8. 'Les veritats d'en Pinotxo'


Contes desexplicats

8. 'Les veritats d'en Pinotxo'

Contes desexplicats

Ara comença Les veritats d'en Pinotxo.

Now begins The Truths of Pinocchio.

És un conte desexplicat de Vivim del Cuento

It is a tale untold from Vivim del Cuento.

basat en la col·lecció de llibres de l'editorial Baula.

based on the collection of books from the Baula publishing house.

Diuen que una vegada un fuster que es deia Gepetto

They say that once there was a carpenter named Gepetto.

va tallar un titella de fuster i li va posar de nom Pinotxo.

He carved a wooden puppet and named it Pinocchio.

Com bé sabeu, una fada li va donar vida

As you well know, a fairy gave her life.

perquè pogués viure com si fos un nen de veritat,

so that he could live as if he were a real child,

tot i que seguia sent de fusta.

although it was still made of wood.

I ja coneixeu la història.

And you already know the story.

Cada vegada que en Pinotxo deia una mentida,

Every time Pinocchio told a lie,

el nas li creixia.

his nose was growing.

Al final, després de moltes aventures,

In the end, after many adventures,

va aprendre que el més important era dir la veritat.

He learned that the most important thing was to tell the truth.

Per això, la fada va decidir convertir-lo definitivament

That's why the fairy decided to transform him permanently.

en un nen de carn i ossos.

in a child of flesh and bone.

I a partir d'aquell dia,

And from that day on,

aquell titella va poder fer la vida

that puppet was able to make a life

que feien tots els nens i nenes de la contrada.

what all the boys and girls of the region were doing.

En Gepetto i en Pinotxo caudien de la vida,

In Gepetto and Pinocchio they lacked life,

l'un fent titelles i l'altre anant a escola.

one making puppets and the other going to school.

Un dia en Gepetto li va dir molt content...

One day Gepetto said to him very happily...

Mira, Pinotxo, quin titella que he creat!

Look, Pinocchio, what a puppet I have created!

Crec que és dels més bonics que he fet darrerament!

I think it's one of the most beautiful things I've made lately!

N'estic molt orgullós, què et sembla?

I'm very proud of it, what do you think?

Pare, aquest titella és el més lleig que has fet.

Dad, this puppet is the ugliest one you've made.

Per ser sincer, és horrorós.

To be honest, it's horrible.

Trobo que és molt bonic.

I find it very beautiful.

És molt ensopit i, a més, té un ull tort.

He is very dull and, moreover, has a squint eye.

Però, però...

But, but...

Però si porto mesos treballant-hi!

But I've been working on it for months!

En Gepetto va sortir de l'habitació

Gepetto left the room.

tot desencantat i trist amb aquell estirabot.

all disenchanted and sad with that outburst.

Aleshores, va passar el que feia temps que no passava.

Then, what hadn't happened for a long time happened.

El nas d'en Pinotxo va créixer una miqueta.

Pinocchio's nose grew a little.

Tot i que aquest cop no havia dit cap mentida.

Although this time I hadn't told any lies.

Llavors, el gripapet, que era amic del Pinotxo

Then, the gripapet, who was a friend of Pinocchio.

des dels temps en què havia estat un titella,

since the time when he had been a puppet,

se li va acostar...

he approached him/her...

i li va dir...

and he told her...

Pinotxo, no has vist com de trist ha marxat en Gepetto?

Pinocchio, haven't you seen how sad Geppetto has left?

Vols dir que no t'has passat una mica?

Do you mean to say that you haven't gone a bit overboard?

Home, a mi m'han ensenyat que sempre haig de dir la veritat.

At home, I was taught that I always have to tell the truth.

Si no m'agrada el titella, bé, l'hi he de dir, no?

If I don't like the puppet, well, I have to tell him, right?

Ara bé, el que no entenc

Now, what I don't understand

és per què m'ha tornat a créixer el nas com quan deia mentides.

It's because my nose has grown back just like when I told lies.

Al cap de pocs dies, en Pinotxo es va trobar

A few days later, Pinocchio found himself

amb una amiga al parc que venia de la perruqueria.

with a friend at the park who had just come from the hairdresser.

Mira com han tallat els cabells, Pinotxo!

Look how they have cut the hair, Pinocchio!

La perruquera va dir que no.

The hairdresser said no.

La perruquera va dir que vaig supermoderna.

The hairdresser said I look super modern.

Doncs a mi em sembla que et queda fatal.

Well, it seems to me that it looks terrible on you.

No sé com pots anar així pel món.

I don't know how you can go around the world like that.

Sembla que t'ho hagi fet el teu germà petit.

It looks like your little brother did it.



L'amiga es va quedar molt parada.

The friend was very surprised.

Se li va començar a fer un nus a la gola

She started to feel a lump in her throat.

en sentir aquell comentari.

upon hearing that comment.

Ell havia sortit de casa sentint-se molt guapa

He had left home feeling very beautiful.

i en Pinotxo l'estava fent sentir ridícula.

and in Pinotxo, I was making her feel ridiculous.

Així que va fer mitja volta i va marxar.

So he turned halfway around and left.

I llavors...

And then...

El nas d'en Pinotxo va créixer un xic més,

Pinocchio's nose grew a little more,

però només ell se'n va adonar.

but only he noticed.

Però com és possible?

But how is it possible?

És tan xinxer!

It's such a nuisance!

Un bon dia, la nova professora de música de l'escola

One fine day, the new music teacher of the school

els va fer cantar i ballar una cançó molt coneguda.

he made them sing and dance to a very well-known song.

Quan va acabar, tots els nens van aplaudir contents.

When it was over, all the children applauded happily.

Però en Pinotxo va alçar la mà i va dir davant de tothom...

But Pinocchio raised his hand and said in front of everyone...

Professora, professora, a mi no m'ha agradat gens.

Teacher, teacher, I didn't like it at all.

T'has equivocat tres vegades amb la lletra...

You have made three mistakes with the letter...

i a més has desafinat a la tornada.

And also, you went off-key on the chorus.

Vols dir que en saps gaire, de música?

Do you mean that you know a lot about music?

Apa aquí!

Here you go!

Heu sentit què ha dit en Pinotxo?

Have you heard what Pinocchio said?

Ja veuràs com li caurà un bon càstig.

You'll see how they'll get a good punishment.

Així no es parla a ningú.

That's not how you talk to anyone.

La professora va quedar atònita.

The teacher was astonished.

Se sentia ofesa i no sabia què dir.

She felt offended and didn't know what to say.

I de sobte...

And suddenly...

el nas d'en Pinotxo va tornar a créixer.

Pinocchio's nose grew again.

I aquesta vegada...

And this time...



Ara sí que tothom sap què diu.

Now everyone knows what he says.

No se n'adonava.

He/She didn't realize it.

En Pinotxo seguia desconcertat i preocupat

Pinotxo remained bewildered and worried.

perquè no entenia res.

because I didn't understand anything.

Quan va arribar a casa es va tancar a la seva habitació.

When he/she got home, he/she locked himself/herself in his/her room.

Això de dir la veritat és més complicat del que sembla.

Saying the truth is more complicated than it seems.

I mira que m'hi esforço!

And look how hard I try!

Però el meu nas no para de créixer.

But my nose won't stop growing.

El greu papet, que sempre estava atent,

The serious little paper, who was always attentive,

se li va asseure de punta del nas.

It sat on the tip of its nose.

I mirant-lo de fit a fit, li va preguntar...

And looking him in the eye, he asked him...

Pinotxo, què ha passat just abans que et creixés el nas?

Pinocchio, what happened just before your nose started growing?

No ho sé.

I don't know.

La professora de música estava cantant una cançó

The music teacher was singing a song.

i jo li he dit que s'havia equivocat i que desafinava.

And I told him that he was wrong and that he was out of tune.

Però li he dit la veritat.

But I have told him the truth.

No he dit cap mentida.

I haven't told any lies.

I com creus que s'ha sentit amb el comentari

And how do you think he/she felt about the comment?

que has fet davant de tota la classe?

What have you done in front of the whole class?

No ho sé.

I don't know.



Esclar! Ja ho tinc!

Of course! I've got it!

El nas m'està creixent

My nose is growing.

perquè no dic prou veritats.

because I don't tell enough truths.

El que cal és que m'hi esforci més

What I need to do is try harder.

i sigui totalment sincer.

and be totally honest.

Diré moltes veritats

I will speak many truths.

i així el meu nas tornarà a la seva mida.

And so my nose will return to its size.

Dit i fet,

Done and dusted,

l'endemà va sortir de casa disposat a posar-hi remei.

The next day he left home determined to find a solution.

I així va ser com va començar a dir veritats

And that's how it started to tell truths.

a tort i a dret,

rightly or wrongly,

fins i tot quan no li demanaven l'opinió.

even when they didn't ask for his opinion.

Senyora, senyora!

Madam, madam!

Deixi'm ajudar-la amb les bosses de la compra,

Let me help you with the shopping bags.

que vostè és massa vella.

that you are too old.

No ho veu que no ho pot fer sola?

Don't you see that she can't do it alone?

Ja no té edat, que és massa gran.

He is no longer of the right age, as he is too old.

Vostè hauria d'estar tot el dia

You should be all day.

tancada a casa i no traginant aquests pesos.

staying at home and not dragging these weights.

Però, però, serà d'escarat,

But, but, it will be straightforward,

insolent, desagradable.

insolent, unpleasant.

Apa, senyor!

Come on, sir!

Quin gos més petit que té!

What a tiny dog you have!

Si volia una mascota petita

If I wanted a small pet.

es podria haver complat un hamster.

A hamster could have been accomplished.

Però si el meu gosset és adorable!

But my puppy is adorable!

Com t'atreveixes?

How dare you?



aquests calamars a la romana que has cuinat

these batter-fried squid that you have cooked

són tan dolents

they are so bad

que només servirien per fer polseres

that would only serve to make bracelets

o jugar al tiraixines.

or play tag.

Bé, jo només volia...

Well, I just wanted to...

volia fer-te el teu plat preferit i...

I wanted to make you your favorite dish and...

Professor Marcel,

Professor Marcel,

és molt avorrit que ens expliqui cada dia el mateix conte.

it's very boring that he tells us the same story every day.

Que no té imaginació vostè o què?

Don't you have any imagination or what?

Cada vegada que deia una veritat d'aquestes

Every time I spoke one of those truths

el nas li creixia més i més

his nose grew longer and longer

i en Pinotxo

and in Pinocchio

ho entenia menys i menys.

I understood it less and less.

Va arribar un moment

A moment arrived.

en què el nas d'en Pinotxo

in what Pinocchio's nose

va tenir la mida d'una escombra

it was the size of a broom

i llavors

and then

va passar l'inevitable.

the inevitable happened.



Heu vist quin nas d'escombra que té en Pinotxo?

Have you seen what a broom nose Pinocchio has?

Pinotxo, nas d'escombra!

Pinocchio, broom nose!

Vigila quan t'apropis a les finestres, eh?

Be careful when you get close to the windows, okay?

Perquè pots trencar el vidre amb el nas!

Because you can break the glass with your nose!

Amb el nas que tens

With the nose you have.

podríem jugar al billar!

We could play billiards!

O fer punteria llançant-hi anelles!

Or aim by throwing rings at it!

Pinotxo, nas d'escombra!

Pinocchio, broom nose!

Trist per tot allò que li deien,

Sad for all that they told him,

en Pinotxo es va reulir sol

In Pinotxo, he gathered alone.

sota l'ombra d'un arbre

under the shade of a tree

i va començar a plorar.

and started to cry.

El greu papet,

The serious little paper,

que ja feia dies que sabia què li passava,

that he had known for days what was happening to him,

va decidir donar-li un cop de mà.

he decided to lend a hand.

Pinotxo, se't veu trist?

Pinocchio, you look sad?

És perquè no t'agrada

It's because you don't like it.

que et diguin que tens el nas molt llarg?

That they tell you that you have a very long nose?



Gens, no m'agrada que em diguin aquestes coses!

I really don't like being told these things!

Mira't al mirall, Pinotxo!

Look at yourself in the mirror, Pinocchio!

Com tens el nas?

How's your nose?

Home, doncs...

Home, then...



Molt llarg!

Very long!

Massa llarg!

Too long!

Els altres et diuen la veritat,

Others tell you the truth,

no et diuen pas mentides,

they are not telling you lies,

però no et fan sentir bé, oi?

but they don't make you feel good, do they?

En aquell moment,

At that moment,

en Pinotxo va començar a lligar caps.

In Pinotxo, he began to tie up loose ends.

Al nas li creixia

It was growing on his nose.

cada cop que deia una veritat

every time I told a truth

i que faria els sentiments d'algú.

And what would someone's feelings do?

Potser era tan important

Maybe it was so important.

dir la veritat

to tell the truth

com la manera de dir-la.

with the way of saying it.

El dia següent,

The next day,

molt més reconfortat,

much more comforted,

en Pinotxo va sortir a passejar

Pinotxo went out for a walk.

i es va aturar davant d'una pastisseria.

and he stopped in front of a pastry shop.

Amb aquell nas tan llarg que tenia

With that long nose he had

sentia molt bé l'olor de tots els pastissos.

I felt very good about the smell of all the cakes.

La pastissera, en veure'l,

The pastry chef, upon seeing him,

va sortir a trobar-lo i li va dir

he went out to meet him and said to him

Que t'agraden els pastissos, Boilet?

Do you like cakes, Boilet?

M'encanten els pastissos!

I love cakes!

Doncs vine, que et deixaré tastar

Well, come, and I will let you taste.

la meva darrera creació.

my last creation.

És una nova recepta que he inventat

It's a new recipe that I have invented.

i que estic segura que t'agradarà.

and I'm sure you will like it.

En Pinotxo va entrar cap a la pastisseria

Pinotxo entered the pastry shop.

tot decidit.

everything decided.

I va fer una bona mossegada

He took a good bite.

al tall de pastís que li havia preparat la pastissera.

to the slice of cake that the pastry chef had prepared for him.

Però llavors...

But then...



Aquest pastís no és gens bo.

This cake is not good at all.

De fet, està dolentíssim.

In fact, it's really bad.

S'ha passat amb la sal i té massa canyella.

It's overflowed with salt and has too much cinnamon.

És com menjar pinso de canari florit.

It's like eating flowering canary seed.

En Pinotxo

In Pinocchio

estava a punt de dir el que pensava

I was about to say what I thought.

a la pastissera, però llavors

to the pastry chef, but then

va recordar les paraules del Grill Pepet.

he remembered the words of the Cricket Pepet.

Els altres et diuen

The others tell you

la veritat.

the truth.

No diuen pas mentides,

They are not telling lies,

però no et fan sentir bé, oi?

but they don't make you feel good, do they?

I què, doncs? Què et sembla la meva nova creació?

And what, then? What do you think of my new creation?

Oi que és el millor pastís

Isn't it the best cake?

que has menjat mai?

What have you ever eaten?

Doncs mira, crec que és com menjar pin...

Well, look, I think it's like eating a pine...



A mi no m'ha acabat d'agradar.

I haven't quite liked it.

El trobo una mica fort,

I find it a bit strong,

però potser amb un xic menys de sal i canyella

but maybe with a little less salt and cinnamon

estaria molt millor.

it would be much better.

Potser tens raó.

Perhaps you are right.

T'agraeixo que m'hagis dit la veritat

I thank you for telling me the truth.

amb tanta mobilitat.

with so much mobility.

Potser aquí no calia tanta sal i canyella.

Maybe there didn't need to be so much salt and cinnamon here.

En aquell moment

At that moment

va passar una cosa extraordinària.

An extraordinary thing happened.

El nas d'en Pinotxo

Pinocchio's Nose

es va començar a encongir

it started to shrink

fins a tornar a la seva mida original.

until it returns to its original size.

I la pastissera va tenir

And the baker had

una bona pensada.

a good thought.

Escolta, xiquet,

Listen, kid,

com et dius?

What is your name?

Em dic Pinotxo.

My name is Pinocchio.

Si m'ajudes a la pastisseria,

If you help me in the pastry shop,

m'aniria molt bé tenir amb mi un tastador

I would really appreciate having a taster with me.

amb un nas tan expert.

with such an expert nose.

Així podries tastar les meves noves creacions

This way you could taste my new creations.

i aconsellar-me en com millorar-les.

and advise me on how to improve them.

De debò? M'encantaria!

Really? I would love to!

Des d'aquell dia,

Since that day,

en Pinotxo, feliç d'haver pres una nova lliçó,

in Pinotxo, happy to have learned a new lesson,

va seguir dient la veritat.

he continued to tell the truth.

Ara bé, sempre

Well, always.

amb respecte i amabilitat.

with respect and kindness.

Trobareu els llibres

You will find the books.

a la vostra llibreria més propera

to your nearest bookstore

i podeu seguir els Vivint del Cuento

And you can follow Vivint del Cuento.

a les seves xarxes socials.

to their social networks.

Fins demà!

See you tomorrow!

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