Capítol 6. El parlar més autèntic

La Comarca d'Olot

De part de bo

Capítol 6. El parlar més autèntic

De part de bo

És ja pintors. Més de 75 anys al vostre servei.

They are already painters. More than 75 years at your service.

L'Abogada. T'oferim un servei de qualitat gràcies a la nostra àmplia experiència

The Lawyer. We offer you a quality service thanks to our extensive experience.

i a l'alta capacitat de servei de les nostres instal·lacions.

and to the high service capacity of our facilities.

A l'Abogada, cuidem la teva roba.

At the Lawyer's, we take care of your clothes.

Frontera Garden. T'assessorem perquè triïs la millor opció per a tot tipus de terreny.

Frontera Garden. We advise you to choose the best option for all types of terrain.

I també, Immobiliària Garrotge Activa, la teva propera allar.

And also, Garrotge Activa Real Estate, your next home.

És aquí. T'ofereixen aquest podcast.

It is here. They offer you this podcast.

Qui lluny va casar, enganyava o enganyava.

Whoever married far away, was deceiving or was being deceived.

De part de bo. Un podcast de l'Aia Bosch.

On behalf of good. A podcast by Aia Bosch.

Després de 5 dilluns anant a mercat, avui canviem el guió per visitar un lloc una mica més tranquil.

After 5 Mondays going to the market, today we change the script to visit a place a little more peaceful.

Marxem del Batibull del Firal per respirar la calma de l'alta Garrotxo.

We leave the chaos of the Firal to breathe the calm of the high Garrotxa.

I a cinc dilluns anem a l'Aia Bosch.

And in five Mondays we are going to The Hague Bosch.

És que aquest és l'últim capítol de la sèrie que vam engegar fa unes setmanes.

This is the last episode of the series that we started a few weeks ago.

Fins avui hem pogut descobrir el parlar de la Garrotxa des de diferents òptiques.

Until today, we have been able to discover the speech of Garrotxa from different perspectives.

Hem pres consciència de com ha canviat entre una àvia i una neta.

We have become aware of how the relationship between a grandmother and a granddaughter has changed.

Hem vist com es pot utilitzar a les xarxes socials a ple segle XXI.

We have seen how social networks can be used in the 21st century.

Ens hem sorprès de l'interès que genera inclús en algunes persones novingudes.

We have been surprised by the interest it generates even in some newcomers.

Ens han explicat com se sent i com es percep des d'un altre parlar.

They have explained to us how it feels and how it is perceived from another way of speaking.

I com no podia ser d'una altra manera, n'hem reflexionat amb els autors del llibre

And as it could not be otherwise, we have reflected on it with the authors of the book.

El parlar de la Garrotxa.

The speech of Garrotxa.

Que Joaquim Monturiol i Eloi Domínguez van fer servir per al seu llibre.

What Joaquim Monturiol and Eloi Domínguez used for their book.

Concretament, va ser en Quim qui va anar a visitar-los més d'una vegada a casa seva.

Specifically, it was Quim who went to visit them more than once at their home.

De les converses al voltant de la taula,

From the conversations around the table,

parlant de la vida, de la feina, del camp, d'històries passades,

talking about life, work, the countryside, past stories,

em va anar rescatant expressions i paraules

he was rescuing expressions and words for me

i també va confirmar més d'una característica sobre el nostre parlar.

and also confirmed more than one feature about our speech.

Avui serem nosaltres qui anirem a parlar-hi,

Today it will be us who will go to talk to him/her.

però sobretot a escoltar-los.

but above all to listen to them.

Fins a casa seva, ens hi ha volgut acompanyar també en Quim.

Until his home, Quim has also wanted to accompany us.

Que vol regalar-los un exemplar del llibre.

He wants to give them a copy of the book.

Va ser precisament arran de l'entrevista amb els autors

It was precisely as a result of the interview with the authors.

que va sortir la idea d'anar a veure els masovers de Can Gustí de Riu.

that came up the idea of going to see the farm workers of Can Gustí de Riu.

Qui millor que ells per escoltar el veritable parlar de la Garrotxa.

Who better than them to listen to the true voice of Garrotxa.

Van néixer a l'Alta Garrotxa i han passat tota la seva vida

They were born in the Alta Garrotxa and have spent their entire life.

i tenen clar que d'allà no es mouen.

And they are clear that they won't move from there.

És casa seva.

It is your house.

El camí fins allà no és fàcil.

The way there is not easy.

Fins i tot ens cal un passi per poder-hi accedir.

We even need a pass to be able to access it.

Però a vegades,

But sometimes,

les històries més interessants són les que s'han d'anar a buscar,

the most interesting stories are the ones that must be sought out,

no pas les que arriben soles.

not the ones that arrive alone.

Hola, Lai, bona nit.

Hello, Lai, good night.

Escolta'm, a veure, això del passi del cotxe ho tinc arreglat.

Listen to me, let’s see, I have sorted out the car pass.

He parlat amb aquesta gent d'allà, però no hi eren

I spoke with those people over there, but they weren't there.

perquè avui operaven el germà d'ells.

because today they were operating on their brother.

Per tant, demà hi tornaré a trucar

Therefore, I will call again tomorrow.

perquè, bueno, teòricament és una operació senzilla.

because, well, theoretically it's a simple operation.

I, bueno, no sé si els dirà bé quin dia,

Well, I don't know if he will tell them which day correctly.

el dimecres a la tarda, però, bueno, demà ho sabré segur.

Wednesday afternoon, but, well, I'll definitely know for sure tomorrow.



De moment, guardeu-s'ho,

For the moment, keep it to yourselves.

t'hi d'aquí un lot més o menys dos quarts de cinc, d'acord?

I'll see you here in about a lot more or less at quarter to five, okay?

A les cinc recollir el passi aquí a Montagut i tirar per munt.

At five o'clock, pick up the pass here in Montagut and head up the mountain.

No hi va haver inconvenient.

There was no inconvenience.

I així, aquell dimecres de març,

And so, that Wednesday in March,

quan en Quim va sortir de treballar,

when Quim finished work,

va passar per la redacció a recollir-me.

he came by the office to pick me up.

Bona nit.

Good night.

Hola, què tal?

Hello, how are you?

Bé, i tu?

Good, and you?

Què, estàs a punt?

What, are you ready?

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Hòstia, falta gent?

Damn, is there a lack of people?

Sí, cap amunt.

Yes, upward.

Doncs au, va, som-hi.

Well, come on, let's go.





Amb el seu 4x4, posem rumb cap a Can Agustí.

With his 4x4, we set course for Can Agustí.

Des de Campaixín, la seu de la comarca,

From Campaixín, the capital of the region,

s'hi arriba aproximadament en 40 minuts.

It takes about 40 minutes to get there.

El trajecte fins allà no es fa llarg,

The journey there isn't long,

i a mig camí fem parada a Montagut.

And halfway we stop at Montagut.

Ara hi tenim un tros, eh?

Now we have a piece, huh?

Quan hi ha?

When is there?

A tres quarts d'hora hi estrem.

In three quarters of an hour, we will be there.

I primer hem de parar a Montagut?

And first, do we have to stop at Montagut?

Anar a la flaca, buscar el passi,

Go to the thin one, look for the pass,

i llavors amunt.

and then up.

Molt bé.

Very good.

De passada, comprem unes quantes ensaïmades

By the way, let's buy a few ensaïmades.

i una mica de coca de sucre.

and a little bit of sugar cake.

Recollit tot el que necessitàvem,

Gathered everything we needed,

ara sí, continuem la ruta.

Now yes, let's continue the route.

Resseguint el Llerc amunt,

Tracing up the Llerc,

arribem a Cedernes.

we arrive at Cedernes.

A partir d'allà, agafem el camí que puja a Sant Aniol.

From there, we take the path that climbs to Sant Aniol.

En Quim, enamorat de l'alta Garrotxa,

In Quim, in love with the high Garrotxa,

m'obliga a fixar-me en tots els raconets que anem passant.

It forces me to pay attention to all the little corners we pass by.

Les coves, les esglésies, els cims...

The caves, the churches, the peaks...

Deixem el pont de Valentí

Let's leave the Valentí bridge.

i l'hostal de Cala Bruta a l'esquerra,

and the hostel of Cala Bruta on the left,

i a la bifurcació següent,

"and at the next fork,"

prenem la pista de la dreta,

we take the right track,

que tot serà un desastre.

that everything will be a disaster.

El pentejant anirà enfilant-nos muntanya amunt.

The cable car will take us up the mountain.

Més endavant, des de la carretera,

Further on, from the road,

albirem l'església de Sant Feliu de Riu,

we glimpse the church of Sant Feliu de Riu,

que ens indica que anem per bon camí.

which indicates that we are on the right track.

Anem tirant.

We are getting by.

Després d'una estona, passem entre mig de boscos,

After some time, we pass through the woods.

que en Quim en fa saber que són castanyers,

that Quim lets me know that they are chestnut trees,

i amagat entre els arbres

and hidden among the trees

veiem algun animaló,

we see an animal,

potser un cavirol,

perhaps a mule

però no som probàbils d'identificar-lo,

but we are not likely to identify him,

perquè està massa lluny.

because it is too far away.

Qui sí que no passa desapercebut en cap moment

Who definitely doesn't go unnoticed at any moment

és l'enorme Puig del Bassagoda,

it is the enormous Puig del Bassagoda,

que s'alça just del davant nostre.

that rises right in front of us.

La ruta ens mena primer a la plana,

The route first takes us to the plain,

convertida ara en casa de turisme rural,

now converted into a rural tourism house,

i al cap de poc hi haurà cangostí.

And soon there will be a cangost.

Durant el trajecte,

During the journey,

aprofito per preguntar a en Quim

I take the opportunity to ask Quim.

més coses sobre els masovers que l'habiten.

more things about the peasants that inhabit it.

I la Dolors venia de quina casa de Talaixó?

And where was Dolors coming from, which house in Talaixó?

De la Masó.

From Masó.

Estat de l'Eclàsia.

State of the Church.

I ells no els de la Quera,

I they are not from La Quera,

que és aquella també emparida,

what is that also sheltered,

que ja no queda res.

that there's nothing left.

Una casa immensa,

An immense house,

semblava un castell.

It looked like a castle.

M'explica que els dos homes es diuen

He tells me that the two men are named.



Joan i Llorenç,

Joan and Llorenç,

i són germans.

and they are brothers.

La Dolors és la dona del primer.

Dolors is the first man's wife.

Ells dos tenen una filla,

The two of them have a daughter.

la Marta,


que va marxar fa temps de la casa,

that left the house a long time ago,

i ara ja té un fill.

And now she already has a son.

Tots tres venien de Talaixó,

All three were coming from Talaixó,

però viuen des de fa més de 40 anys

but they have been living for more than 40 years

en aquesta vall,

in this valley,

cuidant les pastures,

taking care of the pastures,

netejant els voltants,

cleaning the surroundings,

fent que estigui habitada.

making it inhabited.

Ja hi som, no?

We're already there, aren't we?

Sí, ja hi som.

Yes, we are already here.

Mira el Bassagoda,

Look at the Bassagoda,

i el tens.

And you have it.


Come on!



A veure aquesta gent, a veure què.

Let's see these people, let's see what happens.

Deixem el cotxe davant de la casa,

We leave the car in front of the house,

agafem les bosses, el material, la teca i baixem.

We take the bags, the material, the wood, and go down.

De seguida ens trobem en Joan,

Soon we will meet Joan.

que està feinejant a fora.

who is working outside.

Ara ho teniu per aquí?

Do you have it here now?



Ara estem per aquí.

Now we are around here.

Molt bé.

Very well.

No ens hi entrarem.

We won't get involved in it.

Sí, home.

Yes, man.

Ens diu que la Dolors i en Llorenç ja són a dins,

He tells us that Dolors and Llorenç are already inside.

i hi entrem.

and we go in.

Només d'entrar, en Quim els regala el seu llibre,

As soon as he enters, Quim gifts them his book.

i els explica què hi poden trobar a dins.

and explains to them what they can find inside.

Però ja dic, la part de davant sí que no us la mireu,

But I already say, don't look at the front part.

perquè és un rotllo.

because it's a drag.

Això és pels lingüistes i no hi entendreu res.

This is for linguists and you won't understand anything.

Però a partir d'aquí, a partir d'aquí us agradarà, ja ho veureu.

But from here on, from here you'll like it, you'll see.

Llavors explica cada paraula, què vol dir,

Then explain each word, what it means.

com se diu,

how do you say,

que a vegades s'escriu d'una manera, però es diu d'una altra.

that sometimes it is written one way, but it is said another.



Per exemple, la Gutzil es diu Gutzil.

For example, Gutzil is called Gutzil.

El can Agustí es diu Gustí.

The dog Agustí is called Gustí.

I bueno,

And well,

això passa en moltes paraules.

this happens in many words.

Llavors aquí ja diu com s'escriu,

Then here it says how it's written,

que seria Agustí,

what would Agustí be,

però com es diu?

but how do you say it?



La mateixa paraula vindrà 10 vegades

The same word will come 10 times.

i no te la direm moltes vegades.

And we won't tell you many times.

La mateixa, diferent.

The same, different.

Això també pot ser.

This could also be.

Tal com te ve el moment, no la deixes, no, no ho sé.

As the moment comes to you, don't let it go, no, I don't know.

Com raja, no?

Like a fountain, right?

Tal com raja, sí.

As it flows, yes.

I és tal com raja que volem sentir-los parlar,

And it is just as we want to hear them speak,

com ho farien entre ells, fora de micros.

how they would do it among themselves, out of microphones.

No volem que estiguin més pendents de com diuen les paraules,

We do not want them to be more concerned with how the words are said,

que de dir-les.

What to say about them.

Per tant, agafem el consell d'en Quim

Therefore, we take Quim's advice.

i comencem a parlar d'altres coses que no són de llengua.

And we start to talk about other things that are not language-related.

Comencem pel principi.

Let's start from the beginning.

Aquí, ara som a Can Agustí de Riu.

Here, we are now at Can Agustí de Riu.

Vau néixer aquí o, em sembla que no, molt a prop d'aquí?

Did you born here or, I think not, very close to here?

Doncs no, nosaltres vam néixer,

Well no, we were born,

jo vaig néixer a Massa de Talaixà,

I was born in Massa de Talaixà,

allà a tocar a l'Iglésia,

there close to the Church,

no us veu diguis tant,

don't let him/her tell you so much,

i vaig venir cap aquí, que ja tenia 30 anys,

I came here when I was already 30 years old.

i tota la vida,

and all the life,

i llavors vaig anar una mica a col·legi, poc,

And then I went to school a little, not much,

vaig anar a Montogut,

I went to Montogut,

als 10 o 14 anys, 4 anys, vull dir que de poc.

at 10 or 14 years old, 4 years, I mean not much.

I com ho feies llavors?

And how did you do it back then?

Sí, bé, em baixava el meu pare,

Yes, well, my father was coming down.

em venia a acompanyar el dilluns al dematí,

he was going to accompany me on Monday morning,

a Sedernes, i allà venia a l'autocar,

to Sedernes, and there I was coming to the bus,

el taxista de Montogut,

the taxi driver from Montogut,

els venia a buscar cada dia,

he would come to pick them up every day,

vivia allà a la rectoria,

he lived there at the rectory,

que hi havia el meu tio, el germà del meu pare,

that my uncle, my father's brother, was there,

doncs sí, i vivíem allà.

so yes, and we lived there.

Tota la setmana, no?

All week, right?

Tots els de Can Masó,

Everyone from Can Masó,

i anàvem tots d'una colla cap a Montogut.

And we all went as a group to Montogut.

Era una colla de germans, no?

It was a bunch of siblings, wasn’t it?

8 eren ells.

There were eight of them.

Llavors que vinguessin a col·legi

Then they would come to school.

n'hi havia 3 o 4 més.

there were 3 or 4 more.

Llavors devien haver de quedar a treballar a casa.

Then they must have had to stay home to work.

Els dos grans ja havien plegat,

The two big ones had already finished.

i dos de petits encara havien de néixer.

and two of the little ones still had to be born.

Imagina't, quan jo vaig plegar,

Imagine, when I quit,

llavors varen néixer els dos petits.

then the two little ones were born.



No, ara són 7, n'hi ha un que més.

No, now there are 7, there is one more.



Eren 8 de colla.

It was 8 of us in the group.

I on són? On viuen?

And where are they? Where do they live?

Algun viu a Sant Jaume,

Someone lives in Sant Jaume,

no, dos a Sant Jaume,

no, two at Sant Jaume,

un a Montogut,

a Montogut,

i els altres són a Can Masó.

And the others are at Can Masó.

Tots són partits.

All are matches.





Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

I el Llorenç, què?

And what about Llorenç?

El Llorenç, què?

What about Llorenç?

On va néixer?

Where were we born?

On va néixer la quera.

We were born here.

Era a veïns.

It was to neighbors.

Era una casa guapíssima.

It was a very beautiful house.

Una casa molt gran, però molt malament.

A very big house, but in very bad shape.

Vam tenir uns cinc germans i vam néixer tots allà.

We had about five siblings and we were all born there.

A més, quedem dos.

Moreover, we are just two.

Els dos valents.

The two brave ones.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Els dos valents.

The two brave ones.

I cap a quina edat vau venir cap aquí?

At what age did you come here?

Jo tenia 30 anys.

I was 30 years old.

Qui va venir primer?

Who came first?



Ells van venir primer.

They came first.

Ells, sí, sí.

They, yes, yes.

A la plana?

On the plain?

No, no.

No, no.

Vosaltres aquí?

You here?



I els de casa teva, saps que van anar a la plana?

And those at your place, do you know they went to the meadow?

Van anar a la plana, sí.

They went to the plain, yes.

Ah, bé.

Ah, well.

A veure, vau venir per aquí mateix.

Let's see, you came right here.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Bueno, esclar, llavors nosaltres ens vam casar.

Well, of course, then we got married.

Llavors, bé, vam parlar amb l'amo.

So, well, we talked to the owner.

I, esclar, els meus pares allà què haurien fet?

I, of course, what would my parents have done there?

Allà t'ha deixat tot.

There he/she has left you everything.

No hi havia ningú més, no?

There was no one else, right?

No hi havia per a ningú lloc, no.

There was no place for anyone, no.

I llavors van venir els i van arreglar la plana.

And then they came and fixed the plain.

I van venir aquí a la plana.

They came here to the plain.

I sou masovers d'aquesta casa.

You are the caretakers of this house.

Els vostres pares ja havien estat masovers o no?

Had your parents already been farm workers or not?

No, no.

No, no.



De què havien fet?

What had they done?



Allà van casar la quera, els meus pares.

There my parents got married.

Ja eren masovers de la quera, vols dir?

They were already the masters of the house, do you mean?

Sí, masovers de la quera, sí.

Yes, caretakers of the quera, yes.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

El pare era fill de Pagès Balboi de Blanc.

The father was the son of Pagès Balboi de Blanc.

Ah, sí?

Oh, really?



La mare de la caseta d'aquí de Uix.

The mother of the little house here in Uix.

I els pares eren onze germans.

And the parents were eleven siblings.


Holy shit.

I mai els havien fet.

And they had never been made for them.

I ara cada dia allà l'enfermer em va dir

And now every day there the nurse told me.

deu ser per enda el que llegeixes de cafè.

It must be for you the coffee you read.

Vaig dir sí que pot ser.

I said yes, it could be.

Perquè eren tants germans

Why were there so many siblings?

que mai has vingut,

that you have never come,

saps, un va anar per aquí i l'altre per allà

You know, one went this way and the other that way.

i pot ser que...

and it could be that...

Que em perdissis algun de vistes.

That I lose you out of sight.

Sí, sí, no pot ser i tant.

Yes, yes, it can't be and it certainly is.

I tant.

Me too.

Allà al lot de la confiteria aquella

There at that candy shop lot.

que hi havia davant de Santa Esteve.

what was in front of Santa Esteve.

I Can Callís.

I Can Callís.

Can Callís.

Can Callís.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

I fa n'hi ha fa anys que el veí,

And it's been years since the neighbor,


the grandfather,

era veure aquell home

it was to see that man

i veure el seu pare...

and see her father...

Eren igual.

They were the same.

Eren ben exactes.

They were quite precise.

Bé, devien ser parents.

Well, they must have been relatives.



Sí, sí, ben igual.

Yes, yes, just the same.

Els pares, jo dic,

The parents, I say,

no havien pas de fer mai

they had never done it

el que va la família i no...

what the family is like and not...


Of course.

Me'n puc conèixer mai.

I can never know myself.

És raro això.

This is strange.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Tal com ens diuen,

As they tell us,

la Dolors era filla de la Masó

Dolors was the daughter of Masó.

i els germans Callís de la Quera,

and the Callís brothers from La Quera,

dues masies de Talaixà.

two farmhouses of Talaixà.

Ara allà ja no hi viu ningú.

Now there lives no one there anymore.

Només una colla d'edificis en runes

Just a bunch of buildings in ruins.

ens demostren que allò abans

they show us that what was before

va ser tot un poble.

it was a whole village.

Un trist cas més del despoblament rural.

One more sad case of rural depopulation.

Això va ser quan va sortir el botany.

This was when the botany came out.


Come on...

Tota la feina del bosc i això

All the work in the forest and that.

i va anar molt de baixa

and went very low

i llavors tothom va marxar.

And then everyone left.



Clar, carboners,

Of course, coalmen,

picadors de llenys i això.

woodcutters and that.

Era el jornal, dic,

It was the wage, I say,

el Montany.

the Mountain.

I doncs va desbreixar

And then he/she revealed.

i ja va estar.

And that's it.

Va anar marxant tot.

Everything started to leave.



Més fet de carbó, no?

More made of coal, right?



I tant.

Of course.



El meu pare, per això.

My father, for that reason.

Nosaltres som els versos

We are the verses.

que ens van fer

what they did to us

una pila o dues.

one pile or two.

Però el meu pare,

But my father,

a l'edat de...

at the age of...

de 6 o 7 anys

6 or 7 years old

ja anàvem al darrere d'ell.

We were already behind him.

I tant.

Me too.

Anàvem al darrere d'ell

We were going behind him.

a fer carbó.

to make coal.

I quedàvem a la barraca.

We would meet at the hut.

I el bosc va...

And the forest goes...

I diu...

And he/she says...

No, no, sí.

No, no, yes.

I bueno, clar,

And well, of course,

llavors al sortir el botà, no?

So when the bottle comes out, right?

Es va acabar el carbó.

The coal has run out.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

La gent cuinava amb...

People cooked with...

I ja no l'hi tenia,

And I no had it anymore,

d'allò de carbó, no?

About that coal, right?

No, no.

No, no.

Sí, sí que era.

Yes, it was.

Semblava que l'havia vist.

It seemed that I had seen him/her.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Ara ja serveix de taula i prou.

Now it just serves as a table, and that's it.



No l'hi tenia.

I didn't have it.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Això anava sempre amb carbó.

This always went with coal.



Per cuinar.

To cook.

I carbó.

And coal.

I caliu amb foc.

And you need fire.

Cuinava amb caliu.

He/She cooked with warmth.

Fos amb el caliu.

It was with the warmth.

Si tenies molt de foc,

If you had a lot of fire,

agafaves caliu amb foc.

take the embers with fire.

Fins a la balada, allò.

Until the ballad, that.

Fins a la palada, esclar.

Up to the shovel, of course.

Aquí ja hi havia cuinada allò,

Here they had already cooked that.

al mesó.

to the inn.

Allò al mesó

That at the inn

on teníem pas de botà, no?

We didn’t have a boat, did we?

Allò que era de poc.

That which was little.



Tot era el fogons.

Everything was the stoves.

Aquí el fogons i el foc.

Here are the stoves and the fire.

I allà a Talaixà,

And there in Talaixà,

vosaltres encara hi havia

you were still there

la casilla, no?

the box, right?



Encara hi havia

There was still

el carabiner, diguem.

the carabiner, let's say.

No, a la nostra època, no.

No, not in our time, no.

Era guardia civil.

He was a civil guard.

Això que hi havia

This that was there.

el carabiner,

the carabiner

s'hi havia hagut

there had been

el mestre, això.

the teacher, that.

El meu avi.

My grandfather.

El meu avi,

My grandfather,

que ara ho havia vist.

that I had seen it now.



Que en parlava sempre.

He always talked about it.

A totes les cases

In all the houses

hi devia haver-hi gent.

There should have been people.

Llavors sí.

Then yes.

Totes eren plenes.

All of them were full.

Hi havia el capellà, no?

There was the priest, right?

Tot bé.

All good.

Hi havia el capellà

There was the priest.

i el vicari.

and the vicar.

No, imagina't.

No, just imagine.

Aquell temps.

That time.



Ara no n'hi ha

There are none now.

ni aquí ni a Olot.

neither here nor in Olot.

Tant Talaixà

So much Talaixà

com la Vall d'Arriu

like the Valley of Arriu

van ser indrets importants

they were important places

pel comerç

for trade

del carbó vegetal.

from vegetable charcoal.

El carbó vegetal

Activated charcoal

era una de les

it was one of the

més importants

more important

de la història

of history

del carbó vegetal

of vegetable charcoal

que fins a la meitat

that until halfway

del segle passat

of the last century

va ser la indústria bàsica

it was the basic industry

d'aquesta comarca

of this region



A partir dels anys 50,

Starting from the 1950s,



les seves cases

their houses

van anar quedant

they ended up remaining

pràcticament desertes

practically deserted

per culpa

because of

de l'arribada del botà,

from the arrival of the boat,

com ens deia en Llorenç.

as Llorenç used to say to us.

Entre els vestigis

Among the remnants

més importants

more important

del nucli de Talaixà,

from the nucleus of Talaixà,



a més d'un miler

to more than a thousand

de metres d'altitud,

of meters in height,

hi resta

hi remains

l'església de Sant Martí,

the church of Sant Martí,



al voltant


dels segles IX i X

of the 9th and 10th centuries

i restaurada

and restored

entre el 2010

between 2010

i el 2012.

and 2012.

I a prop seu,

And near him,

el refugi

the refuge

de l'escorçonista

of the wasp hunter





el coll de Talaixà

the Talaixà pass

també era un punt estratègic

it was also a strategic point

en el control

in the control

del contravant

of the contravening

per la seva proximitat

for its proximity

amb la frontera francesa.

with the French border.


From here,



com la Casilla,

like the Box,

on hi havia

there was

la caserna

the barracks

dels carabiners,

of the carbines,

pels quals

for which

ha preguntat en Quim.

he has asked Quim.

Aquest any

This year

he anat dos cops.

I have gone twice.



aquest any no,

not this year,

perquè tot just

because just

l'hem trobat.

We have found it.

L'any passat

Last year

hi vam anar dos cops,

we went there twice,

dos o tres.

two or three.

Ella sí

She does.

que sí

that yes

que hi anava

that was going there

molt sovint.

very often.

És a dir,

That is to say,

fa no sé

I don’t know.

pas quants anys

a few years

que hi hagués.

that there would be.





vaig estar

I was

amb molt de temps

with plenty of time

que no.


La Dolors,


durant un temps,

for a while,

no va tornar a Talaixà.

he did not return to Talaixà.

Potser el xoc

Perhaps the shock.

de realitat

of reality

era massa dur

it was too hard

per ella.

for her.



de vegades,




els conviden

they invite them

allà a Talaixà.

over there in Talaixà.







els del centre.

the ones from the center.

Que se'n cuiden.

Let them take care of it.

Són molt amics

They are very good friends.

amb aquella gent.

with those people.

Vam anar

We went

a fer

to do

el lloc

the place

que ja has viscut.

that you have already lived.

I no hi ha

And there is not

per a res

for nothing

un lloc.

a place.

És trist.

It's sad.



és un poble en vida

it's a village alive

o un poble mort.

or a dead town.



A veure gent

Let's see people.

a les cases,

to the houses,

a veure bestiar,

let's see livestock,

a veure el camp,

let's see the field,

els horts.

the gardens.

I també,

And also,

a veure l'estadi

let's see the stadium

que es veu ara

what can be seen now

tan brut tot.

so dirty everything.

I encara

And still.

van arreglar

they fixed


the church

que també

that too

feia una pena

it was a shame

quan entraves

when you hinder

a l'iclésia.

in the church.






the church,

el tolat,

the tolat,

tot i que


hi vam anar

we went there

tres vegades

three times

i hem estat

and we have been

tot el dia

all day

a fer la rossada.

to make the dew.

L'altra vegada

The other time

vam anar

we went

amb en Miquel

with Miquel

de Cabanes

from Cabanes

que són els dos últims

what are the last two

que ens van embatejar

that they hit us

a baixar.

to go down.

Ah, sí?

Oh, really?



ell va dir

he said

que eren els dos últims.

that were the last two.

Vaig dir

I said




You are mistaken.


The last

que van embatejar

that they hit

a baixar

to go down

va ser

it was



del Ripoll.

from Ripoll.



del Ripoll.

from the Ripoll.

El germà

The brother

d'en Ramon

of Ramon

més jove


que nosaltres.

than us.







Perquè aquest

Why this

que dic

what I say

que vam anar-hi

that we went there

feia molt temps

it had been a long time

on hi havia set

where there was hunger

el van embatejar

they attacked him

el van portar

they took him



a baixar

to go down

des de la Comella.

from Comella.



ni idea,

no idea,



De la Comella

From the Comella

portàvem una dona

we were carrying a woman

que va ateneixer

that has attained

i anava

and I was going



a baixar.

to go down.

A més,


els embatejaven

they were beating them

de seguida.

right away.





una altra anècdota

another anecdote



La seva filla

His daughter.

va ser


l'última criatura

the last creature



a l'Alt de Grotxa.

at the Alt de Grotxa.

Ah, sí?

Oh, really?



Veus que sí?

You see it, right?

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

La Marta.

The Marta.

I aquí feia

And here it was

36 anys

36 years

que no s'havia embatejat

that had not been calmed down







Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

O sigui,

That is,

va ser un dia especial,

it was a special day,





t'ho dirà.

it will tell you.

Sí que va ser especial,

It certainly was special,



Venia el bisbe

The bishop was coming.

a embatejar-la

to tackle it

i, bueno,

and, well,

més de 200

more than 200

havien sigut.

they had been.


Holy shit.

Què dius d'aquest?

What do you say about this?



I va dinar aquí fora de l'era.

I had lunch out here in the yard.



va dinar fora de l'era,

he had lunch outside the era.

no hi havia pas,

there was no way,

no hi havien pas amics.

There were no friends at all.

No hi havia de cap manera.

There was no way.



I va ploure.

It rained.



va ploure.

It rained.





sort que va ploure

it just rained

que ja havien

that they had already

gairebé dinat,

almost lunchtime,

no recordo que,

I don't remember that,



jo ho vaig pa beure

I drank it.



és que

it's that

un dia de cuidar

a day of caring

de la nena

of the girl

no vaig deixar gaire.

I didn't leave much.



deien que el bisbe

they said that the bishop

em posava les costelles

I was putting on the ribs.

i el bisbe

and the bishop

buidava el plat

I emptied the plate.

de l'aigua

of the water

i em posava

and I would put myself

les costelles.

the ribs.

El bisbe havia implantat

The bishop had implanted.


the water.

Era en Jaume Camprodon

It was Jaume Camprodon.



En Jaume Camprodon.

In Jaume Camprodon.

Jaume Camprodon.

Jaume Camprodon.

Jaume Camprodon

Jaume Camprodon




of course,

ara Jaume

now Jaume

va dinar

he/ she had lunch

al Tudirà.

to the Tudirà.

I com és que va venir

And how is it that they came?

tanta gent?

so many people?



això va ser en Sala

this happened in Sala


that one,

perquè era diputat,

because he was a deputy,

en Ramon Sala

the Ramon Sala

i va ser

and it was

el que va

what's happening

va fer

he/she/it did/made

tot el bateig.

the whole baptism.



Vaig venir

I came.

per la feina.

for work.

No jo,

Not me,

no jo,

not me,



aquests homes,

these men,

és el teu nombrat,

it is your named,



El teu nombrat,

Your named,





Va venir

He/She came.

la família

the family


of helping.



va venir molta família,

a lot of family came.

els mateixos

the same ones

que van venir

that came

al bateig

at the baptism



Sí home.

Yes, man.

Però sí.

But yes.

I que va venir

And who came?

també gent

also people


from here

als voltants?

in the surroundings?





hi havia molta gent

there were many people


of lover

que va venir

that came

a veure,

let's see,

que va venir

that came

amb els TV3.

with TV3.

Amb els 3.

With the 3.


Holy shit.

I jo,

And I,

no sé

I don't know.

que me'n recordo

that I remember

com si fos ara

as if it were now

i vaig dir

I said.

hagués esperat

would have waited

més 4 o 5 dies

more 4 or 5 days

no fotria tanta mal.

it wouldn't be that bad.

Vaig trobar-me

I found myself.

molt atropellada.

very rushed.



i d'això.

and about that.



I doncs va dir

And so he said


he/she says

aquesta nena

this girl

serà batejada

she will be baptized

pel bisbe,

for the bishop,

o sí?

Oh really?



Vaig dir

I said



jo he apostat per gent

I have apostatized for people.

i vam quedar així.

And we agreed like this.

Va dir

He said.

no et preocupis

don't worry

que tot això,

that all this,



Què ho va fer

What made it happen?

doncs que la gent

so that people

anés marxant

was leaving

però vosaltres

but you

vau decidir

you decided

de quedar-vos aquí?

of staying here?



no sé,

I don't know,

això de quedar-nos aquí.

this thing of staying here.



venir aquí

come here

ja vam canviar molt.

We've already changed a lot.


Of course.

Aquí hi havia carretera,

There used to be a road here,

ja vam poder

we could already

comprar el cotxe

buy the car

i el tractor

and the tractor



amb el maquinari

with the machinery

va ser molt diferent.

It was very different.

Va ser molt,

It was a lot,

mai tant,

never so much,

tant per treballar

so much to work on

com per...

as for...

Era molt costós.

It was very expensive.

Aquí ja va ser molt diferent,

Here it was very different.

ja vam anar

we already went



fins ara.

See you later.

Fins ara.

See you later.

I hi ha una altra cosa,

And there is one more thing,

vosaltres us posen

you are put

en un pis

in an apartment



al mig de l'hort.

in the middle of the garden.

Ah sí,

Oh yes,


I want.

Seria com

It would be like

el tancal

the tank

no sé

I don't know.

d'una bàbia.

of a cage.



no us agradaria

you wouldn't like it



Jo al mig de l'hort no.

Not me in the middle of the garden.





Ara en mon poble...

Now in my village...



en mon poble sí.

In my village, yes.

Més a baix sí.

Further down, yes.

Jo ja havia anat a col·legi

I had already gone to school.

a baix,


ja m'hi vaig viure

I already lived there.



per exemple,

for example,

a Montegut

to Montegut

no em faria perdre.

it wouldn't make me lose.







Però ja és una altra vida

But it's already another life.

a Montegut,

at Montegut,

podes sortir,

you can go out,

podes anar

you can go

allà on vols,

where you want,

en canvi al mig de l'hort

instead in the middle of the garden


you go out

i tots són cotxes

and all are cars







molt diferent.

very different.



a l'Holot

to the Holot

o no?

or not?



a l'Holot

to the Holot

no gaire,

not much,

ara tampoc.

not now either.



ja dic,

I already say,

antes que teníem molta feina,

before we had a lot of work,

que teníem molt bestiar

that we had a lot of cattle

i teníem de tot,

we had everything,

anàvem cada dilluns

we would go every Monday

a Baix Montjuïc

to Lower Montjuïc

a discutir amb això.

to argue with this.

Ara que no tenim

Now that we don't have



s'ha de dir res,

there is nothing to say,

ara no hi anem mai.

now we never go there.

Ara hi baixeu

Now you go down there.

a Montegut,

to Montegut,

a Tortellà?

to Tortellà?



de tant en tant.

now and then.

A Montegut cada setmana.

In Montegut every week.



que ho fas més d'un cop.

that you do it more than once.



a Hort també hi anem,

We also go to the garden.

però avui no anem al mercat,

but today we are not going to the market,

anem ja directe

let's go straight away

a comprar al súper

to shop at the supermarket

o si has d'anar a fer

or if you have to go do



en algun lloc


ja no,

not anymore,



I anem entre setmana

Let's go during the week.

més que en pas

more than in step

un dia al mercat.

a day at the market.

Sí, home.

Yes, man.

Si has d'anar

If you have to go

a l'hospital

at the hospital

de tant en tant.

from time to time.



això ja no.

not anymore.

I bueno,

And well,



per sort,


ja no.

no longer.

Sort que d'allò,

Out of that,







sort que ja hi anem.

Let's get going then.

Si no us queda

If you don't have any left

gana d'onar

desire to give

cap i a ta poca.

Head and little tails.



jo estic molt content,

I am very happy,



perquè això

because this

ella ha dit

she has said


thank you,

que hi siguin.

let them be there.


Thank you,

ho heu sentit?

Have you heard it?

O paciència,

Oh patience,




Thank you,




Thank you,




Thank you,

tota la vida.

all my life.


Thank you,



que sí.

that yes.



tota la vida.

all my life.





i tant,

of course,

que sí.

that yes.

Això ho deien molt abans.

They said this a long time ago.

També és una altra cosa,

It's also another thing,

s'ha perdut.

it has been lost.

Meu mare encara ho diu,

My mother still says it.

però ja no,

but not anymore,

ja no ho diu.

it no longer says it.

Ho havíem sentit bastant,

We had heard it quite a lot.

sobretot per aquí,

especially around here,

pel lado rojo,

by the red side,

ho havíem sentit bastant.

we had heard it quite a lot.



teniu gana,

are you hungry,



En Quim destapa les ensaïmades

In Quim uncovers the ensaïmades.

i la coca

and the cake

i la Dolors aprofita

and Dolors takes advantage

per aixecar-se

to get up

i portar una mica de pa

And bring a little bread.

i embotit

and sausage

per acompanyar-ho.

to accompany it.

Fa pinta

It looks promising.

que avui no soparem pas.

that we won't have dinner today.





no quedis pas.

don't ever stay.

No quedis,

Don't stay,



Tens gana?

Are you hungry?


Hold on.

Posem-ne pa,

Let's put some bread.

si et convé.

if it suits you.

Ja no ens veu la pell?

Does he/she no longer see our skin?



Ja veu

You see.

que surt una mica.

that sticks out a bit.


Do I have you?

Em faré d'ou,

I will be from where,



És aquesta,

It is this one,



No s'ho han engreixat vostres,

They haven't gotten fat, yours.

el porro,

the joint,

o què?

or what?





Van emplegar per

They used for



amb això de la màquina.

with this about the machine.







Aquell any vam

That year we went

pas poder pujar

step power raise

algú d'ahí.

someone from there.





Qui en engreixava-ho?

Who was fattening it up?

Un pres,

A prisoner,

un pres.

a prisoner.

Un pres,

A prisoner,

un pres,

a prisoner,

un parell.

a pair.

Un parell.

A couple.

Un parell normalment.

A couple usually.



Que bo.

How good.



que bo.

how good.



que bo.

How good.



que no ho deixen molt normal.

that they don't leave it very normal.

No els agraeixen

They do not appreciate them.

per estar bé.

to be well.



I ara,

And now,

hem vist que teníeu aquí

we have seen that you had here

una mica de ramat,

a bit of herd,

qui se'n cuida?

Who takes care of it?

Nosaltres no,

Not us,

només jo.

only me.



I abans

And before

en teníeu més?

Did you have more?

8 anys

8 years

i no hi ha hagut més.

and there has been no more.



teníeu 8 anys més?

Did you have 8 more years?



Vaques només?

Only cows?

Vaques i res,

Cows and nothing,

Xais no. No, no, no. Ah, no, van ser, van ser, tenien vaques, cabres i oelles.

Sheep no. No, no, no. Ah, no, they were, they were, they had cows, goats, and sheep.

Però les oelles no les vam treure aviat perquè es fa una cosa es menja l'altra.

But we didn't take the sheep out early because one thing is done while the other is eaten.

Que és les vaques i les oelles una cosa deixa l'altra. No hi ha res per tots.

What is for the cows and the sheep leaves the other. There is nothing for everyone.

Sí. Però abans de la temporada ja teníem, no?

Yes. But we had it before the season, right?

Les oelles ha de ser un que hi vagi tot el dia. I les oelles sí.

The sheep must be one that goes there all day. And the sheep, yes.

Les cabres les vaquen molt diferent. Les vaquen des de...

The goats are very different from them. They are different since...

S'acampen elles soles i tot. Sí.

They camp by themselves and everything. Yes.

I no te'ls salten el fil? No, no. No?

And don't they skip the thread for you? No, no. No?

Si hi posa el corrent no... No, ja, ja.

If he/she puts the current no... No, already, ha ha.

És el que fem, filen de torrent i ho salten tot, que els va perill.

It's what we do, they thread the torrent and jump over everything, as danger approaches them.

N'hi ha alguna però no. Les cabres no.

There are some but no. The goats, no.

Les cabres els respecten molt el fil, també. Sí, també. Ui, sí.

The goats also really respect the wire. Yes, also. Oh, yes.

Heu notat més la... La uella, com que porta llana, no se'n rampa.

Have you noticed more the... The ewe, since it has wool, doesn't slip.

Acaba per anar a venir a veure un parell de fills.

He ends up coming to see a couple of kids.

Els cabres sí, però també dos.

The goats yes, but also two.

Sí, sí, no, que anem a rapar, ja n'aprenen ràpid.

Yes, yes, no, we are going to shave, they learn quickly.



Sí, bueno.

Yes, well.

Segur que us heu fixat com la Dolors diu uella.

You must have noticed how Dolors says uella.

És així, també, com la recull el llibre del parlar de la Garrotxa.

It is also in this way that the book on the speech of Garrotxa collects it.

Aprofitant que ja hem acabat de berenar, o sopar,

Taking advantage of the fact that we have already finished having a snack or dinner,

i que en Joan ja ha arribat, fullegem una mica el llibre.

And since Joan has already arrived, let's browse through the book a bit.

A veure si saben què volen dir algunes de les seves paraules.

Let's see if they know what some of their words mean.

Una garlopa, sabeu què és?

A garlopa, do you know what it is?

Una garlopa? Una garlopa.

A plane? A plane.

Són això, eh? Sí.

It's this, right? Yes.

Si hi ha una pista, és una eina.

If there is a clue, it is a tool.

És la de vostè.

It is yours.

La veus?

Do you see her?

Ha, ha, ha.

Ha, ha, ha.

Ha de sentir alguna cosa d'aquesta.

He must feel something about this.

Una garlopa és això, com se diu, un ribot.

A plane is this, as it is called, a plane tool.



Això, em sembla com un ribot.

This seems to me like a plane.

És com un ribot.

It's like a plane.

Deines d'aquest tipus. Sí, aquí n'hi ha moltes deines.

Tools of this type. Yes, there are many tools here.

Moltes deines.

Many tools.

Jo crec que aquí n'hi ha moltes.

I think there are many here.

Clar, ara, ni en Jordi ni ningú ja sap què fan,

Of course, now neither Jordi nor anyone knows what they're doing.

perquè ja no es fan servir, ja ningú és algú d'allò,

because they are no longer used, no one is someone from that anymore,

doncs clar, això mateix que dèiem ara.

So of course, that's exactly what we were just saying.

Clar, no té res a veure amb el que se'n fa.

Of course, it has nothing to do with what is done with it.

Que és un bitllot i que...

What is a bitllot and that...

I un perdulari? Una persona.

And a wanderer? A person.

És una persona que només hi haia de fiable.

She is a person who is only reliable.

Un perdulari és que estan aviciats a algú.

A wanderer is someone who is addicted to someone.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.



És un aviciat d'alguna cosa.

He is addicted to something.

Sí, aviciat, sigui de beure, sigui de droga, sigui de moltes coses.

Yes, be it drink, be it drugs, be it many things.

És un perdulari.

He is a wayfarer.

Està perdut.

He is lost.



Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Aquí també hi ha la paraula bresquer.

Here too is the word bresquer.





El foc.

The fire.

No, bresquer no.

No, not a breather.



Ens diuen rascals.

They call us rascals.



És el mateix.

It's the same.

Ah, d'acord.

Ah, okay.

Els rascals de foc.

The fire rascal.



Ens diuen rascals.

They call us rascals.



Ja caliu.

You are already here.

Jo vull dir que aquestes mateixes paraules es diuen d'una altra forma.

I mean that these same words are said in another way.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

I no...

And I no...

Ha canviat.

It has changed.



El dia mateix els vaig dir...

The same day I told them...

Havien posat dos socs aquí baix, grossos.

They had placed two large piles here below.

Vaig dir, aneu a buscar aquells cetis i poseu-los aquí fora.

I said, go get those bags and put them outside here.



Se'n riuen, en aquest cas, del seu gendre, en Jordi, que no sabia què volia dir cetis.

They are making fun of their son-in-law, Jordi, who didn't know what cetis meant.

Òbviament, jo no els confesso que tampoc he sentit mai aquesta paraula.

Obviously, I do not confess to them that I have also never heard this word.

Sí, un mau hermano.

Yes, a bad brother.

Ei, aquest és un mau hermano.

Hey, this is a bad brother.

Què vol dir?

What does it mean?

Són un duet.

They are a duet.

Un que bé i no t'agrada gaire i és que te'l segeix el mau hermano.

One that is good and you don't like very much is that your bad brother follows you.

I tant.

Me too.

En trenquen menyes.

They break it down.

Sí, una altra cosa.

Yes, another thing.

Que xarra molt i diu mentides, de més.

He talks a lot and tells more lies.

I tant viu el moll com el foll.

Both the dock and the fool are very much alive.

Però el foll es va tipar i el moll es va morir de gana.

But the fool got tired and the bouncy died of hunger.

No sé si ho viu.

I don't know if he/she experiences it.

No va sentir de gana, aquest no.

He didn't feel hungry, not at all.



No hi va sentir de gana.

He/She didn't feel hungry.

Aquesta és de llà dels prems.

This is from the press.

Ah sí?

Oh really?

Diu, tenir traios de boubell.

He says, having traits of a fool.

Ah sí?

Oh really?

Això sí que els deia.

This is what I was telling them.

Això els deia.

This is what I told them.

Mira, caic en traios de boubell.

Look, I fall into the boubell trap.

Nosaltres ja ho vam tenir tots.

We already had it all.

Totes les masses.

All the masses.

Com mal.

As bad.

O picant.

Oh spicy.

Tot és bo.

Everything is good.

I que fa una tarda.

And what an afternoon it is.

Vull dir que a mi m'agrada molt.

I mean that I really like it.

I que fa una tarda.

And what a lovely afternoon it is.

com molt

with very much

o picant, no sé com ho diuen

or spicy, I don't know how they say it.



ja ho heu dit

you have already said it

sempre t'has de veure emmascarat

you always have to see yourself masked

amb la pila

with the battery

crec que et toca

I think it's your turn.

crec que et porta

I think it brings you.

arribar i moure't

arrive and move yourself

bona nit totes les pusses al teu llit

Good night all the fleas in your bed.



el pat de xinxes és el teu coixí

the bed of bugs is your pillow

digui encara, saps què diu?

Say again, do you know what it says?

i on?

And where?

diu, bona nit totes les pusses al teu llit

It says, good night all the fleas in your bed.

i a vegades s'hi afegeix

and sometimes it is added to it

i la més petita com un cabrit

and the smallest like a goat

i tu has dit que hi afegies tu

And you said that you would add it.

a sota el teu coixí

under your pillow

no, diu, bona nit totes les pusses

no, she says, good night all the fleas

al teu llit, el pat de xinxes

in your bed, the bed of fleas

a sota el teu coixí

under your pillow

t'ho afegirem

we will add it for you

alguna frase

any sentence

algunes frases fetes que han anat sortint a la conversa

some idioms that have come up in the conversation

i que en Quim no tenia controlades

and that Quim didn't have them under control

les ha anat apuntant en un paper

she has been noting them down on a piece of paper

deia a l'entrevista que li fèiem l'altre dia

he said in the interview we did the other day

que ara ja sí que no hi hauria cap més versió del llibre

that now there definitely wouldn't be any more versions of the book

qui sap si amb unes quantes visites més a Can Gusti

who knows if with a few more visits to Can Gusti

s'ho repensa

reconsiders it

i és que si no són escrites

and it's just that if they're not written

totes aquestes expressions

all these expressions

tenen el perill que es perdin

they run the risk of getting lost

que no les digui ningú mai més

that no one should ever tell them again

mirem per la finestra de la cuina

let's look out the kitchen window

des d'on es pot veure, de clar

from where it can be seen, clearly

l'església de Telaixà

the church of Telaixà

i ens adonem que ha fosquejat de mala manera

and we realize that it has gotten dark in a bad way

parlant i parlant

talking and talking

les bruques del rellotge han corregut sense adonar-nos-en

The hands of the clock have moved without us noticing.

no tenim gana per sopar

we are not hungry for dinner

però hem d'anar tirant cap avall

but we have to keep going downward

tanquem micros i ho deixem aquí

let's turn off the microphones and leave it here.

amb la promesa d'una reveure

with the promise of a see you again

ens veiem a la pròxima

see you next time

moltes gràcies

thank you very much

en Joan, en Llorenç i la Dolors

John, Lawrence, and Dolores.

els masovers de Can Gusti de Riu

the farmhands of Can Gusti de Riu

ens han obert les portes de casa seva

they have opened the doors of their home to us

i a través de les seves paraules

and through his/her words

els hem conegut a ells

we have met them

i a l'essència més pura de l'Alta Garrotxa

and to the purest essence of the Alta Garrotxa

gràcies per acompanyar-nos

thank you for joining us

en aquest viatge

on this journey

aquest podcast

this podcast

s'ha inspirat en el llibre

has been inspired by the book

El parlar de la Garrotxa

The speech of Garrotxa

d'Eloi Domínguez i Joaquim Monturiol

of Eloi Domínguez and Joaquim Monturiol

editat per Edicions Albassegoda

edited by Edicions Albassegoda

la idea d'engegar aquesta aventura

the idea of starting this adventure

va ser de la Laia Bosch

it was Laia Bosch's

de seguida es va afegir en aquest caminoll

immediately joined this path

la Laura com a mala

Laura as a bad one.

més tard van creure que pagava la pena

later they believed it was worth it

de comptar amb la meva veu

to count on my voice

sóc l'Òscar Cabana

I am Òscar Cabana.

i llavors, en David Planella

and then, David Planella

va fer que acabés de quedar espaterrant

made me end up being left stunned.

un milió de gràcies

a million thanks

de part de bo

on behalf of good

per part de jo

on my part

i per la de la Dolors

and for Dolors' one

i per a la de la Luz

and for Luz's one

que vam fer

what we did

i com ho vam fer

and how we did it

i ovà que vam fer

and ovary that we made

i m'ha fet un gran lloc

it has made a great place for me

per a la llarga

in the long run

és ja pintós

it's already painted

més de 75 anys

more than 75 years

el vostre servei

your service


The Lawyer

t'oferim un servei de qualitat

we offer you a quality service

gràcies a la nostra àmplia experiència

thanks to our extensive experience

Roig Activa, la teva propera llar

Roig Activa, your next home

és aquí, tan ofert

it's here, so offered

a aquest podcast.

to this podcast.

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