El vestidor | Marc Julià

La Comarca d'Olot

El vestidor de l'Hoquei Olot

El vestidor | Marc Julià

El vestidor de l'Hoquei Olot

Peixosisme, peix i marits de qualitat i proximitat, sempre al vostre servei.

Peixosisme, fish and quality and local seafood, always at your service.

Netgar, neteja de qualitat que marca la diferència.

Netgar, quality cleaning that makes a difference.

TC Equipacions Esportives, sempre al costat de l'esport garrotxí.

TC Sports Equipment, always by the side of Garrotxa sports.

Tener Hermètic, doors for life.

Hermetic closure, doors for life.

Certec, enginyeria i construcció.

Certec, engineering and construction.

Manxa, aquí des de 1876.

Manxa, here since 1876.

Vidres La Fageda, mampares de mida, tot en vidre.

La Fageda Glass, custom glass partitions, everything in glass.

Carnisseria Planagomà, carnissers inquiets des de 1979.

Planagomà Butchery, anxious butchers since 1979.

I Assessoria Oliveres, t'ofereixen aquest podcast.

At Assessoria Oliveres, they offer you this podcast.

El vestidor, en van aprendre.

They learned in the dressing room.

Benvinguts i benvingudes al Vestidor, un nou format de la comarca.

Welcome to the Dressing Room, a new format from the region.

Aquest no és un podcast d'hoquei patins ni de l'hoquei Olot, o no només.

This is not a roller hockey podcast nor about Olot hockey, or not only.

Són converses per conèixer històries, trajectòries i persones, per anar una mica més enllà.

They are conversations to get to know stories, trajectories, and people, to go a little further.

Uns protagonistes que tenen un vincle amb la ciutat, amb el club i amb aquest esport

Protagonists who have a connection to the city, to the club, and to this sport.

que fa uns anys s'ha posat de moda a la comarca.

which has become trendy in the region in recent years.

Som al vestidor número 2 del pavelló d'esports d'Olot, a pocs metres, la Josep Jou,

We are in dressing room number 2 of the sports pavilion in Olot, a few meters from Josep Jou.

a tocar el nostre últim protagonista.

next to our last protagonist.

Uns minuts per endavant per conèixer el jugador dels Reus, Marc Julià.

A few minutes ahead to meet the Reus player, Marc Julià.

El vestidor, en van aprendre.

The dressing room, they learned about it.

Un podcast al lloc més íntim del pavelló, per saber què hi ha més enllà de la pista.

A podcast in the most intimate corner of the pavilion, to find out what lies beyond the court.

Marc Julià Soler, 29 anys, nascut a Olot i jugador de l'hoquei Olot des dels 4 anys fins als 14.

Marc Julià Soler, 29 years old, born in Olot and a player of the Olot hockey team from the age of 4 until 14.

Moment en què va treure el lloc el seu germà gran, un que també apuntava en moltes maneres.

A moment when he took the place of his older brother, one who also stood out in many ways.

Durant aquest temps va ser campió de Catalunya i d'Espanya amb les categories inferiors del club de la seva ciutat.

During this time, he was the champion of Catalonia and Spain with the lower categories of his city's club.

Poca gent de la que va, cada 15 dies de la Josep Jou,

Few people from those who go, every 15 days from Josep Jou,

sap que a Olot és i va ser campió d'Espanya.

He knows that in Olot he is and has been champion of Spain.

A partir d'aquell moment la seva vida va canviar de la nit al dia.

From that moment on, her life changed overnight.

Se'n va anar a viure a Sant Cugat amb una família i un equip desconegut.

He went to live in Sant Cugat with an unknown family and team.

Va fitxar pel Barça.

He signed for Barça.

Sense ganes al principi, però ben aviat es va adonar que aquella renúncia li permetria aconseguir el seu somni.

Without enthusiasm at first, but soon he realized that that renunciation would allow him to achieve his dream.

Ser jugador d'hoquei.

To be a hockey player.

Campió de Catalunya i d'Espanya amb totes les categories inferiors del Barça,

Champion of Catalonia and Spain with all the lower categories of Barça,

és el jugador de l'hoquei que té més títols del món amb les categories inferiors.

He is the hockey player with the most titles in the world at the youth levels.

Això no li van poder dir amb en Pau Vergelló a la sota, eh?

They couldn't tell him that with Pau Vergelló below, right?

A partir d'aquí,

From here on,

el camí va costar una mica més.

the path was a little more difficult.

La pujada es va fer més llarga,

The climb became longer,

però va arribar al seu debut amb el primer equip.

but he made his debut with the first team.

Però la manca de confiança de tècnics,

But the lack of trust from technicians,

Ricard, cabrón,

Ricard, bastard,

no li va permetre estar gaire temps concentrat amb el primer equip.

he did not allow him to stay focused with the first team for long.

Sent jugador del Barça,

Being a Barça player,

va anar cedit al Noia,

he was loaned to Noia,

on va guanyar les terç,

we won the third.

i al Manlleu,

and in Manlleu,

per després poder marxar a Itàlia.

to then be able to leave for Italy.

Fins llavors el currículum només podia dir que tenia el batxillerat social.

Until then, the curriculum could only say that I had a social baccalaureate.

Aquí va poder afegir l'italià com a parlat i escrit a la perfecció.

Here you could add Italian as spoken and written perfectly.

A Bassano van ser dues temporades que li van donar ales per tornar a dalt de tot.

At Bassano, there were two seasons that gave him the wings to get back to the top.

Va ser el màxim golejador d'Itàlia i d'Europa la segona temporada,

He was the top scorer in Italy and Europe in the second season,

per després tornar a Reus,

to later return to Reus,

on ja porta unes quantes temporades.

He has been around for a few seasons now.

Aquest any sembla que se li resisteix una mica més el gol de lo normal.

This year it seems that scoring a goal is a bit more elusive than usual.

Potser, Marc, hauries de tornar a refrescar i mirar algun vídeo d'aquests de Bassano.

Maybe, Marc, you should refresh and watch some of those Bassano videos again.

Però estic segur que ben d'hora recuperaràs aquest olfacte golejador que mai has perdut.

But I am sure that soon you will regain that goal-scoring instinct that you have never lost.

A Reus has trobat el teu lloc,

In Reus, you have found your place,

amics, companys i família.

friends, colleagues, and family.

Ara només falta trobar algun títol més que no sigui la Supercopa d'Espanya.

Now we just need to find another title that is not the Spanish Supercup.

A per totes, nano!

To everyone, dude!

Marc, benvingut, què tal?

Marc, welcome, how are you?

Hola, bona, anem-hi.

Hello, good, let's go.

Qui t'ha presentat?

Who introduced you?

El meu germà, un bon pallasso.

My brother, a good clown.

Un bon pallasso.

A good clown.

Què t'ha sorprès d'això que t'ha dit?

What has surprised you about what they told you?

Bueno, tot.

Well, everything.

Crec que el meu germà és una persona molt important per mi.

I believe that my brother is a very important person to me.

Jo me l'estimo moltíssim.

I love him/her very much.

Des del primer moment que parla ja m'emociona.

From the first moment he/she speaks, it moves me.

Crec que és una persona superimportant.

I think he/she is a very important person.

I m'emociona que recordi tantes coses.

It moves me that you remember so many things.

Segurament no tenia apuntat un bloc de notes,

Surely he/she didn't have a notebook noted down.

però m'emociona que se'n recordi de totes les coses.

but it moves me that he/she remembers all the things.

Sé que em segueix sempre que pot.

I know he/she follows me whenever he/she can.

I estic superorgullós d'ell i supercontent.

I am super proud of him and super happy.

Li hem deixat marge, també, perquè pogués preparar-se aquesta presentació.

We have also given him leeway to prepare this presentation.

És el teu germà gran.

He is your big brother.

Us porteu tres anys, si no m'equivoco.

You are three years apart, if I'm not mistaken.

Ell també jugava a hoquei patins.

He also played roller hockey.

Comences a patinar per ell?

Do you start skating for him?

O com ho feu, això?

Oh, how do you do this?

Sí, començo perquè, com a germà petit,

Yes, I start because, as a little brother,

sempre segueixes el germà gran.

you always follow the older brother.

En aquest cas, els meus pares van apuntar,

In this case, my parents noted,

amb un grup d'amics del meu germà,

with a group of friends of my brother,

van apuntar aquí a l'hoquei Olot,

they pointed out here to the hockey Olot,

perquè era quan començava a tenir més tirada,

because it was when I started to gain more traction,

aquella època que no n'hi havia tanta com ara.

that time when there weren't as many as there are now.

I el van apuntar i, a partir d'aquí,

And they pointed it out to him, and from here,

jo patinava per aquí, no sé si...

I was skating around here, I don't know if...

Jo crec que s'ha equivocat

I think you are mistaken.

i crec que devia començar a patinar als tres anys,

I believe I must have started skating at the age of three,

però això és el que recordo jo.

but that is what I remember.

Bé, recordo, m'han explicat.

Well, I remember, they have told me.

Però sí, sí, em van portar aquí

But yes, yes, they brought me here.

i, a partir d'aquí, fins que li vaig treure el lloc.

And from here, until I took his place.

És real, eh, que li vas treure el lloc?

Is it true that you took his place?

Sí, sí, ell no ho volia admetre gaire, però li vaig treure.

Yes, yes, he didn't want to admit it much, but I got it out of him.

Quan feia que no venies a tot el lloc?

How long has it been since you came to this place?

Des del desembre.

Since December.

El desembre vaig venir per veure tots els nanos.

In December, I came to see all the kids.

Vaig venir a portar camisetes i coses

I came to bring t-shirts and things.

perquè m'ho reclamaven per el cagatió

because they were asking me for the cagatió

i per totes aquestes coses, sí.

And for all these reasons, yes.

I la veritat és que des del 20 de desembre, aproximadament.

And the truth is that since December 20th, approximately.

Què penses quan entres a aquell pavelló,

What do you think when you enter that pavilion,

quan tornes aquí?

When are you coming back here?

Bé, m'emociona, m'emociona.

Well, it moves me, it moves me.

Per mi és casa.

For me, it is home.

Sí que és veritat que ha canviat molt.

It is true that it has changed a lot.

Des que hi vaig marxar ha canviat moltíssim.

Since I left, it has changed a lot.

La pista anexa que hi ha darrere tampoc hi era.

The adjacent track behind was also not there.

Allà hi havia l'esquitpark,

There was the esquitpark,

hi havia el globus que dèiem, hi havia...

there was the balloon we were talking about, there was...

Bé, era totalment diferent.

Well, it was completely different.

Però, clar, a mi m'emociona.

But, of course, it moves me.

A mi és, entre cometes, casa, no?

To me, it's, in quotes, home, right?

És com tornar al lloc de confort.

It's like going back to the comfort zone.

Sí que és veritat que les coses han canviat moltíssim

It is true that things have changed a lot.

i jo ara porto més de la meitat de la meva vida fora d'aquí.

And now I have spent more than half of my life away from here.

Però des d'aquí, quan vinc aquí i veig la gent,

But from here, when I come here and see the people,

per mi és espectacular.

For me, it's spectacular.

Has vingut mai a veure algun partit de la Vallplata?

Have you ever come to see a match at Vallplata?

Sí, aquest any he vingut poc.

Yes, I have come little this year.

Vaig venir a veure Vendrell.

I came to see Vendrell.

Si no recordo malament, Vendrell.

If I remember correctly, Vendrell.

Principi de temporada, sí.

Beginning of the season, yes.

Sí, principi de temporada i crec que ja està.

Yes, beginning of the season and I think that's it.

És que baixo una vegada cada tres mesos.

I go down once every three months.

Des de Nadal, que no baixava, i he baixat avui.

Since Christmas, I hadn't gone down, and I went down today.

O sigui, m'agrada venir i m'agrada venir a veure'ls, però costa.

I mean, I like coming and I like coming to see them, but it's hard.

Costa. Et sorprèn quan vens aquí el que hi ha?

Cost. Does it surprise you what there is when you come here?

Home, el caliu que s'ha format aquí és...

Home, the warmth that has formed here is...

és una cosa que crec que actualment no hi ha enlloc.

It's something that I believe is currently nowhere to be found.

O sigui, no hi ha enlloc, però és que... enlloc.

That is to say, there is nowhere, but it's just... nowhere.

Tot el que s'ha format aquí és...

Everything that has been formed here is...

també gràcies a tots els jugadors,

also thanks to all the players,

tot el club que ha involucrat tota la ciutat, no?

the whole club that has involved the whole city, right?

Que són gent jove, són gent de casa,

They are young people, they are people from home,

són gent que fan coses perquè la gent vingui

They are people who do things to get others to come.

i crec que això és...

and I think this is...

és importantíssim

it is very important

i actualment crec que després d'això

and currently I believe that after this

potser hi ha voltregall reus

perhaps there is a vulture reus

que poden ser una mica així,

that can be a little like this,

però està lluny d'això.

but it's far from that.

Està lluny d'això i estan a la Lliga, a més a més.

It is far from that and they are in the League, moreover.

Tornem una mica a tu, la teva trajectòria,

Let's go back a little to you, your journey,

després ja parlarem en tot cas de l'Hockey Olot.

Afterwards, we can talk about Hockey Olot in any case.

Comences tu dius als 3 anys,

You start, you say, at 3 years old,

fins més o menys als 13 estàs jugant,

until around 13 you're playing,

estàs formant-te a la base de l'Hockey Olot.

You are training at the Hockey Olot base.

Què recordes o qui recordes d'aquells inicis?

What do you remember or who do you remember from those beginnings?

Home, jo de l'Olot,

Man, I am from Olot,

si m'hi he de recordar d'algú,

if I have to remember someone,

és, òbviament, dels meus companys,

it is, obviously, from my colleagues,

diria Colla Carrera, típic,

I would say Colla Carrera, typical,

Dani López,

Dani López,

Olaguer Forment quan va venir després,

Olaguer Forment when he came later,

Laia Castro,

Laia Castro,

aquests eren la base que nosaltres teníem,

these were the basis that we had,

però jo si m'he de ficar un nom és David Gravolosa.

But if I have to choose a name, it is David Gravolosa.

Per mi és...

For me, it is...

Era el meu segon pare,

He was my second father,

perquè em portava a tot arreu,

because it took me everywhere,

tot el dia feia bromes,

he was joking all day long,

tot el dia estava amb ell

I was with him all day.

i la veritat és que si he de recordar un nom

And the truth is that if I have to remember a name

és David Gravolosa.

It's David Gravolosa.

Qui és en Grabo? Explica'ns-ho.

Who is Grabo? Tell us about him.

Bueno, en Grabo és una persona molt especial,

Well, in Grabo he is a very special person.

no és només un entrenador,

he is not just a coach,

és el que formava tot el club.

it is what made up the whole club.

Per mi,

For me,

és que m'emociona,

it moves me,

però era el pare de tots,

but he was the father of all,

era el que ens cuidava, el que ens portava,

he was the one who took care of us, the one who brought us,

li fèiem més cas o menys,

we paid more or less attention to him/her,

però la veritat era un formador

but the truth was a trainer

i un segon pare.

and a second father.

És dels millors entrenadors que has tingut?

Is he one of the best coaches you have had?

Sí, sí. A nivell tècnic potser no,

Yes, yes. On a technical level maybe not,

crec que a partir d'allà s'ha començat a formar moltíssim

I believe that from there it has started to form a lot.

i ha buscat moltíssima informació,

I have searched for a lot of information,

però a nivell humà

but on a human level

sens dubte el millor, sens dubte.

without a doubt the best, without a doubt.

Mantens el contacte?

Do you keep in touch?

Sí, sí, quan vinc aquí

Yes, yes, when I come here

el saludo i,

the greeting and,

no sempre que vingui, el saludo,

I don't always greet him when he comes.

però a vegades he vingut i el saludo.

But sometimes I come and greet him.

I ara que no se me'n fa d'en Jordi Garcia,

And now that I don't think of Jordi Garcia,

però vull dir que sí que és veritat que

but I mean that it is true that

a nivell humà és una persona espectacular.

On a human level, she is an amazing person.

Quan vinc l'hi escric

When I come I'll write it to him/her.

i aviam si hi puc treure el cap,

let's see if I can stick my head out,

vinc aquí a la pista i el veig.

I come here to the court and see him.

Parles, has parlat de noms propis,

You speak, you have spoken about proper nouns,

has parlat d'en Grabo,

you have talked about Grabo,

què més recordes d'aquells anys de partits,

What else do you remember from those years of matches,

dels entrenaments,

of the training,

quins records et vénen al cap?

What memories come to mind?

Bueno, jo recordo un mil campionats,

Well, I remember a thousand championships.

sempre arribàvem, arribàvem, arribàvem,

we always arrived, we arrived, we arrived,

sempre me'n recordo inclús,

I always remember even,

el primer campionat de Catalunya

the first championship of Catalonia

que va ser a GIEC,

what happened at GIEC,

que hi havia en Patrick, l'Eric Plana,

that there was in Patrick, Eric Plana,

l'Aniol, en Joel, l'Ivan,

Aniol, Joel, Ivan,

l'Àlex Deporter,

Alex Deporter,

jo era per Benjamí i els vaig anar a reforçar.

I was there for Benjamí and I went to reinforce them.

Aquest va ser el meu primer record real

This was my first real memory.

de l'hoquei

of hockey

una mica a nivell més top.

a bit at a higher level.

Després a partir d'aquí, clar,

After that, from here, of course,

jo segueixo amb l'Aniol Monell,

I continue with Aniol Monell,

segueixo amb en Marc Cívic,

I am continuing with Marc Cívic,

segueixo amb en Matías,

I continue with Matías,

i aquests que era un any més gran que jo

and these who were a year older than me

i a partir d'aquí anem cada any en campionats,

And from here we go to championships every year,

més o menys.

more or less.

I després, clar,

And then, of course,

quan jo era de segon any,

when I was in second year,

ja venien tots,

they were all coming.

a part dels primers que he comentat,

besides the first ones I mentioned,

en Lluc, en Prat,

in Lluc, in Prat,

en Lluc era més petit,

when Lluc was smaller,

en Marc ja venia amb nosaltres,

Marc was already coming with us.

i aquí recordo ja quan fem una mica el canvi,

and here I remember when we make a little change,

que sí que és veritat

that it is true

que fem un equip molt i molt potent

that we make a very strong team

un any i a la vida de segon any,

a year and in the second year of life,

me'n recordo que guanyem la final

I remember that we won the final.

de campionats de Catalunya Mollerussa 5-2,

of the Catalunya championships Mollerussa 5-2,

si no crec recordar,

if I remember correctly,

i la final de la campionat d'Espanya 7-2,

and the final of the Spanish championship 7-2,

o sigui, una bogeria.

I mean, it's madness.

Érem un equipatge i a part que,

We were a luggage and apart from that,

del primer a l'últim,

from the first to the last,

jo me'n recordo que en Dani com a porter era,

I remember that Dani was a goalkeeper.

era una bogeria, era una bogeria.

it was madness, it was madness.

I després, clar, l'Oleguer, jo, la Laia,

And then, of course, Oleguer, me, Laia,

i tot el que comportava,

and all that it entailed,

hi havia un nivell de qualitat que era molt alt.

there was a level of quality that was very high.

Després, jo al cap de dos anys marxo al Barça,

Later, after two years I leave for Barça,

però és que l'Oleguer també va al Barça,

but Oleguer also plays for Barça,

en Dani podria haver anat al Barça, segurament.

Dani could have gone to Barça, probably.

Era, potser,

It was, perhaps,

una saga que era molt difícil de repetir.

a saga that was very difficult to replicate.

Era una bona generació?

Was it a good generation?

Era molt bona generació.

It was a very good generation.

I de pares també, que això era molt important.

And from parents too, which was very important.

Ara comentaves que va guanyar el campionat de Catalunya

You were just saying that he won the Catalonia championship.

i el primer campionat d'Espanya de la història del club.

and the first championship of Spain in the history of the club.

De fet, no se n'ha guanyat cap més.

In fact, none more have been won.

Hi ha hagut un subcampionat fa dos o tres temporades,

There has been a runner-up position two or three seasons ago,

si no recordo malament, però no campions d'Espanya.

if I remember correctly, but not champions of Spain.

Deies que era una bona generació,

You said it was a good generation,

però què va coincidir perquè aquell any,

but what happened that year,

el 20 de segon any, teníeu, si no m'equivoco,

on the 20th of the second year, you had, if I'm not mistaken,

devíeu tenir 12, 13, 11 anys, potser?

You must have been 12, 13, 11 years old, perhaps?

Crec que és el primer any en primer d'ESO.

I think it's the first year in first year of secondary education.

Perquè després del segon d'ESO jo encara segueixo,

Because after the second year of ESO I still continue,

que és quan em lesiono,

that is when I get injured,

i a l'anada de tercer d'ESO ja me'n vaig.

And in the third year of ESO, I'm leaving.

Coincideix tot.

Everything coincides.

Coincideix que a nivell humà era un grup molt bo,

It coincides that at a human level it was a very good group,

a nivell esportiu era boníssim,

at a sporting level, he was excellent,

guanyant tots els partits, però amb molta diferència.

winning all the matches, but by a wide margin.

I me'n recordo que la semifinal de campionats d'Espanya a Girona

I remember that the semifinals of the Spanish championships in Girona.

la guanyem de 10 gols de diferència,

we win it by 10 goals difference,

que seria contra la companyia de Maria.

that would be against Maria's company.

Però era una barreja de tot.

But it was a mix of everything.

Crec que els pares es van avenir prou bé,

I think the parents got along quite well.

fins i tot els meus que estaven separats, imagina't.

Even my parents who were separated, can you imagine?

I la veritat és que es va unir tot.

And the truth is that everything came together.

En Grau, com a principal domador, diguem,

In Grau, as the main tamer, let's say,

i si no recordo malament, en Grau també és el que queda subcampió d'Espanya aquesta última vegada.

And if I remember correctly, Grau is also the one who finished as the runner-up in Spain this last time.

Això vol dir que en Grau deixa petjada.

This means that Grau leaves a mark.

Sí, sí, tots els que passeu per aquí dieu el seu nom.

Yes, yes, all of you who pass by here say your name.

És el moment en què pica la porta al Barça?

Is it the time for him to knock on the door of Barça?

Pica la porta, sí, quan guanyem el campionat de Catalunya i d'Espanya, sí.

Knock on the door, yes, when we win the championship of Catalonia and Spain, yes.

Després jo no hi vull anar-hi,

Afterwards, I don't want to go there.

jo personalment he estat molt bé aquí, no vull anar-hi.

I personally have been very well here, I don't want to go there.

Després d'aquell any tinc la lesió,

After that year, I have the injury.

el Barça m'ofereix fer la recuperació a Barcelona

Barça offers me to do the recovery in Barcelona.

i era com un indici per anar-hi.

And it was like a clue to get there.

I jo me'n recordo que perfectament el dia que la meva mare

And I remember perfectly the day when my mother

amb el meu pare segurament decideixen que jo vagi a Barcelona

with my father they probably decide that I go to Barcelona

era després del campionat de Catalunya de Manlleu,

it was after the Catalonia championship in Manlleu,

vaig tot l'estiu, jo vaig amb la selecció,

I go all summer, I go with the national team,

i jo no vull anar-hi.

and I don't want to go there.

I de cop i volta em ve i em diu

And all of a sudden he/she comes to me and says.

Marc, que marxes a Barcelona?

Marc, are you leaving for Barcelona?

I dic que no, que no, que no.

I say no, no, no.

I allà a casa uns crits, però bé, al final,

And there at home some shouts, but well, in the end,

com ha dit el meu germà, al principi no hi volia anar-hi,

as my brother said, at first I didn't want to go there,

però després ha sigut la decisió més bona que han pres la meva família

but then it has been the best decision that my family has made

i jo a la meva vida.

And I in my life.

Parles de la lesió, és la del colze?

Are you talking about the injury, is it the elbow one?



Lesió complicada, explica'ns-ho.

Complicated injury, tell us about it.

Bueno, sis mesos fora de les pistes,

Well, six months off the slopes,

recordo que només de tornar al primer partit que faig,

I remember that just returning to the first match I do,

els campionats de Catalunya Manlleu contra el Cornellà,

the Catalonia championships Manlleu against Cornellà,

aquest campionat de Catalunya jo era infantil de primer any,

in this Catalan championship, I was in my first year of youth.

quedem cinc anys crec,

let's meet in five years, I think,

faig un bon campionat també,

I'm doing a good championship too,

sis mesos sense jugar és molt complicat.

Six months without playing is very complicated.

Però torno i torno que semblava que no m'havia passat res.

But I keep coming back as if nothing had happened to me.

A part del colze em van passar els pulmons,

Apart from the elbow, my lungs were affected,

la melsa, l'altre braç,

the spleen, the other arm,

vaig estar, bueno, terrible.

I was, well, terrible.

I a partir d'aquí crec que si no hagués passat això

And from here I think that if this hadn't happened

vés a saber el que seria, no?

go figure what it would be, right?

Però crec que es va aprendre molt,

But I think a lot was learned,

vaig patir molt,

I suffered a lot,

vaig fer patir a molta gent molt,

I made many people suffer a lot.

que això també segurament t'ajuda,

that this will surely help you too,

i a partir d'aquí doncs res,

and from here on out, nothing.

va anar bé.

It went well.

Aquell any de fet guanyem el campionat de Catalunya

That year we actually won the Catalonia championship.

amb la selecció de Girona,

with the Girona selection,

que potser feien 20 anys que no la guanyàvem,

that perhaps we hadn't won it in 20 years,

siguent de primer any,

following first year,

i allà després sí que ja feia el salt cap a Barcelona.

And there, after that, I finally made the leap to Barcelona.

Vas tenir por de no poder tornar a jugar com ho feies abans?

Did you fear not being able to play as you used to?



De fet els metges em van dir que no tornaria a jugar.

In fact, the doctors told me that I wouldn't play again.

I de fet, clar, jo aquella època era una mica irresponsable,

And in fact, well, I was a bit irresponsible at that time,

encara tinc aquella venia i responsabilitat,

I still have that authority and responsibility,

però me'n recordo que vaig anar a un metge i em diu

but I remember that I went to a doctor and he tells me

«Hauràs de ser dretà».

"You will have to be right-handed."

I li dic «Hòstia, si no puc estirar el colze,

And I say to him, "Damn, if I can't stretch my elbow,

poc d'hoquei saps, no?

You don't know much about hockey, do you?

Perquè si no puc estirar el colze siguin d'esquerrar,

Because if I can't stretch my elbow, it should be left-handed.

al revés seria totalment el contrari».

"the reverse would be totally the opposite."

La meva mare ja m'ha fotut uns crits, encara me'n recordo.

My mother has already yelled at me a few times, I still remember it.

Però sí, m'havien dit que no podia tornar a jugar.

But yes, they had told me that I couldn't play again.

I al final, doncs mira, no l'estiro, però...

And in the end, well look, I don't stretch it, but...

Però bé, encara anem malament.

But well, we are still doing badly.

Marxes amb 14 anys, amb una família a Sant Cugat.

You leave at 14, with a family in Sant Cugat.

Deies, els pares decideixen per mi, no?,

You said, my parents decide for me, right?

que he de fer aquesta etapa a Barcelona.

I have to do this stage in Barcelona.

Com és marxar tan jove de casa,

What is it like to leave home so young,

anar-te'n amb una família que no sé si coneixies molt o no?

Are you leaving with a family that I don't know if you knew very well or not?

Com és aquesta etapa?

What is this stage like?

Bueno, conèixer molt no la coneixia.

Well, I didn't know her very well.

Havia coincidit amb ells a la selecció, però és difícil.

I had met them in the national team, but it's difficult.

Amb 14 anys, marxar de casa...

At 14 years old, leaving home...

De fet, els meus pares em van dir, espavilat, entre cometes, no?,

In fact, my parents told me, smart, in quotes, right?

em van enviar amb la teixa a direcció a Barcelona,

they sent me with the roof towards Barcelona,

em van deixar allà a Passeig de Gràcia.

They left me there at Passeig de Gràcia.

No hi havia ni els túnel fets.

There weren't even the tunnels made.

Em van deixar allà i jo me'n recordo que no hi havia ni internet,

They left me there and I remember that there was no internet.

no hi havia res.

there was nothing.

Trucava la meva mare i li deia cap on he d'anar,

My mother was calling me and telling me where I had to go,

perquè havia d'anar a Passeig de Gràcia de Pau Clarís

because I had to go to Passeig de Gràcia from Pau Clarís

fins a plaça Catalunya a buscar un ferro.

to Plaça Catalunya to get an iron.

I em diu, tu vés direcció al mar.

He tells me, you go towards the sea.

Me'n recordaré sempre.

I will always remember it.

I dic, mama, estic a Passeig de Gràcia aquí,

I'm saying, mom, I'm at Passeig de Gràcia here,

que no hi he vingut mai a la meva vida.

that I have never been here in my life.

Ara m'he d'anar fins allà.

Now I have to go over there.

Va ser complicat, però aquella família era una família espectacular.

It was complicated, but that family was an amazing family.

De fet, avui en dia encara m'hi porto molt bé.

In fact, nowadays I still get along very well with it.

Sí que és veritat que no tinc el contacte que m'agradaria tenir-hi,

It is true that I don’t have the contact that I would like to have.

però perquè els anys passen per tothom i la gent creix.

but because the years pass for everyone and people grow.

Em van acollir com a casa i després va ser el primer any allà

They welcomed me like family and then it was the first year there.

i després ja, per sort o mala sort,

and then, fortunately or unfortunately,

també ells tenien la seva vida i jo m'havia de fer la meva

they also had their lives and I had to make my own

i després a partir d'allà me'n vaig a una residència i canvi, i tot.

and then from there I go to a residence and change, and everything.

Va ser dur, aquells primers mesos fora de casa?

Was it hard, those first few months away from home?



Jo mira que soc una persona molt oberta,

I see that I am a very open person,

però me'n recordo el primer dia de col·le

but I remember the first day of school

i, clar, jo pareixo un col·le de Sant Cugat,

Yes, of course, I look like a school in Sant Cugat.

que no coneixia ningú, que la gent parlava diferent.

that I didn't know anyone, that people spoke differently.

La gent s'enreia del meu exemple.

People laughed at my example.

Ja me'n recordo que a mitja classe, només de començar,

I remember that halfway through the class, just as it was starting,

vaig dir no sé què, pas, i vaig acabar amb el pas.

I said I don’t know what, step, and I ended up with the step.

I tothom va començar a riure i vaig pensar en Verge Santa.

And everyone started to laugh and I thought to myself, Holy Virgin.

Recordo perfectament del primer dia perquè,

I remember perfectly the first day because,

clar, les dues primeres hores estava allà

Of course, I was there for the first two hours.

i jo que no sabia on estava, no coneixia ningú, ningú,

and I, who didn't know where I was, didn't know anyone, anyone,

tothom mirava amb una mica de cara així, amb incredulitat,

everyone looked a little like this, with disbelief,

i de cop i volta anem a Educació Física, no sé què,

And all of a sudden we go to Physical Education, I don't know what,

i ja va canviar tot.

And everything changed.

O sigui, després ja vaig entrar super amb la dinàmica de la gent d'allà

So, after that I really got into the dynamics of the people there.

i em vaig fer molt, vaig disfrutar molt aquell any,

and I had a lot of fun, I enjoyed that year a lot,

i amb la família també, tenia molts amics allà,

And with the family too, I had many friends there.

que després encara vam seguir, però vaig estar un any i després ja vaig marxar.

that later we still continued, but I stayed for a year and then I left.

Penses que el ser tan jove potser et va ajudar aquesta integració?

Do you think being so young might have helped you with this integration?

Potser ets menys conscient del que passa i t'és més fàcil,

Perhaps you are less aware of what is happening and it is easier for you,

o de gran potser t'hauria sigut més fàcil?

Or perhaps it would have been easier for you?

Jo crec que ets més innocent i és més fàcil.

I think you are more innocent and it is easier.

De gran depèn de la personalitat, però crec que amb aquesta edat

It largely depends on the personality, but I believe that at this age

és fàcil que tothom s'ajudi entre tots.

It is easy for everyone to help each other.

A partir de primer de batxillerat potser la gent ja és més, entre cometes,

From the first year of high school, perhaps people are more, in quotes,

no sé si dir-ho així, classista, no?, i que la gent ja distingeix més,

I don't know if I should say it like this, classist, right? And that people can distinguish more now.

però quan ets tan petit crec que la gent és molt innocent

but when you are so small I think people are very innocent

i a partir d'aquí doncs ja és molt, molt més a mètod.

And from here on, it is much, much more about method.

Va ser una bona decisió, no, doncs?

It was a good decision, wasn't it?



Piquem en veu baixa, que no em senti la mare, però sí, sí.

Let's whisper so my mother doesn't hear me, but yes, yes.

Entrenes i competeixes amb el Barça. Era un somni?

You train and compete with Barça. Was it a dream?

Per mi no, perquè nosaltres...

Not for me, because we...

Des d'aquí a Holanda anàvem a veure el Barça.

From here to Holland, we were going to see Barça.

Nosaltres no vèiem el Barça. El Barça no sortia per la tele.

We didn't watch Barça. Barça didn't come on TV.

Sí que era un somni, en el sentit que vas al millor club del món,

It was indeed a dream, in the sense that you go to the best club in the world,

però és que tampoc sabia on em ficava, perquè en aquella època el hockey no és com avui en dia.

but I also didn't know where I was getting into, because at that time hockey wasn't like it is today.

Sí que era un somni, en el sentit que vas al millor club del món, però és que tampoc sabia on em ficava, perquè en aquella època el hockey no és com avui en dia.

Yes, it was a dream, in the sense that you go to the best club in the world, but I also didn't know what I was getting into, because at that time hockey was not like it is today.

Avui en dia es veu a tot arreu. Pots veure tots els partits com sigui allà.

Nowadays, you can see it everywhere. You can watch all the matches however you like there.

Veies... Deixa'm veure Catalunya contra Itàlia Blanes a la Golden Cup d'aquella i ja està

You see... Let me watch Catalunya against Italy Blanes at the Golden Cup of that and that's it.

Però és que la resta, no. Com a ídols no tenia ídols, perquè no arribava.

But the rest, no. As for idols, I didn't have any idols, because I didn't reach that.

Sí que sabia per 보�r Franz, i que sabia per tots aquests, però era molt diferent.

Yes, he knew about Franz, and he knew about all these, but it was very different.

Al final sí que sabia que era el millor club, era el club referent, on anaven tots els millors jugadors en aquella època.

In the end, I did know that it was the best club, it was the reference club, where all the best players went at that time.

Sí que sabia que era el millor club, era el club referent, on anaven tots els millors jugadors en aquella època.

I did know it was the best club, it was the reference club, where all the best players used to go in that era.

de base i de primer equip

of base and of first team

però és que jo estava tan bé aquí

but I was so well here

que no era un somni per mi

that it was not a dream for me

si fos per mi m'havés quedat

If it were up to me, you would have stayed.

però després segurament ja hagués marxat

but then I probably would have already left

potser el tenies més de referent

maybe you had him more as a reference

amb el futbol, no?

with football, right?

sí, total

yes, totally

jo era superfutbolista

I was a super footballer.

i sobretot a mi m'agradava molt el bàsquet

And above all, I really liked basketball.

i avui en dia encara

and nowadays still

el bàsquet crec que quasi és l'esport

I think basketball is almost the sport.

després de l'hoquei

after hockey

que segueixo més

that I follow more

i jo a mi aquí

and me here

quan jugava aquí a Olot jugava bàsquet

when I played basketball here in Olot

i el meu pare també un dia em va dir

And my father also told me one day.

escolta, has de fer un esport quan passades a primer d'ESO

Listen, you have to do a sport when you start first year of secondary school.

i jo li vaig dir, hòstia vull fer bàsquet

And I told him, damn I want to play basketball.

i em va dir, no, farem hockey

And he said to me, no, we will play hockey.

i vaig dir, doncs mira, ha anat bé també

I said, well look, it went well too.

però a mi m'agradava molt el bàsquet

but I really liked basketball

i era més com a referent el futbol del Barça

and it was more as a reference the football of Barça

jo en aquella època no hi havia

I was not there at that time.

no hi havia referent d'hoquei

there was no reference to hockey

en aquest sentit

in this sense

a nivell d'entrenaments què canvia

What changes at the training level?

quan entres a jugar al Barça

when do you start playing for Barça

o de competir a l'hora de competir

or to compete when it comes to competing

a l'hora d'entrenar

at training time

canvia molt

changes a lot

a nivell tècnic canvia, però a nivell tàctic canvia moltíssim

At a technical level it changes, but at a tactical level it changes a lot.

aquí a Olot, clar

here in Olot, of course

guanyaves perquè tenies més qualitat

you won because you had more quality

tenies ordre, però

you had an order, but

no tenies l'ordre tàctic que tenien en aquella època allà

you didn't have the tactical order that they had back then there

totes les posicions

all positions

et fan aprendre les posicions amb números

they make you learn the positions with numbers

et fan no sé què, hem de jugar a través de nou

they do something to you, we have to play through again

hem de jugar a través de la porteria

we have to play through the goal

aquí era diferent, aquí era tallar, bloquejar, seguir

here it was different, here it was cut, block, continue

obrir pista perquè

open track for

el Marc se la jugui

Marc is taking a risk.

l'Oleg se la jugui

Oleg is taking a risk.

l'Adrià colla carrera

Adrià joins the race.

no molesti gaire i estigui per allà

don't bother too much and stay over there



canvia molt, a nivell tàctic canvia moltíssim

it changes a lot, at a tactical level it changes a lot.

i aquí és com comences a créixer

And this is how you start to grow.

i crec que tots els jugadors que han passat

I believe that all the players who have passed.

ara, no ho tinc tan dominat

Now, I don't have it so under control.

tota la base del Barça d'aquella època

the entire Barça base of that time

a nivell tàctic avui en dia són jugadors

At a tactical level, nowadays they are players.

que encara dominen molt

that still dominate a lot

i això crec que és la diferència

and I think that is the difference

a altres clubs que potser no t'ensenyen tant a nivell tàctic

to other clubs that may not teach you as much at a tactical level

Comentaves que va marxar al Barça

You mentioned that he left for Barça.

també amb l'Oleg Forment

also with Oleg Forment

l'Oleg era de Camp de Bànol, va estar unes temporades jugant a Quiló

Oleg was from Camp de Bànol, he spent some time playing in Quiló.

també amb aquest equip que vau quedar campions

also with this team that you became champions


of Spain

ell no hi va estar tants anys com tu, si no recordo malament

He wasn't there as many years as you were, if I remember correctly.

no sé si compartíeu

I don't know if you shared.

aquestes sensacions d'ostres

these oyster sensations

potser no hauríem d'haver marxat

maybe we shouldn't have left

o potser si hem pres una bona decisió

or perhaps we have made a good decision

éreu joves, però no sé si compartíeu aquestes sensacions

You were young, but I don't know if you shared these feelings.

Ell va venir un any més tard que jo

He came a year later than I did.

i marxar

and leave

no t'ho sabria dir

I couldn't tell you.

perquè jo en aquella època quan ell ja estava

because at that time when he was already there

també al júnior i així

also to the junior and so on

jo anava més amb el primer equip

I used to go more with the first team.

o canviava i no coincidíem tant

or I would change and we wouldn't coincide so much

sí que és veritat que nosaltres el primer any que jo vaig

yes, it is true that the first year I went

tenim 4 jugadors de primer any

we have 4 first-year players

no, 4 jugadors de segon any i 3 de primer

no, 4 second-year players and 3 first-year players

i els 4 jugadors de primer any

and the 4 first-year players

eren els titulars, el que seguien tot

they were the headlines, what they followed all

després el segon any que ve l'Oleg

after the second year Oleg will come

clar, érem 5 de la mateixa saga

Of course, we were 5 from the same saga.

i l'Oleg moltes vegades quedava una mica

And Oleg often stayed a bit.

despenjat en el sentit que en comptes de jugar

"detached in the sense that instead of playing"

30 minuts en jugava 20

30 minutes played 20.

i ell ho notava, l'Oleg era un jugador que

and he could tell, Oleg was a player who

que era molt bo

that it was very good

però també és que ficava molt amb aquestes coses

but it's also that I got really into those things

va estar molts anys també

he was also many years

amb Barça, ho va guanyar tot

with Barça, he won everything

però potser l'Oleg

but maybe Oleg

crec que, no sé si et diria

I think that, I don't know if I would tell you.

que no repetiria d'anar-hi

that I wouldn't repeat going there

però li va costar una miqueta més

but it cost him a little more

però l'Oleg

but Oleg

no se'l va veure mai

he was never seen again

potser els primers anys sí

maybe the first few years yes

però els últims anys no se'l veia tan feliç

but in recent years he didn't seem so happy.

era com més obligat

it was more forced

però era un tio super competitiu

but he was a super competitive guy

i és un tio de puta mare

And he's an awesome guy.

et generen expectatives

they generate expectations

quan comences a jugar al Barça?

When do you start playing for Barça?

de futur, parlo

I speak of the future.

no, no, et generen expectatives

No, no, they create expectations for you.

la gent

the people

clar, en aquella època

of course, at that time

tot i que teníem un equip que guanyàvem tot

even though we had a team that won everything

és això, crec que

it is this, I think that

en 8 anys el meu equip perd

in 8 years my team loses

bueno, 8 anys no, 6 anys o 5 anys

well, not 8 years, 6 years or 5 years

perdem un partit

we lose a match

o sigui, era

that is, it was

un campionat de Catalunya i només perdem un partit a la final

a championship of Catalonia and we only lose one match in the final

els de la meva edat

those of my age

amb els altres anys ja havíem perdut més

In previous years, we had already lost more.

però sí que és veritat que va ser

but it is true that it was

algú fora de sèrie

someone out of the ordinary

les expectatives te'ls creen els altres

Expectations are created by others.

perquè vas amb la selecció

why are you with the team

ens vas no sé què, no sé quantos

you did something, I don’t know what, I don’t know how many

i cada any tens l'obligació de guanyar

And every year you have the obligation to win.

i cada any

and every year

sí que es parlava molt en aquella època de mi

Yes, they talked a lot about me at that time.

perquè la veritat és que

because the truth is that

en aquella època teníem un equip molt bo

At that time, we had a very good team.

però jo destacava bastant

but I stood out quite a bit

te les fiquen els altres

they impose them on you from others

però jo tenia els companys

but I had the companions

i tenia els entrenadors

I had the trainers.

en Francesc Linagres

Francesc Linagres

que és una persona que recordo molt

she is a person that I remember very much

que també quan vaia allà a fer la figura d'en Grabo

that also when I go there to do the figure of Grabo

allà a Barcelona amb mi

there in Barcelona with me

com que jo tampoc tenia la meva família

since I also didn't have my family

no hi havia

there wasn't

hi havia expectatives

there were expectations

però no la notaves tu

but you didn't notice it

érem tan petits

we were so small

que ens ho passàvem tan bé

that we had such a good time

que teníem tant grup

that we had such a group

que no


l'objectiu era anar-s'ho a passar bé

The goal was to have a good time.

no hi havia més enllà

there was nothing beyond

sí, guanyar també

yes, win too

nosaltres anàvem a riure a cada entren

We were going to laugh at every training session.

anàvem al picadero a riure

we were going to the riding school to laugh

anàvem a sec a riure

we were going to dry to laugh

i qualsevol partit era riure

And any match was laughter.

i òbviament havíem de guanyar

and obviously we had to win

no et ficaves en nombre de gols

you weren't focused on the number of goals

però sabies que anaves a jugar un partit

But did you know that you were going to play a game?

i guanyaves 10 gols

and you scored 10 goals

i era així

and it was like this

i en quin moment ets conscient

And at what moment are you aware?

que t'hi pots dedicar

that you can dedicate yourself to

que pots viure d'això

that you can live from this

no sé si en el moment en què estàs competint al Barça

I don't know if at the moment you are competing at Barça.

si tot això arriba més endavant

if all this comes later

sí, sí, sí

yes, yes, yes

i això arriba quan segurament

and this comes when surely

després de passar dos anys a la base

after spending two years at the base

els meus dos primers anys

my first two years

anem a jugar al Mundial

let's go play in the World Cup

a Junior

a Junior

a Barcelos

to Barcelos

que guanyem

what we win

i jo jugava amb jugadors de dos anys més

And I played with players two years older.

i faig molt bé, faig gols al final

I'm doing very well, I score goals at the end.

i allà és quan ja havia de votar

and that is when I had to vote already

amb el primer equip del Barça

with the first team of Barça

a Copa d'Europa

the European Cup

però no havia entrat en dinàmica

but I hadn't gotten into the dynamic

anava entrenat en tant, molt esporàticament

I was training in that way, very sporadically.

però a partir d'allà sí que

but from there on yes

em criden i jo i en Xavi Barroso

They call me and Xavi Barroso.

coincidim i fem tot l'any amb el Barça

we coincide and spend the whole year with Barcelona

a partir d'allà sí que

from there yes that

el primer any no tenim contracte

the first year we don't have a contract

i després ens fan contracte

And then they give us a contract.

i a partir d'allà ja dius

And from there you say.

això és sèrio

this is serious

fa por?

Does it scare you?

és que no

it's just that no



avui en dia ha canviat molt tot

Nowadays, everything has changed a lot.

crec que avui en dia

I believe that nowadays

es professionalitza molt més

it becomes much more professional

abans no

before no

perquè és que ens ho vam passar tan bé

because we had such a great time

ens ho vam passar tan bé

we had such a good time

que la gent t'acollia tan bé

that people welcomed you so well

i hi havia tan bon grup humà

and there was such a good human group

també dins del primer equip

also within the first team

que estaves allà i anaves a entrenar

that you were there and going to train

no sé, per nosaltres

I don't know, for us.

no era de feina

it wasn't for work

era anar-s'ho a passar bé

it was to have a good time

després quan passes a sentir que és feina

Later when you start to feel that it is work.

que hi ha hagut trams a la meva vida

that there have been stages in my life

que he notat que passes a

that I have noticed that you go to

o que som més feixos

or that we are more bundles

que penses

What do you think?

hòstia, ara he d'entrenar

Holy shit, now I have to train.

aquí és quan comences a descarrilar-te

this is where you start to derail

que no vas bé en el sentit esportiu

that you are not doing well in the sporting sense



i en aquest sentit

and in this regard

quasi sempre m'ho he après

I have almost always learned it.

o m'ho he intentat prendre sempre

or I have always tried to take it

de la manera

in the way

de disfrutar

to enjoy

però sí que a vegades hi ha moments feixucs

but there are indeed times that are heavy-going



que són durs

that they are hard

i en aquest sentit doncs sí

and in this sense then yes

s'acaba l'etapa al Barça

the stage at Barça is over

i te'n vas cedit a Noia i Manlleu

and you are going on loan to Noia and Manlleu

com és aquest final d'etapa?

What is this stage ending like?

al Barça

to Barça

complicat perquè

complicated because

canvien l'entrenador

They are changing the coach.

de Can Barça

from Can Barça

em fiquen en un altre

they put me in another one

jo el primer entrenador que tenia

I the first coach I had.

confiava molt en mi

he trusted me a lot

canvien i l'altre deixa de confiar en mi

they change and the other stops trusting me

jo jugava cada partit

I played every match.

amb el primer equip

with the first team

i a partir d'aquí deixen

and from here they leave

no jugava molts minuts

he didn't play many minutes

jugava pocs minuts

he played few minutes

però jugava

but he/she was playing

recordo que jo sigui en juvenil

I remember that I was in youth.

vaig a Reus

I'm going to Reus.

a jugar

let's play

vaig a Vic

I'm going to Vic.

marco inclús aquestes pistes

I even included these hints.

que eren les pistes

what the clues were

de rivalitat forta

of strong rivalry

però després canvio l'entrenador

but then I change the coach

i canvia tot

and everything changes

em vaig cedit al Noia

I gave up to the girl.

passa un any espectacular

have a spectacular year

guanyem la CERS

we win the CERS



el Noia volia que seguís

the girl wanted me to continue

jo portava molts anys fora de casa

I had been away from home for many years.

i notava que volia tornar a casa

I felt that I wanted to go home.

vaig venir aquí a Manlleu

I came here to Manlleu.

vaig passar dos anys

I spent two years.

i ja està

and that's it

es va acabar

it ended

crec que

I believe that

era el moment d'acabar-se

it was time to end

sí que és veritat que

it is true that

jo durant aquests anys

me during these years

que estic aquí

that I am here

he accedit

I have accessed

no noto

I don't notice.

recolzament per part del club

support from the club

perquè a mi ningú em truca en cap moment

because no one ever calls me

quan se m'acaba el contracte

when does my contract end

ningú em truca

nobody calls me

i pensava

I thought

la gent que ja potser no

the people who perhaps no longer

a part que no em vol

apart from not wanting me

que ja es veia venir

that was already to be expected

no li importo

I don't matter to him/her.



crec que

I believe that

l'estructura avui en dia

the structure nowadays

ha canviat totalment

has totally changed

però en aquella època

but at that time

em van deixar una mica de banda

they left me a bit aside

i crec que

I believe that

no s'hi retrec res

there is nothing to be reproached about

ni molt menys

far from it

m'han format

they have formatted me

i són la base

and they are the foundation

del que avui sóc en dia

of what I am today

però sí que és veritat

but it is true



quan se m'acaba l'època

when does my time end

vaig notar que

I noticed that



jo no deixava de ser un xaval

I was still just a kid.

tenia 19 anys

I was 19 years old.

18 anys

18 years

no deixava de ser un nano

he was still just a kid



i aquí doncs

and here then

em faltava

I was missing.



ni que et diguin de tant en tant

nor let them tell you from time to time

un truc

a trick

i et diguin

and they tell you

com estàs

How are you?

primer any o no ja sí

first year or not already yes

després quan em vaig a Matlleu

later when I go to Matlleu



s'acaba tot

everything ends



i s'acaba el cicle

the cycle is ending

marxes amb

you leave with

un mal regust de boca

a bad taste in the mouth

un tancament potser

a closure perhaps



que no fa justícia

that does not do justice

els anys que havies passat

the years you had spent

que deies que

what you said that

que t'ho havies passat molt i molt bé

that you had a really great time



un mal regust de boca

a bad taste in the mouth

potser sí

maybe yes

en aquest sentit

in this sense



amb la gent que hi havia

with the people who were there



perquè no

why not

no vaig tenir contacte amb ningú

I did not have contact with anyone.

i perquè m'ho vaig passar molt bé allà

And because I had a great time there.

i han sigut

and have been

potser els millors anys de la meva vida

perhaps the best years of my life





em va costar

it was difficult for me

sí, sí

yes, yes

després vinc aquí

then I come here

i és un altre món

and it's another world



quan surts del Barça

when you leave Barça

és un altre món

it's another world

no trobes el món enlloc

you don't find the world anywhere



però sí que

but yes that

vaig marxar

I left.

amb una mica de mal regust

with a bit of a bad aftertaste

sí, sí

yes, yes

des d'aquells moments

since those moments

però des del principi

but from the beginning

que comentaves

what you were saying

que tens el primer contracte

that you have the first contract

fins a dia d'avui

up to today

has pogut viure

you have been able to live

de l'hoquei Patins

roller hockey

sí, sí

yes, yes

has tingut sort

you've been lucky


sóc dels pocs que he tingut sort

I am one of the few who has been lucky.

però sí

but yes

del primer contracte

of the first contract

que faig allà

What am I doing there?

fins avui en dia

until today



ha sigut així

it has been like this


you finish

les dues temporades

the two seasons

a Manlleu

in Manlleu

i decideixes

and you decide

que has de fer un canvi

that you have to make a change

i te'n vas a

and you are going to

a Itàlia

to Italy

a Bassano

to Bassano

per què Itàlia

why Italy

i per què aquest equip?

And why this team?



ho decideixo jo

I decide it.



volia fer un canvi

I wanted to make a change.

portava dos anys aquí a Olots

I had been here in Olot for two years.

crec que

I think that

ja estava cansat

I was already tired.

necessitava canviar

I needed to change.



i crec que era una bona oportunitat

I think it was a good opportunity.



els canvis

the changes





tot el que se'm posa davant

everything that comes in front of me

doncs em crea expectativa

Well, it creates expectation for me.

i crec que

I believe that

era un club que

it was a club that



quan jo fitxo

when I sign

no estava bé

it wasn't right



de fet

in fact

marxa tot l'equip

the whole team is leaving



fan un equip nou

they are making a new team

però era un equip

but it was a team

amb molta història

with a lot of history

i vaig allà

I go there.

molt content

very happy

em presento allà

I will introduce myself there.

i fem dos anys

and we turn two years old

molt i molt bons

very very good

el primer any

the first year

també fem un any espectacular

we also have a spectacular year



arribem a

we arrive at

la final de la Copa de la Lliga

the League Cup final

arribem a

we arrive at

semifinals de

semifinals of

de playoff

of playoff

amb un equip

with a team

que ningú donava un duro

that no one gave a dime



i la veritat és que

and the truth is that

com a nivell

as at level



va ser espectacular

it was spectacular

avui en dia encara

nowadays still



parlo amb molta gent

I talk to a lot of people.


from there

parlo perfectament

I speak perfectly.


the Italian

que això

that this

sí que és veritat

yes, it is true

que les llengües

that languages

s'entenen bé

they understand each other well

però l'italià és

but Italian is

o sigui

that is to say

parlo millor l'italià

I speak Italian better.

que el castellà

that the Spanish

100% segur

100% sure



i encara vaig parlant

and I still keep talking

de fet l'altre dia

in fact the other day

em vaig trucar

I called myself.

amb un amic d'allà

with a friend from there

i vam estar una hora parlant

and we talked for an hour

i és que

and it is that

tinc vincle

I have a bond.

després de marxar d'allà

after leaving there

i he tornat

I have returned.

dues o tres vegades

two or three times



menys dels que m'agradaria

fewer than I would like



però sí, sí

but yes, yes

va ser espectacular

it was spectacular

marxes perquè no tens ofertes

You leave because you don't have offers.

o marxes com a repte

either you leave as a challenge

personal de dir

personal to say

necessito alguna cosa més

I need something else.

necessito anar a veure

I need to go see.

com és el que hi patins fora

how is it like to skate outside

viure una experiència

to live an experience

també a nivell personal

also on a personal level

no, marxo per

no, I'm leaving for

per veure una experiència

to see an experience

de fet

in fact

el meu entrenador actual

my current coach

en Jordi


sempre em deia que

he always told me that

ell era entrenador a Vilafranca

He was a coach in Vilafranca.

em trucava cada any

he called me every year

em trucava a Voltregà

he was calling me in Voltregà

em trucava

she was calling me

no sé

I don't know.

ara potser

maybe now

no sé si coincideixen

I don't know if they match.

els anys aquests així

those years like this

però més o menys

but more or less



era aquell any

it was that year


I am leaving.



volia un canvi

I wanted a change.


I wanted.


to grow



viure sol

live alone



no tenir estrès

not to be stressed

va ser complicat

it was complicated



però m'ho vaig passar tan bé

but I had so much fun



ja vaig disfrutar tant

I already enjoyed so much.

que a partir d'allà

that from there

jo crec que

I believe that

ha sigut el canvi de xip

it has been the change of mindset


of a strike



passa-t'ho bé

have fun



pots viure d'això

you can live off this


take care

quan vaig allà

when I go there

me'n recordo que

I remember that

vinc de Matlleu

I come from Matlleu.



portava uns anys aquí a casa

I had been here at home for a few years.

que no era

that it was not

de lo millor

of the best

i vaig allà

I go there.

i me'n recordo

and I remember it

que m'aprimo

I'm getting thinner.

em fico

I get in.

amb un bon to

with a good tone

i després allà

and then there

tot va rodat

everything went smoothly

i va ser en dos anys

It was in two years.

això com deia el meu germà

this, as my brother said

també era espectacular

it was also spectacular

et fas més gran potser

you might be getting older


no m'has sortit del bigoti encara

you haven't come out of the mustache yet



sí que és veritat

yes, it is true

que sortir de casa

to leave home

et corteix més

it cuts you more

t'has d'espavilar

You need to get your act together.

tu has de fer tot

You have to do everything.

tu has de faltar la gent

you have to miss the people



però la veritat és que

but the truth is that

venia gent

people came

venia la família

the family was coming

aquella època

that time

venia la meva parella

my partner was coming



els meus amics

my friends

o sigui

that is to say

ho vaig passar molt bé

I had a great time.

molt bé

very well

tornes i decideixes

you turn and decide

d'anar cap a Reus

of going towards Reus

que no sé si ho sabies

I don’t know if you knew it.

en aquell moment

at that moment



portes ja

you are already

5-6 temporades

5-6 seasons


aquesta és la sisena temporada

this is the sixth season

o no decideixo anar a Reus

I either decide not to go to Reus.

no decideixo anar a Reus

I decide not to go to Reus.



a veure com va això

let's see how this goes

em fitxa a Reus

I am signed in Reus.

jo tenia un any de contracte

I had a one-year contract.

encara a Itàlia

still in Italy

em truquen

they are calling me



i me'n recordo

and I remember it

que en Toni Sánchez

that Toni Sánchez

que era el director esportiu

that he was the sporting director

quan em truca

when she/he calls me

això devia ser

this must have been

el desembre




em truca

he/she is calling me

i li dic

and I say to him/her



jo si fos per mi

I, if it were up to me.

fitxaria allà

I would file it there.

i em diu

and he/she tells me

si em dius això

if you tell me this

intentarem fer tot el possible

we will try to do everything possible



aquest any de contracte

this year of contract

que tens a Itàlia

What do you have in Italy?



arreglar-ho d'alguna manera

fix it somehow



es va

it's going

es va donar

it was given

vaig acabar fent un any espectacular allà

I ended up having a spectacular year there.

vaig a Reus

I'm going to Reus.



i d'allà

and from there

fins avui en dia

until today

6 temporades

6 seasons

sisena temporada a Reus

sixth season in Reus



i encara no hi ha 3 més

and there are still not 3 more

què et dóna Reus

what does Reus give you

per decidir

to decide

que te'n vas cap allà

that you are going over there

quan tornes

when do you return

primer de tot

first of all

quan et truca al Reus

when Reus calls you


it is



una història

a story

el segon equip

the second team


of Europe

que té més copes d'Europa

that has the most European Cups

entrem al vestidor

let's go into the dressing room

i tenim totes les copes allà pintades

And we have all the cups painted there.

i és en plan

and it's in plan




you know

has de representar

you have to represent

una història

a story

d'un club

of a club

que té més de 125 anys

that is over 125 years old



i que

and that

i que bueno

and how good

que és

what is it

és una cosa que et pica

it's something that itches you

els pèls a punta

the hair on end



és que és això

what is this

amb la història

with the history

et diu tot

it tells you everything

després a partir d'allà

after that from there

és una ciutat

it is a city

que acompanya moltíssim

that accompanies a lot

una ciutat com

a city like

jo la comparo

I compare her.

com Girona

like Girona



inclús una mica més gran

even a little bit bigger

en temes d'habitants

in terms of inhabitants

però és que et dona tot

but it gives you everything

et dona tot

it gives you everything

jo estic molt content d'allà

I am very happy about that.

ara deies que et quedaven

now you said that you were left with

tres temporades

three seasons

encara de contracte

contract form

de fet l'any passat

in fact last year

si no recordo malament

if I remember correctly

o fa dos anys

or two years ago

va ser un tuit

it was a tweet



que et quedaves

that you were staying

i posaves com a casa

and you made it feel like home

en lloc

in place

Reus és casa?

Is Reus home?

Reus és casa

Reus is home.

Reus és

Reus is

és casa

it's a house

jo crec que

I believe that



com a ciutat

as a city

com a companys

as comrades

com a clima

as a climate

com a club

as a club


above all

com a aficionats

as fans

m'ho ha donat tot

he has given me everything

i Reus

and Reus

és casa

it's home

no sé on viurem

I don't know where we will live.

en un futur

in the future

però si

but yes

si hagués de ficar

if I had to put in

tres llocs

three places

un seria Reus

one would be Reus

i els altres dos?

And the other two?





i l'altre

and the other

estaria entre

it would be among







la temporada passada

last season



et va

it goes to you

el seleccionador espanyol

the Spanish coach

et va convocar

he/she called you

a última hora

at the last minute

vas entrar

you went in

a la convocatòria

to the call

pel Mundial d'hoquei petits

for the small hockey World Cup

que es disputava

that was being disputed

a l'Argentina

to Argentina

et va sorprendre

it surprised you

aquella trucada

that call

d'última hora

breaking news

perquè no eres

because you weren't

dels 10 seleccionats

of the 10 selected

i va haver una lesió

and there was an injury

d'última hora

breaking news

i vas entrar a tu

and you entered.


em va sorprendre

it surprised me

jo havia parlat amb ell

I had spoken with him.



que estava dins

that was inside

d'un grup

of a group

de potser 12 jugadors

of perhaps 12 players

o algo així

or something like that





em va trucar

he called me

i em va dir

and he/she told me

que no comptava amb mi

that did not count on me

que ho sentia molt

that I was very sorry



veníem de fer uns anys

we had been doing it for a few years

d'espectacles a Reus

of shows in Reus

eliminem el Barça

let's eliminate Barça

i era un any

and it was a year

que especialment

that especially

ho fem molt bé

we do it very well

estic molt agraït d'ell

I am very grateful to him.

perquè em va trucar

because he/she called me

i m'ho va dir

he told me

no vaig veure

I didn't see.

tres en la llista

three on the list



i tal

and such

em va sorprendre

it surprised me

bueno no

well no

és que la qualitat

it's just that the quality

que hi ha avui en dia

what is there nowadays

és complicada

it's complicated

després quan em truca

after when he calls me

ja sabia que si

I already knew that if.





i anava jo

and I was going

i a partir d'aquí

and from here on

per mala sort


va caure un jugador lesionat

a player fell injured

que després

that after


at that time

es va recuperar

it recovered

també a l'hora del Mundial

also at the time of the World Cup

i vam compartir

and we shared

més o menys

more or less

alguns partits

some parties




em sorprèn

it surprises me

vaig a Argentina

I am going to Argentina.



no és l'ho esperat

it is not what I expected



però bueno

but well

és una experiència

it is an experience

que dius a nivell

what do you say at the level




it is

aquí ja dius

here you already say



potser tan lluny

perhaps so far away

dels millors jugadors

of the best players

tampoc estàs

neither are you



òbviament estàs

obviously you are

un esglaó per sota

one step below



la veritat és que

the truth is that

aquí ja

here already

és el punt que dius

it's the point you say





és un orgull

it is a pride


sí sí

yes yes

i em

and me

jo estic molt content

I am very happy.

d'haver guanyat

of having won

una selecció espanyola

a Spanish national team

un campionat d'Europa

a European championship

no et diré que no

I won't tell you no.

és el que hi ha

it is what it is



i a més

and moreover

era una plantilla

it was a template




they would overcome



em sembla que érem

I think we were

nou catalans

new Catalans

amb en César

with César


Horse chestnut



de Coruña

from Coruña

però jo amb en César

but I with César

parlo català

I speak Catalan.




it is

hagués sigut

it would have been

companyiu de Reus

Company of Reus



era un grup humà

it was a human group



ens ho vam passar

we had a great time





és un orgull

it is a pride

hem repassat una mica

we have reviewed a little bit

tota la teva trajectòria

your entire journey

també amb la selecció espanyola

also with the Spanish national team

no sé si

I don't know if

al llarg d'aquests anys

over the years

hi ha hagut moments

there have been moments

en què has tingut

what have you had

potser més pressió

perhaps more pressure

que d'altres

than others

o que l'has notat

or that you've noticed it

deies que la pressió

you said that the pressure

te la posava a l'entorn

I was putting it in the environment.

però independentment

but regardless

si te la poses

if you put it on

tu o te la poses

you or you put it on yourself

a l'entorn

in the environment

al llarg d'aquesta trajectòria

throughout this journey

Marc ara tens 29 anys

Marc, now you are 29 years old.

hi ha moments

there are moments

que la notes

that you feel it

que la notes més

that you feel it more

i et pesa

and it weighs you down


jo crec que

I think that

l'any que em dic

the year that I am called

amb més pressió

with more pressure

a nivell de club i tot

at the club level and everything

és aquest d'aquest any

it's this one from this year

es criden

they call each other

les expectatives

the expectations


of the team





la gent et demana

people ask you

que guanyis coses

that you gain things



s'han d'intentar

they must be attempted

guanyar tot el possible

win as much as possible

tens uns clubs

you have some clubs

a davant

in front

que són

what are

molt i molt bons

very very good

crec que el que lliga

I think that what ties.

és una lliga

it is a league


super competitive

tothom parla de Portugal

everyone is talking about Portugal

i tal

and so on

però crec que

but I think that

si el Barça anés allà

if Barça went there

jo crec que guanyaria

I believe that I would win.

cada any la lliga

every year the league

així està clar

that is clear

ara ho dic

now I'm saying it

aquesta setmana

this week

acabé de perdre 4-1

I just lost 4-1.

contra l'Esporting

against Sporting

però vull dir

but I mean

és una lliga

it is a league



tothom pot guanyar

everyone can win

contra tothom

against everyone

el Barça


va a ribes

goes to ribes

i empata

and ties

és una lliga

it's a league

molt competitiva

very competitive

i aquest any

and this year

fent fitxatges

making signings

ja amb la base

already with the base

que portàvem

that we were wearing

que era molt bona

that it was very good

fent fitxatges

making signings

amb nom

with name

crec que

I believe that

es criden

they call each other

les expectatives

the expectations





són complicades

they are complicated

i comencem

and we begin

perdent la semifinal

losing the semifinal

de la Supercopa

of the Super Cup

aquest any

this year

contra el Liceu

against the Liceu

a casa

at home

ja comencem

we already begin

la lliga

the league

així és una mica

that's a bit how it is

més regular

more regular





és un any

it is a year



després també veníem

then we also came

de tot l'estiu

of the whole summer

de l'Europeu

of the European

nosaltres a entrenar

we are training

que érem 4 jugadors

that we were 4 players

que entrenavem

that we trained

vam tenir 2 setmanes

we had 2 weeks

a l'estiu

in the summer

per descansar

to rest

s'ha d'acumular tot

everything must be accumulated

ha sigut un any

it has been a year



a nivell d'equip

at team level

i a nivell personal

and on a personal level

però crec que

but I think that

ara mateix

right now

l'altre dia

the other day

sí que partem

yes, we do depart

quarts de final


contra el Barça

against Barça

3 a 1

3 to 1

a la Copa del Rei

in the King's Cup

però crec que

but I think that

plantem cara

we stand up

de fet

in fact

mirant estadístiques

looking at statistics

veus que

you see that

arribem més vegades

we arrive more times

a porteria que ells

a goal that they

que el seu porter

that your keeper

ha hagut de parar

he has had to stop

moltes més pilotes

many more balls

que el nostre

that our

i crec que estem

and I think we are

en un moment

in a moment

de temporada

in season

molt i molt bo

very, very good

i un nivell

and a level

tàctic, tècnic

tactical, technical



però un nivell físic

but a physical level

sobretot que estem

above all that we are

super bé

super good

els últims resultats

the latest results

de la lliga

of the league

han anat molt i molt bé

they have gone very, very well



ara seguim

now we continue

la setmana que ve

next week

però crec que

but I think that

ara estem en un moment

now we are at a moment

que estem

that we are

amb la fletxa cap amunt

with the arrow pointing up

i això

and this



és guai

it's cool

Com es gestiona

How is it managed?

aquesta pressió

this pressure

en aquests moments?

at this moment?

És molt complicat

It's very complicated.



perds partits

you lose matches

perds punts

you lose points

perds tot

you lose everything

l'afició es decepciona

the fans are disappointed

dins del club

inside the club

és complicat

it's complicated

o sigui

that is to say

és veritat

it's true

que sempre ens recolzem

that we always support each other

però sobre aquest any

but about this year

tenim un equip

we have a team

que som nous jugadors

that we are new players



una de cada

one of each

es convocat

is convened

de cop i volta


apareix un jugador

a player appears

de la base

from the base

que es diu

what is it called

que hi ha en Gensac

What is in Gensac?

que és un jugadoràs

What is a player?

o sigui

that is to say

ja t'ho dic jo

I'll tell you so.

des d'aquí

from here

és un jugador

he is a player

amb un futur

with a future



que també s'ha incorporat

that has also been incorporated

dins d'això

within this

això vol dir

this means

que n'hem de quedar

we have to stay here

dos fora

two outside

a nivell d'equip

at the team level

és molt difícil

it is very difficult

de gestionar

to manage



saps que hi ha

do you know that there is

potser 5-6 jugadors

maybe 5-6 players

que sempre aniran convocats

that will always be called up

i els altres

and the others

poden ballar

they can dance



per l'entrenador

for the coach

encara ho és

it still is

més de complicat

more complicated

crec que

I believe that


the coach

se li ha ficat

has gotten into it



entre cometes

in quotation marks

un papelón

a mess

a sobre

a sobre - in an envelope

que és molt

that is very

molt difícil

very difficult



crec que s'està gestionant

I believe it is being managed.

molt millor

much better

que al principi

that at the beginning



és molt difícil

it's very difficult

i la pressió

and the pressure

te la menges

you eat it

de totes maneres

in any case

perds punts

you lose points

com això que deia

with what I was saying

la ciutat

the city

se't tira a sobre

it's on top of you

els aficionats

the fans

els has de veure

you have to see them

cada cap de setmana

every weekend

i a sobre

and above

les veus pel carrer

you hear the voices on the street

la gent pel carrer

people in the street

et diu

it tells you

hòstia que aneu malament

Holy crap, you’re doing badly.

no sé què

I don't know what.

i al final

and in the end

no pots treure ni el cap

you can't even stick your head out



ara és això que et deia

now is this what I was telling you

estem a una

we are at one

molt bona dinàmica

very good dynamic



per sort


s'ha revertit

it has been reversed

és sacrificat

he is sacrificed

ser jugador professional

to be a professional player



hi ha algun moment

is there any moment

que dius

What are you saying?



potser hauria d'haver optat

maybe I should have opted

per un altre camí

on another path



a mi el que

what I

realment em toca més

it really touches me more

els pebrots

the peppers

és que

it's that

els meus amics

my friends

els meus companys

my companions

la meva família

my family

tenen els dissabtes

they have on Saturdays

i els diumenges lliures

and the free Sundays

i jo fa

and I do

des dels 3 anys

from the age of 3

que no tinc un dissabte

that I don't have a Saturday

i un diumenge lliure

and a free Sunday

si no és un

if it's not one

cap de setmana festiu

holiday weekend

i això

and this

em toca els pebrots

it gets on my nerves

si hagués de tornar

if I had to come back

a començar

to start

la vida


no sé si

I don't know if

segurament sí

probably yes

diria que

I would say that

un 70%

about 70%

segurament sí

probably yes

però si

but yes



també m'agradaria

I would also like.

fer altres coses

do other things

suposo que després

I suppose that afterwards.

ja es faran en un futur

they will be done in the future



he sacrificat

I have sacrificed.

a nivell

at a level







i tot

and everything

però clar

but of course

no treballes

you don't work

8 hores al dia

8 hours a day


you work



anem a entrenar

let's go training

a les 10 del matí

at 10 in the morning

i a les 2

and at 2 o'clock

estem a casa

we are at home



i puc fer migdiada

I can take a nap.


you know

si vols a la tarda

if you want in the afternoon

hi tornes a anar

Are you going again?

després pots anar als fisios

afterwards you can go to the physios

pots fer tot el que

you can do anything you


you have

i et fiques

and you get involved

un abast

a scope

al costat

next to

molt heavy

very heavy



he sacrificat

I have sacrificed.

per unes coses

for some things

però és

but it is

crec que la part gratificant

I believe that the rewarding part

és molt més gran

it is much bigger

en aquest sentit

in this regard

tens 29 anys

you are 29 years old

aquest any

this year

si no m'equivoco

if I'm not mistaken

en faràs 30

you will turn 30

no sé si

I don't know if

has començat a pensar

have you started to think

que això algun dia

that this someday


it will end

o encara no has arribat

or have you not arrived yet

a aquest punt

at this point

es pensa

he/she thinks

però no

but no

no hi vull arribar

I don't want to get there.

ara encara

now still

crec que tinc

I think I have

encara anys bons

still good years



i al futur

and in the future

ja es veurà

we'll see

però crec que

but I think that

ara mateix

right now

no hi penso

I don't think about it.



perquè estic

because I am

molt content

very happy

amb el que estic fent

with what I am doing

i crec que encara tinc

I believe I still have.

encara que em faci 30

even if I turn 30

crec que me'n queden

I think I have some left.

molts de bons

many good ones

avui en dia


es pot allargar

it can be extended

molt més

much more

del que era abans

of what it was before



tots els del meu equip

all the members of my team

em diuen

they call me

que foto cara juvenil

What a youthful face photo!

així que encara

so still

puc anar

can I go



i anar fent contractes

and keep making contracts



no hi penso

I don't think about it.

ara mateix

right now

no hi penses

don't think about it

en Pol feia la broma

Pol was joking.

que deia del batxillerat social

what he said about the social baccalaureate

i que

and that

havies après l'italià

you had learned Italian

no sé si has pensat

I don't know if you've thought.

quin serà el següent pas

what will the next step be

però un cop tot això

but once all this



no ho sé

I don't know.

crec que sempre

I believe that always.

estaré vinculat

I will be linked.

amb el tema

with the topic


of sport

crec que

I believe that


I will have

coses a fer

things to do

tindré temes esportius

I will have sports topics.

en ment

in mind


I will have.



que es compliran

that will be fulfilled



ara mateix

right now



que et penses

What do you think?

projectes al cap

projects in mind

però ara mateix

but right now

no et penses

don't think so

en executar-los

in executing them

sinó que

but rather

ja els executaré

I will execute them already.



inclús abans

even before

d'acabar la carrera

after finishing the degree

però vull

but I want

la carrera esportiva

the sports career



ara mateix

right now

no penso

I don't think.

tant en el que vull ser

as much as I want to be

sinó penso

but I think



en el que puc arribar

in what I can reach

sí potser ara mateix

yes maybe right now

Reus és casa

Reus is home.

Olot què és per tu?

What is Olot to you?



Reus és

Reus is


it is



Olot és

Olot is



el caliu

the warmth



potser seria

maybe it would be


would be

la llar de foc

the fireplace


would be

on va començar tot

where it all began





sempre és

it is always

el recolzament

the support

sempre és el

it is always the




holy shit

avui m'he aixecat

today I got up

i estava al llit de casa

I was in bed at home.

i dic

I say

és que no dormo tan bé

It's just that I don't sleep very well.

com aquí

like here




it is

si Reus és casa

if Reus is home

aquí és

here it is

ho és tot

it is everything

volia acabar així

I wanted to end like this.



t'he de fer una última pregunta

I have to ask you one last question.

perquè te l'he de fer

why do I have to do it for you

et veurem algun dia

We'll see you someday.

amb la samarreta

with the t-shirt

del caiolot

of the caiolot

no ho sé

I don't know.

no estaria malament

it wouldn't be bad

la veritat és que

the truth is that

no ho sé

I don't know.

no sé com acabarà

I don't know how it will end.

la meva carrera esportiva

my sporting career

si la meva carrera esportiva

if my sporting career



per exemple Reus

for example Reus

i em quedo allà

and I stay there

no se'm veurà així

I won't be seen like this.

amb la camiseta

with the t-shirt

de l'Olot

from Olot



més a saber


potser sí

maybe yes

no descarto òbviament

I obviously do not rule out.

com he dit abans

as I said before

viure aquí a Olot

to live here in Olot

estic molt content

I am very happy.

de venir aquí a la ciutat

from coming here to the city

sí que se'm fa una mica petita

it does seem a bit small for me



però té el seu encant

but it has its charm

tan gran

so big



que tot això

that all this

compensa en tot

it compensates in everything

ja ho veurem

we'll see




I would like.

m'agradaria acabar aquí

I would like to finish here.

perquè és

because it is

on vaig començar

where I started

però clar

but of course

depèn molt de

it depends a lot on

al final l'esportiu

the sportsman in the end

10 més 5

10 plus 5

l'última falta directa

the last direct free kick

Marc anem per les 15 preguntes

Marc, let's go for the 15 questions.

un adjectiu que et defineixi

An adjective that defines you.



un referent en l'àmbit esportiu

a reference in the sports field



per millorar el joc

to improve the game

entrenar més

train more

o comunicar-nos millor

or communicate better

comunicar-nos millor

to communicate better with each other

pala o cullera

spoon or shovel



Àngelo Dimoni

Ángel Demonio



Montse Copa Garrinada

Montse Copa Garrinada

Vissarroques a Montolivet

Vissarroques in Montolivet



un referent

a reference

que ha fet

what has he/she/it done

moltes coses

many things

un referent Garrotxi

a Garrotxa reference

el meu germà

my brother

per què el dorsal

why the number on the back

número 15

number 15

perquè des de petit

because since I was little

el vaig agafar

I caught him.



se m'ha quedat aquí

it's stuck here with me

ara venim cap a l'hoquei olot

now we are coming to the hockey in Olot



groga i blava

yellow and blue

o la negra

or the black one

del 40è aniversari del club

of the club's 40th anniversary

groga i blava

yellow and blue

al llarg d'aquests anys

over the years

quin ha estat el moment

what has been the moment

més important

more important

per l'esport per tu

for sport for you

com vaig guanyar l'europeu

how I won the European Championship

defineix hoquei olot

define hockey olot

amb una paraula o frase

with a word or phrase



un sentiment

a feeling

i és

and it is

un sentiment

a feeling


it is

la casa de tothom

the house of everyone

quan pengis els patins

when you take off the skates

jugar amb un equip de veterans

to play with a veterans team

o entrenar a la base

or train at the base

entrenar a la base

train the base

com t'imagines

how do you imagine yourself

l'hoquei olot

Olot hockey

d'aquí 5 anys

in 5 years

a l'hoquei lliga

to hockey league

i 5 anys enrere

and 5 years ago

com te l'imaginaves

how did you imagine it?

a tercera catalana

third Catalan division

acaba la frase

finish the sentence

com que no som els millors

as we are not the best

ficarem dos collons

We'll put in two balls.

moltes gràcies Marc

thank you very much Marc

de res

you're welcome

moltes gràcies Marc

thank you very much Marc

moltes gràcies a tothom

thank you very much to everyone

Fins demà!

See you tomorrow!

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