EL MARESME DREAM amb THE TYETS ヾ(⌐■_■)ノ♪ 。゚☼la trinae

Radio Primavera Sound

la trinae

EL MARESME DREAM amb THE TYETS ヾ(⌐■_■)ノ♪ 。゚☼la trinae

la trinae

Estàs escoltant Ràdio Primavera Sound.

You are listening to Primavera Sound Radio.

Proudly presented by Cucra.

Proudly presented by Cucra.

Som la Trinae, un podcast fet per i per a joguers.

We are Trinae, a podcast made by and for gamers.

I ens caguem en tot conjuntament!

And we all shit on everything together!


Let's go!

A veure, va, com ho feu, això?

Let's see, come on, how do you do this?







Que bé!

How nice!

Aquest era encara ben, no?

This was still good, wasn't it?

La veu més sexy de Catalunya.

The sexiest voice in Catalonia.

És veritat.

It is true.

Que heavy.

How heavy.

Què tal?

How are you?

Com esteu?

How are you?

Molt bé, molt contents.

Very good, very happy.

Abans ho comentàvem, feia tres anys, no?, que no paràvem per aquí.

Earlier we were mentioning that it had been three years, right?, since we last stopped by here.



Bé, de fet, eren les oficines anteriors.

Well, in fact, they were the previous offices.

Com si fos una cosa que feu cada setmana, eh?

Like it was something you did every week, huh?

Ja, totalment.

Yes, totally.

Molt bé, molt bé.

Very good, very good.

Us veiem, tio.

See you, dude.

Us veiem molt per Instagram, eh?

We see you a lot on Instagram, huh?

Sí o no?

Yes or no?

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Vinga, quins de tots els vídeos heu vist?

Come on, which of all the videos have you watched?

El que diem que Merlí és una merda o el que diem en la ciència?

What we say that Merlí is crap or what we say in science?

Molts, no ho sé, no me'n recordo.

Many, I don't know, I don't remember.

Jo recordo el que va fer el Primavera Sound, literalment.

I remember what Primavera Sound did, literally.

El que va muntar allà el desktop.

The one who set up the desktop there.

El de les més benes.

The one with the best goods.

Criticant, també, criticant sempre.

Criticizing, also, always criticizing.



Amb el Ferran Palau i el...

With Ferran Palau and the...

I les persones més cuquis de Catalunya.

And the cutest people in Catalonia.

És dels capítols més icònics que hem fet mai, la veritat.

It is one of the most iconic episodes we have ever made, to be honest.

Jo tenia ganes de venir a muntar un tanga d'Epic Solete, la veritat.

I was looking forward to coming to set up an Epic Solete thong, to be honest.

Un tanga groc, m'hauria agradat.

A yellow thong, I would have liked it.

Perquè no fa tangas, la Carola Emporatxec fa tangas.

Why doesn't she wear thongs, Carola Emporatxec wears thongs.

Les que faltaven fan tangas.

The missing ones make thongs.

Ah, sí?

Oh, really?

Esteu perdent diners.

You are losing money.

Estem perdent diners.

We are losing money.

No, havíem plantejat fer accessoris de gos, imagina't.

No, we had thought about making dog accessories, can you imagine?

O sigui, ja estem diversificant.

So, we are already diversifying.

100% la gent ho compraria.

100% of people would buy it.

Sí, sí, sento que és una cosa que la gent no compraria.

Yes, yes, I feel it's something that people wouldn't buy.

Quina bogeria.

What madness.

Però està molt de moda, Ralló, a les popstars d'Estats Units i tal,

But it's very trendy, Ralló, among the popstars in the United States and such,

com que ara moltes fan tangas, amb el seu logo o el que sigui.

Since now many are making thongs, with their logo or whatever.

Us estàvem avisant.

We were warning you.

Haurem de fer tangas.

We will have to make thongs.

Ens haurem de posar els tangas, llavors.

Then we'll have to put on our thongs.

És el problema.

It's the problem.

No ens queda el cul.

We don't have our ass left.

O un biquini de tot groguet, així, moda d'Epic Solete.

Or a bright yellow bikini, like this, Epic Solete style.

M'estàs donant moltes idees, eh?

You’re giving me a lot of ideas, huh?

Clar, no, després parlem, després parlem.

Sure, no, we'll talk later, we'll talk later.

Estem fent el favor nosaltres a vosaltres.

We are doing you a favor.

Això era una classe.

This was a class.

Bueno, fa molts capítols que estem amb convidades.

Well, it's been many episodes since we have had guests.

Sí, faig-los jo, en realitat.

Yes, I do them, actually.

Sí, molt guai.

Yes, very cool.

I també fa molts capítols que fem la Trinai.

And we've been doing the Trinai for many episodes now.



Avui hem fet les matemàtiques.

Today we did math.

Aquest és el capítol 50 de la Trinai.

This is chapter 50 of the Trinai.

Puto pum!

Fucking pumpkin!

Cosa, és molt fort, això.

Thing, this is very strong.

Literalment ens ha pillat per sorpresa.

It has literally caught us by surprise.

Estàvem fent la reunió i la Mergi ens ha dit...

We were having the meeting and Mergi told us...

I la Mergi ha comptat.

And Mergi has counted.

He fet matemàtiques, aquest és el capítol número 50.

I have done mathematics, this is chapter number 50.

És bastant fort.

It's quite strong.

I hem fet encara més matemàtiques.

And we have done even more mathematics.

I clar, si cada capítol dura més o menys mitja hora,

And of course, if each chapter lasts approximately half an hour,

24 hores de la Trinai.

24 hours of the Trinai.



O sigui, ja us podeu fer una marató, ara mateix.

So, you can have a marathon right now.

I com que hem fet 50 capítols,

And since we've made 50 chapters,

volíem aquí tornar una mica als inicis,

we wanted to return a bit to the beginnings here,

una mica a Mataroneo, Mare's Meo...

a little in Mataroneo, Mother's meo...

Perquè les més fidels sabreu que gravàvem,

Because the most loyal ones will know that we were recording,

sempre ho repetim, això,

we always repeat this,

però gravàvem a casa de la Llom, les tres,

but we were recording at Llom's house, the three of us,

com amb un micròfon.

like with a microphone.

La nostra cate.

Our cate.

Totes juntes.

All together.

Som del barri, eh?

We are from the neighborhood, right?

Som del barri, som del barri.

We are from the neighborhood, we are from the neighborhood.

302, que és 301?

302, what is 301?

No, 301.

No, 301.

08-301, sí, sí, sí.

08-301, yes, yes, yes.

És el límit.

It's the limit.

Està a la Lluia.

She is at Lluia.

I el 4, no?

And the 4, right?

És veritat.

It is true.

O sigui, hem de dir que del meu domicili

That is to say, we must say that from my home.

al vostre estudi ens separa un supermercat.

A supermarket separates us from your studio.

Ens separa 30 segons, com a molt.

It separates us by 30 seconds, at most.

30 segons.

30 seconds.

És molt heavy.

It's very heavy.

I el nostre restaurant preferit.

And our favorite restaurant.



Ens uneix, ens uneix.

It binds us, it binds us.

Llavors, visca el lúd de luna.

Then, long live the moon's lúd.

Llavors, és que no...

Then, it's just that no...

O sigui, és increïble.

That is, it's incredible.

Bueno, anyways, cultura mataronina.

Well, anyway, Mataró culture.

Però avui venim a parlar una miqueta

But today we come to talk a little bit.

de justament això,

of just that,

de Mataró, del Mare's Meo,

from Mataró, of Mare's Meo,

d'una miqueta aquesta vibe.

a bit of this vibe.

De fet, parlàvem que les tres,

In fact, we were talking about the three,

ens vam conèixer.

we met.

O sigui, el dia que ens vam conèixer les tres,

That is, the day we three met,

oficialment va ser en un concert vostre.

It officially happened at one of your concerts.

Ah, sí?

Oh, really?

El 2020, amb la sessantena, per Carnaval.

In 2020, with the sixtieth, for Carnival.

Que hace para los más cafeteros, això.

What does it do for the coffee lovers, that?

Lít, eh?

Lit, huh?

Un concert que sola jo vaig veure com una cançó,

A concert that only I saw as a song.

perquè estàvem com al carrer Bonaire.

because we were like on Bonaire Street.

No vull parlar.

I don't want to talk.

Jo recordo estar a l'altra punta

I remember being at the other end.

i a com començava una lama

"And how a llama began."

que nosaltres en plan...

that we in plan...

Va, cansa per dins!

Come on, it tires you out inside!

Ria, va.

Laugh, come on.

Sí, jo tinc bastant una maledicció.

Yes, I have quite a curse.

O sigui, crec que aquest concert

So, I think that this concert

és el concert vostre que més temps he vist.

It is your concert that I have watched the most.



Des de llavors.

Since then.

O sigui, va, sí, avui, concert!

So, come on, yes, today, concert!

I arribes a l'última, eh?

You're the last to arrive, huh?

No passa, no passa.

It's okay, it's okay.

L'any passat,

Last year,

quan es va posar a ploure el concert de les Santes,

when it started to rain at the Santes concert,

vaig decidir que era millor inversió

I decided it was a better investment.

no veure les sardanes de la sessantena.

not seeing the sardanas of the sixties.

Em sap greu.

I'm sorry.

Mig matero va fer la mateixa reflexió, eh?

Half a mate drinker made the same reflection, right?

Però es va quedar molta gent igualment.

But many people stayed anyway.

Molta, sí, sí.

A lot, yes, yes.

Però és que n'hi havia molta abans de començar, eh?

But there was a lot before we started, right?

Sí, era molt bèstia, eh, jo?

Yes, I was very wild, huh, me?

Era molt bèstia.

It was very fierce.

Hi havia 25.000 persones.

There were 25,000 people.





Abans de ploure.

Before it rains.

30, 30, crec.

30, 30, I believe.

Molt abans, sí, sí.

Long before, yes, yes.

Bueno, depèn de qui conti.

Well, it depends on who is counting.

Hòstia, que tot, això.

Damn, all of this.

Com ha llevat aquest any el cartell de les Santes?

How has this year's Santes poster turned out?

Ai, el cartell i la programació.

Oh, the poster and the schedule.

A mi m'agrada.

I like it.

A mi el cartell em flipa.

I really love the poster.

És preciós.

It's beautiful.

La samarreta m'horroritza.

The t-shirt horrifies me.




It horrifies me.

I la programació no la tinc molt present, la veritat.

And I don't really have the programming in mind, to be honest.

És que no hi ha hagut ni una samarreta de Santes

It's just that there hasn't been a single Santes t-shirt.

que hagi estat acceptada públicament.

that has been publicly accepted.

La de la geganta que tenia aquí.

The one of the giantess that was here.

Veus aquesta, sí.

You see this one, yes.



M'agrada molt.

I like it a lot.

Sí, aquesta està molt guapa.

Yes, this one is very pretty.

M'agrada molt.

I like it a lot.

És la de futbol.

It's the football one.

Clar, però és que això era Futbol Core

Of course, but that was Core Football.

abans que el Futbol Core existís, eh?

before Core Football existed, right?

O sigui, estàvem com molt avançats el 2008.

So, we were quite advanced in 2008.

Estàvem molt avançats els nostres temps.

We were ahead of our time.

Matar el fifer, eh?

Kill the fifer, huh?

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

És que això també, el trada ponent,

It's just that this too, the westward trade,

sabeu què és el trada ponent?

Do you know what the trada ponent is?

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Que va dir que el Maresme eren tots fifers.

He said that everyone from Maresme was a joker.

No te'ns vau enfadar per això?

Didn't you get upset about that?

Jo no estic tan enfadada.

I am not that angry.

Però és que ens va dir que som fifers.

But he told us that we are fifers.

Ens va dir que som fifers.

He told us that we are fifers.

Ets de Pineda, no?

You're from Pineda, right?



Jo sóc com de l'altre punt.

I am like from the other point.

Com de l'altre punt del Maresme, com far away.

As from the other point of Maresme, as far away.

No m'ha passat el tren de la Renfe per venir.

The Renfe train hasn't come for me.

Com ha sentat el capítol.

How did you feel about the chapter?

El Maresme, eh?

The Maresme, huh?

És una altra moguda, això.

It's a different thing, this.

És una altra.

It is another one.

És molt millor.

It's much better.

I la R1, que jo recordo que en els intercanvis

And the R1, that I remember in the exchanges.

que feia a l'institut,

what I was doing at the institute,

de sobte venien les alemanes, no sé què,

Suddenly the Germans were coming, I don't know what,

es pujaven a la R1

they were getting on the R1

i es pensava que estaven a l'Orient Express,

and thought they were on the Orient Express,

versió en caribe.

Caribbean version.

Viatge de Chihiro.

Spirited Away.

Hi ha una pel·li de Ghibli

There is a Ghibli movie.

que és un tren al cantó del mar

what is a train by the seaside

i tots els guiris flipen.

And all the tourists are amazed.

En plan, voilà, hi ha el mar al cantó de finestra.

Like, voilà, there’s the sea by the window side.

És com el viatge de Chihiro,

It's like Chihiro's journey,

que travessa per allà.

that crosses over there.

O sigui, absolutament cap persona al Maresme.

So, absolutely no one in the Maresme.

El Maresme és molt maco.

The Maresme is very beautiful.

El Maresme, ens ha encantat de romantitzar-lo.

The Maresme, we have loved to romanticize it.

També és molt lleig.

It is also very ugly.

També en domini.

Also in domain.

Les coses precioses.

The precious things.

Som tan patriotes, els Maresme.

We are so patriotic, the Maresme.

Som insuportables.

We are unbearable.

Jo me'n recordo quan estava a la Uni

I remember when I was at university.

que un tio de Manresa em va dir

that a guy from Manresa told me

tio, és que ets molt de Mataró.

Dude, you really are very much from Mataró.

I li dic, sí.

And I tell him, yes.

Em va dir, normal.

He told me, normal.

Diu, és que a la gent de Manresa no li passa, això.

He says that this doesn't happen to the people of Manresa.

Li dic, potser és que nosaltres estem fent una altra pasta.

I told him, maybe it's that we are making a different dough.

Ja, normal.

Yes, normal.

No, no, no.

No, no, no.

Respecte per la seva Manresa.

Respect for your Manresa.

Respecte a Manresa.

Regarding Manresa.

Que de fet tenen unes festes amb el meu nom.

In fact, they have celebrations with my name.

Es diuen les festes de la llum, no?

They are called the festivals of light, right?

Jo no.

Not me.

Sí, crec que...

Yes, I think that...

Ja m'he anat a tocar.

I've already gone to play.

Així que tindrem problemes aviat.

So we will have problems soon.

No, és que, amors, on heu anat a tocar?

No, it's just that, my loves, where have you gone to play?

És que haguéssim dit el que haguéssiu dit

It's that we would have said what you would have said.

o t'hauríeu anat a tocar.

or you would have gone to touch.

Bueno, ara hem vist que hi ha una aplicació

Well, now we have seen that there is an application.

que pots anar marcant tots els pobles de Catalunya

that you can mark all the towns of Catalonia

on has estat.

Where have you been?

Noies, noies, jo me l'he instal·lada.

Girls, girls, I have installed it.

Jo també me l'he instal·lada.

I have installed it too.

Quants pobles entenc?

How many villages do I understand?

Però jo faig trampes, eh?

But I cheat, huh?

No hem anat a tants llocs, eh?

We haven't been to so many places, have we?

Vaig de fallir, no els vaig posar tots.

I almost failed, I didn't put them all.

Jo no els he posat tots, tampoc.

I haven't put them all either.

Em porto un 87.

I get an 87.

87, jo en tinc molts.

87, I have many.

És que tinc el mòbil carregant, però tenia com 60-pico.

It's just that I have my phone charging, but it was like 60-something.

Jo, 107.

Me, 107.

No està mal.

Not bad.

És que vaig dedicat tot un trajecte del bus.

It's just that I spent the entire bus journey focused.

És una mica poc dinàmic.

It's a bit lacking in dynamism.

Hauríem de fer com un quiz, saps?

We should do something like a quiz, you know?

O sigui, hauria de ser com que poguessis respondre

So, it should be like you could respond.

i anessis responent.

and you would keep answering.

Ah, total, més bon ànims.

Ah, overall, more good spirits.

Saps, gent, Mercè?

Do you know, people, Mercè?

És veritat, però sí que Mataró té una cosa

It's true, but Mataró does have one thing.

que a nivell cultural sí que sempre ha sigut molt rica

that at a cultural level it has always been very rich

i sento que tant com les Santes,

I feel that as much as the Saints,

com tots els events que hi passen durant l'any,

like all the events that take place throughout the year,

que de fet cada cop van retallant més,

that in fact they are cutting back more and more each time,

però bueno, això és un altre tema,

but well, that is another issue,

com que enriqueixen molt el que és la cultura de carrer

as they greatly enrich what is street culture

i jo sento que com a artista fins i tot

And I feel that as an artist even

és una cosa que m'ha nutrit.

It's something that has nourished me.

El fet de tenir referents de gent que feia teatre al carrer

The fact of having references of people who did theater in the street.

per al Pallofa o coses d'aquestes,

for Pallofa or things like that,

dat sou icònic, que per als que no sapigueu,

you are iconic, for those who do not know,

el Pallofa és com el Carnestoltes, però de Mataró.

The Pallofa is like Carnestoltes, but from Mataró.

Sí, una figura inventada que es va...

Yes, a fictional figure that was...

Tot s'ha inventat a Mataró.

Everything was invented in Mataró.

És com una masia, no?

It's like a farmhouse, isn't it?

Sí, hi ha molta escola, crec,

Yes, there is a lot of school, I think.

igual que a Sant Andreu surten molts músics de jazz,

just like many jazz musicians come from Sant Andreu,

perquè hi ha una...

because there is a...

El barri, el barri de Sant Andreu.

The neighborhood, the neighborhood of Sant Andreu.

Sí, perquè hi ha una bona escola de música de jazz a Mataró.

Yes, because there is a good jazz music school in Mataró.

Crec que hi ha molta escola, a part de cultural,

I believe there is a lot of schooling, apart from cultural.

amb tot el de Santes, que hi ha molts nens posats en cultura,

with all the Santes, there are many children involved in culture,

també hi ha molta escola de teatre,

there is also a lot of theater school,

molta escola de música,

lots of music school,

i crec que alguna feina fan.

I believe they do some work.

Sí, jo crec que neix una mica també...

Yes, I think it is born a little too...

O sigui, si tirem la Santa...

I mean, if we throw the Saint...

Al final de Santes és una cosa que als anys 70,

At the end of Santes, it is something that in the 70s,

un grup de persones random de Mataró van dir

A group of random people from Mataró said.

decidim tornar aquesta festa a que sigui una cosa supergrossa.

Let's decide to turn this party into something really big.

I això jo crec que a les generacions posteriors,

And I believe that this to the subsequent generations,

que som nosaltres, bàsicament vosaltres,

that we are basically you,

una mica la gent més gran que nosaltres,

a little older than us,

hem nascut ja amb aquesta...

we were born already with this...

De l'autogestió, no?

Of self-management, right?

Per nosaltres, ser partícips de la festa,

For us, being part of the celebration,

anar a tots els esdeveniments,

go to all the events,

conèixer els noms dels gegants i dels nans i de totes les figures,

to know the names of the giants and the dwarfs and of all the figures,

i que sigui una cosa que s'ensenyi al col·le,

and that it be something taught in school,

a mi em sembla superheavy.

It seems super heavy to me.



La cultura local que s'ensenyi a l'escola,

The local culture that is taught in school,

per mi és superbàsic.

For me, it's super basic.

Però creieu que justament,

But do you think that precisely,

moltes vegades aquestes festes majors

many times these major festivals

les empenyen aquesta autogestió,

they push them towards this self-management,

per exemple, ara que a Mataró hi ha les Santres,

for example, now that there are the Santres in Mataró,

creieu que justament hi ha com aquesta empenta...

do you think there is just such a push...

Què vol dir aquest riure?

What does this laughter mean?

Són els pitjors.

They are the worst.

Són els pitjors, tio.

They're the worst, dude.

Per què?


No, perquè...

No, because...

És el seu lema.

It is their motto.

És l'esperit de les Santres.

It is the spirit of the Santres.

És el seu lema.

It is their motto.

Em pensava que estava a punt de treure un tall, eh?

I thought I was about to get a haircut, huh?

Estava allà intentant...

I was there trying...

Si vols ser contenta d'un organitzador de les Santres,

If you want to be happy with an organizer of the Santres,

l'has de dir.

You have to say it.

És una merda, el que fas, és horrible.

It's shit, what you do, it's horrible.

Som bastant punquis, la veritat.

We are quite punk, to be honest.

Però veus, les Santres va ser el nostre primer concert ever.

But you see, Les Santres was our very first concert ever.

Primer, primer.

First, first.



Real, 2019.

Real, 2019.

A on?

Where to?



18, perdona.

18, sorry.

Al Casal.

At the Casal.

Ostres, al Casal de...

Wow, at the Casal of...

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

En sèrio.


Però clar, penses,

But of course, you think,

si no hi hagués hagut aquesta oportunitat,

if this opportunity hadn't arisen,

el nostre grup mai hauria existit, no?

our group would never have existed, right?



I sí que és veritat que tens com molts llocs on començar,

And it is indeed true that you have many places to start from,

si t'interessa el teatre,

if you are interested in theater,

o te'n vas a la sala, o te'n vas a l'aula,

either you go to the hall, or you go to the classroom,

si t'interessa la música, te'n vas als 4 o 5 llocs que hi ha,

if you're interested in music, you go to the 4 or 5 places that are there,

però tens gent, jo crec, també molt potent, no?

But you have people, I believe, also very strong, right?

És a dir, els professors de l'Escola de Música

That is to say, the teachers of the Music School.

són gent que avui en dia està tocant en projectes

They are people who are currently working on projects.

que funcionen moltíssim, que són musicazos.

that work a lot, that they are amazing musicians.

A nivell de teatre també hi ha gent molt, molt, molt potent.

At the level of theater, there are also very, very, very strong people.

I això és guai.

And that's cool.

També seria més guai si, des dels organismes públics...

It would also be cooler if, from public organizations...

Ah, ah, ah!

Ah, ah, ah!

Aquí tenim un programa, sense dir-ho.

Here we have a program, without saying so.

I més tenir l'oportunitat ara que també que estan sortint moltes coses, no?

And to have the opportunity now that many things are also coming out, right?

Perquè, vulguis o no, hi ha el nostre projecte,

Because, whether you like it or not, there is our project,

hi ha la música, que li direm que és de Mataró,

there is the music, which we will say is from Mataró,

és de Vilassar, però bueno...

He's from Vilassar, but well...

La centralització del Maresme, també hi parlem, no?

We also talk about the centralization of Maresme, right?

És que ens encanta molt.

It's just that we love it very much.

Bomba, bomba, bomba! No, no, no.

Bomb, bomb, bomb! No, no, no.

Jo estic aquí amb 4 persones de Mataró,

I am here with 4 people from Mataró.

jo sent de l'altra punta el Maresme, ja n'hi ha prou.

I feel from the other end of Maresme, that’s enough.

Ah, però es pot fer servir el Maresme

Ah, but you can use the Maresme.

com una mena de clúster, no?, de creatiu.

like a kind of cluster, right?, of creative.

Mm. 100%.

Mm. 100%.

O sigui, justament, en plan, creieu que hi ha un recolzament després,

So, just, like, do you think there is support afterwards,

a posterior d'aquesta educació i tal,

following this education and such,

que jo estic superd'acord que, en plan,

that I totally agree that, like,

que n'hi ha moltíssima, justament, a Mataró i al Maresme,

there is a lot of it, precisely, in Mataró and the Maresme,

però després, creieu que hi ha un recolzament

but then, do you believe there is support?

per part de certes institucions per donar espai,

on the part of certain institutions to give space,

per donar lloc a artistes emergents?

to give space to emerging artists?

Mm. Mm.

Mm. Mm.

Sí, però, mira, tenim la sort que hi ha el CLAP, també, a Mataró, que...

Yes, but look, we are fortunate that there is also the CLAP in Mataró, which...

Però no és un organisme públic, eh?

But it is not a public organization, right?

No és públic, no és públic.

It's not public, it's not public.

Però sí que són, bueno, eines que té la ciutat,

But they are, well, tools that the city has,

com a mínim, d'exposició.

at least, of exposure.

D'exposició, no?

Of exhibition, right?

Sí, jo penso que amb la falta d'impuls

Yes, I think that with the lack of drive

o amb la falta de suport que donen les institucions públiques,

or with the lack of support provided by public institutions,

això fa que molta iniciativa privada comenci d'estar aquí, no?

This means that a lot of private initiative is starting to be here, right?



I al final, tens el CLAP, el Cruïlla va néixer a Mataró.

And in the end, you have the CLAP, the Cruïlla was born in Mataró.

És veritat, sí, sí.

It's true, yes, yes.

El primer vol que vaig anar a la meva vida amb 5 anys va ser el Cruïlla a Mataró,

The first flight I took in my life at the age of 5 was the Cruïlla in Mataró.

i ara és un festival superreconegut, no?

And now it’s a super recognized festival, isn’t it?

No sé, mil coses que s'han fet o mil propostes de festivals.

I don't know, a thousand things that have been done or a thousand proposals for festivals.

Però sí que tinc la sensació, una mica,

But I do have the feeling, a little,

que a la mínima que tu vols...

that at the slightest you want...

tirar endavant una proposta...

move forward with a proposal...


To professionalize yourself.

I que necessites de l'organisme públic per fer-te créixer o per ajudar-te,

And what do you need from the public organization to grow or to help you,

nosaltres, aquí on ens veieu, hem organitzat l'OCA durant...

we, here as you see us, have organized the OCA for...

Clar, això volíem treure, també.

Of course, that's what we wanted to remove, too.

L'OCA és la festa major de Cap d'Any.

THE GOOSE is the New Year's Eve festival.

Operació Cap d'Any.

Operation New Year's Eve.

Teniu un nom per tot, és tan divertit, és fortíssim.

You have a name for everything, it's so funny, it's really strong.

Jo com que m'he anat mataronitzant al llarg dels anys,

I, as I have been slowly killing myself over the years,

perquè he començat a tenir amigues de Mataró

because I have started to have friends from Mataró

i realment és molt més divertit fer festa a Mataró

And it's really much more fun to party in Mataró.

que fer festa a Pineda.

to have a party in Pineda.

De cop te n'adones que hi ha moltes traves.

Suddenly you realize that there are many obstacles.

O que si tu vols obrir un bar a Mataró

Or what if you want to open a bar in Mataró?

i posar propostes musicals o bolos cada setmana,

and to propose musical acts or gigs every week,

de cop te n'adones que hi ha una llei municipal

Suddenly you realize that there is a municipal law.

que diu que no pots fer més de 12 bolos a l'any.

that says you can't do more than 12 gigs a year.

És com, per què, saps?

It's like, why, you know?

I ajuda una mica que la gent d'aquí que està fent cultura

And it helps a little that the people here are making culture.

pugui tirar endavant amb recursos públics,

can move forward with public resources,

que al final la cultura s'ha de suportar també amb pasta pública.

that in the end culture also has to be supported with public funding.

Ah, ja estàs.

Ah, you’re already here.

Perquè vosaltres de quin any vau començar?

What year did you all start?

Perquè a mi em fa la sensació que també com que el vostre creixement

Because it gives me the feeling that your growth as well

ha sigut com superprogressiu, però molt top.

It has been super progressive, but really cool.

Nosaltres vam començar l'any 2018.

We started in 2018.

Abans teníem una banda d'aquestes adolescents

Before we had one of those adolescent bands.

de quan teníem 16 anys més o menys.

when we were about 16 years old.



Però sí que veníem d'un context,

But we did come from a context,

d'un ecosistema molt musical, no?

of a very musical ecosystem, right?

Que tots els nostres amics són la gent d'Andana també,

That all our friends are from Andana too,

que era un grup de reggae de Mataró.

that it was a reggae group from Mataró.

Tenim molts amics que són també músics de Nil Moliner

We have many friends who are also musicians of Nil Moliner.

i molts músics com Escampats

and many musicians like Escampats

i que dóna la casualitat que són tots de Mataró

And it happens that they are all from Mataró.

i més o menys dels mateixos cercles, no?

And more or less from the same circles, right?

Llavors sí que ens ho vam manegar una mica nosaltres,

Then we did manage it a bit ourselves.

però hem tingut la sort també d'estar com en una bombolleta de talent,

but we have also been fortunate to be in a little bubble of talent,

diguéssim, que ens ajuda també a poder veure

let's say, that it helps us also to be able to see

com creixen altres projectes i anar aprenent.

how other projects grow and keep learning.

I crec que ja vam començar,

I think we already started,

amb molt bon peu i sabent ja el que havíem de fer

with a very good start and already knowing what we had to do

per fer créixer el projecte.

to grow the project.



També és veritat que trobo que totes aquestes eines

It is also true that I find that all these tools

que hem dit que a Mataró fan que...

that we have said that in Mataró they make that...

O sigui, que estan a Mataró però que ajuden a començar,

So, they are in Mataró but they help to get started,

també penso que a vegades depèn d'on siguis a Mataró.

I also think that sometimes it depends on where you are in Mataró.

O sigui, tota la part de santes que nosaltres l'hem amat,

That is, the whole part of saints that we have loved.

perquè és que jo...

because it's that I...

Fogonada, sota la meva casa passen, saps?

A gust of wind, under my house they pass, you know?

Vull dir, és que no podies no enterar-te d'existir allò.

I mean, you just couldn't be unaware of that existing.

En canvi, depèn de amb qui parlis,

On the other hand, it depends on who you talk to,

depèn de quin barri,

it depends on which neighborhood,

perquè això passa a Mataró, que els barris canvien molt,

because this happens in Mataró, that the neighborhoods change a lot,

no saben que són...

they don't know what they are...

O sigui, tenen com molt poc lligam amb les santes

That is to say, they have very little connection with the saints.

i amb totes aquestes festes,

and with all these festivals,

i això potser també fa que, depèn d'on siguis,

and this may also mean that, depending on where you are,

sentis que potser no tens tanta oportunitat.

you feel that perhaps you don't have as much opportunity.

Sí, a veure, jo crec que hi ha moltes realitats.

Yes, let's see, I believe that there are many realities.

O sigui, que Mataró no és només una,

So, Mataró is not just one,

són moltes Matarós, hi ha moltes realitats.

There are many Matarós, there are many realities.

Jo sí que he vist,

I have seen indeed,

o a l'escola, per exemple,

or at school, for example,

veia com els profes sí que intentaven

I saw how the teachers did try.

inculcar aquesta tradicionalitat de les santes

instill this tradition of the saints

o fer-te participar a tota aquesta gent

or involve you with all these people

que no era del centre.

that it was not from the center.

Al final, el centre és com si fos un poble a part, no?

In the end, the center is as if it were a separate town, right?

Però jo crec que hi ha iniciatives

But I believe that there are initiatives.

com, per exemple, el fet d'haver descentralitzat els focs,

such as the fact of having decentralized the fires,

per exemple,

for example,

descentralitzar algunes coses de santes

decentralize some things from santes

que ja està bé, que els altres barris també...

that it's already enough, that the other neighborhoods too...

Que al final és la seva festa major, també.

That in the end it is also their main festival.

És la festa major del barri de Cerdanyola,

It is the main festival of the Cerdanyola neighborhood,

de Rocafonda, i que també s'ha de fer seu.

of Rocafonda, and that it must also become his own.

És que ens encanta...

It's just that we love it...

Bueno, és el típic que et canvien, jo què sé,

Well, it's the typical thing that they change you, I don't know,

els focs de lloc, o et canvien no sé què de lloc,

the fires of place, or they change something of place for you,

i és com... Ah, merda!

And it's like... Ah, shit!

Perquè de cop estem fent l'enterrament de la sardina al Parc Central,

Because all of a sudden we are holding the burial of the sardine in the Central Park,

no té cap tipus de sentit.

it makes no sense at all.

Clar, però quan mires quins altres fons,

Sure, but when you look at what other funds,

és com, bueno, amor, és que per què l'has estat fent

It's like, well, love, it's just that why have you been doing it?

45 anys en una plaça, a baix de tot,

45 years in a square, at the very bottom,

on no hi ha cap la gent, saps?

There are no people there, you know?

També com que hi ha aquesta feina d'això que per nosaltres

Also because there is this job of this for us.

ha sigut tan enriquidor que ho pugui ser per tothom per igual.

It has been so enriching that it can be for everyone equally.

Sí, crec que justament l'obligació

Yes, I think that precisely the obligation

aquí està de les escoles públiques,

here is from the public schools,

de poder donar com aquest coneixement

to be able to give like this knowledge

i aquesta il·lusió de dir, mira,

and this illusion of saying, look,

jo què sé, si a aquest nano no hi va a les santes,

I don't know, if this guy doesn't go to the Santes,

tu li parles d'aquestes, de la festa major i tot,

you talk to him about these, about the town festival and everything,

i de sobte el xaval li demanarà

and suddenly the kid will ask him

el seu pare o la seva mare de baixar,

his father or his mother to come down,

eh, doncs anem a la crida, saps?

Hey, well let's go to the call, you know?

En plan, això fa il·lusió.

Like, this is exciting.

A mi em fa molta greu... Ai, perdó, perdó.

I feel very sorry... Oh, sorry, sorry.

No, no digues, digues.

No, don't say, say.

No, no, dic, a mi em fa molta greu

No, no, I mean, I feel very sorry about it.

que el vostre primer tema, que baixi de les santes,

that your first theme, coming down from the saints,

és molt guai.

it's very cool.

És que som molt santeres nosaltres,

It's just that we are very healthy people.

som molt santudes.

we are very healthy.

Que seguiu referenciant els vostres temes,

That you continue referencing your topics,

com es diu el de... el que és amb la muixca de...

what is the name of the one... the one with the fly of...

El Mataró Parc.

The Mataró Park.

Ah, fa això.

Ah, it does that.

Que seguiu referenciant aquesta localitat,

That you continue referencing this locality,

sento que enriqueix molt el que és la vostra personalitat.

I feel that it enriches a lot what your personality is.

Sí, t'he de dir que a vegades ens hem d'autocensurar.

Yes, I have to tell you that sometimes we have to self-censor.

Com tenir esforç.

How to have effort.

Es nota, eh?

You can tell, right?

És que fots referents que als nostres amics és com...

It's that you mess with references that to our friends it's like...

Ah, sí, el Paqui de Santana, saps?

Ah, yes, the Paqui from Santana, you know?

Tu ja saps de què t'estic parlant.

You already know what I'm talking about.

Una persona de fora de Mataró,

A person from outside Mataró,

llavors és com, vale,

then it's like, okay,

ara que som coneguts més enllà de Mataró,

now that we are known beyond Mataró,

doncs potser ens hem de...

so maybe we have to...

Hem de generalitzar una mica més els conceptes,

We need to generalize the concepts a bit more,

perquè si no estaríem parlant de la pedra, del calle,

because if not we would be talking about the stone, of the street,

i de, no sé, de quatre espats més mitjans.

and I don't know, of four more medium-sized spatulas.

I del fos a xics.

And from dusk to kids.

Fa bastant temps vaig veure com una història,

A long time ago, I saw it as a story,

per insta de la Laura Grau,

by Laura Grau's Insta,

que deia com...

that said how...

És veritat.

It's true.

Algú em pot explicar, sisplau, què és el Parc Fu?

Can someone please explain to me what the Fu Park is?

Per la cançó de la Maca.

For Maca's song.

De fet, va ser per aquelles èpoques, eh?

In fact, it was during those times, right?

Que vam dir, prou de parlar de Mataró,

What did we say, enough talking about Mataró,

perquè no creixerem més enllà de Mataró, no és com...

because we will not grow beyond Mataró, it is not like...

Quantes festes d'aniversari heu fet al Parc Forestal?

How many birthday parties have you held at the Forest Park?

No tantes, eh?

Not so many, huh?

De petits, algunes.

When we were small, some.

Era una mica cutre, fer-la allà.

It was a bit shabby to do it there.

Vam pillar l'època Parc Fu, sobretot, amb les hamaces.

We captured the Parc Fu era, especially with the hammocks.

Plan de viures i tardes.

Plan for living and afternoons.

Tardes dels 18 als 22, fins que va arribar el Covid.

Afternoons from 6 to 10, until Covid arrived.

Era plan d'hamaces i ja està.

It was a plan of hammocks and that's it.

I passar la tarda allà xergant i passant el rato.

And spend the afternoon there chatting and passing the time.

Mai he fet això.

I have never done this.

I sóc negacionista de les festes d'aniversari al Parc Forestal.

I am a denier of birthday parties in the Forest Park.

Em fan molta mandra.

They make me very lazy.

Vols que fa mandra?

Do you want to be lazy?

Pots cringear una mica, eh?

You can cringe a little, huh?

Hola, hola.

Hello, hello.

Fa una mica patir.

It makes one suffer a little.

Sóc completament negacionista.

I am completely a denialist.

Teniu ganes de parlar una miqueta de la indústria i coses d'aquestes?

Do you want to talk a little bit about the industry and things like that?

Sí, parlem, parlem.

Yes, let's talk, let's talk.

Imagina't que aquest si l'estires...

Imagine that if you stretch it...

No, no, no.

No, no, no.

No, no, no, no.

No, no, no, no.

No, no, no.

No, no, no.

No, però justament, o sigui, la indústria catalana

No, but precisely, I mean, the Catalan industry.

i com ha funcionat durant els últims anys

and how it has worked over the last few years

és com que s'han vist molts productes

it's as if many products have been seen

que ho han patat molt en molt poc temps

that they have suffered a lot in a very short time

o que han estat supersonats, ràdios, tele,

or that have been surpassed, radios, TV,

en un temps com molt comprimit

in a time as very compressed

i que durant el temps sentim una miqueta...

and that during the time we feel a little bit...

Ens fa la sensació que amb el temps ens han anat com cringejant una miqueta

It gives us the feeling that over time they have been a bit cringe-worthy.

o no ho hem anat com...

or we haven't gone like...

Que no han madurat bé.

They haven't ripened well.

Aleshores, clar, justament, ara estem veient aquest...

So, of course, right now we are seeing this...

Esclar, vostre, que ens fa molta il·lusió,

Of course, it makes us very excited.

però també pensem...

but we also think...

Ostres, de sobte, teniu por vosaltres

Wow, suddenly, you're scared.

de que això pugui...

that this may...

No caducar, però que pugui...

Not to expire, but that it can...

Envellir malament, no?

Aging poorly, right?

Sí, envellir malament.

Yes, aging badly.

Hi ha una cosa que ens van dir un cop en un podcast

There is one thing that someone told us once in a podcast.

de Déus i Simis, també xerrat des d'aquí,

of Gods and Simis, also talked about from here,

que ens van explicar l'efecte xerango.

that they explained the xerango effect to us.

Sí, de fet, ho parlàvem així.

Yes, in fact, we were talking about it like that.

Nosaltres li dèiem la xerangització.

We called it the xerangització.

I també és una cosa molt nostrat dels catalans

And it is also something very characteristic of us Catalans.

d'odiar la cosa que funciona.

of hating the thing that works.

El mainstream.

The mainstream.



Perquè, pobres, sí que tenien alguna cosa rara, xerango,

Because, poor things, they did have something strange, chatterbox,

però en general molava molt

but in general it was really cool

i era un producte que funcionava molt

and it was a product that worked very well

i les cançons molaven molt.

And the songs were really cool.

Però tothom els criticava de saco.

But everyone criticized them without mercy.

I llavors sempre és intentar lluitar contra això,

And then it's always about trying to fight against that,

però crec que també hem crescut d'una manera diferent

but I think we have also grown in a different way

de com estàvem acostumats

of how we were used to

a que creixessin els grups dintre de la indústria catalana.

for the groups to grow within the Catalan industry.

Ens vam muntar nosaltres des de Mataró,

We set off from Mataró.

una mica amb els nostres,

a bit with ours,

amb una discogràfica PQ de Blanes,

with a record label PQ from Blanes,

anar fent, anar picant pedra,

keep going, keep chipping away,

anar construint des de tocar a locals ocupes

going building from touching occupied spaces

i amb escenaris de tarima,

and with stage platforms,

a anar creixent.

to keep growing.

I crec que això no ens ho pot treure ningú.

I believe that no one can take this away from us.

Llavors, si al final ha arribat fins aquí

Then, if he has finally reached here.

és perquè a la gent li agrada la música i ho escolta.

It's because people like music and listen to it.

I esperem que no em balla així malament.

And we hope that you don't dance like that badly.

Jo el que penso és que,

What I think is that,

jo què sé, si tu ara t'escoltes la cançó de Menorca,

I don't know, if you now listen to the song from Menorca,

on parlem de la cele,

we are talking about the celebrity,

perquè, òbviament, la cele a nosaltres ara ens queda,

because, obviously, the celebration now belongs to us,

però llunyíssim, no?

but very far away, isn't it?

El següent, això pot generar cert crinxe o alguna cosa,

The following, this may generate some cringe or something,

però també és com contextualitzar les coses

but it is also about contextualizing things

i, per part nostra, no parar mai de fer temes

and, for our part, we never stop making topics

que vagin d'acord amb el que nosaltres vivim en aquest moment.

that they go along with what we are experiencing at this moment.



Que si vivim nosaltres anclats en el passat

That if we live anchored in the past

i seguim fent el que fèiem fa tres anys,

and we continue doing what we were doing three years ago,

doncs hi haurà un punt on la penya dirà

so there will be a point where the group will say

que ja està, és un refrito d'un refrito,

it's already done, it's a rehash of a rehash,

i això em genera crinxe.

And this gives me the creeps.

Però crec que també ho fem des d'una manera molt natural,

But I think we also do it in a very natural way,

molt de...

a lot of...

que no som ni unes persones pedants

that we are not arrogant people

ni allò que pugui generar...

nor that which may generate...

Jo et diria que l'únic que ens pot allò jugar a la contra

I would tell you that the only thing that can play against us.

és que a la gent potser li fa ràbia aquesta gent

It's just that people might be angry at these people.

que li cau bé a molta gent.

that many people like.



I nosaltres, com que som així,

And we, since we are like this,

i al final no som males persones

And in the end, we are not bad people.

ni tenim conflictes amb ningú,

nor do we have conflicts with anyone,

doncs hi ha gent que potser li fa ràbia que siguem així, saps?

So there are people who might be angry that we are like this, you know?

Perquè ha passat una cosa amb la vostra música

Because something has happened with your music.

que és que parles amb qualsevol persona de qualsevol context,

what is it that you talk to anyone from any context,

gent que escolta tipus completament diferents

people who listen to completely different types

i tothom sap que és Epixolete

And everyone knows what Epixolete is.

i tothom et sabrà cantar una cançó

And everyone will know how to sing you a song.

i tothom dirà

and everyone will say

i per mi és fortíssim això.

And for me, this is very strong.

Com que ha arribat realment a tot arreu

Since it has really reached everywhere

però és que gent que en la seva vida

but there are people who in their lives

ha escoltat música en català

have you listened to music in Catalan

que et sabrà cantar les cançons.

that will know how to sing the songs to you.

Jo això ho vaig veure

I saw this.

quan vaig començar a veure tuits en castellà

when I started seeing tweets in Spanish

de gent que parlava de concerts nostres

of people talking about our concerts

o de la música, no?

or the music, right?

L'altre dia estava veient una competició d'escalada

The other day I was watching a climbing competition.

de Madrid, o sigui que es feia a Madrid

from Madrid, so it was done in Madrid

que hi havia una xavala

that there was a girl

que mentre estava escalant

that while I was climbing

li van posar Coti per Coti de fons

they played Coti in the background

i jo blanquista, o sigui, què està passant?

And me, a blanquista, so what is happening?

És que et vas trobar en autocontext d'aquests

You found yourself in such a self-context.

raros en un xeringuito de Filipina

strange ones in a little bar in the Philippines

sonant la nostra cançó

playing our song

Jo estava a Indóven l'any passat

I was in Indóven last year.

a la final de la Champions femenina

at the final of the women's Champions League

i de cop la primera cançó que sona

and suddenly the first song that plays

Coti per Coti

Coti for Coti

i jo, què? Visca el Maresme!

And me, what? Long live Maresme!

A Indóven?

To Indoven?



I és molt fort també amb les iaies

And he is also very strong with the grandmothers.



Això és un fanògraf, eh?

This is a fanograph, right?



Jo me'n vaig anar l'altre dia

I left the other day.

a una comunió

to a communion

i era un diumenge a l'església

It was a Sunday at the church.

i vam començar a passar una per una

and we began to go through them one by one

I jo conec els teus pares

And I know your parents.

Sí, sí, sí

Yes, yes, yes

I realment elles envers a vosaltres

And really they towards you.

a mi em genereu moltíssim

You generate a lot in me.

em genero com carinyo

I generate myself with affection.

perquè és com

because it is like

és com aquesta cosa

it's like this thing

en comptes de rebuig

instead of rejection

però a l'hora de, per exemple, reinventar-vos

but when it comes to, for example, reinventing yourselves

amb el següent que

with the following that

sento justament que el fet

I feel just that the fact

que vosaltres tingueu una configuració

that you have a configuration

a nivell indústria musical i tal

at the level of the music industry and such

bastant diferent

quite different

el que ha succeït abans a Catalunya

what has happened before in Catalonia

sento que potser teniu com més eines

I feel that you might have more tools.

per reinventar-vos i tot això

to reinvent yourselves and all that

Bueno, jo crec que al final

Well, I think that in the end

aquí el que manarà

here what will command

com serà el futur

what will the future be like

és una mica la creativitat

it's a bit of creativity

que nosaltres puguem tenir

that we can have

de sobreposar-nos al que ja hem fet

to overlap with what we have already done

fins aleshores

until then

Llavors, òbviament, hi ha certa pressió

Then, obviously, there is some pressure.

perquè hem fet un disc

because we have made an album

que ha sigut una bomba

that has been a bomb

però sempre diem que fem

but we always say that we do

la música de la mateixa manera

the music in the same way

que la fèiem el 2018

that we did in 2018

quan estàvem a la KT Punky

when we were at the KT Punky

i anàvem a tenir un bolo

and we were going to have a gig

Llavors, com que sempre ho hem fet de la mateixa manera

Then, since we have always done it the same way

amb els mateixos inputs

with the same inputs

també tenim temps per viure coses

we also have time to live things

perquè si estàs tot el dia fent allò

because if you are doing that all day

no saps de què parlar

you don't know what to talk about

Llavors ens ho prenem amb calma

Then we take it easy.

portem tot l'any

we've been carrying it all year

allò, composant

that, composing

Composem molt per fer

We have a lot to compose.

30-40 temes

30-40 themes

Llavors poder decidir

Then be able to decide.

dir, vale, pues

say, okay, then

tinc 40 temes

I have 40 topics.

vaig a enviar els 12 pals

I am going to send the 12 sticks.

També crec que hi ha un factor

I also think there is a factor.

que fa que

that makes that

en quant a la reinvenció

regarding the reinvention

i cap on portem el projecte

And we are carrying the project.

que és que els dos estem molt posats

what is it that we are both very into

en l'evolució del projecte

in the evolution of the project

o sigui, ho toquem tot

that is to say, we touch everything

no només escrivim cançons

we don't just write songs

i les cantem al micro

and we sing them into the mic

sinó que produïm les cançons

but we produce the songs

decidim quines cançons es treuen

let's decide which songs to remove

autogestionem el projecte

we self-manage the project

amb l'equip

with the team



o sigui, no és l'actitud d'artista

that is, it is not the attitude of an artist

de jo no m'hi poso

I'm not getting involved.

sinó que estem com posats

but we are as if we are put on

en tots els processos

in all processes

Som workaholics

We are workaholics.

Això és molt català també

This is very Catalan too.

perquè estic segura que la Rosalia

because I am sure that Rosalia

també ho porta en aquest món

he also brings it into this world

Segur, seguríssim

Sure, absolutely sure.

I una cosa és que sempre que ens passa

And one thing is that whenever it happens to us

que portem gent que treballa junta

we bring people who work together

i que són amics

and that they are friends

com ho porteu això?

How do you handle this?

Bé, al final també

Well, in the end too.

els anys fan que entenguis

The years make you understand.

les dinàmiques, no?

the dynamics, right?

T'he de dir que fa dos dies

I have to tell you that two days ago

estàvem sopant amb les nostres parelles

we were having dinner with our partners

a Caseba

the Caseba

un vespre

one evening

portàvem tot el dia junts

we had been together all day

i ens en vam anar la nit

And we went away that night.

a sopar

to dinner

vull dir que fem moltes coses

I mean that we do a lot of things.

a part de treballar

besides working

i estàvem amb els nostres amics

and we were with our friends

mirant el futbol

watching football

també és com saber dividir

it is also like knowing how to divide



que això és el difícil

that this is the difficult part

quan estàs amb els amics

when you are with friends

no parles de feina

don't talk about work

o intenta no parlar de feina

or try not to talk about work

perquè ja els nostres amics

because our friends already

ja els interessa prou

they are already interested enough

el fet que nosaltres

the fact that we

siguem detallats

let's be detailed

volen saber tot

they want to know everything

però és també com

but it is also like

no, un moment

no, a moment

ara estem en un moment

now we are at a moment



i demà ves-t'ho

and tomorrow go see it

i després ja sí que

and then yes that

ens escrivim a totes hores

we write to each other at all times

per comentar temes de feina

to discuss work matters

Teniu xats diferents

You have different chats.

No, de personal

No, from staff.

i entre nosaltres

and between us

Hem parlat alguna vegada

Have we ever talked?

en podcast

in podcast

que ens diuen

that they tell us

no, és que nosaltres tenim

No, it's just that we have

un grup que és

a group that is

per als títols dels episodis

for the episode titles

un grup que és

a group that is

per coses de feina

for work-related matters

i un grup que és

and a group that is

com per amigues

as for friends

i nosaltres fent-ho tot

and us doing everything

en el mateix grup

in the same group

pensant que ens estem perdent

thinking that we are getting lost

T'he de dir que ho vam fer

I have to tell you that we did it.

al principi, diria

at first, I would say

teníem un grup

we had a group

que es deia The Tiet

it was called The Tiet

i parlàvem

and we were talking

ja vam acabar parlant

we already finished talking

però perquè hi havia ensaixos

but because there were allowances



Sí, sí, sí

Yes, yes, yes.

No, no

No, no.

tenim molts grups

we have many groups



però rotllo

but roll

grup de tècnics

group of technicians

grup de músics

group of musicians

grup de bandes

band group

Tinc infinitat de grups

I have an infinity of groups.

però entre nosaltres

but among us

parlem pel nostre xat privat

let's talk in our private chat

i ja està

and that's it

Clar, és que nosaltres

Of course, it's just that we

igual és com

it's the same as

Ai, has vist

Oh, have you seen?

no sé què

I don't know what.

en plan una cosa super rara

in a super weird way

en mil següents

in a thousand following

tia, envia-hi a l'escaleta

Aunt, send it to the schedule.


do you know?

Llavors al final

Then in the end

també torna una mica loco

it also drives you a little crazy

O ens parlem pel càlendar

Or we talk through the calendar.

No, no

No, no.

no literal

not literal

parla pel càlendar

talks for the calendar

però rotllo

but whatever

a vegades


hi ha coses

there are things

que ni els les diem

that we don't even say them

simplement ho apuntes

you simply note it down

Tenim el càlendar compartit

We have the shared calendar.





però el personal també

but the staff too

jo veig quan se'n va de vacances

I see when he goes on vacation.

on se'n va

Where is it going?

Per mi sou parella

For me, you are a couple.

Les nostres nòvies

Our girlfriends

diuen que

they say that

som del segon nòvio

we are from the second boyfriend

Però és això

But this is it.

l'anyet ho apuntes

You jot it down in the year.

i ja saps que

and you already know that

aquest dia

this day

ell té no sé què

he has I don't know what

o jo tinc no sé què

or I have I don't know what

o ell té dentista

or he has a dentist.



Totes les càries controlades

All the cavities controlled.

M'han tret la dent

They have taken out my tooth.

ella no sé què

she doesn't know what

no sé quan

I don't know when.

que tot això

that all this

i a nivell creatiu

and at a creative level

rotllo després de

roll after



i tocar pals

and play sticks

més aviat


bastant llatins

quite a few latins



a la vegada

at the same time

cap on tireu?

What about throwing?

O sigui

That is to say.

cap on ve l'apretón?

Where does the pressure come from?

A veure

Let's see.

És que

It's just that



sempre hem intentat

we have always tried


to touch

una mica tot

a little bit of everything

crec que

I believe that

la nostra sonoritat

our soundness

no l'hem perdut

we haven't lost it

pel que tenim fet

for what we have done



L'únic que

The only thing that

és que de ritmes

it's that of rhythms

hi ha de tot

there is everything



i ens

and us

ens agrada

we like

bueno no sé

well I don't know

S'agrada molt

He/She likes himself/herself very much.

la música llatina

Latin music

també perquè

also because

és el que escoltem molt

it's what we hear a lot

escoltem molt

we listen a lot

Bad Bunny

Bad Bunny

escoltem molt Ozuna

We listen to a lot of Ozuna.

som molt reggaetoneros

we are very reggaeton fans

ens agrada molt el reggaeton

we really like reggaeton

llavors hi ha molts pals

then there are many sticks

de la música llatina

of Latin music

que encara no hem tocat

that we haven't touched yet

no hem fet un merengue

we haven't made a meringue

no hem fet una gossanoga

we have not had a party

no hem fet

we haven't done

encara hi ha molt

there is still a lot

per explorar

to explore

i també que ens agrada molt

and also that we like it a lot

fusionar coses

merge things

ens agrada

we like

no fer només un merengue

not just make a meringue

fer un merengue

to make a meringue



algú que en surti

someone to get out of it

i també

and also

no sé

I don't know.

escoltant els referents

listening to the references

que s'estan movent ara

that are moving now

Dua Lipa

Dua Lipa

Olivia Rodrigo

Olivia Rodrigo

Oliver Rodrigo

Oliver Rodrigo

No, Olivia

No, Olivia



Oliver Rodrigo

Oliver Rodrigo

Tienes el seu germà

You have his brother.

No, en plan

No, like

pop mainstream

mainstream pop

una mica

a little bit

una fusió de tot això

a fusion of all this

Sobretot l'important

Above all, the important thing

és que parles

it's that you speak



Les cançons

The songs

que crec que és

that I think it is



el pilar de la cançó

the pillar of the song

vull dir

I mean

tot el que és l'estil

everything that is style

és una cosa que acompanya

it is something that accompanies

Això li ens costa més

This is harder for us.


Of course.

arriba un moment que ja

there comes a moment that already

necessites viure experiències

you need to live experiences

per dir

to say

parlem d'això

let's talk about this

Això ens passa també a nosaltres

This happens to us too.

que arriba un punt

that a point arrives

que si fem

what if we do

molts càpits de podcast seguits

many followed podcast episodes

és com

it's like



hem de sortir a tocar

we have to go out to play

no pot ser

it can't be

Jo crec que en qualsevol

I believe that in any.

procés creatiu

creative process

això hi és

this is it



A nosaltres ens passa molt

It happens to us a lot.

jo diria

I would say



anem un fi

let's go a fine

anem als col·legues

let's go to the colleagues

al Pirineu

in the Pyrenees

i de cop

and suddenly

un col·lega

a colleague

diu una frase

say a sentence


do you know?

I es queda aquí

And stays here.





hi ha un tema aquí

there is a topic here



i portes dues setmanes

It's been two weeks.

amb ansietat

with anxiety





no tinc idees

I have no ideas.


I am

no sé produir

I don't know how to produce.

no sé composar

I don't know how to compose.

soc una merda

I am a piece of shit.

i de cop això

and suddenly this

arriba un col·lega

a colleague arrives

i et diu

and it tells you

una frase de merda

a shitty sentence

i dius

and you say



ja està

it's done

el típic bloc de notes

the typical notebook

al mòbil

on the mobile

ple de frases

full of sentences

completament ràndoms

completely random

com que t'han de servir

how they should serve you

d'idea d'alguna cosa

of the idea of something

això és que jo

this is that I

m'organitzo fatal

I organize myself terribly.

són notes de veu

they are voice notes

molts cops

many times

en plan

in plan

una melo

a melody


Do you know?

i us les envieu

and you send them to you

per whatsapp

via WhatsApp

en el xat personal

in the personal chat

molts cops es perden

many times they get lost

hi ha moltes cançons

there are many songs




lost things





hi ha moltes melos allà

there are many melons there





mira a mi

look at me

perquè no em passi això

so that this doesn't happen to me

m'ho gravo en el quip

I record it in the quip.

de google

from google

és adicta al quip

she is addicted to the quip

de soc

I'm from

que és el quip

what is the quip



és com el bloc de notes

it's like the notepad

del mòbil

from the mobile

però del google

but from Google



pots convertir notes

can you convert notes

em poso sempre

I always put on.

el mateix títol

the same title

rotllo em poso

I'm getting into the groove.



sempre és el mateix títol

it's always the same title



quan vaig a composar

when I am going to compose

o el que sigui

or whatever it may be

escric idea

I write idea.

i tinc com

I have like

totes les lletres

all the letters

que he escrit

that I have written

no sé què

I don't know what.

i està com

and is like

tot aquí

that’s all here

ben fet

well done

és com

it's like

és un bon business

it's a good business

ben fet

well done

perquè si no

because if not

és un drama

it's a drama



hi ha el vostre hit

there is your hit



per al grup

for the group

de whatsapp

from WhatsApp

potser hi havia

maybe there was

una cançó boníssima

a really great song

que no


no l'haureu

you will not have it

més d'una

more than one

que heavy

how heavy

Agnès Verda

Agnès Verda


to photograph


to film



la nova exposició

the new exhibition

del CCCB

from the CCCB

que celebra

that celebrates

la trajectòria

the trajectory

i el talent

and the talent

de la fotògrafa

of the photographer



i cineasta

and filmmaker



de la Nobel

of the Nobel

del 18 de juliol

from July 18

al 8 de desembre

on December 8th

no te la perdis

don't miss it

i vine a descobrir

I came to discover

el talent

the talent

d'Agnès Verda

of Agnes Verda

més informació

more information

a la web

to the web

del CCCB

from the CCCB

en realitat

in reality

jo crec que aquestes coses

I believe that these things

sempre depenen

they always depend

molt més de la presència

much more than the presence

que tinguis a l'estudi

have you in the studio

i com més d'aquesta màgia

and more of this magic

que passi allà

let it happen there

vull dir que pots portar idees

I mean that you can bring ideas.

pots tenir com coses prèvies

you can have things as prerequisites

però no se'n diu

but it is not said

com que això és

since this is

quan treballem els dos junts

when we work together

som molt més productius

we are much more productive


Do you know?

que si jo vaig un dia a l'estudi

that if I go to the studio one day

faig alguna cosa

I do something.

li passo a ell

I pass it to him.

bé un altre dia

well, another day

com si coincidim

as if we coincide

en espai i temps

in space and time

i si coincidim

and if we coincide

amb una altra persona

with another person



si portem en en Ruts

if we bring in Ruts

aquell dia a l'estudi

that day at the studio

i ell

and he

ja li deixem

we already leave it to him/her

tot el que ha de produir

everything that needs to be produced

a ell

to him

i no ens hem de preocupar

and we should not worry

de produir

to produce

encara som molt més productius

we are still much more productive


Do you know?

hi ha molts cops que dius

there are many times that you say

sort que ens hi hem posat

good that we have started with it



perquè podríem haver estat

because we could have been

fent una altra cosa

doing something else



i és

and it is

no sé de qui és la frase

I don't know whose phrase it is.

però que diu

but what does it say

que la inspiració

that the inspiration

et pilli treballant

I catch you working.



no tan Picasso

not so Picasso

m'ho ha donat un triple

A triple has given it to me.

però diria que sí

but I would say yes

sí, sí, em sembla que sí

yes, yes, I think so



què ha passat?

What has happened?

és molt guai

it's very cool

quan et surt una bona idea

when a good idea comes to you

i dius

and you say

sort que avui

come out today

estàvem a l'estudi

we were at the studio



perquè si no desapareix

because if not it will disappear

Envers també recupera

Envers also recovers

una miqueta

a little bit

el de les festes majors

the one with the major festivals

i tot això

and all this

amb vosaltres

with you

que heu tocat

what have you touched

un muntet d'aquestes

a little pile of these

que tot això

that all this

professionals de les festes majors

professionals of the local festivals

és que clar

it's just that, of course

per cert

by the way

avui és una data

today is a date

molt important

very important

per què?


és Pirates de Premià

It's Pirates of Premià.

si o no

yes or no

no hi anirem

we won't go there

éreu molt

you were very

de fer-vos

to make you

totes les festes majors

all the main festivals



si us dic que l'any passat

if I tell you that last year

cada setmana

every week

anàvem a un concert vostre

We were going to one of your concerts.

d'una festa major random

of a random festival

o sigui ens vam recórrer

that is to say we crossed each other

com totes les festes del marisme

like all the festivals of the marshland

i cada setmana

and every week

Sant Vicenç

Saint Vincent

a cop i volta

from time to time

de tallets

of seedlings

la Garrinada

the Garrinada

de tallets

of small cuts

les Santes

the Saints

de tallets

of seedlings

cada setmana

every week

nosaltres érem així

we were like this

o sigui

that is to say

amb 16 anys

at 16 years old

érem professionals

we were professionals

a nosaltres va passar el mateix

it happened the same to us

que era l'any

that it was the year

de lágrimes de sangre

of blood tears

ara ells

now they



has pencat també

Have you also penciled?

nosaltres som

we are

som N80 lovers

we are N80 lovers





això ho teníem

we had this

més endavant


ja sortirà

it will come out



és la carretera

it is the road

aquesta que tens

this that you have

és el bus

it's the bus

el nocturn

the nocturne

aquesta tia

this girl

no agafa el bus

he/she does not take the bus

que hi havia hòsties

that there were punches

per agafar el bus

to catch the bus

a les 4 del matí

at 4 in the morning

jo he patit

I have suffered.

en parades de la N80

on N80 stops



em quedo al terra

I'm staying on the ground.

i no

and no

jo soc N82

I am N82.





i sortíeu del Maresme

and you were leaving the Maresme





o sigui

that is to say

quan fèieu festes majors

when you were having major festivals

us atrevíeu fora del Maresme

you would dare outside of the Maresme

o era com el vostre

or it was like yours

jo crec que el màxim

I believe that the maximum

allà que vam anar va ser

there we went was











les vam preguntar molt

we asked them a lot

les festes de Sabadell

the festivals of Sabadell

a mi Granollers

to me Granollers

em pillava de campaments

it caught me off guard

hi ha festes que

there are festivals that

que sempre coincideixen

that always coincide

nosaltres fèiem una cosa

we were doing one thing

quan s'acabava el curs

when the course was over

rellotge finals de juny

clock late June

fèiem una llista

we made a list

un excel

an Excel

una llista

a list

de tots

of all

no tinc el meu mòbil

I don't have my phone.

però tens tu

but you have

de fet

in fact

cada any començàvem

every year we began

nit jove de

young night of

de la Sabadell

from Sabadell

l'estiu començava

the summer was beginning

nit jove de la Sabadell

young night of Sabadell

que era 1 de maig

that it was May 1st

que bueno

how good

ja s'acostava

it was getting closer

al meu grup d'amigues

to my group of female friends

existeix això

does this exist

que és una llista

what is a list

de totes les festes majors

of all the major festivals

i cada estiu

and every summer

a la descripció del grup

in the group description

quan acabem les classes

when do we finish classes

hi ha algú

is there anyone

que comença

that begins

i anem a la descripció

Let's go to the description.

com cada dia

as every day



jo era aquesta persona

I was that person.

era friqui

he was a freak

que em ficava

that I was getting into

a les webs

to the websites

dels ajuntaments

from the municipalities

a mirar

to look

a veure quant hi havia

let's see how much there was

totes les que descontrolem

all the ones we uncontrollably manage

Sant Zenon

Saint Zenon

va ser fa poc

it was recently

que no l'ha d'arrenyar

that should not scold him/her

o hi ha pirates

Or there are pirates.

no sé

I don’t know.

que tot això

that all this

teniu top

you have a great/top one

festes majors

major festivals



o per experiències

or through experiences

que hagueu viscut

may you have lived



aquesta festa major

this major festival

del Maresme

from Maresme

va anem al Maresme

Let's go to the Maresme.

Santas òbviament

Saints obviously

number one

number one





igual està el dos

the two is the same

el tres

the three

encara que ha d'estar

even though it has to be

posant la Garrina

putting the Garrina


la Garrina

the Garrina

són uns picats

they are annoyances

de la Garrina

of the Garrina

de diuen

they are called

nosaltres tenim

we have

o sigui

that is to say

vosaltres teniu millor

you have better

festa major

major festival

però nosaltres tenim

but we have

millors concerts

best concerts

sempre diuen això

they always say that

però és que té raó

but he is right

però clar

but of course

perquè està tot el preso allà

because everything is stuck there



les Santas no és

the Saints is not

tan característica

so characteristic

però quan va venir

but when did he/she come

Rosario Flores

Rosario Flores

a les Santas

to the Saints



tu saps qui va venir

Do you know who came?

el 2007

the 2007

a Mataró

to Mataró

per les Santas?

for the Saints?

el canto del Loco

The song of the Crazy.



i la Xenoa

and Xenoa



o sigui

that is to say

pic de Santas

peak of Santas

sí o no

yes or no

l'Amento Flors

The Amento Flowers

perquè a vegades

because sometimes

es tornen completament bojos

they become completely crazy

i programen uns concerts

and they organize some concerts

en plan escenari immens

in an immense stage setting

i de sobte

and suddenly



l'oreja de Van Gogh

Van Gogh's ear

seria perfecte

it would be perfect

jo de petita

me as a child

no comprenia

I didn't understand.

per què no venia

why didn’t he/she come

la Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga

a les Santas

to the Saints

estava super ratllada

I was really annoyed.

dal pal de foc

from the firewood

perquè no ve

why doesn't he/she come?

i ho busca a internet

and he/she looks for it on the internet

quant costa

how much does it cost

que vingui la Lady Gaga

let Lady Gaga come

de fet

in fact

nosaltres tenim un concert

we have a concert



almenys per mi somiat

at least for me it is a dream

que és tallar

what is cutting

el camí de la geganta

the path of the giantess

i poder fer tot

and be able to do everything

el parc

the park

el parc nou

the new park



que ho va fer Xarango això

Xarango did that.

això ho va fer Xarango

this was done by Xarango

el 2016

the 2016



un 26

a 26

sí un 26

yes a 26

allà estava rebentat

there it was burst

és que cuidao

It's just that I'm careful.

jo recordo

I remember

concerts de catarres

cough concerts

allà al parc nou

there at the new park

jo pensava

I thought

que les meves primeres Santas

that my first Saints

va ser un concert de catarres

it was a catarres concert



venien cada any

they came every year

sí oi

yes right

és que venien cada any

they came every year

ho vam comentar un podcast

we discussed a podcast

de fet ens vam comentar

in fact, we mentioned to each other

els comentaris

the comments

ens vam comentar els comentaris

we commented on the comments




de totes maneres

parlant de també

talking about also

el tema aquest

this topic

de la

of the

parlant de

talking about

no sé com lligar-ho això

I don't know how to tie this.



el Mataró Parc

the Mataró Park



en plan

in plan

que simbolitza

what does it symbolize

o sigui

that is to say

sento que ha simbolitzat

I feel that it has symbolized

tantes coses

so many things

per la gent del Maresme

for the people of Maresme

és com una transició

it's like a transition



és com fer-se gran

it's like growing up

és part de la pubertat

it is part of puberty



qui n'emepé

who doesn't hinder me





l'època aquella

that time

que tothom ficava

that everyone was putting in

qui n'emepé

who doesn't stop me

literal és fer-se gran

to grow up

és quedar

to stay

a veure

let's see

a la tarda

in the afternoon

jo t'ho he de dir

I have to tell you.

que sempre hi ha hagut

that there has always been

un context

a context

per dir-ho

to say it


dirty dog


és molt més de barri

it's much more local

molt bé

very good

nosaltres no

we don't

no freqüentàvem tant

we didn't meet as often

el Mataró Parc

Mataró Park

com aneu al Mataró Parc

How do you go to Mataró Parc?

amb bus

by bus

o caminant

or walking

amb el 5

with the 5

amb bus

by bus

no me'n recordo

I don't remember.

bus o caminant

bus or walking

jo recordo anar caminant

I remember walking.

era com el plan

it was like the plan

estar caminant mitja hora

to be walking for half an hour

és que

it's that

és horrible aquella pujada

that climb is horrible

i et foties la tarda

and you ruined the afternoon

sorties després de dinar

outings after lunch

és que és una cosa

it's just that it's something

jo personalment

I personally

ho passo malament

I'm having a hard time.

ara mateix al Mataró Parc

right now at Mataró Parc

o sigui

that is to say

jo passo 5 minuts allà

I spend 5 minutes there.

i dic

I say

no puc

I can't.

per mi haver-hi un downgrade

for me having a downgrade

molt heavy al Mataró Parc

very heavy at Mataró Parc

que va ser quan va treure la bolera

what was it when he took out the bowling alley



s'han dit coses molt fortes

very strong things have been said

estem parlant en català

we are speaking in Catalan

ara, ara, ara

now, now, now

jo no vaig arribar mai a la bolera

I never made it to the bowling alley.



i hi havia festes d'aniversari

And there were birthday parties.

el meu any

my year

que no se'm va convidar

that I was not invited

i no vaig trepitjar la bolera

and I did not step on the bowling alley

i no era sola vegada

and it was not a single time

és que és una història més trista

it's just that it's a sadder story

tens algú a dir

do you have someone to say

davant de la càmera

in front of the camera

no, no, no

no, no, no

us denunciaré

I will report you.

no us ho perdonaré

I will not forgive you.

hòstia, clar

Wow, of course.

és que hi havia una bolera

It's just that there was a bowling alley.

al Mataró Parc

to Mataró Park

que era molt

that it was very

o sigui era

that is, it was

molt top

very cool

moltes pistes

many clues

i moltes màquines

and many machines

moltes màquines

many machines

jo veus

I see you.

no vaig poder

I couldn't.

jugar mai a les màquines

never play on the machines





quan ets petit

when you are small

allò que t'han de donar l'euro

that which they have to give you the euro

doncs no me'l donaven

so they didn't give it to me

i ara

and now

quan anem

when do we go

de vegades


quan hem de fer temps

when do we have to kill time

entre proves de so i bolo

between sound tests and gig

a Tarragona

to Tarragona

hi ha un lloc

there is a place

a Tarragona hi ha una bolera

In Tarragona, there is a bowling alley.


of these

i anem allà

and let's go there

i em gasto allà

and I spend there

foto 10 euros

photo 10 euros

de maquinetes

of little machines

per compensar

to compensate

i després amb els tickets

and then with the tickets

jo recordo comprar-me

I remember buying myself.

alguna tonteria

some nonsense

un jo-jo

a yo-yo

que de sobte et donaven

that suddenly they gave you

i tu super contenta

and you super happy


de totes maneres

Downgrade Mataró Parc

Downgrade Mataró Parc



Downgrade Mataró Parc

Downgrade Mataró Park



què hi ha més?

What else is there?



has conegut el Mataró Parc

Have you been to Mataró Parc?

que tothom el coneix

that everyone knows him

és molt famós

he is very famous

la gent del Vallès

the people of Vallès

tu saps que

you know that

és que jo vaig anar a Granada

I went to Granada.

fa un any

a year ago

i allà hi ha un Granada Parc

And there is a Granada Park.

o alguna cosa així

or something like that

que és de la mateixa empresa

that is from the same company



i és literalment

and it is literally

la mateixa tipa

the same type

sí o no?

yes or no?

t'ho juro

I swear it to you.

i n'hi ha divers per Espanya

And there are several for Spain.

n'hi ha dos o tres

there are two or three

o quatre

or four

jo per mi el Mataró Parc

for me the Mataró Park

era com la referència

it was like the reference

per quan faltava

for when it was lacking

per arribar als llocs

to get to places

o sigui jo sempre

that is, I always

feia el trajecte

I was making the journey.

final de Barcelona

final of Barcelona

amb cotxe

by car

i jo era sempre

and I was always

quan falta per arribar

when will we arrive

i el meu pare sempre

and my father always

quan passava pel Mataró

when passing through Mataró

sempre el Mataró Parc

always the Mataró Parc

estava a mig camí

I was halfway.

i jo vai

and me too

en coca em va posar

he put me in jail

l'altre dia un dubte al cap

The other day a doubt came to mind.

que era

what it was

què és millor

what is better

quan vens d'un viatge

when you come back from a trip

de vuit hores

of eight hours

i arribes a la frontera

and you arrive at the border

amb Catalunya

with Catalonia

rotllo Figueres

Figueres roll

que dius

what are you saying

vale ja

okay already

ja estic aquí

I am already here.

ja estem a casa

we are already home



quan estàs tornant

When are you coming back?

d'algun lloc així

from somewhere like that

de Catalunya

from Catalonia

i arribes

and you arrive

al túnel

to the tunnel

de la Roca

of the Rock

100% aquestes

100% these

els túnels de la Roca

the Rock tunnels

són tan sentiments

they are such feelings


Castellà a la ràdio

Spanish on the radio

a més

in addition

és com un portal

it's like a portal

a entrada del Maresme

the entrance of Maresme

de cop


passes allò

becomes all that

arribes com

you arrive as

a l'autopista

on the highway

per fi


del Maresme

from Maresme

veus el mar

do you see the sea

és perfecte

it is perfect

a mi em passa que de vegades

It happens to me that sometimes

el confonc

I confuse him.

no sé per què m'empano

I don't know why I panic.

i el confonc

and I confuse him

amb el túnel

with the tunnel

del decathlon

of the decathlon

jo també

me too

i dic

I say



queden 20 minuts encara

there are still 20 minutes left

a sobre

a envelope

és literalment un portal

it's literally a portal

perquè sempre fa com

because it always acts like

molt més fred

much colder

el Vallès

the Vallès

o sigui

that is to say

quan vas a l'hivern

When you go to winter

cap allà

over there

surts del túnel

you come out of the tunnel

i estàs a 3 graus menys

and it's 3 degrees colder


és com

it is like

és perdre

it is to lose

perd tota la

lose all the

l'encadir total

the total binding

perquè ara

because now

recuperant el tema

recovering the topic

de les festes majors

of the major festivals

estic divagant

I am rambling.

un munt

a lot

però és que

but it is that


I am

o sigui

that is to say

sóc bastant com

I am quite like



entre elles

among them

de Palellas

from Palellas

tenen un documental

they have a documentary

i a mi me la suda

and I couldn't care less

la passa tant

she enjoys it so much

d'un punt a l'altre

from one point to another

la Mercè i jo

Mercè and I



fent matemàtiques

doing mathematics

per com podem relacionar

how we can relate

els temes

the themes

i tu

and you



no passa res

nothing happens



envers les festes majors

towards the major festivals



justament hi ha hagut

there has just been

com un canvi

with a change

de paradigma

of paradigm

molt heavy

very heavy

envers el tipus

towards the type

de programacions

of programming

que estan havent

that they are having

i si abans

and if before


they were

les festes majors

the major festivals

que eren coses

that they were things

com més

the more



així com més folk

just as more folk





de sobte


hi ha hagut

there has been

o sigui

that is to say

jo crec que també

I think so too.

és envers vosaltres

it is towards you

que hi ha hagut

that there has been

un canvi d'estàndard

a change of standard

molt diferent

very different

i ara es fan

and now they are being made



molt més urbanes

much more urban

i no sé

I don't know.

com veieu també

as you see too

el futur

the future

de les festes majors

of the major festivals

en plan

in plan

jo crec que al final

I believe that in the end.

és el canvi

it is the change

el canvi natural

the natural change

de cicle

of cycle

entre cometes

in quotation marks

i una cosa

and one thing

que també hem comentat

that we have also discussed

molts cops

many times

és que

it's that



el circuit

the circuit

de festes majors

of big festivals

eren aquests grups

they were these groups



com se li diu

what is it called



de patxanga

of a game

per dir-ho

to put it that way

música patxanga

party music






també els grups

also the groups

del poble

of the village

que sortien

that came out

eren bandes

they were bands

i tu anaves

and you were going

amb nosaltres

with us

i abans de tocar auxili

and before touching aid


they were suffocating you

el grup del poble

the village group

que tocava

that was played

els barzers

the buzzards

i no sé què més

and I don’t know what else

i ara ens trobem

And now we meet.

molts cops

many times

que hi ha molts xavals

there are many kids

o sigui

that is to say

que la gent

that the people

que comença a fer música

that starts making music

ja ho comença a fer

it's starting to do it

des d'un punt

from a point



hi ha molta

there is a lot

no sé

I don't know.

hi ha molt de teixit

there is a lot of fabric

de penya

of the gang

que està començant

that is starting

a fer projectes

to make projects



no us surten

they don't come out for you

moltes noies

many girls

que fan cançons

that make songs

al tiktok

to TikTok




o sigui

that is to say

jo crec que això

I think that this

és l'efecte

it is the effect

julieta i mosca

Juliet and fly



com noies

like girls

com al tiktok

like on TikTok

cantant davant la càmera

singing in front of the camera

cançons de lesbianes

lesbian songs



és un fet

it's a fact

és un procés

it's a process

més guai també

cooler too



però suposo que

but I suppose that



també devia passar

it must have also happened



en plan

in plan

quan hi havia cançons

when there were songs

així com més de catarres

as well as more colds

i coses d'aquestes

and things like that

o no?

or not?

de que sortien bandes

that bands were emerging


sortien bandes

bands were leaving



o sigui

that is

de fet la nostra banda

in fact our band

era perquè ens referenciàvem

it was because we were referencing ourselves

amb Auxili

with help

o amb

or with

la banda

the band


of teenagers

també és veritat

it is also true

que no tot es programa

that not everything is programmed

en les festes majors

during the major festivities

o sigui

that is to say

que em refereixo

that I am referring to

que hi ha coses que

that there are things that

o sigui

that is to say

sento que vosaltres

I feel that you.

per exemple

for example

sí que heu fet

yes you have

moltes festes majors

many major festivals

però que hi ha artistes

but there are artists

potser que han sortit

maybe they have gone out

més o menys

more or less



si no pels mateixos temps

if not for the same times

en la mateixa generació

in the same generation

que no han arribat

that have not arrived

a les festes majors

to the main festivities

que s'han quedat

that have stayed

potser com a les alternatives

perhaps like the alternatives

potser és una cosa

maybe it's something

com d'estil

as of style

jo crec que és

I believe that it is

més de circuits

more circuits

és a dir

that is to say

també una mica

also a little

pel tipus de música

for the type of music

que tu fas

what you do

igual que

just like

parlàvem abans

we were talking before

del sonar

of the sonar

igual el detall

same the detail

no hi pinta res

it has nothing to do with it

el sonar

the sonar

torne a bancar

I bank again.



hi ha gent

there are people

full urbana

urban fullness

i full underground

and full underground

que es mou

that moves

per uns circuits

for some circuits

on nosaltres

on us

mai de la vida

never in my life

ens hem obrit

we have opened up

què passa

what's happening

que el circuit

that the circuit

festa major

major festival

és el circuit

it is the circuit





però per això

but for that

o sigui

that is to say

per mi

for me

una opció

an option

super xula

super cool

que cada vegada

that every time

més pobles existeix

more villages exist

és com la festa major

it's like the main festival



que és la festa major

what is the main festival



que està sempre

that is always

com la gent del cowboy

like the cowboy people

amb el seu folar

with his scarf

un besito

a little kiss

pels caos

for the chaos

i els esplais

and the esplais




que parlàvem d'això

that we were talking about this

que sempre

that always

com potser

as maybe

les opcions

the options

més mainstream

more mainstream

o potser

or maybe


estan com programades

they are as if programmed

via pública

public road

per les festes majors

for the major festivals

del poble

of the village

i les alternatives

and the alternatives

potser porten

maybe they bring

més com

more like



més diferents

more different

més dissidents

more dissidents



sí però

yes but



sento que també

I feel that too.

hi ha artistes urbans

there are urban artists

que tenen com

that have as

per exemple

for example

una perspectiva

a perspective

molt més queer

much more queer

i que

and that

i que no els programen

and they don't schedule them

a festes majors

the major festivities

i que sí que

and that yes that

moltes vegades

many times

les festes majors

the major festivals

es queden tancades

they remain closed

en coses com més

in things like more





no sé com definir-ho

I don't know how to define it.




com molt més normatiu

as much more normative

aleshores clar

then of course

no sé

I don't know

volia preguntar-vos

I wanted to ask you.




you (plural)

que potser teniu

that perhaps you have

com més contacte

the more contact

amb això

with this

jo què sé

I don't know.

com veieu

how do you see

que és el futur

what is the future

d'aquesta programació

of this programming



i també Rollo

and also Rollo

quins creieu

which ones do you believe

que són els privilegis

what are privileges

que vosaltres teniu

that you have



a aquest tipus

to this type

de programacions

of programming

i espais

and spaces

al final

in the end

les programacions

the programs

de festa major

of the town festival




it is


the town hall

de la ciutat

of the city

que el fill

that the son

del regidor

from the councilor

li diu

he tells him/her



porta detalls

door details





i llavors

and then

es programa

the program

en aquesta persona

in this person

llavors nosaltres

then we

també crec

I also believe.

que hem tingut

that we have had

la sort

the luck



s'ha adaptat

has adapted

una mica

a little bit

la nostra música

our music

amb el que ja veníem

with what we were already bringing

vull dir

I mean

que ens assemblem

that we resemble

una mica

a little bit

els catarres

the colds

entre cometes

"in quotes"







que no som xungos

that we are not bad people

que saps

what do you know

no anem de

we are not going from

ningú es vol

nobody wants.

com mullar molt

how to get very wet



és com posar

it's like putting

posar lo més

put the most

lo que et pugui

what you can


to encompass



més gent del poble

more people from the village

que no s'enfadin

don't get angry

clar, total

of course, totally

però sí que falta

but it is indeed lacking



al igual que

as well as

des de fa uns anys

for a few years now

es deia que faltaven dones

It was said that there were not enough women.

dels escenaris

of the scenarios

i que crec que ara

and I think that now

amb la nova generació

with the new generation



cada cop n'hi ha més

there are more and more of them

i més

and more

segueixen faltant

still missing

i més punts d'aigua

and more water points



doncs jo crec que

well, I think that

al final

in the end

és una cosa

it's a thing

que haurà de ser

that will have to be

un procés

a process

i que també la gent

and that also people

que programa

what program

s'obri una mica

it opens a little

abans es feia molt

it used to happen a lot before

de posar el grup

to put the group

del poble

of the people

a primera hora

first thing in the morning

o així

or like this



igual cada cop

the same every time

es fa menys

it is done less







però també és el que diuen

but it is also what they say

que molts cops

that many times

la programació

the programming

baixi literal

literal drop

el fill

the son

de la persona

of the person

que es culla

what is culla

el grup

the group

li diu

he tells him/her

no, pel tiktok

no, for TikTok

he vist la mosca

I have seen the fly.

papa porta la mosca

Dad has the fly.

però és mosca

but it is a fly

i que potser

and perhaps





més alternatives

more alternatives



que no s'hagin de fer

that do not have to be done

que surten una mica

that come out a bit

més de lo convencional

more than conventional

i que potser

and perhaps

no li arriben

they don't reach him/her

a aquest nen de 10 anys

to this 10-year-old boy

per dir-ho d'alguna manera

to put it somehow

doncs el pare tampoc

then neither does the father

perquè és que

because it is that

ja et dic

I'll tell you.

hi ha molta gent

there are many people

que programa

What program?

i no té

and does not have

no segueix la indústria

does not follow the industry

no segueix

don't follow

el que està passant

what is happening

el que s'està coent

what is being cooked

clar, per exemple

of course, for example

envers de


ser programats

to be programmed

i coses d'aquestes

and things like that

heu tingut contradiccions

you have had contradictions

també a l'hora

also at the hour

de fer alguns concerts

to perform some concerts

o jo què sé

Oh, I don't know.

ocupar certs espais

occupy certain spaces






per on tira

where does it go

per on han tirat

where have they thrown it

aquestes coses

these things

a veure

let's see


the last



que vam tenir

that we had

amb nosaltres mateixos

with ourselves

va ser amb el tema

it was with the topic

que nosaltres toquem

that we touch

el Pride aquest any

this year's Pride





hi havia

there was

opinions diverses

various opinions

dins del nostre entorn

within our environment

perquè clar

because of course

tu tampoc

you neither

vols anar a ocupar

do you want to go occupy

un espai

a space

que no




o que tu vas d'estar

or that you are going to be

en un segon pla

in the background

perquè no és

because it isn't

el teu lloc

your place

o tu vas allà

or you go there

però clar

but of course

després vam arribar

then we arrived

al punt

to the point


to write

després de pensar-hi molt

after thinking about it a lot

que ells

that they

ens havien vingut a buscar

they had come to pick us up

i havien sigut

they had been

molt insistents

very insistent

que volien

what they wanted

que nosaltres

that we

hi siguéssim

let's be

i que al final

and that in the end

pues se celebrava

Well, it was celebrated.

la diversitat


i que no passava res

and that nothing was happening

i òbviament nosaltres

and obviously us

al final vam acabar acceptant

in the end we ended up accepting

perquè també vam pensar

because we also thought

però si realment

but if really

la gent del col·lectiu

the people of the collective

ens escolta

listens to us

i ens vol escoltar

and wants to listen to us

i ens vol tenir allà

and he wants to have us there

doncs hi anem

so let's go

i guai

and cool

l'únic que sí

the only thing that yes

que hem demanat

that we have asked for

no fer premsa

do not press

no fer

not to do

perquè no és

because it is not

el nostre dia

our day

perquè nosaltres

because we

no hem de donar la cara

we do not have to show our face

i perquè al final

and because in the end

nosaltres anem allà a tocar

we are going there to play

però ja està

but it’s done уже

llavors vam arribar

then we arrived

com a aquest punt intermig

as to this midway point

d'anem a fer-ho

Let's do it.

anem a fer-ho

let's do it

perquè aquesta gent

because these people

ens escolta

he/she/it listens to us

i perquè ens volen

And why do they want us?

però des d'un punt discret

but from a discreet point

i en s'omple

and it fills up



que guai

how cool

em sembla una mala opció

I think it's a bad choice.

i a més a mi em fa il·lo

And besides, it excites me.

perquè també estaria allà

because I would also be there

oala que heavy

Wow, that's heavy.

què més hi ha?

What else is there?

has quedat amb l'aigua

you've been left with the water

tenim un joc preparat

we have a game prepared





és que abans parlàvem

it's that we were talking earlier

d'això de

of this about

quin és el joc

what is the game



no sé quantos

I don't know how many.

nosaltres hem recuperat

we have recovered

un concepte

a concept

d'aquestes èpoques

of these times

d'aquests entorns digitals

of these digital environments

es diu

it's called

punto y opino

point and I opine

ja, ja

ha, ha

ja us el coneixen

they already know you

ens va pillar

it caught us

ens va pillar grans

it caught us big




sí o no?

yes or no?

l'Asc també

the Asc too

va pillar allà

he/she got caught there

el punto y opino

the point and I think

crec que ja érem

I think we were already.

teníem 20 anys

we were 20 years old

jo crec que nosaltres

I believe that we

ens va pillar

it caught us

com al principi

like at the beginning

del punto y opino

from the point and I think

que nosaltres ja estàvem

that we were already

com marxant d'aquesta era

how leaving this era


Do you know?

a mi m'ha pillat

it has caught me

de pleno


de pleno?


sí, sí, sí

yes, yes, yes

però encara continua això

but this is still ongoing

a tope

full speed ahead

sí, sí, sí

yes, yes, yes

encara ho fan

they still do it

o sigui

that is to say

jo fins fa poc

I until recently

com gent que seguia

like people who followed

Insta com de

Insta like this



15 anys

15 years

és que és hard

it's just that it's hard

és que és una cosa

it's just that it's one thing

de l'edat

of age

opino confieso

I confess my opinion.

punto y te abro

point and I open you up

no sé què

I don't know what.

coses així

things like that



nosaltres tenim aquest joc

we have this game

que es diu

what is it called

punto y opino

point and I opine

tenim un gotet

we have a little glass

amb temes ràndoms

with random topics



vosaltres haureu d'opinar

you will have to give your opinion

amb el mínim de temps possible

with the minimum time possible

sobre el tema

on the subject

que us ha sortit

what has come out for you

tirem la secció

let's throw the section out



la secció

the section

de la xarxa

from the network

let's go

let's go



o sigui

that is to say

reconeixeu la

do you recognize it

reconeixeu la cançó?

Do you recognize the song?





fora de que t'ho escolti

out of earshot"

la mateixa

the same

s'acaba l'entrevista

the interview is coming to an end

moltes gràcies per venir

thank you very much for coming

és la cançó

it's the song

de We Party

of We Party



te la va dir

he/she told you

sona a Wills

sounds like Wills

però no

but no

és la de Lís

it is Liz's


The adventure?



jo no en tinc ni idea

I have no idea.

no, és la de We Party

No, it's the We Party one.

la de We Party

the We Party one



hi ha un gap

there is a gap

generacional aquí

generational here

en quins jocs jugàveu

what games did you play

de la Wii?

of the Wii?

el Wii Sports

Wii Sports

el Wii Sports Resort

Wii Sports Resort

el Resort també

the Resort also


aquell d'agilitat mental

that of mental agility

com es deia

What was it called?

sí, sí, sí

yes, yes, yes

jo tenia un

I had a



com una bàscula

like a scale

Brain Academy

Brain Academy

era super seriosa

she was super serious

en plan era

in plan was

la bàscula aquella

that scale

això era el Wii

this was the Wii

la bàscula feia

the scale was weighing

molt de patir

a lot of suffering

Wii Balance

Wii Balance

Wii Fit

Wii Fit

feia molt de patir

it caused a lot of suffering

que hi ha gent

that there are people

provant-lo ara

trying it now



en plan

in plan

jugar aquest joc cada dia

play this game every day

sense que m'agafi un testicleta

without me getting a small testicle

és impossible

it is impossible

no hi és

it's not there

és impossible

it is impossible

és molt xungo

it's very difficult

jo recordo que

I remember that

eres un nen

you are a boy

i de sobte havies de donar

and suddenly you had to give

la teva alçada

your height

et pesaven

they weighed you

i és com que

and it's as if

generaven com una imatge

they generated like an image



o tu edat

or your age

tu edat de salut

your health age

o no sé quants

or I don't know how many

ja tens 73 anys

you are already 73 years old

t'has de cuidar

you need to take care of yourself

era molt xungo

it was very hard

era molt bèstia

it was very wild

no recordo

I don't remember.

els 2000

the 2000s

abans estàvem parlant

we were talking before

i no sabien

and they did not know

que era el Club Penguin

What was Club Penguin?

no us sonava

didn't it sound familiar to you

que era el Club Penguin

What was Club Penguin?

jo sí

me too

ell no

he no

falta internet

internet is missing

això que puc agafar

this that I can take

el Fripp

the Fripp

sí o no?

yes or no?

però és que a mi

but for me

el Fripp

the Fripp



no els hi va arribar

they didn't receive it

i el de 365

and the one from 365

aquest sí

this one yes

però si jo us parlo

but if I talk to you

de minijuegos

of mini-games

sí o no?

yes or no?

és que és el nostre Fripp

it's because it's our Fripp

és que hi ha

it is that there is

un gap generacional

a generational gap

i no ens portem

and we do not get along

tants anys

so many years



vosaltres sou

you are

full genial

totally awesome

o no?

or not?

sou Z

you are Z



que heavy

how heavy

vinga va

come on

puja això

upload this

quant de temps posem?

How long do we set?

normalment posem

we usually put

tenim temps

we have time

us posarem dos minuts

we will give you two minutes

per resposta

for answer



dos minuts

two minutes

aneu tallant

keep cutting

i aneu respostes

and go answers

tots els que pugueu

all of you who can

en dos minuts

in two minutes

és igual

it doesn't matter

un per un

one by one


come on

si us podeu inventar

if you can make it up


let's go

full ràpid

fast full

la Mercè

the Mercy





la millor beguda

the best drink

que hi ha

what's there

sí per cert

yes, indeed

s'estan dient

they are saying



combinat a dues cerveses

combined with two beers



combinat a dues cerveses

combined with two beers

si toco el travessero

if I hit the crossbar

jo no sé demanar-me res més

I can't ask myself for anything more.

acumular gots

accumulate cups

de totes les festes majors

of all the major festivals

o portar-lo

or bring it

reutilitzat de casa

reused from home

jo sóc d'acumular

I am one to accumulate.

perquè sempre

because always

me'l deixo

I'll leave it.

i el compro allà a la barra

I'll buy it there at the bar.

li han de donar

they have to be given

el Mataroni de l'any

the Mataroni of the year

que no existeix

that does not exist

però l'haurien de donar

but they should give it.

l'haurien d'inventar

they should invent it

per ell

for him

per el 304

for the 304

el millor que ha patit Mataró

the best that Mataró has ever had

que li donin la pilota d'or

let them give him the Ballon d'Or



i al seu pare

and to his father

el millor Instagram

the best Instagram

l'hi feia

I was doing it for him/her.

el vaig veure l'altre dia

I saw him the other day.

li feia una entrevista

he was giving her an interview

que estorrava

that bothered

amb els de Vox

with the Vox members

el seu pare

his father

va despuntar la panadeta

the little bread roll began to rise

la millor persona del món

the best person in the world

any de nou matí

any of the new morning

l'altra persona

the other person

la millor persona del món

the best person in the world

d'on és l'Aitana?

Where is Aitana from?

és de Sant Pere de Ribes

he is from Sant Pere de Ribes

o sigui l'Aitana

that is Aitana

sí que és la millor

yes, it is the best

perquè l'Aitana

because of Aitana

la coneixem en persona

we know her in person

i és un amor

and it is a love

hem interactuat amb ella

we have interacted with her

i a part és molt bona

And besides, it's very good.

sí, sí, sí

yes, yes, yes

fruita de temporada

seasonal fruit



ara hi havia molts guiris

now there were many tourists

tio, masses

dude, too much

la renfe total

the total renfe

però bueno

but well

que existeix una cosa

that there is something

que es diu tren turístic

it is called tourist train

que porta els guiris

that brings the tourists

de viatge

on a trip

a fer com la renfe

to do like Renfe

no m'ho expliquis

don't explain it to me

no ho sabia

I didn't know that.

fogonada o no n'hi ha prou?

Is one blast enough or not?

dos tipus de persones

two types of people

és que m'estàs posant

it's that you are making me

entre l'espai

between the space

si s'hagués de borrar un

if one had to be erased

si se n'hagués de borrar un

if one had to be erased

jo borraria el no n'hi ha prou

I would erase the "there isn't enough."

nois, no n'hi ha prou

guys, it's not enough

no n'hi ha prou fora

there is not enough outside

millor que tenir

better than having

un actament de santes

a performance of saints

que no tenir la fogonada

that not having the flare

ja, ja

ha, ha

però som molt de no n'hi ha prou

but we are a lot, it's not enough


m'has fet patir

You have made me suffer.

es freqüenta

it is frequented

de fet surt una foto

in fact, a photo comes out

de la

of the

disposició de santes

disposition of saints

estaves l'any passat

you were last year

però tonyit

but tonyit

a dalt


però tonyit

but tonyit

fas cara a pirata

you make a pirate face



amb embote

with bottleneck



al temple

to the temple

s'ha acabat el temps

time is up

però crec que queda un paperet

but I think there's a little note left



ara acabem

now we are finishing

les vianes

the paths

sempre amigues

always friends



resposta perfecta

perfect answer

últim bus nit

last night bus

o primer tren

the first train

primer tren

first train

bueno abans primer tren

well before first train

ara últim bus nit

now last night bus

i al revés

and vice versa

o sigui últim tren

In other words, last train.

o primer bus nit

the first night bus



, no

, no

primer bus nit

first night bus

ah, últim tren

Ah, last train.

és molt just

it's very fair

massa just

too just

i vas llobregat

and you went bedraggled

un quiero y no puedo

a want but can't

del marido

of the husband

era la resposta

it was the answer

que esperàvem

that we were waiting for

com es fa l'església

how is the church made



ho sento eh

I'm sorry, okay?

doncs moltes gràcies

thank you very much

per venir a la trinà

to come to the trinà

quina il·lu

what a thrill

a vosaltres

to you

heu estat còmodes

have you been comfortable

molt, molt

very, very

ens va fer molta il·logia

he made us a lot of logic

quan ens va proposar

when he/she proposed to us

sí, en sèrio

Yes, seriously.

a nosaltres també

us too

ens fa molta il·lu

it makes us very happy

ens va gustar molt

we liked it a lot


to meet us



a la gent de full

to the people of sheet



ens va costar poc

it didn't cost us much

en realitat

in reality




va ser molt ràpid

it was very fast

perquè el que ens matem

because we kill ourselves

nosaltres per trobar dies

we to find days

per venir a gravar

to come to record

tenim el millor manager del món

we have the best manager in the world

així que


sí, la Meri

yes, Meri

love Meri

love Meri

xarota la Meri

Meri's mess.

bueno, doncs gràcies per venir avui

Well, thank you for coming today.

esperem que us hagi passat

we hope it has passed for you

tot el que heu passat bé

everything you have been through well

gràcies també

thank you too

a tota la gent de la Líbia Primera

to all the people of Libya First

que ha fet possible aquest capítol

that has made this chapter possible

els tècnics

the technicians

Rob Roman

Rob Roman

que ens acompanya avui

that accompanies us today

el Nacho també

Nacho too.



i gràcies a les oients sobretot

and thanks to the listeners above all

perquè 50 programes

because 50 programs

what the fuck

what the fuck

perquè ens esteu suportant

why are you supporting us

moltíssimes gràcies

thank you very much

no entenc absolutament res

I don't understand absolutely anything.

el 100

the 100

el 100 espero

I hope for 100.

que ens en recordem

that we remember it

i fem una festa

Let's have a party.

no ens hi arribarem

we won't get there

mar de Déu

Sea of God

ja hi ha un moment

there is already a moment

són molts anys

it's been many years



a més


és l'últim

it's the last one

és l'últim capítol

it's the last chapter

l'últim capítol de la temporada

the last episode of the season

això no s'ha dit

this has not been said

i és important dir-ho

and it is important to say it

tanquem amb número Rodolfa

we close with the number Rodolfa

en plan

in a way

hem deixat tan tranquil

we have left him so calm



és com tanquem

it's how we close

ja està

it's done



a saber com obrirem

namely how we will open

la següent

the following

aviat ens veiem

see you soon


I suppose.

ja estem pensant

we are already thinking

moltes gràcies

thank you very much

per acompanyar-nos un any més

to accompany us for another year

i que passeu molt bona estiu

And have a great summer.






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