Oriol, avui


El món a RAC1 - El davantal

Oriol, avui

El món a RAC1 - El davantal

Amagues el teu somriure per vergonya?

Do you hide your smile out of shame?

Sents molèsties a la boca?

Do you feel any discomfort in your mouth?

A Instituts Odontològics comptem amb els millors especialistes per ajudar-te.

At Odontological Institutes, we have the best specialists to help you.

Demana cita trucant al 900 131 002 o a ioa.es

Make an appointment by calling 900 131 002 or at ioa.es.

Són les 8 del matí. Bon dia, Catalunya!

It's 8 in the morning. Good morning, Catalonia!

A Oriol Junqueras l'hem dit de tot, els seus i els altres,

We've said everything to Oriol Junqueras, both his people and others.

des que ha sortit grillat de la presó fins que no ha sabut deixar el protagonisme

since he got out of prison crazy until he didn't know how to relinquish the spotlight

els que hi manaven del seu partit.

those who were in charge from their party.

Hi ha uns altres, i també els seus,

There are others, and also theirs,

que asseguren que li agradaria ser president algun dia del país.

that assure that he would like to be president of the country someday.

Oriol Junqueras ha callat durant molts mesos,

Oriol Junqueras has been silent for many months,

no ha dit res, no ha vedat boca i ha aguantat amb vestides

he hasn't said anything, he hasn't opened his mouth and he has held on wearing dresses

algunes de gent de dins que ara ja són fora.

some of the people inside who are now out.

Mai sabrem què ha passat,

We will never know what happened,

perquè la ferida està tan oberta

because the wound is so open

que acusir-la implicaria tornar a entrar al quiròfan

that accusing her would mean going back into the operating room

perquè amb quatre punts de sutura no n'hi ha prou.

because four stitches are not enough.

La conversa d'aquest matí que farem amb Oriol Junqueras

The conversation this morning that we will have with Oriol Junqueras.

agafa avui molta volada per tot el que ha callat durant aquests mesos,

Today it takes a lot of flight for everything that has been kept silent during these months.

des dels motius que el porten a complicar-se la vida

from the reasons that lead them to complicate their lives

i tornar a presentar-se a la presidència d'Esquerra,

and stand for the presidency of Esquerra again,

sobre les relacions amb la cúpula de l'actual partit,

about the relations with the leadership of the current party,

començant per Marta Rovira i aquesta anomenada estructura B,

starting with Marta Rovira and this so-called structure B,

de fet, si ell coneixia realment de la seva existència,

in fact, if he really knew of her existence,

quina relació manté amb la que hi ha sigut durant molts anys i molt temps

What relationship does it have with the one that has existed for many years and a long time?

una de les seves persones de màxima confiança i de màxima amistat,

one of his most trusted and closest friends,

com és Marta Rovira?

What is Marta Rovira like?

Quina relació manté, si continua sent seca i distant,

What relationship does she have, if she remains dry and distant,

amb Carles Puigdemont,

with Carles Puigdemont,

o com la té ara amb Salvador Illa, el president de la Generalitat?

or how she has it now with Salvador Illa, the president of the Generalitat?

Oriol Junqueras ha estat, sens dubte, un dels grans actius de l'independentisme.

Oriol Junqueras has undoubtedly been one of the great assets of independence.

I ara què? Què pretén i com s'ho farà?

And now what? What does he intend and how will he do it?

A la militància en té prou per presidir el Partit Republicà?

Does the membership have enough to preside over the Republican Party?

A un quart de deu, Oriol Junqueras s'explica a RAC1.

At a quarter to ten, Oriol Junqueras is explaining himself on RAC1.

Són les vuit i un minut, benvinguts al món.

It is eight o'clock and one minute, welcome to the world.

El món a RAC1, amb Jordi Basté.

The world on RAC1, with Jordi Basté.

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