Capítol 1. L'orientació

La Comarca d'Olot

Univers Integra

Capítol 1. L'orientació

Univers Integra

Univers Integra, capítol 1, l'orientació.

Universe Integra, chapter 1, the orientation.

Aquestes dues són històries vitals explicades i viscudes des de la maternitat.

These two are life stories explained and lived from motherhood.

A la primera, els protagonistes han volgut mantenir l'anonimat,

At first, the protagonists wanted to maintain anonymity,

així que els noms que sentireu són inventats.

so the names you will hear are made up.

Totes dues, però, són reals i tenen un denominador comú.

Both are real, however, and they have a common denominator.

Van trobar un refugi segur al CDIAP,

They found a safe refuge at the CDIAP.

el Centre de Desenvolupament Infantil i Detenció Precoç de la Garrotxa.

the Center for Early Childhood Development and Early Detection of Garrotxa.

Viure en xarxa.

Living in a network.

Guió, Laura Comamala.

Script, Laura Comamala.

Locució, David Planella.

Locution, David Planella.

Obtenen. No els acaba de fer el pes.

They obtain. It doesn't quite measure up to them.

I és que tampoc me menja.

And it's that it doesn't eat me either.

Abans me feia pit i ara no.

Before I used to have a lot of pride and now I don't.

Ah, no, doncs és que te rebutja la llet, ja has de donar biberó.

Ah, no, then it's that she rejects the milk, you have to give her a bottle.

Alma, mare d'en Quim.

Alma, mother of Quim.

Com, com, és que, com me pots dir que li tregui la llet

How, how, how can you tell me to take the milk away from him?

si porta tres setmanes bevent la llet materna i s'anava alimentant bé?

Has he/she been drinking breast milk for three weeks and has been feeding well?

Van ingressar en Quim a l'Hospital Doloti Comarcal de la Garrotxa

Quim was admitted to the Doloti Comarcal Hospital of Garrotxa.

després que perdés la sensibilitat d'una cama.

after losing the feeling in one leg.

L'estança allà va ser molt dura per la família,

The stay there was very hard for the family,

ja que l'habitació on es trobava només hi podia estar,

since the room where he was could only be there,

era una persona, que era l'Alma.

She was a person, who was Alma.

Tres dies després, en Quim va perdre la sensibilitat de l'altra cama.

Three days later, Quim lost feeling in the other leg.

Enmig de molta confusió i por,

In the midst of much confusion and fear,

els van derivar a l'Hospital Vall d'Hebron de Barcelona.

They were referred to the Vall d'Hebron Hospital in Barcelona.

En Quim tenia un tumor.

Quim had a tumor.

Uf, pel terra.

Phew, on the ground.

Pel terra, perquè llavors ens van explicar ben bé el que era el problema.

On the ground, because then they explained to us exactly what the problem was.

I en aquell moment és, quan li van posar nom,

And at that moment is when they named him,

que el nom és molt lleig, té diversos noms,

that the name is very ugly, it has several names,

però quan et diuen el nom principal, dius no.

but when they tell you the main name, you say no.

No, no pot ser, no pot ser el meu fill.

No, it can't be, it can't be my son.

Sí, el meu fill no pot ser, perquè va néixer bé, estava bé.

Yes, my son cannot be, because he was born well, he was fine.

Va néixer bé, movia les cames, no pot ser que el meu fill tingui això.

He was born fine, he moved his legs, it can't be that my son has this.

I per què no ho han detectat, i per què benava a les visites,

And why haven't they detected it, and why did it keep coming back on the visits?

què redimons li feien quan li feien l'ecografia...

What on earth were they doing to him when they were giving him the ultrasound...

Mare i fill es van instal·lar a la capital.

Mother and son settled in the capital.

El pare i l'altre fill continuaven a Olot

The father and the other son were still in Olot.

perquè no es podien permetre instal·lar-se tots allà.

because they could not afford to settle there.

L'Alma ho explica mentre en Quim, que s'asseu al seu costat,

The Alma explains it while Quim, who is sitting next to her,

no para aquí.

do not stop here.

Quasi uns sis mesos vam estar allà,

We were there for almost six months,

però a l'UCI vam estar-hi un bon temps,

but we were there in the ICU for a long time,

i després ens vam pujar a planta.

And then we went up to the floor.

I el pujar a planta també va ser un trauma.

And going up to the floor was also a trauma.

És greu dir-ho, perquè aquí a Olot

It's serious to say it, because here in Olot

tenen les habitacions molt xules i amples i molt bé,

they have very cool and spacious rooms and very nice.

per les mares i els malalts,

for the mothers and the sick.

i allà va ser entrar a una habitació compartida,

and there it was entering a shared room,

superpetita, amb dos llits, amb dues butaques,

super small, with two beds, with two armchairs,

tot enganxat, vull dir que es tocaven.

All stuck together, I mean they were touching.

Només separat amb una cortina.

Only separated by a curtain.

Sis mesos.

Six months.

Sis mesos en què la vida de l'Alma va quedar congelada.

Six months during which Alma's life was frozen.

Tot, paralitzis, tot.

Everything, paralysis, everything.

Estava allà, que no parlava ni amb la meva família.

I was there, not even speaking to my family.

Em trucaven i no els contestava.

They would call me and I wouldn't answer them.

Perquè suposo que devia ser una depressió o el que sigui,

Because I suppose it must have been a depression or whatever,

no ho sé.

I don't know.

Però és que jo només estava per ell.

But I was only there for him.

Per ell, per ell, per ell.

For him, for him, for him.

No podia sortir ni estendre la roba.

I couldn't go out or hang the laundry.

No podia veure ni els veïns,

I couldn't see the neighbors either,

que ni fum ni fam, vull dir que ni els conec ni em venen,

neither smoke nor hunger, I mean I neither know them nor do they come to me,

però no podia sortir ni estendre la roba.

but I couldn't go out or hang the clothes.

No podia ni portar el nen a la guarderia,

I couldn't even take the child to daycare.

vull dir que no estava estancada a casa meva amb el nen.

I mean that I wasn't stuck at home with the kid.

No volia veure res, no volia sentir res,

I didn't want to see anything, I didn't want to feel anything,

vull dir, no, em va costar molt tirar endavant.

I mean, no, it was very difficult for me to move forward.

Tornar a Olot, doncs, no va ser gens fàcil per la família.

Returning to Olot was not easy for the family at all.

Des de la Vall d'Hebron van derivar en Quim el C.D. Abdulot.

From Vall d'Hebron, they referred Quim to C.D. Abdulot.

Allà li farien el seguiment,

There they would monitor him.

i només hauria de tornar a Barcelona,

and I just should return to Barcelona,

per fer visites de control.

to conduct follow-up visits.

L'Alma ho recorda emocionada.

Alma recalls it with emotion.

Com que llavors anava vinguent aquí al C.D.A.

Since then, I was coming here to the C.D.A.

m'anava molt bé, perquè era la manera de sortir de casa.

It suited me very well because it was a way to get out of the house.

Anava vinguent aquí dos cops a la setmana,

I used to come here twice a week,

doncs això, tenia menys contacte amb la professional del nen,

so that’s it, I had less contact with the child's professional,

i jo anava en parlant,

and I kept talking,

ella m'anava sostraient molt delicadament,

she was very gently taking away from me,

vull dir, no em feia preguntes directes,

I mean, he/she didn't ask me direct questions,

però jo ara quan n'hi penso, dic, hòstia,

but now when I think about it, I say, damn,

de mica en mica m'estava obrint el cap,

little by little I was opening my mind,

vull dir, m'estava fent una sessió de psicologia.

I mean, I was having a psychology session.

Tot i que en un primer moment l'Alma tenia por,

Although at first Alma was scared,

ja que no sabia què era el C.D.A. i tampoc què s'hi trobaria,

since I didn't know what the C.D.A. was and also what I would find there,

ara no el canviaria per res.

now I wouldn't change it for anything.

Molta sort del C.D. Abdulot no el canviaria

Good luck from C.D. Abdulot, I wouldn't change it.

ni pel de Barcelona ni de cap altra ciutat gran.

neither for Barcelona nor for any other big city.

Com et deia abans, que quan em van dir,

As I was saying before, when they told me,

em va passar dolot a l'Hospital de Barcelona,

I had a bad experience at the Hospital of Barcelona.

dic, uau, que bé,

I say, wow, how great,

i quan em van dir, has d'anar al C.D. Abdulot,

and when they told me, you have to go to C.D. Abdulot,

i vaig pensar, oi, però si m'estan tractant aquí a Barcelona,

I thought, oh, but if they are treating me here in Barcelona,

que són més experts o blot, no sé què.

that they are more experts or blot, I don't know what.

No, no, mira, se'm posa hasta la pell de la llina,

No, no, look, it's even getting under my skin.

perquè realment m'han ajudat moltíssim,

because they have really helped me a lot,

perquè no em donaven ni un duro pel meu fill.

because they wouldn't give me a penny for my son.

I mira, a base d'anar-lo treballant,

And look, by working on it,

d'estar-hi molt a sobre, també,

to be very much on top of it, too,

també s'ha de dir que a vegades això no es veu,

It must also be said that sometimes this is not visible,



Clar, i està com està, està molt bé, està molt bé.

Of course, and it is as it is, it's very good, it's very good.

Pot venir qualsevol família que té un infant

Any family with a child can come.

des que ha nascut fins als quatre anys,

from birth until the age of four,

de forma prioritària.

as a priority.

Perquè parlem d'això de l'atenció precoç,

Because we talk about early intervention,

i l'infant pot tenir alguna dificultat

and the child may have some difficulty

en el seu desenvolupament, sigui físic, motriu,

in its development, whether physical, motor,

de llenguatge, de conducta emocional,

of language, of emotional behavior,

i després, o de risc,

and then, or at risk,

que és una mica el que parlàvem

it's a bit what we were talking about

de nens que han nascut prematurs

of children who were born prematurely

o que han tingut alguna complicació durant el part

or who have had some complication during childbirth

o durant l'embaràs,

or during pregnancy,

i després fem un seguiment, també, per aquesta condició de risc.

And then we also follow up on this risk condition.

La Laura va néixer a les 31 setmanes de gestació.

Laura was born at 31 weeks of gestation.

La seva mare, la Carme Alba,

His mother, Carme Alba,

no sabia res del món dels infants prematurs

I knew nothing about the world of premature infants.

i ja tenia un fill de 5 anys.

And I already had a 5-year-old son.

El dia del part va ser un xoc.

The day of the delivery was a shock.

Va tenir, per sort, suport psicològic

He had, fortunately, psychological support.

a l'Hospital Josep Trueta de Girona.

at the Josep Trueta Hospital in Girona.

Allà a l'hospital també hi havia servei de psicologia,

There was also a psychology service there at the hospital,

i també ens van oferir,

and they also offered us,

perquè allà també és bastant necessari,

because it is also quite necessary there,

perquè vius morts, vius coses duríssimes.

because you live dead, you live very hard things.

Carme Alba, mare de la Laura.

Carme Alba, mother of Laura.

Acabes de parir i és un xoc de tot, no?

You just gave birth and it's a shock to everything, isn't it?

Clar, jo tampoc, del món prematur,

Of course, neither do I, from the premature world,

tampoc sabia res, no?

neither did I know anything, right?

O sigui, trenques aigües i et diuen

So, your waters break and they tell you

vés a parir, no?

Go give birth, right?

I dius, què? No?

And you say, what? No?

És com entres allà i estàs en xoc

It's like you walk in there and you're in shock.

i veus tantes coses que...

and you see so many things that...

Jo vaig marxar d'allà en xoc.

I left there in shock.

Al cap de 15 dies d'haver nascut la Laura

Fifteen days after Laura was born.

va tenir la primera visita amb l'Esther

had the first visit with Esther.

al CDIAT de la Garrotxa.

at the CDIAT of Garrotxa.

Ara, després de 4 anys i 7 mesos,

Now, after 4 years and 7 months,

l'equip del centre forma part de la seva família.

The team at the center is part of her family.

Clar, per nosaltres ha estat un servei

Of course, for us it has been a service.

totalment integral i d'acompanyament.

totally integral and supportive.

Les necessitats han variat moltíssim,

The needs have changed a lot,

des que tenia un mes fins que ha tingut 4 anys i 7 mesos,

from the time she was one month old until she was 4 years and 7 months old,

clar, ha estat un ventall de coses molt diferents a fer,

of course, it has been a range of very different things to do,

de quan era un bebè a ara, no?

Since he was a baby until now, right?

El que jo destacaria d'aquí al CDIAT,

What I would highlight from here at the CDIAT,

és que és un acompanyament emocional,

it's that it's an emotional support,

és un acompanyament pedagògic,

it is a pedagogical accompaniment,

és un acompanyament envers les escoles,

it is a support for schools,

un acompanyament amb els pares, amb la criatura,

a support with the parents, with the child,

vull dir, no és només aquí venir a fer la sessió i ja està, no?

I mean, it's not just about coming here to do the session and that's it, right?

Nosaltres fèiem la sessió amb l'Esther

We were having the session with Esther.

i en cada sessió miràvem quines necessitats,

and in each session we looked at what needs,

com poder potenciar la nena, no?

how to empower the girl, right?

Perquè, clar, ella, al ser prematura i així,

Because, of course, she being premature and all,

doncs ha anat enrere amb coses,

then it has gone backwards with things,

doncs jo sempre sortia d'aquí, doncs,

well, I always left here, well,

amb deures, no?

with homework, right?

De, ostres, ara podem fer això,

Wow, now we can do this.

podem provar l'altre,

we can try the other one,

fer-li fer aquests exercicis,

to make him do these exercises,

vull dir que ha set molt dinàmic

I mean it has been very dynamic.

i molt divers

and very diverse

amb tota l'etapa de la Laura, no?

with all of Laura's stage, right?

Vull dir que ha set, ara al final,

I mean, it has been, now in the end,

inclús, vull dir, ja era molt diferent, no?

Even, I mean, it was already very different, wasn't it?

Perquè, a més, la Laura també, no sé,

Because, moreover, Laura also, I don’t know,

ja hi ha hagut aquesta pinya, no?,

There has already been this fuss, hasn't there?

de 4 anys i mig que,

of 4 and a half years that,

jo quan parlava amb l'Esther,

when I was talking with Esther,

quan parlo amb l'Esther de la Laura,

when I talk to Esther about Laura,

ella ja coneix molt bé la Laura, no?

She knows Laura very well, right?

Vull dir que era com molt fàcil,

I mean it was very easy,

sentia que això era un equip, no?

I felt that this was a team, right?

I sentia que si qualsevol dubte

I felt that if any doubt

o qualsevol cosa que passés, no?,

or anything that happened, right?

jo li podia explicar a l'Esther

I could explain it to Esther.

i ella, al moment, sabia què fer, com fer-ho

And she, at that moment, knew what to do, how to do it.

i buscava solucions o estratègies

I was looking for solutions or strategies.

per al seu desenvolupament, no?

for its development, right?

El programa d'acompanyament a prematurs

The program for supporting premature infants

és una part important de la feina del servei.

It is an important part of the service's work.

La Carme relata alguns dels desafiaments

Carmen recounts some of the challenges.

que la Laura va haver de superar.

that Laura had to overcome.

O sigui, des que neixen,

That is, from the moment they are born,

pobrets tenen desafiaments.

The poor have challenges.

El primer, per exemple, de la Laura va ser respirar,

The first, for example, of Laura was to breathe,

perquè els pulmons no maduren fins la setmana 33.

because the lungs do not mature until week 33.

Ella va néixer la setmana 31, vull dir que això,

She was born in week 31, I mean that.

o sigui, ja és començar i ja un rere l'altre, no?,

I mean, it's already starting and one after another, right?

donar el pit igual, no?,

give the breast the same, right?

jo me'n recordo que me la posava al pit

I remember that I used to put it on my chest.

i amb dues xumades quedava cau, però clar,

and with two sips it was down, but of course,

és que era tan petita, és que no tenia força, no?

It's just that I was so small, it's just that I didn't have strength, right?

O sigui, ha estat tot, des que ha nascut, un repte,

So, it has been a challenge since it was born.

però també ha estat un regal.

but it has also been a gift.

Estem parlant amb la Carme en una sala del CDUp

We are talking with Carme in a room of the CDUp.

i ens envolten trencaclosques, ninots de peluix,

and we are surrounded by puzzles, stuffed toys,

jocs interactius...

interactive games...

És evident que el joc forma part

It is evident that play is part of

del dia a dia del centre.

from the day-to-day of the center.

El joc pensa que és una forma d'interacció social,

The game thinks it is a form of social interaction,

per una banda, de coneixement de l'entorn,

on one hand, knowledge of the environment,

de descobrir, no?,

to discover, right?

entendre l'entorn, les persones,

understanding the environment, the people,

i és un mitjà per arribar amb ells, no?

And it's a way to connect with them, right?

I tenir un ventall, doncs, en joguines,

And to have a fan, then, in toys,

te'ns ajuda, bé, en tenim prou, bueno, eh?,

we have enough help, well, we have enough, okay, huh?

no et pensis.

Don't think so.

El tema és que el nen pugui identificar quines coses li agraden,

The issue is that the child can identify what things they like,

per tu poder arribar, també, a ell, no?,

for you to be able to reach him too, right?

i poder connectar.

and to be able to connect.

I a partir d'aquesta connexió és quan tu pots estirar el llenguatge,

And from this connection is when you can stretch the language,

pots estirar conducta, pots estirar a nivell emocional,

you can stretch behavior, you can stretch on an emotional level,

bueno, diferents aspectes.

well, different aspects.

Que aquest és un punt superimportant

That this is a super important point.

que no hem de deixar, com a pares,

that we must not abandon, as parents,

amb els infants, sobretot, no?,

with the children, especially, right?

perquè ara, a vegades, tu que deies amb les pantalles, no?,

because now, sometimes, you who were talking about the screens, right?

doncs, que pots, com, substituir aquestes estones de joc

Well, how can you replace these moments of play?

per unes estones de joc massa dirigit amb una pantalla, no?

for a few hours of overly guided play with a screen, right?

De 0 a 3, sobretot, estem parlant.

From 0 to 3, above all, we are talking.

A partir de 3 és diferent.

From 3 onwards it is different.

El CDIAP ha canviat la manera de veure el món de la Carme,

The CDIAP has changed the way Carme sees the world,

i ella ho agraeix.

and she appreciates it.

O sigui, he après, doncs, que cada nen és únic,

That is to say, I have learned, then, that every child is unique,

que cada evolució és única,

that each evolution is unique,

que no es pot comparar,

that cannot be compared,

perquè, vull dir, cada situació, cada, no?,

because, I mean, every situation, every, right?

perquè sempre comparem i sempre jo, suposo, bueno,

because we always compare and always I, I suppose, well,

jo particularment, no?, parlava, parlava,

I particularly, right?, was talking, was talking,

no?, el meu fa això i...

doesn't it? mine does this and...



He après aquí que cada evolució és única,

I have learned here that every evolution is unique,

bueno, a part de totes les coses que he après,

Well, apart from all the things I've learned,

per exemple, amb això que deia l'Àster,

for example, with what Àster was saying,

que ells treballen a través del joc, no?,

that they work through play, right?

doncs, he canviat la meva manera de jugar, no?,

Well, I have changed my way of playing, haven't I?

perquè sigui, a part de jugar,

so that it is, apart from playing,

intentar, doncs, treure'n el màxim profit possible, no?,

to try, then, to get the most out of it, right?

amb el meu fill, com el gran fill,

with my son, like the older son,

com el gran, com no va tenir cap dificultat,

as the great one, as he had no difficulty,

doncs, jugàvem.

so, we played.

Ara amb la nena penso, quin suc li puc treure a aquest joc, no?,

Now with the girl, I think, what juice can I get out of this game, right?

o com la puc fer intervenir per treure allò que necessito que tregui, no?

or how can I make it intervene to remove what I need it to remove, right?

Al CDAP totes dues mares hi han trobat un equip dedicat

At the CDAP, both mothers have found a dedicated team.

amb ganes d'acompanyar-les en tots els processos,

with the desire to accompany them in all the processes,

alguns més crus que d'altres,

some rawer than others,

i no només han tractat els seus fills,

and not only have they treated their children,

sinó que fent-ho els han donat pautes també a elles.

but by doing so, they have also given them guidelines.

Per en Quim i per la Laura,

For Quim and Laura,

el servei és part de casa seva,

the service is part of your home,

una casa plena de colors i de jocs que estimulen el seu desenvolupament.

a house full of colors and games that stimulate their development.

Totes les famílies desconeixien el CDAP abans que hi fossin derivades,

All the families were unaware of the CDAP before they were referred there.

i ara ja saben que les portes del centre

and now they already know that the doors of the center

sempre estan obertes per qui necessiti entrar-hi.

they are always open for anyone who needs to enter.

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