Quines novetats hi haurà aquest 2022?


El món a RAC1 - Bits

Quines novetats hi haurà aquest 2022?

El món a RAC1 - Bits

El començament de l'any és un bon moment per fer repàs de tot el que ha de venir,

The beginning of the year is a good time to review all that is to come,

ho fa habitualment quan parlem de sèries, de cinema, de música,

he does it routinely when we talk about series, cinema, music,

però a nivell tecnològic i de xarxes també hi ha previsions interessants

But at a technological and network level, there are also interesting forecasts.

i que segurament va més ràpid que no el cinema, les sèries o la música.

and that it is probably faster than cinema, series, or music.

I avui volem repassar amb els nostres experts, amb en Ganyet i amb en Sellas.

And today we want to review with our experts, with Ganyet and Sellas.

Bon dia a tots dos, eh? Ben tornats, eh?

Good morning to both of you, huh? Welcome back, huh?

Bon dia, bon dia.

Good morning, good morning.

Comencem? Aviam, jo ara us diré coses que no tinguin idea, eh?

Shall we begin? Let's see, I'm going to tell you things that you have no idea about, okay?

Catvers. Catvers. Això es va presentar tot just aquí. Què és el Catvers?

Catvers. Catvers. This was just presented here. What is the Catvers?

Seria una proposta que fa el govern de Catalunya,

It would be a proposal made by the government of Catalonia,

des de la seva conselleria dedicada també a polítiques digitals,

from its department also dedicated to digital policies,

d'entrar en aquest concepte que ja fa uns quants mesos

of entering into this concept that has been for a few months now

que ocupa tota la premsa del que seria el futur digital del món,

that occupies all the press regarding what would be the digital future of the world,

que és el metavers.

What is the metaverse?

No confondre amb els multiversos de Marvel i tot això, eh?

Don't confuse it with the Marvel multiverses and all that, okay?

I el món dels còmics, eh?

And the world of comics, huh?

O sí, o sí. O sí, o sí, eh?

Oh yes, oh yes. Oh yes, oh yes, huh?

El metavers.

The metaverse.

En essència, què és un metavers?

In essence, what is a metaverse?

Un metavers és un espai digital que existeix de forma permanent

A metaverse is a digital space that exists permanently.

i que, per tant, quan tu no hi ets, allà continuen passant-hi coses,

and so, when you're not there, things continue to happen there,

on nosaltres podem interactuar amb altres persones

we can interact with other people

com si fos el món real, amb totes les avantatges que permet el món digital,

as if it were the real world, with all the advantages that the digital world allows,

que vol dir que no necessàriament hem d'estar junts

that means we don't necessarily have to be together

per poder estar junts i parlar l'un amb l'altre.

to be able to be together and talk to one another.

Això és el Second Life, no?

This is Second Life, isn't it?

És un fracàs, no, jo, el Second Life?

Is it a failure, not me, Second Life?

Sí, no, no, la idea és aquesta,

Yes, no, no, the idea is this,

passa que el Second Life és de fa 10-12 anys,

what happens is that Second Life was 10-12 years ago,

el Second Life va tindre el seu moment,

Second Life had its moment,

hi vam entrar i a veure què era,

we went in to see what it was,

i el Second Life actualment,

and the current Second Life,

tot i que ha tingut un repunt amb la pandèmia,

although it has seen a resurgence with the pandemic,

ha quedat per un espai bastant fric, eh?

It has ended up being quite an awkward space, huh?

O sigui, continua, eh?

So, keep going, huh?

Encara existeix el Second Life?

Does Second Life still exist?

Sí, sí, 70 milions d'usuaris.

Yes, yes, 70 million users.

70 milions?

70 million?

Sí, sí, amb la pandèmia han passat de 700.000 actius al mes a 900.000.

Yes, yes, with the pandemic they have gone from 700,000 active users per month to 900,000.

És que, de fet, és un fracàs, és com la gent diu,

It is that, in fact, it is a failure, it is like people say,

les Google Glass, aquelles ulleres de Google,

the Google Glass, those glasses from Google,

van ser un fracàs absolut.

they were an absolute failure.

El Second Life va ser un fracàs absolut, sí, ho van ser.

Second Life was an absolute failure, yes, it was.

Però van construir allò que ve després.

But they built what comes next.

O sigui, la realitat augmentada que avui tenim a tots els telèfons mòbils

So, the augmented reality that we have today on all mobile phones.

parteix d'allò que vam començar a veure amb els Google Glass

It starts from what we began to see with Google Glass.

i que avui també veurem amb coses de realitat augmentada.

And today we will also see things with augmented reality.

Els videojocs i Second Life obren...

Video games and Second Life open...

Fortnite, per exemple.

Fortnite, for example.

El que avui és Fortnite, o el que avui és Roblox,

What today is Fortnite, or what today is Roblox,

o el que és Minecraft.

or what Minecraft is.

O sigui, són, o pels nens més petits, Animal Crossing.

So, they are, or for the younger kids, Animal Crossing.

O sigui, ja són metaversos que existeixen avui

That is to say, there are already metaverses that exist today.

i que tenen això, de gens de milions d'usuaris.

And they have this, of hundreds of millions of users.

Però van ser iniciadors i pioners, per exemple.

But they were initiators and pioneers, for example.

Obre'n el camí.

Clear the way.

Sí, el que hem de pensar és que això de metaversos

Yes, what we have to think about is this thing about metaverses.

no és que un dia anirem a dormir i estarem a la web,

it's not that one day we will go to sleep and we will be on the web,

tal com la coneixem ara,

as we know it now,

i l'endemà ens aixequarem tots al metaversos.

And the next day we will all wake up in the metaverses.

No, això és una evolució de metaversos.

No, this is an evolution of metaverses.

Com diu el Jordi, ja n'hi ha, aquests jocs participatius.

As Jordi says, there are already some of these participatory games.

Minecraft, Fortnite, hi ha molts jocs d'aquests

Minecraft, Fortnite, there are many games like these.

que es poden considerar metaversos.

that can be considered metaverses.

Són espais virtuals on tu hi tens una presència virtual

They are virtual spaces where you have a virtual presence.

i quan tu dorms allà passen coses.

And when you sleep, things happen there.

Doncs ja hi és.

Well, there it is.

Ara, aquest món de Ready Player One,

Now, this world of Ready Player One,

que és l'altre gran exemple que posa del metavers,

what is the other great example he gives of the metaverse,

això ja veurem si hi arribem i quan hi arribem.

We'll see if we get there and when we get there.

Però el que no serà és un dia per l'altre.

But it won't be one day to the next.

I això que deies, d'aquests temes en parlem molt,

And what you were saying, we talk a lot about these topics,

però el que farem de moment aquest any és parlar-ne molt.

But what we will do for now this year is talk about it a lot.

Quan parlem del catvers, jo puc entrar en un ordinador,

When we talk about the catverse, I can enter a computer,

amb el meu ordinador al catvers,

with my computer in the catverse,

amb el meu ordinador virtual, o què?

with my virtual computer, or what?

Tindràs una experiència més aviat...

You will have a rather... experience.



No, no, o sigui...

No, no, I mean...

Justeta, vull dir...

Just a moment, I mean...

Que el metavers està pensat perquè puguem entrar-hi

That the metaverse is designed for us to enter it.

mulleres de realitat virtual i que, per tant,

virtual reality goggles and therefore,

puguem interactuar i que puguem fer que estem en aquesta taula

we can interact and that we can make it so we are at this table

parlant nosaltres.

speaking we.

Nosaltres tres, però que cadascú estigui a casa seva,

Us three, but everyone should be at their own home,

però estiguem en una taula, eh?

but let's be at a table, okay?

I en una taula digital, i que, per tant,

And in a digital table, and therefore,

visualment tinguem una percepció completament diferent

visually we have a completely different perception

i també intuïtivament.

and also intuitively.

Què passa?

What's happening?

Que crec que el catvers és més una declaració d'intencions

I think that the catvers is more of a statement of intent.

que no tant un projecte sòlid,

that not just a solid project,

perquè bé, ahir en Ganyet i jo ens hi vam passejar

because well, yesterday Ganyet and I took a walk there

de bon dematí, a les 9 del matí, eh?

Good morning, at 9 in the morning, right?

Últimament ens veiem més al metavers que en la vida real.

Lately we see each other more in the metaverse than in real life.

I no passa res, què? És una coseta, diguem-ne.

And it's nothing, right? It's a little thing, let's say.

Estàvem sols...

We were alone...

Bueno, estàvem sols i hi havia algú que passava per allí

Well, we were alone and there was someone passing by.

i diu, anem a escoltar a veure què diuen.

And he says, let's go listen to see what they say.

Hi ha un paisatge de Montserrat, molt bonic, una bandera.

There is a landscape of Montserrat, very beautiful, a flag.

Molt relaxant, una bandera, unes escales.

Very relaxing, a flag, some stairs.

A veure, jo crec que si ha de ser,

Let's see, I think that if it has to be,

ens hem de provar coses, ens hem d'equivocar.

we need to try things, we need to make mistakes.

De fet, la declaració d'intencions famosa del Marc Zàquer

In fact, the famous declaration of intentions by Marc Zuckerberg.

per canviar el nom i posar-se meta,

to change the name and set a goal,

és això, és ser-hi, explorar,

it's this, it's being there, exploring,

veure què funciona i què no,

see what works and what doesn't,

i per veure-ho no val parlar-ne.

And to see it, it's not enough to just talk about it.

Ja has de ser, ja has de ser.

You must have, you must have.

El tema que Facebook, l'empresa Facebook,

The issue that Facebook, the company Facebook,

ja no es digui Facebook, sinó que es digui meta,

no longer called Facebook, but rather called Meta,

i que hagin canviat el nom,

And that they have changed the name,

i per tant, ara quan tu entres a Instagram

And therefore, now when you enter Instagram.

o entres a WhatsApp o entres a Facebook,

either you go on WhatsApp or you go on Facebook,

a sota diu un producte de meta.

Below says a meta product.

O sigui, fixa-t'hi, a totes les aplicacions que entrem cada dia.

In other words, pay attention to all the applications that we use every day.

Aleshores, què vol dir això?

So, what does that mean?

Que aquesta gent, que no és només Facebook,

That these people, who are not just Facebook,

sinó que també és Google, també és Apple,

but it is also Google, it is also Apple,

els grans estan dient, ei, els pròxims 10 anys

the elders are saying, hey, the next 10 years

van cap aquí.

they are coming here.

O sigui, en aquests pròxims 10 anys

So, in the next 10 years

tindrem una cosa molt semblant a Ready Player One.

we will have something very similar to Ready Player One.

La tindrem. Per tant,

We will have it. Therefore,


let's orient ourselves.

Passarà com diu en Ganyet aquest any, l'any que ve?

Will it happen as Ganyet says this year, next year?

Evidentment no.

Obviously not.

Saps qui m'ha explicat una cosa?

Do you know who told me something?

Ells que fa poc em van dir que aviat,

They recently told me that soon,

molt aviat, molt aviat,

very soon, very soon,

molt més aviat del que ens pensem,

much sooner than we think,

estarem al sofà de casa, amb unes ulleres

we will be on the sofa at home, wearing some glasses

de realitat virtual,

of virtual reality,

i veurem els partits de futbol,

and we will watch the football matches,

sobretot els grans partits,

especially the major parties,

començarem amb un partit,

we will start with a match,

amb realitat virtual.

with virtual reality.

I llavors tu estaràs assegut

And then you will be sitting.

a la teva cadira del camp del Barça,

to your seat at the Barça field,

o del camp de l'Espanyol, o del camp del Madrid,

or from the Espanyol field, or from the Madrid field,

o del camp del Girona, estaràs assegut

or from the Girona field, you will be seated

i de cop i volta et donaràs la volta

And all of a sudden, you will turn around.

i veuràs el cel de Girona,

and you will see the sky of Girona,

i s'acostaràs cap al camp.

you will approach the field.

No només això,

Not only that,

sinó que també hi ha un altre projecte

but there is also another project

que s'ha de fer.

what must be done.

No, que saps quan tu mires la Fórmula 1,

No, you know when you watch Formula 1,

per exemple, que ho fan molt.

for example, they do it a lot.

També ho fan al futbol amb el multicàmeres,

They also do it in football with multicameras,

que tens Movistar Plus i pots triar la càmera

that you have Movistar Plus and you can choose the camera

que vols veure.

what do you want to see.

Mira, jo només vull veure en Xavi Hernández

Look, I only want to see Xavi Hernández.

a la banqueta, pots triar si vols veure'l.

On the bench, you can choose if you want to see it.

O jo només vull anar amb el cotxe d'en Verstappen,

Oh, I just want to go in Verstappen's car.

pots triar-ho.

You can choose it.

Això, amb realitat virtual, encara és més poderós,

This, with virtual reality, is even more powerful.

perquè imagina't que tu vols fer una carrera

because imagine that you want to pursue a degree

de Fórmula 1 dins del cotxe d'en Verstappen.

of Formula 1 inside Verstappen's car.

Tu realment estàs assegut.

You are really sitting.

No només això, l'NBA

Not only that, the NBA

ja està fent les primeres proves

he is already doing the first tests

de retransmetre alguns partits

to broadcast some matches

en realitat virtual.

in virtual reality.

Ja ho està fent l'NBA en guany.

The NBA is already doing it this year.

Això vol dir que tu pots triar si vols estar

This means that you can choose whether you want to be.

a la banqueta, al costat dels jugadors,

on the bench, next to the players,

pots triar si vols estar a la galliner,

you can choose if you want to be in the henhouse,

per viure allò, l'ambient de galliner,

to live that, the chicken coop atmosphere,

o vols estar a la posició preferent

or do you want to be in the preferred position

de la tribuna, i ja pots triar-ho

from the stand, and you can choose it now

i ja pots fer-ho. I l'NBA, com sempre

And now you can do it. And the NBA, as always.

als Estats Units, i esports com aquests

in the United States, and sports like these

que tenen aquestes franquícies,

what do these franchises have,

que pensen molt bé en l'espectacle televisiu

they think very well about the television show

i audiovisual, ja ho estan fent.

and audiovisual, they are already doing it.

Per tant, falta poquet.

So, it's not long now.

L'NBA ho va fer amb la pandèmia.

The NBA did it with the pandemic.

Va vendre entrades, o sigui, tu podies comprar

He sold tickets, so you could buy.

l'entrada que volies, i estaves allà

the entry you wanted, and you were there

veient-ho. Queden 11 minuts

seeing it. There are 11 minutes left.

i vull parlar de dues coses. Una, parlant de la realitat

And I want to talk about two things. One, talking about reality.

virtual, hi haurà les ulleres...

virtual, there will be the glasses...

Ara no estan molt popularitzades, encara.

They are not very popularized yet.

Hi ha tres ulleres que compartirem

There are three glasses that we will share.

a la xarxa perquè val la pena veure-les,

on the internet because they are worth seeing,

perquè quan tu t'imagines unes ulleres de realitat virtual,

because when you imagine virtual reality goggles,

t'imagines les que tenim per Playstation,

can you imagine what we have for Playstation,

per exemple, aquesta cosa que és com una mena

for example, this thing that is like a kind

de caixa de sabates enganxada davant de la cara.

of a shoebox stuck in front of the face.

Bastant incòmoda, bastant poc ergonòmic.

Quite uncomfortable, rather not ergonomic.

Però és que aquestes tres ulleres que han anat sortint,

But it's that these three glasses that have been appearing,

les Vive Flow, d'acte C,

the Vive Flow, of act C,

les noves de Panasonic, que encara

the new ones from Panasonic, which still

no tenen nom, i unes que es diuen

they have no name, and some that are called

Megan X, de Sheet Fall,

Megan X, from Sheet Fall,

veuràs que són ulleres molt semblants a aquestes

you will see that they are very similar glasses to these

que porto jo ara mateix. Són ulleres

that I'm wearing right now. They are glasses.

molt xules, a més amb un disseny molt espectacular,

very cool, plus with a very spectacular design,

que ja no és allò de posar-te

that it's no longer about putting yourself

una capsa davant dels ulls, sinó que són ulleres

a box in front of the eyes, but they are glasses

molt més còmodes i que tenen una resolució,

much more comfortable and that have a resolution,

per exemple, les de Sheet Fall, aquestes últimes

for example, those from Sheet Fall, these last ones

que s'han presentat al sexe, són de

who have presented themselves to sex, are of



O sigui, és una resolució molt

That is, it is a very resolution.

potent i que, per tant, ja comença a tenir

powerful and that, therefore, is already starting to have

una capacitat de realisme molt gran.

a very great capacity for realism.

Però no només això, sinó que també existirà el metavers

But not only that, but the metaverse will also exist.

de realitat augmentada, que aquesta és

of augmented reality, that this is

una altra cosa. O sigui, la gent de

another thing. That is, the people of

Snapchat, aquesta xarxa americana que es van inventar

Snapchat, this American network that they invented.

els filtres i totes, i llavors tothom els ha copiat

the filters and all, and then everyone copied them

els stories, i llavors tothom els ha copiat.

the stories, and then everyone has copied them.

També s'han inventat unes ulleres que es diuen

They have also invented a pair of glasses that are called

Spectacles, que són

Glasses, what are they?

unes ulleres de realitat augmentada

augmented reality glasses

que tu te les poses, i lògicament

that you put them on, and logically

us veig a vosaltres, però em va afegint

I see you, but it keeps adding to me.

informació, saps com aquelles coses

information, you know like those things

dels carrers de l'Espai, de volar a la maca,

from the streets of the Space, of flying to the hammock,

del Terminator, doncs això.

of the Terminator, well that's it.

O sigui, jo, per exemple, que sóc molt mal

That is to say, I, for example, who am very bad

fisonomista, m'ajudarà molt això, perquè jo veig

physiognomist, this will help me a lot, because I see

a persones que em diuen, hola, com estàs? No recordo

to people who say to me, hello, how are you? I don't remember

qui és, i de cop aquella ullera em dirà, mira, aquesta

who is, and suddenly that glasses will tell me, look, this one

persona és tal, té aquest perfil, no sé on, i

person is like this, has this profile, I don't know where, and

hi ha gent que li fa por, eh? A mi,

there are people who scare him, right? Me,

a mi, com sempre,

to me, as always,

és això, no? És com nosaltres

It's this, right? It's like us.

en farem ús, i com entrarem en aquesta

we will make use of it, and how we will enter this

tecnologia, però, alerta, pot haver-hi

technology, but, beware, there may be

metaversos de realitat virtual,

virtual reality metaverses,

metaversos de realitat augmentada, i els

augmented reality metaverses, and the

veurem aviat, més aviat del que ens imaginem.

We'll see each other soon, sooner than we imagine.

Bé, hi ha una cosa que sí que vull que en parlem, sisplau, que és

Well, there is one thing that I do want us to talk about, please, which is

això, perdó, eh? És que estic fart

this, excuse me, huh? It's just that I'm fed up

de parlar de la web 3.

of talking about web 3.


Let's see.

O pot ser, com deia el Don,

Or maybe, as Don said,

o pot ser ben mastegadet

or it can be well chewed

perquè entri bé.

to enter well.

Web 3. És molt fàcil, eh?

Web 3. It's very easy, isn't it?

Hem parlat, això de posar etiquetes a la web

We have talked about putting labels on the website.

és una cosa que, bueno, ens serveix per entendre'ns.

It is something that, well, helps us understand each other.

Sí, no és punt zero, això. Al final, estem

Yes, this is not the starting point. In the end, we are

parlant sempre de la web,

always talking about the web,

i sempre de l'esperit original de la web.

and always in the original spirit of the web.

Quin era aquest esperit? Home, fer la informació

What spirit was this? Well, making the information.

accessible a tothom, que tothom hi pugui participar,

accessible to everyone, so that everyone can participate,

i que sigui oberta, que no haguis

and that it be open, that you have not

de pagar, o bé,

to pay, or else,

de passar per Facebook, per Google, o per

to go through Facebook, through Google, or through

Apple per accedir a aquesta informació.

Apple to access this information.

Aquesta és la visió de Tim Berners-Lee

This is Tim Berners-Lee's vision.

quan va crear la web. Aquesta és la web 1.0.

When it was created the website. This is the web 1.0.

La web 2.0, per fer

Web 2.0, to do

això, a la web 1.0,

this, in web 1.0,

havies de saber programar, havies de saber escriure

you had to know how to program, you had to know how to write

pàgines amb HTML, pujar-les a un servidor,

pages with HTML, upload them to a server,

i això no ho podia fer tothom.

and not everyone could do that.

Van arribar els blogs,

The blogs arrived,

i, ostres, amb dos clics, tu podies

Oh, wow, with just two clicks, you could!

obrir el teu mitjà, explicar

open your media, explain

al món allò que a tu t'agradava, allò que

in the world what you used to like, what

tu sabies. Això en diem

you knew. We call this

la web 2.0, l'inici de la web 2.0.

Web 2.0, the beginning of Web 2.0.

Però després van arribar les xarxes socials.

But then social networks arrived.

Va arribar Twitter, va arribar Facebook,

Twitter arrived, Facebook arrived,

va arribar Instagram,

Instagram arrived,

i, esclar, això encara se'n va fer més

Yes, of course, this became even more so.

fàcil publicar continguts, participar,

easy to publish content, participate,

però, a la vegada, es va

but, at the same time, it went

fer més restringit. És a dir, això va

make it more restricted. That is to say, this goes

passar a ser propietat d'uns quants. O sigui, a la

become the property of a few. That is, to the

web 2.0, tots podem penjar fotos,

web 2.0, we can all post photos,

tots podem enviar whatsapps,

we can all send WhatsApps,

tots podem penjar post a Facebook o a Twitter,

we can all post on Facebook or Twitter,

però, si Twitter un dia

but, if Twitter one day

et diu, vostè no pot penjar més,

it tells you, you cannot hang anymore,

no pots queixar, perquè això és privat.

you can't complain, because this is private.

O sigui, s'ha privatitzat. Aquesta web

So, it has been privatized. This website.

2.0, que havia de ser participativa, oberta

2.0, which was supposed to be participatory, open

a tothom, tots passem, o per Apple,

to everyone, we all go through, or by Apple,

o per Google, per entrar-hi, perquè has de tindre un mòbil,

or for Google, to access it, because you need to have a mobile phone,

o, si no, Facebook, Twitter

or, if not, Facebook, Twitter

i la resta. La web 3.0,

and the rest. Web 3.0,

és a dir, aquestes tantes

that is to say, these many

vegades que ens hem equivocat amb la web, ara

times we've messed up with the website, now

fem-ho bé. És a dir, jo, cada vegada

let's do it right. That is to say, I, every time

que feia un tuit, cada vegada que penjo una foto,

that I would tweet every time I post a photo,

estic creant valor per una empresa

I am creating value for a company.

i jo no cobro res. Clar, no tens retorn.

And I don't earn anything. Of course, you don't get a return.

No tinc retorn. És a dir, la gent que és molt

I have no feedback. That is to say, the people who are very...

sàvia, interessant, divertida

wise, interesting, fun

a Twitter, el que fa és alimentar

On Twitter, what it does is feed.

Twitter. Clar. No

Twitter. Of course. No.

envellir-les, al contrari, és a dir,

aging them, on the contrary, that is to say,

ell és un actor que no cobra per fer una obra de teatre.

He is an actor who does not get paid to perform in a play.

Exactament. Quan Facebook va comprar

Exactly. When Facebook bought

WhatsApp, va pagar a tant l'usuari.

WhatsApp, the user paid so much.

Una milionada, no sé si eren

A million or so, I don't know if it was.

1.100 milions de dòlars, una brutada.

100 million dollars, a mess.

Però els usuaris no van veure res.

But the users did not see anything.

WhatsApp, sincer, aquests

WhatsApp, sincere, these

usuaris, no hi ha res. Llavors,

users, there is nothing. Then,

la web 3.0 és aquesta

Web 3.0 is this.

voluntat, i també diré,

will, and I will also say,

no serem a la web 3.0 l'any que ve,

we will not be in web 3.0 next year,

en parlarem molt, però no hi serem, és aquesta

We will talk about it a lot, but we won't be there, that's it.

voluntat de dir, escolta, si tots hi

will to say, listen, if everyone is there

participem, per què no ens hi guanyem la vida tots?

We participate, why don't we make a living from it all?

O sigui, algú es pot guanyar la vida

That is, someone can make a living.

jugant partides. Per què?

playing games. Why?

Bé, perquè quan jugues a partides de Fortnite,

Well, because when you play Fortnite matches,

la gent de Fortnite està millorant el joc

The Fortnite team is improving the game.

en base a com la gent juga.

based on how people play.

Algú està participant a Twitter,

Someone is participating on Twitter,

doncs, i està fent tuits

so, and he's tweeting

enginyosos, o informatius, o de valor històric,

ingenious, or informative, or of historical value,

el que sigui. Doncs, ostres, aquesta

whatever it is. Wow, this

persona se l'ha de compensar

the person must be compensated

d'alguna manera. Un cas molt, molt

somehow. A case very, very

clar. L'èxit aquell de la Cher,

Sure. The success of Cher,

el belief, aquella cançó,

the belief, that song,

aquell autotune

that autotune

a lo bestia, allò és una equivocació

brutally, that is a mistake

d'un enginyer, que va posar l'autotune massa

of an engineer, who put the autotune too much

fort, i van dir, no, calla, deixa'l, que està molt

Strong, and they said, no, shut up, leave him, he's very

bé. Clar, aquest senyor,

well. Of course, this gentleman,

o senyora, ha participat en la creació d'aquest

Oh lady, you have participated in the creation of this.

èxit, i segurament amb la carrera de la Cher,

success, and probably with Cher's career,

i no té el retorn, segurament,

and it doesn't have the return, probably,

que hauria de tenir per aquest èxit.

what I should have for this success.

Llavors, la Web3,

Then, Web3,

i aquí entra la blockchain a darrere,

and here is where blockchain comes in,

i entren els contractes intel·ligents,

and enter the smart contracts,

els smart contracts, permetria,

the smart contracts, would allow,

o hi ha la tecnologia preparada,

Either the technology is ready,

perquè això pugui ser. És un món molt

for this to be. It is a very world

estrany, en el qual una crisi

strange, in which a crisis

política casacstana pot fer canviar

Kazakh politics can change.

el valor de les criptomonedes, pot fer

the value of cryptocurrencies can make

canviar, també, l'evolució.

change, also, the evolution.

Què passa en aquest any amb les criptomonedes?

What is happening this year with cryptocurrencies?

Aquest també és un any, també, que les criptomonedes...

This is also a year, too, that cryptocurrencies...

Saps això d'ostres, tant de bo hagués comprat un

You know about oysters, I wish I had bought one.

bitcoin ara fa... Quanta gent

Bitcoin now does... How many people

ho ha dit, això, no? Si hagués comprat un

He said that, right? If he had bought one.

bitcoin fa 10 anys, sí, però si el vas comprar

Bitcoin is 10 years old, yes, but if you bought it.

fa 20 dies, has perdut bastant diners, eh?

Twenty days ago, you lost quite a bit of money, didn't you?

Aleshores, clar, això ja comença a ser una cosa

So, of course, this is starting to be something.

relativa. L'inversió en bitcoins ara va...

relative. The investment in bitcoins now goes...



O sigui, com sempre que estàs en un

So, like whenever you are in a

mercat d'alta volatilitat i d'alt risc,

high volatility and high-risk market,

una crisi a l'altra banda del món

a crisis on the other side of the world

amb un president que ningú coneix, com a mínim

with a president that no one knows, at least

nosaltres... Se te'n va tot a fer punyetes.

we... Everything is going to hell for you.

Se te'n va tot a fer punyetes perquè la majoria d'ordinadors

Everything is going to hell for you because most computers

que estan fent la mineria d'aquestes monedes

that they are mining these coins

estan utilitzant

they are using

la xarxa elèctrica

the electrical grid

d'aquest país, de Kazakhstan, aleshores.

from this country, Kazakhstan, then.

Tinc dos minuts. Deixa'm fer una última pregunta,

I have two minutes. Let me ask one last question,

perquè és que això m'ho va ensenyar Gerard Piquet.

because Gerard Piqué taught me this.

Lo de l'NFT, això del

The NFT thing, this about the

món de l'art. Em vaig quedar...

world of art. I was left...



Em diu, mira, mira, mira, i m'ensenya, ho dic perquè

He says to me, look, look, look, and shows me, I say it because

això ha sortit. Això està a punt de canviar-ho tot, eh?

this has come out. This is about to change everything, right?

Ja ho està canviant. Que tu compres obres d'art

It is already changing. That you buy works of art.

virtuals. Sí.

virtuals. Yes.



O sigui, tu et dius, en lloc de tenir el quadre penjat a casa,

So you say, instead of having the painting hanging at home,

aquell quadre que compres i tal, o aquella litografia...

that painting you bought and so on, or that lithograph...

Sí, sí, sí. Tu compres art

Yes, yes, yes. You buy art.

i el tens en una mena...

and you have him in a kind of...

Tinc un tió, tinc un tió, he comprat un tió virtual.

I have a log, I have a log, I have bought a virtual log.

NF... Però és que a més hi ha

NF... But there's also that there is

galeries, que tu entres en aquelles galeries.

galleries, that you enter those galleries.

L'NFT, que és el

The NFT, which is the

Non-Fungible Token, és una mena

Non-Fungible Token, is a kind of

de certificat que el que fa és

certifies that what he/she does is

donar-te a tu la propietat

to give you the ownership

d'un contingut digital.

of a digital content.

Fins ara això era una cosa molt difícil de poder

Until now, this was a very difficult thing to achieve.

tenir, fins i tot de mostrar, i fins i tot hi ha molta

to have, even to show, and there is even a lot

gent que pot dir bé...

people who can say good...

Però sí que és veritat que ara hi ha una

But it is true that there is now a

manera de poder demostrar que tu ets el propietari

way to demonstrate that you are the owner

d'una imatge digital, d'un vídeo

of a digital image, of a video

digital, d'una creació

digital, of a creation

digital, d'un tuit... De l'autotune de la xarxa.

digital, of a tweet... From the autotune of the network.

Per exemple, Jordi, hi havia

For example, Jordi, there was

un gif molt famós que era un gat

a very famous gif that was a cat

que es movia així en un arc de Sant Martí

that moved like this in a rainbow

que li sortia de darrere. Aquest gif el van

that was coming out from behind. They made this gif

vendre per 600.000

sell for 600,000

dòlars. Aquest gif, eh?

Dollars. This gif, huh?

Aleshores, el concepte... Un dia

Then, the concept... One day.

en podem parlar amb més calma perquè és complex

We can talk about it more calmly because it is complex.

i és molt interessant i molt divertit, eh?

And it's very interesting and very fun, right?

NFT estan canviant no només el món de l'art

NFTs are changing not only the world of art.

i el món de l'art digital, sinó

and the world of digital art, but

també el món de les col·leccions, eh?

also the world of collections, right?

Dels cromos aquests que nosaltres col·leccionem de tota

Of the cards that we collect from all

la vida, el món de l'art, del col·leccionisme,

life, the world of art, of collecting,

d'aquests nous antiquaris

of these new antiquarians

digitals que també existiran. Per tant,

digital ones that will also exist. Therefore,

és molt interessant veure com això, a més a més,

it is very interesting to see how this, moreover,

està unit a les criptomonedes,

is connected to cryptocurrencies,

al blockchain i a Casablanca.

to the blockchain and to Casablanca.

Això que explicaven el Ganyet i el Sellas és el que es ve.

What Ganyet and Sellas were explaining is what is to come.

Exacte. Sí.

Exactly. Yes.

No sé si s'ha entès gaire, eh?

I don't know if it's been understood very well, huh?

Sí, sí, però és igual. Si no, un dia a dia

Yes, yes, but it doesn't matter. If not, a day to day.

ho anirem reconstruint amb vosaltres. Tampoc entenem

we will be rebuilding it with you. We do not understand either.

nosaltres, eh?

us, huh?

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