes, there is also...

Aquí vaig veure que hi havia, també hi havia en...

Here I saw that there was, there was also in...

En Pere.


Ah, no em sortirà el nom.

Ah, the name won't come to me.

Com és?

How is it?



El que...

The one that...

El que feia els experiments amb en Buenafuente.

The one who was doing the experiments with Buenafuente.

En Sebas?

Is Sebas?



El que era l'aspirin efervescent.

What was the effervescent aspirin.



No em sortirà el nom, eh?

The name won't come to me, huh?

En Corbacho.

In Corbacho.



En Corbacho.

In Corbacho.

Que no sé si va fer...

I don't know if he/she did...

Et pots trobar que fessin l'experiment un altre cop, eh?

You might find that they do the experiment again, huh?

Pot ser qualsevol cosa, ja.

It can be anything, sure.

No, no.

No, no.

Sí, potser ens ho mirarem i tot, eh?

Yes, maybe we'll take a look at it all, huh?

Sí, jo diria que hi devia haver tothom des del principi fins ara,

Yes, I would say that everyone must have been here from the beginning until now.

perquè hi havia tots els d'Eufòria, també, i tot això.

because there were all the ones from Euphoria, too, and all that.

Vull dir que més o menys donàvem fer un recorregut.

I mean that we could more or less make a journey.

Tinc curios...

I'm curious...

Tinc ganes d'un divendres al vespre, sofà, manta i veure això.

I feel like having a Friday evening, sofa, blanket, and watching this.

A mi se'm posarà bé.

It will be good for me.

Ah, veus?

Ah, you see?

Per treure'm el costip.

To get rid of my cold.

Per desengreixar.

To degrease.



Desengreixar la setmana.

De-greasing the week.

I parlant de...

And speaking of...

Avui parlava amb l'Ona, la meva filla, i em deia

Today I was talking to Ona, my daughter, and she was telling me.

Ostres, havíeu de fer un programa dels 40 anys de TV3

Wow, you were supposed to make a program for the 40th anniversary of TV3.

i ficant talls i tal.

and making cuts and such.

Dic, no, és que s'han de preparar els episodis

I say, no, it's that they have to prepare the episodes.

i no teníem pas temps perquè ens n'hem enterat.

And we certainly didn't have time because we found out.

Jo em vaig entrar aquesta setmana, també.

I joined this week as well.

Jo també.

Me too.

No t'enganyaré pas.

I won't deceive you.

I el que sí, hem parlat des de dos moments...

And what we have talked about from two moments...



Claus per nosaltres.

Keys for us.

TV3, el primer que et ve al cap.

TV3, the first thing that comes to mind.



I a tu què t'hi ve, al cap?

And what does it matter to you, in your head?

A mi el primer que em ve al cap és el Senyor Cordills.

The first thing that comes to my mind is Mr. Cordills.

Senyor Cordills, Senyor Cordills,

Mr. Cordills, Mr. Cordills,

se t'emboliquen, se t'emboliquen,

they get tangled up, they get tangled up,

Senyor Cordills, Senyor Cordills,

Mr. Cordills, Mr. Cordills,

se t'emboliquen tots els fills.

All the kids are getting tangled up with you.

Tot està molt ple.

Everything is very full.

L'àudio és una mica...

The audio is a bit...

Bueno, és de fa temps, eh?

Well, it's been a while, huh?

Jo aquí tenia molts dubtes perquè n'hi ha un dels que sempre em ve al cap,

I always have many doubts here because there is one that always comes to my mind,

que és el primer episodio de Bola de Drac,

what is the first episode of Dragon Ball,

quan en Goku coneix a la Bulma, que és aquella i tot això.

When Goku meets Bulma, who she is and all that.

Però n'he triat un altre perquè va ser abans,

But I've chosen another one because it was before.

i va marcar un abans i un després amb els dibuixos quasi que veiem a la tele.

It marked a before and after with the drawings we almost see on TV.





El Doctor Slug!

Doctor Slug!

Ja està aquí.

It's here.

Ja arriba Taralé.

Taralé is already arriving.

Va ser trencadora, l'Orali, eh?

Orali was groundbreaking, right?



Sí, sí, els personatges estan molt ben trobats, eh?

Yes, yes, the characters are very well matched, right?

El Doctor Slug, la senyoreta...

Doctor Slug, the young lady...

Com es deia, la professora?

What was the teacher's name?

No me'n recordo.

I don't remember.

Tamayaki o alguna cosa així.

Tamayaki or something like that.

Aquells dos que volàvem i s'ho menjaven tot.

Those two who flew and ate everything.

Hòstia, va estar molt bé, va estar molt bé.

Damn, it was really good, it was really good.

Jo encara dic bon dia a la vila del Pingüí, eh?

I still say good morning to the town of Penguin, huh?


Come on.

Com era?

What was it like?

Bon dia, ja s'ha fet de dia a la vila del Pingüí.

Good morning, it is already daytime in the town of the Penguin.

Ja s'ha fet de dia a la vila del Pingüí.

The day has already broken in the town of the Penguin.

Alguna cosa així.

Something like that.

Potser s'hi va marcar un abans.

Perhaps it marked a before.

T'has fet un vinga que no m'ha agradat gens.

You've given me a vibe that I didn't like at all.

Un vinga de què?

A come on, what for?

Quan he dit...

When I said...

Jo encara dic bon dia a la vila del Pingüí.

I still say good morning in the village of the Penguin.

Has dit vinga i no m'ha agradat gens.

You said come on and I didn't like it at all.

L'he notat molt despectiu.

I've noticed him very disdainful.



No, no.

No, no.

I t'has sortit inconscient.

And you have become unconscious.

O sigui, encara em preocupa més.

In other words, it worries me even more.

No, però era un vinga...

No, but it was a come on...

Perquè m'has dit que jo anava a passar el següent d'això.

Why did you tell me that I was going to go through the next of this?

Ah, clar, clar, clar.

Ah, of course, of course, of course.

No anàvem coordinats.

We weren't coordinated.

Què més tens tu que vulguis...

What else do you have that you want...

Fili Prim.

Fili Prim.

Hòstia, això va ser un clàssic.

Damn, that was a classic.

Senyor Vax.

Mr. Vax.

Que l'anunci era aquell...

That the ad was that one...

El text lluminós d'algun edifici.

The luminous text of some building.

Si s'enfilava l'encarregat devia ser.

If he was climbing, it must have been the manager.



I que acabava sempre el capí...

And it always ended with the head...

Ai, el programa sempre acabava amb el Vax dient...

Oh, the program always ended with Vax saying...

Bueno, tanquem la paradeta.

Well, let's close the stall.

És veritat.

It is true.

Mira, em podríem fer un monogràfic algun dia de Fili Prim.

Look, we could do a special feature one day on Fili Prim.

Perquè hi havia l'encarregat...

Because the manager was there...

Quan feien el sorteig, recordo que deia allò dels dos números més...

When they were drawing lots, I remember it said something about the two numbers plus...

Ah, sí?

Oh, really?

Que es rodaven per telèfon.

They were rolling (film) by telephone.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Hi havia aquell avi.

There was that grandfather.

Aquell avi.

That grandfather.



Aquell avi el vaig trobar al carrer Paral·lel.

I found that grandfather on Paral·lel Street.

Ah, sí?

Oh, really?

Ara ja no, ha traspassat, em sembla.

Not anymore, he has passed away, I think.

Sí, m'agradaria que sí, perquè és l'època...

Yes, I would like it to, because it is the time...

Però sí, sí, sí, me'l vaig trobar al Paral·lel un dia que anàvem a teatre.

But yes, yes, yes, I ran into him on Paral·lel one day when we were going to the theater.

I saps que no recordava jo, ara aquests dies,

And you know I didn't remember, now these days,

buscant la cançó de Fili Prim i coses d'en Vax perquè em va fer gràcia?

Looking for the song of Fili Prim and things from Vax because I found it funny?

No recordava que havia presentat l'1, 2, 3.

I didn't remember that I had submitted the 1, 2, 3.



No me'n recordava gens ni mica.

I didn't remember it at all.

No, no, la trajectòria d'en Vax és...

No, no, Vax's trajectory is...

Sí, va ser un gran periodista.

Yes, he was a great journalist.

És de lo gran que hi ha, eh?

It's one of the biggest there is, isn't it?

Va, remata-t'ho ja a TV3.

Come on, finish it off on TV3 now.

Aquí estava dubtant si ficar blanc o negre, de volsius,

Here I was doubting whether to go for white or black, on purpose.

però al final m'he quedat amb el 3 pixels.

but in the end I ended up with the 3 pixels.



És on sortia la Vanessa, també, o no?

That's where Vanessa used to go out, right?

Sortia la...

It was coming out the...

El vídeo!

The video!

Sí, la Vanessa, la Vicenteta...

Yes, Vanessa, Vicenteta...

Ah, la Vicenteta, és veritat!

Ah, Vicenteta, it's true!

Amb asses, jovenet, jovenet...

With donkeys, young man, young man...

En Guixi, en Murga...

In Guixi, in Murga...



Ah, cert, cert, cert.

Ah, true, true, true.

És que en aquella època, clar, hi havia els tres canals.

It's just that at that time, of course, there were three channels.



I com aquell que diu, ho llegia per aquí,

And like the one who says, I was reading it around here,

que a TV3 també anaven com descobrint camí, no?

that at TV3 they were also discovering the way, right?

Anaven provant coses i, hòstia, recordo molts vespres

They were trying things out and, damn, I remember many evenings.

asseguts amb els meus pares davant de la televisió.

sitting with my parents in front of the television.

Sí, sí, el 3 pixels de Picó era el dissabte, em sembla.

Yes, yes, the 3 pixels of Picó was on Saturday, I think.



I van fer un joc de taula, també.

They also made a board game.

Ah, sí?

Oh, yes?



Això no me'n recordava.

I didn't remember that.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

En fi, va estar molt bé.

Well, it was very good.

Bueno, i com aquests de moments n'hi ha moltíssims de TV3, no?

Well, and there are many moments like these on TV3, right?

Home, amb 40 anys t'ho diràs.

Dude, at 40 years old you'll tell yourself that.

Però n'hem triat aquests quatre, dos cada un.

But we have chosen these four, two each.

I ja està.

And that's it.

I ja està, suficient.

And that's it, enough.

Doncs vinga, sento pudor ja.

Well, come on, I already smell stink.

No sé quants gas li hem xafat la cua ja,

I don't know how many times we have already stepped on its tail.

perquè ja portem uns quants episodis amb aquesta sintonia.

because we've had several episodes with this tune already.

Potser és el mateix i encara aguanta, eh?

Maybe it's the same and still holds up, right?

En fi, de merdes, avui se'ns està allargant bastant, això, eh?

Well, about crap, this is dragging on quite a bit today, isn't it?

Sí? Anem tard, ja.

Yes? We are late, already.

Estem xerrant bastant, anem tard, però passem ràpid per les merdes.

We're chatting a lot, we're running late, but we'll quickly get through the crap.



Bàsicament, a Traco Aventura vas comentar alguna cosa.

Basically, at Traco Aventura you mentioned something.



Com vulguis.

As you wish.

Va ser xulo.

It was cool.

Va, va.

Come on, come on.

O sigui, jo deia Traco Aventura i penso que és una traco,

I mean, I was saying Traco Adventure and I think it's a traco.

però realment tinc clar que a partir d'ara,

but I really am clear that from now on,

si un dia vaig a Port Aventura...

if one day I go to Port Aventura...

Has de fer express pas.

You have to do it express.

Qualsevol altra cosa és perdre el temps.

Anything else is wasting time.

Perquè és que realment...

Because it is that really...

No, no.

No, no.

Vam agafar l'express pas que teníem un cop

We took the express pass that we had once.

per pujar a les atraccions principals, diem.

to go up to the main attractions, let's say.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

I vam arribar als primers de la cua.

We arrived at the front of the queue.



Pam, a dalt, pam.

Boom, up, boom.

De fet, a les 11 del matí ja estàvem tots marejats.

In fact, by 11 in the morning we were all dizzy.



Perquè vam posar...

Because we put...

Vam començar massa ràpid.

We started too fast.

A saco.

At full speed.

Vam pujar, només arribar a Furious Vacu,

We went up as soon as we arrived at Furious Vacu,

que jo a la primera arrencada ja em vaig pensar,

that I thought right from the first start,

dic, avui patiràs.

I say, today you will suffer.

Per sort, després em va sacsejar

Fortunately, then it shook me.

i em va posar els òrgans un altre cop a lloc.

and he put my organs back in place again.

Després vam fer Shambhala.

Afterwards we did Shambhala.

Que jo no hi havia pujat mai,

That I had never been up there.

el Furious Vacu tampoc.

The Furious Vacu neither.

I Déu-n'hi-do.

And God bless it.

I després vosaltres vau anar a Dragon Khan,

And then you went to Dragon Khan,

que jo no vaig pujar.

That I did not go up.

Sí, vam pujar un parell de cops al Dragon Khan.

Yes, we went on the Dragon Khan a couple of times.

No, un cop, i després vam dir,

No, once, and then we said,

descansem, fem una pausa,

let's rest, let's take a break,

i voltem una mica,

let's walk around a bit,

mirem Port Aventura i tal i qual.

Let's take a look at Port Aventura and so on.

I vosaltres, més tard, vau pujar...

And you all, later, went up...

A l'Huracán Condor.

To the Hurricane Condor.

Tu i la canalla a l'Huracán Condor.

You and the kids at the Huracán Condor.

I vaig dir, jo no pujo aquí,

I said, I'm not going up here,

perquè no vull perdre el cor,

because I don't want to lose my heart,

perquè em surt disparat.

because it shoots out at me.

Jo em vaig cagar a sobre, eh?

I messed myself, huh?

I vau baixar que us tremolaven les cames, tots.

And you went down that your legs were shaking, all of you.

Però l'experiència va estar bé o no?

But was the experience good or not?

Va estar molt bé, va estar molt bé.

It was very good, it was very good.

És que a mi m'agrada molt Port Aventura, eh?

I really like Port Aventura, you know?

Jo m'ho passo molt bé.

I have a great time.

Però aquesta vegada,

But this time,

havent anat amb el collons del pas aquest,

having gone with the bollocks of this step,

clar, ho disfrutes una mica més.

Sure, you enjoy it a little more.

Clar, és que un cop que vam pujar...

Of course, it's just that once we went up...

Quan va ser?

When was it?

Vau tornar a pujar al Xambala, després, vosaltres.

You went back up to the Xambala, afterwards, you all.

Sí, que vam haver de fer cua.

Yes, we had to wait in line.

Que jo vaig dir, bueno, hi torno a pujar,

What I said was, well, I'll go back up.

i vam estar una hora fent cua.

And we waited in line for an hour.

Hi havia poca gent.

There were few people.

Hi havia gent, però no era exagerat, no, no.

There were people, but it wasn't excessive, no, no.

I volíem pujar en aquell nou,

We wanted to get on that one new.

que no me'n recordo com se diu...

I don't remember what it's called...

Ah, sí, el...

Ah, yes, the...

Aquell virtual.

That virtual.


The Uncharted.



Hi havia no sé pas quantes hores de cua.

There were I don't know how many hours of line.

Dues hores hi havia, ja.

It had already been two hours.

I jo, i després, pel pròxim dia que vinguem,

And me, and then, for the next day we come,

hi havia d'això.

there was of this.

I res, molt bé, no?

And nothing, very well, right?

Molt bé, sí, sí, sí.

Very good, yes, yes, yes.

Una altra cosa.

Another thing.



Si us comentem l'experiència que ens han passat els Reis,

If we share the experience that the Kings have given us,

que ho direm al juny.

We will say it in June.

Ah, sí?

Oh, really?

Bueno, a casa nostra ens van passar entrades

Well, they gave us tickets at our house.

pels dos dies del Cobra Rock.

for both days of the Cobra Rock.

Molt bé.

Very good.

I ens van passar a tots, vosaltres i nosaltres.

And they passed us all, you and us.

Anar a veure el David Guetta a Andorra.

Go see David Guetta in Andorra.

Potser és als concerts.

Maybe it's at the concerts.

Ja saps que jo no soc molt d'aquestes coses.

You know that I'm not really into these things.

I sempre l'oprimida...

And always the oppressed...

Jo és una de les coses que volia veure, Jordi.

I am one of the things I wanted to see, Jordi.

Jo sempre, quan anem a un concert,

I always, when we go to a concert,

fa una mica...

it's been a little while...

Fins que no hi soc, eh?

Until I'm not there, huh?

Després que no soc aquesta.

After that, I am not this.



Hòstia, aquest d'en David Guetta

Damn, this one by David Guetta.

em va fotre una il·lusió de Déu.

It thrilled me to death.

I en tinc moltíssimes ganes.

I am really looking forward to it.

No sé com serà.

I don't know how it will be.

Potser quan t'esperes tant...

Perhaps when you expect so much...

És igual.

It doesn't matter.

T'acaba decepcionant.

It ends up disappointing you.

Però bueno, ens anem de cap de setmana a Andorra.

But well, we're going for a weekend to Andorra.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Això és a l'estiu?

Is this in the summer?

Sí, sí, és al juny.

Yes, yes, it's in June.

Doncs al juny.

Well, in June.

No sé quin festival fan per allà a Andorra.

I don't know what festival they have over there in Andorra.

A l'Andorra Monta, i no...

In Andorra, he climbs, and not...

Algo així, em sembla que es diu.

Something like that, I think it's called.

Pot ser.

It could be.

Però ha de ser molt gros,

But it must be very big,

perquè portar aquest tio...

why bring this guy...

Vaig llegir que cobra de 500 a 800 mil euros

I read that he/she earns from 500 to 800 thousand euros.

per actuació.

per actuation.



Diguem si no serà ell.

Tell me if it won't be him.

Ara tornarem a mirar les entrades,

Now we will look at the tickets again.

que no sigui Guetta moneter, només.

that it not only be Guetta moneter.

És allò,

It's that,

cuando lo ves en audio express

when you see it on audio express

y cuando te llega, no?

And when it reaches you, right?

Clar, clar, clar, clar.

Clear, clear, clear, clear.

A veure si serà Manolo Guetta.

Let's see if it will be Manolo Guetta.

Hòstia, que bo.

Damn, that's good.

Ja ho mirarem.

We'll look at it.

Bueno, ja ho veurem.

Well, we will see.

Va, deixem-ho, deixem-ho.

Come on, let's drop it, let's drop it.

No tenim més merdes.

We don't have any more crap.

No, perquè clar, clar, clar, cert.

No, because of course, of course, of course, that's true.

El que sí que tenim avui...

What we do have today...

És un magnífic sorteig.

It is a magnificent raffle.

Sorteig que vam publicar aquesta setmana a les xarxes,

Raffle that we published this week on social media,

tant a Instagram com a Telegram,

both on Instagram and Telegram,

si podia participar.

if I could participate.

I que hi ha participat diverses persones,

And several people have participated in it,

tenim, ja sabeu que depenent de què féssiu,

we have, you already know that depending on what you did,

podíeu tenir més o menys botlletes cadascun,

you could have more or less little bottles each.

si ficàveu un comentari,

if you would put a comment,

si siguiu a Cònic Restaurants,

if you follow Cònic Restaurants,

si ens fèieu un comentari,

if you could give us a comment,

us subscriviu al Telegram.

you subscribe to Telegram.

Total, que tenim 29 botlletes

So, we have 29 little bottles.

donades a diferent gent.

given to different people.

Abans de res...

Before anything else...



Agraïm a Cònic...

We thank Cònic...

Home, i tant.

Sure, of course.

...un any més que ens dona aquest suport,

...another year that gives us this support,

que al final ho fem per vosaltres, eh?

that in the end we do it for you, right?

Per tenir coses per...

To have things to...

No per vosaltres, Cònic,

Not for you, Cònic,

sinó per vosaltres, audiència.

but for you, audience.

Però, home, ja que ens escolteu,

But, come on, since you are listening to us,

per poder-vos donar coses...

to be able to give you things...

Sí, home, clar que sí.

Yes, of course.

No ens hi guanyem ni un duro,

We're not making a dime out of it.

però ens agrada poder-ne...

but we like to be able to...

I quan anem a Cònic paguem, religiosament.

And when we go to Cònic, we pay, religiously.

I tant.

Me too.

No hem fet mai ús de cap d'aquests vals, eh?

We have never made use of any of these vouchers, right?

No, ni hem dit...

No, we haven't said...

Al tanto, traieu l'alfombra que som generació X.

Be aware, take out the rug that we are Generation X.



Som transparents i bona gent.

We are transparent and good people.

Si diguéssim qui som, també.

If we said who we are, too.



En fi, encantats amb Cònic,

Anyway, delighted with Cònic,

moltes gràcies Montserrat, Cònic,

thank you very much Montserrat, Cònic,

i ja sabeu, un lloc perfecte per anar amb la colla...

And you already know, a perfect place to go with the group...



...o amb parella...

...or with a partner...

Va, dispara el sortet, Jordi,

Come on, shoot the raffle, Jordi.

que t'estàs allargant més que un dia sense pa, avui.

you are dragging on longer than a day without bread today.

S'ha de ser agraït, s'ha de ser agraït.

One must be grateful, one must be grateful.

Ja sabeu quin és el nostre mètode de fer sortejos,

You already know what our method of conducting raffles is.

el nostre amic Google ens sol ajudar,

our friend Google usually helps us,

pel que ara mateix li direm

for what we are about to say now

número aleatori entre 1 i 29.

random number between 1 and 29.



Aquí tienes un número aleatorio, 17.

Here you have a random number, 17.



Mira, Gerti Laura,

Look, Gerti Laura,

acaba de guanyar pel fet d'haver fet un comentari

has just won for having made a comment

i seguir el Cònic.

and follow the Chronic.





Gerti Laura, ja ho saps,

Gerti Laura, you already know it,

no et vindrem a buscar.

We won't come to get you.



Si vols el premi, ens contactes per qualsevol de les...

If you want the prize, contact us for any of the...

Hauràs d'escoltar el capítol, bàsicament.

You will have to listen to the chapter, basically.

Escoltar el capítol.

Listen to the chapter.

Com fem sempre, no anunciarem res per cap xarxa.

As we always do, we won't announce anything on any network.

Simplement posarem

We will simply put.

ja hi ha guanyador, guanyadora.

There is already a winner.



Ens pots enviar un correu a

You can send us an email at

Hola, arroba, gendresfix, punt, cat,

Hello, at, gendresfix, point, cat,

ens contactes per Instagram, per Telegram,

you contact us via Instagram, via Telegram,

per... on vulguis.

for... wherever you want.

Doncs va.




Vinga, enhorabona.

Come on, congratulations.

I gràcies, Cònic, de nou.

And thank you, Cònic, again.

Vinga, anem cap a...

Come on, let's go to...



La secció principal.

The main section.

Sí, clar.

Yes, of course.

Ho avanço jo, no ho avança ningú aquí.

I'll advance it myself, no one here is advancing it.

Telenoveles, de TV3.

Soap operas, from TV3.

Això donaria per parlar...

That would give us a lot to talk about...

Dos punts.

Two points.


I would do...

Xxt, poble nou.

Xxt, new town.


Holy shit.



No et volia tallar la teva introducció.

I didn't want to cut off your introduction.

Bueno, és que és una frase de títol.

Well, it's just that it's a title phrase.

Tu veus que hi hagi res més en el guió?

Do you see anything else in the script?

O que posi punts suspensius

Or that I put ellipses

perquè puguis obrir-te tu els teus comentaris?

so you can open your own comments?

L'únic que anava a dir és que

The only thing I was going to say is that

telenoveles dona

soap operas woman

per fer una telenovela només parlant de telenoveles.

to make a soap opera just talking about soap operas.

En fi.


Tens el dit lleuger, eh?

You have a light touch, huh?



Va, fot-li.

Go for it.

Què vols que li foti, ara?

What do you want me to do to him now?

No, que...

No, that...

Ara haig de llegir el guió, ara.

Now I have to read the script, now.



Bueno, aquesta merda introducció que has fet

Well, this crap introduction you've made

és perquè també, com que volem fer altres capítols,

it's because also, since we want to make other chapters,

doncs aprofitem per vendre capítols que ja hem gravat

So let's take the opportunity to sell episodes that we have already recorded.

del rock català, no?

from Catalan rock, right?

Seràs capullo.

You will be a jerk.



Bueno, el tema és que avui farem

Well, the thing is that today we will do



i segurament obrirem el meló

and we will probably open the melon

cap a altres.

towards others.

Perquè n'hi ha hagut unes quantes.

Because there have been quite a few.

Sí, perquè jo l'altre dia vaig estar rascant

Yes, because the other day I was scratching.

el Nissaga de Poder amb els Montsolís

the Nissaga de Poder with the Montsolís

i aquí, aquí...

and here, here...

Aquesta era un putiferi, aquesta, eh?

This was a mess, this one, right?

Aquí hi havia incestos,

There were incest here,

hi havia assassinats...

there were murders...

Bueno, això...

Well, this...

És canela fina.

It's very special.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Vol dir que donarà per fer

It means that it will be enough to do.

com monogràfics d'aquests com...

like these monographs such as...

Igual que vam fer amb el rock català,

Just like we did with Catalan rock,

que ara ja no en podem fer-ne més,

that we can no longer do anything about it,

que són els episodis que més funcionen.

what are the episodes that work the most.

Com que no en podem fer més?

How can we not do more of it?

Per la música, ens casquem...

For the music, we'll break up...

Ah, ostres!

Ah, wow!

Oh, cert, cert!

Oh, sure, sure!

Perquè el de...

Because the...

És veritat que estem orfes.

It is true that we are orphaned.

Ara poso un parèntesi.

Now I put a parenthesis.



El 18, que és el de Sau i Sopa de Cabra,

The 18th, which is the one of Sau and Sopa de Cabra,

que s'està acostant a les 2.000 reproduccions,

which is approaching 2,000 views,

que és l'episodi que en té més.

what is the episode that has the most of it.

En fi, episodis 18, 20, 27,

Anyway, episodes 18, 20, 27.

si els voleu recuperar,

if you want to recover them,

escoltareu la música de la nostra infància.

You will listen to the music of our childhood.

Bona infància, no, adolescència.

Good childhood, no, adolescence.

Amb Sau, Sopa de Cabra, Els Pets, Sang Traït

With Sau, Sopa de Cabra, Els Pets, Sang Traït

i L'Ax amb Busto.

and The Ax with Busto.

Molt bé!

Very well!

Anem al tema.

Let's get to the point.

Va, espectacular la creació de sèries

Come on, the creation of series is spectacular.

que ha fet en català.

what has he/she done in Catalan.

Molt bé, hòstia.

Very well, damn.

Tu les seguies?

Were you following them?

Estaves enganxat?

Were you stuck?

No, totes no.

No, not all of them.

Totes no, perquè...

Not all, because...

És que, de fet, n'hi havia alguna

It's just that, in fact, there was some.

que no podia veure a la tarda

that I couldn't see in the afternoon

perquè o estava a escola o estava a la universitat,

because I was either at school or at the university,

però sí que després n'hi havia algunes,

but yes, there were some afterward,

i no recordo quines eren,

and I don't remember what they were,

que al vespre les feien al 33.

that in the evening they did them at 33.



Al vespre.

In the evening.

Quarts de vuit, o entre vuit i quarts de nou.

Quarter to eight, or between eight and quarter past nine.

Jo no sé quan les mirava,

I don't know when I looked at them,

però sí que recordo poble nou haver-la vist,

but I do remember seeing her in Poble Nou,

ni saga de poder també seguir

nor saga of power also continue

l'Eulàlia i en Mateu, era?

Eulàlia and Mateu, was it?



Amb l'escena final aquella del barco.

With that final scene of the boat.

La Riera la vaig seguir molt,

I followed the Riera a lot,

perquè ja hi havia com el tres de la carta.

because there was already like the three of the letter.

La Riera era la dels cuiners?

Was La Riera the one belonging to the cooks?

Sí, sí, aquesta la vaig seguir molt també, en fi.

Yes, yes, I followed that one a lot too, anyway.

I les dels vespres també.

And those of the evenings too.

N'hi havia també.

There were also some.

Hi havia Sitges.

There was Sitges.

Que hi sortia encara...

That still came out...

Vent del Pla.

Wind from the Plain.

És veritat.

It's true.

Hòstia, Vent del Pla.

Holy shit, Wind of the Plain.

Que hi sortia aquell bailet,

What that young lad looked like,

que ara és un fenomen també.

that it is now a phenomenon as well.

Sí, bueno, igual que poble nou,

Yes, well, just like Poble Nou,

que a poble nou ara direm els que es van estrenar,

that in Poble Nou we will now say those who debuted,

i bueno...

And well...



El càsting de poble nou ja va ser a nivell top, eh?

The casting in Poble Nou was already top level, right?

Molt bé.

Very good.

Que de fet ha fet 20 anys.

That in fact has turned 20 years old.



Ai, 30.

Oh, 30.

Ai, sí, 94.

Oh, yes, 94.

Aquesta setmana.

This week.



Ha fet 30 anys, va començar...

It has been 30 years since it started...

La primera emissió va ser al gener del 94.

The first broadcast was in January '94.

10 de gener.

January 10.

I es va acabar...

And it was over...

És curiós, perquè va durar només un any.

It's curious, because it lasted only a year.

Jo quan ho vaig veure dic, no pot ser.

When I saw it, I said, it can't be.

A mi m'ho sonava com molt més llarga.

To me, it sounded much longer.

I va ser a partir d'aquesta que les van començar a fer més llargues.

It was from this point that they began to make them longer.

Sí, perquè n'hi ha que han durat al cor de la ciutat.

Yes, because there are some that have lasted in the heart of the city.

Al cor de la ciutat.

In the heart of the city.

Sí, aquest va durar, no sé si 7 o 8 anys, una bestiesa.

Yes, this lasted, I don't know if 7 or 8 years, nonsense.

Aquesta va durar molt.

This lasted a long time.

I també la seguia molt, aquesta.

And I followed this one a lot as well.

Què fem?

What do we do?


We can...

Diuen que aquesta va ser la primera sèrie, així es té la novel·la,

They say this was the first series, so the novel is considered.

però un precedent que hi va haver que feia alguna cosa similar,

but there was a precedent that did something similar,

tot i que no era diària, va ser la vida en un xip d'en Pujol.

Although it wasn't daily, it was life in Pujol's ship.

Que te'n recordes que abans del debat...

Do you remember that before the debate...

A la granja.

At the farm.

Hi havia a la granja.

There was at the farm.

És cert.

It's true.

Que hi havia el Salut i Peles, te'n recordes?

Do you remember Salut and Peles?

En Rafeques.

In Rafeques.

Ah, no, el Salut i Peles, sí, sí, sí, sí.

Ah, no, the Health and Pelts, yes, yes, yes, yes.

En Salut i Peles hi havia en Rafeques, també.

In Salud and Peles, there was also Rafeques.

Però en Rafeques no sortia a la granja, en Rafeques sortia...

But Rafeques didn't go out to the farm, Rafeques went out...

No, en Rafeques era el vostè jutge.

No, in Rafeques you were the judge.

Però també sortia ell fent algun personatge, no me'n recordo.

But he also used to come out playing some character, I don't remember.


Holy shit.

Però va ser la primera telenovel·la, encara que era setmanal i molt curta,

But it was the first soap opera, although it was weekly and very short,

però que introduïa el tema que debatrien després de la vida en un xip.

but that introduced the topic they would debate after life on a chip.

Però com a telenovel·la, la primera que va fer telenovel·la va ser...

But as for soap operas, the first one that made a soap opera was...

Jo crec que vas amb els papers molls, eh?

I think you have the wet papers, huh?

Per què?


Crec que és el vostè jutge, eh?

I think you are the judge, right?

Que hi havia en Rafeques.

What was in Rafeques?

Que hi havia en Rafeques i que hi havia a la granja.

What was in Rafeques and what was at the farm.

No, no, no.

No, no, no.

La granja era amb la vida en un xip.

The farm was like life on a chip.

A la granja era amb la vida en un xip, segur.

At the farm, life was like a chip, for sure.



És igual, ja en farem una altra especial.

It doesn't matter, we will make another special one.

Farem una fe de rates en cas que...

We will make a note in case that...



I et pagaràs alguna cosa, en cas que no tinguis raó?

Will you pay me something if you are wrong?




Thank you.

En fi, posa la sintonia.

Anyway, put on the theme music.

La sintonia ho has ficat ja?

Have you already tuned it in?

Pop, home.

Pop, man.

Ah, vinga.

Ah, come on.

Ja, diu.

Yes, he/she says.





Molt bé.

Very good.

Aquesta va ser la primera sèrie de telenovel·la com a tal,

This was the first soap opera series as such,

que va ser, suposo, inspirada una mica

that was, I suppose, a bit inspired

amb altres que s'havien amès a TV3,

with others that had been taught at TV3,

com Gent del Barri i Neighbors.

like People from the Neighborhood and Neighbors.

Te'n recordes, tu?

Do you remember, you?

Que Gent del Barri no fa pas gaire temps que es va acabar.

That People from the Neighborhood recently came to an end.

No, i l'altre.

No, and the other one.

I el Neighbors igual.

And the Neighbors too.

O és que el Neighbors em sembla...

Or is it that Neighbors seems to me...

Però no l'estàvem fent.

But we weren't doing it.

Jo sé que vam fer un...

I know that we made a...

En vam fer un, eh?

We made one, didn't we?

...un episodi i vam parlar que una d'aquestes dues

...an episode and we talked that one of these two

s'havia acabat definitivament.

it was definitely over.

O sigui que deu haver durat 20 o 25 anys, potser.

So it must have lasted 20 or 25 years, perhaps.

En fi, va ser estrenada...

Anyway, it was premiered...

Aquí tenim algunes dades tècniques d'aquestes que ens agrada repassar.

Here we have some technical data that we like to review.

Va ser estrenada el 10 de gener del 94

It was premiered on January 10, 1994.

i es va acabar per Sant Esteve del mateix any.

and it ended on St. Stephen's Day of the same year.

Que ara no farem espòil, però ja ho vam acabar.

Now we won't spoil it, but we've already finished it.

Ja després ho parlarem.

We'll talk about it later.

Ah, val, val, val.

Ah, okay, okay, okay.

I el quionista va ser en Josep Maria Benet i Jornet,

And the playwright was Josep Maria Benet i Jornet.

que va ser...

what was...

En Pepitu, que li deien el Pepitu.

Pepitu, they called him Pepitu.

Va ser el quionista de TV3.

He was the scriptwriter for TV3.

Ah, per excel·lència.

Ah, for excellence.

D'aquests culebrons.

Of these soap operas.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Perquè el Quirozell, em sembla, no?

Because the Quirozell, I think, right?



No? No sé si hi havia algú més, però...

No? I don't know if there was anyone else, but...

Hòstia, perdó, eh?

Wow, sorry about that!

Ara em veus dispers, però...

Now you see me scattered, but...

Sí, jo vaig fent perquè et vaig dir que no.

Yes, I'm managing because I told you no.

Bueno, ja em fot, però em tocarà apagar-ne a mi,

Well, it's my turn to deal with it, but I'll have to turn it off myself.

perquè així és la vida en un xip, eh?

because that's how life is in a chip, right?

Hòstia, ara m'hauria apostat, però...

Holy shit, I would have bet on it, but...

Mitja cama, eh?

Half a leg, huh?

No ho diguis a ningú, però jo soc d'aquells que sempre té raó.

Don't tell anyone, but I am one of those who is always right.



Bueno, perquè et deus haver documentat, no?

Well, because you must have documented yourself, right?


Of course.

T'ho deu haver dit la Montserrat.

Montserrat must have told you.

Segurament, que ho sap tot.

Surely, he knows everything.


Of course.

Vam fer només una temporada, 192 episodis,

We only did one season, 192 episodes.

perquè s'emetia diàriament,

because it was broadcast daily,

i és considerada la primera telenovel·la produïda 100% per TV3.

and it is considered the first soap opera produced 100% by TV3.

Molt bé.

Very good.

Aquí el repertori era de personatges...

Here the repertoire was made up of characters...

Bueno, hi havia consagrats i hi havia...

Well, there were consecrated ones and there were...

Doncs que començaven, no?

So they were just starting, right?

Sí, és que tots aquests han anat sortint al llarg dels anys,

Yes, all of these have come out over the years,

o sigui, va ser com una escola també per molts.

In other words, it was also like a school for many.

Ah, sí, i han anat repetint...

Ah, yes, and they have been repeating...

A base de B.

Based on B.

Digue'm una mica l'ordinació.

Tell me a bit about the ordination.

Va, comencem amb l'Antonio.

Come on, let's start with Antonio.



L'Antonio ha acabat amb U, eh?

Antonio has finished with U, huh?

Sí, sí, sí, amb U.

Yes, yes, yes, with U.

No Antoni.

No, Antoni.



I amb accent a l'O.

And with an accent on the O.



Antoni, que era en Miquel Cors.

Antoni, who was Miquel Cors.

Després un altre gran, que era la Rosa.

Afterward, another great one, who was Rosa.

Amb aquell bigoti...

With that mustache...

La Rosa no, eh?

Not the Rose, right?

Hòstia, però és que jo encara estava...

Holy shit, but I was still...

Estava encara amb l'Antonio.

She was still with Antonio.

D'acord, doncs dona més dades, va.

Okay, so give more details, come on.

No, ara ja està.

No, now it's done.

Què li passava a la Rosa?

What was happening to Rosa?

No, la Rosa, que era la Margarida Minguillón,

No, the Rosa, who was Margarida Minguillón,

que també era una actriu en aquella època

who was also an actress at that time

i que també després va triomfar encara més en aquesta sèrie.

and then also succeeded even more in this series.

I la tieta de l'Antonio,

And Antonio's aunt,

que tenia una mala llet que no se l'acabava,

that had a bad temper that never ended,

que era la Lola Lizaran.

that was Lola Lizaran.

Sí, saps què és la Lola Lizaran?

Yes, do you know what Lola Lizaran is?

Jo recordo en unes colònies, fa molts anys,

I remember at a camp, many years ago,

que hi havia una activitat d'aquestes que era teatre.

that there was an activity like this which was theater.



I ens va fer la sessió de teatre aquesta noia.

And this girl did the theater session for us.



I quan va sortir, això era abans que hi hagués poble nou,

And when he left, this was before there was a new town,

i quan va sortir aquí, dic, aquesta dona et sona d'alguna cosa,

And when she came out here, I say, does this woman sound familiar to you?

i recordant, recordant,

and remembering, remembering,

es devia guanyar la vida encara fent coses d'aquestes

he must have made a living still doing things like that

abans de poder fer teatre,

before being able to do theater,

i ens havia fet la classe de teatre.

and had given us the theatre class.

Bueno, i ara aquí...

Well, and now here...

Seguim amb els consegrats.

We continue with the consecrated ones.



I després deixarem pels últims la canalla.

And then we will leave the kids for last.

Ahà, ahà.

Aha, aha.

Vinga, fot-li.

Come on, go for it.

El Xavier, que era el Jordi Boixaderas,

Xavier, who was Jordi Boixaderas,

amb aquella boassa.

with that bag.

Sí, aquella veu que té greu i profunda.

Yes, that voice that is deep and profound.

Tu saps que jo a Dret Romà,

You know that I in Roman Law,

l'assignatura que tenia a segon de carrera,

the subject I had in my second year of college,

que es deia Dret Romà,

which was called Roman Law,

a la UOC hi havia tot un temari

At the UOC there was a whole syllabus.

que era un CD

that it was a CD

amb les explicacions i casos pràctics,

with explanations and practical cases,

o sigui, l'història del dret romà

that is, the history of Roman law

amb un CD interactiu.

with an interactive CD.



I el tio que anava explicant les lleis romanes

And the guy who was explaining the Roman laws.

era en Jordi Boixaderas vestit de romà.

It was Jordi Boixaderas dressed as a Roman.

Amb aquella veu.

With that voice.



Corall, tu.

Coral, you.

Sí, sí, és un gran, de fet,

Yes, yes, he is a great one, in fact,

encara està totalment en actiu.

is still fully active.

I tant.

Me too.

I sí, sí, aquesta veu és...

And yes, yes, this voice is...

Deu haver fet molt doblatge, també.

He must have done a lot of dubbing, too.

Ha fet molt doblatge, sí.

He has done a lot of dubbing, yes.

Em semblava dir si és la veu d'algú famós.

I thought to myself if it's the voice of someone famous.

Saps que cada...

You know that every...



Un famós de Hollywood té la seva veu.

A Hollywood celebrity has their voice.

Ostres, no ho sé.

Wow, I don't know.

En fi, després, a part d'en Boixaderas,

Well, then, apart from Boixaderas,

hi havia l'Eugeni com a personatge,

Eugeni was present as a character,

que era en Pep Torrents,

that it was Pep Torrents,

que després d'aquests dos en parlarem.

that after these two we will talk about it.



I ara anem als mamallons.

And now let's go to the nipples.

Els mamallons que van...

The lumps that go...

No sé si va ser el seu debut en aquesta sèrie,

I don't know if it was his debut in this series.

però quasi, quasi.

but almost, almost.

Jo crec que quasi, quasi.

I think that almost, almost.

Algun segur.

Some insurance.

Sí, home, sí.

Yes, man, yes.

Començarem per en Ferran,

We will start with Ferran,

que era en Joel Joan,

that it was Joel Joan,

que en aquella època trencava cors.

that at that time broke hearts.

Se'l veu jovenet, aquí, eh?

He looks young, here, huh?

L'Anna, que era la Gemma Brió,

Anna, who was Gemma Brió,

que també trencava cors en aquella època.

that also broke hearts at that time.

I que també va participar en altres col·laborats, després.

And he also participated in other collaborations afterward.

I després en Martí,

And then Martí,

que era en Quim Gutiérrez.

that it was Quim Gutiérrez.

Que aquest ja ho ha petat a tot arreu, també, no?

That this one has already made it big everywhere, right?

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

A nivell català, espanyol, internacional.

At the Catalan, Spanish, and international level.

Aquest ho ha petat tot.

This has crushed everything.

En fi, una selecció d'actors de luxe.

In short, a selection of top actors.

Jo dels moments, aquells mítics de TV3 que dèiem,

I from those moments, those mythical ones from TV3 that we used to mention,

he dit aquells dos,

I said those two,

però un que a mi se'm va quedar molt gravat,

but one that stuck with me a lot,

és aquest.

it is this one.



Per què he d'estar preparada?

Why do I have to be prepared?

No vull estar preparada!

I don’t want to be ready!

Però se'n va.

But he's leaving.

Pel l'or.

For the gold.



Ens ha tocat la loto.

We won the lottery.

Ai, veus?

Oh, you see?

Ens ha tocat la loto!

We won the lottery!

La Rosa sempre és una alegria.

Rosa is always a joy.

Ens ha tocat la loto!

We've won the lottery!

Aquest ens ha tocat la loto, a mi se'm va quedar gravat.

We won the lottery, it stuck with me.

Ferran, Martí!

Ferran, Martí!

Ara qui els avisa, la canalla.

Now who will warn them, the kids?

Aquest és Antonio.

This is Antonio.

Era bo, aquest, eh?

It was good, this one, huh?



Aquest actor.

This actor.

Ui, tu, que petits.

Oh, you, how small.

Mare de Déu.

Mother of God.



Ens ha tocat.

It has happened to us.

La loto.

The lottery.


Holy shit.

Ara no s'ho creuen.

Now they don't believe it.

I els foten a riure.

And they laugh at them.

Doncs jo aquest moment ens ha tocat la loto.

Well, this moment has hit the jackpot for us.

Hòstia, se'm va quedar com molt gravat.

Holy crap, it got really stuck in my mind.



Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Doncs saps que jo gens.

Well, you know that I don't at all.

Ja, t'ho vaig dir, eh?

Yes, I told you, didn't I?

I tu no et sonava de res.

And you didn't ring a bell at all.



Jo, a l'acte, me'n recordava.

I remembered it at the event.

Vaja, és que no recordava ni que els havia tocat la loto a Poblenou.

Wow, I didn't even remember that they had won the lottery in Poblenou.

Hòstia, no sabies ni que anàvem a sèrie.

Damn, you didn't even know we were going in series.

No, home.

No, man.

Recordava algú, però no...

I remembered someone, but no...

Recordava més els personatges que no pas el fil argumental.

I remembered the characters more than the plot itself.

Però què tenien, eh?

But what did they have, huh?

Que tenien un bar o...

That they had a bar or...

Bueno, no, clar, ells el que fan és, primer, es traslladen, es compren un pis nou.

Well, no, of course, what they do is, first, they relocate, they buy a new apartment.

Bueno, però els hi toca la loto amb una combinació molt xorra que feia sempre la Rosa,

Well, but they win the lottery with a very silly combination that Rosa always used to do.

que era 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.

that it was 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.

I que em sembla que l'episodi fot una mica de conya i resulta que després, l'any demà,

And it seems to me that the episode is a bit of a joke and it turns out that afterwards, the following year,

els hi ha tocat la loto.

They have won the lottery.

I se'n van, on se'n van?

They are leaving, where are they going?

Se'n van a la Vila Olímpica a viure.

They are moving to the Olympic Village to live.

Sí, clar, era com la Zona Nova, després de les Olimpiades.

Yes, of course, it was like the New Zone, after the Olympics.

Ells vivien a Poblenou, a la part vella, i amb els calorons.

They lived in Poblenou, in the old part, and with the heat.

Saps que hi va haver un boom de ventes de pisos a Poblenou, a la Vila Olímpica, després de la sèrie?

Did you know that there was a boom in apartment sales in Poblenou, in the Olympic Village, after the series?

Bueno, perquè devien ser els pisos, a més, que van quedar buits després de les Olimpiades,

Well, because they must have been the apartments, plus they were left empty after the Olympics,

que eren els pisos on estaven els atletes.

that were the floors where the athletes were.

Sí, imagina't, imagina't.

Yes, just imagine, just imagine.

I a la part vella de Poblenou, la tieta de l'Antonio, que és la Lizarani,

And in the old part of Poblenou, Antonio's aunt, who is Lizarani,

tenia un celler, una bodega, no sé com dir-ho,

I had a cellar, a winery, I don't know how to say it,

i amb els calés ho reformen i fan un supermercat,

and with the money they renovate it and make a supermarket,

que és on hi ha molta vidilla, també, allà.

that is where there is a lot of lively spirit, too, there.

Ara em va venint tot, ara em va venint el súper, em va venint el súper.

Now everything is coming to me, now the supermarket is coming to me, the supermarket is coming to me.

Bueno, sabien molt bé com fer-ho ja, a nivell de tenir la gent enganxada, eh?

Well, they already knew very well how to do it in terms of getting people hooked, right?

Sí, perquè, a més, els problemes que s'hi parlava eren problemes quotidians

Yes, because, in addition, the problems being discussed were everyday issues.

i gent quotidiana que t'hi pots sentir més o menys identificat,

and everyday people with whom you can feel more or less identified,

i la veritat és que, inclús en aquella hora, després del Telenotícies,

And the truth is that, even at that hour, after the news broadcast,

que no hi havia molt consum de televisió pel que deien,

that there wasn't much television consumption, according to what they said,

va fer pujar les audiències.

it increased the audience ratings.

Sí, perquè en aquella època televisió espanyola ja en feien.

Yes, because at that time Spanish television was already making it.

Si recordes una mica, en aquella època,

If you remember a little, at that time,

havent dinat hi havia Falcon Crest,

after lunch there was Falcon Crest,

hi havia Dinastia,

there was a Dynasty,

i després van començar a introduir les telenoveles llatines,

and then they started to introduce Latin soap operas,

tan aviat van començar a posar-hi...

as soon as they started putting in...

Sí, n'hi havia una que jo recordo que era la Reco, també en Lloren.

Yes, there was one that I remember was the Reco, also Lloren.

Ah, sí? Això no me'n recordo pas, no me les mirava.

Ah, really? I don't remember that, I wasn't looking at them.

I a TV3 hi havia d'ales, en aquella època, abans d'això, no?

And on TV3 there had to be wings, at that time, before that, right?

Que ahir va sortir el Telenotícies.

That yesterday the news program aired.

Ah, sí?

Oh, really?

Ahir dimecres van posar...

Yesterday, Wednesday, they put...

Bé, crec que en Cruanyes cada dia ha anat posant microtalls dels 40 anys de TV3.

Well, I think Cruanyes has been featuring snippets of 40 years of TV3 every day.

I ahir va sortir Suelen,

And yesterday Suelen went out,

el teu marit morint-se i tu fent el pandor.

your husband is dying and you’re loafing around.

I la pobra Suelen allà amb aquella cara desencaixada dient

And poor Suelen over there with that contorted face saying

jo no estava fent el pandor.

I was not doing the pandor.

Algun dia no n'hem de parlar, d'ales, eh?

Someday we don't have to talk about wings, right?

Vols dir que no en vam parlar? Ja en vam parlar, d'ales.

Do you mean we didn't talk about it? We already talked about it, about wings.

En vam parlar al paral, però vols dir que com a...

We talked about it at the parallel, but do you mean that as a...

Jo crec que en vam parlar parlant de...

I think we talked about it while talking about...

Ui, tant, capítol...

Oh, so much, chapter...

I la mort d'en Bobi, poder...

And the death of Bobi, perhaps...

La mort d'en Bobi, que era un somni...

The death of Bobi, which was a dream...

Ui, sí, sí, sí, sí, sí, sí...

Oh, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes...

En fi, i...

Well, and...

Ui, i tant, sí, que n'hem parlat, d'ales.

Oh yes, we have talked about them.

Hosti, sí, que n'hem parlat, d'ales, això, és veritat.

Damn, yes, we have talked about it, wings, that's true.

En fi, Pablo IX, a part de parlar de temes quotidians

Anyway, Pablo IX, apart from talking about everyday topics

i de gent quotidiana, també ho va petar perquè parlava

and about ordinary people, it also made an impact because it talked.

de coses que no se solien parlar en aquella època.

about things that were not usually talked about at that time.



I ho va trencar bastant.

It broke it quite a bit.

Sí, sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes, yes.

De fet, l'Eugeni i en Xavier...

In fact, Eugeni and Xavier...

I en Xavier...

And Xavier...

Eren homosexuals.

They were homosexuals.

No sé si va ser el primer petó gai de la televisió de 33.

I don't know if it was the first gay kiss on channel 33's television.

A TV3, segur.

On TV3, for sure.

Però això jo crec que va fer molt rebombori en aquell moment.

But I think this caused a lot of commotion at that time.

Home, t'ho diràs.

Home, you will tell yourself.

I de què més es parlava? De racisme, divorcis...

And what else was being talked about? About racism, divorces...

No, tot...

No, everything...

Abortament, em sembla que també...

Abortion, I think so too...

Ah, sí, també...

Ah, yes, also...

N'hi va haver algun...

There were some...

No, no, es parlava del que passava.

No, no, it was about what was happening.

Sí, sí, no, no.

Yes, yes, no, no.

Per això va entrar tant amb la gent, entenc.

That's why he connected so well with people, I understand.


I imagine.

I la gent s'hi sentia pròxima,

And people felt close to it,

perquè parlava de coses que ells parlaven habitualment

because I was talking about things they usually talked about

o que no en podien parlar.

or that they could not talk about it.

I era com una via d'escapament, poder, no ho sé.

It was like a way of escape, maybe, I don't know.

Però en realitat és que ho va petar molt per això.

But in reality, it really went well because of that.

I una de les altres coses que vam fer,

And one of the other things we did,

que va ser traspassar la ficció a la realitat,

that was to transfer fiction to reality,

és que durant uns capítols l'Antoni havia desaparegut.

It's just that during a few chapters, Antoni had disappeared.

Això em vas explicar...

You explained this to me...

No em diguis el motiu perquè ni ho recordo,

Don't tell me the reason because I don't remember it either,

però vaig sentir l'altre dia que en parlaven amb els...

but I heard the other day that they were talking about it with the...

amb dos...

with two...

dos dels guionistes que encara són vius.

two of the screenwriters who are still alive.

I es veu que van penjar un anunci al diari,

And it seems they posted an ad in the newspaper,

o sigui, a tots els diaris convencionals,

that is, to all conventional newspapers,

amb una foto a l'Antoni

with a photo of Antoni

i dient, si heu vist aquest senyor,

And saying, if you have seen this gentleman,

truqueu a aquest telèfon.

call this phone.

I es veu que de trucades en van rebre,

And it seems that they received calls,

però a l'alçada d'un campanar.

but at the height of a bell tower.

O sigui, el diari real de la vida real...

So, the real diary of real life...

El diari de la vida real va posar un anunci dient

The real life newspaper placed an ad saying

l'Antoni, tal,

Antoni, such,

Antoni, no sé com es deia, cognom...

Antoni, I don't know what his last name was...

Això, espera't.

Wait for that.

A Iguedé.

To Igoudé.

L'Antoni a Iguedé ha desaparegut.

Antoni in Iguedé has disappeared.

Si l'ha vist per algun lloc,

If you have seen her somewhere,

posis-los en contacte amb aquest telèfon.

put them in touch at this phone number.

No, és d'un i dos. Això és petar-ho molt.

No, it's one and two. That's really messing it up.

La primera telenovela ja ha traspassat tant la...

The first soap opera has already transcended both the...

Això és ambició pura i absoluta.

This is pure and absolute ambition.

La quarta paret, en diuen, com el teatre, no?

They call it the fourth wall, like in theater, right?

La quarta dimensió.

The fourth dimension.

La quarta dimensió, el que vulguis.

The fourth dimension, whatever you want.

Hi ha una cosa que sí que recordo, també,

There is one thing that I do remember, too,

i ara quan he vist el tall de vídeo,

and now when I have seen the video clip,

me n'he recordat ben bé, va ser en Ferran,

I remember very well, it was Ferran.

en Joel Joan, era un perle.

Joel Joan was a gem.

Era un perle.

It was a pearl.

I després el van estomacar, no sé, no recordo per què,

And then they hit him, I don't know, I don't remember why,

i es va quedar en coma.

and he/she fell into a coma.

Calla, calla, espera't un moment.

Shh, shh, wait a moment.

I ara et tràvio perquè m'ha vingut un flash.

And now I'm texting you because I had a flash.

Què t'ha vingut?

What has come to you?

No hi havia també l'altre perle que era el fill d'en Pere?

Wasn't there also the other pearl who was Peter's son?

En Roger Pere?

Is Roger Peter?

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Que era el nòvio de la Gemma Brió,

That he was Gemma Brió's boyfriend,

que també era un perle?

that it was also a pearl?

Hòstia, hòstia, perdona, Joel, perdona.

Damn, damn, sorry, Joel, sorry.

No, no, no.

No, no, no.

És que ara m'ha vingut com un...

It's just that now something has come to me like a...

Hi havia un altre, que ara no me'n recordo com se diu,

There was another one, whose name I don't remember now.

que també és un dels que ha sortit a totes les sèries.

which is also one of those who has appeared in all the series.

Calla, risat, com es diu?

Silence, laughter, what is it called?

No és igual.

It's not the same.

Ara no me'n recordo, però no és igual.

Now I don't remember, but it doesn't matter.

Hi van sortir molts dels que després han sortit a totes les sèries.

Many of those who later appeared in all the series came out.

Doncs això, després de la païs es queda en coma

Well, after the country goes into a coma.

i els malparits, a la sèrie, que ho saben fer en bret i jornet,

and the bastards, in the series, who know how to do it in breton and jornet,

el mes de juny, abans de la parada d'estiu,

the month of June, before the summer break,

ho va deixar a dalt de tot.

He left it at the very top.

Allò et deixa...

That leaves you...

Ho van acabar d'aquesta manera.

They finished it this way.

T'ho juro.

I swear it to you.

Em sents, Ferran?

Can you hear me, Ferran?

Em sents?

Do you hear me?


To be continued.

S'ha despertat.

She has woken up.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Ell era la Irene Montalà.

He was Irene Montalà.

En aquestes imatges es veia en Ferran

In these images, Ferran could be seen.

en coma,

in a coma,

al llit de l'hospital,

in the hospital bed,

la càmera que s'hi va acostar mica en mica,

the camera that approached it little by little,

i de cop fa com un sospir d'aquests profuns,

and suddenly she lets out a deep sigh like that,

com volent dir...

as if wanting to say...

Ja sóc aquí.

I am here.

Sí, no sé si o ja sóc aquí o el meu últim sospir.

Yes, I don't know if I am already here or my last sigh.

I surten les lletres

The letters are coming out.


To be continued.

Les lletres Continuarà són...

The letters To be continued are...

Aquí el grafisme no era el millor.

Here the graphics were not the best.

És el que hi havia,

It is what there was.

és el que hi havia en aquella època.

It is what there was at that time.

I després anem a una altra cosa trencadora,

And then we move on to something else groundbreaking,

que és el final.

what is the end.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Estem parlant de TV3, eh?

We are talking about TV3, right?

TV3 i la data d'emissió quan va ser?

When was TV3's broadcast date?

Sant Esteve.

Saint Stephen.

I com acaba la puta sèrie?

And how does the damn series end?

Amb un divorci.

With a divorce.

Hem fet spoiler,

We have spoiled it.

però bueno, després de 30 anys se'ns ha perdut.

but well, after 30 years, we have lost it.

Jo crec que...

I think that...

Sí, sí, és curiós perquè, clar, una data especial...

Yes, yes, it's curious because, of course, a special date...


Of course!

I després d'això,

And after that,

amb les altres sèries que han anat sortint,

with the other series that have been coming out,

te'n recordes que feien com...

Do you remember that they used to do like...

No sé com en diuen,

I don't know what they call it,

com events especials...

like special events...

De l'últim capítol.

From the last chapter.

Els dissabtes o diumenges o al vespre...

Saturdays or Sundays or in the evening...

De final de temporada.

End of season.

Sí, sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes, yes.

Ho van saber molt de molt bé.

They knew a lot very well.

Però aquest final va ser devastador, eh?

But that ending was devastating, right?

Aquí no tinc l'últim final,

Here I don't have the latest ending,

que recordo que eren ells dos al carrer.

I remember that it was them two in the street.

Allà al carrer, com hi ha dansa...

There in the street, how there is dance...

Però tenim aquí el moment en què...

But we have here the moment when...

Aquest moment és xulo, eh?

This moment is cool, isn't it?

...la línia de Sant Esteve...

...the Sant Esteve line...


Let's put it.

Pobre Antonio.

Poor Antonio.


Look at him.

Una taula buida.

An empty table.



Un dia ben maco.

A very nice day.

Es veu sua data aquí.

Your date is seen here.

Un dia ben maco, pobre Antonio.

A very nice day, poor Antonio.

Fa pena i tot aquí.

It's a pity even here.

A mi em feia molta pena.

I felt very sorry for him/her.

Aquesta vegada ha quedat tot molt més ben organitzat

This time everything has been much better organized.

que l'altra vegada que me'n vaig anar.

that the last time I left.

Quedaràs ample.

You will be pleased.

No quedaré ample.

I won't stay wide.

Quedaré sola.

I will be alone.

I la Rosa, que era una alegria.

And Rosa, who was a joy.

Quedaré sola.

I will be alone.

Però aquí, el personatge de la Rosa,

But here, the character of Rosa,

si recordes la primera imatge de quan ens ha tocat l'autor...

if you remember the first image of when we were touched by the author...

És que ja és així.

It is just like that.

Ja era una amargada.

She was already a bitter person.

Però que era una mestressa de casa...

But she was a housewife...

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

...allò, cagaductes i tal.

...that, shitpipes and such.

I aquí al final està superfàcil.

And here in the end it is super easy.

I empoderada i d'això.

And empowered and of this.

Clar que sí.

Of course.

Que, de fet...

That, in fact...

Antonio, vés-te'n, vés-te'n.

Antonio, go away, go away.

Fot el camp d'aquí.

It is for the field here.

Fot el camp, que jo em quedo aquí sola.

"Go to the countryside, I will stay here alone."



I del personatge de la Rosa se'n va fer una...

And from the character of Rosa, a... was made.

Una preqüela, no sé com es diu.

A prequel, I don't know what it's called.

Sí, sí que és veritat.

Yes, it is true.

Van fer una sèrie...

They made a series...

Un spin-off.

A spin-off.

Això se'n diu spin-off?

Is this called a spin-off?



Doncs van fer un spin-off ambientat amb ella.

So they made a spin-off set with her.

És veritat, és veritat.

It is true, it is true.

Jo aquests tecnicismes anglesos no me'ls conec.

I don't know these English technical terms.

És que jo no la suportava, la Rosa.

I just couldn't stand her, Rosa.

Ah, no?

Oh, not?



I a partir de la Rosa no he suportat mai més a la Minguillón.

And from that point on, I never could stand Minguillón again.

Per culpa d'aquest personatge?

Because of this character?



No ho sé.

I don't know.

Jo era molt de l'Antonio.

I was very much into Antonio.

Tot i que era un desgraciat, eh?

Even though he was a miserable, right?

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Mira, amb aquesta escena em fa estallàstic.

Look, with this scene it makes me feel ecstatic.



Pobre desgraciat.

Poor unfortunate.

Pobre Antonio.

Poor Antonio.


Poor thing.

En fi.


Que el foten a fora d'una esgarrapada per segona vegada,

That they toss him out with a scratch for the second time,

perquè ell ja ha dit

because he has already said

ho he deixat més arreglat que la primera vegada que vaig marxar, va dir.

I left it more sorted than the first time I left, he said.

Ah, sí?

Oh, really?

Hosti, saps què ara m'ha vingut al cap?

Damn, you know what just came to my mind?



Que ho he buscat abans.

I've looked for it before.

Aquesta sèrie...

This series...

O sigui, Poblenou el van emetre per...

So, they broadcast Poblenou for...

Per on?

Where to?

Antena 3, en castellà.

Antena 3, in Spanish.

Que cardes.

What are you doing?

Que no va triomfar.

That did not succeed.

I es deia, es deia, es deia, es deia...

And it was called, it was called, it was called, it was called...

Los mejores años.

The best years.


Holy shit.

Es veu que això...

It seems that this...

No pot funcionar.

It cannot work.

Clar, és que una sèrie...

Sure, it's just that a series...

De cap manera.

In no way.

...ambientada molt amb Catalunya, amb la...

...set very much in Catalonia, with the...

No pot funcionar.

It cannot work.

Amb el barri i tot això, no?

With the neighborhood and all that, right?

No va funcionar.

It didn't work.





Això és més l'estanquera de Vallecas.

This is more like the tobacconist's of Vallecas.

Per exemple.

For example.


Of course.

I està més ambientada d'una altra manera.

And it is set in a different way.

Per això.

That's why.

Molt bé.

Very well.

I això va ser Poblenou en aquell moment.

And this was Poblenou at that time.

I res, saps què farem?

And nothing, you know what we're going to do?

Marxarem amb la sintonia un altre cop.

We will march with the tune again.



Per ficar alguna cosa.

To put something in.

No marxessis.

Don't leave.

Sí, és que és molt desangelat, eh?

Yes, it's very dreary, isn't it?

És com l'Antonio.

It's like Antonio.





Doncs res.

Well, nothing.

Però la podríem fer servir la frase de l'Antonio, eh?

But we could use Antonio's phrase, right?

Què diu?

What does it say?

Ha quedat tot ben arreglat.

Everything has been sorted out nicely.

Que no hi ha...

That there isn't...

Bueno, us deixem espai per la reflexió.

Well, we'll leave you space for reflection.

A mi m'agrada acabar-ho com l'Antonio.

I like to finish it like Antonio.

Vols dir que no hem d'acabar amb l'Antonio?

Do you mean we shouldn't end things with Antonio?

Bueno, abans deixa'm dir una cosa una mica...

Well, first let me say something a little...

No tan trista.

Not so sad.

Segueu-nos a les xarxes socials.

Follow us on social media.



I resta el dia...

And the rest of the day...

Feu comentaris, home.

Make comments, man.

Feu comentaris.

Make comments.

Les properes setmanes començarem a anar publicant alguna coseta.

In the coming weeks, we will start posting some things.

No ens volem fer pesats, però sí que us demanarem la vostra opinió

We don't want to be a bother, but we will ask for your opinion.

sobre el tema següent que anem a parlar, records, etcètera.

about the following topic we are going to discuss, memories, etcetera.

I començarem a vendre el bacallà per l'episodi indirecte.

We will start selling the cod for the indirect episode.

És veritat.

It is true.

Sí, sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes, yes.

El 20, 21, no me'n recordo exactament.

On the 20th or 21st, I don't remember exactly.

20, 20, 20.

20, 20, 20.

Doncs el dia 20 de...

So on the 20th of...



Qui vulgui venir-hi, Fnac 10, illa d'Igonal.

Whoever wants to come, Fnac 10, Illa Diagonal.

És l'entrada gratuïta.

It is free entry.



I estarem allà...

And we will be there...

Entre les 6 i les 8.

Between 6 and 8.

Entre les 6 i les 8 es graven dos podcasts, el nostre i un altre.

Between 6 and 8, two podcasts are recorded, ours and another one.

No sabem amb quin altre serà, però quan ho sapiguem,

We don't know who it will be with, but when we find out,

que suposo que abans del dia 20 ho sabrem,

which I suppose we will know before the 20th,

us anem informant per les xarxes.

We will keep you informed through social media.


Come on.



Sereu molt benvinguts.

You will be very welcome.


Come on.

A pelir.

To the hairdresser.

A reveure.





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