El Capitalisme

Berícid Sulfúric

L'hora d'en Zac Zachary

El Capitalisme

L'hora d'en Zac Zachary

Insecticida Ignatz, per matar insectes, per matar conills, per matar els seus propis fills.

Ignatz insecticide, to kill insects, to kill rabbits, to kill their own children.

L'hora d'en Zac Zachary.

Zac Zachary's hour.

Senyora, sap de què està fet el pa que menja cada dia?

Madam, do you know what the bread you eat every day is made of?

Senyor, sap de què està fet el tabac que posa la seva pipa?

Sir, do you know what the tobacco in your pipe is made of?

Mai nada.

Never swimming.

Sabeu de què estan fetes les vostres joguines?

Do you know what your toys are made of?

Jo els ho diré.

I will tell them.

Tot és gràcies al nostre amic, el capitalisme.

Everything is thanks to our friend, capitalism.

El capitalisme fa possibles les nostres vides.

Capitalism makes our lives possible.

Què vol? Una casa? Capitalisme.

What do you want? A house? Capitalism.

Un cotxe? Capitalisme.

A car? Capitalism.

Un nen? Capitalisme.

A child? Capitalism.

Què vol dir, senyor, que jo estic fet de capitalisme?

What do you mean, sir, that I am made of capitalism?

Esclar, Edi. Tu, jo i fins i tot la mamà.

Of course, Edi. You, me, and even mom.

I això és dolent?

And is this bad?

I ara. T'agradaria provar-ho?

And now. Would you like to give it a try?

Vine amb mi. Et portaré a fer un meravellós viatge pel món del capitalisme.

Come with me. I will take you on a wonderful journey through the world of capitalism.

No ho sé, sembla perillós.

I don't know, it seems dangerous.

Oh, Edi, quines coses que tens.

Oh, Edi, what things you have.

El capitalisme mai et farà mal.

Capitalism will never hurt you.

Sempre que tu no li facis mal a ell.

As long as you don't hurt him.

Digues, Edi, oi que t'agraden les llaminadures?

Tell me, Edi, don't you like sweets?



Doncs jo tinc llaminadures.

Well, I have sweets.

Oh, me'n donaria una?

Oh, would you give me one?

I tant. Però tu m'hauries de donar alguna cosa a canvi. És just, no?

Of course. But you should give me something in return. It's fair, right?

La meva pedra de la sort?

My lucky stone?



Quan passi un estel fugàs demanaré un desig per vostè.

When a shooting star passes, I will make a wish for you.



El meu amic invisible.

My invisible friend.

Edi, no. Què et sembla un parell de dòlars?

Edi, no. What do you think about a couple of dollars?

Ah, sí.

Ah, yes.

Els tinc. Me'ls ha donat la mama.

I have them. Mom gave them to me.


Give them to me.

Veus? Ara jo tinc dos dòlars i tu tens llaminadures. Veus que bé que funciona el capitalisme?

Do you see? Now I have two dollars and you have candy. Do you see how well capitalism works?

Però... però aquests diners me'ls havia donat la mama. Ara què faig?

But... but this money was given to me by mom. What do I do now?

Has d'aconseguir-ne més. I se n'aconsegueixen més... treballant.

You have to achieve more of it. And you achieve more... by working.

Treballant ajudes a la gent i la gent és feliç.

Working helps people, and people are happy.

I tu també ets feliç perquè tens diners i amb diners pots comprar llaminadures.

And you are also happy because you have money, and with money you can buy sweets.

Tothom hi surt guanyant.

Everyone comes out winning.

Renoi, com m'agrada el capitalisme.

Wow, how I love capitalism.

Doncs has d'anar amb compte, Edi.

Well, you have to be careful, Edi.

Hi ha gent a qui no li agrada tant el capitalisme.

There are people who do not like capitalism so much.

Tant el capitalisme com a tu i a mi.

Both capitalism and you and me.



Imagina't que a l'hora del pati ve en Frankie i et demana una de les teves llaminadures però no et dona res a canvi.

Imagine that during recess Frankie comes to you and asks for one of your candies but doesn't give you anything in return.

Però és que en Frankie no té diners.

But Frankie doesn't have any money.

Els podria tenir si treballés.

I could have them if I worked.

Els seus pares tampoc tenen feina. Fa molts dies que en Frankie té gana.

His parents are also unemployed. Frankie has been hungry for many days.

I una llaminadura tampoc em ve d'aquí perquè en Frankie és el meu amic.

And a temptation doesn't come from here either because Frankie is my friend.

Tu t'has esforçat per guanyar-la i en Frankie no ha treballat una merda.

You have worked hard to win it and Frankie hasn’t worked a damn thing.

En Frankie és un puto comunista!

Frankie is a fucking communist!

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