1: Esperança per als penedits

Ciutat Nova

Rut, una història d'Advent

1: Esperança per als penedits

Rut, una història d'Advent

L'escriptura de la llengua

The writing of the language

Llegiré els primers cinc versets de Ruth, capítol 1.

I will read the first five verses of Ruth, chapter 1.

I s'esdevingué en els dies que governaven els jutges

And it came to pass in the days when the judges ruled.

que hi hagués fam a la terra

that there would be hunger on earth

i un home de Betlem d'ajudar a anar a sujornar els camps de Moab,

and a man from Bethlehem to help go to sojourn in the fields of Moab,

Ell i la seva

He and his.

muller i els seus dos fills

woman and her two children

i el nom de l'home era Elimelech

And the man's name was Elimelech.

i el nom de la seva muller

and the name of his wife

Noemí i el nom dels seus dos fills

Noemí and the names of her two children.

Malon i Quilion

Malon and Quilion

Efratites de Betlem de Judà

Ephrathites of Bethlehem of Judah

i anaren als camps

and they went to the fields

de Moab i s'hi estigueren

from Moab and they stayed there

i Elimelech, el marit de Noemí

And Elimelech, the husband of Naomi

va morir

he/she died

i ella resta sola

and she remains alone

amb els seus dos fills

with her two sons

i prengueren per ells mullers

and they took women for themselves

d'entre les dones moabites

among the Moabite women

una es deia Orpah

one was named Orpah

i l'altra es deia

and the other was called



i s'hi estigueren allà

and they stayed there

uns deu anys

about ten years

i Malon i Quilion també moriren tots dos

Both Malon and Quilion also died.

i la dona resta

and the woman remains

sense els seus dos fills

without her two children

i sense el seu marit

and without her husband

i la dona resta sense els seus dos fills

and the woman is left without her two children.

Hem dit

We have said

el llibre de Ruth comença ben fosc

The book of Ruth starts very dark.

és un

it is a

la gent està vivint

people are living

a les tenes

at the tenes

no és una

it is not one

no és una d'aquestes fades

she is not one of those fairies

no és una història

it is not a story

bé en aquest sentit

well in this regard

el primer capítol ens demana

the first chapter asks us

que mirem a la realitat

let's look at reality

i ens enfrontem a la realitat tal com és

and we face reality as it is

veiem aquí

we see here


the scene

és això

it's this

el temps dels jutges

the time of the judges

un temps fosc i cruel

a dark and cruel time

en molts sentits

in many ways

si llegeixes el llibre dels jutges

if you read the book of judges


you see

molta violència

a lot of violence





i tot això diu

and all this says

una rere l'altra vegada fins i tot

one after another even

fins i tot l'últim verset

even the last verse

si només gires una pàgina

if you only turn a page

dirà aquí al final del llibre dels jutges

it will say here at the end of the book of judges

en aquells dies

in those days

no hi havia rei a Israel

there was no king in Israel

cadascú feia el que li semblava recte als seus propis ulls

everyone did what seemed right in their own eyes

i comença i cess de vinguer en els dies dels jutges

and it begins and ceases to come in the days of the judges

i comença el llibre de Ruth

And the book of Ruth begins.

aquest és el context

this is the context

tothom que fa el que li sembla bé

everyone who does what seems good to them

als seus propis ulls

in his own eyes

un temps de rebel·lió col·lectiva contra Déu

a time of collective rebellion against God

i potser també

and perhaps also

ja ens

already us

ve davant de la nostra ment escenes d'avui en dia

Scenes of today come to mind.



encara es posa més fosc

it gets even darker

fosc a la història

dark in history

perquè n'hi ha fam

because there is hunger

i Guillem

and Guillem

què vol dir

what does it mean

Betlem on viuen aquesta gent?

Bethlehem where these people live?

casa de pa

bread house

Betlem vol dir casa de pa

Bethlehem means house of bread.

on viu aquesta gent

Where do these people live?

però n'hi ha pa a la casa de pa?

But is there bread at the bakery?



si ja saps eh

if you already know, huh

si quan ja no hi ha pa al forn de pa

if when there is no longer bread in the bakery

sabem que n'hi ha fam

we know that there is hunger


You know?

i quan no hi ha blat

and when there is no wheat

i no hi ha cibada

and there is no feed

n'hi ha fam

there is hunger

i al llarg del llibre dels jutges

"and throughout the book of judges"

fam també és un senyal del judici de Déu

Hunger is also a sign of God's judgment.

i llavors quan el judici

And then when is the trial?

quan hi ha fam a Betlem

when there is hunger in Bethlehem

llavors queda ben clar

then it becomes quite clear

que el judici ve de Déu

that the judgment comes from God

i és molt directe

and he is very direct

i llavors ja sim com un home de Betlem

and then I feel like a man from Bethlehem

va marxar amb la seva família

He left with his family.

a Moab

to Moab

un home

a man

sembla molt raonable no?

seems very reasonable doesn't it?

que se'n va fugint

that is running away



se'n va fugint

he is fleeing away

del fam que n'hi ha

of the hunger that exists

a Betlem

to Bethlehem

però molt més

but much more

és que aquest home

it's that this man

està fugint de les conseqüències del judici de Déu

he is fleeing from the consequences of God's judgment

i curiosament

and curiously

el nom d'aquest home era

the name of this man was



i ara sembla com que li dono molta èmfasi

And now it seems like I am putting a lot of emphasis on it.

però al llarg del llibre d'Arut

but throughout the book of Arut

tots els noms importen moltíssim

all names matter a lot

i Elimelech vol dir

And Elimelech means

Déu és el meu rei

God is my king.

en el temps dels jutges

in the time of the judges

quan no hi havia rei a Israel

when there was no king in Israel

un home

a man

que es deia Déu és el meu rei

what was called God is my king

se'n va fugint

he is running away

de Déu

of God

a Moab

to Moab

a l'enemic històric d'Israel

to the historical enemy of Israel

encara que Déu sigui el seu rei

even though God is their king

i Elimelech viu a la casa de pa

And Elimelech lives in the house of bread.

considera que Moab és la millor opció

considers that Moab is the best option

i diu que se'n van a sojornar

and he says that they are going to stay over.

no sé si és un verb que feu servir molt sovint

I don't know if it's a verb that you use very often.

a quedar-se una estoneta

to stay for a little while

però això es converteix ràpidament en

but this quickly turns into

quants anys?

how many years?

en deu anys

in ten years

que els fills hi casen

that the children marry there

la resposta d'Elimelech

the response of Elimelech

no hauria d'haver sigut

it shouldn't have been

anar cap a Moab

going towards Moab

sinó penedir-se

but to regret

fugir cap a Déu

fleeing towards God

però se'n van a sojornar a Moab

but they went to stay in Moab

diuen bàsicament

they basically say

no, no, no, no ens traslladem a Moab

no, no, no, we are not moving to Moab

només una estoneta

just a moment

fins que les coses millorin

until things get better

i llavors tornarem

and then we will return

tinguem cuidado amb sojornar

let's be careful with sojourning

amb el pecat

with the sin

tinguem cuidado quan pensem

let's be careful when we think

mira aquesta coseta Déu

look at this little thing God

aquesta coseta ho haig de fer un momentet

I need to do this little thing for a moment.

aquest any haig de prendre un descans de tub

This year I need to take a break from the tube.

després tornaré

later I'll return

o aquesta coseta sé que no ho haig de fer però

oh this little thing I know I shouldn't do but

ho haig de fer sí o sí ara un momentet

I have to do it, yes or yes, just a moment.

només és un momentet

it's just a little moment

només anem a sojornar a Moab

we are only going to stay in Moab

no sé si us sona això

I don't know if this sounds familiar to you.



i deu anys després els seus fills estan casats

And ten years later, their children are married.

amb dones moabites

with Moabite women

i bàsicament estan empadronats

and basically they are registered

vull dir

I mean

estan empadronats en el pecat

they are registered in sin

Elimelech està casat amb la Noemí

Elimelech is married to Naomi.

el seu nom vol dir

his/her name means





encara que no estarà gaire contenta

even though she won't be very happy

perquè el seu marit mor

because her husband dies

s'ha anat fugint de Betlem per la fam

has been fleeing from Bethlehem due to hunger

però això no volia dir

but that didn't mean

que ell tingués control de la seva pròpia vida

that he had control of his own life

va morir

he died

i quina pèrdua per la Noemí

And what a loss for Noemí.

però encara que els seus fills

but even though his children

es casen amb dones moabites

they marry Moabite women

ja no són estrangers

they are no longer strangers

no són forasters allà

they are not outsiders there

es queden sense fills

they are left without children

després de deu anys

after ten years

no només aquests fills es queden sense fills

not only do these children end up without children

i la Noemí sense nets

and Noemí without nets

sinó encara

but still

sembla encara més desesperat no?

it seems even more desperate doesn't it?

comença a mostrar que realment

starts to show that really

no hi ha lloc on pots escapar-te

there is no place where you can escape to

de les conseqüències del pecat

of the consequences of sin

i que realment no hi ha distracció de la misèria

and that there really is no distraction from misery

veiem de fet que acaba

we see in fact that it ends

el verset 5 amb la reversió del verset 1

the verse 5 with the reversion of verse 1

ara Noemí està sense marit

Now Noemí is without a husband.

sense nets

without nets

i sense fills

and without children

el nom d'aquest home que es diu

the name of this man who is called

el meu Déu és rei

my God is king


it will disappear

en el temps que no hi havia rei israel

in the time when there was no king in Israel



un sentit de ser abandonat per Déu

a feeling of being abandoned by God

on és?

Where is it?

i ara?

And now?

verset 6

verse 6

el verset 5 diu així

verse 5 says this way

i ara no diu

and now he/she doesn't say

la Noemí és restar sense els seus dos fills

Noemí is left without her two children.



i la dona

and the woman

restar sense els seus dos fills

to be left without his two children

i sense el seu marit

and without her husband

sense homes en la seva vida

without men in their life

aquesta dona no tenia identitat

this woman had no identity

ja bàsicament era una dona inconeguda

she was basically an unknown woman

sense esperança, sense futur

without hope, without future

on és Déu?

Where is God?

enmig de tot això

in the midst of all this

se descriu tota aquesta...

it describes all this...

vull dir

I mean

jo estic ressaltant la desespera

I am emphasizing despair.

la desesperació d'aquesta escena

the despair of this scene

però se descriu bastant sec

but it is described as quite dry

aquí sincerament

here sincerely

en aquests versets

in these verses

on és Déu?

Where is God?


it seems...

totalment absent

totally absent

com podrà arreglar aquestes coses?

How can you fix these things?

la realitat que és

the reality that is

que ens es mostren aquí

that are shown to us here

és una realitat de pecat

it is a reality of sin

però no el pecat d'una sola persona

but not the sin of a single person

podríem dir

we could say

mira Noemí

look Noemí

és el teu pecat

it's your sin

que t'ha causat

what has caused you

això que estàs vivint ara mateix

this that you are experiencing right now

és la teva culpa

it's your fault

que t'ha mort

that has killed you

el teu marit

your husband

i els teus vigilem

and we watch over yours



no és això

it's not that

però és el pecat de tota la nació

but it is the sin of the whole nation

la realitat del pecat

the reality of sin

que afecta tothom

that affects everyone

d'individus també

of individuals too



i ferits

and injured

per la realitat del pecat

for the reality of sin

i hem de ser

and we have to be

nosaltres també

us too

molt sensibles

very sensitive

a aquesta realitat

to this reality

i la Noemí

and Noemí

ja no espera res més

no longer expects anything else

ha arribat

it has arrived

a entendre

to understand

que els seus remeis

that their remedies

ja no l'ajudaran

they will no longer help him/her

ja s'ha sacrificat

has already been sacrificed

la seva


com es diu

what is it called

el feel good faith

the feel good faith

com aquesta fe de

with this certificate of

vinga som-hi

Come on, let's go!

ho podem

we can do it

de sempre estar contents

to always be happy

i ha arribat al punt

and has reached the point

de la desespera total

from total despair

només estar contenta

only being happy



no arreglar

not to fix

aquest embolic

this mess

vigilem durant l'advent

let's be watchful during Advent

durant el temps

during the time

d'himnes molt bonics

of very beautiful hymns

i càntics de Nadal

and Christmas carols

i llumetes

and little lights

i aquí a Girona

and here in Girona

la temptació és molt gran

the temptation is very great

però que no acabem

but we don't finish

de caure

to fall

en el parany

in the trap


to adore

a totes aquestes

to all these

tradicions rituals

ritual traditions

en si mateixos

in themselves




the advent

és realment el moment

it is really the moment

quan també el judici

when also the trial



a la nostra

to ours

fe evangèlica

evangelical faith

tan sovint

so often

de la fe de

of the faith of


come on

tingués una mica més de fe

have a little more faith

la fe de

the faith of

de sentir-nos bé

to feel good

una fe que serveix

a faith that serves

per fer-nos sentir bé

to make us feel good

l'advent és un moment

Advent is a moment.

per abandonar

to abandon

la nostra


idolatria evangèlica

evangelical idolatry

potser fins i tot

maybe even

i deixar

and leave

que Déu sigui Déu

let God be God



enmig de la foscor

in the midst of darkness

l'advent vol dir

Advent means

que ens enfrontem

that we face

amb la realitat

with reality

fosca del pecat

darkness of sin

i que entenguem

and that we understand

que no hi ha cap manera

that there is no way

que nosaltres

that we

ens podem salvar

we can save ourselves

a nosaltres mateixos

to ourselves


of this



tan gran

so big

i un moment

and a moment


to accept

que no sempre

that not always

entendrem a Déu

we will understand God

encara que el reconeguem

even if we acknowledge it

com a rei

like a king



us he una bona pregunta

It's a good question for you.

que ens podem fer

what we can do to ourselves

com va el vostre

how is yours



és el primer diumenge

it's the first Sunday


of Advent

ens preguntem

we ask ourselves



si aquest any

if this year


it will be enough

la fe

the faith

dels bons sentiments

of good feelings

o si

oh yes

si nosaltres

if we



de tant en tant

from time to time


we arrive

a un punt

to a point

de desespera

of despair




to surrender

de deixar

to leave


to try


to fix

la nostra pròpia

our own






to realize

que des del punt

that from the point

de vista humà

human perspective

no hi ha esperança

there is no hope

i reconeixer

and I will recognize



com a rei

as a king

i confiar-lo

and trust it



quan les coses

when things

no semblen

they don't seem

tan clares

so clear

el llibre de Ruth

the book of Ruth

pot ser molt útil

can be very useful

en aquest sentit

in this regard



en les nostres vides

in our lives

pot ser difícil

it can be difficult

de vegades


veure com Déu

to see like God

està obrant

is working

enmig de les nostres

in the midst of our





quan aprenem

when we learn

a veure

let's see

la seva cal·ligrafia

his handwriting

en la història de Ruth

in the story of Ruth




we learn

a veure

let's see

la seva cal·ligrafia

his/her calligraphy

en les nostres

in our

pròpies vides

own lives

i experiències

and experiences

això ho va dir

he said this

en el símbol

in the symbol





la primera escena

the first scene



del primer capítol

from the first chapter

era Moab

it was Moab

el següent

the next

Ruth 1 verset 6 a 21

Ruth 1:6-21 (ESV) 6 Then she arose with her daughters-in-law to return from the country of Moab, for she had heard in the fields of Moab that the LORD had visited his people and given them food. 7 So she set out from the place where she was with her two daughters-in-law, and they went on the way to return to the land of Judah. 8 But Naomi said to her two daughters-in-law, “Go, return each of you to her mother's house. May the LORD deal kindly with you, as you have dealt with the dead and with me. 9 The LORD grant that you may find rest, each of you in the house of her husband!” Then she kissed them, and they lifted up their voices and wept. 10 And they said to her, “No, we will return with you to your people.” 11 But Naomi said, “Turn back, my daughters; why will you go with me? Have I yet sons in my womb that they may become your husbands? 12 Turn back, my daughters; go your way, for I am too old to have a husband. And if I should say I have hope, even if I should have a husband this night and should bear sons, 13 would you therefore wait till they were grown? Would you therefore refrain from marrying? No, my daughters, for it is exceedingly bitter to me for your sake that the hand of the LORD has gone out against me.” 14 Then they lifted up their voices and wept again. And Orpah kissed her mother-in-law, but Ruth clung to her. 15 And she said, “See, your sister-in-law has gone back to her people and to her gods; return after your sister-in-law.” 16 But Ruth said, “Do not urge me to leave you or to return from following you. For where you go, I will go, and where you lodge, I will lodge. Your people shall be my people, and your God my God. 17 Where you die, I will die, and there will I be buried. May the LORD do so to me and more also if anything but death parts me from you.” 18 And when Naomi saw that she was determined to go with her, she said no more. 19 So the two of them went on until they came to Bethlehem. And when they came to Bethlehem, the whole town was stirred because of them. And the women said, “Is this Naomi?” 20 She said to them, “Do not call me Naomi; call me Mara, for the Almighty has dealt very bitterly with me. 21 I went away full, and the LORD has brought me back empty. Why call me Naomi when the LORD has testified against me and the Almighty has brought calamity upon me?”

és un tros més llarg

it's a bit longer

i s'alçà ella

and she rose up

i les seves nores

and his daughters-in-law

i tornà dels camps

and returned from the fields

de Moab

from Moab

perquè ella

because she

escoltà la regió

listen to the region

de Moab

of Moab

que Javé

that Yahweh

havia visitat

had visited

el seu poble

his/her village

per donar-los

to give them



i Noemí

and Noemí

va sortir

went out

del lloc

of the place

on havia estat

where had it been

i les seves dues nores

and his two daughters-in-law

amb ella

with her

i s'anaren

and they went

pel camí

on the way

de retorn


vers la terra d'Judà

towards the land of Judah

i Noemí

and Noemí


he said




you return


each one

a casa

at home

de la seva mare

of her mother

que Javé

that Yahweh

us faci misericòrdia

may He have mercy on you

com vosaltres

like you

n'heu fet

you have done

amb els morts

with the dead

i amb mi

and with me

que Javé

that Yahweh

us doni

give you

de trobar

to find




each one

a casa

at home

del seu marit

of her husband

i les besà

and kissed them

i elles

and they


they raised

la seva veu

her voice

i ploraren

and they cried

i li digueren

and they told him




we will return

amb tu

with you

al teu poble

in your village

i Noemí digué

And Noemí said

perquè siguin

so that they are

marits per vosaltres

husbands for you


go back

filles meves

my daughters



perquè jo

because I

sóc massa vella

I am too old.

per tenir marit

to have a husband



que digués

that he/she would say

en tinc

I have it.



aquesta nit


estaré amb l'espós

I will be with the husband.

i també

and also


I will give birth.



us esperaríeu

you would expect

fins que ells

until they


they would have



us privaríeu

you would deprive yourselves

per ells

for them

de tenir marit

of having a husband

no filles meves

not my daughters

perquè això

because of this

és més amarg

it is more bitter

per mi

for me

que per vosaltres

that for you

contra mi

against me

i elles

and they


they raised

la seva veu

her voice

i ploraren

and they wept



i orpà

and orphan



la seva sogra

his mother-in-law

però Rut

but Ruth



a ella

to her

i Noemí digué

And Noemí said

eus aquí

here you are

la teva cunyada

your sister-in-law

se n'ha tornat

he has become.

al seu poble

in his/her village

i als seus déus

and to their gods


go back



de la teva cunyada

from your sister-in-law

i Rut digué

and Rut said

no m'insisteixis

don't insist on me

de deixar-te

of letting you go

per tornar-me'n

to return home

de darrere teu

behind you



allà on vagis tu

wherever you go



on tu visquis

where you live

jo hi viuré

I will live there.

el teu poble

your town

serà el meu poble

it will be my village

i el teu déu

and your god

serà el meu déu

it will be my god

on tu moris

where you die

jo moriré

I will die.

i allà

and there

seré enterrada

I will be buried.

així em facis haver

so that you make me have

i això

and this

i així

and thus

m'hi afegeixi

add me to it

que només

that only

la mort


farà separació

it will cause separation

entre jo

between me

i tu

and you

i en veure Noemí

and seeing Noemí

que ella estava decidida

that she was determined

d'anar amb ella

to go with her

cessà de parlar-n'hi

stopped talking about it

i anaren totes dues

And both went.

fins que

until that


they entered

a Betlem

to Bethlehem

i s'esdevingué

and it happened

que tota la ciutat

that the whole city


he/she will jump

a causa d'elles

because of them

i es deien

and they were called

és aquesta

it is this



i allà els digué

And there he told them.

no m'anomeneu

don't call me




call me



perquè el tot poderós

because the almighty

m'ha omplert

it has filled me


of bitterness

jo vaig marxar

I left.



i Javer

and Javer

m'ha fet tornar

it has made me return



per què m'anomeneu

why do you call me



si Javer

yes Javer

ha testificat contra mi

has testified against me

i el tot poderós

and the all-powerful

m'ha afligit

It has saddened me.

tenim traduccions molt precioses

we have very beautiful translations

de la Bíblia

from the Bible

i intentem evitar

and we try to avoid

les repeticions de les paraules

the repetitions of the words

per intentar entendre una cosa

to try to understand something

de la Bíblia hebrea

from the Hebrew Bible

és que es llegia en veu alta

it's that it was read aloud

i és aquesta manera també

And it is this way as well.

que es va transmetre

that was transmitted

i justament

and just

la repetició de les paraules

the repetition of the words

era molt i molt i molt

it was very, very, very

i molt important

and very important

i un verb

and a verb

que es fa servir

what is used

dotze vegades

twelve times

en aquest passatge

in this passage

que és el verb

what is the verb


to return

El verb tornar.

The verb return.

L'autor que escriu o que recorda la història de Ruth

The author who writes or remembers the story of Ruth.

vol que recordin la importància de tornar.

They want to remember the importance of returning.

I per qualsevol hebreu en aquell moment,

And for any Hebrew at that moment,

per qualsevol israelita,

for any Israeli,

tornar era tant una cosa física com profundament espiritual.

Returning was both a physical thing and profoundly spiritual.

Primer, Noemi.

First, Noemi.

Noemi vol tornar al seu poble.

Noemi wants to return to her village.

Ens mostra això.

It shows us this.

Una mena de sentit de penediment.

A kind of sense of regret.

De fer el gir de 180 graus.

To make the 180-degree turn.

De tornar.

To return.

El seu cor es torna a Déu.

His heart returns to God.

El seu cor comença a esperar en Déu.

His heart begins to wait on God.

No per esperar tantes coses senzillament.

Not to expect so many simple things.

Ella no té res més.

She has nothing else.

Esperança fora de Déu.

Hope outside of God.

Déu és l'únic en qui pot esperar.

God is the only one in whom one can hope.

D'alguna manera hi hagi que Déu mateix crida a Noemi.

In some way, God himself calls to Naomi.

Noemi està allà.

Noemi is there.

Diu allà.

It says there.

En els camps de Moab.

In the fields of Moab.

Quan li arriben les notícies que el senyor, diu aquí,

When the news reaches him that the gentleman, it says here,

havia visitat el seu poble per donar-los pa.

he had visited their village to give them bread.

Ell la crida mostrant la seva gràcia.

He calls her, showcasing his charm.

Noemi havia fugit de Betlem amb el seu marit.

Noemi had fled from Bethlehem with her husband.

Però no hi ha cap lloc on puguem fugir-nos de la presència de Déu.

But there is no place where we can escape the presence of God.

Fins i tot als camps de Moab.

Even to the fields of Moab.

Déu estava obrant.

God was working.

En el cor de Noemi.

In Noemi's heart.

Potser Noemi recordava de les paraules de Deuteronomi 30.

Perhaps Noemi remembered the words of Deuteronomy 30.

Bé, les parafrasejaré.

Okay, I will paraphrase them.

Però diu així que quan...

But it says that when...

Déu diu, quan no em feu cas us escamparé per totes les terres.

God says, when you do not pay attention to me, I will scatter you across all the lands.

Però si torneu al Senyor, al vostre Déu, i l'obeïu amb el vostre cor.

But if you return to the Lord your God and obey him with all your heart.

Llavors us restauraré del captiveri.

Then I will restore you from captivity.

I us tindré, i tindré compassió amb vosaltres.

I will have you, and I will have compassion for you.

I us aplegaré de tots els pobles on el Senyor, el vostre Déu, us ha escampat.

I will gather you from all the towns where the Lord your God has scattered you.

Llavors allà, allà mateix, als camps de Moab,

Then there, right there, in the fields of Moab,

Noemi confia en la paraula de Déu i torna.

Noemi trusts in the word of God and returns.

Encara no està a Betlem.

He is not in Bethlehem yet.

Encara està al camp de Moab.

He is still in the field of Moab.

I encara té un camí per davant.

And he still has a path ahead.

I per molt o poc la Noemi sap on...

And no matter how much or little, Noemi knows where...

Ella arribarà sola a Betlem.

She will arrive alone in Bethlehem.

I viurà per la gràcia dels seus ciutadans.

And it will live by the grace of its citizens.

Dels residents de Betlem.

From the residents of Bethlehem.

Millor dit, viurà per la gràcia de Déu.

Better said, he will live by the grace of God.

Ha canviat.

It has changed.

Com dirà ella després?

What will she say afterwards?

Ella mateixa diré.

I will say it myself.

Jo vaig marxar plena.

I left full.

I m'he tornat buida.

I have become empty.

Però millor buida i desesperada als peus del Senyor.

But better empty and desperate at the feet of the Lord.

I en Sant Nus.

And in Saint Nice.

O ella en el seu cas.

Or she in her case.

A la seva misericòrdia.

To His mercy.

Que un sol dia més a Moab.

That just one more day in Moab.

Millor buida en el seu cas.

Better empty in its case.

I desesperada als peus del Senyor.

I'm desperate at the Lord's feet.

Que un dia més a Moab.

Another day in Moab.

Ens recorda que el vent també per nosaltres.

It reminds us that the wind is also for us.

Com era l'anunci.

What was the advertisement like?

Casa, vuelve, vuelve a casa.

House, return, return home.

A casa vuelve.

He/She returns home.

Els dels turrons, no?

The nougat ones, right?

El vent sempre és un temps que tornem a casa.

The wind is always a time that we return home.

D'alguna manera.


Nosaltres tornarem a Bèlgica en dues setmanes.

We will return to Belgium in two weeks.

Però si no literalment tornem a casa.

But if we don't literally go back home.

Com a mínim tornem a les tradicions de casa.

At least we return to the traditions of home.

Recordem com els pares ho feien.

Let's remember how our parents did it.

Però molt més important que això.

But much more important than that.

És que per nosaltres.

It's just that for us.

El vent és un temps per tornar.

The wind is a time to return.

De penedir-nos del pecat.

To repent of sin.

De deixar de sortir corrents.

To stop running away.

De deixar de fugir del Senyor.

To stop fleeing from the Lord.

I anar corrents cap al Senyor.

I run towards the Lord.

L'has sentit cridant?

Have you heard him/her shouting?

Vine a casa.

Come home.

Aquest Nadal.

This Christmas.

Aquest vent.

This wind.

Fia meva.

My dear.

Fill meu.

My son.



Mira les conseqüències del teu pecat.

Look at the consequences of your sin.

Mira el pecat mortal al teu propi cor.

Look at the mortal sin in your own heart.



Però després mira'm.

But then look at me.

I veuràs un Déu misericordiós.

And you will see a merciful God.

Que ha visitat el seu poble amb la seva gràcia.

He has visited his town with his charm.

Mira el seu amor i penedeix-te.

Look at your love and regret it.

Un penediment.

A remorse.

Com diu el llibre dels Fets.

As the book of Acts says.

Com diu el llibre dels Fets 11.

How does the book of Acts say 11?

Que porta a la vida.

What brings to life.

El mateix tipus de canvi veurem en la manera com ella parla.

We will see the same type of change in the way she speaks.

La Noemí parla amb les seves nores.

Noemí is talking with her daughters-in-law.

Primer sembla que la Noemí només dona un consell molt...

At first, it seems that Noemí is only giving a very...

Com es diu?

What is it called?

Molt savi.

Very wise.

I decent.

I am decent.

Mireu nenes.

Look, girls.

La vostra família viu a Moab.

Your family lives in Moab.

Potser ja trobareu un marit.

Perhaps you will already find a husband.

Podreu tenir fills.

You will be able to have children.

Millor torneu.

Better return.

Estan allà en el camí.

They are there on the path.

Cap a Berlim.

Towards Berlin.

Però d'una altra manera ella també parla potser diferent.

But in another way, she also speaks perhaps differently.

Bé, potser parla diferent del que mai havia parlat abans.

Well, maybe he speaks differently than he ever has before.

Fins al seu propi punt d'inflexió.

Until its own turning point.

Al seu propi gir que ara està fent.

At its own turn that it is now making.

Ella es comença a adonar que vol dir seguir el Senyor.

She is beginning to realize what it means to follow the Lord.

Comença a entendre el cost.

Start to understand the cost.

Sap que...

You know that...

El que podria passar quan ens llancem a la gràcia del Senyor.

What could happen when we cast ourselves onto the grace of the Lord.

No ens queden seguretats.

We have no securities left.

En aquest món celebrem la seguretat financera.

In this world, we celebrate financial security.

O la prosperitat material.

Or material prosperity.

Parlem d'aquesta manera als nostres fills.

We talk to our children this way.

Fes aquests estudis perquè llavors tindràs seguretat.

Do these studies because then you will have security.

Parlem de mil maneres sobre...

Let's talk in a thousand ways about...

El cost de seguir el Senyor pot significar molt...

The cost of following the Lord can mean a lot...

Podria significar per les seves nores que no tindrien marit.

It could mean for his daughters-in-law that they would have no husband.

I llavors en aquest temps, encara més que avui,

And then in this time, even more than today,

voldria dir sense seguretat, sense fills, sense família.

I would mean without security, without children, without family.

La Noemí pot començar a parlar d'aquesta manera

Noemí can start speaking like this.

perquè comença a experimentar el cost de seguir el Senyor.

because he/she is starting to experience the cost of following the Lord.

Però ara és l'hora de prendre una decisió.

But now it is time to make a decision.

L'Orpa ja ha pres la seva decisió.

Orpa has already made her decision.

Ella escull el que sempre ja ha conegut.

She chooses what she has always known.

I el que li proveeix amb la més seguretat.

And what provides him with the most security.

El que ella entén.

What she understands.

Ella decideix, l'Orpa,

She decides, Orpa,

d'intentar continuar, com es diu això,

to try to continue, what is this called,

d'intentar seguir els seus propis camins.

to try to follow their own paths.

La Ruth, però, respon de forma diferent.

Ruth, however, responds differently.

Una sorpresa.

A surprise.

Ella també diu que vol tornar a casa.

She also says she wants to go back home.

Però la seva casa ha canviat.

But his/her house has changed.

Té una nova casa.

She has a new house.

La casa, la llar de Ruth ja no és Moab.

The house, Ruth's home is no longer Moab.

Encara que la Ruth mai no ha estat a Betlem,

Even though Ruth has never been to Bethlehem,

alguna cosa ha canviat en el seu cor i identitat.

Something has changed in his heart and identity.

Noemí i Ruth tornaven les dues a Betlem.

Noemí and Ruth returned to Bethlehem.

La Ruth no podia tornar a Betlem.

Ruth could not return to Bethlehem.

Perquè no hi havia estat.

Because I hadn't been there.

Però a l'escriptor és molt clar que és important

But to the writer, it is very clear that it is important.

que la Ruth d'alguna manera torni a Betlem.

that Ruth somehow returns to Bethlehem.

Encara que ella pertany al poble,

Although she belongs to the village,

que és l'archenemic d'Israel,

what is the archenemy of Israel,

ella vol anar a Betlem,

she wants to go to Bethlehem,

potser amb la Noemí,

maybe with Noemí,

perquè alguna cosa ha canviat el seu cor i la seva identitat.

because something has changed his heart and his identity.

Déu també havia estat cridant a la Ruth.

God had also been calling Ruth.

Potser al llarg de les converses amb la Noemí,

Perhaps throughout the conversations with Noemí,

amb la seva sogra.

with her mother-in-law.

Potser en aquests últims anys,

Perhaps in these last few years,

quan l'endimelec va morir

when the endimelec died

i va morir també el marit de la Ruth,

and Ruth's husband also died,

potser s'havia adonat d'alguna cosa

perhaps she had noticed something

de la manera com la Noemí processava aquestes coses.

the way Noemí processed these things.

Noemí, però, insisteix que la Ruth tornés a Moab.

Noemí, however, insists that Ruth return to Moab.

Potser li estava provant.

Maybe he/she was trying it on him/her.

Està preparada a pagar el preu?

Are you ready to pay the price?

Però la resposta de la Ruth és ben clara.

But Ruth's answer is quite clear.


Let it be?

Deixa de negar-me?

Stop denying me?

Deixa d'enviar-me cap a casa?

Are you stopping sending me home?

No veus?

Don't you see?

Hi ha alguna cosa que ha canviat amb la Ruth

Is there something that has changed with Ruth?

que va molt més enllà de la lleialtat a la seva sogra.

that goes far beyond loyalty to her mother-in-law.

Diu així.

It says so.

Ruth digué, no m'insisteixis.

Ruth said, don't insist on me.

De deixar-te per tornar-me'n de darrere teu,

To leave you and return behind you,

perquè allà on tu vagis jo aniré

because wherever you go, I will go

i on tu visquis jo viuré.

"And where you live, I will live."

El teu poble serà el meu poble

Your town will be my town.

i el teu Déu serà el meu Déu.

and your God will be my God.

En aquest moment la Noemí deixa d'insistir

At this moment, Noemí stops insisting.

perquè reconeix unes paraules claus pel poble d'Israel.

because it recognizes key words for the people of Israel.

És sorprenent que Ruth sàpiga aquestes paraules.

It's surprising that Ruth knows these words.

La Ruth està responent amb les paraules del pacte del Senyor.

Ruth is responding with the words of the Lord's covenant.

Jo seré el vostre Déu i vosaltres sereu el meu poble.

I will be your God and you will be my people.

Aquesta és la promesa de la qual el poble de Déu

This is the promise of which the people of God.

treu tota la seva identitat.

takes away all its identity.

I ella està responent amb les paraules del pacte del Senyor.

She is responding with the words of the Lord's pact.

El teu poble, el meu poble.

Your town, my town.

El teu Déu, el meu Déu.

Your God, my God.

Aquestes són les paraules que ressonen

These are the words that resonate.

al llarg del llibre de Gènesi i Èxode.

throughout the book of Genesis and Exodus.

Són les paraules pels quals Déu va salvar Israel

These are the words by which God saved Israel.

una rere l'altra vegada.

one after another again.

El teu Déu, Noemí.

Your God, Naomi.

El Déu d'Abram, Isaac i Jacob.

The God of Abram, Isaac, and Jacob.

El Déu que ha rescatat el seu poble de l'esclavitud.

The God who has rescued His people from slavery.

El Déu del pacte que va prometre la seva gràcia i salvació.

The God of the covenant who promised his grace and salvation.

Aquest Déu és el meu Déu.

This God is my God.

Jo vull pertànyer al seu poble

I want to belong to their people.

i jo vull que ell sigui el meu Déu.

And I want him to be my God.

Això és molt, molt curiós.

This is very, very curious.

Us recordeu qui va marxar de Betlem?

Do you remember who left Bethlehem?

Un home que es deia...

A man named...

Un home d'Efrata, betlemita,

A man from Ephrathah, a Bethlehemite,

que es deia el meu Déu és rei.

that is called my God is king.

Se'n va anar a morir a Moab

He went to die in Moab.

i de Moab torna una noia, una vídua,

And from Moab returns a girl, a widow,

que diu

what does it say

Noemí, el teu Déu és el meu rei.

Noemí, your God is my king.

Jo vull viure com un ciutadà del seu regne.

I want to live like a citizen of your kingdom.

Rut, d'alguna manera, ha experimentat alguna cosa

Rut has, in some way, experienced something.

que Pau escriurà.

that Pau will write.

Els tessalonicens,

The Thessalonians,

d'aquesta gent allà que han donat l'esquena als ídols

of these people over there who have turned their backs on the idols

per adorar el Déu veritable.

to worship the true God.

Sense cap dubte,

Without a doubt,

sense cap forma de reticència,

without any form of reluctance,

la Rut s'encomana enterament al Senyor.

Ruth completely entrusts herself to the Lord.

Per què certes coses poden passar en aquesta vida?

Why can certain things happen in this life?

Per què li van passar les coses a la Rut, a la Noemí,

Why did things happen to Rut and Noemí?

com li van passar?

How did it happen to him?

Potser no ho sabem.

Maybe we don't know.

Potser el motiu és la Rut.

Maybe the reason is Rut.

Potser el motiu perquè la Noemí es va trobar sola

Perhaps the reason why Noemí found herself alone.

i al camp de Moab, d'alguna manera,

and in the field of Moab, somehow,

en la seva providència.

in his providence.

Déu va fer servir la Noemí per cridar la Rut

God used Naomi to call Ruth.

al seu poble.

in his/her village.

Déu estava obrant darrere l'escenari tota l'estona,

God was working behind the scenes all the time.

preparant els camps d'aquests cors de Noemí i Rut,

preparing the fields of these hearts of Naomi and Ruth,

treballant i obrant les seves vides,

working and opening their lives,

sembrant, podant,

sowing, pruning,

traient la indiferència i el pecat.

removing indifference and sin.

Potser tu ets una Rut, d'alguna manera.

Maybe you are a Ruth, in some way.

Potser no has nascut a l'Església,

Maybe you weren't born into the Church,

bueno, literalment no, òbviament,

well, literally no, obviously,

però, o en la família cristiana.

but, or in the Christian family.

Potser, bueno, us conec,

Maybe, well, I know you.

jo sé que no és necessàriament el cas,

I know that it is not necessarily the case,

però potser és la primera vegada que sents alguna cosa de la Bíblia,

but perhaps it is the first time you hear something from the Bible,

però aquesta cosa que va passar amb la Rut

but this thing that happened with Rut

també pot passar amb la gent que ens envolta

It can also happen with the people around us.

i que portem també a l'Església,

and we also bring to the Church,

o que ens veuen en les nostres vides,

or that they see us in our lives,

que veuen com tractem aquestes coses,

that they see how we handle these things,

que veuen com vivim enmig de la foscor.

that see how we live in the midst of darkness.

I potser si ets una Rut, llavors,

And maybe if you are a Ruth, then,

potser sense adonar-te, el teu vocabulari ha canviat.

Perhaps without realizing it, your vocabulary has changed.

I potser no t'has adonat,

And perhaps you haven't noticed,

però la teva llar també ha canviat.

but your home has also changed.

Rut va experimentar un moment decisiu

Rut experienced a decisive moment.

en el camí de Moab a Betlem.

on the way from Moab to Bethlehem.

Un moment de fer un gir

A moment to make a turn

i posar la seva vida a les mans del Senyor.

and place his life in the hands of the Lord.

No cal...

No need...

No era necessari per allà ser nascut a Betlem.

It was not necessary to be born in Bethlehem.

No cal ser una persona d'Església per anar a Crist.

You don't have to be a church person to go to Christ.

Si Déu crida i et crida a venir a casa,

If God calls you and calls you to come home,

vés a casa.

go home.

Vés al Senyor.

Go to the Lord.

L'últim verset i acabem.

The last verse and we finish.

L'advent és un temps d'enfrontar, hem dit,

Advent is a time to confront, we have said,

la realitat del pecat.

the reality of sin.

És també la realitat de sentir la crida del Senyor

It is also the reality of feeling the call of the Lord.

de venir a casa.

of coming home.

Però l'advent també és l'esperança d'una gran collita.

But Advent is also the hope of a great harvest.

Noemí i Rut tornen a Betlem.

Noemí and Ruth return to Bethlehem.

Diu així que Rut torna del país, de la terra de Moab

It says that Ruth returns from the country, from the land of Moab.

i arriben a Betlem.

And they arrive at Bethlehem.

Encara, mira aquí,

Still, look here,

i Noemí torna amb ella, la seva nora Rut,

And Noemí returns with her, her daughter-in-law Ruth,

la Moabita,

the Moabite,

ella ha tornat als camps de Moab

she has returned to the fields of Moab

i elles arribaren a Betlem

and they arrived in Bethlehem

al començament de la cega de l'ordi,

at the beginning of the blind date of the laptop,

o de la cibada.

or of the barley.

Encara queda molt per resoldre, però n'hi ha esperança.

There is still much to resolve, but there is hope.

Noemí no està sola.

Noemí is not alone.

Vull dir, què vol dir Rut?

I mean, what does Rut mean?



La Rut de Noemí ha trobat una gran amiga en la seva nora

Noemí's Ruth has found a great friend in her daughter-in-law.

i humanament parlant encara tenen grans problemes.

And humanly speaking, they still have big problems.

No es continuarà la línia, com es diu,

The line will not continue, as it is said,

la descendència de Limelec.

the descent of Limelec.

Sembla, sí.

It seems so.

Però d'aquesta manera també es posa la Noemí

But in this way, Noemí is also put in.

en la gran línia de les grans dones d'Israel.

in the great line of the great women of Israel.

Sarai, Raquel, Anna,

Sarai, Rachel, Anna,

Elisabet, Maria.

Elisabet, Maria.

Sabem que Déu obre les seves maneres

We know that God works in His ways.

quan les coses es devenen humanament parlant impossibles.

when things become humanly impossible.

Si hi haurà d'haver un hereu,

If there is to be an heir,

serà un hereu molt especial.

he will be a very special heir.

Noemí torna a estar a Betlem,

Noemí is back in Bethlehem,

a la casa de pa,

to the bread shop,

i n'hi ha pa.

And there is bread.

Déu la restaurarà.

God will restore her.

Ella va marxar plena.

She left full.

Plena en el sentit, parlant, com es diu,

Full in the sense, speaking, as it is said,

com nosaltres parlem.

as we speak.

Una família amb dos fills,

A family with two children,

que era una cosa tan important en aquell moment.

that it was such an important thing at that moment.

Però torna buida, afamada i sense il·lusió.

But she returns empty, starving, and without hope.

I diu a les altres dones

And she says to the other women.

que ja no li diguin més Noemí, sinó

that they should no longer call her Noemí, but rather



Per l'amargor.

For the bitterness.

Però Déu encara pot portar les coses més dolces.

But God can still bring the sweetest things.

Gràcies a la seva gràcia i misericòrdia,

Thanks to His grace and mercy,

dels moments més amargs de les nostres vides,

of the bitterest moments of our lives,

i restaura el que va ser arruïnat pel nostre pecat.

and restore what was ruined by our sin.

Noemí reconeix per primera vegada

Noemí recognizes for the first time.

que Déu havia estat obrant.

that God had been working.

Vull dir, ella mateixa ho identifica com obra del Senyor.

I mean, she herself identifies it as a work of the Lord.

Mentre que la Noemí estava treballant els camps de Moab,

While Noemi was working in the fields of Moab,

Déu estava treballant el seu cor.

God was working on his heart.

I ara és temps d'acollida.

And now it is time for welcoming.

Han arribat a Betlem i diu

They have arrived in Bethlehem and he says

i és el començament de la cega de l'ordi.

And it is the beginning of the barley blind.

El títol de la predicació és Esperança.

The title of the sermon is Hope.

L'esperança d'un primer diumenge d'advent.

The hope of a first Sunday of Advent.

És l'esperança d'una sola espelmeta

It is the hope of a single candle.

enmig d'un mar de foscor.

in the midst of a sea of darkness.

És una espelmeta.

It is a small candle.

No és la ciutat de Girona avui a la nit.

It is not the city of Girona tonight.

No trobaràs cap raconet fosc.

You won't find any dark corner.

És el primer diumenge d'advent.

It is the first Sunday of Advent.

Una espelmeta.

A small candle.

Un repte per enfrontar-nos amb la realitat en què vivim.

A challenge to face the reality in which we live.

L'existència i les conseqüències del pecat.

The existence and consequences of sin.

Encara si l'advent ens recorda que no tot està perdut,

Even if Advent reminds us that not everything is lost,

que n'hi ha esperança realment.

That there is really hope.

Encara no un raig fort de llum,

Not yet a strong beam of light,

sinó un senyal petit que Déu està obrant

but a small sign that God is at work

i complirà els seus plans.

I will fulfill your plans.

Si la teva vida ara mateix és molt fosca,

If your life right now is very dark,

espero que la nostra reunió d'aquest matí

I hope that our meeting this morning

sigui com aquesta es permeta.

let it be as this allows.

Jo també espero que nosaltres molt més

I also hope that we much more.

que la il·liminació de la nostra ciutat,

that the illumination of our city,

que la nostra presència com a creients de Girona

that our presence as believers from Girona

sigui de llum per a les vides de la gent que ens envolta.

be a light for the lives of the people around us.

Que potser nosaltres podrem ser d'alguna manera

That perhaps we will be in some way.

un afart d'esperança per gent perduda.

a feast of hope for lost people.

Per compartir l'esperança del retorn del Senyor.

To share the hope of the Lord's return.

No sabem exactament com i quan restaurarà totes les coses,

We do not know exactly how and when He will restore all things,

però confiem que ell ho farà.

but we trust that he will do it.

Ha començat l'acollida a les nostres veïnes.

The reception for our neighbors has started.

Ha començat l'acollida a les nostres veïnes

The hosting for our neighbors has begun.

i a la nostra ciutat.

and in our city.

Noemí va tornar perquè Déu havia visitat Betlem

Noemí returned because God had visited Bethlehem.

i els havia donat pa.

And I had given them bread.

Bastants centenars d'anys després,

Several hundred years later,

el fill de Déu naixeria a Betlem.

the Son of God would be born in Bethlehem.

Com un home adult,

As an adult man,

ell alimentaria en algun moment una multitud

he would feed a crowd at some point

amb pocs pans d'orli.

with few golden loaves.

Ell és Déu encarnat.

He is God incarnate.

Ell és el pa de vida que omple

He is the bread of life that fills.

veritablement la gent que han vingut,

truly the people who have come,

que han tornat buida.

that have returned empty.

En Joan 6 ho diu així.

In John 6 it says so.

47 verset fins a 51.

47 verses up to 51.

En veritat, diu Jesús, en veritat us dic,

Verily, I say to you,

el qui creu en mi té vida eterna.

He who believes in me has eternal life.

Jo sóc el pa de la vida.

I am the bread of life.

Els vostres pares van menjar el manà

Your parents ate the manna.

en el desert i van morir.

in the desert and they died.

Aquest és el pa que baixa del cel

This is the bread that comes down from heaven.

a fer que el qui mengi no mori.

to make sure that the one who eats does not die.

Jo sóc el pa vivent que ha baixat del cel.

I am the living bread that came down from heaven.

Si algú menja d'aquest pa viurà eternament.

If someone eats of this bread, they will live forever.

I el pa que jo donaré és la meva carn

And the bread that I will give is my flesh.

que jo donaré per la vida del món.

that I will give for the life of the world.

Si creus això, llavors vol dir

If you believe this, then it means

que n'hi ha esperança fins i tot pels morts.

that there is hope even for the dead.

Vol dir resurrecció amb Crist.

It means resurrection with Christ.

Vol dir que no ha acabat la línia familiar.

It means that the family line has not ended.

Vol dir resurrecció pel gran rei.

It means resurrection for the great king.

Que faci tot vol dir el començament

What makes everything means the beginning.

d'una nova família encara més gran.

of an even larger family.

La família de Crist.

The family of Christ.

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