El que caga aquí es la yaya

Berícid Sulfúric

La Putaspina

El que caga aquí es la yaya

La Putaspina

Hola a tothom! Això és La Puta Espina, el programa on els creadors de verícid sulfúric fem el que ens dóna la gana.

Hello everyone! This is La Puta Espina, the show where the creators of sulfuric veracity do whatever we want.

Jo sóc el Pau Pérez Casas.

I am Pau Pérez Casas.

Jo sóc l'Anna.

I am Anna.

I jo sóc el Vicent Tortera.

And I am Vicent Tortera.

I avui portem un joc que ens vam inventar nosaltres i que hem obligat amics nostres a participar-hi.

And today we're bringing a game that we invented ourselves and that we have forced our friends to participate in.

La premissa d'avui és el que caga aquí és la iaia.

The premise today is that what shits here is the grandmother.

Potser només amb això ja se us ha acudit alguna cosa, estimats membres de l'audiència.

Perhaps just with this you have already come up with something, dear audience members.

I aquesta és la gràcia del capítol d'avui. Comencem pel principi.

And this is the point of today's chapter. Let's start from the beginning.

El que caga aquí és la iaia va sortir un dia que en Vicent i jo estàvem gravant unes veus per un podcast que ens havien encarregat

What shits here is the grandma, she went out one day when Vicent and I were recording some voices for a podcast that we had been commissioned.

i tots dos havíem de fer diversos personatges.

and both of us had to play various characters.

Un dels personatges que jo feia era la iaia, però eren personatges que tenien rèpliques molt curtetes

One of the characters I played was the grandmother, but they were characters that had very short lines.

que estaven repartides per, òbviament, el guió complet del podcast que ens havien enviat.

that were distributed through, obviously, the complete script of the podcast they had sent us.

Aleshores, jo estava buscant la iaia i estava fullejant i és allò que estava llegint en diagonal i buscant

So, I was looking for grandma and I was flipping through and that’s what I was reading diagonally and looking for.

i fas aquells sorollets com per indicar que estàs buscant alguna cosa mentre llegeixes el teu interlocutor.

And you make those little noises as if to indicate that you are looking for something while you read your interlocutor.

I vaig fer com, el que caga aquí és la iaia.

I acted as if the one who shits here is the grandmother.

I en Vicent, immediatament, va dir, el que caga aquí és la iaia, has dit.

And Vicent immediately said, the one who poops here is the grandma, you said.

I jo vaig dir, hòstia, la iaia estava pensant quatre coses a la vegada i ha dit una.

And I said, damn, the grandmother was thinking four things at once and said one.

La iaia estava pensant massa i ha sacat com li ha sortit el que estava pensant.

The grandmother was thinking too much and came out with what she was thinking.

Són coses que no tenien cap mena de connexió en una.

They are things that had no connection to one another.

Per mi, el que caga aquí és la iaia és que la iaia estava pensant que s'estava cagant,

For me, the one who shits here is the grandma, it's that the grandma was thinking she was shitting.

que havia d'anar a comprar, que estava saludant algú i va acabar dient el que caga aquí és la iaia.

that he had to go shopping, that he was greeting someone and ended up saying what shits here is the grandmother.

I en Vicent va dir, no, no, esto te voy a contar yo lo que es.

And Vicent said, no, no, I'm going to tell you what this is.

I vas fabricar ja, d'entrada, una situació d'un sopar familiar on està la iaia asseguda a la butaca

And you already created, at the outset, a situation of a family dinner where the grandmother is sitting in the armchair.

i arriba el net, un net adult com de la nostra edat, i la iaia li diu això, per què?

And then the grandson arrives, a grown grandson about our age, and the grandmother tells him this, why?

El que caga aquí és la iaia, li diu.

What shits here is the granny, he tells him.

Per què? Perquè veu el net arribar i diu, hòstia, el minieto, el meu net, quantes coses hem viscut,

Why? Because he sees the grandson arriving and says, damn, the little one, my grandson, how many things we have lived through.

quantes coses, que petit era, era molt petitonet, me'n recordo encara quan li canviava els bolquers, tal, no sé què.

so many things, how small he was, he was very little, I still remember when I changed his diapers, like, I don't know what.

Recorda com molts moments, però recorda especialment com li canviava els bolquers.

Remember many moments, but especially remember how he changed his diapers.

I clar, es vol referir a ell, vol enfortir com el vincle, no?

And of course, he wants to refer to himself, he wants to strengthen the bond, right?

Com dir, hòstia, jo estic aquí des que te cagaves.

How to say, damn, I've been here since you were shitting yourself.

I diu, el que caga, referint-se al net, el que caga, el que caga aquí és la iaia.

And he says, the one who shits, referring to the grandson, the one who shits, the one who shits here is the grandma.

En plan de, aquí està la iaia.

In the sense of, here is grandma.

La iaia, la iaia, la iaia està aquí per a ti, per a cuidar-te, per a abraçar-te.

The grandma, the grandma, the grandma is here for you, to take care of you, to hug you.

El que caga aquí és la iaia.

The one who shits here is the grandmother.

I ens va fer moltíssim riure, no només la frase, el que caga aquí és la iaia,

And it made us laugh a lot, not just the phrase, what shits here is the grandma.

sinó el fet que tots dos haguessin vist tan clar per què la iaia estava dient això.

but the fact that both of them had seen so clearly why grandma was saying this.

Acte seguit, vam tenir reunió amb en Pau.

Immediately afterwards, we had a meeting with Pau.

Vaig arribar jo, no sé si va ser el mateix dia que vosaltres estàveu gravant al matí,

I arrived, I don't know if it was the same day that you were recording in the morning,

després vaig arribar jo, oi que sí?

Then I arrived, right?

Teníem reunió, crec que a la tarda, i nosaltres abans vam gravar això

We had a meeting, I think in the afternoon, and we recorded this before.

i després ens vam connectar amb tu per videotrucada.

And then we connected with you via video call.

I el primer que et vam dir és, espera un moment, abans de parlar de negocis,

And the first thing we said to you is, wait a moment, before talking business,

què vol dir per tu el que caga aquí és la iaia?

What does it mean to you that the one who poops here is grandma?

Però ja vam plantejar-ho com, és això, hi ha un sopar familiar,

But we already suggested it like that, it is this, there is a family dinner,

la iaia està al menjador, arriba el net, la iaia veu el net i li diu

Grandma is in the living room, the grandson arrives, Grandma sees the grandson and says to him.

el que caga aquí és la iaia, què ha volgut dir?

What the grandmother is doing here, what does she mean?

Tu te'n recordes del que vas contestar?

Do you remember what you answered?

Sí, sí, perfectament.

Yes, yes, perfectly.



Per mi, el que caga aquí és la iaia, el que caga aquí és la iaia,

For me, the one who shits here is the grandma, the one who shits here is the grandma.

vol dir que la iaia està allà,

it means that the grandmother is there,

asseguda, asseguda, preparada perquè arribin els convidats,

seated, seated, ready for the guests to arrive,

arriba al net i té una cosa molt clara a la ment, té una cosa molt clara,

he arrives at the clear and has something very clear in mind, he has something very clear,

i per no oblidar-se'n, la dona està tot el temps pensant el mateix,

and to not forget it, the woman is constantly thinking the same thing,

que és, tinc dos vàters a casa, un vàter està estropeat,

What it is, I have two toilets at home, one toilet is broken,

aquest vàter no el pot usar ningú, el puc usar jo perquè sé com va,

nobody can use this toilet, I can use it because I know how it works,

però els convidats, tot el món ha d'usar el segon vàter, d'acord?

But the guests, everyone has to use the second bathroom, okay?

I llavors arriba un convidat i es posa nerviosa i el primer que diu és

And then a guest arrives and she gets nervous and the first thing she says is

el que caga aquí és la iaia, com per dir-li, aquest vàter només el puc usar jo.

What shits here is my grandma, as if to say, this toilet can only be used by me.



Usar el otro, pero se le cruzan los cables, está ya mayor y estaba tan concentrada

Use the other one, but her wires got crossed, she's already older and was so focused.

en no olvidárselo que el que caga aquí és la iaia, i ja està.

Don't forget that the one who shits here is the grandma, and that's it.

És això el que vol dir per mi.

Is this what it means to me?

Atabalada, atabalada.

Overwhelmed, overwhelmed.

Això es va convertir en una cosa que ens anàvem dient els uns als altres,

This became something we kept telling each other,

i de fet tinc una sorpresa per vosaltres, no sé si us en recordeu.

And in fact, I have a surprise for you, I don't know if you remember it.


Holy shit.

Pau, si vas al full 2 del full de càlcul que tenim.

Pau, if you go to sheet 2 of the spreadsheet we have.

Ai, hòstia, hi ha un full 2?

Oh, damn, is there a page 2?



Què hi ha aquest full 2?

What is on this page 2?

Hòstia, hi ha dues sorpreses, eh?

Wow, there are two surprises, huh?

Hi ha dues, eh? Dues caixetes.

There are two, right? Two little boxes.

Hi ha dues missatges de WhatsApp que van arribar el dia següent

There are two WhatsApp messages that arrived the next day.

del que caga aquí és la iaia.

The one who shits here is the grandma.

En el nostre grup de tots tres.

In our group of all three.

Oh, hola.

Oh, hello.

No me'n recordo, vale.

I don't remember, okay.

Obro la surprise 1, a ver què passa, vale.

I open the surprise 1, let's see what happens, okay.

El que caga aquí és la iaia.

The one who poops here is Grandma.

Quin collons, Vincent.

What the hell, Vincent.

I això, després hi ha una resposta que va arribar dos minuts més tard.

And this, after that there is a response that arrived two minutes later.


Holy shit.

El que se caga aquí és la iaia.

What shits here is the grandmother.

Cuidado, perquè un diu el que caga és la iaia

Be careful, because what one says is what the grandmother shits.

i l'altre el que se caga aquí és la iaia.

And the other one that shits here is the grandmother.

Sí, sí, és la iaia, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, it's grandma, yes, yes.

Afortunadament, jo, el dia que va sortir

Fortunately, I, the day that it came out

el que caga aquí és la iaia, morta de riure,

the one who poops here is grandma, dead laughing,

sense gairebé no poder escriure,

without barely being able to write,

em vaig apuntar el que caga aquí és la iaia en un pòstit.

I wrote down that the one who poops here is the grandmother in a post.

I me'l vaig posar a l'agenda.

I wrote it down in my agenda.

Jo, durant un temps, mesos, cada vegada que obria l'agenda,

I, for a time, months, every time I opened the planner,

el meu punt de pàgina era un pòstit que deia

my bookmark was a post-it that said

el que caga aquí és la iaia.

The one who poops here is grandma.

I així no vam perdre l'essència real

And so we did not lose the real essence.

d'el que caga aquí és la iaia.

It's the grandmother who poops here.

De fet, crec que tinc la foto del pòstit que us vaig enviar

In fact, I think I have the photo of the postcard that I sent you.

perquè jo no ho sabia.

because I didn't know.

Jo vaig veure els vostres missatges quan estava dinant

I saw your messages when I was having lunch.

i és la foto del pòstit

And it is the photo of the post.

amb un paquet, un recipient d'humus

with a package, a container of humus

que em va regalar en Vicent aquell dia.

what Vicent gave me that day.

És veritat, és veritat.

It's true, it's true.

Recordo la foto del teu pòstit, sí?

I remember the photo of your post, right?

Doncs allà està, allà està la conservació

Well, there it is, there is the conservation.

de la frase original, el que caga aquí és la iaia.

From the original sentence, the one who poops here is the grandmother.

Molt bé.

Very well.

Sin distorsionar.

Without distortion.

A partir d'aquí hem creat un univers, el iaia verso.

From here we have created a universe, the grandma verse.

Correcte, estem fent el iaia verso.

Correct, we are doing the grandma verse.

A partir d'aquí hem començat a preguntar-li

From here on, we started asking him.

a gent que coneixem

the people we know

què vol dir el que caga aquí és la iaia

what it means is that the grandmother poops here

i quan tornem a veure-ho.

And when will we see it again?

Quan tornem amb una història nova

When do we return with a new story?

ens la venim a explicar els uns als altres

we come to explain it to each other

i avui hem fet un recopilatori.

And today we made a compilation.

Ens hi hem demanat a tots els nostres col·legues

We have asked all our colleagues about it.

que ens enviïn àudios de WhatsApp

to send us WhatsApp audio messages

amb les seves versions del que caga aquí és la iaia

with her versions of what the grandma shits here

i us els portem

and we bring them to you

per gaudir, per compartir amb el món

to enjoy, to share with the world

això que és necessari,

this is necessary,

que no ens pot quedar a casa.

that we cannot stay at home.

Ho veig com un test d'error, Xac.

I see it as a test of error, Xac.

Ho veig com que algú revela

I see it as someone revealing.

part de la seva personalitat quan explica

part of her personality when she explains

què vol dir el que caga aquí és la iaia.

What does it mean "the one who poops here is grandma."

Abans de res, els nostres amics

First of all, our friends

que sapigueu que no han entrat tots els àudios.

That you should know that not all the audio files have been included.

Alguns, com que hi ha històries

Some, as there are stories.

que es repetien bastant sovint,

that repeated quite often,

els hem hagut d'escursar o retirar

we have had to shorten or remove them

de la taula de joc, em sap greu,

from the game table, I'm sorry,

però hi ha varietat,

but there is variety,

hi ha bastanta teca aquí.

There is quite a bit of food here.

Ui, sí, hi ha històries, mare meva.

Oh, yes, there are stories, my goodness.

Avui fem un call-in show amb els nostres amics

Today we are doing a call-in show with our friends.

i la iaia.

and the grandmother.

Crec que també és guai

I think it's also cool.

que els àudios que hem rebut

that the audios we have received

cadascú no els hem ensenyat

we have not taught each one of them

als altres.

to others.

Estem tots expectants a veure què.

We are all excited to see what happens.

Jo només he escoltat els que m'han enviat

I have only listened to those who have sent me.

a mi, però clar.

me, but of course.

Tenim un Excel que estem veient tots

We have an Excel file that we are all looking at.

així com amb una classificació de totes les iaies

just like with a classification of all the grandmothers

amb una petita sinopsi

with a small synopsis

de cada explicació, perquè les hem ordenat

of each explanation, because we have organized them

una mica com ens semblava més adequat,

a little as it seemed more appropriate to us,

però a part d'això no sabem res, no hem sentit les veus

but apart from that we know nothing, we haven't heard the voices

de ningú a part de les que ens han arribat a nosaltres.

from nobody except those that have reached us.

Què? Som-hi?

What? Shall we go?

Som-hi? Vinga.

Shall we? Come on.

Comencem per

Let's start with

una descripció bastant

a rather description

popular del que és la iaia

popular of what the grandmother is

que vària gent ens ha enviat, n'escoltarem uns quants,

that several people have sent us, we will listen to a few of them,

el primer que sentirem

the first thing we will hear

és el meu amic Àlex,

he is my friend Alex,

col·laborador de Boris i Zulfuric.

collaborator of Boris and Zulfuric.

Señorito Griffin, cuánto tiempo.

Mr. Griffin, how long it's been.

A ver qué nos cuenta.

Let's see what they tell us.

Oye, quien caga aquí soy yo, la que manda soy yo,

Hey, the one who takes a dump here is me, the one in charge is me.

the boss, I'm the boss bitch.

the boss, I'm the boss bitch.

Es la fácil.

It's the easy one.

La que caga aquí soy yo,

I'm the one who messes up here,

es que

it's that

aquí la que manda

here the one who rules

y la ama de la casa soy yo.

And I am the mistress of the house.

The boss,

The boss,

I'm the boss bitch.

I'm the boss bitch.

Sí, correcte.

Yes, correct.

No, ya no hay más

No, there are no more.

historia. El que caga aquí soy yo.

history. The one who shits here is me.

I'm the boss bitch. Ya está.

I'm the boss bitch. That's it.

Fàcil. El que caga aquí es la iaia

Easy. The one who shits here is the grandmother.

es una declaración de principios.

It is a statement of principles.

Quien manda aquí soy yo. Me cago aquí

Who rules here is me. I crap here.

porque puedo. Ya está.

Because I can. That's it.

Iaia expeditiva. El que caga aquí soy yo

Grandma is practical. The one who poops here is me.

se ha acabado. Però aquí hi ha un fet

It’s over. But here is a fact.

que es repeteix bastant, que és que

that repeats quite a bit, which is that

ha ignorat per complet l'article masculí.

he has completely ignored the masculine article.

L'Àlex. Hi ha molta gent que

Alex. There are many people who

sent el que caga aquí és la iaia i

the one who poops here is the grandmother and

automàticament ho corregeix com

it automatically corrects it as

la que caga aquí és la iaia.

The one who poops here is grandma.

Aquí a mi m'interessa

Here I'm interested.

la gent que ho veu o no ho veu.

the people who see it or do not see it.

Hi ha gent que fa

There are people who do

incís exactament en això i crec que ja hi arribarem.

it touches exactly on this and I believe we will get there.

Però és interessant, és molt interessant.

But it is interesting, it is very interesting.

Després tenim l'Imevia Miggy

Then we have Imevia Miggy.

Nate que també va pensar

Nate who also thought

en aquí Manu i jo, però li va

Here are Manu and me, but it goes to him.

donar un petit twist d'entrada

give a little twist at the beginning

de com ho reps quan t'ho diu una persona gran

how you receive it when an elderly person tells you

de la teva família. Es va posar una mica a la pell del net.

of your family. He put himself a bit in the grandson's shoes.

Em fa molta gràcia el plantejament ja

I find the approach very amusing already.

de base perquè és una situació que crec

basically because it's a situation that I believe

que passa bastant amb el jovent

what happens quite often with the youth

i quan has de parlar amb les iaies.

And when do you have to talk to the grandmothers?

Hi ha ius i ets molt grans.

There are ius and you are very big.

Que és bàsicament un

What is basically a

és això una dita popular

Is this a popular saying?

simplement que és antiga i no la conec?

just that it is old and I don't know it?

O és que t'ho has tret del cul això?

Or have you pulled that out of your ass?

Bueno, mai millor dita, eh?

Well, never better said, huh?

I la primera impressió que em dona

And the first impression that it gives me

és com una expressió de

it's like an expression of

que l'estatus quo està mantingut

that the status quo is maintained

i que ella segueix el cap.

and that she follows the head.

Bàsicament, la que caga aquí és la iaia.

Basically, the one who messes up here is the grandma.

És un, doncs com sempre, i jo aquí

It's one, as always, and I'm here.

portant-ho tot, saps? El que toca.

Taking everything into account, you know? What needs to be done.

Que també és molt català, com...

That is also very Catalan, like...


Holy shit.

Les dites escatològiques no són necessàriament

The so-called eschatological are not necessarily

negatives en la nostra cultura.

negatives in our culture.

Que tenim el caganer ahí como nuestro santo.

We have the caganer there as our saint.

Nuestro santo.

Our saint.

Clar, és català.

Of course, it's Catalan.

El que caga aquí és la iaia.

The one who shits here is the grandma.

M'agrada, m'agrada. És una dita popular

I like it, I like it. It's a popular saying.

i no me la sé, i bueno, da igual.

And I don't know it, and well, it doesn't matter.

Li hem de seguir la veta a la iaia.

We have to follow the trail to grandma.

Com si t'hagués dit, qui no vol pols que no vagi a l'era?

As if I had told you, who doesn't want dust should not go to the threshing floor?

Doncs el que caga aquí és la iaia.

Well, the one who poops here is the grandma.

És que la mauela és molt de dir coses

It's just that the grandmother is very talkative.

d'aquest estil

of this style

del rollo

of the roll

ella no té ni merda en les tripes.

She doesn't have a clue.

Ai, sí, ai.

Oh, yes, oh.

Ojo, si és veritat, eh? Aquesta ens la vas dir

Careful, if it's true, huh? You told us this one.

i ja me n'havien descuidat, gràcies.

And they had already forgotten about me, thank you.

Sí, sí, sí. L'Inei té molta raó

Yes, yes, yes. Inei is very right.

en que dites escatològiques

in what eschatological sayings

són molt comunes

they are very common

i podria ser-ho perfectament, eh?

I could perfectly be it, right?

Exacte, exacte.

Exactly, exactly.

El que clar, és poc català quan és

What is clear is that he is not very Catalan when he is.

el que caga aquí és la iaia en castellano, però bueno.

What shits here is the grandma in Spanish, but oh well.

Jo què sé, sí, sí. Una catalanada...

I don’t know, yes, yes. A Catalan thing...

Podria ser una catalanada el que caga aquí

It could be a Catalanism that someone shits here.

és la iaia, eh? Absolutament.

It's the grandmother, right? Absolutely.

Molt bé. M'agrada molt

Very good. I like it a lot.

la imatge de la

the image of the

piràmide, no?, de Mando, de la família

pyramid, right?, of Mando, of the family

i la iaia des de dalt, como cagando.

and grandma from above, like she's taking a shit.

I que li da igual

And he doesn't care.

a qui li caigui la merda perquè ella

whoever it may concern because of her

és qui és a dalt. M'agrada bastant.

he is who he is up there. I quite like it.

L'estatus quo està mantingut,

The status quo is maintained,

com diu l'Inei. Sí, sí, sí. Tal qual.

as Inei says. Yes, yes, yes. Just like that.

Molt bé. Després passem a la nostra

Very well. Later we move on to ours.

benvolguda veríssida Laia García.

dear veríssida Laia García.

Que manté

That maintains

la Quima Nulló, però

Quima Nulló, but

ja fa com una petita transició

it's already like a little transition

a el que seran

to what they will be

les properes explicacions. Escoltem-la, sisplau.

the next explanations. Let's listen to her, please.

A veure. A veure, Laia, què ens expliques?

Let's see. Let's see, Laia, what do you want to tell us?

Doncs a mi el primer que em ve al cap és que la iaia

Well, the first thing that comes to my mind is that Grandma

és la jefa, la iaia és la puta,

she is the boss, grandma is the whore,

no? És quien tiene la sartén

No? It's the one who has the frying pan.

por el mango. Pero que a veces, pues,

through the handle. But sometimes, well,

se caga también un poquito, literal.

It also shits a little, literally.



Es lo que ha impresión.

It's what has impressed.

Ya está. A veces se caga un poco, eh?

That's it. Sometimes it messes up a bit, huh?

Literal. A veces se caga

Literal. Sometimes it shits.

un poco, literal. Hostia.

A little, literally. Damn.

Poderío con incontinencia,

Power with incontinence,

¿no? Es en plan de, eh,

No? It's like, eh,

a ver, la literalidad de la frase,

let's see, the literalness of the phrase,

la literalidad de la frase, claro.

the literalness of the phrase, of course.

Hem tingut bastantes iaies cagades,

We have had quite a few screwed-up grandmothers.

vull dir, la iaia cagada anirà sortint.

I mean, the messed-up grandma will start coming out.

És una cosa que la gent dona

It is something that people give.

com a altra explicació

as another explanation

dins de la seva explicació gran, també.

within her great explanation, too.

Que és fàcil, vull dir, és potser

What is easy, I mean, is perhaps

també, igual que a Quima Nulló

also, just like to Quima Nulló

m'he cagat a sobre, són les dues, potser, que

I've shit myself, it's two o'clock, maybe, that

més aviat et venen al cap. Són les més literals

They sell you sooner. They are the most literal.

que treus de la frase, sí, sí.

What do you take from the sentence, yes, yes.

Va, aquí el meu amic Adri ha fet una espècie

Come on, here my friend Adri has made a kind of

de performance art, que és que

of performance art, which is that

ha fet el paper del net quan la iaia

she has played the role of the granddaughter when grandma

li diu això. Hostia. Si la voleu escoltar,

he says this. Wow. If you want to listen to her,

és molt, jo al principi no ho vaig entendre, eh.

It's a lot, I didn't understand it at first, you know.

Escoltem, escoltem l'Adri.

Let's listen, let's listen to Adri.

Vale, vale, vale. La iaia,

Okay, okay, okay. The grandma,

sí que cal la iaia.

yes, we do need the grandmother.

Sempre cal la iaia.

Grandma is always needed.


I believe.

Sisplau, no caguis,

Please, don’t shit.



Sisplau, ja t'has cagat, iaia.

Please, have you already pooped, grandma?

Ja! Primer,

Yes! First,

com entenc, fa com que el net

As I understand it, it makes it seem like the grandson.

ho entenc malament, sí que cal la iaia.

I understand it wrong, yes, we need the grandmother.

Hostia. I després se n'adona que s'està cagant

Holy shit. And then he realizes that he is shitting himself.

a sobre. Hostia.

on top. Holy shit.

No et caguis, no et caguis, iaia.

Don't shit yourself, don't shit yourself, grandma.


I love it.

A més, rebre això

Furthermore, receive this

de bones a primeres, quan t'estàs esperant

Right from the start, when you’re waiting for it.

no, bueno, jo ho interpreto com a tal. Sí, sí, sí.

No, well, I interpret it as such. Yes, yes, yes.

La iaia, sí que cal la iaia.

The grandmother, yes, we really need the grandmother.



Em va pillar en bragas, en absolut

It caught me off guard, absolutely.

bragas, la iaia cagada, però

panties, grandma messed up, but

des del punt de vista del net, no me l'esperava

From the grandchild's point of view, I didn't expect it.

gens. I després,

nothing. And then,

a continuació, una

next, a

variant de la iaia cagada,

variant of the sh*t grandma,

que és la de la meva amiga Joana, que em va

that is from my friend Joana, who is going to me

donar una resposta, com a periodista, que és la Joana,

give an answer, as a journalist, who is Joana,

clara, concisa i concreta.

clear, concise, and specific.

Som-hi. El net, tot i ser un

Let's go. The grandson, despite being a

adult, entra pixat i cagat

adult, comes in peeing and shitting

i desperta la indignació de la iaia,

and awaken the grandmother's indignation,

que efectivament és l'única que caga.

that indeed is the only one that poops.


Holy shit!

Però a més veus, o sigui, és

But also you see, I mean, it is

una notícia, esto, eh? Sí, sí, sí.

A piece of news, this, huh? Yes, yes, yes.

Un telediario, o sigui, és increïble.

A news bulletin, I mean, is incredible.

Sí, sí. Per TV Costa Brava,

Yes, yes. For TV Costa Brava,

iaia cagada. El net entra

grandma shit. The grandson enters

cagat i pixat.

pooped and peed.

Despertant la indignació

Awakening indignation

de la iaia, que efectivament

from Grandma, who indeed

és l'única que pixa i caga.

she's the only one who pees and poops.



Grutals, grutals. Gràcies, Joana.

Grutals, grutals. Thank you, Joana.

Despertant la

Waking her up

indignació de la iaia. Sí, sí.

indignation of the grandmother. Yes, yes.

O sigui, ens ha llegit un titular.

So, we have read a headline.

La deformació professional de la Joana.

The professional deformation of Joana.

Fantàstic. Ai, m'encanta!

Fantastic. Oh, I love it!

Doncs aquestes potser són les

Well, these might be the

més bàsiques, no? Sí. Aquí hem passat per

more basic, right? Yes. Here we have gone through

les boss bitches, basic bitches,

the boss bitches, basic bitches,

i ja ens comencem a endinsar

and we are starting to delve in

en la selva de les explicacions

in the jungle of explanations

una mica més rebuscades. Sí, a l'Àlex

a little more contrived. Yes, to Alex

la que hem sentit abans era la segona

What we heard earlier was the second one.

opció que m'havia enviat, però m'ha enviat

option that you had sent me, but you have sent me

una altra opció abans d'aquesta

another option before this one

que té a veure amb el que hem estat sentint ara

what does it have to do with what we have been feeling now

les últimes, però va

the last ones, but go on

una mica, va una mica més enllà.

a little, it goes a little further.

Li dóna més explicació tot plegat.

It all gives him/her more explanation.

A veure, que el nieto

Let's see, the grandson

o algun familiar

or some relative

que hace visitas regulares

that makes regular visits

a la iaia, ha echado

to the grandma, she has thrown

tal mojón, ha echado tal

such a mess, has made such

mojón, que no

crap, no

la diste al

you gave it to



No tragaba. No tragaba,

I couldn't swallow. I couldn't swallow.

no tragaba y hubo

I couldn't swallow and there was.

una embulsadera allá que

a blabbermouth there that

no había manera de tragar ya.

there was no way to swallow anymore.

Y pues el

And well, he

muchacho barra muchacha

boy bar girl

quien lo hubiera hecho, ni se dio

Who would have done it, didn't even realize.

con lo típico que tiras la cadena y te

with the typical thing of flushing the toilet and you

piensas que se lo ha tragado, te

do you think she swallowed it, you

vas, y la pobre iaia ha estado

you go, and the poor grandmother has been

ahí muchas horas ahí rascando y rascando

there are many hours there scratching and scratching

y se va embozando la mierda.

And the shit is getting covered up.

Muy literal, bastante literal también.

Very literal, quite literal as well.

Muy literal, muy literal, pero claro,

Very literal, very literal, but of course,

me agrada como a bronca, ¿eh?

I like it like a scolding, huh?

Ojo, claro, eso significa que el que

Watch out, of course, that means that whoever

caga aquí es la iaia a modo de bronca.

"Poop here, this is grandma as a scolding."

Si te has cagado tú, lo he arreglado yo.

If you messed up, I fixed it.

Aquí es un poco el mensaje.

Here is a bit of the message.

Aquí no vuelve a cagar nadie porque

Here no one will shit again because

la que me habéis liado, sí, sí.

the mess you've gotten me into, yes, yes.

Bueno, el meu col·lega Jordi, xiner,

Well, my colleague Jordi, a Chinese.



Jordi! També, per a ell

Jordi! Also, for him

també la iaia va

also the grandmother goes

al lavabo, també, pero per una

in the bathroom, too, but for one

cuestión diferent. Poden ser dos coses,

different matter. They can be two things,

però te la resumiré en una.

but I'll summarize it for you in one.

Han estat de dinar familiar

They have had a family lunch.

i el xiquet se n'ha anat un moment.

And the boy has gone for a moment.

Se n'ha anat al vàter,

He has gone to the bathroom.

a l'únic vàter que n'hi ha en tota

to the only bathroom there is in the whole

la casa,

the house,

i s'ha pegat una bona pona després

and has had a good time afterwards

de l'arròs de fesols i naps

of the rice with beans and turnips

que havia preparat l'auela.

that Grandma had prepared.

En algun moment,

At some point,

mentre tornava, l'auela ha anat a

while returning, the grandmother has gone to

olorar a vore.

To smell of sight.


Holy shit!

Y claro, antes de que tornara,

And of course, before he returned,

l'auela ha tornat a sentar-se

The grandmother has sat down again.

a la taula per poder dir-li al xiquet

at the table to be able to tell the boy

el que caga així és la iaia

the one who shits like that is grandma

i ningú més.

and no one else.

És l'única brain training

It is the only brain training.

que jo li puc treure

that I can take from him/her

a això. Podria ser

to this. It could be

una altra cosa que ella estiguera

another thing that she was

sentada en una espècie de cadira

sitting in a kind of chair

orinal, i que ell

urinal, and that he

s'hagués enganyat de cadira

he would have been mistaken for a chair

i li digués

and I told him/her

el que caga així

the one who shits like this

perquè ella estava un poquet dement.

because she was a little bit crazy.

És la primera

It's the first.

millor que la segona. Però, ojo,

better than the second. But, watch out,

la cadira orinal m'agrada molt.

I really like the potty chair.

La cadira orinal, tio.

The potty chair, dude.

La cadira orinal m'agrada molt com a concepte.

I really like the concept of the potty chair.

No, no, aquí no. No te sientes ahí.

No, no, not here. Don't sit there.

El que caga aquí és la iaia.

The one who poops here is the grandma.

Hostia. Interessant que...

Holy shit. Interesting that...

Tu li vas dir que era un xiquet, el net,

You told him that he was a boy, the grandson,

perquè jo et deia sempre que era un net adult.

because I always told you that I was an adult grandchild.

Jo deia que era un net.

I said I was a grandson.

Jo deia un net.

I said a grandson.

Però clar, ella ha rebut clar que és veritat

But of course, she has clearly understood that it is true.

que si penses en net, penses en...

that if you think clearly, you think of...

Sí, però bueno, cadascú ho interpreta

Yes, but well, everyone interprets it differently.

com absolutament vol. La història en general

as absolutely desired. The story in general

que crec que ja està de la gràcia, també.

that I think is already out of grace, too.

Sí, sí. Total, total.

Yes, yes. Totally, totally.

Així que no, no. Molt bé, molt bé.

So no, no. Very good, very good.

Molt bé les dues. M'han agradat molt les dues del Jordi.

Very good both. I really liked both of Jordi's.

Però va a olorar, va a olorar.

But it's going to smell, it's going to smell.

Sí, sí, exacte. Va a olorar. A veure què...

Yes, yes, exactly. It will smell. Let's see what...

A veure què onda.

Let's see what's up.

És la boss bitch i tiene que saber

She is the boss bitch and you need to know it.

cuando caga cada persona en su casa a qué huele.

When each person poops in their house, what does it smell like?

Ella està al càrrec de tots.

She is in charge of everyone.

Controlant el ventre de la família.

Controlling the family's belly.



Arròs espressol i nap, eh?

Rice and turnip, huh?

Això també. Un detall especifiquíssim.

This too. A very specific detail.

M'agrada perquè, o sigui,

I like it because, like,

m'agrada perquè a mi m'encanta

I like it because I love it.

l'escatologia. Com a cosa còmica

eschatology. As a comedic thing

m'encanta l'escatologia.

I love eschatology.

I és increïble

And it's incredible.

la de coses que ens ha dit

the things that she has told us

la gent, explícites

the people, explicit

només per això.

just for that.

Jordi diu, es pega una bona a aponar.

Jordi says he is going to have a good time eating.

Es pega una bona a aponar.

It gets a good beating.

A aponar-se en valencià és posar-se

To "aponar-se" in Valencian means to get ready or to prepare oneself.

com, saps? Aixina en el cul.

Like, you know? Just like that in the ass.

A xerrancar-se. Quan cagues

To crack up. When you laughed.

en el camp, t'apones. Ah, jo em pensava

In the field, you oppose. Ah, I thought.

que aponar-se seria cagar.

that complaining would be whining.

Es pega una bona a aponar.

It gets a good hit when it lands.

Un bon trunyà. No, però sí.

A good mess. No, but yes.

Però bueno, és la pose.

But well, it’s the pose.

La pose de cagar. La pose.

The pose to shit. The pose.

Pose caganer. Vale. Ara,

Place the caganer. Okay. Now,

la meva cosina, l'Agnès, també va

my cousin, Agnès, is going too

una mica pel camí de gente

a little along the path of people

cagandose encima del todo,

shitting all over everything,

pero al final aquí tenemos

but in the end here we have

una punta de diamante

a diamond tip

que asoma.

that peeks out.

El net, quan ha arribat,

The grandson, when he arrived,

s'ha fotut un pet

he has let out a fart

que fot tanta pudor que abans

that stinks so much more than before

de poder saludar o dir res, l'àvia

of being able to greet or say anything, the grandmother

li ha dit, el que caga aquí és la iaia

he told her, the one who shits here is grandma

per dir-li, ep,

to tell him, hey,

vés a cagar a una altra banda.

go shit somewhere else.

Els pets aquí fora.

The farts out here.

I com a comentari adicional

And as an additional comment

he de dir que l'àvia deu ser

I have to say that the grandmother must be

bigènere, possiblement,

bigener, possibly,

o alguna cosa així, perquè clar,

or something like that, because of course,

dir el que caga aquí és la iaia,

the one who poops here is the grandma,

si ets una dona

if you are a woman


you would say

la que caga aquí és la iaia,

the one who poops here is the grandma,

però si diu el que caga aquí és la iaia

but if it’s said that it’s the grandmother who poops here

és que aquí hi ha alguna

is there something here

cosa, eh? I ja està.

Thing, huh? And that's it.

Hi ha alguna cosa.

There is something.

Hay algo, hay algo.

There is something, there is something.

Aquí hay algo, eh? La iaia es un huevito

Here's something, huh? Grandma is a little egg.

a punto de abrirse aquí.

about to open here.

La Inés, com a traductora de català,

Inés, as a Catalan translator,

ole, la que caga aquí,

wow, the one who poops here,

no, el que caga aquí.

no, the one who shits here.

El que caga, el que caga.

He who poops, he who poops.

També he de dir que és veritat que fer servir

I also have to say that it's true that using

pronoms diferents els que d'entrada

different pronouns than at first

semblaria que es corresponen amb el teu gènere

it would seem that they correspond with your gender

pot ser una indicació d'aquests trans,

it may be an indication of these trans,

però jo també conec gent cis,

but I also know cis people,

per exemple, conec homes cis

for example, I know cis men

que fan servir pronoms femenins

that use feminine pronouns

des d'un punt de vista totalment feminista

from a totally feminist point of view

i des del fer servir el femení més sovint.

and from using the feminine more often.

O sigui que, pueden ser muchas cosas.

So, it can be many things.

Aquí hay algo, potser també

Here's something, maybe also.

és un tema polític de la iaia, jo què sé.

It's a political issue of the grandmother, I don't know.

Però sí, sí,

But yes, yes,

m'agrada la identitat de gènere de la iaia

I like my grandmother's gender identity.

i descobrint-se a la tercera edat.

and discovering oneself in old age.

Correcte, de cop.

Correct, all of a sudden.

Y además como para anunciarlo a la familia.

And also as if to announce it to the family.



Salir del armario

Come out of the closet

diciendo el que caga aquí es la iaia

saying that the one who shits here is the grandma

y tú tienes que entender, no, es que soy trans.

And you have to understand, no, it's just that I am trans.

Li fots la bronca al net

You scold the grandchild.

sortint de l'armari, tota la vegada.

coming out of the closet, all at once.

Perquè s'ha tirat un pet.

Because he/she has farted.

És que m'ha agradat també el detall d'abans de saludar

I also liked the detail of greeting beforehand.

ni res, en plan de...

nothing, in the sense of...

El que caga aquí es la iaia.

The one who shits here is the grandmother.

Queda clar, no?

It's clear, isn't it?

Ara us posaré el de la meva amiga Lucía.

Now I will show you my friend Lucía's.

Estamos rozando el tema trans aquí también.

We are touching on the trans topic here as well.

A ver qué os parece.

Let's see what you think.

Como salida del armario esto.

Like this coming out of the closet.

A ver ahora.

Let's see now.

A mí se me vinieron dos conceptos a la cabeza

Two concepts came to my mind.

con este audio.

with this audio.

Porque, claro, se me vino

Because, of course, it came to me.

el directamente el de identidad

the directly the identity

de el que la caga aquí

of the one who messes up here

es la iaia, no?

It's the grandmother, right?

Que se refiere a sí misma

That refers to herself.

como género masculino.

as the masculine gender.

Entonces se me vienen

Then they come to me.

dos conceptos a la cabeza.

two concepts in mind.

Tanto el de género

Both the gender

que es eso de que

What is that about that

si se siente identificada

if she identifies with it

con el género masculino

with the masculine gender

y luego que claro

and then what clear

si con el nieto

yes with the grandson

se le reconoce como la iaia

she is recognized as the grandmother

pues para que la entienda, no?

Well, so that she understands it, right?

Vale, vale.

Okay, okay.

Aunque también aquí, pero por si acaso lo aclaro

Although also here, but just to make it clear.

en Colombia cuando nosotros nos equivocamos

In Colombia when we make mistakes.

decimos como un poco la expresión

we say a little like the expression

la cagué.

I messed up.



yo creo que se refiere a

I think it refers to

como que de pronto le dice

as if suddenly he tells her

al nieto, no te preocupes

Don't worry, grandson.

porque tú nunca te vas a equivocar

because you will never be wrong

porque en esta casa

because in this house

cuando entras

when you enter

la única persona que se equivoca

the only person who is wrong

es la iaia.

it's the grandmother.

Por más de que hagas cosas

No matter how much you do things

de equivocarse

to make a mistake

nunca te vas a equivocar

You will never be wrong.

porque la única que se equivoca

because the only one who is wrong

o sea que hace algo malo

So he's doing something wrong.

es la iaia.

it's the grandmother.

Tú jamás harás nada malo independientemente

You will never do anything wrong independently.

rompas vasos, platos, no?

You break glasses, plates, right?

De pronto yo creo que es un poco

Suddenly I think it's a little bit.

la reflexión que le quería hacer la abuela de

the reflection that the grandmother wanted to make about

tú aquí en esta casa

you here in this house

nunca harás nada malo.

You will never do anything wrong.

Assumeix la responsabilitat

Take responsibility.

d'absolutament tot el que fas.

of absolutely everything you do.

Amor i aïll, no et preocupis.

Love and isolation, don't worry.

Amor i aïll incondicional i trans.

Love and unconditional isolation and trans.

Increïble, eh?

Incredible, huh?

Son muchas cosas.

There are many things.

Es lo más bonito del mundo, la iaia trans

It's the most beautiful thing in the world, the trans grandma.

que quiere mucho a su nieto.

who loves his grandson very much.

Bueno, el iaio trans.

Well, the grandpa trans.

És que de fet jo tinc un amic que just ahir

It's just that I actually have a friend who just yesterday

estava parlant d'això que ell és un noi trans

I was talking about how he is a trans guy.

però té un nebot com súper petit

but he has a super little nephew

que encara li diu tia.

that still calls her aunt.

El nen està acostumat a dir-li tia

The boy is used to calling her aunt.

aleshores fins que no tingui una mica més

then until I have a little more

de capacitat d'entendre aquestes coses

of the ability to understand these things

no l'hi explicarà. I és una mica el que està fent la iaia.

She won't explain it to him. And it's a bit what the grandmother is doing.

Poquito a poco, cuchaladitas.

Little by little, spoonfuls.

Para que el niño

So that the child

se lo entienda.

let it be understood.

Soy la iaia pero soy el que caga.

I am the grandmother but I am the one who poops.

És molt cuqui aquesta interpretació.

This interpretation is very cute.

No m'esperava

I didn't expect it.

que atreviríem una cosa tan tendra del que caga

What would we dare to do with something so tender about what it shits?

qui és la iaia. Jo tampoc, jo tampoc.

Who is the grandma? Me neither, me neither.

La veritat que estic molt content.

The truth is that I am very happy.

No m'esperava aquest sentiment, aquesta emoció.

I didn't expect this feeling, this emotion.

Gràcies, Lucía.

Thank you, Lucía.

Anem amb la Marta.

We are going with Marta.

La Marta també s'ha imaginat

Marta has also imagined.

una àvia que dona recolzament

a grandmother who provides support

al nen.

to the boy.

La meva teoria és que és una iaia

My theory is that she is a grandmother.

que vol molt el seu nen

that his child wants a lot

i que li ofereix la seva ajuda

and offers him his help

per al que sigui.

for whatever it may be.

El que realment diu és

What it really says is

per al que calgui

for whatever is necessary

aquí està la iaia.

Here is grandma.


Holy shit!

El que passa és que està en dinant

What happens is that he is having lunch.

i crema una mica.

And it burns a little.

Aleshores la pilla amb la boca plena

Then she grabs it with her mouth full.

crema una mica

burns a little

en la boca mig oberta mig

in the half-open half mouth

bla bla bla

bla bla bla

el que calgui aquí és la iaia.

What we need here is the grandma.

Entonces queda ahí como una mica

So it stays there a little bit.

esta frase, ¿no?

this sentence, right?

Pero realmente

But really

la teoria es que el que le digo es

the theory is that what I am telling you is

el que calga

whatever is needed

aquí está la iaia, siempre.

here is grandma, always.

Para todo.

For everything.

Està molt bé. A més m'agrada molt com

It's very good. Besides, I really like how

hi ha molta gent que li dona

there are many people who give it

la cosa aquesta de como que está un poco

this thing is kind of a little

loca la iaia, o que está

Crazy the grandma, or what is it?

que está mayor y por eso no vocaliza

he is older and that's why he doesn't vocalize

o la frase queda mal. Ella ho justifica.

Or the phrase sounds bad. She justifies it.

La iaia està en perfectes

Grandma is in perfect health.

condicions mentals i físiques.

mental and physical conditions.

S'està cremant i prou.

It's burning and that's enough.

La iaia

The grandma

està com una flor.

She is like a flower.

M'agrada, m'agrada.

I like it, I like it.

Bien por la iaia, que todavía

Good for the grandma, who still...

está bien en esta versión, porque

it's fine in this version, because

en tenemos muchas de iaies atropelladísimas.

We have a lot of grandmothers who have been run over.

Totalmente a diferencia

Totally different.

de lo que viene a continuación.

of what follows.

Y ahora ya se nos derrite la cara.

And now our faces are melting.

Sí, a ver.

Yes, let's see.

El Jack, el Jack, ens ha enviat una cosa

Jack has sent us something.

molt curta

very short

i molt clara.

and very clear.

I ho veu claríssim, ja ho veureu.

I see it very clearly, you will see.

Parece que lo que diga la abuela es que

It seems that what the grandmother says is that

va a servir su propia mierda. No sé.

He will serve his own shit. I don't know.

Suena un poco

It sounds a little.

así, la verdad. El que caga aquí

That's the truth. Whoever shits here

es la iaia. No sé.

It's the grandmother. I don't know.

A lo mejor eso es lo que van a comer quién sabe.

Maybe that's what they're going to eat, who knows.

Hòstia, no? Ja està.

Damn, right? That's it.

El Jack ho ha vist sense cap mena de dubte.

Jack has seen it without a doubt.

O sigui, hi ha gent que diu, bueno, potser

So, there are people who say, well, maybe.

tal, o acaben preguntant. No, no.

Such, or they end up asking. No, no.

Parece que van a comer eso. No, no.

It seems they are going to eat that. No, no.

Aquí no veo nada más.

I don't see anything else here.

Sí, es que va a enviar audio súper serio.

Yes, he is going to send a super serious audio.

Sí, sí, és acollonant.

Yes, yes, it's awesome.

Ho ha vist, ho ha vist.

He has seen it, he has seen it.

Sap coses.

He knows things.

Sap coses, sí, sí.

He knows things, yes, yes.

El tercer ojo de Jack ha visto

Jack's third eye has seen

el zurullo en el plato. Ha visto, correcto,

the stool on the plate. Have you seen it, correct,

ha visto platos llenos de mierda

he has seen plates full of shit

y la abuela ahí tan pancha. Ostres,

and grandma there so calm. Wow,

mare de Déu. Bueno,

mother of God. Well,

también claro, conciso y concreto.

also clear, concise, and concrete.

Sí, sí, sí, el tema. Madre mía.

Yes, yes, yes, the topic. Oh my goodness.

El tema, el tema. El tema, el tema.

The theme, the theme. The theme, the theme.

El primer mierda, es lo que hay.

The first shit, it is what it is.

No hay más que la mierda de la yaya.

There's nothing but Grandma's shit.

Va, aquí

Come on, here.

ens n'anem també a la versió més pura

we're also going to the purest version

de que la yaya està allà una mica

that grandma is there a little

cascadeta amb la meva amiga Iris,

cascade with my friend Iris,

que té la teoria de l'Alzheimer,

what the theory of Alzheimer's has,

que és una teoria que això impregna

what is a theory that this impregnates

bastantes altres teories. El que em sembla

quite a few other theories. What seems to me

que ha passat aquí és que la yaya

what happened here is that grandma

està sorda

she is deaf

des de fa molts anys i això ja se li suma

for many years now, and this adds up to that

una mica de

a little bit of



barra Alzheimer, que fa que

Alzheimer's bar, which makes it so that

afecti les interaccions

affect the interactions

i el que fa la yaya és

and what grandma does is

respondre molt sincerament

respond very honestly

a una pregunta,

to a question,

a la pregunta que ella es pensa

to the question that she is thinking

que el seu net

that his grandson

li ha fet,

he/she has done to him/her,

encara que no tingui cap mena de sentit

even if it doesn't make any sense

ni pel moment ni pel context

neither for the moment nor for the context

de la situació, la yaya

from the situation, the grandma

molt amablement

very kindly

li ha explicat

he has explained to him/her

molt amablement li ha explicat que

he has kindly explained to him that

allà caga ella.

She poops there.

Allà caga ella.

There she shits.

M'agrada com

I like how

l'Iris està supersèria tot el rato

Iris is super serious all the time.

i al final

and in the end

es desmorona.

it crumbles.

Perquè és que a més em va dir, és que m'estic

Because he also told me, it's that I'm getting

partint el cul, he fet tres intents d'àudio

splitting my ass, I have made three audio attempts

i m'estic partint el cul, i jo no, sisplau,

I'm breaking my ass, and I'm not, please.

és més graciós si rius, és més graciós

it's funnier if you laugh, it's funnier

si et surt el primer que et surt

if the first thing that comes out comes out

i al final

and in the end

es va desmoronar. Però clar, com que estava

it collapsed. But of course, since it was

parlant d'una cosa sèria com era la demència senil,

talking about a serious matter like senile dementia,

la sordera i tal, suposo que s'ho volia

the deafness and such, I suppose he wanted it

prendre prou en sèrio, però és que clar,

take it very seriously, but of course,

et pots agafar el plantejament sencosament,

you can take the approach simply,

però és que el que acaba dient és

but what ends up being said is

el que caga aquí sóc jo, el que caga aquí és la yaya.

the one who shits here is me, the one who shits here is the grandma.

És que m'agrada molt la yaya satisfeta

It's just that I really like the satisfied granny.

de dir-ho, no?, efectivament.

to say it, right? indeed.

Clar. El que caga aquí és la yaya i...

Sure. The one who poops here is the grandma and...

Sí, sí, com amb tota l'amabilitat del

Yes, yes, as with all the kindness of the

món, una yaya molt serena

world, a very serene grandmother

ha contestat la pregunta que creu que li han fet.

He has answered the question he thinks he was asked.

Ves a saber quina és la pregunta.

Go figure what the question is.

Perdona, que deies sí, sí, el que caga aquí...

Sorry, what you said is yes, yes, the one who shits here...

El que caga aquí és la yaya.

The one who shits here is the grandma.

Bé, anem ara amb el mestre Nicolau,

Well, let's go now with Master Nicolau,

amb el Lluís Nicolau.

with Lluís Nicolau.

Bé, ha fet una explicació

Well, it has provided an explanation.

bastant terrenal

quite earthly

de tot plegat, no? Doncs jo crec

of everything, right? Well, I think

que pot ser que l'àvia

that the grandmother might be

hagi ja perdut el contacte

I may have already lost contact.

amb la realitat i quan

with reality and when

veu entrar el

you hear the entrance of the

jove es pensa

young thinks

que està

that is

entrant al lavabo i

entering the bathroom and

clar, ella s'està fent caca o té ganes

Of course, she is pooping or needs to go.

de fer caca i li diu

to poop and he tells him

el que caga aquí és la yaya,

what's shitting here is the grandma,

no entris perquè

don't enter because

la que està cagant és la yaya.

The one who is shitting is the grandma.

És la yaya.

It's the grandmother.

M'agrada que abans

I like that before

hem tingut un fent el paper de net, el Lluís

we had one playing the role of a grandchild, Lluís

s'ha ficat en el paper de la yaya, 100%.

She's taken on the role of the grandma, 100%.

Sí, sí, sí, no m'esperava

Yes, yes, yes, I didn't expect it.

una yaya recreada. Hòstia,

a recreated grandma. Damn,

que bona, Lluís. Una mica

so good, Lluís. A bit

confusió habitacional,

housing confusion,

també, no?, una mica de...

also, right?, a little bit of...

Sí, sí, confusió, confusió.

Yes, yes, confusion, confusion.

Al tanto, que això podria ser el lavabo

Be careful, as this could be the bathroom.

i aquí, si això és el lavabo, qui caga

And here, if this is the bathroom, who poops?

és la yaya. Perdó, per mi

It's the grandma. Sorry, for me.

el millor és la veu del Lluís.

The best is Lluís's voice.

Que la teoria

That the theory

està bé, però bueno,

it's fine, but well,

m'ha agafat totalment d'espera, o sigui,

it has totally caught me off guard, so

m'esperava o la veu del Lluís de quan

I was waiting for the voice of Lluís from when

fem la cunyeta del Maestra Nicolau aquesta,

let's do this little favor for Maestra Nicolau.

o si no, la veu normal del Lluís, que ja

or if not, the normal voice of Lluís, which already

és així, com ronca i tal, dient

that's how he snores and such, saying

bueno, jo penso que a lo millor pos tal,

Well, I think that maybe yes,

i no, però...

and no, but...

No us he volgut dir res de la veu.

I didn't want to tell you anything about the voice.

Clar que no, clar que no,

Of course not, of course not.

per descomptat que no.

Of course not.

Ai, gràcies, gràcies por tanto.

Oh, thank you, thank you for so much.

Anem amb una teoria

Let's go with a theory.

que barreja Alzheimer amb moltes altres

that mixes Alzheimer's with many others

coses del meu amic Daniel, que

things of my friend Daniel, who

bueno, ja ho veureu, no us

well, you'll see, don't you

vull fer cap preàmbul, deixeu-vos portar

I want to make no preamble, let yourselves be carried away.

pel viatge que ha fet en Daniel amb nosaltres.

for the trip that Daniel has taken with us.

És com un cúmul.

It's like a pile.

Jo crec que en si el nen

I believe that in itself the child

no té ni idea de per què li diu això,

he has no idea why she tells him this,

però jo crec que la yaya barreja

but I think that grandma mixes

entre Alzheimer

between Alzheimer

i algun tipus

and some kind

de cosa

about what

com de la guerra civil, com de marcar

like of the civil war, like of marking

territori a la guerra civil.

territory in the civil war.

La que caga aquí és la yaya.

The one who poops here is the grandma.

És la que manda.

She is the one in charge.

És qui en caga.

He is the one who shits.

Els altres ja

The others already.

s'espavilaran aquí, perquè

they will get themselves organized here, because

és l'única que menja, possiblement,

she is the only one who eats, possibly,

o la que més menja. No ho sé, jo crec

or the one that eats the most. I don't know, I think.

que veig aquí algú tipus guerra civil.

I see here some kind of civil war.

Guerra civil, o

Civil war, or

potser més primitiu, o

maybe more primitive, or

algun tipus, la yaya potser

some type, maybe the grandma

havia sigut algú del lumpen,

he had been someone from the lumpen,

molt del lumpen, i

a lot of the lumpen, and

és una espècie com de còdig, no?

It's a kind of code, isn't it?

És com aquí mandam i polla, doncs la guerra civil.

It's like here, boss and cock, so the civil war.

La que caga és la yaya, perquè

The one who shits is the grandma, because

clar, en aquella època cagar

Sure, at that time, to crap

diguéssim amb abundància

let's say abundantly

devia ser un luxe, perquè volia dir

it must have been a luxury, because it meant

que cagaves bé, o sigui

that you pooped well, I mean

que hi havia material.

that there was material.

No ho sé, jo crec que és algo així.

I don't know, I think it's something like that.

I més si és un sopar

And even more if it's a dinner.

o un dinar o una cosa així de Nadal

or a lunch or something like that for Christmas

on hi ha menjar i tot això, que avisa

where there is food and all that, which warns

avisa ja que aquí

let them know that here

la que menja primer, la que menja el

the one who eats first, the one who eats him

plat més guapo, el més abundant,

most beautiful dish, the most abundant,

és la yaya, que segurament

it's the grandma, who probably

ho està pagant amb la seva pensió, o sigui que igual

he is paying for it with his pension, so it's the same.

va a fer més matèria, però

it's going to be more material, though

jo veig una cosa així, jo veig una cosa així.

I see something like this, I see something like this.

La pensió al final m'ha matat.

The pension has ultimately killed me.

Hòstia, però

Wow, but

ho fa sumant, ho fa sumant.

it does it by adding, it does it by adding.

És increïble, però m'agrada moltíssim,

It's incredible, but I like it a lot.

perquè ajunta tots els conceptes aquests

because it combines all these concepts

de la dita popular i la que manda

from the popular saying and the one that commands

sóc jo i tal, però ho explica súper,

it's me and such, but explain it super.

o sigui m'agrada moltíssim tota la teoria

I mean, I really like all the theory a lot.

d'esta en la guerra civil

of this in the civil war

era com havia poca comida, el que caga

It was like there wasn't much food, the one who poops.

más es quien ha comido más,

more is the one who has eaten more,

y eso es bueno, la abundància.

and that is good, abundance.

Era un luxe, tio.

It was a luxury, dude.



Està molt bé, m'agrada molt com a reconstrucció

It's very good, I really like it as a reconstruction.

dels fets, passito a passito.

of the facts, step by step.

Sí, un CSI de la yaya absoluto.

Yes, an absolute grandma CSI.

Correctament, el Daniel ha agafat el hilo rojo

Correctly, Daniel has taken the red thread.

i ha començat a fer

and has started to do

de foto en foto i ha trobat tot,

from photo to photo and he/she has found everything,

ha trobat tots els secrets de la yaya.

He has discovered all the grandmother's secrets.

M'ha agradat molt

I liked it very much.

perquè ha tornat al present

because it has returned to the present

també per dir, avisa

also to say, notify

que el mejor plato es pa la yaya.

that the best dish is for grandma.

Està molt bé, està molt bé.

It's very good, it's very good.

El que caga aquí per dir

What shits here to say

mer-mas, hòstia puta, està molt bé.

Mer-mas, fucking hell, it's very good.

Sí, sí, brutal, brutal.

Yes, yes, brutal, brutal.

De construcció lèxica

Of lexical construction

d'aquesta merda, tio, molt bé.

From this shit, dude, very good.

A veure, el Jordi, el xaval...

Let's see, Jordi, the kid...

Xaval, xavalillo.

Kid, little kid.

També va una mica

It also goes a bit.

pel passat de la yaya.

for the past of the grandmother.

A partir d'aquí

From here on out

ja comencem a anar-nos en una mica

We're starting to get a bit too carried away.

de mare, eh? Una miqueta sí.

Of course, huh? A little bit, yes.

Les històries comencen a tenir

Stories are starting to have

comencen a tenir

they are starting to have

argument complet.

complete argument.

El que caga aquí es la yaya.

The one who poops here is the grandmother.

Per explicar aquesta història

To explain this story

crec que m'he de remuntar un poc

I think I need to go back a bit.

enrere, d'acord? El tema no surt

Back, okay? The topic isn't coming up.

el que caga aquí es la yaya i s'acabó,

the one who poops here is the grandma and that's it,

sinó que això te xitxa darrere.

but this has a catch behind it.

La idea inicial

The initial idea

és que l'abuela

it's that the grandmother

és una abuela i, per tant, ha viscut

she is a grandmother and, therefore, has lived

l'època de Franco. L'abuela és franquista.

The era of Franco. The grandmother is Francoist.

No, no, l'abuela no és franquista.

No, no, the grandmother is not Francoist.

L'abuela ha viscut èpoques en què

The grandmother has lived through times when

la societat

the society

li demanava

I was asking him/her.

que fos una persona més recta

that he/she was a more upright person

i, per tant, ella, com era una nena

and, therefore, she, as she was a girl

en les èpoques males

in hard times

d'esta societat,

of this society,

vivia molt reprimida

she lived very suppressed

i, si deia paraulotes,

and if it said swear words,

aquesta senyora

this lady

le curtia en el lomo

he was skinning it on the back

quedava a gustete. Llavors,

it stayed comfortably. Then,

ella va agafar pànic a dir paraulotes.

She panicked at the thought of swearing.

Llavors, per exemple, li tenia molt, molt

Then, for example, I had a lot, a lot for him.

de pànic, molt de pànic a la paraula

of panic, a lot of panic at the word

puta. Ella no podia dir la paraula

bitch. She couldn't say the word.

puta. Llavors, quan hi havia paraules

whore. So, when there were words

que contenien la paraula puta,

that contained the word whore,

canviant de ser com putadora, per exemple,

changing from being like a computer, for example,

ella buscava una corba

she was looking for a curve

i deia com gotadora

and it said like a dripper

o com cutadora o alguna cosa d'aquest

or as a cutter or something like that

rotllo. Llavors, per exemple, espaguetis

roll. So, for example, spaghetti

a la putanesca, deia espaguetis

in puttanesca style, he said spaghetti

a la cutanesca. Coses així.

in the cutanesque way. Things like that.

I la tia va començar, per culpa

And the aunt began, because of

d'aquest trauma, buscava

from this trauma, I was looking for

cada cop la corbita per

every time the little corb flies

no dir puta. La paraula puta

don't say whore. The word whore

però, clar, això era quan

but, of course, that was when

ella era petita i va anar

she was small and went

desenvolupant aquest traumilla

developing this little trauma

fins i tot al punt que

even to the point that

cada cop que venia una P,

every time a P came,

s'agobiava. Buscava

he/she was getting overwhelmed. He/She was looking for

una sortida en la que

an outing in which

no hagués dit la paraula P. Hòstia puta!

I shouldn't have said the word P. Holy shit!

No, no, no! Tornem a

No, no, no! Let's start over.

la present. Estamos en

the present. We are in

Navidad, hay una mesa parada,

Christmas, there is a table set,

el niño, el adolescente

the child, the teenager

ha hecho una performance

he has done a performance

de rap para ganarse su aguinaldo

of rap to earn his bonus

y aquí

and here

qui caga es la

who shits is the

yaya. Aquí qui caga, qui caga aquí

yaya. Here who poops, who poops here

es la yaya. Pero era

It's the granny. But it was.

qui paga aquí, el puta aguinaldo.

Who pays here, the damn bonus.

La puta abuela

The fucking grandmother.

que no sabía dir

that I couldn't say

la P, tío, la puta esquina.

the P, dude, the fucking corner.

Pues ahí está el rollo.

Well, there is the problem.

Ahí está el rollo fijo. Fijo.

There is the fixed roll. Fixed.

La puta esquina, tío.

The damn corner, man.

La puta esquina. El nostre podcast.

The fucking corner. Our podcast.

La puta esquina. Concauqueres.

The damn corner. Concauqueres.

M'encanta. A més m'agrada molt

I love it. Also, I really like it a lot.

tot el buildup que ha fet perquè me l'he vist

all the buildup that has been made because I watched it

venir. Quan ha dit lo de les P ja veia

to come. When she mentioned the P, I could already see.

claro que era el que paga, aquí és la yaya.

Of course it was the one who pays, here is the grandma.

Qué cabrón, tío. Yo me he embarcat

What a jerk, man. I got on board.

totalment en aquesta història. Qué bueno.

totally in this story. How great.

Molt bé. Joder, puto Jordi,

Very good. Fuck, stupid Jordi.

tío, la que s'ha muntat. Introducción, ús

Dude, what a mess has been made. Introduction, use

i desenyat. Sí, sí, sí, sí. Bueno, sí, sí.

And drawn. Yes, yes, yes, yes. Well, yes, yes.

És que és totalment això.

It is completely that.

M'encanten. Ara les històries

I love them. Now the stories.

més rebuscades per mi són les millors.

The more convoluted they are for me, the better they are.

Les que hacen su interpretación

Those who make their interpretation.

de toda la vida de la yaya

of the grandmother's whole life

y se van totalmente de

and they completely go away from

madre. Bien, bien, bien, bien.

mother. Good, good, good, good.

Prepareu-vos perquè lo que ha fet el Marcel

Get ready because of what Marcel has done.

és... Que fluya, que fluya.

It's... Let it flow, let it flow.

Marcel, multiportadista de Berís Itzulfúric.

Marcel, multi-port artist of Berís Itzulfúric.

Sí, correcte. El que

Yes, correct. What

em suggereix aquesta situació

this situation suggests to me

clarament és que això es tracta

it is clear that this is about

d'un clan familiar

of a family clan

que està especialitzat

that is specialized

en els moviments intestinals.

in bowel movements.

O sigui, el que els defineix,

That is to say, what defines them,

el que els dona entitat

what gives them substance

és la matèria fecal.

It is fecal matter.

És el seu rotllo. Llavors, clarament,

It's his/her thing. Then, clearly,

la yaya és la matriarca,

the grandmother is the matriarch,

la matriarca familiar,

the family matriarch,

i hi està havent aquí una mica

And there is a bit happening here.

una crisi interna.

an internal crisis.

Hi està havent una lluita pel poder

Hi, there is a power struggle happening.

del clan familiar i el net està

of the family clan and the grandson is

intentant moure fils.

trying to move strings.

Vol ser el nou patriarca

He wants to be the new patriarch.

del clan aquest

from this clan

gastrointestinal, no?

gastrointestinal, right?

I la yaya no ho permetrà, això.

And grandma won't allow that.

Serà enterat

He will be informed.

per el tiet segon

for the second uncle

que és evidentment

that is obviously

un traïdor, és un hipopús,

a traitor, is a hippopotamus,

que vol el favor de la senyora

What does the lady want?

i la tem, no?

And the fear, right?

Perquè evidentment tothom que la traeix

Because obviously everyone who betrays her

es cobreix de merda.

it gets covered in shit.

Evidentment, ell s'ha xivat

Obviously, he has squealed.

dels intents del net

of the grandchild's attempts

i ara ella li pararà els peus.

And now she will put her foot down.

El que està a punt de seguir

What is about to follow

des d'aquesta situació que em planteges

from this situation that you present to me

és una gran batalla

it is a great battle

de matèria fecal, no?

of fecal matter, right?

I de...

And of...

I de trunyacos, no?

And of trunyacos, right?

Això probablement en plan bola de drac,

This probably in a Dragon Ball way,

però si substitueixes

but if you substitute

drac per

dragon for

per merda, no?

For shit, right?

És una mica el que vindrà a continuació.

It's a bit what will come next.

El clan gastrointestinal, tio.

The gastrointestinal clan, dude.

Si substitueixes drac per merda.

If you replace dragon with shit.

Drac per merda.

Dragon for shit.

El clan fecal, tio.

The fecal clan, dude.

I a més, Marcel és d'aquests

And moreover, Marcel is one of those.

que ho ha explicat sense cap mena de dubte.

that he has explained it without any doubt.

Jo el que he vist ha sigut això,

What I have seen has been this,

com ha aparegut, com la informació

how it has appeared, like the information

s'ha transmès directament al seu cervell

it has been transmitted directly to his/her brain

completa i tancada en el moment

complete and closed at the moment

en què ha sentit el que caga que és la iaia

what he has felt about the one who shits that it's the grandmother

i cap problema, jo t'ho explico.

No problem, I'll explain it to you.

Ja està, ho he entès.

That's it, I understand.

Joc de trons.

Game of Thrones.

De mierda.

Of shit.

I en comptes d'un Lannister

And instead of a Lannister

que sempre paga sus deudes, el clan diu

that always pays its debts, the clan says

el que caga aquí és la iaia.

The one who shits here is the grandmother.

La Mariona

The Mariona

ha muntat una pel·lícula,

he has made a movie,

però una pel·lícula és increïble.

but a movie is incredible.

Ja ho veureu.

You will see.

No té pèrdi d'això.

It's not to be missed.

Doncs resulta que aquesta família

Well, it turns out that this family

cada any fa com un dinar molt especial.

Every year it feels like a very special lunch.

És un conte això, prepareu-vos.

This is a story, get ready.

És un dinar tal qual,

It's a lunch just like that,

el que passa que a l'hora de les postres

What happens is that at dessert time

és quan es du terme

it's when it is carried out

a l'actualització.

to the update.

És que la iaia,

It's just that grandma,

que ve d'una família de pastissers,

that comes from a family of bakers,

ella fa un petit cupcake

She makes a small cupcake.

com per a cada un dels membres

as for each of the members

de la família.

of the family.

I llavors el punt àlgid de la història

And then the climax of the story.

és quan ella va amb la seva manga pastelera

it's when she goes with her piping bag

plena de crema

full of cream

i va passant

and it is happening

mini muffin per mini muffin

mini muffin by mini muffin

i fa un petit cagarreta a sobre

and it has a little poop on top

i quan ha acabat diu

And when it is finished, he says.

que Dios te bendiga.

God bless you.

A escenes de la iaia, tot això,

To scenes of the grandmother, all of this,

se n'ha anat com fotent, no?

He left as if he were shot, didn't he?

Primer, hihihihaha,

First, hihihihaha,

ah, que lleig t'ha sortit aquest any el cagarro

Ah, how ugly your poop has turned out this year.

que t'ha fet la iaia, que no sé què,

what has grandma done to you, I don’t know what,

ui, que maco, no sé què.

Oh, how beautiful, I don't know what.

I resulta que s'ha creat el mite

And it turns out that the myth has been created.

que com més maco li surt el cagarro

that the prettier the turd turns out to be

de la muffin a la iaia,

from the muffin to grandma,

doncs tens un any més de puta mare,

so you have another awesome year,

com si diguéssim, no?

as if we were saying, right?

I que se li queda un cagarro més així,

And if he ends up with one more turd like that,

doncs la sort no et ve

so luck doesn't come to you

tant de cara, com si diguéssim.

so much for that, so to speak.

I el que passa és que

And what happens is that

primer molt riure, molt riure,

first a lot of laughing, a lot of laughing,

però ja fa uns anys que la família

but it has been a few years since the family

les coses no acaben d'arrollar fines, no?

Things don't quite roll out nicely, do they?

Un se li inunda el garatge,

One's garage gets flooded,

l'altre li ratllen el cotxe que té dos per tres,

the other one scratches his car every two or three times,

l'altre l'empresa se li va a la quebra,

the other company is going bankrupt,

i clar,

Of course,

resulta que la iaia

it turns out that grandma

en sap, no?, perquè ve de família de pastissers,

He knows, right?, because he comes from a family of pastry chefs,

però cada vegada es fa més gran.

but it keeps getting bigger.

I el seu pols cada vegada,

And its pulse each time,

bueno, cada vegada va com pitjor,

well, it's getting worse every time.

com si diguéssim, no?

as we say, right?

I primer, quan era jove feia els cagarros

And first, when I was young, I used to make the poops.

de les màfins molt bonics, però ara,

of the very beautiful mafins, but now,

que són molt lletjos, veia,

that they are very ugly, I saw,

que els fa molt lletjos,

that makes them very ugly,

i la família, pues, s'està ratllant,

and the family, well, is getting worn out,

perquè pensa, ostres, pobre dona,

because she thinks, wow, poor woman,

vull dir, ja ho fa amb tota la bona intenció del món,

I mean, they are already doing it with all the good intentions in the world,

però ens està desgraciant els anys,

but it is ruining our years,

cada de cada any ens el desgracia ella, no?

Every year she brings us misfortune, doesn't she?

I mira que li diuen, deixa'ns-ho fer nosaltres,

And look what they say to him, let us do it ourselves.

que tu ets gran, seu i descansa,

you are great, sit down and rest,

i la dona, no, no, el que ella vol fer ella, i això.

And the woman, no, no, what she wants to do, she, and that.

I aquest any,

And this year,

clar, com que és una dona molt religiosa, no?,

Of course, since she is a very religious woman, right?

la iaia, i ho fa, en plan, per maneir

the grandma, and she does it, like, to manage

tota la família, van pensar,

the whole family thought,

mira, calla, com que el nen petit

look, be quiet, like the little boy

ha entrat al seminari,

he has entered the seminary,

ell representa que ens

he represents that us

pot beneir amb

can bless with

certificat de Déu, com si diguéssim,

certificate from God, so to speak,

i potser d'aquesta manera

and perhaps in this way

convencem la iaia perquè

let's convince grandma to

li deixi fer els cagarros

let him do the things he has to do

amb el net.

with the grandson.

I s'ha com anat fent

And it has been done progressively.

bull i l'ollo, no?, i al final

bull and the pot, right?, and in the end

la iaia s'ha anat enfadant, i al final

the grandmother has been getting angrier, and in the end

quan ha arribat li ha dit, pam, doncs no,

when he arrived, he said to him, bam, well no,

faig jo, fin.

I do it, end.

Ja, ja ha fet tot, ja ha fet tot.

Yes, he has done everything, he has done everything.

Fin i tot.

End and all.

Però, perdó, el que m'ha pillat més

But, excuse me, what has caught me the most

desprevinguda és, que Dios te bendiga.

Unexpected it is, may God bless you.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Perquè ho ha vist claríssim, també, no?,

Because he/she has seen it very clearly, right?

fot el cagarret i els diu, que Dios te bendiga.

He takes a shit and tells them, God bless you.

Correcte, correcte.

Correct, correct.

Aquesta és la tradició, com suposo que tots

This is the tradition, as I suppose you all do.

coneixem, no?, que hi ha famílies de pastissers

we know, right?, that there are families of bakers

que ho fan d'aquesta manera, fas el cagarret,

they do it this way, you do the crap,

que Dios te bendiga.

God bless you.

Mare de Déu.

Mother of God.

I, claro, no, i el net no pot passar per davant

Yes, of course, no, and the grandson cannot go ahead.

de la iaia per molt seminari que hi hagi pel mig.

from the grandmother no matter how many seminars there are in between.

No, no, no. Un certificat de Déu.

No, no, no. A certificate from God.

Fins que no mori, els cagarrets

Until he/she/it dies, the little poops.

dels muffins els faig jo.

I make the muffins.

Anys de mala sort a tota la família

Years of bad luck for the whole family.

mentre la iaia va degenerant.

while grandma is deteriorating.

Perquè el que caga aquí és ella.

Because the one who shits here is her.

És increïble.

It's incredible.

No hi ha discussió possible.

There is no possible discussion.

Reclama la manga, pastelera.

Claim the sleeve, pastry chef.

Simó, és que no puc dir res.

Simó, I just can't say anything.

Simó, tu amigo que lleva camisetas,

Simó, your friend who wears t-shirts,

famoso por llevar camisetas.

famous for wearing t-shirts.

Això és una història molt llarga

This is a very long story.

que crec que no podem explicar.

that I believe we cannot explain.

Però crec que el Simó agrairà sentir això.

But I think Simó will appreciate hearing this.

Vale, Simó, que sàpigues

Okay, Simó, just so you know.

que ets exclusivament famós

that you are exclusively famous

per portar samarretes

to wear t-shirts

i per ser col·laborador de verícita al Senyor de la Clau.

And to be a collaborator of Verícita with the Lord of the Key.

Anem a escoltar aquest tio.

Let's go listen to this guy.

Home, jo diria que és prou evident

Well, I would say it's quite evident.

que la senyora és una espècie de

that the lady is a kind of

jedi de l'escatologia, una espècie de Yoda

jedi of eschatology, a kind of Yoda

que està entrenant el net.

that is training the grandson.

Per això no utilitza les paraules

That's why it doesn't use the words.

en ordre habitual.

in usual order.

Clar, clar, clar.

Sure, sure, sure.

Hi ha una persona que és el que caga,

There is a person who is the one who poops.

i podrien pensar

and they could think

que la pregunta és aquí.

that the question is here.

Però jo crec que la pregunta realment és

But I think the real question is

quin és el context real,

what is the real context,

quina és la intenció

what is the intention

al preguntar-li això.

when asking him this.

La intenció és posar-lo a prova,

The intention is to put it to the test,

és un test que li fa passar.

It's a test that he/she has to take.

El net ha d'endevinar

The grandson has to guess.

el que caga aquí és la senyora.

The one who shits here is the lady.

O és des de la complicitat

Either it is from complicity.

i n'hi ha un punt d'ironia

and there is a point of irony

i el net sap perfectament

And the grandson knows perfectly well.

el que caga aquí és la senyora

the one who poops here is the lady

i és una broma que estan fent entre els dos.

It is a joke that they are making between the two of them.

En aquest cas, la resposta

In this case, the answer

a el que caga aquí és la senyora

the one who poops here is the lady

seria el net.

it would be the grandson.

El net és el que caga aquí és la senyora.

The grandson is the one who poops here is the lady.

M'he perdut quan la resposta és el net.

I got lost when the answer is the net.

Jo tampoc. Què collons?

Me neither. What the hell?

Què? Com? Què?

What? How? What?

La resposta és el net.

The answer is the grandchild.

El que caga aquí és la senyora.

The one who shits here is the lady.

La resposta és el net.

The answer is the grandson.

No, no, no.

No, no, no.

No ho he entès.

I didn't understand it.

Aquí he de dir una cosa.

Here I have to say one thing.

És una de les respostes

It is one of the answers.

més rebuscades dins de l'últim lot

more elaborate within the last batch

de respostes rebuscades, però és el que s'ha mullat menys

of convoluted answers, but it is what has been least involved

perquè al final el que ens està dient és

because in the end what it is telling us is

és una broma entre ells dos i nosaltres.

It's a joke between the two of them and us.

A l'interna el joc, a l'interna el joc, em fa gràcia que sigui.

Inside the game, inside the game, I find it funny that it is.

Sí, sí, una bromilla interna.

Yes, yes, a little inside joke.

És una bromillita de

It's a little joke of

abuela, nieto, ja està,

grandmother, grandson, that's it,

el que caga aquí és la iaia,

the one who poops here is grandma,

soy yo. I l'altre diu el net.

It's me. The other one says the grandson.

Soy yo, soy el nieto.

It's me, I'm the grandson.

El que caga aquí es la iaia.

The one who poops here is the grandma.

El nieto. Te cambia.

The grandson. It changes you.

No tenim temps de fer

We don't have time to do.

el retorn, però Simó, si ens vols

the return, but Simó, if you want us

enviar un àudio donant-nos més explicacions

send an audio giving us more explanations

a nosaltres en privat, estarem encantats.

We will be happy to have you with us in private.

Si no es mantindrà el misteri, que suposo que és

If the mystery is not going to be maintained, which I suppose it is.

la gràcia també de la seva explicació, que és un misteri.

The grace of her explanation is also a mystery.

Entre el net i la iaia.

Between the grandchild and the grandmother.

Passem a l'Esteve.

Let's move on to Esteve.

L'Esteve també, multiconvidat

Esteve too, multiple guest.

de Verícits Sulfúrics, sempre que hem fet

of Sulfuric Vericites, whenever we have done

alguna col·laboració amb Gemapel, ja que Gemapel

any collaboration with Gemapel, since Gemapel

som l'Esteve i jo, l'Esteve ja ha sortit.

It's Esteve and me, Esteve has already left.

I, bueno, l'Esteve

I, well, Esteve

té una teoria molt

he has a very theory

estavesca, de les que també

you were also

ell veu molt clares i te les transmet.

He sees things very clearly and conveys them to you.

Directament, endavant.

Directly, forward.

El que caga aquí és la iaia.

The one who poops here is grandma.

Em desperten

They wake me up.

dues teories. La primera teoria

two theories. The first theory

seria que l'àvia,

it would be that the grandmother,


the grandmother,

des de fa molts anys ha estat

for many years has been

posseguida per una espècie de reptilianos

possessed by a kind of reptilians

que l'han estat governant

that have been governing it

perquè ella faci els seus plans

so that she can make her plans

fins a passar per abuela de família.

until passing as the family's grandmother.

I ara ja ho té tot preparat

And now he/she has everything prepared.

perquè els reptilianos apareguin

so that the reptilians appear

a la Terra i facin la seva invasió.

to Earth and carry out their invasion.

I en els últims

And in the last

dos segons,

two seconds,

l'àvia ha intentat

the grandmother has tried

avisar la seva família

inform his family

dient que el que caga aquí

saying that whoever shits here

és la iaia, que és una manera

it's the grandma, which is a way

inclave, sense que s'entenguin els reptilianos

include, without the reptilians being understood

que la controlen, d'avisar la seva família

that they monitor her, to notify her family

perquè pida reforços

because he/she asks for reinforcements

o s'escolta en un búnquer.

or you can hear in a bunker.

Això o que s'ha fet caca a sobre.

This or that has pooped on itself.

Aquestes són les dues teories.

These are the two theories.

M'agrada molt la concisió del final

I really like the conciseness of the ending.

de la segona opció de dos segons.

of the second option of two seconds.

O pot haver-se cagat a sobre.

Or he might have pooped himself.

És reptilianos o caca.

It's reptilian or crap.

Hòstia, el missatge inclave d'ajuda.

Damn, the message included help.

Sí, l'últim

Yes, the last one.

que queda de la iaia autèntica,

what remains of the authentic grandma,

l'últim missatge que pot donar

the last message that can be given

amb la poca consciència que li queda

with the little awareness that he/she has left

en aquesta vida és el que caga aquí

in this life it is the one who shits here

és la iaia.

It's the grandmother.

Cuando al mejor amigo del protagonista le cambian los ojos de color

When the protagonist's best friend changes eye color.

por un momento y deja de ser poseído por el demonio

for a moment and stop being possessed by the demon

y dice ¡ayuda!

and says 'help!'

El que caga aquí es la iaia.

The one who shits here is the grandmother.

M'agrada molt

I like it very much.

a més que està poseïda

in addition to being possessed

por los reptilianos.

for the reptilians.

No es que sea reptiliana, es poseída por reptilianos.

It's not that she is reptilian, she is possessed by reptilians.

Correcto, los reptilianos poseen a la iaia.

Correct, the reptilians have the grandmother.

Bueno, ahora ve

Well, now come.

una novel·la.

a novel.

Una novel·la de ciencia ficción.

A science fiction novel.

Venga, adelante.

Come on, go ahead.

La iaia la nit anterior se'n va a dormir tan tranquila

The grandmother goes to sleep so peacefully the night before.

pues, com sempre,

well, as always,

i es posa el pijama, es cheeta,

and she puts on her pajamas, she cheats,

i abans de caure en un somni profund

and before falling into a deep sleep

l'habitació sencera comença a tremolar

the whole room starts to shake

de manera cada vegada més violenta.

in an increasingly violent manner.

La iaia acollonada ahí

The scared grandma there.

¡Ostres senyor!

Wow, sir!

I de sobte comencen a eixir llumenades verdes

And suddenly green flashes begin to emerge.

al seu davant

in front of him/her

i s'obre una mena de portal a l'Oster Gate.

A kind of portal opens at the Oster Gate.

La iaia es queda bocabadada

The grandmother is left speechless.

pensant-se que és el seu final

thinking it is their end

i el portal misteriós comença a xuclar

and the mysterious portal begins to suck.

amb força i més força

with strength and more strength

i acaba engollint-se-la.

and ends up swallowing it.

I la iaia obre els ulls

And the grandmother opens her eyes.

i el portal l'ha dut a una espècie de laboratori blanc

and the portal has taken him to a kind of white laboratory

on hi ha un fum de científics

where there is a smoke of scientists

treballant damunt i avall.

working up and down.

I, clar, la iaia allà, flipant-la.

Me, of course, grandma over there, freaking out.

I un equip de doctors

And a team of doctors

l'acosta i un dels doctors

he approaches it and one of the doctors

li diu a la iaia

he says to grandma

Benvinguda a l'any 2054

Welcome to the year 2054.

La iaia, allí,

Grandma, there,

no sap ni com reaccionar

doesn't even know how to react

Total, que els doctors li diuen

In total, the doctors tell him.

que ella és l'única que pot salvar el món

that she is the only one who can save the world

perquè hi ha un virus alienigena

because there is an alien virus

que està matant a la humanitat

that is killing humanity

i va acabant amb tots.

and ends with everyone.

La qüestió és que han investigat

The question is that they have investigated.

i han trobat que un component únic

they have found that a unique component

en la merda de la iaia

in grandma's shit

serveix per a sintetitzar una vacuna

it is used to synthesize a vaccine

que acabi amb eixe virus.

to end with that virus.

La iaia explica

The grandmother explains

que hi ha una explosió en el laboratori

that there is an explosion in the laboratory

que fan forat en la paret

that make a hole in the wall

i comença a entrar gent lluitant contra científics

And people start coming in fighting against scientists.

El doctor que està expliquent-li-ho tot a la iaia

The doctor who is explaining everything to the grandmother.

li diu que són la resistència

he says they are the resistance

un grup de rebels que ajuden els aliens

a group of rebels that help the aliens

a que l'extinció de la humanitat

to the extinction of humanity

es duga a terme

is carried out

i a canvi seran ells qui governaran la Terra

and in return they will be the ones who govern the Earth

en nom dels aliens

in the name of the aliens

i el cap de la resistència és

and the head of the resistance is

el Ned de la iaia

the Ned of the grandmother

els rebels han controlat el laboratori

the rebels have taken control of the laboratory

i han deixat el Ned

and they have left Ned

i es plantarà davant de la iaia

and will stand in front of the grandma

o la iaia

or the grandma

la iaia dient-li que eres més roent que un tall

the grandmother telling him that he is hotter than a slice

això ha passat amb la iaia, xico

this has happened with grandma, dude

quina vergonya

what a shame

tot el que un de soldats rebel

all that a rebel soldier

s'acosta al Ned i li diu que els militars

approaches Ned and tells him that the military

i la policia estan entrant al laboratori

and the police are entering the laboratory

i el Ned treu una pistola

and Ned pulls out a gun

apunta a la cara de la iaia

aim at grandma's face

i diu sayonara, iaia

And he says sayonara, grandma.

i dispara

and shoot

tots esqueren allà en silenci

Everyone is waiting there in silence.

però el Ned no ha disparat ni una bala

but Ned hasn't fired a single bullet

ni un reis laser ni res d'això

neither a laser king nor anything like that

li ha disparat un potent component d'antimerda

he has shot him with a powerful anti-crap component

directe a la boca de la iaia

directly to grandma's mouth

que evitarà que cagui per sempre

that will prevent me from shitting forever

i el Ned i els rebels s'escapen

And Ned and the rebels escape.

i sembla que la humanitat

and it seems that humanity

està perduda

is lost

i els doctors comencen a cridar

And the doctors start to shout.

nooo la caca salvadora

nooo the savior poop

i se'ls podien fer un viatge d'anada i tornada en el temps

and they could take a round trip time travel.

tot perdut, morirem

everything is lost, we will die

i la iaia comença a riure molt fort

and grandma starts to laugh very loudly

i diu, meh

and says, meh

ja no subestimeu l'esfínter anal

do not underestimate the anal sphincter anymore

d'una iaia de 90 anys d'un poble d'interior

of a 90-year-old grandmother from an inland village

la dona es baixa les bragues

the woman pulls down her panties

agafa un vidó industrial

take an industrial drum

comença a fer força, fer força

it starts to get strong, get strong

es posa tota rotxa

she gets all red

quasi se deixen els ulls de les òrbites

almost leave the eyes from their sockets

i de sobte sona un pet llarg i solemne

And suddenly a long and solemn sound rings out.

com una corneta anunciava

with a horn, it announced

la tornada d'un heroi medieval al castell

the return of a medieval hero to the castle

ja puta

already prostitute

i fa, es comença a eixir merda fins quasi plenar el vidó

And now, it starts to come out crap until it almost fills the jar.

tot el laboratori es clata d'alegria

the whole laboratory bursts with joy

mentre s'abacen tapant-se el nas

while they are bathing covering their noses

de la pudor que feia ell dins

from the stench that he had inside

i acomiaden la iaia

They are saying goodbye to Grandma.

i la tornen a la seva habitació

and they return her to her room

a través del portal

through the portal

el dia següent estan al dinar

The next day they are at lunch.

i ella sentada

and she sitting

apareix el net i la iaia li diu

the grandson appears and the grandmother tells him

la que caga així

the one who shits like this

és la iaia

it's the grandmother



hòstia sota

damn it

madre mia tio

Oh my God, dude.

digues qui era Vicent, que no has anunciat qui era em sembla

Tell me who Vicent was, because it seems you haven't announced who he was.

ai Edu, Edu, Edu

Oh Edu, Edu, Edu.

Eduardo Santamaria

Eduardo Santamaria

Eduardo Santamaria, gràcia

Eduardo Santamaria, thank you.

enorme, enorme

enormous, enormous

en pareix increïble

it seems incredible to me

hi ha com 6 trames

there are about 6 plots

de pel·lícules diferents

of different movies

aquí cada personatge

here each character

és el prota de la seva història

he is the protagonist of his story

el científic, el de la resistència, la iaia

the scientist, the one of the resistance, the grandmother

està Regreso al futuro

It is Back to the Future.





és increïble

it's amazing

molt bé, m'ha encantat

very good, I loved it

a més a més, puntos a favor

furthermore, points in favor

les iaies, totes religioses

the grandmothers, all religious

a través del portal

through the portal



les iaies són religioses, és un punt en comú

Grandmothers are religious, it's a common point.

i després, ojo detall

and then, eye detail

la resistència

the resistance

en este caso son los malos

in this case they are the bad ones

la resistencia siempre son los humanos

The resistance is always the humans.

que resisten al ataque

that resist the attack

en este caso, resistencia de que?

in this case, resistance to what?

a que se resisten? a los humanos que estan resistiendo

What are they resisting? The humans who are resisting.

a los aliens

to the aliens

porque es una doble resistencia

because it is a double resistance

si el dia següent veig el net

if the next day I see the grandson

el rajo sent la iaia

the grandson misses the grandmother

no, pero la iaia

no, but the grandma

ya sabe que ella guanyará

she already knows that she will win

con lo cual ve al renacuajo

with which comes the tadpole

que ahora es un niño que dentro de

that he is now a boy who within

30 años va a ser el malo y le dice

30 years he is going to be the bad one and he says to him.

vas a perder, mocoso

You're going to lose, brat.

el que caga aquí es la iaia

the one who shits here is the grandma

correcto, el niño no entiende nada

Correct, the child doesn't understand anything.

y 30 años después, toma

and 30 years later, here you go

la iaia está haciendo un

The grandma is making a

te lo dije

I told you.

30 años vista, o sigui

30 years ahead, that is to say

me sembla increïble la actitud de la iaia

I find my grandmother's attitude incredible.

gracias iaia

thank you grandma

per fer cal d'una

to make it necessary to have one

una iaia de 90 anys

a 90-year-old grandmother

de poble d'interior

from an inland village

tota la descripció tio de quan es baixa

All the description, dude, of when it goes down.

les bragues i va al bidó industrial

the trousers and goes to the industrial barrel

i te'n va, madre mia tio

And you go for it, my goodness, dude.

és brutal, les trompetes

it's brutal, the trumpets



el pet solemne

the solemn fart

ha escrit una novel·la

he has written a novel

se ho ha currat molt

he has put in a lot of effort

vale, ens en queda una

Okay, we have one left.

que és la del Ferran

what is the one about Ferran

que per mi és la millor

which for me is the best

en el sentit que realment és la única

in the sense that it really is the only one

que agafa la frase com a tal

that takes the phrase as such

la frase el que caga aquí

the phrase the one who shits here

és la iaia i li dona una explicació real

it's grandma and she gives him a real explanation

tot, o sigui

everything, that is

gramaticalment correcta

grammatically correct

exacte, gramaticalment correcta

exact, grammatically correct

sense modificar-li res, sense que la iaia no vocalitzi

without modifying anything, without the grandmother vocalizing

sense que la iaia este loca

without the grandmother being crazy

té sentit el que caga aquí és la iaia

what the grandmother shits here makes sense

la meva interpretació va des del punt

my interpretation ranges from the point

de vista del realisme

from the perspective of realism

i del que seria més obvi

and what would be more obvious

i lògic del que està passant aquí

and logical of what is happening here

la iaia, òbviament

the grandmother, obviously

per fer un dinar familiar

to have a family lunch

amb la gent de l'Andorra

with the people of Andorra

es fiquen a currar

they get to work

i sovint el que passa és que ve

And often what happens is that it comes.

el pare o la mare del net

the father or the mother of the grandchild

i en aquest dia també ha vingut

and on this day it has also come

potser el pare o la mare del net

maybe the grandfather's father or mother

ha anat allà

he has gone there

i s'ha ficat a ajudar l'àvia

and he has started to help the grandmother

què passa?

What's happening?

en algun moment donat aquesta persona

at some given moment this person

ha anat a cagar

he has gone to take a crap

i havent cagat, immediatament

I haven't pooped, immediately.

ha vist com la seva consciència

he has seen how his conscience

tot el seu ser

all her being

ha passat al cos de l'àvia

it has happened to the grandmother's body





es deu haver quedat flipat

He must have been stunned.

però clar, o sigui

but of course, I mean

algo passa amb aquest lavabo

Something is wrong with this bathroom.

és màgic o bé saber

It's magical or well knowing.

algo molt sciència ficció

something very science fiction

tal com ha entrat el net a casa

just as the grandson entered the house

lo primer que ha fet

the first thing he/she has done

aquest pare o mare del net

this parent or mother of the grandchild

és avisar-lo

it's to warn him

és joder, què vols?

It's to fuck, what do you want?

protegir el teu fill

protect your child

és igual, ja em quedo jo

It's fine, I'll stay myself.

amb el cos de l'àvia

with the body of the grandmother

lo futur seria

the future would be

que el teu fill

that your son

esdevingués una àvia

became a grandmother

li diu

he/she says to him/her

que caga aquí és la iaia

The one who poops here is grandma.

és l'explicació

it is the explanation

més lògica que puc trobar

more logic that I can find

des del punt de vista del realisme

from the point of view of realism

hi ha un vàter màgic

there is a magic toilet



està molt bé que la persona

it is very good that the person

que caga aquí

who shits here

esdevé la iaia

it becomes the grandmother

el que caga aquí és la iaia

The one who poops here is the grandmother.

aquest m'agrada moltíssim

I like this very much.


I love it.

perquè malgrat ser fantàstica

because despite being fantastic

és com la més racional

it's like the most rational one

és la més lògica

it is the most logical

el que caga aquí

whoever poops here

és la iaia

it's the grandma

el que caga aquí és la iaia

the one who shits here is the grandma

no has d'explicar res més

you don't have to explain anything else

és la veritat

it is the truth

hem arribat al final

we have reached the end

de les explicacions que hem rebut

of the explanations we have received

voleu fer un top 3 de iaies

Do you want to make a top 3 of grandmothers?

o voleu triar cadascú la seva preferida

or do you want each one to choose their preferred one

però com ho fem

but how do we do it

un top 3 que cadascú en tria una

a top 3 where everyone chooses one

o un top 3 que ens posem d'acord

or a top 3 that we agree on

jo crec que consensuar és diferent

I believe that reaching a consensus is different.

consuem un top 3

we consume a top 3

jo crec que qui caga es transforma en la iaia

I believe that whoever poops becomes the grandma.

ha de ser el top 3

it must be the top 3

per mi també

for me too

l'explicació tendra de la Lucía

the tender explanation of Lucía

em sembla molt tendra

I find it very tender.

li faria com una menció especial

I would give it a special mention.

potser no és de les meves tops

maybe it's not one of my favorites

però sí que és de les més inesperades

but it is indeed one of the most unexpected.

menció de la Lucía

mention of Lucía

menció d'honor

honorable mention

jo crec que la de l'Edu

I think it's Edu's.

la pel·li ha d'estar aquí

the movie must be here

el blockbuster que no s'ha muntat

the blockbuster that hasn't been made

el blockbuster entra

the blockbuster enters

sí, sisplau

yes, please

estem d'acord

we agree

faltaria una

it would be missing one

el de la guerra civil

the civil war

la guerra civil és molt complet

the civil war is very comprehensive

el de la guerra civil m'ha agradat molt

I really liked the one about the civil war.

com a explicació

as an explanation

és més científic

it's more scientific

un de més fantasiós

one more fanciful

de realisme màgic

of magical realism

com de lògica molt sòlida dins d'un món de fantasia

like very solid logic within a world of fantasy

podria ser un molt bon top 3

it could be a very good top 3

estem d'acord?

Are we in agreement?



en aquest cas

in this case

la iaia té tres explicacions

the grandmother has three explanations

una, el vàter és màgic

One, the toilet is magical.

i qui caga es transforma en la iaia

and whoever shits transforms into the grandmother

dues, la iaia ha estat segrestada

Two, grandma has been kidnapped.

per una sèrie de científics del futur

for a series of scientists from the future

que estan intentant salvar la terra

that are trying to save the earth

a través de la seva caca

through its poop

i el retornar al present

and the return to the present

que formava part de la resistència

that was part of the resistance

que no té res a fer

that has nothing to do

tres, la iaia està ajuntant

three, grandma is gathering

records de la guerra civil

records of the civil war

amb dites populars i maneres de parlar de l'època

with popular sayings and ways of speaking of the time

i està dient

and is saying

el plat més gros és per mi

the biggest plate is for me

aquí la més important de la família sóc jo

here the most important one of the family is me

està molt bé

it's very good

el plat més gros és per mi, el que caga aquí

the biggest plate is for me, the one who shits here

és la iaia

it's the grandma

si les vostres iaies us diuen mai

if your grandmothers ever tell you

el que caga aquí és la iaia

the one who shits here is the grandmother

la resposta és el net

the answer is the grandson

el net, correcte

the grandson, correct

el net

the grandson

i ja està, fins aquí el capítol

And that’s it, that’s the end of the chapter.

i fins aquí la puta espina com a mínim per ara

And until here, the damn thorn at least for now.

que guai, que divertit

How cool, how fun!

hem arribat al final de la temporada

we have reached the end of the season

de la puta espina

of the fucking thorn

per ara no tenim plans de fer-ne més

For now, we have no plans to make more of them.

perquè ha sigut una cosa de

because it has been a thing of

a veure què passa si fem un podcast de conversa

let's see what happens if we do a conversation podcast

no prometem tornar com no prometem no tornar

we do not promise to come back as we do not promise not to come back

aquí ho deixem de moment

we'll leave it here for now

esperem que us hagi agradat

we hope you liked it

jo m'ho he passat molt bé

I had a great time.

jo animo

I encourage.

a la gent des de casa

to the people from home

que extingueu pel món

that you extinguish around the world

el que caga aquí és la iaia

the one who shits here is grandma

la paraula de la iaia

the word of the grandmother

i pregunteu això a més gent

And ask this to more people.

i que aquesta gent li pregunti a més gent

and that these people ask more people

i acabi sent una dita catalana de veritat

and end up being a true Catalan saying

exacte, que les paraules de l'innate

exactly, that the words of the innate

es facin realitat

may they come true

i si ens voleu

and if you want us

contestar per xarxes

respond via social media

la gent del vostre voltant

the people around you

o vosaltres mateixos, quines són les vostres respostes

or you yourselves, what are your answers

si us acudeixen coses noves?

If new things come to mind?

sisplau compartiu-nos-les

please share them with us

perquè ens encanta

because we love it

gràcies per tot

thank you for everything

estengueu la paraula de la iaia

spread the word of grandma

i potser un altre dia una altra cosa

And maybe another day something else.

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