Capítol 35: El cas del triomf de 'Crits'



Capítol 35: El cas del triomf de 'Crits'


A l'últim capítol de Crits...

In the last chapter of Cries...

El nostre equip d'investigació criminal, Crits S.C.C.L.,

Our criminal investigation team, Crits S.C.C.L.,

ha detectat la presència d'un excomandant de les S.C.S.,

he detected the presence of a former commander of the S.C.S.

la guàrdia personal d'Adolf Hitler.

the personal guard of Adolf Hitler.

A on? Al barri de Sants.

Where? In the Sants neighborhood.

Sí, amics, el clàssic abuelete que da comida a las palomas,

Yes, friends, the classic old man who feeds the pigeons,

un tio santarari que és estimat per tothom,

a sanctimonious guy who is loved by everyone,

però que amaga un passat de barbàrie en l'Alemanya nazi.

but that hides a past of barbarism in Nazi Germany.

I d'aquest fet ens en dona el testimoni Matías Guasochli,

And Matías Guasochli gives us testimony of this fact.

un criminal argentí que ha seguit la pista d'exiliats nazis al seu país.

An Argentine criminal who has followed the trail of Nazi exiles in his country.

El meu nom és Matías Guasochli,

My name is Matías Guasochli,

i l'anciano que actualment resideix en el barri de Sants de Barcelona

and the elderly person who currently resides in the Sants neighborhood of Barcelona

va estar instal·lat prèviament a la ciutat de Rosario, Argentina,

he was previously based in the city of Rosario, Argentina.

de la qual ho xou per pernes quan el vaig acorralar

of which it shows for legs when I cornered him

amb acusacions basades en proves.

with accusations based on evidence.

Què proves?

What are you trying?

S'hi estaran preguntando.

They must be wondering about it.

Documents que l'acrediten com a Gustav Hansenmayer,

Documents that certify him as Gustav Hansenmayer,

comandant de la CSA, conegut com el carnicer de Dora Mittelbau.

commander of the CSA, known as the butcher of Dora Mittelbau.

Hem organitzat una rodada al bar de Sants

We have organized a gathering at the bar of Sants.

on el presumpte nazi es morja cada matí.

where the alleged Nazi wakes up every morning.

Eh, abuelo! Me quedo detingut!

Eh, grandpa! I'm getting detained!

Disculpi, senyor Brevi, ens hauria d'acompanyar.

Excuse me, Mr. Brevi, you should accompany us.

I tant, macos! On anem?

Of course, pretty ones! Where are we going?

La resolució del cas.

The resolution of the case.

Sí, sí, estem parlant d'un èxit total.

Yes, yes, we are talking about a total success.

Tal i com vam afirmar la passada edició,

As we stated in the last edition,

en Nao Vilá era el nom fals de Gustav Hansenmayer,

Nao Vilá was the false name of Gustav Hansenmayer.

un avi de més de cent anys

a grandfather of over a hundred years

que va formar part de les SS nazis de Hitler,

who was part of Hitler's Nazi SS,

un assassí que va signar execucions a Mansalva

a killer who signed executions indiscriminately

i que va perpetrar algun dels crims directament,

and who committed some of the crimes directly,

pel pur plaer de matar.

for the pure pleasure of killing.

El viejo cabrón ja no pot ingressar a presó

The old bastard can no longer be imprisoned.

perquè és més viejo que el Mear,

because he is older than Mear,

però ha reconegut la seva culpabilitat.

but he has acknowledged his guilt.

Se li ha posat un collarín

A neck brace has been put on him/her.


of these,

per tenir-lo controlat.

to keep it under control.

Però això no és tot,

But that's not all,

perquè per si fos poc haver pillat un punyetero nazi,

because if it weren't enough to have caught a damn Nazi,

compta, compta, Laureano.

count, count, Laureano.

Doncs hem agafat també un estafador.

So we've also caught a scammer.

Es tracta del nostre contacte,

It is about our contact,

l'argentí Matías...

the Argentine Matías...

El criminòleg argentí

The Argentine criminologist

que va fer el seguiment de l'exiliat nazi

who monitored the Nazi exile

es feia passar per neurocirurgia.

he pretended to be a neurosurgeon.

Per dramaturg i per no sé quantes coses més.

For playwright and for I don't know how many other things.

I resulta que no havia aprovat ni l'EFP del seu país.

And it turns out that he hadn't even passed the vocational training of his country.

Ho vam descobrir per casualitat.

We discovered it by chance.

I tot i que la feina que va fer amb el nazi va estar molt bé,

And although the work he did with the Nazi was very good,

com a neurocirurgià es veu que va deixar en coma 4 persones.

As a neurosurgeon, it is said that he left 4 people in a coma.

I ara serà jutjat per aquest fet.

And now he will be judged for this fact.

Toma, dos pájaros de un tiro.

There you go, two birds with one stone.

Avui sí que ens mereixem l'ampolleta de cava.

Today we really deserve the bottle of cava.

Sí, sí, avui sí. Tira, tira.

Yes, yes, today yes. Go on, go on.

Salut, amic meu!

Hello, my friend!

De gènere, de menors i de tota mena.

Of gender, of minors, and of all kinds.

Tota la veritat i nada más que la veritat

The whole truth and nothing but the truth.

surt a la llum gràcies a...

comes to light thanks to...



Amb el meu issu sona...

With my issue, it sounds...

I l'orealla d'or.

And the golden aurora.



Posem foscor a la llum.

We put darkness in the light.


Thank you.

Que vuestro día a día sea un poquito más llevadero, algo más ameno.

May your daily life be a little more bearable, a bit more pleasant.

Y es para mí un privilegio poder anunciarles hoy aquí a los ganadores de este primer certamen de los 40 criminales.

And it is a privilege for me to be able to announce to you today here the winners of this first contest of the 40 criminals.

Por su contribución a desenmascarar el mal allí donde se halle.

For his contribution to unmasking evil wherever it may be found.

Por su capacidad resolutiva en casos tremendamente complejos.

For its problem-solving ability in extremely complex cases.

Por su creatividad en todos los operativos que han llevado a cabo

For their creativity in all the operations they have carried out.

y por su enorme repercusión mediática con todo lo que eso conlleva.

and for its huge media impact with all that it entails.

Los vencedores son...

The winners are...

A ver un momentito.

Let's see, just a moment.

Estos sobres siempre son de apertura algo difícil, algo lenta.

These envelopes are always somewhat difficult, somewhat slow to open.

Veo por su inquietud que están de acuerdo conmigo.

I see from your restlessness that you agree with me.

Ya casi lo tenemos.

We almost have it.

Pues ahora sí.

Well, now yes.

Uh, yo ya lo he visto.

Uh, I've already seen it.

Y los vencedores son...

And the winners are...

El podcast de investigación criminal Crits.

The criminal investigation podcast Crits.

¡Sí, señor!

Yes, sir!

Recogen el premio Emily Solsona y Laurea Ayado.

Emily Solsona and Laurea Ayado receive the award.

Déjame pasar.

Let me through.

¡Buah! ¡Vaya momentazo!

Wow! What a moment!

A ver... Bueno, sí, con la viga.

Let's see... Well, yes, with the beam.

Una mica nerviós.

A little nervous.

¿Qué se puede decir en una ocasión como ésta, eh?

What can be said on an occasion like this, huh?

Pues que nos lo merecemos.

Well, because we deserve it.

¡Qué cojones!

What the hell!

¡Ja, ja!

Ha, ha!

Es así.

It is like that.

El trabajo bien hecho merece recompensa.

A job well done deserves reward.

Perdón, si es como es.

Sorry, it is what it is.

Y hago extensible el premio a los miles de radioscuchas que nos han apoyado todo aquel temps.

And I extend the award to the thousands of listeners who have supported us all that time.

Sin ellos, nosotros hoy no estaríamos aquí.

Without them, we would not be here today.

Le dedico el premio a mi mujer.

I dedicate the award to my wife.


Excuse me!

Que lamentablemente hoy no ha podido acompañarnos por el problema de borroides.

Unfortunately, they were unable to join us today due to a hemorrhoid issue.

¡Qué jodido!

How messed up!

¡Muy jodido y muy molesto!

Very messed up and very annoying!

¡Va por ti, cariño!

Cheers to you, darling!

Laurea, si podemos parlar.

Laurea, if we can talk.

Bueno, sí, disculpen, pero la emoción me hace difícil encontrar las palabras en un momento como éste.

Well, yes, sorry, but the emotion makes it difficult for me to find the words at a moment like this.

Gracias, gracias por todo el apoyo y por el reconocimiento que supone este galardón.

Thank you, thank you for all the support and for the recognition that this award represents.

Gracias también a nuestro público fiel.

Thank you also to our loyal audience.

Y quiero dedicar el premio a mis padres, hoy aquí presentes.

And I want to dedicate the award to my parents, who are present here today.

No, no, por eso.

No, no, that's why.

Les voy a dar todo el apoyo.

I am going to give them all my support.

Ya van a morir de tantos años que hoy aquí los puedo devolver.

They are going to die from so many years that today here I can return them.

¡No puedo aguantar más!

I can't take it anymore!


Thank you!

Estimats radioscutxes, ja ho han sentit.

Dear scouts, you have already heard it.

El nostre postcat, el vostre, el vostre postcat, perquè aquest postcat és tan vostre com nostre,

Our postcat, yours, your postcat, because this postcat is as much yours as it is ours,

ha estat premiat a nivell nacional com el programa que més ha contribuït a...

it has been awarded nationally as the program that has contributed the most to...

Bueno, a posar foscor a la llum.

Well, let's put darkness in the light.



Què tal, Laureano?

How are you, Laureano?

Pues mira, encara tinc la pell de gallina.

Well, look, I still have goosebumps.

Ja te veo, ja.

I see you now.

Ja ho he recollit, el premi, ho he tornat a reviure tot.

I have already collected the prize, I have relived it all.

Molt, molt fort, mireu, molt fort.

Very, very strong, look, very strong.

Realmente ha estat la sireneta del pastel.

It has really been the cherry on top of the cake.

Merescut reconeixement a la feina de tot un any.

Well-deserved recognition for a year's work.

Una feina a ratos dura, siempre exigente, pero feta desde el rigor y el amor de verdad.

A job that is hard at times, always demanding, but done with true rigor and love.

Sí, sí, sí, ni he hagut de tots els cubos aquí.

Yes, yes, yes, I haven't had to deal with all the buckets here.

Así es.

That's right.

Y hoy, para celebrar con vosotras el premio recibido,

And today, to celebrate the award received with you,

hemos recreado algunos de los casos más exitosos y más espectaculares

we have recreated some of the most successful and spectacular cases

de la temporada.

of the season.

Endavant, caso uno, conmemoració, premi, recreació, por nosotros, hecha.

Go ahead, case one, commemoration, award, recreation, for us, made.

Déjennos paso, por favor.

Please let us through.

Aléjense del tanque de gasoil.

Step away from the diesel tank.

Repito, aléjense del tanque de gasoil.

I repeat, stay away from the diesel tank.

Oh, no.

Oh, no.

He fumat agua difícil.

I have smoked difficult water.

Estás bien, mire.

You are fine, look.

Millor que mai, amig meu.

Better than ever, my friend.

Un gran moment per refrescar la gola.

A great moment to refresh the throat.

Cherry Tanqueray.

Cherry Tanqueray.

La cirera que refresca el teu paladar.

The cherry that refreshes your palate.

Cherry Tanqueray.

Cherry Tanqueray.

Y que un tanque de gasoil explosionando no te impida darle un gustito al cuerpo.

And don’t let a diesel tank exploding stop you from treating yourself.

Explotar el altre edifici. El de 25 plantes.

Exploit the other building. The one with 25 floors.

Dios santo.

Holy God.

Recordo el día que en el Vietnam voló por los aires un poblado entero.

I remember the day in Vietnam when an entire village flew through the air.

Falten mans aquí.

We need hands here.

Hem d'actuar, Amélie.

We must act, Amélie.

Hem vist el Laureano.

We have seen Laureano.

S'has creixent molt.

You are growing a lot.

S'has creixent molt, xaval.

You're growing a lot, kid.

Et fas molt bé.

You're doing very well.

Gràcies a mi.

Thanks to me.

A ver, que no cunda el pánico.

Let's not panic.

Las mujeres y los niños que conserven las piernas que vayan viniendo hacia la luz naranja.

The women and children who keep their legs should come towards the orange light.




I repeat.



La naranja no se enciende.

The orange does not light up.

Quin dia.

What a day.

La que se lió con las explosiones esas.

The one who got involved with those explosions.

Un comando terrorista afgano.

An Afghan terrorist command.

Te recordas?

Do you remember?

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

Se'ns va escapar per poc.

We almost missed it.

Se les escapó a la policia, que estaban tocándose los cojones, como siempre.

They slipped away from the police, who were just wasting time, as always.

Nosaltres vam fer la nostra feina, Laureano.

We did our job, Laureano.

El seguiment i la localització del comando.

The monitoring and location of the command.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

I vam ajudar les labors de rescat.

We helped with the rescue efforts.

Jo vaig treure un gos de sota un cotxe.

I took a dog out from under a car.

Estava plorant, ploret.

I was crying, little one.

Sí, un dia èpico, sin duda.

Yes, an epic day, no doubt.

Com també ho va ser el dia que vaig estar a punt de ser ejecutado por un assassí en sèrie.

As also was the day I was about to be executed by a serial killer.

Uf, calla, calla.

Ugh, shut up, shut up.

Com vaig patir.

How I suffered.

Si tu no estaves, home.

If you weren't there, man.

Per això vaig patir.

That's why I suffered.

Perquè no podia fer res, Amélie.

Because I couldn't do anything, Amélie.



Sí, la recreació d'aquest cas l'he fet jo mateix.

Yes, I recreated this case myself.

Con un actor profesional.

With a professional actor.

Cuidado, encarnar al paper de l'assassí en sèrie.

Beware, embodying the role of the serial killer.

Endavant, audio, ejecución fallida, hijo puta, intento.

Go ahead, audio, execution failed, son of a bitch, attempt.

Cosa entende vas, auque dios, Amélie?

What do you understand, oh God, Amélie?



Ha llegado el momento que me hace más jodidamente feliz.

The moment that makes me feel the most fucking happy has arrived.

Venga, acaba rápido.

Come on, finish quickly.

No temo a la muerte, pues ella siempre ha sido mi fiel compañera de viaje.

I do not fear death, for it has always been my faithful travel companion.

Menos sáchara, abuelo.

Less nonsense, grandfather.

Y no tenga tanta prisa.

And don't be in such a hurry.

Antes de morir va a pasar mucho tiempo.

Before dying, a lot of time will pass.

De estas tenazas, adivine lo que voy a hacer con ellas.

From these pliers, guess what I am going to do with them.

No me das ningún miedo, sucio perro sarnoso.

You don't scare me at all, filthy mangy dog.

En Vietnam sobrevivía a tres pelotones de fusilamiento, cientos de bombardeos, guerra cruzada contra miles de hombres armados.

In Vietnam, he survived three firing squads, hundreds of bombings, and a war against thousands of armed men.

¿Qué es eso al lado de una nenaza con unas tijeritas que no cortan ni el papel de charol?

What is that next to a sissy with little scissors that can't even cut through glossy paper?

¿Con eso pretendes arrancarme los cojones?

Are you trying to rip my balls off with that?

Pues lo llevas claro, moreno.

Well, you're in trouble, dark-haired.

Uh, tiene agallas, abuelo.

Uh, you have guts, grandpa.

No sabe cuánto me gusta.

I don't know how much I like it.

Pídame un último deseo. Se lo ha ganado.

Ask me for one last wish. You have earned it.

Muy bien. Pon la mano en mi bragueta y sácame el rabo.

Very well. Put your hand in my fly and take out my dick.

Quiero verlo por última vez.

I want to see him one last time.

Lo haría yo mismo, pero al estar atado de manos y pies no puedo.

I would do it myself, but being tied hand and foot, I can't.

El abuelito quiere verse el pito.

The grandfather wants to see his penis.

Oh, qué entrañable. Pues vamos a ver qué tesoro esconde esa gruta.

Oh, how endearing. Well, let's see what treasure that cave hides.

Venga, va. Y sin mariconadas, ¿eh?

Come on, let's go. And no bullshit, okay?

Dios santo.

Holy God.

¿Qué? Lo estás flipando, ¿eh, chaval? Mírala, mírala de cerca.

What? You’re losing it, huh, kid? Look at her, look at her up close.


Can I?

No puedes. Debes.

You can't. You must.

A ver...

Let's see...

¡Toma, pollazo, oso cabrón!

Take that, you big chicken, damn bear!

Bueno, Laureano, ¡sense comentarios! Solo decir que es la alegría más gran que me ha donat el meu membro viril.

Well, Laureano, no comments! Just to say that it is the greatest joy my virile member has given me.

Y mira que me n'ha donat moltes, ¿eh?

And look at how many she has given me, huh?

Sí, sí. El vas noquejar amb un cop de tita, a mi ve.

Yes, yes. You knocked him out with a tit shot, come to me.

En toda la mandíbula. Fue un uppercut en tota regla, en fi.

In the whole jaw. It was a proper uppercut, anyway.

Això ha estat només una petita mostra de les aventures viscudes aquest any, que han estat moltes.

This has only been a small sample of the adventures experienced this year, which have been many.

Sí, sí, sí. Unes aventures que heu competit amb nosaltres en aquest postcat de crits.

Yes, yes, yes. Adventures that you have competed with us in this scream postcat.

Postcat, Laureano, coño. Postcat.

Postcat, Laureano, damn. Postcat.

Postcat. Alguns oients il·lustres del nostre postcat...

Postcast. Some illustrious listeners of our postcast...

Sí, ara molt bé, ara ho has dit bé.

Yes, now very well, now you have said it correctly.

Bé, doncs, doncs, alguns oients il·lustres, gent coneguda, han volgut felicitar-nos pel premi que hem rebut deixant-nos una nota de veu.

Well, then, some illustrious listeners, well-known people, wanted to congratulate us for the award we have received by leaving us a voice message.

Endavant, àudios famosos, felicitant-nos.

Go ahead, famous audios, congratulating us.

Bueno, los mostras felicitación a la gente del crits, jejejejejejele, per la jeva labor en el terreno de la criminalística.

Well, I send congratulations to the people of the cries, hehehehehehe, for their great work in the field of criminalistics.

Criminali... criminalística, joder, macho. Ara.

Criminal... criminalistics, damn it, man. Now.

Y no me digan lo que el dedico un platet. Reuno huevo esferificado con un lila de león.

And don't tell me what he dedicated a small dish to. I gather spherified egg with a lion's lilac.

El millor brandy del món. Salud, salud, joder. ¡Salud, macho!

The best brandy in the world. Cheers, cheers, damn it. Cheers, mate!

Pues, hostia, no, no, no, ya se me ha colada el imitador. Que no, que no le ponga, que el Ferran n'adre. De verdad, sotyo.

Well, damn, no, no, no, the impersonator has slipped in. No, don't put him on, that Ferran has to fix it. Really, I swear.

Bueno, moltes felicitacions a la gent del crits.

Well, many congratulations to the people of the shouts.



Per la jeva labor en el terreno de la criminali...

For her work in the field of criminology...

Cri.. criminali... criminalística, ostia. Collons, ara.

Crime... criminal... forensics, damn it. Damn, now.

No me, lo que le dedico un platet. Reuno huevo esferificado con el lila de león.

Not me, what I dedicate is a little plate. I gather sphere-shaped egg with lion's purple.

Hermillo brandy del món. Salud, o, la machjica.

Hermillo brandy of the world. Cheers, or, la machjica.

El Postcat, perdó, Postcat, ara sí.

The Postcat, sorry, Postcat, now yes.

Ara sí que us he de dir això, collons.

Now I really have to tell you this, damn it.

El bòscat de Crits és el millor bòscat d'investigació criminal

The Crying Woods is the best criminal investigation forest.

que s'ha fet mai a la història recit de Catalunya.

what has ever been done in the history of the recitation of Catalonia.

Perdoneu, però algú m'havia de dir.

Excuse me, but someone had to tell me.

Bé, sóc el Xavier Trias. Felicitats, no?

Well, I'm Xavier Trias. Congratulations, right?

Estic molt content, ara que torno a estar en primera línia política

I am very happy now that I am back in the political front line.

servint a la meva ciutat, a Barcelona.

serving my city, in Barcelona.

Estic molt content de felicitar la gent del bòscat.

I am very happy to congratulate the people of Bòscat.

És que costa molt de dir això.

It's hard to say this.

El bòscat, ara sí, el bòscat de Crits,

The boscate, now yes, the boscate of Cries,

que el segueixo fidelment cada setmana.

that I follow faithfully every week.

I, bueno, sí que a modo d'anècdota,

I, well, yes, as an anecdote,

l'altre dia em van dir que parlo com a l'Abreaia 2.

The other day I was told that I speak like Abreaia 2.

I això, doncs, veu dir que sou molt populars, nanos.

And this, then, you must say that you are very popular, guys.

Se'ls coneixen a tot arreu.

They are known everywhere.

Vinga, una abraçada molt forta a tots.

Come on, a big hug to all.

Us bon 20.

Good 20.

Hola, xiquets i xiquetes.

Hello, boys and girls.

Soy Rita Barberà, manifestant-me a través d'una ouija.

I am Rita Barberà, manifesting through a ouija.

Vull felicitar el bòscat de Crits pel seu rigor,

I want to congratulate the Crits blog for its rigor,

la seva professionalitat i la seva eficàcia.

their professionalism and their effectiveness.

Els mateixos valors que jo vaig mantenir tota la vida.

The same values that I have held my whole life.

Visca València, la mascletat, lo cabronet i el bòscat de Crits.

Long live Valencia, the mascletà, the little goat, and the forest of Shouts.

Què collons és un bòscat?

What the hell is a bòscat?

Què m'ha escrit tota esta merda?

What has all this crap written to me?

I fins aquí aquest capítol de...

And up to here this chapter of...



Si voleu saber la resolució del cas...

If you want to know the resolution of the case...

De Crits.

Of Cries.



Escolteu el versió RAC1

Listen to the RAC1 version.

o espereu-vos el següent capítol de...

or wait for the next chapter of...



Ens veiem al següent.

See you next time.




It will continue.

Mare meva, quina emoció.

My goodness, what an excitement.

Quantes veus, amigues.

How many voices, friends.

Gràcies, gràcies a totes i a tots.

Thank you, thank you to everyone.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

I gràcies a tots vosaltres, seguidors de la nostra tasca,

And thanks to all of you, followers of our work,

que heu fet possible aquest èxit sense precedents.

that you have made this unprecedented success possible.

Espero que passeu tots unes bones vacances.

I hope you all have a great holiday.

Tu què faràs aquest estiu, Laureano?

What will you do this summer, Laureano?

Doncs anem amb els pares a Torralambarra,

So we are going with the parents to Torralambarra,

15 dies a l'agost en un apartament allà a la platja.

15 days in August in an apartment there at the beach.

Abans anàvem a Autafulla, que està molt bé,

Before we used to go to Autafulla, which is very nice,

però fa un parell d'anys que anem a Torralambarra

but we've been going to Torralambarra for a couple of years now

i els pares han fet uns amics.

And the parents have made some friends.

I bueno, mira, doncs...

And well, look, so...

Ah, molt bé.

Ah, very good.

Sí, sí, jo he de vigilar molt amb el sol,

Yes, yes, I have to be very careful with the sun.

perquè sóc molt blanc de pell, però bueno, passes l'estona.

because I'm very light-skinned, but well, you pass the time.

I tu, Amíli, què faràs aquest estiu?

And you, Amíli, what will you do this summer?



Torno al Vietnam.

I'm going back to Vietnam.

No he tornat mai des que es va acabar el conflicte,

I have never returned since the conflict ended.

l'any 75.

the year 75.

No estava preparat.

I wasn't prepared.

Ara és el moment de fer les paus amb l'infern que vaig viure allà.

Now is the time to make peace with the hell I lived there.

I te n'emportes la dona, la Montsita?

Are you taking the woman, Montsita?



No, no, no, no, no.

No, no, no, no, no.

No, no, no, seria molt dur per ella.

No, no, no, it would be very hard for her.

Segur que vas al Vietnam, Amíli?

Are you sure you are going to Vietnam, Amíli?



Què vols dir?

What do you mean?

Bona estiu a tothom!

Happy summer to everyone!

Per què fas tantes preguntes?

Why do you ask so many questions?

Has de deixar que fluixi la narració, home!

You have to let the story flow, man!

Què collons fots?

What the hell are you doing?

Sí, sí, la narració.

Yes, yes, the narration.

Ai, Amíli, no et cansaràs mai de ser un lliante?

Oh, Amíli, will you never get tired of being a liar?

Farà un dia maco avui, eh?

It’s going to be a nice day today, isn’t it?

Ho estic veient.

I am seeing it.

Sí, han dit que plogria, però bueno, és maco ploure, no?

Yes, they said it would rain, but well, it's nice to rain, isn't it?

I tant.

I do.

Recordo finals de l'any 71 a Vietnam.

I remember the end of 1971 in Vietnam.

Los putos guerrilleros del Vietcong,

The fucking guerrillas of the Vietcong,

las ratas amarillas, como las llamábamos,

the yellow rats, as we called them,

estaban a punt d'atacar.

they were about to attack.

Caía agua, mucha agua, el bonzón.

It was raining, a lot of rain, the big guy.



Bueno, devia ser...

Well, it must have been...

Jo crec que allà les coses són més extremes.

I think that over there things are more extreme.

Aquí vivim sempre com...

Here we always live like...

molt tranquils amb el clima, tot això.

very calm about the weather, all that.

Bueno, bueno, bueno.

Well, well, well.

Els països són més turbulents.

The countries are more turbulent.

Les riuades que hi ha al Maresme...

The floods that occur in Maresme...

Sí, això sí, i el Vallès també.

Yes, that’s true, and the Vallès too.

Ria-te tu, ria-te tu del Vietnam i el bonzón.

Laugh at yourself, laugh at yourself about Vietnam and the big guy.

Sí, sí, amb això tens raó, també.

Yes, yes, you're right about that, too.

Però hi ha cadàvers.

But there are corpses.

Cadàvers que flotaven per totes les partes.

Corpses floating everywhere.

Es veu que, bueno, l'aigua d'aví està intoxicada

It seems that, well, the water from the tap is contaminated.

i jo crec que hi havia llum i àcid o alguna cosa així.

And I think there was light and acid or something like that.

I la gent, veies com anava perdent la cara

And the people, you could see how they were losing their faces.

mentre els veies demanant auxilios no sé nedar,

while you saw them asking for help I don't know how to swim,

veies com els anava callant els ulls de la cara.

you could see how they were silencing the eyes on the face.

I jo allà vaig dir...

And I there said...

¿Por qué, Dios mío, por qué?

Why, my God, why?

Bueno, bueno, ara si tornes aquí...

Well, well, now you return here...

Ara em reconciliaré, sí.

Now I will reconcile myself, yes.

És reconciliació, és el que t'anava dient.

It is reconciliation, it is what I was telling you.

I de ligoteo, a passar el rato, també,

And from flirting, to just hanging out, too,

perquè és la bona manera de fer-ho.

because it is the right way to do it.

Però no dius que vas amb...

But don't you say that you go with...

Dona-ho a Montsita, ho veus com ets un lluïante?

Give it to Montsita, do you see how you are a show-off?

No, que l'home...

No, that the man...

No vas amb... No, a mi no m'agrada.

You don't go with... No, I don't like it.

No hi vas amb...

You don't go there with...

RAC més 1 i Òptica i Audiologia Universitària

RAC plus 1 and University Optics and Audiology

us han ofert Crits,

you have been offered Shouts,

un podcast que compta amb els actors

a podcast that features the actors

Xavier Bertran i Cesc Casanovas com a protagonistes,

Xavier Bertran and Cesc Casanovas as the protagonists,

Salva Coromina fent el disseny de so

Salva Coromina doing the sound design.

i la col·laboració especial d'Oriol Cruz.

and the special collaboration of Oriol Cruz.

Als 20, als 40, hi ha una edat per cada cosa.

At 20, at 40, there is an age for everything.

Una edat?

An age?

Hi ha una edat per ser jove i una altra per deixar de ser-ho?

Is there an age to be young and another to stop being so?

Quan has de deixar d'assumir-a?

When do you have to stop taking it on?

A Òptica i Audiologia Universitària

At University Optics and Audiology

sabem que, tinguis l'edat que tinguis,

we know that, no matter how old you are,

és perfecte per ser jove.

It is perfect for being young.

Òptica i Audiologia Universitària.

University Optics and Audiology.

Per a joves d'un a cent anys.

For young people from one to a hundred years old.

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