La cançó de l'estiu, amb Guille Milkyway


El món a RAC1 - Música

La cançó de l'estiu, amb Guille Milkyway

El món a RAC1 - Música

Hola, Guille. Hola, bon dia, què tal?

Hello, Guille. Hello, good morning, how are you?

Bon dia. Bé, bé, bé.

Good morning. Well, well, well.

Sí, permeteu.

Yes, please.

Bé, el mestre Cuní sempre, no? Bon dia, bon dia.

Well, Master Cuní always, right? Good morning, good morning.

Bon dia, bon hora. Bon dia, bon hora.

Good morning, good time. Good morning, good time.

Escolta'm. Cançó de l'estiu, no? Teniu avui...

Listen to me. Summer song, right? Do you have today...

Sí, tenim...

Yes, we have...

El Cuní dirà una altra cosa, el Cuní, ara.

The Cuní will say something else, the Cuní, now.

Què dirà? Ah.

What will he say? Ah.

Ah, sí, buenos días y buenas horas.

Ah, yes, good morning and good hours.

Parlem de la cançó de l'estiu.

Let's talk about the summer song.

A les 8 del matí hem obert una votació al Twitter

At 8 in the morning, we opened a vote on Twitter.

amb tres candidates. La primera és aquesta d'Isabela Ayun.

with three candidates. The first is this one, Isabela Ayun.

La segona és la de la Carol G.

The second is by Carol G.

I es diu Si antes te hubiera conocido.

And it's called If I Had Known You Before.

I la tercera és dels Figaflauers, que es diu La Marina està morena.

And the third is by the Figaflauers, titled La Marina is Tanned.

No, al Twitter encara podeu votar, eh?

No, you can still vote on Twitter, right?

Ja freguem els 2.000 vots

We are already scraping 2,000 votes.

i continuo encapçalant clarament

I continue to lead clearly.

aquesta cançó dels Figaflauers,

this song by Figaflauers,

l'opinió dels oients.

the opinion of the listeners.

Teniu uns minuts més fins que

You have a few more minutes until

tanquem les votacions. Tu, què?

we close the voting. You, what?

Porti que la meva dona i la meva filla m'han matxacat

Take me because my wife and my daughter have worn me out.

amb Carol G tot l'estiu.

with Carol G all summer.

A mi també, eh? A un nivell...

Me too, huh? On some level...

Jo m'he automatxacat amb Carol G.

I have automated with Carol G.

És el que et deia. Aquí diria que el vostè ha matxacat

It's what I was telling you. Here I would say that you have crushed it.

el seu entorn. Jo també.

his/her surroundings. Me too.

Però a un nivell extrem, eh?

But at an extreme level, huh?



És molt bonica, és molt bonica.

She is very beautiful, she is very beautiful.

És la bitxota.

She is the queen.

Sí que sí. No hi ha trick marriage, eh?

Yes, indeed. There's no trick marriage, right?

Però vull dir que ha sigut ja...

But I mean that it has already been...

Ja hem acabat les votacions, ja no es pot votar, ja.

We have finished the voting, you can no longer vote, that's it.

Ja em diuen que ja no es pot votar.

They are already telling me that you can no longer vote.

Però després ara direm qui ha guanyat.

But now we will say who has won.

Home, no hi ha sorpresa.

Man, there is no surprise.

Sí, però bueno, sí. Això.

Yes, but well, yes. That.

Aviam, Guillem.

Let's see, Guillem.

No, jo estic d'acord...

No, I agree...

Tu has dit Carol G.

You said Carol G.

No, home, a veure, perquè són les...

No, come on, let's see, because it's...

O sigui, efectivament, vull dir, no havíem parlat,

So, indeed, I mean, we hadn't talked.

però no hi havia cap dubte abans de l'enquesta

but there was no doubt before the survey

i abans de qualsevol altra cosa.

And before anything else.

Però la de Carol G és cert que té

But Carol G really does have it.

aquella cosa de la cançó d'estiu atemporal

that thing about the timeless summer song

que per mi ha de ser transversal, també,

that for me must also be transversal,

generacionalment, ha de ser fàcil

Generationally, it should be easy.

per cantar, però també ha d'agradar

to sing, but it must also be enjoyable

a la teva àvia, a nosaltres com a senyors

to your grandmother, to us as lords

cinquentons que som,

fifties that we are,

i també ha d'agradar, diguem-ne, al jovent,

and it must also appeal, shall we say, to the youth,

que no li faci vergonya que surti la seva mare ballant,

that it shouldn't be embarrassing for him that his mother is dancing,

o que li faci, vull dir, ha de passar tot això.

Or whatever happens, I mean, all of this has to happen.



I aquesta ho té. És una cançó preciosa,

And this one has it. It's a beautiful song.

que a més a més romàntica, és extraordinària.

that besides being romantic, it is extraordinary.



Anem a fer una cosa, anem al Fugar Repàs,

Let's do something, let's go to Fugar Repàs,

de les cançons de l'estiu

of the summer songs

dels últims cinquanta anys.

of the last fifty years.



Bueno, serà fugac...

Well, it will be fleeting...

No, jo t'anava a dir que la de la...

No, I was going to tell you that the one with the...

Figaflowers té aquesta rima tan bonica,

Figaflowers has this beautiful rhyme,

que és la Marina està morena,

that is the Marina is tanned,

es pentina, es fa una trena, es desmalena,

she combs her hair, she braids it, she unbraids it,

i sembla l'aigua a una sirena.

And the water seems like a mermaid.

Aquesta cosa de...

This thing about...

de la...

of the...

I què?

And what?

De la... està morena i la sirena, ja l'havíem sentit.

From the... is tanned and the mermaid, we had already heard it.

Anem a la següent.

Let's go to the next one.

A la següent.

To the next.

A la tres.

On the count of three.

A la tres, a la tres, a la tres, a la tres.

On three, on three, on three, on three.

A la tres, a la tres, a la tres.

On the count of three, on the count of three, on the count of three.

No, a la tres, a la tres.

No, on three, on three.

A la següent, a veure...

Let's see in the next one...

És que, esclar, aquí els números no quadren.

It's just that, of course, the numbers don't add up here.

A veure...

Let's see...

A veure, a la següent...

Let's see, in the next...



Viceversa, viceversa.

Vice versa, vice versa.



I jo estic totalment a favor

And I am completely in favor.

d'aquestes rimes per la cançó d'estiu.

of these rhymes for the summer song.

Pel que dèiem, eh?

For what we said, huh?

És una cosa que ha de ser transversal.

It is something that must be cross-cutting.

Per mi, aquestes, perquè a les Figo Flowers

For me, these, because at the Figo Flowers

està construïda amb acords menors,

it is built with minor chords,

aquesta cosa una mica trista,

this slightly sad thing,

que es parla molt de les cançons alegres

There is a lot of talk about happy songs.

amb lletres tristes, sempre...

with sad letters, always...

Però no es parla massa de cançons amb lletres alegres

But there is not much talk about songs with cheerful lyrics.

i absolutament, diguem-ne,

and absolutely, let's say,

insustancials o del moment,

insubstantial or of the moment,

amb música molt trista.

with very sad music.

I hi ha un perfil

And there is a profile.

de cançons d'estiu

of summer songs

que té aquest rotllo que a mi em sembla...

What's with this thing that seems to me...

Com pot ser una cosa tan trista?

How can something be so sad?



Malancòlica, no?

Melancholic, isn’t it?

Sí, home, escolta, sí o no?

Yes, man, listen, yes or no?

Tira, tira.

Pull, pull.

És tristíssim, per favor.

It's very sad, please.

Aquesta altra també és tristíssima.

This other one is also very sad.

És el final de la nit, ja, la matinada.

It is the end of the night, yes, dawn.

Hòstia, però...

Holy shit, but...

És decadent, és com depriment, dius...

It's decadent, it's kind of depressing, you say...

És una lamada.

It's a call.

El baile prohibido.

The forbidden dance.

Te'n recordes o no, el baile prohibido?

Do you remember or not, the forbidden dance?

Home, això era l'any 87.

Man, that was in 87.

No, això era el 89, 89.

No, that was in '89, '89.

El 89, 2009, 2009.

The 89, 2009, 2009.

El 89, 40.

The 89, 40.

Molt abans, la considerada cançó

Long before, the considered song

de l'estiu dels 75 a Espanya,

from the summer of '75 in Spain,

la que tothom va llevar feliç, alegre

the one that everyone woke up happy, cheerful

i despreocupat, i que realment

And carefree, and that really

per mi em sembla la cançó més

For me, it seems like the best song.

tètricament depriment que s'ha escrit mai.

the most gruesomely depressing thing that has ever been written.

Bailemos el bimbo

Let's dance the bimbo.

Que está causando

What is causing

La sensación es lenta

The sensation is slow.

Bueno, lenta, és...

Well, slow, it is...

Bueno, per mi no...

Well, not for me...


Let's dance.

No s'entén...

It is not understood...

Bueno, i a part, sempre les imatges de gent molt alegre,

Well, and apart from that, always the images of very happy people,

ell, en aquell bai que feia així,

he, in that gesture he made like this,

que hi havia molta gent que creia que tenia com un...

that there were many people who believed they had like a...



No, però no, però no en tenia.

No, but no, but I didn't have any.

20 anys més tard,

20 years later,

Georgie Dan faria aquest sí clàssic,

Georgie Dan would do this classic song,

indestructible, molt més alegre

indestructible, much more cheerful

i directe a barraca.

and directly to barraca.

La barba coa

The tail beard.

Com un migossat

Like a little cat.

La barba coa

The bearded tail

La lletra és absolutament repetitiva.

The lyrics are absolutely repetitive.

Però, perdona, perdona, la clau de la cançó és aquesta.

But, excuse me, excuse me, the key to the song is this.

Mira, aviam, tira.

Look, let's see, throw.

Que rico los chorizos parilleros

How delicious the grilling sausages are.

¿Qué dices?

What do you say?

Los chorizos parilleros

The grilling sausages

Que rico los chorizos parilleros

How delicious the grilled sausages are!

Es un porro de lletra.

It's a joint of lyrics.

Salchichas a la brasa.

Grilled sausages.

O sigui...

That is to say...

Al menú de la barba coa.

To the menu of the tail beard.

Mira, mira.

Look, look.

Chuletas de cordero

Lamb chops

¿Y qué son?

And what are they?

Vamos a...

Let's go to...

Chuletas de cordero

Lamb chops

Y al final diu

And in the end, he/she says

¿Y qué rico es este vino de garraza?

And how delicious is this Garraza wine?

Està molt bé.

It's very good.

Que et dic una cosa.

I'll tell you something.

Si jo em dic abans d'una...

If I call myself before a...

És extraordinari.

It's extraordinary.

D'una festa, d'un estiu.

From a party, from a summer.

Em diuen que...

They tell me that...

La cançó de l'estiu dirà

The summer song will say

Chorizos parilleros

Grilled chorizos

Salchichas a la brasa

Grilled sausages

Chuletas de cordero

Lamb chops

¿Y vino de garrafa?

And bottle wine?

Et dic

I tell you

No pot ser.

It can't be.



Era una època.

It was a time.

Jo crec que ja ho he vist tot.

I think I have seen it all.

I també...

And also...

Bé, als anys 70 es feia molta cosa d'aquesta.

Well, a lot of this was done in the 70s.

Durant molts anys molta gent pensava que els cubans germans d'igual...

For many years, many people thought that the Cuban brothers were equal...

No, perdona, perdona.

No, sorry, sorry.

És que...

It's just that...

Posa aquesta, posa aquesta.

Put this one, put this one.



Això ja és un clàssic.

This is already a classic.



Sí, però bueno, ho continuaran sent igual.

Yes, but well, they will continue to be the same anyway.

Vull dir,

I mean,

Cuando calienta el sol aquí en la playa

When the sun warms up here on the beach.

és una lletra que estem escoltant aquest estiu.

It's a song that we are listening to this summer.

Aquesta me la sé de memòria.

I know this one by heart.

Són molt la mela, eh?

They are very sweet, right?

Sí, perquè jo era un nen...

Yes, because I was a child...



Sabia que vindria, dic,

I knew you would come, I say,

donem-li un punt...

let's give him a point...



I el Nadal de joc.

And the Christmas of play.

Els pares la posaven.

The parents put it on her.

Això era els hermanos d'igual,

This was the brothers of the same.

que durant molts anys es pensava que eren els autors de la cançó

that for many years it was believed they were the authors of the song

perquè així l'assignaven als discos i a tot arreu.

because this way they assigned it to the records and everywhere.

Diu la llegenda,

The legend says,

bueno, és realitat, de fet,

well, it is reality, in fact,

que era un músic nicaragüenc que es deia Rafael Gastón

he was a Nicaraguan musician named Rafael Gastón

que en una nit de borratxera

that on a night of drunkenness

els va vendre els drets de la cançó per 10 dòlars.

he sold them the rights to the song for 10 dollars.



L'any 87, em sembla que era,

In the year 87, I think it was,

als anys 80,

in the 80s,

Luis Miguel ho va rebentar,

Luis Miguel blew it up,

va fer triple o quatriple disc de platí amb aquesta cançó

He achieved triple or quadruple platinum with this song.

i, efectivament, els germans Gastón...

Yes, indeed, the Gastón brothers...

No, els germans d'igual es van fer milionaris

No, the brothers of Igual became millionaires.

gràcies a aquesta...

thanks to this...



Aquesta venda...

This sale...

De la platja.

From the beach.

Sí, de 10 dòlars.

Yes, it's 10 dollars.

L'estiu del 89 va passar això.

In the summer of '89, this happened.

La platja és un tema...

The beach is a topic...

Si ara arribés a passar això,

If this were to happen now,

ja veuries tu la nervosa i tot això.

you would see how nervous she is and all that.

Després escoltarem una...

Afterward, we will listen to a...

La gent s'ho faria a una platja, allà al Manzanares.

People would do it on a beach, there by the Manzanares.

Ah, i les incorreccions, sí.

Ah, and the inaccuracies, yes.

Els noms de noies també han estat molt habituals a l'estiu.

Girls' names have also been very common in the summer.


We had.



Se llama Gloria.

Her name is Gloria.

És que això ho recordo a Mallorca un any que...

It's just that I remember this in Mallorca one year that...

Has obert el cofre de...

You have opened the chest of...

Home, com es diu la secció?

Home, what is the section called?

Ja, ja.

Ha, ha.

Era inevitable.

It was inevitable.

Sí, més noms, més noms de noies.

Yes, more names, more names of girls.



Que la María se fue buscando el sol en la playa...

That María went searching for the sun on the beach...

Ja són noies...

They are already girls...

El nom de noia, la platja i el sol...

The name of girl, the beach and the sun...

Su maleta de piel.

Her leather suitcase.

Hi havia aquesta, també.

There was this one, too.

... con mi guitarra para ti, María José...

... with my guitar for you, María José...

No paris amb ell!

Don't stop with him!

No paris amb ell, per favor!

Don't stop talking to him, please!

Espera, n'està estiagagant, tio.

Wait, he's stuttering, man.

La playa calienta el sol...

The beach heats the sun...

Vamos a la playa, que allí...

Let's go to the beach, because there...

Vamos a la playa.

Let's go to the beach.

La playa calienta el sol.

The beach heats the sun.

Jo crec que aquesta...

I think that this...

Crec que ens sonarà.

I think it will sound familiar to us.


Let's see.



Vamos a la playa.

Let's go to the beach.

Hosti, oh, oh, oh.

Whoa, oh, oh, oh.

Ara t'ha agafat una mica de...

Now you've been caught a bit by...

Això és del 83.

This is from '83.



Ara queda el G, em sembla una obra mestra, eh?

Now there's the G, it seems like a masterpiece to me, huh?

Bueno, mira, quan escolti el següent no sé si t'ho semblarà.

Well, look, when you hear the following, I don’t know if it will seem to you.

Aquesta mateixa cançó, que és vamos a la playa, uau, uau...

This same song, which is let's go to the beach, wow, wow...

Dius, no té res més.

You say, it has nothing else.

Hòstia, escolteu l'estrofa.

Damn, listen to the verse.

Vamos a la playa.

Let's go to the beach.



La bomba estalló.

The bomb exploded.

Las radiaciones tostan.

The radiations are roasting.

Y matizan de azul.

And they shade it blue.

Y después el següent diu...

And then the next one says...

Todos con sombrerio el viento radioactivo despeina los cabellos.

Everyone with a hat, the radioactive wind messes up the hair.

L'any següent introduirien un tema amb el que tothom se sentia identificat, efectivament.

The following year they would introduce a theme with which everyone felt identified, indeed.

No tengo dinero.

I have no money.



És el mateix, eh? Perquè oh, oh, oh...

It's the same, huh? Because oh, oh, oh...

És el mateix, és el mateix.

It's the same, it's the same.

I també a les estrofes, que dius...

And also in the stanzas, which you say...

Hem de fer una cosa...

We have to do something...

Anem a un punt més críptic, més críptic.

Let's go to a more cryptic point, more cryptic.

Los nuevos italianos crean aquí...

The new Italians create here...

Impávidos y fieros de la velocidad...

Impavid and fierce of speed...

Neosíquicos y el sintético edén.

Neopsychics and the synthetic Eden.

Però no té sentit.

But it doesn't make sense.

No, no, clar que no té sentit.

No, of course it doesn't make sense.

No, però em va caçar d'estiu aquesta lletra.

No, but this letter caught me in the summer.

Bueno, per mi és extraordinària.

Well, for me it is extraordinary.

Estaven produïts, era en Rigueira,

They were produced, it was Rigueira,

estaven produïts per l'Avionda,

they were produced by the Avionda,

que li encantaven el...

that he loved the...

I el Ganyeta, que es tornava boig sempre amb l'Avionda.

And Ganyeta, who always went crazy with Avionda.

Estava bé, l'Avionda.

The Avionda was fine.

Estava bé, estava bé.

It was fine, it was fine.

Seguim, seguim, seguim.

We continue, we continue, we continue.

Ara, ara, ara tornem a les bones èpoques.

Now, now, now we're back to the good times.

Un rayo de sol.

A ray of sunlight.

Oh, oh, los diablos.

Oh, oh, the devils.

Sí, tot, tot.

Yes, everything, everything.

Un rayo de sol era los diablos.

A ray of sun was the devils.

Segur que hi va fer, aquesta cançó,

Surely it did, this song,

n'hem parlat algun cop aquí.

We've talked about it here before.

Aquesta cançó la va fer Daniel Vanguard,

This song was made by Daniel Vanguard.

que era Thomas Van Galter de Daft Punk,

who was Thomas Van Galter from Daft Punk,

d'un dels dos Daft Punk.

of one of the two Daft Punk.

És l'autor d'un rayo de sol,

He is the author of a ray of sunshine,

entre moltes d'altres.

among many others.

De fet, ell produïa Otawan

In fact, he produced Otawan.

i molts altres grups així a França

and many other groups like this in France

que feien cançons d'estius vàries.

they made various summer songs.

També va fer, el pare d'un dels Daft Punk,

He also made, the father of one of the Daft Punk,

també va fer aquesta bonica tonada estiuenca.

he also created this beautiful summery tune.

I de fet, el pare de Daft Punk

And in fact, the father of Daft Punk.

va fer aquesta cançó,

he made this song,

que és la que més m'agrada de mi,

that is the one I like the most about myself,

la de...

the one of...

Que serà mi vida.

What will my life be?

També és del pare de Daft Punk.

He is also the father of Daft Punk.

Aquí cantant amb el Guillermo... Déu meu.

Here singing with Guillermo... My God.

Aquesta és Cuba, tres anys més tard,

This is Cuba, three years later,

a l'Àscar... Reversionarien...

to Àscar... they would reversion...

Jo ho he posat així perquè directament

I put it this way because directly

jo diria que és una versió...

I would say it's a version...

Reversionarien Cuba amb una altra lletra.

They would re-version Cuba with another lyrics.



Me paso el día bailando

I spend the day dancing.

Aquest és un hitazo.

This is a big hit.

És un hitazo.

It's a hit.

El ball és un altrament,

The dance is another.

en estiuenc, infal·lible.

in summer, infallible.

Hi ha moltes cançons en bailando.

There are many songs in dancing.

Bailando, bailando

Dancing, dancing

Amigos, adiós, adiós

Friends, goodbye, goodbye.

Moltes, moltes.

Many, many.

Fins i tot hi ha de la nova fornada,

Even among the new generation,

de la que començava a ser la segona

of what was beginning to be the second

fornada del reggaetón.

reggaetón wave.



Ese juego por dentro que bailo que siento

That game inside me that I dance, that I feel.

me va saturando

it's overwhelming me

Yo quiero estar contigo

I want to be with you.

Vivir contigo

Living with you

O aquesta de Juan Magán, també.

Or this one by Juan Magán, too.

Bailando por aquí

Dancing around here

Després em pres el cafè, eh, Mela,

Then you'll have coffee with me, right, Mela,

perquè aquesta festa...

because this party...

La cançó...

The song...

Sí, que farem una llista de...

Yes, we will make a list of...

Toti que els hits d'això de ballar

All the hits of this dancing thing.

ningú no em traurà d'aquí.

nobody will take me out of here.

Per mi és aquest

For me, it is this one.



Cuando llega el calor

When the heat arrives

Lo siento enamorado

I'm sorry, in love.

La resta absoluta.

The absolute rest.

No és Toni Esselen, eh?

It's not Toni Esselen, right?

Sempre tornant.

Always returning.

El festival aquest que fan al...

The festival they hold at...

A l'Òscar Díaz.

To Oscar Díaz.

Compost i produït pels Germans Ten

Composed and produced by the Ten Brothers.

ho va petar a l'estiu del 2001.

It broke through in the summer of 2001.

La fórmula perfecta.

The perfect formula.

N'hi ha que no parlen de ballar

There are those who do not talk about dancing.

però en el ball les va fer triomfar.

but in the dance, it made them triumph.

A partir de TikTok ja totes són així,

Since TikTok, they're all like that now,

però abans

but before

em va pensar que no us venia de lluny.

I thought that it wasn't far for you.

Saturday night

Dissabte a la nit

Aquí van haver-hi

Here there were

tres anys que era...

three years that it was...

que tant li feia una mica

that it didn't matter much to him/her

el que hi havia al darrere,

what was behind it,

però el ball era la clau de tot plegat

but the dance was the key to it all

i com no recordar inevitablement això.

And how can I inevitably not remember this?

Dalla tu cuero pa' la mia Magdalena

Give your leather for my Magdalena.

que tu cuerpo pa' la mia...

that your body for mine...

Un dia en tornarem a parlar

One day we will talk again.

perquè és molt interessant

because it is very interesting

la història d'aquí al darrere.

the story from behind here.

Hi havia una cançó de les Madres 75

There was a song by the Madres 75.

que es diu Micaela que diu

her name is Micaela, what does she say?

Dalla tu cuero pa' la mia Micaela

Give me your leather for my Micaela.

i no està bé.

And it is not okay.

Perquè és extraordinari.

Because it is extraordinary.

I l'original en Los niños del Panduro

And the original in The Children of Panduro.

que era una cosa que es cantava

that it was something that was sung

al costat de la base aquella de Rota

next to that base in Rota

que els nens sentien

that the children felt

els soldats americans fent

the American soldiers making

Per això els americans

That's why the Americans

en el fons van acabar ballant això.

in the end, they ended up dancing this.

Més balls d'aquests...

More dances like these...

Sabeu allò que feien així?

Do you know what they used to do like that?

Sí, però després què venia?

Yes, but what came after that?



Però de la coreografia què?

But what about the choreography?

No, però fas bé Amela, eh?

No, but you're doing well, Amela, right?

T'ha quedat bé la coreografia.

The choreography turned out well for you.

Una altra.

Another one.

Tu ídolo, tu ídolo.

Your idol, your idol.

No, aquest també està al festival

No, this one is also at the festival.

de los Cernin.

of the Cernin.

Home, doncs King Africa, un gran déu, us ho dic.

Well, King Africa, a great god, I tell you.

Jo vaig coincidir amb ella en un concert

I met her at a concert.

a la plaça de toros de València

at the bullring in Valencia

i extraordinari perquè nosaltres fèiem

and extraordinary because we did

una versió de Daft Punk

a version of Daft Punk

i llavors ell em va dir hòstia m'encanta no sé què

And then he told me, "Wow, I love it, I don't know what."

i quan va anar ella a provar va començar a cantar Daft Punk.

And when she went to try it on, she started singing Daft Punk.



Sí, sí, sí.

Yes, yes, yes.

És un tio fantàstic.

He's a fantastic guy.

És l'únic tio que ha aconseguit treure a l'escenari a ballar

He is the only guy who has managed to get someone to dance on stage.

Alfonso Rus.

Alfonso Rus.

Què dius?

What are you saying?

No sé si el tenen aquest dia

I don't know if they have it that day.

Tampoc no caldria.

It wouldn't be necessary either.

N'hi ha molts artistes

There are many artists.

i l'únic que va aconseguir

and the only thing that he/she managed

arrancar-lo de la cadira.

to pull him/her out of the chair.

I quina cançó va callar?

And which song fell silent?

Va ser terrible

It was terrible.

perquè al nostre concert

because at our concert

no hi havia cap cançó que abans.

There was no song like before.

I dius ja està, estàs mort.

And you say that's it, you are dead.

Ja estàs mort.

You are already dead.

Directament, efectivament.

Directly, indeed.

Jo recordo una d'aquestes de ball

I remember one of those dance parties.

especialment amb Pipadora.

especially with Pipadora.

Recordeu que...

Remember that...


Do you see?

Sí que sí.

Yes, indeed.

No, no, terrible.

No, no, terrible.

En fi, seguim.

Anyway, let's continue.

No rompas más

Don't break anymore.

mi pobre corazón

my poor heart

És poca moda,

It's not fashionable.

Sí, country.

Yes, country.

Bona nit del programa.

Good night from the program.

Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Anava a aprendre country.

I was going to learn country.

Country, es deia.

Country, it was called.

Sí o no?

Yes or no?

És com es diu als que en sabem.

It's how we refer to those who know it.



segurament el més deliciosament

surely the most deliciously

ridícul dels balls clàssics

ridiculous of classical dances

d'estiu, sens dubte, és aquest.

Of summer, undoubtedly, it is this one.

Pajaritos a bailar

Little birds dancing

cuando acabas de nacer

when you are born

tu colitas de mover

you shake your tail

para un pajarito ser

to be for a little bird

y a todo el mundo alegrarse

and everyone rejoices

A Maria Jesús que li desitgem

What do we wish for Maria Jesús?

una ràpida recuperació.

a quick recovery.

La composició era

The composition was

d'un acordenista suís.

of a Swiss accordionist.

Li has de fer la contra a Maria Jesús.

You have to stand up to Maria Jesús.



El meu guitarrista va rebre una felicitació

My guitarist received a compliment.

d'aquestes que es pagaven d'aniversari.

of these that were paid for birthdays.

Ah, ostres.

Ah, oysters.

Sí senyor.

Yes, sir.

Abans de la cosa explícita

Before the explicit thing

aquesta actual del reggaetón

this current reggaeton

hi havia aquella cosa de la lletra picant, no?

There was that thing about the spicy letter, right?

Para hacer bien el amor

To make love well

hay que venir al sur

we must come to the south

A mi aquesta cançó

I like this song.

tinc un problema que em recorda Jordi Ramos.

I have a problem that reminds me of Jordi Ramos.

Sempre. Sí? Hòstia.

Always. Yes? Damn.

Però llavors no és un problema això.

But then this is not a problem.

Bueno, pot arribar a ser-ho.

Well, it can be.

Depèn de l'hora.

It depends on the time.

Veig Jordi Ramos en una discoteca ballant

I see Jordi Ramos dancing in a nightclub.

i tirant el cap cap enrere.

and tilting my head back.

Tirant el cap. I com molt desenfadat.

Pulling the cap. And very casually.



Sí, sí.

Yes, yes.

Home, amb aquesta de Serrafella i amb els heavys,

Home, with this one from Serrafella and with the heavies,

és veritat.

It's true.

D'altres eren picants i probablement

Others were spicy and probably

d'una incorrecció important

of an important inaccuracy

pels estàndards d'avui dia.

by today's standards.

Un geni.

A genius.

Sí, home, i tant, i tant.

Yes, man, absolutely, absolutely.

D'altres eren

Others were

picants més que per la cançó en si

more than for the song itself

pels bikinis que anaven caient fent saltets

for the bikinis that kept falling while jumping

en una piscina.

in a pool.

La rumba

The rumba

també ha estat un clàssic dels estius.

it has also been a classic of the summers.


Sure, please provide the text you would like me to translate from Catalan to English.

I el reggaeton, per molt que continuï considerant-se

And reggaeton, no matter how much it continues to be considered

una música associada estranyament

a strangely associated music

al jovent, hem de dir que ja ho patava fort

To the youth, we must say that it was already suffering a lot.

als estius de fa gairebé

in the summers of almost

un quart de segle, ja.

A quarter of a century, already.


Please provide the text you would like to have translated from Catalan to English.

de l'Aleluia, i amb aquesta

of the Hallelujah, and with this

a tu també, Jordi. Ser segur

you too, Jordi. Be sure.

que aquesta l'ha d'hafat dos anys,

that this one has to have lasted two years,

tres anys ja. Tres anys ja, eh?

Three years already. Three years already, huh?

Hòstia. Aquesta ens agrada molt.

Holy shit. We really like this one.

Amb un vídeo preciós

With a beautiful video.

que surten així com unes gangs

that come out like some gangs

en una pista, en una roller disco.

on a rink, at a roller disco.

Molt bé, molt bé. I l'any següent

Very good, very good. And the following year

va ser el torn de la Rosalia.

it was Rosalia's turn.

I acabarem

And we will finish.

amb aquest fervor

with this fervor

dels últims dos, tres anys

of the last two, three years

de posar un estil de ball com a títol

to put a dance style as a title

de cançó. Sí. Que això ha estat

of song. Yes. That this has been

una tònica, n'hi ha bastantes,

a tonic, there are quite a few,

posaré tres. Una és

I will put three. One is

La Batxata.

The Batxata.

És imperdonable.

It is unforgivable.

Ando manejando por las calles que me besaste.

I'm driving through the streets you kissed me.

A mi em sembla

It seems to me.

tot bé, vull dir, que no s'entenguin les lletres,

all good, I mean, let the letters not be understood,

tal, però l'utilització de

such, but the use of

por las calles que me besaste...

through the streets you kissed me...

No, efectivament, vull dir,

No, indeed, I mean,

posem una altra cosa.

let's put something else.

No cal, vull dir, una paraula inventada,

No need, I mean, a made-up word,

si cal, però vaja. La Batxata, el merengue...

if necessary, but well. The Bachata, the merengue...

I una llança a favor

And a lance in favor.

absoluta i descarada,

absolute and blatant,

i us ho dic sense cap atisba

And I say this to you without any doubt.

d'ironia, a favor

of irony, in favor

de Kiko Rivera i la seva perseverància

of Kiko Rivera and his perseverance

en la feina, amb una cançó que

at work, with a song that

aquest estiu em van demanar a la festa

this summer I was asked at the party

final de primària de manera, vull dir,

end of primary in a way, I mean,

però fervorosa, absolutament total,

but fervent, absolutely total,

tots els nens i les nenes

all the boys and girls

de la classe del meu fill, que és aquesta cançó.

from my son's class, which is this song.

És una criminal

She is a criminal.

carita buena, però mala

good face, but bad

Hit, no? Hit. Hit.

Hit, right? Hit. Hit.



No? No la coneixes?

No? Don't you know her?

No. Per favor, Jordi.

No. Please, Jordi.

Quina edat, més o menys,

What age, more or less,

els nens que van demanar?

the children who asked?

13, 14.

13, 14.

És una criminal

She is a criminal.

carita buena, però mala

good face, but bad

12 anys.

12 years.

A perfil.

To profile.

I malgrat que no ho duia al títol, els tiets van aconseguir...

And although it wasn't in the title, the uncles managed to...

l'any passat

last year

fer allò que només feien els romanesos

to do what only the Romanians did

amb... Només van aconseguir als romanesos

with... They only managed to the Romanians



El 47 he posat aquesta.

On the 47 I have put this one.

Doncs, home, que tota Espanya es fotés

Well, man, let all of Spain get messed up.

a fer veure que ballava Sardana

to pretend to dance Sardana

i part d'Europa amb aquesta cançó

I leave for Europe with this song.

té molt de mèrit.

it has a lot of merit.

No en vull saber res

I don't want to know anything about it.

Tento no creuar-te

I don’t intend to cross you.

la mirada

the gaze

Jo recordo fa molts anys una discussió

I remember a discussion many years ago.

amb una persona que en aquell moment estava

with a person who was at that moment

amb molta responsabilitat

with a lot of responsibility

dins de la Plataforma per la Llengua

within the Platform for Language

i allà hi havia un debat

And there was a debate.

que era aquesta cosa eterna de la llengua aquí

what was this eternal thing of the language here

que era aquesta cosa més de lletra ferida

what was this thing more of a wounded letter

i tal, on la solució era clara

and so, where the solution was clear

era el Maria...

it was Maria...

Era això. Fins que no aconseguim això

That was it. Until we achieve this.

i efectivament s'ha aconseguit.

And indeed it has been achieved.

Més de 2.000 votacions.

More than 2,000 votes.

Un moment. Aquesta... No, no, treu.

One moment. This... No, no, take it out.

No podem. Potres, potres.

We can't. Horses, horses.

Número 3

Number 3



15,5% dels vots

15.5% of the votes

és aquesta

it's this one



Per favor, curioso.

Please, curious.

La segona

The second

amb 337 vots

with 337 votes

i un 16,1%

and 16.1%





sense cap discussió

without any discussion

des de les 8 del matí

since 8 in the morning

però sense cap discussió

but without any discussion

ja ho vèiem

we already saw it

amb gairebé el 70%

with almost 70%

dels vots

of the votes



La família trucant.

The family calling.

No, no, que coi, no, perquè és una...

No, no, what the hell, no, because it is a...

Que som molta gent, no?

That we are a lot of people, right?

Espera't un moment que...

Wait a moment that...

Hem perdut els papers.

We have lost the papers.

Com no podia ser de manera, vaja, indiscutible, eh?

As it could not be otherwise, well, indisputable, right?



Com a 4% concretament.

As a 4% specifically.

La Marina està morena dels Figaflaues.

Marina is tanned from the Figaflaues.

Pep Velasco, Xavier Cartanyà, Figaflaues.

Pep Velasco, Xavier Cartanyà, Figaflaues.

Bon dia i moltes felicitats.

Good morning and many congratulations.

Hola, molt bon dia.

Hello, very good morning.

Bon dia.

Good morning.

Hòstia, però com heu viscut vosaltres aquesta bogeria d'aquesta cançó?

Holy shit, how have you all experienced the madness of this song?

Doncs, bueno, doncs, sobre la marxa, perquè...

Well, uh, well, on the go, because...

Ja és un honor que ens esteu, digueu,

It is already an honor that you are, say,

ficant aquí al costat de la Carol G,

putting here next to Carol G,

de puta salvaje i tal.

wild bitch and such.

I que, bueno...

And what, well...

Hola, Marina.

Hello, Marina.



Què tal?

How are you?

Bon dia, molt bé.

Good morning, very well.

Marina Arbós, companya del món a recu.

Marina Arbós, companion of the world at recu.

Tu vas dir de seguida que aquesta era la cançó de l'estiu per tu.

You said right away that this was your song of the summer.

Sí, o sigui, jo crec que...

Yes, I mean, I think that...

I sobretot si et dius Marina, no te l'han parat de repetir, de repetir, de repetir.

And especially if your name is Marina, they haven't stopped repeating it to you, repeating it, repeating it.

Has acabat fart de la cançó dels Figaflaues?

Are you fed up with the Figaflaues song?

De les bromes que et fa la gent per la cançó de l'estiu.

About the jokes that people make about the summer song.

Ja em portes trena, que no paris d'aquesta cosa.

You're already taking me in braids, don't stop this thing.



No, sobretot de no estàs prou morena, o sigui, si l'estiu ja és un moment en què...

No, especially because you are not tanned enough, I mean, if summer is already a time when...

Clar, perquè la Marina està treballant tot l'estiu.

Of course, because Marina is working all summer.

Estàs blanca, eh?

You look pale, huh?

Això, això, això.

This, this, this.

Estàs blanca, no estàs prou morena.

You are pale; you are not tanned enough.

T'hauries de posar roba més blanca per semblar més morena.

You should wear whiter clothes to look tanner.

L'hi permetia una broma per persona, però ja quan es començaven a repetir era com...

It allowed a joke per person, but when they started to repeat, it was like...

Clar, aquesta cançó, en només dos mesos, acumula més de 9 milions de reproduccions a internet,

Of course, this song has accumulated more than 9 million streams on the internet in just two months.

us ha fet enfilar fins al milió 800.000 oients mensuals a Spotify...

it has made you reach up to 1,800,000 monthly listeners on Spotify...

Què passa?

What's happening?

No, és que és bestial.

No, it's just that it's amazing.

Bestial, no?

Beastly, right?



I ha aconseguit un rècord que mai havia aconseguit cap cançó en català,

It has achieved a record that no Catalan song has ever achieved before.

ni la milionària de Rosalia, ni el sexe sexy de la Musca, ni la Batguiel.

neither the millionaire of Rosalia, nor the sexy sex of the Musca, nor the Batguiel.

Porta vuit setmanes, i seguim,

It has been eight weeks, and we continue.

a la llista top 50 a tot Espanya,

in the top 50 list in all of Spain,

i també al top 50 de ciutats com Màlaga, com Madrid o Sevilla.

and also in the top 50 cities like Malaga, Madrid, or Seville.

Sou conscients que ho heu petat tant o encara no?

Are you aware that you've nailed it so much or not yet?

Jo crec que no, eh? No, no, no.

I don’t think so, right? No, no, no.



Ho estem perdent o no?

Are we losing it or not?

No, no, no.

No, no, no.

No som conscients, perquè al final, entre l'egetreu que portem de l'estiu,

We are not aware, because in the end, amid the laziness we carry from the summer,

i que tampoc saps, no?

And you don't know either, right?

Vull dir, pots mirar...

I mean, you can look...

Això, estem super...

This, we are super...

sorpresos que estigui al top 50, i un cop va entrar ja era la bogeria,

surprised that it is in the top 50, and once it entered it was already madness,

i ara va escalant, i és com...

And now it's escalating, and it's like...

Bueno, és una pel·lícula, això.

Well, it's a movie, that.

Però bueno, t'acostumes, al final.

But well, you get used to it in the end.

Clar, és evident que la Marina està morena, era la vostra aposta per l'estiu,

Of course, it's obvious that Marina is tanned, it was your bet for the summer.

però realment, quan la vau parir,

but really, when you gave birth to her,

realment pensàveu que podria ser la gran bomba, o no?

Did you really think it could be the big bomb, or not?

Aquest nivell, no.

Not at this level.

Jo, personalment, sí que jo li deia al Pep,

I, personally, yes, I would tell Pep,

des que tenia la primera maqueta,

since I had the first model,

l'estribillo, jo li deia, potencial, no?

the chorus, I was telling him, potential, right?

Jo pensava, bueno, serà com...

I thought, well, it will be like...

com un altre museu, tal, rollo, aquest nivell,

like another museum, such, vibe, this level,

però que ho rebentés com...

but that it would blow up like...

com ho ha petat, no t'ho esperes.

How it has blown up, you didn't see it coming.

Tot Catalunya es pregunta si la Marina és alguna cosa real.

All of Catalonia is asking if the Marina is something real.

Existeix aquesta Marina?

Does this Marina exist?

Sí, o sigui, existeix.

Yes, I mean, it exists.

Existeix 100%.

It exists 100%.

La frase neix

The phrase is born.

d'una Marina del món real.

of a Marina from the real world.

Ah, però això és tu, pensava que deia d'una Marina del món.

Ah, but this is you, I thought it was talking about a Marina from the world.

O sigui, del món arracú.

So, from the arracú world.

O sigui, del món real, que és una amiga vostra?

So, from the real world, who is a friend of yours?

Què fem? Mantenim la...

What do we do? We maintain the...

No, no, no, no, no, no.

No, no, no, no, no, no.

S'ha d'explicar.

It needs to be explained.

Doncs, no res, és l'amiga d'un...

Well, nothing, she's a friend of a...

Perdó, és la germana d'un amic meu,

Sorry, she is the sister of a friend of mine.

que estava l'estiu passat a casa seva a la piscina, tal,

that I was last summer at his house by the pool, like,

i una amiga seva li va dir,

and a friend of hers told her,

hòstia, Marina, que morena que estàs.

Wow, Marina, you look so tanned.

I jo, ja veus, Marina morena.

And I, you see, Marina brunette.

I va començar a fer el burro fins que...

He started being foolish until...

va sortir...

it came out...

les pantines fa una tena, i no te pas és història, ja.

The pants are a mess, and it's not even history anymore.

Tenim 18.592 marines a Catalunya,

We have 18,592 marines in Catalonia,

pràcticament 20.000.

practically 20,000.

Una d'elles és aquí, al món arracú.

One of them is here, in the Arracú world.

Creieu que heu fet un favor

Do you think you have done a favor?

o tot el contrari a les noies que es diuen així?

Or quite the opposite to the girls who are called that?

Un favor, és divertit.

A favor, it's fun.

Molta gent ve, antic Marina,

Many people come, former Marina,

amb tota la il·lusió del món,

with all the excitement in the world,

i és com, enhorabona, gràcies a tu...

And it's like, congratulations, thanks to you...

No, realment, no, no és un nom que...

No, really, no, it's not a name that...

n'hi hagi moltíssimes,

there are many.

i no s'acostuma a dedicar una cançó a una Marina.

And one doesn't usually dedicate a song to a Marina.

Vull dir que...

I mean that...

també, en aquest sentit.

also, in this regard.

Per cert, per surrealista,

By the way, for surrealist,

l'adaptació que els taloners del versió arracú

the adaptation that the heels of the arracú version

van emetre del vostre tema.

They emitted from your theme.

Ahir el van emetre i sona així.

Yesterday they broadcasted it and it sounds like this.

La Marina està cremada

The Marina is burned.

Sembla una gamba pelada

It looks like a peeled shrimp.

Protecció 50, l'idea

Protection 50, the idea

Tipo la nena

Like the girl.

Sembla un que va de ternera

It looks like it's beef.

Valmetxa, valmetxa, quin drama

Valmetxa, valmetxa, what a drama.

Aquest pas no arriba ni a 30

This step does not reach even 30.

No t'ombrela

Don't worry.

És la millor versió que heu sentit del tema?

Is it the best version you have heard of the song?

I l'única, diria.

And the only one, I would say.

No s'ha explotat encara, no?

It hasn't been exploited yet, right?

Sí, sí, versions així, canviant la lletra,

Yes, yes, versions like this, changing the lyrics,

poc cosa.

few things.

I jo he de dir, Pep i Xavi,

And I have to say, Pep and Xavi,

que us dic de debò, no sé si us ha arribat

What I really tell you, I don't know if it has reached you.

o us arribarà de cara l'any que ve

or it will reach you next year

alguna proposta publicitària arran de la cançó

any advertising proposal related to the song

o de broncejadors, de cremes solars, de barrets, de gorres...

or of tanning products, of sunscreens, of hats, of caps...

Perquè és bestial.

Because it is brutal.

Sí, sí, mira, que arribi, que arribi.

Yes, yes, look, let it come, let it come.

Està obert.

It is open.

Per cert, Pep,

By the way, Pep,

aquest estiu, Pep, esteu actuant per tot Catalunya?

This summer, Pep, are you performing all over Catalonia?

Esteu completant una gira

You are completing a tour.

de 95 concerts?

of 95 concerts?

Jo suposo que ho heu gaudit molt

I suppose you have enjoyed it a lot.

i tot el que tu vulguis,

and everything you want,

ho esteu gaudint molt,

you are enjoying it a lot,

però de debò està rebentant.

but really it's bursting.

Mira com estic.

Look at how I am.

Parem quatre dies i em ve un catarro

Let's stop for four days and I'm getting a cold.

del copón, o sigui...

of the cup, I mean...

És així. El cos aguanta, aguanta, aguanta,

That's right. The body endures, endures, endures,

però li estem fotent una plantada guapa.

but we are giving him a good snub.

I això, Pep, saps quin és el problema?

And that, Pep, do you know what the problem is?

Que el cos és savi i diu

That the body is wise and speaks.

hòstia, ja m'heu fet això, ara que pares,

damn, you’ve already done this to me, now that you’ve stopped,

ara fes-te fotre, saps?

now go screw yourself, you know?

Bueno, quan torneu?

Well, when will you return?

Ara, Xavi, pròxims concerts, on te'ls teniu?

Now, Xavi, upcoming concerts, where do you have them?


Holy shit...

Olor, no?

Smell, right?

Sí, tenim Olot, Solsona...

Yes, we have Olot, Solsona...

Sabadell, també, que ens veig.

Sabadell, also, I see you.

Sabadell, aquest...

Sabadell, this...

Sí, tenim aquests tres.

Yes, we have these three.

I després, d'aquí dues setmanes,

And then, in two weeks,

crec que estem a la marxa a Barcelona

I think we are on our way to Barcelona.

i a Santa Tecla, a Tarragona.

and to Santa Tecla, in Tarragona.

Bueno, i m'han deixat pel mig, però...

Well, they left me in the middle, but...

L'altre dia algú de Tarragona em deia

The other day someone from Tarragona was telling me

dic, escolta, què teniu per Santa Tecla?

I say, listen, what do you have for Santa Tecla?

Diu, els figaflauers i els altres.

He says, the figaflauers and the others.

Dic, qui són els altres? Diu, el calamaro i tal, i tal...

I say, who are the others? He says, the calamari and so on, and so forth...

I em va dir, figaflauers, em va dir.

He told me, figaflauers, he told me.

I això ja està, no?

And that's it, right?

I els altres.

And the others.

I no oblidem

And we do not forget.

que estaran a la platja del Bogatell,

that they will be at Bogatell beach,

com ara comentaven,

as they were commenting now,

a l'escenari mediterrani,

on the Mediterranean stage,

mediterraniament, durant les festes de la Mercè,

Mediterraneanly, during the celebrations of the Mercè,

que facin el Guillemil Cui, com diuen.

let them make the Guillemil Cui, as they say.

Sí, que es preparin.

Yes, let them get ready.

Perquè allò...

Because that...

Jo sóc veller del barri, ja.

I am an old man of the neighborhood, already.

A més, allà hi ha aquella pea

In addition, there is that thing over there.

que és per quatre, vull dir,

what is it for four, I mean,

que tu vas endavant i ja, quan no veus la primera,

that you move forward and that's it, when you don't see the first one,

apareix una altra i després n'apareix una altra.

another one appears and then another one appears.

No, serà extraordinari.

No, it will be extraordinary.

Moltes felicitats, de debò,

Many congratulations, really.

pels oients del Monarracú, indiscutiblement.

for the listeners of Monarracú, undeniably.

Els figaflauers tenen la cançó

The figaflauers have the song.

de l'estiu amb la Marina Estamorena.

of the summer with Marina Estamorena.

Felicitats, Pep, cuida't molt,

Congratulations, Pep, take care of yourself a lot.


cover yourself,

i Xavi, molts ànims també a tots dos.

And Xavi, a lot of encouragement to both of you too.

Felicitats, de debò, a tot cor. Genials.

Congratulations, truly, from the bottom of my heart. Brilliant.


Thank you.

Figaflauers, la cançó de l'estiu

Figaflowers, the song of the summer

segons els oients del Monarracú.

according to the listeners of Monarracú.

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