Capítol 8: Mireia Giró vs. Marta Bosch



Capítol 8: Mireia Giró vs. Marta Bosch


Senyores i senyors, benvinguts a l'escorxador de RAC1!

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the slaughterhouse of RAC1!

Des de la sala Cotton Club de Casino Barcelona,

From the Cotton Club room at Casino Barcelona,

amb tots vosaltres, Guillem Estadella!

with all of you, Guillem Estadella!

Bona nit i benvinguts a la segona temporada de l'escorxador!

Good night and welcome to the second season of the slaughterhouse!

He sentit un guapo! Miope!

I heard a handsome guy! Myopic!

No, què tal? Benvinguts i benvingudes a la sala Cotton Club del Casino Barcelona.

No, how are you? Welcome to the Cotton Club room at Casino Barcelona.

Estem molt contents, tornem a estar aquí, molt enèrgics, ens encanta aquest rotllo.

We are very happy, we are here again, very energetic, we love this vibe.

Com esteu, jurat? Albert Buscarons, Mònica Osar, Ernest Codina...

How are you, jury? Albert Buscarons, Mònica Osar, Ernest Codina...

Fantàstics! Gràcies!

Fantastic! Thank you!

Quin jurat més guapo que hi havia!

What a handsome jury there was!

Que hi havia on? Que hi havia per aquí.

What was there? What was there around here?

Vestits iguals que el capítol anterior, eh?

Same outfits as the previous episode, huh?

Sí, això és la màgia, perquè estem aquí gravant cinc setmanes...

Yes, this is the magic, because we are here recording for five weeks...

Això és com Gran Hermano, estem aquí clausurats al casino, ens van donant menjar...

This is like Big Brother, we are locked up here in the casino, they keep feeding us...

De tant en tant sortim a jugar a la ruleta, que està molt bé.

Every now and then we go out to play roulette, which is great.

A por el bote, oe! A por el bote, oe!

Let's go for the boat, hey! Let's go for the boat, hey!

Tira de la ruleta, de la ruleta, tira-la, tira-la!

Pull the roulette, the roulette, pull it, pull it!

Un moment!

One moment!

Un moment! Qui m'està trucant?

One moment! Who is calling me?

Perdó, eh? M'està trucant...

Sorry, huh? Someone is calling me...

És que avui tenia partit de futbol, voleu que l'agafi?

I had a football match today, do you want me to take it?

Volem ser d'aquí, no?

We want to be from here, right?



Hola, corazón!

Hello, sweetheart!


Tell me!

Tenemos un problema. El chico que ha venido, Carlos José, que es el abuelo, ¿lo conoces?

We have a problem. The boy who has come, Carlos José, who is the grandfather, do you know him?



Me acaba de decir que no puede jugar y somos seis.

He just told me that he can't play and there are six of us.


Holy crap!

Es futbol siete, ¿no?

It's seven-a-side football, right?

Es que...

It's just that...

No, es que más que nada, es que estoy ahora mismo actuando.

No, it’s just that more than anything, I am currently performing.



¿Cómo has ido? ¿Cómo has ido?

How have you been? How have you been?

Adrià, Adrià.

Adrià, Adrià.

¿Lidia Moll, Adrià Tots Junts?

Lidia Moll, Adrià All Together?

¡Hola, Adrià!

Hello, Adrià!


Of course.

Sí, lo sé, te traigo de público, coño.

Yes, I know, I'm bringing you as an audience, damn it.

Bueno, oye, ¿no podéis pillar a alguien de la calle o algo?

Well, hey, can't you pick someone off the street or something?

Dile que juegue, porfa.

Tell him to play, please.

Le tenemos a hablar, pero que dice la Mari que si no está escrito no nos deja jugar.

We have to talk to him, but Mari says that if it’s not written down, she won’t let us play.

Oye, dile a la Mari que lo haga, por favor.

Hey, tell Mari to do it, please.

Dile a la Mari que...

Tell Mari that...



jugar con seis, que sois jóvenes.

Play with six, you are young.

¿Cómo vas a jugar con seis?

How are you going to play with six?

Bueno, oye, que estoy liado de verdad. Os quiero.

Well, hey, I'm really busy. I love you all.

Sigue actuando, sigue actuando.

Keep acting, keep acting.

Adiós, adiós.

Goodbye, goodbye.

Guillem, ens llevem a les cinc del matí, la Mònica i jo.

Guillem, we get up at five in the morning, Mònica and I.

A les quatre.

At four o'clock.

Bueno, és que...

Well, it's just that...

Vale, jo us explicaré una interivitat, això ja després ho tallarem,

Okay, I will explain an interview to you, we'll edit this later.

però m'he fet de la gata d'un equip de futbol set

but I have become the cat of a football team seven

perquè jo ja estic molt gran pels veterans, del Cunit.

because I am already too old for the veterans from Cunit.

I llavors jugant els dijous, que jo dic

And then playing on Thursdays, which I say.

ja veuràs tu que bé els dijous jugar.

You'll see how nice it is to play on Thursdays.

Doncs pou, juga a l'Europa League al Barça.

Well, Pou plays in the Europa League at Barça.

Ja no podré fer esport, tio.

I won't be able to play sports anymore, man.

Al Barça estic pedint que facis esport.

At Barça, I am asking you to play sports.

Jo tinc excusa, exacte.

I have an excuse, exactly.

I llavors, clar, jo soc el de la gata i em truquen a mi.

And then, of course, I'm the one with the cat and they call me.

Ja està, podem seguir.

That's it, we can continue.

Quina xunga, la Mari, no?

What a mess, Mari, right?

La Mari és la presidenta del club del Cunit.

Mari is the president of the Cunit club.

Soc-hi 84, sóc jo, eh?

It's me, right?

25 euros a l'ent pago.

25 euros at the entrance.

Sóc accionista, gairebé.

I am a shareholder, almost.

Bueno, esteu bé, no?

Well, you are okay, right?

Anem a posar-hi un combat, no? Potser?

Let's put a fight in it, shall we? Maybe?

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Doncs escolteu-me.

Well, listen to me.

Ara tenim un combat que m'agrada molt perquè hi haurà...

Now we have a fight that I really like because there will be...

Hi haurà tensió, hi haurà jaraneta.

There will be tension, there will be a fuss.

A mi m'agrada perquè...

I like it because...

Una de les persones que sortirà avui aquí és integrant del Matina Codina.

One of the people who will be here today is a member of Matina Codina.

Vull dir que tu tens molt a veure, avui.

I mean that you have a lot to do with it today.

Només una?

Only one?

Totes dues, eh?

Both of them, huh?

Ah, clar, totes dues, és veritat.

Ah, of course, both of them, it's true.

Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.





Avui tu seràs el...

Today you will be the...

Fitxo extremadament bé.

I fit extremely well.

Sí, no com la porta.

Yes, not like the door.

Vas activar moltes palenques.

You activated many switches.

No com el pou que t'ha fitxat a tu, per exemple.

Not like the well that has hired you, for example.

Bueno, és la meva tercera temporada.

Well, it’s my third season.

Potser s'hauria adonat.

Perhaps he/she would have realized.

Si no té...

If it doesn't have...

No, potser té escrúpols.

No, perhaps he has scruples.

O té por de...

Or is afraid of...

No sé, que siguis una joguina trencada.

I don't know, that you are a broken toy.

Un moment.

One moment.

Quanta gent escolta el Matina Codina d'aquí?

How many people listen to Matina Codina from here?

Aixequeu braços, sisplau, ja us pago després alguna cosa.

Raise your arms, please, I'll pay you something later.

Molt bé, quatre persones, fantàstic.

Very good, four people, fantastic.

Mira, el teu grup familiar, eh?

Look, your family group, huh?

Que a més de vestir-se com bisbal, agafa el micro igual, eh?

That besides dressing like Bisbal, he grabs the microphone too, huh?

Mira, mira com és.

Look, look how it is.

Eh, sí.

Oh, yes.

No, però intenta buscar, és a dir, una tàctica diferent

No, but try to look for, that is to say, a different tactic.

cada vegada que vulguis.

whenever you want.

No, només et dic una cosa.

No, I'm just telling you one thing.

Perquè és que sempre et fa la mateixa pregunta.

Because it always asks you the same question.

Però és que et dic una cosa.

But I tell you one thing.

Agafes el micro, no com...

You take the mic, not like...



O sigui, una mica rollo Kiko Rivera.

So, a bit like Kiko Rivera.

Com dijockey, sóc un dijockey.

As a DJ, I am a DJ.

Per això t'ho dic.

That's why I'm telling you.

Sí, eh?

Yes, huh?

De fet ens assemblem.

In fact, we are alike.

Tenim una retirada.

We have a withdrawal.

Sí, ell està més prim.

Yes, he is slimmer.

Vinga, va, anem a pel primer...

Come on, let's go for the first one...

És broma, és broma, és broma.

It's a joke, it's a joke, it's a joke.

Anem a pel...

Let's go for the...

Quin faltón, tio.

What a bad word, dude.

Tio, que m'ha tacat delante el xef.

Dude, he stained me in front of the chef.

Ja m'ho sé.

I already know it.

Va, anem a pel primer cop plat.

Come on, let's go for the first round.

Si us plau, rebem un fort aplaudiment

Please, give us a big round of applause.

a la Marta Bosch, la broma del Matina Codina.

to Marta Bosch, the joke of Matina Codina.

Per favor, fortíssim aplaudiment, Marta Bosch!

Please, a huge round of applause for Marta Bosch!



Què tal?

How are you?

Com estàs?

How are you?

I fort aplaudiment per una de les persones

A big round of applause for one of the people.

que més surt a la tele, a la ràdio,

what else comes out on TV, on the radio,

i a part, bueno, és germana del Marc Giró.

And besides, well, she is the sister of Marc Giró.

Mireia Giró, per favor!

Mireia Giró, please!

Bueno, esteu preparades?

Well, are you ready?

Sí, clar.

Yes, of course.



No? Vale.

No? Okay.

Se'n sent bé?

Do you feel good?

Ens sentiu bé?

Can you hear us well?

Sí? Vale.

Yes? Okay.

Doncs recordeu que és aquest requadre.

So remember that it is this box.

Ai, el requadre.

Oh, the square.

El requadre.

The square.

És veritat.

It's true.

Ningú m'ha dit res, eh?

No one has told me anything, right?

És aquest requadre aquí.

It's this box here.

Com? Què vols dir aquest requadre?

How? What do you mean by this box?

Les dues juntes.

The two together.

D'aquest quadre no pot sortir.

He cannot leave this painting.

No, tu aquest d'aquí.

No, you this one here.

Tu allà.

You there.

Tu aquest d'aquí.

You this one here.

Sóc això, després ho tallem.

I am this, then we'll cut it.

Ah, vale.

Ah, okay.







Doncs va, 3, 2, 1, cruci!

So go ahead, 3, 2, 1, cruci!

Bueno, Mireia, batalla difícil, eh?

Well, Mireia, tough battle, huh?

A mi em costarà molt fer-se aquesta batalla

It will be very hard for me to face this battle.

perquè jo admiro, o sigui, admiro i respecto infinit,

because I admire, I mean, I admire and infinitely respect,

en serio, a Mireia, i em costarà moltíssim.

Seriously, Mireia, it will be very difficult for me.

No m'estranya, no m'estranya.

I’m not surprised, I’m not surprised.

Sí, sí, o sigui, no només per això.

Yes, yes, I mean, not just for that.

No només per això, perquè jo crec que tota l'estona

Not only because of that, because I believe that all the time

estaré tenint la sensació que m'estic mirant al mirall,

I will have the feeling that I am looking at myself in the mirror,

però com una versió...

but as a version...

meva dintre de 50 anys, saps?

Myself in 50 years, you know?

Home, perdona, bonica.

Home, I'm sorry, beautiful.

Però ja voldries estar com jo, a la meva edat?

But would you really want to be like me at my age?

Però clar, dormint una mitjana de 4 hores al dia,

But of course, sleeping an average of 4 hours a day,

com estàs fent, és que no crec que arribis ni als 40.

How you are doing, I don't think you'll even reach 40.

De fet, està comprovat científicament

In fact, it is scientifically proven.

que una temporada del matí a la codina

that a season from morning to dusk

són com 7 anys d'una persona normal.

they are like 7 years of a normal person.

Això és cert.

This is true.

Llavors bé,

So well,

si tu estàs...

if you are...

Si tu estàs...

If you are...

Si tu estàs disposada a fer aquest sacrifici

If you are willing to make this sacrifice

per un programa que no és líder

for a program that is not a leader

de la seva franja,

from its range,

tu mateixa.






Ernest, estic...

Ernest, I am...

Impugno la batalla en aquests moments.

I challenge the battle at this moment.

Tu calla!

You shut up!

Impugno la batalla.

I challenge the battle.

Està bé entre el Guillemi i vosaltres.

He is fine between Guillemi and you.

Això, a veure,

This, let's see,

això comença molt fort, eh, Mireia?

This starts off really strong, huh, Mireia?

Però a mi m'agradaria, abans de començar,

But I would like, before we begin,

m'agradaria dir que si la Mireia i jo estem aquí,

I would like to say that if Mireia and I are here,

ara mateix,

right now,

és perquè ningú ha volgut enfrontar-se a nosaltres.

It's because no one has wanted to confront us.



Que és com, què us passa, eh?

What is it like, what's happening to you, huh?

Tenen por?

Are you afraid?



Jo crec que sé què passa.

I believe I know what is happening.

Què passa, Mireia?

What's happening, Mireia?

Que us encanta veure dues feministes barallant-se,

That you love seeing two feminists fighting.

estirant-se els cabells en un escenari,

pulling their hair on a stage,

passant-se pel forro la sororitat.

ignoring sisterhood.

Això us posa molt cachondos, per això.

This makes you very horny, that's why.

És per això.

That's why.

I també possiblement perquè fem una mica de por,

And also possibly because we are a little intimidating,

perquè si ens posem aquí així una mica de costat...

because if we stand here a bit sideways...

Vine, vine.

Come, come.

Així recte.

So straight.

Però el quadre, no sé, el quadre.

But the painting, I don't know, the painting.

El quadre, que l'hi fotin.

The painting, let them do what they want with it.

Així, la mà.

Thus, the hand.

La mateixa alçada, la veu aquesta, així, melosa.

The same height, this voice, like this, honeyed.

Si ens la fem una miqueta de la mà,

If we make it a little by hand,

som una miqueta les bessones del resplendor.

we are a little bit the twins of the glow.

Ven, hacia la luz.

Come, towards the light.

Hacia la luz, no, no?

Towards the light, no, right?

Era forever and ever.

It was forever and ever.

Això, forever and ever.

This, forever and ever.

Red room.

Red room.

No, sí, jo crec que, en sèrio,

No, yes, I believe that, seriously,

jo crec que fem una mica de por.

I think we are a little scary.

Podríem ser les bessones del resplendor

We could be the twins of the glow.

o les candidates al Premi Barrufeta de l'any.

or the candidates for the Smurf of the Year Award.



I no ho dic perquè siguem baixetes,

And I'm not saying this because we are short,

ho dic perquè jo crec que entre la Mireia i jo

I say this because I believe that between Mireia and me

fem la quota de presentadores de RAC1.

we meet the presenter quota of RAC1.



I és com, Marta, has fet malament les mates.

And it's like, Marta, you messed up the math.

No, no he fet malament les mates,

No, I haven't done the math wrong.

perquè la Mireia i jo som menudes

because Mireia and I are small

i entre ella i jo fem una.

And between her and me, we make one.

Per tant, fem la quota de presentadores de RAC1,

Therefore, we made the quota of presenters of RAC1,

que és una, ara mateix.

What is one, right now.

Jo crec que hauríem de canviar d'eslogan,

I think we should change the slogan,

hauríem de dir totes som una.

we should say we are all one.

Això crec que acaba una mica més d'arrollar.

I think this ends a little more of a roll.

Però deixem de parlar de nosaltres, Mireia.

But let's stop talking about us, Mireia.

Què som?

What are we?

Sí, per què?

Yes, why?

Què som, homes?

What are we, men?

Deixem de parlar de nosaltres tota l'estona.

Let's stop talking about ourselves all the time.

A veure, parlem de tu.

Let's see, let's talk about you.

Sí, parlem de tu, comparant-te amb mi, per exemple.

Yes, we are talking about you, comparing yourself with me, for example.

Per exemple.

For example.

Jo canto molt bé.

I sing very well.

Després us ho demostro, si voleu, en privat.

Later I will show it to you, if you want, in private.

Ja sé a veure on va això.

I can see where this is going.

I, en canvi, doncs, em consta que la teva versió

I, on the other hand, therefore, know that your version

del despatxar del Matina Codina

from the office of Matina Codina

s'ha posat molt de moda,

it has become very fashionable,

però s'ha posat molt de moda com a mètode de tortura

but it has become very fashionable as a method of torture

a Corea del Nord.

to North Korea.

Llavors, saps allò de la psicologia positiva,

So, you know about positive psychology,

de si vols pots, tot allò?

if you want, you can, all that?

Doncs no.

Well no.

En el teu cas, no, per favor, no vulguis, no ho vulguis.

In your case, no, please, don't want it, don't want it.

Has de parar, has de parar-ho, això.

You have to stop, you have to stop this.

No podràs, no podràs mai.

You won't be able to, you will never be able to.

Em sap greu, em sap greu.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

Jo també m'he fixat molt en el que fas al Matina Codina.

I have also noticed a lot about what you do at Matina Codina.

I, de fet, tenia un dubte, et volia preguntar, Mireia.

I, in fact, had a doubt, I wanted to ask you, Mireia.

A part dels teus seminòvios i el teu fill,

Apart from your semi-novios and your son,

domines algun tema?

Do you master any topic?

Ho dic perquè...

I'm saying it because...

Espera, que penso.

Wait, I'm thinking.

No, es veu que...

No, it seems that...

M'han comentat que els pediatres ara han posat nom,

I've been told that pediatricians have now named it,

o sigui, el teu nom, concretament, a una malaltia.

that is to say, your name, specifically, to a disease.

Es diu la síndrome Mireia Giró,

It is called the Mireia Giró syndrome.

són nens que neixen amb cara de secció.

They are children who are born with a sectioned face.

Bàsicament, és això.

Basically, it's that.



Home, té la careta moníssima.

Dude, your mask is super cute.

De secció, però moníssima.

Of section, but very cute.

Això sí.

That’s true.

No, no, doncs no, és molt millor, tens tota la raó,

No, no, well no, it’s much better, you are absolutely right.

és molt millor la teva secció, aquesta que fas de doctora convivència.

Your section, the one you do on coexistence as a doctor, is much better.

Tu, donant consells de convivència,

You, giving coexistence advice,

una persona que, en nou anys,

a person who, in nine years,

s'ha canviat de pis nou vegades.

They have moved to a new apartment nine times.

És veritat.

It is true.

És una mica com si Harvey Weinstein fes una secció a RAC1 sobre consentiment, no?

It's a bit like if Harvey Weinstein had a segment on RAC1 about consent, right?

És que, Mireia, és que no em vull ficar amb tu, en sèrio.

It's just that, Mireia, I really don't want to get involved with you, seriously.

És que m'està costant molt, en sèrio.

It's really difficult for me, seriously.

És que la Mireia és...

It's just that Mireia is...

És que t'admiro moltíssim perquè la Mireia, aquí on la veieu,

It's just that I admire you very much because Mireia, here as you see her,

és mare soltera i és treballadora.

She is a single mother and she is a worker.

O sigui, un aplaudiment, poder.

So, a round of applause, maybe.

Un aplaudiment.

A round of applause.

Mare treballadora.

Working mother.

Mare soltera, treballadora.

Single mother, worker.

No sé si ho sabíeu, la Mireia treballa com a directora d'exteriors de l'APM.

I don't know if you knew it, Mireia works as the director of external affairs for APM.

Això és una cosa que no sabíeu.

This is something you didn't know.

I a mi em fa...

And it makes me...

O sigui, em sembla molt curiós perquè tu vas estudiar a la Pompeu

So, I find it very curious because you studied at Pompeu.

per ser directora de cinema.

to be a film director.

De cinema, sí.

Of cinema, yes.

O sigui, deixa'm que ho entengui.

So, let me understand it.

O sigui, tu vas començar a la Uni pensant que dirigiries a Brad Pitt

So, you started at university thinking you would direct Brad Pitt.

i has acabat dirigint l'Homo APM, no?

You have finished directing Homo APM, haven't you?

És com...

It's like...



Frena, Carla Simón, no?

Slow down, Carla Simón, right?

No, mira.

No, look.



Espera que vaig a recollir el meu cor aquí.

Wait, I'm going to pick up my heart here.

No, a veure, jo també t'admiro molt, a tu.

No, let's see, I admire you a lot as well.


Thank you.

Sí, he seguit tota la teva carrera.

Yes, I have followed your entire career.

És una cosa ràpida.

It's a quick thing.

És una cosa ràpida de fer.

It's a quick thing to do.

S'acaba ràpid.

It ends quickly.

No, però en quatre anys de fer stand-up comedy,

No, but in four years of doing stand-up comedy,

bueno, stand-up comedy,

well, stand-up comedy,

per dir-ho...

to put it...

Per dir-ho una cosa, no?

To put it that way, right?

Per descriure d'alguna manera això que fas.

To describe in some way what you do.

Doncs només una vegada has trepitjat a TV3,

Well, you've only stepped foot in TV3 once.

a algun plató de TV3,

at some set of TV3,

i va ser el fax a les dues de la matinada

It was the fax at two in the morning.

i sense cobrar.

and without charging.

O sigui, que portava un cartell de

That is to say, I was carrying a sign of

estic desesperada per sortir a la tele, sisplau,

I'm desperate to get on TV, please.

una necessitat de sortir brutal,

a brutal need to get out,

però no passa res,

but it's okay,

tu tranquil·la.

you be calm.

Vull dir,

I mean,

et van veure quatre persones,

four people saw you,

jo crec,

I believe,

i una d'elles era un pajillero que s'havia equivocat de canal.

and one of them was a masturbator who had changed to the wrong channel.

Però jo avui he vist,

But today I have seen,

el monòleg aquest.

this monologue.

Jo he vist el teu monòleg avui.

I have seen your monologue today.

Mira que bé.

Look how good.

O sigui, un aplaudiment,

So, a round of applause,

perquè ha pujat una visualització.

because a view has increased.

A veure, vídeo.

Let's see, video.

L'objectiu és que a final de setmana

The goal is that by the end of the week.

ho hagin vist deu persones, sisplau,

ten people have seen it, please,

que algú ho posi.

let someone put it.

Feu like.

Like it.

Bueno, està clar que va anar el fax pels canapés,

Well, it's clear that the fax went for the canapés.

perquè per riure no era.

because it wasn't for laughing.

Però almenys, gràcies al públic del fax,

But at least, thanks to the fax audience,

vas descobrir la teva vocació,

you discovered your vocation,

la teva vocació secreta,

your secret vocation,

que és animadora de residència d'avis.

that she is a retirement home activities coordinator.

Sí, i gràcies a això.

Yes, and thanks to that.

He après molt també sobre l'hipotímies, per exemple,

I have learned a lot about hypotheticals as well, for example,

perquè ara t'estava mirant,

because I was looking at you now,

et veig molt blanca.

I see you very pale.

Estàs bé?

Are you okay?

Estaria millor prenent-me un mojito,

I would be better off having a mojito,

però estic bastant bé.

but I'm doing quite well.

Estava molt blanca,

She was very pale,

però després he pensat,

but then I thought,

és normal que la Mireia estigui tan blanca,

it's normal for Mireia to be so pale,

vull dir,

I mean,

és d'estar a l'ombra del seu germà.

It's about being in the shadow of his brother.



No ho sé.

I don't know.

No sé, Mireia, és que, vull dir,

I don't know, Mireia, it's just that, I mean,

no només ets la Giró amb menys fama,

not only are you the least famous Giró,

sinó que ets la Giró que menys em fa riure.

but you are the Giró that makes me laugh the least.

O sigui, del rànquing de Girós,

So, from Girós' ranking,

que més riure em fan,

they make me laugh even more,

ella està en quarta posició,

she is in fourth place,

en tercer està el teu germà, òbviament,

your brother is in third, obviously,

i en segon estaria Jaume Giró, l'exconseller,

And in second place would be Jaume Giró, the former councilor,

i en primer lloc estaria Gingiró,

and in the first place would be Gingiró,

que és el que més riure em fa.

that is what makes me laugh the most.

Més riure em fa.

It makes me laugh more.

I et diré una cosa, Mireia, em sap greu.

I will tell you something, Mireia, I'm sorry.

Em sap greu.

I'm sorry.

Però és que ni en vuit Gingirós,

But not even in eight Gingirós,

ni en vuit Gingirós

not even in eight Gingirós

arribaràs a fer-me mai tan riure

you will ever make me laugh so much

com Jaume Giró.

like Jaume Giró.

Em sap greu.

I'm sorry.

Què haig de dir?

What should I say?

O sigui, el meu germà em fa ombra,

In other words, my brother overshadows me.

és veritat.

It's true.

Fa molta ombra.

It casts a lot of shade.

Ningú sap qui soc.

Nobody knows who I am.

El meu DNI posa la germana de Marc Giró.

My ID says Marc Giró's sister.

Però, clar, també convindreu amb mi

But, of course, you will also agree with me.

que és molt difícil destacar

that it is very difficult to stand out

el costat de Marc Giró.

the side of Marc Giró.

De fet, aquí,

In fact, here,

en aquesta sala, no hi ha ningú

in this room, there is nobody

que se n'hagi sortit mai,

that it has ever succeeded,

per moltes estrelletes de la ràdio que hi hagi.

for as many little stars on the radio as there are.

Vull dir, és impossible.

I mean, it's impossible.

Llavors, jo, clar, tinc una excusa, no?

So, I, of course, have an excuse, right?

Almenys tinc aquesta excusa.

At least I have this excuse.

Però tu, Marta,

But you, Marta,



quina excusa tens per ser una desconeguda

What excuse do you have for being a stranger?




Do you know?

Està bé, està bé.

It's okay, it's okay.

Es pot tirar el micro, no?

Can you throw the mic away, right?

No, ja està.

No, that's it.

Jo crec que amb això,

I believe that with that,

jo no tinc cap excusa.

I have no excuse.

Però saps què passa, Mireia?

But do you know what happens, Mireia?

Que a mi no m'obsessiona gens la fama.

I'm not obsessed with fame at all.

Perquè és mala amant, eh?

Because she is a bad lover, huh?

No sé si ho sabíeu.

I don't know if you knew it.

Ja ho diuen.

They say it already.

No, jo entenc que a tu t'obsessioni la fama,

No, I understand that you are obsessed with fame,

perquè posats a escollir entre fama i talent,

because when it comes to choosing between fame and talent,

jo entenc que hagis apostat

I understand that you have bet.

per l'únic que pots aconseguir.

for the only thing you can achieve.

Molt aplaudiment!

Lots of applause!

Fortíssim aplaudiment, clar que sí!

Very loud applause, of course!

No, no, sisplau, poseu-m'ho aquí, mira.

No, no, please, put it here, look.

Posa't aquí, Mireia, sisplau.

Sit here, Mireia, please.

No, no, jo estic...

No, no, I'm...

Estic tens, eh?

I'm tense, huh?

Mare meva!

My goodness!

M'ho he passat malament, eh, realment.

I’ve had a hard time, you know, really.

No, no.

No, no.

Perquè m'ho estava creient.

Because I was believing it.

No sé quina quota de veritat hi ha en tot això, però...

I don't know what percentage of truth there is in all of this, but...

L'abraçada ha sigut falsa.

The hug has been false.



Dona la volta a Mireia.

Turn around, Mireia.

Ara veureu aquí la del punyal, que l'hi he gravat.

Now you will see here the one with the dagger, which I have engraved.



No, però escolta'm, jo vull comentar, perquè quin cop baix això de que el Matina Codina

No, but listen to me, I want to comment, because what a low blow this is about Matina Codina.

no és un programa líder a la seva franja, què et sembla?

It's not a leading program in its timeslot, what do you think?

Bueno, és que veus que anava de motina i he apuntat aquí.

Well, you see, I was going for a walk and I wrote it down here.

No, però a veure un moment.

No, but let's see for a moment.

Tenia apuntat aquí.

I had it noted down here.

Mira, que no era contra tu, eh?

Look, it wasn't against you, okay?

I t'has quedat aquí.

And you've stayed here.

No, però hem dit que treballes a l'APM.

No, but we said that you work at APM.



Que és un programa que quan va?

What is a program that when it goes?

Dimecres a la nit?

Wednesday night?

Diumenge al migdia?

Sunday at noon?

Només per internet?

Only online?

Quin tractament, eh?

What treatment, huh?

Li donen a la cadena el teu programa.

Your program is being aired on the channel.

Potser us donem sorpreses a partir del desembre.

Maybe we will give you surprises starting in December.





M'encanta perquè potser surt al gener.

I love it because it may come out in January.

Potser l'exclusiva.

Maybe the exclusive.

Sorpreses que...

Surprises that...


I would love to...

Hi haurà un més que no surt.

There will be one more that doesn't come out.

Un banner aquí baix.

A banner down here.

Mireia, podries dir-ho ara i una exclusiva tard?

Mireia, could you say it now and exclusively later?

Exclusiva tard?

Exclusive late?

Què vols dir?

What do you mean?

Vull dir que això sortirà al gener.

I mean that this will come out in January.



Ah, això sortirà al gener.

Ah, this will come out in January.

Eh, perdó.

Eh, sorry.

Vull dir, pots donar l'exclusiva i donem una exclusiva tard?

I mean, can you give the exclusive and we give an exclusive later?

Ah, val.

Oh, okay.

Sí, l'exclusiva és que el mes passat vam anar els dijous.

Yes, the exclusive thing is that last month we went on Thursdays.

Eh, molt bé.

Oh, very good.



Els dijous després de Polònia.

Thursdays after Polònia.



Com això canvi...

With this change...

Vull dir, com...

I mean, how...

No, no.

No, no.

No aneu.

Don't go.

Pots canviar.

You can change.

És una exclusiva falsa.

It's a false exclusive.





Doncs qui comença, jurat?

So who starts, jury?

Sí, no, després d'això volia comentar que la Mireia no estigui tan amoïnada per ser

Yes, no, after this I wanted to mention that Mireia shouldn't be so worried about being.

la germana pringada perquè tenim molts casos, molts exemples de germans que han donat el sorpasso.

the sister who is left behind because we have many cases, many examples of siblings who have surpassed.

Jo què sé.

I don’t know.

Mònica Cruz, no?

Mònica Cruz, right?

Germana de Penelope.

Penelope's sister.



Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

La Toya Jackson.

La Toya Jackson.



Ha fet el que ha pogut.

He has done what he could.

Hugo Maradona.

Hugo Maradona.

De moment està viu, no?

For the moment, he is alive, right?

Està viu o què?

Is he alive or what?



Hòstia, m'animes molt.

Wow, you really motivate me.



Sort que he vingut aquí perquè si no la meva vida no tenia sentit.

I came here because otherwise my life had no meaning.

Ara ja la Toya Jackson és el meu objectiu.

Now Toya Jackson is my goal.

I tu vens a ficar-te en això, Marta Bosch, perquè la famosa de la teva família era la

And you come to get involved in this, Marta Bosch, because the famous one in your family was the

Lídia, eh?

Lídia, huh?

És veritat.

It is true.

És que...

It's just that...



Escolta, com d'insuportable has de ser per haver-te canviat de pis 9 cops en 9 anys.

Listen, how unbearable must you be to have changed apartments 9 times in 9 years.

Què passa?

What's happening?

Què vols que et digui?

What do you want me to say?

Vols que et digui la resposta que tothom vol escoltar?

Do you want me to tell you the answer that everyone wants to hear?

No, ja m'has donat molta tírria, ja ho he entès perfectament.

No, you've already annoyed me a lot, I understand it perfectly.

No, a banda d'això, s'ha destacat del teu currículum que et versiones d'espechar.

No, apart from that, it has been noted from your resume that you are a version of Espechar.



Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Vale, que tens una secció de problemes domèstics.

Okay, you have a section on domestic problems.



I que ets còmica de l'estènd-up.

And you are a stand-up comedian.

No sé si convindreu aquí tots...

I don't know if you all will agree here...

Algú havia vist la Marta Bosch abans actuant?

Has anyone seen Marta Bosch perform before?





Algú diu que sí, eh?

Someone says yes, huh?

Jo sempre amb els perdedors reconeguts.

I always side with the acknowledged losers.

El meu vot és per la Mireia Giró.

My vote is for Mireia Giró.



I a quin gir!

And what a twist!

Em sembla molt bé.

I think it's very good.

Molt bé.

Very good.


Thank you.

Qui va?

Who goes?

Mònica Arnés.

Mònica Arnés.

Mònica Arnés, guanyo.

Mònica Arnés, I win.

Vas tu, Arnés.

You go, Arnés.



Vale, us estimo, noies.

Okay, I love you, girls.

Ho feu de puta mare, això, de veritat, eh?

You do this fucking great, really, huh?

Va, calla.

Come on, shut up.

Aquesta nit serà difícil que us pugui superar.

Tonight will be difficult for me to surpass you.

Us estimo molt a totes dues, us ho sabeu, us ho he dit 50.000 vegades.

I love you both very much, you know it, I've told you 50,000 times.



Bastant fan del joc de paraules, del Gin Giró, el Giró i el Jaume Giró, i això m'ha fet

Quite a fan of the play on words, the Gin Giró, the Giró and Jaume Giró, and that has made me

gràcia, no sé, després també.

thanks, I don't know, maybe later.




Thank you.

Ha escoltat.

He/She has listened.

Després, no, m'ha agradat molt perquè, o sigui, al final heu anat una mica com de victimisme

Afterwards, no, I liked it a lot because, I mean, in the end you kind of went a bit for victimhood.

de l'anonimat, que no ens coneix ningú, no sé què, però així ara un leit a TV3 el presenta

from anonymity, that no one knows us, I don’t know what, but now a leader on TV3 presents it

qualsevol pringat, o sigui que us podeu fer famosos en quatre dies, no?

any loser, so you can become famous in four days, right?

Estic fart dels acudits de l'edatisme, o sigui, la Giró, o sigui, tant de bo d'aquí 50 anys

I'm fed up with ageist jokes, I mean, Giró, I mean, hopefully in 50 years.

estiguis com Mireia Giró, ha estat un espectacle, això.

be like Mireia Giró, it has been a show, this.

50 anys tampoc els tinc, eh?

I don't have 50 years either, you know?

I després, no, és com dos acudits que no he entès, no?, tu posant-te amb l'edat de la

And then, no, it's like two jokes that I haven't understood, right? You commenting on the age of the...

Mireia Giró i després tu posant-te amb el Matina Codina, que no és líder de l'edat,

Mireia Giró and then you getting with Matina Codina, who is not the age leader.

tu posant-te amb la Sima Franja com si tu no col·laboressis al Matina Codina,

you putting yourself with the Sima Franja as if you weren't collaborating with Matina Codina,

llançant-te en merda a la teva pròpia taulada.

throwing yourself into shit on your own roof.

Sí, però jo no dormo més, no dormo més.

Yes, but I don't sleep anymore, I don't sleep anymore.

Bueno, en fi, res més, que sou fantàstiques i ja està.

Well, anyway, nothing more, you are fantastic and that’s it.

Saps que ara toca votar, no? Has de llegir el vot que t'han apuntat.

You know it's time to vote now, right? You need to read the ballot they have noted for you.

Aquesta segona temporada m'he apuntat coses, la temporada passada...

In this second season, I've noted down things, from last season...

No, no, jo t'ho he dit.

No, no, I told you.

Era escoltant...

I was listening...

Una abraçada d'Ernest, tothom, vinga, una abraçada d'Ernest, sisplau.

A hug from Ernest, everyone, come on, a hug from Ernest, please.

Va, que sí, que si no li donen un insult aquest senyor.

Come on, yes, if they don't give this man an insult.

No, per mi és un empat tècnic.

No, for me it's a technical draw.

Heu estat meravelloses, però com que l'he de veure cada dia,

You have been wonderful, but since I have to see her every day,

voto la Marta.

I vote for Marta.

Ben fet.

Well done.

Ja està. Bon aplaudiment!

That's it. A good round of applause!

Que si Marta vol, un a un!

If Marta wants, one by one!

Dona molt pel sac, eh?

It's quite a lot for the bag, huh?

Quina merda d'excusa, Ernest.

What a shitty excuse, Ernest.

Quina merda...

What a shit...

Era millor votar-me a mi.

It was better to vote for me.

Per dir això, era millor votar-me a mi.

To say this, it would have been better to vote for me.

Bueno, no, ja sé qui és el jurat, vosaltres o jo?

Well, no, I already know who the jury is, you or me?

No, decideix la tercera dona.

No, the third woman decides.

Va, em toca a mi decidir.

Okay, it's my turn to decide.

Mòrica, us en trobeu.

Mòrica, we miss you.

Quina pressió.

What pressure.

És una pressió, això.

It's a pressure, this.

Una pressió atmosfèrica.

An atmospheric pressure.



A veure, he fet un càlcul amb això que dèieu dels anys

Let's see, I have made a calculation with what you were saying about the years.

i de llevar-se d'hora i l'edat,

and to get up early and the age,

i si voleu saber com és una persona de 84 anys,

and if you want to know what a 84-year-old person is like,

sóc jo, que porto 12 anys llevant-me aquesta hora.

It's me, who has been getting up at this time for 12 years.

Estàs estupenda.

You look great.

S'ha fet gràcia a si mateixa, que cuqui.

She has made herself laugh, how cute.

És que ells que ningú reia pot ser que era bona.

It's just that they who nobody laughed at might have been good.

S'ha fet gràcia a si mateixa.

She has amused herself.

Molt bé.

Very well.

Jo sé per què la Marta ha canviat tants cops de pis.

I know why Marta has changed apartments so many times.

Perquè roba.

Because clothing.

Roba les coses de la gent.

Steal people's things.

Però no ho creus, això?

But you don't believe it, do you?

El Quim va robar una tassa.

Quim stole a cup.

No ho sé, i tant!

I don't know, of course!

No és veritat.

It is not true.

Te la vaig deixar neta i...

I left it clean for you and...

No sabia que era teva.

I didn't know it was yours.

Si no sé que és teva, no és robatori.

If I don't know it's yours, it's not theft.

Un dia l'haig de veure tan tranquil·lament allà prenent un cafè

One day I have to see him so calmly there having a coffee.

i dic, doncs aquesta tassa és meva.

I say, so this cup is mine.

I jo, que bo està aquest cafè.

And I, how good this coffee is.

Però us haig de dir que, amb tot plegat,

But I have to tell you that, with all of this,

jo m'he sentit, jo crec que les dues ho heu petat,

I feel that both of you have done great.

però m'he sentit molt còmplice amb la Mireia,

but I have felt very complicit with Mireia,

sobretot amb el tema de ser mare.

especially regarding the topic of being a mother.

Perquè ser capaç de ser mare, triomfar laboralment,

Because being able to be a mother and succeed professionally,

ser capaç d'estar aquí, avui, on has deixat el nen,

to be able to be here, today, where you have left the child,

jo penso, un dia com avui...

I think, a day like today...

Ai, no me'n recordo!

Oh, I don't remember!

Bueno, jo et volia donar el meu vot.

Well, I wanted to give you my vote.

Amb els seus avis.

With his/her grandparents.

Ah, d'acord, és una bona opció.

Ah, okay, it's a good option.

Doncs el meu vot per la Mireia.

So my vote is for Mireia.

Fora Rodríguez, per Mireia Giró, guanyadora d'aquest combat!

Out Rodríguez, by Mireia Giró, winner of this fight!

Fora Rodríguez!

Out with Rodríguez!

Fora Rodríguez, Marta Bosch, Mireia Giró, Ernest Codina,

Outside Rodríguez, Marta Bosch, Mireia Giró, Ernest Codina,

Mònica Usana, el Ben Buscarons, moltes gràcies!

Mònica Usana, the Well-Searchers, thank you very much!

Tornem al següent capítol!

Let's return to the next chapter!

Bona nit a tothom!

Good night everyone!

Bona nit!

Good night!

Adaptatiu del format Lluís Magallanes

Adaptive format Lluís Magallanes

Marta Bosch i Albert Bermudet

Marta Bosch and Albert Bermudet

Isabel Vinaixa i Arnau Molet

Isabel Vinaixa and Arnau Molet

Disseny de so Salva Coromina

Sound design Salva Coromina

Tècnics deixers Jordi Calafell i Enric Soto

Technicians Jordi Calafell and Enric Soto

Veu inicial i de crèdits Joan Torres

Initial voice and credits Joan Torres

Realització i càmeres Joan Sorinyac, Pau Riva i Gerard Torres

Production and cameras Joan Sorinyac, Pau Riva, and Gerard Torres.

Xarxes Socials Arnau Molet

Social Networks Arnau Molet

Imatge Gràfica Toni de D lion

Graphic Image Toni of D lion


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